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Production.Methods and Equipment (Cont.) POV/1323 Deposited.- carbon resistors 147 3. Manufaoture - of.MLT metal film resistors 161 4. Manufacture , of-~~flxedtlwire.-wound gl4ss-enamel resistors, 165 5. Manufacture of-wire-wound potentiometers 167 Ch. 8. Manufacture ~of,Magnetic Circuits, Transformers and Chokes 173 1. Manufacture of-magnetic circuits 1 3 2. Manufacture . of coil;forms ~ 1 7 3. Winding ope rations and the manufacture of coils 187 4. Drying)-imp regnation, compounding and hermetic sealing . 19T Ch. 9. Manufacture .6f Skiching Units 202 General Inf ormation.- 202 .2., Manufacture of switches. 202 Manufacture conneators :df pluk 211~ 4. ':Manufacture - of tube~~sockets. ~213 5. Manufactuxqi of.terminal strips 6. Manufacture 'of elootromagnetio relays Card '/8 Production Methoda and Equipment (Cftt.) SOV/1323 Ch.10. Manufacture of ~Waveguides 222 I. Manufacture of r igid'-reetangular waveguides 222 2. Manufacture of fl exible waVegUidOS, 231 3. Assembly of wave&ide channel ' 231 4. Manufacture of 8 by the precision rIXid waveguide casting.- Method . . 1213 5* Manufacture ot waveguides fot printed circuits 233 Ch.110 Manufact6e :of N14~Lines 10 General Ihformation 23 2* Manufacture of :chokis for deidy lines 3- Manufacture of holdeft and casings 239 4. Assembly and wiring'of delay lines 239 Ch,12. External Details. 241 1. Manufacture, of front.,panels 241 2. Manuf acturez of name ~plates and dials 242 3, Engraving 244 Card 7/8 . I, ~ I- r . Mrlll~, .T,- ~ I I i , 11. , I I t~ : I .T. IT Flcl 7mil I i, 1 '~ 1; . Z, ~ i I ~:, a . I !r- WIM111:1, N11111fill[i] If ! ~' I 5i" 111. I , , it lr,~ Ir . ': I L i. " W-17STYANIKOVA, L. L* 7Anatomical Structure of the Membrane of a 'Wheat Seed and Its Significance in the Classification of the Genus ."riticum." Cand Biol Sci, All Union Inst of Plant Growing, VASKhNILp Leningrad,195h- (RZhBiol, No 4, Feb 55) I I L 36207-bb `Mk - SOURCE COD 0120 66 000 003 0 0 ACC NRt AP6022034 9: UR 2 -- 10 AUTHOR: Zketbayev, A. K.1 44ipov, D. X.; Smirin, L. N-1-Tyshchonko, A. P. ORG -Institute of Nuclear Physics, AN Kaz SR, Alia-Ata (Institut yadomoy Miki AN KazSSRT TITLE-. Cell for electrodeposition of radioactive isotopes 3, 1966# 209-21 SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no TOPIC TAGS: electrodeposition, isotope, radioactive isotope ABSTRLCT: A better design of an electrolytic cell (as compared to those described by A. Mastachip'Nual. Instr.-and Noth., :19641 V~ 26,.no.'2, 219 and 1. S. Stephen, ibid., P. 269) In ~suggested.,U-tube I (see Fig. 1) houses Pt anode 2 and terminates with stainless-steel cathode 3; solenoid 4 -Cry produces a pulsating magnetic field for stirring the electrolyte..The radioactive isotope is deposited on sub- strate 5. The. ce3_1 was used for. preparing Mossbauer C057 sourpeal electro2,yte composition and other data are reported Fig. 1. Electro- ;, ':Orige art. hass I figure* 10 deposition call SUB CODE 1 097, SUBM IATE: 2OApr65 OTH REF: 003/ ATD P MSESSO Card 1/1 UDC: 621.039.554 L 4i398-M EWT(m)/EWP(Q/ET1 1J?jc) JDAB AP60245265 SOURCE CODE: UR/0148/66/000/007/0114/Olis AUTHOR: Shreyber G. X.;,zhathin. P. S&akiyan, L. Wsova, 1. Ya. Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry (Institut neftokhimichookoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti) TITLE: -.The influence of deformation on intercLystalline corrosion of type 18-8 stain- less steel SOURCE: 1VUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya no. 7, 1966, 114-118 cumeo&, T4"ACL 11f\ TOPIC TAGS: stainless steel, corrosion resistance, metal grain structure, magnetic saturation.1 MlM,ateel ABSTRACT: The effect of preliminV7 def Matio and tempering on intercrystalline 0 e ~corrosion of 18-8 stainless as udied steel, V st 1, _2Khl6N9 steel was defomed,: after an- nealing:' 37, 15, 10 and 0% atT20 and -700C. All wire samples were subsequently annealed at-550 and 6500C,for 2, 4 and 8 hrs. The amount of a-phase present was de- termined on a magnetometer. By lowering the deformation temperatme to -700C, great- er amounts of *-phase fomed. The magnetic saturation increased rapidly after 10% deformation, the more so1or unannealed specimens. Samples were boilea for 24 hrs in a standard solution (160 9 CUS04-SH20, 100 ml H2S04 of density 1.84 g/cm3 in 1000 ml. of water in the presence of copper chips). After boiling, samples were measured for.' UDC; 669,14.018.0-121620.196 Cord 1/2 ACC NRt AP6024526 ~ > electrical resistivity (bp/po-100%), bent at right angles on a press with a radius of curvature of 5 mm and examined with an eyeglass after one bond and ten bends. Dati are given for a variety of testing conditions; the above defamation temperatures, .