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ZHULIN, M.T., Cand Tech, Sci-(tlif~s) Mothods ~bf .,je oh hnical and, ecollonlic &41-4m of rural norial elvai~rio lines." 1JOsi 1958.. 16 pp (Joint 51,-iontific Cdam *I RII-I'Mion VIM Sci Hen Inst of Idouhnnization of -and the All--Union 601 Res Inst. of Electrification of Agricu, tur 1.10 copies (KL'25-58t u3) ... ....... ..... ...... EBIN, L.Ye. doktor takhn.nauk;' ISVIN. M.S., kand.tekhn.nank; ZHUIN M#T. Sconomical loads for agricultural overh ead lines of 6-10 kii~*'O;lts', DDkl. Akad. sellkhoz. 23 no.3t45-48 158. (MIRA 11'tO I.Vaesoyuzny7 nauchno-issledovatellekiy institut slektrifikaisli. sel'skogo, khozyays tva. Predstavlena akademiko'n I,A~' BudzkD. (39lectric power distribution) *11 fl, Hill I 111,111 Ill 11111111 It IIND HMU I- HUM ABIN, Le Ye. doktar tekhn, nauk, prof,; LEVI4, M.S.. 6nd. takhn. nauk; inzh. Standards for economical current density,. Zlektridhostvo no.11:83-84 It '58. (KM 'i1: 12) l*VQesO7UZn)7 nauchric-iseledovatellskir institut elektrifikateii sel'skogo khozMst-m. (Blectric lines) 8(0) AUTHORS: SOV/105-5f3-1 19/28: Ebin, L. Ye., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Levin, M. S., Candie!nie of Techn~cal. Be ience a I-Z11 ILI in, U TITLE: Standard Specifications for Economic Gu-7v-ant Daznsil4ic-s (Normy na ekonomicheakiqu plotnostl~ t o I, a PERIODICAL: Elektrichestuvol 19.5a, Ur 11, PP 83 -'84 (USSSR) ABSTRACT: This is a com-,ient on the article by P.~G'. Grudin.-~ki and Ye.N.Fril:lonskiy in El6ctrichozt,,ro, 1111 Nr This article gives a prt~sentation of the mothod of determining standard,.t of an economic o, iaT r e n 'I density with sufficient lucidity. Sarle, parts of the work, however, are disputed and recpiire a more preci se. . substantiation. In this com,aent it ic pof-nted to the fact that the value of Te, which denotes the rede-m-ption actually has very little influf.-nce upon Vie period , choice of conductor size. A curtailing of t"le redem-r-tion Card 1/3 period even within wide limits does n6t z-otic-ea-bly affect the limits of economic operation of conductors' Standard Sp,~,cifications for Eco nomizCurrent Densitie-.; 080 9/28 V 105-.58-11-1 with adjacent si:ie. The recommendattrino advanced by the authors of the article are not featured in a manner as to be applicable to pructiotil c"Ises of planning. It is considered to be more appropriate to start from a continuous variation of co-.-,di,,cbOr rize, If, however, a diccontinuour, sequen,:!e ef ocnJnctor size variation is to be,considered, it -aDuld be more correct to consider t'he interval of economic current -carryi nu- capacity for the respec-i;ivr- condi.lcto.r size. The calculations would attnin a-, hij~her degree of accuracy if in the determination of thin lntcrval the particular features of linen operiLting at ,es would be, LLLRCC~,-l 1111tO UCCO t. differertly rated voltai:, un Diaeramo demonotrating. t.aat the limits~ of economic load of individual lines according to the cli-,,.atic coiditlorls may vary by a factor of 1,5 - 2 are proserted. There~ are 2 figures and 3 Soviet references., Card 2/3 lit, III M 111111 fill . ....... HEYGOLIDBERG, Viktor Yakovlevich; RUWANTSEV, SX.p rad.; AZPOVA, A.G., red.;_MU&V.K.~ :-ed. (River transportation of the U.S.S.R. during the years of the Great Patriotic Wax] Rechnoi transport SSM v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny. Moskva, Trampo~et, 1965. 255 p. (KIIA IS.-10) ....... .... al till, HII 11 HIM 1111 S=W1.tY, S.S., kand.ekonom.nauk; FILIPCHUr, A.I*1 nauphny7~u~trudnik;~ ANTOROV, M.P., kand.takh6.nauk;' KALMMUK, G;S., hand.tekhno i j ank. Prinimali uchastiye:*ZINIKOVIII !.A.,:, 1~ih.;! Arm,frOUTAi A L Inzh - TKRBMOVA. %.So, takhnik-, SIDMOVA, Logo 1': takhrliki :1;SMM'1S, 1.~T.# tekhnik; KHAVCH131MO, A.10, in'qh. POSTNUOY, SOA60 In2h., red.; Oty. za.vypunk; WKWD11HAs Jo,' Euncient distribution of and,organization ot'wo:rk; a tcargo t I Ratsionallnoa;ra nho~enio I 01717nnizatalis transfer poin a ZMD raboty punktor perevalki. Pod obahchai red.,S. 13.31~takogo. OUVA Moskva, 1960, 127 po 1. Moscow. Mntrall nyy nauchno-Insledovatelliki), Anlititut konomiki i ekspluatataii voanogo tranaporta. a TSentrallnyy, nauchno-isaledovatellskly instit~it ekononiki iieknpilua~iatzii Vodnogo transports, (for Slutikiy, Pllipahuk, Siralhave, Sidorovo lsserlis).,3. Inatitut komplekem~kh transportn~kh problem AN SM (for Antonov, Kalyarch*, Kravch~nko) ~(Cargo handl"9) T 42 v Obniklierii `44- d.~ tiz6vi, ~ ~_ .p i V.. and Zh' !V . :J. 0 -T if r zation; of. 'tetr60tethAIOYldfie at PPOstiuM ~:7 lyah&g - -to 27500 atm. :up. 1p';195 AN Dok c i lcj ~i r e. ym ~4vliiifiramp h 1 , --h Ah 'and u3 -. ~ -' i i ~ Nit ! c tetrimethy prqpertiew f e.polyneri lorl:* . l 6d cts . tllrK Pr i2l 24 And hi 8h- cul ar,~.~O~Ti4 p l ~W ib tiid were Ana oss 0 ways (t y! ~ ; ~ t ti t 6t h l i e i 1 di - b t ~ h za o n o _ 1r e te e r am ar d scussed", rt hjlet , % ;' ~2 6 *.~~ a j!2 , 6 . 0 ressuras (250 7,5CO Ajtjn thAt ultra-high p . . ! u 1 ~ P11; 7Acce 41 I a a t the polymerizatiori ~:Op lisvi~~ I be! thi POITI I _ .: ~ . - merization equilibr'ium.. Nine i6f- 1 yj a` r 00 c a t~ Ii 4,45A, n (1925-1953) -At-, on Instit i Acad- 'of --56. o Zelinskiy Inst tute gan. Cheidst?"V, -; rese A c an~. i anksiv". Kaz i ~ ~ Mii GONIXMG, Roa~-Z Thermal transformations of tetrPebloroethylene.unaer pressure. Izv. AN SSM Otd.khim.nauk no.4.,510-511 Ap 157. (MXRA 10:11) 1. Inatitut oreanicheskoy khimii im. X.D.Zelinskogf) a SSSR. (Thermochemistry) (Ithylens) "I'M1113 I Al I Hill If Ilifl] III] I AUTHOR GONIKSBERG N.G., ZHULIN V.M.p ALEKSANYAN V.X~q PA 2917 STERIN Kh.E. TITLE The polymerization of 20-Disethylbuteme - 2) 223-Dinethyl- butene - I and 30-linethylbutene-I at~pressures up to 4-000 atm. (Issledovaniye polimerizataii 2,3-,dim~tilbutena-29 223- dimetilbutena-1 i 30-dimetilbutena-1 pri ilavleniyakh do 4.000 atmosfer - Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akadexii Nauk SSSR 1957# Vol 113P Hr It PP 123 - 126 Received: 0957 R6viewed: 7/195T ABSTRACT In a previous paper it was shown that high pressure accelerates the polymerization of 2,3 dimethyl-butaA.