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Synthasia of Several Monomers on t..lumochromiun, Catalysts SO-111 53-2-4-26/.72 main product; 2,3-diinethyl-butane amounted to 8-1o% of the alkylate. The preparation of 2,3-dimethyl-butadiene-1,3 from 2 , 3-dimethyl -butane proceeds in two stages: a.) Dehydration with the formation of two olefines- 11 tetramethyl-ethylene, and 2) 2,3-dimethyl-butene-1. b) Dehydration of the olefines to the end product. This reaction has not been considered in publi- cations (except for the refercnco in the patent (Ref 5)). Thc: authors investi.-ated the first stage thoroughly on an alumo- chromium-potassium .catalyst. The specifications for its prodLic- tion were provided by Marushkin (decea,4ied) (IOKh All SSSR Institate of Organic Chemistry AS USSR). This catalyst showed the highest activity at 5500. The catalyzate reached a 87j_L') yield with a content of unsaturated hydrocarbons of D'o-676/,f). The investigation of the second stage has not yc-r been completed. An aromatization diagram of divinyl-acetyleile-hydrocarbons is given. Several mono-, bi-, and.tricyclic hydrocarbons with a prescribed structure were produced on the basis of the diagram. ). diagram of the reactions of the synthesi-- of p-xylene from acetylene and acetone is suggested. Since there is no demand Card '5/4 for acetone J.n the USA because of increasing phenol production, Synthesis of Several Monomers on Al-amochromium Catalysts SOV/153-2-4-20'/.32 and its price according to the Sergeyev method is already 1/3 -. 1/4 of the present one, the synthesis method mentioned above might becc-me useful for industry. In conclusion, a simple way of synthesis for polyphenyl systems is suggested. Moreover, the Pavorskiy reaction is mentioned in the paper. There are 11 references, Ij of which are Sovict. ASSOCIATION: Vostochno-Sibirokiy filial SO A" SZ-'R (Elast Siberian Branch of the Siberian Department of t'."C- Acn(~C~'Y of sciclicco, Card jt/4 ZANINA, A, S,9 CAND CHEM SCIj "SYNTHESIS.-OF L40110- AND POLYCYCLICAL AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS ON &.-BASS OF ACETY- LENE COMPOUNDS,," NovosIBIRSKt 1961o kACAD SCI USSR, St- BERIAN DEPT.p JOiNT COUNCIL FOR CHEMICAL SCIENCES). Wt (KL-OV, 11-611 2-10). -38- S/07y6'1'7031/010/003/01 0 5. liqo D227 D302 5,.,b .6 0 0 AUTHORS: Kotlyarevskiy, I.L., and Zanina, A.S. TITLE; Unsaturated hydrocarbons. XIV. Synthesizing poly- cyclic hydrocarbons by dehydro-cyclization of acety- lene derivatives PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii V. 31, no. 10, 1961, 3206-3214 TEXT: The present work is a continuation of earlier studies, in which the authors showed the possibility of synthesizing poly- cyclic, aromatic hydrocarbons by dehydrocyclization of acetylenic glycols and their products of hydrogenation and dehydration. The main purpose of this work was to synthesize tri- and tetracyclic condensed aromatic compounds containing.five membered rings, es- pecially 1,2 - cycloperihenonaphthaldne (I)~ 1,2 - cyclopenheno - '~A 2131_ naphthalene (11), 1,2 - cyclopentanophenanthrene (III)q 1,2 - cyclopentano 4 1121_ (or 6 2131 ) - phenanthrene (IV), and chrysene (V). 1,2 cyclopenpentanonaphthalene (I) and 1,2 Card 1/6 27903 S/079/61/031/010/003/010 Unsaturated hydrocarbons D227/D302 cyclopentano-naphthalene were prepared from ethinyloyclohexonal and cyclopentanone by the Iotsich condensation followed by de- hydration of product IV, as shown by the scheme in -the presence of dilute oulphuric acid, and dehydrocyclization of compound VII on an aluminum-chromium catalyst promoted with magnesium oxide. Acetylenic glycol (VI) was perhydrogenated to 1-(11-hydroxy cyclohexyl)-2-(11-hydroxycyclopentyl)- ethane (VIII) which on de- hydration with HC1 in benzene gave 2-spiro-cyclohexYl-5-spiro- cyclopentyltetra-hydrofuran (IX) . The latter on dehydrocyclization gave a mixture of (I) and (II), whose composition was determined by analysis, molecular weight ar_~: infrared)spectrography. The synthesis of cyclopentanophenanthrene (III and cyclopentano- phenanthrene (IV) is of great Interest as both these compounds have a steroidal hormone structure. The method of preparation is shown by Scheme 2, the stages being similar to -the previous synthesis. Chrysene (V) was obtained in a similar manner starting fromcx',- tetralone and 1 - ethinyl-cyclohexanol - 1. Compounds similar to those synthesized in the present work have recently Card 216 27903 S/079/61/031/010/003/010 Unsaturated hydrocarbons ... D227/D302 become important in studies of semi-conductive catalysis. Ex- perimental procedure: The Iotsich condensation was carried out by slow addition of an acetylenic compound (eth-'nylcyclohexanol) to a solution of ethylmagnes:Lum bromide in ether followed by addition of cyclopent-anone. After stirring for oome hours (in the case of a - tetralone for 3 days) and standing overnight the reaction mass was decomposed with 1:1 HC1 and the ethereal layer washed to neutral reaction, dried over KOH and diatilled. The diol (VI) obtained was then heated with 400,1o H 2so4COGled and ex- tracted with ether. Distillation of the solution grave compound VII. Diol (VI) was hydrogenated in the usual manner using a skeletal nickel catalyst. The isolated roduct (VIII) had a mpt. of 97.5-980C. Dehydration of this diol M11) was conducted In benzene by passing in dry HCl until an aqueous layer was formed. Washing with NaHCO,, drying and distillation yielded the furan derivative (IX) wh ch was subsequently aromatized by passing its benzene solution over an MgO.Cr 203' A]03 (2:18:80) catalyst. Distillation and recryBtallization of the product gave compounds Card 3/6 Y 277)03 1 ( S/079 6 031/010/003/010 Unsaturated hydrocarbons ... D227YDD302 I and II m.pts. 110-110.5 OC and 111.5-112.5 00 respectively. Si- milarly, aromatization of VII under analogous conditions yielded compounds I and II. Synthesis of other compounds involved exactly the same procedure using