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- - - ------------- 9 ffl SOV/107-58-12-51/55 AUTHORS. tiyenko d Petrushchenko _(Saxatov) Mere V, it. TITLE:-- An Instrument.for Listening to Sounds (Pribor dlya proslushivaniya shumov) PERIODICAL:. Radio, 19581 Nr 12$ p 57 (USSR) A13STRACT: -The.:aut~or:describes a simple, compact, easily trans- portable,'instrument for listening to the sounds:pro- duced in'bearings or friction parts in machinery,': and for studying.them. .Its main circuit diagram is shown in,Fie. 1# ~A kenotron) constructed accord- ing-to a,full-wave circuit,.feeds the anode and screen circuits. The first stage a voltage ree- tifierj is bas-id on a 6Zh8 valve ~Ll), the second stage. on. a 6F6S valve (LZ ), and a 6Tsr-S kenotron-(L3) is used in the rectifier. A microphone transformer, having abattery with a voltage of 1.5 v in its prim- ar winding, 'is switched into the amplifier out-_ y 'Card 1/2 ~put. An output transformer, designed to be connected 32- - 8/43 AUTHORt Kovalenko, S.I. , Pustovalov, VOV. W, Zheratiyenko, VA. 2 l l 4 Bur akov, V.S. (3), Drabyazkop T.T. ( 1, Ur yash, F.Y. (5) TITLEs Short Reports (Koratkiye soobehohaniya) PERIOMOALz Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957P Vol- 23s Nr 9, PP-1135-1137 (MSR) MSTRWTt re.(I)s The authors developed a method for the produotion of spliced in graphite heaters for high taVerature furnaces. On tha exterior surfaos of the working part a spiral was turned out (on a lathe). The ta pped part my take up about half of the thickne 8 ~of the wall of t he tube. It is possible to attain a temperat=1 0f 2000-25000. at 800-900 A and 13-15 0. There is I figure, re.(2):.The author Introduoed an electron device for the determina- tion of short-oirouit#4 windinp in tmnnfoniar spinla. by mvmw of this devioe It is possible even to deteot a short-oirouited winding of any diameter. T here is I figure. re-O)t The author reports th&t the "LaborpriborO plant (K34n, als- triot of Moscow) produces devices for the testing of constructional and protective mterials in form of large plates in aggressive media. The device is described. There is I figure. Card 1/2 Short Reports 32-9-38/43 re.(4)s The author developed the construction of a bench for the cutting of metal by means of a separating disk. The disk has a diameter of 300 mm and a thickness of 3 mm. it is connected with an eleot, tor,(2.8.kW, 2880 rove/min) by means of a cons belt. re.(5)t The author uses a suspension for the ballistio g&lvano- meter,]It prevents the influence exercised by exterior impacts upon the mobile system of the apparatus. The suspension is an oscillation system with long dying-out times There is I figure. 'ASSOOIATICKI All-Uhim, Izotitute for Rafmotories (Vaenoyusnyy inatitut ogneworov) (i) lleotroteohnio&l Plant of Saratov (Samtovskiy olektrotekhnioheskiy Savod) (2) Metallurgical 00abine of Kusadsk (Kusnetskiy metallurgiohaskiy kombinat) (4) Metallurgioal Plant of Gorl kiy (aarl kovskiy metallurgioheskiy Sav0d) (5) AVAILKIBLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 L-33506-66 -ACC NR- AP6023h97 SOURCE CODE: BU/0016/65/000/007/0400/0405 AUTHOR: _ZJ�ALev --Fissarev, S. (Profespor); Milwwx,_L_-!J~rinov, M.