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ALEKSEYEV, G.P.-(continued). Card 2. (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station; a tacbaical report on the design and construction of the Volga Hydroelectric Power Sta- tion (Lenin), 1950-19581 Volzhskaia gidroelektrostantsiia; tekhnicheskii otchet o proektirovanii i stroitel'stve Volzhskoi GES imeni V,I.Lenina, 1950-1958 99. V dvukh tomakh. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat. Vol.2.[Organization and execution of constrution and assembly work] Organizatsiia i proizvodstvo stroitellno- montazhnykh rabot. Red. toma: N.V.Razin, A.V.Arm olld, N.L. Triger. 1962. 591 P. IMIRA 16:2) 1, Deystvitelinyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Razin). (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station (Lenin)--Design and construction) TAXYU~BO ~, red.; BELYAM. B.I., red.; VOLWYANSKIY. A.K.. red.; KAXIMSKIY, D.M., red.; KOLITSOT, A.G., red.; ZUREK, X.M.l red.; OVSYANKIN, V.I., red.; PRIVALOV, N.M., red.; KHRAMUSHIN, A.M., red.; IRISTOV, V.S., red.t UDOD, V.Ta.. red.izd-va; TINKINA, (Papers and reports of the section on industrial construction, assembling and specialized work of the All-Union Conference on Construction] Doklady i soobahchaniia. gookva, Gos.izd-jo, lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. I stroit.materialam, 1958. 438 p. (MIRA 12M 1. YSOSOYU2noye soveshchaniye po stroitelletyu. Moscow, 1958. Sektsiya promyshlennogo stroitelistva, montazhnykh i spatsialiti- rovannykh rabot. (Building) KOLPSNIKOVO I.S.; ORDZIIaIIKIDZE) G.K.; SHELYAKHOVSKIY, M.V.; YFMOIAYEVIV.R. YAY,UDrVSKIY) F.I. Adenoma of the bronchi., their complications and operative treatment. Grad. kh-.Lr- 5 n0'.6:101-106 Iq-DI(3 WRA 17t2) 1. 1z kliniki gospi-tallnoy khirurgii (nachallnik - prof. I.S. Keleenikov) Voyanno-moditsinakoy ordena Lonina akademii Imeni S.M.Kirova. Adroo avtorovs Leningrad K-9# Botkinakaya u-1., d.23- Klinika gospitallnoy khirurgii Voyenno-maditainokoy ordona Lenina akademii, imeni S.M. Kirova. KOLESNIKOV, I.S~) MOV, N.V., GORELOV, F.I.;YAKUbUVSKIYp F.I. Surgical treatzent of the focal form of ly=phogr&=lo=atosis of the lungs and madiesUmum. Grud.khir. 5 no.1:87-92 Ja-?163. (141RA 16:7) 1. Iz kliniki goopitiLlInoy khirurgii (nachallnik-prof. I.S. Kolesnikov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (CANCER) (HODGKINIS, DISEASE) (MEDIASTOU11-CAMER) GYUI-I Ka um ryorim ogly" prof.: pROSIffANTS, Grigoriv Gagigovich; KHURSIII# 10 A.S., 40aid Aleksondro;ich; TAKUBOVSKIY, G.J..,,red.; SHTEYNGEL's red,lzd-va [Handbook for shiphandlers in the Caspian Sea] Spravochnik dlia sudovoditelia Xespiiskogo moria. Baku, Azerbaldzhanskoe goo. izd-vo neft. i nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1957. 707 P. (tIIRA 11:4) (Caspian Sea-Favigation) KORNTS, O.N.; KONSTANTINOVSKIY, V.K.;JN~UBOVSKIY, I.A.; SKMIBRATOV, V,N,,; FZVZMM, A.S., zaveduyushchiy-red.izd-va; TMINA, Te.L., (Uniform time and pay standards for construction, assembly, and repair operations in 19603 Fdinye normy i rastsenki na stroitell- nye, montazhnye i remontno-st-.oitelinys raboty, 1960 g. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialem. Shor- nik 2. (Barthwork] Zemlianya raboty. No.2 [Using hydraulic machinery in earthwork] Gidromakhanizirovannye zemlianye raboty. 1960. 135 p. (MiRik 13; 6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po dalam 8troitelletva.- 2. TSentrallnoye normativno-iseledovateliskoye byuro (TsNIB) Kinistarstva stroitel'stva el.ektrostantsiy (for Konstantinovskiy, Takabovskiy). (wages) (Dredging machinery) 0 v ~> I ~ N Iy I-- Y L.Atj KAGAN, J.Z.; NEVSKIY, B.H., inzheners Ryj3ASENKO, I.D.; T;X~ redaktor; MEWVAR, B.I,, 11ndidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, retsensent; BORT, H.M., inzhener, retsenzent; MTSKER, G.S., tekh--edaktor. [Technoloff of making chemical apparatus of stainless steel] Tekhn6v logiis. 12gOtovleniia khimicheakoi apparatury iz nerzhaveiushchei stali, Kiev, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit, lit-ry. 1951, 145 P. [Microfilm] (Chemical apparatus) (Steel, Stainless) (KUU 10:5) e) I K14 L~70V, I kand . takhn r., auk-, Y A KUP. VSY'lY L.' in 7+.. Orepsrin ani using rotprnof rcofing nit, 9 r. c2 -7-cj F pUZABOV, I.I.; IuZAMMO, L.P.; YAKUBOVSKIY, M.I. jrfect of g7noptic conditions on the Inesage of migrator7 birds in the environs of Odessa. Trudy.Frobl. i tem. sov. no.9:136- 145.16o. (MIU 13:9) 1. Olesskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Odessa region--Birda-Migration) YAKUBOVSKIX, N., inzh.; RUSANOV, V., inzh. . BOOMI)ly or wall ulabo in the large "ka. Stroi. truboprov. Jig for the a (HIILA 15t12) ,7 no.1.104-25 N 162. (Building-Technological innovations) S I I (If LVP, EV UI~P YAI""a'"'! , , .:." .. . .31. I ".IP;i ~2,scj i ~~ ,. i 11 ; p t:,~ J~A .1 - , wi-I Nforrv-~!)n .1 I rud I . I I -.. , . I V ~ ~ - ~, ,~ 16j. 011!,~R' 17?9) YAKUBOVSKIY, 0,A.; YAPPA, YU*A- Vest.ILU some parametric repreoentations used in the field theory. 16 no.10:31-1+1 161. WRA 14:5) (Field theory) S/033/63/040/002/006/021 EOOl/El20 AUTHORS: Nikitin A.A., and Yakubovskiy OOA. T IT LE A study of the N III recombination spectrum in envelopes,of stare and nebulae. IV, The equations of statistical equilibrium for the lower excited levels. -of C IIj N III - - and 0 IV PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy*zhurnalt v.40, no.21 1963, 245-256 TEXT: Emission llnes~ of C'II, N III and 0 IV often occur i -n ebulae, peculiar n the spectra of.Wolf-Rayet.starag.planetary --stars, etc, Sol for example$ anomalous.lines or c ii were observed in the spectrum ot,'V 348 Sagit which is similar to faint' L-planetary nebulae in that it is surrounded 6y.a faint.ne6ular envelope. The theoretical interpretation.of these emission lines 1:-calls for consideration of a possible, effect of. interconfiguration-~ al -.phenomena on the equations. of statistical. equilibrium for their lower excited levels, --This problem is considerdd in the.present .:-article ~whichlcontinuos-.a series~of, publications in the same !