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PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION j Akademiya nauk SSSR SOV/5088 Primeneniye '31,..~giki v nauke I tekhnike (Application of Lo c in Science and Technology) (Moscow) Izd-vo AN SSSR [196o 357 P. Errata slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Editorial Board: Resp. Ed.: I. V. Tavanets, E. Ya. Kollman, G. N. Povarov and S. A. Yanovskaya; Ed. of Publishing House: R. Yu. Rozenberg; Tech. Ed.: S. T. Markovich. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for ocientists interested in math- ematical and symbolic, logic. COVERAGE: The book is a collection of 16 articles in which the authors discuss problems of mathematical logic and its appli- cation to computers, Itnguistics, zoology, methodology and various fields of techn6logy. No personalities are mentioned. References follow all but one article. "rd-lt4- - 5t R Application of Logic (Cont.) SOV/5088 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Yanovskayal S. A. Some Patterns in Developing Mathematical Logic and Its Relation to Technological Applications Yesenin-Vollpin, A. S. On the Basis of the Set Theory Revzin, I. I. Formal and Semantic Analysis of Syntax Re- lations In Language Revzin, I. I. Logical Form of Linguistic Determinations Shaumyan, S. K. Operational Determinations and Their Application in Phonology Petrov, Yu. V. Significance of the Axiomatic Method in the Study of Trends in Changes of Living Systems Zinov'yev, A. A. Deductive Method in Investigating the Propositions of Relationship 3 22 119 14o 149 178 215 4~4 'k, N P / P, No vs fe, 1) \ TANOVSKAJA., S. A.[Yanovskaya, S. A.]; KRIZANIC, France(translatorl ----------- Histoz7 of mathematics. Obz mat fiz. 8 no.3,197-103 N '61. 1. Clan Uredniskega odboz-a, "Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko (for Krizanic). GAVURINA, R.K., kand. t ekhn. nauk,; REDVZDLVA, P.A., iazh. - TANOVSKAYA. Sh. G.,_Jnzb.; SHKI AR. B.H.. inzh.; DOBRER, Ye.X., inzh... ARZILOVICH, V.H., inzh. Cast insulation on the bl3sis of unsaturated polyester resins of cold hardening. Vest. alaktroprom. 29 no@ 8:6-10 Ag 158. (MMA 11'8) (Electric insulators and insulation) Onsine, Synthetio) 'N 0, -Z 4~ '54 R. GAVURINA, R.K.; MEDVEDIVA, P.A.; YANOVSKATA, Sh.G. Carting unsaturated resinq, which harden'in the cold. Zhur. prikl. khim. 31 no.l.-116-124 Ja 058. (MIRA 11:4) (Resins, Synthetic) (Plastics--Molding) 50) SOY/80-32-4-27/47 AUTHORSc Gavurina, R.K., Medvedeva, P.A., Yanovskaya, Sh.G. and Granova, Z.A. TITLE: The Polymerization of Styrene in the Presence of I-Oxy-11- hydroperoxide-dicyclohoxyl peroxide and Cobalt Naphthenate (Polimeri- zatsiya stirola v prisatstvii I-oksi-.I~-gidroperekisiditsiklogeksil- perakisi i naftenata kobalita) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal pr.-'kladnoy khimii4, 1959, Vol 32, Hr 4, PP 857-863 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The polymerization of styrene was studied b a number of investigators, cy in particufar by Dolgoplosk and Tinyakov LrR-efs 7, f. The study of this process in the precence of the agents cited in the title presents a special interest because of its wide application in the technology of copolymerization of unsaturated polyester resins. The investigation of the kinetics of styrene polymerization was conducted by the authors by means of the dilatometric method and by polyme- rization in ampoules, in case of high conversion, Nitrogen, puri- fied from oxygen, servfd as a medium. 0 Three series of experiments at temparatures of 25; 36.4 and 56.4 C were carried out while applying th6 method of polymerization in dilatometers.- Kinetic curves obtained in these experiments are shown in Figures I - 3. Card 1/3 The study of kinetic curves at higher conversions was carried out E E: -I'm M -ML SOV/80-32-4-27/47 The Polymerization of Styrene in the Pre3ence of 1-Oxy-11-hydroperoxide- dicyclohexylperoxide and Cobalt Naphthenate at a temperature of 38,40C. Conclusions drawn from these experiments are as followar I. The system consisting of I-oxy-11-hydroperoxide- dicyclohexylperoxide and cobalt naphthenate manifests its activity in styrene pelymerizatt-'on at low temperatures, 25 10 560C; 2. The introduction of cobalt naphthenate leads to an increase in the initial polymezization rate, RO. With increa3ing cobalt concentra- ~O J. R0 also increasea. The functional relationship between tion, Zig. Re and LColi 'e !