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YAIII91MVSVIY D. YE, I I Yanishevskiy, D. Ye. and, rervukhina, It. V. iSome data on morphological characteristics of umbel-late, arid, indigenous plants,R Trudy Bohan. in-ta im. Korarova, Mcsperim. botani:xa, Issue 6, 1948, p. 242-74 - Bibliogs 30 items SOt U-3264v 10 Avri3- 53p (Letopis tZhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 4, 19/+9). Y-Amismaly, P. 1. C-0 C, ff." ";:r 25278 YANISHEVSKIY, F. 1. oprovy 0 locnichookom Poliverozite, Sboralk Trudo7gospit# Mlrurg. Klinit (Pervyy Mook. Red. In-T) R- 1949, 3- 327-35 SOt Letopiel No- 34, 1949 PETERBURGSKU, A.V., doktor sel'skokhoz. nauk.,, prof.1 YANISHEV.SKIY., F.Y., kant', sellokokhoz. nauk Forms of potassium In soils fertilized over a period of many years. Izv. TSKHA no.6:113-.124 163. (MIRA .17:8) PXTJRBURGSKIT, A.Y., prof. Joktor sellskokhoz. nauk;YANISELEVSKIY, F.Y., aspirant Investigating the behavior of potassium in turf-Podzolic eandy loamg subject to long-term fertilizer usegi, continuous fallow and rye and potato monocultures. Izv. TSKhA no.5:75-94 159 (KIU 13:3) (Potassium) (Field crops--Fertilizers and manures) PErERBMSKIYJ A.V,, doktor eallskokhozyaystvenTlykh nauk, prof.; ,YA]TISM17SKIT, YoVo, aspirant leaching of potassium from the arable layer [with summery in Bnglishj Isv, TMChA no*4:82-87 '60e Mu 1301) i3oile-Potaxel= content) (Taachlug) :r,.-F. V., kand. sell skokhozyaystvanny-A nauk; KLEVKE, V. A. Technology of liquid nitropn and complex fertihzers and effectiveness of their use in agriculture. Zhur. VKSG 7 no.5: 534-542 '62. (MIRA 15:10) (Ferti3izers and manurea) YANISHEVSKIY, F.V. Effect of gibbere3-lin on nitrogen netaboliom of hamp (Cannabis sativa. L.) Fiziol. rast. 8 no.6:658-%2 161. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Scientific Research Fertilizer and Pesticide Lmtitute, Moscow. (Hemp) (Gibbe~-ellins) YANISHEEMIY I F.V. "A Change in the For7ris of Potasslun In Sandy-loaM And 3od-14dzolic Soil where Fertilizers have been Used for Many Years." diesertation. for Vie degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (awarded Ipj the Timirjazov Agricultural Acadmyp 1962) (Izvest'iya T!L-Tdry&zev9koy Sellskakhotyaystvennoy Akadendis Moscows No, 20 19632 pp -132-236) LITVINOV, M.A., kand. tekhn. nauk;,_YANISHEVSKIY,F.V.,, kand. sell- khoz. neuk; TIKHOIICffUK, Yu.N., kand. ekon. nauk; ChOU11KOV, B.P.., inzh.; DOGDPliOV, V.M., inzh.; CHICHEVA, L.I., red. [Mechanization of the placement of mineral fertilizers] Me- khanizatsiia vneseniia mineralinykh udobrenii. 14ookva, Kolos, 1965. 173 p. (FLIRA 18:5) YANISHEVSKIt. N., geniral-mayor voysk svyazil- SHMATOVICH, E., polkovnik Amateur radio competitiona in the armed forces. Voen. vest. 42 no.6slOO-102 Je 162. (MLRA 15:6) (Radio, Military) PRIYEMCHENKO,'Ao,.-polkovnik; JKOVALEV, A., polkovnik; YANISIIEVSKIY,, fl,genaral-mayor v(rjok avyazi Now problems and obsolete methods. Voen. vest. 42 no.ll:: 60-62 N t62. (KIRA 16:10) (Military educations) YLNISHEVSKIY, - -------------, I ~ Planned utilization of water, Trudy TIIIHSKH rio.8:54-69 157a (Irrigation) I (MMA 15:5) ALAMPIYEV, P.M.; VOLT, M.B.; ZHIRMUNSKIY, M.M.; KIAJPTP V.S.; KONSTANTINOVj O.A.; MILEYKOVSKIY, A.G.; SEMKVSKIY, B.N.; FZYGIN, Ya.G.; SHISHKIN, N.I.; YANITSKIY-U-X~&- In reference to IU.G.Saushkin's reply. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. gaog. no.3%156,-158 My-Je 163. (KIRA 16:8) (Geography, Economic) B. T. EL Na~lcl anr- rul --wau POLISHCHUIK, :,.K.; DZYUEENKO., V.Ye. [Dziubenko, V-IE-];.XAIiISHMKIY-I.S'V' (T.Anishevstkyi,, S.V.] Effect of various conditions of nutrition on differences in the chemical composition of adult actively photosynthetizing, nut tree leaves. VisnyX Ifyiv-. un. nos P. Ser. biol no.2:38--45161. 4 WRA 16:6) (PIAITS--MABOLISM) (KIRGH:EZISTAN-VAIMT-FERTILIZM AIID MkMX!S) 'YANISHEVSKIYp V.I. (Moskva, 1-90, 3m-ya Meshchanskaya ul., d.221 kv.7) Late results of interstitial therapy for breast cancer. Vop. orik. 5 no.11048-552 159. (KM 24:7) 1. Iz Gdoudarstvennogo onkologicheskogo inatituta imeni P.A.Gertsen'a (dir. - prof. A.N.Novikov, nauchuyy xukov6ditall - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.I.Savits%), Moskva. (BWAST-GANCER (RADIU14--THERAPEUTIC USE) --~,A-f- - LMOSHCHMO., T,G,; YANISHEVSKIY9 V.I.; NMlYRYAj A.N- Experience in the treatment of cancer of the breast from data Of the Gertsen oncological 'Institute* Xhlrurglis. ~6 noo8zl:L--20 Ag (MIRA 13211) 1. Tz Gosudarstvannogo onkologichookogo instituta imenj PeAe Gertsena, (dir. - prof. AJe Wovikov) nalichnyy rukovoditoll - deyvtvltelln~7 chlen AMN SSSR zaeluzhemny dayatell nauki prof. M, Savitskip. (BRF,AST-ZANCER) AUTHOR: Yanishovskiy, V. M. 72-58-5-15/18 TITLE: The Glass Induatry of China (Stekoltnaya p)omynhlenriont' Kitaya) PERIODICAL: Steklo i Keramika, 1958,Nr 150 pp 44-46 .(U=) ABSTRACT; There exist at present 08 enterprinoi3 of glass induotry in the People's Republic ofChina; the four greatest pro- ducing shoat glass are under the control of the Indu3trial Ministry for Building Materials. The rest of thomare controlled by the Ministry~for LiGht Industry or by local municipal industrial mana,~ement. The assortment of pro- ducts is highly; varied;, The Dairen factory produces first- -quality every-day products. At the town of . ~,Dairea there in also one of the greatest glass fictories of China which pro- duced with 9 furnaces with vertical pull 11,4oo thousand m2 of sheet glass in 1956. In th town of Shenypxg,beer bottles, chemical glassware and other.A+-.,% produced besides sheet glass. At the - i anff Pekihg glass factor~,es container glass, medical glass, laboratory glass, signal glasn, glass for Card 1/3 electric illumination and colored glans are produced. In The Glass Industry of China 72- 58-5-15/18 ShankhaY 53 enterprises produce thermos bottles or parts ofthem. Chleng Wei-YJA& -,- Engineer in Shanghai,,, produces fine glass fibers'with his simple equipmentp from which glase cloth, ropes and other/itWA produced. China has only few suitable - k. , sands for glass production but it has Great deposits of sandstone and quartzite wh--h are used successfully. Depo- sits of limestone and dolomite are- Akbundant'. in China as well as high-quality calcite. and magnesite . There are deposits of feldspar to be found in the aebey and Lyaonin provinces. The quality of the raw materials can be seenju- table 1. Coal is mostly used as fuel. Refractories are produced in small amounts at the glass factories; this is only done to meet domestic ulemands. They are bought from special factories,5 of which are in Shankhay. At the III-fon" -factory in Shanghai a laboratory for ceramics was built. Some sorts of clay serve as raw material for refractories; the quality of this raw, material can be seen on table 2. Refractories produced for the building and the repair work qf aeb-furnaces are mainly AV 'A I For the production produced by the Matozyagoui _Tj M= ' - I teg, Card 2/3 of Dinas,quatzites of the ".P*Ashan eposit ~ near the town The Glass Industry of China 72-58-5-15/18 Tyanahan' are used. Atoyxooent Chincie specialists try hr~rd to improve the quality refractories. The Scientific Research Institute for Building Materials in Pekirg had first success with mullite products. The Rrd five-year plan provides for the production of 150 million m~ of sheet glass per year. There are 2 tables. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1, Glass--Production 2. Glass--China Card 3/3 TAXISHEVEKIr. Y.K.,,,ZHUKOYSUTA, Te.A.; RE23IK, N.P. Contactors for glasses with carrent-conducting film* Stek. ker. 17 no*8:25-26 Ac 160m (KIRA 13:8) (Glass) (Electric contactors) RauMEVAP [translator]; BRAyNnI7 ye.j. (translator); YA1115MUK-313- -". -inzb.$ red.; SOKOVSKU I I.F., red.izd-va; GOLIBERG9 T.M.9 q;~9-.'red. [Glass in construction] 'Steklo V strOitel'stV8; sbornik statei- Pod red. VoM.Unishevskogo, Moskva, Gosqizd-Vo lit-rY PO strOit*9 arkhit. i stroito'materialamp 1961, 175 p, Translated from tbS Czecb. (Glass construction) (MIU 34:6) 4 3 755 4 5/08 62/000/023/067/120 BIBOYD144 AUTHORi yaniahvvokiyj V. M. TITLEs Cortain propertiou of silicate glasses of the Na2O-S.iO 2-14b2 05system PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 23, 1962, 496, abotract 23K449 (Steklo. Byul. Goo. m.-i. in-ta otakla, no. 4 (113), 1961, 34-44) T8XT: It is shown that fib 2or is very valuable 'in the production of ihduntrial glass. Small Nb 0' additions increase chemical stability and '4 2 5 7 he~at resistance ot the,rlaL,3 improve proceGaing prG~erttes, and raise the refractive index. FAbsturacter's notet Complete translation) ard i/1 i-Q WH Flyp a 269 U11 al 014 1011poll UX: SOURCE: Ref.. zh. Ahimiya,, Abs. 14KU6 AUTHOR! Yanisheys!!Ly,,-Tog!~ TITIE:1 :Investigating certain properties of glass of the M2-S102-Nb2PS system ~Cl= SOUBCE: Sb. Stekloobrazn.. aostoyaniye. To 3- VyP- 4. Minsk, 3.964, 76-82 TOPIC TAGS: glass,, glass property, heat resistant glass, zirconium, nibbium TRAMIATION: This system contains a whole series of glass compositions having a 'slight tendency to crystallization. With a. s light addition Of Nb2405 a Glass of high chemical resistance cAn be obtained. it was established that M205 lowers the ex- pansion coefficient of silicate glasses. The partial number of Nb205 thermal ex- pansion in the studied glass is minus 220. The addition of Nb:205 to glass increases considerably its softening temperature (Tg). This temperature is in direct propor- tion to the oxygen potential of -the glass., The effect of Nb2P5 on the iphysicochemi- -cal properties of glass is expressed more strongly than that exhibited by ZX02- Author's summary -SUB CODE; 07 ]EVELISONO M.I.; NIKITIN, A.I~; YAVISAIIEVSM, V.V.; BOM, G.G.; KU2ZM-7SOV, 11.1.1- RUEOVA) I.A.; Oi~~h' r;-T. ; MITSMIN) 1. A.; KMATIMNA, Y?-.'1 MIMOVA, V.V.,- TUROBOVA, V.I.; CIBROEYEVA) Ye.M.; KOSIOMINI 14.V. Development of highly efficient vantilator models ORGIM operating according to a 0.6G-1610 system for electric power plants. Prom. onerg. 18 no.7:8-9 J1 163. (MRA 16:9) (Electric power plants-Electric equipment) (Fans, Slectric) -W V 1W 1W WW w 0 00 0400000*0 0'000-** so 009000040 Irs I v OT loll 133311-16% v 0 If a - 11 4) 4; 44 - 0%t 04 AOT 0 " lei 1.0teriff son A;W #I. te.sts P. &#V4101 Aul"s i ifA 001 compowTiox or TRIPOU Of KALUGA DISTRICf. tJS.%R. Tra-11. 1xiL R(ow. MiNtNt. Ald. No. 42, 3240 &0 (IMIM.-The diatornaccous eath of Kislup distrkt, which is mined In the iltuntity of 100 to,120 tms monthly.: 019 lor I when moistened. is a =k UUM Oil dark gray co .1 The cotaLwaition of 3 v 00 ! sumpl" was sicq .9m on 75.60 to #870 rKh 027 to 0. AWh OAT to 10.57. Fri% 3.15 t~ IN, CA6 O.M to Uk% MxO 1.40 to L"M i roo KsO 0-M to 0.79. N4.0 O-2T to 0.64, 50a 0. 11 UP 0." .9:- too on Itinit6n 4,41 to 41#111~. too IF 00 00 WOO 00- r *0 If 00 0 OWIPP Ifoalt all not a n it q- 4t qj 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000-0000000*0*0- W- We Va al 4 0,41 e 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 4 * 0 4 e 0 0 6 0 *all 1 0 it it Q to ad a 4 t? 9 a V a 34 a Jai V a x A L a p A N A A.L A 0 a - 111 11 V III jw a is V a 0 A A . 1 at 0 a 41 1:0 8 AL-L. L " ~- oo A , , a .Ctg '.11 0, - 7 as The Sulapinalta-val faraid-vauladium dopmall In Kasalks(RIM 00 190 l G 4 t( , . . S. N,-JoV. Nrieti AArb, Afixem 00 9 Referate 2. Mr-1 O-An2ly." of V and M411 Orr- sic 00 given. .1irflaim-, 00 00 0* 1 see 00 .3 " I zoo 60 4 Id S 0 0 '1 1 I zoo If .00 A 541 - S 1. AMITALLIORGICAl. LITIOATWE CkASIFICA1100 flow U IN Alf 00 1 T "IV R onw wootowdoltoll rtact it: f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 be 0 t:0 0 tie a C:f 9 Sal Joe 1;111A& Salado 0197MON13,13 4 3 1 q A Ot 1 1. f 10 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 as 6 0 04 0 0 # 0 a 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 k, 0 ama 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A I I I IT It to u w IS 16 u a a 31 n is v x JV a a is a Ad a b ff 2 1 R 011CO111111S .016 'A The joigt accurr"c4 at toWybdoaum 0.8 d va"dium III 00 the OxIdIS04 Sme of an do A CA4. 00 misw4f. 604.. ks-ivols, It. 1913, IN t K.11 004 -'rp- I'l.sall a tt$,Iy m- bi No. C'mctutirs Ow hits I% a reft. I'milas v t,assiiturm of time , Itakmopyritr set-. ind v i. 411 If hr rin-ut-asnit l i r4me m it Or osld whia-Is iu-wmis vatiml4thr and rotv,Wbov Its, %t,- i~ 00 *0 a a 0 A) Ar a a 0 "-f-c-L-L "VII101 .00 00 7 see CIALLUIGICAL UffsaysAt CLASSWICAffoo Go's Go b u AV to a '09 0 04 It eel 0 s .10 *0 we as .0 99 0 0 096 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 4 0 0:1-0 44-4-6 -0 0 &1* a onto 1 1 4 1 6 1 , a 11 Q to w Ill 16 u 4 " 1 11 a a at a a v x 10 0 it u a III u a x a 41 u 1) a OF* -0 Q. I I L_. 0 A -A A_L_ AA ft. CC (0 U c. I 1 6 A!** A, 4.0 F C.2 .01 01 ( : .4 0 This b*Mviw 4 IFt,- I go j I , C--- Z AAAramma .7 MR I f42,3.-Fnxa sludkol'al Me a Mite, !-Oe nt the - D. edwhufm dist biumthiodle (K&M-7 g: '911 in %at- -ts. mm. sow rmso.h. 7bor say. h in. Its c c all if 2"ed by, lios VI`o- Of chlikxWrile slid lonualitp. so fill' ""fAISM1160411 lb"r b no Nvandarymu-n. of Ili. al,m cantg. H,90. anti jrr.(�Oj, 46NAve 111.9, but th~ Immeolmil* rftk"Attd 44 bsmk jo,1111 with out miltire- Mee =00 J lie zoo too moo 0711 tie too - -' - _' 0 11$ 11 A ~00 or 'A L I I or IPI 13 it a 3 So I u It IF PC H of it it 99 It aIt 11 SAW 4 1 114 It it It 61; On 0" 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4g 0 0 0 0 f 9 0 0 Teel' 0 0 0 0 10 0 e ee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0-0-0:9 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *~:*00041*0004*41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 w if tj 11 14 it to if of It It a a At .1 .4 ZP a It f; it Al I, 1. 