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ZAGJLTAYMVAA A.I., nauchM7 sotrudnik; SHUTAYZT, T.N. Rapid methoa for mnufacturing laathar from wbals okin, Kozh.-obuv.p.~om. no.12:7-9 D 159- (MIRK 130) 1.* TiAookeanskiy nauchno-lusledovatellskly InstItut Morskogo rybnogo khossyayst,,ra i oksanografil (for Zaggulysyeva). (iffials) (Leather) /x USSR/Pharmcalogyp Toxicology. Chemotherapeutical Prepetrations Abs Jaur Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 5) :1958., No 23454 Author last Sw;,a ~#Medical InstLtute Title SinotoWein Thess:py of Typhoid Children Orig Pub 2r..Saratovsko mad. ~'.U-tai 1957, 91 253-261 Abstract No abstract Wd 1/1 ,_WULTATIVA., O.A., aseletent gargical, disess-es In middle and old age as indicated by records of the stirgical clinic (if thit Ishevsk Medical Institute and the city Medical 1xperts' Comiselon on Workers' Disability. Tml:r Ishev,gos. med.1net. 13:85-87 151. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Tin faknIltetako7 kh1ragichoskor-tUatki Ishovskoro twiditsinstogo inatituta. Zaveduyunh3hly kliniko7 prof. 9.A. Flitirov. V4 izA ~~- v 7 to ..... *0460" r. AL aw~ a 06 a I -7.== yt~ eg~ motemme-I 0 t IL K""66" IL 5 pw"wq 04"14" *W" = 0*400""m oaowft. .00,,ettsio (,." ~ 4- *-4 4 (50~ 00 OMM r. a seee. c bw--^ VA IL Kr-"...* A. IL W..w 14--sm- ~ prmft ovp~ puma I-er-et-ee -noem emumm 0 Pw le4`4` (c 10 At 16 om) ILA q-= vown L IL Tvj." eteM 1.040-07 6 line to"" 0 40. 10 .. 4-00- to-as a oo4q"404 -rm It %w ftobe`4""" allege" at d"o~ Up al"Wo wit, ka"'Wum &is Jiml. ZAGULYAYEV-A, ,,,V,.A. Lunar.tidal fluctuations of the minlm= effective heights of the F2 layer. Geomag. i aer.- 3 no.6.-1132-113,4 , N-P 163. OURA l6tl2) 1. Institut-zemnogo magneti=a, lonoofery i rasprostraneidya radiovoln AN SSSR. ZAG ULYAYEVA, V.A. Idwa tidal variations of critAal frequencies of the E-layews, Geomage I aer, 3 n0-4:766-701 JTI-jIp, t63, (MMA 16:13.) 1. Institut zemnogo ugnt)tJ.zwp ionoofery I. r"prostxazeniya radiovoln AN SSSR. 30941 s/mOo/ooo/oi7/oll/012 E032/Z114 AUTHORt Z:AgulYaYeva' V.A. TITLE: Lunar tide oscillations in,tht. ionosphere SOURCEs Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut zemnogo magnetlzma, ionbafery i rasprostranoniya radiovoln. Trudy, no.17(27'). Moscow, 1960. Rasprostraneniyo rad-4ovoln i ionosfera. 282-286 TEXTt The present author reports re;sults of calcula-,~ions of lunar tide changes in the ionosphere, The calculationa are based on experimental results-obtained in vertical sounding at four Soviet ionospheric stations (Ashkhabad, Moscow, Tomsk, Irkutsk). Diurnal effects were excluded by calculating the difference between ,the observed values and the monthly median value for the same hour. In this way curvea were obtained for the lunar variations afOF2 6h'F2 for each lunar phase. The resulting curves were subjected to harmonic analysis and the amplitudes and phames of the first four harmonics ware determinod. The numerice.1 results. obtained are summarised in graphs and tables. Comparizon with the results obtalned by R.A. Duncan (Ref.21 Austral.J.Phys.., V.9, N it Card 1/2 30941 Lunar tide oscillations in the S/57o/6o/ooo/o;I7/011/0l," E032/Ellk 12,11956) showed that the phases of.1unar tide oiseillations are approximately the same at all intermediate-latitude stations in the northern and southern hemispheres. The amplitude of the tidek, decreases with increasing latitude. However, further stu.dies are necessary in order to confirm these conclusions reliably. There are 6 figures, 4 tablesAnd 3.non-Soviet-bloc references. The English language references read as follawas Ref-1; D#F. Martyr. Proc. Roy. Soc., v.194, 425, 1948. Ref.2: R.A. Duncan, Austral. Jo Phyt.,-V.9, N-1, 112* 1956. Ref.3:,D.F, Martyn, Proc. Roy. Soc., v.189, 241, 1947. Card 2/2 ZAGMMNOTAO 2.11. A,cooleratiou of clawallutiou of food pro4u*to of aala4 orl4lu In dotermination d areaula. CC., tanit, Kasku no, 1141 Jai 1953, (Om Z492) 1. lowblio Dmrsom of Forensio Ksdialm Gartifloatiom of ths Ministry of Pmblio Re"th lazah SUR, ABRAMONO Kh6I.9inzh.;- DMITFdiSVA,, Ye.R. I I&OMORMi-A-If J. inst.; Kww"t T.Vt.insh.; WRAHMVP V.A.0 ingh.;STSIPIOI yea.tinzh. freohnological layc?!;tx -for equlpplng-adne-shafts,-of--AWng----- ente'rprisas,with solid concrete supports]-Takhnologichaskie ekhemy soorusheniia shakhtnykh stvolov gomykh pmdprilstli a betonnoi monolitnol, krepliu. Moskva. Pt.l. (Using KS-3 pneumatic loaders In shaft sinking] Frokhodka stvolov a prime- nenism pnevmogruzchIkovKS-3. 1962. 34 1. (HIIJ. 16 j 6) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-iseledow%tallakiy.1 proyaktno- ---konatruktorakiy-Institut podzemnogo-i shakhtnogo-stroittilletva. (Kine timbering-Equipment end supplies) ZAGUMENNYY, A.I. --fControung Balinization in irrigated lands] Bor*ba s 9 0 -mih~emjth ~- - - -It. 68 lentem-0 Kazakhakoe-anui- - - -- -- - isd-vo 1962. 69 pe (MIRA 16c4r (irrigation farming) PISHKIN, B.A. (Pyshkin, B.A.],; ARISTOVSKIY# T.T. [Ariti-eDvalkyi. T.T.), doktor takhnonaukq red.;; GUZOT. 14.Z. (Husov, M.Z.], laind.takhn. nauk, red.; ZAGUIMMT, O.G. (Zahmmannyl. 0.11.1. red.; MENOTSMA, O.R. (PLachkbrof red. itd-ve; KMIOXHIM. 