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KUPJAKOV, Nikolay Semenovich; CIIERNYAYEV, I. L, akademik, ~otv. red.;, ZVYAGINTSEV 0 Aoktor khim. ~YiAuk, otV,.red,,i F- BOGUSH, red.; BELOVA, V.I., red.; SINKNA, G.S., teklm, red. [Works an the chemistI7 of complex compounds]Tru Iay po khimii kompleksriykh soedinenii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1963. 154 P. (MIRA 1614) (Complex compounds) WG.76/63/000/Q03/017/020 AUTHORS: Zv.Ya a arov t Gon h TIT LE Neodymiumi hydrooxo:'glycinate and by4:PoQxo alaninate.'. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal e r k n o ganicheakoy, h m1i vi 8;` 3# 1963.' 769-770-' TEXT: The above compounds were separated-ou~ b'y': 'the- aq,4top O;pl;'4 solvents on stoichiometric mixtures of 801ution,s.. *--pink.~o1at* powder, insoluble in'w'aiter methan6l aoeto .ne,! ethe!r',: as obtained by the.action of m1ethyl.61c'ohol on~a -a toiohjometrio VjXtyji ~f --sodium glycinate and-NaCl solutions' The..the=ogram J. (2 :1) 0# 3 substance showed three endothermic re act ions i aepar'ation..'of - three ~vat 01 molecules at 1060C; of one water ''M0,12cule'at 135 G, and decomposition of the dehydrog6nateidsalt ah 2 OuC..' T~ese data su gge a the following structure for the compound.-...E~d((O[T)Gi (H 0)) 392A!' A'- pink-colored powder, acetone, bonlzene,'and ether, soluble in methan*ol, and unstable in water,'wae'produced'from 5(CH CO+2AnNa+NdCl .3 2, 31 Card 1/2 SINITSYN, N.M.; ZVYAGINTSEV, Oje. Reciprocal effect of atoms and groups in complex nitroso compounds 6f rhutenium. DoklAN SSSR 145 no'.11109-111 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7)z 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimiilimeni N.S.Kurnakova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akadamikom I.I.ChernyVevym, (Rhutenium compourAs) (Nitrow ooapoundis) ye CHUGAYEV$ Lev Aleksandrovich; dolctor Icb1m. nauk, e*p otv. red.; TRIFONOV, D.N.. ~red.;s ~IPPOILZY~.A, T.V., toYhn. red. [L.A.Chugpev; selected works] lzbramqe trud;~, Moakva) lzd-,vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vol.3. 1962. 1490 po (14MA 15:8) (Chugaev, Lev Aleksandrovich,, 1873-1922) (Chemistry) d n the octrthodral cc!r.,J'-----rjo oC plalcir- Zhur. khii-a. 17:11) Ag ZVY-AGINTSEV, S.N. Biological data on black flieu in water reservoirs: migration of the larvae in the ftybyshev Reservoir. %d.parazA paras.bol. no.1:9-15 162. (MIRA 15:5Y 1. Iz entomologicheakogo otdela.(zav. - prof. V.P. Beltlemishev)! Institute meditsinskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy moditsiny imeni Ye.I. Martsinovskogo (dir. - prof. P.G. bergiyev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (KUYVISHEV RESERVOIR.-MACK n1m) on ba b"cla-gy of blankfliea (Dipta ~a, Sntttlidae) in Diatrihj,,,ti~n oT vao undai; cond~tlors of the ;165-1 Z Vc-*;~gs. ?&d, jmvs2~ j--raz. bel. 34 ac,102-38 Ta-,P 'r I Fn- tomf)~ Y U..tiln.,3kc7 W.~razitblcg`l I tr i- s t t INP -~imans.ylx SSSR, K--3kva* ZVYAGI-NESEV, S. H. "Methods of Predicting the Anopheles Population in the tvater Reservoirs to 13 eBuilt in the Plains Area of the USSR,11 Sub. 7 Apr 47, Iqqt of Malaria, Medical Parasitology and Helminthologr, Acad Med Sci USSR. Dissertations presented for degree Ia in science and engineering In Moscowlin 1947. SO: Sum.No.457, 18 Apr 55 A M ZV Y.A U 1NTbk;V) 6a No L;ANi)G L31010go Q01* Dissertation: "Methods of Predicting the Anopheles Population In the Water Reservoirs to be Built in the Plains Area of the U35R.", InBt of Malariai Medical Parasitology and Helminthology) Med Sci USSR, 7 Apr 47 SO: VechernyayA Moskva, Apr, 1947 (Project #17836) SMIYMV. P.G.; RASHINA, M.G.; VASILIKOYA, Z.G.; pUcKOp=Ot L.I.; LYSMIKO,,A.Ya.; S.N.; OLIFAN, V.I.; BANDIN, A.I.; RaMBUNOTAP P.I., TIJ40FMTA, L.V.; In memory of A.D.Polumordinov. Ned.paras.1 partiz.bol, no-3:287 VT~-,Te;153. (MU'; 6:8) (Pblumordinov, Arsenii Ihitrieviah, 1902-1953) Jul "Project Data for Designing Additional Plant and a Block;of 3D0 000 kW capacity for Operation with Steam of the Initial Parameters 300 atz., 6500 C." The'-ComvAbdionfor High;-parameter Steam of: the EnergatichoskiX institut (Power- Institute) imeni 0. M Krzhizhanovskogo Ali SM h6ld a'confarence on May 16o 1958 devoted to new types of equipment for block-assmaed power stations, operAtifig at super-critical steam parameters. This paper m read at this con- ference. Izv. Akad Nauk SSSR., Otdol Tekh nauk, 1958, No- 7P P- 152 ~_J `7 VYl r, / A/TS7,9 BOV/96-58:"9-20/21 AUTHOR: Belinskiy, S.Ya. (Candidate of Technical Science) TITLE: A Conference on Now Types of Equipment for Unit-type Power Stations employing.Super-critioal Steam Conditions (Soveshchaniye po voprosl-lm novykh tibov oborudovaniya d1ya blochnykh eleictrostantsiy na sverlchkriticheskiye parametry para) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetilm., 19580 Nr 9, pp 92 95 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A Conference on now types of equipment for,unit-type power stations operating on super-critical:steam conditions was. called by the High Temperature Steam Commission oftthe Power Institute of the Academy of Science of the USSR on 14th-16th May, 1958. It was attended by more than 150 representatives of power equipment manufacturers, design organisation research institutes and of GOSPLAN USSR and RSFSRj the Ministry of Power Station,; and the Scientific- Technical Committee of the USSR. Engineer S.I. Mololtanov read a report on 'The prospective applicatioa of large'unit sets with supGr-critical steam conditions'. An article Card 1/4 of similar content by this author is published. in this issue of this journal. Candidate or Technical Science sov/96-58-9-20/21 A Conference on New Types o If Equipment for Unit-type Power Stations Employing Super-critical Steam Conditions N.L. Oyvin, of Teplooloictroproyekt, gave a report entitled 'Technical tasks in designing the iftain e uipment for initial steam conditions of 240 at and 5NOCI. Candidate of Technical Science V.P. Studenskiy' also of Teplo- elektroproyekt, dealt with 'The desi8n of the thermal part of a 240-Y,11 regional power-stationto Engineer .V.A. Zv;~~gintsev, of ToploclektroDroyekt), gave important information--a-B-out the design of superposed equipment and 00-ral unit-tyl:e sets for s team conditions of 300 at. and M C. Doctor of Technical Science V.P. Romadin reported upon 'Investigations of the All-Union Thermo-Technical' Institute into super-critical steam conditions and associa- ted problems'. Candidate.of Technical Solence A.V. Levin gave informa'$I-ion about turbinos of 300 - 400 MW for. steam conditions of 240 at., 5800C and 300 at.)~6500C, developed by the Leningrad Metal 11orks. Candidate f Technical Science ILA, Ploskovitov, of the Centoral Boiler 'Turbine Card 2/4 Institute, described 'A design for a dire .t~t-flovt boiler of 710 tons per hour at 315*at. and 6550C,. Candidate of 8011/96-58 -9-20/21 A. Conference on New Types of Equipment for Unit-type Power Stations Employing Super-critical Steam Conditions Technical Science K.A. Rakov, of the All-Union Thermo-, Technical Institute,,spoke on 'Development of the thermo- technical bases of super-high-output.boildr sets for super-critical pressure' and Engineei,,V.14. Biman,, of ORGENERGOSTROY, gave a report entitled 'Development of the design of a boiler set for 300 at..-6500C, for a 300-IIW unit'. A report by Doctor of hchnical Science Ya.M. Rubinshteyn) of the All-Union~Thermo-Technical .Institute, was entitled 'The selection of,method of drive for feed pumps for a power station with an initial pressure of 300 at.'