-Marinov H,- Zherevi S. "4erevx 3 7777_77~-? Department of Pathological Physiology/headed by Prof. S. Pisarev/. Kadiz College, Sofia: (Katedra po patologichna fiziologiya pri VMI). TITIZ;, Experimental.studies on etiology ard pathogenesis of rhe toid SOURM, Suvremenna maditainap no, 7,1965, 400-405 ..TOPIC TAGS: pathog~nesisp rat,, tissue diseasep bacteriology# medical research ~_ABSTRACT:.'Comparison of 3 models,of rheumatic fever including one developed by ~::authors :and involving 3 soca injections of 0.2 ml / kg of 24-hour culture of 0 :hemolytic-Streptococcus A over..14 days'with induced permanent irritation of pharyngeal receptor,s'j, with,submucosal injection of 2% formaldehyde in rats. Based on tabulated labdata and discussion, this-model is considered closest to the clinical type* Orig. art.,hast 3 figures and. 1 table# (Based on authorst Eng. abst.) (JPRS) SUB ;CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: O0.Jan65' ORIG REF 006 SOV REF: 006 V, _WT I _HT ! T I s A! i ~s . , i; I r ,~! I ~ i 'I " I t A , f, ilfl 1 i #; . .1 kli glR , , , - l1r, i:-, i - I I t" r li:-'l`F,3i!l illill, ['It illlfl j . : 1; ~~ 411 1 1 -! : I I 1 11 t , !! . If 'i I f, - ~! o'. !:I I laviv, 7 l~6, r I - F 1, i -1 t, t lilfflli I IT I W, 'I ,~ 1 11 it J~~ I V'~' IF , , , hlll~ It W 1 1 1 , ~ le'i - ~~l I i ~ i ; 1-1 1, . , USSR SOU Science Tilling. Melioration. Erosion. Abs Jour Ref Zhur,-,,Biologiya, No Ili 19581 No, 48679 Author IZheriker, L.; Vasillehenko,.G. i%-OT -g T 7 -ey, Title Onthe nfectiveneas of Fallowing by Malftsev" Method Orig Pub :,S.-kh. Siblri, 1957, No 99 28-31 Abstract - i This art'Lele,describes the results of production experiments carried out in Kalmonakly Rayon of Altay Kray~(1955) on the ordinary chernozem with~the sowings of spr1n6 wheat. Under the conditionsof the wetL'1956 year, the yield of the spring wheat (a mixture of two varieties AltbidUML3700 and Mil'trum 553) was the same on the oontrol and the experimental plots (16 centners/ha,)* Considerable drying of the upper Card 1/2 USSR /,Boil Science Tilling. Melioration. Erosion. j Abs Tour Ref,Zhur:- Biologiya,, No 11, 1958, No. 48679 layer of the soil was observed with the doepi moldbord-less cultivation of the fallow In the smmertime. For the elimination of this pheno- menon., it is reammended to carry out the mold- a N, "'; ~! 1 , t Hi. I I I 111i flilil": I -! i I A r, ~i III 1, .1 ~~ - i f"It I ~ I A R11, --lir 'i t " p ~Hl I . 1, .1 A 11. 1. .1 SOV/110-58-9-13/201 'AUTHOR: Zherikh1n, P ~(Engineer "'TITLE: Steady-state Internal~Short-circuits in Lap Windings of. ~Synchronous.Machines (Ustanovivshiyesya vnutrenniyo -1corotkiye za ykaniya v petlevy1ch obmotlcalch sinkhronnykh m mashin) PERIODICAL,:.;. Ve s tnik' Elektropromyshlemos ti. 119 58 Nr 91pp 52-58.(USSR) ABSTRACT: Single-phase shor~t-circuits of groups of coils are first Considered. ~Unipolar groups are defined as groups of a. given phase separated from one another by an even number of pole,pitchoso Different cases of single-phase short- circuits of coil groups.are illustrated in Fig 11 indicating that two main cases must be distinguished: when the short-circuited groups are unipolar,-. and when they are not. ~In the,first case no mutual inductance between short-circuited groups; in tho second there is a. ~.Mutual inductance flux that closes through the.rotor. Formula (6) 'is then derived forthe short-circuit.current and is applicable to all cases.of single-ohase short- --~circuit:of groups of coil* Short-circuits within a group Card 1A Of coils:,are then consider;d. To test tho relationship between the inductanco and the numbor of series sections