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-ZHUKOV,, D.D.; KAREL111, Ya.A.; MMEM, V.14.; MZARCV~ I.I.j SI[EVTSOV, D.A. Additional experinental investigations of a two-stage bioche=ical purification-of waste waterB from the Electrical De-salting Unit of the Orsk Pdtrole= Refinery. Khim,,i tekh,topl.1 Ma-Sel 7 no.9:19-23 8 162. 1538) 1. Moako.vijkiy inzbenerno-stroitelinyy institut im. V.V.Kuybpheva i Orskiy neftepererabatyvayushahiy zavod. (Orak-Petroleum-Refining) Oewne-Porification) _~OHNROVV D.Ye. KAFMIN, Ya.A.; IKRAWV,, M.; ~~Q jjt~~; Investigating the industrial waste waters of a ;ntroleum- lubricant plant and purifying then by the biochaodcal method. Kh1m. I tekh. topl I masel 9 no.8t'29-37 Ag 164. (MIRA 177:10) 1. Moskovakiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni inzhenemo- stroitellnyy inotitut in, Kuybyaheva. -8(6) BOV/143-59-2-17/19 AUTHOR, Zhukov Dj., Engineer ----- TITLE; ----- Foreign Small-Size Hydroelectric Power Units (Malo- gabaritnyye gidroagregaty za rubezhom) PERIODICAL: Izveptiya vysehikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Energetika, 1959, Nr 2, pp 126-133 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reviews the experiences made with small- size hydroelectric power units in West Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Poland (former German territoryl power units were installed in 1936). These power units consist of horizontal propeller turbines which are directly coupled to generators enclosed by water-tighthousings; they are located en- tirely within the water flow and do not require any generator halls. The author comes to the conclusion that these "its have sufficiently high efficiency coefficients and that they are considerably cheaper than conventional types of hydroelectric power units. Card 112 foreign Small-Size Hydroelectric Power Units SOV/143-59-2-17/19 There are 2 photost 3 tables, 7 diagrams, 3 graphs, and 11 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 1 English, 1 Prench and 6 German, ASSOCIATION: Institut energetiki AN BSSR (Power Engineering In--:- stitute o the AS B3Sft) Card 2/2 ZIUKOV, D.P. $ Caald Tedh Sci--(disa) "Lams of iml-a.72- oconornic indicators of fmmll GES uridor coni ~on-- o ABSSR." Linck, 1958. 15 PP (Acz-.d Sci DSSR. illbpartracyLt of Sci. Inat of Po,.-;or ?.~Iirizincring), 100 oopiw; (Ylt26-5("), 109) iwr--- IMM ~Aw ~IRMP, M-TIMMIN U'lit. I ZHMV -0 D.P. Joint construction of small an(I medium-sized low prossur-s hydroelectric power stations in White Russia. Trudy Inst. energe AN BSM no*101133-156 139. (MIU 1); 6) (White Rusaia-Hydroelectric power statioas) I 1. ZHUKOV, D. F. 2. USSR (600) Naturalists Philosophical principles In-the world outlook of A..N. Svertsov. Vest. Yosk. un. 7 no. 10, 1952. 9. n lee ed Djh1Z List of Russia AScessi2jjg# Library of Congresav March 1953. U a Sifi Ii J'A WOV, D inshe Magnitude of specific discharge on spillways of small hydro- electric power plants* Izvevys&ucheb&z&v*; energ.,.2 no 8: 113-120 Ag 159. nU 15: 2) I* Institut onergetiki AN BSSR- ABpillways) ZHUKGV~ D. F. .2. USU (600) 4-- Svertsov) Aleksei Hikolaevich, 1866-1936 7. PbilosoDhical principles in the -world outlook of A. 11. Severtsov. Ve3t. Hosk. un. 7 no. 10, 1952. 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I-larch 1953, Uncl. T;- I;.-T , 1 '4.~v r W ~6Wk 10-0: 1wvm i~~Yt7Q' aAVIT.SKIY, Y6 "M-; KMP H-V-1, FOPOVj V.F.; LYUBIMOV, MI.; ZHUKOV,, D.G.- MALI;OVSMA, T.I.- Effect of rare-earth metals on the properties ofstainleon steel. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd, tekh. naLk. Met. i gor. delo nd,.1:133-137 J&-F 163~ (HIPA 16:3) .(Steel, Stainleas-Metallurgy) (Rare earth metals) I . -_-:a ~: A - -7:-- - .- I-- .-. - 1 -r.-~ ~ : , ~ , ; , . , I 1. 1 . -11 1 - .. . ------ ~ - -1 . -. --- _-l- -1 .,.- 7 . . - - Card , I - I I.- . ~ - . C,,-d 2/AZ- --x !r , DiA, -1 Jrf ACCESSION MR- AP5014375 UR/0383165/000/001/0061/0065 669.187.6----e le '5/ 1 AUTHOR: Zhukov D. G. =Keysn. 11. V Men'shenin, Ye. B. Pegov, V. G. j Molchanova, A. A TITLE: Jectric steel with liquid synth tic sla SOURCE: Metallurgicheskaya I gornorudnaya promyshlonnost', no. 1, 19651 61-465 1 TOPIC TAGS: electric steel, synthetic s-'ag ABSTRACT! The treatment of electric steel with liquid syrithatic slag was adr)pted on a mass-production scale at the Chelyal-insk metallurgical platft for the fi-st tinue in the historv of -_,o-17t 1 0i" of the materials and the px&pedure employed in the prepanttion of tho time-alumina j slag are described. ShKhl5l%tLeel was treated with the slag obtained. The slag I treatment was found to reduce considorably the contamination of the steel with n J metallic impurities, to decrease ~ e sulfur rn-,ontent, and to raise the out t ofir .h pu the electric furnaces by 12 to 1A. t~e ma-enostr,.icture of slag-treated SliKMS steel shown virtually no differences from that Df eit-eel of start-Jard batcheo. i-The Card 1/2 L-01517 X(!CESSjOt4 IM7 APS014 75 Under the surtvv' _,11aboration Jth TsN1 iea 'Out In th autho work QaS carr S G Adi t an to (I VoinoveV,,, P P, i ctor -)f Technical scienq j--- . r. P e q;0V V. RielenilF.-N. o IYRIi-,~-benets, --ff . - D Gal . _-- 1e rq p art d I n Jdy ig. art M. y6.- ',.iko . - . Ir Wsimova and at! Molchano has: 2 figures ASSOCIATIONi non,* SuB14ITTED- 00 HO REF soy: 000 ENCL,. 00 OTHEP. 000 SUB C0116 I Card 2/2 MBENETS, I.A.; MUKOV D.G.0 PEGOV, V.G.; GOMKOV, Yt~.'