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i R I [-I I i~ P; I It Ili hfl! li~ ! ~ I A . I " II w i RN~, :III I " I I v P! I ~~o vladimirlhkawovicb.. zaal.--agronom-USSRI_Z --ISUPOVA;~R-- tekbn--red.--- r ed, VAZEIOV, Tesilly Ivanovich, kand.geograf,nauk; BWMW, Dmitrly Antonovich; H . i f :i III!, ;-f I F, I i .;T VCLOSIIN-,--K-.F~7 ~naucl~myy-. ~.trud.~ik-,Za~MIHJ.-A - - - -- - 6--- - --- ---- -- ., usuc yy sotrudnik; . i i P IA I ~, ~ i 10 , AIR -~P ~ ~ i i 1 f ; i 11 ~, i r e !, t. f t . 1 17 1 ~ ~ , . I ~ . _:_ 7 ~ -- -, - i i- I i~; I i- I " .. .j t I i 1 1 ti - I , - a ~2 ; !~; : i~ ; ; ! , , 1, ~ ~ r, . I- I . 1 3 ~-. - -, ~ Fa -Ajj~mals# Small Hotned Stock. USSR Abs' Jours Rbf.~ ZhUr-Biol No 12j' .1958, 54960. Author 7 S Inst' Not given, Title. Certain.Biological Peculiarities of the Karakul Sheep, of "Sur" Hue Orig Pub: KarakulavodstvoA zverovodstvo, 1957p No 30 .25-28, Abstract., In order to study the internal peculiarities of theblaok and sur-colored Karakul.lambst :129 ram lambs (69 black and 60 sur) were ~rifioed-at birth* The black ram lambs average:liv,e:wMght of 5 3 kg., oareass.weight 2.3 kg., steamed skin.78; go, heart 39-19 go and lungs..64-91 go The sur ram lambs had 5, 2.2, '885, 24-39, and 52-94, respeetivgly.. The highest number of twins (9.23%) was found in: ..Car d 1/2, I fj, - v L ~, .- '. - 1 - I I I ; ir 11 14 I.L; I Iffli'll-M. . 'I I v ti I , ; . . .. I i 11,; 111 V! I I" 'R. li ~!~ I w . 1~ II. ,, ~ 5 i : , ~ a . -L, i~ ; ; 1 .1 . , .I t ! 1~ - 11 H V ,. ;~ 1 1 : OKOROKOVg A.A.0 otyred.; WZOV j M.P.p red*; GUTMOVi V,Gdf rid.; zunZAXU,-bL,, redi j.XONDRASWp4*M&# redo; USRWVI, FON.t MAW~, S.I.,,,re4sizd-Ta; SEMAR,S.Ya.9 tekbnored, s r the iusULUtiou and safe operation of elevators] Pravila ustro'istva ibezopasnoi ekspluatataii lilltovt Izd~3& Koskwav Ugletekbisdatt' 19599 71 p, 10, Ruaiia (192~-~, ts*sA*) lomitet, po'nadzora wbe2opam ~ ; ,. 71 vedetavdm r-jahnt w,rA-Amvm*hla"ivnnA4 4 rm"Armt ncA-Pt%vm rod.; 140ROZOV M,P.., red.; GUTOROV.,,V.G,O, red.-,GRINBODI, S,M*j red.- Y ZHILYAUVj AJA~. bred. 1* KONDRAWIOV, A*M., red.; LITVINOV, ~D.Ao- red.* TATARMKOp V*'A.p red,; VOLKOVt V.A., red. izd-va; MINSKER,.Lol&F~tekbn-._-rSd.. f th6 mnuf (Regu4tichs--or. acture and safe operation of high- pressure vessels; mndat,ory-for al"Inistries and departments) Pravila ustroiatya bezo snoi ekspluatatsil. sosudov,, rabo- pa ~tai~ushchlkh pod davlaniem; obiazatellny dlia, vsekh ministerstv :i vedomstv, Izd-4o~ MoskvF,, Gosgortekhizdato 1961, 79 Do ~j : a t ''ACCE -SSION NRi AT4026og A- C) -, - a -'Type Sh.moves.'.frdm:west 'to 4asts Type C is ~an: upper air J _ ~trou$h axt nd t rd:the Iffick . or Caqpian.Seas,.forming a hi h- e ~ng owa 9 re r p r e s p u i,dgj~ over Kazakhstan: and We~ tern Siberia. Type E i s the v-freverse of ~typelC. The,,predgminance of .~type. C circulation generally Iresults- in ' 1 -ing' and 'icifigAn western and southeastern heavy g az Kdza~hstan -, whe re as auring..typle E4tmosp4eric circulation.~ theie is J-.-Jalmo -no, ;6t -!, , Thf' effects.of, :bother icin types of circulationmere, so. " :;::6mazikndd.