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FEDOROVp Al.A.) doktor biol, nauk, prof.0 red.1 ZOTOVA, A.P.p red.; SHERMUSHENKO, T.A.p tekhne red, . 1- 11 1 1 -1- Noetul and noxious p1nnts of Lenbkgrad Provincol Poluz- nye i vrednye rasteni-la Leningradslcoi oblasti. Lenin ad, Lenizdat, 1963. 172 p. (MIRA 17:7, ANTONOVAj Tatlyana sorgeyevnal ZMVA,, A.p.0 red.; LEV011MUTA, L.G., tekbn, red. (High cabbage yields] VY60kie urooliai kapuaty. Leningrado Lanizdat, 1960. 18 p. (Cabbage) (=A 11*18) ~ - I -, q-11 MI.. rl M 111111:1111WHEIIHo'll; III i `ti:~;It- , -1 ; ~_ : .1; LAPIROVo Aron III red.j- OHOSMO, II.G.9 teklm. red. (Asparagus) Sparzha. Leningrady Lenisdat, 1961, 16 p, NIHA V+:7) (Asparagus) ZOTOVA, A. P. - I Inst, Vaccines and Sera, Leningrad, (-1944-). "Purification of tetanuo and anatoxin by m4?jxnn of dialyniq and Zhar. Mikrobiol., Spidemiol., i Immunoblol., No. 1-2, 1944, GLAZUNOY, F.D., starshiy Jxzh.- DANILWO, N.M., atarskiy inth,: 2HMOT# V.K., starshly inzh.; XUY2V, A.I.. obohchiy red.; 7A)TOU A.P.F red.; TIKHOKOVA, 1,K., ~ekhn.rod. (Afficiency-improving auWations from agricultural wahinery operators; practicos of machinery operators on collective farms and state farms and at repair and improvemont stations) Ratsio- nalizatorskie predlozheniia mekhanizatorov sel'skogo khostaistva; in opyta raboty malthanizatorov kolkhozovj oovkhonov, remontno- takhuicheskikh L onliorativnykh stantali Leningrlidskoi oblasti. Loningrad,,Lenis.,dal, 1959. 119 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Leningradakoys iblastnoye Apravlaniye sellsko$o khozyaystva (for Glasunov,,Danilonko. Zhukovi. 2, Glavnyy inshener Leningradekogo oblastnogo uprairlenlya sallakogo khozyaystva (for Ztlyov). (Agricultural muchinary) RADA, Boris Frant:3ovlch; 111TAlibQ4, Fsjv,~.,j i,,Il; Andrey Nikolayevlch~ ZO~10,V.A,,_~J.,,, rt-~fi. -7 , 'IN, [Carruts and paroloy] Morkwl JL petmi.-.;h~a. Lenizdat, 1965. 4.1 P. (mudl .1,.3: lo) OAVRILOVp I.S.1 ZOTOVA, A.P.p red, 'I (Home proomosing of vmgetablanp fruito, and borrien. Peraratatka ovoshohei, plodov i i%god v domasimikh mi- loviiakh, Laningrad, Lenizdat, 1965. 158 p, (141RA IBM YAKOVLEVA, G.A., inzh,; ZOTOVA, A.S., inzh. Selecting an efficient type of cement concrete plant. Avt.dor. 25 no.1-.15-16 Ja 162. OUM 1532) (Concrete plants) . I I I ! ~ I : -'- I ~' ~ !, ; :' 11- 1 ~ . 1. I.i.....M.T.T... i - 1. i ~ [T: fl- T -11111~ II I; HEYEFOON, A.B., kand. ekonom. nai*j_L-OM_VA__A,Z2, r - .; 'KIIRI-qj, ,zl- 0 " inz* 1, Longterm organization of R motortruck urdt. Pitt. eor. ~8 nc.g,, 23-2.4 S 165. (tIJILA 1~1:,10~ I SIEFAIIISKIYIV N.I.; GLAGOLETAO N.A.;_ZOTOVA, A.T.; IZONINA, V.M.; ROUNBLITj, Ye.I.; STUDNITSYNA, L.A. Bioult of using aeroion therapy in hypertension and atenocardia. Vop.kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kullt. 28 no.W35-135 Mr-Ap'63. OMIA 16:9) 1. Iz terapevtichealeogo otdeleniya (zav. - prof. N.I. Speranskiy) kliniki TSentrallnogo inatituta kurortologii I fizioterapii (dir. - kand. med.naak G.N.Pospolova) (HYPMENSION) (AIR., IONIZED-TMLAFEUTIC USE) (ANGINA FECTORB) SPERANSKIY, N. I.; GLAGOLEVAp N. A.1 ZOTOVA A T.j IZONOVAp V. M.; ROZZOLIT, Ye. I.; STUDNITSTtIA,--I,.-K.'(~'ook~ii) Treatment of stenocardia with novocaine electrophovisis In Zakharin-Head' zones. Klin. med. no.9:103-106 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz teraparticheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof, N. I, Sporanskiy) TSentrallnogo inntituta. kurortologli I fiziotarapii (dir. G. N. Pospelova) (ANGINA FOCTORIS) (NOVOCAINE) MINKINA, V.A.; ZOTOVAf A.Y.; KRAPIODYMMA, G.N. Experience in therapeutic and prophylactic vork In the school. Pediatriia no.80-11 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz otdola organizateli detakDgo zdvivookhranenlys (zav. - prof. A.G.TSeytlilft) Gosudarstvaimogo sb P, pediatricheakogo Instituta (dir. - kandidat imiditabiskikh nauk V.P.Spirina). (SCOOL HYGIENE) I q i , ~ j -! ! : - ~11 I I II Ili ill 1 1111,; :ld -,II III; ~ d Kilh 1! 1111i I i m I -Hill J r i I I i I I I Will; 111111 lkl!"1111INillIbilk, 111111. IiIII llq-11 If ~:l I 1:111101,"l; 1, i~, I USSR / General Problems of Pathology. Immunity. U Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 11, 1958, 514M. Author : otova E, Nikitina, V. A., Sluchavskiy, I. F. 0 _T E. 2 t a J_ ~ Inst : Not g ven. Title : On the Problem of Immunity in Psychic Disorders. Orig Pub: 3b. Psikhiatr. klinika i probl. patol, Vyssh. nervn, deyat-sti,Vyp.2, L., 1957, 220-2:35. Abstract: The immunological reaction to typhoid vaccination was studied in 29 patients with schizophrenia, paraphrenia, c clothyaia eto. The original ag- gluti nization ~AT) titer in 21 patients was 1:50- 1:200. The increase of AT as a result of vac- cination was insignificant and reversible. (For inst.: AT prior to vaccination, 1:100, - after the third and fourth - 1:400, 1:50). Card 1/1 6 DORTMAN, Nina Borisovna, 4WIATRAj,1 Valentina ~' Ivanovna; VEYNBERG, A.K.; ijUjill~(,JU4, E.Ya.; 'ZHOANG';'~ V.V.; ZOTOVA, I.F.; ILAvEV, IM.G.; TRUNDA, V.Ya.; WDRUAt 3.7a.; SHOLPO, L.Ye.; GiPEYEVA, G.I.I., red.j KAWYKOVA, I.A., ved. red. (Physical )roperties of rocks and mineralo in The U.S.S.R.] Fizicheskie avoistva gornykh porod i pol(iznykh AskoplLcuriykh SSSR. