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: P ~ . I., I I ! I , ~ ! - 1 ~ - :- i , ,: f!~ I I I . ` i : : ,7 r -- A i ! , ! I ~i I I N . , : - p - I : m 1 1 1 1 . I ! . I - " ~ 9 a . -U '~ ;. I ~- - - z. A': 1 I,E ! . ~ ,, i~ ~~ , .. m . I I : ~ ~ ~ j. . ;, I ! ~ i ::i . . - o ,w ,'a ~ i I i I I . i. i ~ ;, ~!. 11! 11 1;': 1111i t I 1 1, I ., i.!! : ~j , t I , 1, ; ~11: ilH , 11 11 u 1r ,. :~i !q .1. i "-! ! I p I ! i ? -1. i i ; ~ "l, ;" . : I i, ; pq ~, valvql! Ii, I i : I , . R . : ~1~ :~ 'it H. ~ -1f:',! i - ~ 1; -1 1 .5 : ~ " lp~ i ~ V1, ;~ ii :" i I r. I I I . 1 i I ;~ a " :1 lr* . . 11111 11111"T, t~. .,i t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40AII ocular tension and, pupil diameter show different phase reactions during the differ. ent stages of glaucoma. 66, experiffients, were carried out on 10 rabbits. The 10 control experiments confirmed the known pupil dilatation and fall of Intraocular tensionafter ergommine (111) (0.00075 g. ft, I. m. ). When a 0. 11o solution of I :-.._was instilled Into one eye of a rabbit pretreated with 111, the pupil of this eye was dilated more than that of the other eye, as seen after a stronger (1%) solution of I (in, 5 of 7 experiments), this to regarded as a paradoxical reaction. In the same experiments the intraccular tension remained high Instead of being lowered; this is regarded as an Inverted reaction (3 of 7 experiments). In 5 III-treated rabbits the Instillation of a 1:6,000 sol-ution of I. into the right, eye led to pupil dilation, in Comparison with the'left eye,corresponding to that produced by a stronger (1%) solution of I (paradoxical reaction) In the other 5 rabbits of the same test group, --1:5,000 1 led to constriction of the pupil in comparison with the untreated left eye (inverted reaction). Ut 3 of 9 rabbits pretreated with III, Instillation of 0.1% solu- tion o!. It into the right eye'produced an increased miotic effect (paradoxical reRctionj -treated rabbits the Instillation of a 1:5.000 solution of H I nto the r Jn 8 of 10,111 ight eye led to a degree of pupil dilatation surpassing that produced by III alone in the left eye (Invertedieuction) (49 references)i -POPOV Sofia (U. 12) All H IP 1: 1 eyes, treated with f%hematropine noltation with r-f-irenie to f~*rV- of cLynfunctiou related to ret;uLaticn 10 no.6:498-503 1957. of ey,3 Icatedra -po oftalmologiia. 0-~,MNMMM AIXU,10114, 9:rf. hq-~rtrooinn na intranouinr pressure, vidue in dictg, ovitotoiv)motry (But)) nf dyt;funct, al. Q1TrTjkbCTJ1A:Z P ,TtISSUIC, eff.of druep on valu~q In diag. of dynf%-jrt, by ~,Lri,4 tit mometrt (131A)). P, 7:. all 11, i-iI dli R 44 vp PL Inhibiting effect of certain substances during the appearance and development of alloxan cataract in white rats. Nauch. tr. vissh. med. i~ i " -1 : 1 .1, 1 . c -. !~ 1 - IHII I-Iffl'i Rill h, 1111 - 6: ; ~ ! 9 ~ ~ f 1 ;I , ; - ~ . , 7-- we . W ;% ,l ~ - -. g. f I IQ1, 112 It Ill I, I., "19 , I R- I TIT! I ZHIVKOV, V.I. Adenine nucleotides in the spermatozoa of the ram, boar, and stallion. Ukr.biokhim.zhi.Lr. 34 no.l.