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ACC NR- AP7002739 deviation from this ratio is termed a dilatometric anomaly (ZeYdovich, V. L, Sorokin, 1. P. FALM, 1966, 21, 223). The difference between the dilatometric effect of the transformation of textured (deformed) alloy versus that of a statistically isotropic (nondeformed) alloy re e- pr sents the measure of the dilatometric anomaly, on taking into account the amount of the trans- forming phase. I n this connection, on the basis of an analysis of dilatometric anomalies and i changes in texture due to a-y transformation, as well as on the basis of the change in trans- formation temperature owing to prior plastic deformation (92% reduction in area), the nature of a- y transformation during continuous heating is discussed with respect to N23, N28, N32 and N27T2 ferronickel alloys and G7 and G14 ferromanganese alloys. The temperatures at the beginning and and of We transformation were taken as the temperatures at which the dilatome- tric curve began to markedly deviate from its rectilinear couse. The dilatometric curves were plotted with the aid of a differential optical dilatometer, and the phase composition was deter- mined by the magnetometric method. Findings: in ferronickel alloys with 0. low Ni content -- N12 (12. 0% NI), N15 (15. 1% Ni), N23 (23. 17o Ni) -- the decisive role in transformation is played by diffusion processes (the austenite texture becomes dispersed to a much greater extent), whereas in the alloys with a higher Ni content the martensitic mechanism Is largely respon- Sible for this transformation. The addition of Ti (1. 9%) to the alloy with 27% Ni (N27T2) inhibits the recrystailization of asutenite and the development of disordered diffusion processes during transformation. This may be a -definite factor in enhancing the strength of Fe-Ni-Ti alloys Card 2/3 ACC NR. AP7002739 owing to phase strain hardening compared With Fe-blli alloys. In ferromanganese alloys the I initial temperature of ce-y transformation markedly decreases izader the influence of deform- h ation, which points to a diffusion mechanism of cf-y transformation in these alloys during their continuous heating. Orig. art. has; 2 tables, 2 figures. SUB CODE: 13, 20/ SUBMT DATE: 20Apr66/ ORIG REF-. OOV OTH REF, 002 Card 3/3 - ------------------------ ACCESSION NRs AR4027681 3/0276/64/000/ool/GO08/GO08 SOURCE: RZh. Tokhnologiya mashinostroyonip, Aba, IG60 AUTHORs Golldshtoyn Yat Yoe; Zoltdovich. Vo 1.1 Shmatkop Ke Se TITLEs Foculiaz~ities of,the effoot of ra" iarth F'etals on the struoture am properties of,structural stools CIM SOURCE: Sb4, Teoriya ipraktika motanurgli. Vy*p. 5i Chelyabinsk, 196.3s' 12-3-131: TOPIC TAGS: rare earth metal,, structural stool, stool motallurgyq rare metal admixture, rare metal anoy TRANSLATION:' The authors havo ostablished the possibility of immudzing'stool, from flake formation by increased additions of RM (rare earoh metals). Such treatment simultaneously increases the resistance to brittleness and hardenability oll' the stool. The-mechanism of long-term effects of REK additions is associated with the high absorptive ability, of cerium with respect to hydrogen. and possibly with the fomation of stable cerium hydridos. The introduction of 0.23% IRM Card ACCES'SION NR: AR027681 steel leads to the redistribution.of sulfied in microvolumes of steolg as a result of which the high-melting corium sulfides are looalized in the dendrite, axos.and not in the intoraxial spaces. The concomitant fragmentation of the dendrito crystallization is explained by the modification effect' as well as the purification of the melt of hydrogen, sulfur, and other admixtures. 'Tho maximum dogroo of disorganization of the dondritio crystallization is noted upon the introduction of increased portions of REM (0.0)o The purification of stools likewise prcmotoo the removal of spot inhomogeneities. An important characteristic of steel,treated with FM is the increased isotropism of its, mechanical properties (yield point)* The best results (the minimum anisotropy factor) are-achieved upon the introduction of 0.25% forrocerium. It was found that the optimal amount of REM additions depends on the thermal processing regime and the purpose of the steel; in the state Zollowing annealing and high- temperature tempering, ari addition of 0.1% is optimal; in the state of low- temperature tempering it is 0~23% REK* The introduction of increased amounts of REM on the order of 0,.4-0.6% for the elimination of flaking sensitivity Of 'steel is permitted and is recommended only for alloyed stools to be annealed and quenched to low and medium temperatures* Such a dependence of the optimal R34 -addition an the oomUtions of -subsequent thermal treatment is associated t. C.-rd 2/3 ACCESSION AR4027681 -with the variable solubility of ceriumi - In d%-Fe Studies have confirmod the theoretioLl possibility of active extra-furnace dasulfuration of steel throu gh the addition of TIM. The introduction of 0.6% forrocerium loads to a drop in thosulfur content ( in tho main ingot body) by a factor of 4.5. A disadvantage of the treatment of steel with rare-earth elements with the usual technology of their introddotion and deoxidation of steel is tho;incomplete evacuation ofthe treatment products into,the slag.and the head motii of the ingot. The succassAa solution of the problo~t of the completeness of flotation of these products will essentially doteraina the rates of introduation ofREK into structural steel production. !DATE ACQ:03W 64 SUB CODEs ML WMI, 00 Card 10 '9eo od 'oil Ci 4D~ a Ckjol sp -4. .,op 04 vo VS, 0 0 -"DP' K:~ OS, "M "A ON 04 olP~4~ Co sp so 0 1, e~, O-D .0 00 , ~~;e ~ bp A$ GN 0, 00 0 0 o 0 1010 CN -te 04 sf :N, 3u IV e 0. sp '10 4e 0 0, cp ,,o. At CP je ~~ ", ~;% * b, (p - v0 v -to 10) It W-- n)Aw U-MVI(OA L- 14, (0- ADO Wtefti" AP6023699 CODE: UR/0126/66/021/W4/0541/0545 AUTHORS: Zelldovichl V. Lj Sadova*, V. ID ORGi Institute oi' Physics, AN SSSR Ins titut fiziki A11 SSSR) TITLE: Vemperature'dependence of the magnotic'propertioa of iron-nickel alloys S, OURCE: Fizika ze~allov--j me'talloveideniye, v. 21, no. 1966 541-545 TOPIC TAGS: iron 9-1loy.. nickel alloy,, magnetic metal,, magnetization, magnetization'. curve ABSTRACT: The temperature dependence of the magnetic saturation., magnetization, and ..coercivity of iron-nickel alloys containing 27.9% Ni and 27,0% Ni plus 1,9% Ti resp99- -tively was studied, The study supplements the results of V. I. Zelldovich and V. Dj Sadovskiy (FM 3.965p 20 416). The experimental procedure followod In dencribod in t-,,-tho reference above, and the experimental results are nun wrizod in graphs and tabloo (see Fig. 1). It was found thato, an a result of annealing, the auBtonito phaco be-' 4,-- comes enriched with nickel to the extent that the specimen acquires forromagnotic properties at 200. It is conclud d that the chief difference in the* .0 coorcivity of Ve-Ni and Fe-Mn alloys Is due to the ferromagnetism of the austenito component of the. foriner, Card 1/2 UDOj 669.15:538*24 A116023699 0602-3~99 Figs': 1, The dependenco of the magnotization moo (1) and coerciv#y (2) of an iron-w' niokel allcq on' the annealing "D .0 .temperature@; 4H loco Y t10 - J00 2 foo rig. art, hass 1 table an4 6 graphs. Tm COMs 32/ 11RUBM D= i O&Tun65/ ORM, REP t 009/~ OTH REFs' 003 CHROMIUNI-INICKEL STEEL WITH CERIUM (TJSSR) Y,~ V I Z--`ij 1. Koniis!;arov, and Yo, I- J no. 4, Apr 1,963, 354-358 S/133/63/0001004/007101 effects of the addition of ferrocerium containing 947/o rare- earth metals on the mechanical properties of 4OXH (0. 37,16 C, 1. 03% Ni, 0. 57% Cr) s-ee'L we-Te 7a* ea a* the Chel-,,-,abi-sk Scientific Research Ins-litute of Metal- "-e Che--yab-nsk Nletallurcrical Plant. The hardenability of steel iurgy an-`- A. C, increased only with the addition of 0. 06 Fe-Ce (smaller additions did not iffect th~-, hardenability). Fe-Ce has little or no effect on austenite grain size or the rate of grain growth at high temperature. The addition of O~ 10 and 0. 255o Fe-Ce had a positive effect on notch Loughness. With low-tempera- ture tempering a ma-.,nmum notch toughness of 5 kgm/cm2 was obtained in Card 1/2 FAY CHROMdUM-NIC=- LS-ZEIM [Contl(j] S/133/631000/004/oo7/o-u -'st'661-With 0, 2517o Fe-Ce; with high- temperature tempering a maximum of 22 kgm/crn2 was obtained in steel with 0. 1% Fe-Ce, Fe-Ce lowered the sus- ceptibility of 40XH steel to temper br-ttleness. An addition of 0. 2510 Fe-Ce reduced the anisotropy of mechanical properties, 0. 10% Fe-Ce had no effect, and 0. 6% Fe- Ce ;Increased the anisotropy. The addition of 0. 6116 Fe-Ce lowered e the temperature of transition to brittle behavior by 30 to 40*C, which can b attributed to the purifying and refining effect of Fe-Ce. [WW Card 2/2 V/(') AUTHORS: TITLE: 82642 B/126/60/010/02/012/020 E021/E335 Gavranek, V. Bol'shutkin, D.N. and Zeltdovich, V.I. Thermal and Mechanical Action of a Ca;Tt__ntion.Zone on the Surface of a Metal i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol. 10, PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov No. 21 pp 262 - 268 TEXT: The present work is an attempt to examine the change in temporature and pressure impulses arising in the surface layers of a solid in the onvitation zono. A magnetostriction vibrator was used in the experiments with a constant amplitudo of 0.06 ium and a frequency of 7.5 kc/s. Phase changes in a quenched U7 steel and DI duralumin were investigated in the cavitation zone by microhardness and X-ray investigations. Fig. 2 shoifs the relation of microhardness with time of cavitation erosion. Fig. 2a is for the steel and 2b for dural%~min. The changes in hardness show that the temperature of micro-volumes during cavitation erosion reaches 470 OC. Fig- 3 shows the effect of .a_preliminary tempering treatment at various temperatures on ht..rdness (Curve 2) and rate oftrosion (Curve 1). The rate of erosion is practically-unchanged by preliminary heat treatments Card 1/3 82642 S/126/60/010/02/012/020 E021/E335 Thermal and Mechanical Action of a Cavitation Zone on the Surface of, a Metal up to 400 OC. This shows that the damage occurs on micro- volumes of metal, the temperature of which is up to 400 0C. X-ray investigations show that the internal stresses arising in the steel in the process of quenching are removed by cavitation eroslon. Similar results were obtained for duralumin. During the experiments, the duralumin became artificially aged, showing that high temperatures are reached during cavitation erosion. The obtained results can be summarised thus: 1) the mechanical and the thermal effects in the cavitation zone produced by the magnetobtrictionavibrator were calculated. It was found that in the-dase of using/7-5 k2ls vibrator, the pressure increases periodically to 550 kg/cm during a period -5 5 2 of about 10 see and acts on an area of about 10- mm The micro-volumesof the metal bordering on the cavitation bubble are heated to 300 - 500 'C- 2) It was established that during the process of cavitation erosion, hardened steel is being tempered at temperatures up Card V3 82642 S/126/60/010/02/012/020 E021/E335 Thermal and Mechanical Action of a Cavitation Zone on the Surface of a Metal to 470 OC. 3) The speed3of cavitation erosion of steel hardoned to obtabi a martensitic structure and of atool tompored at temperatures below 400 OC are practically equal. There are 4 figures and 10 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy politelchnichaskiy institut im. V.I. Lenina (Khar4kov Polytechnical Institute im. V.I. Lenin SUBMITTED: June 26, 1959, originally, February 17, 1960, after revision. Card 3/3 34M B/I 331662100010031C,0410081 A054/A127 AUTHORS: Golldshteyn, Ya. Ye., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Zelldovich, VA-I.'s Keys, N. V., Kossovskiy, L. D., Vaynshteyn, 0. Ya., Shmattko, K. S., Engineers TITLE: Theeffect of treating liquid chrome-nickel steel with cerium on its crystallization PERIODICAL: Stall, no. 3, 1962, 258 - 261 TM; Tests were carried out to study tho effect of adding ferrocerium to chro.