-A-uinai nd' ther-pekicidi6als 0 a .01 dealingwith the same problem. I.Aborat o-'ry data -on Ahe ppecira of --these lements are presen, Card 5/033/63/040/002/Oo6/o2i s.tu-dy of theN III recombination... E001/E120 tabular form. Their analysis.shows that the occurrence of some.'' lines cannot be explained within the-'framework of the singled configuration approximation. Transitions indicated by these lines are*called "anomalous" transitions, because they do not satisf-v the selection rules~fo'r dipole transitions. if interconfiguration-~ -!al wave.functions are admitted, selectio n rules change ~-considerably.' The wave function of an atom is then expressed as a linear combination of.wave functions corresponding to various configurationst a~ LS M. Kj X) 4 S ai Wi i 112 where, a 1s.--a:.normal:Lzing- mult1plier Oscillato-r- ---to ai.- -intenal y -of "ainioma lous 01 strengths are.-propor onal _--determine timating the:value of the d by as conf iguiation .c,or.r.-a-ctio-nIs and- calculatin g--ma*trix- element's c' fP .the dipole moment operator of"the atom, relating the principal Card 2/4 ----------- S/033/63/040/002/Oo6/021 'A study of the NIII recombination,., Ol/E120- EO t configura ion.of. one state with the configuration-corrections of the other states, The re;e;ults or calculations performed by the authors'are ta-bulated. Values df the oacillat .or strength f12 and' transition probabilities~- A21 from the level 2 to the level I for atoms of C II, N III and 0 IV aregiven-in Table 11. A'comparison of observational data,for C II with the calculated' values shows satisfactor)-,'agreement. For N III and 0 IV no comparisons are made beca,~ise of the absence of corresponding observational- data------ The---tenera-l --conckuskon --isas-- follows* Spontan'eous.transiLons in C II, N III and 0 IV are possible from the lower excited level 2s23p2p to the 2S'PD* levels of the configuration .2s2p2, interconfigurational effects being the cause of the,occurrence.of these transitions, There are 11 tables. ASS.OCIAT-IONs-.Astronomich.eakaya observatoriya Leningradskogo goo. tiniversiteta-(The Astronomical observatory of the Leningrad State University) SUBMITTEDt. January 2, 1962 Card -3/4. NIKITIN, A.A.; YAKIJU-OT`,K7f, 0.-1. Forbilden trans!tLrn liras relat ' to ti~,,(.- firat excited 9~2 configurations in iaoal3ctron roronal sequences. Qualrup~, a transitions in sp2 configurations. Dokl. AN 3,3831t 156 no. 4- 760-762 Je 164. (KIRI, l7vJ) 1. Loningradakiy gosudarntvannyy untwersitot im. A.A. Zhdanova. Predatavleno akadamtkom V.G.Fesnn~covym. YAKUBOVSKIY O.A. I/atrim, of '~.a Plp,( -jf, (I'sp cc., f -P- " ~-J; " ,,,,n:! - Vest. Will 20 no.1.147-150 10'. (.-,,',!RA 18:2) YAKUBOV6KlYp Olve Nature and rate of recer,~, ertical crustal movements in the Baltic 'I Sea region. Dokl. AN SSSR 3 no.3j710-713 JI 165, (WRA 18t7) \,erTn a t 1. Latviyakaya sellskokhozya tvennaya akademiya. Submittdd.April 6, 1965. L 46123-66 EWT(1) GV1 i ACC Mt AP6027324 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Kikitin, A. A, ; Yakubonk~X,. ORG: none UR/0043/66/000/002/0142/0145 TITLE: Lines of forbidden transitions involving the first excited configuration ap 2 in the isoelectronic sequence of the (solar) corona. Part II: Magnetic-dipole tran tions between tems SP2 %Y I SOURCE: Leninzrad. Universitet,. Vestnik. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki i astranomii, no. 2, 1966, 142-145 TOPIC TAGS: solar chromosphere, forbidden transition, magnetic dipole, solar corona ABSTRACT: Estimates are given for the probability of magnetic-dipole transitions be- tween the op 2 terms 2p, 2S, 2D and 4p of the two isoelectronic sequences BI, CII, Hii, ,...(262p2) and AII, SIN, PIII,...(3o3p2). It is found that for elements with large Z, the magnetic-dipole transitions between the Sp2 terms 2S, 2p, 2D, and 4P dominate heavily over the quadrupole transitions between those same terms. However, for ele- ments standing at the beginning of the isoelectronic sequences, the allowed quadru- pole transitions are more important. The results presented in tabular form, are com- pared with the earlier calculations of Garstang. The agreement is good for Si X and not as good for Fe XIV. It in found that there are Important transitions which termi- Card UDC: W.77 NR. AP6027324 nate in the *etastable term 4p. "Step-ionization" processes, which involve an inter- mediate state, we also discussed qualitatively. These transitions are especially important for the 2a2p4p configurations of CII and NIII. 