1.D., (Calculation of seepage through hydraulic structures; collection of scientific works] Filltrataiini rozrakhunky gidrotaklmichaykh sporud; sbirnyk nail ovykh prate'* Kylv, 1959* 161 pe (NMA 13:2) 1. Akndemiia nauk MzR, Kiev. Rada po v"channilu prodi~ctyvnykh syl URM. 2. Chlan-korespondent AN MM, golove Komisli po problemi komplakenogo vikoristannyo vodnikh ream-siv UtSR RPS AN URSR-(for PIehkIn)#- (Hydraulic anginearin&-Tables, calculations, eta.) ZAGUMNNYYt V.G. V.1vanov's expedition into the heart of AAska. Iwv. All .13M. Ser. geog. no.3:97-102 Ce 163, INIRA 1618) (Alaska-i~49sian exploration) 4 ZACtIJI-IVI!-,'Ylj V,j In-he Translat'Ur wts-~,ing F-4314. FaAllc~ n~).-11-143-' ' ~~, A I ,, -, ;, A-.) k - ZAaUKMM, T. -oat$ of collective farmerso ftv,.kras.krout 4 rto.1:6-7 In the into_ A-Ur 154. (MA ":4) (Kediclas, Rural), -Activists in rural hygiene,- I%Vd. V akush. no.7135-3741-054.-- (HYGUM *Rmssla, rural areas, sanitary activity) Mtl!W 0 UOMSIIM~#-. A 24 USSR (600) 4. Drainage 7-6 Using a temporary drainage system in putting *&line fallove back into,produation. Xhlopkoyodstvo no, 121 1952,, 9~ Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ARTil --1953, Uncl. ZAOVh'St;%YY* A. T. IlReclamation Works on Soloncbak-TyM Fallow Lnnds In Golodnaya Step.* Mn. C~Jltave USSR, Tashkent Inst. of Engineers or Trrif.,Fstlon aml Yxichmlzatlon of Agr1culturn (T111WON, Tashkent, 1954. (Dissertation for the in Tecbn~ca'A,- SO: Kni7hnaya Letopis', No. 22, 1955, pp 93-105 ZAGUHINHYY A T (Yaroslavl') larthwork during the wLater._ Stroi *_pred. neft.prom. I-no.16!20-21 to- -- - I - I - -- ~ - - (KI&A. 9:9) i1arthwork-Cold weather conditions) AUTHORS: Filippenko S.V. and Zagurnyy S.I. (Engineers). TITLE : Automatic butt-welding araer - a - layer of flux - 01! pipes from 150-to 425 mm diameter. (Avtomatiches-t*aya svarl:a pod slayem flyusa 3tykov trub diametrom ot 150 do 425 =a.) 114-T-10/14 PERIODICAL: "Snergomashinostroyeniye" (Power Machinery Construction) -1M, No-7, Vol-31 pp.J1-32. (U.S.S.R.) AB.13TRACT :Automatic welding under a layer of flux lute; radically altered the working conditions of welders and has made it poss- ible to organise flow production of welded parts. The new method has become widely used in many branches of' industry includ- ing boiler making. Automatic welding under a laycr of flux is widely used in the Podollsk Kagneeiring works imeni Ordzhonikidze. For a long time particular parts including small diameter tubes were welded by hand. However, an automatic welding procedure has been developed and at the present time all annular butt joints on chambers, straight tubes arid other parts from 150 to 425 mm diameter of low carbon steel are Welded automatically. In developing the construction of the welding head the feed mechanism of semi-automatic device flUA.-5 was taken as a basis. The equipment has a device for straightening the electrode wire, a mechanism for moving the motith piece with the welding wire to the right and left of the axic of the weld, and a mechanism for controlling the feed of the electrode wire. 1/3 The equipment is controlled by a number of push-tuttons. The Automatic. butt-welding under a layer of flux of pipes from 150 to 425 mm diameter. (Cont.) U4-T-10/IL4 method of shaping'the ehda of pipes for butt-welding I's illustrated In Fig.l. The -butt-joints are assembled and tacked dcmin by %elding in three or four places. The assembled butt Joints eire cleaned particularly at the places of tacking down and are then delivered to the automatic welding installation. Tho.method ol! making the welded joints is described. As the weld &ata wider near the top the mouthpiece and welding wire rock further across the axis of the weld. The weld, when complete, lines up smoothly with ,;he parent metal. The conditions of automatic welding of annular Joints, the brand of ateel,pipe size and comparative data fo:c hand and automatic welding are given in Table 1. The flux is recovered for further use. The mechanical teats applied to welded joints made on theautomatic equipment are given in Table 2. It is -.oncluded,that it is obviously advisable to make the welding of pipes and other parts automatic. The main advantages of automatic welding over hand is that the quality of the welding is much better and the .output_cf the welders Is incroaaed three or fourfold. There io 2/3 no need to employ very highly qualified welders. Automatic I Automatic butt-welding under a layer of flux of 1 14 rom 150 to 425 mm diameter. (Cont.) &9~7!1015A . I welding gives an economy of electric power, and electrode wire 3/3 and improves the working conditions of the welders. There are four figures and two tables. There are no literature! references. AVAILABLE: PANOVt IN.; RITONINOVO V.N.; SOKOLOVp D.D.; ZAGUIWI CIMEPNINp S.V.; OBYDMIIIYY, P.T*; KC90mr, A.S., red.; KOMIZOV, A.S., red. izd-va; KMiOKHI F.M.# tekbn. red. [Provisional- technical --specifications -for planning landswiping -operations ]Vrememye - 'ekhniche akie usloviia na-procktirovimie rabot po ozelonaniiu. 'Jtverzhdeny prikazom po Ministerstiru kommunallnogo khoziaistva RSFSR No,233 ot 20 oktiabria 1961, Izd-vo F-va kormun.khoz.I'SFMj 1962. 147 P. (MA 15:8) 1. Goaudaratvenriyy institut po proyektirovaniyu komunallnogo stroitelletvas (Landccape cardenina) IN t r ma KO,".WVSKAYA, L.S.; FADEYEVAO T.N.; ZAGURALfSKAYA, L.H. aoili, isvi, 80 All &';SP no.12t Sor bdlcil--Mad. nudc no.)t50-56 164. k, Y,."1 6 1. Institut lesa i drevesirry Sibirskogo otclelewlyn Krasnoyarsk. ---ZIJRKOVj nauk, zasluthennYT-deyatell reuki i takhMTH RSFSR; TIOGLIMOV, Yu.V., dot-sent. kand. tekhn. nauk; Y."ELERSFly. S.1., kand. takhn. nauk.; KONDPliTENUD, V.P.; TIFIRFIVIDOV, A.F. , dot-sent; 1. " gormyy Inzh.j RJACHITS-10 gorriv 1riFh. v T, M~:W ks. 0. . Y I p gornyy inf;h.;;,7XW.WS_V4 hnih go myy tek Concerning the book~by N.V. Fellnikov and L 'N. Marehenko "Energy .