the specified starting materials. There are 6 figures, 1 table and 11 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 6, non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: R.A. Friedel, M. Orchin. Ultra- violet spectra of aromatic compounds. Chapman-Hall, London 1951; C.F. Koelsch, R. A. Scheiderbauer, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 65, 2311 (1943); P.S. Pinkney, G. A. Nesty, R.H. Willey, C.S. Marvel, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 58~ 972 (1936); Pinkney, Marvel, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 59, 669 (1937), ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii vostochno-sibirskogo filials, Sibir- skogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemistry Eastern Siberi-an Branch, Siberian Divi- sion of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: October 4, 1960 Card 4/6 ZANINA, A.S.; KOTLYAREVSKIY, I.L. Synthesis of poeudocumene and prehnitene from acetAemo derivativea. Trudy Voat.-S:Lb.fiI,4UI SS3R. no-38042-148 161. (KU(A 15 SO (Benzene) (Acetylene) -1 Ilk" 4,;- 1! A "CE-NMO. NR, A P4045R3 5 I N 2~ I;i IRN -L. Zxl, -~:i, S S =LD: Highly- unsaturated noli-mers. Report N,0.8, 8'i~thesisand polveondens:t- 'i-1- ff I, A' arid I TOPTC patylyiv~r, unsmurmed polymor, triple CAC bond, polycondenriatioll, vme r qf! ,,~r ACCESSION NR,- AP4045835 n?' d I-el lr;nilhlA~tl nnri 1 4 qiihc;titiTfinn at thp ht--n7.p-np- An 'je~idje.r nOIVME r g- cfa~n ~Ftha IMPIZ hath di-qt-nlClVk-d fLraund 300-- Their -electranhvEical nroner~ j 4 A c, c, f-,t T,,~,vrrinj. i f.~^s-nntyaCr) Atrfirtomii nnnIf C-C, OC i 01") NO RFF Szov. 007 OTBER- 003 ZANINA, A.S.; SHMINAp S.I.; KOTLYARFVSKIY9 I.L. . F~,oduction of p-rllene during aromativation of furonts. Zhur.-~, prikl.khim. 36 no.lt203-208 Ja 163. j (MlIM-160) (Xylene) (Furan) (Aromatization) SHEFGINA, S.I.; ZANINA, A.S.; TROVIEWO, Z.P.; XOTLYAREVSKIY, I.L. Chemical properties of diethynlarenes. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.3:574-578, 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Inatitut khimicheskoy kinetiki i gor6niya Sibirnkogo otdaleniya AN SSSR. -rCCM~N- --iF6002105 camn --WdG016V&00i 1/201illm AUTFOR: Kotlyarevskiy, 1. lL.'; Sher *I S. I.; Eugfhit~. V. G. 516 ILIA- ORG: Uvtjtu&& of Chemical Kinetics and-combuntlan o a YRerfan Department- of t~e-,Acadeav of Sciencea SSSR (Inatitut khfm1r_cheuro-y-=attk1 i prianiYa Sibirskogo, Gtdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR) rtles of certain poly h TITLE., Elec rophyalcal prope et yaylpolyarence SOURCE: AN SSSR, jzveatiyd... Seriya khttwicheakaya, no. 11, _1965#- ZDII-2079 TOPIC TAGS: organic semiconduct;r, semicculducting polyme-ro pyrolisis st~ as been ma cduiucti~rftj -- j ---- u Y~ 4 de of the efeictrical yo-- to --dependince Aand cotiducti6n-tvve-of-polyetbVylpolilrwe7~~oligomera-t-,td~-X-"d--6f produced,-by beat: treatmeat 0 ra f 1wMrs at- 30D#--, 400j. sad pyropolyme H; - /C -4t. ij lye*. lt's~v H; (11) R H-, R, CIN M A Cut; KOMOH; (IV) ft-cag R,..C.H - (VI) h-~Oclh; R".Clu :Ord L 3-1245' (VII) it. (Cacm-0-N-ruric All the_polymers were p-type. All of compounds I to IT, when heat treated.up to 300C, remained typical dielectrics at-room temperature. -Activation energy for 4, conduction increase 'd with the degree of branching. After heat treatment of I to VI to 400C and.especiaily to 500C, properties typical of semiconductors appeaced owing to the forvation via triple bonds of three-dimensional cross-linked structurelo. However, even in this case, the conductivity of I to VI did not exceed 10-7 to 10-~I mho/cm owing to breaks in their conjugated systems. Tn contrasts oligamer VII, after heat treatment at 500C, irreversibly acquired a high conductivity (10-4 mho/cm) at ar. activation energy of 0.1 ev, a thermoelectric pover of 31 vVIcy and-a nonlinear volt-ampere characteristic. The typical semiconducting properties of VII heat treated at 500C were attributed to cyclization: H Card 2/3 L 14706-U- ~WT(MNWJVT R9 ACC NRv AP6002106 SOURCE COM UR/006;~,/'6"5/"OW/011/2079/201:tI 1. ; KotLyarev-z-ki y-,--1.- - L- -;- Zan' )-A, S. i AUTHOPS: Shergina, S. ina ORG: Irstitute for Chemical Kinetics and Combustion,_ Siberian Branch ol" '#-,he AcadeM. of Scienqa5.SSSR (Ins titut Mizaichoskoy kli"iki I -goreniya, Sibirskogo otdelenJ.ya Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: ..Pol aca loro'compounda, derivatives of di-, tri-, and tetraphanylethyleno SOURCE: 21 SSSR. izvestiya. Seriya khimichoskaya, no. 11, 19651, 2079-21081 TOPIC TAW : polymer, organic chemistry, conjugated R2~lymer, origanic synthesis process, acetylene ABSTRACT: To extend the Inves tigations of the authors (Izv. AN SSS,1Z S r 1-him.. 1963~ 21W) and in particular to study the pro ties of co uga*'21 =1t;o following 2!a~ ggi- -, L~D~ th - stilbene 1,111,1,2-tris- polyacetylene monomers were synt esized.- 4,41dlathynyl (p-ethinWlphenyl)athylena II, and III. The in:Ltial stages of the synthesis consist of the acetylation of a hydrocarbon which conta:Uas a double bond between phenyl nuclei, A reaction achente for the synthesis is presented, Oxidati.ire polycondansation of-tho monomers I,-II,, and III in presence of-cuprous chloride yielded the corresponding oligomars. The 'Latter gave a narrow I- "1018 d had an electrical -intensive-EPR signal of - unpaJxed spins per gran an 3,12 UDC: 542.%+547.36Z L 14706-66 ACC NR -AP60MI06--- resistance of -- 10 ohm cm. Tho yieldst mlting, points, and IR absorption of tho V^-=' C and = C - H bonds for the synthesizod monomers ara listed. Orig. art. has: 3 equations. SUB COM 07/ SUBM DATE: Wfar65/ ORIG REF: 001/ CYTH IW: 001 v J( Card 2/2 FBI ACC NRs AP60098QJ,_~ SOURCE CODE: --l-Uk/0062/66/000,/Oo 210358 AurHOR.0, Kotlyarevskly, I. L!