-2 (henceforth refereed as DMB) considerably. In the present paper the authors,inte~nded to study the oinetios of 293 DMB-2 and'of related eompo-ands at high pressure and to investigate the properties of the poly-mers. This reaction takes place gradually under a pressure of'3660-36ao atm and at.a temperature of 290-29200 an'l passes through a dimer state (which has its maximum yield after about 16 hrs).,The-dimer fraction is able to undergo further polymerization. The degree of polymerization after 32 hrs is still low (9,1-17,7%)- Unaer the same conditions 2,3-DMB-i and 3#3-DhW-1 are polyzerzated CARD 1/3 PA 2917 The polymerization of 2,3-Dimethylbutobe-2$'2y3-Dinethilbutene-I and 30-Dimethylbutene-1 at pressures iip t0,4#000 atx4i~ much faster and form products of a high molecular weight. The polymers of the threo'hexanes undei discussionp which are similar with respect to their molecular ireight, show considerable- differences among themselves and with regard to the products of ion polymerization. Since the present of 2,3:DMB-1 was established -in the monomer fraction of the polymeriBation product 2P 3 DMB-2, the authors carried out polymerization expeirimants with a . mixture of both substances, If they *e'r6 mixed with a ratio of 1 : 1, 293--DMB-2 reacted much faster than 20,40-1 in comparison to separate polymerization of either hexane. In the case of~ 'small admixtures of the latter hexane to the former these effe'otsiare not observed. This is indicative of a co-polynerization.; a fact, which is confirmed by the values of theAlffraction coefficient and by the specific weight. No formation talkee place, %herefore, of a simple mixture of the polymers of both hexanes. Consequent- ly the polymerization of 293-DIO-2 does not pass throu8h a preceding stage of isomerization of the From the ~investigation of the aimer fraction, vfhich consists at least of CARD 2/3 PA - 2917 The polymerization of 2,3-Dinathylbutene-2,, 2,3-Dimethyl- butens-1 and 30-Dimethylbutene-1 at Pressitres up to 4.000 atm. two olefines, it appears that, in the case ofthe-polymerization of the three hexames underloonsideratioh, as etructural:poly- merization takes place. Without this procens'.the formation of Cis-dalkylethylenes could not be expecied. They predominate, however, in the dimer fraction. Moreover, the formation'of nono- alkylethylenes would not be imaginable without the assumption that in the case of the polymerization of 20 DMB-2 it is not the molecules or the radicals of the monomeres that are'aubjekt to a structural isomero2ation, but dimer molecules or the radicals C H Results show that the reaction of thermal 12 23- polymerization accelerated by slowest in the oas 'e CARD 3/3 of 4-subBtituted ethylenes. This is apparen~#ly due to the important spatial difficulties under considuration. (With 3 tables and 5 citations from other publications.) ASSOCIATION: Institute for Organic Chemistry "N.D. Zelinskiyll and the:Co111;- mission for Speotroakopy of the~A4!!~demy of Sciences of the USSR. PRESENTED BY: B.A. KAZANSKIY. SUBMITTED: 21 9 1956. AVAILLBLE: Li~r~ry of Congress. ........... .... AUTHORS: Gohikberg, M. G., Zhulin, V. M. SOV/62-58-11o-16/2~ TITLE: Thermal Polymerization of'DimethylButene~Under Hi~h pressure, (Termichc-Bkaya polimerizatsiya dimotilbutenov pri'v davleniyakh) PERIODICAL, Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniy~ lchimicheskikh~nauk, 1958, 1Tr lo, pp 1254 1263 (USSR) ABSTRACT- In a previous paper (Ref 1) on the ~Polymerizatiwof 2,3-dirriethyl butene- 21b was shown. that the reaction velocity under increased preEaureean be considerably increasod; in the same way, the increase in pressure causes an increase of the averaje polymerization de-ree of this olefin. In the present paper the authors investigated in detail the thermal polymerization~of 2,3-dimethyl butene-2,ur-der a presoure of about 4000 kg/cm.2 at 2900. Also the Polymerization of two other ~hexenes were investigated: 2, butene-1 and 2,3-dimethy.. 3,3-dimethyl butene-1, under the came conditions. Based on the investigation of the kinetics of the polymerization Card 1/3 of 2,3-dinethyl butene-2 (under pressure) the steplike Thermal Polyme rization of'Dimeth'yl Buten e Under Hi.Sh SOV/ Pressure character of this reaction was discovered., Furthermore; it was found.that theethermal polymerization of 2,3-dimethyl::butene-1, and M-dimelthyl ~.u.tene-l under pressure-takes, 'place much more iapid than the polymerization of 2,3-dimethyl buteene-2'under similar conditions..It leads to the formation Of poly-mere with a higher avera.