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 325 p. (DURA .18s1) 1. Leningrad. Vsesoyuznyy geologicheskiy institut. MOSYALEVA~ S.V.- ZOTOVA, I.F. Magno tic proportion of 0-1trabasic rocks. DAL A51 OSSR: 1f)2 no,.100o-73 My 065. (MIRA 18t5) ,1. Vaesoyuznyy naucbno-iss led ovalwal skiy geologlaheskly institut. .,:.Submitted August 6, 1964. t' M j It it it .LI585~~L'* EWT(I)/EWA(h) OW AM5015051 DOCK WWITATI(N DortmA m-k-anp-All Lonb%r PA.) DW44-& .14-Iih Zhd Aqv� 1. IIAYOV - 11, LA- 41"Wharava. a. yae-; 4 SWO111411- 'vi. 5 Ir PhysicAl properties of rock3 and mineral resources of the UMR (Irizichaskiye OTOY- atva Sorn7kh porod I. poloznykb Iskopayanykh SM) Moscow, lzd-vo vNedre, 1964.. 325 p. illus., biblie. (At head of titles GowwUrstvow7y CeologichqskV kem, tot WSR. Vasaoyuz ledcvatelfdk~x noloalcheakiy Instit"044q," 30W capiao--y-r-i-n-t7iRn7.011U.:Yjitorship of 0. Us gap"'Ovs-Anit N. Us brtuan; Principal editors 1. At Xa2xqkgwaj T*cbnkal editors A. S. ftlamina; fteofreade X. S. Toroptsova TCPI; TAGSt' m&patic rock, MtAmorpblo rock, m1neralegy,, ratrolea, nwalsq F; -,, ", 5, 5 I:L.IP115.17 I . PURPCM OD GOVERAM This beak to the result of the generalization of natorlals collected prlmari2jr by, pophyvical trusts- ond geologic agencies, no well as by the Institube namW (V3=3). Principal atteatLan Is paid to the basic Uwe WernlAg varlatLow in the physical properties of rocks, varims pstrogritoic Srapw, and aefal minerals of divem mInArslegle awpeoitlea6 TM physical pu4mtm to Lurdl/-A . ......... L 1585-66 AU5015051 which special attention is given includs the density$ the magnetic NQUOPtIbIlitwo the specific electrical resiatanco, and the rate of pr%mgation of lanaltudbxl and transverse waves. The compilers of the book are coUoaguse of the Uborst4r- iya fizich6sk1kh eveyety gornykh porod and the Mel petrografft of ISMS lboy express th&;Ir gratitude to B.A. Andr6,M;7~4. A. LovChOOVIO. 1. Mart"Ov Va- Ea -.D b -B. r. Mookiii4vi- rU4 ILI a?- kovic j'JA and A.~~_Aqhogltra Qq' TABIZ CF CCUTUIrst Introduction Part L Flqsic&l properties of magmatic and motamorphic rocks Ch. L Physical properties of rockpforaing mineralar - - 9 Ch. IT. Density of rocks - - 33 I Ch. IM MAgnotic properties of rocks - - 93 i Ch. iv. SpsalfU olectri"I rialstams of rocks 172, I Ch, T. Rat* of propagation of louSlUdInal elastic wor in rocks - - 293 Ch@ VZO O"Ie In "i"1 yrnwrtloo of rocksi, depscAba so MW#74 Prosswo Crd 213 TINII L 1585-66 AM5015351 and toolpleraturlil 204 Part IT. "ical pr%wrtlas of ustallia sM sometallic mintnI noomnes Ch. VII. "ical proportles of oreis 248 Ch* VnL "tcai propeniss d numunio abomi ftmovas 299 Literature - - 313 Appendix - - 320 WB CCDZI 25 WBUZwMh. 228op" NR M owe UO a=$ 0" Card 3 I .-HrA I., !;I ALEKSASHINA, LA; PrinimiLU twhastiyes VIIINIK, GOFMAN, I. L.; K M.M.; LYSENKO, M.G.; BAKARINOVA, S.M.; IIIKITIBIAP R.Al Preparation of a tetrasodium py-rophosphate decahydrate food product based on phosphoric acid obtained by the extraction method. Xhim.- prom. no.9s630-632 S 162. (MRA 15111) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po udobreniyan L Insekto- fungisidam, imeni Samoylova iOpytny-y zavod Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta po udobreniyam i insektofungididam imeni Samoylova. (Phosphoric acid) (Sodium pyrophaspMte) 5 (4) AUTHORS Tra.peznikov, A. A.; 4otova K. V. SOV/2 0 2 8- 2 - -3 2/519 TITLE- The Formation of Thixotropic Structure 411 wi OT herovul- sucrose Solution and in Bilateral Films Formol by It, and the Effect of This Structure on the Stability of Foams PERIODICAl; Doklady Akademii rauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 120, IN, 2, PP 337-340 (USM) ABSTRACT: The vis::osity and elastioity of bil-a-toral filmo (shortl,y called film in the following) was invoutigatoi by zonno of tho method of horizontal concentric rings ae dr.,nrlbod Jn referenco 2. The aeroocl OT uEed Olootyleater of walfoauvoinio acid) forms stable films. To study the effer,,t of' the aucrono, which is used to raise the stability of fcam;51 OT-3oliationa (0-045 mol/1) were trGated with 1.4 ml:!1/1 cf suorose. The results ahow (Table *1 ) that the prcperty of -the film 1geatly depends on an aging procass. In newly prepared nollitir.)ns no effect of sucrose on the viscosIty is notired, wherec.~ viucf-.~,,Aity inareases by 300 time-; in about 100 days. If the measurempnt of the film property of an orsed. solut'.Lon is repeated several timesp the visc,o3ity of the film decreases te) +*Ie criginal amount of the fresh solution (Table 2). This vian a1a:j confi.-.nmed by direct Card 1/3 raeasu.~:emant of the qo1uji,)jj -q-1SCo_34j;j (Table 3). After some The Formation of Thix,;'.rnpi:, in an OT 3307/20-12C-2-.32/59 Aerosol-su3rose 30j,,jt4Cjn and in Bk1ateral F-U-ne Fo-rmed by-7t., and the Effect of Thia Stru,,,tura on the StabUity of ?~:!imu of thA film visuc~zd.ty Nz,,r~tri Table 4). A virailar fact. w.