. Doctor of Technical Science A.A. Lomakin, of the Leningrad Metal Workts, recouated of feed pumps for very large unit sets running at super-critical steam conditions. Doctor of Technical Science L.DiBerman, of the All-Union Thermo-Technical In5titute~ discussed, 'The provision of high-density condensers for steam turbines in unit-type power stations verith ~ super- critical conditionst. Candidate of Technical Science A.B. Gelltman7 Card 3/1+ of the Central Boiler Turbine Institute, reported on 'The SOV/96-58-9-20/21 A Conference on New Types-of Equipment for Unit-'tyl)e:Power Stations Employing Super-critical Steam Conditions selection of pai~ameters, and characteristics. for power equipment in regional condensing power stations'. The" article contains a brief account of each of the-above reports. The resolutions of the meeting noted that', despite considerable improvements in recent years, the efficiency of power equipment, particularly aiLxiliaries, should still be improved. The main linesithat should be followed in designing power stations for unit sets of 300 and 600 M1 are stated; this comprisesla. list of some 15 items raring from methods of fuel idrying to the use of welded rotors and cylinders. It was noted Lhat feed nii.mps take too long to manufacture. Research on metals and the development of equipment for very high steam conditions' should be expedited, 1. Steam power plants--USSR Card SI)V/96-58-11-17/?l puTHOR: zNy_agintsev, Y.A., Engineer ----Bn6 Flr~ksermanl Yml rineer TITLE: A Project for the Extension and Super-Positionrof~ the Thermal Part of a Regional Electric Power Station (Proyekt rasshireniya i,nadstroylti GRES (Teplovaya chastl)) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, Nr Ill pp' 86-89 (USSR), ABSTIUM: This article is an abbreviated version of a rtport to a conference of the High-Pri--sr:,iire--.'St,~, Commission of the Power Institute Acadomy of Selences USSR' held on l4th. - l6th. May 1958, on qu6s,tions*, of new types of equipment for 'unit-type power statioras. The task.wes to inst6l-equipment for steam conditions of 300 atm and 650 C. including,one super-po,sed unit of 100 AM and one conder-sing set of 300 MW. The steam I conditions are governed by the quality of oteel available. Ths reheat temperature was 570 C. at the boiler and 565 C. at the turbine. The articled Card comprises a detailed description'of the proposed 1/3 extension to the station beginning with the turbine equipment. The fuel-preparation plant is described sov/96-58-11-17/?l A Project for the Extension and Super-Position of the Thermal Part of a Regional Electric Power Station and a schematic diagram of it is given in Fig .1. Wet-rod ash-arresters are used. The:feed-water arrargements and forced-dra-Light equipment are: , described. It is intended to st,41rt boilers and k.urbines of both units simultaneously, saving all' the condensate. The water-treatmentlequipment~is. discussed: in view of the lack of operating I experience with direct-flow boilers on super-high steam conditions, each unit will.have its own 8roup of filters for de-saltin6 condensate, The pipewoik arran&ement and steam fittings arle described. : p Two-stage turbine-driven feed pu6ps will be used;~ steam drive is economically justified under these: steam conditions but electrically driven pumps1will be kept as spares. Reduction and coolii4~ equipment Card ;Z/3 is provided for use when the superposed turbine is' in r!nserve. The proposed power station SOV/96-5 3-11-.17/21 A Project for the Extension aLid Super-Position of the Thermal Part of a Regional Electric Power Stution illustrated in Fig.?; a.general vievvis given on the front cover of the journal and the schematic therinal circuit on the back cover. The 100-hWr turbo-generator is arranged across the machine room and the 300-MI7 enerator alonk; it, so that the bpan'is 36 metTes'. he control equipment is describe . The results of technical and economic calculations on the station as a whole Lind on the 300-MW set' are ~tabulated'. There are 2 figures, and 1 table. Card 3/3 ,ZVYAGINTSEV, V.P., inzh. New ceramic magnetizing fluxes. Svarproizv. no.1$22-24 A16L (MMA 150) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-tekhnolo-, gicheskiy Institut ugollnogo mashinostroyeniy6. (Flux(Metallurgy)--Magnetic properties)(Folectr ic welding) ZAL'Fj Geogriy Arturovichp kand. tekhn. nauk;,IOAqW�LVj_Vasiliy I~a- oil 'Yevich inzh.; STRAKHOVICH, K.I., prof. 9 retsftzent; DORFKANp L.A.p kand. fiz.-mat, nauk, red#; GOIWj YesKap red. izd-va; BARDINA9 A.A.9 tekhn. red. [Thermal calculations of steam turbines] Toplovoi raschot paro- vykh turbin. Moskva, Gas. nauohno-tekbn. ind-vo ma'shinostroit. lit-ryl 1961 290 p. (WMA 3j, z 6) iSteam turbines) An P - 4076 Subject USSR/Power Eng. card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 1/14 Author Zvyagintsev, V. V., Eng., Neva~Plant im. Lenin~ Title On Increasing turbine efficiency by improving blading design. Periodical Teploenergetiks, 12, 3-8, D 1955 Abstract The author discusses a possible A.. 5% increasein ttwbine efficiency obtained by changing the profile of.blades. ~ A mathematical analysis substantiates the authdrle opinion. Different blading stagos are,discuss6d ahd some results of laboratory tests~iare described The ~ necessity of unifying and standardizing types.o f blades is emphasized. Two diagrams. One Russian soU:rce,i (no date), 2 English,'1928, 1938,and I~German, :1924. .Institutlon : -Una-Ne-v;J,-" Submitted : No date - ) V v BYbHMIK(W,S.A.. inshoner; SALOP, G.A., Whoner.4yY JIMSHV, V.T.. inthener- .A W."Wom I MUMBOV, L.A., kandidat tokhnichookikh ~umks "* lo"~ UYAGINTSEV, Y~"I. Rootov province atock- and atockbreddinp, Ghanm,es in the economics of animal husbandry of collective Parms in the nowly irrigated districts of the Rostov Province. Sots. soll.k1ioz. 23, no. 1952. MIONrMLY LISf OIF OUSHAN ACC 53IONS, L1131tAIff 01" CONG! T 'U'Vis" 1,052. AGI-'.33FED. mniyi~:"k I ri ZVY-' GINTSLV ~ Y~, Stock and Stockbrooding, - liostov Provinco Cllaw?es in tho econor.-ics of ariimal husbandirj of collectiva Tamas -'-In ncy,':~y irrigated Hostov Province. Sots. sull khoz 1" `2 districts of the 23, nO. 'j:5 i"OlITHU! LIST OF EjS31AM AG.,IESSIONS, LIBRiUY OF ("O'lIGILESS, AU(~~USOT 19!,2. 54 1 V-rl q F;~ I- TI -11 7,- 11 flIl !~,jl -TIN jilfi 1. 14,444 1 Mill ZVYAGINTSEV, Ya. 1. Zryagintsev, Ta. I. "Over-all planning in j,,mir, Sbornik rabot (Rost. nauch.-issled. ir,-+v ekonomiki eel. khoz-va), Issue 1, 1949, p. 77-126. So: TJ_411. 17 TulY 53, (Latopis' Zhurnal Inykh Sttitey, No. 20, 191-19). Z Vjl~QAJ TTrV~ YE, DOVZNIK, B. ; LEVIN, S. Mam~ls of wage schedules based on job qualifications. Sots. trud. no.12:39-51 D '56. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Leningradskly inzhenerno-ekonomicheakiy institut.,, (for Dovzhik): 2. Ukralnskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut metallov. (for Levin) 3. Institut "Tuzhgiproruda." (for'Zvyagintsav). (Wages) (Job Analysis) LRUZHININ, A.V.; ZVYAGINTSEV, Ye.F.' Using overburden rocks of the Kursk Magnetic Anom&17 for making cement. Gor. zhur. no.10.-25-27 0 161. (MA 19, :2) 1. Yuzhgiproruda., go Khar'kwr;'-""7 (Kursk magnetic anomaly-Cement) ZVY-AOINTSM!, YE. F. ACC NRI AN16032635 14onograph UR/ Zvyagintsev, , ~cf iin Vasil I yevich; 1'..aplun, Semen:111arkovich; Kryuger, illy-Ad6r,~fdVrcli'~-'L~o'fenfeI Yevj, rd -eniy Grigorlyevich; Luchanskiy ,.Iosif Alekdandrovich; Yanovskiy,,Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Marine screw propellers of variable pitch; inanufactuim, assembly and tooting (Budovjye grebPyYe Vinty reguliru~eWgG shaga;.izgotovlen4e., I montazh i Ispytaniya) LLeningrad) Izd-vo Sudostroyeniye,!' 1966. 283 P. illus., biblio. 3,000 copies printed.