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PCLAYD, Zooparasitology. -,Icarina and Insects. Vectors G of Pathogenic Agents. Insects. Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol. No 6, 1959, 24295. Author 19,Egner Zofia. Inst Not g Title Lice which Parasitize on Small ~Mzmmals of 'koJ- e*wodztwo Szozecinskie. -Orig Pub: Acta perasLtol. polon., 1957, 5, Wo 1-12, 163- 176. Abstract: With the alm of Istudying the possible role of lice in the pathogenesis of tularemia epizooties in iTuly-September, 1953, a collection of ectopara- sites of small mecamals was effected in ','ojewodz- two Stdiecinskie (Poland). 1,111 specimens were collected altogether, which belonged to 131 spe- Card 1/3 40 POLAYD / Zooparasitology. X'~&carina and Insects. Vectors G of Pathogenic Lgents. Insects. Abs. Sour! Ref Zhur-Diol., No 6, 1959, 24295. Abstract: cies. 0 ombined table is cited which character- izes the degree of infection of different forms of mammals by lice of various species. For the most important speoica of lice (Hoploploure acanthopus and other), the *."requency of finding males, fe- males and larvae in various seasons of the year is indicated. Ariong the examined rodents, common field mice /RicrotqP were prevalent; a large num- ber of field-mice-economers, COMmOn hares, house mice, Florway rato and field mice were -?revalent. 9 varieties of lice were discovered: *,Merlein- ellus nitzschi, I-14oplopleura acanthopus, and HT. af- finis, Haemodipsus lyriocephalus an-a H. ventricos- us, Polyplax gracilis, P. serrate. and P. spinulosa. It is noted-that H. lyriocephalus, H. vontricosus PC~_-IIYID Zooparasitology. Acarina and Insects. Vectors G of Pathogenic Agents. Insects. -Abs Jour: Ref.Zhur--Biol., No 6, 1135132 24295. Abstract: and P. gracilis ivere discovered fox- the first time on the exeii-ined .territories of Poland. The most numerous were H. acanthopus and P., sinulosa. Of the varieties fo:r- which several hosts are charac- teristio, H. acanthopus 4apart from rodents, it was found:on molos and coLunon shrew) and P. ser- rata were noted. It is assumed that lice can par- ticipate in the ;3preading of tularemia, but the bacteriological oxamination of H. acanthopus gave negative results, S. 3. 3hvarts. Coard 3/3 41 -41e P ~A Snontaneous lnfsctf~ji ofi tick Ixodes ricinne 'by the virus of tick encephalitis in the coast district. IkIl. rnst. Marine K. Gdawk 8 no.3-4t173-182 1957. 1, (From.-the Inpitt-tute o1! Marine Nedic Ins, GUnek). (TICM b.,odeariaLnus host of epidemic encephalitis virus in Poland). (INCEftLLITIS, IPIMIC' trans. by tick Izodes ricinus in Poland). r \ WZGIM Zofia- PILZYBOROWSKI, Tadeusz 4 Batoparasites in rate in Gonla harbor. Viadomosci parasyt.. Wares. LACHKLM, Jadwiga;4RIMI, Zof ie. Characteristics of a natural focus of encephalitis viruses in the neigUourhood of Urtasy. (Gdansk province) 1957, IL Small. ls and their acto-pirasites in the neighbowhood. of rartu- Sy. Ball.lust.Karine K. GAa4sk 10 no-3/4:175-184 159. -1. From the Institute of Karine gedicins in Umiak. (IN09PHALITI.1; JPIIXWIC transm.) "EMF -uc', 7 ce -Df ?ro",!mlnai7 st -3';- 1 t t JO Soho herr In the trart:ml~--Iczi cf W I ad. paxazyL. 1.0 no,4:~,20-6112 16.1. 1. Ins'-Ytat Med,-.~Yny I~or;5kiaj Gjarek- U 4- Lt30040-66 T JK ACC NRiAP600 P0/0090 )-70-0-57(5-49 71 9162 (A) LSOURCE CODE /65/00( AUTHOR -Lachmajer, JQAW~ qo.., Weane('.'Zoq;(x ORG: TITLE: Medical scientific-renearch and therapeutic counters In_Aorth Vietnam -504 SOURCE: Wiadomosci parazytol-ogiczne., no, 5 1965,,499 TOPIC TAGS: medical personnoilo medical fac ilityo medical research, naval medicine, medicin6, bacberial disease, infective disease, disease control, epidemlology ABSTRACT: Five persons, including the authors and Dr. C. 