%. defamation and tempering cycles. For any particular set of test conditions, qual4_ tative descriptions of the bend surface are included, e. g., no cracking, deep cracks, average number of cracks, etc. Plastic defamation increased the rate of intercrysti!l.,. line corrosion while decreasing the rate of general corrosion in most of the samplqs~.' The relative decrease in diameter of the "active" section is given as a function of,~ deformation for different deformation and tempering temperatures. The relative changf in resistivity is given as a functionof tempering time. Optimal conditions for pre-. venting intercrystalline cracking in 18-8 stainless steel are presented in a three-;,".,, -dimensional plot of the experimental conditions. Deformation at -700C transformed more of the y-phase into the ferromagnetic a-phase and its influence on corrosion was more pronounced than for +200C. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, I table. SUB CODE: 11,2.0/ SUBM DATE: 28Mar66/ ORIG REr: 005/ OTH REr; 0104 Card 2/2 1:1 q I ,bs 11 . 1: 4 i I , 11 z ill~~I-i J :: I 11 ~. 1111i:1111 i I i, II'l 1E., -li, ! '14 lni~ iR .1, 1 t 9 - I i " - ~.~ I i '11411F., I, li`lllv~ 11, 1WHII 1~1! T . I , q~;~! ; 1 - T,, , i ~4 I ;Q p ~ Ii: i 1 1511111111 I'lli ~ 14;11~il I ~ w -! I i . ~, I; .1 l . ."AlMechanical Model Representing the Frocens of Crack Formation in Rocks." report presented at the First,All-Union Congress on Theoretical arxI Applied MAnhanion- Mnannv- 77 Inn -4 rolh io(n- A I . ` ` -1 'N I I "PlIfl-HU~ 1!! 11: : ~,f 1, I 1j, , i ;.: , 1, . 0 ~: t - I . i I t , I ; i .~ ~ It w '. i 1 1 11 k 0 i f ": I - I E I 11H ~... . . I. I'li ,-a," 144A I M- -.11-111 Z= Call Nr- TS 213-Z45 .AUTHOR: Zhetvin, N.P., Rakhovskaya,:F.S., Ushakov, V.I. TITLE: Descaling of 14etals (Udaleniye,okaliny s poverkhnosti metala) Methods,EdTloyed by the "Serp i Molot" Plant (Opyt zavoda "Serp i Molot") PUB. DATA; Gosudarstvenhoye nauchno-tekhnicheskoye lzdatellatvo literatury po chernoy i tsvetnoy metallurgii, Moscowp 1957t 108 p., 4,000 copies ORIG. AGENCY: None given EDITOR: Ed.: Gamov., M.I.; Bd- of the Publinhing House; Berlin, Yeo*,; Tech. Ed.: Attonovich, M.K. PURPOSE: This is,a manual for engineers and foremen engaged in metallurgicaland machine-building plants. COVERAGE: This book contains a description of the most advanced methods of descaling by acid and alkaline-pickling, as well as of the electrolytic and the hydride method. Card 1/3 Call Nr: TS 213,245 Descaling of Metals (Cont.) The authors believe that the methods of pickling stiihiess Austenitic Ni-Cr steels.,,semiferritic and ferritic high-~ chrome steels, and also'o'f nickel and titanium alloys have as yet been insufficiently investigated and present many problems. Theystate that this book is an attempt to classify experi- ments in pickling'and to show new approaches to this proVlem. Disadvantages and limitations of the acid pickling method are discussed. Experiments with sodium hydride methods are describedi Methods of neutralizing and recovery of spent pickling solutions are also mentioned. There are numerous diagrams, tables, and chemical data. There are 29 refererWes; of which 15 are Soviet, band 14 English. TABLE: OF C ONTEkS: I. Pibkling of Carbon Steel 5 l.. Basic principles of the acid pickling method 5 2. Pickling methods, 14 U., Utilization of Spent Pickling Solutions ~29 Card 2/3 -4.11 V 1,i H flI11111H] 11i"1111 Ill: I I11~ ------------- Call Nr: Descaling of Metals (Cont.) III. Pickling of Heat-Resistant and Stainless Steels, and of'Steels,Chemicaily,Stable at High TS 213*Z45 Temperatures 34 lo Compositions and properties of oxide films 34 2. Acid pickling 40 3. Combined.alkaline and acid pickling 48 4# Wride'method of pickling TI 5. ElectrolYtic-Ai6thod-of pickling T9 IV. Pickling of-Titanium '96 V1, Flaws in Pickling 103 V1. Methods of Mechanical Descaling 108 Bibliography 110 AVAILABLE: Lil~rary of Congress .-Card 3/3 fAUTHOR: 289 Zhetvin H.P. 'Candidate of Technical Sciences, and K. Engineer. TITLE: Rolling and.heat:treatment of titanium. (Prok'atka. i termich- -eska7a obrabotka titana.) PFMODICAL: "Tsvetnye Metal&" (Non-ferrous Metals), 7, No, 1, pp., 72 81, (U.S.S.R.) ABSTROT: In this article, the results are given of apractical, investigation of the rolling of section and flat products from technical titanium and from titanium alloyed with aluminium. The heat treatment and metallographic, investigation. of these materials were also studied in the investigation. No particular difficulties were encountered in rolling sections from the titanium-aluminium al;oy; finishing q er- p : ations carried out at 200-300 C. The hot roll i g of sheet from both technical titanium and the alloy with aluminium. is suitable to a thickness of 2.0 - 2.4 mm.. Forged billets are used as.a starting material for -the hot rolling. Although packet-rolling of sheet can be carried out to a I . thickness of 0.8,- 1.0 mm, the consideiable intake of oxygen and hydrogen which occurs makes this inadvisable. Technical titanium can advantageously be cold rolled into sheets to' o.8 mft thick and narrow strip to 0.3 and less mm thick. The cold rolling of sheet from the aluminium-containing alloy is practicable to a thickness of 1.0 mm. Rolling and heat treatment of titanium. (Cont,) 289 