-ie-nickel.structural,steel on the flake formationland crystallization. The tests were based on the chemical affinity of cerium to hydrogen, whi:!h increases when the temperature is raised. As rare-earth metals mostly tend to adsorb hydro- gen in the 200 - 6000C range, where the hydrogen separation from the metal is par- ticularly intensive, this phenomenon can be used to reduce flaking. Four 40'.,L-~ (40KhN) steel ingots of the same melt were tested: one, checking specimen, with- out ferrocerium.. the others containing 0.1, 0.25 and 0.6p,7" ferrocerium, respective- ly. Lumps of ferrocerium, containing 94% rare-earth metal (primarily cerium) were used. The ingots were top-cast and weighed 2-65 ton. Lateral macrotemplates, Card 1/'~ The effect of treating... S/133/62/000/003/0011/008 A054/A127 cut from blooms rolled fro m the test ingots, (air-dried after rolling, non-anneal-4 were analyzed after 1 and 6 months. Flakes were hot found in templates from steel- to which at lea!A 0.6,5 ferrocerium was added. The analysis also showed that the effect of cerium (lanthanum, etc.) actually does not manifest itself in the ad- sorption of hydrogen, but rather in boSding it in the form of stable hydrides. In steel, containing as much as 3.7 cm hydrogen/100 g, there was no flaking, due' to the addition of 0.6,,ro' ferrocerium, while flakes were found in steel containing not more than 0 56 em3/100 L., drogen, if not treated with cerium. When ferro hi cerium is added to the liquid steel in amounts above 0.25%, the pattern of den- dritic crystallization changes and sulfur will be re-distributed in the micro- areas of the metal. High-smelting cerium-sulfides pass from the interaxial areas into the dendritic a;-es. When ferrocerium .is added in amounts of up to 0.6%, dendritic crystallization disappears, and, under the effect of cerium, the steel is cleaned from sulfur, antimony, stannum, bismuth, lead, etc. 0.6% ferrocerium reduces the sulfur-content of the metal 5 times. However, when ferrocerium is added in the ingot mald., the cerium-sulfides (=j-sulfides) cannot entirely be removed into the slag and the feeding head. This results in a nonhomogencity of the boundary zone. The high-temiperature cerium-sulfides (oxy-sulfides of in- tricate composition).are forming already in the period prior to crystallization Card :2/3 S/133/62/000/003/004/0c" The effect of treating... A054/A127 and are moved to the inGot surface during the casting. The liquation in the Doundary zone can be prevented by smooth, rather slow filling of the ingot mold fro.m the bottom and by an Increase of the head temperature. Cerium containinrr steel t-:Ith a liquation in the boundary zono shows a tendency to red shortness. This exi be reduced by adding ferrocerium in the ladle instead of in the ingot mold, or by roughing the ingot before rolling. The addition of forrocerium in amounts of at least 0.25%' prevents spotty liquation, because a greater part of sulfur is bonded in the form of cerium-sulfides with a high melting point. There are 5 figures and 9 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The ref- erence to the English-language publication reads as follows: Russel, Journal of Metals, no. 4, 1954, 438 - 442. ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellzl-iyinstitut metallurgii (Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy) and Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskty zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant Card 3/3- ZBODOVICHI V.1.1 SADOVSXIY, V.D, V~~, ~, ~~- Effect of beat treatment on tho inagnetia proportion rl Q,)PtAln Oloyn In tho nyutAmn Fo - Mh sAnd Fj - R. y1s, met* I metalloved. 20 no.3.-406--411 S 165. (MIRA 18:11) I, Tnstitut fiziki metallov JUT SSSR. ABDULIN, A.; ALEKSEYEV, I.; BANTLE, 0.; BOBROV, L.; BOZHANOV, B.; BOyKOt V.;, BONDAREV, K.- BORZOV, V.; VERKHOVSKIY, N.; GUBAREV, V.; .0 GUSHCHEV,.S.,- DEBABOVP V.; DIKS, R.1 DMITRIYEV, A.; ZHIGAREV, A.; ZELIDOVICH. Ya.; ZUBKOV, B.; IRININ, A.; IORDANSKIY, A.; ItAlmA6i5gKlYp P.; KLY'UYEV, Ye.: KLYACHKO, V.; KOVALEVSKIY, V.; KNORRE) Ye.; KONSTANTINOVSKIY, M.; LOIN, V.; LITVIN-SEDOY, M.; HALEVANCHIK, B.; MANICHEV, G.; MEDVEDEV, Yu.; MELINIKOV, I.; MUSLIN Ye.; NATARIUS Ya.; NEYFAKH, A.; NIKOLAYEV, G.1 NOVOMEYSKIYp A.; OLISHANSKIY, N.; OSIMINp S.; PODOLINYY, R.; RAKHMANOV, N.; REPIN. L.; RFSHETOV, Yu.; RYBCHINSKIY, Yu.; SVOREN', R.; SIFOROV, V.; SOKOLISKIY, A.; SPITSYN,l V.; TEREKHOV, V.; TEPLOV, L.; KHARIKOVSKIY, A.; CHERNYAYEV, I.; SHAROLI, L.; SHIRANOV, A.; SHIBNEV, V.; SHUKIN, N.1 SHCHUKIN, 0.; ELISHANSKIY, I.; YURIYEV, A.; IVAHOV, N.; LIVANOV, A.; FEDCHENKO, V.; DANIN, D., red. (Eureka] Evrika. Moskva, Molodaia gvardiia, 1964. 278 p. (MULA 18: 3) ~WUKUri WUNt AMOR: Zeltdovich, To, Bo; Okunt, Lo 9.1 PUml hier 3 B ORGi none TITIE t Quarks t Astropf*mical mid pbysical-chemical dopc to SOURM :Uspoktd fjzjoh4skjkhh&ukj' v 9 S?t not 1,, 1965s U3.124 MPIG TAGS S hueldoh cosmic ray wson baryon, mass spectroscopy Vd.r ous7appio for now stable p AIPMOT: achei~to.tfia- see'rah arti oleo are !,reviewed s,. namely, throb assumed: quarkal having charges -W3891-4/38,* asid'!11/301*20 ad well as others having Integral ~-oharges. The 11ehtest fraotional-charge quark to supposed to be stable In vacuum as well an In contact with ordInary matter ,(nuclei$ electrons), ConditIons are given under which Integral- 'charge particles can be stable. Various possible sources of quarks. are reviewed, the most powerful being cosmic rays from superstars or quasistars. The annihilation of quarks Is then discussed In detail. Since quarks a" heavier than nucleons, the process ,q1 + q, -9 q3 + q-1 Is possilgle # followed by q, + q_1 -.v nqo (vhere ithe subscript Indicates the number oC quarks and the minus sign 1ndioates an antipartioles) q3 Is thits an ordinary baryon of threej 'quarkag and qO Is a meson* QUarke are therefore annIhIlated via:-,*-,, .~6_ - I Mr rx __ - .I . - 0) I t ~~- k ~~t h6282-66 aq (m)/ZW'P (w) /T/-w,P (t)/ETI M(O ;D/Mi ;~~CC NRI AP5025326 -SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/65/020/003/0406/0411 ~.;~AUTHOR: Zelldovich, V. I.; Sadovskly, V. Do ORG: Institute of Physics of Metals, 6rN SSSR (Institut RAM metW-lov AN SSSR) 'V TITLE: The effect of heat treatment on. the magnetic prok)ertle Is of some Fe-Ma and Fe-N1 alloys SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedenlye, v. 20, no. 3, 1965, 4063-411 TOPIC TAGS: ferrous alloy, nickel containing alloy, manganese containing alloy, metal phase system, phase transition )9'VX"-/9t./'Va InAq;,Vc -ri(1. SAr0R41-.,0A1 ABSTRACT: The effect of annealing temperatures on the mB gaetic satura tion intensity and coercive force of tempered and stressed ferrous UIIOYB waB studied. The samples, containing 0.5-10.6wt% Yin, 0.1-31.8wt% N1, and 0.05wi% C and 0.15-0.35 wt% Si, were tempered 30 min at 1180C, quenched in water, and annealed at temperatures toj120C in a salt bath. During annealing at temperatures corresponding to cL-*y transitionsla high dispersion of magnetic martensite and nonmagnetic austenite Is formed. Ma,,', etic saturation Intensity reaches a minimum. and the coercive force a maximum, due to the appearance of an ATn- or an Ni-enriched austenite phase which Is stable to a-t transitions close to room temperature. tMCi 539,202:536:538 L 46282-66 k~_' A C C AP5025326 jrA Deformation of the tempered Fe-N1 samph, '.,y rolling at room temperiLture prior to annealing DO caused a sharper decrease and increase of ..japetic saturation and coercive force, respective-, 1y, during annealing at temperatures of co-Y transition. For the alloy of 3 1. 8 wt% Ni content, a decrease of magnetic saturation intensity but no essential Increase of the coercive force was observed at a-)~y transition temperatures; a peak of the latter parameter appeared at 250C and on approach to the Curie point of the ferromagnetic auBtenite phase of this alloy. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE:I/,O/ SUBM DATE: 18Jan65 ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 001 Gard 2/2 I I w it 11 )1 4 of 14 it a JW a J6 H I$ M a 11 v 11 14 a is 0 'm At , ! o u 0 if A Is# A.0 C."M ~ _ , . 0 t-l-, Vskm dMAS Is IMNJYW bWWf6*m NW14" 1. daid fa Ike Iht 0 04 WAIA it)k It, c 11U 1 P flictsWre ibows tbat va, CIWrA in t1j)MOU9 WIRSAI 1 reactims. 60 .00 00 0 40 .3 -00 as 0 ISO 09 no 0 20 I e l -40 I 0 &,:to ALLU96KAL U?1PAtW1 CLASUIRKAM16 iffi~t 14vis.) if CIV Got Ath LA ft AT 00 jl~ 0 1. at K a tf it it, -5-1-v4w- An A I f low n f 1 14 dA0 too 0 0 o o 0 4 0 e 0;0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oil i 61 ~ ~ N 6 06 0 86 O , J'a zt- 14 " it sA ti,. R It go j j I 00 It I A S 0 S L t1ft-.1ka pp It 17 it of Oc a 0 0 i0 0 0 0 :19 : 0 0 "to it 4 .1 It It A Pf'r,11 fit) Ma ~0' ; ., I Y L1__A AA 0 U4.9-4-4 4-f !$4s 4. -Ask _40 ' ;-go do*b. Ada PAyrko- nggp djutile. Y*, Xd PhYl I 449-04(tMA) (to Wift[ao) J U X S S . . . 234 -42005)(111 Russian).-Mol. 4 R3 6 W il .. . . rptitin J 0 4mil CO an MnCh Is Mrims (1111Y (At IwI')w sidska t' of Co. Is stro" even alAtive 0- The C(N MM cal CO VNIck? 