-86-94 t62. (MIRA 17:5), 1. Institute of Comparative Pathology of Domestic Animals of the Bulzarian Academy-of Sciences. Sofia. L 15603-" RH ~ACG NR; AP6008222 SOURCE CODE: BU/t)011/65/018/004/0389/0392 AUMORL-Alykay. S.; Kirov, K.; Abadjiev,~M. partmehV, Biouiii;- Ical, Jn6titute; Pepartwnt of %rvotm Cd L ATRI V,11UUU0- Diseases, adulits- ~bdi TIT'TE i dhr omosoMe abnormalities~i' a--pationt-suffering from Huntington' achores :~SOURCE-:,haukite, DokIadyj'v. IS* no. 4 1965 38 9-392 ~TOPXC TAGS: human genetics., heredity, nervous system disease reurologyy mani cytology ~,ABSTRAGT: Huntington a chor6a,is a hereditary disease dbiminant 'me.nner. - ince- in A~ a no date exist in the literature ~oncerhin& t .he cy~.opnotic, invastip tVans of this disease, the withora are 'Pu4iahingAhe- r-eq_td1"iL"hr oil - -w ~-~Vy - -it" i the 6ot~th tA6 -'bi. e--j oajo~~ "*--b3 a, rother-of-Ahe 1patibnVe-father-~1 4469rl~g rom a orsai too* T e~aytdgqnio' investigatio h IWA's carried put-on M64f-haw-chromo-oomes of dividing lsuoooytea of the -I Card 1/2 1 :4 SUB CCDE t 06 / SUBH DATS: now / MH REF 1 005 ~ i, ~,,j r J i;w It, '1 11 0 ;.~. I . ;~~il 1.%, it li I t .I- ~fft I ~, 1 1;11 '1 H i !"ll ~;; '"" Ii *.,! H ;~ .~ i ;,j ; ; , Rr 4 .11 i : f 1 Io, ~ I i. 1 1 1 i . I - '. ; ;, I , 1: , 1 Jj i ;~ . :i fl." -Pp P I i i if ! ~ ~*- i.;; 7~~ i: - . " I F, i , m, ; I ~ y,:,: -11; 1 , I4H 1,1111,11 ~ H 1'~ I i F, 4;: 1 4 , ,- " " - 1 ! :'., -- ~! I I : - .! ;, 1 R ; ;, 1~. . r. 1 56 ~~dlil . ~t If i I i . I 1 1: :,- i 4 NMI r Z fl-IIIN" SH" I 19IL IMIN llfl 1 BW,(rAP1A/H,1.wan and AninnI Phynioi6Qr Vetabali=. Abs J-0 rx Ref "'hur 14o,~ 4, L958, -L7905! Init The'rnstituteof j3xi?eriment,-,-J.,~lpterinp-ry,t~edicine of tile Bui ian--Acadeity or sciences. gar 'ho Inorgp-nic F ..Content of Beef Plasm,. The sphorus Orig Pub lzv.,.In-ta Ospekm.: vet. mcd. B"lg. M., 1956, 137-03 Abstract' The.inoreanic F.Content of the,blood of calves up to 3 that of cp-lvee months of age amounts to 7.0 mg~4; to 6 mohths,.of fage amounts,to 6-5 m6- - Ill CWS the biood. phosiphoi-us content Is reduced to 4.8 me, . The fluctum- tions~ln blood phosvh6rus content (3-3 to 5-8 md) ep seen -in cattle'from -different collective farms depend chieUy on'the corwosition.of the fodder* ~-Card Ar ZHIVKOV-V~-j--KARAMOUCHEVA-,I-. VOW On' the compooitirn -4nd cIontentof meid-soluble nucleotldes in the kidney,of.ratoo Doicla dAN 17 no.12:1115-1116, 164. J. I* Institute of-Comparaltive Pathology of Animals of the Bul-, garian AcadeuV of Soienceap Sofia. Submitted July 29j 1964- w, M, RITI, -K 11 I, f~l lp H,~-4 , , . , :9-NOSON If All ~,~ . ~- 1; ~ ~ " i i. I:. :.. I ~ II I i : I, ~j ~ , .1; . r ij I : , . I p-. I : 1 1 51 . ~ : I ~,- ~! I'l ii" -i li I I ` iltHil 1111;1 U t i 1 1 I . A . I . -I . ~~ I : . - 1 i I ~ ~~ , ~; RE, IM Ran _K*yAXT-_�E' f I i~ I ! i . ! ~ .. I . . v z i; Itl !I, 11, i I ; . i It I: I ! I ~11, :1 1 1 1 ; I i I , , t~ . - ; ~ , ; " il . i ~l . ; , L. r. . . , I : . 5 . f ~: . . t ., i - ; , !