~ ,,.TOPIC TAUS: marine,engineering, mechanical engi.neering PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book is intended for ~echnologists,;de- signers, and other specialists Interested in the problems or manu- facturihg, assembling, testing, and maintaining variable pitch' propellers. General information is given and'.design methods and actual forces and moments acting on variable-pitch propellers are discussed. Data on the strength of and materials:used in individual parts and methods for increasing their fatigue strength and'cor- rosion resistance are,presented. Technological,manufacturing proces of the main parts variable-pitch propellers.. shafts, control mechanisms, as well as associated instruments and.attachmenta,, are described. Primary attention has been paid to the, assembly and testing of variable-pitch propellers, their installation on vessels, CCWd 1/2 UDC: 629.12.0020~72.037 ACC NRs x4603?635 and marine tents. There are 12 references,, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS (abrkdged) Foreward 3 Ch. I. General information-on variable-pitch prope llers 5: 'Ch. II. Materials used.for.fabricating parts and units of .variable-pitch propellers -- 36 Ch. III. Methods for increasing the fatigue strength:,and the,. corrosion-fatigue strengtif of parts~of variable-Pitch propellers 55 Ch. IV. Manufacturing parts and-units of variable pitch propellers -- 73 Ch. V. Tacking used in variable-pitch propeller. designs 184-`*,~ ` It Ch. VI. Assembly of variable~-pitch propeller*,. un a and assemblies 196 Ch. VII.' Wsting assembled variable-pitch propellers and indi- vidual assemblies -- 237 Ch. VIII; Transportation and insthllation on variable-pitch propellers on vessels -- 252 Ch. IX. Testing variable-pitch propellers aboard ship 262, Recommended ~1itera;tUTp-xz,--- ~~82, :SUB CODE: 013/ SUBM DATE: 29Dec65/ ORIG REF: 012/ LCard 2/~ ,&18UMTSEZ._Mi_Ys.4_ SAMSONOVv G.I., lnzh., retsenselit; LIMRW, Ye.G.J. doktor ekon. nauk, red.; SALYANSKIY, A.A.', red. izd-va; DEMKRIA, N.F., (Operational planning In pressworking shop~jl Operativnoe planirovanie v pressovykh tsekhakh. MoskvA Mashgiz, 1963. 136 p. (MI RA 16: 7) (Plaabinery industry-Management) (Sheet-metal work) ZVTAGINSNV,Yu.Ye., inshener Methods of operational analysis in plant and section planning. Test. mash.35 no.8:75-78 Ag'55- (MLRA 8:10) (Job analysis) (Factoi7 management) MMUCH, V.S.; BILATA, O.S.; BULATSHLI, A.M.; MAT, X.R.; TURM, Te.p*;, MURM0 Ye,V.,; MAGINT89VA, A.M. Iffectivenese of combined antibiotic therapy for chronic dYsente 2hur.mikrobiol.epid.i immun. no.3#.54-59 Mr 155. 71' HWA 8: le Is mikrobiologichookogo otdola (zav. Prof. V.S.Derkach) Kharl- kosvskogo Instituta vaktain i ayvorotok (dir. kan didat,binlogich4- skikh nauk G.F.Gherkas) i profiltnykh yasley Karl-kova., (DYSIRITERY, BACILLARY, therapy, antibiotics. combined ther.) (ANTIBIOTICS, therapy, dysentery, combined ther.) ZVYAGINT-WA. D. G. Using the method of direct microscopy in attidying the adsorption of m1cro-orgunisms. Nauch.dokl.vyoashkol3r;biol.nauki. n0,,#: 199-203 '58. 04IRA 11: 12.) le 'Rekomendowaza kafedroy biologli pochv Ko6kovskogo goavdar-, stvennogo univerettets imeni H.V.Lamonosovs. (SOIl MICRO-ORMNISMS) (ADSORPTION) -(HICROSCOPY) USSR / Diseases of Gultivatod Plants. 0 .',bs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 9, 1958, No 39695 ;,uthor : Zvy-igintscva, E. 1. Ins" .,'State -M-EMIrs-16-n -on Variety Testing of,'.gricultural Crops at the ;-gr-iculturv-1 Ministry USSR. Title : New Treatment of Flax Seeds with Ftuigicidc 50% Thiurad Orig F`ub :Inform. b~lml. gos. komiss. po sortoispyt. s.-Ich. kulltur pri M-ve s.-kh. USSR, 1957, No 41 18-21 -bstract It is established, an the basis of tests conducted over period of 3 years, that the gemination of flax seeds does not diminish when they are treated at bhe:proper time (from 1A- to 6 months before soving) with fungicide.' This preparation is a good fungicido against,fasarium, polysporosium infection, as well as against othor diso"nses in the same manner as '-,grtnozm.-: M. Sibirnov. Card 1/1 ZVTAGINTSEVA, G.P. Tayekina, N.M. i Zvyagintseva, G.P. 33877. Laboratornoye Izucheniye Otklonyoniy Fazy Vyenye Bytdlyetyen: Vsyesoyuz. Astron. - Gyeodyez. O-va, If o 7, 1949, C. 22 Bibliogr: 5 Yanv, SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 46, Floskva, 19 4 -71 fI AElUll AUTHORSx Semenov, A.A., Kyavadze, D.K., NazaroyaoL.G. SOV/55-56-;1-1'3/33 TITLEt The-Investigation of the Properties of Reflection of SOM40 Systems With a Periodic Structure (1eeledoT&niye':otraahatel'nykh avoysty nekotorykh sistem, imayuahchikh periodicheskuiu struktur'AX) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mookovskogo universitetat Ssriyalfiziko-matematicheakikh i ,yeatestvannykh nauk, 1956, Nr 1, PP 107-i14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper contains the results of an experimental investigation of the reflection of electro-magnetic waves 1) from metal grids with different grid constants d and wira.~radii r, 2) from the system screen - grid with different parameters. To 1): Case a: The vector E of the wave.lies in the grid plane parallel,;to the axis of the wire. It is stated that for 4 w oonst the radius'r influences the reflection only then essen tially if dA is ' relatively small. The theoretical results obtained by Yampol'skiy [Ref 61 are confirmed by the experiment:only f9r angles of 1 incidence up to 500 - Case bi The vector H of the wave lies in ,the grid plane perpendicular to the axis of the wire. For large d/~, the influence of r also here is very little. To 2)t Let the reflecting grid be replaced by a condugating plane and a rotating Card 1/2 The Investigation of the Properties of Reflection of Some ~SOV/55-58-1-13/33 Systems With a Periodic Structure grid. It is stated that the coefficient of.reflection oaz be, diminished essentially by the introductioll of the grid. There are 9 referencesp 3 of which are SovietiJ74,German, 1 Canadian, and 1 American. ASSOCIATIONsKafedra rasprostraneniya, izlucheniya i kanalizataii. radibvoln (Chair of Propagation, Emission, an(f of Radio Waves) BUBMITTEDs February 16, 1957 q Card 2/2 SKRYABIN, G.K.; ZVYAGINTSEVAp I.S.; SOKOLOVA, L.V. Transformation of hydrocortisone, cortisone and their, derivatives by a culture of I~rcqbacterium ap, 193. Dy, AN SSSR. Ser. biol. no.5:715-720 S-0 164. (IURA 17:9) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN SSS.%, Moskva. ZVYAGINTSEVA, I.S. Effect of the natural habitat of m7coba2teri- on threIr capacity to transform sterolds.1likrobiologita 33 no-5:772"2776 S-0 165. 04IRA 18:3)' 1. Institut mlkroblologii AN SSSR, SIMABIN) G.K.; ZVYAGIN7SEVA, 4.9- NAZARUK, M.I.; SOKOLOVA, L.V. Effect of oxidation-reduction potential on the trannformation,of hydrocortisone I~r the Mycobacterlum globiforme 193 culture. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no.2t472-474 'Mr 165. (MIRA:1814) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN SSSR. Subimitted October 2, 1964. ZVYAGINTSEVA, I.S.; SYRYABIN, G.Ko nnhv,iratinn of filArnids bv mvenhantfiriq- Titv~: AN SSqR. Sar. bibl. zvyp.GiNTsFvp, snyarti, G.Y.. Ip--,3nc;aia+,Ion of the Mycobacter-lum globiforme 193 cult-are and 1~.~ tapacity to dehydr~tja stsirolds, Mikrobloloriia 34 ao. 3 a L61-464 W-Ja 165. (MIOA :L8-, 11) la Inst,itut mlkrobiolcgil AN SSSR. Z merovo) Important economic problems of technological progress.. Vop. ekon. no.10:15-24 0..159. KIM 22:12) (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining) ZVYAGINTSZVA K X 2MOT, S,N.;KOMVIN, V.G.-, NkTp~, V,B,:; SMMRMO I.Nj stiy6:iK.09QR1N, P,I,,.prof;j MIXABA, A.3,dotment; LINMAU, N.I.; ZMMVLZV, AJ4.1; STOMI't"'k.t.; Cmarmix, N.I.,; KOROVENKOVA, Z,A.,, [Kuznetsk Coal Basin; a statistical handbook] Xwnetakii ugol"nyi bassain; statiatiohaskii spravochnike Hookya-9 Uglatekhizdat, 1959.- '390 P. (HIR4 12:8) 1. Kemerovo. Gornyy Institut. 