0 MW 4 k J-*0 . a c in am . , * a slow activated oduxrption of CO rnDI, -3() x plwewith Q - 40 45AM tat, OR dMAXPliot, it Is "&xj Coo. Vic cifirtly of aclivailun it AWN) rut. I these Valkirl ate 111(iffirlidelli uf Ow ratrill 14 ro". it( 1110 OliffACC, l(f4J%I4tAjl4#1j 44 11110 friki.-VII hJ110i IVO bY 0 014MV Is IM) *In* Or Willillt (IN 11W frAf'IhML anuitird thal a hxw InirlinviliAle Is Itwined wlik-li rtact with 0 mots., being Itself 011dired Orld shoul- MAY (tireliffathis be surfit"., It no 0 41rikirs the ftlerm"Itat* It tracts wAilk the surface In a qw"I. ollile tr*ctluu. Cf. IcAlkwhis ah-ir. It. If. R, CL.fS1FK.T1C. ve v Or R a n 4 lit n I AA W 14 '1 0 0 a 0 0 41 0 S 00 00 00 2 00.4 1 00 of a as go 3 coo 1 0 04 of J! ado kr -T.-n~W7- 0 U 11 AV 00 Cr it or K a 0 0 0:0000 *00 00 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 6 v *Mai 11 4J41 404,co k-j- A) T-00 Mill C0AJjtW *d&d= of cubals x"Govide on MW%4- mogirmkif wo Va. ?W*rtkh. Atid rhytkarkin. U. P.S.S~ 1, =tk invtatigation od the adsorption oFC0, Oo and catalytic MnOt wal Made by MrAtts of a AlWe ipp. whivit allowed the study of the isotherms over a le nessure range (10-10W trun. fig) p ad the 60bux AM also he adsorption kinetics of gaset at comt. prcszwr. The -so emp. change of the MnCh powder an adsorptim was -00 howetically calcd. and mesAwred by me&= of a thermo- -00 vu te. The adsorption of CO and Ot wra found to be ME mal, mW active. The Isotherm d mol, adsorption NO* ollowrd FrituMfich's rute (or km Pfessuis dad [Ang- nWr's rule for medium and high press". The heats of zoo not. adsorption of various cases on MnO~ were found to coo oe . (h 23W. CO 26W, COs 55M, N, 34W, HYO 12,M). ~Jl~ 12,000 W./mol. The ratios of heats of mol. ad- coo =.,V-d with Lnndon's theory. The delayed es- of for mul. advxptlon was traced a heating of th:iU.It.4yot let first and to the slownr" of as islion throughout the ratelpt, 11w heats of CtI=of 01 and CO on the catalyst were found to be MW and 73W W., rT. The activg adsorption of 4 spiwared to be a In the WO, lattice. The ctive adsmptiorl of the CO (heat of adwptkm 40,(M- ''so 5.000 W.) appeared due to an irrevmible chtm. tt- ction with the 0j of the lattice surface by which the tie* 1116 10 mely bound C(h was formed. The abs. speed of ad- Wptjou JULboth Cases Was Smaller than that elided. an 0 a MP[q mal. kinctle considerations. It. H. Rowley 400 9-1 1 tie W -4x, .1 W IM a. . . . i z I J;ilo U Ct (I it a[ n 1 114 00 0 10 o 0 0 OOoOo6O::: 0000000 0*0090,1, 0000900 q W 00000:::00e0000; j t i f 4 11 it 11 It A 11-IL A 46 00 lee st so A it C:1 Z Y f: :V LIATIOAT 0- 49 4 4 0 0 * 0 0 0 , o * 0 -00-, - I to V 4 It a W U is mt) Fill oil, F 4NO, of it $I Y LA T. 1 -1) 00 the -gch..i at t!jis catabtia oiddadm Fd Carbon monoxide. It. S. Roginak-if and ye. 7e - rkb, Add Or l, G"man); Phyicodin. U. R. S. S. 1, WS am cf. preceding abstr-Atlaxption messurentents Indicated that there was notinie lag hetweta tbeartiveadsorption of O .. CO and the reaction: CO + SlaO, - CO~ + NIn The speed of ibe CO adsorption with coast. autts. of C(h at the surface Is proportional to the amt. of accessible In the sturface. The speed of OF reCeneratiott by OlidAtiOn of the reduced Ma0i, Is much slower than the speed with which the 0. is uq"I in the catalys6. It. H. Rowlev =00 zo 0 oill .00 fro 0 ,4-11 A 5 4 . t L AMETSWIRGICAL It CL.11WICATION S t1l;NJI.. ,~T a -T n An A S 9 OW 0 W W I W IN I) A) (1 3 4 U a AT PO As AA K -! j;qp IF tv rf IF to 4( Or an 0 0 0 0 a to 0 to 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 a - 00 0 90 0 of 0 00 00 0 o 0 e ---------------- so 'go 010 AM 'FAY:kKMm. ot X S. J. 1. W74 &so ft .00 am, *qwlm 9 W .so dC 09 SUM t by a Prw" Z;mm of poicits .00 to. be" ad admPticao tba FmOM& imothum *00 so It. Raishmoltift 2doe Soo doe 00 '3 0 it has J:7 4160011.4 "TAkk~"KA& killoAlly"'A 6116FICATION off- too I iiio-or/ .4 OAV o" 441 M POO IS AT so, at 04 0 14 a I N a a u a ~l to It It It It 14 is 000 00060 66-00 '0 61, -0: 00-4, 0 0600 see 0 0000 Go 0 Ill000 100060 a-* 0 0000004 0-0 0000S I i - 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 st 0 0 4 0 tv; It u Is 4 A 1 1 1 at V 1 A - - . . 0 ki ivii -6 s l D . 1 . 0 s ' - O vict oftoctoll . a d"He4doo of stfitituce modAft!" to be" 1111141"ll 2- .00 o ' P t 00 'A It. VIA, n do h and V. S. ft . Zcl . _j* Mn, J. -8 41 R ) 4 1*0(1934),- - rhfmw * -pirls? n Alai %ties life ' iiW P. H. Rialitnamn 00 400 ts of eat 0 0 .4 use of 0 00 0 9 L if. A OETALLUNCKAL LITINATURI CLAI$WPCATION 0 plant sivisslytt 114.1 00.01 :m t 111041 MAP r--v )NV dal *'a f a a It K K a AM A s 1 00 0 9 1 w 14 1 oll 0 1 " i ' 0, A u R a K a a it w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 at 0 0 0 0 so 00 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 Goo 0 Owl Isis$ to IS tj 11 " 0 It u n &30-- all U831416 bux v x v YI. -144: 11 - I CA 00 of. 004, 006 00 004 Actin a Vat. J. Pbys. "90 Ck 0. 92Q(123lT:=-Acti-tcd ad- -00 10; vrith the wb* Crow tot- 008 cbctgl, read as& ., mid it owtilut" the Wad Ww"a 414- .00 It. pathmam SMP 00 a =00 0 3 as 0 000 see 0ou 7. coo Oo croo SO Af i-4 coo 600' I ZOO :1 PAO 15 t:00 tie 0 U00 _~~GKAL UUMAT CLA$11FICATIC14 to". 51--fill. I low 40.07 NO* SIX&JUNt 411111 (W ON-L'sk u ImAloo III,, 1 0 1 S. A 1 9 ew a 0 a I If if I A a 3 t I a it at 0 9 0 a 0 0 010 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 AILM 0 0 0 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000*000000 0 01 -lit -Thowy,of the PcoundUch s4sarpUM ig*tksrm J.. ZzLtpdvrnm (AqfW Phydoochim U.Rss., 1936, 60 a Inunmudw of es f devistimw fnm-thg *0* the condi. a US w0 * 00 r* I goo A Aid-ILA MULLINIGICAL LiTfuTual CLASINFICATION cro Mamo Mse 4xv cot VIL131 616 Ofty III low 4 q F U :~A"Onj; R' pop ;n 0 a 0.0M 0 0 a 's 's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 1 4 It 1; It 14 1$116 11 It it 11 fli-d' It, 1XII V11 14111 bit Milo of 041 6646,46 A 4 A 1-1-4- J, AL-k- I-J,-AA_ 1G.", W (I A ctI Is "41 11colif fit I, ov theory of Lateractim of atom mad weltall. Va. B. 2 1 ick. A Fxpd. Morar. P,4ys. (U. 8. S. R.) S. (1035).-The latemaian of the atom with IT" clec- s of the metal is found to the 2nd proximation of 00 perturbation theory. The tbtra ad intirmtion, is in ersely proportiottal to the square of the distaom train Eh surface of the metal. F. H.. Rathmann -00 J of a 06 no 0 00 000 o0 coo 60 00 x 1400 tee0 o t ASK-$LA 61TALLUKKAL LITERATURE A111MADGM 1 -1 -All I I I Oj 0 0 v I W 04 1 it it tv lei lit to It Do it OR it It OF 111 1. an 1 4114 0 0 9010 000*0000 00 00 0 01 9 0 0 o 0 * 0 6 0 e 0 0 * 0 0 *1* 11111 0 0 111 * * 00 0 4111 00 0 11111: 0 0 0 0 00 0 009 0000 61 m Is m u a a 6 41 a -.1 -.imli T~. *1 A,* a a' M U A,o 0 oo 4 .00 UmftlM law of bvdjr awatidbig convection cufft-3cm. -Vm.-B.ZWdLT"-, - J. Expit. I'Awaffl- PhYl. (U. H. H. Rj 7, 14IM-6. 146"(1937).-Iniffnal heat trAnAltr at low vViocitirs and 0 fuwim of viuvwly of the liquitl is 00 "mside". P. If. Rathinatin -00 '00 *0 so 4 .00 00 4p .00 do* CIS 0 a 00 00 0 .00 too _0 041 '90 14 '00 A 11~~Ay C~A~s V- too SNS4#4 4$P 099 044 W Q-# it. P I Od 0 0 a I ff -M -ij dd -11111 3- '0" 0' it It a It t, ft it cc W10 ri I dn 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 000 00 00 0 001 00 11 a U I IA P AL F it 99 K of's oj -j'.Wwiv yo Cv vk,h. Aldlo"It "uf&Lvi*4Cf~W44PAoW&t Whk-hp(E~ 11 the =Me foe ad wAtfwo tkmots. ma" p(r%)JR Is tW prob&bWy -00 -tvwn I kct itor bftt tif wb"two on a Ilwo ckmmt 14 bt K mW E +48. "is b "fid ma ubte Owtitial allit- a k d6mewd Imm the vkwpoint of the vw~mo See **,a mumlins ft tft" of "faxot6o a the luffut arid, the t1meoladourption. H. C. P. A. see got !*04 ASP-$LA MITALLU44KAL LITINAIMIll CL41WKATCH fit- "OD 114"1 51"Nal" Igoe I taloso "it o"T cat - "T * 4 T q - j I v- 00 41 IQ L, at ffK 12 It IN t 00 L I I Od 0 It I N a 5 a 4 3 1 1 N s : * a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *'*~q 0 a o- A val t I I 1 0 10 11 U 11 4 11 16 11 -it. 100 V" Jim my 111"o#1 041A*~V'O fk_~L 'j- A~ r, a I is XV, N_'Ok A-1. Ak 9 OR 0 JL-1 i 4.A _4 -I, 13W. Propetatim of Fhme. J,,M~7Atd4wUwb._*n4 D. AO 00 Frank-Karnetittski. AeM Pkyllkwh6vike. 9. 2. PjO. 341-360. 11138. 0* A ExjrUA,-Tb* otbr' fbemits of the MmiW pm"tim of MUDO by successive Ignition of the gas mixtum by the bat liberated in the reaction .00 aft unsatisfactmV in that they use the Conceptim of ** ipititvn ttfflrera- .00 W ture " of the mixture. This ignition toinivratuft is delwadent on the properties of the mixture ItleR &M the alse and form of tM coataining 0 a vessel. A, ristional theory must therefom give the velocity of propagation 60 0 as a function of the temperature and concentration of the reacting suh, sism", Working with this object In view. formtO Itre ifedeced for the so -00 %vkx-.ity of p"qugation in the cam of fint, anti 00 They am somewhat complicate4. but are In (mns of Utertual comfuctivity. 00 heat of activation, density. Wori& value. sfvcific rate of reaction, the 90 gas constant and.temperature. The presence of paralW reactions and the '00 so formflon of interme4flate Products grestly restrict Use APPkation of these himplil formuLT, '1100 00 e 11.2"r Yam iia4imv 103061) 91# 4.V Qvi I Floe or of , a U'a AV 10 is, A i act o 0 0 * 0 0 0 S ' L l- : : : : 0 go*$* 0 o 4 0 4 ft 0 o o 0 a GI 1481 0-0 0 ! , * , 00 ie, 0 0000 e 0 * 0 0 0 L-A- J! 00 oo 0o a 0 fit 06 06 W 00 x W 'mmin rib Jos PRUSIMS AhV 090PIN11#1 W"k 1 Liss .94 du* 0- 01 low i Ap. Ckm- (U. S. S. -00 A l it, mAtIg. Proof (mm re=al Pdo- ciples 441bamodpA t"k's (bat 1h4 at"It 01 ON [me awly F at 0, m 96CIC, AM Of AM thOrMMYCAMIC WACIIIIII # At .00 10 - cis", dwelt bm 0" (WW am Qwy) Miss., And have Willer a Mx. um any Otber ptationny powt. 'rho investi milou cO ne witl complex k4utions of the man. -00 g. s s 14tv e bmum the uaOms Is lowed bare no ph .00 , , y y q memning. - W. R. Hem =09 nos Cog goo 40 i Ala I L A 04TALLUIIGKAL L"9110441 CLASIVICATICIN'. JIM jIffIJIS1`4 .. .. ... IIIAIII (W "V Alt 440 Olt It a It 1A L 4 611 0 W a I of V 6 a 0 0 4 ; # ~ *L~ 0 * IS 0 0 0 a 0 0 S 0 0 glllp~lp ~118 0 Q 40 $ ~A it r a N _FROO141-46 0 0 to 00 A 19 -.00 P" um 'd OAMS. '00 ~' im'& 400 o *.~j J. A afid 0. A.' FAAu-KA1iZXXTiX1 IZAOO~-104- 1*0 6t diallwim-am hewit, c6duction in a .00 To) age de),im (b --m-~44)Ab 'W' he T. a ,.W re a, 6".:. are the temp. and, cvwn. In a' nt of the 1-b"I " AX... "0 0 1..