~ ' , S ItV ely .Pr ~,tpbles.'andl, the, prevalence of icing - ~ ' :r';'--- ."cofiditi6ns in KaiakhotA n~duri ng~:.the.wtnt~r~mouthe.-. Orig. art- ~ hait _` T: 1 12 figure and'. 2~ tab ies ~ - .- '.: ' I' 4 AS S OCI TI O - N 41ma k i 9 n koye yuro,,.pog6dy*. (Alma7Ata WeAiher B u i e a u ' l ;.SUBXXTTED A 00 ------- D A TE A C 16 Ap r 6 4 ENCLt j!~ ~~ ;SUB`iCODEI *~_ -060~~ `AS 0 E A 1X OTHERi " N . . ! , Z 1* P ... . .. oj~ Card~ 2- A ' '10M 5o-59-10- Gov 1112 AUTHORS s Baydal I M Kho t Zhilyayevt F. G. TITLE i . ........ .. -- --------- Experience Oollected-in the Hydrometeorological Service of Tishing in Fall:in,the Northeast Caspian Sea PERIODICALI. Meteorologiya~,.i'gidrolo'giyaI 1959, Nr 10, PP 32- 33.(USSRY %ABSTRACT i In the Northeast..Casplan Sea, the greater part -of fish is 'Caught in fall and especially in..the period before the lake -vice freezes -up. In this'connection, the master.,-responzible tasks, that say, the fishing organizationa.must be. given reliable advice and special weather forecasts. Fishing is mostly done in the shallow coastal zone, which is silted up by off-shore storms. Further, the actions of the trawlers are-complicated, and the tackles are torn off -and.carried,away. Dangerou.s.temperature drops are accompanied by water temperature of almost zero. In 1956 and 1957 experts -,Of- the. Kazakhskiy nauahno.~-issledovatelfsk�y gidrometeorologiches- institutl(kazakh.Scientific Hydrometeorological Research -byuro pogody (Alma-Ata Wea~,her~ Instit ute) and klma-ktinskoye Bureau)'assisted:ft ~Gur'lyevakoye gidrometoobyuro (Gurlyev Hydro-- Card-1/2 meteorological Bureau) by establishing a joint service for the i ~', ! -I.' v ] ~ f~, 1-i " fil~~! ~"1 07-TI-11917ii-, ;qw ~1, , 1, ~ , , ii !R ~ ,!~ 0 1 1 ;I V 1~ I, i ~I ~a, ~ , it Ll 9?8597 Z/023/61/000/004/002/003 Seismic energy meter D006/DI02 d:.] The authors dosignQd a osoillations~ COstracter's notei t not explain6 robording noiamio onargy motor which p it th rooording of tho oquuro of arm ~ o v and.makes possible the determination of.; Pt. The energy meter consists of a velocity meter and a function converter. The purpose of the function. to.convert rz into V2 or into some other convenient.function, e.g. log V. A schematic diagram of the instrument is shown in Fig. 1. A lamp base witha projection lamp (1), a condenser (2), a mask (3) and a pro- jection lens (4) are assembled in the tube of thelight source. The light from the source is the mirror of the galvanometer (5) and reach- es the slit (6) of the.receiving unit. A film (7) is just behind the slit. ...,For squaring 4~ the mask has :the form of two similar parabolas.with a common apex, When the-galvanometer-is not'inaction, the parabolas' reflection is disposed symmetrically to the slit: and. the . latter is in full light. When the galvanometer ose.illates,,a part of the slit is obscured. The ordinates,Z of the-obscured Dart of the slit are PrODortional to the square of the y-axis. The film is moved by tape-moving mechanism. -When the galvanometer oscillat- es, the obscured part of the'mask reflectionmore or less covers the middle part of the slit. As a result