~. ~- 7 %-:p Refining steel by oyntbetic slag. Metallurg 10 no.7-25 '1 165. -, 1~ , '7) III t -8 . ( LUBENETS, VOINOV, S.G.; SHALTWV, A.G.; KOSOTI L.F.; KALINNIKOV, Ye.S.; CHFRNYAKOV, V.A.; YAPTSZV, M.A.; GOLIKOV, Ye.S.; MYSINA, G.Ye.; Prinimali uchastiye: KEYS, N.V.; PEGOV, V.G.; MENISHENIN, Ye.B.; BARNOVALOV, M.A.; SHIPER, G.B.; SHATALOV, MJ.; MOLCIIANOVA, A.A.; ANISIMOVA, M.Ye, Refining steel with synthetic slag from large-capacity are furnaces. Stall 25 no.3:232-235 Mr 165, (MIRA 18:4) GALYAN, V S.; ZHUKOV,-DLP,; KM,'N*V.1 UBHAKGVp S.T.; OUTRUTDINOV, R:M.; -SAWTALR, M4.14 Improving the procedure for miJdng tranaromer oteel* Ket&Uurg 8 no.1:13.14 A 163, (KMA 16si) (Steel-Metallurgy) (Sheet steel-Magnetio properties) 8/130/63/000/001/001/'008-,. A0061AI01 AUTHORS: Galyan, V. S-,._ZhukaY.__D. G., Keys., N. V., Ushakov, S. T.P Khayrutdinov, 11. M., Shatalov, M. I. TITLE: Improving the transformer steel melting techniques PERIODICAL: Metallurg, no. 1, 1963, 13 A TEXT: Previous transformer steel melting techniques were based on the combined oxidizing or carbon with iron ore and oxygen, and diffusion deoxidation of the metal with feVrosilicon admixture. The cold rolled steel'-produced by this technique showed unsatisfactory magnetic properties. During 1959 and 1560 some improvements were made at the MK including the use of an increased amotnt of iron ore for oxidation of Cr, Mg and P; redpotion of the carbon 'and mangaLnese content; decreased oxidation of the metal during melting, moi-e complete.deo4-,.--_ dation of the steel during the, reduction period. A more aocurato correlatioK of, iron-ore and admi-ktures in the metallic portion of the charge, increased slag amount, strict observatiory of temperature conditions during oxygen blast, and an increased amount of silico-calcium, were the improvements achieved. On the basis Card 1/2 S/130/63/000/001/001/008 5 Aoo6/Alol Improving the transformer steel'm6lting -technique of the new techniques transformer'steel was melted in a high capacity electric ~furnaae in 1961. To reduce metal'~oxidatlon at the beginninE; of the oxidation period, IV15 cast iron was added,'t6 the charge; the optimum metal temperatures were established at the end of 6xygen blast (1,590 - i,6200C),and in the ladle (1,570 - 1,5900C). The content'6r ferric oxide in the slag decreased at the erld of melting to 28 - 33% and at thdend of 'the oxidation period to 38 - 41%i The carbon content after oxygen blast exceeded 0.03% In 80% of heats, and the manga- nese content was not below 0-05 0,06,44. As a result the magnetic properties of 0.35 mm thick sheets were Improved. There Is I table. Card 2/2 ILIMI 'UprM TAMMM."MIN Mit 1101141211111 NUIP11 11111111 IR Itt 1141 lag ZHIJKOV.,_.R~q KEYS N.V.; MENISHENIN, Ye.B.j PEGOV, V.G.,- MOLCHANOVA A~A#j VC vp 30G., doktor tekhn, n(jijk, rukovcylitall raboty. Treatment of electric steel with a liquid synthetic slag. r Met. i gornorud. prom. no.Ij61-65 Ja..F 165. (MM 180) S11 ~Z601000~00 AUTHORSs anuche 0 0v eys N. V, Kloohkova Z. V., V1 So M# K Danliov, F._M , Konovalov, K_ N,- T1Ws On the Problem of Transf or Stee Melting PERIODICALt Metallurg, 1960$ No. 6, pp. 18-22 TEM Information is given on peculiarities in thetechnology of traza- former steel melting at the "Dnet)gcsp!atgstal'11 Plant, the UM2tO~ mgtA)."r- gicheaki-Y-1combipat (Kuznetsk Metallurgical 'CombIne) and the chelyabinskly ~metallurgicheskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk MetalluMloal Plant). A special feature adapted by the Dneprospetsetall plant is that a relatively high content (if C and 8 is obtained in the molten charge (0,30-0.40 C =-d 0,030-0,035% 8). The carbon Is oxidized by the ore andthen by gaseous oxygen. The reduction. time depends on the sulfur obtained In the finished metal (not over 0.005%), After teeming the metal is subjected to vacuum treatment In the ladle. At the Kuznetsk plant the melting process is conducted in a highly organized manner. The necessary amount of ore and lime is added to the charge so that the ox1dizing and the melting stage are oomblaed, After repeated slag formation the pool Is subJected to oxygen blast,- .4uriM the blast the carbon content is reduced to Card 1/2 On the Problem of Transformer Steel Melting S/13o/6Q/boo/oo6/bo7/1b1i 0.02-0.03%. Until 1960, oxidizing at the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant waa brought about with 'iron ore and subsequent elimination of carbon by blowing the pool with Oxygen. Presently,the oxidation and the melting stage have been combined; simultaneously with the charge 2.5 t iron ore and 1.0 t lime are introduced. It was stated that the amount of rejects Was relatively low at all the plants. The dependence of surface defects In slabs an the metal tempera- ture In the ladle is given and shows that the minimum percentage of rejects is obtained at a temperature of 1570-15900C. The content of impurities in metals produced by the enumerated plants is represented by graphs. The metal produced at t~i Chelyabinsk plant contained the h1ghestamounts of carbon, sulfur, manginese-and-nickel, The metal from Dneprospetsstall contained the lowest amounts of carbon, sulfur and chromium (to 0.005%). The metal from the Kuznetsk Combine contained more carbon and about 40% of the melts contained 0.006-0.CC&% S. Thousandths of a per cent of Ti were revealed in all the metals, Data on the output of high-grade rolled sheets made of metal which was produced by the aforementioned plants do not indicate the advantages of one or the other technology, since an effect of the used technology an the output was not .eetabliahed. There are 2 sets of graphs and 3 tables. ASSOCIATIONSs TsNII=, Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheakly zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant) Khznetakiy metallurgicheakly kombinat (Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine) Card 2/2 KEYS, N.V.; ZMKOV, D.G.; KALINUMM, T.I.; VIKHkRW, A.Y.