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(Dagho,stan--Iii.neralogy) V.11 ~YJZ- fv I I fig :44 w 5, +j (D LO TV 4J ca 'Ott 1p i I , , '~ ";4 ! ~ 11 [ i I I ~IA .1 1 t I ~ . I f, 1 ~ :;: . , I I fill!" 111hill ;I p- - ~~, I I . ZHGENTI-t. V. K.. PROF USSR/Medicine -Malaria.- Nov/Deo 1947 Medicine - Hearing "Histological Changes in the Aural Organs Due to Malariap" G. P. Kbutsishvilip Chair of Pathol Anatv Thili-si Med.Inst, 5 pp !Arkhiv Patolog" No 6 Malaria ranka:third as asocial disease, after TB and syphilis. Artiole reports results of a four-year period Of experiments conducted on 'changes occurring in dells.of aural organs due to malaria. Methods of study developed at Histological Laboratory of Leningrad Scientific and Practical Institute for Otorbinolaryn- gology, under.the. cognizance of M. K. Dal'* Data reveal that histological changes occurring in aural organs due to malaria are lose noticeable than those caused by other infectious diseases, including scarlet fever, diphtheria, ar4 exanthematous typhus# Submitted,, 15 Feb 1947. Deputy of Chairs Prof V. K. Zhgenti, Honorary Promoter of Sciencso PA 53T63 .4-:1 ~ .., I . ~Ilf "I ~ 11, HE ,, Iq ~ I, I , 1~11 I I i . I . I, ZHGBNTI#- VNK.--,SHAH4H1DZ30- -L*1# Structural changes In the peripheral nervous system of the larynx and spiglottis in tuberculosis. Problo tubarke, Moskva no.2311-16 Xar-Apr 1953. (CLML 24:3) l.' Professor. 2. Of,tbA Pathomorphological. Department (Head Prof# V, X, %hgsutij* Actlvs,Mez~er of the AcadezW of Sciences Georgian $Sk) of the Repiblio Ocientific-Ressarch Tuberculosis Institute (Director Docent A,,I. Ushverldse) of the Ministry of Public Health Georgian SU and the Pathoa=tomlo leboratory (Head -- Prof. L. 1. Smirnov, Correspond- ing..Kabber AMS USSR) of the Institute of Nourosurgary. imeni, Academician N. 3j. Burdenko.(Direotor - Prof. B. 0. Tegorov. Corresponding Member AMS.USU) of the Aoademy_of Medical Sciences UWR. " :i~ l.; I 11` 1 ~ 1 41 ~ -~ 1-,,... 1 "'1': I I I! , -~ tir 'TI!i 93!4`~--Zfigent -g-T.Se- Some--V4rphological-Findingg-Supportibg-th"d#-t--of -Ne-riviagm-in- Patholo&. V 16 Tazi,-Harch '9 195.4. 8 fjg0*j 12 refs. The ut a her, rivew t~qefindinge of Soviet workers which support the suggestion that ...-the development of local pathological processes is related to the functioul state of the herves supplying the tiBsuee affecteds which may be reflected in the morphology of the afferent and efferent nerve fibres and their endings, Changes found iz eeveral~ organs are described - for example, in the larynx of patients with pulmonary tubercu- losis with and without local laryngeal involvement, and in the genital organs of men with pulmonary tuberculosis with and witb,;ut local genital disease. Similar studies of changes in the meningea are reported, and also of the effect of streptomycin therapy on the structural changes in nerve fibres. It is stated that tuberculous lesions in organs other than the lunge in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis are pr -ded by morpho- e" logical changes in the nerve fibresp and it is suggested that some trophic disturbance is necessary to enable the tubercle bacillus to gain a'footing in the tiasueej with subsequent development of local disease. Similar findings are described in the nerve fibres of the endocardium in cases of endocarditis and in the nerve endings in turoure and their metastases, L. Creme. SO: Abstracts of World Medicine AWU Vol 16 No. 4 ~Jf 1:4 U~ f451--r, INTI IS KYALIASHVILI.'APA.; SMOUTA, U.N.; TOWRITA, Sh.R.; ye.18 'VA ClIzical aspects and therapy of radiation illness. Soob.AIF Gms. ASR 16 10-7065-570 155. (M= 9t2) i'Daystvitellayy chlea AN Gruzinakoy SSR (for.Xhg9nU).2.Ak&demIy& mank GruslaskoySSR, IumtLtut sksperimantallnoy L klWohoskay kkirur4it i gematologii, Saaahno-Iseledoyatellskly Institut pars- livazire, krovi OSSR i 'Ibillsokly gordarstyanM meditsInskly institut. (Radiatiou--Toxicology) 71 T I III rM I VIM 1 14~ 11 all FUR 11,12, All: 1,'t" 3 I a Jourt Rof Zhur Biol,P HO 19) Ab 1958) 88396 Author 7,~~nt .8harashifto, L. K.; M:Ueladzo, Inst Republican Scientific Research Institute of Tubarcu- losis) Georgian SSM ~Titlo On the.Problem of the Morphogenesis of Tuborculouu Meningitis treated with StreptoMcin Orig Pub: Tr. Resp. n.