-of the blAst and construction of the charge". Ugol' 39 no.10:62- 63 0 164. (FIRA 17:12) 1. Ilachallnik kombinata ChelyabinAugolt (for Konchlatenk-0). 2. G-lavnyy inzh. Magnitogor~skogo rudniYA (for Tikh(modov). 3. Permskiy politekhnichoskiy institut (for Ruda&. Korlmmov). 4. Beramikovski-y sodov~7 zavad (for Fachitakilkh, iAguraysv). Pam a' SOV 1'"58-3-14/15 AUTHORSz Gerasimenko, N.I. and Zagurnyy, S.I. TITLEj Tests of "AITF-5" FILux in Automatic Weldirlg Of Steel" (Ispytaniya flyu3a AITF-5 pri avtamatjchc-skcy sva---kO staii IX109T) PERIODICALt Avtomaticheakaya svarka, 1958, Nr 3, pp 00-92 (USSR) ABSTRACT:I The Insti*ute of Ele -c-tric Welding iseni Ye,0.-Paton devl- loped a newl fused, oxygenless IIANF-5" flux ol the foilow- ing chemical COMPOSitiont 75 to 6G~o CaF^; 17 ts 25% sio2 maximum; 0.05% $ maximum; 0.02% P maxim-.)r,. The technological properties of this flux were tested in 1956 at the welding laboratory of the Podollsk MachinebullldintD- Plant im-eni Ordzhonikidze. Teats were carrIc!d out on IXl8N9T-steel plates of 1000 x 150 x 10 I= of the foll',,lij~,E; chemical compositiono; 0-07% C; 19-507fo Cr; 9-56% ITI; 9n; 0.0% S-.1; 0.401/1. Ti; 0-034~ 9 and 0.012% ?. The ar-;icIe eives detailed data on the composition of vir.~Lding seam metal, and the technology of the welding proceso. Tests have shown that the seam welded with "AITF-5" "u7 have a hien resintance against cracka and corro3iori and Card 1/2 satisfactory mechanical propertie3. 'T I I A SOV Tests of "ANF-5" Flux in Automatic 77elding of "IX181,19TI-WItee-111 'There are 4 tables and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Podol I skiy zavod 4---eni S. Ord-zhonikidze (Podc-d'34. Plan. imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) SUBMITTEDs February 13, 1957 l.- Welding-fluxes--Test results -2.-Welding fluxea-Materia-b-, Card 2/2 State of nurserifte in the R.S,,F.S.11. Trudy Bot.inst.Ser.6 no.7: 429-431 159. OWU 1314) ---I, OnsudarntvenVy -respublikanskiy - inatitut -pr6ynktirovmd,y4 komiminallnogo strottel'stva. MOskva. (Ifurearies (Horticulture)) ZN; ZAGT mov, Go Caoe--of broncholithiasts.- Suvres.-med., SofiA 8 nOO.'100-103 1957, 1, Iz -natologonnatomichnoto otdolenie na M-,ruzhnata bolnites - gr. Xhaskovo (Gl lelmr: d-r N. Petev) MIONCiI, calculi. caae report (Bul)) ZAGUROV, G. Rare carainomatoun lqxocYstomtogis of the liver, Suvress. zed. , Sof Ia. 8 no,9:79-82 1957-- 1" Iz Patolo-g-oanatomichnoto otdalenie na Okruzhneta bolnitsa - Mzskovo. (CARCINOMA COLWID, case reports bile dnot, with myxoc7stomatosis of liver & peritoneum- (LIM, cysts myxocystomatoeis, with colloid carcinoma of bile duct & mVxocyatomtos1s of peritoneum) (BIL3 LUCTS, neoplasms colloid carcinoma with myxoeystomatosis of liver & peritoneum) (PZRITCUM, c7sts mvx0cystomatosis. with colloid cArcinoat of bile dmote & n7xocyatomatosis of liver) ZAGURDV, G. Heart- -tuberculosis# -case. rep"t, -Bunem, mod*, Sof 1& 8 U0.22SI22-225 1957. I* Iz.0kruxhnata bolnitan-gr, Wskovo_(GI, Iska: (TUBMUU)SIG* CWIDIOVASCUURO case rqwrt (3u1)) Wdffunlcular nVelosis in chronic rheumt ism. Suvrga. nod., Safla 9 no.6:98-99 1958. le Is Patologoanatomichnoto otdolenia pri Mmishnate. bolnitea v gr. Rhaskovo. (Gl. lekar: It. Petev)', (GPI" CORD, dies funicular myelosis in chronic rheum., case report (Bml)) (RMWMTISK, compl, funicular myelosis in chronic rheum., case report (Ihl)) I UTZ 7A~I( nISK'fy V A,; Z~,L TSMIN L.G CIERNAYA, SLVI, C-IIAYKOV,3'K!Y, Yu.B. A. The A',-16 and AG-18 ejeCt--Op_ja4l,rg lines. Avtom.. I pr-b. no;,2~ 6-~,-69 Ap-"Ip- 165. 011RA 18:7*'; kand. tekhna. nauk MachiningtWeaded parts on lath-es.- Phshinostroitell na.1001 0 1630 --ZAGUILIKI ~Zsgcrski,- -ZbW.ow -Pawf%)); -M,- Vloizinergh C"ey, WIodsimierz/ An irradiation utit for. t~e Investigation of samples t7 phys'ical or physicochemical methods in the gami radiation field. Nukleonika 5 no.4-.219-226 160. 1~1 1. -Inatitut yaderny'kh lssledovawiy PAIN, Varshaval Laborstoriya radiatsionnoy khimii. 7AWT'.'7K7Yj F. 1. USSH/ lcine-_ Infectious: -Di-sea4es -oct- 50 "Usterellosis ir-Svine," ff. 1. zapxskly.. A. S Pogorelko, Veterlaarians Nezhin Inter-Rayon Vet Bacteriol Inst',, Chernigovsk Oblast ~".Veterinariya" No 10, pp 26-28 Observed serious outbreak of listerellosis toward end of Jan 49. Eescribes clinicaJ canifestations, pathol and anat changes, diagnosis cmd gen eti,31 of the disease ir.detail. 186T93 ----------- - rotrd )./A 'Z, I Titin lnlr~, -.rj Tc; n 9,55 P(triodica t Ab7afraot- r, r t c, turn rf. I k7,thc- i p c. a c r c- %- f t i t Ition. t 1;,:A ZAOURS1IT, V.I. -'i -Cutting machine assetbly for making gTooves. Sellkhozmasthina no.2: 30 F '57. (W.RA 10: 4) (metal clitting) Y AUTHOR: 49agurskiy, V.I., Engineer 117-3-4/28 TITLE! Machining Ctlindrical Bodies Without Cutting (Obrabotka tel vrashcheniya bez snyatiya struzhki) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1958, # 3. P 10-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains general information availabl,a on existing methods of forming screw thread, gears, and spline shafts by rolling. There are 6 figures Rnd 7 Russian, 2 English, and I German reference. AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 1/1 ZAGMLSCIT9 V.1', lnzh,' -Maumay-im-r-uttivC extemiLl -threads with-colt -"ening-d hea4s.-- Trakt. L ary.11kho.zrash. no.:).