SUV/110-58-9-13/20 Steady-state Internal:,Short-eirouits'in Lap Windings of Synchronous Machines n a -the.section ends of ona'of the groups of,coils I coil) of a. synchronous.machine were brought out. Alternating- current was supplied to the sections. Curves 'of the potential.distribution within a group of sections in the the presence of the rotor are given in Figs 2 and 3 respectively., It will be seen from Fig 2 that the relationship for the leakage reactance is not linear. -An expression is derived for the short-circuit current according tothe number of short-circuited sections pointed out that the accuracy of this less when the number of sections Is small. F4xpressions are then derived for short-circuit currents .~within a'section) but are not well suited to making ~.Calculations. This is partly because dead shorts are less common than arcing shorts for the latter) other methods should be used to calculalethe short-circuit current as a function of the number of short-circuited turns., It is3 however of interest to,find.the number of-short-circuited turns at which.the short-circuit current I.,-. maximum,, Car&,2/4 This leads to a complicated expression. Two-phaso short- circuits~are then considered-, expressions are derived MW ---77777= -state Internal Short~;circuits in Lap Windings of Synchronous Steady, .'Machines first for symmetrical and then for asymmetrical short circuits. ' Tests were made in the electrical machines laboratory of the Eloktrosila Works on a synchronous machine type S-165 of 51000 kVAj 6.3 kV and 6 poles-, other .,design data are 'given. 'Tho ends of coil groups were brought out~a,nd short-circuits were made botwoen themj~ the group markings being As shown in Fig 6. The expori- mentallydetermined short circuit characteristics:are. plotted In Pigs 7, 8 and 9. Exparimental and calculated ~.Values of short-circuit current for a field current of. 30 A are Table 1. A number of tests were also made in the Electrical Machines'.Laborator of the LETI on a synchronous-machine of 20 kVA; 220/3K0 V and 6 poles. Again experimental and calculated values are recorded~ in Card 3/4. 41, 111 L 11F I i rl fi., IN ." Eff, 10 1~11'111 III I 4 P., 1 15 1 1 ; " ! - , I 11 .1-111P 11111,11 11111.1,1111 E Alh-l", 14 1111 111 ;J: _ i i , ""d ~ '' 11 [ i ~ : ; .. : o IIiii ~ 11", 1; 1 ii I ~ i I I I'll I -: i ~ I ~ k, : i t, ~ IMM, Aiidrey Vladimirovich. prof, Ldeceasedli Prinimali uchastiye: BUSHKAKIN, I.N.; TUMNSKIT, A.A.; ORTA2310T, Y,K.; 13KINT173TA, R.I.: DINTSHS.,A.I.;.DOBROWRAYOY, R.X.; ZHMOVA, Y.R.;.Z4w_Np A.T.. IPAT173Y, T.H.; MATICOYSM, D.A.; KOROBOT, T.T.; MOOR, NEMT*. M.S.- RMOVSKIY, A.T.; RWZ, Te.X.; MMKOYMaY, D.M.; RTSUPT, N.Y.; SUMTAKOYA, Te.K.1 STEPIMOTICH, A.D.; S7RIGALIRTA,.N.Y.; TAWSXIT. Y.K.; TILICHITSY, N.D.; TRIM$, A.G.: FROST, 0.1.,- SHILTAUTA, L.Y.; 59CMMIN, T.T.. DMGa?ar.OT, N.M..,sostavitall.; GIMASIMOTO,- SKMOTA, I.T.6,rade-, TCPCHI7EVAj K.Y.; TASTMOT, Y.Y., red.; KOHMSFIKOTA, S.F.. red# ixd-va; LAZARRYA,'L.T.p tekhn,red, looted scientific works) Isbrannye nauchaye trudy. Moskva, r d-vo Nosk.univ,, 1960, 312 p. 13:5) 1 Chlen-k AN SM (for Oerasimov). orrespondent (Chemistry, Physical and. theoretical) r It voc-68080 too 0 G# 0 0 6 6 JK -it i it 4 a a 6 4 6 All 0 0 00 06 04 60 411 6 a 4 so 60 tv a a Is n A r? a 11V N it V 41 A, 9, & 44 4 U ile ~v M ff Ix P. U. 0. IL U.) 41, 1148-MiltiMI).