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ZAKIMR070 Me: TLOZEITMIDO L,,K* - wa -:m The structure of ice in aoil when winter crops are r stubble or on fallove Sborotrudopq Wonofixt no,6:2_",1-2,;6 153. (HIRA 11:7) (Frozen ground) ZArMOV, N.G.; REM. LHOITITITj ToLej MROMIT, T.P.; DOTSMO, "'t.,9'.1-GONCIMOV. B.P.. radaktor; CEDIATZTA. Z.V.o takhnicheskly redAktor [Now method of stabilizing movable sandal Nowyl sposob setkroplentia podyishnykh paskov, Moskva,, Goo, ixd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1954. 14P. p. (WRA. 7M) (Band) (Soil stabiliuation) (Soil btudiM) 15-57-3-374 7 Translation from: Roferativnyy zhurnal, Goologiyfi, 1957, lir 3, p 182 (USSR) MTHORS: Zakharov, N. G., Revut, I. B. TITLE: The Use of Bitumen Emulsions as Protection Agtiinst Seepage in Irrigation Ditches in Sandy Solis (Prime- neniye bitumnoy emullaii. dlya borlb S filltrfltsiyey v orositellnykh kanalakh na peskakhT PERIODICAL: Tr. aralo-kasp. kompleksnoy ekspeditsii AN SSSR, 1954, Nr 3, pp 117-135 ARSTRZCT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 kandidat sell ekokhozynystvannykh nauk; SULIKOVICH, B.9.. 11w electric soil thermometer. Zemle4ells 4 no.5:128 My 156. (KLM 9:8) (Soil temperature) (Thermometers) ZAKHAROV~ N.G.; KURTFINER, D.A. P sygtem Lc)r nprir~g'ayid suillyler gr(-,Erhoasesf Bill! -igal. inst. naucn. 3. .duch. (MIO 17.9', inrorm. 17 no.lt6i.-65 16-1. 1 r WIZAKHAROV , ?,' T --4.,L It" Oniy 6w~ Loss in the city. Z~d--,.-kom. khoz, 11 ro*12:5 D 161 . OCRA 16:U) 1. ookretorl UtyabrIolwgo forodukog.) komiteta Kolu=ioti- che~,~koy partii Sqvetslcogo Sopuza. - -ZAK ~ -,W Succeaefia operation of invirginating the ureter into the pelvis. Urologlia 28 no.5s53-54 3-0163 (MM :1714) 1. Iz kafedry fakulitetskoy khl.rurgicheskoy klinik-i (zav. - prof. Vd. Glivenko) Krasnoyarokogo moditainakogo instituta, I COUNUY ; us SR .'OATLGORY : Farm Animals. Swine ASS. ,JOUR. t RIZBiol., No. 13o 1958, no. 59561 AUTHOR :_ZAkharov, N,.T. I'V 3 T . .. Molotov ral In3titute IT IT L2; : intor-Breod Crossing of Swine ORIG. PUB. : Tr. 14olotovalac. a.-kh. In-t, 1957, 15, 273- 279 A'13TRACT On the "Selyanka" branch farri of 14olotovsko Oblact, new hybrid surino were developed by complex raproductivo crossing of the lo,lal Black Spotted, Large Whito and Breytovskaya breeds and by a closely related mating.. The hybrids wer4 characteri zed by a tall height (live of sovis at the age of two year's and over was 180-290 kg.), high fertility (12 pip in a litter, each weight CARD: 1/2 ZAKIMCN, N. 1. 33307. ZAKKAROV, 11. 1. 1 BOINs S. L Stareyshiy sovMoz respubllki. (Sovkhoz'lm.' Frun a* Tirasp. Rayon). Vinodeliy I Vonogradarstvo Moldavii,, 19490 No. 51, 0. 2~-32 SOt lAtopis' Zhunullrqkh Statey Vol, 45j Moz-.kva,, 1949 MARMOVSKIT. M.G.; ZAKUnV R.I.; PIKARMU, G.D. Utilization of wastes of single-ply shoo lesther substitutes. Log. prom. 16 no.9:28-30 3 136. 0"1" 9:11) (Leather substitutes) (West* products) ZAMROV. N.Lt kandidat maditsinakikh nauk I . I ~ 1 1, -..... .. 11- -... Restorative operations in urethral stenools. UrQlogila 21 no.2:30-33 ip-.Te 156. (KIRA 9:12) 1. Is kafedry gospitallnoy khLrargiL (cav. - prof. A.M.Dykhno) Krasnoyarskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dots. P.G.Poclzolkov) (URETHRA. stenosis, surg. (Rua)) ZAEUROY, H.L. Hatbod for t~e plastic restorntion of the urinaz7 canal in cowlicated caeos. Urologiia 22 no.