'Heating for rolling and heat treatment shou:Ld be carried out in an oxidising atmosphere at the lowest possible tember.:. atures.and in the shortest possible time, this leading to scale-formation conditions which have the least effect on the resistance to etching and on the mechanical properties og the. alloy. . Technical titanium shoulG be alloyed at 680-700 0, the other with aluminium at 750-800 C; four to five minutes soaking time should be provided for every mm of thickness of flat products. To destroy brittleness and improve the toughness' of hot-rolled sections from the aluminium-containing alloy, they,musS be subjected to annealing at a temperature of 730-750 0 for 9-10 hours. A sodium hydride mglt in alkal-i is the method recommended f8r scale-removal; for a very light scale, obtained'at 700-760 0. however, an alka'li-sodium nitrate melt can be 'used. There are 3 tables and 8 figures. There are ?,references of which 4 are Russian. Ifl TSKIT, I.I., -kandidat tekhn1oheskikh nauk; BULOMT, X.T.0 in;hener; STIRIDWOo 7.7., inzhener; SIMLOTj N&T., Inshene'r; ZHNTVIN, X.Pa Notallurgical plant laboratories In 1957. Metallurg 2 no.8rl-5 Ag (KMA 10t9) 1. Mobsignik Mentralluoy savadskay lab oratorii wayoda in, Pbtnmskogo (fir 36da). 2. - Zam"titelf umhal I alka, ~ T,Ssutftl I noy tavo~akcy labora- torli, Nakeyevskogo metallurgichookoge zaro" I=. Kirova (for Boxmatskiy). 3. Zx*od FarilavY. 4. Sachall- uik TSeutralluoy sayodskay laboratovii payoda "Sbrp I molot" (for (Metallurgical laboratories) AUTHOR: Zhetvin N. Engineer. 133-5-25/27 TITLE: Research work of the "Serp i Molot" Works. (Issledovatell skiye Raboty Zavoda "Serp i Molot".) PERIODICAL: "Stall" (Steel), 1957, NO-59 Pp. 472-475 (U.SoS*Ro) ABSTRACT: 1). The,use,of.:Lntensive,heating of the shrinkage head. In order to decrease the prop6,~tion of metal cat cd! during rolling killed steel various methods of heating the ingot shrinkage head were investigated. The heating of the shrink- age head was done by'burning 75% ferro-silicon in a stream of oxygen. For small ingots a mixture of ferro-silicon and sodium nitrate as asource of oxygen for the ignition of ferro- silicon was used. The op-timum composition of the heating mix- ture:, 70% ferro-silicon, 20% NANO 31 10% cham6tte powder,-.The mixture is used in a proportion of 1.0 - 1.2 kg/ton of liquid metal., The other mixture used consists of 70% ferro-silicon (75%), 10% silico-calcium. and 20% NaNO , All shrinkage heads I were decreased in size by increasing t~e slope and decreasing the height from 300 to 275 mm.' Altogether 2.1- 2.2,06 increase in the.output of good metal was obtained. : 2) 4!he production of low carbon electro-technical steel with Card 1/4 a vacuum treatment of, metal in ladles. The equipment for Research work of the "Serp i. Molot"Vorks. (Gont.) 133-5-25/27 'Vacuum treatment was designed by the Institute of Metallurgy, of the Ac.Sc. SBSR (Institut Metallurgii AN SSSR). It was found possible to decrease the carbon content from 0,10 - 0.12% to OoO35 - OoO25% by a 6-9 min. vacuum treatment in ladles. The magnetic properties of the metal are not improved by this treatment pxobably due to insufficient pumping power of the PMK-4 pumps. 3) Steelmaking in a.-recuperative furnace. Two campaigns of making steel in a 10 ton recuperative.furnace were carried out. Results are given in the table. It was found obtain medium carbon steels of exact carbon content. Some defects in the design of the furnace (not speci- fied) w*ere found which will be corrected for-the forthcoming 3rd campaign. 4) Roller passes for-a wire drawing mill 750. Introduction of roller passes increased the output of the mill by 6-7%. Rollerd.service life 40 to 50 shifts; they are cast from steel of the following composition: 2'15 09 Iro Mn, 0.5% Big 23-25% Grp 1.5% Nip 1.0 - 1o5% W. 5) The detemination of the causes of formation of "scale". This defect appears on the rolled surface in the form of rolled Card 2/4 surface cracks. It was established that the defect is caused Research work of the I'Serp i Molot" Works., (Cont.) 133-5-25/97' by,joint action of arse*nic, tin and copper which do not dissolve during heating in scale thus enriching surface layers causing 6 local loss of plasticity. Dressing of the metal with "coarse scale" is not effective as the defect reappears on reheating and.rolling. Fine "scale" can be dressed* 6) The production of cold rolled sheets from high speed cutting steel. The production of this material with a smooth surface allowed some decreases in allowances during the production of flat cutters. 7) Cold rolling of stainless strip. The operation of a light roller mill L~KM-38 for rolling strip was somewhat improved 'by some changes in diamters of working rolls. However, the improvement was insufficient and it was decided to use it only for rolling st3~ip 20 mm or less, thick. 