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, I ;I I . 'I, i . 11 HE] . , '1111, 11 i to j ~Ml 13-1111111~~ I I'l 111"'. 11 it IF 1'131V, P I "I ~ li 1" - i I ;d 1, . .1 Al A ; ~ I ;, ~ '. i if 41- W - tv it it it h- J1. Y? A )9 4- 1 44 N--t-4- - -~ V-A -CL-it 14- -rl~zh A V 04fdWift 44i4 MONO in, Zoo find -C&C(h. An app, Ivilittwoeter (wtt-i, 111itIt'I'94 A vis guhnig. if of) -T : all.1 Ifit. ump IrliAmitv the 1"04 If 0 r4 Ow "61 4WO4 file 1knerthm rif thr light IK%tll 4 hi dw '"a. A, Peaoff 009 900 04, iv 1 it 1209 its, it A allottliftICAL UWAVOC CCASIVICAMS IF low 4-~i" SON-144 "I. W.V .11tal.ft b - IL AV MO At on- tw it 9V it off 04 it, a a it #1 It 1 :14 A I If IN 1 66 1 --1 11 ! .1 11, -~l N! IN - 1: i i i I I t1 , v L.:j_fZ~:~VITN, ~J. il. I i.!: :Ii~! . Al ~ :1 'Alii If lVi-I 1!! 1:1 il-NUP'W"ll! 1 I PII Vili !", fl"illill - 11.-! 1 1, j! jj p i 3 ", -111""! 11 -1 11. I I ~ I ~ ~! ! 112 " I I!' ~ i "i . a . I Tj z 1 1 r I - - I ; z ; I f , . 1, . . : ,- . - - 't Towe~r qenerators f or (cont.) 528 COVERAGE: The booklet*pres'ents the fundamentals of the design -.0f-inductor type stepped-up*frequency power generators which are-currently used-in,installations for the induc 'tive heating of metals, The basic operating characteristics of these genera- ,torsIas well a's the methods used for co-ordinating them with the loads~are reviewed~--ICfidications and recommendations are given,for the installation and operation of stepped-up frequency generators in industry,- The booklet is based on the materials and oftht Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tokov vysokoy chasto Ity imeni ptofessora V. P. Vologdina (Scientific Research Institxite of High-Frequency Currents im. V. P. Vologdin) and the Laboratoriya~vysokochastotnoy elektrotermii Akademii nauk SSSR (Iaboratory of High-frequency Electrothermy of the Academy of Sciences,USSR). Professor V. P. Vologdin is mentioned for his achievements in designing and implementing inductor type stepped-up and h-f generators. There are no references. Card 2/4 Power Qenerators for (cont.) . 1 528 I : - ~ , 1 .5 , . ~. t;, ~ r. .0. .4 ~ I , II , , i . I ill. 1; ! Ill u I i'1 lz .fl 1 . - i . ~ il'~ It 1 ~, I I'll, 11, 1 flillf fl".,',~~1114 i - I " I : ! 1 i; ~ ___!c;h VITSYN, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, kandidat -telchnIcheak1kh nauk; A.AOO ekhnichaskikh nauk, re- kandidat t daktor; SLUKHOTSKIT, A*To*, kandidat takhnichemkikh nauk, radaktorl GLUKUNOV, N.P., kauWat takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; IUMUHXkA*T*, Inshaner, rodaktor; SIHONOVMf, 1A., radaktor isdatelletys;-DOWSKOT, A.V.,. professor, aoktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, retmenzent; SYCHXVA,O.Vo* takhnicheakiy rodaktoro [Power gererators.for hIgh-frequency heating] Mshiniyme geldpratory dlia vysokochastotnogo nagrevat IzA.2-os. ispr. i dop. Po& red. A.A. Yogelia, ~.Moekva, Goe.n&uchno-tekhn,izd-v* mashinoutroltalit-i7# 1957. 49 p. (Bibliotachka v"kokochastotniks-termistfo A0.6) (HLRA 10:6) tInductionheating) Plectric generators) PA 3111 7AUTHOR: ZIMIZIMIRIN, RjP.~L-XRUPY-3HEVj G.11.p MARTYNOVj A.M. (Leningrad) TITLE: -1-Ta-rametric Gonerator.: (Parametricheskiy generator. Russian). PERIODICAL:' Blektrichestvo. 1957,Nr 5, pp.69 71 Reoeived,.*6 1957 Reviewed: 7 1957 ABSTRAM 3PG gen erator finds its practical application as a The parametric , , power supply~sourae fo'r radio technical and other installations with an.,output from several hundred watts. It-is an A.G. machine whose ferromagnetio rotor exhibits its own cogged form. and which has no,,windings. 