-; SbiirL71na., S. J.; Zen'Ina, A., So .1 'A O-RG,- Tns-titate-o"hem"i-ea-1- Df b~u a V~on g6rian MK-w~rfty -73 iclenoes-135ST37- 7risTI -A gorenlya Sibirskogo Akademil nauk. SSSR) TITLE: Preparation of diacetylene derivatives of 1.2-dlphenyletlbanel and 1,4-diphenylbutane SOURCE., AN SSSR. Tzvestlya.: Seriya kbimicbeskays, no. 2, 19663 358-36o TOPIC TAGS: aromatic hydrocerbon,-Ialkyl bonoeno,polyeandensation.. pol~mier, solubility ABOSTRACT4. The effect of substituents In the ethylene bridge of 4.,~l-dicitiiynyldipben-yletbone-l,,2 (I) ofp the solubility of polymers obtained by oxidative polyomWensation of the correspondiDg, monomers was in ua compoun investifi-ated C?, di 6 ru,,-Xn:Ey a d analogo d3 wit1b metb:Tl,.. ethyl and n-;ropyp -sub'stituents on the dimotbyl group -were acetylstpd, X T and NaNH to form the coi;r'e'spondine. chlorinatod and treated -4-Itb PC]. diacetylenio derivatives of 1, Irnoreasing he size of 11ilae substituent Card 1/2 UDC-. 542-91+5k7.362 ACC NR: AP6009801 ncrease t e 6-62:u-b :L-ty---of--t e--pal ers-Lformed-' beat -in-pyridine--in-the- chloride - a- 10% -presence-of. an 3 oxvreqn- ____qtiprou colloidal, solution in cyclohexene of the polyi-efilvad --dbt-albed -from- thc monomer Im which the dimetbyl.bad n-propyl substituents4o However, the polymer obtained from 1,,k-bis(4t-(3thynylpbenyl)butane wits Insoluble. Orig* art * bas: 2 tables and 2-figures. BUIB -CODEI:, 07/~ SUBM DATE: -.05Ju1*'5/ OTH REF 002,11 UZI-Ird 2/2 L 28,141-66 MIT(m)/EWPOWT lip(c) M, :T _Fd/R 1000100570T6 .1908 ACC NR3 AP6017878 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66 -r L., Zanina, -As 5,; St2'Egiimap S. 1,; Loboda, AUTHOlti Kotlyarevskiy, Cs Combu s t ton, -_Ube -ORG: Ip_~til~utj of Chemical Kineti and ___XLg e -A- d ___f __S - i------ -es __SSSR:_ (Imi tL-tiit--kifEufit-hdsko;y-k-iii-dtLkL- _i_ rment~L ca t~,- o c end gorentya Sibirskogo otdele.niya Ak&demii nauk SSSR) Highly unsaturated polymers. Communication 16. Polyacety!.ene comp4tinds, derivatives of di-, tri-phenylmathame and diphenylethanw SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izvestiya. Sertya khimiches-kaya, no. 5, 1966, 902-908 TOPIC TAGS: organic semiconductor, semiconducting polymer, heat resiai;*ant polymerg polyacetyleneq polyarylene, oligomer ABSTRACT: New highly unsaturated oligomdrs IV and.VII (see below) having alternating arylene and diacetylene in the backbone were prepared which combine high heat resistanceKaoudpa&lubility in some organic solvents. It Lo.noted that such olLgomers are of pr6ctica'J. interest, eiven if their electrLcal conductivity proves to be low, :;tor such applications as heat resistant dielectrics. Oligomers IV and VII were prepared as follows: /.f- Card 1 3 UDC: 547.362+542.952 - - L 2844ld-66 - -, -- --- CIC t-,. -- AP60178 F 4 1 TRI~ - - - - -- - - - 0 j E I -L-20441-66 - --OlLgoziers -I' and _11; 75 were prepared earlier. Owing to the presence of a irtethyl substioi,eat, olLgomer IV, unlike 1. was almost fully soluble in pyridine. 0 11 1!;ome r IV W ae, obtained in the form of light-yellow filmG; it did not fusiii up to 500C.,but darkened at 340C, Oligomer VII had apparently a trLdLmcn- sional network structure; a dark brown powder, it was much darker in color than I and IV. VII gave a narrow intense EPR signal, indicatin 9 the. presence of conjug4tion despite the formal disruption of conjiLga- tLan by the CH groups present between phenyl rings. A number of monomers, mono-, dl-, and triacetyleae derivatslves of diphanyl-methaae and -ethane were also prepared. [SH! SU3 CODE: 07/ -SUBM DATE-t ATU PR9SS.P'0'-T- C,,d 3 L - 44191-66 Et,1r(M)&1~WF(j)/,L Ijp(cl JAW/pH ACC NR. AP6013281 (A) SOURcE CODE-.* IJR/0413/66/000/00[1/0079/0079 .5*"1 INVENTOR: Kotlyarevskiy, 1. L, ; Zanina, A. S. ; Gusenkova, N, M,_; Sokolov, Ye. Cherepov. Ye. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Preparation of oligomers. Class 39, Nl,_LQ0797 jannounced by the Institute for Chemical Kinetics and Combustion. Siberian Branch. Academv--of -------- Sciences~SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibirshogo otdeleniya Akademil nauk SSSR)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 8, 1966, 7 TOPIC TAGS: oligomep, polyarylene, polyacetylene, polycondensation, 4,-+A"4a ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method for preparing an oligomer of the polyarylenA polyacetylene series by oxidative ation of diacet~Llene To obtain soluble'ipolymer compounds with~ h polycondens igh heat resistancefland dielectric strenr,.h, 2, 2-bis-(41 -methoxy-31 - ethynylph enyl) -propane is suggested a~ the diacetylene. (1,D] SUB CODE:07111 SUBM DATE: 29Mar65/ Card -66 L 45725 C_ /0 * 20/~6/1 001/~"111/ou ACC W-AP6024413 (A/5 5 OUR'C-,,- ' 06~ 1t in C1 69/ _9 L Loof AUTHOR: Dalov, A. A.; Slinkin. A. A.; Rubinshtayn,, A. M.; Kotlvarovskiy Shorginap S. 1. Shvartsbor , M. S.; .4Wriyevsk1,,yp V. N.; Z ninat ORGI Institute of OrrAnic Choml Imt. Ut D. Zolinakly Atrz - ~ - - ~, A,-ad( of Sciencos-L SSSR (Institut organichoskoy kbimli Akadonii nauk S�3_RY,-_1nqtituto of Chemical 11;9ti~Ti_nd: - S_ Combustionp _ qiborian Branch,. Acad_qrrV..qf ;~qjcnco -as S SR Institut khimichaskoy kinotiki~ i goreniya Sibirskogo otdoloniya Akadomit nauk Ss~_R)_' I InAuence of disturbance of RopA1igjtiq!1'1 on tho properties of SOURCES AN SSSRO Daklady, v. 1699 no. 1, 19661, iu-tt3 TOPIC TAG31 semiconducting polymer, conjugated polymerp semiconductor conducti,rity ABSTRACTS It has been frequently reported in the literature that the disturban,ze of conjugation in organic semiconductors as a result of either noncoplanarity of aromatic rings or introduction of aliphatiep oxygen# or sulfur bridges into the conjugated chain lowers the electric characteristics. In the present paport the intensity of the influence of these different typos of conjugation disturbances was compared in a so-* ries of polymers of a single class# the polyarylono ol acet lonos' I Uho3o electrical conductivit7 0 and ESR spectra were. moasuiid*_ '-Th,"ard';al calliun vif various gro%ips did- turbing the conjugation into the conjugated 6hain was found to hinder the processes of I Card 112 UDGs! L 45725-66 current transfer, The