'Zw-.'erz., spent three months in North Vietnam. Their mission wan to st-u-cTy Ene organi- zation of the Nortkytetnam Realth Serviepi the,scientific-research and therapeutic.centerii'and the-epide iology',vof the country, an well as to estabITs-h-c-dntMWt-s-i-vith.the Vietnamese medical Institutions. The team visited the Institute o,:" Mal,-ria Parasitol Ox, and EntomoloU in Hanoi headed by Dr. Dang jig , Re 6niversity oof HanoIj the institute or Trachoma and Eye Diseases in Hanoi, the Institute of~Epidemiology and L_~ard 1/2 L 3oo4O-66 ACC NR- AP60691_62 -ut HyRienR in Upnoi, the Inistit e of Traditional Medicine, the Institute of Pharmacology. and the.Institute of Tuberculosis headed by Dr, Pilam Ngoc Thach-, who Is also ,.-he MInister of Health, The Polish team visited also the Bach Mai Hospital and. the Vietnam-Soviet rriendobip Hospital in Hanoi, the Vietnam-Czechoslovak Friendship Hospital in Hai Phong where Dr. rhanth'Trinth.conductB research in hist-opathology of ascarld- iasis, hospitals in Thai Nguy(in and Vinh, a,village hospital in the district of Dien Chao, and a hospital for lepers in Quynh Lap, The prevailing d &Yorth Vietnam are malarl. ap filariasis,, asearid- iasis an, ebiasis, and ancylostoleragNr SUB CODE: 05&$06,14/ SUBIA DATE4 -'none ~ca 2/2 WEGORUC W "Fighting the-potato beetle in 19541, (p.~66) Non- Rouicvvio (PILrIstwowe Wydawnictwu -Rolnicze: In Lesne) Warzawa, Vol. -1), no. A, Apr. :1954 Llr%- IVAVP T%--- A~ ... 4-i". T4.4~ U-1 '1 0 A.-t.4- 1091. Alm Zzot K /C POLAND / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and Their H-18 Application, Part 3- - Pesticides. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhim., No 14, 1958, No 47865 Author : W. Wegorek Inst Title Action of 110H Preparations and Chlordan On Plants and Soil Microflora. Orig Pub Roozn. nauk rolniezych, 1957, 1174, No. 2, 373 392. Abstract HCH scorches young sprouts of,plants on sandy soil (S); treatment with HCH of heavy soil does not influence the plants. The docreeseE of wheat crop on sandy S. reaches 9%; HCH furthers the rise of wheat crop on fixed S Chlordan (1) did not scorch the, sprouts either on heavy, or on light S., The effect of HOH and I on the S microflora ties not been mado quite clear. 12 kg per hectare of 100%,ual HCH on the basis of the J'-isomer suppresses the microflora very much. Card 1/1 P POLUID General Zoology. Insects. Insect and Arac&idgi dhemical i'lethod of Controlling Harraf u1 lb.sects' lind 'Arachnids, *our: Rdf Zh"obiol., No 21, 1958, 96560. Abs ur, 1Wthor. : W -A inst : 140t gl e1L. Title : The _-Wtion of Hi3xachloracyclohexane (BHC) and Chlordan on Plants and Mieroflora of the Soil. Orig Pub: Roczn. nauk rol.aiczych, 1957, A74, No 2, 373- 3920 Abstract: On sandy soils BHC decreases germination, ar- rests derveilbpmeatof young plants and dimin- ishes the wheat crop; according to tho author this was caused by the direct action of BRC on seeds and nutrition. Stimulating action on the development of wheat was observed on heavy soils; Card 1/3 POLAND General and 3.pecial Zoology. Insects. Insects P and Arachnids. Chemical 1"rethod Of '%ntrolling Harmful Insects andArachnids. 