'The 3PG generator forms its own group of machines. The-selfregulation of the generator is investigated and then the,working.charaoteristioa. The greatest interest for the practical application of the 3PG is its use as a aingle phase current source with raised frequency in connection with an effective load. I nt is that The peculiarity of the 3PG with a given torrional mome by reducing the effePtivejoad P 2 hardly changes its speed at all. The output,consumed-by the generatorp honeverf appears in itself as loss. The YerY simple In its construction which guarantees its dependability in action. It is practical to use the generator under a work laod an a current source of leas output (10 - 200 W) with a raised frequency of 400 to 2000 Cycles. A Yaluable attribute ' ' .,Card 1/2 c.. in conne of this generator in the possibility of Its application . 1 1: 1 1 ~, -~, I ~, .!~ 1. , , III I .1,11tili I lo; !, Ir - - ;. I ~ t . i P ~ , 1 e . - S/196/62/009/020/011/021 E294/E153 'AUTHORI, Zhez.herin, R.,P#' TITLE s :7fndtiECo-r generat PERIODICALs Referativnyy.zhurnall Elektrotekhnika i energatikas no. 2o, 1962, 14, abstract 20 1 87 K. (M*-Lvl Gosenergoizdat, 1961, 319 Pagest-ill-i 97 k).. ~TEXTs state The book considers the theory of steady- '~operation of inductor generators, their operating characteristicag ~'and analysis~of their operaiion under:opecial conditions, includingi ..parallel running* The book describes the,construction of various 1.types~of generators it givesdata for the design, manufacture and .,;.;operation of inductor machines. The b9ok; intended for engineering! !,.,:and technical staff of electrical engineering'worka and -i~organizations-that~ume.-induoter generators, can also-be iiseful in college courses.on the industrial,application of high-fidquency-_ en erators. g 0 c"tor's notes -Complete translatio stra n .!.:Card 1/1 SoV/llo-59-2-2/21 AUTHORS: Zhezharing R - P--r .-Pindidate of Technical Sciences, and IGTpyshov,. G,.N,,.,.-ngineer TITLE:, .A Machine'Type High_-Frqquency~Qenerator with Excitation 01touits (Elektromashinnyy generator vysokoy chastoty s volzbuzhdayushchimi.konturami) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektroprqmyshlennosti, 1959,Nr 2,pp 4-8 (USSR) JVZTRACT: Valve type-generators for frequencies of 10 - 30 kels and ~above are very. bttlky and are- difficult to operate 'on variable loads There is accordingly great need of machine type g;n9rators for such frequencies. :The authors have found a,new way,of increasing the frequency without altering the number of poles an the r6for. With the new generator it is possible -to obtain-fre#ency tw1o# as high as from machines of the normal inductor t ribes the ype. This article dese construction and opetating principles of the generator and gives experimental test data. The alm of the tests was not:to obtain the highest possible frequency but only to,,verify the principle of the7machine. The machine is Card 115 illus trated schematically in Fig 1-1 it has a toothed rotor-like that.of.reactive or inductor machines. On the SOV/110-59-2-2/21 :.~'.-'_'-A_Madhine Type High-Frequ6ney.Qenerator with Excitation Circuits ..~stator there are tooth which form ridges displaced from one another by an angle of X/2. So far the generator construction is~similar to that of a two-phase inductor machine, Three types of-winding are located in the stator slots between the ridges, a control winding.with direct current, a two-phase a.c. excitation winding with frequency f2 aiad a single phase generated current winding of frequency.fl+,., It is explained that f - 2f29 To space thd.control and excitation windi;g can be combined, and this is the circuit illustrated in Fig 2. The operating principles~of