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MR . I . f III ,vj 1! 1: A I - TIITIIIIJI'~ ~j ~~i 11 ~ 9 1f-1741 11"I'll "flIllifill'i il li lil i. . %,~ i I I- Pt$1 11' fff I " ~.Illl .;. i : I" v ; . , - .1 1 f! f- !! f6;, I; i i I It t, H , 1 r, - ! . i~ P, 'I I i N.,11 It ~ 1 1,11, ~ It. I -. . 4 . ~,i; L -.1 i I Hill 00 CA. 00 0*6 ip j;~Wlfh sm p 000 00,3 0 O.v 00 go fell AV; 1A it .#p U S &j or 0 0 0*0 4 0 0 0 00 0 0 0,411 0 :10 so o o 09 e 0 gig 0 9 0 0 g, 0 0 0 Ot*LWA~MWH__ T At #I it if If 14 11 V W #t AW is it ag 0 - -i 7_7~ IMP- LAVIIII _1 *a C.1%ft.-o Ofe4eff'si, vf . . ..... -00 cont 400 goo $90 moo logo wee W. 41.9 m 'A# jot too' AA & Od a 0.06 01 00 0 4110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 :0 00 a q * 0 a 0 o 0 010 0 4 4 0090 0 0 0 0 0 4 131HP [110,11i I-!;,, "ll"ll."I 149, 111 PI ul r I ACC NRi AP7003658 S OU-MCE'-CODE: F= -UR/ 667-9-r6-6 [03WGV-14447/1447=~:~= 'anik, AUTFO-it: 1. B. Z1 0 _V-! Pellcharp T. ORG: 7.1,edical Academy,, Krakotr TITa': Investigation of -cyclotriphosphazatriene deriyativos. f. Synthesis of sone thiolmido derivatives of cyclotriphosphazatriono SOUX94 Zhurnal obshchoy,khimH-V-.-!6,' 14'44-1447 :1 'LOPIC ZWS: organic sulfur compound, organic synthetic process, organic phosphorus compound ABSTRACT: A series 'of d6rivative3 of cyclotriphosphaiatrIone wora wynthasized by- the reactions of hexachlorocyclo-Lripho:;phazatriono with thioamidesp such as thiourea, 4-thioamido-3-antipyrino, dithiooxarldo., and thiosemicarbazido. The final structure of the compounds formed dependod on the secondarf reactions of cyclization. Two of the derivatives gave colored precipitates with,.-' on pf _eR#-4, solutions.' eavymotals from acid,_n Orig. art. hast 11 table. CJPRS: 38,91707 SUB CODEs 07 SUBM DATEs' 21.Tul65 ORIG REP: 001 OTH REF: 012 Card 1/1 jb V S'17, ql?, 1,6r'13, q i ~iI . " I -i I - I III ,i 11, , I , I , d 1. :, 1, 5 r1 ; , .I i iz Ifirlillill :Ilti~il";,..~i;~illi~,~l'~f~i1 AP: 1111 t! IV I-I'll-IN''ll i 4 , - :~ I p ; : millit.4-1 "Ifir'll-mul, 111mul"IMINEIR li It lif 11, 11111 1~ 111 I. 1z: 1 Al''.: i, "I III IU- 1 1111" 1;1-lil~"ilFll!--~-11--i-~qi~i~%~ii,,.i~-I 11 ; ;f ZHAROV) Me; DUBININO N.P,,j, doktor tekhn, nauk) prof.~ retsenzentj POLOVINKINp P,.I.p dots.$ retsenzentj CHMNIN, E.A., inzh,.j, retsenzentj ZHESTNOVA,I.N. j, inah., red. (Automation of certain foundr7 processes) Avtomatiza- taiia nekotorykh litainykh protsessov. Moskva, Mashino- 1964. 278 Ps (MIRA 18il) ----------- ';E" t'llI ,SRI p i '111111 Ii KNYAZYUKI L.V.; POROYKOV$ I.V,, doktor tokhr.. nauk, prof.$ retsenzent; ZHMKCVA, I.N., inzh., rod, (Radiography of cautingul Rentganograrila otlivok. M&-- skva, Mashinostroenie.. 1965. 95 P. (MIRA l8s3) ;.~[ , if -f I ; ii, ~i-: .;.i ~ ~ I~"fi-ilifl!ij 1 rn-- ill u ; ! 1i I I . I . w ~ 2 ,;I~ m. " U. . 1 12 1 -] f , - ~ 1~ 4L : I , ~, ; zi ;i 1 1: 1 , :1 ill , 1: i ~~ I t I -~ . ! 11 . ! it : if , . f .* 30f 'I i!~! lil I f! ' I tjq~ I ~ ',!! :III 1~ 111ig, ~'. I -~! - j II j -I ~,, I -~ - j, .;ti, 1 1 r I ! : i I ; : , , ; j, '5 .i~i ~ 11 ~. 2 - I. ol I I "': - I . . -- .- !, ; ~1; PAI T ifill;IIIIN411ilill N-1111,11 fl; 111", 1 1~ Ifl (Differential equations, Unes') ~Wj "-~ffjjfl lit' J- o: , III v! ;'ii p~ I ~ i I I ~ "I'll P., 111", p q . ; I - I j, 1 : 4 1 11 N!tl! 1'l I m I , 1, 1,'.!, '! i N .0 ~ . P - I Iill" ~ -If ill I, I I I i q H ~ i i I[ I i ff T, i Y, .;- 1 I - , i , , 'I.. , ,; -f , URN 111. ZHZSTIM, V.A. Inshener. Standards for general-puToes trailers, sooltrallers and two-whsel. trailers. Standartizatalia. no.1:33-35 ja-Ye 156. (HLRA 9t2) I.Glavny7 konstruktor sytopritespnogo savoda. (Automobilc's--Trollers--Standards) (Truok trailers) i I il, I X~- 7;iCC-~7NRi--AVbGl8iT (AIN) SOURCE CODE! UR/0326 /1017AM AUTHOR: Mblotkovskiy, Yu. G.; jestkov _ ORG. Institute of Plant Physiology im., K. A. TimiryazevAN =R, Moncow (Institut tenly-Ay -oss fiz,iobTgir-ras TITLE:, Morpholoiical and functional modifications or loolated !:hloroplacts induced by oleate.