-7 -! beNti Aand aftw' the reactim, voo trely"'"d 7~:tht temp. befm the mwtin. _J. J. B. OOV goo we, 0, COO goo goo ago 64-ILA SUALLMICAL UTERAT409 CLAUVICATCR Isom NOVOW if Woo gala" Hit (my a" all"10"i mum COG.. us to . , 9 0 '- , , , q r v cc a ZIN u is Is I ; a a T 11A An I sa Ow 0 0 & w cl a It O'K m it it Cwt if ft I a a 3 6 0 0 wo o O-o *--*--o- 000 0-9-6-6-We -00 0 0 0 0 go 0-0 ivo 0 0 0 a lip 0 0 0 0 is 0--o' 0-0-0 Ce 0-0 -:10-0 0 0 0 - O'e's 0 0 a a 0 0 0 61 'al 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0, 0 0 0 0 0, it jo it 61 ink It Ifli :0 A Pat"Clsirs ..D porp"I'l 00 60. 0o it Sol 1*1011 MR Jim IOU owed, Q'i lie ..;I 10, *of 004 Md D. A. Frank-Kammock4, ComPks Riodw ("lady) Ae I'Acod. 00 1 d#j ScOws, U.S.S.& 19. 9, pp. "3-M. IM In EwjhA.-4X the exittin tboorla a( Sam. pmpaption. only that of LAwls &W v. Ulbe Is" Abstnict 4347 111401 takes into A" Attb*k1aeWuf,tbAdwmW proom, And they assum,that up to a given tempgMure Of Ignition no reactionoccure, Actually the nwdou w1ocity-Is not aRexplidt tuaction of ti-i but of the tempemtum and concentration of the rawtants . The Mann" In wbkb it dOPends On Uld time and On Uw distam front the 001 d4nw front cannot be obWned. tniom injeMilgg jh~ vqu&jjQn jw 60 propaptlon, and the multiag exprmwn must, in Particular. contain the 0 MufFed vVWty Of PrOpdptkm, A paml, meti-I of solving jh~ 0 0 0; , comill" lififftutW equat" Involved is now suatattd. It. If. Ito. CTALLUPSOCAL UTINAT1,81 CLASSIFICADC" OW 64 It V U $I AV $0 11: . it to -1W It iN It Of Vr a ic a :0 0 100 0 00 6 0 0 9 0 0 0 If 0 0:0 0000000 0 0 -410 folo 0'04- ~ 0 0 0.00 0 --iiiiii L s a Cw a " 0 .1 w 64 s a 4 U3 A I Kit 0 600*440*066000**00 0 we 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 6 9 4& 0 * 0 0 a ~00 wo* zoo 0 0 goo 0 0 00 'Go LIM 0 a: i s 9"oullutsuly is Pt a i s 2) i 1310 10 H P 13 it A 36 V Is 30 4 41 Q 41 40 6 2 '. 4 1.0CCjUt A-4 C 'I Ns Thelma! exPlOCICS Of nitrOM Oxide. -Yj6-JJ,.-,7AT-- clo Vakoviev ich and B 1 rtnd romps d i j . . . . . nea . g v . -At S 19 li R S M(19M li h (i ff i . n s . su . u , ng ). ently ) hills temps. and corTegboudinsc rate of heat liberatkni from The eXachermic reacticra, decompa. of INO Nrmnes of explosive. accompanied by a blue game and a diurp rise so a in prt"urt. The following limiting temps. wrre fixitul fe v in a quarti vr~wl 2,3 cm. diam. by IS cm. I(mig. 0 i P. In now T. Imod T, esi-d. .00 171) 12W 12M 00 Uf IM: jl-,5- 590 11W 1110* ago ~ 06 The calcu. was carried. out according to the Frank. 00 j Kanscactskif chewy W, oreceding abar.). G. At. Evans coo *0 0 0 L Voo I 00 0 00 ;49 0 age '- - ASIR.ILA afTALtURCICAL WilAYL,11 CLASSIPICA1101, r3o", 11valiv. C-17 ~ Z too %1AQ#j 44f d" 4-( 414til CK CMV AU 0 u In Aw is o 0 0 6 0 o 10 VT IV It ft M V n R ff rt ft It tc of 0 0 9 q 0 0 0 ?, 0 0 0 0 0 * I a 00 0 H 0 1 N KW 41 1 Ka 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 9 a 13 3 1 v 4n6! 0 0000000 - ,D 00 00 * 0 V- o 0 * 0 * 0 0 * 0 -o *go so . so 00 0 40 41 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 Goof 410 0 Air at OR 211 OA ilkS I 060"MIS Ala fecolarsts ~~af A 0 . Not bvmiw-d-va wfju d it "sW bi 6" 00 nvftq. A. Bgr*N SAW VS- 8- Zc"6"' to 21, Ils'- .00 sted vvmd cWtalped sk wasa s 41 I tbed q%kk 7~ 0 to "1" ( i tmp. by bmt ' Am witb the wells al thQ M%wtd bf the Pce"We bd 00 of ibe cowis M The I thmncd.~ ,The repliu wro the saint (Of the 2 9900 -d 9 lie in iia falwPAaam Owmisla. U. M. go* j0 0 '90 A a - I L A IIIIALMICAL LITINAT(All CLAIMPICATION CIO 0 room laolftv v art IG $ t I IQ I a4 I A millal OR ~v All AT 10 As~l w ax mii s a aki o a w i v so 9 a a 31 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0, 0-00-0-0 0- 0. 0, 0 0 0 004.0 0 00 a 90 0 0 w-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 ; 11 ~1 h 3 11 v L t I AA 0, Lt L4) it, 4 0 MUM GwAwgmwu 09 t5s acdoWl s"Us"40"' a l 1425-7(IW9); cf. C- A - 34- '1734'- h 'jU S S R ) 9 r , Kh. cocusida the mt-d-tiOn 'A neutrms fomed in U disintesmlion AM tht utcvst&ry , rivndifliotm for the dWattuation. F. it. Rathmants , go j 1 Zoo 00 ZA 0 z :0 =H zo 0 ;00 90 "0e 00 zoo I Z 06, 8: w, '~ 0 u AV P6 ,,:it %40 An L a 0 9 1 v ,1 tyal, %ic Nil 11% Kita Itar ton It 14 64 5 it 12 1 11 1 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * & 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 A 0so**@ - 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 000 O, Is A a L Offloos *@-off ovo-rr'.W'-.~Ze %; 4 0 0 o. i!AIM11 UN Mx list nois 0 00464~9 I IND eum~ v I 00 . "M 2 oc"OSS PIUMMIS, AD.~* 09 00 f lit 00 A ThI16117 at laid" on It"Suit"t" "1144416. Va. a. , Tkwn4. Pbr; (V. S. S. it.) 9. 1330-40M) -The th m e I i r j j . er a m n a m cg st. fte jag betarrva rjr unequally heated wW% h discutwd., Tual crinditkon B w e ttin i ti 004 rmi g it v s onary smia or kad. o p 199 t0 11MIAMMAtton. tho ilhope **j dhMA"S W %be 11 th i 00 3 1" e MW 1, da of tbf tutf, itit., "a eft4dVied and a . 00.3 ' zast. Chemical Physics Aca(I Sci U&,qR . . , o*S g Hi i d ~- E5 - "Vi lid A - Row 44"IM ' 411111 M I All, 1 aad a -00 -00 #00 .00 -4141 .00 see see Coe too goib see tsoo X00 wee 1jeo We too a a w IN 7 a 4I T Al to is It 11 40 1, 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 *Sfe 0 0000000,0 000069 00-0,o 0 00 o 0 0 0 0 0v o 0 0 0- mw -WIN 0 O O 990 a ego goo . 'A go 040000 go * 0. 1 10. .0 A W ! If tr 001 . 1 1 u 11 04 A l It It 0 if tt 41 1 ' A I a v I k I I I q of 0:11 0 - ' ~ . I , 0 . ~~o t if 00 .hi'l A'YC i-00 00 go 00 loo 00 ~06 09 00 09-0 as or pawdavd 40" 1W po", 01P" 10h (114,111 i J = .00 0 . . . yl 11- ( 141- 11104 ]Rum, IM, 13;463=i&).~~%Vhm a la)vr of poffilve =00 PO -3 reacts with a gaa or catalymm & gas readi- the zoo 06- supellkW part has nume n1ty for Traction than which a Traction t Th = ro 0 00 ;1 o e that underneath. e tg*tm in cale.; it is inversely 0C the a To root p in VC100tv coeff. of the n-tion- B. of go 0 =0 0 coo be 0 tie 0 to 0 via., via., 95. are is SS146.4 -IF *~v gas ad 4"l is .I I1_jl*_W'_lW_N__r__q__t__r I T--r*T n _1_v_ ", A ' 0 Joe R AV AD At i 0 ; " to P to at III It it III IT It It at u 00% I4 a 0 0 _: : :"o Ore SO 0 0 0 0 4' 40 *000000 0 0 0 0 40 0 40 0 41 0 * 0 : 0 0 100900990000000000000006 0 40 0 0 0 a o 40 40 0 0 0 0 0 l ' ti 0 0 0:0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 9 * 0 0 O-V so A Lj 11 11 it 14 11 14 it Is to X i P 11 a A 6 A M N h~ I I I.,u U D % it 1. ft W a 6~ V V 0- A - x I L 0 14 M kt a k, 4 00 4t 1 O-W-07- .1 a 'r 0 o 00 00'. j 0 0 0 0 2 0 S o -ft&Ii-(651WdTZ-tvxrstIo* of uranium under the ac, tion of slow neutrons. Ys. D. Zrl*dqykb and Yu. R Khwiton. J. Expl. Mord"PNWIWS~.18.- R') 10, 'Z1,4910940).-Tht poWbility of jauclc4r chain-rrartlons (explonions) In the system U-11,K) were studied, taking into account that after the collWon with a proton, the energy of neutron can lie with equal probability anjwherr ttccwvcn its original value and zero. and siting Ortit. %%'irxnrr'4 tewrinner formula for Ilse last of 26-c, Y. neu. Irons In she CtAlwous with the heavier U Isotope. They cale. the value of P#,P,, where P Is the numbcr of neutrons emitted pcr U nucleus 0 the capture probability of neutron, and lp the probability th it the neutron will be slowed down Without being captured on the tt!konance level of Ulm. Under ismst favorable fulzing ratio W V and 160 .40 w 0.00, The condition nect-&ury for the chain reac. tion is #0v > 1. It isconcluded that thersplosive liberit. tion of nuclear energy in ibis system is inspossiJbIc. If the concentration of U14 can be increased by, a factor of 2, Ap becomes equal to unity and the esplosion can take place. The cawns. have been c"cd out for infinite me. dia; in the caft of small volumes the rated, value of reop is considerably reduced, and, In order to obtain the explosion it Is twt&wy to Increase the corseentsatiou of Us* still I(okkiland (Asslow u)(We. -00 -so -00 0 oo o 41 000 coo coo 00 ;0 to z:00 is N I L b of JALjsjfL WAL 0116610t CLASSIFKATKA tiL L I U It A' 1 11 1 0 rV 1, , or K CC Vt U n Ct n 11 CC A* A 1. V~ 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 W4~ 0 0 49 46 0 6 4P 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * ::0 0 ~ 00 -jxO' .1Z Ij 0 0 0 0 0 V 00 0 * * O: o 0 0 C 0 a 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ms a -4 ~,N -.4 ZEWDOVICII, IAO-B.-- RT-963 (Kinetics of chain decomposition of uranium) Kinetika tsepnogo raspada urana. ZHURNAL EKSPERD=ALIKOI I TEORETICHESKOI FIZIXI, 10(5): 477-482, 1940. poll 9111 -00640 I a fluum"Is fly," l"Wa8l" it is it a RU a 14a At It x a 40 41 v a a 4 0 T u I I M IN I- A 00 0 law" of uts *Ms. Ye. B.PC711-Tvvdiftch. of d4EftTP&dtI*U I& CU*h*YUJS 00 .00 0 jr divoisses the talc pill ptutuptiou, sekdoikol the Built. -00 vulue, inflantmdon by coinprcmion, propagation In a 04 1H In .0 be with correction for Impmlanm and thenual lows, conditions for the prove" of Chem. rtaxtlotls Mid the spin -60 of Ebe detbdation wave and ounol&rs sovue cxpil, data lot H-air dctoustion, concludes that Icultion results .00 00 It= a temp. Lacrejume produced by touldpir raleated cow. .00 00 pression produced by the exploviou wave. Diffusiou of WiVe Centers COUU01 &"OUnt (09 400011tWO Ion 000 0 * 'j For last chew, reactions the ckulca! thcory =k., '40 F. it. Rathmann 66 of COO W Lab. of Combustion of Gases, Inst. Chemical Physics Acad. Sci. Ma z1/~S*AQSO -0 1 144.4#0 At O%v 461 4341110.81 its-, . j . , . . . -'0 U if go A& . q F 1 14 1, 4 Od 8 N 0 1 OF IM 0 a a 3 0 1 IN a r a It a x an Zr~~ A I 0 '00 j 0 0 10 00000#00*00000001 0 0 0 0 0 0_0 0 ,00 0. 0. 0Im.'s W 04" 00 r -00 00-4 -00 -J. saw IM.M.'T r.vz d -The dkisf9a em" * a** evem wb vd(h diftmt vah" Cie m wad wn. 2 difflemt ft: V" V AW Q b udk i " mWddt Up pnpg A d #A go Goo 0,3 t preftim On U 000 ~ draLlobs9wh."' vvz=r ltoo coo 1*0 go* of !900 Ale* of* atom 914M 1001mv It aftv Q.t - - - ON Ow ASI F-8 -q % 7 T -0-40, u0 AV 40 It, 0 & 1, an Its ;A, ;t;ld; - a 1 4 cm a 0 9 1 w of a a 4 3 1 n I Ale 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '00 6 0-004 0 lle 9 0 9 41 0 o 0 * *0069600009 ff A-&*@* 000000 so 0 000.0a -0 9 st 0 4 0 see 66009100001000: f , V f.0,10 it 4 0 A A., r 1 , I I A 1 1" kI I 1_4 Aw 16 WAC~ 00 410 00 66 00 so A Themy 01 luctm VA. bi'da A Z * so . ys:n. J. p _ Sid. rjwo. p (1040),Tbeor,jj d c .4tau" nuld low The dW K H. RM 00 0 0 All miegntim, ITALLUROKAL LITERATUIll CLAHIFICATtow 4J$131 -0--r u is kV 10 11 At K a 0 p (T lp Do "0 4 10 0 0 fe * 0 0 so so 0 ST4046 ooom 0 o * 0 Des 0 00 00-0000-00 49 q., III OR L S a IW 0 14 1 1 W 61 0 a 4 t xa Is so 00 0 00 69090*66490046046*41 OW-0 ~C* AD If Ij W As k V a It 47 61 &1 it a 4.c 0 i ).00 k and YU thmann see zoo too Poo 4 ID o w 1 4 , IS f M to 9 1 0,11 9 so J411 its? mon I 1404412#1 AND Theory Of 1 Kin-wof chemkill re"111*11111 In 1141mve. 40 , . dxM* jso~.VWUM VA. 11. ZUL'DOVIVII ANIJ %. N. S11111- :, R 1116 ZI I 10 Th ph .019 ewior . ockov. J. F-Tiv/. . ys , ~ *04 Thc thnwy tit (tV4(j); Ckrm. thstratly, J8, IM (M-1), - ticnii the f0 n4 f th r Ot f d l l .4111 1 a t u im ts ur e luntor prottapt eve onsed laid proriemsty by ZeNovkh anti Frank- Konnenviskil - 4 h f 1111 0111114 e toolmiatute % damors lit oolsom r. t The gtion o r eln station ill the theary of 11,1111t p4t,14 elf-b 1alkwo, dif, LO 0 0 0 1 Iii,limi wod the t4strormtrillion fit-tit. dortmitsm tat it Or 190 IU41"S and it* atn't'sotintme intrStallon. till I if tillhi of chAtt reactlitni lit lljinr% orr cmv -00 k t Aldcrol Thv onrilmod of stjoilimiary vistwornir,offins4 I,- juillfit-11 Anti flivel apiollcil it) 11,4111V leactionc Branclit 11 diff i l T t o nn he caw ti it m chodis rearilcous air stimlyowi , covillt-ivilt dittervit (limit llit. corflicir"I tol' 111CF111A roost. l z o too e- .1toctivity I% dicu~.M. It. Rittlantil formulae tot the ro l go Um between flame velodly and Various experimenta 0 parosmeters--umbuttlan at casbon monoxide. A Vorpol. -k 311 i 123 WO P h Zoo 00 'A i i - - rotons vur ), - eord. P 7 ys. WAS.L), 10. 