relative effectiveness of this hindering influence of different groups may change with the flexibility of the moleculesp which stfacts the intermolet- ular Interactions, In particularl the b1phonylone groupingg which sharply decreases the electrio properties of "linear" 3tructuresp does not affect the properties of poly mers consisting of more flexible oxygon-containing molecules. It is notable that bridge groups do not appreciably lowrtr the nomiconduoting properties, The paper was Presented by Academloian Kazanskiyp B. A,p 230at63,, Orig. art. hass I tableo SUB CODES 07/ SUBM DATES 23Jul65/ ORIG REFS 014/ OTH WO 003 ZANINA, I.Ye. Boundar-j between the Devonian and Carboniferous in the central part of the Russian Platform. Inform.sbor.VSEGEI no.4;2:85-90 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Russian Platform--Paleontology, Stratigra.phic) STEPAl"OV, D.L., prof., red.; '11-TINA, I.Ye., red.; ll".OD'~VLE'EWSKAYA, Ye.A., red.; 0~11'CHUI, 'I.K., red.[decon-cod]; V.P., red.; .',UL~BOTIIIA, l".N., red. (Problems of the charactcristics and foins of the develoll.- mant of the organic world; tramactions) Voprosy zak-ono- mornoutei i fom ra7wit.iia oi-giinJehookol-P Pnira; trudy. Vo- skva, Nedra, 1964, 201) 1). (hIRA 1. V:.o..toyu,-,noyi paleontoloft.1choskoye ob:-,h(-he,,ltvo. 7th :Aya. OBUT, A.M.. red.; ZANINA. LNG, red., 'v'.CDVJM- ISFAYA, Ya.A., red.; Ovhu-lLxn;,-lT-X,7' red,-, V,P,-, red.; STEPANOV, D.L., red.; SUBBOTINA, rode; OBUTI, AJf.. red.; VULSOVA, L.V" red. izd--va,~ G01101910VA,. ~~A,,. red.; IVI"NOVA, A.G.~ tokhn. red. (Importance of biosphore In Geological procoogon, Probler- of interrelation of pnloontoloTy nnd tectonics; trrmsactionrl Znachenie biosfei-j v freologicheskilch protsessakh. Voprosy vzainosviazi paleontologLi i tektoniki; trudy V i VI zesuii Vsesoiuznogo palocnto!ogJ~,.:-,hosko,-,o obohchestva. Moskvap Gos- geoltekhizdat, 1962. 247 P~ (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vsoroyuznoye paloonto-loCicheskoye ob~;bcbestvo. (Paleontology) (Geolo&v,,. Structural) ~Ti-.PANCV. D.L., professor, rad;,~.tor, UL.. Ye.A., reUktor; OUCITIN, R.K., redaktor; R911GARTF,11. V.P.. rad3l.,tor; ',!JPBC,'.Ili,A. U.N., redeikt!-,-r: CNACKHOW-s. T.A., redairtor lze-afel'st"al; GURUVA, 0J., to~hnichief,:-Lv, reUktor [Problems in paloobiogeogranhy and biostratipraphy; pr~~ cv.- A i rups of the Ist se"sion of t~e -hll-~aion Palsontologicai Socict.", Wanimry 24-28, 1955)) Voprosy paleoblogeogrefit i biostrati7:rnfli; trudy I sqEsli Obahchostva (21'-28 ionv3ria 1955 P.). M-; Groo-nauclinc-, I.nkha.i%d-vo lit-ry t)o 7nol. i okhrene nedr, 1957. ',111.) t,. (MMU M1.0) Vrcsoyuznoy~) palocntologicheskoye otahchertvc 1 (t~aieontoiogy) TRIMA, Valentina Borisma; ZANDIA, I.Y2,_,. red.; RAGINAq G.M.t vedushchiy red.: GE!Ifl'ji-D-YEVA, [Early Carboniferous polyzoans of the Kuznetsk Basin] Rannekamen- nougol' Inye mshanki 'Kuznetskoi Yotloviny. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno- tekhnAzd-vo neft.i pornotoplivnoi lit-r6y. Leningr.otd-nie, 1958. 298 p. (Leningrad.- Vsesoiuzmyi neftianoi nauchno-issledovatel'ski:), reologorazvedochnyi institut. Trudy, no.122). (MIRA 14:8) (Kuznetsk Basin--Polyzoa, Fossil) TOL14ACHEVl A-1-v Prof.0 red.; ZUIINA, I-Ye.r red.; MODULEVSKAYA, Ye.A.9 red,.. OVECHIKINq N.K.9 red.;-MMMOV~.., red.; SUBBOTINA, R.N., red.; 4KMCH, P.L., red. izd..Va; IVANOVA, jk.(I.# tekjm.-I._ed. (Fortieth anniveetarf of Soviet p4eontology, Of the 4th session of the All 1917-2957. Transactioull -union-paleontologic al Society] Sorok 11it Bovetskoi paleontologii 19-17-1957; trudy IV segaii Irsesoiuzuogo Palec tOlOgicheskogo obshchestva. MOsk7aq Gos. nauchno-telLbn. izd_.m lit in- Po geo3-ogi:L i OkbranO n6dr, 1961, 209 p, (MIRA 1438)' 1. Vaet"OYuznoYe PaleontologicheAWe obohchestvo. (Paleontology) MALYAVKINA, Valentina Semenovna; 4PINA,.I.Ye., red.; RUSAKOVA, L.Ya., vedushchiy red.; YASHCHURMiNSKAU, A.B., (Spores and pollenn of the Lower Cretaceous in the eastern part of the Gobi] Spory I pylltoa nIzhnqgo mala Vostochno-Gobiiskol depressi.i. Leningrad, Gostoptekh-1vint, 1958. 131 p. (Leningrad. Vsesoi,.Iznyl neftian-oi nauchno-issledc)vatellskii geologorazvedochnyi institut. Trudy, no.119). (FJRA 16:8) (Gobi--Pal.jnology) POLENOVA Yelena Nikolayevna; ZANINA,, Ij .,-,nauchnyy red.; DAYEV, G.A.p veduBhehiy red.; GENIAPIA VAI M., [Devonian ostracods of the Kuznetsk and 11inusinsk Basinal Devonskie ostrakody Kuznetskogo basseina i Mnusinskoi kotlovLny. Leningrad. Vsesoiuznyi neftlanoi nauchno-issledovatellskii geo'logorazvedochnyi institut. Trudy, no.152'1, (14IRA 16:8) (Kuznetsk Basin-Ostracoda, Fossil) (14inusinsk Basin-Ostracoda, Fossil) L E.== ABUSHIK# A.F.; _ZAIIIIIAt I.Ye.q red.1 VERSTAKp G.V.0 red.1zd-va; [Silurian os"t-racodo of the Siberian Platform) SA-luriiskie ostrakody Sibirskoi platfomy. Moskvaj Gos. nauchn. tokh. izd- vo lit-.ry po geologii i okhrane nedrp 1960, 131 p. (Louningrad, VoouoiuzWi goologichookii institut. Trudyq vo. 39) 1 (MIFA 14:2) (Siberian Matform-03tracoda, Foqgil) ZAIIIIIA, I-Ye. New late Devonian ostracods from central regions of the Russian PLI't- form. Faleont.zhur. no-3:77-89 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. VoesoyuzW nauchno-iseledovateltakiy goologicheakly inatitut. (Runsian platform--Oatracoda, Fossil) HARKOVSKIY, B.P.,; ZANIIIA I.Ye., red.; KIPARISOVA, L.D., red.; HIXLUXHO-HA T, rod.; PO)MOV.%AYA, I.M., red.; RADCHERKO, G.P., red.; ROSS07A, S.M.. red.izd-va; GUROTA, C.A., (Now species of ancient plants id invertebrates of the U.S.S.R.] Novye vidy drevnikh rastenii i beepozvonochnykh SSSR. Moskvav, Gos.nanchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr. Ft.l. 196o. 611 p. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Leningrad. Yeesoyuzny7 geologicheakiy inatitut. (Paleontology) XARKOVSKIY, B.Y.,; ZANIU, I.Te., red.; KPARISOVA, L.D., red.; MIEMMO-HWAT. K.V., red.; POKROYMATA, I.K., re&.; RADCHMO. G.P., red.; GCRCKHOTA, T.A., red.12d-va; GUROTA, O.A.,, [Heif.apeciea of ancient plants and invertebrates of the U.S.S.R.] Hovye vidy drevnikh rastanii i besposvonochnykh SM. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nadr. Pt.2. 1960. 521 p. (KMA 13:10) 1. Leningrad. Vaesoyuznyy goologichaskiy institut. (Invertfibrates, Fossil) SM.ANOV# D.L., prof., nDuchnyy red.; ZAKINA, I.Ye., red.; MODZALEVSKAYA, Ye..A., red.; OVECHKIII, H.K., red.; RMOMMIN, V.P., red.; SUBBOTINA, U.N., red.; ABKMCH, P.L., red.izd-va; I7AWVA, A.G,, [Problems in the blostratigraphy of continental formations; transactions of the third session of the All-Union Paleontolo- gical Society. Jan.24-29, 19571 Voprosy biostratigrafti kon- tinentalinykh tolshch; trudy III sesaii Veasoiuznogo paleonto- logichaskogo obahchestva, 24-29 ianvaria 1957 g. Mcjokva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn.1zd-vo lit. po geologii i okhrone nedr# 19J9, 243 p. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Voesoyuznoys paleontologichoskoye obahchestvo. (Paleontology, Stratigraphic) ZAIIINL, I.Te. UWAWW Ostracoda of the Visean stage in the Moscow Basin. Trudy VNrGRI no*-!)8t 183-309 136. (MLRA 10s4), (Moscow Basin-Ontracoda, Fossil) SnPANOV, D,L., prof., red.1 ZAKINA, I.Ye., red.; I(ODZMVMYA, Ye.A., red.; OVECHM, Y.K., red.; F=GARM, V.P.. red.; SUBBOTTIRA, N.H., red.; GOROKHOVA, T.A., red.izd-va; 1VANOTA, A.G., [Problems in paleobiology and biostratigraphy; transactions of the 2d session of the All-Union Paleontological Society] Voprosy paleo- biologii i biostratigrafii; trudy II sesaii Vsesoiuznogo palsontolo- gicheskogo obnhchestva. Moskva, Goa.nauohno-tekIm.izd-vc lit-ry po geol. i oklirane nedr. 1959. 270 p@ WRA 13:4) 1. Veeaoyuznoye paloontologichaskoye obohcheetvo. (Paleontology"-Congresses) DUMAYEVA, A.Y.; ZaITIINA, H.S.; TSYGUiOVA, A.M. Studylng spatlal variations in the characteristics of the snow cover. Trudy GG) no.108:19-25 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Snow surveys) rd "I I S= L-inerd. GI .... y% n!y 1 V.P-Y -tedild -too-IoEtch-kikh mbl)~d C ..I- " 12~~' 41 : (Pmbl!- of V. tuo-1.11CL2 Ct d c5 . -.'ties Luir~.d, Cje-~-t..J.dt. 19y). *,-5 1. (. j= .:i 1 Err.ts allp foo.,t.d. ?,-'CC ;~Izt..I. an. 96 U.S.S.R. Glavnor. Upr.Tj~-'T* sl~ahby pri S."t. X-Inlatm'. Ed. (Title pc.)t X.I. PI--rc,,., , C&.!Idt. phic.1 Ed. (I .Id. book). T.V. Ushak ... ; T.-b. E-!,~ Vlko'. pmm:zi The publication is intenjid ror ~t~~:njluts v~r~lr.; --frice; ~.r hydramotooroIxgleal Service m- in zt^ttz~. 1 .1 it .0 of Q Tr-- Cm 'MAC1.9 Til I a : ,. II tb K.In racpI4ajol !-~A A.I. *.':y - ~. : ."ti 4 f ~tiol*3 are do-L*4 to spo:ial fs.t~rsj im t�.s dlptrltv-tl~r- f ect-r,11 -1 -1 --is " th. 1. t~'. :Zzz -I In : rtl l., "17 2g ~U-dz of = is- 'o Icecal .d t~. pro... 'L n; or tt'. uts. tsfc~- ard g1- at t1h, -I Lf : .Ch TAB= Co W:MrS, P=!e, V.P. R-~dlstlaz r~4-oa of th~ .5nov 5=.I,ze of IntArctL-s Rusin, X.P. Horl;~oto. r.~-ft of f~r- in Azt-tt~& v, 5.A. ZP6.181 ?VAt- of UC ~-4,'~- end C.rt-'~ ~' o' th- :--w Co-r in L-4--. C~,!. Iot-otiz, LM'r C..... -'r. d-I~g 0.. of ni th. Zn- C- 0 51- Y-t-. in t~. :!.trfL~Lion of P.UI-Iv. !~~dit4 1. V~wQ.... 71 c~ Ph'-C &I xeti-d of c-iticAi czztroi of, tht cb~--!-# vr tt'y' t : 7-i-,r. ~ b7 )to-" of NPLL Th.-,ot,- piv-, -. Z.J. Ch-ct4rt'tja or t~~ Car-ILtion LI~L~-g C!e,r H..~hI7 of UUa ti- 101 I-Itr.7 f C,,,r..,. DUNAYEVA, A.V.; ZANINA 14,S. Technique of calculating the predictability of the appearance of the snow cover. Trudy GGO no.113:51-56 160. zk, 1 14 : 3 ) (Snow) SHAPIRO, I.S., inzh.; SEREDKIN, L.N., tekhn.; ZANINA N K inth.; SHAROVA, N.I.5 inzh,' Electrodes for the air-arc cutting of metals. Svar. pro:Lzv. no.8%20-22 Ag 162. (KRA 15: 11'li 1. Vsesoyuzny7 nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut avtogennoy obrabotki metallov (for Shapiro, Seredkin). 2. Filial Vaesoyuznogo, nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta elaktromekhaniki (for Zanina,, Sharova). (Electric metal cutting) (Electrodes) C, /I an 10C Ittm- Florence. Italy). rMRWilmlr~,a 2. 367-7tX1943).-Tech. data aft given. Applk-atiofu other dun an &A fud at reviewed. C. Smnifura -7. ~ I / ITO ZANINA, Ye.N.; KALININ, O.M.; FALEVA, T.A. Theoretical information coefficient of correlations and its use in the statistical analysis of anthropometric data. Prim. mat. metod, v bioL no.2:107.-109 163, (MIRA 16:11) ZANM? Y.E. N. (LeniWad) - I.- ... ~ 4; ~k '.'Informstinn-The=7 Correlation Factor and Its Use In Statistical Processbig of Anthropowetric Data" Report presented at the 3rd Conference on the use of Mathematics in Biolomr.. Leningrad Universityt 23-28 Jan. 1961. (Primeneenlye matematicheskikh Metodov v Biologil. II,, Leningrad, 1963 PP 5-11) FEVOROVAP L,M,I, ZANINA, Ye.P.1 KOMIEYENKO~ V.P. Simultaneous determination o~ gazes In metals by emission spectroscop-y.'Zav. lab. 31 no.11:1347 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. TSentraltnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii imeni Bardina. ZANIVA, Z.L. Biological peculiarities of Anopheles ouperplatus grasel in the Rushan District of the Western Pamir. Ked.paraz.i parpz.bol. 26 uo,6t721-732 I-D 157. (MM& 13 t4) 1. Iz Instituta zoologii i parazitologii imeni akad. U.N. Pavlov- skogo Akademli nauk Tadsbikekoy 33R. (RUMO DISTRIGT--MDSQUITOBS) ZXTMA) Z. L.: Mater Biol Sci (diss) -- "Biological aspec"'I's of Anopheles superpictus Gr. and A. bifurcatus L. under the conditions of 'Ruahanslcly Rayon, wes'ern Pamir". Leningvad, 1958, 20 D LI p (Zoological Inst Acad Sci TJSSR, Acadenic Council), 200 copies (KL, iio 5p 1959) 146) Biological characteristics of the forest malaria mosquito Anopheles btfurcatue Le (Diptera, Culicidae) In RuBhun District (western Ftuaira) [with summary in English]. Ent.oboss. 37 no.40-856-868 158. 041RA 11:12) 1. Inatitut zoologil, I parazitologli Akademii nauk Tadth.SSR. Stalinabad, (Rushan Dietrict-Ho8quitoes) I ZANINA, Z.L. Survey of tho ecolog7 and species of blood-aucking mosquitoes in districts of the westorn Pamirs. Trudy AIN Tadzh.SSR 891 69-77 158. (MIRA 13:5) 1. 