the generator are as follows: The d.c. in the.control winding.sets up a magnetio,field between the stator and rotor, the distribution of which depends on the position of t~e rotor teeth, As:the rotor turns there is periodic redistribution of this flux between the stator tooth and so e.m.f.'s are induced in the windings just as in a two-phase inductor machine. The,connections'to each phase are brought out separately, 4ach phase is connected to a capacitor and, therefore, Card'2/5 CaPacitative currents of frequency f2 flow in the excitation coils,. The magnetic reaction field set up by SOV/110-59-2-2/21 A Machine Type High-Frequency.aenerator with Bkoitation Circuits the capacitative currents is the excitation field for e m,f.'s of frequency fL-that are set up in each of the s;~tor coils. The excitation windings are so connected that the sum of the f4 frequency currents in them is zero, but in the working windings the e.m.f.'s of frequency f4 are added together and those of frequency f2 subtracted 'The load -is supplied at a frequency f4 and is;d to the generator'terminals,through a series capacitor ds in Fig 2c or through a parallel capacitor as in Fig 2b. Tests weremade on an experimental machine, the main dimensions of which are given. . The profiles of the stator and rotor stampings are shown in Fig 3.. Design,detalls of thb windings are given. The way in which,the no-load characteristic is affected by the value of.the capacitance in the excitation circuit is demonstrated graphically in.Fig 1+. The shape of these curves is discussed. Short circuit curves with various values of capacitance in the excitation circuit are given -Card 3/ In Fig-5. .'The~relationship between the operating~voltage. and the control current is given In Fig 67 with one value. of capacitance,and several values of active load, If SOV/110-59-,2-2/21 -A Machine,Type.High-Frequency,,Generator with Exe.itation.Circuits the load is,too'heavy -particularly if it is Induotivet ..the machine may fai- to' excite. The behaviour:ofthe generator on purelycapacitative loads is explained with! reference,to* Fig 7. : Figs 8 and 9 show regulation' characteristics for-two different values of capacitance when the.load beyond the series capacitor is pure resis- tance. The effect of voltage on the regulation character- istics is Illustrated by the graphs-of Fig 10o The external,characteristies of the generator are shownin Fig 11 for three types of load, and in Fig 12 for active load in the circuit with series capacitor and without it for two.values of-control current& The generator has good amplifying-prop6rties combined with low time... constants of all the circuits. The oscillogram given in Fig,13 shows the speed at which'the output voltage of the CaIr d1+15 generator. falls when the control winding is short circuited. The reactive output of the phase capacitors u4 I . : I . i ~ F I IN't , . is I V i I " , , ~r -- , 4 . v-11EIII-1111i ~ 11-ti 11 11"I'l IM[W-b! e 1 11 1 Dr, ; I i I, zff" , I I , I .. I; ti : I 11111,; 1 i1 1 11 [1, BOYI89-6-3-9129 -AUTHOR: Zhezherunq I. F.. 'TITLE: Exp erimental Checking of the Theory of Neutron Diffusion in a Medium With Cavities (Ekaperimentalinaya, proverka toorii diffuzii neytronov v arede a pustotami) .PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959P Vol 61 Ur 3, PP 311 314 (USSR) "ABSTRACT, For tho computation of nuclear reactors it in cometimes neces- know1he influence exerted by cmvitios on neutron diffusion. Theoretically this problem was. solved by V. S. Fur- sov and S. L. Sobolev for the,oaue that if these cavities are represented in the moderator by parallel cylindrical channels the, radii'of-which