(,,:44-46 " '57- (HIPL& 11:2) 1. Iz kafedry goepitallnoy khirurgii (sav. - prof. A.M.Dylrhno (dmceasedl) Krasn'oyarakogo maditsinskogo inatItuta. OEMETHRA. stenosis eurg., restoration) ussR Voo) Is. Molotov Provinco - Impre-nat tort, Artifidd 7. Artificial insemination of cows on Molotov Province collective fitrivas. Sots, zhiv. NO 1 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Anril 1953, Uncl. ,IKAVINSKIY,, Yu.V.1 ZAKHAROV, 11.1.1 BYCIIKCVA# A.I.; V.G. Toxoplasmosis in the Far North. Tcxop!armnosiq in Uyr-7;-' National Area of Kracnoyarsk Territory. Trudy T:3)ITJ 165. (MRS" 18:11) ZAIMROV, N. L. Came of Implantation of throe ureters into the Intestine. Uroloctia no.1:74-75 Ja-Hr 155. (MLELA 8:10) 1. It kafedry goopitallnoy khirurgit ( A.H.D~rkhno) Krasnoyarlikogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PISTULA, VISICOVAGINAL. surgery, Implant of three ureters Into intestine) (ABNORKALITISSO supermuserary ureter, Implant of three ureters Into intestine in surg. of vesicovaginal. fistula) (UFMTM, abnormalities, superm rary ureter, implant Into Intestine of 3 ureters In vesicovaginal fistula) IA In ii" .-M r-.j- reivnn mip~ T ri fli L,-, E ~z -Lal~ tt 0 -M _PYa.- ALEKSANDROVA. G.I.: VOLISKIY. V.S.: GORDON. Kh.I.- KLIMOVICH, A.I.; LIFSHITS,-V.A.; FEDOTOV, F.G.[deceased],- AW.SEWYEV, P.A.,[retsenzent]; KOCRAHOV, M.I.[retsenzent]; LFK.0)X6,_1fOV, P.P.[retsenzent]; NOVIKOV, V.F.[retsenzenfl; SOKOLOV, H,V.[retsenzent); SHESTOPAL, V.M.[retsenzent]; YAKOBSON, H.O.'Lretsenzent); GALITSOVI A.D., red.; STRUZICESTRAKH, Ye.I., red.; KRISIN, R.I., red.; SEMENOVA, M.M., red. izd-va; POCHTAREIA, A.V., red. izd- va; TIKHANOV, A.Ya., tekhn. red.; MODEL', B.I., tekhn. red. (Handbook forthe establishment of norms in the machinery ---------ind-astr -es]Spravochnik--nor-mirovshchika-mashinostroi- y- in 4- voltw telia v 4 tomakh. ~bskva, Yashgiz, Vol. 4. [Engineering norms in auxiliary shops]Tekhnicheskoe normirovanie vo vsponogatell- nykh tsekhakh. 1962, 478 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Machinery industry--Production standards) 1411 L. 'N. FiGer. Gicko* I re Ita PAS the sr. butimfo rujoe orio 3N.-,Iv. and vrry ftw Cumis tA mm. vAlues ch 3.4% woe rrpcgiirql. CAm- udcrAbic improvorwat am Iq2v cmditiums Is rTIMN(C-1 AIA go itutaucts Q( MR. With waw, tic., sm W"S rg,- 014wted ia vxttwast witts dw emliow ptv6i, TIw Mattol dry r'I;Ij"C 4 milk fi44* to PAC&M with 4wrt'dattl W k4m, Unt, tk'tkV, PCtKftWtI$ Aft UtgUl (0 tUfM UtAt 1011k Sith hishcr fat cmteut. Ktxmug*d OT. N.M.; IT=, L.9, z IV;. 2 1 :~ I _- . - , . , Bacterial flora, of market milk. Gig. sault.. Moskv& no. 2s48-49 Feb 1953. (CLUL 24:2) 1, Of the Sanitary lpidemiological Station, Petrogradekly RWu. Un ingrad. GALITSOV, A.D.; DNNISYUK, I.N.; MVAIMVSKIY, S.N.; LM-T, A.G.; PRZIK. M.O.; P3TROCIMMO, F.F.; SAYOSIKIN, N.M.; TI-VJBITSKIY. G.R.; KHISIU, R.I.; KiROMILIN, V.A.; AL:XS37M, S.S., retsenzent; GALTZRIN, L.I., retsenzent; GRANOVSKIT, Ya.U., retsenzant; retisenzent; VAMUN, S.A., retdenzent; FXAMSH, tv-.'-.~ie~senzent; XOTLEI&O. I.M., retsenreat; LIVOUTS. I.M.. retuenzent; LIRM, GJ., retsenzent; N&VSKIY, B.A., retsenzent; NOVIKOV, V.F., retsenzent; RAY.