'The transition to the inter- mediate state 2p2mp4AS leads to autoionization, for an atom in that state is unstable and disintegrates into a 2p2 3p ion plus a free electron. Orig. art. has: 2 tables, 6 formulas.' ,SUB CODE: 20/41 SUBM DATE: 17May65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 003 smil- Ccwd 2/2 - ______L46258-& - G1 ktC NR, AP6027325 SOURCE CODE: UR/0043/66/000/002/0146/014 AUTHOR: Nikitin, A. A.; Yakubovsk iy, 0. A. ORG: none TITLE: Lines of forbidden transitions involving the first excited configurations Sp2 in the isoelectronic sequence of the (solar) corona. Part III: The forbidden transi- tions op2 4p + 82p2p W SOURCE: Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki i astronomii, no. 2, 1966, 145-149 TOPIC TAGS: forbidden transition, solar corona, ionization ABSTRACT: The results of approximate calculations of the probabilities of transition between the metastable term sp2 4P and the ground state a2~2P are presented. As in previous papers in this series, special attention is directed to the two isoelectronic sequences BI, CII, NIII,...(2s2p2 configuration) and AII, SM, PIII,...(383p2 con-. figuration). A knowledge of these probabilities is needed in order to study the in- tensities of the lines in the basic multiplets of the two sequences mentioned above, and are also necessary for a study of step ionization processes which take place via the metastable Intermediate state ap2 4p. The calculated transition probabilities are compared with the relative intensities of the lines observed experimentally. Agree- Cord 1/2 UDC: 523.77 ACC NRt 0 ment with experimental data is found to be good if the two lines correspond to one and the same upper level, but is somewhat reduced if the two transitions start with upper levels having different J. Because of the present lack of sufficiently pure samples of the atoms considered, experimental data for purposes of comparison is available on- ly for a few of the lines. It is found that "step ionization" ocesses occurring via the metastable 4p state can be most significant in the 282p3raeries for CH and NIII. The lines of the forbidden multiplet qp2 4p 4 82p2P are most intense in the 3s3p2 series; these lines can be seen both in the laboratory and also in the spectra of some stars. Transition probabilities are presented in tabular form. Orig. art. has; 5 tables, 3 fomulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 17May65/ ORIG REr: 004/ OTH REF: 005 Card _.,.[.Jakubowski,, S.),, doktor mod.; RUSHCHINISKAYA, Ya. UKUBOV51(4,.$ -'[16~izczynska, J.) 'Treatment of grave deformations in-~polyarthritis. Ortop., travm. L protez. 26 no. lOt2d+-27 0 1650 (MIRA 18:14) I. Iz ortopedicheakogo ot,delenlya (zav. - S. WCOQ-Yakiy) Revmatologicheekogo instituta (dir. - doktor m~a.'V* Bryull), Varshava. Adres avtorat Varshava,, Spartanskays, u1. dom 1. Revmatolcglcheokt:7 Inatitut. Submitted July 9, 1965. YAr'u;~)VSKly, S. M. IlInvestigation of the (,~)(.~rating Characturistices of Circulating Lubricant Systems and the j`ossibility of Lengtening, Lubricant Service Life." Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad Shipbuilding, Inst, Leninftrad, 1)5h- (P,ZW,I,ekh, Feb 55) SC: Sum. llo. 631, 26 Aug 55' - Survey of Scientific and Teciinical Dissertation Defended at USSR Higher Lducational Institutions (14) yAKUBOVSKIY,V.A.; PBTROV,1.N- Machine for pouring cold cast iron into ingot molds. Lit.proizv. no-7:27 Jl'55- (MLRA 8:10) (Foundry machinery and supplies) KUK, F. [Cook, Y.M.1; PRXYZER, Kh. [Praiser, H.S.]; HILLS. Dzh. (Hills, J.7.1; YAKUBOVSKIYI..V.A. [translator); VADSHKIN, B.G., professor, redaktor; IrXII re-daktor izdatellstva; TIKHONOVA, Ye.A., tf)khnichaskly redaktor EXlectrical method of rust removal from tanker ship compartments. Tranalated from the Angliahl Katodnyi aposob ochistki sudovykh tankov ot tzhavchiny. Porevod a anglitakogo. Hoskva, lzd-vo 'Morskot transport,* 1956. 41 p. (MLRA 10:9) (Tank vessels) (Corrosion and anticorrosivea) XIV -C - YAKUBaVSM, V.A. [lAkubovalkyi, V.A.].. kand.ittor.nauk Efforts of the pexty organizations of the Donets Basin to intro- duce new machinery and the cyclic organization of production in coal mines., 1949-1952. Kauk.zap.Kyiv.inzh.-bud,,inst. no,1:72-99 159- (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining) (MMA 15:7) SERDYUKOV, M.K.; TSARr-GRADSKIY, VvA.;,,YAKUBGVSY,11,-V-I., YARDSLAVTSEV, A.M.; PRITSKERI L.S. Methods and results of prospecting for ore deposits in Kazakhatan using geophysical methods. Izv. AN Kazakh. WR. Ser. geol. 21 no. 4:74~83 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kazakhskly geofiziche3kiy trest, Alma--Ata. BORKOVSKIY, IiI.A.; VOSTOKOV, A.I.; ZHXFI,,Mo, I.s.; LT-TES!lKIN,I.P-; VIELINIK, M.K. i 1-1111TROV11OV, V.P.; RODYLVICH, A.V.; SILLN, F.Ijdece XAq'BOVSKly E2.190KO, B.A.~ .9.qed,; - --!- -V.V.; YER I retsenzent; MARIMICH1K, V.L.p retsenzent; MAKS114OV, A.I.P retsenzent; PRITYKINA) L.A., red. [liandbook for the sugar manufacturer] Spravochnik sakhar- nika. Moskva,~Fishchevaia proryshlennost'. Pt.2. 1965. 778 p. (MIRA 18:9) YAKUBOVSKIYI V. YCL. (Eng.); BERGER, Prof. A. Ya. KIY, -Do-c6nt F. I,; ZAVALISHIN, Dr. D. A. Electric Machinery - Testing L. M. Pyotrovskiy and Ye. A. Palls book "Testing electrical machines." Prof. A. Ya. Berger, Docent F. I. Chernyavskiy, Eng. V. Ya. Yakubovokly., Dr. D. A. Zavalishin, and Elektrichestvo No. 5p 1952. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of ConMess, -November -1952 UNCLASSIFIED- YAKUBOVSKIY, V. Ya. Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Electromagnetic Processes in the Circuit of the "No" 4W Electric Locomotive$ al le u With X)0UU0MxxffXXTXXM Conviprterik, and Meana of R d i jonip 4aAAA- me of Tract'-n ~CrM 6 Telephoneu~ the io inRCirrcuits." r Movocherkaesk, 1957. 