7nstitut soologii i paranitologli AN Tadzhikskny SSIL. (Famirs-Moaquitoes) ZANINA, Z.L. Effect of specific conditions in the western Pardrs on the distribution, numbers and period of dGvelopmont of malaria moaquitoea. Izv.Otd.ost-..nauk AN Tadsh.SSR no.2:3-16 '59. (14IIIA 13:4) 1. Institut zoologii i parazitologii AN Tafthilcokoy SSR. (Pamirs--14osqui toes) ZAERA, Z. L. Principal factors In the bIolog7 of malaria vectora in the western Pamirs. Dokl.AN Tadzh.SSR 2 no.1:57-61 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. rnatitut zoologii I parazitologli AN Tadzhikslco7 SSR. Predstavlano chlomm-korrespondentom AN Tadzhlf;koy SSR H.N. Ifarzikulovym. (Panirn-Mosquitoes as carriern of diseases) --ZAIIIIIA, Z.L, Materials on the fa-ana, B.bundance and ec(;IG-97 c-f ixrdid tickO (,f rodents and insectivorous animals of the deserts in Tajikiistem. Trudy Inab. zool. I paraz. AN Tadzh. SSR 24:159-168 163. (MIPA 17: D ) 1. Institut zoologil i pt-a-azitolog,11 imeni zakademika Pav.1o,,t!jkoro All Tadzhil-skoy SSR. KRYLOV , 14.V. ; ZANINA ~ Z. 11. Smit~ia tadzhikistanica sp,n. frf)?., ti-e- re -tai-Ited gerbl' M.~,rionne-- erythrairus Gray, 181.2. Trudy in3t. zool. i paraz. All Tadzh. SSR. 24:169-170 163. (m. ma 17: 11 ) 1.Institut zoologii i parazitologii imeni akademika Favlovskogo All Tadzhikskoy SSR. ZAJIINOVIC, Josip, dipl. inz. at L Operational experiences with relays indic ing the direct-on of grol7nd connections in the 30 kv. networks. Energija Hrv 12 no. 9/10: 298-299 163. RAFAU1, Petar, dr.; ZAIIII-IOVIC, Mirko, dr. I--- Echinococcosis o! the heart, Lijecn. vjesn. 84 no.7:66-L-672 62. 1. Iz Kiriirokog i Internog Odjela Medicinakog contra u Sibeniku. (IMART DISLAS),"S) (ECIIINOCOCCOSTS) ZANIS, I,V., insh. Coiling flanges i)n pipe-banding machines. HasilinostToite:Ll ' no.11:25,-26 H '59. ('LIRA 1313) (Flanges) (MAohine-shop practice) &ZIl'sX I.V. AttaclLaunt for rachining ahal/ja SVj'faC0rJ On zehi=,trol t.--l I ;~:o. 2:21~- F 161. T - 14: 2 10 (Le-thas-Attachem-nts) ZANIS, I.V. ---- Dies for forming a~Long the rad.-us. Y-asbinostroitell no.10:25 0 '63. (MIRA 16:12) ZAMSP I.V. Efficient use of vanto products. ,64. Manhinostrait".)1! -,no.3:25 M, (KIRA 17:4) ZANIS IN. Dies for forming st"ffing boxes without waste. Hashinostroitell no.11-12 N 161.. (IURA 14: 11) (Dies (Metalworking)) wis, I.V. Bladed the for cutting wanhers. 14ashinostroitell no.1:26 J& 163. (HIn 16:2N (Outting machines) UYIS 0 T.V. l-, Stamping instead of millin and turning. 14ashinostroitel" no.5232 Itr 63. (mm 16:7) (Forging) ZANIS, 1. V. Die for tri=Ing riveta. MasbinoBtroitall no.10122 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (DieB(Metalworking)) r ip nf7 r- -,--i~.h TA J~ "17 ZJUIK , Kalman Exieriences in the use of the Benoto drilling Installation. 11,agy ep ipar 10 no.6:284-285 161. ZANKA, U. 1. NEMETS, 0. F. TOKARETSKIY I V. V. "Determination by Model of the Natm-e of Levels of the Nucleus with the Help of Direct Reactions (d,p) and (d,d').(' report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Thilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. Inst Physics, AS UkSSR ZAI,"KAY; TABCZOS . ---- --- -- ------- Color talovision in tho aervice of surgM. Radiotechnika U no.11!336-337 N 161. - ZAMOYEV, G.F., gomyy lnzh. Using charges with air spaces In large-scale draw blasting. Vzryv. delo no.54/lls295-299 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Trest Mamslyuda, Mamsko-Chuyakiy rayonj Irkutskoy oblasti. ZANKIEWICZ, All& Casuistice of orbital traumas Inflicted by wood. Klin. oczn& 27 no.2:181-485 1957. 1. Z Kliniki Okulisty"nej A.M. w Bialymstoku Kierownik: doe. dr. mad. M. Dymitrovska. Bialystok, ul. Majova 1 m. 1. (ORBIT. wds. & W. wood inflicted inj. in child, surg. (Pol)) ZANKIEWICZs, Alla Results of the treatment of diseases of the anterior chamber of the eye by means of subconjunctival implantation of preserved amnion. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.39:1499-1501 26 S 060. 1. Z Kliniki Okulistycznej A.M. w Bialymstoku; kierownik: prof. dr med. Maria Dymitrowska. (EYE dis) (AMNION tranapl.) w Coronary sinus rhythm in esophageal leads. Kard.1cl. Pol. 7 no*3:221-224 J 164. 1. Z I Oddzialu Sitpitala Idejakiego i z Fracowni Ekg j -matoku WoJewoftkiego Szpit~'a tr6 J. Sniadeakiego w Bialy (Kierawnik: doe. dr W. Zankiewicz). 2ANETEWIC7 W. JII. S7pit. mlejsk.p Dialymstnk. Frnelykowe odprcwadzenia elok- w swictle dotychezanowych I wlannyah Ividan Oeencrhar,,Oal loads In the light.-of the author's and other researc~as Folsk. Arch, Yed. Vewnet. lor)3, 2311 (47-74) Graphs 5 Tables 1 Illus. 4 97 patients and 20 healthy ~.Tubjects were examined. When carried out correctly the method is imfe and can be used in seriously ill patients. Its value in tho diagnosio of arrhythaias, paro7ysml tachynrdla and infarction of the posterlor wall is strevo- ed. The Ditter can be diagnosed even when standard and precordiall leads do not pror) its -.resence. Terminal deflection of th-j atrial complex (Ta) was observed not -,-nly In the cases of A-V dissociaticn but also In cases with regulat sinus rhythm. The --U- wave was seen more frequently in the oeuophageal than In the standard or precordial leads. Gibinski - Bytom SO: EXCEMA MEDICA, Section VI, Vol. 8, #1, January 1954 --ZANXIEWIOZI.-,W. Electrocardiograpb~- in wourads of the cardiac region. Kardiol. Pol. no.2187-100 162. 1. Z Pracowni Elektrokardiografiemej Wojewr,4zk~.sgo Sispitala im, J'. Sniadeckiago v Illalymstoku Kierawnik; do,36' di- W. Zankial*cz, (MRT Wds & lmj) (=TROCARDIOGRAPHf) ZAIIKIE.-IICZ, IN'. infarction of the atrial wall. fardiol. Fol. 8 no.3:267-273 1659 1. Z Praco,,mi Eicktrokardiograficznej lelojewoftkiego Szpitala im. J. Sniadeckiego w Bialymstoku (Kierownik: doc. dr. W. Zankiewicz). UNKMICZ, Vlodzimiarz (Bialystok, u1. Majowu 1/1 M. 1.) 3lectrocardiogram in persons operated on in hypothermla. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 28 no.7:999-1018 1958. 