- Pouring electrical steel with use of wooden frames# Stall 21 no. 1:38-39 Ja 1.61. WRA 14:1) 1. Ghelyabinskiy.metallurgicbeekiy zavod, (Steel ingots): (Ketallurgical plaate--quality control.) 3/133/61/000/002/003/014 A054/AO33 AUTHORSt Shved, F. I.; Zhukov, D. G. and Xhizhnichenko, A. M. TITLEt Increase of pilicon-Chromium Consumption Rate When Malting Stainless Steel PERIODICALt Stall, 1961, No. 2, pp. 128 - 129 TEXTi The consumption of chromium-silicon during the melting of 1A8H9T (1Kh8NqT) grade stainless- steel in the Soviet metallurgical plants amounted to not more than 15 kg/t, although in some USA-plants stainless steel (with 0.08 % C and 1 % Si) is produced with up to 50 kg/t silicon-chro- mium in the charge. The authors of the article and D.B. Royak, Ye. S. Lyanin R.V. Bobov-Suetin, Kh. Sh. Samokhuzhin, A. 1. Yakunin et al. studied ways and means of increasing the chromium-silicon-amount in melting 1Kh8H9T gTade steel which would mean considerable savings in carbon-free ferrochromium. Up to April 1959 this steel was smelted in the Chelyabinsk metallurgicheskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical.Plant) in the following way: immediately after blowing, 12 15 kg/t manganese-silicon and 10 15 kg/t crushed Card 1/6 S/133/61/000/002/003/014 A054/AO33 Increase of Silicon-Chromium Consumption Rate When Melting Stainless Steel chromium-silicon or 45 0 ferrosilicon were added to the charge and after mix- ing the slag for a short while, ferrochromium was added. In the now techno- logy no ferroohromium was added after blowing manganeae-ailicon was replaced by medium-carbon f erromanganese which wes added towards the end of the melting process. Next the bath was cooled down after blowing in stainless steel scrap. When blowing was ended, 40 - 45 kg/t waste of chromium-silicon and 25 - 30 kg/t crushed chromium-silicon were added, and the bath was stirred for 20 - 25 minutes. After this the slag was tapped, but a thin remaining layer, samples were taken and finally forrochromium was added. The correct- ing additions of ferrochromium and nickel were calculated according to the samples taken before adding ferrochromium. The final smelting phases remain- ed unchanged. The following data characterize the savings effected by this new method, (numerators: conventional technology, average 1958-indices, de- nominatorst new technology, average indices for May-December 1959): Melting-time, hour-minutes 6 2A 6 Card 2/6 S/133/61/000/002/003/014 A054/AO33 'Increase of Silicon-Chromium Consumption Rate When Melting Stainless Steel Eleotricity-consumptiong 559.1 kwh-h/ton of serviceable ingots Consuiaption of carbon-free ferrochromium, (type oooo-oo) 167.9 kg/ton of faultless steel 139.5 In spite of the use of a greater amount of chromium-silicon, the Si-content in the finished metal decreased somewhat. However, when adding chromium- -silicon after ferrochromium, the Si-content of the metal increased and the total recovery of chromium decreased. This is explained by the higher oxy- gen content of the chromium-containing metal towards the end of the blowing process. When adding ferroahromium immediately after blowing, a part of chromium oxidized and penetratedinto the slag, while the oxygen concentra- tion of the metal decreased. Silicium, added after this phase as chromium- -silicon or ferrosilicium is largely assimilated by the metal, which had been already deoxidized beforehani by chromium. The subsequent decrease of Card 316 8/133/61/000/002/003/014 A054/AO33 Increase of Silicon-Chromium Consumption Rate 'When Melting Stainless Steel the Si-content in the metal due to the reduction of chromium from the slag took place rather slowly, because it was connected with the diffusion of silicium and chromium in the metal and of their oxides in the slag, Even when the consumption of deoxidizers is low and the recovory of chromium de- creases, the Si-content of the metal remains high. When, however, chromium- -silicon was charged immediately after blowing, all the oxygen-content of the metal was bonded by silicium; even when applying an increased amount of deoxidizers, the Si-content of the metal was insignificant and by adding ferrochromium to the deoxidizing bathp the total amount of chromium reclaim- ed increasled. The amount of chromium-silicon used in the process and re- covery of chromium from the slag can be increased still further by replacing ferro-titanium by metallic titanium watal waste, by incroasing the basicity of the slag and by determining the amount of deoxidizers used for each heat according to the amount of oxygen spent. There are 3 figures and 3 refer- encest 2 Soviet, 1 noti-Soviet. Card 4/6 S11331611000100210031014 f A050033 I se -of.~Silioon-Chromium Consump n tion Rate When Uelting Otainlese Stool Y gure 19':' Frequerioy-diagram of the Si-content it O in the finished (1KhI8NqT) steel .:depending on -the.deoxidizing,.Con- itions deoxidizing with ferro- a Sili ium.or chromium-siliaon c P-3 -12 k~/ (10 t) 2 idem, with chromium-silioori 4 7 V (25-30 kg/t) C, 010 11,6 0)14j1 PidIA11,704 acing ferro- 3 idem, when repl titanium by metallio ti-,. tanium scrap Si-content, Card 56 0/133/61/000/002/003/014 4054/AO33 a Indre as of'Silioon-Chromium Consumption Rate When Melting Stainless Steel Figure 2s 04 r N r f th f th ti ti am or omog e ra ng o e op t mum,consumption of ohromium-aili0on, (81) for deoxidizing the slag (R 'basicity of slag) Si-content in the initial charge 2 - C-content in the initial charge 3 - Optimum Bi-oontent for the-de-, f h oxidation o t e slag t 4 total amount of oxy en consumed I g 3 d i lti d b1 i Hmm 01 ur ng sme ow ng an & ng, Oxygen'consumed for-oxydation of Or, Pei Mn, 1~13 .10 iv M AV IM hurAONAF v flepwo :61 vie M Card 5/137/61/boo/006/016~)92 A006/AlOl AUTHORS: Shved, F.1.0 Zhukov, D.O., JQiizhnIchenk,,), A.M., Kolosov, M.I. TITLE: Increased sillooch-rcme consumption for statniess steel melting PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnial. Metallurgiya, no, 6, 1961, 42, abstract 6V299 ("Sb. nauchno-tekhn. tr. N.