1 O tsiayi expocrimcnittl data lit The literature on the conibut,iii"s to 0 mid game Isrujiigation o( CO its als, two. theritrutprop t' 400 agalkon of fiinim Is defermined its a functions cot prr~urr, ttrn lure, compt"sixtoro fit the V44 lititsture. and the laws Ma Th b i l ki f h ti tl b k Z:e 0 e us onfrac ots. etn ttel s o of t l c4 t e om rate of combustion of CO 6 gi%xns by -J(CO)Idi - Z w (COI(IIO). where Zistfor numheirotcalti%icont, per unit it( is linicand4ori.therructisis vettAmbilifywhit-h var"betarvirst , d jde-$~~T too 0 an . ta Ajd,SLA AttALLUNGKIL WINATY1111 CW11#00414011 -1t ;,, to,411VI "it 04V act Clolt U Al AV As . I I I - J, - p I s -AAL IN ado of clorl"I'ais is a of to, it at it It it it a of ct it it ,Q 0 o O's 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11111.0 0 0 0 0 0 1111'e-9 111110 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 a , lo 10 61, 6 * =10 * ~16 * "61, 0 g 4glo 1g ii M [WWI W 4 , -~ Al d d 0 . . ,tu davjL aa a Zcj 4jo VUR'.1 10, 1441-4 Todm urrumv, -F i 004 diatmed. Tbw irstable atittit OW We& 0 ' . =ctstmMaltim 4eptubtA ft rate a( bm' MLOP I detd. imm tat distooft md- the tjwo. c"Wsic": o" F~ H. Ratibutacto a0e *ov C 90 Cie 0 L - 100 welt __7144* MAP cow 4of - effill'i i l W "V Er- Tw le 00 Ulf; *- 0 0 0 00 04 0 I ic s ra . - , , W "o- -0 il - 0 0 -0 o 1 40. .0 ' 0 o - _ _ ' 0 4is o 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 4 : t Is0 1$ -- *_Wo 0 0 0-0. 0 #.4V,o WWWQ (p 0 OV 0:0 0 0 4 0 0 0 se 0 mmff~~ a ll I I, I I t t t ' t I 1 0 If If It Ad Is 16 0 0 It 0 41 44 41 a ..A LILA_ ---L.X AAL, Ar ID 00 o s 00 4 FISMOU and tbAln d"ompmWm of uranjuni 11 %a , . , vu. 0. KIW110", 11.1withi Yn. A'awk 23, i. 4. .57 M40); cf. C. A. 33. l f d o expi . ata lend thearriks] stalcuicuts. K3 rt-frIvjwc4. X1, %legal DID r ago ! see 200 1 too .%L SITALLUN61CAL L1114AIL1411 CLOUIPICA7100 so., 04, am, f, C AV on II ; AA L 1 8 FW0 1 9 IM 0 aa n I x4 2 t IF 0 o o * 0 o 0 o o o Doo 00000 0 006 I o 6610 0 *Go,- 0 DO 0 0 Q 0 a 0 0, , 0 0 DO 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a DO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 a 0 0 17 todelml 402 FRO9411#6 Woes wee 0 0 94 l b 1 d d t Tb - 1 1 0 4 . um ow" a 09.a )~ t,. y b If. RAMM"M also ISO* inst Chemical Physi cs Acad Sci USSR . . ~ WOO Wes woo A I a - ii AAITALMWAL 11TERATM C"ISWCATIM. IF 11 saw vWa I Am N Mf J 4111111 CA "V i b-U S-AT 0 u1 ;- -3 a it or tv a 41x K ~u Iva- a U- AM a &-$a two X-VIliff 11-9 a 4 ~1 1, 9 14 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0~ ~o -0 wee 0 A r ~C. k. 1_J__L_jt_j_JL_A_ 4, _n P.-;Q A_ 4 -A _4~ so o C, A 00 0 Calmutku of the votodty of dd*"O" 16 Vate", 0 1 4%jw, rksww,-r& 0 0 approx. retation Ww"n preume, temp. and velocity of The drionation wave Is derived. Tbermodytoarnic cakna. 0 f r; tor thedetmational2flo+ Oandil + Cholixta.arecom. I with rxpil. dais. The best *1 d6som. of CO Is to toe over 210 ks.-Coil, F. It, Rathmnit - 00 00 ood Inst. Chemical -Phyeice, Acad. Sci. LssR 09 414a LlitIVATLOC CLASSAFICAMPI .00 .00 see 400 goo Z10* doo coo 909 goo goo 'so goo XOO woo Use woo TWO 40-JAW S I rw 0 if 0 1 V go 1) 43 4 3 0 V JS AY 10 lit of it K a ff a It w 9 oocooooooodooooefooos0600006460000000 so :160 00 so 0 00 00 0 000 a a 6_6 0 __* 0 t 10 "o AL, 41 0 0000 Goes* 0 * 0 6 eel V A It AA A L-Q- L a- 8, 4. It I-T AX DQ 06 A eel 60-1 so 09 Oe at jab 61 1 Kaftm D' 0 7.11 ki. U-M.R., JOB, ff M! rt Z d n , I kip Al bullet. pcojec td rough fig vsp*UT at 270a--30M M. Vr We. at Z at SIM. prowife Anil the, P, of Iff, produces a temp. of Ww~-- 43,000*x. In the shock wave in Irout of It, The lumilInKence 0*a ctwMrading to the tern&.014oduced hu been Photogfaphf4l' X4 a true I the trajectory of bullet. with an expoiture at -10-0 we. .40 0 0 00 00 M '06 90 NO UZ A.S $ L A *I T.LkU1fK.L LMR.TUNI CLAWFICATIck lawk, It CAI CAI 11 am 1; t-L' 4A is 3 V ilk An I S b rid 0 - I W W*T !14 121W.. 0 eosoooooo*oooe,040010oooooologoecooeogeo; ~ kq:'O V: 0 00 0 0009 00 000 06 0 0 461 4g 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 * a 0 0600 00, o 0 000 0 ijij i i A t~jqftlwjfI 00 -0 0 .1000000 A.- ~~, F.- -00 TV v3pros wve cu", pl",snt In a P41%ximful shvck WAVIf Op-Millf 101'A View .040 hIsh-swit PrT* 90 Ut flit, tellips. obtall diwom atilt am" I-Ilown, 00 900 zoo 00 r0 0 00 04 0*0 i C:o 0 u akv 40 4 3, lo 00000000 00 of* ST14100: 0 0 0 at 0 0 0 0 6 # 0 0 0 & 0 a 0 I I I I # to It 13 11 ti 1$ 16 IIV Nit Wit US Jay Mies A) 41#146 A A A A L -2--b-11 - G- 11-1-A.- U -L 0 -,- *.- -L' --j*P 6.0 1 -410 jt.0 0 !-00 o0 0 Of 19 - I-00 of 009 j-oo ood a =1dX611 ma"I -1 ~00 Go's N. P. Drosdov and 1. H-Ult4wit6ch Y- PAYJ- 104111, 943, 17, 13"441.-1n & M1194 Of COOC" KAS 4~11 1;10R--0111 40 mixtures in a veokAj tube can be ignited at the bottom but not tit .00 00 the top end, This is due, to competition between the 11414 Vt Of W supply to the dame (determined by the dMuslon corfl. of the 0 so gas present In insufficient amount) aid the rate V. of beat pro- =0 0 0o pagazion from the flame (determined by the heat conductivity of the mixture). In mixtures of 0 with little H. it, is >re, and he 00 %1 r4 0 flanto can move Only because c2convottloo. In C"f Mixturn coo 00 Ignition at the bottom is prevented, #.g.. by 2% of CCI,. and at the tup by 1-2 of Md. CU, reducesAlui rate at propagation of ro o 00 dame in P%sir mIxturej, cl., to III0. The (CCIJ wbkh tzlin. aloo Vishes the dame in CO-0ir-Ifs mixturcs is the hilifter the higher the rate of reaction is Absence CCIj, J. J. D, goo woo _S 0.9 All 4 to 9 14 1) A) Is 11, 1. "11,414C pit It IM K 0 tt It X K43 M 1 94 4 3 1 j 0100600 0*00060e000*00906q:*0*606*;;1 109006:1000*00006090*00000 00*000000: 06too 0 00 a 000 0 tWo,'d ow ohm knuda i ftvUMWc6 kIddow4leb- JIYOWN"k U.N.S.Som-4-12), sy of lar cam of old trmw as tm form"On. of a new Puft, Ali 01 00 Fowiff-Fkk to obtained for th*'Madomblp =r. tm rate of tb* dimt 6id r*vwm propean 0( Ruckus k0utiolL ., In ths. cam of CAM- atkia. with a d;tl4 of low v,p,,uiida Uw action of a higb nopitive prem", the rate of ( ellom of Amew Is dal-111*" q of We fivI4. The #rpejadtwm of the probability of wm.= Me darallow a# appikallem W tM amptig 61 th* rftk)ti submitted to Mat pteia4r." ffle.;uImt tl* "0' A, U. 41,0 A m0 Afv -tt--.#q S 'j mp 116 A' 8'. N" S, I A-Q a 4;0, '110 . i.~'44 I A " * i '17 we" heived b 0, 1 1 - W~ : IV C olk tot* Ole "at he will,, Witte S~ v*Wlr of A000 0. - Jim tubtij a dk d m. Km "i W& Um fbe dim. of 1ko bullet. Tbt proom -wave nivedad 44 K=hic pap". 1 Iff gig CIO* tie COO coo 60 coo coo Woe !Soo 7' Clog vS4,* 4*WiAw goo -14141" oat 641 444 ace 414411 MA OW 111 00 log ! 4 17a, Ik--, a:, IRA K4:, ~ 1014 00 0.0 .0 0*4 V, 0 0 0 Goo 009 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 94 0, il PAPA.0 0 0-0 000-0069966 0! 00 10, -'*W '00 OW 6 0 0 v it a 1) 4 is Ivu N 11 D A a 16 A, )1011 an ism JIMM44" 40 1 A f V111111 Moto W Rd-fI= BdWW (M LkUW Md UUWU# PAW Of JW&k. L. ,,ic~au and J. Mdoyjc~,(Ada Phy4iiwAim. U-J?-q-$-. IM, 18, eurr. After a eltort di4cussion of the ditIrrence the two t)TAs for a ren subot&nm Is rwokirred. At low tvtnpvralunv~ 06 A transition of a metdl eta a dielectric form would be a phase ch&tW. with 4 .00 latent beat and R discontinuous ehwW of projwrtho; 4-vatinuoua tranxithm is ony ible at very h~h tensperatures and lirt-mures, where the excitation y Thmi calwo am, an electric4l covuluctiv t of tile dielectric form am, high. 0 0 $see seem. panW by liquid ---)-gas transition. (b) onheatingstawtulantp"urr, =go liquid metal changem into a " metallic gas," W)104 at high temperatuirs. changes into a normal gas; (c) an heating at a constant pressure, liquid nietal ChangvS Into a non-vowtuvtIng liquid, Which on further hoating is trawrormed 0OU Into a normal gas. (a) is expected for non-volatile metals, (6) Is improbable. SOO %,4whfle (c) to expce" for subnanm lihe mereury-G. V. ft. _2 'ACad Inet. Pbpical Problems, -901- U&S and .06 LISt- Chemical Physica, Acad. Sci. trM ZOO ISO ttoo USO age AS-SLA tTALLURGKAL 1.111RATUNt CLAWFICATWO WOO 1.2je-3 .41 ON, 1241 J1411 40 All #A a PC vI w IN a a 14 0 0 00 014 0 OLO 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0000000 D O-W 00 00 a 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 S 0_0 010 0 0 4 0 00000000 6 00 0 ZEL I DOV IGji OVIGIL Teori.ia goreniia i detonatsii gazov. klos?va, Izd-vo Akadem-i-i 6auk SS41 15411) 70 p., diagrs. Bibliography: p.60,-70. Title tr.: Theory' of combustion and detohtion of gases QD516.Z4 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. ~-A I, a woe law, ar I'vid amed.- V.-B.-M-Unk luld t%t ambut cl the fma the the dkiec, . god WmS 9ftt a W4 to tw comewclm tha swb A Uemkim Imm"an 41~ vhwe4raim~ to my Msb - l ft& th. dmi l i W i 00 ta t Toth ak, Sq r m a 4w W-ps Utaftim'is Mvbmbl7 bwtr. 'id 4 1 dkdact UtW- remw tW 0- tw da. .4 a., he 0- dom fmat t tm uqw td the paean atme, I.C. of 0 UqWd ammeWk pimiag am htw an mwat wrt- premAm and to tat ps at kmtr 04 0 set, MOCA L"tRAIM CUUNremin 71 HOW WNW bW Q6T.C" : 12JAS1 ONO rw; Iii .00 ISO* goo 0" 000 Coo lose Coo goo cloo 000 v ZA.AM 6 1 00 ~U Or U-0 ft Ar 6,00.0'e-0 ate 0 0 0 0-6 0 G's 0 0 ZELIDOVICH, YA. B. Teoriya undarTikh voln i vvedeniVe v gazodinamiku. (Theory of Shock Telaves and Introduction to Gas Dmamics) 1946. 