1, 2 11 Kliniki Chlrurgic2nej A. M. w Bialymstoku Kierowalk: prof. dr med. T. Jankowski i z Pracowni Elektrokardiograficznej Woj. Szpitala 1,10. J. Sniadeckiego w Bialymstoku. Kierownikz doo. dr mad. W. Zanklewics. (HYFOTE3RMIA, eff. on 3CG in surg. patients (Pol)) 'LlOrROCARDIOGRAMT (P eff. of hypothermia in ourg. patients (Pol)) (SUMNAY, OPMTIVz eff. of hypothermia. on ZCG in surg. patients (Pol)) 7ANKIMICZ, Vlodzimiarz (Bialystok# ul Majowa 1/1 m. 1.) Observations and review of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Polskia archU med. wawn. 27 no*811087-1103 1957- 1. Z I Kliniki Ghorob Wewnetrznych A. M. w Bialymstoku Kierownik: prof. dr Mad. Ho Tulozyuski i Fracowni BlektroktLrdiografioznej woj. Sapitala im. J. Stiadackiago w Bialyinstoka Kierowniki doo dr mad W Unkiewiciz. (EMT Bwat Wolff-Parkinson-White synd. (Pol)) ZANKIEWICZg.W1.odzimierz; BORON, Piotr Therapeutic application of intravenous drip infusioas of hyaluronidai!;e in prolonged coronary insufficiency. Polskie arch.mad.vewn. 30 no.9: 1-1-85-1190 160. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Weimetrznych A.M. w Bialymstoku 0.6. Kierownika Klinlki: doe. dr med. W.Zankiewicz (HYALURONIDASE ther) (CORONARY DISEASE ther) ZAMD(ICZ, WIodrixters. Iffect of short wavets on coronary insufficiency. Polski tygod.lak. 10 n0-33:1087-1092 I!i Aug '55. 1. Z Oddsialu Chorob Wewnstrzrych Wojawodskiago 8spitala im. J. Sniadeckiego w Biijklymstoku; dyrektor: dr. Adam Dowgird, ordynator: dr mad. Vlodsimiers Zankiewiez. Bialystok. u1. majowa 1/1, M. 1) (CORONAff DISMSI, therapy, short wave) (DIATHEW9 in various diseases, short ware, in coronary din.) ZANKIN. Ay -Ef- M: Atl4;s Tipovykh Skham Vazdushno reaktivnykh: turbo-vinto7zxykh D7igateley (Atlas of Standard Designs of Jet-Engines and Turbine-Aivacrew Zrkgines), Moscmd, 1950 Abutre.cted in MAY 'Treaauro Island", on file in Librar7 of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. 106968. Unclassified. A T. -illy. og )e IV,4 4, IY7. 1;3 tA ilia - - ------------- rd USSR / Microbiology. :'Icroorgnni!jns Pathogenic to Humans F-3 end knivals. Abs Jour Author Inst Title Orig Fub i Rof Zhur - Biol., No 8p 1958P No 33900 i Zankisovas 1. G. F`R~Otg Von t Lung Tubarculor-os Dovelored Aftor Treatment with Anti- Bacterial and ChonicnI Preparations. : Tr. In-ta tuborkulozn. Akrd. med. neuk SSSR, 1957, 9, 94-loo. Abstract : No abstract. Crrd 1/1 37 GOT 1 T T T-T owslas 44 flm"4F~ vote Vt ~W the WS-5. AMWOw oe coo 00 3 coo coo 1-f W - -- - - - -- --- 4, s- 4;641 t a* fto lot too Ea. 40"" 10 - Ir 0 a ft a 11 C. G, :0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a o 0 0 0 a 0 4i: I I P". T Iwo iso OgLa &&'a a oo** 041140A 00 A **A OOA so It 004 004 got 46* j 00 0,40 0 0 0 0 0,0.0 0 Ole. Is ts to 9 x 0 it a 1, A.AA1. rt'-saf-14 .,hog at ow ..ICt[Vftl# d COAM, V. W, &xwo.(Z. Zwkerind. I meta ropirgetkally WAI Avilve IM W j*v4k4y no effect m Imica" Altm. I%wd tm this IljwfvS1km m, vAumotirk vm4ad Ima twou wurkof out frw dqW- miniq the I* Sawntv 0( C AM fi* dwApwdAA wwqdS dififfut I I to. 0. ------- I10 I -IT ;;, -4*C- In Ll 10 as N;x a a I III 7-1: .44 6 006 0 0 40 111 0 o 4 0 0 a 0 oicle 0 so 0004,066 *fee 0 wee aloe goo xo I ke it* 0 13001 Wo 0 I Iwo "~Jftv woo In a 1 4 4w 0 a 0 1 111, so I aa 2 0 v 0 0 o 0 o 0 o * Goo* o 0 0 0 q 0 0 o 00 0 0 Is o : 0 : ::"� fill 400601600 600006404664 I 0 4 111 ff * 00 Y I f k) 11 it I] W is 14 it is it 1 D 23025 261711111, 14" ULI Me 1, MR49 0 I've 41 41 61 1 C If I L it I, 00 0 0 WOO 404 mdedog me" with low Shawals V W -!fOR, 1.41Y Cukromr. ALI, j 00 0 Rep. SP, 373 -t; i-Cub"faffill AM mvile utd. with 3-, &RW. CI W l i I & 4 b i h h % . -90 - vu ar Re it mo ! umi w n. &my etter 1 an t e free charoxi. In the sk the charcmj released the &d- b d C1 i k1 d l l O h 9m e r y It" coulp ete en the chat. qu nly w y, coal luld InDles"S we e k t In C1 i1 h II ( see r a ep At vint t r e Pat to 3A did the Cl Inimulattr (ho charc,., . (jjfjFer -.60 I icm. Cmbur&Mn to which J).u6% Na,.*h 1&441 1we, j,jv, I Q*O 400 Ollowed a dec-lutitimil rffrvt which was cjusi to I he min, ,I 04 tbeactimolthecarNmajulsalt. Norite was not affected hYthcNaPSOvaddw. In the comn. cueounteted in tech. 60 rullo" (0.003~~C) the N60)3 did not exert any efrect tru 00 carborLilla. Addus. of OAM17; Maois lmtcaftd the ad- tomdon in moLamet and methylene blue soins. by loll 6"a With & d tf d l i i A - n a soqi ou t arge quant t es of lath and wit subsequent m tmmiku with 11CI carbo th la d t 0 0 so p- 1 e n c o s , re ain v mu h f j i M i" i h O c ery o u or g act v e U ty; t , oRldi" the active surfaces of the cbar and did wt enlarge d o expecte . Frank Niamb :c tree sell It r it ad 0 14 0 1 44 It f: 4, a e 0 9 40 6 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 'I It I# it 14 11 Is If J) III a a Is Is 16 01111413111JOI414 16) a Is 4.1 1) 41 41 a (A-1 I- I X- 1. a a IF 9 a I t U V I A r J JOA N (A to 9C 1 4 4( so., 00 YO -.00 An analytical evaluation at the reacdou betwe*a "d. qated Carbon* and Pazaaftaftte. V. W. ZMAkI. Lissy 00 a I 7 4ClArotdr. 33. W-201; Z. 00 A:~ reaction velocity betwe;; lWaID, and SMiV2ted carbons is very rapid dud" the first 5 min. of contart. Then it proceeds extremely slowly for several bra. For dttg. the perc nup of Unadmorbed by the car- 110* lailgotbed and the, moliL%w* Ito. Kc.Supranorite,Sochar bon, Z. placed 0.2 C. In an ErlcameM Usk, added M cc. Z: 0-5 N "at). solo.. asad miied the suspeadon TECOMUsly f- Attlearboul and rAilx)n-4 sclivatM acrordins to (XirrjkM,% 0o Wmin. Tbecontents of th poured apoo an sto- the correlation we-, r~rnote anti lim~4 apjmrrnt. Carigm,; $:,a 6 ne fie"k was bmtod filter, washed and the Mn detd. in the filtrate by with the ritceptiort of Carborafrin thet,w'" dcactivated Igo '3; mcans of iodtAnctric titration. At the malt time the I until they failtil to adsoch any tnote niolAAZI OLSO fai!ill to nsolasscs no. of the sante charcoal was detd. by %baking adumb K'%InO.. With cartoms fallinit within thC C.fl- ~9:4 U.5 g. of the Carbon with lfx) cc. of a 6170 mOLLUCS tcln. for rAffin-Spolia X~rit-' it wa-k pm~ibh- to Pr"SCt the II1nlA%" 00 M 30 uiin,. filtering and dctc. the dgree of decclorititim -'n \"o. r"'M the Ing, (.1 KNUO. advOK~l. Frank Ntar"h 00 z the filtrate by lueetist of an objective photccololime(4. 