are smaller than the scattering length of thenautrons in the moderator and the arose sections of which are considerably smaller than the total cross section of the moderator.'In'this case the presence of the channels has.almost no effect at all on the neutron field but neutron diffusion in the parallel and vertical direction to the channels will bo:'a modified. The theoretically derived for- mulae are expe Irimentally checked. For this purpoee a ~10dte prism Card 1/3 of a diameter of 60 60 cm2 and of a height of 125 am Boom Experimental Cheaking-'oft-heTheory of Neutron Diffusion SOV169-6-3-9199 in a Medium With Cavities is.fitted'to the upper reflector of the reactor.described in refersoe 2. There are.2 parallel channels In this graMto b3o&jn ths~ohannel precisely in themiddle of the prism 2 indicators,consisting of gold-foils (thickness 0.1 mm.) are Introduded'at a,distance of 65 cm from the basal surface Jn alplane which is vertical to the axis of the channel. The gold foils are~separated by a 0.6 = thick cadmium foil. The lateral surfaces and the upper surface of the prism are oovered by I mm thick cadmium foils. If the reactor is in operation the thermal neutrons diffuse from the graphite reflector of the r6actor into the graphite prism -the basal 'plans of which represents a plane neutron source. Since the lower gold indicator-can be activated only by thormal neutrons coming from-. balow'and the upper indicator only by neutrons coming f om above,~the difference of activity of the indicators per I cmi is proportional to the neutron flux. If,the same experiments are repeated in a way that the channels are filled,with graphite bars, those figures are obtained which -hold for a medium without cavities. The activation periods Card 2/3 and the intensity of the neutron source was the same in both III i1f I UPI ` il 1! iI'! 'Hill 01 1 t', lit V; ----- - - --- Zxperimental Checking of the Theory of Neutron Diffusion SOV189-6-3-9129 in a Medium With Cavitios ~test series.and was continuously checked. The found ratios Are listed ins, table. The following conclusion can be drawn from the experimento:'The experimental checking of the neutron diffusion in a graphite medium with parallel cylindrical channels with a radius R R 0.88) the oentera of the channel coincide with the corners of a quadratic lattice with a spacing 2' a( IR 2 3.81.10-2) shows that the theoretically derived formulae describing the effective diffusion coefficients and the diffusion lengths in a homogeneous an well as in a medium with cavitiesp are correct# Vo S,.Puraov showed constant interestin the~present paper. There are ifigurep I table, and 3.reforen'ceag 1 of which is Soviet. :z ~ ~. i " I- F. ! . , : i ZIIEZHERUII, IoF4; SADIKGV~ I.P*; CHERIIYSWVp A.A. (Measuring the moderation length of fiveion neutrons up to an energytof 9.3 ev, in eintered berylliwn oxide] Iz- merenie d1irW zamdloniia witronov delonlia do energii ev.~ v opecli6nnoi okisi borillia. Moskvaj In-t atom- noi energii AN SSSRI 1960. 17 p. (RIRA 161l2) (Heutro-na-Capture) (Beryllium oxide) "j, SADIKOVj I. P.; TARABANIKO, V.A.; GIMUSHOVj, A.A. [MeaBuring,the moderation length of fission neutrons in sintered, beryniumo.xido up to an onorgy of 1.44 ev. ~(resonance,of indium)) lzmorenio dlizW zamedloniia neit-, ronov delonlia v j9pochennol okisi berilliia do energii iti , f. I ~"rul I I I i ~ 111 ~ I i I ii 1 -11 .11, Mil -I'El" , ., 1, 1, -~~ , 11, 1 ~. 41 ~ I! , ,,;I " 0", --I- -4--SADIKOV-I-.P-.-- HERNYSHOV-,-A-.