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KOVALIv Te.T.1 ZAGORULIKOO A,Y&.j UPMp A.A. Studying the filtration of the eoctraction liquor in a "veette bed as applicable to rotary -diffusers. Trudy TSDO no.IU03423 160. (MM 16*2) 1. IAboratoriya sokodobymlya TSentralinogo nauchno- iseledovatellskogo Instituts. sakharnoy prwWshle=oetI, (Sugar manufacture) (sugar machinery) ZAGMULIKO, i.Ta. Determining the real mirface area and equivalent thickness of the best coemette. Trudy TSIM no.7*124-132 #60. (HIRA. l6s2) I. laboratorlya sokodobyvanlym TSentralinogo nauchno. iseledgvatellskogo institute. eakharnoy praMejaennoeti* (Sugar manufaoture) XOVALIj Ye*T*l JLIKOI A*Ya.; LIFETS, A.A. Now method of coMparlson assaying of the various qmtend of diffusers. Trudy TSINS no.ltl7l-175 160. -'~)aii 16#2) 1. lAbomtoriya so%odotyvaniya TSentraltnago.nauohnowlo$ledovatell- ,skogo instituta sakharnoy profqohlennosti,, (Sugar industry-4quipment and supplies) KOVAL## Ye.T.j.ZkMRQ~'KOj_AjYa.; LIPETS, A,A. Effect of the velocity rate of the-extractian liquor on i;he coefficient-of diffusion-of sugar from the beat tissuso Trudy TSINS no.7sl33-138 160. (MM 1684 10 Laboratoriya. sokodobrraniya TSentrallncgo nauchno-lssLedo- vatel'skogo Inatituta sakharnoy praWahlennosti. (Sugar manufacture) /110 ZAGMULIZO Xffect of thermoplassolysis and selective electroplasmolysin on the struature of the plasm webraw and the perisiability of beet tiesues, Sakh, prom, 31 no.11:67-70 N 157. (KIU 1111) 1, TSontraltnyy nauchno-Imeledovateltskly Institut sWcharnay pro- Mrshlannosti. (Plant calls and tiamme) (Svgar ind-astryy i llit NU M4 "M 1111 lir ZAGORULIKO, A.Ta. (Ybtaining diffusion jalce b7 means of electroplazzal7ols, Sakh, prcs, 32 no.5:11-18 My 158. (KIRA 11:6) LTSentrallnn nauchno-iseledovatellakly institut sakharnoy promyeb.- lennosti. (Sugar manufacture) (Diffusion) -3 9 M a ~v wal MIJI'M UE ai K, R U_qMfh,[tT-% MULI Ye*Tq.; ZAGO S, A.A. Ification of diffision and pulp-press water returning Io the diffuser. Sakh. prom. 32 no.8.-24-29 Ag 158. OfIRA 11:9) -LTSentrallnry nauchno-issledovatelf-ekly institut makharner piomyshlennosti. (sugar manufacture) KOVAWO Problem of the theor;r and design of a contlno=s diffumor, irudy TSINS no.7sl39-170 160, (KMA 16#2) 1. taborstoriya sokodobyvarAya TSpntrallnogo naucbno- iseledovatellskogo instituta, eakbarnoy proWshlennosti. (Sugar industry-4qx4puent 9M suppliee) KOVALIp Yo#T,j ZAGORULIKO., A.Ya. Theoretical prlncipj~ev of diffitolon-e-Sakh promo 35 no.T:15m-20 n 161. (KM 14 s 7.) ----------,I.--TSentral-Inn--nauchno-i'soledovatel.'skiy-institut-s"umay- promyshlennosti, (sugar manufacture) (Sugar beets) ZAGOR'ULIKO A. Ya.: Meter Tech Sci (diss) -- "Obtaining diffueion fluid by means of electroplasmolys'La". Kiev, 1958. 19 pp (1-11n Higher Educ 'Jlw SSR, Kiev Tech Inet of the Fbo~l Industry), 150 copies (IM, No 20 11.959, M) ---- =MUO, L. T. -- ---- - - - - - - -- - --- -- ---- -- -- - - "? -- see ILC PAVYIAVSKAYA, Ys.A.; ZAOORULIKO, L.V*j FILIHOWN, Mol, Hydrometallurgical treatment of oxidized and mixed ~orpm frna the Dsheskatgan d(rpositG Sbors nauch, trud. Gintavetrmta no.23i269-282 165. (Y-ii~ 38j12) ZIGORUM10 S., (Donetsk); MOM,, V. (Kazan') Office of innovations of comarcial aviation. Grazhdav, 19 no*lOs2O 0 162. (MMA 16s2) ---I,AkchaVnik shtaba-Donst-okoga-pedrasdolmlya--Gr&Odanskogo----- VosduBhnogo. flota (for Zagorullko). 