186 p. ~IN This monographIspecial care was given to the accurate presentation of basic laws of the dynamics of gases and tothe methods of calculation of simple problems. Aranslation 5 52464 -SELIPOVICH9 YA -Jul Rarefaction 'Waves Shook Waves "The Poobibility of the Rarefaction Shook Waves,"- Ya,. Zelldovich, Inat Chem Phys, Acad Sci USSR) 2 pp "Journal of Physics USSR" Vol 1, No 4 Damonstraten that for gaaeo with large molar heat capacity 0 there exists a region vhere the rarefac- tion waves must -propagate in the fozi2 of shook waves add ccmpression waves must bo blurred In the course .of propagation. Received, -5 Sep 1945. 2ELIDOVIOHP YA. jaix* 19 Shook Waves Wave Propagation "The Propagation of Shock Waves in Gas With ReverAbld 6 Ch6mieal Reactions," Ya. Zelldovich, Inat Chem Phye, Aced Sci USSR, 4 pp "Journal of PbyaioB UM" Vol X, No 4 Study of propagation of shock waves in gas with re versible chemical reactiono or retarded excitation of the part of the heat capacity which Induces a mat expansion of the shock wave front, structure of vb1ch depends on wave amplitdde.-Mis Webt used'in In- vestigstion of e*erMr transfer ~ to Inner deases of freedom of,zolsoulas-, :Racelved, 5 Sep 1945- 54T88 pov"Olles 0h"& Axi* wini& -Ts"M'dow J. EVA It. Pt h i d on r C-mcfas ke to t tts as abqu t shmk 11331 raref3dion in ams ropm p S p "nalm, waves blurml with and em p lti f t ons o Uad" mm cow emp, -1wid premtv "1 (6401*9. b bm than 0 (at mut. en- tropy lumch sunterkd take.. & comt. bcat Co- ' i " rquAt m I Strict Todity 4 yaw tkf XVAAU ity C. M dask are'amnicd, %bon this to oomw for C. *1 cal./ 111CAC. JIM ww sell 41 41 ~ 1*14*4 olp Q%0`44f 9 A WA 8.*-(* lop" _A~ a--* ol~CWWI *00 **a lot . moo wee :00 U* I* w0 ZELIDOVICH, YA. USSR/Shook Waves Prop2jptlon Apr 1946 Gases "The Propagati- o of Shock Waves in Gases with a Reversible Chemical Reaction.," Ya. Zellclovich, 4 pp "Zhur Eksp i Teor Fiz" Vol XVI, No 4 Consideration of the propagation of chock waves 1n a gas with a,reversible chemical reaction or a delayed excitation of part of its specific heat, which peculiarities cause a sharply pronounced expansion of the shook wave front. 13T52 A Combusum of methyl nitrate Topm, Va. 11.2d'.jovich **A And Vu. Kh. Shaulov, (Inst. Chens. Phy~., Acad. *vi. U.S.S.R., Mtpwow). J. Pkys. Ckes". (U-S.S.R.) 20. of 1.359-020940)(1n Rumbn).- -Photographs of ignition #4 SON WOSO~ vapor In a g1am vemel by & spmrk show that it fianic ftA]4mn M Apark &Itet a tinte Int"val of 0.01 w.' *OA for a vessel 15 cm. in diem., aml UAW 4vc. for a 5-cm. vr.let. It was concluded that the %park cauw3 the mar. tion CIII.Voi - CO + 1110 + 0.5 11, + SO which 41- velevs too fit(ke rwUliou to affect the ph(Angraphic- Pta r. I owrv", thii trartkm rai-* the jw ~- within 'too **-I Ihe'vetsell, and the heat III the adi4bath, cornprmiun in- j Ulit dum4a sermil dame in whicht),5 CO 1- 11.5 111 + Xotivv zoo 0.5 C(h + 0.3 UvO + Thi,;awchanistnumsproml by Copts. In a Kim vesstj %cpd. Itom another vr*-tl filk-d with inert g" by a thin membrane which broke during $,he a first reaction and eliminated the adiabatic conipt",itm. too T'herv was no smodary flaniv in this arrangrinent. The. 6fter deconip". In The pin-A."Ce 0( a me"Ibratir Cm. *sit gas a WOO tainqt(I emi ninre than the thrvictical aint. o(NO, and the xa* after a he vetwad Nine Its a clowd vemel rem taltird mily about 1% of NO. 1. 1. hilimitan 40* 777= see 'A %JMAL~ "TALLURGICAL UTCRATUNI CLASSOtCATIC* glow 61"914W. slam VU&AV MJAW ow GOV All %$Java At 04V Got go 0 , , , . 1 0 F A a ?W 0 of a I Iff It I A a 3 1 v r 4 x a x 0 En I YA vs 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 ;jr; -0 11 or 13 W4 is 4 11 it I- I U .3 24 AS h a A Z Is V Is M 11 14 11, 9 so 4j 'I .4-1- 1 - t ~ i -1 9 _ a % A t 1 1 7 1 so L 6. The oxidation of nitrogen In construction and arplodonse. Va._1I_ZcVdavkh%(In*t. Client. Plin., Mwcow). Arta phyfSearhift. V.R.S.S. 21, 5-714US(1940) (in F-sifush); cf, Cal. 40, Wl~-The &nit. of NO formed In tile cx- 00 Is. Itim"t tof inists. of Ilr4h-Nj. v"ttg from 28~-q to 48% Ill. anti of Coliti-Or-Ni. cuntx. 6-81" W14, was mix. halfway between am toncrui. of N's ;~rcxccw 0, owr the o0 'IS' rtViirensent fcpr complete oxitlation. NO ykid torsis detil. Z' after exid,rdlin for inixts. of Ifor-Ch-Ni with No equal it) it; ctive" Ov. I(vair, with Ni equal ii 1 1- to) excezu 0,., artil (901*oCO- 1017a1 Is) -air at 200 min. p(Miure Anil initial tellip. from -100" to 3MI. The :6,6 r(juil. con,ot. C'its the equation, [NOI - C' '31 1, tore 1(ill Is the excess 0 after conslainstion, Is Intle deist tkil the iVl '"lif 0" ention". last Ilt 1'rola'ationAl tit t cons Cog it Itible lit the 111111. Fur rise d1kWW_ olipt.*. tile curves (if ago I" plotted as a (4 the beat (it cluillnistiou Islui a ciorwWasi for tile winsible licat of the utlit. Mudde, 'rhe utoervird yields art tU)-'7U','e of the caled. ther"listly- goll ItAillic cillill. if the exploolon tvillp, Is coartrick(l (Ur the I alatche r(Iret I-W lentil. disititnition 1011 athill'of varying anih. lit N011111o lit 111111" Wollift'l: One its the little effret inyiolv~l its the 1,rojoasistion of 11601", A, v -41 an't Lho JWT Ill'ol. wet. .11 n1j", roortillr4 'd A inlost. 14 coal stas-01-dir "a% buruct In it opecial IMill'u. 119;1111 IOW tile IWAt 44 111"1'411111-11. And holinAlblil. to--It. ! 1e. low. Virtaturi-tylie burner *it% nit "Id. troult. of 'K~ rhe ilr;k-ndrih-c of the vrincity (as 0, colnen. "anspim of 1.400 jibe gas at a writs of joitints starting from the. predictril by the chairt arrvitanitim watt c%infinned tryorajois. Onus of 0 r Iturner %huwrJ an Inervam in NO conen. up Wit is ritcV4, (Joel. The ellwrmolnil JIS01/41 - 0 X 11114/ tit a rn-ix. The rmlis coisfirin the therinal formation of So fr'sul 'q1 and Ol wt a rmilt (of t tic high (emp. prfxfticr4 I its WtI10% 411.1 Vlown'. ilk H144. L. Was dtflMl 1101' ion toxidati,"i id the cornbu.tible. The anti. of NO on I rcactit'll A. Fleiwhrr juee vxpl~bris of inkis.-4 tit -lit AS&~$L& a[TALLVRCKAL &ITIRAYWC CLASUPICATICH 4, to .161 444141 1:19 4.- it, Joe TA' W U Va to (1, It a 1W of A R It $1 n of 0 41) A 1 1" 9!o 0 9 0 0; 0 00 0 0000 000 0 0 0.4 0 '0 0 :10 _6 0 0_09 06 so 0 0 a 0 0 *A API i to j-0- -0 109,11"? 1 to I oft I T T ?'.& A -A. L 0 r .1 1 IL Plac-CiMl Ago #*"Fsl;tf vis 00 0& A' 00 106 A 00 00 4! O%idaIff-vt af Nitrogtil During COmbusilkm and Expl~- zoo iiar. la, Zeldrivitch, Reports of W .11'ade,wl 4, 51, no. 3, 1916, p. 213-2fill. Cleo 002 Sciences PT'US.S.R., V. 0 43 , 9 00 001, goes AA X00 w0 s uoo 4.1LA AlITIRLURGICAL UfflIATUA9 tLAMOICAIJOW tso ~MOOO -A ago IV C%W 049 1041 $_jb U 9 a 10 is to if to (11 OC 'K if ft CC It Ot ZI u IX o 0 0 *1* 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a A."AL-0--s e : : : : 0 0 010 0 * 0 0 o_* 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 It -1 0 11 V- 0 a 0 0 a J# b x v m m Ao R Ij JI M 14 30 Is P AV 4 v .1 Is4 Is &I R It to x k q 0 ~A A-.X- i-I 0 A 00 . .... .... to, A 00 '016.61 j.00 *0 0 00 It j! eo a (5midation of ni"m bx combustion and SK00alan. 0 Zv&luvich. . acod, mi. V.R.S.S. 51. 0 'imory(may--rGo. on th~ uAturc and IftIvItsulull ol r0 0 00 this rtwti4xi Show It to be a thtflital INIC. with the Ist-at =06 produced by the tsirni!iS piv"ii:ig a high trmp.. IghcrVAS so 0 01 the N atidatiou rtaction jimmeds a% it 'AmM UnAlpr 1 460 00 %3 any pitur twoul-i of hestarig. 'nse all, totior t4 the IR4 *Xtcf %lilt thr avullilption klf d 60~ 1411101. SlIt-ChAlliMIS. Init dt~ AjtVV "ith tile CUP$ lJKVhA- X0 0* nisin: 0 + N. - NO + N. N I- Ot - NO #- 0. Sisim 0 the dre%mim. velocity 1% toutxwtiotutl to the 4quare of tile 0 00- "Mcn. of NO all the irmilts uq fiattiAl k0actic computa. -0 49 tit"is uUMIC ou tile a-mumptioll of a himul. Frislain 0 ill 1.1fer. -111V c1laill ulmhalli'm 1% not at Variance With 1110 C0IIVj)ti0n of thl' 01CF1110 SIA11114' Of tile teACtido, A. 8, Mwotan 200 IMI !:0 0 st?ALLUStGICAL LITIRAILM CLAt$tFKATIZI. life :010 IfflaNj oil CII 4.( 41 Wckr' . I i~4~ u AT p0 Ls It im two GIwI45A3d 34V ; I 1 91 a It of 01W ?I 61 It 0 14 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 00 00 0 0 a 0 40 0 * 000910 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 ~ 0 ** so 90 111"~ Am PaBchety teplovykh protseusov pri vyskoi temperature (Calculatiorw of thermal -processes at laigh temperatures), Izd. Byuro Novoi Tekh. bez Goroda, Moscow, 1947, 66 pp. 16 rdforences. Reviewed in Uspekhl Fiz. Nauk, Vol. 34, 11946, pp. 462-463. ZILIDOVICH,Ya.B.; SADOVNIKOV.P.Ya. (deceased]; FRANK-KAHNUZSXIY,D.A.; *"p~""*~0I)~St'IY.V.V.,rodaktor; SEMOV,N.N.0 akademik, redaktor; 44LYSHK1ffA,O.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Oxidation of nitrogen during combustion] Okielonie azota pri gorenli. Moskva, lzd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1947. 144 p, (Nitrogen) (MI2A 9-3) 41* A' 06 .3 to 0 0 0-0 0 0 0-0-0 - 0 ,*--0 0 -0- OC 0 7q *to o#&# bill mumostedi ado ot 0 Mm (A Ctxttw tit KnLla I Trpiov%A vat" I vA"O%ATSnvAc PL . (;,ArA%h (ThvnWI ffxpk rtkm of Mium 14km awl 11,111M m Y Voo"odookU In ll Ya ~ o ois . . , y , 130 Kni" 11. TurW -WM Wleftigrnnue (koctuic Moo. =00 1 11111clit musl By Va. 11, 6,1 l 1) nk Mwmws F Z IM A ve 0 . 1 013t . ra T UY U400, Upskuy. hickhan. Inst. 1017. RX) pp. ReJ . ro. VICIMI III fliftiki NAim. 17. M-8(1900. goo 400 goo voo use so v u fA AV to i. Al a 1 4 04 0, 14 9 a 3 4 o W000"A sit ";Ft is Co. Lt. 4i I& i's I R 00-000 0 00 "00 00 00 a' as Theory of Aletonad- J. 7'"'1'k" S.S.R.) ItMil)417" ogs -p ;g,3 hich W bee & i a( a strasight cyfiikbicLl tube was studied. In o: 0 the &= surfacc is F - (Sht-Jer. A .0 0 0019 1j=h1chc15 Is the CTM-SOCtin"All am 01 the tube, W. Is tile IUALIL- V'eWty of the gas. M. is the Horinal 00 vitlocity Of thee gas. wO ri is the av. WtIocity of the gL% =00 000 a givvn croAs sedion. The disphectn"It Of V:. T tile tube sit* due to tutbultwt PubAtIM3 amounts to 7% (A the tube diam.; It dtffcAAA,% near the Wells. The value of the pullation velority rt"hca 11% of the av. VvltxitY In stn(KAh tubes and 17% In foush tubec In lantluAir dow the time requilt4l for ilttWM6011, of the flamt front Is A, . RO/20 v In which R is the tube radius and A, to the kinematic Viscosity of th4t K"- Titne :nd length of path of detonation onwt, ecArAing time od the opment of the flame front lue- 1100 as. anit the lime for tlcvvl No cakil. R. W. Runker a see 0 !:08 Lre 0 A 9 z7r- doe 411111 ow "W Ali- ]to 0 I F U A, x It or it It 4 t Run 1A A I V Od 0 AS a i ar w 9 a a 3 0 K V 0 It . I 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 19 0 0 0 9 0 0 ;T.4 00000 0-0 000 0 0-0 'ICY Formation of IUVtc*n stridild tube. IL =Cdarill *to*"= 14 is con Zh%r. Fliptt. re". Fit. M Autles III the moment of trAniltion Into detonation, the wrlocity Incrraws from a rclottlye value of 0.."4).4.1 in III r0AtlYO VAllit Of 1. 