-i. in-t metallurgil Chelyab. sovnarkhoza", 196o, no. 2, 57 - 64) TEXT: A 4'-'ec!-xolog,-r was developed f~,r melting s tai-nless I X 18W 9 7 ( 1jr 8 ;rl) steel providing for the addition of a higher Si-Cr amount immediat-ely after 02 blast. It- Is shown, that the addition of 25-35 kg/t 8i-Cr 50 or 35-40 kg/t Si-Chr 40 causes an inorease in the degree of Cr extrao"rion from the slag and a redluced consumption of carbonle3s Fe-Cr. (81.] in the finished metal does not Increa-ze, since SI-Cr ie added to the non-deoxidized bath. It is noted that a further re- duotion of [S-.1] in t1le finiehed metal is obtained b7 repla2~lng Fe.-Ir-i, introducing usually about 0.15% Sill by Ti metal waste. A nomogram was developed which may be used to determine the optimum consumption of deoxidizers per heat from the total lsonwimption of 02, the amount of Si and C in the charge and also from the basicity of the slag. V.-Shumskiy [Abstracter's note- Complete translation] Card 1/1 KEYS, N.V.; GOLIKOVO Ye.S.,- TULIN, N.A.; KOKAM, V.I.; jnLOV._D&- "Manufacture of steel in electric furnaces" by Ii.D. Kramarov, Stail 22 no.1:42 Ja 162. WIRA 14:12) l..,Che1yabinBki7 metallurgichoskiy zavod i Uralt5kiy inntitut chornykh metallov. (Steel-Electrowtallurgy) GNUCH", S.K.;. ZMV, D.G.;_Xgf$, N.V.; KrMHKoV&, Z.V.; D&NIIDV, p.IL; KONOVAWT, X. 0. Hamfacture of electrical steel* Ketallurg 5 no.61l8-22 Je 160. (KIRA 13:8) 1. TsentrailzU7 nauchno-ineladovatelskly Institut chernoy metallurgil, Chelyablunkly met&UurgIcheekiv zavod i Kusnetakly metallurgicheshy kombinat, (Steel-metallp-gy) SO'1/133-59-2-6/26 AUTHORS: Dubro-7, N.F., Gorlach, I.A., Keys, N.V. and Zhukov,, D.G. TITLE: An. Investigation of the lfeteroVneit-y of a Transformer Steel Ingot (Isaledovaaiye neadnorodnosti slitka transformato=oy ataJ4 ) PERIODICAL: Stal--, 1959, Nr 2,, pp 117-122 (USSR) ABSTRACT The chemif,,al and struettLval non-unif ormity of a 6.2 ton ingot of transformer steel was studied, The method of smelting steel in a 40 ton are furnace is described in Isome detail. The chemical compositicn of the metal in the ladle was %: 0 O-GLL; 51 3.20; Mn 0.10; N! 0.12; Cu 0.12; 5 0.007; P 0.009 and Or 0.04. The metal vas bottom pouxed into E.2 ton ingots. The shapa and dimensions of the ingot are shown in Fig.l. A longit,.idinal plate, 20 ram thiok was cut out from the middle part of the ingot, from. which 60 samples were collected by drilling for chemisal analyzis as shown In Fig.l. The seUegation of longitudinal and trans-verse cross-sections of -arbon, sulphur, phosphovas, aluminium. and niAtroSen is shown In table 1 and Fig.2. The degree of segreg-aticn- was as follows: Card 1/4 SO'1/133--59-2-6/26 An investigation of the Heterogeneity of a Transformer Steel Ingot Deviation from meez 7o 0 S P Al N9 positive .30 30 20 25 negative 5 15 10 Z 10 Mean sili~,cn ixntent wao 3.101%,,; Maximi-M 3.2Y,,o' and minimum 2.95%. No regularit7j in the distribution :~:C silicon was ob5ex-ied. Mean manganese content was 0-095L, a num r Cf samples taken from the uppex payt of thp, ingot contained 0.110% and from. the. bottom part 0.0921116. on the basia cf mean valuss it is aonoluded t:,jat the non-ua-,formity In the distribut-ion of naugarie2e waa insi6mificant" Uean Chromiur. .,ontent was 0-030';"~-, in the uppf~r jart of the ingot - 0.03-9c/a was the, pred,--,minant eonventration and JM the bottom part - 0.02'rX-,; Maximam 0.041r,, and minimum 0.041%. Thus the distribution of chromium was found to be vei,y non-uniform. The contents of copper and nickel in all samples was stable, for copper it varied from between 0.10 to 0.1" and for nickel from 0.11 to 0.12Ac-. 'The quantities and composition of non-metallic :-nclusions which varied from 0.01?2 - 0.0066r0 arn -b Oard 2/4 t -own in 41-!able 29 OV/133-59-2-6/PE Investigation of the Heterogeneity of a Transforver Steel Ingot 'An their appearance in Fis-3. The predominant component of non-metallic.inclus:Lons was alumina but considerable e also found. The quantities of T1029 S102 and FeO wel size of the Individual inclusions was comparatively small,, mainly 5~L only a small proportion was of about A'. The macro and microstructure of section5 taken from various parts of the ingot is shown in Fig 4, 5 and 6 respectively. It is concluded that a considerable improvement in the heterogenity of transformer steel can be obtained it the contents of carbon, sulphur and aluminium are decreased. to 0.02%; 0.003yo an& traces respectively. The introduction of electromagnetic stirring vrill also improve SOV/133-59-2.