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40 ACC NRs AT6001392 SOURCE CODE: UR/3180/64/009/000/0109/6114 AUTHOR: Kirsanov, V. P.; Zhilltsov, V. P.; Narshak, 1. S.; Rasmmtsev, V. F.; Slutakin, Ye. Xh.; G h ch uk in_~, -MG: none-' 13 -MUE.- New fLish lam0s:with:a high: "h repetition frequency SOURCE: AN SSSR* Komissiya,po, nau noy fdtografli L kinematografii. Uspekhi na4ch fotografil, v. 9, 1964. Vyookoskorostnaya fotografiya i kinematograflya (High-speed photography and cinematography), 10g-114 and inserts facing pages 112 and 113 TOPIC TAGS: flash lamp, gas discharge, hydrogen, xenon, nitrogen ABSTRACT: The paper describes the design and performance characteristics of high- re-petition-frequency sealed flash lamps for use in high speed photography. Two sources of frequently repeating flashes were considered: (1) a nource for Toepler schlieren photographs with a maximum space stabilized luminous volume in the shape of a short filamentary segment-, (2) a source for photographing objects in reflected light with maximum power and frequency of flashes. The first problem was solved most satisfactorily with a short capillary imp. The second problem teas solved with lamps having a large spherical bulb and a short discharge gap between the electrodes locat- ed inside the bulb. In addition, a rapidly deionizing multichawber hydrogen dis- Card 1/2 ACC NRo AT6001392 charger was constructed In order to provide for the commutation of the repeating high current discharges at the maximum frequencies at which the gas gaps of both types of flash lamps are unable to delonize and cannot themselven serve as the e tating element. Orig. art. has: 10 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG IMN 004/ OrH REF: 001 H 0*-A 00's 4t so OW w, 0 Sri - W"I 0 #000 0-0 V -f L" U f 9b U's IT. a IS); it of a a q A i i, wo I I m- m II a Od a R 9 1 IN Im I A a 2 gtlm 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 011 0 o a 0 0 o 0 o f 0 0 0 0-0- -*-o - a w0 o: 0 Q'* 0.10 0 1*4 0 1 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 6 0 6,0 0 0 ~10 0 zo 0 too Of 0 as 0, Do 0 146 8641 6 so 0 0 0 9 **1* *-&-as 644 e.~ WO 110 Is 0 010-'Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 Co 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 *.o #0 to VC,"'o-04, blot u 011 v 11' R 16 b p a 30 a 41 a. a ad *I 1~ il coo AT I aIS- AM Ali. "bit$ AL 119411F)IMSIVI) 11119V91111 11F)ON"1111136 V11111tty 4:00 7:040,1., 4.1 0oh 14 Z. It en fun "talpf Pm" J* 0 0 ow of, ?"d 491- - I -WI Id MPMM 2"m" aq) 1 00 P" p -Ndmm so OW&W so MRMndaM "OxwgL ~ -janwilimp a" it Pull Aq PRO-) 0 an Icl -Om rwlwu V- im It 'Aau*vm't4 IN P"m A 'A iAjwAd sV 00 P"p" ve -fA- 55 dF -W-yn V-1-7 -f- 5 0 1 0 p 04 CiAAAA 6 i ypip~w~; ! I !i . ; .? .1 !f I I q ; I f ? I i I IiiI i iiilllh i MULITSM Role ofassimilation pr6cesses in the formation of Kenkol intruaive, rocks (iLbrthweetern Tien Shan). . Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. ilekh, nauk 2 no*8:85-91 -160; (HIU 13:12) uqSR/Cu1tivat-,(.' rlants - Fodders. M. Abs Jour 'Rof 22iur- -,Biole, m lo, 195U0, 44169 Author I,,ozlovskiy A., I(rotova, Yk~. Zhil'tsova T-nSt SI-bc-ximn Scientific R v carci; Inot ituto for Title Co)-*.,bined SowinGs of Cim with Lfulp-ninous Cultur,.