~.. SOURCEf Piz-ioiogiya iasteniy -"v*- 12 noi.6,'1965, 1017-1023 A ' -TOPIC TAGSi chlorophyll* plaht rganielphosphorus. 0 o gy oleic acid, protein, phypi . compound, .-Olant --chemist ry Inveatigation-_'vere,condu 0 aAni'mino the effect of unnaturated. ABSTRACT.-. fatty ao~d6p Such 0. 01"te, o a morph.olo&y and, photocha-aical activity of ' - ` iS63~t~A ch broAdbcan ViciA faba - which contain,: loropltst~i Leaves of tho oioaagtd, "capable- 6'f , photophosphor7litio activity were used in the large~.chl ' ' experiment a.-, The planto were:grown in a ereonhouao supplied ifith supplemental i 'ill~mi~atio~n by fluo res aunt' lam _ ' i " [ p9.'. The chloroplasts were isolated from the ' nte -after 10-14 r6wth by tfieArnon method. The residue obtained days of p1 a g twasouspended in,~ a medium which was kept on ice as the initial material The standard'incubation medium for the Hill reaction tonuioted of 0.025 -molar tri buffer pH 7&8; -3 micivmoiar ferricyanidel a suspension of chlorn- ~i plast containing 0.06'. 6-oq.milligrams,of chlorophyllo The reaction YtAc induced by the exposure of the, incubation zedlum to 42p50 0 lux for a poriod ~of 10 minutes, The e*perimental part of the investigations eougA to estab- ZHESTKOVAO TJ~j Fortrdng 1(:e horizons, in the, sadimento froo9zing accoiding to epigenetic type, Vest* Mook. un. Ser. 4; Geol, 19 no.4t59-65 Jl-Ap, (MIRA 17-.11) lo Kared.ra merzlotcvadonlya Mooko-rakogo univer-aiteta. , ~i 11: ii, I ~ m - I f 1. ~ . . : 1-HIMM1,111IRVIIII I- 'flIIIIHI'l Ifl! ~ 11' ~: 11, 1:'ll . . .. ~ , I i .3 i 11 . 1 .1 t 1 .4 -2! 1 i - I I R~j.l I ifl][1111,14IM"N'til "I! ~ I ~, : 11 1 ; , t 7 !loli~- f i~ I :. 111111111VIN], I ff I IF ~ ~ 1 a I ~ I I . 1 ; :: 5 1i -t~ , I i 1. .111 . ~ 11,1111,11RIIIIIII, Ili` it'lK . I I I II I I i 11 1 , 11 11 , I ~ ~flffll , ~ : - 78099 SOV//70-5.71-8/30 AUTHOAS- Kolontsov al YeI.V.P Zheatovskaya, M. 1, TIME:- Effect of.Neutron~Bombardment on Structure of Lithium Fluoride C stals ry PIERIODICAL: Kristallografiya,1.1960, Vol 5, Nr 1, DP 56-62 (USSR) 'ABSTRACT: The exposure.of crystals to neutron radiation has,~ -beenknown to,*.' (1) produce defects such as lattice vacancies, interstitial atoms , and "thermal zones". . (2) alU~ the solid state structure due to.local rise of temperature; (31 melt and recrystallize certain regions of crystals, The authors studied the -first group of effectsbyselective etching, and analyzing _Wthe diffuse scattering of X-rays, LiP was selected because of its low heat conductivity, hIgK trans- parency to,X-rays, and the presence of well known methods and agents of etching. I-Tarrow beams of ,.Card 1/~ limited range of wavelengths permitted the deter- Effect of Neu tron Bombardment on Structure :ofathium Fluoride Cryatals -lented reglons and the IntenlAty inination of dl3ox k, -hin atte a distribution wi the difl'use z3 c, ring maxim, al -jitli one of The. cryst, 0 were placed In the camer- t the 100] Lparallel to the incident beam , and two others to the vertica JL and horizontal axes of the camera The intensiUes of scattered Pays., de Veloped before and after the exposure of crystals to neutron radiation C ou ld be compared using the diffractiona. from aNI-wire, placed just before the crystals, as a scale. The expocure to neutron radlat"Lon of 17 2 T-8 10 '.. neutron/cm intt,,nsity produced wealc diffraction arc3, around some diffraction spots but did not change th~e scatrerIng reglon3.: The Increase 18 of tile Intensity of' neutron radlation to 2.2 - 10 2 neutron/cm, L increa ed the number of diffractions along concentric rings; and produced irreE;ularly Card 2/5 distributed