--6/26 An Investigation of the Heterogeneity of a Transformer Steel Ingot; the uniformity of steel. There are 2 tablear 6 figures and5 referenoes of which 4 are Swrict and I English. ASSOCIATION: Ural I ski-y Institut Chern.7kh Metallov i Chelyabinsidy Metallurgicheakiy Zavod (Ural Ferrws Mef-~Ia Institute and Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Works) Card 4/4 3/133/61/000/001/005/016 A054/AO33 novskaya, T.I.; Vikharev, A.M. Atr HORS 9 Keys, N.V.,- Zhukov, D.G.j Mali TITTEt Using Wooden Frames in Electric Steel Pouring FEInODICALs Stall, 1961, No. 1., Pp. 38 - 39 TEXT s At the end of 1957, the Chelyabinskly metallurglcheskiy zavod (Chel- yabinsk Metallurgical Plant), In cooperation with the TsN11ChM introduced a new technology for producing UIX15 (ShKhl5) grade ball bearing steel,- applying lower temperaturer for the liquid metal (before Pouring 1,530 - 1,5500C instead of 1,50 1,5900O.Thia Improved the quiality of the metal as regards non6metallic in- cll;slons. Pburing was carried out with skln-formation at the metal surface when the lower third of -the ingot mold was filled. However, the new method increased the surface defects of the new metal producing distortions on the ingot, flaking and cracking In the rolled product. Tho rate of rejects due to surface defects In 'the metal poured at 1,530 - 1,5500C was 1.47% as compared to 0.21% of the con- ventional met-al. When the causes of these surface defects were investigated it was found that the distortions occurred mainly in that part of the Ingot which corresponied to the reduction of the metal flow speed during pouring for the pur- Card 1/2 3/133/61/000/001/005/016 Using Wooden Frames in Electric Steel Pouring A054/A033 pose of skin formation. To eliminate these surface defects it was decided to put wooden frames In the Ingot molds and to fill the lower part of the ingot mold rapidly, then slowing down the pouring speed and Increasing It again when filling the upper third of the Ingot mold. The use of wooden frames reduced the percent- age of rejects due to surface.defects to 0.08% as compared to 1.47% in metal poured without wooden frames. The new method has been applied also for trans- former steel and it was possible to reduce the percentage of surface defects in this steel from 2.5 to 0.5% using wooden frames in the Ingot molds, ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinakiy me-tallurgiohaskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant) Card 2/2 KIYS. NOV, F~~,,Mf;jqaZHNICHUXO, A*M, improving the techn6logyof smelting transformer metal* Stall V. no,2:130-131 7 '59, (MIR& 12:2) 1* Chol7abinskly metallurgicheakly xavod. (Smelting) (Vacuum metallurgy) (Metallurgical plante-Quality control) I 0=2~mw DCBROT, N.Y.; GORTACK, LA&I Klys, zM07, D.G. lnves~igmting the inhomoeenetty of eleatrical ateel Ingoloo Stall 12 noo23117-32.2 7 159. (MIRA )4,:2) I. Uvalskiy institut chernykh metalloy i Chel7abinskiy metalwgi- cheekly zavod. (Steel ingots) (Steel-AnAlysig) (Metallography) -PM 'iOV/133-39--2-10/26 AUTHORS: Kaysq N. V., Zhukov) D G and XMzbn4*haaiM., A.U. TITLE: IJastering of the Production 0~~ Transformar Steel (jDvtoyeniye vypla,vk:L transformatornogo metalla) PERIODICAL; Stall, 1959, Nr.2, pp 130-131 (USSR) ABSTR&CT: The development of tho smelting practice of transformer steel in 40 ton are furnaces with subsequent teeming in 6.2 ton ingots is briefly outlined. The main points of established practice: Oxidation of carbon to 0.10 - 0-156,'~ with iron orq and further 0.03% carbon with d-ried oxygen, (250 - 450 a-~/heat). At the beginning of the reducing period the,metal is preliminaril deoxidised with silicocalcium in lumps (1'.5 kg/t3 and then during 13 - 20 min with powdered ferrosilicon (10 kg/t) and aluminium. powder (1 kg/t). 20 - 25 minutes befoz3 tapping themetal is alloyed with 75% ferrosilicon. The metal tamj~crature before tapping should be 1620-163500 and in the ladle 1570-159000. Depending on the temperature the metal is retained in ladle for 10-20 minutes and then treated with a desulphurising mixture containing lime fluorospar and calcined soda. The metal in-the ladle is Card 1/2 vacuo treated for B-10 minutes at a residual pressure of SOV/133-59-2-,10/26 Mastering of the Production of Transformer Steel 30 - 60 mra.. Vacuo-treat-ment decreases the hydrogen content frora 4.0 - 9.0 to 3.8 .- 7.o cm3/loo g of metal and the surfacd defects of slabs by a faotor of 1.5 -- 2. ASSOCIATION; Chelyabinskiy Uetallurgicheakiy Zavod (Ohelyabinsk Metallurgical Works) GUBANOVP A.I.; KOLGANOV, V.I.; SAWNOV, B.F.1 ZHUKOV, D.M. Effect of forced production on the i4ater encroachment and oil recovery as illustrated by the development of the Iablonovyy Ovrag field. Neft. khoz. 40 no.6:37-42 Je 162. (HIRA 15:6) (Samara Bond-Oil fields-Production methods) J . .400 *iZWAAW RUM, 45^1 ted vvit 11 SIC Impretus ts lot the rttvt"Aytv are pk:~4 bt d wt m cul und AIA as a tbecketrades. -40 1 00 of ze 0 'go I L A IIIIALLUOIK-L. 1111RATWIR CLsjj jpjCAjjCW Q u U 4 C, it it IT 0 0 0 ~ 00 It .I Aft It rw w It 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 g e 0 go 0 ,o o 00 0 g g - v 05 4 P. L# If it 11 U w Is is it fS a In 11 a Ub IOvxM 1691 A113 Ulk UV X*4)0 414 144f 4 00 A.t*& astidstfiass of flectrO Ltm. 4,1,400, June Wo IM3, To In-&-11-t- resistance a( ReetrulytIC coadensers the oxide ;tIA)-U it Obtained In an CIMUClitt -4- 501M. of NH4 tuiptates or their 1,111ts., or alkali metal molybdal" or t as well as admixts. a( (99. acids satch its cittic, tartaric. Osslic, Uctic acids or their Vill of 1.1kall sdu. go j" =06 coo COO 00 it 00 f !so* IF L A WALLOWAL LITFRAU41 CLAIWICATION 11.4Alt 4-1 -F-i vw at I sit 9000 00 0 0 go 0 0 0 0 of go 040 CI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.- 0 0 0- 0 - 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0-0 0-0-4V0 9-0 111 CO, 0 0 41 9 9 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 v *00 0 ol~ VRUBLEVSKIY,,Aleksezdr Vikentlyevich; GRIGORIYANTS,.Gooroy Nik6layevi6h- ZHUKOVDm#rIy* [decooAedj; '_Pe#ovicb MAzHITskly -0-rrFAi, i6h; X-ARUS' A. P. red.; MEDNIKOVA, A.N., teklm* red, [Electrical engineering; a manual for soldiore and sTrgeants) Elektrotekhnika; uchebnIk dlia soldat i sarzhantov. Izd.4. ispr. i dop. Moskvao Voenizdat., 1961+. 