~a. Ori(; Pub, S., Id-. Sibiri, 1956, 11 3, 27-29. Abstract Me 1954-1955 dxparimm'Us. of t*ic Siberian Scientific am! Institute of Aid: ial RusbxOry show-,O- that w Ul coitbined Sowings )f cirn leamdnous cidtur,~s w.c &~)p hicrIaoIC, (corn in puze fom 313 cQntrAQrs/ha of bTc,~,.j buLiz. Corn plus vetc:j 343 alla curn plus Poas 350 The prcamca or !L~31tJ-Iioug plants in 'V,*ic cr.-~p increased tho pro'""ill culj- T, C. 22-49%. Li C-z-j y,:arc it is recamcnewa to cal-17 car(I 1/~ p It 4-PIP, V'Itil? %!,qI: I IR 1) F, 1 5 i , I a (2 -7- SOY/80-32-3-8/43 -AUTHORS i Pozin, Mje~., Kopylev, B-A..O.Zhilltsovaj D.F# TITUt -The Rate of .-the Decomposition.of Apatite Phos horic Acid by skorosti- razlozheniya apatita fosfornoy kisiotoy~ PERIODICALI Zhurnal-prikladno'y khimii# 1959~ Vol XXXII, Nr 3, pp 509-~15 (UsSRY~ -ABSTRACTs -phosphorio aid for Vhe,pro- The decomposition of~apatito by~ nof lie pvocess ie studied here. The zar in a oyd _ .unroaoted..apatits was. raturned,to -the process.- The apatits. Used _ of 5A P 0 The Phosphoric acid was chemically-'.., -had a~content 2 pure.,: If 'the acid ~,had a P20 content of 13-09 the coefricisnV .,of decomposition~reached 20,;A in the firet hour; but only.2 and!.., t r rence 1.5%.respe--tively in following,2 hours. A simile. diffe between the i inal rate of decomposition may be ob- nitial and f served at other,doncentrations.,-The decompositioa by dilute acid was relatively 3low The optiml-im was obtained with acid containing 54% P 0 a temperature of 40 - 6000 and a norm of l 2 ichiometric one.. The coefficient of do- .95 - 100%.of the slo after 2 hours was 70A in this case-.4 Card 1/2 There.are 5 graphs?,l, table and references, 5of which are rd.. 5~2) BOV/60-32-4-2/47 Pozin Mi1e. .j1ppylev, B.A., Zhilltsova,.D.F. TITLE s On the 4ydrolysis Rate of Monocalciumphosphate in Aqueous 'Solutions (O.skoroati g1droliza. monokal1tsiy;fpofata v vodnykh rastvorakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal-p;ikladnqy.khimiiq 1959, Vol 32 , Wr 4 Pp_ 710-716 (USSRY AMSTRACTt The decomposition of.jqonoaalciumphosphate by water is deteriifieA, by'the time~of contact. At a .-salt :water ratio of 105 and'200C- the decomposition in,the first,10 min is' 32.5%, in the foll,'q*ing~ 10:min-7-5%. For--a ratio of:0.1..-the figures are 10 and ~1-70 respectively. A higher tempe~rature increases decomposition. At~ a ratio of 1.5 the deoom coition Within 2 hours reaches at 300C~38-5%,:at 5Q0C 553-and at 8000 72.5%.~ At a ratio 0f.0-05 the cormesponding,figures.ares 22.5%t 29.~% and 47-2%. In the, presenceof free.phosphoric acid the degree of decomposition is considerably.lo*er. At a temperature of 200C and ratios, of-0-75- And 0-5, decompoottion-could-not be-observed in the first 5 hours, when free phosphoric aoid.was present. At 4000 hydrolysis start0d only after 3 hours. The hydrolysis rate decreases after an initial period which is explained bytbesaturation of the water Cara 1/2 ,,with dioaloiumphosphate., P 1 ,v. ,I P" 5 . A309 75657 . sov/8o-32-10-6/51 AUTHORS: 0 Po,zin-, M Ye Kopy.lev, B. A., Zhil ts TITLE: -,-Concerning the,Mechanism of Apatite Decomposition by :..Phosphoric Acid _PERIODICAL. 1~.Zhurn'al prikladnoy-khimli,' 1959, Vol 32, Nr.10 pp'- 171-:(USSR)~- ABSTRACT:. This~:~ t,of acid concentratlon...~ is a study of the "effec . - :(Fig:.-. ~-(Fi 2) n l), time g temperature,(Figs. 3 a d~4),. _ _ and H ion concentrailon,(Fig. on the apatite de~- 5) al. acid /phosphate r composition:,rate;: industri atios,~ -were used. -The:.decomposition was found to-occuv ir, two , the rate is 'char- stages.