of this a-strip of light of variable width Card.2 4 U "Flip 111 "111 -28597 Z/023/61/000/00,4/002/003 meter D006/D102- appears on- the f ilm af tor. it, hash been. ~developed. When the gask has the form of a-parabola, the width of Ithis~.strip is proportional -ta i _. INhen ithas the form of a lo ' r ga ithm- the vidth.of:.the strip is proportional,to log :i. Th'o'area oftho -light, strip Iis'd~tarminad by beans of a, planituator. A Method af~rrocessing -the ~is.: given,for the surface viaves yielding the equation's 2, dtl= dt, ~dt.+ + V 2dt Z where Ni - E, Z are-- indices, of the displaceme nt oomponetits on the free sur face, Thereare 3 figures,;1 table -and 5'r-eferene6s: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 n.on-Sov- iet-bloc.'- The reference to the Englisih-language publication reads no fol- lowat H. .Jeffreys, Tho Pamirearthquake of 1911 February 18, in relation to the depths of earthquake foci. IIIW.S, Geoph.,SuppI.',''v. 1, no 2, 1923~ (Technical Editor: V. Tobyas). ASSOCIATIONe Physics Department, Moscow State University, Moscow SUBIJITTED: December-7, 1960 Card~ 3/4 IVIIII-I W", iM 1 ;~ 1 ~I-i,;p - : : I I i 1 5, 111. 11111 Hi 11 1 1, IT ~ k i I ,- II1~' .: I i i I _. ~. i i 1 : 1 , 'L 1~ I I.. . 11 '. . I : -4 , , . : -li I t - :; 1:4.,; --!i ! i ;~i ., I I i ; 1; It ii I I ~.111, ~ . I . I IL . - ~,, I : i 114'Hi I ` ~ U . 11 1 i! z 'I '. 11* -IF YN, ~!il . Vq -11il-I Tim! w1l. 1 1~ 1 w ~, f G~A##'otuclent IV kares; ZHILYA p L *0 a u en -rrkarmsi .1", i'k i 1 1, ; . ;. 1 !~ : ; I I I. I 11i I t~ I I R H i . 1 1 , . :i: i: Al ~ !,I ;.IF [ 1~7!i ,. ;-~ li, ; .., i N , i "I i ill"ll 1111! HIM wrl 1, 1 11101i IMIR I . I1 1 4 1, It i~p~ F : 1 . : I -. I JK Av , , ~ .,I i ,, , : i- I I ;;, I ~ 3 f0" Il ;~ 21 to lifli alk"lliffil-Ill! qr-...I !I* M! I 141111" M I 11 k 11, 1 1 ff Il I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 -061 c, V I hiC M-01cat, of tur u1 b edt UfMzian of a fli *!,T. I ... ... .. .. 73 UP .;d ACC-NRt AT6021022 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0172/0176 Ak~Holz-. ZhilyAyava V.. 'A. 'ORG: nor TITLE: Magnatic vis cos ity JnL rocks 'A 'SOURCE If SSSR- Institut fiziki Zemli.' Hastoyashcheye i *proshloye magnitnogo polya Nauka, 1965,. Zemli (The present and past,of the earth's magnetie,field). Moscow, I zd-vo L cl 'TOPIC TAGS: spontaneous magneti, zation igneous rock magnetic viscosity ferromagneti material 'L. ABSTRACT: The author s study of igneous rocks revealed that one ferromagnetic fraction co Lnsis.ts of fairly coarse,parti.cles (15 to LBOL Microns) of maIgnetite and hem atite and 0 L t ' L foM - ithat* -the second fraction:is pulveruln. and occurs in the of hematite dust. Only, An one case was a pulverulent fraction found to consist of hydrogeothite dispersed ithrough a clay. , Several experimefital models, duplicating such compositions, weremade It became evident 1up, for purposes of.analysis of their behavior in magnetic fields. I at the strength of magnetic field iscontroll le theLin- Ith .ed by.the coars.a fraction whil Itensity.of magnetization is inversely proporti erulent. 