-e molecular weight. Based on the comparisons of the properties and.the structure of dimer fractions of the polymerization pr.o~ducts of[ 2,3-dimethyl butene-2 and 2,3-dimethyl butene-1 it is assumed that the polymerization of 2,3-dimethyl'butene-2 takes placemainly not by way of:,tho stage of the preliminary isomerization in 20-diaeifi~l. butenet-10 From the data obtained on the s~juc,ture of dime~r,fractions it may be concluded that under~the conditions in- vestigated besides the displacement of the double bond also a structural isomerizatio-n*(al 'iparently ofthedimer molecules or radicals C H ) t4ke;3 place. The thermal 12 23 . : , polymerization of 2,3-dimethyl,:butene-2 under,high, Card 2/3 pressure leads to the formation of olefins. These 5M SOV/62-59-4-8/42 AUTHORS: Gonikberg,' M-~G., Zhulin, V. M. - ------------------------N TITLE: Thermal Conversion of Tetrachloroethylene Under Pressure (Termicheskiye prevras Ihcheniya tetrakhloretilena pod aavieniyem). Communication 2. Investigation Under Prosouren up to 1870 kg/cm2 (Boobahcheniye 2. Issledovaniye pri davleniyakh do 1670 kg/sn 2 PERIODICAL: IzveBtiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniyet khimicheakikh nauk, 1959, Nr 4, pp 617-625 '(USSR) ABSTRACT: In the preceding work (Ref 1) the thermal-c6aversion of tetra- chlordethylene under pressures of 10000-24000 atmospheres and at temperatures of 300-3500 was investigated and hexachlbro6thane and hexachlorobenzene were identified'. During this work it was not possible to identify the heavy liquid formed in small . ~amounts. For this purpose experimentb4ith,larger amounts of tetrachloroethylene were conducted under a,lower pressure in the present work. Table 1 gives the results obtained in experiments conducted at 350 0 in a Nr 1 steel ampoule (Fig) having a volume Card 1/4 of approximately 21 milliliters. It is.sean 1) that the con- sov/62-59-~4-8/42 Thermal Conversion of Tetrachloroethylene Under Pressure. Communlc~Litioji'2. In- 2 vestigation Under Fressuresup, to 1670~kk/cm version of C 01 increases upon an incrigsoe in pressuTai- 2) that 2 4 the hexachloroethane - hexachlorobut~dianb ratio in' the~reaction products inereasee when the duration~of tl.le experivient is pro- longed while the temperature remains',consLant- An e .xperim.ental series has been conducted to determine the kinetic order. These experiments were carried out in a Nr~2 stee I ampoule,(volume ap- proximately 31.millilitera) at 3500 and with a uniform tetra- chloroethylene feed (44.iOO g). Experimental:,.results'6re given in table 2. The data of table 2 have been plotted in the x,;r graph (Fig 2). It is seen that under the assumed Icondition3 (3500.9 1000-1100 atmospheres) ~he thermal convexzion take plr ace:like zero order reactions.. Another experimentitl series wash! conducted in a steel reactor provided with a 11hyd raulic seal" pocket for the thermocouple, and a pressure gauge (Table 3).:,I,t has been found that the thermal converaion re.te of tetrachloro- ethylene increases upon an increase in the C C1 pressure. The 4 C C1 C1 ratio in the reaction almobi equi- Card 2/4 2 6 C4 6 11 rif ,3__'- F~Jjljl ~111 1111141~1~~ SOV162-59-4-8-IA2 Thermal Conversion of Tetrachloroethylene Under PresBure. Communication. 2. 1n- 2 vestigation Under Pressuresup to 1870 k9/cM molecular at low pressure and increases wkth an incr6ase:~in pressure. The thermal.conversion of~tletrachloroethylVne is slightly accelerated by the hydrogen'preasure; this is due to an increase in the compressibility factor. Table 4 gives;the re- sult of a similar experimental series'earried out in another re- actor. In GIAP MKh? SSSR an approximate determination: of the critical temperature and critical density of c Cl according to I I r 2 4 the method of,the vanishing neniscus was made. The critical temperature was found to be 336 � 20.ttnd Vlie critical density to 3 -be 0.5-0.6 9/CM . This d value is in agreement with:.the'data Cr determined for the critical density of hydrocarbon halogen derivatives (Rof 4). Table 5 gives the,complated values of'~the compressibility factors at various pressures and exper~,Imei itally determined rate constants of the thermal conversion of C Cl 2 4 'A. A. Opekunov, designer, and V. A. Kuznetsov and M. D. Card 3/4 Fushkinskiy, mechanics, participated in tho works The iluthore 01-Ou W U111111111111111 50) AUTHORSs Gonikberg, M. G., Zhulint YO M.~ SOV/621~ -5124/40 59 TITLEi Investigation ofthe Thermal Convi)raiofts of Trichloroethylene at High Preasurol .'a (Ii IsleIdovaniye termicheakikh prevrashcheniy trikhlorotilens, yri vysokikh davleniyakh~) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akadomii nauk SSSR. Otd9'lor,.ije,khimichabkikh Pauk, 1959, fir 5, pp-916-922 (USSR) ABSTRACT; In a short-survey the~conversion *eactions.of trichloroethylone known from Publicationt art mentione'd (Refs I - 9).. In an earlier paper,by th .0 authora:(Refs 11, ac hloroethylene had'been 12) the thermal conversion of tetr , ' investigated,,and it was found that at temperatures of 300 - 350* and a pressure of 30000 at hexachlorobu Itadiene and hexachloroethane are formed, and that the conversion is considerably accelerated if pressure further increases. The present paper gives and explains the results obtained by investigations of the conversion inOntioned in the title. The investigations were carried out by a method which has Card 1/3 already been described in reference 11. It followed from --- ----- - ------ Investigation of the Thermal Conversions of soy/62-59-5-24/40 Trichloroethylene at High Pressures preliminary investigations that trichloroethans, w4en~ heated under pressuref is able to,undergo aelf-accolerating thermal conversion. The following loubstancee:are obtained by thermal conversions 191929494-YeateLchlorobutadione-1,3 and, in small quantities, asymmetrical tetrachloroothan.e. The distillation curves of the fradtions 11 and III are shown by figures 11and 2.1urtherthe influence exercised by temperature, pressure, and the duration of experiments upon the thermal conversion of trichloroethane was, 0 investigated. The results obtained~at 200i 230, and.250 as well as by pressures of 900 - 1270 'k9/cm2 are given',in table 1. This list shows that thermal conversion is considerably accelerated by preasure. At a prossure of 25000at and a temperature ofigOo the si~lf-accel Ierating' reaction sets in which leads to a part.