-A ZHEZHERUN. F ;-,-C Effect of the temperature and microstructure of sintered bervIlium oxide on:the scatterine cross secti6n of thermal S/120/62/0 03/oWoO. E032/Ell4 AUTHORS: Zhezherun, I.F., Sadilcov, I.P., and Chernyshov, A*A. TITLE: A pulsed detector of 0.3 eV resonance neutrons PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika'eksperimenta, no -47 -3, 19621, 43 TEXT: The detector was designed for measuring the spatial distribution of slowing-d6wn neutrons. It is basically a plutonium ionization chamber '.located inside a samarium-gadolinium filter and isishoin-i:,in Fig.l. The Ni collector carries a layer of rU02-1120 (0-3-0.5 (.,1/cM2). The chamber is filled with argon + 5-10% C02 at a total pressure of 1 atm. In the absence of filters the efficiency to 0.3 eV:neutrons w 3' for total amounts as 1. 5 and 16 of plutonium of 1.8 and 3.6 mg, respectively. The construction of the filters is-indicated in Fig-3; mixtures of samarium and gadolinium oxides were employed. There are,6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut.atomnoy onorgii AN SSSR ..(Institute of Atomic Energy AS USSR) SUBMITTED; 'November 9, -1961 Card 1/3 e 'A d t' A. Rq~PA P-ln,m wrl,lea H~A'-? Card g-1 A'~', ( ~ ',% -. - - ". ., 4. ~ I ., .4, -, r- r. ),. - i - - a. .N, I . - SUBMITTED: 16May6Z DATF-A,--tj: ZtAugf)i KNCl- 0' SUB CODE: NS NO REF SOV: OOZ OTHER: 904 Co,d 2 / 7 . lill . 1:1 1;l I .. j.; _',~'ACCESSION NRs AP4006630 S10089/63/015/006/0485/0489 AUT H OR Zhezherun, 1.'P.; Saaikov 1, P.; Tarabanlkol V, 'A,j TITLE: Fission neutron multiplication in,6e'rylliUm ',.-SOURCZ IAtomna 15, no. 6* 1963s 485-489 energiya, v TOPIC TAGS., beryllium,l noutron'multiplication, multiplication factor, -:nuol4'&r.rsaet*rj:r&&4tov theory, reactor physics$ neutron moderator .,ABSTRACT: The multiplication:factor in beryllium has been mea surad ,by the method of apherical,geometry,* A'n enriched (96% U23~ UH306 enclosed,in a thin-valled'sethispherical 'container used as the fission-neutron a Iource (coInverter), was irradiated by athermal-noutron beam-from alreactor.-The relative increase,of:lcha power of the (Laskon-' neutron,.sourca surrounded bk.&,spherical layer -of beryllium was neasured. The neutron detectors were located 80 cm from the source ind shifted around it in a horizontal plane,, Measurements era' made of the t9tal,countihs rat a for five beryllium and fi ve r'aphita spheress- Themultiplication factor (ate Figo I of Znclosure)' It ~ :j ~'!~ ;117 z I ; I I , - I - - - .- -1 - - .- - . - - . . I - . - -1 - - ~ I - -1 . Ia - I -- . -I .- I I - 111 11 TI IIr - .. i ~. .- I I !I I . t - , , -, , -. -- , - , I . -- . - I . .-.. . J " 11 t ~,, ~ -1 : till!" ll 11; 1 ~ 1 [.1, 1. 1 -1111 k" ~ 11, `!Nlo : t'fl 1 1 1 I IMMI I Ili I 11911! 111 ~Mllfll( 11 HA"I I`, I It 31 1 -- - - ----------- _L_L8 _50- 6~_ EwT(m)1EPF(c)11;TG1ZP?(n) -21SWO(m) WV ACCESSION MR: AT5022309 UR/3136/65/000/844/0001/0027 Zhezhe AMOR.- run. TITLE, Study of U suj;V'23_5 + Be subcritical assemblie by the pulse method Soma Moscow#'- -Ins t LtU -Itb~energilr Doklady_, ZAE-844, 1965, Be poEtri~lef~e--ak-LlFh,-sb6irok~. impul saym -metodod 147 TOPIC TAGS; subcritical reactof,'..thermal neutron$ neutron spectrum, uranium, berylliun ABOTRACT: The artLcle.reportelpreliminary results of experiments with various 1~ SUI)critical u235 s Be -assembliesp: performed at the 1AE by the method of a pulsed nelitron source. The assemblies, made up of alternating flat layers of Be and U235, were put together without rdflectors in the form of cubes or parallelepi- peds, The method of a pulsed neutron source was used to measure the coefficient of attenuation q( of the main neutron density harmonic in over 30 assemblies of various sizes (from near-critical to deep subcritical). In the large assemblieel the mean velocity of the Maxwellian part of the neutron spectrum was also measured, as compared to the man velocity in the lump of pure beryllium. The experimenta served to verify the methods of multigroup calculationi# and to Card 1/2 L 1850-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5022309 determine the reactor parameters Urectly Ln the age or two-group approximation. "The author thanks for assLatance Ln the meA4uremants and the entire staff attac"d tz the linear accelerator with uhich this vock uas carried out." Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 2 tables. Card 2/2 L-ITIT "I' ~;tudylrjg, tka process of ne,itron modr-ratfon In ly!ryl1iUm and hor7llium oxide using the pulse method. Atom. energ. 18 no.2: 2' /-135 FA65. (MIRA 18--3) 1 '60 ZHIMUD kh-nauk,-radalctor. " 1 ~ , , " j I ,i ~ 11 1 Iri I ~ i I I I 1 11 -1 '1 -1 !:,. ~.;. I ~~ZECHOSLOVAKIA/Microbiology - General Microbiology. F-1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 7, 1957, 26176 Author Zhezhulkova, M. Inst -------------------- Title, The Use ofAgar with Maize Extract for Counting Bacteria Orig Pub Ceskosl. hyg., 1956, 1) No 3) 162-163 AbBt Following the successful use,of bouillon with maize ex- tract in testing the sterility of biological preparations (antiviotics,' serums, vaccines and dehydrated blood plas- MEL)., the author investigated the possibility of using maize extract as component of solutions for counting bac- teria in water and soil. For comparative purpoace, 2% MPA was used. The,composition of the solution contai- ning maize extract vas;~ 5 grams sodium chloride, 10 grams peptone.. 20 milliliters of 50% maize extract, 480 inillilitere.of distilled water) and 500 milliliters of meat bouillon. The reagency of the solution is brou&t Card 1/2 C2ZCHOSLOVAKIA/Microbiology,-,Genera1 Microbiology. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biolosiya) lio 7) 1957) 26176 toa pff.of 8.0 by,means of a solution of N&OH. It is then steam.ed.for an hour, filtered through a double layer of filter paper. 20 grams of agar are then ad- ded, and ithe solution is steamed agiLin for 30 m1nutes, the pH brought to 7.6, and the 30 minutes steaming is repeated. The hot solution is then filterea through a thick layer of cotton wadding and sterilized 30 min. in aln.autovlave at 115 degrees. In both solutions, counts were taken ofthe absolute.number of mesophyllic, psychrophyllic and sporulating bacteria from 27 samples of water, silt and soil with varying waounts of inocu- late. Theauthor arrives at the conclusion that agar with mize extract is a'substitute for:MPA in the sani- tary testing of water and soil, and may also have other applications In bacteriological practice# Card 2/2 I'l; ; .I.'i ~. i 1 1 : , : ! i , . ~ I . I- ~~j v: i , H i i . 1~ ii" HIIIRJIIINPIMI~ " 11, ~ I Ifl, " I" ~ I il 1; ..:: .; , li 1~ w ,I ! 1 11 ~; I ; U *' , " U M I : ~ ? : .: 9 -0 1 - - ~d 0, ~ pI tV.1 7i- fill', Aft -9 it IOU od A [all liff If "fills P. I r F4 JIM I Air, g jig ri 114 Ill 4w LI 3~- I ;~, 5 .. ~-i - i I ;i'i'l ;~ It. pRiliflil i~, 11 1 I IRA 11 i I It; I I All ts k p a I ~*flk . "". i e~ _. - , 1, ~ i lv,~, it - . 11111A~.Alftll;ll- i, a i I, 0HUICI ~i - ~., I ! III. 1 4'! I K.A.,; TALIGLIM, P.A. Fastdr mothodis of determining barium In orekz and concentraticn producto. Trudy 11M no,507-79 163o fMNU 18i10 . . . . . . . . . . . . INNIPSUM ME 11. HUM" MIND'I'll 'Big 111-1fl, 111111, 1"A I R9, i I IA. 7, 1 "' I ~~ ;T i : I I I ~:, ~ I i 1:7111 PI MI, 1 111;, -M ~ I ~ IT", 10"i It ~, F11 "I T11 I " --d! I IF, i i - I I ~ I I v 11 . 