1,bs lour; Ref Zhur-Biol., No 21, 1958, 96560. Abstract: it was.suppo sed that this phenomenon wils caused by the activation of the Drooess of transform- i u ing -he nutrition resourc es into a form assimil- able by the plants- Apprehension was expressed that BEIC may gradually decrease Soil fertility on tenacioue, soils. Chlordan did not ceLLse inhibi- tion of the wheat plants on light or heavy soils. Microbiological analyses of various type Soils, did not give a Uear picture of the effect of BHC or chlordan on bacteria and mold, although BHO was introduced into the soil in quantities considerably la3,,ger ttian those recoiara-ended. A small increase of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in Card.2/3 POUND Geneiil-and Speciai Z .oolog~. Insects. Insects P and Akddfinids. Oh6mical Method of Controlling YAr~mfui ihs6ota ai3d Araohnids*, Abs Jour! Ref Zhur-Biol-.,,No 21, 1958, 95560. Abstract; heavy soils, in which BHC was introduced, was noted, When 12 Wha of -isomer as. lindane was introduced, the quantity of microorganisms of all examined types decreasedmore than ton times. Card 3/3 POLAND / Generaland Special Zoology. Insects, Insect P and'Mlte Pests, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blole,, No 12,, 1958,9 54318, Author ! Wegorec, w1adysaw Inst : N :ffrvens Title Colorado Potato Hzetle In the Siocoenosis of the Potato Field. OrIg Pub: Polskle pi3mo, ent:omol,j 1957, B0, No 21, 31-43. Abstrattl of the potato,field bi6coenosis In Poland 6 -Oiart] s howed Aho- great h inA practl6al:absen.ce of Potato beetle entomo~ha�iail The 'only. except Ion iter the fuhg*1 of the 6' e enus Beauveria,' h' - It would be erroneous, however to subject the entiri potato area In Poland 02 17Z mlillon ha.),to alyearly, -'and.with'that, riJpeated chemical treatment* Here, spring Is..most Inportant In the spread of the pest Card 1/3 POLA14D / General and Special Zoology* Insects* Insect P and Mite Pests. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blole,, No Us 1958.9 54318* Abstract: (summer In Western Europe): the emergence of the Colorado beetle is timed-to the appearance of the potato sprouts which are sought and discovered by the young beetle,,t;. A control.plan suggested for the Colorado beetle consists of 'laying baiting belts by means ol' planting three rows of potatoes along the long side of the past seasorls,potato fields as well a:s laying baiting belts In the form of separate plot:3 scattered among the potato fields of the preceding year. The young emerging beetles concentrate' on V~epotato sprouts and are easily destroyed on thi-s comparatively small area. In laying out the baiting belts and fields, It should be taken Into ac,zount that the proximity of forest plantings.greatly reduces the baiting effect by FQLAND / General and Special Zoology, Insects* Insect P and Mite Pests, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blolej Nfo IZ, 19581, 54316, Abstract: blocking the air cureonts carrying the smell of the potato tops, Application of the presented plan will not only considerably reduce the area of chem- Ical treatment, but will also provide an opportunity to produce elements In the potato field blocoenosis which will'be antagonistic to the Colorado beetle. -- A, P. Dovner-Zapollikly, - - - - ----- ---- ------- ---- L q iGe ul.h ar16 Yic,4~_~ t-3. Joan. A - liaBIC31. L.c. 1952, A UV rip vileaurek, W. I Tv` :A Sru8y of' die- 13iol.of -y o y 2nd Ecolv,,l f the Colorado 1071T 1^7, 'PUB, Roczn. NavK Roloiczydh, 1957, A74~ lia.2, 135-185 -4T ~..-14C~ j;Ulij.IJVI' 01, fnci 0 1,11.~I 19) L^ c.'t cr4 1. 41 L) FazO-zYM "P. 'Kar-e a i Ozd`rto 73 Cl irtia t u) i n "o I:( lqj~i 1.*.Ild~:l rctai's;eci Lilt- :!r:-tV u v I t t~ t v L-ti I I t i I OF tll(~ IbcetleF. frw. tl~.:- ~iail priov to ull~. n,;- Ao8. s W., t til"! _~coea %ce of CIOUiLU -;07.1, .ich iH V-(: ca, -.!L jlP~3. 7Cj" '4iol ljo Yo. 1958 , TIT.LE t.o al b,, o t I o -4 ci i t I tLu,:s all o I* An, a c 0 on of Lu:--d I' lee c I -Im! 1~f 0 d 1 v s orA t~e;-. . :' 4 ::Clratur c' e~- fl'Vl~""~ IS r; a; I f. "IV larval ,-- ta,:,ti I -va , v. it: C. V. j COU.