16 pp 20 cm. (Min of Higher Education USSR, Novocherkassk Polytechnic Inst im Sergo Ordzhonikidze), 125 copies (Y-L' 28-57, 110) 21 TAKUBOVSKIY, V.Ta. inzhener (g. bTovochorkasek); TUSHKANOV, B.A., inzhener Novocherkassk). Conference at the Novocharkasek electric locomotive Plant. Xlektri- chestvo no.10-02 0 '57. (KLRA 10:9) (Novocherkasek--glectric locomotives) YI,JgMVSM. Vladimir TakovIevich, kiind.tokhn.nauk, BtaraMy prepodi-vatel, Ir fling, tba IV'S-?0015 Ignitronn on electric loconotiven of the M serInn. Izv. vyn. uchob. zav.; elaktromakh. I no.6sll5-117 158. (MRl Ing) 1. Kafadra elektrichnRkikh r4inhin i apparatov Novocherkauskogo politekhnichoskogo inatituta. (F-Inctric Incomotivea) (Electron tubes) AUTHOR: Ya SOV/144-58-8-18/18 TITIS: Book Review - Retsenzii PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Vysshikh Uchebnvkh Zavedeniyj Elektromekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, PP 137 - 141 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Review of the book 11AC Locomotives With Static Rectifiers" by B.14. Tikhmenev. Transzheldorizdat, 1958. The book is favourably reviewed by Candidate of Technical Sciences V.Ya. Yakubovskiy, Senior Lecturer at the Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute. Card 1/1 uscomm-Dc-60o874 SOV/11+4-- 59 -7-17/17 AUTHOR: Yakubovskiy2 V.Ya., (Cand.Tech.Sci., Senior Lecturer) TITLE: A Conference on Electri-, Circuits wit-h Rectifiers PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyj Blektromekhanika, 1959, Nr 7~ pp 110-112 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A conference on electrical airouits with rectifiers was held in Llvov from the 23rd to the 27th June 1959. It wes- organised by the Institute of Engineering and Automatics of the Acad.Sci. Uk?SSR, the Moscow Power Institute and the Llvav Polyteahnical Institute. The conference heard 50 reports and was attended by representatives of 40 organi3ations. Sec:tlons of the conference had Professor I.L. Kaganov (Dr.Tach.Sci.) and Professor B.M. Shlyaposhnikov (Dr.Teoh.Soi.) a3 chairmen. F.T. Koval' I Secretary of the Llvov Ublast Committee of the Communist Party of the UkTaine, gave a report on the 20th Congress of the Communist" Party and the tasks of science. Professor I.L. Kaganov, (Dr.Tach.Sci.) spcke cn the theory of valve aetion of semiconductor diodes and triodes and its reflection izi equivalent circuits. He Card 1/6 described the new method of con3trUCting low arid high xl -%requency equivalent circult,; for semiconductor valves. SOV/1 Ld-59-7-17/2 A Conference on Electric Circuits with Rat"tiffers S.R. Glinternik (Cand.Te,_-h.Sci.) read a report on behalf of Corresponding Member of the Acad.Sci. of the USSR L.R. Neyman, entitled 'Some Fundamental Problems of Ensuring Reliability oft Large Rectifiers in Power Systems'. This described the results of work at the Power Institute Acad.Sci. USSR or. group connection of valves and the use of capacitors to compensate reaotive power in rectifier installations with ionic valves. A number of other questions were also considered. Professor G.Ye. Pukhov (Dr.Tech.Sci.) described the work that he has cLone in conjunction with Docent B.A. Bo~krjvsk-'Ay (Cand.Tech.Sci.) on the point method of calculatlng tho periodic processes in electric non-lineaz cir~tuits, including valve circuits. L.L. Ivanov reported on a tent'ative analytical theory of discontinuous functions and on oalculation of non-linear electr' circuits. S.R. Glinternik (Cand.Tech.Sol.) repo,ted, separately, on tho applination of a new method of analysing electro.-magnotic pr(,3esser- J.ri ionic! frequemy changers, and on the design of a three-phase bridge Ca-rd 2/6 circuit with parallel capacitozs on the a.c. side by an approximate method. vr.P. Sigcrskiy (Cand.Tech.S2ij _-V scv/1~4-59'-7-17/17 A Conferenee or, Elet-,tr�c I rr -11 1:3 w 1 t'a Rn~ o~ ~ i f14 ~,s described a method of -.,O(mLations on circuits with one valve and any numbe,., of eiement:37 or circuits with one rteautive eemezit ancil rcambez, of valves. L.k. Sinitskiy a report on peri.c.dir.. ~,-onditions in circuits w:L';'.1 and iron-cored coils. Ta.M. Shunkov mado a on an approximation Ito 'hhe c1laractaristits of a semi- ,;onduotor valve. B.M. Sit*_;.Yaj)oshnIko,,r (Dr.Toch.S(A.) dis(;-_tss9d the 'Ivied "Co, detel'Lfliri-i mean and r.ia.s. values in makl:ig rial -1-1-Lat""om". on O_t.sctronic valva3. V.G. iond-a:,a'w.~k c1ea,--r-Lbed a met-hod of calculating diode cir.-aft-3. S.M. Zorin dealt with the desien of omall wo-!,zing Qn a e,-apacitative pra-_-';i(,,aI method of load. 0.K. Shcherbakov a -alculating stabilised rezblfia_:~, fo--., supplyilig computers. Ye.F. Zamor (Cand.Tech.Sci.), E.I.I. Mushicarden (Cand.Ta-,h. Siii.) and G.A. ShevI.-so-i,, explained how to increase the a(,-t-'a,-,acY of mothods c)f desIgning re,-*;,if iers. F.Ye. Pashukanis 1.~jris Idared the design of ferrite-diode circui'. wil-.1i allowam7ie fur (lynami.- Card 3/6 PI'ocasses in the seraicrmri",~,-Ior diodo. G.P. Vlostkcva rppor~;ed on- the nontrol of high-powar semi:ion(:i~_ictor SOV/144-59-7-17/17 A Conference on Electric Circuits with Rectif"iers rectifiers by Pleans of a fligh-3peed saturaring choke. Profe3sor A.M. Bamdas (D-..Tech.Sci.) and Engineer A.P. Kizlmin dascribed a threp-phase rectifier with currentler,s commutation. S.V. Stralchov (Drr.Te~,h.Sai.) analysed transient electro-meohanical proce3ses In a diesel-altervator with induction-motrz load when ara ufiod In t~je coripourtding and field circuits of the alto:ntator. V.Z. Yarina doi(n-11bod tho rosult,,71 of inves"tigations on speed control of induction motors in which she i-nJected the rotor current with an e.m.f. derived from setaiconduator re-.tifiers switched in and out of the circuit at the appropriata frequency. Professor B.P. TerenOyev (Dr.Ter:h.Sci.) explained an electron- impulse method of rontrolling ionic Tectifiers and pTrividing high--speed protection. A.N. Milyakh (D.