0 IN P, 91 It ILI #1 44 1; 00 A 1, C-,& I I -L --A - a P It I I u t- I AA 66 Q w 1, 00 t1wnrals of the wulfenites of %outhern tMetwila I wrp -60 of Tadibibistats). R M. Vans.hevAil diul V G R#Pfill 0 TIAV.0. linglo.h. M-41 lotle covisillins pylite, line blende mt frfmsl the Smund water, ohms thr net life III-I Sl)lktt 11-4 XAVIF fil %I Angiclite, Which In the miditell to Hie WAI clmvrltnl III m%mite, 6.1,1 then 1,6 wulf,tsitv- SmAll alill- 4-( V WbilestirposmAsygArn. tie. zinc blende art.1 rhalcopyritr ate fire fr-mn.%Io stul V, U'llar "(I.Kh go 19 a !.40 s,0 ~Oolllcr' too go INI V- jog U AV -0 it! IV "It A ,w 0 1 W 04 1.) At 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 41 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 e : a 6 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 r 0 0 * * 0 0 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 4 0 j 4 ?1 11111ital MISM 1), to of ajin nion Jsfix)o ivill vu mis 14 L, Xiom it ou war.* I A L A A-1-- a-11- $-,1- IL. I I I I M- NAM-WIS I s d. _, f A j -09 00 v C*Pp,~bIgmvth d- to of Ad.... -00 1, 'roi -07NAW.'4 13,-' Will ee j rillishville jC111111NA)"s If 40411 goo *,a ~0016 W4141 t, ties ,~!ALLURrKAL.Lx1t,41 CLASSWICAVON wato a a 0 I u to 0 0 'o 0 0" 'e, "o o 0 0 00 0 a 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 o 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 goo** ei it a Setvice ()111 W r O (anks. V yj, Ir `ZMM M: 7 (1 ill , fill, hi h g pp to rill, jig -i A 0 I ON oil Th- 4 If, '. I j ,If IH I , I "; fill 'l 11 Ill " !:I, to I ~ Tllh . 1 or'. 1 j III, ~fw, I A,, :0.14 , r il l, j ; 1-1 '11, 21 f) !"I', III I , , , !1, 11 l I I fl 1 - III 11 1. 1 WD-lilly r rv L3 viliji., ill (11, VI'llf III It "I Ob 6% l't It t1.., 4;~ 01 V 14 WA I it 5 ILA 11191ALLUrmICAL LitERATtiPr 1:L'tsfFicAi;" a ~i Oil 1-11 v I at it T E-2- 4-le- 14 Jim 4 c"l-, ill d rp-Ip- 'at- in It -'~ 7-.-- ,-. M, -fW~Mtf IT,. q3~1110 I II" 1, 40 OW7,41FWW IJOKLMV. V.S.; yANISHVVSKIT Y N redaktor; OVOHINNIKOVA, S.V., radaktor isdatelfe-t~a-i-]$I(;;;i,~~ptakhnichaskiy radaktor [Geology of uranium deposits of capitalist countries) Gaologiia uranovykh mostorozhdanii kapitalisticheskikh stran. Noskya, Oos.' nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geologii i okhrane nedr, 1956. 2?l ps (KLRA 9:8) (Uranium) Vr KUMV, Vvachaslay Gavrilovich. ; FUKHALISKIT, Leonid Chasl&vich;JA&.&W.AIIT' _6 radaktor; SNMNOYAX-V-, redAitor izdatel'stv&; POPOV, TeA CK 'Geld'micheakiy redAktor. [~raniux prospecting] Foiski mastor02hdenii urana. Pod red, I.K; Unishevskogo. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-,vo lit-ry po geologii i okhrane nedr, 1957- 218 p. (MW 10:5) (uranium) (Prospecting) XANISHEVSKIY9 Ye. M. I EDNSTANTIMV, V.M. Effect of tectonic and lithological factors on the localization of hydrothermal urenium ores in the Zrzgebirge. Geol.rrA. mestorozh. ao.6s38.45 N-D 160* (14IRA 14:3) (Erzgebirge-Uranium ores) YANISHEVSKIY Ya.M.; GRIGORYAM, S.V.; BARANOV,.E.N.; vERrEPOV, G.I.; ------MMUKOV, A.D.; FEDOTOVA, A.I., red.:ixd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., takhn. red. [Endogenic dispersion holes of some hydrothermal deposits] Endogennye oreoly rasseianiia nekotorykh gidrotermalInykh mestorozhdenii. [By)E.M.IAnishevskii i dr. Moskva, Gos- geoltekhizdat, 1963. 121 p (MIRA 16:3) (Geochemical prospectini) (0r@ deposits) NONSTANTBWP V.K.; YANISHIVSKIY, Ye.M. Uidmg primary halos of dispersion for the estimation of the ore potential of disjunctive dislocations. Gool. rud. mastorozb. 5 no.2:126-3.27 -Mr-4 963. (MIRA 16: 6) Geochemioal rospeating) Ore dspenitJ ~ YANISHEVSKIY, Ye.m. Concerning H.I. Safronov's article "Theory of prl=a--7 dispersion halos." Sov. geol. 6 no.lOtI50-154 0 163. (MIRA 17:1) BEUS, A.A.; YANISIUI;VSKIY, YO-M- Some basic trends of investigatiOn in the field o4e applied geochemistry. Sov. geol. 7 n0-100-16 0 '64- (MIARA 17:11) 1. Geologo-gookhimicheskiy trest. ;,- 4,F SOCIIEVANOVt N.N.; KADLUKOVt A.D.; E.N.; JOGOMMOV, A.N.; 'V:'7?'rEPOV. G.I.; CRI'OtffAN, RAYOROVA, Yo.A.1- RAMIOVSKIY, N K.; TUILIN, V.N.; YAJUSIEVSKIY, TO.M.; SOLVIOVY A.P., red. [11sing dispersion halos and accomparVing clemen-ts in prosrxecting for hvdrothernal uranium deposits; methodological handbook] IspolIzovande oreolov rasseianiia urana i elementov- sputnikov pri poiskakh i razvedke gidroter-sallrqkh uranovykh mastorozlidenii; moLodichoskoo rnkovodstvo. Mo.-Awn, Nodra, 1964. 194 P. (RIM 17:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Goologicheskiy komitet. AU5002725 Doer. F"LOVATIai IV X-iblukav, A. Do,- Sochavanw, So if.: Baranor go No; Dqgolv~Lqv, A. No; Vertpy v.,, Go !.,- q:~I _,PqUnn, So Y.; Uayoroys. re. =qvgki7.-N. iq TqI I&, pa use or diffusion aureoles of urnni,xvil, associated elemontn In pro9pecting and ou%-~oying for hydrotbormal urAnIum doponitol mothodologio WAWA (Ispollso- vaniyo oroolov raosoyaniya urana i olemontoy-oputnikov pri poiskakh i razvedke gidrotemllnykh uranovykh mostororhdonly- metodicheskoyo rukoyodatvo) 11030ow, Izd-vo "Nedra", 1964. '194 p. illue., bibiio., -pp,nd. 2350 copies printed* (At head of title% Gosudarat'ronW goologicheakLy-komitat SESSR). Managing editors for tho publishlng houtoz F. No, QvAaakova; Tachnieal editors To go Shmakova; - Proofreader i A. 1. Sivakova TOPM TAGSz &oochomical proopocting, hydrothermal uranium depooit, primary uranium difLuei0n aureole, radlometric anumaly, secondary uranium diffusiou aureoles uranium ore deposit laws goer- FURPM AND COVER=& The purpose of this handbook Is to deserlbe the aing the distributim of uranius and associated.,q1emente in the Wigenouss rocks C.,dV3 UDCs 553.hg$1552.147k AU50OZ725 around hydrothermal uranium-oro bodies and In the river dopooits above them) to dcao=trat-a- the posaibility, the role, and the place of geochemical methods In oolving such problemal ard to describe the results of work cn tho deTelopmeat of I primary and secondary diffusion aureoles of uraniam and its associated el=aats. In addition to their own work, the authors used data from At 0, Votrow, H. A. Voroshilow V. S. Goliuacv, 01 D. Gorbunov, Mg-TRA-P-arl YAAAMOIAMLkPITI UUL ~V L. T. Uisffg.-Yo. A. Sizov, and otharov Meat of the spectral and lami- utenkor, - nascent anai7- a -Oro performed by L. F. Dav7d 1u&_T&_Pm" Do U. Telo"r,-- E. V. 1(ozolevakaya, and R, V, T1m9fe"va TAUU M CCUMIMi Foreword (A. F. Solovar) 3 Intpoduction - - 6 Ch. L Oro bodiew and primary aureoles of hydrothermal uranium deposits 9 Ch. IL Secondary aureoles: oW diffusion f2uxes - - 49 Ch. =1. Methodology and technique of f leld and laboratory renjearch* 78 Ch* -LV. Applicatiou at pochanical mthodw Ja prospecting for hlWea an bodi" U9 C" Ch. V. Utilization of associated elements is avaluating radiamotric anwalil* And uranium-ore manifestations 132 pocting campus 345 Ch. VI. Role of goochaLlc&l 00thodO JA thO Pro~ ConcInsion - 157 APPOndixo3 - 162 190 /01 nulou SUB C=2 08 /WU "as o9juVA /VIOT RZFsM YANTSIEVSKTY, Y11. D. Abe Pyrometer for Increased Sensitivity,11 B-.7ul-letin' nauk.Ohimn, Kon. (Bulletin sunnlied by the Actihometric C,ommittee), No 1, 191h. YANTSAVSKILYy Yil. "Sa.vinov's Electrothermal Actinometer of New Design,"'Works of Sci-Res Institution of the main Administration of the IP cal Service USSR, Series III,, No 1,, 1946 ydromateorolcgi (37-46,10 (14ateorologiya i Gidrologiyaj No 6 Nov/Dec 1947) so: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 1 -1- -1 1' ~ I , -1 ~ -.. --- --- X 1-11 YAN181W, VSX1Y.