new spots andanomalous. diffract-Ion lines, ort StructLire 78099 of Lithium Fluoride Crystals kv/70-5-1 -8/30 trending from the pattern center to diffraction spots of (20.0 )-type. Further increased intensity of neutron beams, to 5 ~ 10 18 neutron/cm2 made the additional diffracticiis even more diffuse and caused their. coalescence; the anomalous diffraction linee,became Very complicated; the intensity of some diffractions increased while that of others decreased; the crystals became parted Into slightly disoriented blocks, 0,1 to laacross Etching of crystals before and after the expTsure to neutron radiation confirmed the conclusions based on the analysis. of diffuse scattering. Unexposed crystals showed etch figures repeating the,dislocation pattern, while exposed crystals got-rough surfaces due to numerous uniformly dis.tributed pits of irregular form. Within this uniformly etched surface, especially at its margins, there appeared equlaxial areas with deeper pits, and elongated areas parallel to Elod , with rectangular pits.. The depth and extens on o' pits Card 3/5 as well as of the areas with deepev and rectangular 1j, om-S-tructure 78099 of Lithium Fluorlde.Crystals SOIV/70-5-11-8/30 pits increases with the Intensity increase of neutrorl radiation. The equiaxial areas with deeper pits sqem to represent disoriented blocks, while the rectangular pits are likely to develop on dislocation3 decorated with the gasesxof decomposition. Etching or crystals, layer after layer., disclosed that the effects of neutron bombardment. decrease with the depth At a certain depth (about 0.1 mm)., depending on the Intendity of neutron radiation, first the irregularly shaped pits, then the deeper pits, and finally the rectangular pits disappear completely. This surface layer, called fragmentation layer, crumbles within the equiaxial areas easily permits etching of the underlying surface whose etch figures resemble those on.the crystal before being exposed to neutron radiation. The authors believe that anomalous diffraction lines do not result from composition changes due to Ll segregation, as assumed by A. Guinier and.M. Dambert., but from the distribution of defects along the directions of' weakest bonds Card ~Ieavage in th,~ Uame (100) d1ve-OtIon) wille,11 becotile w1en L-L t h i w e a. k te r w 11 e X 0 ;?,-t' t break ea, when L, t,'t 1).1 C e I.Dllere ar, 9 flguri-~.,-; ;--nJ i-1~3f;2r~ enxes 5 Soviet FrenCh, Da n 4. -he , U.5~ r e e n c e --, ;~'(r - J. J. Gilman, W. -c Ii r, -s t o n ,3~ Id. S.LearE, Appl Z17, jGj1'-P- T 'I Phys 29, 5,, 7 'F~hys q J,~ App! 7 Fi J Appl 11)1:,7; P h y s ~l 3 , rj~, 1 W Cj J Appl, PhY~~ - '2 7 9, 1 j . 1 F hy e V 9 8 551 9 95 LASSOCIATION. Moscow 3tate U-niver'sity Im..' -.1 er v 1~ 1-1,:) e1 k c. Ni s k ly ~gosudar. "Vemyy e t. 1,Tler!" j "I L 'rED- SUBMITI une C j 2, 1959 Card 515- . 'i-IM m I I! i -, -- - i. I " ,,-jjt?jj , - .: t 1! 1 .- I : 1, , 1: 1 . t ~ ~ ! I ! I ! : : I ;' ii? I Il f ii lill,Ii I ~1: ~ I I ' ~I ~lz 1 1 'I ~ 9 , ! j I I I I z ~ - I I - ~ , i T-;, 11, % 'ACCESSION NRI AP4015092 205/64/004/001/009~/03.01 --l" _13t TITLE: Development 'of.elongated forms of Be cell during oultivation under,continuous gamna-irradiation it 19641 96-101 SQURGE.:1 Radiobiologiya,, Iv.W PO TG~.IC TAGS:','E. coli cultivation, continuous gamma-Irradiationg -it*reased radioresibtandeg S-shaped dose-effect curve, E. coli e;~bngated formp subbaoteriostatic actionp erythromycin concentration,, -'a'high temperature,, cell division:inhibitiong first po,53agO This work-is largely based on literature sources which indicate that prolonged cultivation-of E. coli B,, B/r., and K 12 under ~1, continuous gamma-irradiation at.low doserates increases their -radioresistance and produces S-shaped dose-offect.curves for many of the gamma-resistant'variants., The