8) Roller furnace for thermal treatment of stainless steel. Operating practice for this furnace was determined for treat-, ment of various steels. The possibility of increasing the stabil;ty of rollers at the prevailing temperature of.1 030 - 1 100 C is under investigation. Production of patented wire with a low oxidised surface. By isolation of wire from combustion &uses in the furnace and Card 3/4 from atmosphere during its passage from the furnace to the UL. lilt 'RE U 4 Research work of the I'Seip i Molot" Works. (Cont.) 133-5-25/27 patenting bath, a wire with a low oxidised surface requiring short pickling (5-8 min) was obtained. However, the velocity of subsequent drawing could not exceed 250 m/min as due to smoothness of the surface soap.powder was not drawn into the die. 10) The production of wire from steels Y?Ar3 , and YlGA. A new technology of the prodaction of wire from the above steels (for the watch-ma4ng industry) was developed. Hard8ning of rods from 7�0-800 0 in soapy water hoated to 70-80 0 anneal- ing at 690 9 during 6 hours with subsequent intermediate annea-, ling at 690 0 for 1-5, hours. Using this technology, wire with uniform pearlitic grain is obtained. 115 The removal of scale from stainless steel with sodium hydride. Stable scales can be removed by treatment with a molten alkali containing sodium hydride. The losses of metal are insigaificant as the hydride reacts only with scale. Due to the instability of the hydride the range of working tempera- tures is narrow: 360-370 C. There is one table. AVAILABLE: Card 4/4 A/I 136-6-20/26 IV.F.I.Candidate of Technical Sciences. AUTHOR:' IKalugin.1 TITLE: On the Article "Rolling and Heat Treatment of Titanium" by.B.P. Zhetvin.and,V.K. Belosevich, (Po povodu stath R.P 7jheTvEn=a V.K,. Belosevicha "Prokatka i Termiches- kaya Obrabotka Titana".) PFRIODICAL: TsvetrWe Metally, 1957, vo.6, pp. 78-80 (USSR) ABSTRACT4 The writer of this letter to the editor is supervisor of th; rolling group for the VIAM organisation. He strongly crit- icises-recommendations and omissions in an article by Zhetvin and Belosevich published in Tsvetnye Metally, ho.l. On the part "Production of Sections", he maintains the authors' suggestions for surface.cleaninG and heat treatment are mis- leading and gives a table of results obtained at his organis- ation on the mechanical properties of titanium after rolling with and without subsequent vacuum treatment. The misleading nature of the part "Hot Rolling of Sheets" he attributes'to theauthors' ignorance of practical work carried out elsewhere. TA The .writer goes on to cite experimental data which showed the satisfactory plasticity of technical titanium when cold-rolled with stretching., The authors' recommendations on heat-treat- ment he considers incomprehensible, and because of omission of Card,1/2 anpl,vses, incapable of application to titanium-aluminium 0 ,AUTHOR: Zhetvin, ii.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Lebedlkov, A.A., Tunkov, V.P. and, A.D., Engineers. hTIE: Raising the Yield of Metal by Using Hot Ingot Tops (Pov?sheniye vykhoda godnogo-putem obogreva pribyllnoy chasti slitka) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1957, Ao.?, pp. 58? - 592 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Investigations carried out on the "Serp i Molot" Works on - :heating hot topof ingots of killed steel and riser for large steel castings are described. The following participated in the work: Engineers C.V.-Svirdov, V.M. Maksimov, P.I. Mellnikov, A.V. Rabichev, V.I. Tvirov, I.I. Fomin, A.I. Filatova and lab- oratory assistants I.P. Zabotkin, I.D. Obledkov and others. The usual works' practice was to team ?5-ton open hearth heats into 84 to 90 moulds (0.8 ton). Bot;om pouring of ingots placed on 12 ingot stools with filling sinkheads with bunkerite was used. Cropped head for carbon steel was 13 - 13.5% and for some low alloy steels 15-16%. Ingot dimensions: top 330 x,330 mm, bottom 2?5 x 275 mm, height 1 085 mm. The use of the following substances for heating hot tops was tested; 75% ferro-silicon crushed to -2 mm) 5 - 6 kg peringot with a supply %f oxygen 2 - 3 min) and 6 mixtures of ferro-silicon, aluminium, sodium ~ nitrate, chamott6 powder and silico-calcium in various propor- Cardl/3tions and combinations. The composition of mixtures numbered rP 133-7-5/281 Raising the Yield of Metal by Using Hot Ingot Tops, 1 - 6 is given. The structure of the ingot with heating top with ferro-silicon is shown in Fig-1, methods of sampling ingots in kig.2, comparison of macrostructure of longitudinal templets of ingots (A12 steel) with heating sinkhead with lunkerite and mixture 5 in lfig*3. Gas content in various parts of an ingot cast with intensive heating of the sinkhead and chemical comp- osition of sampl,e8,from longitudinal templets of ingots heated with lunkerite and mixture 15 are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.'