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m --- Avnm PA 3090 TIM: W bf_palolatinj ihO Dimensimm 6f t 116suro i~ of i L4ir'bibil 'Whibb is Voiikia by his B ght abbut by roulic Aii4e-- (Ob oancra p-riblizhenam metode rudho tremb *4- Dbrazu7twhohikhoya,pri.,giar&vUaheskom msryve plastap Russian) PMODIOAL-., SSSR Otdel.Tekhne-1957o~Vo t Mr 3',pp 00-482 1 V Revievedt 711957 ABSTRM i:r-f4irthet'-d~v*lt~'novit.1-6f, the calculation, method proposed by-, the i~ithdr-'Aw Ii V'"- iiiitlUfi 4NAuk. MR jOtde1.Takhn.1q55o4r.5'-:is,- i 1 6d~ ~%,x z.. 6escirib *i nlhie-first~ bbapter. the - general. conditions: and the do-, termining,~of-- Wi boixndary displacesents, of a horixontal fissure am dismased* It is taim, for granted Ahat I on the bour4aries. of the 'eflisure a~ normal stress, . 1. trib mits wM&- is din , uted, evoor0ing -to...the '.3AW--f the -mdamge6- space a ~sto6te- of, stress Is present, wfdch -to dtie.,to,:-the Tock.pressure, qH =;y(H is the weigbA 4 the 'r9ok, HAn the stratification depth of the Uyer, The f "sure plane M to the laze z m 0. The perpendicular boundary shifts oorrespo Al Of-the fivaure W(j at z a O.under the influence of the stresses are asiuxed no that w (r) - 0 in located everjwhere outside of the fisure, a prb am of zdxed boundary conditions In converted " a.ard 1/2 to one with bwogeneous boundary oonditions. The Istress r) in i .- 1 11"', -:'.: I . ( ~`~ H ~, III! i i I fl fl, -41 -Til llili ! ~ IT I'M SOV/24-38-11-11/42 -AUTHORS: Dorozhkin, V. S., Zheltov, Yu. V. and Zheltov, Yu. P. (Moscow) -TITLE: On the Movement of a Mixture, of Liquid with Sand in the Well and in the Crack During Hydraulic Fracture of an . ,Oil Bearing Stratum (0 dvizhenii smesi zhidkosti s skvazhtne i treshchine pri gidravlicheBkom peskom v . razryve neftenosnogo plasta) MRIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh -42 (USSR) Nauk, 1958s Kril, pp,37 ABSTRACT: In,the.process of hydraulic breaking up of an oil bearing stratum sand.penetrates into the cracks which form in the rocks and the penetrated Band prevents the closing together of when the liquid pressure is reduced, Until-the sand reaches the crack it has to travel a considerable distance along the vertical tube. Therefore, for selecting a rational technology.of the proc6ss of breaking up a stratum it is know the hydro-mechanical picture of motion of a mixture of .,~ .liquid with sand, both along thecrack and in the vertical tube. Special experiments were carried out to verify Cardl/2 whether available relations are applicable for such SOV/21+7-58:- I- I 11L2 ind -On the Movement of a-Mixture,of Liquid with Safid in,t e in'the Crack During Hydraulic Fracture of an Oil Bearing Stratum coarsely disperse suspensions as mixtures of liquid and sand; the experimental set-up is shown diagrammatically in the sketch,.Fig.l. . The basic liquid used in the, experiments was glycerine and for obtaining various viscosities the glycerine was diluted with water; furthermore, sulphite-alcohol distillery refuse was used, .~which is frequently applied in the oil industry as a liquid forbreaking up strata. As sand, quartz sand with the fractions 0.6-0.85 mm was used and in some of~ ..the,experiments sand of other fractions was used, ~Curves calculated on the basis of the relations expressed by Bqs.(2.1), (2.8) and (2.11) are plotted in the graphl Fig.6; in the same graph the values determined in the, here described experiments are also plotted There are'6 figures and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut nefti AN SSSR (Oil Research Institute.Ac.Sc,MM) SUBMITTED: May 9t 1958 Card 2/2 KRYLOV, A.P.J. red.; AFANASIYEVAP A.V0. kand. tekhn.nauk.9 red.; BrPTsOV, Yu.F., doktor tekhn. nauks red.; BRISY&UN, A.A., red. kand.: tekhn. nauk; BUCHIII, A. 11. kand ekon. nauk, r a -A S 0) e i; VIRNOVSKIYJ 0.t$ 'doktor tekhn. nauk, profs) red MV 17, karA. tekhn. nauk red.; MAKSIYlOV VI.I.p ..Rdnde.geolo- red., URKOVSKIY, G.E., inzh., red.; MELII(-PASHAXEVjV.:##,rtd6ktor geol.