* Yu. D. iiSuitability of Micholsonla Actinometer of the KaUntin-Protnoov DesJ.Cn for a 11(itworks of Stations," Workii of Sci-Hes Institution of We I-lain Adirdnintration of the Hydro- rwtoorological Service USSR, Series III, No 1, 1946 (47-54). (14ateorologiya i Gidrologiyal No 6 Nov/Dec 1947) SO: U-32181 3 Apr 1953 YAIIISHEVSKIYs Yu. D. 1661'86 USSR/Meteorology Radiation, Solar Sep/Oct 48 Pyranometers "Concerning a Mistake in Measuring Scattered Radiation by a Pyranometer," Yu. D. Yanishevskiy *Meteorol i Gidrol" No 5) PP 93-95 Discusses error in pyranometer readings caused by plate (painted white in some pyranometers and black in others) supporting hemispherical glass dome. Recommends that in the future all pyranometers should have a screen with diameter 10% greater than that of the dome. This screen should be 5.7 screen diameters from thermocouple. Submitted 2 Jun 47. 166T86 I YAN I -'HLVgKl y,Yu. D. Yanishevskiyl y.. D. _ , Sav,novj its esign and a method 3 noncomi)ensat- F,.Vr,eone, 1h, 94 for its use" Trudy GlIne r- ~er; th 9) P, 73-83j - Bibliop av & perrecti., of J: 12 it' . gLlofiz. observatoril, Issue SO: U-4110, 17 July 53, (Letopis ems. 'Zhtirn&l tn-ykh Statey, no. 19, 19149). YANISHVSKIY, Yu. D. Yanishevskiy, Yu. D, - "A balance meter for registering radiation balance and effective.radiation", Trudy Glav. geofiz. observatorii, Issue 114) lqh~, P. 8h-88, - Bibliog; 11 item. SO: U-4110p 17 July 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal lhykh Statey, Nol.19, 1949). Y'401-" im- V-N FEWROV, Yeje., prof r.,ssor; PMTECHENSKIT, P.P.; BUCHINSKIT, I.Te.; SUJAWIM, G#Ts, pre,-fea3or; BOSHNO, L.V.; ALISOV, B.P.; BIRYUY,07, H.U.; GALITS07, A.P.; GRIGORITET, A.A., aimd6mlk; ZTGZNSON, X.S.. professor; MURETOV, N.S.; KMM07, S.P.; BOGDANOT, P.N.; LZHCM, A.B*: SCXOLOV, Y.N.; YANIS137SKIT. TuvDe; SAYOTUNK0, V.S..' USMA.- NOV, R.Y.; CHUBUX07, wANGEIZEYM, G.Ya.; SOKOLOV, I.F.; SMO, B.Io; TEMKOU, N.S.; ISAYN7, E.A.; MINIM, A.A.; MALYUGIN, Ye.A*; LIMZMAA, Ye.K,; SAPOZHNIKOVA, S.A.; RAXIPO- VA, L.R.; POXROVSXLYA, T.V.; BAGDAZARTAN, A.B.; ORWVA, V.V.; HU- BINSHTM, U.S., professor; MIIZ-VSKIT. V.Yu.; SHCHMBAKOVA, Ye.Ya.; BOCHKOV, A.P.; AlULPOLISKAYA, L.Ye.: LUITAYENA, A.V.; UTESHLT, A.S.; HUDNEVA. A.V.; RUIERK0, A.I.; ZOLOTARNT, M.A.; MMSESTAN, A.G.; MIKUYLOV, A.B.; GAVRILOV, V.A.; TSOMXYk, T.I.; DMATKOVA, A.M.; ZAVARIN&, M.V.; SMETER, S.M. -, BUDYKO, X.I., professor. Discussion of the repurt (in the form of debatea) [of the currant state climatolo Ical research and methods of devaloping it],: Inform. 'I sbor.GUGMS no.374:26-154 154. (MLRA 8:3) .11 Chlen--k orrespondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Fedorov). 2. Glavnap- geofizicheekays. observatoriya im. A.I.Voeylko-ra (for Predtechensk17, Lebedev, Yanishevski , Inayer. Rakipo-,ra, PokrDvskaya, Or"ova, Rlt3:-dr-- shteyn, yko, hoherbakova, Anapollskay,96, Duaayev-a, Rudneva,Gavrilov, Za-varina). 3. Ukrainski7 nauchno-issledovatellskly gidrometeorologichs- sld7 ini3titut, (for Buchinskly). (Continued on next card) nwPov, Y-3.ya., professor; PREDTECRENSKIY, P.P., wod -,-,thera. D19CUBAiOA Of the report (In the form of d6latsl) [of the ,;urren;, state climatological rasaarch and mathcAa 5f da-7,31,,ping itJ. Inform. sbor. GUGMS no.3/4:26-154 154. (Carl 2) (MIRA 80) 4. Veesoyuzny7 inatitut rastenievodst-7,a (for Sely-anir-or, Rudenko), 5- Bioklimaticheakaya stantaiya Kislcvodsk (for Boahno). 6. Moakc-r- skiy goandarstvennyy u-niversitet im. M.V.Lomonosova (for Allsov)e 7* Ministerstvo putey soobahcheniya SSSR (for Biry-ukov). 8. Inati- t~t geogra~fii Akademii uwuk SSSR (for Gailtsov, Grigorlyev). 9. Gee- fizicheakaya komissiya Vs9aoyuznogo geograflcheakogo obahchest-va (foT Eygenaon). 10. Miniaterstvc els~-Ltrostantsiy i elek-tropromyshlennosti SSS11 (for Muretwo7). 1.1, leninon%deki7 gosudarstvenny7 unAversitat im. A.A.Zhdanova (for k-hromor)c 12.-Wentrallw nanchrx-iselodovatell- skiy gidrometeorologicheskiy arkhiv (for Sokolov, Zolctarer)~ 1-je Gj- sudarstvenny7 okeanograficheoldy inabit-at (for Samcylenko). 14. TSen- trallnyy instlitat prognozo-2- (for Ubmww-v, Sapozhniko-m). 15. Institut geo,grafli Akademii nauk SS3-R IL Wentrallty-,r Instit-ut kiirorbojog4-4 (for Chubukov)p 16. Institut imen! Sechen:3va, Yalta (for Trotsenko)* 17, Arkticba,,3ki7 inatitut (for Vangenga7m). (Continual oa npzt car&) MOROV, Ye,Ye,, professo--,; IMEDTECIINNSKIY, P.11,, and otheri. Discussion of the report (in the form of debates) [of the curreat state of climatological research and matlu-)ds of ds-7eloping it]. Inform.abor. GUGHS no.3/4;26-154 '54. (CaTd. 3) MRA 8:3 18. Dallnevostochny7 nauchno-issledoi-ate'Llekly gldrometeorologiche- skiy institut (for Sokolov). 19. Institu~, geologii I geografti Ake.- demii nauk ldtovskoy SbR (f~or Styro)s 20, Rostc-.3koe up-ravlenia giarometeluzhby (fol, Temniko-ra), 21. Morakoy gldrofizichaskiy Inat-1- tiat Akedemil nauk SSSR (for Dmitriyev). 22. Vsssoyu%ny7 institut (for Malyugin). 23. Akademiya nauk Eatonskoy SOR (fkw Liedemaa). 24. Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR (for Bagdasar7an)c 25. laningradskly- gidrometeorologicheakly inst-itlit, (for Milevskir). (Continuel on next card) YEDOROVI Teey8os Professor; PRIDTECHEBSKITO P-P-, and others. Discussion of the report climatological research a(in the form of debatea) [of the current state na methoda of developlng it]. Inform.ebor. GUGMS no-3/4:26-154 '54. (Card 4) (NIBA 8:3) 26. 00sudaretvenW gidrologicheekly Instit, t (for BOchkOV). 27, U- zakhakiy nauabno-jusledovatellski. 11 r gidrOMeteorologichoskir ingtitut (for Uteshov), 28, Upravlenie 91drometsluzh7,7 Arm7anekoF SSR (for Nor- easy")- 29. leninvadskO70 Upravlonly)a gidrometsluzhby (for Mikhaylov, -DevYatkova). 30. Tbilieskjjr 908udaxstverx~7 Univerettet (for Taomaya). 3le -TSentrallnaya aerologicheskaya observatorty-a (for Shmeter), (Climatology) AID F - 1442 Subject USSR/Meteorology and Hydrology Card 1/1 Pub. 17-a - 16/23 Author Yanishevskiy, Yu.