~ T! i ~ d I I I I flip 1 : I . 1? . , t : t -, : :. : . , 4 X T. r RM al WH ~ It lill, I Ii. ~ I ti I i I ! . I , I , : :~. ! . 1 , ~ I ~ , !, ~? . I.? : il, 11 - E iI. ~ --.' F - 'I illjji~4 I .~' zt 1 , i - H ` I 11 :i .~ H; 111 ! 1 ~ i. II.~; t zi , ! ,,~ i i I i - I ~. ~! ~ - ". (.. ~-. t 't i,;~ ;, ~- I I I I w i ~ 1 It :11 1 i i'lIi it I l!': I I K NOW' _M121,11i e~' N I" q fl.,, I I. i , 1 1, li lij. H:3 I : i ; ~ a : z ~ : ~ , , , :', 7~ . : , i-. . , .4. i~, L I t : i II ~ . , I .. r I T I : ! , ; I ? , , * - , 1 F ", ~ :!" i ~I - I 11 1 t ~ I, ~ : 1~ ., .. I raw it" 14-2-95-Ut-W; 1! 9 -IV, TI IV. MO S 'J' A439 -3. or .1 .4 Oot 33 0 81 0c, 3 z i -j ., A , 4 3 tic 541, lot cis -jl aina I q V, h a ?a 0 go UP D. %4 00 -1 . . . . , I A -- Z b. O, a 3 4z 00. 303 p 4 a * I a 19 11 "1 .1 -4 VO 0A, I -. . $1 1 ;.. A -81w 1 2 3 .., m to -2 A 1.9 04 d 0 AM A j 1I so a ~d '.flit 194 11 MY "84 via 1 C 41~4jp ~F4 140 14 P.3 N 4 0 a ~Qeq &0 1 0 -4 - 1 2 Ti, 0- 1 1 V I lv~ ; -, .- ~j , ,kt 1 114 It I ~ I ?. -; I,) v id I i; -P , . 11 ;, -. I j , P I.. A z - ii-.; - :t.1 !, . . * 11 .i 4 1 ~t4t. 1 ~ f,.-t" I ~! ~,, (! 1 11:i ~,,. ..;! -P, IIII ~ ;., a ~: , : 111 ;1- ,I I ! . ; , I I. .-11 jg.t p 1 ~Z]- . _i , 11i I I " 'I , I -,:Tt :1 1 Ili " r I ~ F", 1111 1` 1 '11 11-111, "r, I ; .: I - :~ i ?~ q : - , 1 .1. 1 . 9.- f '. ;4: i t . ': i ~ : : I ;1AIIii~11! I I ~ ~:t ,: ~ V"I',! ".1, i :,: i~ . ~ , : zi ; t ; " !1; 7 ~~ 11' 1~-q tf I ,~11; ; :1. ~7,1 , 1 ; 1 1, 1 , I I - , I . i I ; ; ! , , , j ~i -t ~~ i ~ , .1 a ~ .: 1. 1 , IV i ~, . . 20.4 S/056 671/040/0W01 6/047 Lightning temperature..** BI02/B202 I the radiation*.intensity of a black body having the same tempera- 0 ture, as the channel. The authors took pictures of lightning spectra by., night,-by means of the opectrographs Ctl -48 (SP-48) and 64 -49 (SP-49) (slit width O.A mm). They used Panchrom.-X and (D)-type films. 'To until a blackening of S-0.2 was attained. Thus, sensitivity could be increased by 3-4 times. The film was then photometrically recorded by a micro.ph6 Itometer of the type p42, -4 W-4). Altogether, 9 spectrograms were evaluated (about 100 lines).. Most cf the lines belonged to neutral or singly-ionized 0 or N.atoms; the lines 5600P 5471, 4542 and 4058 A can be~ ascribed to 0111,, OV or.NIII; also N 2 band edges and an intense continuous all lines were observed for the first. spectrum were found. About 50'/b of time.-'The channel temperature was calculated from various linee'l results. are given in Table 2. The diverging values are due to errors in measure-. ment. The meante mperature value~in the channel,,21,000 0 K, is in good agreement with.thezesults obtained by S. L Braginskiy by the hydrodynamic, Card 3/6 11 MR, VH - 'V 1,11V R W.M.""If I I I& 016 ---------- o457- S/056/61/040/902/016/047 ~,:Lightning temperature. . D1021B202 !AT ION: riziche'-iki institut im Y P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR .of'Ph. I e vaics m. P I 11. Lebedev Academy of Sciences USS R .