-Jech. ~ci.) anrl B.Ye. Kubyshkin (Cand.Ts3,,2h.ScJ_.) described a new contactle3s arrangement of valve:3 for reversing the re-tif"ed z-urrexit in plating shops. A number of questions relatii'Lig to 'the design of re,.~'..'Lfiars for supplying communications equipment were tounhed upon in the reports Ca_"d Vo,' of V.A. Viyentiyesis, N.A. Levin, L.Ya. Misulovin, L.P. Nelderis, and V.F. Zhdar.. The reports of SOV/1~,4- 59-- 7-1 ", /17 A Conferen:~Pj on Eleatz-fc Cj'-r43 u i f, s vi t Rectiffers Ya.K. Shink, E.A. Yal-mbaytis, A,F. Krcge-ris ani M.P. Yayvars ga-ve Cn -thej appl--'oation of semi- c::.,rdu,_,to:v re,~!tifiers -in con:V',rc_-,. and elsewhere. V YA.S. krei-bukh2 11.1. Geo:-;yakova, F.B.Usatir,, ,,.A. Ko'hari7 and'lle.N. Kur."lov desc-~,_Ibod of Y-,~ot.-J.fters J*.,-l iii3trument O.A. Xossov refer:,ed ;;o -cntrolled, 7-Patifiers and B.V. Tiavenka-~ d~,odG:; ba.,;*)d oa gellim-ar;;enita. L E.I. Karakushan and V.I. S!:a1L,,-yev the magnetic ~xntrol of the curi-on); a . mi.-o. Cmotov d'oda. ""h.I. Alfe-rov da3cribed moti-rds of m'i-f o-f;, -ing, S111ca-- --a LU diodes with special chara,_: tv-r-', .3:1- f~. c!s. Y'j.!. Drabovich sem,-!~,nductor explained the operation htj~- - 4 tz-iude3 under 3aturation mondi.tions j_-i ancl (.-ircuits. P.I. Dv',,-.h ~Dronito a contrulle,.-I. relay syn-,hronrus fov use at ultra- low f,-equen-y. N.S. Yakov(,'aull- and I.I. Rodi,,hev gave an a"'L.-Curit (if test eallipTr card Kirilmr and 1~b_.M. d,-,s,-,7Ab,-,(1 the use ef -or ree"if-le-2o in automa"Ic equpment for -micoi_Auct ~!ailways. SO'1/144-59-7-17/17 A Conference on Electric Circuits with Rectifiers The conference indicated future directions of development in the production of semiconductor rectifiers and emphasised the need to improve and supcrsede existing methods of designing electrical rectifier circuits. There are no figures7 no tables, no references. AS,11"IATION: Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute) Card '/6 -YAKUBOVSKIY. Vladimi I rjgb-Y.Ayj~~b-, kand.tokhn.nauk Calemlation of the inductance of the cathode reactor of a large rectifying unit. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 3 no.12:130- 134 160. (MIRA 34:5) 1. lopplnyayushchiy obyazannosti dotsenta kafedry elektricheskikh mashin i apparatov flovocherkasskogo politekhnicheakogo instituta. (Electric current rectifiers) F-R yAKUBOVSy,ly, VladiDdr Yakovlevichp kand.tekbn.naukq dotsent Calculation of currents and vol+jwes in the branches of a large two-phase current rectifier network. Iz*v- 'rIs ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 4 no.1.1:53...64 %61. 44IRA 14:12) 1. Kafedra. elektricheskikh mashin Novocherkasakogo politekhnicheakogo instituta. (Elect-vic current rectifiers) U. YAKUBOVSKIY, Vladimir YakovIevich, kandidat tekhn.nauk, dotsont Use of an a:~alog computer for calculating the steady-state conditions in a two-phase rectifier network. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; eleiktromekh. 5 no.5-.527-535 162. WIRA 15: 5) 1. Kafedra elektricheakikh mashin, apparatovp matematichoskikh i schetno-reshayiishchildi priborov i ustroystv Novocherkasskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta. (Electric current rectifiers) (Electronic analog computers) kovlevich) kand. teklin. naukv dotsont AKUDOVSKIY~, Yladimir Ya rectifying unit. Izv. VS. Ucheb. Mathematical model of a (MIRA 17:1) zair elektromekh. 6 no.10:1179-1186 63. ktricheskikh mashin, apparatovy matematichoskikh 1. Kafedra ele stroystv Novocherkasskogo J schetnoreshayushchikh Priborov u politekhnicheskogo instituta. YAMWVSKIY,, Vladimir Yakovlevieb, kando tekbn, Ra-thematical model of an inverttr =it. elsktrvme~bv 7 nov4e456-463? $64 1, Xafedra elektricboaklkh ma3hin, i schatrorambuyuahchikh priborov i politakhniohaskogi Inatitutus nauk,, d:,tsent Izv. vp. . u-,hab,, sar, (MI RA 17 v? ) apparatov, w4,smatlcheAm ustroysty Novo:~herka::sksga YAKUBOVSKIY, Vladimir Yako-vievich, kar id. tckhn. n4tuk, (IotD,~n- 14.74ntovis rt~vielw Gf a bcok by concerning S-D, drj_V(~S." LIZV. VY- -)a nciFjI.P-S and B.A. S !Jillin "Pr' 1. 7 no-8:1041-1042 164. uchob. 7av.; elektromekI (1,11RA 17:10) ikh mashin I. apparatov lJovocherkasskogo 1. Kafedra elektrichesk politekhnicheskogo instituta. UP J' L I, ~, t(Alin. nalik, F, FT -V Ta fj u"a ya Q.'; -p),*awea Fa rj;;-~ on r, r C lbo I.( O"'Ll-cyrtv tnCr0.5h.'-, + r; 1 u Lar. v...)f!o jr~st., Lr Y'l /(v /~ () v -~xlyl X-t, /-, yAKMVS11y Ya L akademik ;o'- or in the Polilh ~r-~~~=arch in the f told of electric pov Peoplais Republic. Ilaktriche8tvo no.1:85-89 A 158- - (MIRA 11.2) l.Blektrotakhnichaskiyl komitat Vol'skor AN. (Poland--glectric power) YAKUBOVSKIY, Ya.M. Selective flotation of pegmatites. Obog.rud. 7 nool:20-21+ 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1, Leningradskiy gomvy institute (Pegmatites) (notation) ri Y.-j r Y STAROVOYTCV.I.Ye., Inzhener Ifficiency suggestions made by the Sakhalin paper makers (OIn- novator suggestions by workers In the Sakhalin wood pulp and paper combines." W.D.Inkabovskii, Reviewed by A.S.Starovoitov) Bum.prom-30 no-9:32 S 155. %. (MLRA 8:12) (Sakhalin--Paper industry) (lAjmbovek*, D.) g: YAKe.OVSKIY, inzh. chanical intensifier. Mashino.- Presa rotor with a hydro7 (KrRA 1814) stroenie no.lt5g-61 Ja-F t65. t�zz. 6i YAKWOVSKIYI YIA-V.- Concerning a case of the stabilization of the apParbut rest of 7arn. Izv.v.vo.uchob.zav.;tekh.takat.prom. no.2:123-127 160. (KMA 13:11) 1* Hoskovski7 tokstiliny7 institut. (Yarn) (Textile research) YAK'UBOV91X,-IIL.V. Multiple balloom Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tokh.tekst.prom. no.30 39-49 "61. 