-36-4b Kr '58. OCERL 1195) Mrew-cuttivc machlues) Inoreasing the strength of cutting tools vhIch are used for w1d fastenings. Trakt, I ael,411owAsh. 31 40.1tApo A 11,610 (Metal-cutting tools) (HERA Uti) ZAGURSKIYV V.I. AutommUd thmad cutting,_ _Trakt,, i isellkhommob, .11 n0.34"7 1'r 161, (KRA 1413) (Sorew otting) ZAGURSKIY V I k d.takhn.nauk I I Active control in machlning bushUgs. Ketahinont-raltall nos8t5 Ag 162. (MRA 15M (Mtal cutting) ZAGUESKIT,-V.I.,'Imnd.tekhn.niLuk Grinding helical surraces-vith an unequal pitch# MuWmtroenle no.6s16-19 N-D 162. (]URN L6s2) I. flauchno-Inslodovatellsidy Institut tekhnologti me ohiw- stroyeniya Rostovoko o6veta narodnoo) khosysystis* fooriMing and politihing) ZAGURSKIY, V.I., kMd.tekhn-uauk; PAVLTUCHEEKO, OeLe, High-41peed machining of taper keys* KMbinfttrOitell no.U:3/+ N 162. (MMA 15:12) (Keys and keyways (Steelwork)) (ftruing) ZAGMKIT, V.I., kand.tokhn.nauk Machining ophorical surfaces with cutting -~oola faving rectilinear cutting edges. Mashinostxoenia no.l,.27-31 Ja~F 162, (MIlk 15;2) 1. Rostcrvokiy zavod sel'skokhozyaystve=ogo maBhinostroyenl3ni. (14atal dutting) . S/117/62/00q/008/0(12/005 1007/12007 AUTHO' Rs ZS9UV`SkiY-r-AA-XkL_.!Land1d&te of Technical Solenceti. TITLE t Orerntiorni (:-joqfo-,:J- Jt4r,'#qO MIODICALI Mashinostrottell, no. 8# 1962, 5 -----TEXT i --The paper -oontains-a detailed. - description ot-th"a -difft rent devices designed to ensure automatic operational control and ahacking, of dimensions during machining., in order to reduce idling time of machlrea durim; measuring operations, the quwrtity of rejections,, "d the number of operators. The first device ensures greater accuracy of dimensions compared with thwt obtained with athor similar attachments. The second device c4mbinss sutomatin control of dimensions with selactfon of the pr6per position of the ccapenents for any subsequent operation. The third device ensures autometio and, periodlool. control of dimensions after a certain number of part)@ have left the cons of 6chining. There are 3 figures. card 2/1 ZAGURSKIYj V.I. -_ - - __ - __ - - __ - - _ - Madmization of the- manufacture -of -fastening Wtv, Hauhivostmite'll - -_ no.12t.-10-11 D161. (MIRA 1/-")) -Wachine tools--Technological Irnovations) . ZACPJRSYM V itali Ivanoyicbi_ROMVMKOO M.A., inzh,, retisonzent; V-~-~~IKI~FORGVA~~ ', 4 Q~ TzS.., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYAO M.S., -threadad-fantenings] Avtotatizirovan-- noe proizvodstvo reztbovykh krepezhnykh detalei. Moskva,, ItGchgizp 1962. 120 p. NIRA 15:5) (Fastenings) (Autornation) ~'yX S/12-1/611/000/004/004/0011 DOWD113 AUTHOR: Zagurskiy, _V.I. TITLEa A substantiation of the isotopic method of wear reat.stance determination for cutting tools PERI-ODICALt Stanki i instrument, no- 41 1961, 25-26 111EXT: The essence of the method is discussed with reforonoos to several Soviet and AnGlish-lanbruage publicationot and Ito application is advocated in vievi of its speed and possible wear moasuromentn on toolo cuch as milling cutters., taps, or breaches. The author proves by reasoning and calculation that the well-known empirical cutting theory formula of relation between speed (v) and tool durability (T) V (2) - Tm also has a physical sense, and that the results of the isotop~ic and geo- metrical methods are identical, the radioactivity (A) of the wear products Ca~vd 1/4 S/121/61/000/1)04/004/OOL' A substantiation of the isotopic method .... D040/DI13 being proportional to their masst kA (7) k Ic tao i3roportionality factor thrit dapoalc ort tho apaOSIrt radio- activil,y of-tha-tool and on the-characteristic of tho counter), A f ormult. is deduced for the case of definite radioactivity of the tool-mataL and, constant counter charaoteristict Ig A _ lgv tg 0(' (8) t (where t is time, and 4:01- the incl-ine angle-in Fig-3)t and a graph plottel in logarithmic coordinates (Fig-3). The tangent of the angle cG is - - eb (where m is the relative durability factor in formula (2)), and tg m., i1 1 give /A- which is inverse to m. The author points out tha.t tAe method is a moans of speedy determination of econonically most advantageous wear rosiztance of tools at certain solected cutting speed using tho NIBTLIT Car& 2/4 _~, Ii I I k; 3/121/~l 010041004M)13 A substantiation of the isotopic method .... D040/D113 formulat Tad, sp a. 8 mine (if)) Qr op + %aoh j ___t Op- is---time - in-minutea- required f or -replaaamont - an&.s9t-_up_ ol - Uol during its durability- periodl - - 3 i- -the- cost- in kopecks- of - the -tool-une during same period;. -a op the basic and additional operator's earnings per minute in kopecks; a mach the cost of machine operation per minute in kopecks-)# There are 3 figures and 7 referenoess 4 Soviet and 3 non-floviet- bloo. The two references to Engl ish- language publications, in Radsism trans- literation, read as followst Gukt Meg "Machinery" (London)t no.80 (22.!6) 1956p p 245-2401 Radioactive indioatorog."Airoraft Produotion"p no* 3.71, (5% 15155P--_'~P 170-175- Card 3/4 s/i ie/6o/doo/o 1 -1/001/014 A161/AJ33 AUTHORt Zagurskiyq V.I., Candidd~~ of Teohnioal Sofenoem TITLE: Overall meohanization in the produetion of threadood fasteners PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, no. 11,1960, 1-5 -TE(Ts A general review is made of the development in tho USSR since 1951. There are now many automatio lines producing sorewo, bolts and nuts, and their major units are cold heading and thread rolling