-SUBMITTED: June 30, 1'96Q Ta6illitta k i li a k. tA) o,15, 0.5, -2 Legena to Tablelt~, Dis tanc -0.05 from 'the 'd enter of the'.1ine 05 5 31 ts 2 n,Ao 0 00 104 5 70,5 45 51 1 27 tj 2 4 B t 17 19, 84 0.23 , 8,9 0.2 to 8. 7 5 0 31 7 2 2,9 5 2 35 t , 5 0 .38 2,1 3 2 1 t _ 5 12 .45 0, - , Card 7 20457- S/056/61/040/002/016/047 Lightning temperature*fisd~ B102/B202 egen .to Table 2s Line i A, L d n 2) temperatgre in.the spark channel' in K mean value 3)~ TsdA itai,2 TexftapaTyPA Knifix (OK.) f? ftenpo. n :4 2 M 3 A 4 CPM#e Nil 2M 31000 23000 25000 Nil 39q5 Nil 5045 OOO M 7000 22000 Nil 4447 Nil 4447 14WO MOO 18000 off 3M7 peatice C ard',6/6.,, 1011[ , , . . I 0~1~ i 9 1 -~j',~ I III ~! -H it ~ ~ *. ~i , . 11 ~ 7. 1 i! ~ I i , I ; s lea r, 3 I J4. state ':ie er,!rgy he -n p t r~,- n re :e S 2/2 I 'WI IN I'll I I I i ra, M mom PHASE I BOOK EXPLOMTION 1127 Moscow. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inBtitut Issledovaniya po fizike iradiotekhaike (Research in Physics and Radio, Engineering) Moscow., Oborongiz., 1958- 132 p. (Series: its ~dyx vyp. 2) 3.,700 copies printed. Ed.: Zaytseva., K.Ya., Engineer;,Ed. of Publishing House: Gortsuyevay N.A Tech. Ed.: Rozhin) V.P.; Managing Ed*: Zaymovskaya., A.S,, Engineer. RJRPOSE: The book may be useful to scientific personnel,, engineeraj, and students conducting research'in physics.and radio engineering. COVEWE:'~The bookis a collection of 13 articles written by instructors and grad- uate and undergraduate students of the MoScov Institute of Physics and T-ecbnolo- JCB. L No gy, The articles discuss problems in radio physicaj, optics and phys personalities are mentioned. References appear at the and of each article. TANZ OF CONTENTS: Kozel.. S.M.., Candidate of-Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Modulation Optical Interferometer for Measuring the Angle of a Idght Beam 3 Card lj~ A t1l URI 15 Research in Physics (Cont.) 27 Tsybakov, B.S.,, Yakavlev,, V.P. Nature of Functions Expressing Limited Spectrum, and Related Problems of Ccimminication. Theory 13 Zhivlyuk.. Yu.N. Some Properties and Applications of a Plane-Conical "Axikon" 30 Kolachevskiy., N.N. Preliminary Results of Studying the Temperature Relation- ship of Noises of Pe4odic Magnetic Polarity Reversal in Ferranagmetics 41 Sukharev., Ye.M. Repin, V.G. Linear-filter Correlator 47 Leshehanskiy, Yu.I.,, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Application of the Meth- od of Least Squares for Solving a Problem of Waves Passing Throught the Dia- phragn in a Regular Wavegaide 58 Glad=,, A.D., Distribution of Potentials in the Region of Space-cha~rge-limited Currents in an Ideal Planar Triode With Mini -3m Potential Between the Cathode and Grid 69 Strunin., V.P. Diffusion of,Hydrogen Throught Palladium and Determining the, Dissociation Rate for Hydrogen on the Surface of Palladium 76 Card 2/3 :4 10`,~fj KV i W It RON iji A I ", f . fli:;'. : i ~ :. . I ; , 'r, , :.. I ii I ;~, -1 ! ~ I 1 11 1 i: I , . Al I I t I : . . i ; i 1 ~ I ; " , t1 Z; I 1 1, 1 . I . I P . . .; i 1~ . : . f: I I V! I I 1 1 1 1 E, iLT it-qi ~U~WW', W1 t ' "I I ---42-/015 DE-, UR/0000/65/000/000/011 SOURCE CO V. L A'2131-66 V Golldsbmidt 0 ACC HRI AT6028379 Brodo V KO 0 anOv - D - ylenc Bekz 0. L,_.) ;=-Z-- ,_h _M2y " nin,-L~ Ya-4;Tychkova UTHOR., A. v IV4 jovat 14'..' Y - v L A A a v d io:o] ~~ ~--' ---I- V, z I min YU. Tre~-i hi derov u- ~L=4- v V 14 O~-L- Z ;jj Yu. 2tYA!