2. Sotrudniki kdLfedry okonomiki Kemerovskogo gornogo inatituta (for ZvysVintj3a`va'jFopov. Kokorin,, Kulibaba). 3. Kombinat Kusbassugoll (for Zenk6*, Lindenau, Zhuravlev, Stolbov). 4. Kemerovskiy sovnarkhoz Uor~Kozhevln). 5. Sibirskoys otdolen1ye, All SSSR (for SenderZOP). (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining Statistics) ZVYAGINTSAVA, KlavdiZa M~kba yna; ISLANKINA, T.F.,',red.; ATRO- [Opew-pit and hydraulic coal mining] Otkrytyi i gidravli- chaskii sposoby dobyohi uglia~ Moskva, I2d-Vo "Unnie," 1939. 23 p. (Yeesoiusnoo obahchestvo po resproetrananiu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser*4, &uka i tekhnika, no.23)' (MIRA 12:9) (Coal mines and mining) 767.002 Puti Povysheniya Proizvoditelillosti Truda Nz Shalaitakh Xi izb a sk(1-110-1.1iods. of Increauing the Productivity of LiLbor in the Kizbats Tillies, by) V.~ A".. Popov: I K. IM. Zvyi~Lgintseva. llotlcva, Ugletekldzdat, 1956. 69 P. Diagrs., Graphs, Tables (Nzi u cl Lno -pro izvodstvc nrliv yzi. 1 Literatura Po Voprosa.r. Ekonomiki) PEA POPOV, Vitally Arastovich; ZVUOINTOTA lasyd W44 KUNDINO M.D., YA_ otvatetvannyy radak NURCYN-1-YU-p-reds 0 tell stva; AIADOTA, Ye.L. takhnichaskiy redaktor [wa of increasing labor productivity In mines of the Kuznetsk Basin) PdtA pov7shanita prolwyoditelluosti trada na chakhtakh Kusbassa, Moskva, U~letskhizdat, 1956. 69 p.~ NLU 10!1) (Kuznetsk Basin--Goal mines arA minlig) ZVYAGINTSSEVA, Kla,,diya Mikhaylovna; SLIPRENKO, KIA.ra Xonstantlnovna; [Raw materials resources for the chemistry of:the Kuznel.s Basin and A-Itai] SyrIevaia baza khimii Kuztessa i Altala. Ke- merovo~ Kemerovskoe knizbnoe Izd-yo, 1964. 62 p. (MIRA 18:3) --------------- T F Ait ---------- 40 WBAM -L 18008 EVVT(n, JD .-P( Vr/8 pw AM n P6004319 =CIE CODt~~- i'UR16,013/65,10i 6~*,"510052/0057 AUTHOR: Orzhakhovakly,,.M. G. ~vyagintseva, N. V. ORG: none ;TITLE: The relatioz of the t6ickness of epo Wd,pd1yesteir cdatin M#tals and. iconcrete to their durability In liquid ~corrosive, me i 1% SOURCE: Lakokrasochnyye materialy i ikh primeneniy6, no. 1965, 52t-~7 :TOPIC TAG$: protective coating, epoxy plastic, polylejiter plastic, latj4er; 'ABSTRACT: A study was made of the character~stlcs of sialf-i-Oriied coattrigs based on a polyethylenepolyamine-cured epoxy lacqtkerv; ,CHS-epoxy-2000 msin and dibut~,l phtha- late in the ratio of 10:1) and an PE-214 lyester lacquer. The coatings w~-_re ap- plied on steel surfaces (cleaned by blasting with metal shot) and on Vldste~ad con- crate surfaces. The porosity of the coatings was detamined from their electrical resistance and changes in this resistance under the action of water. It is pointed out that the porosity of epoxy and polyester coatings is unsatisfactory in the re- sistance drops by 2 to 5 orders of magnitude in 24 1w. The lower limit.of the UDC 60 .613. 1~ ~Card 1/2 ZVYAGINTSEVA S. G.: min gealth USSR. Central Inst for the Advanced Tralming of Physicians$ ZVYAGINTSEVA, S. G.: "Bronchial asthma in Children.1 HiA Health USSR. Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor in Medical Sciences) SOs KniahnM Lejo .2is' No 20p 19560 ZTTMINTSM"'. SIG. Clinical as-pect arvi therany of 1--ronchlal aathm~ In ChAICIren. Sovet.mad. no.3:1?-20 Kr (G.LKL 1-9:2) 1. Of the Department of Pediatrics, Central inatitut6 for them Advaneed Training of Mynicians (Iliad of Department Prof. GJI.Speraziski,,7). Z Vy i,, q,,~ *j, VS ii,,, Polteva, 1u. K. and Z,j-jarj.,nts,3va, 3. 6. "Fc-~~ding of firpotrozfnic Infants, niore. I ,.han on -, y-vir old, 11 Trudy Vf 'llsesoluz- .1 oly,3z(!,l det. powi-nashrli. paviyati. prof. Filatova, Moscou, PA8, p. 84-88 SO: U-3264, 10 April L"53, (Lttopis 'Zhurnal IrkyM Stat,-~!y,II.o. 3, 194/-)) ZVYAGINTSEVAI S. G. "Exudative Eczema in Young Children," Felldsher i Akusher, No. 2, 1948. ~JSSR/Mjedicine Antibiotics Feb 53. "Administration of Synthomycin in the,.TreAment of Toxicosis of Eneric Origin in Infants," S. G. Zvyagintseva and B. V. Popovich, Dept of Pediatrics, Cent Inst for Advanced Training of Physicians Sovetskaya Meditsina, Val 17, No 2, PP 3-6 Clinical. observations indicate that synthomyc in is,, a highly -effective drug for the treatment of toxicoses which disappear soon after synthomycin has been ad- ministered. Effectiveness of synthomycin is ex- ~Plained by its bacteriostatic activity upon the 247T26 intestiiial flora irrespective of its exogenic or its, #_hd6dbnic origin. The newly synthesized Soviet antibiotic, levomycetin, is far superior to syntho- .pyr,in in effectiveness and does not produce -such-. extensive secondary,complicationi- 247T26 ZVTAGMSEVA, S.Go ~'i~ [Rickets] Rakbit. Mookva, Medgiz, 1954a 9 po (MIRA 8:4) (Rickets) DOMBROVSKAYA, Yu.F., prof* otv, redsj.?~~ prof. red.; SOKOLOVAj T.S.p prof.) red.-GMRGs.i4p 1".. !profk%reds Luurreur, problems of the pnysiology and pathology of, childhood] SovremenzWe problezyIiziologii i ~fti.tologii detskogo vozrasta. Moskva., Meditaina 1965.; 3171P. IMIRA, 18 1. 6) 1. DeystvitelInyy chlen AIO SSSR (for DombrovAaya)o ZVYAGINTSEVA, S.G.0 prof.; BAKWOVA$ V.F.,,; GROMOVA, R.V.; --MF7VV7S.M.; SHIRYAYLTA, I.P. Subendocardial fibroelaBtosis in children, Podiatriia 41 no0:38- 44 My 162, (MMA 150) 1. Iz kafedry pediatrii (zavi - deystvitall~yy clilon.ANV SSSR prof. G.K. Speranskiy) TSentrallnogo instituita usovershenstw- vaniya vrachey (rektor M.D. Kovrigina) i Detakoy'bollnits No.9 imeni F.E., Dzerzhinslo (glavnyv. vrach A.11, Kudr'yashevT HEART-DISWES) - 1. -XITAGINTSUA.- Sofiya, Q9 qrgiy~yna - i (Bronchial asthm In children] DroWthiallneia Otua u detai. Koakva, Medgis. 1958. 206 p. (MIRA 13:8) (ASTHMA) SPERANSKIY, G.H.; ZffAGINTSEVA, S.G.-, FOULTA, Tu.'I.; DRYUSIN. G.R40 red. (Peeding the healthy and ill child] PitanAe sdorovogo I bollnogo rebenka; kratkoe posobie dlia mahei. Moskva, usovershenstvovaniis vrachei, 1959. 70 P. (MMA 13:2) (DI2T IN DISHAa) (CHILMEN--NUTRITICIN) o.rAtG..-j TOBOLIN. V.A. "Brythroblastosis fetalis," edited by A.F. Tur. Reviewed by S.G.: %viaginteava, V.A# Tobolino Pediatriia 37 119-3:85-87 Mr 159- (KIRA 12:4) (BRYTEEROBLASTOSIS YETAMS) (TUR, A.Fo). Name: Dissertation: Degree: Affiliation: Defense Date, Place: Certification Date: Source: ZVYAGINTSEVA, Sofi-yaGeorgiyevnii Bro chial asthma in children chi al as Doe ed Sci e d ScI cat t i 0 ~Rot dicateg 0 13 Metr\15 , Council of Central Inst rt 56~, for Advance -Training of Physicians r Advance 26 MaY 56 BMVO 4/57 ARUTYUNOV, V-Ya., prof.; BERKOVICH, I.K., doktor med.nauk; BUIIIII, K-V-, prof. VBLIKORSTSKIT, A.11., prof.; GAMBURG, R.L., (laktor med.nauk; GIASKO, N.M.; ZMGTXXSI -,-4*a-. dokto-r med.nauk; IVIINSWA, A.M., kanderaedo neuk; R=N'A~, A"-.U,; KkHI1WYA-FA*LOVA, %.A., prof. KVAT1:R, Ye.I., prof.; KOISNIKO. A.B., prof.i KOSSYM, M.B., kand. mod.nauk; KRAVETS, N.M., doktor med.nauk; KRISTHAN. V.1., neuk; KRUZHKOV, V.A., dotsent; LIJWCH1iV,, A.G., prof.; LUXONSKIT, I.G., prof.- KASHKOVSKIY, M.D.. prof.; ROZEUT-AL', A.S., prof.; SFM.YSKIY, M.Ya.'Cdeceased], prof.; TURRTSKIY, M.Ya.,; KERSIN.. Ye.Ye., dotsent; RHDINA. Kh.L..; SHABAWV, A.U., prof red.; BOMARI, Z.A., red.; ZAMROVA, A.I., tekhn..r .ad. [Medical handbook for feldshers] Meditainskii spravochnik dlia falldsherov. Izd. 6-os, parer. i dop. Mosl'va, Goa. izd-vo M'ed. lit-ry, 1957- 899 P- (H LILA 10:12) (MBDICINH--HANDBOOKS,. HAIJUALS, ETC.) DOIATSKIY, S.Ya..; ZYYAGIWMVA, B.G., doktor medoneuk Semiotice of vomiting in the newborn and injnfantc during their first weeks of life. Padi,4triia no.11:47-53,11 157, (MMU, 11 -.2) 1. 