.As the next step in saving metal, the shape of sinkhead was modified (Fig.4).and the insultion of hot tops improved (Pig*5)- It is concluded that the use of intensive heating of hot tops of large ingots and large shaped castings by combustion of ?Wferro-silicon in'a stream of oxygen improves the quality of ingots.and castings and gives an economy of metal f~r-,Dm. 4 to 15%. The method of heating hot tops of ingots not larger than I ton using mixture no.5, (70% of 2~96 ferro- silicon, 20% of sodium nitr ate, 10% chamotte powder for ingots stripped with clamps and mixture No.6 00% of 75% ferro-silicon, W16 sodium nitrate and 10% silico-calcium) for ingots and medium shaped casting for which clamps are not used, also improves the Card2/ auality of ingots and castings and gives an economy of metal from 319.5% for ingots to 15% for castings. Considering that the work 133-7-5/28 of Metal by Using Hot Ingot Tops, was carried out with 800 kg ingots, application of the above, heating method for larger.ingots should be additionally checked. During 9 months of operating according to the new practice crop ends were decreased by 2.3% and defects due to microstructure to .0.21% instead of the previous figure of 0-50%. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. 'ABBODIATIOB: Serp i Molot Works (Zavod "Berp j Molotn) AVAIIABLE: Library of Uongress. Card 3/3 717-7-117- is, I I~11 4 AUTHORS: Maksimov. B.M.? Zhetvin,. N.P. Ivanc-, A.A. axd Babkov, 6.v. TITLE. Roller: Guides: (~.a IL 250 Wire 1413.1 (Rc.,Ilkovy7e propuski:1 na Provo lochnom, stane 250) PERIODICAL:' Metallurg, 1958 Nr 5, PP'26 30 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Roller instead of alip guidea hate been successfully used for the last five years when tolling 30-165 mm dia. round.s. The advantages of roller L~uileja are outlinecl by the authors who discuss t-he difficulties which arose through high rolling speeds when such guldea were used with 5-8 mm dia. wire. At the "Serp i Molot" Works, the 250 wire mill is- used to roll low-carbon., medium- caarbon, tool (U'17 U13) "furrodit-), austenitic and.ferritic ritain-leas (type .1Kh18N9T_, heat-zesisting high-,speed and other steels into coiled 5.25-12.0 mm. Va. wire. A,faikly satisfactory slip~guide WaS H developed at,the works jointl with the filloskovzkiy institut stall (Moscow Steel Institute5 in 1954 but this still galle a defective product and a roller gulde (Figures 1~ 2) was constructed.. This has one pair of rollers is quickly and easily mourited and demounted and has some Interchangeable bearings. For ease-of passing-the at-rip info the rollers and ~Cardl/2 protecting the latter tubular cone guides are provided made, ~A Roller Guides on a 250 wire-mill 130-58-5-11/16 -like the rollers of chromium-nickel-vanadium steel (1.8-2.2% C11 0.8-1.2% Mat 0-511.0% S11 23-25%Cr, 1.5-2'.0% Ni, 1-0-1-3% W 0-3-0.6% V, under 0.045% 8 and.under 0.05% P. Two cone guide's in series are provided,the feed-end one being held in position with a wedge which facilitates the clearing of cobbles. This type of guide the authors recommend both with manual and repeater operation., On the 450 and 300 Mille at the works, guides with two pairs of J?ollers (Figure 4) are used but they have not proved satisfactory " whereas the one-pair types gave good results even when deliberately.mis-aligned. The dura- bility of a pair of rollers is up to 40-45 and 18-20 shifts on the Nr 2 and 3 lines, respectively, of the 2~O mill. There are 4 figures. 'ASSOCIATION: Zavod n8erp i Molot" ("Serp i Molot" Works) Card 2/2 SOV/133-58-6-24/33 AUTHOR: Zhetvin, D.P. Candidate of Technical Sciences TITIE: in Mi Serp,V114olot" Plant'. (Na zavode "Serp i Molot") PERIODICAL: Stall., 1958, hr 61 P 549 (USSR). ABSTRACT: :1) Determination~of o,' .r reserves of the mill 450 (in co-operation with TSNIITITASh In order to~obtain a.rational loading of the mill, the actual .,loads on the individual parts and mechanisms of the reducing stand under normal operatinG conditions were established. This made it possible to determine the posoibility of increasing the,throug-hput of the mill,by improving the desiG-n of the roll passes and the, rolling technology by a mo re uniform distri- .bution of reduction in the individual passes. 6imilar investi- gation,of loads on the finishing line will be carried out. 2) Developmentof the technology of rollinG of thin sheets for the productioa,of polished drums. It was found that sheets for the purpose can be obtained only from stain-less metal free from carbonitrides of titanium. Steel.-OM8149 smelted in arc furnaces from fresh materials was found,to be most suitable. Steel is coat into 500 kC; inrots which, before forging, are dressed to a depth of 15-20 mm. Forged.slabs are dressed before hot rolling. Hardened sheets Gard V2 In the "Serp,i Molot" Plant' S011113 3- 583-6-24/33 2 x 710 x 1800 mm. are made with all precautions to obtain good.surface. With a low content of non-metallic inclusions and insignificant separation of the ferritic phase, the metal can be well polished. 