1 (MIRA 1~:7) 1. Moskorvskiy tekstilinyy institut. (Spinning) PROSHKOV, A.F.- YAKUDOVSKIYj ..,Y*y karxl. fiz.-=ton. nauk, retsenzen ; ' ; V. I.., inzh.0 red.; TALWA, A.L., red.izd-va; SPUITOVA, G.V., tokhn. red. [Study and design of winding mechanisms) Isoledovanie i proektirovanie motallnykh mekbanizmov. llo-kva, flaohgiz., 1963. 314 P. (MRA 16:12) (Spinning machinery) MUMMY I TU. V. "Certain Problems of the Theory of Bifurcation." Sub 13 Mar 47, Moscow Oblast Pedagogical Inst Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947 Sol Sum No, 457, 18 Ipr 55 y,-, ll., Ly~zll-'07, L. L., a.-A ZAP.A-Rly. !'I,- P- Y'UqMlovll~ K'UJA..=) Ga.!,-,, tl-~ AppliCatloill Of P'."n C"' 3earchl,AL; "or ~~rus.-L rilrollral, Wator,,n u7~-vo '70-3. PP 32-39- 195~-' SO: 2 Z'OP 55 YAKUBOVSKIY,Yu.v. t Models for variable electromagnetic sound frequency fields. Trudy KGRI no.28:192-199 155. 04LRA 8:6) (Ilectromagnetism) yAKuBovsKjY, Yuriv.Vladimirovich; LYAKHOV, Lev LIvovich; ALIPIN, L.M.9 6fttj"4*-.I redaktor isdatelletva; GUROVA, O.A., 0 .1 tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Ilectric geophysical exploration] Illaktrorasyefta, Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrans nedr, 1956. 358 P. (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) (MIRA 10:3 UMMWSMP~ -7..H..; KAMFW, A.A.; YAKMOTSKIY, Tu.T. Soi~cting the optimum frequenicy for inductive electrical prospecting. Ixv.-AN,SSSR. -Ser. gqofts. ne.2:200-210 7 157. (MIRA 10:4) 1. Voskovxici~ geologe-razvodechnavy institut. Prospecting-Geopbysical method@) Uo v KAKUWS,KATA, R.N.; i~IvSU6jiAIdIMww Results of using ground currents in prospecting for polymetallic deposl~s. Rasyed.1 okh.nedr 23 no.3:45-48 Mr '57. (WA IOS3) 1. Nbskovskiy goologo-razvedochiWy institut Im. S. Ordzhonikidze. (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) (Terrestrial eleqtricity) M V KAMENETSKIYO F.M.; KAUMN, A.A.; YAKUBOVSKIf, YU.V. Inductive methods in electric prospecting for ores* Trudy WRI 36:32-46 159. (MA 150) (Electromagnetic prospecting) r!~L- 4. !'o KAMPMETSKIY. F.M.;KOVALICNXO, V,Y.;Y#KUBOVSKIYI YU. V. Two-frequency induction electric logging. 47. -ri-s. ucheb. zaT.; geol. i razv~; 2 no.7:99-107 J1 159 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy inatitut im. S. Ordzhonikidze. Ollectric prospecting) YAKMVSKIT Tu.V.; KAIJMN, A.A.; OvIaMiKO, Y.F. Possibility of using the !induction constant electromag4 natic field method in prospecting for highly conductive ore bodies. Isv.vyo.ucheb.zav.; geol.i razy. no.3: 119-128 My 060. (MIRA 1327) 1. Xoskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut im, B.Ordshonikidze. (Ilectrio prospecting) YAKUBOVSKIY Yu V Preaeat st.Uus of and trends in the development of low-frequenc7 induction methods in electric proapecting, Izv.vyo.ucheb,zav,I gaol. i_razv. 4 no.8:100-105 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Moskovakiy geologorazvedochnyy institut imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. (Electric prospecting) YAKUBOVSKIY, Yuriy Vladimiio-,rich; BQHU,~)*I~f(], T. I., rod.lzd-va, 6 (Inductive methods of electric prospeoting) Induktivnye metody elektrox-azvodki. Moskva, Gosgooltekbizdat, 1963~ 210 p. (Electric prospecting) (MIRA 16jlO) YAKUBOVSKIYY Y11.V.p ddktor tekhn. nauk Answer to N.P. Iffier Is article "Tension of the thread In a c8ntov:4r motion." Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. leg. prom. no.5.-170-176 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut, TARKHOV, A.G.; XAKUBOVSKIY, YU.V. Review of V. Fritsch's book "E2ectrical measurements in large conductors as used in applied terrestrial electricity work." Izv, vys, ucheb, zftv.1 geol. i razv, 6 no.9tl49-150 S 163. (MIRA 17tio) 1. Mookovskiy geologorazvedochnyy inotitut im. S.Ordzhonikidze. ~1. 'IA.TiKFCIV, A.G., Prof-, ZU111- C)L'J- ALII L.. , prof., otv- red.; red.- YAKUBOIL-KlY, YU.V.j clloto.~ zall. 0tv. I [Transactions of LhF, 1~11-Unicjn InLemailvernity Confovonce (,n hithictive Illothoda roi- 61-0 Gool'tryric.11 Trildly ll.ezhvuzovskol nau2hnoi konferants-li I)o ivj!0.ti-.riiym motodam rudnoi geofiziki. Yookva. lzd-,,,o I'lledra," 1964. 23,3 p. (MIRA 37:7) 1. Vnesoyumaya Tnezlviuv.-vokaya nalachmaya konfertn.tslya I.,, induktivrrjiT; motodwi, rqidn(rj geofizil6y 1961. 2. Moskovskiy geologoranedochryy Inntitut im. S. Ord zhoni'Kid ze (fur Tarkhov). YAKUBOVSKIY).,Yur~L_VlgLAjp,t_rqyj,cb; LYAKHOV, Lev L'vovich; BLOKH, I.M.1kand, i~khn, nail:, retsenzent; BOGAGREVA, N.G., ved. red. (Electric prospecting] Elektrorazvedka. Izde~ep perer, i dop. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 417 p. (MIU 17:11) YAKUBOVSKI:Y-LIPSKIY, Yu. Radio astronomy in navigation. Mor. flot 16 no.12:13-15 (MLRA 10:2) D 056. (Naiatical astronomy) -R-K-qTis-utrmua.yv-yu,,-Inzh.-kapitan vtorogo ranga Expected distance of-the-uptical visibility of beacon lights, notual atmospheric transparence coefficients and their determination. Mor.flot 23 no.WO-21 F 163. (MIU 1W) (Beacons) (Atmospheric transparency) YAKOSON, A.Kos professor (Voronezh) reactions. Yest.derm. I van. 31 no.1, 37-43 Ja-T 157. (MLRA 10:7) (WASSMUNN REACTION false-positive$ review) jT_ -7 ' I M-E-DICk-Sea - 13 -Val -13[2- - Dermatology Feb 59 687. CONTAGIOUS KERATOSIS FOLLICULAMS (Russian text) - Y a kub a on A I. K. and D a t k i n a K. 1. - VE-STN. DERM. VENER. 