author assumes that this Increased radioresistance may be related to morphologiedl changes of culture .propertiesq particularly the developmont of elongated forms of Et coli Bp and,thon proceeds to determine the validity of such an assumption. Card /3 ACCkSSION NR: AP4015092 First the morphology of E. coli gamma R strains were studied with a Phase contact device and the use of dyess Then, to induce elongated forms,of.bacterias E. coli B strains were cultivated under the subbaoteriostatio effect of concentrated erythromycin (25-30 ;kgba) or of 46OG temperature for 18 hrs. Radioresistance of tho variants was determined according to methods described in a 1953 study by the -same author. E. coli B cultivated under the subbacteriostatic effects of erythromycin or 460C temperature produces elongated forms# increas- es its radioresiatanoe# and has S-shaped doae-effeet curves. These changes-are similar to those produced by continuous gamma-irradiation and disappear after the first passage without the inducing factor action*- Radiation in sublethal doses and nonradiation factors (erythromycin and 4600-tomperature) have the capacitT to inhibit the division of cells without affooting their qrowthp which apparently contributes to increased radioresistanoop development of elongated forms,, and to S-shaped'dose-offect curves, Orig, art, has: 2 tables and 2 figures, ASSOCIATION: 1nstitut tsitologii AN SSSRj,-Loningrad (Cytology Institute AN SSSR) Card 2/3 i ~ : i F -1 ~, 1~ 'I'll PA. jklt I III t AHWOVA) Zh.I.,, kand. -red* nauk; ANICHKOV, S.V., prof.; BELROM, M.L.., Prof.;, VALI.DFIRI, AN., doktor mod. nauk; VEDLISWEVA, Z.1., kand. med. nauk; VINOGWOV, V.M., kand. med. nauk; GERSILMOVICH, it. L. k=d. med. nauk,- GINETSIIISXJY, A.G.v prof.; GORBOVITSMY, S.Ye., prof.; GREEMIKINAP M.A.,dotsent; GREKH, I.F., dots.; DRUSENKO., P.P., kand. med,.Inauk~ D'YACJEEVXO,P.K.,, kand. mod. nauk; 2-WITIUNIKOV V.D., kand. med.-nauk; ZAUGOLINIKGV S.D., prof.; ZEYKALI, E.V. an Md. nauk; ISKAREV2 ILA.., kand. med. nauk; KARASIK., V.14., profol KMWI, O.Ya,,, -kand.- mod. nauk; KOZLOVp O.D., kand. med. nauk; KROTOV., A.I., doktor voter. nauk; HDRIN, A.H., doktor med. nauk; IAZUEVN.V.P prof.; LAIMI.-I.P., kand, med. ruiuk; MLINIKOVA, V.F., prof.; K.A.p prof,; IIII01ELISOR, R.Ya., prof.; 1AGSHKOV5KIYp Sh.D.j profo;,PADEYSKAYA, U.N... kand. mod. nauk; PAHIBOK, V,P,$ Prof.; 'PERSHIII, O.N,,, prof PLARL'YESp Kh.Kh.., prof.1 POMM., G.A prof.j POSKALWO, A.N,p kand. mea. nauk; MUKRIN, Ye.A.p Slots.; ROZOVSKAYAY Yo.S.p dots.; RYBOLOVILV, R.S., starshiy nauchnyy sotr,; R.R., kand. biol. nank; SALMON, L.S.,, kand. med. nauk; SAFRAZBEKYA14) TIU140V I L.A.,, ka~d. med, nauk; TOMILINA, T.11.# dots.; FELISTOVIGHp 'YENTOV N.K.# kand. mod* nauk; KHAUNIIIA, G.I.9 kand, mod. nauk; FRb R.Ae.. kand. med* nauk,- TSYGANOV., S.V., prof.[deceasedlj CHERKES) A.101 prof,,; (Continued on next card) iA- Voicin" IdWwft ru Sr"I"ty of Cral Tocidlay Afterrwmis Session D-4-1 (Corild.) -Rays Stsidloreshlance of DeArfirkla, roll Oriented under Conth am AtIless of j, V. D. Onlysiditav q 12) st;o" an nutrient Hadigresistance of three strah" of EwWckk raft (S. 8jr and K agir urukr continuous "Co r1rradiation (Initial dos" are 22(b r WHI 530 024 hr) Increases during It months ("r-rclitl3rit" strains). Ra-Poreslitfince wits detetmined from survival curvet obtained from YlAble counts on bacterbi iu%pcmions I.,% water after X-irmd2aflom Survival curves for nurricrous varkties of each strain were (f sismold character Joe to '~.hibillorf of .11 division), After 5 r-MU9CS Of "p-MIStAnt" b.Werin without y-irr3diAti tionptcd bacteria on. i survival curves became exponentl3l spin. though the radior:1102rice ofilrain 1) tirmined higher. he siSmaid character afeurvivif curves Increase oftaillortsistance, formation