3), The development.of preventive measures against the formation of bubbles in rimminG steel for thin.sheets. -.By a strict control of pickline conditions, the defects due to bubbles decreased from 0.44% to 0.01-y,'O. It was found that the formation of bubblea.depends on the properties of metal; under the same condition* of picklinG only part of heats shows a tendency to the formation of bubbles. Card 2/2 1. Rolling mills--performance 2. Rolling mills--Applicatlons - 3. Steel--Processing 4. Steel--Quality control SOV/13.3-58-6-27/33 AUTHOR: zhetz R.P. Pandidate of Technical Gcier;cea TITIE: In the ~"Serp JL Molot" Flant.. The development of Measures to Increase the Life of Rollers in the Furnace for Thermal Treatment of Sheets (Na zavade "Serp -i Molot". Razxabotka mcropriyatiy po Mysheniyu sroka sluzhbv rolikov pechi dlya termicheskoy ob-ztot%1 lista) PLTIODICAL: Stall, 1958, Nr 6, p 558 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Rollers made from chromiumnickeltun6sten Bteel (C 0.45-0-60, Mn 0.65-1-50, Si 0.85-1-50, Cr 26-30, Ni 46-52) 'W 4-5yo) were tested with satisfactor,7 resillts. Card 1/1 1. FurnaceB-Equipment 2. Steel-Applicat ions --mmob, Men", SOV 133/58-9-24/29 AUTHOR: Zhetvin ~~~(Cand.Tech,SGienaes) TITLE the Works "Serp, i'Molot" (Va zavode IlSerp i molot") ~PERIODIbAL: Stall, 1958t Np 91 p 642.(USSR) ABSTRACT: ~Development of dravan- pra tice for difficult to deform, steels in a 2_K2_4e_qt_e7 sta-te ion the form of wire and rods, Weheating of semis from some steels before drawing in order to improve the process of drawing and increase the out--)uk-; was investigated. The following optimum preheaLing tempera- tures were established; drawing of wire fron st"A-el 'RI8 0 200-300.0; dra%,Iin,,,,,, of rods from steels KhI81 KAVG, MiG, .9KhS and:Khl?42 150-2000C. Using preheatin,,' an-Improvemeat in the operation was obtained. ~Search for *o osphatising conditions for drZ drawinI4 of Wire J rates above 300 M/min. 17'0 positive results as yet ware obtained, -the inveoitigation is beinv continueA.'' A study of the influence of the lenr,,th -of the- c,~flindrical Card 1/2 I I ~ j it j- 11, ; !; , , 1 , I 1 1. . I . . SOV/1-33-56-8-21/30 'AUTHOR: C"andidate of Tecl-L;Ilcal Sciences TITLE: ttt:~~,"S,erp i Molot" (Ila zavode "Serp i1iolotll) PERIODICAL;: - Stal .1953, Nr 8, p 746 (USSR) ABSTRACT..1) An increase in the yield of eood metal in the production of.killed steel by docreasing the volume of the shrinkaFe head of4ngots. By the use of, an exothermic mixture (6596, of powdered 75% f e silicon, W56 sodium nitrate and 15% chomotte powderY.the weight of-the shrinkage heWd of ingots was decreased from 109 kg to 91 kg, thus increasing the yield of good metal ~by 2%. In the next stage, the shape of the top was altered (see figure) which allovied for a further decrease of the shrinkage head to 81,5 kg and correepondinj~ly the total weight of the ingot from 605 ke to 796-?98 kgo This gave an additional 1% increase in the yield of metal. 2), The development of the technology of production of a new type of automatic steel. A now type of automatic steel was developed as a replacement Xor steel AV12. The ne- steel differe in chemical Cardl/2 --- -I--- - ---- - -- ---- -- I -- - - - - --- - -- - . ~-- ---- ~ -.-- .1 - . -- .--. .- - At the Works "Serp i Molot" SOTI/133-58-8-21/30 SOV/130-59-2-14/17 AUTHORS: Zhetvin, N.P., and I~odvoyskiy, L.N. The I%amme r Sickle" Works are 75 Years Old (Zavodu I,Serp i~ molot,, - 75 let) aRIODICAL:, Metallurgj 19599 Nr 2, pp 36-38 (USSR) ABSTBACT: .,The authors outline-the history of the Moscow "Be A in '94. ,molot" works from the days of its foundation 18 ~After a difficult period before and shortly after the revolution (in which many of the workers participated) the works were.redonstructed and expanded to become one of the main suppliers.of quality steels. The authors somedistinguished workers and the honourB and decorations which halve been bestowed. The works have consistently.over-fulfil-lecl government.plans for twenty years, including 1958. The,expanded production of stainless steel sections with a 22-fold increase, in 1946-1956 was the'major post-war development, followed by high-speedsteel. with a 6-fold increase. The authors state that the -works is now.entering a second radical'reconstruetion which will lead to a great increase in the range of products without much Card 1/2 increase in volume. They show some decorative uses , ~ ilol.,i,; 1 Iff! li, . it V I ;", " I j ~f 1, :R,:, ~. 14 'it I I I . ?~ . ; S014133-59-5-19132 AUTHOR: Zhetvin, X.P., Candidate of echfiical Sciences TITLE: the Moacow-works "S erp i Molot" (Ka Moskovskom zavode .11serp i Molot") Stall$ 1959, Nr,'5, pp 419 420 (USSR) ~ABSTRACT: 1) The production of Armeo iron from rimming steel 08-10 by vacuo treatment of liquid metal in a ladle (in co- operation with the Metallurgical Institute of the Academy 'of Sciences of the USSR). By a vacuo treatment of rimming steel for 6-8 min, at a residual pressure of 5-10 mm, HS, carbon content of the metal can be decreased from 0.14- 0-10% to OeO30 - Q#025%. The. vrork is being continued. 