machines. rhe economio advantages of thread rolling are stressed. The review is ao3ompa- nied by brief desoriptions of automatio lines at some USSR platits. A lit-to at the "Roo tool I mash" plant (Fig.1) consists of a post with coil. Q~,% cold upsetting automatic (2), a trimming machine (3), a tumbling drun k4), a thread rolling automatio (5) with flat threading dies, and an witicorro8ive- treatment set (6). Bolts are conveyed from machine to maohine by chutes (7), inclined conveyers (8), loading hoppers (9) and an elevator (10), and ready bolts travel by the chute (11) into the box (12). The line is ororked by one operator and one setter. The hoppers of th4 trimming anel rolling Card 1/8 a FnF6,fwo g _S/I 18/60/000/011/001/(114 Overall mechanization in the production A161/A133 machines are of'blade type, produced as individual units with own drive. One line replaces 20 meni At the ZIL Plant$ bolts are stamped without metal waste on a two-stroke automatic Maohinej and an automatio line consists of two meohines only - a cold heading, and a thread rolling machine. At tho "Kras'naya Etna", a line (inatalled-under supervision of A.A.Preobrazheinskiy) produoea bolts with ball head and square underhoad (Fig.2); it oonsists of a post W, a two-stroke cold upsetting automatic (2), a washing (3), an annealing aat (4) with induction heater (5), a water tub (6)# and e. thr--ad rolling machine (7), all connected with flexible apron conveyers (8) end chutes (9). The use of four-stroke or five-stroke combination machines (instead of two-stroke machines) is mentioned as promising in giving Ligh effects; thread rolling machines working with two rollers instead of I'lat dies are mentioned (are used foi high-strength bolts). Special*or precision bolts are produced by cutting; such lines are placed either in apeoiM. mecha- nical shops# or in shops producing the equipment in which the bolts are used, One such line (Fig-3) at the "Serp i Molot" plant in ZharIkov inoludee an automatic four-spindle lathe (1), machines for rou h countersinking M$ drilling and milling (3),-finish-oounterainkirig (41 and a heat-treatment Card 2/8 3/118/60/C00/011/001/c14 Overall meohanizatiwa in the production A161/A133 hopper (5) three pneumatic lifts (6), an elevator (7)i-ohutes (8) and hoppers (91 oonneot the machines into line. At many plants the chain ele- vators and conveyers with metallic buckets used in the beginning are t*ing roplaced by moro dependable and convenient transportation means requiring no pits and permitting installation of the machines at'an angle'.to one ano- ther ~hioh facilitates the work of operators) instead of in one straieht line. Ono such line at "Krasn~ya Etna" In shown in diagram (Fig.4). It J.9 recommended to replace the cumbersome chain conveyers by other types - not. conveyers with angle iron bars, rake conveyers, vibrationalf worn typel tc reduce down-time in lines by proper choice of material# the use of-sinter64 carbide tools, loading hoppers between the machines. The advantages of multi-station bolt automatics are stressed - high productivity an& little occupied floor space. A typical automatic line producing stanlard m6-M24 nuts usually consists of one 5-position nut-upsetting automatic and three thread cutting machines, working with curved taps, at a rate of 50-100 nuti3 a miaute (down time not considered). In production of large bolts and nutil separate operations are performed in horizontal forging machines with auto- matic blank food-by gripal sp*oial nuts heading machines. At soine lax-go -- planto electric heading automatics are fitted with built-in elsotrio heating, Card 3/8 IVI 1 6J601000101 1/001/014 Overall mechanization in the production ... A161/AI33 The Speoial Design Bureau of the Odessa Sovnarkhoz has developed a ve:t-tioal mul ti-~szindle'nut- threading automatic -that can- ciat 20-36 mm thralli di!Lmirier nuts At a rate of 500 per hour. Some machines include hardness -tests b:r high-speed hydraulic hardness meters with a 10 mm ball. Bolts a:r-e moveit under the ball on a disc, and 1,200 bolts can be tested p~r'shif-t. Tite AvtomobilInyy zavod imiLikhacheva (Automobile Plant im. Likhacho-v-) hait :?ro.. duation c 'ounters on cold heading and multi-spindle automatic la-.hes. K.)oui; one thousand automatic lines and multi-position jaachines have to be pkLt :Lnl;o service in the USSR during the current Seven-Year Plan. There a:t,e 4 Cilpiroe and 1 table. Card 4/8 il If: Nla'.SNP~1~~41 a I kmpm ~ k; ANT NO 111-74SW~liv If U,500zil W M~M4iPIIRT Ego .V4,0- nwaf~M!23 M Im 7 Eff 'A IMM t S/11 60/000/011/001/014 overall mechanizatiorf in the production A161YA13! P 1 2 0*1&--and -h6t-- for*- roUlac of--cear.-Whe~18 ---jbl3hin*6tZOlte" nO.12: --29-30--D- PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5187 Zagurskiy, Vitally Ivanovlch- --.Progressivnyye-sposoby obrabotki rezlby-(Advanced nireaeurig Methods) Moscow, 14ashgiz, 1960. 163 P. 11,000 copies printed. Reviewer: A.,V,. Rabotin, Engineerj Ed.: S. P. Shabashov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.t N. A. Dugina; ExecutIve Ed. of Ural-Siberian Department (Mashgiz): A. V. Kaletina, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for designers and procefis engineers. COVERAGE: The author reviewe existing threading mel;hodis and descrikee the processes, machines, tools, and automating devices used In each method. Data are advanced concerning thread ac--!uracy and the areas of application pertinent to each method. ':Ipeclal em- phasis is given to a consideration of the eoonomic el'fectiveneas of the various threading methods and recommendatLons are made with,regard to the choice of the most suitable of thase methods. The works of E. L Felldshteyn, A. P. Gubin, M. 1. Bttsov, and Cdrd-17/-6 Advanced Threading Methods SOV/5187 M. I. Plearevokly are mentioned as having been used by the author. There are 149 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Introduction PART ONE. THREAD CUTTINO Ch.