-near. With polymerization progressing, its rate is notioeably reduced, which is more prcnounoed at the higher concent:7ation of cobalt naphthenatec, 3. The charaoteristic viscosity of solutions of the polymers obtained,11, decreases in the region of ~ow convezsion3 bi~,t sharply increases in the region of high con- Card 2/3 versions, wher, ootali. naphthenate is added. With increasing concen- SOV/eO-"-12-4-27/47 The Polymerization of Styrene in the Presence of I-Oxy-11-hydroperoxide- dicyclohexylperoxide and Cobalt Naphthenate .tration of cobalt naphthenate,71 also rises. There are 7 graphs, 3 tables and 14 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 3 German, 8 English and 1 Japanese. SUBMITTEDt January 31, 1958 Card 3/3 5(3) S07/80-32-5-28/52 ALMORS Gavurina, R.K.,.Medvedeva, Visleneva, L.O. TITLE: The Polymerization of Styrearie :Ln Pres-ance of 1,11-Bisbydro- peroxidedie-yelo.he:rjlpezo.x4-de and Cobalt Naphthenate PMIOVICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimiI-', 1959, Vol 32, Nr 5, PP 1086-1091 (USSR) ABS-IRACT: The work Is a continuation of ZR-ef 12. 17,ne polymerization was - , measured by the dilatometrie method and in ampoules. The concentra- tion of 1,11-biskWdroperoxidedicycloh6xylperoxide (HPC-1,11) was kept constant at 0.8 mol-11, the cuantil7y of cobalt naphthenate (C?I) varied from 0.058.10-3 to 5.8-10-3 mole CO/1. The experiments were made at 25, 38.4 and 56.40-"'. The introdu~:t!on led to a noticeable increase ir. the Initial rate of polymerization R . Figure 4 showa Ro as a function of the square'root of the cobalt concentration. At the in3rease of conversion the polymerization rate decreases. Vie minimum duration of the process is observed at the highest concen- tration of CN. In the polymerization in ampoules a high polymeriza- tion rate is obseXved-even at a conversion of 90-85 weight %, in aome cases at 1CO%. At high degreas of polymerization the addition of CIN" Card. l/.2 leads' to a considerable irxreaze of the viscosity comparison. of 777777777777777 SOV/80-32-5-28/52 The Polymerization of Styrene in the Presence of 1,11-Bishydroperoy.1dedicyclohexjl- peroxide and Cobalt Naphthenate 1-oxy-11-hydroperoxidedicyclohexylperoxide (fiPC-1) and HPC-1,11 shows that the rate of the process decreases more rapidly with the first substance at increasing conversion. A conversion of 19 weigh'. % is obtained with HPC,-1 after 29 hours, with HPC-1,1' after 4 hours. For all temperatures Ro is higher for HPC-1,11, if no CN is added. The addition of CN shows clearer results, however, with HPC-l. HPk-1-1,1' ensures a higher, conversion, if all other conditions are equal. There are: 8 sets of graphs, It tables and It references, 1 of which In Soviet, 1 German, 1 Amerioan and 1 Japanese. SUBMI March 24, 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Yanovskaya TITLE: On Determining the Dynamic Parameters of the Focus of an Earthquake on the Basis of Recordings of the Surface 'Naves. Part 1. (Ob opredeleni4- dinamicheskikh, parametrov ochaza .zemletryaseniya po zapisyam poverl,,h,-lostnykh vs1n. I) PERIODICAL: Izveatiya Alcademii Nauk SSGR Seriya Geofizicheslkaya, 19585 No. 3, pp. 2~9 - 301 (USSR). ABSTRACT; Interpolation of the results of observotions of the surface waves was based predominantly on their dispersion prop- erties; amplitude characteristics were almost riot used at all for this purpose. This is partly due to the fact that the theory of surface waves has so far beenlittle developed due to its great complexity. However, amplitude investigations provide the possibility for solving a considers~bly wide range of problems, e.g. determining the mechanism of the tremor, dete=:-,in"L.nS the direction to the epicentre, determining the d-epth. of the focus, investigation of the absorbinG prc;~erties of the Barth crust and Earth shell and evaluation of the energy of the earthquake. Waves 4 Detailed investigation of Rayleigh ~n a layer lo(,-ated on a type of elastic semi-space was b'j hed in a ser-fes of papers by V.I. Kaylis-Borok (Refs. 1 - 33u. -1-Lan'restigation. c1L the ;rcpa- Cardl/4 gation of surface waves in an n-layer semi-space from a zouarce 401-58-3,-1/19 On