oftlonjate4 bacterial formst, and t were also observed when E rish B wereculturod in the presence ofsub~4saclerfostsficconovursiiom oftrythroniyclis at 4S'C De above changes, similar to those induced by the prolonged action or y-mys, disappeired once ont: Pass* without the iniluemeortheinducintsizent. L E%yeriments on beat reactivation stiow that F. eoft 8 grown at 4S*C becanto reactivated ancrX.IrradiAtIon: the t survival curve was higher than at 37C The ratio isas reverted for.111r. For "y-reilslant- E. coil 8 and 111r. culture t at 3r or 4r-47'C yielded no tratked 4 Ifterences In the survival Curve& Increased todionvalitance a(Ledist a result o(V-InsjIsik-.s 0% wlection orthe most tislaunt IndiviJuals In licteriteencow "jisilons o(bachrris, It to not Improbtsbais that this Ph"Kinveneft to P'Caded by the swearance of radisifirshiant mutatits. % r fta TAU. C*Sawes Of PAdUtUn leiewab, IL ACCPZSXOII HH: AP4001909 S/0205/63/003/006/0809/0834, shtoyno 'Al'; Z6a a AIMIOR: Val d E P, tyeAlkovo V, D, ITLE't Rostoration~of Esc r ohia coli B. after irr' iation under -,T ad Narious conditiorms, (in air, iA,nitrog.en# and in nitrogqn in the. precence:of cysteamino j SOMICE:: Radiobiolo ~r :no. 6,1 1963.- 809-834 ~TOPICVAGS:: lethal doso.curve bacterial cultures, postirradiation -bacteria restoration ABSTRACT: Escherichia coli B M:coll B) were X-irradiated with doses ran J~- ding from-3 to.24~krail (RUM-al unit., 200 kvq 20 map focal, length 70 mm no filter -10010 i-ad/min) In air# nitro fi and nitrogen 910 in the presence of eystoodne. Then irradiated E. coli B'ware,. incubated In different-oulturol;m'odiums at 190P 37'.. and 450 C for 20-48 hro. Restoration volumeLindictiting the number of.rostored 68133 'j, compared to the number of damaged cells served as an index for a given radiation doze,. A comparison ot restoration volizmes for:E, coll B irradiated under different conditions but cultitated in the same cultures shows that the restoration volume is lowest for E coli Card 1A '111" RH [1' I'll, 11"it'iI ---4T ACCESSION IM: A001914 S102051631003 V6647/6%4_7 AUTHOH: Zhostyanijcovj,~ V, D, TITLE:, Hadioresistanco of Eache richia. coli cultivated under continuous Gamma'ir:radiation 01 no,,' 61963# 847-854, SOURCE: TOPIC TAGS: Gan1ma irradiation,,-bokatoria radioresistance, Eacherichia :cali radioresistance ABSITRACT: Throe strains of,Escherichia'coli (B,, B/r (Carnegie) and K 12) were cultivated for.22 'moo undor.c'ontinuous gamma irradiation -with,'daily starting dos'os of 2260 and 550 r. Each of the 3 resulting variants was placed in a Petrie cup with a hutritive modium and was. :gamma, irradiated for,24 hrs at 3700 to dotormine survival rate by -number of macrocolonies. Radioresistanco of the bacteria variants was investigatod.aftor 424 hrs and 1p 2j 8-22 moo by grmring cultures ,in a test tube dirootly undor-X-irradiation (RU11-11 unit.* 180 kv,, 20 ma, focal length 50 mmp no:filter) for 18 hrs, Survival dose curves were used as indices, Hadioresistance of all throe variants is higher than that.of the-initial strains with tho most marked .Coed: 1/2 7 ;'ACCESSION' HM ncrease:iw the tZ,!-coli B variant The-three initial strains are chara- oteriied - lai-gely by exponential doze ourves.and the variants are characterized,. largely by 5-4haped. curves.:, In- populations of 'variants,.'. zooids are. f ound whose radioresistance,doos-not differ from that Gf initial..'eulturess indicating that radioresistance changes do not. take, place -'at:*the same time in'a population. Basically the selection -is oo iderad responsibl of preexiating or itAuded:miitants, n3 afor ~--, -,.