6 onal to the ~aantity of the pulv fraction. For pzxnzicles of 20 to 100 microns, the intensity of magnetization is inde-' CC,~Cj 1/2 7~ 1~ If i" ;- ~ 'Al It! 'N I ; .~. i - ! oli IF , ;; -ACC NRo Xt6636364 SOURCE CODE: 0 0 0 0 ~AUTHOH:- Zhilyayeia V n A.; Koles 1kair, L. V. A OHG:~ :~Moscow State University' ft sics,Department (Moskovskiy,gosudarstyenropy univer 'sitet 'Fizicheskly.fakulltet), TITLE:.-Dependenceof.the coefficient of magnetic viscosity Ov on the peculiarities.of theferromagnetic grai -SOURCE: AN:SSSR.--Izviiatiya"::Fizika~Zemli., no. Us 1966) 122-12T -magnetic viscosity in structure TOPIC TAGS:, . . I , ~ Jgra ferromagnetic structures mineral.. ~mag4etoimeter, phase transition ABSTRACT: This-is a.continuition..of earlier work (Izv. AN SSSR., Fizika Zemili, noo 2P 1965), dealing with,variatidns, observed in the natural residual magnetization of volcanic and sedimentation minerals., where large variations in the*magnetic.viscosity- were observed. The present investigation was undertaken to determine the dependence .6f,the.magnetic.viscosity bn the features of the.ferromagnetic grain of the mineral., -since earlier attempts to explain the variation ofthe magnetic viscosity did not take the grain into account.4, The tests were made on single-crystal magnetite and ma gnqs1oferrite with different percentage content of MgOj and also large-grain polyp cryaltalline.-magnesioferrites having the same percentage of MgO, Changes in the graii were!"produced1n. the laboratory,Lby various beat treatments* In additions the de- ~jp!qiclence..of Sjr on'the phase. ttansformetlon of the natural seA*les of various Oren 2 -3 UDC: 5P.)82 R! P_ 7j; ACC NRe Ap6o 36364.1. were.measured. Themeasurements were made witha Dolginov magnetometer, and.-coveredj~ besides:-the magnetic viscositi.,-*also the saturation coercive-force and the dependence of-the.coefficient of.magnetic-visebsity and the degree of martitization. The in- crease,in the coefficient of the magnetic viscosity is a consequence of the decrease ifi,the volume.of:the domains.of the ferromagnetic grains. It can be due either to Ancie4e,of elastic stresses produced when the,grains of the magnetite and magnesio- magnetite are broken up bya grid.of ma.rtite., or to a decrease in the ferromagnetic grain as such.'.. However., ~ the size of theIgrain.observed under the microscope cannot be regarded as a parameter Aich determines the magnetic properties of the ferrcmagnetic materialf.iince the grain structure plays a larger role than the grain size., for graina.ofall dimensions., and plays the most important role for grains vitb diameter lawserAhm 20 ji.;- The'effect can be explained from the point of view of fluctuational 4iscositY., The authors: sincerer tbank Doctor of ftaical-Mathematical Sciences G. N', Pittova. for valuable advice. jOrig. aft obest., 6 figures* 4 forwilaso and 4 tablese'. OMM MAne, OM M', post MM CODE: -2DO: av, OTH FKf 1 003 Ccird 2 2 V7 W~- - i I " . ~Jii I 1 i - .., , E-j I I i; I ~ "I I' I I If ~~. 14 . 