351 p. (MMA 1701 ZHUKOV, DoV., kandidat tekhnicbBskikh nauk, redaktor; AZRILYANT, Ya.He. FMMor; MOMEV, L.Ya., tekhnicheekiy redaktor. [Proviaional instructions for performing inside plastering work and drying plaster under winter conditional Vremannaia. inatruktsiia po proizvodstvu vnutrennikh shtukaturnykh rabot i aushke ohtukaturkl v zimnikh usloviiakh. Utvarobdena Tekhnicheskim iipravlaniem Minister- stva stroitellat7a SSSH i Tekhnicheskim upravleniem Hinisterstva strDitelistva predpriiatil metallurgicheakoi i khimicheskoi proqrsh- lennoati 9 sentiabria 1954 g, Hoek-7a, Goa. izd-vo lit-rv po strol- tel'stvu i arkhitekture. 1954- 30 P- (MLRL 815) 1. Russia (19Z3- U*S.S.Re) Miniaterstvo strottellatm. Tekhniche- skoye upravlaniyao (Plasterine-Cold weather conditions) BRAYNINA, Ye. Yu. ,kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ZHMW, D.Y., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Heating concrete aggregates under cold weather conditions. Nov. tekh.i pered.op.v stroi. 18 no-10:5-8 0 '56. (MLRL 9:11) (Concrete-!-Cold weather conditions) IMOV.D.Y. , Irandidat takh"It-heskikh nauk Apparatus for drying plaster and valls of buildings usingair mixed vith fuel combustion products. Rate. I isobr. predl. Y, stroi. no 86:24-31 154, ~ (KEU 8:8) (;Ii~tering) (Drying apparatus) ZHtMOV Dmitriy Vasillyevich; GLEZAROVA, I.L., red.; GILENS011, P.G., (Rapid drying of green bricks] Skoroatnnia nushka kirpicha- syrtsa. Hoskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po strolt., arkhit. i atroit. materialam, 1959. 143 p. (HnU 12:12) (Bricks-Drying) USSR/Chemical Technology. Cdemical Products and their Application. J-12 Glass. Ceramics. Construction Materials. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Kh., No 8, 1957, Z7790- Author Ye. Yu. Braynina, D-V. Zhukov. last Title Heating of Concrete Fill in Winter Time. Orig Pub: Novaya tekhn. i peredov. opyt v str-ve, 1956, No 10, 5-8- Abstract: Basing on the experience of the ]Oaibysbev "Gidroenergostroy" (trust for construction of hydraulic power stationz-) and of many Moscow constructions, it is recommended to heat the fill while it is in piles and to take the heated material from the bottom zone, as well as to heat the fill in drying barrels. It is shown that the method of heating the fill with steam in special bins) persisting at concrete factories, is little effi- cient and uneconomical. Tables characterizing the bin type heating installations, as well as engineering schemes of fill heating installations are attached. Card 1/1 -137- ZHUKOV, Dp~ttriy.--Vasil!yevich;.-kaW.-tekhn. nauk; ZASEDATELZV# Igor' kand.takhn, naukj PAUVSKIY, S.A.) nauchWy red,; SHIROKOVA# G*M.p red, izd-vaj NAUMOVAp G.D.p tekhn. red. [Heating and drying of buildings and industrial structures erected in the winter]Obogrev i sushka zdanii i pronWohlen- rqkh oooruzhenii, vozvodiaWkh v zimnikh usloviiakh. Moskva, .Goestroi:Lzdat, 1962. 154 P- (MIRA 15:8) (Heating) (Drying apparatus) ZIfUKOVO D.V., kand. tekhn, nauk; GAVRILKINA, N.Ae, inzlis; VIKITINO I.A.OIIIZH. Developing formulas and schedules for the heat treatment of heat insulating slabs made of perlite. Sbor. trude ROSNIIMS noo25tW-149 t62 (MnU 111:8) ZHMVC. D.V. kand.tekhu,naut; ZAMMORM, I.B. Electric heating of reinforead concrete fluee In building under winter conditions. Prom.strol.' 37 uo.8t47-49 Ag 159. (KIRA 12:11) (Electric heating) Muen) Zh -Koy, ZMXOT,,D.Y., kand, tokhn. naukj BUKROALTIM, V,D, Methods of drying plaot r and interior walls of buildings. Nov. takh. i pored. op. v stroi. 1; no 9t.10-14 3 157. (MIRL 10M) (Piasteri~) (Drying &PparSt-dS) ZHUXOVI D.V., kand.tak-hn.nauk; ZASZDATWAY. 1.B., inthener. Shortcomings In the operation of'steam chambers and methods of eliminating them. Stroi.prom. 35 n0-7:7-9 J1 157. (XIRA 10:10) (Autoclaves) MINE WHIM) W; 1* 111 Fall 111"t 31111 ZIIUKCFI D. V. 36728. Teplovaya 131okirovIm Kolltse,~yWi,KiiTicherbzi-df.,-,atelln~,I-Ji Fechey i Tunncltr*rkh Sushil. Steklo i.k,.cramika, 1949, No. 11, C. 19-22. SO: Letopist Zliunialtnylch Statcy Vol. 50, lloukva., 1949 -ZMKOT D.T., kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchny7 red,; NIULATUA, N*M., red. 5-1--va; SLIKINA, 2.9., (Thermal investigations in the field of building materials and construction elements; collection of works] Toplotekhni- cheskie iseledoveniia v oblasti stroitelOnykh naterialov i konstruktoli; abornik trudov. Moskva. Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i-stroit.materialam, 196o. 186 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Moscow. Toesoyuznyy nauchno-looledovatellskiy inatitut po stroitelletvu. (Building matertals) (Heat) __~~_ZHUXOV.___ ____ __ ~ - - - --- -:- -- ~ - ~__--- __ ___ I P -Do- - - ___ - ___ ),.-.-m ___ I - - ___ - (Mving plaster and stone walls of buildings oskvaj -cos. --i-zd---vo lit-r7 PO stroltel Istvu i arkhitekture, 1953. 61 p. Gh-2050,5) TH8135. Zh8 ZRMOV, D.Y., kandidat t0thnichaskikh nauki ROGOVOYO M.I., Inshenero,-naucbm --'re'da-ftor; BIGAN, B.A., re&aktor izdatelletva; TOKIR, A.M., tekhniebe- skly redaktor [Quick firing of brickel Skoroetnye reshimy sushki L-irpiohasyrtea. Moskva. Goo. izd-v o lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitekture. 1956. 