-.w Aziervei when atabjlj_~,Y, whereas P5= r-roduced by ~-tsraful a --abolity do.' ~, 4 pending o,A the age of the .-.f ia stirrel on,11--ation au ftvo~~ aa -Oie fcam. -` a prepqxtid 3ollitic.-Ii (Fig 1). Thoref'rre a t:h:Urtrc.pA'v vtracture cf tbe 'CA'.1tior, mixed wi!;H :Lf3 aga:in dp,.,!trc,yfid *by nvsclvw_~-Ial P_ctl.oti. Thii. stalj`,ILation of the fosm ani the f Lbi c,,f an cg L ,~,ed v,Aut, on ' u ~veaohvl by retariiing the Outf '~ovv of tha V-1,4d fr~ITI fll_t~-~ I'llerEff.)rS the filins of aged aclut~.Dns rre 1r~.rl,os3 Ev,,,i 1,1t thick, while films with distizrbed 31,-r-ucturv -becopue thLn qui~~klv ;,mid c0how inter- ference cr~lczs. Thera are, 'i figure, and 4 referilnceu~ 3 of which a-re Scvlot. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiaicheskxq POLIxiii A;~.L~Acmil na:W- 253R. (111atit".1te of Physical Chemistry of the Ancvlamy .-,f S,~Ii.(at,,(:av, USH) Card 2/3 ZOTOVA, K.V.-, TRA P 7-Z NUMVP A.A. Tkia-,idedt formed from solutions of aevci!tal MA vith gelatinc- additions. Koll. zhur. 27 Mt~-A-p 105. 1 0,11PA 18W 1. Institut, Nzicheakoy Viirdi AIN AUTHORS: Zotova, K. V., and Trapeznikovj A. A. 20-11'~-5-30/54 TITLE: Shear Strength of Two-aided Film and Surface Layers in Saponin Soo lutions (Sdvigovaya prochnost' dvustoronnikh plonok i poverkhnostw nykh sloyev v rastvorakh saponina). PERIODICAV. Doklady AN SSSR) 1957p Vol. 117,1, Nr 5., I)P* 833-836 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The simultaneous investigationof the mechanical.propertles of me- chanical film and of surface layers at differing concentrations re- presents a mw method for the study of the properties and of the come position of two-sided fi.1m,, The present paper synploys the method of shear strength of surfaca layers and of two-e-Ided filw-. Two concen's tric rings consisting of platinum wire with a diameter of o,1 cm and with the radii R 1 0 2,738 cm and R2 - 2o995 cm itere, mounted in a kLow rizontal position. The further set-upof the experimental.arrangement. is described# The authors investigated various saponines, which obviv ously display widely differing abilities for th* frurmatiorL of films and of foam and different mechanical preilmrties. Here, Imported and Sovietic saponines were examined. The present paper investigates the data of one of the imported sapanines, that. io to say Kahlbaum (KalLt- Card 113 baum), which formed films of a comparative stability and with good Shear Strength of Two-aided Films and Surface Layers in Saponin Solutions.. mechanica.1 properties between the rings. A diagram illustrates the curves of the dependence of the defotmation Z an the shear strtngth for the two-aided films 6. ., which were prod=ed from solutions with, van rying concentrations* If P reaches a certain.valaie P - P , them Z increases particuliarly quickly-, This; spealra ifavour oiri f10", which is connected with a destruction of otructure. A further diagram illustrates the curves of the dependence of Z on P of surface layers in, identical saponine solutions. In generalj, they resemble the curves of the films, they show, however, a less marked transition to the vertical domain, which characterises the destruction of stracture and the floTdng process. The quantity P r of bhe surface layers increases continuousV with an increasing concentration, Lhe quantity P r of the films produced from the same solutions passes through a sharp maximum in the range of comparatively low concentrations of the solution. The strength of the adsorption layer of the film reaches only half the amount of the strength of the surfa;--e. Without doubt, even oaponines carefully purified contain components with a differing surface actio vity, even the more the cheaper varieties, which tire differing by Card 2/3 their molecular structure. The results found here permit the explAw ~0-117-557-30/511, Shear Strength of Two-sided Films and Surface Layers in Saponin Solutions. nation of numerous peculiarities of th4i stability of foam . There are 4 figures, and 6 Slavic reference3. ASSOCIATION: Institute for ftsical Chemistry AS USSR (In,,ititut fizicheakoy khin mii Akadd'hii 'nauk S23R) - PRESENTED: June 11, 1957, by P. A. Rebinder, Acadenician. SUBMITTED', June 1, 1957. Card 3/3 ZOTOVA, K.V.; TRAPEZNIKOV, A.A. Structural and mechanical properties of surface layers in solutions of saponins and of two-sided films formed by them. Koll.zhur. 26 no.2:190-197 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Moskva. __1 ~ III; RI ; -~o TRAPENIKOV, A.A. Stability of films and foams and m-dhanical properties of films froin solutions OIL' saponins, alkaryl aul-fanateLi, and eaters Of 3-Ulfosuccinic acid. Kol.10 z1aw. 26 n0.30,12-317 My-jo 161, 0+1RA -1,~Iq) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khlirdii A14' 6331(31 Moisb:va. ZOTWA, K.V.; TRAFMIKOV, A.A. $hear strength of two-si4ed films nnd surface layers In emponin solutions. Dokl. Ali SSSR 117 no-5:831-836 D 157. (MMA 11:1) 1. Inatitut fi2iCheskoy khimil Akademli nnuk SSSR. Predetnvleno nkndemikom P.A.Rebinderom. (SAponins) (Film coefficients (PhysUa)) Mil-EV,NI-E.,'~11~ it-A.; 1"I"it"VA- X.V. -propertlea (-f '.M.