2. , IGI&VW Inshener lineMkh ekspluatatsionno-remontnykh masterskikh,, Kazan' (for Pakhomov), (Aeronautics, Comercial-Technological innovations) 84-11-24/36 AUTHOR: Kutuzovp V., Zagorullko, S. (Stalino) TITLE: Fighting.Rodents with Chemicals from the Air (Aviakhimicheskaya borlba gryzunami) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanekaya, aviatolya,, 195T,, Nr 11,, P. 31 (US3R) ABSTRACT: Since 1955,.fighting of gophers'and other rodents in the Stalino region Is gonducted from the air. Corn grains poisoned by zinc phosphide were strewn over the fields for some time, but the animals often avoided the poison by eating up the core of the grain Kthout taking the shell. In 1957, corn was replaced by oats soaked in sunflower-seed oil for fragrance. To 80-86 weight parts of oats 4 -5 parts of oil and 10-1!j parts of zinc phosphide are added. The proportion of the poison should not exoeed 15 parts to avoid blackening of the grain and leaving repulsive odor. A hectare is Dovered by 3 kg of treated oats. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ZAGORULtNO T Me Relationship between the fortbrain and visual center-B c4l thr, mIdbrain in.bony fishes and amphibino Zhur4 ovol. blokhlm. i fiziol, 1 no.59"9-458 S-0 165. (KRA 18t10) 1. Laboratoriya sravnitelIncy-fiziologil, tsentrallnoy nervn0y sistemy Instituta evolyutsionnoy fiziologii i biokhimli Imeni Sechenova AN SM, Leningrad. ZAGORULIED, T- M. "An Disc troybrotological Analysis of the Action of the Vintal Amlysor imi Nogs-' Caad B101 Set, last of Physiology Iment I.- P.- Pavlov, -Acad got USS9 Yetzotrophic Laboratory. Inst of Uperimental Hadialno, Aoad 149d goi'USSRI Department of Com- parative Physiology and Pathology of Higher Nervous Activity# Leningrad, 1954. (KLI To 11 Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Ifteational institatione (12) SOt SM go. 556, 24 &m 55 ift vwwz it"t. a I a H-iLA-MAX )a Am rtxw_wM;171 t911VA_;Rj1_RW1MV1MMM =0 V.PMAMN C I ftil VA~6 PhysioiorT-Jun~e- --i6_86.-THE LOCALIZATION -OF CEREBRAL VISUAL CENTRES IN THE FROG (Russian text) - X a g r u I k o I - M ~ Dept. of Comp. Physiol. and Pathol., Inst.- of Exp. Mefl. ana '75-ull Analysor Lab. 1. P. Pavlov Inst. of Physi()]. Leningrad - FIZIOL. Z. 1957, 43/12 (1156-1165) Illus. 5 Photic stimulatlion of one eye in the frog (Rana ridibunda) evokes an efeetricat response from the ipailateral, as'wett as from the contralateral tectum. The electrical response of the contralateral tectum has an average latent period of 71 msec.. --- tha-t-of tho--irsil-ate rat 94, msec. - jPhoticatimulation of the -eye -also- elicits an ~electrivkl 'response from the contralateral havolopharo of the f6rebrain. TbIs re~ponso is recorddd as a single or bi-phasic slow- deflection foltovied by it seriles of oscillations of a higher Intensity. This response Itas an average tatent perted of 85 msec. It may bi concluded that the visual analysor of amphibians is represent- -ed in the hemispheres of the forebrain,-the mesencephalon and the, midbrain. Simonson - Minnewtus. Wrn. ZAGORULIKO, L.T*;,~ZAGORULIKO, T.H.; HUSHKIUA, N.A. hysiological processes-- In -the retina and cerebral-- 'h" role of p cortex in the formtion of trace senzations in man. Yisiol.shur. 44 noo4:286-294 Ap 158o (HIM 11:4) 1e laboratortya fisologii zritellnoga analizatore Inatituta fiziologii to, I.F.Pavlova All SSSRv Uningrade (MINAL, physiology role in-form.--of-trace sensations-in-man (Rus)) (CEMRAL CORTEX, physiology role in form. of trace sensations in man (Rue)) BIRYUXOV, D.A., VIDYATIT, F.P., ZAGMULIKOt T.H.s URAKTAM, A.I. Substantial contribution to the deTelopoent of cowpnratlTa PhYsiolosy Mrinciples of comparntive physioloat Comaralive physiology of the nervous system* by Kh.S. Koshtoisnets; Reviewed by D.A. Biriukov and'others. Fisiol.zhur. 44 no.6:595-.598 Je 158 (KrIA 11:7) (IMOUS'SYSTEN) (VOSHTOIAMVSO rh's.) tAOCRULIED, T.X, ftwtrophyajologicea stuAlee on the activity of the visual analysor in frogs Lwith summary in English]. Firsiol.zhur. 44 noelOt928-937 0 158 (MIRA l2tl) 1. Prom the department of comparative physiology nnd patholoa,, Institute of experimental Medicine and from the laboratorr of visual =alysor physiology, r.