- . ~ V. G-* yubet-8--y v sare radHki none Vazakhstan ORG. Of gicheqkiye -hysical ske t ch map 1964t GeOl k1 TITLE. Geop 2d New Delhi* -1~1- sics) CIO ady ress. 2 )lied geophy Geological esults Of aP1 Lternational ical ; 5, 142-154 CE. IV ziki Geolog"Pvo Nedrat 196 SOUR ' -~-~,Drjkladnoy geO. 'ZN rezul'taty P roblema 2. tectoni sovetskikh geolOgOvs P , p geophysicla) "gem Itions TOpIC T&GS. investigi t:kcm- )LAV p1lysical and geological -ch map Of the, I I I tectonic so physical Sket tectorl~" jonal9 amposits. Zeo Yt is of res his wap, the MaJor zone's zoneS on the bag ctric 11 C' )w t STRACT- e!o~ee~lel-r~c led. Frc re detined-, vimetric is been cOMPJL _p!jp jij~lds refleCt- \,f(js eismic bf structural zones 'netic. discontWit fields t1je 11-1 ical 'and geological tvtational and wag Ictures j, stri dients in the 91c' st are scarps in ioness'..deep., id gra data sugge 6ting high fie S sounding jepresel.. ich Bei mic vh tureso geosU eep. Card 14 aya ova zones,of Kazak ozone cont- e 0 3) the Ija hatan defl so a of .I, Penakay, ned Id P "-I,) f0 ed I es magma tisill 4) ilrL%: 'Indl th the* base t Cate are als Tokrauskay, Turgay.4 n p tile 0dDflned. I ~yat SUB Ible J and 5 Oes thicknes R the tecton, e Dzhajair- oil b aOf t th CODE. sunm earing form,, t'h esedlMentary c depress n' ;,on DATE 84 Orig. Ver, 6 0JQn65/ ATD co has.6 Overl~'i i0 the art, PRESS. ng t ire. ID91! -4 rd 2 2 j~~ ;Z ,:~ . 1 - , . 1 1 : !5 : J: fl, 1, , I , 1 ~ .:: i~IL I 1; i t~!? ~ -1111 . .-! -i ~[i jqit !;. , li I Ii , I . 1. , . i I -A I I I.i AI I vJ, ~ t1: i " ~1;: . ; , I ` , ;.q a - .. "Aii ~It ., .~il. .1-I. I s . . IN 0 '1. : il P: PT f JAI, i TON III ; 1 .1 - ~ i V . !"'j; _i~~ :1 : ~ , t ~ . . 1 ; t i . . ~ I IlU 111-11 i ifl ~;' fl , ;;. I i t~ . . I 'i :;.I. . , , . - I w. - A ~ F . , I : tim 1 i " I ~I "z ~: . . i :a- . I i: i . . . I ~ Al W , : 1 1: L , I I i i.; g I 1 11 1 . .. ! .: 1 1% is ~ . il ~ ;,: f AUTHORS:-- -20Z~19/47 ---!-Zhdanov i- YueA-.-,--Dorofeyenko,- and Zhivoglazov.a, L. Ye. TITLE: The Sy;ithesis of Some Carbon-Carbon Derivatives of Carbohydrates (Sinte z nekotorykh uglerod-uglerodnykh proizvodnykh uglevadov) :PERIODICAL:: :~ Doklad ANASSR, 1957' Vol- 117, Nr C, pp. 9go-992 (USSR) ANTRACT; As described earlier (references 1 4) the organomagnesium method1rought about good,reoultB in the synthesis of the above-mentioned derivatives of 4-glucooet d-galactoset A- xylose and 1-arabinoes which contain Various "agluoonoa"o In the present work this method was employed for the produotion of some new compounds: phanyl-tetraacetyl-galaotose O-tolyl- triacetyl-xylosep allyl-tetraacetyl-galactose and