- nrisorpr-lan laysira nf bil"noMr. I-11: 'fite-'rfanpc t.Wf .!Iqtle~,Ua v-111-2nr - t-*!~,Unv -'a'd aqweakvi tc I.W.,''on - rubbcr, solutloa. Foil. zhur,~ 47 n-iv4t 6 t,~-61 8 &J...'jer 165. ~!','JTIA 418-:12" ).. Lmo,ltur. ~N Mcak""a" ~1: u lixt t La. 4 ~'Aly go ZOTOVA, L., aspirantka. Coot Of aeronautical chemical work. Grashd.av. 14 no.1:34 A 057. (MIJU 10A) 1. Hookovskly Whenerno-ekonomicheskiy institut Imeni Sergo ordoh*ai- kidze. (Aeronautics In agriculture) (Spraying amd dusting) SHALDIOV, Fedor And-reye-vichj ZOTOVAp L.A., red. [Winged assistants of agrictLIturel Ki7latya pmoshchniki zemledelftea. Moakvap Znauie~ 1964. 2-4 p. (11-ovae v zhiani, nauke., tekhnike. V Soriiat Sellskoe khozialstvo, no.23) (MIRA 1.7i11) TAIU10VICH, Nikolay Konstantinovich3 ZOTOVA,, ~-A-O red., (Mechanization of the chemical proteation of plants] Mekhanizatsiia khImicheskol zashchity rastenii, Mo- skvap Znaniep 1964. 32 p. (Novoo v !rhiznlv mikep tekhnike. V Seriias Sel'Bkoe kboziaistvo, no.22) (MIRA 1701) ..... ..... H i III I Nil' T![ 11 Ill "'Ii V 11 U KOROVKINp Ivan Petrovich3 ZOTOVA, L.A.; red. (Suburban agricultural factoriesl Sel'skokhozieistvolme fabriki prigoroda. Moskva. Znanje, 1964. 46 P. (Novo* v zhimiq nauke, tek~mlke. V Serilaa Sel'skoe khoziaiat-vog no.21) 011RA 17t:a) GO, Konstantin Arkndlyevinh; BOIXIEVA, N.P.p red.; ZOTCIVA, I-A.) red . : , 1!~,. .~ 1: f. (Chemistry protectj crups I Khlralia vishc!~l ihchwu t, zhai. Moskva, lzd-vo "ZnanAtq," 11)64. 27 p. (Wwrori v zhizni, nauke, tokhriike. V Serilq: Selt3koe no. 12) (JAIWA a7.7) , ,I w Lonnia '*()Ilt-'YcvvR+; X.TOVA, L..A.J rod. flilitrition Of l'it.flIAO I'M- -1 -joe - -I Ivo "Znanie," 190. 31 P. (No . v zhiml, riwilm, nike. V Seviia; S-311.9--cle khuziz.I.Avo, n(j.1) (MIrril .18:1) KOIIOLEV, borls Aleksandrovich;-ZOTOVA, L.A., red. [Let ua intensify our agriculture] ~esti kMzIaitjtvo intensivno. Moskvas Izd-vo "Znanie," 19(4. 32 p. (Novoe v sshiml, nauke, tekhnike, V Serlia: Sel'skoe khozialstvo, no.11) (MIRA 17:7) BALYURA, Vladimir Ivanovichj kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ZOTCIIA, L.A., red. . ..... - .- - . (Breeding of enrly ripening typea] SelcT 'IR nu rko- rcspelost'. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1964. 41, P. (Novoe v zhizni, naukes teklinike. V Seril.a: Sel'skoe Ithozinistvo, n0.9) (MIFU 17,-0) 21-66 ENIM I% t 1'd 1.1 ~c CC MR, AT60W78P SOUR~E' CXMDI~-'~' TAI VIA, ).3/6' AL7-HOR: Nikola- Z ,YevBkiy 't1:"'M_ L. G. ORG: none TITLE- Low-temperature parametero of trani?,1jitors S 0 UB 1GE: Poluprovrodnikovyyq, pribory 1, 1111 pftm-2,mnAyc; abaru.41c 6-tatial, no. 1k, 1965, 3-19 TOPIC TAGS: germanium, transistor, paranoter Theoretical and exj:~eerilrentfll (1~0;o ~r-gvr-Uiip, cuvv:!i:it; vnil'.A11ficntion and Input and output impedance of vcx-Alovl; Of tho trarjoistown in low-temperfAurel rang,,~s uq consldercd. An 11(jilid retv.1geratioti clicmbe-A, is ile- s-ri'-ed; t1lis chonber kef2ps M10' Of the riedium w1thin the low tem:;varattire down to -160C, ri'h devlatian~; not o~lceedin(r + X". 11lie Ri-i of t"10 stil y WIns A to fill the exiGting grav In the theoretien-1 'mnd dr;J;v. on the low.,frexrtAen-i cy operation of geiiiianititi tv'~GIIItors In t'y'e vc~ngv doin to G~:qphB culd data prenented ' In the 0--iriinrA ~%rtlclc- oii ~vymntkncafl of r)letor cllf?ctric ])'Ixau~eterj nxe oil 10-40 t278.nfliltors of each type tested. Orig. art, hco: I)i I tnb.ln, !ind 2!, fDrLMAIL13. 0(p) SUB CODE: Oq/ S'UBM DATB: 0111a FaV: 003/ Qrff RVF: 002/ UDC. 621,382.342.02MW 415 I - ... ... ___UR/0 1 ii167/DO016df1O06816&j_0 ACC NRI AP7003850 SOURCE CODEs AUTHORS, Zot va,_.4., K. (Candidate of technical sciences, Docent); Shaahkin, A. S. (Candidate of technical sciences); Gellfond, A. S. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: New chip-~reaking mechanisms for turning lathes SOURCE: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 1, 1967, 68-70 TOPIC TAGS: lathe, cutting tool, high speed metal cutting, alloy, steel/ TWO alloy, IK62 lathe, 1Kh18N9T steel, 2Kh13 steel, 40Kh steel, 30KhGSXA steel ABSTRACT: Gear-a~d-lever chip-breaking mechanisms for lathes are described. The breaking method used here was described earlier by L. K. Zoton, A. S. Sha3hkin, and A. 3. Gellfond (Univer 11 e struzhkolomatellnyye mekhanizqr dlya tokarnykh stankov. 'MI., COSINTI, No. ny 21-64!763/ayp 1964). The mechanisms provide diverse and controllable rules for cutting-tool feed (see Fig. 1). Control tests ware performed with T5X1O hard alloy and with 1Kh18N9T, M13, 40Kh, and 30KhGSXA steels. It tra,3 found that intermittent cutting ensured reliable and stable chip breaking over afairly wide range of machinable materials, cutting conditions, and tool geometi-j. High-speed turning with the use of the described mechanisms provides safer operatLng conditional since the chips are obtained in the form of short, coiled spirals. The mechanism permits the lathe to be switched from intermittent to continuouz cutting. Application Card ACC NRs AP7003850 Fig. 1. of these mechanisms does not interfere with the general-purpose operation of a lathe when properly designed. Orig. art. hasi 2 formulas, 2 diagramm, and 3 graphs. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATEt none/ ORIG REFt 005 Card 2 / 2) Z,OTGVAY L. K. G.1,2 Iroco-s:; Of ,h ,n at' SiLnvlr.~rj In the Pre-ian(::O Cf IlInvi~stigation fo Spoed Cutting." ',in 1!-eg-,-y 1'rjc'- Ine Contral ;(,i 10a Irmt, of' Tcychnolofyy and Ilichine Nildinrl (TsiIIIIII'vish), Cosccw 1953 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical 3cicnces,l SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', Nlo. 32, 6 Aug 55 ~ 0 - 0. ~7,-* ' ,~' r;f 77',,': i-'- .- *-'~ " ~D P.11"J" HY N KQ ~; N, i ~ F A.- ~._, I . ~ ~ - - ! n-~ '. t3 f, I r7,j * i i IT th!~ ai' cu'~Anp havinIF wallifaced ~ -1 . 1, 11 tit', 'Itsir, i it'gfr. :'6 no.6,03-35 7(i 165. ( IM !,R A 18 , 8 ) SOI~/124-57-4-4752 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 126 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zotova, L. K. 14d, TITLE: On the Process of Curling oi Metal Sliav'.ngs (0 protsesse struzh kozavivaniya) PERIODICAL: Sb. statey. Urallskiy politicklin, ~n- t., 1951), Nr 63, pp 6.3-69 ABSTRACT: The problem of controlled ch~pp ng s d'scu_qi5ed mi one of the aspects brought into foreground by the adopt'on (A h gh-speed metal-cutting methods. Hot, sharp-edged sha `rgs presew a haza-d for the operator and are unwieldy ;;n trans pr, rta I." on; t. ;s, !!- refore, desir- able that safe, curled shavings be producea in tht croirse of machining. Certain considerations are presented perm.11ing Yal on;31 select:on and design of attachments to induce the curl',ng of shav'ngs. On the screncyth of his own experimental data, the author concludes that a reduction in the width of contact, between ~hc cutt.;ng too] and the shaving results in a reduction of the curvattire of the latter. See also RZhMqkh, 1957, Nr 4, abstiact 4743. Card 1/1 G. S. Shap 'L r o ZOTGVA~, L.M,, kand.okonom.nauk Eatimting the operations of furniture oaterprIses. Der.prom, 11 noo4:1-3 Ap 162. OUR& 1.5 94) 1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy ekonomichemkiy inatitut Gosekonamoveta SSSRc (Awniture industry) ; iI ;1! 0~ : ;: ! I I !, 1. i II 4.11, 1 , j ,I ATI ;~ :;I .. I il I, i klit I ; iii 1, ,. 1~* ~~ .1 :~ ;;I!; ; : fl! . 1 USSR / General and Special Zoology. Insects. P Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 11706 Author Zotova L. M. Inst Not given --- Title The Effectiveness of the Use of Aviation in the Control of Pests. Orig Pub: Sakharnata svekla, 1957, No 2, 37-39. Abstract; No abstract. Card 1/1 13 YAGUFOLISFAYA, L.t7.; Cju!BMI, V.F.; ZOTOW, L.11 Effect of ijoth-ermal ho'ding at 70(3 0, on the cr)Y-rosi-:,n resistance of welded joints in the Avlg6 alloy. Avtom. svar. 17 no.8:31-35 Ag Q4. O"Ll+LA 1. In3titut elektroavarki Imeni Hitana All UkxbSR. L 35871-66 EWT(m)/EWP(t)/ETZ IJP(c) Xk/JL/t,_V/JG/WG Z ACC NR, AP6021486 SOURCE CODE: UR10413166100010111012810128 INVMMR- Rabkin, D. M.; Ysgupollskma.-L. .-, 14angtr.,_X. A.; Dovbighchenko, I. V.; Nikitins, A., V.; Zotove L. M-;V N. A.; Yelegin, V" Ishchenko, A. Ya.; ORG: none TITLE: Filler-vire for argon-shielded are velging of alumin-int Class 49, No. 182487 (announced by th- Electric Welding Institute im. 11 (Institut elektrosvarkV SOURCE: Izobrateniya, pron7shlennyyi obraztsy, tovarnyye znahi, no. 11, 1966, 128 TOPIC TAGS: welding, aluminum %M'Mt, are welding, argon,, welding wire, aluminum wiri, CA ftA400-0- /UA14W#*,,.A~04q.4. ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate Intioducen a filler-wire for argon!ehlelded arc welding of aluminum. To Improve the weld corrosion-reelstpacet the wire contains 0. 8-1.2% QuaLup and 0 T-1-2% zirconium. IND) SUB CODE: 11, 1 V SUBM DATEs 3/-'IAIrD FRM-.6"o 3/ Cwd 1/1 qDc.- ZOTOVA, L.P.; YASTRVOUSKIY, A.L. Floating valves of flush tanks and their principal tenimical characteristics. Sbor. trud. ITTIST no.11t133-11t5 162 (KIRA 18s1) 770 k--j AKOTBYAR, A.A., professor; ZOTOVA, K*X.; FILATOVA, A.L.1 TII:RONOV# V.P. Amonavocillin in the treatment of syphilis. Iremb. vd-n I dorm. ao.4: 46-48 Jl-Ag 154. (MLRA 7:0) 1. Is kafedry kozhzWkh I venericheakikh bolezney (sav. prof. A.A, Akovb.van) Taahkentakogo moditatuokogo inatituta imeni T.K.Holotora. (MICILLIM, aeratives, Oprocalno penicillin$ ther. of syphilis, with okaoltn) (SYPHILIS, therapy, *penicillin, procalne# with okmolin) (ANTIBIOTICS, therapeutic use, Oekmolin In syphilis, with procaina penicillin) I Olt OM is It- 14 , V IF p v It - - I j.A.- A. A k. A C.; 1. A A . ... ..... _,.---,_... .. , -......'-A."... ., .. . - I , --if FOE-01111 0 1-09 Al. 1,14m]VA, l"poly 1,11,141p 1#4A, No. V1 L4 mitme Will. JWO 1. A4tNUj)4Ai4 + Al a. %:4- in lowu gild. 1*4. oul a 0 ir, tbom 4"411410111 4r)Ll_Nk)'- A rv%t itte, &111 it, %Aj thii Illim 1111r, to- 15 min, VNEwl. mt~ b" all all I li till. lool, , A k : 00 44C ell (N" h)s soo . . 0 1 11 Jil I 00 4ittil. in, at . a bill. "ottir Wilt aW okWu VO 1 1 WW l 4 4 . 