-carbonization of the substances. At low pressure the temperature of the beginning accelerating reaction inereaaen. I scheme of Card 2/3 the radical chains of the dimerization of trichloroethane, ...... III j III lilt ;1111111 It A if I fill' 11 IIIHN 111finI........ .. .. Investigation of the Thermal Conversions of SOV/62-'59-5-*24/40 Trichloroethylene at High,Pressures as assumed to be possible by the'd,uthors in the formation of the mentioned substancesis given. '(1.0,2,4,4-pentachloro- -butadiene-1,3). There are 2 figu?res, 2,tabless and 19 references,'2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institut organicheskoy khimii im.~N. Df Zelinskogo, Akademii, nauk, SSSR (institute of organic Chendbtry imeni N. D zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, U5SH) SUBMITTBDs July 16, 1959 Card 3/3 S/'020/60/132/02/30/067 B01 1/ 002 ~57 a Pi 0 AUTHORSt Gonikborg,,M. G., Zhulin, V. M. 1 Iyanovi' B. S. TITLEs On the Problem of the Connection Between the ftylitallization of Aldehydes and the Development.From Them of Polyoxymethylene-t~pe Polymers PERIODICAM Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19601* Vol. 13~, 110. 2p pp. 353-356 TEXT: It was the main:purpose of this paper to find out whether the original crystallization of butyraldehyd~jis necessary for its.polyme'rization under,high pressure. Butyraldehyde first was purified by its transformation into'barabutyr- aldehyde. The experiments were conducted in a multiplier with two windows .(Fig.l)g which was provided for 8000 kg/CM2 at normal temperature. A Holdered up lead phial with butyraldehyde.was introduced into the canal.of the high-pressure block of the multiplier. The canal was filled with water.- glycerin (is .1) and the required pressureyas produced. The aolid:polymer was not soluble in acetone and alcohol, and littfo soluble in benzene, chloroform and CC14 - The published: data 2 show that.the solid polymer develops by a pressure inC reaseXrom 4200,to 5200 lr&/CM - The addition of benzoylperoxide accelerates this process. The authors:doubt Card 1/3 On the Problem of the Connection Between the ~~8/020/60/132/000 /067 Crystallization of',Aldehydes and the Development From: I BOI 1/B'0'02 Them of Polyoxymethylene-type Polymers whether the polymerization of butyraldehyde-is due to its C ry followed by melting (as it is the case with aeetaldehyde'). Repeated fre'sing and melting under atmospheric pressure did not~csuse polymerization. The experiments in the multiplier with windows showed that.butyraldehyd6 polymerizes under pressure without preceding crystallization. Experiments-conducte'd by the . authors on'the, action of various admixtures to polymerization and:dopolymerizatibn of the solid polymers of butyraldehyde will bepublished separately. " 1.3%.of--water and !i% of propyl alcohol reduce the yield in solid polymers considerablyi Hydro- quinone (1.5%-3%) inhibits the reaction.,D44nitrile of azo-isobutyric acidAops not accelerate the polymerization noticeably. The polymers obtained at &,pressure 2 of 6300 kg/cm were solid, plastic substances unstable under altmospheriti~,pretsure. .,Some weight% of quinone and hydroquinone added to the pol~me;r br'ing.about its stabilization. At room"temperaturo, the polymor thus keepa sov6ral months,if exposed to 6.1r, Equilibrium shift under the influence of -pretisure, is onelof:the .main factors for the development of solid.polymere of butyrald#.~hydes under pressure.,The authors conclude that a comparatively smallAncrease in pr Iessure may lead to a considerable.equilibrium shift in the polymerization reaction. i Further investigations by the authors are planned as to the problem why the Card 2/3 On the Problem of the Connection Between the 111~020/60/132/02/30/06T crystallization of Aldehydes and the Development From.~ BOII/EO02 Them of Polyoxymethylene-type Polymers polymerization sets in at a pressure similar to that required for the crystallization of the aldehyde at room temperature* There are 1 fig"6'~and'~ 15 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institut organicheskoy khimii,,im. N. D. Zelinsko& Akademili, nauk SSSR (Iastituto of Organic Chemistry imeni'N. D.,Zelinakiy of the Academy offtienees, USSR) PRESENTEDt January 13, 1960,,by B. A. Kazanakiy, Acad emlician SUBMITTEDs January 12, ig6o "Card 3/3 . I . ~ I., il ZHULIN) VJI.; BAYKOVA, R.I.; GONIKBERG, M.G. Unuaval effect of pressure on radical polymerizatiari, Izv. Ali dSSR. Ser. khim. no.6:1133 Je 164. (MIRA 17:21) 1. Insti-tut organichesko7 khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SISSR. ACCE,9-.'3T0N,T 1411- APV1,1t~A17A.-A 94111)(M '1' 0 A ' -0.3111 114yr, A ":'T .'J R. Zhuhri, V. jvt, ~Iqj-j K(,-v:jt: III_ 1>~ 14, 0. M.. G ... . ..... ........ TITLE: Polymerizat,,on of t3t -111 TQASI~rl-;Ia . .......... I'll romzly;l 6, 11~61, 4*~'l - i 'IGO A TOPIC TAGS: alpha inethylatrolein, nobimem4-iza- ABSTRACT: TKe heterogeneous of in methlino' (1: 1 raio, using 0. 1017t, Di bis.1.11,lrl.di-~,-i~tw~-..,E4~ of ihobutyric abtase-d on weight arci j C (-I S 8 U:, I! DI-Dr: lf.:S:: Ws).