-~ At-,the. first and short stage . actevistlc',of~chemical reactions in that It depends both 'on.pho3oho'ric;acid~concenlbration acid/phosphate ratio r-and on,~tempemture- within the 40-800 range. The. decompos ition rate peaks shown in Fig. I is-explained by an,1ncrease in the H ion concentration despite a dissociation up to this peak beyond which Card 1/9 a sharp.drop in~dissociatlon lowers. the decomposition ji~ .. , 1, il I , :~*,. I I . z f , . !~ - . I g: 1.1 t~ I I j! - I 4 [ I -I I p ~ I!, - I - I." . : I I I I., I i Ir.; ~ I I j :j k-g'3 -, :1 II i ; 4 . I. ; Y- , . I !;I;. . 1 3; i I i , J: . t~ : i . 4 1 I , 11,11" 1 .11`1111 li it" I ~ :11 iliN~--`~'..' ! I ~ ,: jAl! - L 210qLCL_-46_ ~ROVM_' ACCESSION NR: AP5019085 UR/0286/65/00OM12/0110/0110 AUT170"St Granin Ye. F.; Fadeyev, YU, N,; Zhilltsov G I Bqmgn~"A ubeva, R. _11, _Y101pali-vaEs. A. F-i Gol TITLE disean Clans 45 -t L method for controlling es of plants P HOG 172153 _SOURGr Bymllotonl izobretaniy i: tovarnykh znakov,, no, 12, 1965, 110 TOPIC TAGS! agriculture, pesticide, fungicide, dinanne control, plant culture ABSTRtiM Thin Auttior Certificate presents a mathod for e.ontroUimr fungouD diseases of plants by treating the latter with fimgicidvs.;.i To broaden the assort- ment of fungicidea, dorivatives of ~ -phosphoryl-e-Q-a-ti-ao-~Zfonold are used as fungl- cidem. Th,33o oompo,.mda follow the general formula 0' - R _,,) CH2~s03Ar.. R' \PGH wher-i R -and R' are alko.Vlp aronrl, I or hydroxyl, and Ar is a non- replaced or roplacod aryl. ASSOCIATIONi nano Card 1/2 ~*t Al ~qqqjl I, I-- , I ~ ~ . --, .- -- -- - -- - AGGESSION Iffts AP5019085 SUBMMEDi OlJuI64 NO REP, SOV: 000 ENCL: 00 OTHERj 000 I ol I SUB COD9 i IS I Cod 2/2 A-lur"), ! ~: . U "LillIT. ! i, : 1, I k . 1 1 t itill' 11""I 1~ UNH-, I i , " I - ; -, I-, ~~ i 4', . . 1 1 i . ! 9! LEYTES, L.G.: ZHILITSRV TXH(EIMVA, V.I. ..Fulling and pile 4s.a factor for fabric protection against -1, -U I - I, g.. A 7-lia I , ~ ~,!- I ~ 4 - L 00163-66 Eff ( c ) /F.4 P ( j ) 1,kqwr~ (m) /T RPL JAJIMArd ACCESSION kit AP50255.5p .e BU/00U/65/018062/6121/61A 44,65 jq"~ toll/ P-S-S -4 3 AUTHOR i MIhailov, H.: Boudevska, H.; Korolev, G. I Zhiltsova, L. TITLE: jo3ymrizationt)gnstics in blocks of 4n-9-t0K-M-Q-thqqa).Ateg based on J?) terephthalip and furane-2, 5-dicarboxylic acid na naukite, Doklady, V- 18. no- 2. 1965, 121424 SOURCE% Builr~ka akademlya TOPIC TAGSt Mthaorylate p3astic, polyester plastic, carboxylia- acid. polylwrirA- tion, polymerization kinetics ABSTRACT: 0. V. Korolev ot al. (sue, 0 V s,)kqjaoj Is vqdi on~yq, 40' 1962, No 11:0 166' 1 ve discovered a numbpg" 3) fia Or 01'i9nrr7Wn 1nis 6f 6tdrio nolymerization Oiile Invastiputinrr the nolyootormethacrylatea (PEM) synthesized by thom by means of the thermometric method. A further dovelopment of notions about tho relation between the structure of the polymorizinp, oolyfunctional oligooetora and their reanonalvotiess and nroportios makes it necessary to atudy the elinractor of steric nolymarization with new PEM tynea and othor oligomers. In this connection the nuthors investigated the polymerization kinotice of PEM of toroplithalic and Nrane-2,5-dicarboxyli* No acid (14. Hihollov, H. Boudovsks QgAp~g A (6 buLr. 