-:,.increased radioresistance of,E, ooli oultivatad,under continuous irradiationi ~"The-author expresses gratitude to V, P, Paribok gama. for. attention mid -interest in,- the work and to Ye. Ye. Nranoperova and No Ye, Titoval laboratory technicians, for their assistance, 'figuresq 2 tables* Or ig. art. has: ASSOCIATION: ~!rzistitut-:taftologii'AN SSSR,, Laningrad:(Cytology it 0 AN SS nst Ut SR I 0UBXMTW;'- 220ot62 IMIM AC EX(;Lt 00, 4: 13D0663 OOV2-1'._~ OT 02Z 022 4. ACC-NR:-AP7006775~~--~-----:--. --_SOURCE CODE; --.XM/905316T/009/001-/0003~~020-- -AUTHOR: Valldshteyn Z~_AovZheet ani v- n-- ORG:. Laboratory or. Radiation Cytology, Institute of Cytology, AN SSSRo Leningrad (Laborat.oriya radiatalohnoy tsitologil Instituta, toitologii ~IAN SSSR) TITLE: Molecular mdchanismiof.cell -reparation from radiation injuries SOURCE: Tsitoiogiya--~ zq no 1 1967, -,3- W TOPIC TAGSt radiation;~A=,~'.~erf 6et radiation biologic effect, UV radiation, Th ~CT Th,s-.-some,contpmporary,con6epti 6f,the-mechaniams of cellular recovery f ron , radiation-induced, ini4ries. -This comprehensive article Is divided Into--- th a following sectional 1) molecular nature of injuries caused by,.UV radiation; 2) photoreactivation; 3) dark recovery;.:4) i1olecular:mccbanism of dark recovery; 5) specificity of the msihanism of da*rk recovery; .6) biological role of radiation re- covsry~ ~ It. Is, felt that DNA. reparation after radiation injury takes place via photoreactivation and dark.recovorye During photoreactivationg U z l~ v ~ t il i. , 1.1 r k Ili ;); il I M11,11111-I'li, I I ~la 111 Il t 11 -,.: I'll I 111., 111 i , I I ~' i 14111 . j ! j m N . .1 1 f 1 i ~ I A IIIIR I fidil Ii, lil I I q!. la f I I i I , ; I - I li 11: i !.m 41111,111A Ild I [ 11-411,1111,14INI ~ I''- t Fr 11 .1.1 1 -1 1 c - i 'I lltli ( I 11.1 ~ 1111 ~ I ~ I 1"J", I ~. i 11.1,11, R, F z . . I -- I~i - 30362, S/2 1/001/004/021/032 D29 03 --L 0 OV .:i AUTHORt TITLE: Resistance to radioactivity of Emcherichia. Coll resistant to antibiotics FERIODICALs Radiobiologiyap ve lp noo 4, 1961, 573t579 TEM The'aim of the work was to study the resistance to radio- activity of strains of EsPherichia, coli which were resistant to anti- biotics of various classes. The toots were carried out 'with 3 strains of Be Coll DP D/r and X12v Strains resistant to penicillin, levonycetins streptomycin, crycin, terramycin and rythromycin were obtained by pan- nag an increasing concentration e on a meat-pepton* broth (yH 7.3) with of the particular antibiotic.*Tery 48 - 72 hourso The bacteria were suspended in tap water and irradiated with an PYM-11 (MR-11) apparatus at an intensity of 1800 r1min.indoses ranging from 6.4 to.64 kre survival rate of the cultures.was determined from the number of Col onion which formed, expressed an a traction of the colonies which formed in Card 1/3 3o362 S/205J61/001/004/091/039 Resistance, to radioactivityst*. D298/D303 the non-irradiated control samples.. It was found that the changes in the resistance to radiation depended on the individual features of the strain. In E. coli B which w" resistant to penicillinf resistance do- creased after irradiation. In E. coli B strains resistant to erythro- mycinp mycerin and terramycint the resistanco to radioactivity wax in-, creased after irradiation. In E, coli B strains resistant to levomycetin and streptomycin, no change in the resistance to radioactivity-as COM_ pared with the original strain-was noted. Strains of E. coli B/r resis- tant to penicillin lowered their resistance after Irradiationp while Z. coli B/r strains resistant to mycerin increased their resistance. No chan _go was noted In the Zo . e1011. B/r trains resistant to the other anti- OT biotic&o Ze coli E12 strains resistant to the 6 antibiotics showed no change in resistance to radiation after Irradiation. The authorvas assisted in his work by V, P. Parlbok, K. 1. Pravdina and No As, Tolokontsev. There are 5 figureng 3 tables and 24 referencens 8 Soviet- bloc and 16 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the English-langutage publications read as follovas To So Matney~ Do M* Card 2/3 F I : . . ITI,lk!