1z kafedry khirurgii detskogo vouroats (zay. - qhlen-korre'sporm. dent AMN SSSR prof. S.D.Ternovskiy) II R skovskogb maditainskogo.' institute imeni N-I-Pirogova i kafedry doyetvitell- ny7 chlen AMN SSBR prof. G.H.Speranegys2diAtrii (zav. (INFAMS-DISMASES) (VOMITING) ZMGIOSVA. T... ~ 11010" ~ WIIAI I Active member Olga Uurova. Kryl.vodL. 2 no,3:13 Kr 151. (MM 10 ;2) (Kaurova, Olga Yedoroyna), ZYYAGINTSEVA T. Group.leader. Kt7l.rod. 2 no.6:15-16 je 1510 (KM 8:8) (Starootin, Patr PetrovIch) ZVTAGINTSEV, T.T., inzh. 5W AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 1/1 Shatenshteyn, A. I. Zvyagintseva$ Ye-, N- SOY/79-29-5-i73/75 7 Investigation of the Mechanism of Acid Basic Reaction by the Method of Deuterium Exchange,~Izlxc'heniye m6khanizma kislotno-oanovnogo vzaimodayetviya metodom'deyteroobmena) Zhurnal obahchey khimii,' 19551 Vol 29's Nr p 1751 ~(USSR) A determination was made of the velocity constants in! the, reaction between the amineB 0 H D N(CH and 6 2.3 Y2':(C6H2D3)2XCH3 (C H D ) N and the acids acetic acid,,~formic acid, mono- 6 2 3 3 chloroacetic acid, triohloro acetic acid, 3tifluoroaoetic acid and hydrobromic acid. (Table). The reaction scheme -B"sted was found to be'inadequate. Further according tP.. investigation-&~e to provide more accurate values. There~ are I table and 2,Soviet eeferencese Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni Kerpova (Physico- chemical Institute imeni~L. Ya. Karpor) February 6, 1959 IL'IANq M.I.; ZVOSKOVAg N.S.9 starabiy agronom; LEYNp Z.Ya.; Y2AJO; MARINICH, P.19.p red.1,7ABORSKIYO red.;%WP~ -7.V., takhn. red. (Now corn bybrids Bukovihe-3 and'Dukovina 2~ result" of stale crop variety tests) Novye gibridy kukuruzy' ~~ovinsk-ii 3 1 Bu- kovinskii 2; rezul'taty gosudarbto6nnago isort.oispytaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va sell. Ichoz. SSSRY 1960. 45 P. (NMA 24-.8) 1. Russia(1923- U.89:S'#R.) GosWhrstvemmya~komis sIY4 po sorto- ispytAu4 selOskokhozya~rstvermykh kulltur. 2. Zavadqw~dbaya khimiche Ily laboratoriyey GoaWarstveniq komissil po 'borto- ispytaniyu se-1'skokJiozyqyst-venrqkh kulltur pri Ministerstve sell- skogo khozyaystva SSM,(for Leyn). 3. Zamestitell predoedatelya Gosudarstvennoy komisaii. po sortolapytaniyu sellskokhoryaystver~-- rqkh kulltur pti Ministerstve bellskogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Marinich). (Corn (Maize) -Var'ietie B AUTHORS: Shatenshtern,, A. I., and ZVynint8eVaj Ye* INo 20-117-5-35/541. of TITLE.4, On the'Influence of the Mpertlefs/Inieractio.0 on the Rules,-of Deuterium Exchange (0 vliyanii osobe'nnostsy.mmzhdusolskiLlyalmogo vzaimodeys-tviya'na takonomernosti deytoroobmena)* PERIODICAL; Doklady AN SSSRO 1957, Vol.'117j. Nr 5, pp. 852-855 (USSR)- ABSTRACTe" The present paper shows the folloving:,It is possible to explain the greater velocity of the hydrogen exchange with,the amphoteric sole vents (quinaldine and picoline) by a modification of the valinZe staw to of the nitrogen atom in these methrUsated heterocycIie compounds, (as opposed to the protophlUe liquid ammonia). Up to now,, arL imam diats comparison of the velocity of thel,deutorium, exchange with alm coholes and liquid ammonia was missipg.Ihe present investigation., therefore, is conducting experiments vith hydrocarbons; (indene and fluorane) and with ketones (azetophanone and P-naphty1mathy3L )cotone~). Above all, it was shoux, that the same hydrogen atoms are exchanged with both solvents, that. is to sayj, the atoms of the CH, group-in the indene and the fluorene, and the atome.of tho'CH 3 group in the raw Maining substances. The deuterium introduced hto the substance by Card 1/2 an exchange with 0 2H50D was washed out in 'a subsequent treatment with the Properties of On the Influence of /IntramO!O-.ul&r- Interaction on the Rule~001?17~--;-1/51 Deuteriun Exchange. liquid ammonia,, (invers exchange). A marginal observatiom is shortly discussed. The exchange of hydrogen in'hydrocarbona and,in ketones takes place much faster with liquid amnonia 'at low temperatures than with ethanole. Numerical data on these processes are given, The ex- periments on the inverse exchange were conducted with quin "~inej which previously was deuterised. By means of'a,determinationlof the physical constants VL was proved, that the substances do not,change during the experiments, A few of the substances given here behave like very weak acids at a dissolution in liquid avmonia*,Th8 results obtained here speak in favour of the fact$ thit the velocity of the exchange reaction increases at an increase ofAhe polarity and of the concentration of the complex with the heterocyclic part* A com- prehensive survey of the facts discussed In this paper proves', that* the rules of the deuterium exchange show a strong dependence on the._ pec,11da ities of the intramolecular interaction in the solutions, There are I figure, I table, and 12 referencesp 6 of which are Slavici ASSOCIATION; Faysical-Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Kaxpov (Fisiko-khimicheakiy institut imeni L4 Yao Karpova), PRESENTED: May 24; 1957p by A* N& Terenin, Academician. SUBMITTED,.'. may IL4, 1957. Card 2/2 SHTM, A. I. EnAGII~MEEVAI_ Ye. N. , YAKOVLEVA, Ye. A,) URAILLNICH, Ye. A. VARSHAVSKIY, Ya. M., LOZHKIMV,_M. G., MENEM, A. V. "Acid-Base Catalysis of the Reaction of.Isotopic Hydrogen Exchange." Prcbjt=f ZI=tIcz (~MA.Ijsiz, V. fin e M.- 19W7 ;m2t or th,3 V-_-T;tTa In thl~s 'd z:t hn 1 9 1 , Ye.A., kand.khimonnk- Zj7AQLW,,,WA~_,_ Te,N.; VARbHAYSKIT, U.N., kandokbim.nauk; XUAILOICH, Te.A., _104.khtm.nauk; DYIQUIO, N.M., kanijkhtmosuk-, VIZIOGADOT. A.P., akademik, otvatetvanny7 rod.; XHRISTIAIIOV, V.K.. red.izd-ve [Isotopic analysis of water] Izotopnyl snaliz vody. Izd. 2-oo. Hoekva, Izd-vo Aked.nauk SSSR, 1957. 235 P. (MIRA 11:2). (Water--Analyst:,) (Elydroeen--Isotopes) (Oxygen-Isotop 3) SH&TIMSHTIM. A.I.- ZVYAGINTSVA Ye.N.-, TAKOVLFIVA, ~-Ie.A.; MRAILETIOU, To.A.; ;-K.G.,, VIDINNYWO A.T. Aoid-base catalysis of the hydrogen isotope excharge reaction* Probl. kin. i katt 9:218-233 157. 1113) (Catalysts) (Hydrogen-la'Otopes) TAXIMEM. L.F.; SffATENSHTEYN, A.I.; RABIROVICH, M.A,; YAWVl"A, To.A.; BORISOVA, Z.H.; ZVYAGII;MSP Preparing protium and protium oxide. Zhur. neorge khim, 2 no.11:2507-2512 N '57. (MIRA 3-1:3) (Hydrogen--Isotopes) KUPJAKOV, Nikolay Semenovich; CIIERNYAYEV, I. L, akademik, ~otv. red.;, ZVYAGINTSEV 0 Aoktor khim. ~YiAuk, otV,.red,,i F- BOGUSH, red.; BELOVA, V.I., red.; SINKNA, G.S., teklm, red. [Works an the chemistI7 of complex compounds]Tru Iay po khimii kompleksriykh soedinenii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1963. 154 P. (MIRA 1614) (Complex compounds) WG.76/63/000/Q03/017/020 AUTHORS: Zv.Ya a arov t Gon h TIT LE Neodymiumi hydrooxo:'glycinate and by4:PoQxo alaninate.'. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal e r k n o ganicheakoy, h m1i vi 8;` 3# 1963.' 769-770-' TEXT: The above compounds were separated-ou~ b'y': 'the- aq,4top O;pl;'4 solvents on stoichiometric mixtures of 801ution,s.. *--pink.~o1at* powder, insoluble in'w'aiter methan6l aoeto .ne,! ethe!r',: as obtained by the.action of m1ethyl.61c'ohol on~a -a toiohjometrio VjXtyji ~f --sodium glycinate and-NaCl solutions' The..the=ogram J. (2 :1) 0# 3 substance showed three endothermic re act ions i aepar'ation..'of - three ~vat 01 molecules at 1060C; of one water ''M0,12cule'at 135 G, and decomposition of the dehydrog6nateidsalt ah 2 OuC..' T~ese data su gge a the following structure for the compound.-...E~d((O[T)Gi (H 0)) 392A!' A'- pink-colored powder, acetone, bonlzene,'and ether, soluble in methan*ol, and unstable in water,'wae'produced'from 5(CH CO+2AnNa+NdCl .3 2, 31 Card 1/2 SINITSYN, N.M.; ZVYAGINTSEV, Oje. Reciprocal effect of atoms and groups in complex nitroso compounds 6f rhutenium. DoklAN SSSR 145 no'.11109-111 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7)z 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimiilimeni N.S.Kurnakova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akadamikom I.I.ChernyVevym, (Rhutenium compourAs) (Nitrow ooapoundis) ye CHUGAYEV$ Lev Aleksandrovich; dolctor Icb1m. nauk, e*p otv. red.; TRIFONOV, D.N.. ~red.;s ~IPPOILZY~.A, T.V., toYhn. red. [L.A.Chugpev; selected works] lzbramqe trud;~, Moakva) lzd-,vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vol.3. 