-TRY OF RZhBicf]L llop' 19% , AirkHOR Tin. QRTG.'PUB. A BS TP A CT Q 16 it .193 , 11 n o r1 rv t I, - , il 1 t 12 1! . e 1 alld a l '-ti r C, -i ier "i -4- D in L1);J tit I*ortil:it- o higher 11.1 6 Q T C if I i 9 17 4- Ct"., I &I,,,: I T~ comr) L ed, a I w os t~jwotv -dy by 61 k; tit I p P; in tic. 4 VeratIo Z s nd p t. tio f-k-o rv p-o~vth, b~:t 1 n ~i. the wa,i.:m eotlvis Aod t~ Y 0 r v'if v I'l v I n 14 k! i~~ o I, Iu) iy Cirly'Ature j. i (iC L'A Vi-!O vi. CAU: 1-A -T-MITIM Y CATEGORY u I I E'l) L, c j F., 1 j z e n2- u It i insec"ts. ~-Iarmftll ADS 22 0 . AUTROR PST. TITLE Stu,~Ay of 1ib,:rnz.tiii: of t;ic Celorado ";ota -,co in connectioll vitri it5 kliiysiology P Jj',j A T PrA., 0 T -41ttncs vere ~r,;ji e of Uoi betw(!Ctl Lai: ohysir) to 01' beittlas and twAr ii-ortntity Pt A icl-Oc zi-tra ti-ne ilibernallion. I '.A-iv, iucUjo'cu o i'1 e r.- r'. t t~Votps 1w..iCh were di 1-py Lneir tjo! iaying 01, J."ric'r to -irnt to hi,)~,triwA 1' 1 t~,y v .1, it,) t Joic cwz~i (A), tjoei) tnt- wnli-~, onk: in,,31jy le- al illflr-, water ~..I-qu -Lc, ~-dtro~en il-rrwi t.", ane. all ltxrease in fat tfra-m ,'-,j to the "ime of ldb~.!rwiti.~,n, the ninics, az.(~ t' At CARD- . COM'Tisy CATEGORY AB.S. JOUR. RZhBio1, I No 1956) Po. J AUTROR TITLE ORTG. PLIS. -bOut j Z", t'I'Qe 11-1 t A f I --;r;cd ~t e U femillez3 ZlOmlt art.; the Lipoestic coel-~jcieflt wa,-! A, auw in B. on in autul,)II autunin ano spriJi.; but Dot ofteti in viiwer. "I" of of A e-iee. tl." (JAJerLr.-c! in the vAnter mortality. !acrE- .~UN dl~-)eaeeact. aetueen tiie free water ce;:-i-ent lif bectles t~lei)- deat:--, rate. '~`.iv spr~;n-- CARD - 2"'! A 7 Oullmy AUTHMI DIST. TITTLE 0 RT G. RR 13 A PSTIMT I eiw!r~;~~txv, tif .1~e(Ale,, dupt-itc-s los6 an s(AL tei,q-evnture lti-)O Oil 1;.iV MRI~Jmuln air After t`~e beet., 10 C tile, tOT). fAyor of ;.;oil ;md' ven-snir, t~inre uratil cgiditionr, favi)r their comiiq, to 61ar- face. of eianau~se depend,-,. vej.y 11111ch 0-1 .Yf th- soii. i,xtl. in,4ujiicient tile )jt nri VC- e I ;j,;i ma.y W~Ap-'%Uie tiirou~ui eta 1. ive -jperiud.. Ao sliL~at~nce uY tie sic: .J je or qlaality OF its ~511mler feefd.n~- tic v Co-31c; L)e Oetected or~ t~ie 'ime OF -earonce in the -surijo... WEGOREK, Wladyslav, prof. Institute of Plant Pr otection. Nauka polska 12 no.2.-193-204 64. Lffead, Institut'O of Plant Protection, Poznan, Gr-anwaldzka 189. 25(l) POLA3-59-11/12-22/33 AUTHOR: Wjgrowski 11arian, Master,of Engineering TITLE: 'Conference on Ingot Moulds PERIODICAL: Wiadomobei hutnic0e, 1959,Nr 11-12, pp 390-391 (Poland) ABSTRACT: The-cbnference, dealing with the production and uses of ingot moulds,%took place at the-Zabrzo Metallurgi- cal Plant on Octol)er,9-10, 1959 and was organized by the Gliwice branch of the Technical Association of Po- lish Foundrymen. 2he following papers were read: Jans- zewicz, Plat;on, Mf.LSter of engineering, docent - French experiences in the production and exploitation of in- got moulds; Kalinowski, Wiktor, master of engineering -.Production ofingot moulds in England; Augustyniak,' ,Stefan,inaster of-engineering - The influence of che- mical com osition a d structure on the durability of p _n ingotmoulds; C Siola, Henryk master of engineering Mechanization of J.ngot mould production; Selbert, Jer- Card 1/2 zy~ master of eng~ J.neering Production Of ingot moulds POL/43-.59-11/12-22/33 Conference on.Ingot Moulds at the Zabrze plant; MaKka.,-StanisYaw, Engineer In- got mould flaws, methods of combating these flaws.and statistics on the*.nonsumption of ingot moulds in the period 1947-59. It was noted that consumption improved from,17.9 Wtcn in_195~ to 23.17 kG/ton in.1958 and that a savin,a of 1 kG/ton on a national scale means an economy.of "17-2. million z/oty. The conference re- Solved: still further to reduce the consumption fac- tor of ingot moulds; to establish a special committee ..for this pur- ose;''to pay bonuses to working crews a- P chieving the~,.best Tesults-in this respect; recommend specializat -in:th production of ingot moulds; ion e use spheroLdn... graphi-".