1958, 'Y2TT_(74_-28Y- 11 us._4 The at.thorn observed 3 families, all members of which suffered from keratools follicularis contagiona. Apart from the family members, the rash also appeared in two women who had had contact with the diseased children. The authors suggest that thin disease In a contagious one. The rush disappeared, leaving slightly de. preened scars. in 4 to 8 months' time following treatment with ketatol tic oint- ments and administration of vitamin A. Kraus Itragec Krdlovd Af ,A BDIJ9 'R milritinsk), ANT0111YIN. A.A., knnd.~.nd.nAu~. "Floetrffl- MSTO, ~Serd ~ na,-Donu) BRZ't[F,.,;YTY, V.Ch. (Tikhvin, LPn!nPTAdCkaYS ObIPG05 GRZMUI, ZX., rrcf. (Cher-,cvitsy), IVACV. nrof. KAZAROV, V.I., dotf. (Stavronoll nn Kavkn7.e), (NookwO, ToIr"UM, II.A.. prof. (Rostov-na-Donu), KAK.';I"ksW, dntp. (Roat ov-nr -Donn). YAYII, It. 1,. . ka,%e. ved. nriuk. (CstrAtOT) KHRIST111. L.T. prof. (StsnisInv). YJQI!,jd'~ P-nl*. (Novonibirsk), LrS111KOV, YO.P.. assistent (11ovoisibirsk) Problems or teAching dermAtGvenerojopy in medicAl institutee. Vast. dam. i van, 37 no#3.'('A~69 158 (HIPA 11:7) (I)RIJI.A.TOLOY, adue. in Puesin (Rug)) (SYFTIILO!I_'rrT, educ. in Ruleja (RUFM __TA~UBSONj ; SHERMAN, S.M. K, Treatment of lupus erythematous irith bigumal. Sov. med. 25 no.U: 144-146 N 61. (MIRA 15:5) L Iz kliniki kozhnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.K.Yakubson) Now- sibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta I gorodskogo venerologichoskogo dispansera ( lavnyy vrach N.I.Sukhareva). MPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS) (PALUDRINE) YAKUBSONJ A. K.; YUDKINA, L. N. 7 --------------- '44 Local treatment of alopecia areata and totalis with cortic0steroid preparations. Vest. dorm. i ven. no.4:39-43 '62- (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz klinW kozhnykh i venericheskikh bOlezney (zav -,'Prof. A. K. Yakubson) Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo institut; (dir. - zasluzhenyy deyatel' nauki prof. G. D. Zalesskiy) (BALDNWS) (ADRENOCORTICAL HORMONES) YAKUBSONY A.K., prof.; SAMARINAv Z.H. (Novosibirsk) Clinical aspects of e=dative erythema multifome (Stevens-Johnson syn&-ow). Klin. med. 41 no.6:22-27 Je 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1, Iz kliniki kozhnykh i venericheakikh bolezney (zav. prof. A.K* Yakubson) Novosibirskogo meditainakogo insti- tuta. "'M "E'l. YAKUBSON, A.K.; SAVINIKH, IT.K. Late results in the treatment of syphilis. Test. derm. i von. 37 no.805-42 Ag'63 (MIRIL 17W 1. Klinika kozbn7kh i venericheakikh bolezne-y ( zav. - kafedroy prof. A.K. Yakubson) Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta i flovosibirokiy gorodakoy venerologioheokiy diopanner (glavnyy vrach A.M. lzmaylova). JAKU.BSO,f~ .~.K.j prof.; LEISNIKOV, Ye.P., doLnent flews. Vetit. derm. i ven. 38 no.7:81-86 JI 164. OFIR-t 12:4) 1. Predsedatell pravleniya Ilovosibirskogo dermato-venerologi- cheakogo obshcheitva (for Ynkubnon). 2. Otvot.,itvonnyy vekretarl ravleniya Novosibirskogo dermato-venorologichoBkogo obolichestva or Lesnikov). G t AMITINP A.V.; YAKUFBONp A.M. Determination of the entrainment of fine-grained material from a fluidized bed. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. 5 no.12:91,93 D 162. (KIRA 16:2) 1. Institut organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley, Moskva. (Fluidization) Aneurysm of A brAnch of the rennI Artery. UrologilA, 11 no.1:62-63 Jn-F '58. (tirRA 11:1) 1. Iz urologicheekogo otdolentya (znv.-nrof. L.I.Dunayevnkty) 6-y Gorodskoy klinicheakoy bol'nitay, Moskva. (XMNEYS, blood sunply aneurysm of branch of renal artery) (ANHURTSM, case reports of branch of renal artery) YAKUBSON, B.S.,(Mookva) Diagnosis of cancer of the prostate; survey of foreign literst=re. Urologiia 24 no-5:67-72 S-0 '59. (VIRA 12:12) (PROSTATE neoplasms) g I'M YAKMOIT, B-S- Acute liver dystrophy in the treatment of prostate cancer with synestrol. Urologiia no*6:66-67 160* (MMA 15:5) 1. 1z urologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - prof. L.I. Dunayevskiy) 6-y Moskovskoy k1iLicheskoy bollnitsy. (FROSTATE-CMICER) (PHEEOSL) (LIVER-DISEASES) GOLIGORSKIY, S.D.; PYTELI, A.Ya.; SHISHOV, I.F.; DZIIIVAD-ZADE, M.D.; A nl-BSON B.S.; YAZIEGUR, F-H- RYABIZISKIY, V.S.; 1EBEL' y M.Ye.; - Reports. Urologiia 25 no.lt83-93 Ja-rl '60, (MIRA 15.6) (UROLOGY-ABSTROTS) YAKUBSON, Be So- - --------- Tranarectal biopa7 of the pro3Ute an a method for the earI7 diagnosio of prostatic cancer. Urologiia no*61.34-38 16:L. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz urologicheskogo otdoloniya (zav. - prof. L. I. Dunayevskiy) 6-y Moskovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy. (PROSTATE GLAND-CANCER) (BIOPSY) a p g "A g" Av~ f 5 U0 -14 -11R -N T, !um t (AV,Ub-'~-0W, 1. 3EL'FOD, YA. S. I YAKMIi, !3. G. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Dynamos r generators and transfor7mrs. R-3b. energ. 29 no. 2l 1952. 7. New protective sbhemes fo ~ 9. ~2~nthhly List of RussiAn Accessions, Librar-j of Congress, February 1953. Unclassifidl. GAYEVENKOI Yuriy Aleksandrovich,, inzh.,LEVIUSH, A.L. inzho, retsenzent; -YAKUBSONI G G reteenzent; SAVCHENKO, L.Ya., inzh., red. izd- va; STARODUB, T.A., tekhn. red. (New transistorized protection relays]Novya rele zashchity na pol.uprovodnikakh. Kiev, Gostekhizdat USSR, 1962. 