-Ammijing to tht 00 ir 111 Stntil, Of HCIIO oncl Wall (d It 9 *we alvIrtyll villainni VOWU Is CIA talyd W" uwd With phiflisituto Kwh U SM16. of (O-w~ 0.1 am o.3%) or"hed fly no "let dried mist fArthimili atill qjw Nto4)11 ymj ILI Aro VvIbotift tbrMah the Catalyst hestril 1.1 so ~Mlil 326". The oldlirr"rat Ail Gbmh atut Itakii A. 21i Mil)-that P'tlw pobietis ut 14 catalyst ('" a I tinuuus dellyd"t-titm of h1eill to IICIIO isl *)Ivtd ThOo tumor; stiff brttorr rArswis are it Willa Is queolk)md. 1. mw 2. tbe. pwortift of HCIIQ can be proyeei onjy lIy t and - ox by avia!rlc Shwo IICIjo wais nit IY 10 11110", F116'011W Wird.111sit this SIXIVA, $ttills. Am In hax nni rolvol Pkilvirt. A, It, lsifitodk to 7 goo Lao 0 to ho 0 11.3 1, A INITAC&OOKAL 1,111101191 CLAWFICATION Asia" -it tmv owe 4 1 t jos, 4, 4L_ __L_ I .7-i- 1-4 -T - _-- I --_- . -L' - ~ C. I 41-V v 111 JA I 1 54 0 $4 R I st 41 u so I jw As, " it to ft IN asilmi-i-st vin it olutio ',iss oto V .0 We 0 * 0 * 0 0 * 0 *:* 00 0 0, 0 0 0 ::0 0,0 -0-10-0 woke w0 0-0 0 4. W-11F IF r,: 4-0 t Us Meeks "it NO&WIM k*owboes. 111,' DopiredeDC, a Cimptlaittas 61 porml beliusto U at the nacillos. 'a " 1~6' A teatied Ato low lude oss" hifil QMMPU. of tile by UAKWboloot. Its 13 at., am" with ."M a w to cfqcampn,~, IsAvlattv at A"#O* for 4 , pn. vewdty IXTM 00 S=CWr t~i to trot. slid 2m:1-44 00 It residkes of bydrocwtions tratim daesko oplitiatioas of them. kWi Is cook-d. It-or a [at -twilet Prwc" (ditm the petit, ialt tol iltmmion. itt" In rclorlitoll Vrk)cltY Willi IM70`0 giccorropri. is to low attributed to t of The friction products. A refilling this friarill"S Stiletto to dMillillot the kinvi" of the cis a chain jortkno. The r4juallun 02) Wcounto well for khwtk, diti '(lot lk-it'& 011ALLUJISICAL LIT11141W U a AV 00 As IP it a It K to 0 0-0 00 so so 1 ;NN:904004 , a 16, 1 . so 11111111 dli4i"*WUN 0( gas oll C. A J6, 17,1141). thwhidiro deirrit6-tv of At , of die Irtledtj of do- 111CM that the fetArlikikin 14 title 000 Sonital octege, on dots to all i"COVoilivoi 4-irrv toolik-alt, lormCNI tally In the'.. 1. Pia" stud A. V. 66-74(11M) (Ift-011111141, JJY their Ik`Vt-I1I1,i1lAI1dff1 14 IriMM. RAth" , ious studies were ti. l~uj- ; 00 with moro profound Ikuliq was decompd thus " lml, bttkru top qM qvilbilm With a prw MM. thtqWY smoking% IN-Iler Pw the depen'towe .4 th.- It h f: i f d .00 . I Am W (241 to noO, ;~ i roun ,,,, veloc e Pf" n ly on T ar" ol the dwompil. The corisimil hyditot-arlmin lq (fro4ni.l. by beat Into r.o.tkool* o .7 to 01 a 213 . Z bot I w k i t of C C fink4g". This prm"s is unin". ~&-Za o Ac l . M s, ere 4a uations CrAcHng e then decwp. into aftfins and simpkr taftals I l h j b Ape . q U dwribed by (he ( h en rellet w nor etter t mots. lot the orlilfull Me,Rt), l b d b1 d It f i f b Zee , Tile velocity coot. - ( etjw atolinq roorar rum t * i the Intma, on. "g y 100 of the corrorsplontilas cimplex radkvioo whit b dectinit i, xf 0 h4flo4with I-..- in Ito 11it decrease imew into okfintl alms sh"Pler falliesitt. Thridirrartlotn"i fad"Is with moA,o, of the lellinal hyllflorsorbom 111,61troo f,* a 11CO(DOMIRcia W the rapid increase III relletWo VOW-11Y At the loriffinifts 14 thr so* tarditisacticMuts0rue eqns" is intfodutal decurapir, At I t d It I ti i ht unit littot the tal"Is begin to 1*4-tmt raction vo t hi l i d rgactiou,"Invity soll "got b dirot' bw e nac va e n t t oi ter rw km pro wiv, y the ammulatin" of "lowlt Is amtroften" by a Irs"knk h h 4110 9 1 In I I it! "foritypasoo rroush a Inalt. Anst lhcv cmluooollytlkllonr~ ni t The time Interval at the berlinfaillf, Flatips Whirls IN- it n I Creckins r"aw v6*11W forfett" N volt klowt, I_ W. tints r i 1 c , * I Cts~lt*IC&Ioou -A 100 It It It a K4 a *4 so 0, 0 0-0 0 so & 0 0.0 0 6 4 0 0 0 0_1 0 a * i 0 0-0 4 0 so 0 if # 0 0 .0 0 0 * 0 0 @1 : 1 f , , I i I A I -. !