-e~cast iron for this purpose as 1widely as.possible; take advantage of experience gai- ned in this field in foreignocluntries, especially in England and France. ~Carcl 2/2, POLAND !~Rmnr~;S,-Ij Jun, MCZFO'.,Y'SK3:. Miecxyslaw, and -Second Cli Internal Disaa as U Klinika Jadilga, nic of 1 3 '-C-'-)Oi"b we-unatrznych) of the Silesian Medical Academy (Sias- kt~ #jUrademia modyezna) axe. of the Clinical Division (DzJal rlintczny) of the Inetitute af 'Work Medicines lit the Coal and Metallurgical Industry (:Instyttit .14odyoyny Pracy W Przo- irysla Weglawym i Hatniczyin) (Directori Prof. Dr. med, Witold ZAHORSK.I) In Pnoitmooonia3ls,'# Labant Bronotiospasm. Warsaw, Pol3ki Tyg-odnik Lakai~skl. Vol V, .1mo 48, 26 Nov 62. p 1862-11 6 p Abstracti [Authors' Ragli-sh summary- modJ.I'i#jdj Pasults and statintical cariallysis are grivon for vantilon-etric studios on with nneumocaniosis, pulmorittry emphysema, and chronic and spAvnotio bronchitis. Fneumotaoho-raphic. tracings will re- vea I latent bronchosmasms in t1hen before and after adridn- istration ot 3pasmolyl;ic, drugs. Bronchospagus does noz; ap- Dear more frequently in pneumoconiosis th-mn in the other -diseases and is related rathor to complicationmi in its primarily "rorman and Enp.L __~;_pursa. Thirty rofaronces, .-SOURCE: EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS LIST Vol 5, No -1 Jan. 1956 ZYTKIEWICZ, Anna; WqRi' Late results of treatment of the hemolytic dlaease,af the newborn according to our experience. Wiad. lok. 18 no.19.- 1523-1526 1 0 165. 1. Z Oddzialu Howorodkoir I Kliniki Poloznicti4a i Chorob Kobiebych AM w Lublinie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. S. Liebhart) i z ;Iojewodzk..'ej Stacji Krwiodawstwa w Lublinie (Kierownik: dr,. med. T. Wegrzecki). A a L19-o %YS ( CZ, Irena.. L-WBIRMM, Thmsual case Of A isO-i=Liizat1on.'Tolski tygod, lek~ 12 no,29: 1124-1126 15 JulY,57- 1. Ze Stacji Krwi0dawstwa w-LablinteA z Inetytutu Hematologit w Warazavib; dyrektor 1 9 loc. dr A. Trojanowskl. Adres-Waresswa. ul. ~Ghoclmskm 5 Inst. HQtoiogii. (HODGKINS DISBAS . theram- blood.-transfusion causing Rh Iso-immun. (Pol)) WOOD TUNSIPUSION9 complic.tions, Rh iso-imman. An Hodakin's dis. (Pbl)) (Rh FACTORS, iso-imman. catped by blood transfusion In Hodgkin's dis. (Pol)) - --- ~Fasllommqpm F-- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - --- - - SZCZERBAN Jerzy; WYSZNACKA, Wanda- WEGRZYN Barbara- WASOWSKA, Teresa; P ) -1 IGNATOWSKA, Hanna; ADYNOWSKA, Sylwia Portalvein catheterizaVon in the diagnooia of portal hypertencion. P01. tyg. lek. 20 no.21:;.;47-749 24 My 165. 1. ZI Kliniki Chirurgici-,nej AM w Warazawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. J. Ni6lubowicz), z II Kliniki Chorob Wewne-trznych AM w Warszawip (Kierownik; prcf.,dr. med. D. Alcksandrow) i z Zakladu Radiologii Lekarskej AM w W&rszawle (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. L. Zgliczynski). ~ I VU101100 to] ax'A did-, toatallW~ mik"Of r id b -the, 46plt~' ot'zw~ 4~~'Oo& ,te"d In -untrallpd. by Inir-o-ductne-Into the nd T4T4, 14A & d6d 4ha edges - to ~be,,%6tlded U.:'_ aftf Al I tht Hdi ,- .4 HIM P-5 -.1 B.