-p nrit. ~`ACCESSION- tion rate unddithd can uionf; df tb6: ift'vdgtij1pdAC)O k-16veabiki I 164'arll~ n. pl Poir don to the Increase in polym~ier yif!ld to, aixjut; 301h (xiinveirsion. A, 201110 kj~ /Crd prcls- sure the initial poly me I- i. ;Lat ion rate vra& incre;uied &- 4 tkaos wid at t ie sagne time the polymerization was accelemateii 5. 6 tiniers In propoirtUm ti tho- polymer. Tble fo]Llowmg, relauonsrup oval, vOL111d 110 OjILairL. r= g L; ~r,e poily7-ner vicid, v. is j),.)1y,rac,-Lzau:r.)n ra-l,v. r 113 trie -eac:tior! time, and a is Ove S)OPe .:)r tile -7: ASSOCIATION: Institut organiches-1coy kkiimii im. N~ D~ 211eilirwholgo A cademii tTr- I.g .112 C- ernis~, of 1) U SUB CODE: IVIT, GC NO REF S ~3 V.-, 00111 Of" IFI'R 0 G Carazi 2 th I JR* W11folMO16 0 1111111P.Igm lifflow 31M] ff 63761 1 lr~ 1 ~Inm- i 4- A U 0 R r Zhulf.n, V. L. GorilhIver-g, M, G, I 7][fz2C(! Prz!5S%Lr~ (~n thq I a, t C 11S 1: s :Iiaia tranj6ir Ju v i fuzz i atitca . DO iFM 4TI z,-" , L011 mW SOURCE: AH SSSR- DiAladyt r,,' I(-j3,, no. 1, 1965i, 10,6-1.013 t-.ra TOPIC TAGS : radical palymc a; ti i i E. . i a obu c -Fr -I idehy ~.F! , MonUmn, T' - 11, ~ I '. tri e t' I A L 1. vi- tit ii 41 a c L i ,,;i A2,q TRAC-f.- Tfw~or, im-riLicin. tl,.nL hn Lth, uraceic af thi! rju.~K Ion of t It: t Itit n I f ~i I n Card 1 J 11 MML It L f U iLal LUIx illLfu Til to To verlify i~i~i ait~, amfltbl,-,~ g t4 f. trr4 L, Ird ',~ kl' m 6 AvAror I t i t, ii: c v - n ini i i i t r-. h-V -I UIJ)h 1! 1: -1 r fel 1 '11. -i, lle .1 :1 L ~!:I, I ~l 1 1 U ~ U!p m !t k j;j -M J7 j) rj 4! 10114. ill lo,~Ia Im Thil Ilight- s eL is p a -1 :1 b, i d the kt a L 1. n T, a r.o 1) 1, IL ~:(H C 0111, t. a Ia Prr r1 'r;l Ipf'Ir a.~-rpsqs cul rlm 11 1 b. I I I T-d I M, 1. e'r vLo .111d Ill v, i bwv ~l ffect- of' lict - ........... f' -~ - Z- w 1; 4 kl. i~xt i I i1 .1 A 6376 .139109 WV` -A ivation maylactudel mi 'addit~jma A loit the ad- va-ed ccm~ mf~pm~,. tic i a -4 n tj jij~ Od" ft-tfier, f ridlUtit indfcatle that the rat L-3 betwovn thf~, Y*Lts (millutanto of olwd.a cilamitfitur and 1,ha 1.11 -1; - - 1 k : fl vti 4 L I'l I ! I..[ ~ 1! !-%]1, 1 ASSOCIATIM Ins t f tut or:lyluicha Owy 1di Lre J1 1. fui,. 11. D. al [-n i1m. (to Allundemli wtult t i , tit 1A 5"MME.D: 1173=65 luv,, f. t: R4 110 REF SOV: 005 OTILGI? '0011 IM11 Cc =--Ef4F(TY1EWfr T~- f----R4lw 36989-66- ACC NR- AP6008507 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/001/0154/01:)o AUTHOR: Baykova, R. I.; Zhulin, V. M Gonikberg, M. G., 3-~ i ORG: Institute of Organic Ch-ornis-try im D. Zelinsk lemy of Science a* y, A(LW SSSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Effect of pressure on radical 2olymeri ationlof ac~rylonitrilln a solution of dimethylfcrmmide ~tSOURCE: AN-SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriyakhimicheskaya, no 1. 1966, 154-156 TOPIC TAGS: pressure effect, radical polymerization, acrylonitrile ABSTRACT: The authors, having found that pressure has an unusual effect on heterogeneous radical polymerization of acrylonitrile. e.g. . an increase of ~pres- are from atmospheric to 2000 kg/cmZ at 50C leads to a decrease of the rat.ciot polymerization and molecular weight of the polymer by a factox of 2.5 and 102 respectively, attempted to obtain darta on the effect of pressure on homogen eous polymerization of acrylonitrile. This article gives the results of an investigation of polymerization of acrylonitrile in a solution of dim ethyliorm amid e init" t d by dinitrile of azoisobutyric acid at atmospheric pressure and at Z000 kg/CM2-. The experiment demonstrated that the rate of homogeneous radical polymerizatio of acrylonitrile in dimethy1formamide at 50C, unlike heterog eneous radical Car 1/2 UDC-. 539.893+542.95Z+531.1 .... . ..... ACC NRs AP6008507 polymerization of acrylanitrile, increases with an increase,of :pressure from atmospheric to 2000 kg/cm?- by a factor of 4 and the average molecular weight of the polymer by a factor of 1.5. The authors explain the cori,-Wratively small increase of molecular weight at 2000 kg/cmZ by the fact that in the studied system an appreciable role is played by the reaction of chain transfer through dimethyl-' formamide and this reaction is accelerated by pressure almost to the same extent as the reaction of chain growth. Orig. art, has: I figure and I table. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: IlMay65/ ORIG REF: '005/ OTH REF., 001~. L.gard Z/Z L 36501-66 EVJT(m)1E'WP (j )7T____1_J_P no-W Wk.,---AP6017875 (A) SOURCE COD'.t W/-0*0'6-2--,166'/000/005/0827/08-32-1-'---,~ "AUTHOR: Zhulins-L. X.;_22nIkberg9 Mt, G.; Zagorbinina, V# N. ORG: Institute of Organic Chemistry im. N. D, Zolinskiy, Acadomy of Sciences. SSSR (Es-titut organicheskoykhimiA Akademii nauk SSSR) 14 TITIE: Study of the effect of pressure on the radical polymerizationqof itme-n"I ,n solution. Report No. I I Polymerization in bon'zono $ Rt-yralde-hyde and their i mixtures. SOURCES AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimichoskayat no. 3p 19M, 827-832 TOPIC TAGSt radical polymerization, styrenes aliphatic aldehyde, organic nitrile compounds organic azo compound:. ABSTRACTS. Radical polymerization of styrenes initiated with azoisobutyrodinitrilesi was studied at pressures up to 2000 kg/~2 in benzenes butyrall ydes-and tH irl mix- tures at 500C. The rate and average degree of polymerization in benzene solution in- crease by factors of 4.2 and 6*5 respeetiv-,.)ly as the pressure is raised from atmo- spheric to 2000 kg/cm2. The effect of pressure decreases,with Increasing butyralde- hyda content of the