10 nAff*W 1141W0 1114P Pf"OfMIAMM VTItW' lly prior to transition Is the same, wlthirl ezptl. evor, oil the i1clonatl(lit velocity fit widic tutics. An exp1l. arranievirrit WAO maile lit whk-h prolmiltillaii was Initleteol ct the wWt elid of a tube 14) t-111. 14MIg MISIStIlle of a W-cm, kvilem, 1.3-5.0 rin. In diam. and a 30-cm. section 0.8-1.0 cru. lit .1i4m. Elementary inethods of c-Ak-n. for irtleett4l and irunsli4knal waves Indicated that In the narrow tube the pressure in ritflection was 2.5 times greater. The c&W. m milm agr"4 with expt. H. K. tjvfnxstcm 1111P wig His 149 spell dtk **'PO 00 00 0.4 : 0 lt 00 f O*s 00 -00 so A 00 534= -00 ; 0400 44M. . - , vww. ' OM ' V 0 4 3 i -0% OVO." T N dom . .at-on -wan 00 di 0 mc 0 r thma of ft= to be dai*d fi4f, =00 "=ft W4 of swcuad .00 on frd OOMY 060 . Anwaft 00"' COORL Ba Q* ro 0 0 a bid aw J04 tbw H* " 0 SAV did am dliefvhy L 0. T.- gee woo VII !10* ~ :00 A!,!-.lL& PITALLIONGICAL CITINATURE CLASSWICATICII g-2 too loci., 1:96 - y 1 IMI&II Ole amv Ill - 0 LV 10 Ll l -II In a, X, IKI a, n, In, I Ali L S 6 cd a I No a 43 0 3 1 9 m ~ 000 0 *41411100000,000000 ' ~ 0,00094POO0600000000900 '' 4 p ~ 60 000 0000000000000 00 000000000*000.410*449,000 C'A Conditions for establishment of instability of normal Calls- bustlon. Transition of spherical Itame into dotonstfoo. B. 7el'd-vich anA A. 1. RnzInv4it, POkfoldy .04d~ 1917) -h ,Van& t.1;..1L-SzRVAb7F'.'"'-1 N. - -Ilarning 1114 twith C.% added for vic-urvii definition (if pholopiphy) in a %t"1 bonih with a I X III cim lit 'A.11 rcv.wdetl Ily Ilith. %pMI pholography. At ;I total pt-urr of alumil I Alto , liking Such a mixt. 3e.441.1 11) .1 irgion of propag-stion of tric bme with "Scillially ctmount vVIncily (;I% we" throux)) the 40 of 8100cm./see. After travern-ulticul. and cool- buttion o(670of the rnixt. the lore-tAurv riws tip 1.7atm., near the end of combustion tile pressure d" In III atin, and intensity of radiation ri~" sharply. No autoturbulcoce 6 observed. At an Initial pressure of 10 atnt. the comunt flanit! propaptioll velocity 1122.091 cnI./-%rc. for a 2A Col. path, after which deton3tion is mcht-.1,(Mobably as a relult of autnturbulctice, St. KnioUloff 41 oi 1 foe'lat'if :~if (loot., Mto. 11hyrs, ('414, U. 27-0004M)OR RUN"") l(quisticas an givirn for beat cmd.. dilfw4w, ArAl C4100h. 00 is in fitro" smoving In an TIPWVT Mixt. The 400 KCAMI disiributioct of temp. in the datrie and the -it- :; 00 tigms wkkh must he futOetj by * them. teadlutt to amble IMI, "0 rao o(- to Inovit at a "M%%1. fulf 410 Ili ~""fistkm 44 Olitme Iscollml. lot silifoolke WOW twist 0 dilfusion and heq it-Ouctalke. Tht differoth" bttw"n r of propetca" 1A ttw upper slut 1hoi kmer utrift of the -it, x"wiff The grak"t ill* letup. coed. of The rate of chan. is The effect ce ellitin rvotcttms an kbe VOPOPtim rescitkos. Wertol IF J. J. rvaluatird. 1.F 1110114.4% WAL&VOrOCAt. LryffaTtidlif CLASIMPIC&TJOx Ai ------ --- to sat., a., Zat lot 1, VU 0 P4*11r4M2dJG,) U 911 0 go It Or it _1111, a it tt 00 tt " "r" 0 0 1 0 0 0 **1*,* 0 0 4111,001 0 0 LL ~54~ff 7 Va. B. Zdldovkb (lot. Cbm. ftys., Amd. Sel. U.S. I ; ILR MMA-1 ). .1. FAV. 11~. MJAR.) V 427- - t r dimt w5L tbo r# .- a A mV. C "ampia agm ho At mx. at a dk"JK4 4 ew th C u vu* * m f u fi f h d 4m e . m fom t e ta o gem. =p V ' svA the dfinessio" of the butia. of tM gsik Its vd*dAr. 160 This ms. cutm a =ax. of do gritdimt GO d. p wit" tat" Plow at ftm=- do first-olmd Max. wbu so 0 imbutim oo=s.,:A bem of thgodA doug Lmxu 1 f m ft 4 m t w s l a CIO =tbP 41/ )om fdm dw temp. NNW" wkWo the go can be calml. '11m equatim reclubcd m duived. 87 h f k ith M ro o d. o s Rxpts. wem ma& by uslas a w %) w ( matff. @=A no (13%) xwwiu " a mft of 10-a cm./wc. Tu rem&s wm fe avo4mt wM cbe ti=". 94t w=" ve woo Full q1-_: -s * Im Km 0: -AO -01 X 1~ 00 -;-,-------M ~_4*6 1 _114- 111-6 f-W, -00 "a 0 00 00 'a 0 as 1401 De4onittion of &%soon$ milluriss. 8, 1,14. Is. ,~jjended from 19.0 to M-K~ Il. I file wwr tUIW*, Silskvich_ Diktadv Mad. Vawk S..V.S.R. 63, datonation was observed from 15 " '00, 00 '"1 o(TOR -lituditl of ticinnition fit w6le fishes were In IL For all file tAliCCt Of ICAIllitig 11)(Yet AIXMI, the KAtUrV of olixts. from 25 to W; If* file Frcuriled tmxuufc was in i's 0 *a ,-It "is,, he v( cocidem9ml gais in thew Ave (runt. Theoretical C"I QUee"lect, with the prewirr cakd. for the traction 00 if itmis %hawrif that by uw of larger tut" it wcmld PCOdUCts Ill flwAns 'A fh~ rl4sicil theory of detonation. 'E 1-00 fer,"; -put near the lower Jbilit. the rocalsturd pressure was a, 0 C to (Ictonate mixts, thit, hA- Rwh it VrAt time =11. a tinsel the calelf. Value awl nftf flit UI4W1 Hillit '00 for chem. rrartion that they wrAtkt not dclonate in narrow a vil pristsurr was approx. tivict as Lust " ca", to 0 it 60 1 tut". I'liv app. cvmisisted of steel tubes W mm. in in- me"Ur 00 0 frets $I diam. and 12.2 m. long. equipped with a ittrain r,!gr The explanation for this dillerrisce is as follows: For mixt1k. ~*e Thc,it!to;i-.ttionvr.Aiiniti.,ttdvnth near stokitionsetric, the time from the conspression of the 00 j fill,, %a A M, I. rltmst 4 fliph"I"V. I'Le Int)e dtiltl%. were PI its t. fly the shock w2sir until the end of clital. rimctiou is Ah - W is tillics ft~Atcr than MOW of tilfw* 11.4mily UwA in drwivi. t4i inuill as to be negligible in cim)parisort with the reironsve r-O 0, 00 11 f Lt. The uft- o( (fit Wide, tutet im-rica-Ad Ili, little Of list Arpin fluxt, Which lj~ about 0.1 "Imisec. FCK r* a floss ii Ili $ fang* of 11 catu*"$. in It-air Inixt6, over which detonAtfoll very loan or very skil, milt", the velocity tif tvActiR,4% be- cotM to obw1W. In narrow tubts. detatizublif inuu. comes compaublewhIs the list r'spoun firm the ft- too cord;d rcsitutgels newirs, to the pressure Of =rawtbm 'too thf W Prodoets. Con. a to pft~Aurt of the react .1-60 shirrafkm of the theory for florists! dettivition waves (Z.,- CA 33 =') jind spinning detonation wamis M. C.A. 41, 11.1 113 rithrr cupr the limits of dvtm4- t"be h t fWa, were extrmird and flit mass. rewtion firm At the a L litill IncrMsird with tv a too Ajs1.jCA 61YALLORCOCAL WINATunt CLA$j#K,sTr 1111108a "is Qv ONC flow OVIRV :U:19,1*10 14 too'. CW 4Wv Lit 7 7A *A L I a ad a OF is a It 09 If A I 'a a 00 0 000 0000,0 , I to 0 O,e 0 a 0 0 as 0 0 0 0-0 00 a 9 .0 0 41 46 as 'a 0 4 0 0 40 0 so 00 00 0 00 d M 31 a 13 w 10 36 .1 el .1 11 _12 1-JuL LA"A 1 A 9-1 -1- Ail 4Mk &Stgo, 1IM4. Air Mat. Comam. WrigAt-PaUftvan Air Pocc 8-- D0100". OW, Tsck ReP. m F-TS-IMIA, 118 pp.. May 1M. 7.7= :I- *I*., 11TI&SIV. iiiabi Mir 44T ant * 1i T i I I IL : AT 43 to Ivis waft* Ifult 110M,04 0 0 40 0 0 0 0, 0 040 0 Wo 00 so 000000 114" Oman- P it 4 a a Q 41 d'4 =00 use Ras C, 00 goo gOO M An & S a cw a 9 A a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 4:0. 0 0 a 4 00006946 P 'D k~ -9~01 i -Co' i, Af w ZTE TIC71-YA-i-B. 25533. O.Fovyerkhnost Nom Vatyazhyenin Granitsy Fm7dyela Vzaimno Vsstucv-Izykh- Zhidkostyey. Zhurnal Fiz. Yhirr5i, 10,49o VfP- 8o c 931-35 SO: Letopis' Zhi)rnallnykh Statey, Vol. 34, Mmsleva, 1949 7EL'DOVICH,-Ya4--B*--- L I 36594. ZELIDOUCH, Ya. B. i'SIKO11OVI I.T. N K Teorii Iski-ovogo Vosplp-mnoniya Gazovy1ch Vzry-vehatylch Smsey. Zhurnal riz: KhLrrdio 1949, vyp. 11, c. 1361-74 - Bibliogr: 12 Ilazv. SO: Letopisf ZhurnalfrWkh Statey, Vol. 50, Vloskva, 1949 ME O-V/ )Y.qkv v _[Z~Orvl ISO V~ C. !/vi'dilvith. /Avr~ &AA. VIA!. 10 'No ltkloltlt~ V-10. .ljrfw.v,v0~.. Aerewful. TMA, uga ::o vi.- (lik,l): -A tttNwvtk.Al StWIT it UmIttAt J0. 111,ic"I ItAI1IC* With IIIV ~~IUI'1111441 Of 1,111id (VACtiOU FAI" and no Iola of glivittv Ily Ta,IWiwt (cf. 14%VAII. 6.1skjarst. 114. 1048). CIE11.1114wil aw lit- Nth 1.11I.Wilu, Jmlwof 01 1tit. 4410 111V thime It.41111, 1110 lAwl It vAid III lw Iirld VVIIII lite Irulls. III it pfe-IOW11 114111'. Of 111, mw CUI vit.. whith is aviarAry to espi. This is dite it) the fAct III the rA61km loss III rut diflusiott (Lunes 6 not neg- lisible. Rx Is4� twett wOmmed firfe. Until. Of (visibumitma Of ulamixed jw~ .$IV III.) cuu4i.irred. I lerv III,- bet th4t rede- IkXI VrI(Witit's dir ACILWIIY IhIIIC Alki 111110 toe 14ken l"Isp 'tt'"Int. sind vtpr~kml% Aw tjplwr and km" n"11 IIFISSIM"I IiII014 C.111 111011 I~ delly"l. C~ I'AIdOt1I 00 .00 Oe A .40 .00 imbdum, It. A Anaa-iv. ' vil" it, "d M TtAirs XAmr. Pis, Shim. 914" .40 00 - 11m. .1, lk- He a7gifiHO).~ vvd r"the OpaptIft of the torm ption. In a dAt so C8011"y Ili vrXib'duNiow 9(2 callints. takes III,"* In dw d ( d A s Lmi ~74ptkwi depen l,~~k it, ~09 0 diflu "i coeffs f _in% h 5 00 e s , o .00 8 00 el 1.1. ~ pcotiuct ut thq ppt. We I:b Y. : t 4 . j the cupIlLitry m1w stra calcd. ~ ni. .1 th. .0as 0 00 it 1 0 so 900 0 0. coo 00.4 Cos LA goo goo Is too Wo a - -~~!IIAI !~111111,1149- CLISWIC01" "14-1110" Ow 9"1 111 1 ' 0 AI ; k r ,17r Ap 1 0 fw a 10 1 1 IF 0 0 a 0 2 Ii, "1 4111 low A 10 4 ;T W; F 0. 0 00 4 L 0 see O's 4 o ww* is 0 to a 0 0 6 0 0.4 0 so 000600 00 0 00 - 2 l A -a * 0 0 0-04 0 0-0-0-0 0 6: o 0 as o so 0 6-6 o a a 0. 10 *so 0 0 10 * LI-1 l fi Ms O o n 4 -kftdm,- Ya. B. Zet'do*h aW 0. if. - Fis. Kkiol,(J. ftl9tca aw.1 Ud. pre- cedlux awes that the time ol fmwoon ig 0. to P. Was the Is r- - Omd pr -_dlmawe- of tbv . boun"y, and Ibmt 4 W. qw- thedblium (r.. -- r.) ire In &cmnmrkAlprmrmhm. "v ratict v%tild(tv 4 the illwxwy 1*18(wined. U. ear -00 , too 00 43 00 to 0 be* IN8461, "1# 4%t 0#4 Mail 40 cv ask 1- is Is, to 1% at It -T --- 0 x 9 1 w" Ot g g 6 itWki of 4000 Of 0 We 0, OL 0', 4Qait0 0 wo 00 0 0 0 00.00 00 0 ' f'o Q * Q OL 9 'S00 00 way zeluovich, Ia. B., -'~n the surface tension of ~h,:- border of division of r.utually soluble lie,,Ads. F. 931 The i.ordler of division of irixing liquids haa a p9sitive surface tension (that is, h~~s the same sign -'as the non-mix-ing liquids have). T.I.Iis surface tension is inversly pro-ort.