210 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Electric zelays) (Electric protection) USSR/Ifurnn mid Anirml Pliyoiology - Intornzil Secretion. T The Thyroid Abo Jour Ref Zhur Diol., NO 31 1959) 12963 Auth3r Ya'?.::)bzoii., I.A. Inut 't'i Title Atypical Goitre Oria Pub Mravookhrancuiyo, (Kishillev)) 1958) m 3, 47 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 YAKUBSOII, K.I.1 GUBERKAN, Sh.A. 4xperimental investigation of space and energy distribution of neutrons on a stratum model. Trudy MINUiGP no-31:81-99 16o. (Radioactive prospecting) (HIRA 13:11) F~IIASE I BOOK F-IPLOITATIO:,, Soll/5592 vnedrenl'YU radioa!tt'_'-'nY',1-h lzoto;07 I Vse3oyuznoyC Bov,shchaniye Po dnom k~zzyayo tve SSSR. RiCa, 1960, yadeInyWh iziucheniY v naro nyye izlucheniya v narodnrm_ 16 'atopy J yador RadioaktivnYYe 12 OuzIOFo soveshchaniya 12 khozyaystvO SSSR; trudy V30 4 tomakh. t. 4-' Polski, razvedAa g. Riga, v topes and relya 1960 g a; ;leznYkh jsi,,opay,wykh (Radioactive 110 I razrabotka p lon in the National Economy of the USSR; Tran- Nuclear Radiat- oactiona on the symposium Held In Riga April 12 - 16, 1960,in 4 volumea. V. 4- FrospectingSurveyln~,- and Mnin of Min- oral Dopozits) moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 19-61. 2N P. 3,640 copies printed. vennyy nauchno-tekhnichenkly-komitet Sponsoring Agenc~. GosudarBt Soveta 1,111niBtrov SSSR. G0audarstverrnyY komitet Sovota!jAlni3trov 333R p0 ispo'-'Izovaniyu atomnoy energii Edo (Title page): 11. A. Petrov, L. 1. Petrenkoj and P. 3. Savitskly; ;d. of this volume- 14. A. Speran3kiy; Scientific ed.% M. A. speranakiy; Eyocutive Eds.: N. N. Yuz'mIna and A. 0. lonell; card 1/11 _ .1 44 SOV/5592 Radioactive ISO Itcpes an6 1juclear (Cont.) A. S. pololina. Tech. ja intended for ongincer, and, tPchnicta" F applicatien Of I-JRPOS The boolp nvolved in the _problems I dealing with th- Opea and nuclear radiation. joactive iEot v- s. -1: r a r. rad 35 articles 1. Vol. 4 of ilection of :renc, of the Intro:11Ct--on rr COVFnAGF,-. This cc c,~ t~,o Ali-Union Conre - in t~.e Natl~-31 2c`nCny pc~a and I.,uclear Rcactlon3 ar. tv-~i-.n)rf tive. 1,30tol led bv thP r e was cal o-p (3tal.e a of the USSR. The CooCerenc i n i E; t V OV ktcheskjy kornitct SOvet '%' ounrj I o,- nauchno-tekhr ical Co=.nitrce of the C, (Itate PlaT.nlng .1, r_oa .'an scientific-Techn. U.,:25, the USSR), AcF-deMY Of S'~'t'nr: ~ t 2." _11 of min'--,terr. 0t,,nat zalr3il 1 Cc Ittcc of the Coun~ n,,r,,'kc,,,!tPt Scvota '~41niltrov SSSR po a,c of 1,11nilter3 of thq n stroycni~ru (Itate a of the COU Lan t e Ccuncii 0" Colrmittc!' hino Build t In aO USUR for Automation and M The re zum"narized in th;3 Po 11111niaters or 1~he Latvian SSR. Ospects, and publicatiOn'deal with the advantagesp Card 2/11 Radioactive lootopc2 zmd Nuclear (Cont.) developmont of radioactive methoda uzed In procpecting, Bur- veylng, and mining of oron, Indivldunl reporta prenent the reoulto of the lataut oolontiflo rom.-arch on the dovolopmf~nt and improvement of the theory, mothodoloa, and Lechriology of radiometric inventigation3. Application of radioactive mothod:! in the field of angincerinG geology, hydrology, and the con- trol of ore enrichment proce3zes.1a analyzed. No p,:-rnonal1t1e!! are mantiomd. There are no references. TABIX OF CONTMITS: Alckneyev, F. A. Preaent State and Nture Proapect'a of Applying the Method3 of Nuclear Geophysie3 in Pro3pecting, Surveying, and I-114ning of 1,11knorala Bulaahovich, Yu. P.,,G. M. Voskoboynikov, and L. V. Mluzyukin. Neutron and Gamma-Ray LoggIng at Ore and Coal Depo3its Gordeyev, Yu. I., A. A. Mullkher,and D. M. Srebrodollakly. The Card'3/11 ~,p Radioactive 13otcpea and Nuclear (Cont.) SOV/5592 rroblema 133 Zolotov, A. V. Critical Dimensions or an Artificial Bad for the Simulation of Radioactive Methods of Borehole Invoiti- gation 139 Soltolov, M. M., A. P. Och1cur, A. A. Vedorov, A. lAi. Boll4hakov. and P. F. Kh1tev. Application of the 1,11athed of Scattered Gat"ma Padlation ror the Investigation of Ore Holes Mr,zhiborskaya, lCh. B. radioactivation (Photonoutron) Ntethol for Determining Beryllium 154 Yalcub:son, K. I. On the Possibility of Activation by Fast ire-u-t-r-o-n-a-75TE-:r Bcreholo Conditions 157 Sen1ko, A. K. Photoncutron Method of Prospecting, Exploration, and Sampling of Beryllium Ore3 .163 Abdullayev, A. A., Ye. M. Lobanov, A. P. Novikov, and A. A. Card 7/11 NEDOSTUPt G.A; YAKUBSONS K.I. and nickel ore IRadiation measurement of holes In copper 163. (mim 16:8) deposits. Geofiz. razved. no.11:90-106 (Radioactive prospecting) IAKUBSONP K.I. - - - I tion of fast Study of the activity of rocks Induced by the a4 neutrons. Trudy IaXKHiGP no.41s189-208 163. (KCRA 16:10) FAMM, E.A.; YAKUBSONI-,-"Z.; KASPERSKIY, Yu.B.., otv. red.; DF.GTYAAEEV-k, V., red.; KAPITSA, V., teklm. red. [Angina pectoris and myocardial infarction- a bibliographical index of Soviet literaturei Grudnaia zhaba i infarkt miokarda; bibliograficheskii ukazatell otechestvemoi literatury. Pt.l. (1954-1959 gg.). 1961. 83 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kishinev. Respublikanskaya nauchno-.meditsinskaya biblioteka. 2. Direktor Respublikanskoy nauchno- meditsinskoy biblioteki, Kishinev Moldavskaya SSR (for Kasperskiy). YAK"SON, S-, '--, use. Bi-al.nauch.inforn.; &Urud i zar. Address nachins and its (MIRA 12:5) pi,ata no.2:?5-31 '59- (Office equipment and SUPPli00) YAKIJB5011, S. - ~.- ! Practice In the use of horizontal ep-rds. Biul-nauch- inform: trud I zar.plata 3 no.2:25-31 '60- (mim 13:6) (Card system in business) YAKUBSON, S.B. W.4 ..... Technological possibilities of machining pini0yip-shaped cutters by shaving..Stan. i instr.34 no.9:5-6 S 163. (MIRA 16:11) yAKUBMOVP S.I.) kand.3,511skokhoz. nauk Effectiveness of herbicides in monoculture of corn. Zemledelie 25 no.9:71-73 S 163 - (14111A 16:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut zaahchity ras- teniy. (Corn (Maize)) (Triazine)