-i. in-ta tuborkuloza. GruzSSR, 1956, 7j, 5-16., 83-86 -1,bqtract-. Twenty casoo of tuberculous moningitis treated with s.treptomycin wore studiodi8 following a brief period of treatmont (8-30 dayu).,-5 following a relatively long period of 38-57 daYs., and 7 after a prolonged therapy (96-216 days). The morphology of chanCies Card 1/2 in the first group did not vary frcm the usual morpho- 28 USSR/Mman and Animal Morphology' S-3 Nervous System,, Abs Jours. Ref Zhti~ Bioio~ Ib 19, 1958, 88396 Abstraot: logy of IuborctLlous moningitia, With rolativoly; long treatrmnt, thickaning of collagen Infiltration of:vcccular walls with opitiselioid colls and fibroblasts, and organizntion of thrombi vat; notod, In lino with this process besides old foci of necrosis, new necrotic foci appeared, 'The tubercle bacilli began to shcw evidence of degeneration, Sclerotic processes vetero observed after long pericds of treatmont: ~the pia mator thickoned considerably, granula- tion.tissue developed in the.subarnahnoid sjmco, fibroblasts and collagon fibres increased consi- derably in the vascular walls, and the lumon of the vessels became obliterated. Largo areas of necrosis and vascular thromboses were seen in the brain, B, Shultman -:=USSR-[-Hman-7and-Azdmd-MorpholoW.-NorWW-SYSt;tli. Abe Jour s Ref Zhti? Bio1j, ~Nd 5.0 W61~ 21671 Author t Zh Le K% x ~ t Ame Inet ; 6tific Research Institutej, WM olsi Soier u Title 't Strmturd Changes in I~ndzvating Mechaniftoof the Pla Hater in Tuberculosis* Orig Pub I -Tt. RbBp. ri.ed. in-t tuberkule2a 0 ruz SSR, 19560 Zo 87-97- Abstract The nIerve endings of the carotid body (probably chemo- receptors) and Vater-Paccinim corpuscle types (MeMi.: oreceptors) were found in the normal pin mater.(P. M.). The fibrocavernous and Infiltrdtive-phematic; ty pes of pulmonar:7 tuberculosis in P, M. are accomanied by the phenomena of acute irritation and dystrophy of the aff- erent paUways by mcial cAinders of thick myeItnated ner76 fibers and of the.ner16'endingg of carotid body type. Similar changes were observed also in the'sensory neurons of the nodoas and intervdrtebral ganglia, There 'were occurrences of irritation and moderate dystrophy of (;ard 1/3 - --------- --- - -- WSR Human and Animal Morphology.. Nerv9us System S-1 Abe Jo,ur i Ref Zhur Blol.., No 5P 1958P No 21671 Abstract -s central portions of the efferent pathways of the airtono- mic ner7ousaystamts central neurons., Hamntogenio diBBe- minated tuberculosialwas accompanied . in addition to-the -in7olvement of afferent pathways, by acute irritation and -dystrophy along the whole length of efferent p&thwaye. The involvement of innervating mechm isms stipulates the liquefaction of the basic argyrophile substance; this facilitates increase in tissues permeability., deposition and multiplication of tubercle bacilli in the P, M,,, with a subsequent development of a specific process in them. Tuberculous meningitis is accompanied by complete sever- ing of afferent and efferent chains of reflex arcs, This process develops in the rresence of gn almost complete denervation of the P. M.., the fact iihich facilitates a development of abrupt circulatory disorders and necroses, Nimonary tuberculosis and meningitis are accompanied by Card 2/3 I UH, I USSR Morphology of W find Animals. fiervous System, S-1 Abs Jour. t Ref Zhur - Bicl*, No 5, 1958P No a671 Abstract t a greater inj ury to chemoreceptors in the FA Chemoreceptors~are cd4letely destroyed in meningitis, Innervation of the POM#ia reetored in meningitis treated 1by streptomycin6 The dead ganglion cells undergo neuro- nophagia., reversible changes disappear and the wdel cylinders and nerve endings regenerate. Card 3/3 LU U1 rpi .I Mmul 114 . - t 11:i I ;. Iff .t -Ili ~"I'i [[,,:I it ~i : & ": ( I I t, ,I , II . - , : 0.