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, USSR, AcadecV of Sciences# Le~inaad* (BIMOTROnTIROGRAMY I daterm, of activity of visual analyzer In frogs (Rua)) USSR/R)umail and Animal PhysioloCy - Tho Nervous System. T Abs Jour t Hof Zhur Biols, WO 3) 1959; 13164 Author Zagcrullko, T*M. M.,~-W4AX ~Ii4 4 V Inst Titla Localitation of Centers of Visma Analyliors in the Frog Orig Pub : Fiziol- zh- SSSR, 1957, 43, No 12t 1156-U65 Abstract : With stimulation of the eye of the frog by a li&Mt of low intensity (0-5 - 11 lux) and by mnopolar electrckles the bijelectrical react!.ons in the contra- and ipsiltiteral optic tegmLia (OT) were rec.-3rded; (the latent 1xiriod corresponded to -11 and 94 milliseconds , as well as in the hemiripheres of the anterior brain 4he latent period was 85 milliseconds)i Tho reaction in the ipsilc,teral OT was ramintained aftor raeoction of the c=isauin supra- optical which aug(,csted thut the cimactLon betwten the illuminated eye and the ipsilateral OT could be accom- plished through the diencephalon. -- Zh. P. Shuinnova Card 1/1 XREPS, Ye.M.,, otv. red.; VERZEBINSKAYA, N.A., red.; VINNIKOV, Ta.A., red.; VOURESENSKAYA, A.K,p red.; ZHUKOV, Te.K.p red. I rod,; ITINA, lj',A*,, red.1 KARAHYANO A.I., red.; YARMANOVA, 1.0., red.1 KONSTANTINOVA, M.S., red.; PLISETSKATA, EX., red. (Functional evolution of the nervous system) Funktsio- nallnaia evoliutsiia nervnoi sistenW. Moskvaj, flauka, 1965. 189 P. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Akademiya raidc SSSR. Institut evolyutsionnoy fizio- logii i biokhim-Li. ACC NU, S %I I rGE, C 09H VR/02J9/6J5/Q%/OOa/00541A AUMIOR: Zagorultko T. K. WU-a natary -o f - 0 pa M rhy~iorl -.U a f * t he~ Cent ra 1- Me r yo us- sy1f I -ex Lte L-1 amparati el. E-roluticriary !MW I M* Seebono-,r.-AR-a~K&j---LoningruL(Tatioratoriya I sra t74- I Trloy -f* i z-F sent;;iii-noy ne_rv-no_y Astrnw Tmatitutn evoLyitts~oanoy- fiziologii AN SSSRI TITLE: Effects of the cervical aympathetic. nerve and of adrenaline on evoked reactione of the visual system.of the rabbit Z.V. S=E: Fiziologicheekiy zhurnal SSSR* v- 51v no. it.196cot 54-64 -sy TOPIG-TAGS:-rabbit,--vitsion -autonomie-mrvous- stem,-hor=rte, iceLictriophenften9t cerebral - cortex e or the visual tystem of the rabbit to MTRACT: The respons visual stimuli on extirpation of the-upper cervical aympathetie gang,lion on orle- side at-A or. administration of adrenaline was Stu- died by determining the bloelectric, activity of the optical cen- tars of the bxaln and by taking eleotroretinagrams, Removal of .'the upper cervical sympathetle ganglion lowered the level of blo- e1eetri-a-activity-of the-cptio--region-of--the-cerebral-oortax and reduced the sensitivity of the animals to light flickering- at high frequencies 14 flashes per see). The sensitivitS to -rrequenoy light rhythma, Including that optitaill for rebbits flashes Der ssec.k, was not rsdueed. 'Mq e'rcltatl.~n oycle ct '2 ZAGORMI.140. T,14. no 1*08prmadl of thn v1sual spitot In ratit-ttd. ftsiol. d-mrs 5.1 no.l.j .54-61* ja 165. (MIAA 1817) -li. totbaratoriya-arhvni i~fil !m%.- I ILI'ologil -taentrall noy -nor vnoy siatemy Instituta evolyutaionnol flAologli twai 9":henova AM Sq5Ri Leningrad, ME 11ITSKlY., MI.; BELEKHOVA, M.G.; 7AGOHULIKO, T.M. Separation of phplological factors from physical factors in the leading off of evoked potentialB In thl~ central nsrvous sys"ttm r,.~ lower vertebrates. Fiziol-. zhur. 50 no.5:637-640 My 16A.- (M:ERA .18-2) 1. Otdol sravnitellnoy fiziologii Instituta, eksperimenta.11noy meditainy A14N SSSR I Laboratorlya sravnitellnoy fiziolcF:ii imeni Sechenova All SSSR, Leningrad. ~ 13ELEKH(IV A M4,; 4-1AGORULIKO, TaMa Correlation bettween background ele--tric activIty cf 1-ba br-iLm, diiijchw-ge of the aftsreffect and inten.-IMr-ation al' the vlectrL;gram raaCtWl to light otimm-lation. in turtles Emys orbicularts, Zhur.7ya. nerv.delat. 