1962. 1490 po (14MA 15:8) (Chugaev, Lev Aleksandrovich,, 1873-1922) (Chemistry) d n the octrthodral cc!r.,J'-----rjo oC plalcir- Zhur. khii-a. 17:11) Ag ZVY-AGINTSEV, S.N. Biological data on black flieu in water reservoirs: migration of the larvae in the ftybyshev Reservoir. %d.parazA paras.bol. no.1:9-15 162. (MIRA 15:5Y 1. Iz entomologicheakogo otdela.(zav. - prof. V.P. Beltlemishev)! Institute meditsinskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy moditsiny imeni Ye.I. Martsinovskogo (dir. - prof. P.G. bergiyev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (KUYVISHEV RESERVOIR.-MACK n1m) on ba b"cla-gy of blankfliea (Dipta ~a, Sntttlidae) in Diatrihj,,,ti~n oT vao undai; cond~tlors of the ;165-1 Z Vc-*;~gs. ?&d, jmvs2~ j--raz. bel. 34 ac,102-38 Ta-,P 'r I Fn- tomf)~ Y U..tiln.,3kc7 W.~razitblcg`l I tr i- s t t INP -~imans.ylx SSSR, K--3kva* ZVYAGI-NESEV, S. H. "Methods of Predicting the Anopheles Population in the tvater Reservoirs to 13 eBuilt in the Plains Area of the USSR,11 Sub. 7 Apr 47, Iqqt of Malaria, Medical Parasitology and Helminthologr, Acad Med Sci USSR. Dissertations presented for degree Ia in science and engineering In Moscowlin 1947. SO: Sum.No.457, 18 Apr 55 A M ZV Y.A U 1NTbk;V) 6a No L;ANi)G L31010go Q01* Dissertation: "Methods of Predicting the Anopheles Population In the Water Reservoirs to be Built in the Plains Area of the U35R.", InBt of Malariai Medical Parasitology and Helminthology) Med Sci USSR, 7 Apr 47 SO: VechernyayA Moskva, Apr, 1947 (Project #17836) SMIYMV. P.G.; RASHINA, M.G.; VASILIKOYA, Z.G.; pUcKOp=Ot L.I.; LYSMIKO,,A.Ya.; S.N.; OLIFAN, V.I.; BANDIN, A.I.; RaMBUNOTAP P.I., TIJ40FMTA, L.V.; In memory of A.D.Polumordinov. Ned.paras.1 partiz.bol, no-3:287 VT~-,Te;153. (MU'; 6:8) (Pblumordinov, Arsenii Ihitrieviah, 1902-1953) Jul "Project Data for Designing Additional Plant and a Block;of 3D0 000 kW capacity for Operation with Steam of the Initial Parameters 300 atz., 6500 C." The'-ComvAbdionfor High;-parameter Steam of: the EnergatichoskiX institut (Power- Institute) imeni 0. M Krzhizhanovskogo Ali SM h6ld a'confarence on May 16o 1958 devoted to new types of equipment for block-assmaed power stations, operAtifig at super-critical steam parameters. This paper m read at this con- ference. Izv. Akad Nauk SSSR., Otdol Tekh nauk, 1958, No- 7P P- 152 ~_J `7 VYl r, / A/TS7,9 BOV/96-58:"9-20/21 AUTHOR: Belinskiy, S.Ya. (Candidate of Technical Science) TITLE: A Conference on Now Types of Equipment for Unit-type Power Stations employing.Super-critioal Steam Conditions (Soveshchaniye po voprosl-lm novykh tibov oborudovaniya d1ya blochnykh eleictrostantsiy na sverlchkriticheskiye parametry para) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetilm., 19580 Nr 9, pp 92 95 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A Conference on now types of equipment for,unit-type power stations operating on super-critical:steam conditions was. called by the High Temperature Steam Commission oftthe Power Institute of the Academy of Science of the USSR on 14th-16th May, 1958. It was attended by more than 150 representatives of power equipment manufacturers, design organisation research institutes and of GOSPLAN USSR and RSFSRj the Ministry of Power Station,; and the Scientific- Technical Committee of the USSR. Engineer S.I. Mololtanov read a report on 'The prospective applicatioa of large'unit sets with supGr-critical steam conditions'. An article Card 1/4 of similar content by this author is published. in this issue of this journal. Candidate or Technical Science sov/96-58-9-20/21 A Conference on New Types o If Equipment for Unit-type Power Stations Employing Super-critical Steam Conditions N.L. Oyvin, of Teplooloictroproyekt, gave a report entitled 'Technical tasks in designing the iftain e uipment for initial steam conditions of 240 at and 5NOCI. Candidate of Technical Science V.P. Studenskiy' also of Teplo- elektroproyekt, dealt with 'The desi8n of the thermal part of a 240-Y,11 regional power-stationto Engineer .V.A. Zv;~~gintsev, of ToploclektroDroyekt), gave important information--a-B-out the design of superposed equipment and 00-ral unit-tyl:e sets for s team conditions of 300 at. and M C. Doctor of Technical Science V.P. Romadin reported upon 'Investigations of the All-Union Thermo-Technical' Institute into super-critical steam conditions and associa- ted problems'. Candidate.of Technical Solence A.V. Levin gave informa'$I-ion about turbinos of 300 - 400 MW for. steam conditions of 240 at., 5800C and 300 at.)~6500C, developed by the Leningrad Metal 11orks. Candidate f Technical Science ILA, Ploskovitov, of the Centoral Boiler 'Turbine Card 2/4 Institute, described 'A design for a dire .t~t-flovt boiler of 710 tons per hour at 315*at. and 6550C,. Candidate of 8011/96-58 -9-20/21 A. Conference on New Types of Equipment for Unit-type Power Stations Employing Super-critical Steam Conditions Technical Science K.A. Rakov, of the All-Union Thermo-, Technical Institute,,spoke on 'Development of the thermo- technical bases of super-high-output.boildr sets for super-critical pressure' and Engineei,,V.14. Biman,, of ORGENERGOSTROY, gave a report entitled 'Development of the design of a boiler set for 300 at..-6500C, for a 300-IIW unit'. A report by Doctor of hchnical Science Ya.M. Rubinshteyn) of the All-Union~Thermo-Technical .Institute, was entitled 'The selection of,method of drive for feed pumps for a power station with an initial pressure of 300 at.'. Doctor of Technical Science A.A. Lomakin, of the Leningrad Metal Workts, recouated of feed pumps for very large unit sets running at super-critical steam conditions. Doctor of Technical Science L.DiBerman, of the All-Union Thermo-Technical In5titute~ discussed, 'The provision of high-density condensers for steam turbines in unit-type power stations verith ~ super- critical conditionst. Candidate of Technical Science A.B. Gelltman7 Card 3/1+ of the Central Boiler Turbine Institute, reported on 'The SOV/96-58-9-20/21 A Conference on New Types-of Equipment for Unit-'tyl)e:Power Stations Employing Super-critical Steam Conditions selection of pai~ameters, and characteristics. for power equipment in regional condensing power stations'. The" article contains a brief account of each of the-above reports. The resolutions of the meeting noted that', despite considerable improvements in recent years, the efficiency of power equipment, particularly aiLxiliaries, should still be improved. The main linesithat should be followed in designing power stations for unit sets of 300 and 600 M1 are stated; this comprisesla. list of some 15 items raring from methods of fuel idrying to the use of welded rotors and cylinders. It was noted Lhat feed nii.mps take too long to manufacture. Research on metals and the development of equipment for very high steam conditions' should be expedited, 1. Steam power plants--USSR Card SI)V/96-58-11-17/?l puTHOR: zNy_agintsev, Y.A., Engineer ----Bn6 Flr~ksermanl Yml rineer TITLE: A Project for the Extension and Super-Positionrof~ the Thermal Part of a Regional Electric Power Station (Proyekt rasshireniya i,nadstroylti GRES (Teplovaya chastl)) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, Nr Ill pp' 86-89 (USSR), ABSTIUM: This article is an abbreviated version of a rtport to a conference of the High-Pri--sr:,iire--.'St,~, Commission of the Power Institute Acadomy of Selences USSR' held on l4th. - l6th. May 1958, on qu6s,tions*, of new