-miner. nauk, red.; NIKOlAYEVSKIYtILM., uviwr ekon. nauk, profs red.; kand. geols-miner, nauk, red.,, PIL-ATOVS.KIY, V.P.0 doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; ROZErIllatu, ~M.D.y doktor tekhn. -nauko reda; SMONOVj S.V,j kando teklm, naukp red-, jPetroleum production; theory and practice. 196' yearbook] Dobycha nefti,- teoriia i praktika. Ezhegodnik 1963. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 302 P. WIRA 17:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN S&gR (for Krylov). 2. Vaesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-iBaledovatellskiy institut (for Nelik- Pashayev Rozenberg). 3. Institut mekhaiiki A14 SSSR (for Nikolayevskiy). :11, Im. i I . I ~- - ill -t I I I IT I i. . I i I i I , I ~4 04, ". i I t I I - - ---- --------- Simulatin tIIC process@** D234/D303 9. ter a a note: Gornoye davlordye 4 %ountain preasuir if; also posa- -Ibicy, t:- the length of the cracki t.the indican. H and 1.1 refer to- tdral conditiona and modol~conditionn re On tho basis spectively. _of thin equation the authors concludq that if! linear d~mcnsions of :th of the natural dimensions (eo the model,are.taken to be 1/100 the le gth of the crack) , and E,', Eli#' IM qHt the processes of crack expansion in nature and on. the- model wi 11 be similar only if .7 :7 the-.product of the fl(w-and the:viacosity-off the liquid in the The exper ~model in; l/L 0,00 000 of. that in nature. imental realiza- ,at, :7: tion of.this'is very difficult.;~'The opinion of t1 rom. a' aimplir' t4ay . is to diminish the Young modulu ..of ~ the matei Lal f ellt-l which th lead to a do- ainode I of the stratum-Lo made, Thi a will crease in.tho mine,the model which in also.advantageoua. or xperiment. On the basis of this reasoning the authors the.c f describe an experilmontal installation, developed by them for invostL- i5ating of hydraulic,stratum.breaking. The principtL part ot.the* block made,of porous white-rubber :.,which se'rvive'as tho'model,of'the elastic porous-mad 52'-) ium (44 '--.Card.- 2/3: ' t1 i/0.5a 24/6 1/000/069/94 a mul ting the . , proces GO'0 D234P303 I 2 m)' Sor~e. ,provislonal ata d obtained, n thi's inatal d o not a V-ee c rwith, the ',of ,.,.,,*~,~.,.,., '', tha natural cortditions ~ L Abetr4cter S t notevOompiete..trarislation'-7 , , U. PI 4 diiid i t . i 'I'lif"1111 ~ 11"I"I ill 1111-~ilfllf; ; ~t 1~ t t W - I'll:i-3.1; If 1.1111 EN'll 1i: 1,11111. 11, ll 111" 1 li 111 1 1 , % . - : 3:.,~ .1i :iP I ~ hi. 7 =_WRQzmaTTO v:~m Ovii-juivi-imfurm Yuk* AVOSW Motion of sixture of liquid &n&,m&nd In a well and In a crack during hydraulic fracture of an oil-bearing stratum. rzy, Ax 41_QQ'D '14,A 4-." , -.-I. -. 11.107-h-3 V sea BUTW 101.1~ SOV/24-58-11-11/42 AUTHORS: Dorozhkin, V. B., Zheltov, Yu. V. and Zheltov, Yu. .(Moscow) ............ ....... .................... TITLE: On the Movement-of a Mixture of Liquid with Sand in the Well and, in the, Crack During Hydraulic Fracture of an Oil Bearing.Stratum (0 dvizhenii smesi zhidkosti s peekom v.skvazhlne i treshchine pri gidravlicheskom razryve neftenoenogo plasta), PERIODI(,IAL:.Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 11, PP 37-42 (593R): ABSTRACT: In the process of hydraul~.c breaking up of an oil bearing stratum sand.penetrates in-uo.the cracks which' the rocks and the penetrated sand prevents the closing together of these rocks when-the liquid pressure is reduced. Until the sand reaches the crack it has to travel a considerable distance along the vertical tube. Therefore for selecting a rational technology of the process of breaking.up a stratum it is important to know the hydro-mechanical picture of motion of a mixture of liquid with sand, both along the crack and in the vertical tube. Special experiments were carried out to verify Cardl/2 whether available relations are applicable for such BOY/24-58-11 I/A2 On the Movement of a, Mixture of Liquid with Sand iii the _~C~Yfr and in