8/049/61/ t..0001008100L.1002, Paleomagnetic research in~ "he USSR t D260/D304 Paleomagnetic research for studying~the Earth's magnetic i -in the f eld past and' correlation of geological strata. Study~ of~,the different geological-gpophysica.1 conditions wh t :cause the formation of ferro-magnetic:roak- 3) P h y s i oa 1basis of paleomagnetism. 4).~Study of reversed.magnetisation of var- ~ious.,kinds of rock. .5) 'Quality of equipment. Papers surveying the,p;ogress.of.paleomagnetie'research in the USSR and o 'I-; ~ae-r countries were by R. M. Yanovskiy and G. N. Petrova., I'Flsi~!he--~ skiye osnovy paleomagn.etisma" (Physical Basis of PaIeomavnvrism)*, A.5. Khramov,_ Paleomagnitnyye issledov-aniya v stratigrafil Vol' geokhronologii, ~(Paleomagnetic. Research in Stratigraphy and A-. G. Kalashnikov~- "Istoriya geomagnitnogo polya na osnovanii paleomagnitnykh issledovariiy" (History of the Geomagnetic Field on the Basis of Paleomagnetic Research); P N Kropotkin _~"Obzor sovremennykh geotektonicheskikh teoriy.. 0 v osobennosti-teorii gorizontallnogo ya zemnoy peremeshc4erri kory" (Review of Modern Geotedtonic Theories, especially -the Card 7 s/o4q/61./ooo/oo8/002/002 Paleomagneticirelsearch in -the'MUR: D260/D3QL9_ --'Theory izontal~Displacem6nt of th Earth's Crust). Other of Hot e -papers dealing-with groups-1 to~-4 were.% 1 A. 11. Khramov and hii colleagubs,reported.,on the.first positive experimentato draft sections of:rock idth,the aid of the paleomagnetic method for the correlating strata in vast territories. T.. 1. Lintkova gave a paleomagnetic analysi6~.of the sedimentary layers of.the upper Devonian system, and explained that reversal of the Bar-ti-Lis magnetic field had,taken,,place in the Devonian period, -3 directly and reversedly magnetized rock proved to have the z1m: f erromagnetic component. . G. I.'Kruglyakoira and A. N. Tret- - yEik_ reported on the results o -f testing.,the,residual magnetizatio'a of rock belonging to the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian. De- vonian and Carboniferous systems. Coordinating data fo~ the magnetic'poles and respective periods were established by -Pa- -culation. Ts. G. Akopyan spoke on,,stratigraphic correlatioij and"differentiation'of.Cenozoic volcanic Tormations. V. V. Kochegur and B. Rusinov reported on the results of studying Card 3/7 iF 111 1 lit ~1 Ri Paleomagnetic research iii theTSSR -.continents.-hAd occurred~ hypothesis, he~says, is erroneous, ..~and:ls'probably:due to the fact of overmagnetization',of rock in successive.-erase 2), A. G.Xomarov.investigated the changes* which occur'in effusive-J?oqk.after its formation. A. N 'Shmelva studied%the magne'tizatioh.of:sedimentary rock in its naiural' state And after re sedimentation. A. Ya. Vlasov and colleague's studied the influence'on.the-residual magnetization of artifi-o- cially~.Produced:sediments, caused by,the.force of compression, The authors found that compactness of the sediment obtained by vertical pressurereduc9d the incline by almost 100. Pressure sideways, on the other hand, cau8ed increase. T. A. Martynoval ~reported on-her studie's of changesin KKA quartzites in connec- tion with.the.parameter of,.their.magnetic -characteristics. N. P. Mikhailova gave'a,:report on the magnetization of alkaline rock. During.the.discussiohs which took place in this second group various opi 'nions were expressed concerning further studies of artificiall sedizented rock and the conditions of re-sedi- y Card 517 Card . 