&WT, B.S., retuenzent; MGXYBV, A.V., reteensent; SPIEFANOV, V.P., retsenzent; TOLCHNNOV, T.V., retsenzent; FZDOTOV, F.G., reteenzent; VMISKIY, V.S.. red..; STRUMIASTRAKH, Ye.I., red.; UMIENSKIT, Yn.K., red.; S003110VA, M.M., red.izd-va; HOMMI, B.I., teldm.rad. (Handbook for work-norm experts in machins manufacture] Spravochnik normirovshchika-mashinostroitelia v 4 tomakh. Kosirfa, Gos.nauchno- takhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-r7. Vol.l. [AindamontalB of technical normalization] 09novy tekhnicheskogo normirovaniia. 1959. 676 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Standardization) 7, WHAROTO I.M.1 TAMMAN, 3.1.1 TAXARMA, Yo,$.; X=OTAO LX Dogres of bactertal contaminat Ion of &Lr in food preparat Ion depart- ments of public eating places. G1g.1 san. no.1:34-38 ;& 154. (KU?& 6:12) 1. Is itaniteLrno-spidentologichooko7 stantell Ntrogradalcogo rayous Leningrada. (Restaurantst lunch rooms, ~to.-rumitation) (Air-Bacteriology) ZASEAROV, N.N.; LAXHKkN. M.I. Djecungion on A#A.Ioebedey and H.I.Shrelbeve article 'Organization of-work at a sanitary-epidest(logiml stationoN Gig* i *an*, n9&8., _52-~55 Ag (MMA- 7:9)- --I. Ix-Petrogradakoy-rayonnoy tanitarno-spidemiologichestOy atantsil Leningrada, (PUBLIC num, in Russia. sanit. spidtalol, stations) 1'r, j y Uzi3~/M,ediclne trLrition Card 1/1 i:ub. 141 12/123 Author Zakharov, N. IT.; Shumilina, K. Ya.; Topchevskaya, A. M. Title The vitamin C content in certain preserves and natural fruit-berry juices V% 6 "'5 Periodical vop. pit., F% 44-45, may/Jun 1955 Abstract Points out that the vitmiin C content in certain canned vegctablc~; decreases on Gtorar,c iihile In others it rcmainL; cozintant. Canneries should therefore aktice use of -_uiy teclmlo;Tical factors which inhibi.t. loss of vitanmin C. No reCerences. Institution : Sanitary-Hygiene Laboratory, Sanitary-Epide;rdological Station, Patro- gradskiy Rayon, Leningrad 1111 Foll IN, USSR dicine nutrition Card 1/1 Pub. 14.1 15/23 FD-3o6a Author Zakharov, N. N. and Topchevskaya, A. 14. Title Nutritive value of walnuts I,v,vl 03 1 Periodical Vop. pit. il~ 46-46, j4ay/jun 1955 Abstract Determined the vitamin C content of ripe walnuts as found on the ma ket. Previously it has been determined only in green walnuts and found to b~ very high. Analysis of 27 samples indicates that the vitamin C content diminishes with storage time, dropping to at; low as 14.8 q6 after only 3-4 months as compared with 85 q4 after pickiz4l,. This decrease in vitamin C is apparently due to the treatment the wal- nuts receive in preparing them for marketing, and therefore methodc for preventing this loss ahould be found. No references. Institution Sanitary-Hygiene Laboratory, Sanitary-Epiditiaiological Station, Petro- gradskly Rayon, Leningrad Submitted ZAKHAROV 0 It. - IAKHKAN, To. 1. Organization of nutrition for participants In the first All-Union sports tournament for school children. Top.pit. 15 no.4:23-27 JI-Ag 156. (KM 939) 1. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologichaskoy stantsil Petrogradekogo rayona. looningrad. (DIRTS calory content comparison in two cafeterias for participants of spartakiade in Russia) 7AMROV, N.H.; SHUMILINA, Y.Ya. (Lonint-rad) Studying optimal viti-imiz-, roqiilrement of th,3 organism. Vooopit. 16 r,o.6:74 1" 157. (MIRA 11:3) (VITA111115, vioviboliomt requirement (Rus)) ZAMAIM, N.N., Inzb.; ZbRf~GJIRIVP - inzh. W4 ~'- a ~,~rfj-rau" , e -:)Mnensaticri O~ -~e end Dogigning g~,-Lr -,X.PB - I I - 1, 1 . MI 164. , I cli.,mranca. ",-t',St- Va!!)7-~n,,,sl-. 