-D., Kandidat of Phys. Math. Sciences Title Checking the Pyrheliometric Seale Periodical Met. 1 gidro., 1,, 48-49, Ja - F 1955 Abstract In comparing the readings of different pyrheliometers established in PaVl:)vsk, Upsala, Potsdam, the scale for the values of the, readings on new instruments from 1929 to 1938 proved to have a systematic error of 1%. One table given Institution: Main Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service at the Council of Ministers of the USSR Submitted No Acite AID P - 3192 Subject WM/Msteorology Card IA Pub. 71-a - 19/23 Authors Berlyand, M. I., Yefimova, N. A. mid Yanishevskiyp Yu. D. Title Kondratlyevo K. Ya. Luchistaya energiya solutoa (Radiation energy of the sun) Gidrometeoizdatp 1954. (Book review) Periodical I Mat. i. gidr., 5, 63-%q SIO 1955 Abstract t The book reviewers give a very favorable criticism of the mmual. It is considered the first good book on actinometry to be coqAIe&- on the basis of extensive research. Howeverp the book offers some contradictory and/or erroneous statements listed by the revieuers. Iustitution . None Submitted t No date YAIIISHEVSKly, yu. D. Cand. PhysicoMath- Sci- .( and observatory in the Field'of Actinonetv trworl~s of the I-Iain Aztrophysical rt presented at a session hold from 19 to 23 April 1955 at ktmos~herjc optics," a repo f the Academy of Sciences USSR J0:Lnt1Y with the by the Astronomical Council 0 Inst.) Astrophysical InStitutk Of the Acadery of Scionectl Kazakh SSH., IzvcstiYa AstrOfizo No.4. 1956 '0' PMSE I BOOK BULDITATION 518 Yaniahevskiyf- Yuriy Dmitriyevich AktinometriAeskiye pribory i metody nablyudeniy (Actinometric Instruments and Methods of Observation) leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1957. 414 p. 5,000 copies printed. Heap. Ed.: Kuzlmin, P. P.; Ed.: Yasnogorodakaya, M. M.; Tech. Ed.: Flaum, M. Ya. PURPOSE: This handbook is int-.nded for the use of geophysicists, meteorologists, instructors in meteorology aud agrometeorology, ob3ervers at meteorological bio-climatic stations concerned with the measurement and determination ef radiation, and engineers and technicians working in the field. The book dcscribes methods of installing and operating actionometric instruments and the processing of the registered or observed data. Many useful tables and nomogrma and much supplementary material are included. COVERACM: The book dascribes the simplest methods of measuring radiation in the atmosphere and the instruments used. A great number of the instruments are based on the measurement of temperature differences with thermo-couples. A description -of the Angstrom pyrheliometer, the Michelson balance-meter and bimetallic actAnometer, and Robitzsch's solarigraph is given in the book which begins with a review of the development of actinometric measurements. Chapter I classifies the.various types of radiation and the instruments used. In the absence of Pard 1/ 21 Actinometric Instruments and Methods of Observation 516 standardized terminology, the terms are explained and the accepted nomenclature of the J~ydrometeorological Service of the USSR used. Chapter II contains the basic principles of spberic astronomy required in actinometry and in building Nabokov's nomogran to a scale comwnsurate with the precision necessary in calcul- ating the sun's elevation. Chapter III is concerned with electrical measure- ments used in actinometry. It describes the "rCA-1" (bU-1) special galvano- meter and other Soviet instruments, as well as methods of regulating the sensi- tivity of galvanom--ters and galvanographs and ways of th3ting them. Chapter IV describes types of widely used registering galvanometers and methods of proces- sing the findings; the simplest photo-registering devices and the encased photo- registering appliance capable of operating in daylight are also described. The last instrument is particularly useful in registering residual radiation with a balance-meter. Chapter V-VM covers a variety of inBtrunents,.radiation-receivers; Chapter V gives two variants of the compensating Angstrom pyrheliometer; Chapter V3: describes the Michelson bi-metallic actinometer whidh is recommended as a control instrument for the pyrhellometer. Chapters VII and V311 describe thermo-electric appliances for the direct observation of radiation, including the newest improved Savinoy actinometer and pyrgeometer , the Kalitin and M. B. Bylov pyranometers, the K. Angstrom and F. E. Voloshin pyrheliometers, the G. Falkenberg pyrgeo- meter and the Michelson and 1. G. Lutershtein balance-meters. Chapter VII describes instruments for measuring,reflected and scattered short wave solar radi- ation as well as actinometers and pyranometere including the Robitzsch solarigraph. Card 2/21 Acttnometric Instruments and Meth6ds of Observation 518 Chapter VIII discusses appliances for measuring limg wave infrared radiation Ruch as balance-meters and pyrgeometers. Chaptor IX considers the requirements for a good observation site and the use of complex observation methods. The method sug- gestea by the author for self-checking pyranometer and balance-meter readings by the actinometer was accepted for use at meteorological stations and is described in the official publications of the rro(main Oeophysical Observatory). The ap- pendices in the book contain calculation tables for use wbile travelIng on sea or land, reference tables and a bibliography. A list of necessary equipment and the names of various co-workers are inclild d. TAWZ OF CORMTS Foreword 3 Introduction 6 Ch. I. Typen of Padistion and Their Measurement Basic principles in measuring radiation 10 1. Basic units (10) Card 3/21 . 36-68-6/18 AUTHOR: Yanishevokly, Yu. D. hi ,TITLE: Photometric Observations at Pavlov6k and the Relations p Between Light and Radiation (FotometricheBkiye nablyudeniya v Pavlovske i sootnosheniyemezhdu Bvetom-i radiatsiyey) PERIODICAL: Trudy Glavnoy geofizicheskoy observatorii '1957, Nr 68, pp, 102-119 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a paper read in May 1950 before the Committee on Illumination at the T6ehntcal Sciences Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.' The purpose of the paper is to enumerate corrections for the observed data on the amount of natural illumination in the area of Pavlovsk,and to establish a relation coefficient between naturaVillumi- nation and solar radiation. The author proves that the photoelectric method used at Favlovsk provides best results, especially with respect to light sensitivity, and allows calculation of.the effect of ";he angle of incidence on sensitivity. The aiithor lists the principal types of photometers employed in Russia from 1922 onwards with particular emphasis on photoelectric meters and their adequacy. Methods similar to those employed at Pavlovsk were successfully tested at actinometric stations Card l/ 2 36-68-6/18 Photometric Observations at Pavlovsk and the Relationship Between Light azLd Radiation in Yakutsk, TashkentoKuybyshevo Irkutsk, etc. The article mentions M.V. Bylov, Vl.A. Berezkin, N.N. Kalitin, V.B. Veynberg, F.F. Petrushivskiy, and V.V. Sharonov. There are 8 diagrams, 7 tables and 39 references, of which 26 are USSR. AVAILABLE: Library 6f Congress ~Card 2/2 AUTHORt Yanishevokiyp Yu. D. 30V/50-58-6-15/24 TITLEs An International