the Crack During.Hydraulic Fraeture-of an Oil Bearing Stratum coarsely disperse,suspensions as mixtures of liquid and sand; the experimental set-up is shown diagrammatically in the sketch, Fig.l. The basic liquid used in the experiments was glycerine and for obtaining varlous viscosities the glycerine was diluted with water; furthermore, sulphite-alcohol distillery refuse was used, which is frequently applied in the oil industry as a liquid.for breaking up strata. , As sand, quartz sand with the fractions 0.6-0.85 mm was used and in some of the experiments.sand of other fractions was used. Curves calculated on the basis of the relations expressed by Eqs.(2.1)-i (2.8) and (2.11) are plotted in the graph, Fig.6;' in the aame graph the values determined ;Ln the here described experiments are also plotted. There are 6 figures and I Soviet reference. Ac.Se.WM) ASSOCIATION. Institut nefti AN SSSR (Oil Research Institute, -SUBMITTED: May 99 1958 Card 2/2 S /124/61/000/009/041/058 M MORS Zheltov, Yi~&P~ and Zhaltov, Yu. V., TITLE. Simulating the ~roceas of expansion of cracks duririg hydraulic;br aking of a stratum 112, RIODICAL: Referativnyy.-zhur na I.- Mekhariika, no. 9 1961. 18 * abstract 9 V154 (Neft., hh-vo, 1961, no. 1, 34 395 0 acks A W~.' approach t' simutating expansion duri the n9 hydra U b ing of a stratum -is :described. Inw au- u re ak ,P thors: an aly ween par=cters characterizing:t..- ze the,qe ation bet -6 devetopment one. and -on a model.and of a crack in natural, cohditi come to the xelation, fill (9p H 7q v;here 0 is ' the flovi 'of the'liquid; the viscosity of the liquid., , : - E the Young pressure Abstrac 7" he 14odulus of -t rock, q. the mine tard 1/3 -S/124/.61/000/009/041/058 ~Simulating,the D234/D2;03 Process*** ter. G rnoy snote: 6 e davlen ye: Itaountain prea sure" is also poes- _Ib 7 the lengths f the cr 'kj,,.thc indices-H and 1-1 refer to nat raliconditions and model.conditiono:respectively. On the b asi a -of this equation the authors concltdq that ons of no ar dimens! model are taken to be 1/100.~th of.tho natural dim6sions (eOge ' 'the length of the crack) and k, F-11P qM qjj 0 the proceaces of -expantsion in nature and onthe mo crack do: wili be similar only if the Product o:C the f low and the viscosity of the liquid in the ".7 ''model is 11110OOtOOO of that in nature.. The experiniental realiza-.i .., ._,t: 1 , tion 01 I'this Is,very difficult. 'The opinion of the authors, is that' ' ,, ' a simpler way ~ is , to diminish,the.-Young modulus of the material from' ..- _This will lead to a'do- whicl the model of the stratum-is made. crease -in-the mine pressure'in,the model which is also.advantageous for the . experiment. .0n,.the bas is of this reasoning the authors wdescribe~'an~experimental inatallation, developed by them.for invest- d igating .,the-- processed of hy raulic atratua breaking. The principal, part, of -the inat a block allationi made -.of porous white -rubber which sdrves.:as the.model.. of the elastic:'p~=ous'medium 1 52:,, 2, 3_ the,pro'ceso M234/03-03 2 b ained' cra Sonic. provisiona. data i~~o t on this' installation) do not agreavith,tho corrdsponding datalof the natural,- conditions i s.note': COMP16te-,.tranulation'7 ar ;~Z POTAPOV, N.P.; ZHELT G-P. Temperature~coefficients of quality factor measurep. Im. tekh. nool$521-55 A 164. (MIRA I?tll) Authors Periodical I Vest. AN Abstract submil~ted ....... ACC NR: AP6012080 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/65 93 81'' AUTHOR: Sonyavina, L. Bo; Sheynker, Mi. N.; zheltoval V. N.; Dombrovski& A* va; Shevchuk, 11. lei Kabachnik, M* I,) Ma8tryWMVa-j T. A01 W-1011"va, T. A. ORO: Institute of the Chemistry of Natural Compounds AN SS811 (Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedlneniY WN SSSR) TITLE: Infrared spectra of arglaethyleiietriphenylphoi)phorance and their salts SOURCE; AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 5P 1965, 895-898 TOPIC TAGS: IR spectrum, organic