27 p. (Brickmaking) (MWA 9:12) ~bnthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. .10 ZMKOVj D.V., Kand. Takht. Hauk 2, -USSRI(600), 4. Plastering Now method oftrying plaster and walls of buildings. Strole prom. 0 no# 6# 1952 NXI Hinmanbstroya. Monthly List of Russian Accession,.' Library of Congress, August 2. Unclassified. Mgt q, 411VIA11114il, low VTIIIIIMW"~ MOM!? 1. BIER Oir 04 AS P. g. .4 -M 1% ft --p -i"ratul! &IV Ivs,A! mill po:14: lliq~.;Jt Jil w"IJ ~-lp -!tJ)lf )1) 14111! ill Ailml g'a It -Vdopu Ali i I )Iopmp~ ill Ij I;!,, I I CIJ I I."IIa1)IM, I? Wild ' f Pip" 1-1 Ill -&I11 su %i 111 ill 'ml) )(1 -11, Ili 40- pull "" pin to!jIlliollitt a'%jjvJ;'# ipix, jam ' sin-A Im Ill L1141lowls Ilkelki inlip I'V - it)-ZILL) II. I I "oie "Awl 0 1 7-W 41 1 IL c2 ZR=V, D.V., kandi"t tekhnicheskikh nuuk-, LADINSKIY, A.S., inzhener, laureat ""*""'9t'dTlnskoy premii. (Drying plaoter and stone walls of buildingo) Sushka nhtukaturki i kwnennykh sten zdanii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroitellotvu i arkhitekture, 1953. 61 p. W-RA 6:8) (Building) Jf zM(b9f D v , A Ct ((J ft I e. n Jo 1, ' %s;15 it WUTIT?7_~Al 7 rf,t;q, /, f arelit illovilil, If 0.7 1-1 1 P m./ler mill %vitt, rela0ve hill"i'Mien !!I in ond Ul in Thv flittlity t,f thl btric k wir. Irt- pt;fwtAI ;,wd (it'! (livivig pfwvss cmlidcrahly sh'TrEc"(4 liv ri-I'lpt- volill it iwl!l: ( IFir;f purin'l "I th-villa -dura 01111 I fit 0,11'm itq- hill . , Ql fir , Itinki lirv t1f vml, I. rmill ts,3 in 13 1 V~'r, ptadital rk4~ ill - nt I J 1 11t li OVCr IV 11Z f1pC .11111 3.V tit p lvillp (~itl it-, is I :61tt ralt. f,( llloi~fllrv tm.!4 clo,,! In r.-nil,ttwif villur of jo C-1) '-tcntttl pt-tiost of (it y itig (fit rat init 4 br., mok- 110 50' 'ittlid risi- ill (otl1wrattav, t Ulm 41, f-M 1:1- (n 1-W" C,, pul it ( (Irving incrvo,eff lo 3 iii.jgcc attd rair n[ If I!', Im tva,v,I 1-) 2 to V~lltr. I K 1z ui: 'L; Ai .o Aw - 4r. dog IN 92 RM 4 Mig. ff BIDKH~ G.S.v kind. +,ekhn. naukj CBERIYAK, Ya#N.i kand. tekhn. nauk; BALKEVICHO V.L.O.kand. tekhn* nauk; GAK) B.N.,, kand. teldm, nauk; KORDONSKkYAO R,K.p kand, tekhn. nauk; RMMto A.M., kand. tekhn, nauk; ZHUKOV s-D~A -ItTichnyy red.; YUSIIKEVIC'Hp M.009 red..tomaj XdWiTAYEV, B.G., glav. red.; BAIATIYEV, P.K.j red.; KITAYEV, Ye.K.v red.; NITAYGORODSKIYI I.I., red.1 KRZIff.311SKIY9 S.A., red.; ROMARGER, Ye.L., red,; KHOLIN, I.I., red.1 GURVICH, B.A... red, izd-va; SHERSTNEVAj N.V.., tekhn, red. (Handbook on the manufacture of structural ceramics] spra- vocbnik po proizvodstvu stroitallnoi keramiki. Moskva# Gos, izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam. Vol.l. [General information and production control) Obahchie svedeniia i kontroll proizvodstva. Pod red. 14.0,IUshkevic" 1961. 464 P. (K= 15:2) (Ceramics) (Building materials) am ~A - *Wtutf 90*0#*Iifb MOM WS 1 "i CAMAfli~ tar "blS CA"Mk Obittit. 001 (in Ruuiamj D. V. zhukoy, S(Ala, i KeramIkA (CLIts and 19Wp. 14-17. 71tree distinct stages mmnonnlY wisunied to rdst In ilia drAng promw wtic lave Incon- -W of thit th im s m cVY lu the Ught of vantemik"ry Clwr of tunnA dfri l e-dga Is Ma lix A. )Fjprrlnumlal data RIO dialts'd. Z 3*m" 54401F* "At Mv gar ssiAll aw Otv Aii 'If 0 1 V 01 u w so u 4 W, a,, u 9A aft 0 A-0 0 0 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 4-0 0 64 0 0 0 0, or 0-. 0 -000 0 -0 1 0 I 1 4 4 1 It 12 : u, w - w 4 . . . . . . . . . . 04 AP.6 pboolm1wel Moto 0 e:A z0 .00 'ef 041 *64 0( 0"11141' Brick kit'%* Aft'l so th-irm (11) Rijulall') 1), V. zhillov, i Keramika (Um unit M-2-1 Inyrollgathm sit almyve vomfiripm-sl suilaldlity tif drying =09 0-0,3 firkh Ity Hite gaev. 'I'lis It adiievrcl by 041"Ignin the Mn f(ir twistreil itf the Ilaw ijf 1mvied air, a.,K coo see it Ce 0 . I A RITAILLOR41CAL LITIVATURE CLASIWKATICN sea 40o&% -4 ---Wcoo "It U.. Got mitAll aw oxf sit - - 40A Lf 0 Im a 0 IF u 11, 03 H X' w IN I A a 3 9 d% 0 IF to so 0 6 sees 0 00 0 00 0 1110 to to 0 0 00 4i 4p 0 0-40 41-4 0-0 0 as 0 0 so 00 0 0 0to a 0 a 00 0 a* 0 0 0 a 09 -7 k- - L~ k " A I F R R - j - .- " - - 'I - - - - . - -1-W ffix"~ 7- 4 -1 f 11411 Ft l IR V f -A 0 ..a cordade gu PC D. iI j i.00 00.4 wit Kirism-i't (19&))~-Al ww plim. structWAI Ink N 00 antioactuirify dried in tunnel dders in 4#1 hr., with the drylug - 009 agent mMal M 0.7 to Lft in./tee. and with fdallve humitildr% of 94 to 901rv mW 40 to Wro, The quality of the twick was hu- 00 A proved "id the drying process vansiderably shatclied by MI(WP(- -00 Ing the loPowlatictividitions- (I)FInt pertodof drying -~Iuv-Atiun 00 1 12 hr., tuoistum decrease train W to 13-141% gradual riw In temperature from 360 to 43T., speed of drying agent not v%w o 04 M./W" am rate of moist"" km Close to constant vulut of goo eed Z! 0 37%/hr. (3) flanow period of drying .. 4urstion 4 hr., mois. id Him in tem wratufe up to ra as from M44 to 611 r d zoo goo e e ture cc , 1 p ' w.. ant] rile of 142T., speed of drying apm Increased to 3 ml 400 nwLslurr loss Incrvasc4 to 2 to 24%/11- XG 0 , - 4 00 Igo@ ~G-J~A 1TALL(;RGKAL L"FeATURE 0o 'Woo : t Isom 40"Inv --- - 4 010 too 4L dwO., jt4jj7 - Is's U AIR 1 1 it 0 A I I )v a it 10 0 We 0 0 0:4111 0 -0.0 W 0 41 -o_ 0. 0 w 00 0-6 a 6 0 0 6 0 i O'e 0 0,0 0 0 aim GRINBERG) Ya*Khoj ZHUKOT, E*G* MEDVEDEVA, Z.S,j LUZHNAYAv N.P. Kinetics of interaction of amorphous boron with phosphorus. Izv. AN SSSR. Heorge mat. 1 no.9tl484-1492 S 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheekoy khimll imeni Kurnakova I MI MR. GRINGERG, YA.Kh.; MEDVEDEVA, Z.S.; YELISEYEV, A.A.; 7HUKOV, E.G. Preparation of aingle boron phosphide (BP) crystals fr,:)m't,e gaseous phase. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no.2:337-338 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheakoy khImii im. N.S. Xurnakova AN SSSR. Submitted July 7, 1964. AUTHOR: Grinberg, Ya. Kh.a Z,huko,vA E'., Medve.deva, Z. S. Luzh~ay~ _!!t TITLE: Kinetics of the reaction of amorphous b ron with phosphorus SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izveatiya. Heorganicheskiye materialyt v. 1, no. 9, 1965, 1484-1492 qq TOPIC TAGS: rectifiee, mase bemiconductor, boron phoephide, boron compound, kinetict, reaction meAanism ABSTRACT: Boron phosphide (BP) is of considerable interest since rectifiers made from it can function in an oxidizing atmosphere at up tu 1000C. Boron phosphide monocrystals may prove useful for the design of masers and similar devices. In this work, the reaction of boron with phosphorus vapor was studied at 1000, 1100, and 1150C, It was found that the reaction is initially rate conLrolled and follows second-order Mnetics. Following a transition period, the reaction becomeq diffusion -ontrolled and obeys first-order kinetics. The latter stage of the reacti?n is pr~-slmably caused by the fo-mation of a coating on the borrn. The rate constantn and activation energies of both reaction stages were determined. A mechanism is Fropon-d f-r the reaction. The optimum juality of B? ( , io-3% st ) wa.-~ )17tained when f he rf---~rt i-)n -.rRs ccnducted at 1150- 1200C for I hr or less, using amorphous boron. ~lrig. art. nan- 7 figures, 3 tables, and 10 formulas. I VS I ASSOCIATION: Inatitut obsbchey i neorganicheskoy khimli im. n. S. Kurnakova Akademii I 3.u~ SSSR (Institute of General and Inor&,-k-ntc Chemistry, Acader.Tr of Scienc#Rs,SSSF) &rd uo REF sov: 007 zw6vj EA, me ZHUF0Vj E. M. ."On the Speed,, Sensitivity, and Range of Electrical Transmission of Small Images with the Aid of Pipes." Min Higher Educa- tion USSR# Leningrad Electrical Engineering Inst imeni V. I. Ullyanov (Lenin),, Chair of Television, Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in TECHNICAL SCIENCES). SO: KNIZHNAYA LETOPIS' (Book Register),, No. 42,, October 1956p hoscow* Exam Iiint llul ti Vill 411amill 11111F.1wN 11111A P; M".11M TJ " 1 Abn Jo~,r Re", Authox- ---------- TW o orl.- 211 r "tic 1-1r,"t, rY(: )'r-tij JZ-.,j S-% -Q, rC! -ISHEIMIYETO A.; ZHUKOV. F.g footekhnik Winter farrowing helped to increase the output of pork. Irauka i pared. op. v sellkhos 8 no.12:47-48 D 158. (MIRA, 12:1) l4amestititell pradaedatelya kolkhoza "Krasnoye znaWellakovskogo rayona Fskovokoy oblasti (for Depefttlyev). (Swine) ZHUKOV, F. ~~Mance of capitalist countrien," Reviewed by F,ZhukoT# Fin.SSSR 20 no.3:92-94 Mr 159. (14IRA 12:7) (Local finance) 4, 'Tr 411 I I ZHUKOV, F.A. (Pskov) Conditioned reflexes and swine raising. Priroda 54 n0-5:62-68 My t 65. (MIRA 18:5) 4.Z Year round field obeltoris for hogs, ;Tel I. stroi. 12 no.81,22-23 Ac 157. (XLRA 1019), 1. Glavw zootakhnik Pervoy Fskovakoy'maahinno-traktornoy stantaii, (Elvine houBes and equipmnt)" ZMKCV, 3C426 Opyt promysblyennogo skayeshchivaniya svinyey v sovkhozye. rw N ins o T 3y &J~ k y naych. issl~yad. Lal-oratorii razoyedyeniya s. kh zhivoynyM, vYP 3, 1949, s. 69-70 SO: LETOPIS, No. 34 24174 ZITU,,OV.- F. A. Ispoll zovamlyo rpzen,o,.r v ourbiovodstwo. Sov. zootallfta;ra, 19/49, Ho 4 3 - S 51P57 SO: 1,0,toPis, No# 32, 191,19. ZWXOV, Inshener; KONTUSHKOV, A.M., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor. [Results of chemical cleaning and asphalt insulation of steel pipes In pilot'plantal'Op.vt khimichaskol~ochistki I bitumnoi Izollateii stallnykh trab v poluzavodsklkh usloviiakh. Moskva, Goa. iod-vo lit-r7 po strol- tal.letva I Arkhitekture, 1954. 59 pe (HLRA 7:6) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) (Pipe, Steel) zagov ?or* iashener, Uperience in the use of consolidated estimates for prodnation-11ne methods of pipeline construction. Gor.khos.Mosk. Z? no. 4;28-29 Ap 133. (MA 6:5) (Municipal engineering) ZHUKOV, F. F. Opyt khimicheskcy ochi3tki i 'bitmnoy izolynt3ii stallnykli trub v poljzavods1dkh usloviy-,kh (Fe,,i,,ilt3 of chemical. clean'-nl- ary.1 -j3phnlt insaLition of steol pipe:3 In pilot plants) ',Iogkv-3, Gos. 17,d-vo Lit. po Stroitellstvu I arkh.-Uelktura, 1954. .59 p. illus., diagrs. I .lLiterat-:ra": P. 58 SO: N15, 733-95 z63 0 GRIGI a g A an 00 'oh IG Syll" aygenly'Ad6movich, lnzh,; ZHUKOT, Y g4a"VAAh. insh.; GR nd "tnz PCUIROTBV, N.M.;. 6nd.t'ekhn, near-s. IqCL ir;-S 07. S.A., red.izd-va; XONIrIS-HINA, A.D.., 8 A.D., takhn d On, f [construction of wate .r supply and sewerage systems; the praotice of ... M. I - up o~onstruotton organisbtions in 90600w) Stroitelletvo vneshnikh satei vodop;6voda i kenalivatatt; opyt stroitellnykh organizatsii gomoakV V opro 0~ i iat it Moskva' Izd-vo H-va kommun. khos. RSFSR, 1957. 375 IRA 11 t4) kv v0 mmun p (M ( t I t (Water supply engineering) (Sewerage) ZRUKOV, F.F.y inah.; GRIGORIYEVv Ye*A., inah. Now developments in the Ohield method. Gor. khoz. Mosk. 35 no.Ut23-25 N 161. (MIRA 160) 11, . (Underground construction) JSSR/Engineering Construction 15 Nov $2 Vate'r. suipiy. ."Laying Pipelines by the Ground I Punct-uring IMethoa Without Digeing Trenches," F. F. Zhukcrr, Mosvodo-,' 4-Istroy (Moscow Trust for Construction.of Watei- ~Uwly and Sever Systems) eq,~B Stroit Tekh" Bo 21, pp 18-28 Yul Describes method for laying steel pipes without re - of, ea&,h, pushing pipe,vith conical tip through ground with the aid of hydraulic back capable of de- -wiloping 200 t presr,=e,. Method showed good results in practical application for laying pipelines 20-60'm 24-3T41 long in clayey and -loamy grounds. Separate pipe iections are welded together in process of laying. RasQlta of chemical cleaning and asphalt insulation of steel Dipes in the p1lat vlantp. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo Ut-ry po stroltel'styu i ark~itekture, P. ,rS280.z4 5- mumv, ir. F. ; nz Outting, Machines; Pipe Mechanized pipe cutter. Blul, stroi. tekh. 9 no. 4 1952. Mosvodokanalstroy Monthly List of Russia n Ac essions, Librar P-Oc _y of Congress, August 1952. Unclassified.