14 1106981079-1089 N-D 164o (MIRA :06) y of tho Cantrul Nt~:rvrum 1. taberatory -~ Comparative Phyijiolog- Sptem, Socheno-r Institute of Evolutionary Physiology, U43.5.r. Acad6my of Soidnccs, 1-aningrad. BIRYUKOV, D.A.; ZAGORULIKO. T.M. _ .." - -- - -.-; 1; ~l 1. -1 1., F. ~. - - - Review of IA~ It. Vinnikov And LA, Titovit's book "Cortils; organ ; blAophyalology and histochmintry". PIP.1ol. zhur. 49 no.2:262-264 F164 (MIPA 37 s3) XjjEpSo Dtv. red,; VVjZjij3jNSXAYA# N,A.p red.; VOsXRFSKISWAj A.K.p rod.; ZJIUMNt Yo.K.p r*4.j T"-# red, j ITINAR N.A., red.; KARXIIJIMN, A.I.p red.; KAWANOVA, 1.6., red.; KONSMTRIOVA, F.S., red.; TITOVA, L.K.,, red. Cli~03*tion of the Dinctions; physiological, biochemical and afructural foundations of the evolution of the func- tions,,Festschrift for the 80th anniversary of Academiciiin L.A.16rboli) Evollutsiia funktsii; fiziologicheskiet bioldii- micheskie i strukturnye osnovy evoliutsii funktsii. Sbor.- nik pqswf~shchennyi 80-letiiu akademika L.A.Orbeld. Mo-- akvi*, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 290 p. (MIRA 17.6) 1. Akaderiya nauk SSSM. Inatitut evolyutsionnoy fiziologli. 2. Chlen-korr22.pgndent AW SSSR (for Kreps). BTAGOVIDOVA, L.A. BELENHOVA, M.G.; ZAGORUL110, TAW ~ wwww"aft - ---- - Rlectrical activity ebanges in the dismaPIA11C region And In the cerebral cortex'afthe rabbit uAder the Influence of bitemporal diathermr. Biul. skep. biol. I, mod. 53 na,5:8-13 My 162. (HM 15:7) 1. In bolluitay Imard V.V- &Wbyehava i laboratorn ~rxv- nitellnoy fisiologil teentrallnoy nerwnoy sistemy (nay. - prof. A.I. Kar*Wan) Inatituta evolyuteionnoy fisfologil imeni 1,M. 0echonova 0 SSSR, Leningrad. Predstavlena daystvitAilInym ahlenom W SSSR P.S. Ku 10TYU. (DIATIOMY) rCMW3RAL CORTEX) (DIENCEPHALON) (ELECTROUCEPHALOGRAPHr) LEBEDEV, G., Gvardii kapitan, komandir roty; ZAGORULIKO, V., mayor The chief importance lies in an individual approach. Voen. vest. 42 no.6:7-8 Je 162. 041RA 15:6) 1. Neshtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala, "Voyennyy Vestnik" (for Zagorullko). (Hilitary education) SIBIKOVp I,j MREVUNKOo K.; KAZACHKOO V.; KIRICIIENKO I.; KUMILRIO H.; MACHUKHOj, A.; IIABATNIKOV, P.; SOKOWV# D.; SiVU011*10.1 Ust V.1 SHCHIGAIA-V,-V.1 BORAVENEOp Of.; KOVSIWDVO S.; SOECWY,, S.; TSIU, M.; MUM$. I. I LUKHOVEISKIT9 14. ZA R% Let us help farmers grow an abundant,crop. Grazhd. ay. no.3:3 Mr 161. (MIU 14:3) (Aeronautics in agriculture) YAGORULIKO, T,,V#v lash. Yield laboratories for datermWng the moistars an-duab content of peat fuel* 37 no.2:22-24 160. (MM 1336) 1. Glavnsqa inspektsiya po kachestvu torfa Bryanokogo coymarkhozas (Pe&t-4nalygis) ZAAORULIKO V, N., BEWSWICK, V. V. Peat Industry Thermometer TOR-2 for temperature control of out peat stocks. Torf. prom. 29 no. 5. 1952, HgUWjjZ "at 91 B31saiM AccegsiRns, Librarr of Cone;ress, August, 3.952. Unclassified. DOLMATOVI, P.M.; YLMUSHENKOO F.A.; ZAGORULIKO,, Yu.V. Redesign-of-slabbin g mills and an increase In-the preAuction- of slaba. Metallurg 8 no.11:22-24 N 163,b (MIRA 16:12) q ZAGORULYAI N. D. 0PAdavior-of Bacilli Coli in-the Vater.of Roservoirmin Comectiam idth the Environmental Conditions.0 Cand Med Sci Dnepropetrovsk State Redical Inst, Dnepropetrovsk, 1954. (K-Lo No 2, Jon 551 Svirve-.r of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USS1q Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sma. No. 556p 24 Jm 55 291-10 ZaaorulyA, W. To . - Povedenlye ldsh,~chnoy palochki v voda vodoyemov v avyazi a uslovIyafft vneehney eredy. DneT,rope trove k, 1954. 14 s. 20 sm. (Dne-pro-petr. goa. mtgd. In-t). 100 elcz. B. Ts. (54-56615) MARKUMN* Ye.A... podpolkovnik meditsiniikoy aluahby; OWYALOV, 11. N. mayor meditsinskoy aluzbby,- ZAGO-BUYEB-M-0-0 V.S*J. karaltan maditsinakoy aluzhby; VEILIdHO, U,D,, kapk~meditslnskay sluzhby Maas-investigation of troop roplacoments for carriage of helminths. Voon.