~onal to the thickness of the layer of the mixture formed on the border of division in the process of diffusion.and therefore decreases -Ath time. Inst, of O'hemical Physics Acad. of Sci., USSR Oct. 10, 1948 SO: Journal of thysical Chemistry, (WISR11 23, No. 8, (1949) 11401 ON dw iq~ Won of Sq'614 H. Somw jAcad. &J, US, Yvs, KAAX. 2j, 341-TRIML- .011114# riWolon is Inda"d by omit whm twiv b No 9 as QW/WC200" k Is ewt., 0 (he bft( 4f twtbo. it] Isa"M of the Rativ. a the 14wvt"y. Saing pWWtIon, C, the but c*padty;-,A the hat cond.. and 0 As bw 4. of the ctddW P!9dWq.' TlW atibel" dbcnuv volt= through If P-A(fin"Wer mm. Its) 00 usbuildne anit. of Nils decamial. m-, sundes tbAt 23.0w cal./cad, are spent an The decocupil. I The 9 w" Sodepewdout ON the no. Awl Of the leveh of t2W %Wk gap. was pcom tiotW to C-'-" wbM C Vacicd IMM OAX to U, OW W. what IrKruse-d with P (40-74M); It a". e.g.. 0.11 of C - O.OWS and P - 40 an4 OMS at C - 4 and P - 7(k). The tion was Applied to M1114.4 of CO (97-80%) with 0. (111r) W Ils (o-3%) -W t. Ils, 0, mists 0 A. Cs, and P weic e*W. Fair a (cm./sec.) of. D*nkil (cad 81 111.1. Thsm1c.RwavdtW.atjva(W- 7M. k Pic to be about 12 w, it. the cakd. mdkn R of the sPhm raised by The spark to the dame temp. was.1 tin" as citat " the width I of the heated none In the statkaurylUter, Tberulck-381sapprox,sotisfiedalso by the expis-of Lewis and Vba 61W (C.A. 41. 7WJ) wbase tbtwy Is hicavvec .. On pbotocra of the It in CO-Itro, Mists. the MON of the Ftkusts = was atxmt 1,3 R while the owrespondAnS sadius in CO~-Ifvo atlitz. (qt the mame P), wa 0.7 R. flumrmdn t4i 41- 1". "WAS "lit Ipjam of *xPlowtv Salvoul miltur" In gh"It. wave*. 1 Y Shl i kh D kkd a. nto . , o yAlt y. ' 00 A 43 871-40010); cf. Z. and LcIpuo-, 4RIt'-Sl~k Wa mmit rApid twilng skil ~.A. M i , . of the ext"Ve usixt. anti tfunufulle al(frAtimill rg 00 the chem. tkostripti. during the CN'40 MW P 1n I= = 00 coultilkatkilim due to CAt4lytiC AWI T1 1 A .00 t4inistritent tutthull cif prothmsti; %i &Iwwk wave lit to dre b if h llel h h h 0 -00 00 -A 'A u d t roux o l t e pwomis mlitt, A 1. :111. ~Vzt 1+1 d thi order ni Ili 440 The phoustrApIrt /wc. itsiltrs a ittlit the liclocily r - 2 kin sell . . M r. fultIM-1, I",, trculiAliti Ili the iltuitiOn. At Th,4t the Ignition, ii thtic t,oldy to the tbwk viuve, lcmled, .0 -rr to 1144 its heat livotfurrd by ftiviion on She bullet, Is Provo ileltit-itics diltifictly Krrmtr Miss the "tin. W HrC * , IjC dAiLhe% latl break. h 11119C % . J 1. 0, Which 6 d4j. jWqk,,htV,, thrle site jWt [IV etpia. iallil a 11111it, C,44 taltdal 4-1) 4,6 insit. Wk% lonlirt at the mln~ r - 13M kjoilitus 14 %he t-oininmion. Ailh it fietWiWY r 4( Irk the "' 'U + I'll 14 life lullit.; 0 1% a fum,110" but vtbk,b a Inslict L4 the mint 0 X 11PIPM lk Itils, is) tguite evitu at 7 - 17511 mitv., as thsi of the tjUts, a tA the dAt lilt of the Witt the 114rerso4oti- rAlliset : 10- within lim Unsilis 0 in i t 300 0013 . n /e trilm g IwAt duc Its frielkni I# the mitir lit both ea". and the Im% inaltnitutle ti Shwk wave Amplittlidst Is Krimict in the raw. %A the 04t. 0A1. rise ottwir Indridrot pheltimi'toom 14 the I"t nI in live I-ractitmi prodw . -mly I'T slit alkitit 11 jinvinte t4 the Airtz Tx tonr 014ml butirl, the likill It rViAt I'n y ml wc~ A ofteralow. Alui Ind"tess Irl. troot .4 th wcthl In ti t unnin In li INA " th wav t bkh o ' e i t . 0 4 e e F uty i f d4ft of J'Alft. 9, the ttlop. ilitAll"l, asul thr "it'; I lo A pelloilk. 0~ili is 0 4 A In is I^ Initial d.), are. 21 to + th 4- TAI, IF I 7 1 % S - Jim, T - I "t 0 p. o, 42; 2C0 + , p at OF (SAId. with lip zi + 0# 79%, 13.1), 1.111 1%sliVrApIlk fro 0 t recording oil a tevisiving filin 4 it 111111ri firril ImiritinstAlly through ON jailer oall. 11"Wing volkidly, frons Ili* , ZOO Witold up, at Lit- L-, Iminlilled licirs. ot lim lbm lag r 0.1 the ignition; at r I&X? fro) Wo* use cl** (*W 40 13111 an "V sit 9AL 41 two 4 4 lif*o"4 36,T,jlA5_.__ as pit" *0 sit Will Pill. ~ o *40 1 o a 0,0 o o 0 a a 0 0 0 a o o a a (it 0 o 0 o a 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70i 0-0-0-0- 60 a 0 0 40 * a 0 * a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1A a *,0,0 0 0 0 4D 0 A 10 0 0 o1 Adkl1iads rtion of rsXPj bw" gat calstwoo. Va. T. Gentian . Va 8, 1' (Mch, and A. 1. Rodo"ki! Acad Sci U S S ---- 7J4k6w)-.'- Zkow. ivis. Miss. M. b l h IY l a" tu 1 cm., In- east e ( g ternal diam. 2.1 cm.), stated at the bottom and stoppered I at the upper rad, was fitled with a gas inixt. at a low pmv- and heated to tvalp. T. Then the stopper was! wa, and the air rushing In compressed the mixt. = to at v PS (temporarily also to Walter Pressures) and 4~40fin=ly mised its temp to To (called from Pat$- (by a device described) at a qonoli:4 mjwc. and the . . sm'sequaticm). 'nsensixt.dWordidnotignite. lithe sksmovedin this agovensent.Witim amidtVi-ible br tormine 3fM f 10 ft d h k / = Ignitim was caused by adiabatic heating only, the Hot - tn. o . e s o a in t ) at septe Imatal vapor The ladinction perlod of tlw ndxt. 211, + (14 is about 0.01 "Ignition'* from "no (gultion" in a PW UK $410 - S angast log 1- should be straight and have the taaVmt - sec. Coatroy to Rakipora. es at, (cf. prmtding abstr.) (I Is the ratio of ttw heat especitin at coast. sphim"I detotualm of I in their expis, could not be caused hy adialinfir heating. 1. J. Wherman prtvme and mist. vol. Uxtrapolstion of this Hat to - jil - p would givv,the ignition temp. Ti. The tbftwy proven correct extept at very low P, at which the allaw, 'wits dild. with. rather than compressed by, air. Tiwu 5771 for 211s + Oj between p - 0.124 and Oa44 stmi r W70 for W 'D IS + 39% Ok, + 2Z% CS6 40D - Th 40 d f 49D f I M O or or approx. ,; an e + t. e, t deth. of Tg for this kSt Mist. Was djSCUIt.r becou the tubeburst. A deposit of KCI on tbeglasswa madvarta- Han of the shape of the makil end did not &&ct 7-j. Moving pictures showed that tbe stopm was withdruwn film 221M CA- Slow propalcatim d darner In tultims. G. A. Bankil and Y.. H. Zei'dovich (Aczd. SH. USS.R., Moscow). 8SD-W(l9W).-Wbrn gas In a hori- mantal tube clased at one tati is Wttd at the opm tad.' the thme famst'la concitive toward Ibc Iritwo Point. This 6 so bemust of convvetim: hot 1% %h "I Nawstwitatthe *r wull, vind The mhl P"11M down tit tlW lKtitum 1=11far Which t1try, burn. ~ It a to the IKWIIIAI VVIOCIty Of OAt"t (ilimilardhis corivKtion), w the vOm-ItY of, am Parallel to the axis at a given point. wo the test m Me. along the axis). S the ama o( the darne r .t. a" F the crams-section of the tubc. then the gas. vrA. buming at any point Is mdS - (m + ss% - w)JF; ni the bottoon wall v b neg. arAl the rate tit cumimsthan Is awrot, Thr sbml* of the donte dependo oto the illitirn. iiiis"Irm Witt WS/Op., g is amirmlim dur to gr-Ovily itFut d i* Iliv diam. of the tube. 11te qttAlkml Itaitte'l IL Arc C(IIIIIIIrMl (m bunting mists of C) Cill with Ut (11tersturr d4ta) when st vwini from Omto 50 tindsm, lk"IyV Increstag in N Inay cause retsirtl4tion of Coltilmis. 1W. A IWIW (of drig. lk ItAfiw ffout Imin pbotft- of the turns 6 41"Oritted, Phot Its of vibral. Biktrmsn 2- ODE) I -it 0000101#91 Goa 4521o DETONATION OF 1i'-.DR6GEN AIR MIXTURES. Brodsky. A. H. and I 60A 6*2 Zeldovitch, B. (ZhurDLI Fiz. Xhims, (Journal of Phytjioal Chemistry), 1960, 00A *9.8 -7-78-786; abstr. in chem. abstr., 1961, vol. 45, 862)o The compositions of 0 0r the &&sea at various points on the ways front of detonations of H air minturej u 0*0 and the atop wise kinotion ot the detonation aro calculated. Caloulations 000 &~rce with exporSmental data. vie I I t! LUNW-AL LITINA7141 CLAISWWATION NVOW lifts#& it" 14*44T VC 64j00,> 040 Cott, 0#4 4111$1 61C *-* 491 - I -I N 0 It 0 1 V 41 0 m 0 75 s I 'a 1) U a -A11aV1 rim -t GIN *0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 * a * 0 0 : ~ * 6000,0 ooo*ooWioo* 004 . I I : : 0 to 0 0 *Go-go-** (., 6 0 9 10 0 *0 0 0 0 64 0.0 419 a *ad 00 I** '00 -01 as* Coto ttoo $41.127 64" W*dm Magda- tlgit no vcwt~ .a .Oa.wavts is. put wrward of P04!4 zCkjovkh POLIts tt4,v dta to of 4110 06 dis A, SOKOLM' C051) lit forguation erm ilngc~,O#Vlmion do Of 2 Oww' I=', attention to in *tkh tm Zk. FAJPT. Tnw dmWs -A bif~ b*lm 'to 9014110'. is sea-wed S*WkIfk lu Unto tug wvxwt 11"I O&OK, 4 that a It&"% Ot"d of I% attfibuW4 10 'a It% womwo pis w"WO 60'"tum am he unwat P, baW1O that tM Ti .. f by wition of IM v0d " not a twn Of the tho raw; Ww'd 11A shoa-w'" Ult ik bJ& 0" &rA b" Sokol 10 the Sato jo On.^ to that. hock is y use It, Ong woul, 0, nw*Anhn ,,I Zdty M.,kv "Ild've susoted tm sagg"'VI It lomki'sm mifitht " ps, it It". tom do*" &kb H 1,W4 rwm itself cak I of 4don'do". ,e in the &IOgg" to dw so in I rw am&" shm-kwavel itto h%% dvo 'lot Of J*Kh ,00,0)l bys(I In ttA tubV*%N- "W of wok I (ame, by s0"% I'SM " PC vitt waadf raffam 0 gicii(ronse Lt 2= WAII dW Ur&srut Jowly A&I'le ouk Intatiots tV Cdt tw sw - ftnvA as Odom$, consom Sok ,,,Watt* don its IM mly 'imil all dw i-u -akcc carliff Of atom "agma mcgi-IntlOg . u&--- -At this has 4=91im OWIL.Vay, ~k tup umb! tw fts-c- ramber is not %h" 00 bOM obw"md. into V*ve is wt up. sine,) ceaws"d SIbdkin bat for adstolgaiiion14 ,.His-IOtTv, bc as a* o* &OVO to dw PS ( Ito go. it wo,14 its &w in Ito gictow ~wd ewity 1A.M p--deo-All?" tMI do is Ito t%WY with Ito f- 04 gr%PC04 on Ih6 themy, igga dw 4 tbo gavwvwly Ong is twiell I In 0,41 too" tonli tund fcnvunt4 W"m sivrox, OV witich Im f- a Id Vgoj. to hal iii~ r, a wide tOS4 to dUW C'~~ _ -L It, &tWMkll %Wl('fmnt' An,916CCOOn Jbil, in th"S ""Wk LO Lac A. INCH" it of it r"j %be lim jItugv. dd-A"On (c,tlr4)1 It (,,t that in this ictongion jut,t6goed to I tcs a, OfKt of -60. tao placv. I ignition *hcW of 0- twouOt Stmt by ion of 4LO to the "Roc, n, of th, LVISIAW66 inw gatfs cd nw-W On dw VAMW tub., CA mom -1 il"plih 'AIM! b =i.rslo S71;rj riOncl. 40 I 9crc, -4 it no rj .9 El tat Ir U5S�/Fhyaics Compton Scattering 1 Mar .52 "Polarization of Gamma Quanta During Compton scatter-,~ W) im, at 1800, Ya. B Zel I dovich, Corr Mem, Acad Sci 9*, PDA- Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 83, No 1, pp 63 -66 Considers the backward scattering of quanta polarizecL~ in a circie. Depolarization does not occur 'for any. valtie of the quanta. Considers the scattering an oriented electrons. The cross section of scattering depends on the direction of rotation of the pol~ris- tion plane. Proposes that'the scattering or ganm- 234T93 -data by magnetized iron be employed for meaburing. q the '.circular polarization of the gamma quanta. ~G:Lves a descriptive explanation of the results obtained'. Sub~aitted 8 Jan 52. 23~ 3.~' C-) L) V 14--- Vt nuc litar ch-.rq-- t~ thm ba~4 -t; thr lu,-t mat trtz tiltd n,l e, tyrm~ns i.d n~utm- r am, ~s, With-ut such pr~ nol, the 2ut if th~ -n h ess li 1, ZELIDOTICH, Ya. B, 111sobar of a Nucleon as an Intermediate State of the Beta Processes.." Dok AN SSSR, Vol. 89, No Ij pp, 33-361 53. Cor. Mbr,, Acad. Scips SSSR; Inst. Chem. Phys., AS USSR* Four fermions simultaneously take part in beta processes. Author attempts to prove deficiency of meson theory and to explain beta decay from viewpoint of his isobar theory. Indebted to Prof. L.D.Landau and V.V.Sudakov. Received 9 Jan 53 259T74