'Sci., I a Card 1/2 L ooi634*,6. AdCE83jog jgj:-~ AP5023~50 at qu r synthesized earlier. The thermometric method which is mv~ itabio fo steric polymerization was used for thio Purnono (G. v. Korolov at. n1-, 1, 1959, o 1, 1596). Results are pronented in the jvzso~e-qo~. qpyeliwniza X 'fdrm 'of 'dotdilod 11taptis. Orige art. has: 4 graphs. 1ASSOCIATIONs Institu+s of dheldCA-Physics. Aeade!Z of Science, SS Institute f Organic Chendstry, Bulgel-Un Acadavj of Science MBKff=t 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: HT9 GC 1HR REF SM 003 OTHERt 003 im cam 2/2 WN i a E,- v 41 R MON, 1`11, K USSR./ General and special Zoology. Insects. Sys,teM- P atics and Faunistios. r-Biol., No 14, 1958, 63647 Abs Jour: Ref Zhu kuthor Zhilltsova Inst 'Title so Stonoflies (Plocoptera) in the Caucasus. 2. New, NAM11 idae Species of.the Trialet Ridge Fauna.~ Orig Pub, Batomol. obozreniye,.1957, 36, No 31 659-670. Abstract: about the Nemuridae fauna in the , A description of three new speci3s Caucasus. . of the genera Protonemura and Amphinemura. Card Fig- VI V L r-5,c, V 4 - - -Z -7~ e Gen Insects i _OOBAISp cia1,and gY Ab a Jour _Referat_.29~ur, 1-110 16,1957, W71 iB or Zhil~tsoa,- LA,,;- Mistyakova AK. Auth Ins- 1 7 . - Title kes orAle Ir6iding of Insects in mou ntain-Rivere,of 7~ ;Tr., I Orig Pub m4a~;Zoolf__.Aff;~,GrSPA,~ 1950, ~14,, 289-294 The. iaethod. f of spring and river larvae. in Abstract. , 0 jni~ching muntain streams .-which -is usually conducted by,establiq*t. ng e nest nn he,'bottam'- o~ 11' th s t f~the rivers vas changed to 4- &.~-ferw stones;' Ahe~nest was.secured-t et --on the. bushes -find held: down with stones. The upper part. of the nes 8-1 oov ered-with a:eoft.sac k material, which was facilitateC 032 tilie iiiigo,:c ection The simplitication of the nes 'consisted of~a cylindrical wire structure cove- .red with gauze, which proved. to be non-durable., By go a e ooft-mesh, this drawboLck was usin d nje jjj mmmmm ffi 4 kit , KM F!j i :t., m -.1, ,.t, ::~ I S I ~ CAN Investigation of tbe stoneflis a (Plecopters) of tbe-'Gaucasus. lies of Armenia. &t. oboz. 40 46, Report No. 51 Stonef-. 880 161.~. (KMA Vt 1) 3~V- 2(~ ~b-3~-~9/3 ALUTHOILS. Med-vedev M. H. Ye. N zhillIbsoval L. Ya.. .,TITIL,: Large,V.olume.Plastic Scintillators (Plasticheskiye ztslinti- llya~tory.. bol'shi-kh ~Oblyemov) vibory- i Tekhaik Eksp 45-48 :.',__.FBHI.ODICALi P_ a erimenta, 1958, Nr 3, pp (USS A-BSTRACT The-preparation of large plastic scintillabors usinor -the unca'taly ed hi -temperature olymerization of styrene is z P described. The system used vias a modification of,.that of Ref.4, which was intended for small volumes only~ it can -ive volumes.up t013 litres. For these large volumes partic- -he ular attention was-paid to purifying the styrene. First viater.vias:removed:with CaCl and the styrene distilled off in vacuo, the temperature W, pressure in the distillaition flask being 40-5000~and 20-50 mm Hg respectively. The polymerization was slight. This also removes the inhibitor and,dust, et,c.'. The doubly-distilled poured into t h morization oul e -poly- amp e seen in FiS.1- the ampoule viaG of IAO:glass. ..Dissolved oxygen is removed b bubbling nitro"an y and',then evacuating, The ampoule is sealed off and heated on a,,water4ath.till the activa'Vor.dissolves completely, and thenL transferred to a preheated glycerol bath at 70-9000; Gi d 1/3 ar , ,! 1.1, ;, , 1 'I I , 1! :." i i J". I ilill I I '. 