-med. zhur. no.4M Ap 161. (WA 1516) (vamp 11-VMINAL AND FAWlTIC) ZAGORINMO, A.A.~, SINYACAWSKIYp I.N.; MOXINOV, V.A.; YAKUNIN, J,A. Fw,ther developkent of the c i I-and -ga s -bearing pool in strat-l"m B, of the Bakhmet?yevskoye fie!-J. Trudy IVNIXILING no,,2:6r,..70 163. (MIF;. 1'1,.5)1 EIULATKIN I.K.-, V.A.; CHERHU, S.Ya. Barrier f* Iocding of level B of the Bakhmetlyevo field. Nefteprom. delo no. 2:14-19 164. (T.RA 17:4) Zhirnovskoye neftepromyolovoye upravleniye i VolgogradskJy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut neftyanoy i gazovoy promyahlennosti, Z9011"UM A.A.; SV7,Y!,%G("V--',KIY p 1.11. M."IRLA.Nov , V,A, ; YAIIR,v-'If,' , -7. Further deve-!=-zent, 01 oil "r"' ga3 POG-I In'x I, of tho Bakhmetlye7ka cil finlid. Trudy no.2:6~-,'O XUWOV# X.N.; ZAGORMOg, A.So Isprovins tbo reliability of nowepairable articlest their sconcoia efficiency and tim in which they pay for themselyes, Isy, 30 AS SSSR no*6* Ser* takh, nauk no.20AP-58 165. Determining the economic offioiency and profit'return t1w for reconditioned system in increasing their reliability, lbides5946 (MIRA 18s11) 1e Institut &,vtomatiki i elektrowull ~ibirakojo otdolenip AN SSSRj Novosibirsk. . VAGORIIYKOO A.S. (Novosibirak); KIIIAKOVO N.N. (Novoalblrak) Selection of an optimal method for increasing the rellab"lity of nonrestorable deviceo according to a given value. Avtonictrita tio.3:113-117 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Submitted Feb. 26, 1965. L 0064-67 WP (it) AMP I h) lVdTt it) INYrt] AV;!~~IMP uY&UP(l) TG ACC Wt AMULDSMY tSUU1%;h UUMI- U1tjU4LV/1JDfVVV(VV;3!V1L3/V T UY) AUTHOR: ZmM.Ft2j A. S. (Novosibirsk); Kulakov. N. N. (Novosibirsk) ORG: none 'k TITIX: - Choice of the optimal methoj of increasing the reltabtl nonroutorable -devices t6 a prescribed value SOURCE: Avtometriya, no. 3, 19650 113-117 TOPIC TAGSt cost estimate, system reliability, circuit reliability ABSTRACT: The authors attempt to find an optimal (from the point of vieny of cost) method for increasing to a prescribed value PH the reliability of a multi-component nonrestorable device (such as might be found In an IdOrmation meterJrg system), and to determine the proper inter- relations between the reliability, cost, and number of redundant componenis. A critique is given of a previous work (N, A. Shishonok, V. F. Repkin, L. L. Darvinskly. Osnovy teorit nadezhnosU I ekspluatatsff radio -elektronnoy tekhnlkl. M., 17d-vo "Sovetehoye radio", 1964) which contOns a somewhat difforent-approach to the same problem. The nkethod proposed in this paper seeks to determine the cost of a nonrestorable device, an rellablItty-Is increased, Cdrd 1/2 UDCo 621.3.OL9.3i62l.37/39,003,13,004.1 05865- 7 ACC NRi AP6015325 -parameters. -An eKsmple of the application of the method to Included, 2flg- Ares and 12 formulas, BUB CODEj 09.14/ dUB?4 DATEs 26Feb65/ ORIG REFt 001 -kh LGEL ACC ~'Rt AP70022377- SO _00i/0"4/0072 MICE CODE: --UR10230/66/000/ -('Novosibirsk); Zagoruyko, k. S.-N6vasibirsk) AUTHOR: Kulakov, -N. N.: ORG: none TITLE: -Method for determining the optimum distribution of reliability between individual elements of a system- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya kibOrnetika, no. 1966, 64-72 TOPIC TAGS: reliability system approximation method, quality control, reliability, system reliability ABSTRACT.; -A-method -is pro sed for -solving two- optimum- problems throulgh PO balancing the sensitivities in the individual element of the system for varioui cases of -incr eas Ing- their rellabffltki~--Tha concept of- the sensitivity of Ahe system Iks the- basic concept of this method and was evaluated elsewhere (Breipol, A. M. Unique application of required comodnent reliability. Proc. 7th Not. Symposium on -Reliability and Quality Control-In Electronics. 