-I... Thread Cutting With Slngle-Point Toole and Chaserv C1 Universal thread-cutting methods with single-point tools and chasers 10 Partial automation of thread cutting with a elngle-poInt tool 19 Multiple-thread cutting and automation of indexing of eitarts 25 Automation of threading on universal machines 27 Automatic thread-cutting attachments for automatle and auto- matic-turret lathes 31 CardZ2/Cr.. sh i7/60/oo)/Ol?_/bio/bP:) AX4/001 AUrHOR: TITLE: Cold and Hot Rolling of Gears PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1960, No. 12, pp. 29-30 TEXT: Comparing thread-cutting and thread rolling operations, the author points out that in the former process 15% of the metal-iij removedin 'the form of chips, while thread rolling makes it possible to increase the efflcil!ncy of ge&-- working processes by 15 - 20 times. The loss of metal wJth Vie lat*b~r process amounts only to 3 - 4%. Thread rolling of small-module teethi'up to .1mm) is generally effected by the cold method., while hot rolling or c:mbined hot and cold rolling is used for cylindrical gears with modules in tho raAKe of :~ - 10 mm and conical gears of up -,,-o 4.5 mm. Moreover, the author points ait tha7. thread roll- ing of gears with modules up to 1 nm is generally carried out by the thrufeed method (with longitudinal feed of the workpiece), while ateel gears with modules over I mm are rolled by the infeed method (with radial f-Ded of the rolling die.s) Gears with a surface finish of the 7th and 8th class according to rocr(GOST) 2789-51 can be obtained if rolling dies with polished working surfaoo are ured Card 1/4 S /_1 171601000/0 12/010/022 Cold and Hot Rolling of Gears A004,/AOO1 and attention is paid that the axes of revolution of alL then are strictly parallel to the direction of the oarvlogo feed. The ra,lial wobbling of the goal, rim including the eccentricity relative to the fitting hole j%nd the noncircular:1 'ty of shape of the initial teeth periphery will be within the range of :he 3rd or even the 2nd class of precision according to GOST 1643-46. It was finmd that the larger the angle between the gear axis and the directicn, of the tee-.1i line, the lower the stress taken up by the rolling tool and the higher the quality of Vne rolled teeth. The author recommends, In order to incrfiase -.he unifonmity of th,- efficiency of the rolling process, to roll sImultaneou.,jly two or thr-~e blanks on a common mandrel. It was found that by the Infeed method on machine.5 with two dies three gears 0with a module of 1.25 mm with an anglo of inclinati,,,n of' the teeth line of 77 are rolled within 15 seconds. Takir% int3 account the auxiliarjr time, the productivity per hour amounted to 150 parts. Gears with 515 teeth of the name rijodule are mtLohine withirk 35 flooonds, whilo tho m%ehining time ror goarn with 24 teeth is 20 seconds. The author mentions another cold-rolling process of gear4 developed in the USA and called Roto-Flow (roto-flo), gerierally used for the rolling of skew and straight gears on the ends of long shatts and sinilar compo- nentu. In the Soviet Union hot-roll-ing mils designed by TxNIITMASh, ENIMS, Kharlkovskiy traktornyy zavod (Kharfkov Tractor Plant) and Ryazanskiy stanico- Card 2/ 4 Cold and Hot Rolling of Gears stroitellnyy zalod (Ryazan' Machine Tool Plant)are used. Flat blanks and blanks with hybs are generally used. Flat ' blanks are rolled with longitudinal (m 4 mm) and radial (m - 4-10mm) feed, while blanks with hubs are only rolled by the Infeed method. Figure 2 shows the kinematiq layout of a machine for the rolling of teeth witha module of 6.5 10.5 nn. I - blank; 2 - rolling dies; 3 - car- riage; 4-electric motor; 5 - reducer; 6 - electric motor; 7 - spindle; The radial feed magnitude of gear-rolling dies depends on the module; for module 31 e. g., the feed amounts to 0.1 - 0.5 mm/sec., for module 4 it is 0.2 - 0.5 mm/ sec., etc. The Ryasan' Machine Tool 8,/1 1716010OD101210101022 PJ)04/AOOI FIgurc 2: Card 3/4 Cold and Hot Rolling of Gears 3/1i7/6o/w)/o12/biq/b:_>2 AOO4/AO01 Tlant has mastered the production of the QC -1, (03-1) gear-rolling machine for mm. Such a the manufacture of gears 40 250 mm In diameter with molules up to 5 machine replaces mo -re than _10-gear-cutting machines.--The piece-timo for-one part amounts to 1.5 - 2 minutes only. The resistance to wear of hot-rol:,.cd gear teoth is by 1.5 times higher -and the fatigue strength by 10 higher than the correspond- Ing values of milled gears. The Khar'kov Tractor Plant used for tho first time a combined method of hot and cold gear golling. This method reduces ';he machining time of' gears by 5 times. Manufacturing costa for -gears 200 - 250 _n diameter with modules of 5 mra were reduced by 20%. The mass production of goar3 by this method warrants a high precision (of the 2nd olass for 9,Dt of the rolled gears),. Bevel gears, the rolling of which was mastered between 1955-1958, are manufactured with modules up to 4.5 mm and maximum diameters of 200 mm. It takes only 2 minutes to generate such teeth. There are 2 figures. Card 4/4 ZAGURM IT kand. takhn* Mule ll--Aut-omtion-IwAba-manufactur.8- Over!!