11A alks 1 1 111 0 A IL g and b-6 V. A 49W Ft V - 1i 0 ll- set vat as 4:111thado; .4twim-matilic 1 11,1 h i I l" k d M 00 s ituti ys s 1 , dtf, Is the itnell"t. ML It O A Ilir 1 he anxk '"Ok *MW mad dw k1irml. mmilv ki :I* 11A fsm xb smoft im". M-lb till. l1NO% (d. 1.4 itt- ~ StOwir with 3-6 drolps A fivap. On lmt tba water bobtdimmly.-.11-ibe irciulmot ba 0.5 oil. IIN(h cool 1; 1) UW det. The Pb cuwlvmcuin~. By thu AW(had ( r0 0 Ar .05-1,0 mg. Pip can bo ddd. The waytan requitci S- It 0 hill. The MA1111111,141COrtoct u-931%ut the U-1081 Pit 1,011. W. iltattles t hitcr( it n fS dt 1h iv . imrs u c e;wlwwmo a tent. , l l chtwi S . i ii tt totelances. -I L uz-,~ 'lot IT" o I LL An I I I hd 4 UP ft It AP It INS ill* 31111111 Hot to 0 * r 0 0 0 000006 0 04 0,06 00 00 44 - * 40-60-0-16 *00 g-A _0 !o 0 11 0 go 0 a v 0 f), )j J-3 !.,,,WS,,i1 cultivation. Mineral, 1ftrtilizers. j=. Bef Zhur-BiolOgiYa., NO 1-1 1958j, 1256- bs 0 A zotoval kuthor :KOdAnev) I')(,o, -MW -Station. Tust :GorIkovskiY y Combination station. Title :ErPeriments of the Gortkavski Orig pub-. udabreniYe i urozbayy 1956, Ho 8, 56-57* been established tb&t n'~rogen fer"ilizecs have a Abstract: It bas rop (barley) yields onj a nega- favorable effect on cover c ion. When applied. tive one on the clover-tiMOtbY cOmbinat to a lucerne-Ows mixture., the grass harvest inaVaUesp" the reaction of the luceme upon nitrag-10 fer41lizOr"s but ey as is the growth of the luoq_i-me in covbi- is less favOrabl grass element. FhosyhOrous~puwsjum ferti- nation with the increased the yiPld of clo"T lization of the cover crOY Card 1/2 _26- _XaL__FIertjUzers, -ibur.- Ilef Zhur.210joglya'lfo 31 -1958, 1.256. J-3 and 'lucerner espeel.14 . 'hese Moses the first ye4r of to adVIication. reglOns where g"ras'e'---ded f-I Use I-U fieIA rot,htlons 1. a eMn be gown suceesaftlU.. 2/2 .27- USSR Pharmacology, Toiticology. Chemotherapeutic Agents. U-7 Abe Jour t Ref. Zh.-Biol., No 2, 1958, No 8136 Author i Akovbyan, A.A., Zotova, M. E., Kvallvasser, 11,P. Inst Title t 'rho Treatment of Luetio Patients Acoording to the 1949 and 1951 Schemes. Orig Pub : Za Sotz. Zkravookhr. Uzbekist&na, 1956, No 1p 32-35. Abstract s When the luetio patients were treated with penicillin according to -the schemes of 1949 and 1951, the mverago disappearance of Treponema pallidim from the syphilidoe occurred in 10 or 15 hours (from 3 to 36 hours)l the other average data were as followsi opitholization of the oh4tnoro in 12.6 days, disappenranoo of ronoola in 15,1) dqa, rosorptLon of lonticular populas in 9 days, and disappearance of nodules Card 1 1/2 ZOTOVA, M. G. Cand Biol Soi -- "Curative effect of unithiole In radiation j-4, " 1 sickness oauaed by lli~ftvn of polonium." Mos, 1961 (Aaad Mod gai USSR). (KL, 4-61, 192) -126- F b 2 2: 10 5 a t e r* - !c c, u e ii d n, !i i r,, o 1: z, i p h. o v a k, ti erw i n, e c, r g a.1i 4, o t ,'I I-,, j1h.1 t f~ 11 Q il, C t I N, L I. dur A n,l; el c u t e c C d ~M! ff WJ, E, :i~~ M I 11P. t. 1' 1. 1)m po t.1 1: ;1 if t~. 6..- Iv L t. v I- fi ;i~3 f 6 io r, 'r i. n et n Ln, a :~i I ri L e r va, j .Ln m 1'. of ~l I- a :71 v(d 3 I & A kA o JI T A t 1if if 1; w ml s e L v e i ti e r I t.1 r V. A if j0 p'j r 1. oi r a t s f? 14 f? e1 'I U. it tj 8 0t 1-1 ..'1 u r t 1: card 1/2 Water-so I ub I e 5de no s im~�tr I, p1,10 17 It er, rct radiat ton iuftev which ti-113 act;iVit).01t rose but did not rettArn to Tihprilie '13;rec u i1 i e I "1 4 1,:: :1 r, F C i~' 1'~ (I it tL cl 1, ni "Irl I o I t ;I t t 11'.1 f r z I a L 1-1:1 1 1: f i J- 0 t aiLP !1111:1 ~g A c: L~ r, 0 ID Car, 2/2 ZOTCYVA. M.G. Vater-ooluble adenosinetriphosphatass in the cirgans of rate affected by polonium. Hadiobiologiia 3 no.101-23 163o (MIRA l6r2) (ADENOSMTRIMOSPILATASE) (POLONIUM-PHYSIOLOGICAL EF 1; ~ M. G. "A Description oC th~.i M,(~dicirLLj. 01' Uixit;hicl,.L,,~~ in In"lury." report presurited at tlne 1-46tii mQe'tIr,,'r #-;f til---. ()," 1; .1.1 , " , , ~j~y 0, q:L~ I - 1:;,? 1, . .)-L 1 .1 L .~ of tile Moscow Society of Physloiq lotn, BiOcllell)it~tj Mid 5 Ml-r. :L,, 31 2" J58. II Moocow Medical InstiLute (FarnankolQgiia i TokslkoloGila, P1., no 6, Nov-[K~c ~J6, p. (A'j') I 1 1- .,1 11 11 , 1. ., ......-I , . ZOTOVA, M.G. (Moskva) Zffect of unithiol In the secretion of polo-nium (Po230) from the boV. Medorade 3 no.6:67-68 N-D 158. (NnU 12:1) (POLONIUM IN THE BODY) (PROPANEMU"IC ACrD) 56 FWT 1~ I i E.11D~ RG ACCESSTON MR: AF~024175 6 3 1. ea. 01IM615, 32 01MR: Zotova, K. 1.; 9 ry X air, G. V. Sarattikov, TITLE: Golden root - P new atimulaint wid adaptogertic divuS SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sil~lrskaye otdeleuiTo. Irveattys. Seriyat bilola r'a-aedt told(& nauk, no. 2. 1965, 111-119 TOPIC TAGS: plant grcwth, plid-twicognozy, eVeriMtaL soinjall, UJI1,.jousi 114ipj d drug effect, bodily faitigue, Eleuthersesaccwi, thadiols rveon, L USTRAM - Rhadiola rosent (golde-a roat) is described in 61tatill amd Its phtarrui- colagical effects are compared ulth thoue of Eleuthattrococcus. LAtarature data, an the effects of Rho&iola rasea are cant radi ato vy, larg4ily, beciause df diffelvnt drying and extractLact mathods. Itt, the pmmenc (itudy, lWo~tblaLa, n:isna rooto Sethered in the Altai regtou were dried im 60" attt,i extracted by- at rcipercr-11ation ne-thad (taing the folloving au solvents: 0.51 aqwuotui chi*roform, 20" (Ithyl 01,cohol, 44)" athyl alcohol, and 71D' athyl aicchol. Tht- Firlau'lailt effect 'if 10~'a eurvill-t wan detetruline6 by channgea in tk.,e lenq1to of tim,2 Wh!