~ 1 : , f:i 1; [ allfar; 1-goit--ho, =-----d-r-ovi-ch- -d-o-t iaim--, --te)dm4 -nauk; ZIMMAKOV Aleksandr Vasillyevich,, dots.p kando takIn. n~ 'VHt?ly NikoU-qe-v-i-c-hj, dolo; SHIF41OV9 Yevgeniy Loonidovich.. dots.,, kand. tekhn., nauk; YAKUSMWOV, Andrey Androyevich,, starshiy naualmyy sotr., kand. tekbn.naukl SIGACHEVj H.I.j. dots.p kand. tekbn, nauk, retsenzent;,RODIONOV, A#L, dots*, mat, nauk, retsen2entl =Op G.S.,, red,- TIKHO teWm. red. OVA) Ye.A.p ~ ~ m~ ;o. ; . , a c '1~ i, ~m t; i ~, 1 -1 1~ I , -. . 6 Allf"Alai-liffi... . ~~ . ii. , 1; 1; 11 -1 li~ I ~~ I it 17.1, 1 ift -lilot, 4 1 3801-66 P601 9 01 A SOURCE 66DE: UR/0129/66/000/006/0016/0018 AUTHOR: Timofeyeva, Z. A.# ZbermunskgyA,_L. ORG:~ "Vibrator" Plant (Zavod ."Vibrator' TITLE*. The effect of surface -oxidation on the elastic fatigue or microstrips or different allc~ys SOURCE: Metanovedeniye i termicbeskays obrabotka metallovp no. 6# 19668 16-18 TOPIC TAGS: metal oxidation,, elastic stress MgMA. Stjoer4CZ W Ie P, ABSTRACT: The article-repo tho results of a study of the reverse fatigue in twistingvA the elastic Wormation region as a function of the at e or the stjrface of the starting wir, and the e or the industy atm I or di arent mate t methods .4al tre t methods %r microstrips mad( rial bronzalBr. Mg 0.8 TsTU` 60 ) in d bronze Br.OTa 4-3.qGOST - 5017-49)9~- T TS j 60 ~ ~1-nd olybdc alloy 6110 r WONKRKT OST 9 La 14 Mum MW-VP OST 9 ,vu 1% (VYU IMET'Nos* lO-64)-.--,K,,Microstrips with various ross ctions and variolals-ratiod of width to thickness within the limit of 9-11 were prepared by drawing J rolling wire. Real t. Kf the mlarostrips was carried 6ut in a mauum of approximately 10"I mm Hg and in air* Card 1/2 UDC: 62-L8:542.943 4- 1~ ILI i" -VIY "",K NIONIMId NOR ACC NR: AP6019501 After the beat treatment part of the strip was bald for 8 hours at 6000 in a corrosive medium--tLe vaDora of a solution of NaCl in water. The SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: none/ -ORIG REF: ~001/ OTH REF: 003 pb CCIj 2/2 inzh.0 red.; GRIGORIYEVA, I.S... red GUi Jzd-va; LELO -WVAj r.A.p tekhn. red, [Ilig~ temperaturwoxidation of permalloy in air]Temovozduch- oksidirovanie perr-A a. noe aloi Leningrad) 1962, 26 p. (IA- ningradskii dora nauchno-ttekhnichedlkcoi propagandy, Obmn pare- do7 pr)ytom. Serilal Metallovedenio i to=icbeskain obrabot- k no 4 (MM 15'.10) (PelL loy--El.ectric properties) (Oxidation) 01 l I R A .1 i I i 1, ; i ! V j h 1- 1741 VI 114 MI; 5 i 7 1 I f! ;. Nariyi -iron ~-kando~Aekhm-nauk; MP2MKOVAt Vera lv=ovnap inzh. j red. (Bright annealing of steel articles In hot alkaline media] 60tlaia sakalka, stalirqkh WeIii v gorlachM shchelocbzWkh sridakb. Uningradt:1961. 26 po (4ningradakii, Dom nauchno- tekhnichaskoi propagandy Obwen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Me- tallovedenie i terzdche;;aia, bbrabotimq no 37) (MIRL 14:7) (Steel-Hardenim; io I I p p I 1 1-1 U i i14 11 i I I It ~, I lbartkovoki-y p*VtekhnichdWy inbtitut Imeni lanina, (Crapeas derrickso etc,) il.j.. voi-itt r-U F , - m I p " i ~- ig " I , ,! 111", , I M., THIP"ll, Al- ";, . 