1961, 1). When an exact solution calu 1/2 - ------------- ---- Irz 14 4S. 4" 4-1- k~ K_ (~. j yj-, I- XITIK. GrIgorly Stepanovich; 7AGOWM. Aavrosty Toodorovich IRrPerience In growing spring wheat- practLess of collecidw ferns in western provinces of the Ukratnej Desvid vyrosbchuyan!A& tarot pohdaytsi; vyroboychoi praktyky kolhoupty zakhidnykh oblastel, Ukrainskoi RSR. Lviv. Knythkovo-zhurnallas vyd-vo. 1955. 55 P. (Ukraine-Wheat) (HLRk 100) (Ukraine--Collective farms) Z&GORINX0. A.T* [Zahoruiko, A.T.3 Iffoct -of mineral fortilizeris on- the yielti of spring Vasat. Pratsi Inste agrobiol, AN tM 7:31-36 157. (14111M 111:7) ZWheat) (7artillsors and manures) It ZAGORUYKO, A. T.t CAND AaR Sc-ol OF MINEIIAL FERTI-- LIZERS ) F U~" AND IMPROVEIIENT OF GROWTHI FORMATION C QUALITY OF SPRING WHEAT GRAIN UNDER CONDITIONS Of' LIVOV- SKAYA OBLAST," KIEV9 1961. (MIN OF AOR UKSSR, UKRANIAN ACAD OF AOR SCI). (KLj 3-619 225)s 321 FOLOVIKO G.S.; ZAGORUYK09 A.V, Improvement of pub2ic services and amenities in rosidential areas. Gor.khos.Mosk.' 36 no.7t23-24 JI 162w*l (HIRk 16al) 1-Nachallnik zbilis-bobno-ekspluatatsionnoy k~ntorY NO.15 Krunopreenenskogo rayowagwzhillahchnogo upravleniya,, Moskva (for Folovik). 2. -ZaveduMhohiy teklmiehaskim kabinstom kontoz7 No,,15 Krumpresneaskogo rayonnago zhiUshahnogo upravleniyat Moskva (for Zagoruyko). (Mds*w-Ztre*t-oleanlng wichinery) - 01 URMILOV, A.V.0 gornyy inah,; ZAGCRUYKO, G.K., gornyy insh, Magnitude of advance In stripping operations at the Ufaley open,-pit mines, Gor. zhur, no, 12:19-22 D 165o OCRA 18:12) 1, Ufaleyehy nikeleyyy kombinat, ZAGORUTKO I.F. 'Change In the switching-la-circuit for-a quick-reoponSO AL40da reDW. Z.,Lek.i- topi.tiaga. 4 no.6-19-2o je '60. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Rachallaik tyagovoy podstantaii Saray-Gir Kuybyahevelcoy dorogi. (Blootric substations) 06lectric relayo) KOZTAOVj K.D,*i prinimali uchutiye;-ZAGORUYKO KTa4,ROZOVAt Z.I.j,. BULATETS- ,'a RM,-T.P.; TRITSTER9 FOL v MTSZVAP R.Es.; MMD- VA9 L.S,; AMIYASp G.Yej BAYDAKOVI, N.N MMMOV9 A.11*v redo; JCK- KCSHIMIAq L.I., tekbn* r9d. [Economy of -Sakbal Ili ftovUw6t -bUtistical collection) Rarodnoe kho- tWatro Sakha3.ixwkoi'-ob]Aati; statUttichaskii abornik. IlJztmo-Sa- khalinsks,'Sakhalinskoe knizhnoe izd-vo,, 1960. 103 p. (HDA 346) 1. &*halin (Provinde) Stati6tichaskoye upravlaniyoo 2, IoUekttv rabotrdkov Statintichaskago uprevleniyt Sakballmakay ablAsti (for aU wcept Byzhkov# Memashkina). 3. Nachallnik Stattaticbeakogo uprav.*Lenlya,Sakhalinakcry-oblanti (for loslov) (Sakbalin-Statistion) BELEVTSEVO.Ya.N; KALTAYEVP G.I.; ZAGORUMoL.G.; SXURIDINgS.A. a=, 4#L; M?ftc7-R*&4avnenchug-motallogenie-z=e.. racol.rad.-mastorosh. no.6: 3-11 It-D 160~ (MIRAI,4:3) 1. AN USMq Goologischeskiy inotitutp Kiyeve (Ukraine-Ore depoeits) BLELVTSEVp Ya.N.; ZA-QDRUYKOl L.G, - KALIAM0 0.1. HOLYAVXO,, 0. 1. 3 SKURIDINO S.A.; . -I - 03 F15'.8 . - $TRYGIN, A,I MY IjIll. S.Yes- FOIW-KOP V.Yu, P I *.tal~ogenptlc features of the Uxaniaik iron-ore provii1ces Z&kow)xo ra=. polezn. iskop. 5%82-10"9 162, (14IRA 15 :12) lo Lwtitut geologichaskikh nauk All Ukrainskoy SSR. (Ukraine-Ore deposits) BELEWSEV, U.N.; FOMHKO, V.Yu.; NOTIAROV, V.D.; MOLYAVKOG.I.-,K?,L'NH, Yu.P.; SIROSHTAN,' R.I.;/DOVGAN, M.N.; CHER1NOVSKIY, R.I.,; SHCHERBAKOVA, K.F.; ~ I'- vc-020SHRIKOV19 ~8.L; AUMENKO, - N.M. ; S&MR'~MVA, Ye.k.; HCHER, VA; TAKfMMV, G.V.; KALYAYEV, G.I.; ZARUBA, V.M.; NAZAROV, P.P.; MAKSCHOVICH, V.L.; STRUYEVA, G.M.; KARSHENBAUK, A.P.j SKARZHINSKAYA, T.A.; CHEREDNICHENKO, A.I.; GERSHOYG, Yu.G.; PITADE, A.A.; RADUTSKAYA, P.D.; ZHILKINSKIY, S.I.; KAZAK, T.M.; KACHAN, V.G.; STRfGIN, A.I., red.; LADIYEVA, V.D,., red.; ZHUKOV, G.V., red.; 'TIPATKO, YU.M., red.; SHCHERBAKOV, B.D., red.; SLENZAK, 0.1., rel.izd-va; RAKHLINA, N.P., tyakhn' red. (Geology of Krivoy Rog iron-ore deposita]Geologiia Nr1VDrozhskikh zhelezorudnykh mestorozhdenii. Kiev, Isd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol.l.