~AP VOCU WL'r'21 Ab.lo~ tv -.1in,V, to a vert.11cal ri-,)tl briforn tmd iftr!i ndmin..,j t ration 3f the txtrw,.-.t, rindingm ohow that all the Malt e 71L r 3~c t a Vs duce bod7 fnu.LF_uf4, 1)ixt ~o &Alfortric diagraita- 40' (iturair-11 by 2 7;- v 7-L 1937-66 ACCESSION UK: APSCIZ4175 350%, the 20' alcohol extract by 99%. the aqueous chlaroll'arn aaract by 95%, and the 70* alcolial extract by 51t. The antihypnotic eiffect of Rhodiola roso-a extract was investigated in wttitet ad,ce by injecting; it smhcutancously I lit li-eforia administering vedinal (0.1.5 mg/g doiile). Rhodicila rosea. untract did not change the time elapsed before the mimial fell asleep, but did iteiduce the duration o~ sleep cor-siderablv. The sleari perlod was reduced by 64, wt.n, b), the 40 alcohol extract, and by 21 to 28 min bIr che other extraicts. In teattup the adaptageatic effects of P110diola roiea, the extriact ures found camp air ab Le to Eleuthera4wCcusl and other adaptogeas in. LnhilittAnig tht development of' cell'tain pathological hematological reactions. ConsAde!rIng the Bimilarity of' thia- atlmulant and adzpco- gen-ic effects of Rhodiola ronen, amd Ele-utherococcus, and the aliundance of Modiola roeea in the USSR ~Altal.s, Urals, Lticutak., Zvbaykal, PritwrslLty 11ray, Kamchatka, rand Chukbatnk Penfr-,iula) , Rhc-diole rosea liqixtd extract is reevmnended for v1deppread clinica-1 te.9tiall. Orig. nrt. *ims: 5 filnim!.9 itud 3 tableo. [(06', AIS S rff-I AT I ON Tnv--ki7 Ctaunk HiqdicAd zo -.1- r 14 PIT; KMANZV, I.M.;ZOTOVA, M.L. Iffect of cultivation methods on barley productivity and brewine qualities in Gorkiy Province. Trudy VNIU? no.5., 159-176 155. (gw 9:1) (Gorkir Province--Barley) mv;,' 1". Devalorn~int o-f m;ourcon Vcnoh. 1-lorg. la i-.c. 2:3c,-44 'S1- 14:2) too 1 1 0 it u is w to 11 u 004 it tj 8 A -1 Is m m It in a 0 L 1. 1 1 0 4 T , I, I R~ t I. ? It 11 1 r It IV I so 46qt) I - . I . . . 0 iD.170 V A_ M ..V Standardigation of (writuilgi ink -00 firwul l'iet'li,mg SONIA -114114.1,11A. 1"'I. Bumazil. oe i Trams. AU-1,*xime Nt, HoiniptA Init, -00 ot c 11aptv ("Adoor jffld.~ 1932, No. :1. 11-201-7~x Study - 040 stsilds"I fortillu Ntid deftfirstic luki Ivill to the 114iming 0 It t1w4uplions T1w Orivirically p6%, MOM 14 re 44114 ill ink can Vie rritirdy ciminterwted bir it tarot- cktialwil of not 0 Sis 0 acid; will% the tight livirlNortion fit Fv atwill licid in ink, Aft 1011111", eill A till(AlIWIV 011411d dYj, 'Alli 0111119r ink mortfetlim of two l1w 1W.1 lisr palliv [1w et"llpfl. .'1 :00 "Us Inuit Ift- hmic,,11 with m1miwo 4 aml notaid lit idliv, An't .11111. 1 IAK IMM (111 Fil Will. 14111U111111' a** 0 a mi'llimil Ili little Ailb Ili, d-IIII'limi if IIAII.r I I.- twst r"ult. iscir olitaint.1 with r"-tpqn mnifl. 114-1-timli, kharo"I how ilyv%. rwiv a,lmwlwtl Ill- crju vi- willi aeo e Ow. film.&IL.011 of mmpd-~ Fit, litialitity &".1 000 41olility it: 1'rl'ilwillo 111411410,14 him lit, too J DillkV41110 V I all in-virmistill lift"witull of I r 14,1111" AW the I(Auictkm a min. of the laller 1. advi.414- Chat. Millie ;00 19 WE :809 FO - - : 00 too, j I tto* A % a S L A 811TALL04KAL L1Tf4A1U-f CLAV%WWATION tz- ire* iNi $1- t Is AV 00 H; n, It -1 ar it R ire 11 it a 0 00 to 0! 00 0 4 9 it eit 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 # 111 00 00 0 0 of 0 0 0 0 zo 0 00 or 010 a 0 0 * a to 0 0 0 to 0 :10 0 Qiq 0 * 4 ( 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 40160 A Q At-L I- -V W.. 9 0 _. ;#iI Dwro w 1. A, _t 00 FA$4 Tollmmlit* OdamNation of I*mdtn In Damimift. N.,7,191y, 0 (74tud. 14b., 1934. 8.44131 OrM. Chew. 14. 1W 1111. 1490~.-Jla l6iiiijin.11, 2 grm, of Duralutivin am disoolrod in 40 e.e. IA Vil% K011, tl* mllutioli hi diliavd. mill the lowltilato of ru. Fe. Mg. and Uri h)1lhixl1IhP# l4dimilird In M ex. of rAncentratrd RN01; ggnm.. tit KOO. am altiWi. mil the whillim ill mncvntratrd to 10 e c w wn n Ile stra all MM)I. The miloppriskjoi in ,.~. ',4 W,; NH d1ki" in &) ex.. 30 ration d" to , 1 -16 AAW. fuld aqw4nis Nit, (1) All formatiem of a bill" = Mo.-Emplemrs. The volut"i is filteml, P Joe the filtrMe "mtAining only Cu anod Mg Is d"rolodwil by excew id l(Y11 too and TA ir ir of 231" hydmiyquil"m in PAOlf am iwhW tit IRA ~il'l precipitate We salt of hydruityliminoline it diasolved in whim MO. PIM" it titm" with 0-lN-M&j3,().-8. 6. S L A .11 TALLUO.GXAL LITt*ATW&t CLAISAFKATPON a- T-T 4- w-1-7- -4 _W, 11r, T 6 u '0 Ll!: it 80 K 0 9 U It 0 KW 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 * 4 * 4 0 0 too wee ZOO W7 S'i iii'lotioI V. 11 a w 0 m -1 -I-*i-W"j_ 1 i 94 in !$ 4 * a 0 * 0 0 0 0 W,ir 0 1 0 0 - I 1 11 6 1 1 !v191.1 11.1,000 I e3 1 1 6 s 4 1 1 0 tt ti it w w it is K in k o M 1 r4 1%? 