~ R Is a i . . I! .~q~ ;f t- -- - - - - --- - -- -- --- . .- I - ~ , . I- ~ -- .- - IAb-sorption, distribution and.excretion of antibiotic 26/1. Eksp. - I . 4 Il-l" 4..,l -~ ."*4u4-+ qtiai-,joo tAn IMTRA i A;. ZZ) , :ji t:m.I: , ~ , 1 :1 I I ~ 111 ", ~! '11J. I PI 11 11 11; 11 "11 f I ~i 1 1 1 - i 111 1111 ~ ,I I P" . ~ '. ; I i I : . 11 , i [ I I'll I - k, - i ! A i ; ,j I I; I ~:. : 4 . I . . I ; 9. ! : I ~ - !~ H. ilil, I i 1. 1�5 ;. II tF 'I ill ! 1~ , i: i ~. I I i ~' . wl I, I ii i I'l, Mlll, , , 'Hlifl- d'ill 111[ i~ 1[h 1~ 1111, 'I'll , ~ I 1; '11, ~l : I Vi I 1 1 , " 1.1, 1; AN, AUTHOR., Lheatyau"*v, and TITLE: On the operation of vacuum 2tolp,"IlAat reduced voltage PERIODICAL: Izv. Vuz., Priborostroyetiyo, v. VA. no. 2. 196,1, 9-11 qtoceilz re Mpcr*3n* little attOntJO-_ '%~S i~-~7 'D :h,- aut!~ors con,,~id.i: -.;.- -`z.-~, ~f circuit 6u--:,Yi-ng the lam;~ illurninating '-,e All + ?~2 Uid ia obtained for the volt-ampere characteristic of an antimony-ce3lum photocell in the region of reduced voltage. Here I je is the photo current in wt, U 6 is the photocell voltage In v, 0 a const is the 'light flux in lumeas, a-ad ?-' are 2 Card 1/2 14 L 131-13-63 On the operation of vacw= photocel1s... S/1146/63/006/002/~KWr)10 coefficients characterizing the light source &nd the sensitivity .-,f the Photace'.'I. Analysis of the experimental results using the theory of orrors y~al!!; equation linking the deviation of the photo current Al 6- with t1le porcent.;-,o i-?vlatioas ~1)' the photocell voltage 8Ug % and the laump voltage It. rhe most. genera! of equations reads: &I ~ a C1,S U,6 %+ 2' M %U% I where m a 3.61 for a tungsten filament. 7his equation is most accurate for U0 - 10-300 v aad for variations in the larnp volta~~e of - 10r.. -~'he ~ni~thod :an also be applied to non-vacuum photocells. There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Lesotekhaicheakaya akademiya im. J. M. Kirov& eering AcadeEg imeni S. R, Kirlov~ SUBMITTED: March 30, 1962 Card ?,/2 1; ~~ V I Ill'-fl! M, I 'FYI f 1-1 ~ I Ilif,1111 i 114 1 ~- ~ I f ;q f;,M.,qn 1, I F, I t f ~, i ~ 1 i I i I ! I ~ - , I I q ilfi 4 1 i"', ! ~ I :~i li2lillill if ~~, 11"I'liflill I ... ~ ~~; I : ~, i ! :":,. , ;!;)1! 1 1 t; ! , I I :.".! : 1, ~ #1 i I p ~ m w : 1 : I - _9 . M. II ; I Handbook on-Electridal Engineering (Cont.) SOV/5058 -.Arcing Contacts 1. F. Melashenko) Ch. XZX, Cermet Electric 1. . Genbral Information 245 2. Manufacturing processes 246 3. Structure of,csTmet compositions:, 248 4. Pro e'tI p r es :'of cermet, contacts 250 5. Application of cermet contacts Ch. XX. Soldering Materials (Z. F. Vorobey) I . Soldering 2g9 2.- Solders 0 3. Yluxes 265 Ch. XX1. Electrical Carbon and Products Made of Carbon IV. M.- Zhestyanikoyl .1 l Ge era 157-ormation 7 n 26 2 2 Raw materials 26 3: Electrical res lotors'containlng carbon 268 4. ..,, , Carbon electrodes (for furnaces and electrochemical indu.strial,production) 284 Handbook onElectrie'al Engineering (Cont.) SOV/5058 5. Carbwelectrodei6for welding 289 6. Carbon.electrades-,.for.illumination 290 7. Carbon electrodes for galvanic cells 294 8. Carbon products for communications equipment 295 Electrica1carbon products (for electric vacuum and gas-d1scharge devices),. 1O.I.Brushed for electric:machinery 300 11. Miscellaneous carbon products 314 Bibliography to Part.11 (94 references% 64 Soviet 23 Xnglishp 5 German, 1 Czech, and I French) 317 PART III. SEMICONDUCTOR KATERIALSAND PRODUCTS Ch.,MIL -Basic Information an Semiconductors (V.V. Pasynkov) 1 ''Introduction., 319 24 Ideas onthe mechanism of electric conductivity 320 . fi R-41,111,111TH!" I "N It . 