00 4 W difftrent brands of sictirsted cestuas re- voided #8 adsorption of WifaO. r&VCf 0.0-OfJ%. Catboraffirt, Standard-Norit, Ifiaggsille, Muscafte Spe- Igo* Of Cial and $podia, Isve a direct relation Uttween the Un to Is lose go 00 'es : so Coo V` -4 a ad 0 W i- -or s~ At 4 i a It R 11 it U tt I. I n 1A 0 0 0 a'6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16Z.4 itsoe 0 4 : * 4 * 0 0 0 -ZANKL, Vojtech, inz. Possibility of saving fuel in brick kilns. Energetilca Gz 13 no.10029-531 0 163. 1. Vyvojove pracoviste cihelen G.Klimenta, n.p., Brno. KOBZ,,'V. V.V.; Quantitative determination of sodium and potassium chlorides in their mixtures by the GXtraction method. Ukr.khim.zhur. 29 no.6t627-631 163. (MIRA 160) 1. LYovskly politekhnicheBkiy inatitut. (Alkali metal chlorides) (Chemistry, Analytical--Quantitative) ZANIKO, A.Ai*; PANTIMMA, Lele determInation of magmalum, TrAr Kom. anal. khID6 4so 135~-140 152. (MMA- llt6'r' (Kagnsuium) (Conduatometrio omLlysis) PARTMIMMA, L.I.; ZANIED. A. A. IM - - .. IN New N"r Rapid metbod for determining the alkali eartb metals in barium glass. Nauch. zap. LPI no.29:101-108 '55- (MLRA 9:10) (Glasn--Analysis) (Alkali metals--Analysts) (Barium--Analysiii) 14 14 If now-T -M. 00 0000 0 410 00 A-0 it to to 14 14 it 0 Al 00 0 * : 00 0* A11,111 Ili -11 4,111-111IN111 1, % 00 will.t11% Cm% ."I.Sliotis it[ '11114.1clit At 1,1111" mas Ili, 1., 11%14 flit o* 00 0 I- AFO 414~ O"'Al twil A 41,11-4 At.. I Al'tibl;A al"I 4 hart'NI. 0 1,09, 10: ro ro 0 a- dL 111111, 0 000 1140 too U00 0 0 fill 0 q 0 0 0-0 0. 04., 1*0 00 1*0 Its- Cl 14 a Is u a 10 4 A 41 0 IS MI 100 U I ~ 11 1 4. 1 J -I--.* a. L S-0 p#TrfRr4$ -"I UwWmlbp, d A- A too _4110 L 1. c 4_111 With bi- ce t* at pit 2'". am 44114. (a CIA its XA, 44 ist - of bostate Mg- in taftMIS Ce t"num at .60 ItAtIs Wi* Wr4ww is .00 't tlav.1MOO-111-if tatd ca + Va. ba M - 1.26 V. Kim the so VUW*; 11110 difiONOW Ce iajwjld~ Fe If t is III in b0b W 0# (w Cat vaquUm 1160 ic.,Wtiadjottmiro. SSO~Mwtlabrfam F-4091*00miI, Coo 0OW dMd"d 611 Mi. of Oar-11NO& and 04 safsti*s III bath, Vw rnwds Is d4wood to Sw 00 a of tr an-- 0 ulatik VA titni" of Na A"tats) OW 8 U4. at lay t Ago after IlLo"We4tt tbA rWdu4 to a phtbAlsts 0 W carrW out at - 1 -20 bOwatplIM IftomcWwt Vt. to 100. 1,00 0 AIX-ILA *ITALLUIROKA% LIIIIIAIWI CIAS11FICATWO. i1~00 00 ##,I*, 1614345 wit Cov-3st NISID, Go , I VT I w to 0 Ole to It it a at 49 it cc If ic 49 As ,~666;1 ; 0, 6' 9 0 * oes *Go# 0 00 000 0 * 0 a ;&11 10 so- is 0000000 -a-0-0066 9 :: a 0 a 000 000 0 a0 0 0 0 --0 -0 otooposofooffs 08 11 4 p a 0 11 b M if A 0 At A 1-1 -jk -L- ,L PA a oil 00 00 i -t% so c c4balt and cdclial Ito The abwgition "act- of "etas tA kftvy wats. A. Zriwku and A. 1. Brud- Ito skit, Ada PhyliwAim. V. R. , S. S. 4. a o0 a I Iransmit%im, of finglisb).-The swctra Of Ct.*b arA NO)s is' HA) WW 1-110 wvFf so 4 amcfer to &1' Ow tffrrl $4 the lm)lvrni ou (1u. bc hands. No shift% atteribef4c it) the uAvrill P-i- .1 1 .100 Of j, wav detected but with UP the akmmpti~)n lands wric )too 0 * 13 Ivu intvnlw and wen dtpfowlt Itulow th4rv with HP. 60 00 '3 00 Of -.00 00 ;00 9 see ifill, 0 "'oo It OfTALLUCGICAL L1111taltiftC44 SJOICAt OCM i-V 13 iZ- to 0 t is; 41 K it It 9 K tf tt it x mia n tv It 00 o 0 0 'o o o o 0 o 00 fl 0 0 * 0 0 goo 0 0 0 IF 0 to 0 sees 000 040offI0000*0901600900*00 io~4006000*0000000 4 it i- 3 i_' ; I :W* 0 0.9 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 a 0-0 if. PJWAW"~ .00*6*666640*669.0 ISPOPMOMOt IG; If I lll;rl -A A r- rucefells 100 41 o 00 '00 -00 00 00 Absoc-Oon qwetr1i of conw,col", vad !-Go v wA A. E. BaoDw (AdA Phydoochim. U.BA.S.. 00 1938. S. 301"Mi-amowepa* of-Vo absorption 'log 5 oo'l ewres *( akao, Mao - 604MIM. ww-wj 1: -00 confirm pfl;Qz.;~ 4;00 _jO doe vM caum a - that rcVlw==6 at HtO by D 00 -00 shift la am aboarpUm mx but pradtfoell a sym. 00, c inctricW ompemim o 00'. W. R. A. "0* Ifoo o 0; S I L A SITALLU4121CAL LINIM149 CLAtIWKA110k W of 60 U U 4w 03 Lt 0 iv Ve tv tv It a it a a It It K a CF. I~xa 44100010*iooooovoooooooof)41040100000000000000*000:,:I 00-00,0010000600000006o4)000000000000*060000000 i1 iv_ -0 tip 4860600 '-p-, is Id 4 1? a It u u at a a v 9 Id, 43 if u 0 $1 one 00 -06 so to 0 0 so a I~i LIOA AMM-OAM of Oupw guti?mw uk fmvy 00 a o0w a maw. A. K Iftatimat W A. A. UNMO (AMA 10W, 5, OW-MI.-Tbo extinction quaffs. ol 0-437 mol. CN&W, in lfjf) and in -7% D.0 We Ima rairfasuml betwmn 434 mW 02 UO *W GM mp, Tl* owd. Is frilluml by 10 the C, I miudko being 4ppftpx. 0C IDSO). fillLILLUe"Al. LITIN&TIAt CL&UWK4Tlf:* 4104, W3.111, lfllt-ct" wit 014V oil -. a iT'Fi-i4z-j;w - * " - - - - -- - r2 IIA a if 10 Ill; I If F 4 5 1 - F 4AML landd 01VIVISIT-fie "107 Of 0 p 0 a K a 44 IS It cc ; 6'9 i - A- . I a to 000 0 -0 V o 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :16 0 * 0-00-- a a a - 0- *-*-fL 4 9 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 Of vo 0 as 0 J;o 0 Qtoo ZOO No 0 !!so to WOO ROMMORM[mra P-M Ampotomettic defortnination of cappor ou.1 thic k. A 1411111,410 V. 1. Pallirtrev.1 MVI'v NIVIM, 1-1 . 1 It. ~. ON 1. .1141- Xh-M. 0, 101,11-11(10511 - 01 Aild pfornt togither ci~%, he'litto"I IYI%Vifh "ppim. it 11,% .11 ml r . it. Fli%f, %%iitv mil 111!r Rio- 11,-1iiit sit orfate Iniller wipt. A 1,11 AM. flictrby o-bialning the ('11 4 zfl. Next. fiffave In a Idphiltilate buffa onfirs. fit pit 2S. thug obtainirig Cta mnlent. The tfifference Its the j vols. Ittv" the vol. n( tittant requir"I for 2n. Fe, t*hrn ptr4ent, will ppt In lkith I'tiflers, thim I.Cfmlttlttx the fIffil. ~f PC I- Of. 'To drt cu, allpfrptiate vinferfloti fimal, I fw 111.0r. %f. III-rh Imam mw