1') : 7 1 i t : I I . I R t. r Z I I "Diamerbitions. Deparbwat of WMIMI Sclewesp JUIY-Dea- 1957. Vest. ~ Ak., Ikuk SWP 195C# fros'.48 ]MV, At the lnst~-. of Pover Rug~warbiG Im G. U. Krzhithazovskiy the followl0a diazertatioav for degree of Cx3ad. Timb. Sci. vere def*W*d. V. ff. AMUM 2tamidasion of. ftAlation 11"t of Doted -Combustion Cuts In the. Chamml with Cooled waus. L, N.'ZBM=.- Problems OC the Patexuanatiou of the Optim= %rt- Cm in ~~Mth Coafta, Utried oUt for YOM. A. A.- ISULUDYA - Xwestl*+Aoa of the xxodesses In tha $=-D**iag Da- vices of Different Frult D. A. X42MMA - 11mblems of the Raergy StWly of the Pastures of the Drive- to B 0 HOT= -twmUptift of the Gaadynode wA Electric Psweam AccoupuVing the of the A=, by Air Jat#. 1. X. OVJ31=VZCM CoveriM of the Ent, Hwd~m In the STI a of M& end ftrameters, I" M Zmx= - Wableas of tb-- IX-tessUation of the OpUmm ftrts of the GM In. the ftatm With Contml Carried out for Yam. AO As ISKWXA -' lavestlptl= of the Theml Ptocesses in the am-brjInC Devices ofDiffamt rrtdt Struature., D. A. XAZBMWA - Pmbleim of the Ruara Sxwly of the ftstwvs of the mve- CILtUe J32'Ced. ." 1 1 1 t ~-OTFIHIIIHIFW. , ii-i i ~ I I ,l i , i-l , ;i I - ; I 1~ 5 k". - 5 II - . I I'l,; ~ 1 11 A 11, L9, Ilk H . 1-1 jil 1, 11-1 1 T " 1 ; 11; , i 1 :1 , P4 ___ZHGEh'TIj_ ?-. 11. ~211GENTIj P.I. ---Author's Abstract of a dissertation on "Problems of tI* Specialization of Kolkhoz-Production in Subbropical Regions of hbst6rn Georgia". presented -toward the Academic degree of Doctor in Agricultural Sciences. Published by the Georgian Agriculjiural Inst. Min Higher Education USSR. Georgian Order of Labor Red Banner Ag- ricultural Inst. Ibilisij 1955& (Dissertation for the DOgree of Doctor in Agricultural Sciences). .300; Knizhnaya 1atopis',, No. 2; 1956. USSR/Farm Animls Mmeylbec Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol.; 110 15, 1958, 69428 Author Lekishvili) M,A., Lokabidze, I.M., _ZhGqi~ti.L. SJC -If 7UMUa 6, Inst Scientific Research Institute ..)f Aninal Husbandry of Georgian SSR Title Results of Divestipting the Ecomrdeally Valuable Properties of F=r Basic P3pulations of Gray High- Mountain GeorGian Honeybees OriG, Pub Sb. tr. N.-i. in-t 71iivotaovodstva. GruzSSR, 195T, 2, 243-257 Abstract As a result of three-year investiCpti,)n) it was esta- blished that the MeVelskaya hoiloybee ban the loiif3eat IiOan (7.02 rmi), hioiost productiveness, is less incli- ned to swarminr,, is peaceful, but at the same time is Card 1/2 63 ;,I I 114 U:' 1! 11 111.11 USSR/Farra Aninals Honeybee Abs Jour Ref Zhur Bial., 110 15, 1958, 69428 less resistant to faul.br3da diseases and is bent on robbing. The hxicybees of the Abkhazimn breed are less productive, raore bad-torTered, less inclined to swarming, wid have a shorter ligula. The Kartaliiiskaya honeybee nhas a still maller productiveness, rears a (7cater nun- ber of br~od,is mre re3istant to diseases and Is less wicked. The Kakhetian honeybee, accardinG to nll ince- xes~ is inferior to the above-named three populations of honeybees. Card 2/2 ;,q UP I --~ " -""l _=_2111 I . ., ; - Hitil I A.11. .11 p I ~ 11 , I ~l I'; I , ',*, ; ~ i", - ',~; . , r , i , * I , ! ;o , 4 t I-! j iv , is Ii , 1 i 5, ~; li " : ; . : Fs - , - 't ;: - .; 7 i %- , I - ~ j~ , - . , - 0 i 77T,- wij 1,:11111", MII 1.011 i.- 1 1 1 ~l I ~ '! i~l I , 1 -1 1 I"j,.;i z11 1 i '. ,I-~T '. i , :i f 14,,~' R- i-..,, i j II I .- I ., : ; I , - md 111,1111, 141HIllidlilli'l, fl I -'~-, " i I'- I ~ I I ~ ~ , $1,Ii 11 ~! 1 1: 110 ~ I 1 4 ; ! i I - i -i - I f! . i - ~ " . *, ~,.f, :,i.-, . 1 : . 1 1 t. 4 . t;.i . 11 e,.: - 1. 1 1. 4 . ~; "~' A i~j; r. ; 11 " I i ii"I '~f I I I I I~' ~ ]I I; ~l I !I I ii 11 . . : 'ii il I 4 c : I. I Iq -, t ~ 11 1 ! li -, !~ , If I 1 1 H. I I it 1. , N r r