2) The use of heating of shrinkage head of ingots with briquettes and coatings for decreasing crops, The use of exothermit briquettes (50% coke breeze, 25% charcoalt 200,1 dry sa fixed into hot tops for wdust and 5% of NANO 3 killed steel ingots.,decreased crops by 10%. As the Application of briquetten made the use of clamps-impossiblo tion of bri4u6ttes required a spe*ial worltshopg and the produe the method.was discontinued. Instead, coating of hot tops Cardl/4- SOV/133-59-5-10/31. At the Moscow-Works."Serp i Molot" 'with an exothermic mass_ (20% dry sawdust, 45% dry coke, reclay) was introduced. The 200%, NaNO and. 15% of fi. 3 internal surface of the hot tops is coated w1th the above mass (,thick) where it is dried by the heat from previous teeming accumulated by hot-top lining. The coating is painted with a solution of sodium silicate, On teeming the coating begins to burn when the would is 2/3 full (the metal enters the already well-heated top) and the combustion is finished 10-15,minutes after teeming is finished.' In addition, an exothermic mixture (150% aluminium, lOYo silicocalcium, 40% ferrosilicon, 1516 NaNO IQ% coke, 31 chamott is added on the surface of-the 5% bauxite and 5%, this metal. The-slag crust fQrmed after the combustion of mixture presents a good heat.insulation. As a result, an 8% crop removes the shrinkage cavity. The method is recommended for a w1da application. For a farther decreased in crop and simplification of the casting pit practice, a *me experiments were carried out on bottom teeming of.killed steel in straight-through wide-end-down ingot moulds (normally Card2/4 q At the Moscow Works~"Serp i Molot" SOV/133-59-5-10/31 used for rimming steel) with the addition on the~surface of metal of an exothermic mixture (65% of 75% forro- aIilicon, 20% of-NaNO 15% of chamotto powder). The experiments are being continued. 3) An investigation of the~steel-smelting process in a direct-flow.-metallurgical furnace (in co-operation with MEI and TzNIIChM). Before the third campaign, some modifications in the construction of the furnace vore.~ carried out: installation of two atomizers of up,to 1 200, 10/h capacity,(inatead of .1); an additional recuperator capable of preheating 20% of air from.'30 - 60 to 0 700 - 750,:C, Altogether, 154 heats were m*ado during the third.campaign.. The results obtained indicated: a) a decrease in the.oxidlising' ability of the furnace (mean content of, iron oxides in slag 15-160,01 Card3/4 t, 11, i1 ~ f, t ~ -r I It I , " V.:;; I ~ ;, lP I I 25/31 g',OV/113-5.9-5-2 AUTHOR: Zhetvint N#P*, Candidate orleic nica Sciences TITLE: At the Moscow Works "Serp i Molot" (Na Moskovskom zavode-I'Sorp i Molot") pp 46o ~ft (ussR) -PERIODICAL: Stallj 1959, Nr ABSTRACT: 1) The develo'pmdnt;..of practices of t.hermal treatment.of sheets in a roller furnace and an increase in the durability of rollers. The practice of normalising sheets from carbon steels (08-10) at 1 030 - I 050-*c. The speed of travel of the sheets norrespondB to the time of 0.75 -.0-85 min/mm of thickness of the sheets. Practices for hardening stainle3a and heat-resistant steels are being developed. Rollers made from centri- fugically~cast tubes from steel Kh25N2OS2 were tested with satisfactory..results* Nav design of rollers: a) from ceramic components and b) from steels Kh28N48V5 and Kh20V5Yu5T2 weredeveloped in co-operation with the "Elektropech'" Trust. .2) The development of practices of thermal treatment of .rods and wire from KhI8 steel. In order to inhiblt the ageing proceds (dispersional hardening) which occurs during Cardl/6 SOV/133-59-5-25/31 'At the Moscow Works I'Serp i Molot" ..prolonged retention of wire in the hardened state or during its thermal treatment at a comparatively low temperature..(below the lawbr criti~~al point) the following changes in the.production pactice were introduced: i) alkali pickling during which the wire was heated to 400-500 OC was discontinued; ii) annealing of r.ogs of intermediate and final dimensions'(heating to 720 C with0soaking for 2hours, cooling with the furnace to 680 Cand then in air) wag replaced by isothermal annealing..(heating to 880, C with soaking for 2 hours, cooling with the furnace to 700 OC, retention for 4 hours, 0 cooling with the furnace to 650 C and then in a pit)l iii) annealing of'rods directly-after rolling was intro- duced;, Iv) retex&Lon of wire in a hardened state at intermediate manufacturing stages was limited to 8 hours.. With the above modification, a plastic wire wals.obtained which could be drawn with partial reductions of 20-25% and the total reduction of 50%. 3) 'Productlon of a low-cax-bon ejeotr-Otechn4ca-I Iron wIth a low coercive force and minimal ageing (in co-operation. Card2/6 SOV/133-59-5-25/31 At the Moscow Works:"Serp i Moiot" with M&TI).. By annealing of metal in a stream of dry Ihydrogent magnetic ageing can be reduced to a-minimum oercive for-io not exceeding 10-20%). (increase in the r 4) Search for-methods of increasing wear resistan a of parts made from high manganese steel (in co-operation with TsNIITMASh). -As -the wear resistance of parts of crushing machines made from stool G13L is lower than that.of corresponding imported specimens, a research on-the possi- bility of improving this.quality of the home-made steel is being carried out; PropDrties and composition of 30 specimens of imported parts were studied, whereupon it was found.that the upper "Limit of phosphorus and silicon content in.the home-made pe.