44 no,5832-35 (MI" I'Isb) v _~AKHAROVIJ~,N-.),, prof,; RAZUMOV, I.M.p doktor okon.nauk,prof. red.; BOYTSOV, V.V., doktor tekhn. nauk,prof., red.; VLASOV, J3.v.,, doktor tekhn.nauk) prof., red.; VOSKFiE5:!jSvjY, red.; KUZIMIJI, V.V., inzh., red.; LIETRIKO, V.A.$ kand.ekon. nauk, dots., red.; SOKOLITSYN, S.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; SHUKHGALfTER, L.Ya., kand. tokhn. nauk$ dots., red.; SEVENOVA, 14.M.$ red,izd-va; SALAZKOV, N.F.,, tekhn. red.; ELIKIND, V.D.p toklin. red. (Establishment of technical norms 'and the organization of IAbor and wager, in machinery manufacturing) Tekhnicheskoe noimirovanie, organizatsiia truda i zarabotnoi platy v ma- shinostroenii. Moskva Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie,," 1964. 338 p. (MIRA 16:7) ZAKHAIC7, U.N..-Prinimala uchastiye SILANTOYEVA, N.A.; DESYATKOV, M.I., I- inzb.p retsenzent; STRUMESTRAKH1 Ye.i., inzh., red.; MUM$ M.M., red.Azd-va; UVAFUVA, A.F., tekhn. red. (Problems in the establishment of technical labor norms for - the machinery industrylZadachmik po tekhnicheskomu normirova- niiu truda v mashinostroeni-i- metodicheskie razrabotki i re- sheniia zadach. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 398 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Machinery industry-Production standards) i-axUROV. N.N. Conducting restoration and repair-work In the Kremlin. Gor. 1rhoz.Mosk, 34 no.2:25-28 1 160. (Ku 13:6) 1. 7-amestitell direktora Gosudarstyannoy Orusheynoy paluty. (Moscow-Aremlin) (Architecture-Conservation and restoration) ZkI.aIARO,V,_M,.N.: VASILIYET, KTASHNIN, X.N. The LBY paper filter for fine fuel cleanIng. Avt.prom. no.l.- 43-" A 160. (KnU 13:5) 1. GosudarstvemV7 soyuxMy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-iscledovatellskogo aytomobillnogo i avtomotornogo instituta. (111tore and filtration) ZAY21AROVS 11. N. AIND 0. 1. OMAZTSOV Takhnichcokoe normiro-vanie v irar-hinostroenil. Dop. v "djestve --chel-ri. posobila dlia inzhen. -ekon. in-tov. Moskva, Mashgiz, M~4-9. VO P. i11:1S. Technical normalization in machine-buildirj~. ULC*-- T58-*Z2--- SO: Manufacturinq and Fechtinical Enf~ineerinr, in the ",ovIet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. ZAKHAPOV, N. N. and P. A. N0fYIN. Organizai,fl.ta rc~-ontn :AaOov (rj,, ~A'o"ka Pj-?-21"rj) Movkwil Mw-)hPJz, 1950, 269 T?, dizwr.~--- Cr~,anization of repair work cn -metal-cutting machines. (DIF - 200 machine cited as example.) DW: TJ1230-Z32 SO: Manufacturing and Vechanical Engineerinp: in the Soviet Union, Librar-I of Congress, 1953. SAKH&ROT. N.Y.; OBRAMOV, (Technical standardization of work Processes in sacbinery conjotme- tion] Tekhn1ch*siro* normirovants protmesaor truds Y caablaostroaail. IZd. 2., parer. t dop. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekha. !gd-vo ma(ihino- stroit. lit-ry, 1953- 599 P- (KLU 6:12) (Efficiency, Industrial) (Kachinery industry) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 471 Zakharov, N.H., Kheyster, I.M.., Lapitakiy, V. I , Muravlyev, N.S enkoA.N., Vecherin, Ya. P., Sventitskiy, N.A. Organizataiya, planirovanlye i ekonomika vapomogatel.Inykh khozyaystv mashinostroitellnogo zavoda (Organization, Planning, and Economics of Auxiliary Services in the Machine Building I'lant) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 328 p. 15,000 copies printed. Ed. (title page): Satel_1.:,E.,A.; Ed.