- Mt Air" fell N~ wo. g., Rt Q, -~Z- ;~4 Z~l k~; z MT~ Met lifts awlig In ac ivel4lij 0 Ca Or I Mae . . a Fu --rd gW Wltt;eq*.'6f, W on: arels '6f Cu *=Fm~ms and propent4o Cu ee, trwell are dleemsedi, j ksc as Met mm~ Ono dW. Itki'd 024stim ja At eW ffodes I but ~~w ti~ VC4i_ fombardee, _oTe ~Wc ve ""'o, 0 14 ptg. el w 3tcstx,~&~z -a.., -:?.Aj: In pted. "tawd-biltd podtlzigt mottf. P to 04 In' lpl .*d4ml-vi bout a tyip ~pr cat 6daki4"* Via llt:fi:gulW Qrf., br epW- ~thi2n Comptl4w, Ahi2n d X70dj ;,k P/036/60/000/001/001/006 -A123/A026 AUTHOR e Wvgrzyn, Jan, Mast r.of Engineer ing TITLE: A New Hypothesis on Hydrogen and Formation of Blowholes in Welds. Part II :--PERIODICAL: Przegl~ Ld ISpawalnictwa, 15)6o No. 1,'PP. 1 5 TEXT: 'rhi`sis the continuation of the,article published in No. 1 2, 1959i of this-periodical. -A serles of-weld,'.ng tests performed in an apparatus filled with'argon (Fig.~ 9) are described. I'; was established that the amount,of.H2S _and -CH4, -formed during welding,,qdepends on tl~e-differencelof S or C contents in the electrode.ussd and in the isteel. wolded. If the-S.or C contents were equal the hydrogen content,in the electrode shell was deciding. Extensive tests are performed with sheated electrodes. The influence of the moisture content in the ele ctrode shell on the formation of blowholes is discussed and shown in.a photograph (Fig. 10). Tests showed that hydrogen bubbles were accompanied by slag sediments fromelectrode i3hells.. Moist electrode shell6 help in the for- of bubbles. Possibilities of !.-iydrogen fonration in austenitic steels, nickel, copper and bronze, during CO:~-shielded welding and "Arc-Atom" welding Card 1/2 23528 P/036/61/000/002/004/004 A111...A126 AUTHOR: Wygrzyn, Jan, Me. ster of' Engineering TITLE: Influence of carbon~on the weldability of stainless chromium steels PERIODICAL:, Przeglad Spawalnictwa,:no..2, 19610, 49-53. TEXT: The author,r evie,ws briefly the prop erties of,various steels and deals with the influence of carbon on stainless chromium,steel as used in the chemical industry.. The brittleness is.caused by the growth of,grains in the transfer zone, by separation of carton in the-weldlng. seam and hardening-An the transfer zone., The weldability of ztainless chromium steel depends on its-carbon content., Chromium steels contain xCy-type carbon elements.(Cr, Te)-and titanium carbons (TiC) . - The solubility of carbons in ferritic chromium steels depends on the temperature. At high temperatures the carbon solubility is high, whereas it is very low at normal temperatures. Welding-causes fast heating of transit zones and-transfer of carbons into the solution. Fast cooling lnoreases~the structural tension and the brittleness, 1nnealing prevents this phenomenon providing good plasticity. The equal hardnes 's of annealed and non-annealed zones proves that not the grain growth, but the solubility and separation of carbons catses brittle- Card 1/3 23528 P/036/61/000/002/004/004 'Influence of carbon on the weldability of A11l/A126 ness of stainless chromium steels. The weldability of chromium ferritic steels containing 17% Cr are shown in TablC 1. There were used: 4 and 8 mm plates and austenitic electrodes (18% CrI., 8Ni,:6% Mn), semi-ferritio electrodes (C - max. .0.07%; Cr - 13-15%; Ni - 3-1$)- and. ferritic electrodes.