mixture, On the basis of data on the infLuencej of pressure on the rate and average degree of polymerization of #yTene in bmene, the value of the volume activation effect durin initiation (4 V J) at atmospheric pressure was cal- culatede This value (+7.4 cm3IMI) was found to go close to that reported in the lit- Crd 1/2 UDCS 541.12.034.2 +_~42.9_5 III IIH 11111111 IMI VIM IMIJIMPRIU: IIIIIII" L 36501-66 ACC NRs AF601?875 erature for the decomposition of azoisobutyrodinitrile in Uluene solution at 62.5 (-+9.4 cm3/M). A study of the dependence ofUe average degreei of polymerizition on the butyraldehyde/styrene ratio at various pressures led to th.e.conolu3ion-that the rate constant of chain growth in the polymerization of styi-onc inoreases with rising pressure to a considerably greater degree than does the rate constant of obain trans- fer via butyraldehyde. Orig. art. has$ 2 figureal 2 tablesp and 5 formxUs, SUB CODE: OYI/ SUBM DATZI OBJw&l MIG RU t 0051 OM FM'1 016 L_~ard 1:71"1111 11 ..~ . -11. -1.1. l... . . . . . . . . . . . . BAYKOVA, R.I.; ZIIUI,Trl, V.M,; ONIKEF110, I.I.G. PMS3ura effecL on Lho raclic-al polyr--4-rizatton cf al-.r7,-loritrll,3 J , dimethy1formwilde rolution. Izv.AN SSSR. Sor.kid.m. nb.l.,2,54- 56 166. (t.11RA 19: 1. histititt organAchoskoy klilrAll Im# submiLtod mLy 11, 1965. 40ELIMhNt L.k-. p YEFREMOV., Introduce -gre*ter-*eorwomy- and Industrializatlon- -in- the- 4yftg of faundatiobs in rural constxuction. Omn., fund.. I -ms~h., giru'n 7 no. 61l-2 165. (MIRA M12).,` INN 'Ni 'k Yu.Z. , i'an-6 . Yv, 1'. I n-ves t IL ga sm 1.c a re so a r, s r~r r:.,ut!, r, r, E:. workiriga ic-iLtd at U. a. 64- J.", 1. ii07 L~ s/169/62/000/008/o87/090 E032/E114 AU~MOR: Zhulinal Ye.M. TITLE: --C-o-m-Pa-r-ison--o-f-t--h-e-Br~'mimum useable frequencies calculpt'ed by different methods with experimental~ data PERIODICAL: lleferativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no-08, 1962, 291~: abstract 8 G 91.6. .(Tr. In-ta zemn. magn.,j ionosfery i rasprostr. radiovoln. AN SSSR, no.19(29), 1961,, l16-136 TEXT: Communication data for difforant froquanclad a nd It number of radio links of between 800 and 7000 Rm. wore u*ed to determine the experimental MUF. 'The radio. links, chosen that most of them passed through the auroral zone, The experi- mental values of the~MUF were cobpared with the;va'lues calculated by two'methods, namely,'the CRVL method (Central Radio-Wave Propagation Laborat ory, NBS, U.S.A.) and the method'used at IZMIRA9 which is based on the work of A.N. Kazan'tsev. It was found -that, on the average, the IZMIRAN method gives a better agreement with the experimental data for these radio links than the Card 1~2 s/l69/6,-'/O()O/OOB/Ob7/090 Comparison of the minimum useable ... E032/Ellh .11---VRPVmL-thbd^.--Tt ir'noted,that the calculations, corresponding';tO night hours for links of 60oo to 7000 km which p'asa through the polar zone are very inaccurate. It is assumed -that-. this is due to inaccuracies in the assumed frequency dependence of absorption, and also the absence of accurate information on the position of the polar absorption zone. :Abstractor's note: Complete translation-~ Card 2/2 -dL 1',43 ~1' lprql- L th ~:a a sLu d ci rd r0 W1 V) 117 11 HIP' T-Acc NR,,: AP60O276l,-_'_1 7:t_ + .,equ.noxes I #-'~~46'6ti:6 ~ h i, n years ,o .~maxiakum so. arj aidtiviik 8C was 61-,_ h th-.6valuat 0 poikn'~!~; ~4ay"' L ity -wi i ns d -qua I' ea "d I Cis- UM Sol L t i e:: o w. n1i ar '~o w a..ev' uaied- cep on qua ity, n y rs m Ivi .1 a a t y at -5 points'on :the average eception quality on 4 H o' We 16 A01 .m f t 1.1 R ~ .1 - - I " ''. . IP li~ - ;~; or.,d ni m Sol r activity uring mi Mu a -Thuw auraIilev4JV'Atl n~! Outs. riep , on 'dour. ng- radiidtl' 'ity., :ty. an ,average of :4. poiate'~ lpwoi~ - o i6la :quali, n r. h:' 41s~ i~~niimiiji 41' n.:th.e summor'~:-T -rom, WWV.tor'Churchillt a dista' 4~~of' MO-km _Pdss~~A ih~ :'re der- nc -.ate- polar.- abs orption 0- In yea o 11tim6m aar: ac-~ Re6s~tlofi qualft f -tivity,decreades in the wint(ir:b a0pr6x.6ately .3 oints in i:*thel a i me y ~_-:and. by: about 4-S' i po nts__ at night. Thel,d stande tol.!Resdlute'~Bayl- From fti-: -WWV,1transmitter~is,,1v4O,00. km#-:- - The p4th! f-fir radi6 -~q' m t I).e sreen .a these two points passes twice throujh:: an ' bso~bi~j~ "zot I-of,weak and moderate polar - Absorption''; 36ception Is n~t!i b7f~:~ij4 ;qu+ii- a ty, evenAn, years' of maximum-sol ir acti,Vity:, whi16 4h y,O~i~s~ 6f;m~n activity jusi'barely Satisfactory ~T66 r~~ to C~apt U lality s ' a In: r''ionths.-. is ab-out-the.. am summe ty._' ~Reception, in. yaLars of minimum: s~ lar'' activiii. is 11~io~sib*X', '.i' atte 1-irbi the winter.about SO% of -the ~~Aimo ~at': this. point n r. At f L-44un .2 L 07092=�:1 FSS-21EVrf(,!.) VIR .ACC NR: AP6019002 SOURCE CODE: UR/0l09A6/0il/'006/lllZ/l120 'AUTHOR: Zhulina, Yu. V. ORG: none TITLE: Measuring the coordinates of many targets by signals of unknown amplitudes and phases i SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, Y. 11, no. 6, 1966, 1112-ilzo ;TOPIC TAGS: radar, radar system, radar receiver &Qe72AVTF,0 674V4 4 NW019 P %fl 6PWR,4 .o,9A1,9,4 VI,;X 1ABSTRACT: N. J. Nilson tackled the problem of radar signal resolution when-the' Ireflected signal of unknown intensity was involved (IRE Trans. , IT-7, M lo 4). 'rho present article ~This problem did t include measuring target coordinates. 