6/7 ,, I -Z ,1~ V! " ~ ill 6,i~ ! I *"~! I ~ .1, i,i ~. k ~ - - ~ - ~-. . .1. . - I . I - - II I. ~ I V I 1 4-ujv-~ ~, - i : . mtj 'L :1 -. lw ''. 1 I i ; ~ li if ; I "', , " .11, : , I, ~ r I, ., I ~ 1 ,11 :1 -1 1, 1 l " I z ~i ~i 5 - - - I I 1 .11 , ! ~ i .1"JI'llidlill, ll!'i"Alli I . 1 ; I q,!! 1 i . 11 - t 'I It [MiR, .~! I li I I ~,~ i. I -i t. r a 11 'i .;i I C.L t!- f 31 O-Irl, 1 1. 1, 't ti , R . E , ! ! 1 91, .- ,~] j .- A . . m-.j 4 . I . .1 ii :, ~ 4~ - .. - ;., I i . ; ; 44. . 0 Per WA M"'Wilb 14, U-1111 UPS11 I I III i HN M M%it H Is ~4 , E 1 Ifl; I'l I `11,.B I .: 11 .. V 1 " 1~ t-! : I : " - i, . - II '', t ,I ,,, I I I " .., ~:~ .!i , I "I : . I I ~I ,Ii~l; I Iz 1 ; lill . i"Ill, I I i, I - 11. [ I i - ill, I It. 1; .: li, ~ , IiI I1 1 LEBER 1N; L, -0, Malin IDN"Iff 41, 13[ 77--- -,- -- ~ ~ . I I--.-, - - - . I .1i 2 . I liff I F I I i, I ~ 1.,.Iy ~, I fl, ~1. j,., , z I I ~ I IN la"..", - I I I , '~ p 'i ""I ~ i I I i i!, I I ~. , i fv% I 0; . - ; . -1 1f P, 1 .1 . . ZHIMMIN, Dmitriy Goorgiyevich; KIPNIS, S.Te., rodaktor; EMITRIBTVA. R.V. i 1. J.. i t I;, , NOTIKOVO-IoTet- ' i . I : I I Ill I i Ch; -CHEIWTOVA -V -,,--red- - -NEZNANOV N tekbn red :[Histor7, of the eleotrification.of the'U.S.S.R.]istoriia elek- +.Vo4 N Un + 04 4O'CUM -Mo%olfgrgs --Q^+g2alr"4m- 10AJ- Arl ------------------- - --------- ------------- - - L1 115418.66 EWT(d)/9WP(k` IEVI-P,(1) A N& AP6005028 SOURCE CODE CC URT0105T65 000TOm/0091/0091 AUTHOR i Ayvaz-f M3, IV. Q.; Aleksandroyj Be K.; Andrianov,,Va N.; Beschinskiy, A. A. Rudzko, f~ Ap _MekinJJ6A*; Krasnov V. So; Kruzhilin,, Go ff.; Kulebaking Ve So; Markvardtp K. kovichp 1. Me I Popkove Y. lei Styrikovich List?1r, P. N., He At: ORGt 'none 4) 4- TITLE: Professor Andrey GeorgiZ!vich Ukharin Elaktrichestvop'noo 1,:1965 91 TOPIC TAGSs electric power engineering$ electric engineering personnel ABSTRAM, A Bhort.biography of subject on the occasion of his 60th birthday in November 64, A close disciple of Krzhizhanovskiy.#'he now.heads sector.of general methodological problima and forecasting at ENIN Institute of Power Engineering )i and power engineering section within its scientific councils imeni Krzhizhanovskiy,, In 1927-1932,, worked in designing and construction of power stations and industrial power installatione in the Trans-Caucasus* In 1932* having graduated as electrical engineer from Tbilisi F61,yItechnical Institute, he switched to scientific work at All-Union Institute of Fam Electrification.. and. at ENIN since 1944. Became candidate of technical sciences in 1937; doctor,.in 1948* :Subject is credited the moth with working out Oda for designing efficient and economical regional and local power syotems# utilizing local power resources and coordinating them idth th" power grids* He participated in-studies on elsotrification through 1980, and on Card UDC: 621.31s(0.15-5) F 17 L 24071:!