(inside book): Sirotin M A., Engineer; Reviewers:'.Borisov G.S., Engineer (Part 1): Trekhov M - I Engineer: (Part ~); Berman, M -M Engineer (Part 31; Malyutin, N.K., Economist (Part 4);. Shebalin, V.M., Engineer; Tech, Ed.: Model', B.I.; Managing Ed. for Literature on Economics and Organization of Machine Building': Saksaganakiy, T.D. PURPOSEt This book is a textbook for undergraduates taking the "Organization and Planning of Machine-Building Industry" .-ourse in engineering economics institutes, as well as by engine4iring personnel of machine-building plantm. Card 1/!4 Organization,;-. Planning, and Economics (Cont.) 471 COVERAGEt This book is one in a aeries of textbooks prepared by the "Economics and Organization of the Machine-building Department" of the Moscow Institute of Engineering Economlcn imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. Part I (Maintenance) is written ty N.N. Zakharov, candidate of technical sciences, docent; Part II (Power), by I.M. Kheyster, candidate of technical sdiences, docent,Part III (Equipm3nt),by K.S. Murav'yev, candidate of technical sciences, docent; Part IV (Supply) by M.N. Demchenko, dandidate of technical sciences, docent; Part V (Transportation) by M.N. Demchenko, Ya. P. Vecherlik, and M.A Sventitskiy. The following aspects are discussed: organization, planning, econortics of mainteneance, power, equipteent, transportation, warehouses, and the question of suppil, operations in a machine-building plant. Card 2/14 Organization,-Planning, and Economics -(Cont.) ~71 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 PART-I. ORGANIZATION, PLANNING; AND ECON014ICS OP MAINTENANCE Ch. T. Importance of Equipment Maintenance in a Socialistic Enterprise Ch. II. The Nature of a System of Preventive Maintenance Ch. III. Estimating Basic Data Pointing to Preventive Maintenance, as Exemplified by the 1D62 Machine Tool Ch. IV. Characteristics of Basic Symptomn Indicating the Need for Preventive Maintananoe A Card 3/14 Organization, Planning, and Economics (Cont.) 471 Ch. V. Operations Preparatory to Maintenance 24 Ch. VI. Organization of Maintenance 30 Ch. VII. Planning and Recording Maintenance Operations 37 Ch. VIII. Organizing the Labor and the Work Sites 45 Ch. IX. Ways to Reduce the Down Time of Equipment During Maintenance Operations 50 Ch. X. Wages of Maintenance Workers 53 Ch. XI. Estimating and Decreasing Maintenance Costs 57 Ch. XII. An Example for the Calculation of the Yearly Voluvie ct'Malfitenance Operations, the Number of Mechanics Needed,and the Percentage of Average Down Time of Machine Tools During Maintenance 65 Card 4/14 -7-! organization, Planning, and Economics (Cont.) 471 PART Il. ORGANIZATIONp PLANNIN0, AND POWER ECONOMICS 70 Ine-Buildirl' Ylant 70 Ch. 1. Characteriation of Power Economia of a Mach 70 1. Power equipment and aouicea of power supply 2. Power requirements and technologloal improvement as related to basic production processes 73 3. Structure of power distribution of plant 76 4. Calculation of power and fuel requirements 82 Ch. II. Organizing More Efficient Power Consumption 83 1. Measures for improving the efficiency of power c-onsumption 83 2. Utilization of secondary power resources as a factor in the economy of power and fuel 88 3. Effect of improved power consumption on volume and distribution of specific power expenditures 92 Card 5/14 Organization, Planning, and Economics (Cont.) 471 Ch. III. Organization and Planning of the Operation of a Thermorelectric Power Station 93 I. TET (Thermo-electric power station) as the