(C,- max. 0.08; Cr - 15-17%). The weldability wasl~determiined by joint angles. Wide angles were reached by annealing at 800 0C.: Non-annealed joints were highly.plastic in case of low carboncontent and a sufficient amount of Ti. Stainless chromium steel containing 1?,% Cr and 0.35% V. is we1dable, if the amount oj-.' carbon does not exceed 0.06%.. Welding joints,of such steels performed by austenitic electrodes show good plasticity without thermal treatment. There are 17 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut Spawalnictwa, Gliwice, (Welding Institute) Gliwice. Card 2/3 23528 P/036/61/000/002/004/()04. ..Influence'of carbon on the weldability, of ... Alli/A126 ,Table"J: Sklad che Qli~lity ' ' R ., P s iri awalno . ttv Welding I 1 ,O 6 0,06 0.68 0,42: 16.30 U.028 0.031 flady doltra good 2 .07 0.07 .54 T.27' -f6-- 72 -~-.023 -C.QF4- dobra . 3 0.09 0.09 0,70 0.40 15,9S M27 .026 4, 10 10 0 0 ~ 0 49 0.38 17 12 C,031 0.027 flady nitdosta-bad , , , , 5 12 12 0 0 0.55 0.33 16 48 Q ,024 6,028 0,47 niedostaw , , , . czna 6 .0,12 0,60 0,47 16,57 0,025 0,030 Ala"y niedosta- it tecana 7 0.13 0,65 0,40 17.23 0,029 0,024 0.68 nleflostate-I c,n, Car :d 3/31., 38075; Z/046/62/000/002/003/004 j D006/DlO2 AUTHOR: WVgrzyn,. Jan,~Doctor*f Engineer Pore formation in welding with low-carbon steel electrodes PERIODICAL:. Zvarac"sky* zbol-nlk, no. 2, 1962, 217-233 -:'"EXT: 'The study was:made to find an eXplanation.for the tendency to pore.formation of acid., rutile, and basic electr.,des. Research has shown that the main cause of pore formation in welding -with low-carbon coated electrodes are the volatile'hydrogenous compounds. In the tests, acid and rutile coatings were enriched with the-main components of basic and basic coatingSwith the main components-of acid.coatings. It was found that the pore formation in welding with coated electrodes is primarily due to the following Ireactions- 1. Escapd'of crysta:lline water from the slag drop. 2. Reaction of hydrogen with fluorides. Therefore, acid and rutile electrodes ishould not.contain fluoride.s. 3. Reaction of fluorides with silicon-oxido in basicelectrodes with high Si02 content. Also investigated were the X-eactions of hydrogen..w .ith the elements in the welded,joint. At an-accumulation of hydrogenj:-carbon, silicon and sulphur, Card 1/3 Z/046 62/000/002/003/004 i''. ~:Pore formation-in welding with I)006/DI02 -metal which eventually induce t -.reactions ake place in the..unsol:;dified weld pore formation. Its extent depends on the quantity of,hydrogen and those elements which are capable,of forning volatile compounds with hydrogen. -The formation of methane ir. welded joints was determin-id by analysis of gases escaping during welding.and by the calculation Ott' energy released in methane formation. Similar methods were used for t .he deterknation of hydrogen sulfide and it wat foundthat the.molecular pressure Of H2S is higher'than that of methane. This explains the remarkable tendency to e phur and hydrogen or formation observed in welded joints with high sul- p '-contents. It was also found that7when lasic coatings 14ith,very low h drogene y 'con se tent are used,. the pre nce.of,sulphur does not cause pore formation. :The research has further shown that while low phosphor content usually does not cause pore.formation, very high phosphor and hydrogen contents may lead to pore formation,,in.welded joint!3 made with acid electrodes. Manganese, nickel, chromium and other.elemen-tb-incapable offorming volatile compounds with hydrogen do not contribute-to the pore formation in welding with acid and basic-electrodes. The-e:are-:L3 figures and 8 tables.. (Technical Card 2/3 1121,'~6j P/O 3 61" 2/0000/0 L 1/00 1 /0 0 :111001/D101 MT!, 0' 7,1TCrzyn, jan, Doctor of. En-ineering df:, stainless -Cerritic steels with a 17/_~ 'IT' 1: 710 10 ab i Cr c or. lu e nt -PERIODICAL: Prze-1pd spawaln-Jetwa, no. 11, 1962, 281-293 Nickel