[General problems in the geology of the Krivoy Fog Basia. Geology and iron ores of the deposits of the "Ingulets," Rakhmanovo, and Illich Milles]Obehchie voprosy geologil Krlvbassa. Geologicheakoe stroenie i zheleznye rudy mestorozhdenii rudnikov "Ingulets," Raklu=ovskogo i im. Illicha. 1962. 479 p. (Krivoy RSg Basin-Mining geology) (HIRA 16:3) (Krivoy Rog Basin--Iron ores) AYM MG, Me.; BELEVTSEV, Ya.N.; BORDMOV, I.N.; BORISENNO, :3,,T.; BULKIII, G.A.; GORLITSKIY, b.A.; DOWAITI, ZAR2L K A WWs iL4LYAYEV, G. 1. ; KAR 1, MT ; KA G) W` V.G.; KISELEV, A.S.; LAGUTIV, P.K.; LAZI-C-10, Ye.K.; IAZARLTKO, E.A.; LAPITSKIY, E.M.; LAPCHIK, F.Ye.; 1ASIXIN, V.A.: LEVITSIMEY-N, I-II.L.; IMALAKROVSKrI, V.F.; NITYINEV, 14.V.; FRUS~, A.K.; SKARMINSKIY, V.I,; SKURIDIN', S.A.; SOLOV"IEV, F.I.; STRYGIN, A.I.; SUSIMIUK, Ye.G,; IEPLITSKAYA~ ?.'.V.; FEDYUSHIN, S.Ye.; YGEMIKO, V.Yu.; SHKOLA, T.N.; SHTEW~O'V, M7 A.G.; YAROSHCHUK, I.I.A.; ZAVIRYUKI VA, V.111., red. (Problems of metallogewl in the Ukraine] ProtlerV wtallo- genii Ukrainy. Kiev, Vauko-va diumka, 1964. 254 P. O"'IRA 18: 1) 1. Akaderdya nauk UPSR, Kiev. Instytut geologichnfth nauk. 1,borptlon of radionctivei phosphate from the, atdcalrml w/l.ty in acute peritordtIls. Flat. flzlol. I eksp. terap. 8 no.6-:22-24 I!-F) 161, (MIRA 18-6) 1. Yafedra patologicheskoy flzio.-IoCii (zav. - prof. 11.1'. Tran- kvilitati) Donetskoj~o rneditsinskogo instituta imeni Gorlkogo. ZAGORUYK09 L.P., kand.tekbn.nauk Yethod of determining the dose of electrolyte In electrochemical stabilization of flooded loams. Nauch. zap. Ukrniiprookta no.2: 65-82 160. (KUL% 15:1) (Soil stabilization) ZAGORUMo LP., kand.tekhn.nauk; TITARENKO, A.I., inzh. Studying the efficiency, of some drilling rigs and bits Jit sinking ob4fts and large-diameter holes, Hauch,zap. Ukz-xtj-iproekta no.,It69-91 160.- (MIRA 34-12) (Boring) (Shaft sinking) 7AGORUYKO~ L. P, r Mot,%r Tech Sot (di0n) -- "Twentigntlon nf +,T,, !~Ie~ctrmhr-m- Ical reinforcing, of dmp arj31llF4cmoun soil -,rh"n driving vortical n11M. workiTtOR I-through It", Xiev, 1953. 16 pli (Ktn Highor Educ Va, SSRf Klov Cz?cr of Tpnin Folytech inst. Chair of Mine Coristnzetion), loo copies (KL, No 6, 1959, r-) ZAGORUYKO, L.P.; IVASILIYEV, B.G.p kand.tekhn.nauk; TITAIUINKO, A.I., inzh. Ind ustrial testing of the 114-0..85 boring macbIne. Ugoll.j-mom. no,301-75 W-Je 162, 1%141~ 1813) 1. Gosudarstvannyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy i proyekt.-*'3, in-titut ugollr.oy,, rudnoyp neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti Ul-i-SVIF. ZAGORUM L.P.# kudetakhnevank FeavibiUty of electro-osuotic, drainage of certain soils in the Lvov-yolyn coal basin. Ugoll Ukr. 4 no.2,14-27 r 16o. (111M 13:6) (Lvov-Tolyu Basin-Mine drainage) (Riectrooemosis) '10 U(;QP.UYKP,,,L,,P;,,._J-.and. tekhn. nauk - ~ I , Methods of calcalating and compUing profiles of waste disposal dumps. Nauch. zap. Ukrftiiproekta no.10:5-16 163. Effect of the composition of rock mtxturen on the stability of rock dispoual dumps. (MIRA 17:6) 0 !ODUCHENKO, 'ISHAYEV, I. Flom$ A.; MISHUROVO if.; G I.- ZAGO(JJYKU 14. W The virgin lands should have fully qualif Led rachine-op-3:-p-tin_f! pera-m-el. Prof.-tekh. obr. 16 no.1:1-2 Ja 161-0 (1 It":% 14:2) 1. Direktor Uchilishcha mckhanizatsii sellakogo k1tozyapitira No.35 Severo-Kazakhatanakoy oblasti (for Frolov). 2. Direktor Itchilishcha mekhanizatsii sel'skogo khoMystva No. 47 TSel-tnrogo krv3,a (for Hishurov). 3. Direktor Uchilishelm meklmnizatsii sellskqp khozyaystva No-13 Zapadno-Kazalffistanskoy oblatiti (for Gorodnichenko). 