~~ 111M&1 MVEW(M IEWA (d)/TIWA(h) I/EWA(1) /JT A(.V- NK* APooih966 SOMCS CODEs, uR/mMal 65 0010400210 10159 AINFOR- Aladlyev. 1. T.t Aleksandrov, B. K 1 Baum. V. A. Go S. Golldenberp. So As.,-Zhim".4-24 -b t 7.mW-2.4.' At 0#1 Iyqvle~' Ve x Knorro, Vt Go; K6'a&V-,Go- lot 14ont-yeva, Zi Io; Haricovich ' I* Hal )~Mmrovich. E, As; t khnovich, Go *I 1!2pKov' -1, IrOPOV. Vv A,v- yoditaTo-y. I: S.; PyotnUgUy. ji. Net Styrikovich. III Aq. o oy, Ygo-Gal Touldig-21j.-at.A.1 t1mkhancy. Zs Fol B~OyndUnq Ao Is* / ORGt none 71=t Lev Jakolayevic-11 Xhitrin z 3351.6 lizvootlyat SnarglUka ItransPax~te not Zo 1963t TOPIC TAGS% acadovdo porsonnal, physics personnel# combustion, carbon.high. temperature rosoarch, plasm ba&IN" fuel ABSTOZA, ProtossorIL. R. bitrin' Corroaponding'Mmber, Academy of Scionbox uurq, state Pries LAarsato. and Doctoror IM&Incerine Sciences, died after a short but sa4cra Mn a at the age of 58. He was woU known hors and abroad as an.outa'tanding ad:nqtist and specialist in'tho field of combusuon theory and the development of method* for opeading up burning offucl. He began his scientific vorU at the AU- Union Heat ftinooring institute after grad"tint -fron the physicz dopartnont of Moooov University 1A 1930. His early wo was ~cn the propagation of flames In gases, and an heterogonous embustion. Xn '1914 he dofondod his Doctorle Dissertation on tho theory of,combustl*n.of. car- CWd .1/2 UDCt -62143902 7 A077-M C AP6Mh966 bon., His monograph OColtbustion of Carbon" vaia~ardad !he State Pri".,ain 19~041 -In 1951 he became the yomanant director of the lalsora tory for tho intonllWiCa tion of -combustion processes of. the 0, Ho Xrahi;hanoyak~Z Power Institute.'/ He was elected a corresponding mmbor 'or the A adW of Scion= U55d In 1953. He 'headed the All Union Advisory Doard on combustion, represented Sovict science $at Intern ational Symposia, and was a mcmbor of the International Initituto of cGnbustion. For a number of years, he directed the HoscoV Soncral 3oninar on coi4buation, and took an active part in the work of the Scientific Council of the Acadeny of Sciences USSR#~ on hinh temperature heat physics, and of the scientifte council on the comprehen3ivo utilization of fuel. Ile devoted a larp amount of attention to,, toaching work. He directed tlie_q2!Lbustion Mi. . . . . ............. .V - crav dion of the Physics Nortmod, f-.jjdGcovt St-ite Univorat Ilia miino "Physics d"Combustion and Dqatsioni'11957) lo a basic text for students in .this field. Three otorls Dissory-ld no And fifteen Candidate DiMrUtiona woro defended under his direction. In the last years of his life he directed work on methods for comprehansive utilization of fuel at power stations so as to obtain valuable products free the sinaral part of the fuel, as well as work on the.physicAl chemical prooesses in a plama stream, and thd laochanism of interaction between- carbon and'gaass. He wall the author of more than 60 is6ientific workep got which he was awarded the Order of the, Red Bs=er of, Labor and~modalse-, origo art* heel lfigur96 fjM-V..,'-. SUB CoDst 21i 20 SUEH DATM,~. Card 2/2