types of equipment for 'unit-type power statioras. The task.wes to inst6l-equipment for steam conditions of 300 atm and 650 C. including,one super-po,sed unit of 100 AM and one conder-sing set of 300 MW. The steam I conditions are governed by the quality of oteel available. Ths reheat temperature was 570 C. at the boiler and 565 C. at the turbine. The articled Card comprises a detailed description'of the proposed 1/3 extension to the station beginning with the turbine equipment. The fuel-preparation plant is described sov/96-58-11-17/?l A Project for the Extension and Super-Position of the Thermal Part of a Regional Electric Power Station and a schematic diagram of it is given in Fig .1. Wet-rod ash-arresters are used. The:feed-water arrargements and forced-dra-Light equipment are: , described. It is intended to st,41rt boilers and k.urbines of both units simultaneously, saving all' the condensate. The water-treatmentlequipment~is. discussed: in view of the lack of operating I experience with direct-flow boilers on super-high steam conditions, each unit will.have its own 8roup of filters for de-saltin6 condensate, The pipewoik arran&ement and steam fittings arle described. : p Two-stage turbine-driven feed pu6ps will be used;~ steam drive is economically justified under these: steam conditions but electrically driven pumps1will be kept as spares. Reduction and coolii4~ equipment Card ;Z/3 is provided for use when the superposed turbine is' in r!nserve. The proposed power station SOV/96-5 3-11-.17/21 A Project for the Extension aLid Super-Position of the Thermal Part of a Regional Electric Power Stution illustrated in Fig.?; a.general vievvis given on the front cover of the journal and the schematic therinal circuit on the back cover. The 100-hWr turbo-generator is arranged across the machine room and the 300-MI7 enerator alonk; it, so that the bpan'is 36 metTes'. he control equipment is describe . The results of technical and economic calculations on the station as a whole Lind on the 300-MW set' are ~tabulated'. There are 2 figures, and 1 table. Card 3/3 ,ZVYAGINTSEV, V.P., inzh. New ceramic magnetizing fluxes. Svarproizv. no.1$22-24 A16L (MMA 150) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-tekhnolo-, gicheskiy Institut ugollnogo mashinostroyeniy6. (Flux(Metallurgy)--Magnetic properties)(Folectr ic welding) ZAL'Fj Geogriy Arturovichp kand. tekhn. nauk;,IOAqW�LVj_Vasiliy I~a- oil 'Yevich inzh.; STRAKHOVICH, K.I., prof. 9 retsftzent; DORFKANp L.A.p kand. fiz.-mat, nauk, red#; GOIWj YesKap red. izd-va; BARDINA9 A.A.9 tekhn. red. [Thermal calculations of steam turbines] Toplovoi raschot paro- vykh turbin. Moskva, Gas. nauohno-tekbn. ind-vo ma'shinostroit. lit-ryl 1961 290 p. (WMA 3j, z 6) iSteam turbines) An P - 4076 Subject USSR/Power Eng. card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 1/14 Author Zvyagintsev, V. V., Eng., Neva~Plant im. Lenin~ Title On Increasing turbine efficiency by improving blading design. Periodical Teploenergetiks, 12, 3-8, D 1955 Abstract The author discusses a possible A.. 5% increasein ttwbine efficiency obtained by changing the profile of.blades. ~ A mathematical analysis substantiates the authdrle opinion. Different blading stagos are,discuss6d ahd some results of laboratory tests~iare described The ~ necessity of unifying and standardizing types.o f blades is emphasized. Two diagrams. One Russian soU:rce,i (no date), 2 English,'1928, 1938,and I~German, :1924. .Institutlon : -Una-Ne-v;J,-" Submitted : No date - ) V v BYbHMIK(W,S.A.. inshoner; SALOP, G.A., Whoner.4yY JIMSHV, V.T.. inthener- .A W."Wom I MUMBOV, L.A., kandidat tokhnichookikh ~umks "* lo"~ UYAGINTSEV, Y~"I. Rootov province atock- and atockbreddinp, Ghanm,es in the economics of animal husbandry of collective Parms in the nowly irrigated districts of the Rostov Province. Sots. soll.k1ioz. 23, no. 1952. MIONrMLY LISf OIF OUSHAN ACC 53IONS, L1131tAIff 01" CONG! T 'U'Vis" 1,052. AGI-'.33FED. mniyi~:"k I ri ZVY-' GINTSLV ~ Y~, Stock and Stockbrooding, - liostov Provinco Cllaw?es in tho econor.-ics of ariimal husbandirj of collectiva Tamas -'-In ncy,':~y irrigated Hostov Province. Sots. sull khoz 1" `2 districts of the 23, nO. 'j:5 i"OlITHU! LIST OF EjS31AM AG.,IESSIONS, LIBRiUY OF ("O'lIGILESS, AU(~~USOT 19!,2. 54 1 V-rl q F;~ I- TI -11 7,- 11 flIl !~,jl -TIN jilfi 1. 14,444 1 Mill ZVYAGINTSEV, Ya. 1. Zryagintsev, Ta. I. "Over-all planning in j,,mir, Sbornik rabot (Rost. nauch.-issled. ir,-+v ekonomiki eel. khoz-va), Issue 1, 1949, p. 77-126. So: TJ_411. 17 TulY 53, (Latopis' Zhurnal Inykh Sttitey, No. 20, 191-19). Z Vjl~QAJ TTrV~ YE, DOVZNIK, B. ; LEVIN, S. Mam~ls of wage schedules based on job qualifications. Sots. trud. no.12:39-51 D '56. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Leningradskly inzhenerno-ekonomicheakiy institut.,, (for Dovzhik): 2. Ukralnskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut metallov. (for Levin) 3. Institut "Tuzhgiproruda." (for'Zvyagintsav). (Wages) (Job Analysis) LRUZHININ, A.V.; ZVYAGINTSEV, Ye.F.' Using overburden rocks of the Kursk Magnetic Anom&17 for making cement. Gor. zhur. no.10.-25-27 0 161. (MA 19, :2) 1. Yuzhgiproruda., go Khar'kwr;'-""7 (Kursk magnetic anomaly-Cement) ZVY-AOINTSM!, YE. F. ACC NRI AN16032635 14onograph UR/ Zvyagintsev, , ~cf iin Vasil I yevich; 1'..aplun, Semen:111arkovich; Kryuger, illy-Ad6r,~fdVrcli'~-'L~o'fenfeI Yevj, rd -eniy Grigorlyevich; Luchanskiy ,.Iosif Alekdandrovich; Yanovskiy,,Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Marine screw propellers of variable pitch; inanufactuim, assembly and tooting (Budovjye grebPyYe Vinty reguliru~eWgG shaga;.izgotovlen4e., I montazh i Ispytaniya) LLeningrad) Izd-vo Sudostroyeniye,!' 1966. 283 P. illus., biblio. 3,000 copies printed.~ ,,.TOPIC TAUS: marine,engineering, mechanical engi.neering PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book is intended for ~echnologists,;de- signers, and other specialists Interested in the problems or manu- facturihg, assembling, testing, and maintaining variable pitch' propellers. General information is given and'.design methods and actual forces and moments acting on variable-pitch propellers are discussed. Data on the strength of and materials:used in individual parts and methods for increasing their fatigue strength and'cor- rosion resistance are,presented. Technological,manufacturing proces of the main parts variable-pitch propellers.. shafts, control mechanisms, as well as associated instruments and.attachmenta,, are described. Primary attention has been paid to the, assembly and testing of variable-pitch propellers, their installation on vessels, CCWd 1/2 UDC: 629.12.0020~72.037 ACC NRs x4603?635 and marine tents. There are 12 references,, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS (abrkdged) Foreward 3 Ch. I. General information-on variable-pitch prope llers 5: 'Ch. II. Materials used.for.fabricating parts and units of .variable-pitch propellers -- 36 Ch. III. Methods for increasing the fatigue strength:,and the,. corrosion-fatigue strengtif of parts~of variable-Pitch propellers 55 Ch. IV. Manufacturing parts and-units of variable pitch propellers -- 73 Ch. V. Tacking used in variable-pitch propeller. designs 184-`*,~ ` It Ch. VI. Assembly of variable~-pitch propeller*,. un a and assemblies 196 Ch. VII.' Wsting assembled variable-pitch propellers and indi- vidual assemblies -- 237 Ch. VIII; Transportation and insthllation on variable-pitch propellers on vessels -- 252 Ch. IX. Testing variable-pitch propellers aboard ship 262, Recommended ~1itera;tUTp-xz,--- ~~82, :SUB CODE: 013/ SUBM DATE: 29Dec65/ ORIG REF: 012/ LCard 2/~ ,&18UMTSEZ._Mi_Ys.4_ SAMSONOVv G.I., lnzh., retsenselit; LIMRW, Ye.G.J. doktor ekon. nauk, red.; SALYANSKIY, A.A.', red. izd-va; DEMKRIA, N.F., (Operational planning In pressworking shop~jl Operativnoe planirovanie v pressovykh tsekhakh. MoskvA Mashgiz, 1963. 