1 111 ! 1. 14 1 F., -11 ~,, ,I . ,~7 I . , MVIII)a - I., - - - I - i. I~ . -.1 -1, -I ~ A, .i.1 !:?~; 'Al . k i t t- 1,. ;~ P &4 1! 1 ;", AUTHORS: Nedvedev, Matveeieva, Ye. N., A'8-1_lol2o ~Zhil I.tsova, L. Ya TIT LE t Impulses of Flastic-Scintillators'With Va- Amplitudes of. the . rious..Activators (Amplitudy impullsov ot plasticheskikh stain- : .~~tillyatorov a ~,razlichnymi aktivatorami). PERIODICAL.': All ~SSSR~_ Ser ya Fizicheskaya, 1958,,Vol. 22 Nr 1, .~ zvestiya pp - A4-47 (USSR), ABSTRACT.-. The purpose of the present*work was the production of,plastic- of a large circumference with good transparence a maximuta ratio 'BF for fluoreacent,radiationy and '/T (yield of .-energy the:duration~,of sointillation)t The imp"Ise-amplitude in a -scintillator- is not~only dependent an th*otivator.- a pla tic concentrationi-but also on,the.purity of the solvent-and that of the activ tor. The influence exerted by benzoylperoxide upon the. a impulse-4mplitudewas investigated here and data for some samp- which were produced with catalysts and without catalysts are is shown that the plastic-saintillators whichwere pro- duced without catalysts bring increase in the impulse- amplitudes. by .~1o1/5. The samples,of,p-terphenyl, produced with- Card 1/3. out catalysts, yield impulse-amplitudes of the order of magni- Amplitudes of the tors. tude o,6of stilben.6, but for fluorescent radiation they are not transparent enough. Some substances of the oxazole-class were al3o investigated. These were used in plastic-scintillators as well'aa.base-fillers As as additionsto p-terphanyl and 2,5-di- phenyloxazole. It is shown that;in these substances the maxi- mum amplitudes are attained at an activator-concentration of 015 ? I i0 The best results, were attained in samples with PBD qs activator.,.The sample with 1 % PBD in polystyrene without ~enzqlperoxide shows impulses whose amplitude amounts to o,q with reference to stilbene. The sample with 1% aj-JPO~(i.e. 2- (1-naphthyl)-5_phenyloxazole) in polystyrene without benzoyl- peroxide yields impulses whoseamplitudes amount to 0-t73 with reference to,stilbene.- PBD is 2-phenyl-5-(4-biphenyl)-1,3,4_ bxydiazole,.-POPOPI is 1,4-di[2-(5-phenyloxazolyl)) benzene..It is finally ahown'that the plaotic-scintillators which are pro- duced with p-terphenyl and luminescing additions of POPOP,BBO and aNPO and.which possess a comparatively good transparence for characteridtic radiation, can be successfully used for sointill- ation-mcounters.BBO is 2,5-di-(4-biphenyl)oxazole. There are 4 tables, 4.r.eferencesq .1 of which is Slavic. Card.2/3 k, Ail ~. -".- -.- ... 11 . . ... ... -.-. ~ ..I'.-..- ~ .., . . ... . I .. . .1 - .. .. . I . - - . -- - " , .. . .- 1. .11 . . ..... ,~ ~l I f :, Aj;:. I - ! 1~ , t i;;j, ;I ~_ A A 004 " Peoctilis one "orts tiff -^of* 09 . 0 st rim is Insterwo for ferrous InetAllalu, A. A, ' -At v. g dhd A'dr 12 V--VJ(PJ4G) No 1 k - : mmv . , i o l . Zb . ratill stir -$u l =-Ik ~r jjj Ific hipi oo 9 00 , l s pp y t i 4 d IL 11 t m~ 1u ll w4 St" , ly.. 40's .410 004 004.) ago 004 0%1 see 00 As 1900 lWo* llto- 11"N SIV. from, ipaitmv 141414 MIT 04V Opt O I" " ilm.0 , A : G I I 211VIOX t-i ; V I ; 11 ; . u ! 1, !- ,: 'RIP I I `~ I i -.1-1 ' " 2, 'Y AUTHORS: Bedellyan, L.P., -Zhil.Yakov I.G. Kanevskiy V.M*j Rysev, A*, I., and Urinsc%, A. I. , Engineers. 