salt, organic phosphorous compound, electron donor cyclic group intensities of the carbonyl absorption in the infrared ABSTRACT: The integral ~spcctra of itroylmothylenctriplianylphosphoranes (in which the carbonyl group in ~bonded to a phenyl ring) and their salts were mcaoured. The data were considered from tho atandpoint of electron donor and electron accaptor properties of the phosphorus atomand the aromatic rings or tho aroyl group,,nu well as the influence of subntituent6 in the aromatic ring on the absorption intonsity. The addition of ~an aromatic group to the carbonyl in phosphoranes led to a decrease in the frequency, and intennity-of the valence vibration or the carbonyl group in compariuon with the corresponding aliphatic derivatives, evidently an a result of the functioning of the aromatic ring as an electron acceptor, competine with the carbonyl group for .,electrons from the qtrong.4~ctron-donor phoaPhorub atom. The frequency and in- UDC: 543 QEd 1/2 L I - - - FRIDLYANDER,,I.N.; RCHANOVAO 0..A,j ARCILVOIA0 Z.N.; GUnJYxV4 1.1.1 DRONOVA, PETROVAp A.A.; BYCHXOVAt Z.S,; Prinimali achastiyes F%IINII X.M.; LEBEDEVA, W.S.; REZNIKj P.O.; AVMINA, H.;.ZHELTOVSK=,..,L.S.;.,,VOROBIYEV, Yu.A.; TIURINI N.M., Manufacture and investigation of semifinished products from high-strength and heat-renistant VAD23 aluminum alloys. Country 1 T Catogory I Emen and pzinal Mwelology, Circulation Abs. Jour, f ]Ref Zhur 3101')k' 2, 3.959S No. 8W7 Zhelyazkov D. A rgt~'. ai, A. Mkoloy,,A.; XhznkoYa,,A; Chu- Mums o*YjD; Ignatcna,11 Mikolova M., Midehey , T. ) P Titlo " The ffect of the Bulgarian Synthetic Estrogenic Prep&- ration "Utestrol" ori Blood Pe saws. Orig Pub. Irv. Ota. bio.1, I med. muki. Bolg, AN. S6ro eksperlm. b1ol. I med.~ 19570 Ito. lp 47--55 Abatract VitestrolIvas Injected in doses of 0.51 1.3 and Into normal, atropinized, vagotomized and. do- 5 mglkg cerebrate cats, as vell as intocats vith carotid sinumes removed. Vitestrol lovered blood pressure by I 16--35$ (depending upon the dose) vithin 72--395 seeonds.~ There vere no substantial differences betveen tbe'normal and the operated animals. It In suggested that vitestro acts directly upon the smooth muscle elements of-the vessel val-Is.--S.B.Stafanov. dard: 'I ., 11;1'llit,lll'l~:,I.!",I,Iil,i,g,lfl,,~,~'~ ;. I il !IV : : i I I EASSR/Chemistry - Food Card JA I Pub. 86, 15/46 Authors I Zheltukhin, D. V., Crdi. Tech. SA. Title Periodical t Priroda 43/9# 8546P Sep 1954 Abatract j The article explains the process of producing xyloino Prcan vegetable mAteriol and then converting thin into tril.oxyglittaric acid, which is used extensively by ba-kers ruid Ifound to be far more economical than lemon juice. Institution I Leningrad, Order Lenin Wood Technology Aced. inj S. M. Kirov Submitted I ....0 o R.1 . g! - ~ wi t! i ~!, U I A .111 %;.. *; T'll-Alz I . 1 -1 !HV:r 137-58-4-7717 Translation from: Referatlynyy,zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, p.194 (USSR) AUTHORS: Ipat' yev, V. V. ,-Zheltukhin, D. V. Kleymtnova, Lf 1. TITLE: The Kinetics of Copper Scaling by Atmospheric Oxygen and Sulfur. Dioxideat Elevated Temperatures (0 kinctike okalin 'oobrazova'- niya medi A kislorodom vozdukha i sernistym gazom pri vysdkikh teinperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Byul- nauchno-tekhn. inform. po rezulltatam nauchno- is sled.., rabot. Leningri lesotekhn. akad. 1957, Nr,47, pp 22-26 ABSTRACT: Intermittent weighing is used to study oxidation (0) processes Cu in air and in SO? during a five-hour period at 700, and 900*C. It is shown that the 0 process follows a parabolic law and that the 0 rate of Cu in SO is lower than in air, and that this difference increases with rise in temperature. In both cases, the scale consists. chiefly of the CujO phase. Constants for the rate. of scale formation in the media and at the temperatures and holding times investigated have, been calculated. 0. M. Card 1/1 Copper-Oxidation-Analysis