- I'llill i .1 11,I111 .~l ~-,--ZHGEHTI. V-X-. Rlmdewik: KALAMADZZ, U.I. Strtictural state of intramural inuarystion mechanisms of the stomach and-istestines in exparimental tuberculosis. $cob. AN Graz. SSR 20 no,,4:489-496 Ap .158. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Rompablikanakly nauchno-tealedova tell skiy institut tubarkulots. 2. Misistarstyo mdravookhrananiya GruzSSR, AU GrLX2SSR(for Uganti). -- -fmalm1mr-7 : f-,t ., ~Iti ~ I'lillf-I'll I 1111fli ll~ Ild i 9 I NO I H I I 1 1 akademik.. red.; ZUWASHVILIp A,D,, red.; KAVTAWZE, P.P.j, akademikp red.; TSULUKIDZE, A.P,s, akademik# red.; ERISTAVIK K.D., .akademik, red.; CHITAYA$ G.S.j, red.; KHEMDADZE, G.R., zaal, deyatell nauki, prof.P redlij MEMIA, Sh.A.j prof* red. jBasic stages of thedevelopment of medicine in Georgia] ;Rptfl-ll, I jif ~ 1, 1 !! - I I l'i III' ~1,1' i; ~; '1111' Hill'; h.) " , i. f., i ~ " v i I- III 1~ :1 , 1 li 111 if ~~ !!~ 1: I..T - " , q~ JuME, H, in A i 'Mill, ~lll 1:~i~llllkli . ZkgulLLA,Appikationottucalohnian'litysh to the Medryofelantingthin4alled'elas shells (in ltwm4an), bakindf -9112 Vauk. S4SR (M.S.) -210, July 19W. Akad. J A shell as dmeribed In thi Utle In subjectr4l to an &Aiitrtjy cow (Inuousily distribuW loAd"With di~ bounitiry conditions W~ diss0tactments and the' no"aal a vantAh at the houndwy, Author proves only the existence of 0, kAution- 110 A* ChIA1.1114 App3 .Ied He chanics Reviews the partial-differenital equadom 6( Ouillhri~rn In ontiveni" form mil thi-n tranNN"M t6 prottlet1% intomaj 11JIlwft j Vol.- 7 ,NO,' 4 timing sYMWIC oj*talorp.. I IV Aowa hy In"nAr of fUn IF Cs, Apr. 1954 Analysis that the sequences of illoplaremen(s and #train* am con. shells Membranes verrnt; henre the prohktn* hat a mitition. Plates 9' Disks* FunCtIO"Al 91n n alypla In a Srn ch of mathematics which is my, Corned with propertlog of funcliohr.whato Arturnanka need flat he d tval at romplex numbera, but %to abstrut efentents, which may -be, for ample, matrixts or oix-ralom InfunctionalanAlynkia-a Often Wet aWr&Ct ApAr". lika Ontirtrh or 1111t*rt spaces, it in Implicit In the nuthor's work flint ft Finating AwIl is &finml tip an open Aell of small eurvilu". T. IA-F--rL X~ I "I Ij 1 1; S.OV/IZ4--58-5-5708 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 5, p 112 (USSR). AUTHOR:.i Zhgenti, V. S. TITLE: Stress Calculation of a Shallow Thin Shell in the Form of aPara- boloid of Revolution Subjected to a Vertical Concentrated Force (Ras'chet pologoy tonkoy uprugoy obolochki, imeyushchey formu paraboloida vrashcheniya, nakhodyashcheysya pod deystviyem vertikallnoy sosredotochennoy sily) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gor(k)iyak'." gos. ped. in-t, 1956, Vol 3, pp Z99-306 ABSTRACT: The shell described in the title is anchored along its external C.ontour, against linear as well as angular displacements.A force Is epplied at the pole directed along the axis of the hell. The solution is given, without any deductions. The internal stress -intensity and displacement components and their moments. are represented by a Bessel-Thomson-a function, the argurnent of whicli is in the form of r Card 1/2 Stress Calculation of a Shallow Thin Shell (cont, where, v is the PoIsson ration; -6 Is the thickness of the shell, r~ is the, dista2ce from the axis, and X Is the parameter in the equation of the paraboloid z= Xr It should be noted that the abovegiven argument can be conveniently represented in the form of j 43 1 - v=) s eliminated. Two assumptions are introduced in the where the parameter X I statement of the -problem a) the nondimensional (?) parameter k