1 !;1 It, . *1 A .- - I . i~ 4 ,'I 11,11i ~ 11 1 11 i " 111R 3 .. t ; I t : M s J H U I T',,i -I'-- i 31 -, , ;! -,I I I . ji. t ; i~ I k 1~ 'i . t . -11 1 F: 22(l) so AUTHORSi ~Zhernakov, M., and Tugashev, Z., Studentb TITLE: Our.Readers Suggest PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1959, Nr 5, P 30 (USSR) ABSTRACT-. The new curriculum provides that the students,of the Kemerovo Mining Institute.will attend one year of practical training after the 3rd or 4th course In the authorslopinion, it will be diffi- cult't; realizethe plan'in.practice. The yearn of practical training will, moreover, cause a great interruption in the theoretical instruction and reduce considerably the quality of the edu- cational-work.' They auggest that the 3rd course should be followed by 6 bionths practical training courses and one semester of theoretical training in 3 alternate turns. During the practical train- ing the students would be able to work indepen- Card 1/2 dently on some,theoretical subjects and itwould - -1 -1 i 10.1 ~! 11 - i f . ~!? , 4. , , , I , i~! : - I . i I o t ,,1 , 1, III , : 1,1, 11111 I'll I"I I I I# . 41,11,111,11,111 . ! I ~ s I ~11 - 1'. ~P-~ -11 , litlit,I jl~ii.-1 "~!; I i I- , i I :I v ~-; .. -t I I IFO.- 1 :1 1 1 1 tv~~l .;[ m II 711111!1~1111VI 1111, "l, allR I llii:~ I I [II III 1,14,111il"V, 11; 1 i a , I I ~ I l i ~M i ;.: 4 IC t .-7. i,1;! :I i "I I p t 1, V, -'Itq -11 I'llilf"iR ~. ly, V 43 -1- , - -_WURCE C=; W03 ACC HR- AFoOO6522 75/65/MG/011/0032/0037 A, I-Zhernenio~.-A-0- Ugineetf.- pt~in-2d-ranlq--Candidatoof Tewmiiii-SA- 00 7i -None-, bra TIM: Statistical Probability modellin of random processes 9 SOUM: Morpkoy sbornik no...11, 1065, 32-37 TOPIC TAGS: mathematic model pi-obability correlation statistica, scientificre- searcht military tactio, random, process,, randow noise, target seeker,, electironic computer, computer application ABSTRACT: Operational and tactical~calculAtionoi an well &a scientific and technical. inveatigational,often involve consideration of random phenomena aM processes which - can bo'characterized*by statistical jarameters calculated as averages of Aaerved (selected) values. The statistical bA=1-MWjjjJnZmethod for random processes suggested uses the Monte,Carlo'method, as to mathematical base, and the article pro-, ceede to describe its application to two practical examples$ one of which is the, calculation of the proceas involved in a miesile closing a target; the other repro-. ducing an aotual.noise proccon,in accordance with the normal dintributiod law* The mathematical method described involves the use of an electronic computer to obtain plod the statistical evaluatiod of ahmot*r~stics with required accuracy and td re U06 Card 1/12 Mik" Him f ACC NRWX66r5N2 the probability models of.the subjecta',under investigation using '14erinental dAta' based on distribution laws and,correlated ties in the elements of thos* subjects,,,,..: without.waiting for the'development*of am analytical theorr and the disclosure of - ~ the physical.content of those subjects. Orig. arte hass d .formul".and I figurq. SUB C=t 22 20/8= DATS v ftne/ORIG' 111122~t W . Ir i 911 ~ ; r ir: ~ I I 1"i ~j I IN 1~1 11,11 ii I " : ; I Z: :; -f Ji 11 ? , K, I ,,, I -~ I I : i:, ; V, . m 7 * 1 ; -Il 1~.~I- I: ~i 1 ~;I ~ z f! III ` I "I"ll I!')Ili I :I ~1~ i111111111 1, 11"..II,11lilI-I,1-1",1( ~-, i~l I t I , i f I, it ~ 1 v "t i - - - -- - . jr:iirl~ L.,