71 "'r ~ ti I Fill- e I I A 'I' I V i I I-), I IMF -If 9(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1323 Zhestyaniko dimIr Mikh lovioh and Peter Avenirovich enskiy Tekhnologiya i oborudovaniye proizvodstva detaley i uzlov'radio-, (Production Me,t.hods and Equipment Employed in the Manufaoture of Radio Parts and Units) Moscow,, Oborongiz,-,1958- 251 P- ll..000.copies printed. Reviewer: Kalita, Ye..:D.1, Engineerl Ed.: Blaut-Blacheva, V.I., 'Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: Sheynfaun, Ld'l.; Tech. Ed.: Zudakin, I.M.; Managing Ed.; Sokolov, A.I.J. Engineer. textbook for aviation and 2 NO ~ ~gezonduT Sehoo2B DT i~bb at &~Lthora daaar:Cbe dre g2swWv Cessen and explain the vroae8aaa DT SvTS1vS> casting, WelcrYng, Production Methodsand Equipment (Conto) SOV/1323 brazing, soldering and moisture-proofing. They describe the manufacture of capacitors, resistors, transformers.. chokes, switches, waveguides and delay lines made of plastic and ceramic materials., Equipment used in the manufacture of these parts-is also described. The authors claim that,until-now the Soviet technical literature has not made available a textbook for tekhnikums covering the subject of production processes involved in the manufacture of radio parts. They state that the present book was written to fill this gap. Chapters IX and XII'and the larger part of paragraph 8.3 were written by Engineer A.G.. Rabinovich. The authors thank Engineers Ye. D. Kalita, V.I. Venglinskiy and B. Ye. Chertok for technical advice and Engineer V.I. Blaut-Blacheva for help In editing. There are 21 references, all are Soviet. Card 2/8 .production Methods and Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1323 TABLE OF CONTENTS; ~Foreword 3 Introduction ch. I. Organization of. the Plant, Planning of Pi~o- duction.Procesaes,-:Teohnologioal,Documentation 7 1. Organ ization of-the.plant for the manufacture of . l radio parts:and units. 2. -~'Definitions,of basic Inanufaoturing processes 3,p Types of.prbduction 9- 4. Technical preparation for production 10 5. Vechnologicaldocumentation 16 Ch. 2. Preparatory Forging Operations., Castingj, Heat Treatment.,Brazing, Soldering and Rolling 19 1. Preparatory forging operations and preparation of sheet and bar stock 19 Card 3/8- - 'A ~ llit~ 1'"' A Production Methods.and Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1323 2. Manufacture of paAs by casting 26 3. Heat treatment of metal parts 28 A. Brazing and soldering of metal parts* Cold rolling 31 Ch. 3. Moisture-proofing Operations 36. 1. .General information 36 Drying process beforeAmpregnation 37 3. -Impregnation of radio parts 41 Coating with varnishes and compounds 45 5. Production of,water-repellent films using silico-organie-pompounds ("hydrophobization"), 48 Ch. 4. Manufacture,of Plastio,Parts 49 l.' Press-f6rming' of thermosetting.plastics 0 2. Compression molding of plastics 3. Bondingvelding,, machining and stamping 64 Manufacture of fluorine plastic parts 74 5. l Matallization of plastic parts 76 C h. 5. Manufacture of Ceramic Parts 78 1. Preparation-of materials 79 Card 4/8 Production Methods and Equipment (Cont-) SOV/1323 2. Forming'the material,into the part .84 3. Firing process 91. 4. Glazing of ceramic parts 93 5- ~ Machinihg of ceramic parts after firing 9 1 60 ~ Metallizing of ceramic parts 9 7. Manufactur'e,_of.,gl,ass partition-insulators 100 Ch. 6. - Manufacturelof Capacitors 102 1. - General information 102, ~2- Capacitors with paper dielectric and foil plates 103 3. .- Metallized paper.capacitors 113 40 -~ Capacitors with polystyrene film dielectric 122 Mica capacitors 126 Eleetrolytiocapacitors 1-34 Glass - enAmel capacitore 138 Miniature ceramic capacitors 141 go Variable capacitors with air dielectric 142 Ch$ To Manufacture of Rdsistors 147 1. General Infoimation.: 147 ard 5/8 FRIO. ~IPIFTI 01171111'11= I L