allyl- triaostyl-arabinose. It was found that the acetylated.allyl sugare are capable of adding a ohloro-, 'bromo- and dirhodane- molecule at the double bond of the allyl,r*sidue, Haloid- derivatives of the already earlier synthesized phenyl- triacstyl-xylosewsre also produced. Acetachlormonosaacharides which serve as initial products in the synthesis of the C--C Card 1/2 derivatives of hydrocarbons were obtained due to the treatment It flIll The - Synthms i-_-f_S____ -carbon-Carbon Derivatives of e o ome Carbohydrates of sugar acetates with phosph phosphorus pentachloride and aluminum chloride in a chloroform solution. An experimental part with the description of the production methods of the following compounds is given: 0-ohloro-triacetyl-l-arabinose, di-bromo-phenetyl-triacetyl-xylose, di-chloro-phenatyl- triaoetyl-xylose, dibromo-mallyl-triaoetyl-xylose, di-bromo- mallyl-tetraacetyl-glucose, di-rhodone-allyl-tetraacetyl- glucose and di-rhodane-allyl-triacetyl-xylose beside some above-mentioned sugar derivatives together with constants. There are 8 reforenceBo 5,of.which are Slavic., ASSMIATIONS Rostov-na-Donu Wte Mkmrsity- (Rostovskiy na-Donu goeudaretvannyy.univeraitet) PRESENTED: July 239 19579 -by A.- I. Oparint Academician.* SUBMITTZD: July 230 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 H: MAP,- WIN 111411"I'll, ~Ilfllffllltlll I Za16,~ I c hZHIVOGINA.DOV A B red, am 011;~ 16. om, pmp; fill I tbe, history of-the geographical m4rnnn bf'- tbj6 ~ Kamchatka: PAninsulal -SIOVO nn karta! Im --'ZHIVOGLYADOT, I.D.;-LOTMWQV# TubA. Z, Relation of. chron'lle-tonslintin -to errthem ezudatlv= multiforms. Test. ato-rin. 17 no.6i4?.-43 jr-n '35. (MM 9t2l) If 1z klimilki kozbmvl& I venerichaskikh bolesney (zav.-~-prof A.S. zenia) I kllniklukha. gorlal'noea (sav. prof, B.M. Lukov) &Woyghevskogo~m4itainakogo,inatituta. JR , i , ; ~ .. r Y I T al. ~ . . ~ , - i . . -'AL-V-~Mt -ATOUZZU00 -trfi- j bUURCE CODE: UR/0000/06/000/000/Mll M- AUTHOR: Kokov1khIn,,V#jA.; Stlkhin, V. N.; ZhIvoglyndovq V. P. ORG: none. TITLE: On the, theory, of dual.control SOURCE: MOSCOW. Instittit ivtomatllcl I telemeldianIld. Samoobuchayuohehlyesyn 966, tomaticheakiye siBtemy (self -instructing automatIc systems). Tyloscow, Izd-vo Naulm, I TOPIC TAGS: automaUa.control. theory, second order differential equation, differential equation solution, approximatIon method A~STRACT: Various pursuit problems are considered In % Methods for the solution p article. used o x -control the ry,h ,fhese problems, b i notions of dual of, 9 re proposet), and somo Werl- montal information Is given. Buyeslankra-tegy-in.the Felldnian and Dellman forniulotion is atadled, and the relation of the theory of approximation to tho BoyeslAn prIncIple Is analyzeds In their computations, the authors have made a w1do use of the optimality principle and the techniques of dynamle programming. A numerical example Involving a second-order differon-', tial equation Is solved, and, there Is a brief discussion of the work by V. P. Zhivoglyadov. Card, 1/2