Pyrheliometric Scale of the Year 1956 (Mezhdunarodnaya pirgeliometricheskaya shkala 1956 godal PERIODICALi Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 19580 Nr 6, PP- 46-47 (USSR) ABSTRACTs It is known that a divergence between the results of actinometric observations according to the angstrom (Angstrom) or European scale and the Smithson (omitBon) or American scale has boon existing hitherto. Inapite of suggestions made by V. M. Shullgin (Ref 1) according to which Ch. Abbot and L. Aldrich had used an improved pyrholiometer in the US., (MA) the scale of 1913 has still been used. The problem of a standardization of mentioned scales was raised already several times at international conferences; it was, howeverv decided as late as in 1956 at Davos (Davos) Olefs 6,7)p when the changing over to an 'ginternational pyrheliometric scale 195611 wa,3 recommended. Simultaneously it was possible to so1ve the problem of the representative character of the compensation pyrheliomete-- Card 1/2 n. 140 111 of the Potsdam observatory. The divergences An International Pyrheliometric Scale of the Year 1956 SOV/50-58-6-15/24 compared to the substandard fixed at Davos do not exceed 0,1%. The pyrheliometers of the Geophysical gain Observatory (Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatorlya - GGO) n. 212 and 250 at Potsdam were rechecked, as already mentioned (Ref 2). ,The now multipliers were found to be lower by 1j5h than the multipliero used before- 3 conditions for the changing over to the new international scale are given. All pyrheliometers of the USSR are to be compared to the sample apparatus of the GGO, especially thoue of the "Etalon" works, 7 other recommendations of the conference are discussed in short (Refs 7,8). There are 7 references, 2 of which are Soviet. 1. Pyrhellometers--Standardization 2. Sun--Temperature 3. Heat--Measurement Card 2/2 7 TsM--S-K-IY, -Yu. D'. "The ActinQmetric Network of the U.S.S.R. and ita Work in the Progra=,-.e of' I.G.Y." paper presented at Symposium on Radiation and Atmospheric Ozone, Oxford, UK, 20-26 JulY 1959 IN~Inlrwl'_B: STERNZAT, Moisey Semenovich: SAPOZIINIKOV, Aleksundr Arkadlyevich. Prinimali PIVOVAOTA, Z.I, - uchostiye: YANISIOVSKIY, Yu.D.; RUSIN, II.P.; KAROL" Bj~.%~'otv i red.; - YAsumononsuYA, H,N,, red.; BRAYNIIIA, K.I.,; FLAUM, M.Ya., [Meteorological instrumonta, obflorvations, and procensing of data] Moteorologichookle pribory, nabliudoniin i ikh obrabotka. Lenin- grad, Gidromateor.izd-vo, 1959. 519 p, (MIRA 13:1) (Heteorolo~7--Observations) PME I BOOK EXPWITATION 607/5475 USSR. Glavnoye uprav2--niye gidrowteorologicheakoy alt,~dby Teplovoy i vodnyy rezhim, zemnoy poverkhnosti (Thermal and We-ter Regime of the Earth's jWace) terdngrad, ftlraneteaizdat., 1960, 191 p. Errata slip inserted. 600 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencyt Glavnoye upravleniyo gidrowteorologicheakoy sluzhby pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR. Eds.(Tit1e page)s 1. P. Gerasimov, Academicianjo M. 1. Budyko, Doctor of Physics and Ma thear atic b., au4 A. P, 0sJ.ItsoYj, Doctor of Geographical ScienceB; Ed.., M. M. Yasnogorodakaya; Tech. Ed.: M. 1. Braynina. 1FIRME: This publication is intended for geophysicists', geographers,, clima- tologists, agronomists, and agricult7,xrists, COVERAGE: The seventeen articleit contalaed in this ]ubliqation represent con- densed versions of reports pre 3ented at the Oanferon~e %n the Ereat and Water Regim of the Zzt~ls Surfaces convened by the Glovw& geotizicheakaya observatoriya im,,A, I. Voyeykova (Main Geophysics& Q~eeryatory irmni Card 1/5 Thermal and Water Regime (Cont.) 9(71/5475 A. I. Voyeykov) in April 1950, 'Indivifta afticles deal vith the investi- gation of the thermal balance of the earth's surface,, problems of the genesis of climate related to heat and moisture exchange., the indicators of heat and vater balance in agriculture., and problems related to the effect of hydro- meteorological factors upon complex geographical processes and phenomena. No personalities are mentioned, References follm individual articles, TAMIE OF CONTEUTS: Badyko,j K.I. [Main Wophysical Observatory imeni A.I. Voyeykav]. Reat Balance of the Earth's Surface 5 Beerlyand, T. G. [Main Geophysical ObserwatArry imeni A.I. Voyeykav]. Global Distribution of Solar Radiation 14 Xoishevskiy.. U. ~ DA tNa~n Geophysical Observatory imeni A.I. Voyeykovj. Methods of Actinometric Investigations 23 Dzerdzeyevskly, B, L.p and Yu. L. Rauner [Institut geografii AN SSSR -- Institute of Geography,AS USSR]. ThA State and the Tasks of Investigating the Heat Balance of a Forest 29 Caxd 2/3 Thermal and Water Regime (Cont.) 507/5475 YjxUnin, G.P. [Tsentrallnyy institut prognozov -- Central Institute of Weather Forecasting). General Reasons for the Investigation of Water BAlp"ce 42 ropov, O.V., and V.I. Kuznetsov (Oosudarstvennyy gidrologicheskiy institut - State Hydrological Institute],, Experimental Investigation of the Elements of the Water Balance on Dry Tand 48 Llvovich., M.I. (Tnstitute of Geography~AS USSR]. Methods of Runoff Investigation on the Basis of Water Balance 62 Badagovskiy., A.I. [Institute of Gebgraphy,,AS USSR]. Investigaticn of the Water Balance of Soil 71 GalltSCF7 A P [Institute f Geo 1nh1V.AS USSR]. The State and the TaBks oi' ti:~ htudies of..theO,.Gq::; 82 Shyets - X Ye atory inoni. Aj,~, V.:)y*YKTj.., ,~Geopiwslcal Basbe-w~b*lm*s' tf"t &-Thebr~r-~of' Plizate 96 0 'A a e"'latory imeni A.I4'Ycysykovj. WTZLO~V; &J. PAi 'a MO a chaMe n U1 S~here 107 Card 3/5 Thermal and Water Regime (Cont.) SOV/5475 Timofeyev,, M.P. [Man Geophysical Observatory imni A. I, Voy.,ykov], Heat Bolance and the Microclinate, 120 Grigorlyev, A.A. (Academician,, Institute of GeographyjAS USSR]. The Role of Heat and Moisture Exchange in the Structure and Development of the Geographic Mantle (Mainly in the Lowlands of the Temperate Zone) and Their Significance in -the Productivity of Agricultural Crops 126 Gerasimav, I.P. (and G.S. Fogodina, Institute of GeographyAS USSR]. Hydrothermal Factors In Soil Formation 144 Volobuyev, V.R. (Akademiya nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR -- AS Azerbay- dzhanskaya, SSR1. Total Expenditure of Energy for Soil Formation in Relation to the Hydrotherral Conditions 162 Lavrenko, Ye. M. (Botanicheakiy institut AN SSSR--Botanical Iwtitute., AS USSR]. Hydrothermic Factors and the Geography and Ecology of the Vegetation Cover 180 Card 4/5 -Thermal and- Water Regime (Cont.) Davitayay F.F. (Central Institute of "'eather Forecasting]. Water and Heat Regime of the LIM and Some Problems of Agriculture AVAUAMZ-. Library of Congress (aB665-RB) Card 5/5 HOV/5475 3.86 JA/dwm/mas 9-12-61 S/169/62/000/001/036/083 D228/11302 AUTHOR; Yanishevskiyl Yu. D. TITLE: The practfc-eof-adtinometry at the USSR's meteorolo- gic stations and the course of its development PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 1, 1962, 4-5, ab- stract 1B41 (Tr. G1. geofiz. observ., no. 123, 1961, 47-61) TEXT: Questions connected with the reequipment and reorganization of the USSR's actinometric network are discussed. At the present time there is a network of 184 stations. The main actinometric in- struments on the network are the thermoelectric actinometer, the Ongstrem pyrheliometer, the pyranometer, the thermoelectric non- compensating balancer, and also a special galvanometer adapted for working with these devices. The stationBt program provides for ob- servations at periods of every 3 hours by day and every 6 hours by night, these being supplemented by observations at the times 9 hr 30 min and 15 hr 30 min. In the polar day observat1ons are made Card 1/3 The practice of S/169/62/000/001/036/083 D228/D302 every 3 hours throughout the day and night. To remove the deficien- cies, connected with the small quantity of direct-radiation obser- vations made at times that are asymmetrical with respect to midday, observations at -true noon and at momento corresponding to integer of the optical mass of Bemporad have been introduced by the proce- dural conference of 1959. At many stations the daily radiation to- tal is calculatea only from standard observations without any cor- rection for the radiation course even according to the heliograph. The accuracy of the calculation of the amounts of long-wave resi- dual radiation is small, too, in consequence of the microclimatic character of the balancer's readings, as well as through the ab- sence of daily pyrgeometers. When registering directly scattered and residual radiation a number of auxiliary devices -- heliostats and shade rin(-,g -- are used. The registration of residual radia- tion by a self-recording balancer is made at 12 stations. The main difficulties in working with the balancer are the need for addi- tionally recording the wind speed and the impossibility of record- ing at the time of precipitation. A description is given af a per- fected, annular-type pyranometer free from the many errors peculiar Card 2/3 The practice of ... S/169 62/000/001/036/083 D228 D302 YD to Pyranometers with square and radial thermobatteries. The appli- cation of integrators is necessary for the operative use of data on radiation. The reorganization of the network, it a reequipment~ and the expansion of obaervational programa are necessary in order to expand the utilization of actinometric. data in weather forecasting for the building industries, agriculturep mediciney and so forth. 33 references. /-Abstr"ctor's note: Complete tranalation.-7 Card 3/3 TEXT: The results of spectrophotDmetric measurements of radiation from the-sun and-the sky-are presented-in the form of ratios of monochromatic radi- ation from the sun.and sky and-the total (sun and sky together). Spectra of direct-P:Aar radiation falling on the surface normal to the beam and the spqr'.ra of total and scattered radiation were measured by a Hilger photo- graphic quartz spectrograph with additional diaphragms for eliminating parasite spectra and with an integrating sphere. The design of the measuring dc--vice .is described and*its basic parameters are given. The procedure for taking ---Card -------- L 12762-~6j. S/169/63/000/004/009/017 Thd:iatio of scattered and total radiation..., L --:~~measurements-is-discussed.---The me-asurements-were-taken:vith different cloud cover'a,nd different heights of the suny--including twilight.- A platinized 8- _,'step~quartz.attenuator was placed in front of the-spectrofaaph slit. Cor- rection factors were determined for the sphere with the lower exit aperture and central position of the screen for different angles of incidonce and re- sidual polarization. Simultaneous observations of radiation by an actinometer .,with Schott light filters permit obtaining data,:Ln absolute unita. In order to make,comparisons,with twilight illuminations,,the direct radiation was ,,.attenuated by_means of.a. special grating filter. The author preiients graphs ratios of monochromatic scattered and total radiation to direct solar radi- ation striking a horizontal surface and a surface perpendicular to the incident radiation for.14 wavelengths. The error in the method for taking measurements In the ultraviolet regian (315 6 _73W qil:Uqkcrc'u )_YasL30_-5Q_Per__Cf,'Ut tracter's-note,, Complete-tranalition, Card 2/2 XPEV -T;~t YAITISFMMY, YU.D.) ROW, YU.K.) SULEV; M.A. "The present state of meaau*rement3 of the radiation balance and its long- vave components on the earth's Burface.0 --- -Report'presented itAhe-5th Conference on Atmepberic Optics ani Actiorionstry, Moscow9, 24-29 jitne 1963- -Fsf~ tit SOURCE: Idezhvedomstvannove iqvE.-qbchan!yc! po ah-tinometrif I opttk~ atino6ferv. 5 Lb L "I, ~1 v d u, 1. CZ 1, ik- I i i . Mlo 6 cu L,'Al' - 13 4 ;iljl~-jj I f TOPIC TAGS: metcoralogical instrr-ment, radiation balance, long xm% a rndlatl-m, almilk - pheric f)1kv6tc6, WrgeomeWr, atnios!)heric surfact, layer, ,.ictfnome',--r3 Q Instruments with w4nd-proteettan 111ters; Cavftpk--Wu-At;m1 (ttgrtrurnerta-, xvith a restricl.,.-d apvrturv~ F) T'Yigcxm(,tcrs ;uid 11,;flance metprB (calnr Impfric 1'. v- Q i w.ylj I'L-1 "n)j with qisurul .17z!i~ IW L11V IT!ea8urement oi olff-,A ve radiation arid m(-.if)urf--v,f,nt i Cara A- mpters. and the Yanishevskly therl-, -i-- - hnianop me-ters with honntsnh,-ri(,0 -Iv- J- The of pyranometers and me WI-Ilence of the dependence of their sensitivity on amd',- inc-jd,~;-nce leads to .-)f sbort-wave rad, I'dom fr,)Tr. 'hc LY If e d I-,:( t~ I P rT f Ij r U ITI r S (J C-fi I J i( froct. thorc shoul continuouEi Car d 'TO -a III f van m -11 "-1 --C-1 fi. 4- 10MIAM, A- 1, 77 M F IMP Favu. LoULILLI. m- i V-c LI 1 T md-A t---q w -1 en weath-er conditions; acquisition of aH foreign types of instruments and comparison vAtIl -I~fiviclf mMcdu rintlan-d and world coordination of %vork- In the 111cid oil -ncasur~.v(-,, eif ong-wave radkation. Orig. ai-t- ljazi 4 uO111-6. l I ASSO(jIATION: [Rods, Sulev] Institut fizild i astronomit AN Estonskity SSR, Tartu 'I ph al,--a aml A-qUrn-iomv- Ar )f ';cwnces.-Fstordan S',R), iY:IrIc;hc-.-k1yj YANISIIEVSKIY., Yu. D. "Principles of Radiation instrwments for Network Use in the USSR." I report presented at the Intl S~mp on Atmoopheric Radiation) Leningrad, 5-12 Aug 64. YOISHINA, M.S. 2. U5SP (600) 4. Water, Underground 7. Oc:cuxrence of alkaline subterranean Watei~. Biul.MOIP.Otd.geol. 27 no.4, 1952. 9. Monthly List 2f Russian A,,c-cessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclessifted. r~7 ALMAMOV Mikhail Tikhonovich; BLINOV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; deceased]; _4ra,,Aleksendrovna[ LIT06LITSIV, Petr Fedorovich; IAXISDA._bm BORISHOHNVA, M.M., red.; CHICMIN, AX., [Preparatory operations and printing on four-page rotation machines] Podgoto-4itelInye operataii i pechatanie us chatyrekhlistnoi rotatsionnoi mashins. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Iskusetvo," 1957. 30 P. (MIRA 10:12) (Printing) , M. E., ZHUK-HO-VITSKIY, A. A., KRYUKOV, S. N., "Self -Diffusion and Diffusion in Binary Solid Solutions. " In book The Application of Radioisotopes in Metallurgy, Symposium MIV; Moscow; State Publishing House for Literature on Ferrous arid Nonferrous Metallurgy, 1955. ZHLJKHOVITSKIY,, A. A. (Dr. Chem. Sci., Prof.) Chair of Physical Chemistry, Moscow In5t. of Stbel im I, V. Stalin; YANITSKAYA, M. E. (Ass1t.); OYLKOV, S. N. (ABnlt). I I T. - 7 Catagdry : USSR/Solid State Physics - Diffusion. Sintering E-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No.1, 1957,110 1259 Author : Zhukhovitskiy, A.A., Kryukov, SM, Yaftitskq2YA_aI_z-XM. Title : Self-Diffusion and Diffusion in Bin y Solid Solutions Orig Pub : Primeneniye radioaktivnykh izotopov v metaUurgii, M., Metallurgizdat) 1955, ab. 34, 7-35 Abstract The dependence of the self-diffusion coefficient on the concentration of the solution and its relationship to the coefficient of diffusion are examined within the fra4work of the method of the transition state for the ",,acaqcy" mechanism and of the exchange state. An ane4ysis is 6ade of the relationship between the coefficient,pf self-diffusion In a solution and the coefficient of self-diffusi6n*in a pure component and in an infinitely-dilute'solution of this component in,another comppnent; the connection between the diffusion and thermodynamic chdracteristicd"of solutions is also analyzed. The thin-layer method is used'to measure the concentration dependence of the coefficient of self-diffusion in the Ag-Au, Ag-Cu and Ag-Sn systems and the activity coeffic- ients are measured for the Ag-Au system by new methods., explained in the article. Analysis of the experimental data confirms the deduced exAdtence of Card 1/* 2 Category : USSR/Solid State Physics - Diffusion. Sintering E-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No 1-252 two processes, vhich r-nifest themselves in the f7ln D vs. (1/T),7 curve as a discontinuity, similar to that caused by the boundary diffusion. The substan- tial effect of slight copper impurities on the coefficient of diffusion of silver illustrates the lack of adequate thermodynamic data on the solution. Card 2/2 Ch~Astryl ~hysicaI chemi try Pub.:22 - 30/49. 7 -Authore -Yanits~aia- r *Aar At G. Title. -thermodynamic properties of solid -Diffusion method of-determining the ---- - ------ - Periodical I 10?/lj 121-124) MAY 1 1955 Dok. AN 85SR ne s e;-i~iitbod-for.the-determination-of thormodynamic propertiesof e The char 5olidLoolutions-is-describ d..'__ acterist~cs originating from the i f f&_' --tion-and, linear VY~-,o i, fuB on--,equa, tive-71 m-a- &_.ti6scopic ~Characteristics - or-- the solution- re e- b dif U ~7The- accuracy, -of - the- -a th ases of the f Sion methv6d* method-is descrl~eid.~ It is- i3ointed od- that thii instrument employed in measuring the thermodynaptic characteristics muw~ contain the radioactive donor as well as the acceptor and a device warranting the necessary diffus- ---ion _resistancjq~_in -the gaseous state. Other requirements of the ueasuring ns. ruindnt -re-a-ul" i _bbtaineid -by the-new -method are ar, ilyz- -are.. listed-.'-- ome f e- 'r e-n- a --- --USSR-- 1- Eng,--,- Garf ed'. I Nine re 4 -and 1- USA (1909 Table; graphs; :dra-K-ing* Institution The M'oscow 3teel Inst.,iti. I. V. Stalin Froserited by Acadan&cilln N. T. Gudtsov, December 9j 1951~ Ygnitska.-va, 14. Ye. "The diffusion and thermodynamic character- istics of cert~~In dilute solid solutions.,' Ydn Higher Education US3R. Foscow Inst of Ste-I imen! 1. V. Stlain. Noscow, 1956- (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidte in Technical Science) So: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 27, 1956. Moscow. Pages 94-109; 111. I -1y, I , ", T , '! A I ZHU11MOV111".3i, -.4 A. jna A0 D. X, "Application or rodiO-Octive IsOtOly-'s in solving diffusion in ryutala theory -problems," a paper submitted at the International Conference on Rurlio- isotopes in Scientific A"Msearch, Paris, 9-20 Sep 57. 71- 7~- dife'u:!--".. --Z Stulled w-ith the n,- 1 ,y -~ rs . 7.1,e t c n-i t 1 - 1- '.a discussed. B.'~. KYO YANlTSKAYA M.Ye. Effect of preatrassing on the self--diffusion in s.'Iver and izzi alloys. Izv. vys. uclhob. zav.; tovet. met. 6 zio.3.122-124 163. 17 loalkovaldy inst-ituL 3tali i splavov, khLaii. (Silver-Cold working) (Diffusion) YA.11ITSaYA, T. .From.koop. 14 no-8--8 160 Bring book9 t0 tbO gage"' AtHlu b-.8) i. Bibliotek.arl arteli "Stakhanovetat " poselott Belichi, Kiyevskoy oblasti. (]MIjobi-Librariest Rural) TANIT SKATA, Te. F,' -'~- -~*i _7~Moskva) Conduction apparatus of the human heart under normal and certain patho- logical conditions of the myocardium. Arkh.pat. 21 uo-5:56-63 159- (MIr,A 12:12) 1. 1z kafedry patologicteekoy anatomii (za-,r. - chlen-korresponlent AMN SSSR A.I* Strukov) I Mookovskogo ordena Lonina meditainskolco itati- tuta im. I.M. Sechenova i kafedry propedevtiki vnutronnikh bolozney (zav. - Prof. L.I. Fogellakon) b. Mookovskogo moditsinakogo inatituta Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya RSIPSR. (HUM, innervation, . conduction appar., autopsy In normal & rAtbol. eond. (Ras)) , A.] PAULAUSKASP (Janickis -tic a-mplifier- y.echanical characTeristics off the ystem 1-magne 9 Trudy All Lit- SSR- Ser. 13 no.2047-153 - direct current mctor. (1.',IqA 17-10) t63. 1. Institut energetiki i elektrotakhniki All Litovskoy SSR- AT~ rocks in qwk , d h . a of ou A -tvc ;t 31L-121 ,jIu:h li 71, b) or ntIrrO &Cjtt I tcclIturitc T ' FspeclallY I jc'rmal Oct . conflitiolts. sill [Ice AJA Q;Ily DO 'jt ~ ' ' Y ".'c" a -the ,d t, tile the occul CIPA) - U)-) but 4" lvbku I even , 5o or ot the 70 alons up 0 Gina (walming tite T-V , of suparx0le t t tj" .1 ) ' sh.-lAo.,vg. TbO ars "def vblc IOcc Iever in X F. C . n.. J,, in A fcducl" as at~ Fe V C' -K X~ ~), L. - ~A Nil - 70PXOZOVA, L.S.; TANIT6KIY, A.L. res of fluvis, f&oisgo Dokl*AN Chars,etariaticO of 061its iron o (MA 713) SSSR 95 no-3:635,,6)B Kr 154. (iron ores) predetavieno a3mdemikOm D.I.ShoherbakOTYM, nauchnn, aotrudnik; KAIAMV, M.I., YANITS; KASHINA, F.S.., tek4gred. [Oligocene oolite iron oree In northern Turgay ard their genevia] Oligotaenovye 001itOvYe zhelOznY8 rudy SevermMO Turgaia I ikh genez~c- Makva, lzd-vo Akad. nauk SSSf~ 1960. 218 p, (Akudemiia napk SSSR. Inatitut geologii rudnykh me3"rozhdeniij pstrografii, mineralogii I gookhimii. Trdy, no.37) (14M 15:10) Is InBtitut geologil rudnykh mestorozhdeniy,'petrografii, mineralogii I geokhimJ.i AN SSSR efor Yanitakiy), (Turgay G %tea--Iron ores) (Turgay Gates-Oolitle) r,--PO2241KOV D.O.; POKOL'ol"p G.A.; VoLlIPSONY TSjjy A.L- Dzbo no.5tll7 FA,,Itietla birthday of B.P- Uvtov. GoolrudmeetOrl 15t12) ii-78 S-0 162. (Trotovp BDris NtrOvicby 1882-)