power base of the plant 93 2. Organizing and planning ~the production of electric power and heat 94 3. Organizing and planning the maintenance of basic equipment 100 4. Organizing and planning labor and wages 101 5. Planning'and'analyzing the cost of electric power and heat 104 Ch. IV. Organization of Power Plant Management 106 1. Duties of the office of the chief plant engineer 105 2. Funbtions of the basic sub-sections of the OGE (office of the chief plant engineer) 107 Card 6/14 Organization, Planning, and EconomicB (Cont.) 471 3. Organization of primary Eecording of powe .r consumption and determining norms of power Iconsumption 109 Ch. V. Basic Technological and Economic Aspects of Power Management in a Machine-building Plant 'lip, 1. Classification of indices 118 2. Indices of economical production and distribution of power 120 3. Specific power consumption per production unit 123 4. Indices of the cost of power and the specific power- consumption cost 123 5- Indices of power supply per worker per year 129 Bibliography 130 PART III. ORGANIZATION, PLANNING, AND MANAGEMENT OF EQUIPMENT 131 Card 7/14 organization, Planning, and Economia (Cont.) 471 Ch. I. 'Purpose of Equipment Management in a Machine-building Plant 131 Ch. II. Classification and Proper Nomenclature of Equipment . 137 Ch. III. Standardization of Toola 145 Ch. IV. Determining Tool Requirements of the Plant 148 Ch. V. Estimating the Serviceability of Tools 149 Ch. VI. Estimating Operational Stocks of Tools ir-6 Ch. VII. Planning and Regulating the Use of Tools 160 Ch. VIII. Planning and Regulating the Production of Tools 166 Card 8/14 Organization, Planning, and Economics (cont.) 471 Ch. IX. Organizing the Central Toolroom :.68 Ch. X. Organizing Workshop Toolrooms 3.71 Ch. X1. Supplying Work Places With Toolt 3.74 Ch. XII. Organizing Tool-Dressing 178 Ch. XIII . Organizing Maintenance and Overhaul of Tools 181 Ch. XIV. Organizing Technical Supervision of the Ilse or Too 1s 188 Ch. XV. Production Structure of Tool Workshops 1.90 Ch. XVI. PInnning of Tool Production nrid Produation Work of Tool Shops 1!)4 Card 9/1 4 _.t_7 Organization, Planning, and Economics (Cont.) 471 Ch. XVII. Production Work of Tool Shope 195 Ch. XVIII. Management of the Plant Tool Department 195 Ch. X3)C. Technical and Economic Indices of the Plant, and Bases for the Economic Accountability of the Plant Tool Department 197 Bibliography 199 PART IV. ORGANIZATION, PLANNING, AND MANAGEMENT OF SUPPLIES AND STORES 200 Ch. I. Importance to National Economy of Efficient Management of Materiel Used in Socialist Machine-Building 200 Ch. II. Organization, Planning, and Management of Raw Materials and Technical Supplies 20~j Card lo/14 ,, and Economics ( Cont Organization, Planning 471 1. The role of raw materials and technical supplies 205 2. Supply systems of machine-building enterpriges 209 3. Norm-setting basis for materiel and technical aupplies 233 4. Planning materiel and technical equipment supplies 22.1 r. 5. Estimating raw material supplieo 244 P'9 6. Procurement 2e. Ch. Ill. Organization of Store* 235 1. Purpose of stores in machine-buildIng enterprises 235 2. Types.and technical organization of stores in a machine-buildiog plant 236 3. Estimating the storage area 242 4. Technical equipment of a store 242 5. Organizing storage operations 247 C-h. IV. Organization of Management and Economic Accountability , 6f Materiel in