Determining the Dynamic Parameters of the Focus of an Earthquake on the Basis of Recordinga of the Surface Wa7es. Part 1. of type of an arbitrarily-direoted, concentrated force applied to the boundary of one of the layers was dealt ri-ith in a disser- tation of V.I. Keylis-Borok (Ref.4). The results of Xeylis- Borok are briefly sumrarised in para. 1 of this paper. The aim of the author was to determine the directional characteristics of the-adiation of a source of an earthquake from recordings of surface waves, utilisinG the results, of the work of Keylis- Borok. The problem is solved by using the omplitude ratios of the Rayleigh and the Love rdaves in various asimuths. in the first part of the paper, the field of displacements in surface waves of Rayleigh and Love are considered in a layer located on an elastic. semi-space. The displacements aie caused ty steady- state concentrated sources (inside the layer) of the type of a dipole with a moment. The scheme of interpretation of the observations, on the basis of tht obtained7formulae, will be dealt with in a further part of the paper which be published. In para. 2, an expression - Eq.(10)$ p.298, Is derived for the displacement of a source located inside the layer and it can be seen that the ratio between the vertical arid the horizontal Card2,~fflitudes in the Rayleigh wavectw not- depend on the depth of 4 49-58-3-1/19 On Determining the Dynamic Parameters of the Focus of an Earthquake on the Basis of Recordings of the Surface Waves. Part I. the source and on the direction of the force in the s3urce. The vertical and the horizontal components, caused by the vertical as well as the horizontal source, are shifted in phase byiT/2. Therefore, in these cases, the point on the surface will draw an ellipse. Consequently, movement of a point on the surface in the Rayleigh wave generated by an arbitrarily-directed force will be the sum of movements along two ellipses, one caused by the horizontal and the other by the vertical component of the force; the ratio of the half- axes of these ellipses will be equal and the resulting move- ment will take place along an ellipse with the same ratio of the half-axes. In para. 3, an expression is derived for displacements from a source of the type of a dipole with a moment; the final equations for the components of displace- ment caused by a steady-state, concentrated source are given at the end of the paper. There are 11 figures and 4 Russian references. ASSOCIATION: Ac.Sc. USSR Institute of Physics of the Earth (AN SSSR Institut fiziki Zemli) Card 3/4 49-58-3-1/19 On Determining the Dynamic Pararieters of the Focus of an Earthquake on the Basis of Recordings of the Surface Waves. Part I. SUBMITTED: June 14, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library-of Congress Card 4/4 AUTHOR: Yanovskaya, T.B. SOV/L~9-58-7-1/16 TITLE: The Dispersion of Ra~leigh Waves in a Spherical Lager (0 dispersii releyevskikh voln v sfericheskom sloye) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 1958t Nr ?I pp 801 - 81~ (USSR) ' ABSTRACT: The model usually employed in calculations on Rayleigh and Love waves is a flat layer but this is insufficient for wavelengths which are an appreciable fraction of the Earth's radius. Ewing and Press (Refs 1, 2) have obtained traces of surface Rayleigh waves with periods up to 500 see (wavelength 2 000 km). The dispersion curve for these waves coincided with the theoretical curve for a layer of 516 km up to a period of 350 sees only. The authors put down the differeace artly to the curvature of the surface layer. Jobert ef 3) has analysed the influence of sphericity on the N dispersion and amplitude of Love waves. Rajleigh -.11aves in a homogeneous elastic sphere have been considered by Petrashen' (Refs 4, 5) and Gellehinskiy (Ref 6). The present work considers Raylei&-. waves in a spherical lay6r covering a homogeneous elastic sphere. Cardl/8 A solution of the wave equation for a sphere radius a M SOV/49-58--/-1/16 The Dispersion of Rayleigh Waves in a Spherical Layer covered with a layer depth H is sought (a + H = R). The elastic constants of the layer are Xl I 'Ll s 611 and of the sphere - X2 1 112 1 P2 21 and u 2 are the correspondin6 displacement vectors, satisfyinS the wave equations: AU 2Ill (%l + jil)'V div ul + Ill _1 = Pi t a