808 Of 1~1 Ai it It ISA A GVC d"r 0 A D L .... .. O s . . I i. ' 09 00 A ; ;;LC)TOVO 4 - " T 0 ro NUU(Wtwo of Ilk* "mew 1"We "gogiletw" 11 o DwinnolittlU and N. 1utdvo. I&- iffAthuf subttitute uw~ Is t6 manut. tof The in"Its is JittrA. ftom p"urbil viltvinvoi, Matter -U14 btather wapto. The laturr inum 1v dottmnn~i o W-ve dilintrarmlion Ito 1whiiwi on milliviii tht tp(ImIM tolm 414 iinue. Tit,, 1114161ill" Is 14clictivied Ill, ajdaw 0-i'mir thAn I %vaiww'; ill" mpluri, 11"VI'Vel, is 121111tilt 4 *00 the dw%lied mok vitth Ottvilke, altivil atut hytk'wAu%t4 Nvml' tous formula% ate tiven). The bfudi-r cousicm (4 latt-A utut AJ i goo of: A or an w d for cnextitatkon. The tilt-cis of the lon- ization of varint" Compo"Cuts all the belting prk"ttims, "t U the nder are diwimsed. The prorr-swi air ilricrilwd in detail. A. A. 11-hilinfli ro 0 roo 00 A l 00 9 A t J" t oo J t Sit; l a it AV 00 L% ; ; of a it a cc it a a two," 9'1'-W It I ~IA AIR g t l w is t . im"O 0 0 0 0 ' 1 a a a 0 Co * 0 0 0 : 0:9 0 o 4 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 0 0 4 0 6 a 000o0 a 0 0 0 0 I A 111H ~Pflldlli 11111* 111;1H 11111;H1 F: 11!; i'J A! Z,~)TJVA, i1. A. Dissertation defended for the de,(,ree of Candidi-ite of L,I'coa,~imic 3clonces at the In3titute of 2;conomics "Foreim Trade of the i4.-Lanian People ReVublic with th-9 Union 0 and Its Role in Building the iucialist -'eunomy of 14mania." Vestnik Akad. Nauk, No. 4, 1963, pp 119-145 SERGEYEV, V.P.; TARNOVSKIY, 0.1.; MITROFANOVAt H.M.1 SHMELEV, N.P.; SHABLININA, V.I.; SKVOHTSOVAp A.1,; VASILITSOVt V.D.; KRASNOGLAZOV., B.P.; BELYAYEV, Yu.11.1 XURAKIN, V.A.; YtIMTNI M.N.; SERGEYEV, V.P.; ZOTOVA, N.A.; MATVIYEVSKATA, E.P.; STMIOV, A.D., otv, red.; red. izd-va; NOVICHKOVA, N.D., teklin. red. Vconomic cooperation and-mutual aid in socialist countilies)Eko- nomicheskoe sotrudnichestvo i mimopomoshoh' notsialistichaskikh stran, Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 272 p, (MXRA,!~121, 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekanomiki mirovoy Bats S cheskoy sistemy. (Communist countries-Foreign economio relations) (Communist countries-Induetrioa) -L-0 A AM esO: 00 m I A.A.. C.1 lsiawiw, .. ...... -M a t: of athy is to ML d's-KNE4 WL Of A"- 4004 1e 0 1 - ~~ A~ liliddlis our"d * I by WT, A of I 11FRA I k 0 r.6 ASPIT OKA. 0 A et v C7 99 v 11 M It of IV 00 '60 oes 00 o 0 0 6 0 0 0 oil 0 0 491 A - - .-M, mill 141ijiltj ., - , - . 1 11 If W it III ILI ? " 0 9 31 C.. A. a p A "ATT 1_ T L 1. 11-A AL a I It L 41, it 0.0"Ifter'll -.041 A 00 00 DeternIttsootion of ollignesiam by titralidlis flad tadifluva 09 It bylOtOM41#1*MaiyfAoio cadinium bronzec. N.LZ,)tyvs. 'S /')t*q)Jo;Vd 1.4b. 7, 970 2j Mpo.-All file -of cd, ~400 00 1 W'mleoi M It 4oll, a- S'llf), with WN(h *fill cil if) ill$? 00 s fiftfale for tim-It4ttic lvvi~ its umud. lit Out 64n, of ~41114111 CA (0.1214).13","o) by the LtWe slut Trtm%kava nwiluld .00 00 A 4 Internal rlecirtilyMs (C. A. 31, 041. 77M11) Uilllolwlwy "'tilts can be ollotailica only it) a jf#M)s *)Ill. fired twrxn .00 I'li fraces of nitrate. Me is field. tu it f4p. Simple. sof 0 Fvap. a milin. of I a. Ad turnings in it) inf. WNO~ id. 1.12) .00 so j KAMA MI. (4 "W"!; lip*). to Ittliling, add "'(1 "d. U hot Wulff SlIff orlet-Indym with a llt~vlrvl anolle slut If$ cathode it a 3-4 amp. f(W 1-1.5 his. becul the Mj tkctrtgyte stiff loisib the amalgam fif Cot, Cot and.Sis *fill luxt fratet. lit the united volles, ate sliShtly filitijot, sild 11) nil, tit 26L,'i 11 L4 0 00 W NIIXI wild 14) felt. rxtorwNHkH loni. dlitr sail w4xh the 00 'a Plot. with hill water.) Treat it. 1111ited Millut, Wilb a AiJight r!wcvm at MIAMI, plit. Mif vpiih 7-9 nil. of 31,~~ air. 140 at W-60" wootill tbr lipt, with dd. A N11,011 and lt#A wal". th4oolve it In the filter with 311, till. 0 'd or and vi"is of into the filtrate 3 oltopecof 1%10 ixt"Min Knr-KBKN "till &W to the yellow "it. a nil. nf 20170 KI and thisit with 0.1 N No"). &PA a bitafelf idn. Wjl*qc If ii- Al V. I tit 0 a. I& a 94741.04111ZAI. 4.171111ATLAV CS.-StAl"KA1100 i 1,00 0ii,ii,ii ;o~ 0 43.9 off 40 I A- .. v-_-v-'-rtr"'* 0 0 11 Ar W I a 9 A U I If '0 41 or it 09 a . . off . 4 A ~ 0 0 * Ole 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 off 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 a # 0 0 0 0 a _0_O_" jo 000000 00 0 0 off 0 4 :f* 0` 0 # 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 : oil (it, E rf,~... rL ho Y-mr,h f t', 0 6," P,Tlb- . 4 3 no. 10 (viv. ria. Imi tu I W."J'Al )I, -) zo,roVA, H.T. Efffict, of the dinUirbance of the integrity of thn optic thalitmus on the arterial collateral blood supply to the stomach. Arkli.- anat., gist. i embr. 49 no.8j45-50 Ag 165. (ICRA 1819) 1. Katedra normallnoy anatomil (viv.- snaluchennyy deyattll nauki prof. M.G. Prives) I-go Leningradmkogo meditsInnkope instituta Imni akadf-mika I.P. Pavlovii. BABINt YeP,,; M-OPERM, A.A..1 ZOTOVA N.' Bcxon fluoride an catalyst in reactions prmotIng the. removal of sulfur frcm oeke ch6mizal benz-anaij. Zhur.prikl4khim, 38 no.611253- 1256 Se 165. (MIRA 18,10) 2. Donetekvys otdaleni.yej InotiWL-i orpnichask.