the Procuremeht Department 2r-6 Card 11/14 Organization, Planning, and Economics (Cont.) 471 Bibliography :~6o PART V. ORGANIZATION, PLANNING, AND 14ANAGFM,-,NTS OF THE TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 261 Ch. I. Meaning, Purpome, and Basic Prin-_:~ples of Intra- plant Transportation 261 1. Meaning and purpone of intra-plant transportation 261 2. Structure of transportation management In machine- building plant 264 3. Types of transportation and transportation meana used in machine-building plants 266 4. Organization and management of machine-building plant transportation 273 Determining the turnover of goods 277 Basic estimate of intra-plant transportation 280 Card 12/14 Organization, Planning, end Economics (Cont..) 471 Ch. II. Organization of Railroad Transportation 280 1. Basic premises of railroad transportation In a machine-building plant 280 2. Organization of goods transportation 286 3. Flow and turnover of goods 28~1 4. Coordinated technical operation of access routes and junction-station routes 292 5. Organization-of coordinated technical operations and intra-plant transportation 294 6. Principal objectives in organizing loading and unloading operations 299 7. Estimating transportation needs of the railroad ----departmeht---- 302 8. Indices and gages, of technical operations and managemen t - of railroad transportation 307 Card 13A4 Organization, Planningo and Economics (Cont.) 471 9. Organization of rolling-atock and milroad-track maintenance 310 Ch. III. Organization of Automotive and Inter-Workshop Trackless Transportation 311 1. Characteristics of automotive-transportation 311 2. Basic aspects of syatema used in inter-workshop transportation 313 3. Determination of requireme.,,its and operational indices of transportation means 317 4. Maintenance of transportation equipment 319 Ch. IV. Planning and Economic Accountability of Intra- 'Plant Traneportation 320 1.. Planning intra-plant transportation 320 2. Essentials of economic accountability of the transportation department 3212 Bibliography 324 AVAILABLE; Library of Congress 50AIg Board 14/14 -9-5 J -F~-w mimlyu, D.I., (lotsent, retaenzent: GALITSOV, A.D., insh.; KM, G.Te., dotsent. rod.; SZMOTA. X.F., red.tzd-va; UVAROVA# A.F,,, (Setting labo'r standards in' the machinory Induntry) Tekhnicheakoe normirovania truda v meahinostroenit. Koskya. Goa.usuchno-teklin. izd-vo mashinogtroit.lit-ry,' 1956. 560 p. (Knu 12:2) (Kachinery industry-Production standards) ' LoIT ZOOK B%P PHASE I ablisttaent ola, Nikolsyevioh ashinostrojenii (Bat ZakharOvI Nik - ~truda V cturing)1408004 hine 14aruf a n 14ac rMitova gi,-ikoje Standards In nted. illhing ,-T61k "n 0 t 000 Copies PrI of ~ubl Of Technical TIT 10, 14ettl Ed Ed. f 1)r 1958. 560 P- er; Ed.4 Uval, 04val Managir4t5ion 11111 .0 . of Produc Itsov, Fng' A. Gal h Ed.. A tion ...,Overt AsD * # Tee - Seplenovap jcB and Organlza t Econom kly - of industrial tiouse he Literature On Saksagane or students "Technizal (VAsh6jA) t T,D* intended f' course in I by LnUa f This tS' 'tbook is ,partments tal'c'ng seel as a 's workerg 0 zes and de LISO be us jind other FMPOSES book iftay E , settere P nearing qun This tandard eng'.1 Standards St S devOlOll Time ants to technical time 'Oaring specialist ,,Ic data angi manufacturing P for 60tt'ng machinery aodolOgy Iishments- ook describes nlet' estRb - b manufacturing COVSRAGEt The chinerY standards in ma Card 1/13 Vbje(%. 