4. Direttor Uchilish,cha- mekhanizataii sellako,"o kho:-.yayotvu ?to. 76 KlAutafflyikoy oblacti (for Zagonkyko). 5. DireIttor Vchillaheta mokhanizatsH sell- skoGo 'r-zhozyaystva No.23 Alma-Atinakoy oblastl (for Amotd.,.", ev). (Kazakhstan-~4'arm mechnnization-Study an,-~ tf%achi,,ijl~ WOMM, S.a. hold of the huad for magnetic recording ou a w1ro souad carrier, 'Trady LIZI no. 5t45-31 159. (KMA 13112) --,Wedra--.zvtkL-otakhnik"aiWtdakogo-inati-tttta-kinotnithenerov-. -(ftnstla recorders and recording) ZAGORUYKO, NoGtOOZENW(G) IT.I.1 KODKOVA# V.I.# red, AComputation -of the-fields of rAgnatic-beads by- an electrtmic computer] Raschet polei magnitzWkh golovok na elektronnoi vychi- slitellnoi mashine. Novosibirsk, Akad. nauk SSSR Sibli-Ace otd- nie. In-t matem. a VychisUtellrym tsentrom,, 1961. 31 P., (MM 15j6) (Magretio recorders and recording) rx, m 431~', V~!k, !ww ~li~n t YELKINA, V.11.; ZAGORUTKO, N.G. Present-day status Of Computer teeinologj- abroad. llycch. sist. no,1:3-34 162. (,,,aRA 18:1) MW-2U-m1Ar-:rA &NAia lWiN4 2VAAMMIM MMUI ZAAGORMOS 11, G. Dissertation defended for the degme of Candidate of Technical Jijences-- at the Joint 3cientific Cowrt(,il-on and Teeilw;'cal jciencos; Siberian ~3ranch "Investigation of Bit Heads imd -'ffect of Torsion Upon Recording ',6-gnetical:.y on a Wire Conductor." Vestnik Akad. Nauk-, No. 4, 1963, pp 119-145 ZAMMKO, H.G.1 VOL4051111p G.Ye.; YELKINAp V.M. Ailtmatic-cognitiom-of- sound-Imagea-(Burv"f--litc-rat,!zre). Vych. sist. no.l4i3-30 164. WRA 180) M 14 a M MUM 3 Nl-l VA - AU X; 7, 1 s t 1777.77-mm- FITRI, ZAGORUrAO, N.0, .... ... -'. - -1-1 1-1 -1.1 Evaluation of Inforrtation qua-ntity limit in a distinguishable signal. Vyc.h. alst. no.14139-48 164, (KMA 18-.3) L -aa EWT(d)/EWP(l)- - mr(o) -----BB/ _i6 72C NR, AR6027482 SOURCE CODE: UR/ii64-4/-66/0-00/-O'O-'S-/-V-'~~i/ 3] AUTHORs Voloshin, G. Ya. Zagoruyko, N.\G. MTLE., Utilization of two dimensional spectra in automatic pattern recognition SOURCE: Ref. zh. Hatematika, Abe. 5V376 RE? SOURCE: Sb. Vychiel. eletemy. Vyp. 19. Novosibirsk, 1963, 3-11. TOPIC TAGS: pattern recognition, spectrum analysis, computer tectIllique ABSTRACT: The authors cite certain properties of multidimentsional. spectra such as noise immunity, spectrum amplitude independence of doordinate translation, and the simplicity of rotation invariants selection. Computer exper' Iments are described in which the two-dimensional spectra of simple patterns and hand-drawt figures are calculated by estimating the Euclidian distances between the referf:nces constructed on the basis of these calculations (for the purpose of selection training) and des- criptions of recognizable control patterns. The results (66% of hand-written figures were recognized) are considered preliminary because of extremely Itmited amotuit of atatiatical data. (Translation of abstract) 3 Illustrations and bibliography of titleo. V* Go pe SUB CODE: 09 Card 1/1 n6t UDC: SIMLIW55 T. 07 -AC)A-67 P(1) JJP(o) BB -M(WM ___ JGG ACC NRs AR6028116 SOURCE CODE: UR/0372/66/000/005/Golairioic AUTHOR; Zagoruyko, N. G. TITLE: Linear determinant functions proximate to optimal ones SOURCE: Ref. zh. Kibernetika, Abs. 5G126 REF SOURCE: Sb. Vychisl. sistemy. Vyp. 19. Novosibirsk, 1965, 67-76 -TOPIC TAGS: linear function, function analysis . PlIrrCRAJ kECOSAJ llr,10W ABSTRACT: It is ahown that principles of accepting solutions based On the use of determinant functions (hyperplanes) and the equipment realizing such -principles can be simplified by accepting an increase In the error risk of insignificant magnitude. A study in made of an example o ecognition of k patterns involving asj3umptions t*aat distribution-of patem realization in a multidimennional nalaction space ill knaan previously to comply with the standard principle with d MathematiLlal eXpectiltIOR Vi(l :~i