1 0' i considers optirnar;radar measurement of coordinates of many targets whose I ,echoes overlap and have unknown amplitudes and phases. A rnatrix of correlations iCard 1/Z UDC: 621.396.964.23 ... . ...... L 07M--6 7# :ACG NR: AP6019002 of jointly effective estimators of amplitudes, phases, and parameters is icalculated. Maximum likelihood estimators are found, and their asymptotic jefficiency is proven with these assumptions: (1) The errors of estimating i maximum likelihood are small and (2) The dispersions of the elements of a imatrix A (entering the formula of random complex echo-signal arziplitude) are !small as compared with the mean values of these elements'. Formulas are : f tvio 'derived for the potential accuracy pf joint measurement of coordinates o targets. . Block diagrams implementing the underlying ideas are presented. OrIg. art. has: 3 figures and 39 formulas. SUB CODV. 17, 09 SUBM DATE: 26Nov64 OIUG REFI_ 004'. OTH REP: 002 w 'Card L 05251-67 WMACC OW 8930 _80URCIf i3iDFD9-*-'(MZ616a7if(F/6607603/0'6*0 /000 ACC NRi AP601 f AUTHOR: Gorbushina, G. N.s. Zhulina, Ye. M. NNW ORG: Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute (Arkticheakkir I antaricticheskly nauchno-isaledovatellskly institut); Institute of Terrestrial Magnetis n, the Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propazation, AN SSSR (Institut zemnogo magnettzma, tortosfery I rasprostranenlya radiovoln AN SSSR) TITLE: Anomalous absorption zone at various phases of the sola activity cycle OOURCE: Geoxnapetlzm i aeronomiya, v. 6. no,. 3, 1966, 604-606 TOPIC TAGS: radio wave absorption, solar cycle, Ionospheric absorptiou ABSTRACT: This Is a brief study of the geographic 10 malous absorp- ,"on of the zone of ano tio'n of radio waves according to data from j2n~s Abservations for 1962 (relatively low ~heAc solar activity: 7 = 37.6). Hourly f min readings at 28 northern hemisphere stations served as the~.:primary data base. The da~~ocessing and resea~Tc.h method was that of G_ N-Gorbushim- (Gebmagn. I aeronomiya, 1 62, 2, io_._2_ 267), who made a similar study for 1958i The fre- quency of anomalous abso: plion. occurren'ce was defined as the ratio (in.percentages) of the n,t' er of instances at which fmin exceeded quiet day values by 50% to the total number of CC A&_' 1/2 UDC: 550.388.2 NRs AP6018930 01 observations. Estimatidn of the level of anomalous absorption In relative units permitted some reauction of the effect of differences In Ionosphere probing equipment at the different stations. Th" results of the calculations were used to plot the frequency, (totaled for all the days) of the oc%Lrrence of anomalous absorption as a function of the corrected geomagnetic latitude of the o~strvation centers. An overall shift from 650 to 670 for maximum occurrence frequency was oVerved. Longitude has negligible effect on overall absorption patterns, with the result that t~optiftklinal function of anomalous absorption occurrence can be useA for any longitude Orig, has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 08 SUBM DATE: 27Jul66/. ORIG REF: 003 LqSrd ACCES8102 NR: A24021985 a-,/6-073/64/030/002VO228/0232 AUTHORS: Dubovenko# Lo I.; ZhUllnskayat-T, Is TXTLVt Determination of the instabilitj stent of orAlate coa- an Plex8s of lanthanum SOURON: Ukrainskiy khimichookly shurnal 9640 928-232 P''ve: 300 no 2t;: 1 41 TOP10.TAGS: lanthanum ox insia:billt a latet'lauthanum oxalativ; 001AP! oonstant, solubility, produot lanthanum eeparstink, oolubill't? equilibrium oonstant, lanthanum monooxalate oomplox,, Jmnthauum#~ 416 xalate complext lanthanum triozalatetoomplax ABSTRAOT: Oxalio aoid is used for the prooLpitation of1aztbanoids' and their separation from other elements, This4tudy~vas conduoted to determine the properties of lanth=uwoXalati band ite various complexes* The solubility of lanthanum oxalate in ENO (0 02 0 159) f r D'i was dot i d ihe olubility proguot (everags o 0 'Of'. xllO-, The solubility of lanth oxalate in thl trosenoo of excess 0=100 In 001.1 90v M, 1701 do- US Is Moll (Iona. than,0*03 sole) IPA increases 11 ON I iiiji.."'Mim 110 M.; A IR1111 1 K.i A AGOESS ON n: A?4021985 greatly with a large excess. The equilibrium constants: for the re taction La (0 04) ulated" 'Me value for ao+ La3+ 3LaO2O4 were-oalo Ithe ty nstant Of the complex LaC20+ was,~ approximated to anum. otalati iii ammonium .1be 1.3 x 10- The solubility of lenth 4" oxalate solutions of different ooncentrations (0-1'0425M) at PH3-4 was gtudied. The equilibrium constants for the reiation La2(C 0') 2 4 1200=2La(020 )- were calculated:9 The 111stability cohotent of tt w1o2averaged to be I x10"Y. Ths:linotablll Olt. J04)' i0A Stan a f3r the mono-, di- and trioxalate oomplexasof Unthanum icaloulated by the Laden method (Z. phya. Chan. A. 18.8, 1.60 (1941)) lare in close agreement. The Instab%litYL a6iistant Ior t~ego rdius- I tion saturoted complex 1on,La(0204)j",: '~a(020 042-_p/ CLa(C) 0 4)3 C02 2 4) ~7 1 a 2, 2 z 10" ,Orig. art, 11a89 8 equations and 3 tables. stitut Obehohey I teskoy khimii Ikadeali inauk ,000IATION: In neorganlok ItiSSR(InstitUte of General.and Inorganio.0hemistrys4altdomy Of 113olenoes., Ukr.SSR) I CarAl ACCESSION NRI AP4023.".5- -=,.7-.`-'- SUBMITTEDI 24Apr63 t'-?' DATE A0Ql Wag SUB CODB:. CH IR RBP BOVI 09, oums 006 1 -3/3 KSHANOVSKIY, S.A.,; CHAPLYGINA, M.N.; ZHUU(EVICH,A.P.; GOLKVAP V.K. Experience with wide use of intracutaneous BCG revaccination in~ rural areas of Khmallnitskiy Province. Probl.tub.41 no.110-11 163. ,MIRA 17t9) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo.nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tuborkulaza i grudnoy khirurgii (dir. - dotsent A.S.Mamolat) i lKhmellnitskogo, oblastnogo otdela zdravookhraneniya (zav.Ye.S.Grigorlyeva). 