& a,vtomeprolm 14 nciolltl-5 if 160, WILL 13: 11) (Autowtion) (Bolts and Auto) Vii. I Ul M ?14 A A I ML-9 i It! R.: 1!"Z I [El VZ: ;.& a @U's At WVREW MMtM4, I il x W~2z RABOTIN. A.T.. lnxh.. rotsenzentg SHARA OV, S.P,. ksnd.tskhA.nauk, red,j WGIM, M.A,, tekhn.roL [Advanced methods for Oaping screw threadal ProgresaiiiWe sposoby obrabotki rez4by. Moskva. Gos.nauchao-tekbn.lzd-,vo mashinostroit.lit-ry# 1960o 163 p. (HIRA 14:2) I (Screw cutting) ZAG Improving the manufacture of fastening parts. Hashinogtrcltelt no.6:0-9 Ag 160. NIRA 13:9) (Kachinery industry~-Technological innovations) (Automatic control) ~% ; 1~ ~ j x1y. poll 1~1 t~1'Fjlq-T~IVwTz'C_ ZAGURSKrY. 1. (disa)___" tudy -of-tic -process ofe,~mmurling- -V --Pand Tech $oi z of external I threads with Iongitudinal feeding*" No$, Tubl iah ing Fouse 6f the Aced Soi USS_q i W-A, 4WO&MG), 1959. 22 pp (Aoad Sci USSR. Inst of 11schine, ~00 175 copies (KL, 43-59, 124) -44- -- - ~ q~. - ~ - - ~ I ATI . ~A, .1i I 11 -MUTI(O. Li- T.-I Lzazl)j;,,~' lyt A. V.# AQ11".011p .1. 11. and TO".T.33AYU, Zho 11. ~ "The Effect of Physical &ffort on the Dwk-Adaptation of the Eye", Fiziolog. Zhurnal 33,9R, Vol. 16, 5th ed., 1933. 0 k"W&W-21, M.-_bstance in-tin-a ra~eptr~:- neu-rn g-D 164. c.6.-741-743 "IMA 18:8) votn,,I~h Hvi3tovokogo univorsiteta. KOGAII, A.B.; Relationship between ribonucleic acid dynamics mad elect,rtcal. -activity of the. single - gtretcl- neuron ofthe-crayffish trius--~le during excitation and inhibition. Zhur. evol. bitAhim. i Tiziol. I nd.1:59-66 Ja-F 165. (14111A L8:6) --------l,,--KELfedra -f izic)logil-chelovoka-i-zhivcLtnykh- Rostovskogo--miver--------- siteta. ,?,A(,; Ij 0 Kit N) t -zron of tl~e crayf~ sh of rlbonu-rs-loic alid -',I recep cr fre during excitation and ITauch.doklovyijohloly; biol.nauki no.306-39 165. (MIRA ISO) 1, F-ekomendmvana 1-afctd,-o7 fiziologii chelovel,:a :L :,.hivotnykh ltastovalcorya goaudarqvrennogo universitata6 riz Qru-'.-y Eaw 7xizlk A7 I _Y1 110-fi. L opartmnt of Hum= atil Ani=1 Ph3miolagiri Rostov State Univardity (Kafedra r TITIRt RMA dy_nmnAmn tri the rneaptor nalLror of tho e-rgh durDig 67oitation A-Twi air-pp4-Aff-' Ei ion SOMIMt Kauchilyys doklady Vyashey shkoly, Biologlehaski" noukit no- 3, 1965, ~6-390 TOPIC. TAGS:. RNA, neuron, slectrophydoloey PtLy a i0 :1cs in a !;in-gle receptor neuron )f a crnb. used to Invret;t1rate Rtl& dynw-, An aluctric -.timtilus was ipolled in f1vo vpr1ant-q1 low-qtren~th, mediwn- ,,trcn,;th, ht!~h-rtrrnrth, repeated excitation, and suppression. With low- astreri~,tli rticulation the muncles stretcbed 10-20% of their leligth. Bath 5 minum and 20-minute stimlation resulted in a modernte increise in t~ie amount: of MA and tho. S17C of the, neuron body. 11tere was pral:1. teas'. I y no cftarq~a In R14A cmcentrntiom, With n madluffi Ott"Au" the muac.'Aia stratchM 40-60',, of their length. Sieve was a considerable increase in the site of the neurort body and the amunt of RMA, RNA concentration Was higher than Na contral. %Ito atrong gtimmilus raiulted In n certalth M011~454 irt thO In t' V 2763!~-66 70 slzc c-f thm neuron body and it reduct-lon In INA Con a" trIstlone- Ilte aimunt of RUA decreased In re-atimulated receptors, E~ccltation revultlnB In leAd to a sh-arp rfa-- in- MA contant-rLit-ion* Tile siz'k of Out mmurrm bndv tin-orp-Agod. Tine "Parift*rita show that changes can :Ake p-kca 1-1 l,'16 toLlil amount of RNA vitziout nny ean~riA;il. change In its concem -ratio,,. Orig. art, hast 1 tablo. Z~Ftlj SUB CON: 06 SUBM DATE 213MV64 CRIG RE, F 1 009 Call REFt 005 _Ccrd EMT, bra 11WIM ROPICT"Llm. ON Wl P(A=19, Vladimir LIvovich; LMIIMTS, A.M.. red.; TARPA1310VSxx*r. ip.L., red.; KURA-MYA, UoTaot, (Randbook of 1 r rical -rathods, for solving algebraic aml transcendental equations] Spravachnik po chislewqa antodam reshenlia algebraichaskikh i tranateandentnfth urelvnenii. Pod red. A.M.Lopshites. Koskva, Oon.lad-vo fiziko-vates. lit-ri. 1960. 216 p. (IM 13:4) (TIqwtIons--XuwrIca1 solutions) Surfi-c-se whIch can be transferred into thezuelves by aff Ins transform-tion. lsvp vy8v uchobv zav*; nst* no.2:96-103 '6o. OUR4 13:7) 1. -Taroala-vokly podagogichesicly Inatitut in, X,D. Ushinoltogo. (Surfacee) 160) AUTHOR: _ 2agusk SOV/1-55-58-3-10/37 ' TITLEt on a Kind of Finsler Spaceean4 Motions in the Minkowski Space (0b odnom vid,~ proatranetv FinglnrA i dvizhnniynkh v prom tra-it;tv-, Minkovskogo) PERIODICALs 11auchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matemcticheakiye nauki, 1958, 17r 3, pp 50-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: ,e_7 the geometry According to the papers of V.V.Vagner fRef 1,'! of Finsler spaces is investigated on the base of the Minkowski geometry. The author formulates 14 theorems without proof, e.g.: Theorem: In a rigid affine Finsler space the connection is determined uniquely and it has a zero ourvaturc. Theorem. A Berwald space (see Z-Ref 22) is an affine Finsler space# Theorem: The direct product of Berwald spaces Is a. Borwald space again. An affine FinBler space in a Finsler space In ihich all lw--al. Card 1/2 On a Kind of Finsler Spaces and Motions in the SOVI 3-10/-17 Minkowski Space Minkowski spaces are isometric. A Finsler space is rigid if at least in one Minkowski tangenting space the rotation group is finite. There are 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 1 Aueric!an, 1 Swiss, and 1 German. ASSOCIATIONtYaroslavskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut imen-t X.D.Ushinalcogo (Yaroslavl' State Pedagogical Instil;ute imeni K.D.'Ushinskiy) SUBIAITTEDi April 15t 1958 Card 2/2 21AGUSKIN, V.L. Solution of systems of linear equations by the izerati've of-L.V.