111TIE: Operation of 185-ton'Operi Hearth Furnaces on Natural Gas (Rabota 185-t martenovskikh pechey na prirodnom gaze) PERIODICAL:. St,all 1957, NO-12, pp- 1082 - 1085 (USSR). ABSTRACT:' Operation of a:185-ton open hearth furnace fired with gas carburised.with fuel: oil is described. Originally designed and actually used gas-oil burners are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively, and the gas installation used in-rig-3. --Ieor the,atomisation of the fuel oil, the use of gas and steam was tried. Operational indices of best heats and a comparison* of the furnace operation when fired with gas-fuel oil, gas-fuql oil (atomised with steam) and fuel oil alone are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. It is concluded that on transfer of furnace from oil to natural gas (10 atmt) firing the output will not decrease only if high pressure superheated steam is used for the atomisation of fuel oil. The flame obtained with natural gas, carburised with 25% of oil has similar properties a's fuel-oil flame. A proposal is made to carry out 'experiment's on firing an open hearth furnace with natural gas preheated to, 250-300 '0,,as well as with gas of increased pressure (13 15 0ard otm._). There are 2 tables and 3 figures. , 4 . a I t -S/139/59/ooo/o6/026/034 92 01/9191 ~-A -A S Zh UTHORS: Xhlys tov i M and Fgtrakovskiy, G,,A, THIS, agnetic Properties. .6 Ohmmium Ferrites PIMIODICAL: Ives t1ya ~ TYS -s ikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizikaj :19592 Nr~61:pp 168 16T (USSR) ABSTRACT** Nickel-chromium~ferrites,-(NiPe2-aCraO4) W'ere,prepared by techniques from "C'M and llchda":,oxides taken,in stoichiometric ratios. The oxides -were mixed ~.:in steel-ball mills'for 24 hours (using'ethyl alcohol). 'After drying the mixtures were subjected tolla preliminary I-houir heating,ina Silit electrical furnace at 1100 OC. Then the materials were quenched by-rapid coolin&in'air, Powders.obtained in this, way were ground ..and pressed~(2-3 tons/cm2) Into samples:of required shapol.using-polyvinyl Alcohol as a binder, Finally:the samples-werejired at 1300 OG for 12 hours and cooled at the rate-of.600:per hour. The' measured magnetic properties,lof the samples,are given in Pigs 1 and 2 and Card Tablel, Saturation magnetizationt 41CM7 was measured at room temperature; it is given as a function of, composition (a: ranging from 0 to 1.0) in Fig,l (upper, -------------------- L 327.6 .. UTW/F35-2 SION-m AP562n66 UR/0139/()5/000/0O4/O046/q0,49 du AUTHORt Mystoyp Ae Sit Zb S. M.~/ TITLV: The problem )Of preparing thermally stable wterials for the decimeter-&d SOURCEs UM. FlAkat no. ho jS65o 46-49 TOPIC TAGS i ferrites decimater vavol theral stability, wayMide antePLA, alu- minum containing iLUoyj saturation magnotization gn, 9y ABSTRACT: Requirements are discussed for the parameters of ferrite materials in Connection with the thermal stability essential for ferrites used in antenna,- viLveguide systems in the decimeter band. The temperstwe dependence of the saturation mapetizatiou wais investigated for ferrites with the f or=-IA Li0.5Fe2.5-sA,l,%04 for a a 0, 0.1p 0.2, o.4, o.45, 0.50, 0.55, o.6o, and 0.70. The ferrites were prepared frem oxides by the usual ceramic method under a pres- sure of 12M atm. The temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization of the ferrite spheres was measwed with a vibrationad magnet