4 . ... ... ------- Puiara blossam doi* I rgimcl bUc OiAll4tifWal 20 C to 30 sot. In &v d4j"And hvim 4T,6 ts) 69A i0i JA Ill'Alwl,~ with & mcderate decmso 1~ bila arad cc*.*. izi hollf im-el Ilarmt team Tf I - ; ! i 4! H. " ll IT! I I I - If IM: '! ']I -F 1:11; ! I I TI - I-.. I - 1! : LADYGIN, P.F.j ZHTJLIKCVO,.V.fl; LAVENETSKIY, F.A.,~ l%IKffOMIR,N,, D.F.; KOZHEVNIKOV,* A. I. ; IVAN,Cv, -"-,M. Discussion of the artials,"Pedal ;T trackeircult?" Avtom.p telem. avlas' 9 no.909-40 S 165. (MLRA 18 t9) 1. Revizory po bazopastostl dvizhenlya Severnoy daTollt (for Ladygim, Zhallkovs, Lavenetakiy). 2. Starshiy elektromeklianilc Vvlkoystroyevskoy distantsil Oktyabrlskoy dorogi (for Tiklioinlrov). 3. Zameatitell nachallnika 12-y distantsii Kuybyuhavskoy dorogi (for Koahavnilov). 4. Stapsbiy lnzh. aluzhby signalizatsil i avrazi Kuybyshevakoy dorogl (for. Ivanov). 2i(-1) AUTHORS- Sergeyev, G. Ya., Titova, V. V., .34)7/89-5-6-2/25 Savitskiy, Ye. M., C$ullkova, A. A., Nikolayeva, Z. P. TITLE: The Mechanical Propertios of Uranium (Mekhanichaskiye svoystva urana) PERIODICALs Atomnaya energiyaq 1958, Vol 5, Nr 61:,pp 618-623 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The test apparatus with which the hardness of uranium at increased tempexature and the expansion of uranium at increased temperature were investigated4n a neutral gas (argon), are represented by two sectional drawings. Measuring results are given by a graph. The following details are mentioned: The hardness of the uranium decreases,withlincreasing. temperature. If temperature rises up Ito 6000C, hardness decreases from 350 kg/mm2 to 50 kg/mm2. A regular vax,iation of hardness in dependence an the carbon content of the uranium (G-07 to 0.24 %) was not observed. The presence of carbon in uranium sample.,3 Influences outflow: pressure if these samples are presse&in the ot-phase'. The Card 1/3 outflow pressure increases with an increasing carbon 'content The Mechanical Properties of Uranium SOV/89-5-6-2/25 (0.09 to 0.24 %). At 6500C and a degree of deformation.of 75 % the outflow pressure increases by,about 60 %. For uranium in the If-phase outflow pressure decreases from 4 kg/mm2 at 8300C to 1.8 kg/mm2 at 10500C. Ultimate strength and creep strength increase with an increas- ing carbon content in the uranium. In hot-rolled uranium.with a C-content of 0.01 % ultimate strength is d b - 36 kg/ uranium with 0.24 % C-content 6 b - 52 kg/iam?. The creep strengths in these cases amount to 23 to 3'1 kg/MM2. At.temperatures of from 100'- 1500C all,meoha'n'ical properties characterizing the strengths decrease mon otonously, whereas the properties that characterize plasticity increase. For uranium with 0.12 C-content one finds.thatEat 7500C d b - 12 kg/mm2, - 18 % (relative elongation), ^iP = 51 % (relative narrowing of the pressed surface), at 6oo0c (5 b - 7 kg/mm2, 23%, 76 %, and at 8500C 6 b - 0.8 kg/mm2, (S - 31 97 ff-uranium, which has a volume-centered lattice, has the highest degree of plasticity. The tetraganal /3-uranium'is Card 2/3 inclined to be brittle, and velocity of deformation ie:more li~,l~.111;1[~ila.!,Iii~,.,.",II 011 LAU. A A. V leg! 1" ~Adl 14 sill I-, flu 7-7 iv~I 345 S/659/6~1/007/000/001/0441 D217/D303 /94900 2 Ifo 13 AUTHORS: Bochvarq AiA.# Sergeyevo Maep I)a-vydov# V.A., and Zhul4kova, A, TITLE: Influence of cyclic heat treatment under a constantly applied load on the dimensional stability of metals and alloys SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Issledova- niya po zharoprochnym splavamt vo 7# 1961v 3- 10 TEXT: Flat specimens of identical shape, and overall length 100 mm (length~of working portion 40 mm, width 8 mm, -thickness 2;mm), made from uranium, aluminumt zinc and from copper-zinc alloys,of diffe- rent compositionsp were used for the investigation. The uranium spe. cimens were tested without protection against oxidationp:heating of being carried out in air and quenching in,:watero The specimens were subjected to cyclic heat treatment in the temperature ranges 180 55000 and 490 -,72000 for uranium 20 - 4000C for aluminumv 20 - 300 OC for zinc and 20 - 6000C for copper-zinc alloys~ The temperatures Card 1/4 S/659/61/007/000/001/044 Influence of cyclic heat D217/1)303 of specimens were controlled at these points by.:means-of thermoooup- lee welded onto the specimens. The magnitude of the;residual,defor- mation of the specimens was determined (1) after cyclic heat treat- ment without application of external load; (2) after cyclic heat treatment with application of a tensile load during,the heat treat- ment cycle; (3) after creep tests at a temperature equal to the up- per temperature of the cycle. The duration of the latter tests was that of the full period of the heat treatment cyclev multiplied by the number of cycles (the load during cyclic thermal treatment: under load and in the creep tests being identical).,Tex-turized uranium rolled in the a-phase region and untexturized uranium annealed in the y-phase region and quenched from the P-phase regiono ivere tes- ted. Specimens of tekturized uranium were cut along the direction of rolling and at right angles to it. It was found that as the re- sult of applying a small tensile load to uranium~ aluminum~ zin-OP a and 0 brass during cyclic heat treatmentp a considerable residual deformation developed; this exceeded the total deformation due to creep and cyclic heat treatment without application of load, by a considerable extent* Cyclic thermal treatment of transfer specimens Card 2/4