'Lives and -- -- -- - vandarj. "Pe of t L I and t e~hnj n the U,,, 5 shment of Tee he a cal time at... 5 Ch.-- hnica zibJect matter ar(18 of 7 Z - Role and r mPortance of T I Time fIf the Standard 3 ta n da r d0a COUrse Progress 8 In Product, echnioa Ire fe,t 223r-baaed 20 standard' On Processes Card 243 a Ures Of technj., IlYftbased time 16 16 ZAXHAROV,.N.N. Special features of work organization in mechanized and automated production. Naueb.trudy MEI no.18:197-203 '61. (MIRA 15:2) (Machinery industry) (Automation) 777777-7~- WHAROV, N.N.; AIMANDROTA. TO.Ta. Vitamin 0 content in Japanese persimmon. Top.pit. 17 uo.6:63-64 X-D 158, (KM 1232). 1. Is sanitarno-spidemiologicheakoy stants.11 Petrogralskogo rayona C.-Leningrada. (YRU In, Japanese persimmon, vitamin C content (Rue)) (VITAMIN C, detem. in Japanese persimmon (Rue)) TM710T, A.A. inzh; )i.A.,Insh: CjqZH1SMVj, P.Le, lnsb*,- VEMLIs Tu.X*i k=IfOV,_ ?.POO inshf; ~MWT,-A.J. k&nd,tektmnauk;- tMOUNWITO L,M,, lnzh.; GOLIMMFWAT, iixh.;' Uljlk~W. N.I., ~nzh.'; SHCHUilffe- ftxh, Improving planning of industrial pover wipply. From. entarg. 13 to.?t- 18-29 A ~ '5 8. (MIRA 11:10) le'Tyazhprom9lektroproyekt. (for Terwilov). Z,ZhAimproyektas#-r,.1aunas for Chepole).Doubaseqnergo (fir 14wmtov) 4.VAiskove efibrgotichaskI kfor Tedorovi. 5-U%giprovedkhox 3-ishkentlFer YaushetskilyT. I.; 118S 6:]R?rtoyt9ukttWy institut Ministeretva otro, tVIL USSR> deasa or Golldenblat). 7,111ektroproyekt, g.11vybyoh9v (fair Kudrieshov). 8.Gooradioelektronika (for Zakharow)#.9* 9tdroproyekt.c. K-jybyshoT (for Shch~*W. Ollectric pswe~) f-1 K14 h ri-~ V - AIL- P - r)118 Subject USSR/Aeronautics training Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 3/26 Author Zakharov, N. P., mil. pilot class I. Title Peculiarities of high-speed attacks In stratosphere Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, .10, 15-18, 1,0-L956 Abstract The peculiarities of flying jet planes at subsonic and supersonic speeds at high alVitudes and of maneuvering at such speeds during air battles are described in detail by the author. One photo. The article merits attention. Institution : None Submitted : No date ZAIRA V, H.P.. inzh.-podpolkovrAlk, letchik par-rogo klassa; T.S.. insh.-podpolkoinik FlyIng in a slip strome fent#Toxd.Fl. w.6s6i-66 Je 160. (MML 1327) (Airpl&n66-PilOtiUg) a be ZAKHRNOVJq-R j.,% Lyj'Fj,' 7 MIJU OV L11 TS Yo. ; 7A I 2. USSIR (&YJ) Stoam Dailers Ln _:9 of boi- er unit-- mith fire res'-staunt concroto L'.Pk. Sta,j 23) flo. 10, 7. Lining ceil" E 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Fe.' ruw7 1953. Unclassified. ME I. ZAKMROVp N. S. 2. USSR 600 4* Reclamation of LarA 7. "'and reclamation is an- imp-ortant, factor in the productive use (~f the machine- tractor stations' machinery technology on collective farms of the non- chernotem belt,, Gidr. i nel, 4.. No. 12, 1952, 9e Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APriJ 1953j, Uncl. j':anode L _XZFI~71,71 ttl 2 4 2d( T'(Wer. ""CON., URI 006116510001020 1 GO 2 4/-C61-47 AUTHOR; Zaichko, L. F.; Za.kharov, 11. S. Mordvisiova, V. D. TITLE: Determination of antimony microconcentrations In highngurit -tin-b.Y the method of amalgam polarography with accumulation Ref. xh. Khimiya,,Abs. 20C152 ~'7'3*1? SGURCE91 TXAL. Toaskago Rolitakhm. in-ta, T 1280 19(-4t 50-52 TOP C TACS11 Aniiaosy, tin, electrolysis, polit-cography, analge :CO Anal st$ Pa.