-Kantorovich and A.M. Lopehits,Vch, vap,_ IAr. go no.3/+s69-80 160. (MIRA 15,, a. pod. inst. -9) (Linear equations) - -- -- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- -- ------ ZAGUSKINI_yt;~.; MOSKVITINA, I.I. Convergenca of N.V.Paluver's method of polynomial factorization. Dokl. na nauch. konf. 1 no.3:,68-?i 62. (MRA 16:8) (Factors (Algebra)) I I, 51A.' I & I P_ Ff UGUSKIN, V.L. Sme Ixoblems in-Finsler-goomtry. Uch.-zap.--I&-- go$.-pod. inst. no.34:83-110 1.60* (KIRA 15.19) (Gemetry, Differential) ZAGUSKIN, V. L. Cand Phys-16ath Sci "Certain problems of Finsler's geometry*" Saratov, 1961 (Suratov State Univ im N. 0. Cherriyshevskiy)e (KL, 1-61, 183) notions in the HiOows"i. One kiM of Finsloir P-nd m -fir.-:--aA.nOLuki n0$3.'50-52 '3~% Ilaucb. a0k, 'V378. vbkol-7: OIIRA 12:?) Tort),5jAvn'Cjy f.,wmj~ivctvt)nT%yy podMofriaheakly itmtitut, Lr,. K4D, Uslhinskogo. (Spaces, Generalized) ZAGUSKIN. V.L. , I., - _. __. - _. . -, - - .. Inscribed and alrotmearibed - ellipso Ids of attrame voluatf, 116P.Hat. nauk 13 no.6:89-93 N-D 158, OURA 120: 2) (Ellipsoid) aguskin, V.L. SOV/42-13-6-SV33 AUTHORs TITLEs On girc=Sc wd Inscribed Ellipsoids of Extremal Volume (Ob opisannykh i vpisannykh ellipsoidakh ekstremalltogo ob"yema) PERIODICkLt Uspekhi matematicheakikh nauk, 1958,V01 13,Nr 6,pp fig-93 (Ussf) ABSTRACTs The author's results are surpassed by the paper of Denzer rRef 11. There are 6 references, 4 of which are German, 1 SvtLes and 1 American. SUBMITTEDo JulY 4P 1957 Card 1/1 YM31jOVICHj V.A. (I(oskva); IEVW V.I. (Moskva); MARKHM, G. (Arazlma); ONOFRASH, Ye. [OnofrasjEj (Yansys Rumyniya); RYBAKIDV, L.H.~~'Yaroslavll); (Ma~hemtjcn-Probleme, emroinea, C".) L 12741-63 AFFI-C IJP(C) /f I a h -,I L 7ag 1,105cow) gus kin, V. L. and Zharitonov k. solutioiz o' the staMI-ity problem by iteration -0,ev ,~aj Litel tn^-y mate:natild i ri, Atichwikoy fi,;Il L, v. "is !,)63, 36' 364 rsf, thn _qL-411i" ',-.I Of -dl f - 4-*7n-I, i~~Anri nn nn--= tl:-i r :~G 115~ UP-R-ML P~~ !V "APIA iP i"I't"U! Rim ! U I MM". L 12741-63 L, partlcula-r of those allove to the L smo 4i-,~... J-1 5, 1962 L 00383-66 '2 CFm URf LP502. 69 UR/002cf/65/11; ~,'C*5/1 UY7/1109' LAUTHORSt Zaguakin, T. La; Kondrashovg T# "at -"Mdua ion via - ga. 100 OqUatIbUff--ty -7 ~iaolated regions -AN -BSM Doklad---, v. 163- no -5 -1965- MT-IM9 t F QPI 'T C -TAGSt - beat conduablont gam dynaml car AL"aren-cet -nquation-r b=vl-ry cvmnditm-mr~ stabilitf oriterion, -A BqTR ACT!, The solu-ticAim off the hea-t 4onduat4on *-nA- 8--sL dyna-m-Leas eqtuvl-' wing diSference equations are discussed. The heat conduction equation is ir 7en by J. a - if Z>O, isubject to boundax7.ePv4itions agk+ Pic Ndu I Ox (1, (r 74 (x_ av, .4- au ar A IF iTheae equations Us written in difference form and the folloviric twt; Ilederjoari itions are deriveA, for stability of the solution 8.1/h1 a2./h2 (c 0) i Car" JA ZAGUSKIN V L jx;~Skva); MAR110NOV A.V. (Hoskwa) Interation method f or solving the stability equation. Zhur, vych.mati mt.fUt --3 no.2,.361-364 ~ MrrAp -%3. --- - -- (KIM (Algol (Computer program.language)) DOWINOT, L.S., Insh.; ZAGUSTIN, ~ S.N., insh, Ilootrio furneem used for heating- pipes in fitting then NT installation. Sudostroonle 24 no.8t69 Ag 058. (RDU 11:10) (Blectric furnaces) (Kirine pipe fitting) Tobacco Manufacture and Trade RaisJiig the level of training,for r.-.echanics' corps. Tabak 13 no. 2, 052. Monthly List o-f -Fussian Accessions. Libr=7 of Congress, June 1952. M)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD AMIORSt Xurgnsonj_A. A.; Z W. am ad'a Ma Y. a , VT. OR03 Turbine 'Eqdne Works (TurbomotorrW zavod) TITLEt Multiple_AltELdin%of 1013/:fteel -SOURGEt --Mota3-.l-oved.erdye-i-"rmicheskaya- obrabotka- Metallovs no* 4, 3.566,i--75-78 -TOPIC TAOSs chromium stedij, nitridations x ray photography,,, x: ray equiprent, awmiiap phase composition/ lKh13 chromium steels RKD x: ray equipment, AB3MACT: Specimens of lKhl3 steel were-nitrided-in industrial furnaces under tke- following conditionst heating at 540C for 12 hrs; ammonia dissociation to 35A heating at 540C for hB.hraj ammonia dissociation to 65%j cooling under Lruwaia, stream to 200C; air cooling. This process was rel?eated. X-ray photogrz.,?hs were taken with a RKD camera* In multiple nitriding of high-chrone fiteel, bhet surface layers were decarbonized; iron nitrides reacted w;Lth atmospheric oxygen vid formed iron oxides, Chrome steel which has been nitridod nine times contains irl)n oxides -and nitrides -on the surface; pbAses containing clwomium are absent. excitasive and repeated nitriding impairs the quality of the nitr,'Aed layer of high:f_~ro~se stools Orig, art* hass 2 figures and 2 tablese ------------- SUB COD& U/ SUBM DAM none/ OPIG RM 003 card 1A V~4)11 ~AMLULJ & v&" off 0 .011fc 0! f t 00 9 1, 44 K a A. Pwwiwf (U. & 44 " o zii. 4-1111411--t1w c%w". f- 5^10 - V T i !V ~ - -- r 444:41. W"w YAU&4. l "low- tic"Z ~ 4( , a m 1$ flow-, Q4 4 The Abe" 014 .11-fAmmotf. 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