-ts is higher than in..the Imported ones* A machine for testing w-ear-resistaut properties of ppLrtSL under conditions similar to their normal operating qonditions was developed and at present a method.of testiwwhich will seaure the reproducibility of results is being worked out. 5) An investigation of the kinetics of decarburisation: of tool,and ball-bearing steel during thermal treatment* Card3/6 is At the Moscow Works ".Serp iMolotll SOV/133-59-3-25/31 The process of docarburization of steels U12A and ShKhgl .,during thermal.treatment under laboratory and industrial Condit ions I has - be an studied, It'was found Shat: .4) on annealing*at temperatures uP to 740 C with-soakins up .~to 16 hours under.oxidising conditions and in.the presence of freskiron filings, the docarburisatioh process does not develop-either in rolled (with scale) or in.machined specimens. Annealing above 740 0C leads to the formation of plate p8arl itel, b) the decarburisation at temperatures above 740 q accelerates in time. In oxidizing atmosphere 8n machined specimens,.the decarburisation begins at 76o C after soaking time of above 8 hours, at 780 C after 4 hours, at.800 C after 2 hours and at 820 *C after I hour; a) in the surface zone of specimens covered i with scale, an insignificant increase in carbon concentration .(Up to 0.18590 is observed (due to diffusion) which~neve.r 'equallses with the composition of the main metall d) an increase in the carbon content of the surface layer ofspecimenowith scale confirms the protective action.of the scale against decarburisation during thermal treatment*. Card4/6 .At thel Moscow wo:I~ks "Serp I Molot" SOV/133-59-5-25/31 Picklingof rolled products before annealing promotes decarburisation; e) on annealing in aotube with fresh ...iron filings at temperatures up to 800 C and soaking up to decarburisation of steel SbKh9 was observed (on annealing without tubes or in tubes at temperatures above 800 0C decarburisatIon at both steels takes place). The statement of some authors that the decarburised layer.can pass into scale was not confirmed by the experiments. 6) Development of:a_practil-.e for continuous contactless electrolytic method of pickling wire. Laboratory pickling was carried out an a two-bath apparatus* In, the first bath, wire from carbon and IKhl8N9T steels was submitted to cathodic and, in the second, to anodic.pi6kling. The influence of the composition of electrolytes, their tempratures, current density and pickling velocity were studied. Optimum picicling conditions (quoted in the text) were established. Card5/6 IM I Wf, 4 1 SOV/133-59-6-24/41 AUTHORt Zhetvin,.N.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences At the~~Moscov.Works "Serp i Molot" (ria Moskovskom zavode, roserp i'molotid PERIODICALtStal' 1950,: Nr 6, p 55o-551 (USSR) p ABSTRACT% 1. Determination of the depth of cracks in roll passes. The sensitivity.of ultrasonic defectoscope UZD-7N was tested on'specially prepared plastic and steel The true depth of defects agveed with specimens. , that given by tables prepared for the instrument. In experiments,on the determination of cracks in rollfi of 450 and 750 Mille cracks 35-40 mm deep were f ound which was later confirmed during machining of the rolls.. The use of the defectoscope permitted pre-arrangement of roll repairs thus preventing breakdowns. 2. .~Mastering of the process of straightening of stainless steel in hardened and soft state on a straightening-stretching machine. The most suitable conditions for stretching sheets.from El 904 steel Card 1/2, -70 -120. werefound to beds 55 and aB 100 18.7100, 18-7500 775911 SOV/229-6o-2-7/13 --Zh-eLv'j q,, Podvoyakly, L. N. (Candidates of TechnidiiT-Snences), Krylova, L. 1. (Er~sineer) TITLEs Investigation of De-carburization. Kinetics of Bill Bearing Steel DAving Heat' Treatment FERIODICA Lt Metallovedeniye i terinicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 1960, Nr 2 -112 (USSR) pp 37~ ABSTRA!,T t The experiments on the above subject were carried out at the laboratory of "Serp I molot" Plant (Zavod Itserp I molot"). Since it is very difficult to aeparate processes of scale formation and decarburiza-- tion, which proceed simultane-ouoly, tiv., variation of carbon concentration in the u(trface layer after scale removal was selected as critevion of de-carburIzation. Aft&r thorough studk of dekaarburlzatlorL in the initial'. rolled state, ShYhq- steel ~speciirnetts (C, 1.00-1.10; Cr, 0,90-1.20; Mn., 0.20-0.4o; 01, 0.15-0-35; S, 0.020; Card 1/9 Investigation of Decarburization Kinetics 77594 of Ball Bearingr Steel During Heat Treatment sov/129-6o-2-7/13 ~P