shortage ar,'-'- -Drices mo~bivated this study made as nart T2:XT: 'h the Dro-certies and "weldability of o f a search for niGkel-free alloy-, wi 41 t-ino nickel steel. The DUrDOSO MIS tai n "o r acid- and heat-resis to obi. _ a uni- Us no,- found in 14 tera- explanation of brittleness "n chromium s.teel ,te G - L e. Anothor study on the same sulaject.wili appear in the no. 12, 1962 issue of the same neriodical. Invostication was carried. out at 'he Instytut nictria (Weldine; Insstitut-e) in Glivriccon a total of ton samnles o-l' H17 Icmd 1417T stools producod by tho '1111ita .11aildon (T~Hetallurgical Plart. 113ail(lonll" Hotali !Ti ~,el.-.znych (institute oC Nonferrouz 1-taiz) in a~nd by the instytut I v . 1; - M_ 0-1 sam-oles var. t, U I - Gliwice. The compositilon f Led within 'he -ollov,4n,-,, limils: C 0.03-0-125, lin 0.35-0.' SJ 0. 18-0-54%, P 0.007-0-035%, Card 1/3. t0361621000101110011001 P/ 1.7'eldability of s ain! 0 S r; forrit-1c D001/D101 ra c e o - 1 Four samnl er, -'3 S- 0.009-0.028,.) Cr 195--l-17.27. Ti contained 0.041-0.28~j 'za and low q:aantities OIL oxy:~.-en, rditroj~-ell, '1:11d r_-en. Conventional assumptions thatu hardlening, corrosion, and Graiin '--_rovth ~iy -6 U t, U i the tr,-),is i' ion and-, s -,- e e 3. br~ ' tlenes s in ar., ent 'emrera'ure are e reasons for Tvoll or""t noss have been disproved, -vthilc a hypo' prim d Yi4+ro--on is the critical h carbon an bostulatinG t'nat SU- ut-loness haS: been pzroved in ex-.peri:ncvl.-.-,. These involved cause of weld brit of sa:nl)lcs foi- nla~'Jc 7)ropert4CS in sunera'itura'ed, temipered, eX U_ and annealod.conditions; upon trea- tment, imitating ~hc thermal cycle i- a Cl 4 _n e 3. d i ng' transition zzone;- for mechanical properties of ,,,,,)lded jointo; a, -r p n _01 U metalloE, awhic-al, chem-1cal, and X ray a alyses. The rcasons rcopons'! for ezmbrittle-lent,in. sunerzatvuated E17 and H-17T st-col :icre established further tests: 'xam inat io In of -,ici~an.Lcal nroDertiec of su,)ersaturated after.cold el-c-traction of" hydroEen, same examination upon 'neat e-Xtz-action c. f hydroge-n and sunbrsaturation;,X ray analysis of lattice refleyes of al.?~ha '.has a-;-.d t-c-l"nercd steels; investigation of t-he cdPrcion _U P il Ll - C-rce Of Su-oa~?Saturatcd oti~Gl samples 'en,.Pered at diffe-_-ont temp6ratures; C0014 and illnvo!~Gigatilon on h o w c ..ig rate affects plastic, properties of ~/ard 2 3 "1036 62/000/011/00-1/001 'Iffeldabil4ly f 001/ 0-. stainleos e 27r I -61 C D I D101 steel. Conclus-, OnG: ~'Uoersa'uration o I.-he trans it ion zone causes e-lbrittl o- :lient in ent-irely -forrit"Le chronium steel welds. Carbon and- nitroTen _U in 'he internodal, and excess 15"taidium, in the he.-teronodal solut'iam, as we'", as ., coherent phaser, of ser-r Ftion, 4ra-pede the &is', ocation dr4ft. For goo .3- eir V~eldabil. Cr steer'l. mus t contvin not more than M6~ifl 4 1 t carbon, 0-057~ -en, and betreen 0.25 and 0. 4(~,-'j t 1, 'tanium. r -ooor nitrog .-Pol-L h. H17 c:te,~I io of -4.- 6 1 d ab i 1 -i 1,7 d u e -- t o a c ax-b 0 nco n t C n i ~ o fas much as 0.12--/vf under lln-11sh. stand- ards in F,'7%3teel, and a~s igpola an 0.3.vj-o 4, in '17T steel. of chro- mium steel bofore v.,eldinU4~1ds-'.ser '.arvtion of components. from the superoal uratod trarsition zone. Aiisteni~ic vieldinG elec~rodesare required. There are 27 fiTires and 8 I.ab3:es, Card 3/~ WEGRZYN, Jerzy Apropos of the treatment of relative fJnger shorten-ilig. Chir. narzad. nichu ort,Dp. Pol. 29 no.31:343-346 164. 1. Z I Oddzialu Urazowo-Ortopedynnego Majokiego S%pitala Chirurgii Urazowej w Warszawie (Ordynator; dr. med. S". Jaku- bowski).