136 p. (MI RA 16: 7) (Plaabinery industry-Management) (Sheet-metal work) ZVTAGINSNV,Yu.Ye., inshener Methods of operational analysis in plant and section planning. Test. mash.35 no.8:75-78 Ag'55- (MLRA 8:10) (Job analysis) (Factoi7 management) MMUCH, V.S.; BILATA, O.S.; BULATSHLI, A.M.; MAT, X.R.; TURM, Te.p*;, MURM0 Ye,V.,; MAGINT89VA, A.M. Iffectivenese of combined antibiotic therapy for chronic dYsente 2hur.mikrobiol.epid.i immun. no.3#.54-59 Mr 155. 71' HWA 8: le Is mikrobiologichookogo otdola (zav. Prof. V.S.Derkach) Kharl- kosvskogo Instituta vaktain i ayvorotok (dir. kan didat,binlogich4- skikh nauk G.F.Gherkas) i profiltnykh yasley Karl-kova., (DYSIRITERY, BACILLARY, therapy, antibiotics. combined ther.) (ANTIBIOTICS, therapy, dysentery, combined ther.) ZVYAGINT-WA. D. G. Using the method of direct microscopy in attidying the adsorption of m1cro-orgunisms. Nauch.dokl.vyoashkol3r;biol.nauki. n0,,#: 199-203 '58. 04IRA 11: 12.) le 'Rekomendowaza kafedroy biologli pochv Ko6kovskogo goavdar-, stvennogo univerettets imeni H.V.Lamonosovs. (SOIl MICRO-ORMNISMS) (ADSORPTION) -(HICROSCOPY) USSR / Diseases of Gultivatod Plants. 0 .',bs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 9, 1958, No 39695 ;,uthor : Zvy-igintscva, E. 1. Ins" .,'State -M-EMIrs-16-n -on Variety Testing of,'.gricultural Crops at the ;-gr-iculturv-1 Ministry USSR. Title : New Treatment of Flax Seeds with Ftuigicidc 50% Thiurad Orig F`ub :Inform. b~lml. gos. komiss. po sortoispyt. s.-Ich. kulltur pri M-ve s.-kh. USSR, 1957, No 41 18-21 -bstract It is established, an the basis of tests conducted over period of 3 years, that the gemination of flax seeds does not diminish when they are treated at bhe:proper time (from 1A- to 6 months before soving) with fungicide.' This preparation is a good fungicido against,fasarium, polysporosium infection, as well as against othor diso"nses in the same manner as '-,grtnozm.-: M. Sibirnov. Card 1/1 ZVTAGINTSEVA, G.P. Tayekina, N.M. i Zvyagintseva, G.P. 33877. Laboratornoye Izucheniye Otklonyoniy Fazy Vyenye Bytdlyetyen: Vsyesoyuz. Astron. - Gyeodyez. O-va, If o 7, 1949, C. 22 Bibliogr: 5 Yanv, SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 46, Floskva, 19 4 -71 fI AElUll AUTHORSx Semenov, A.A., Kyavadze, D.K., NazaroyaoL.G. SOV/55-56-;1-1'3/33 TITLEt The-Investigation of the Properties of Reflection of SOM40 Systems With a Periodic Structure (1eeledoT&niye':otraahatel'nykh avoysty nekotorykh sistem, imayuahchikh periodicheskuiu struktur'AX) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mookovskogo universitetat Ssriyalfiziko-matematicheakikh i ,yeatestvannykh nauk, 1956, Nr 1, PP 107-i14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper contains the results of an experimental investigation of the reflection of electro-magnetic waves 1) from metal grids with different grid constants d and wira.~radii r, 2) from the system screen - grid with different parameters. To 1): Case a: The vector E of the wave.lies in the grid plane parallel,;to the axis of the wire. It is stated that for 4 w oonst the radius'r influences the reflection only then essen tially if dA is ' relatively small. The theoretical results obtained by Yampol'skiy [Ref 61 are confirmed by the experiment:only f9r angles of 1 incidence up to 500 - Case bi The vector H of the wave lies in ,the grid plane perpendicular to the axis of the wire. For large d/~, the influence of r also here is very little. To 2)t Let the reflecting grid be replaced by a condugating plane and a rotating Card 1/2 The Investigation of the Properties of Reflection of Some ~SOV/55-58-1-13/33 Systems With a Periodic Structure grid. It is stated that the coefficient of.reflection oaz be, diminished essentially by the introductioll of the grid. There are 9 referencesp 3 of which are SovietiJ74,German, 1 Canadian, and 1 American. ASSOCIATIONsKafedra rasprostraneniya, izlucheniya i kanalizataii. radibvoln (Chair of Propagation, Emission, an(f of Radio Waves) BUBMITTEDs February 16, 1957 q Card 2/2 SKRYABIN, G.K.; ZVYAGINTSEVAp I.S.; SOKOLOVA, L.V. Transformation of hydrocortisone, cortisone and their, derivatives by a culture of I~rcqbacterium ap, 193. Dy, AN SSSR. Ser. biol. no.5:715-720 S-0 164. (IURA 17:9) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN SSS.%, Moskva. ZVYAGINTSEVA, I.S. Effect of the natural habitat of m7coba2teri- on threIr capacity to transform sterolds.1likrobiologita 33 no-5:772"2776 S-0 165. 04IRA 18:3)' 1. Institut mlkroblologii AN SSSR, SIMABIN) G.K.; ZVYAGIN7SEVA, 4.9- NAZARUK, M.I.; SOKOLOVA, L.V. Effect of oxidation-reduction potential on the trannformation,of hydrocortisone I~r the Mycobacterlum globiforme 193 culture. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no.2t472-474 'Mr 165. (MIRA:1814) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN SSSR. Subimitted October 2, 1964. ZVYAGINTSEVA, I.S.; SYRYABIN, G.Ko nnhv,iratinn of filArnids bv mvenhantfiriq- Titv~: AN SSqR. Sar. bibl. zvyp.GiNTsFvp, snyarti, G.Y.. Ip--,3nc;aia+,Ion of the Mycobacter-lum globiforme 193 cult-are and 1~.~ tapacity to dehydr~tja stsirolds, Mikrobloloriia 34 ao. 3 a L61-464 W-Ja 165. (MIOA :L8-, 11) la Inst,itut mlkrobiolcgil AN SSSR. Z merovo) Important economic problems of technological progress.. Vop. ekon. no.10:15-24 0..159. KIM 22:12) (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining) ZVYAGINTSZVA K X 2MOT, S,N.;KOMVIN, V.G.-, NkTp~, V,B,:; SMMRMO I.Nj stiy6:iK.09QR1N, P,I,,.prof;j MIXABA, A.3,dotment; LINMAU, N.I.; ZMMVLZV, AJ4.1; STOMI't"'k.t.; Cmarmix, N.I.,; KOROVENKOVA, Z,A.,, [Kuznetsk Coal Basin; a statistical handbook] Xwnetakii ugol"nyi bassain; statiatiohaskii spravochnike Hookya-9 Uglatekhizdat, 1959.- '390 P. (HIR4 12:8) 1. Kemerovo. Gornyy Institut. 2. Sotrudniki kdLfedry okonomiki Kemerovskogo gornogo inatituta (for ZvysVintj3a`va'jFopov. Kokorin,, Kulibaba). 3. Kombinat Kusbassugoll (for Zenk6*, Lindenau, Zhuravlev, Stolbov). 4. Kemerovskiy sovnarkhoz Uor~Kozhevln). 5. Sibirskoys otdolen1ye, All SSSR (for SenderZOP). (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining Statistics) ZVYAGINTSAVA, KlavdiZa M~kba yna; ISLANKINA, T.F.,',red.; ATRO- [Opew-pit and hydraulic coal mining] Otkrytyi i gidravli- chaskii sposoby dobyohi uglia~ Moskva, I2d-Vo "Unnie," 1939. 23 p. (Yeesoiusnoo obahchestvo po resproetrananiu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser*4, &uka i tekhnika, no.23)' (MIRA 12:9) (Coal mines and mining) 767.002 Puti Povysheniya Proizvoditelillosti Truda Nz Shalaitakh Xi izb a sk(1-110-1.1iods. of Increauing the Productivity of LiLbor in the Kizbats Tillies, by) V.~ A".. Popov: I K. IM. Zvyi~Lgintseva. llotlcva, Ugletekldzdat, 1956. 69 P. Diagrs., Graphs, Tables (Nzi u cl Lno -pro izvodstvc nrliv yzi. 1 Literatura Po Voprosa.r. Ekonomiki) PEA POPOV, Vitally Arastovich; ZVUOINTOTA lasyd W44 KUNDINO M.D., YA_ otvatetvannyy radak NURCYN-1-YU-p-reds 0 tell stva; AIADOTA, Ye.L. takhnichaskiy redaktor [wa of increasing labor productivity In mines of the Kuznetsk Basin) PdtA pov7shanita prolwyoditelluosti trada na chakhtakh Kusbassa, Moskva, U~letskhizdat, 1956. 69 p.~ NLU 10!1) (Kuznetsk Basin--Goal mines arA minlig) ZVYAGINTSSEVA, Kla,,diya Mikhaylovna; SLIPRENKO, KIA.ra Xonstantlnovna; [Raw materials resources for the chemistry of:the Kuznel.s Basin and A-Itai] SyrIevaia baza khimii Kuztessa i Altala. Ke- merovo~ Kemerovskoe knizbnoe Izd-yo, 1964. 62 p. (MIRA 18:3) --------------- T F Ait ---------- 40 WBAM -L 18008 EVVT(n, JD .-P( Vr/8 pw AM n P6004319 =CIE CODt~~- i'UR16,013/65,10i 6~*,"510052/0057 AUTHOR: Orzhakhovakly,,.M. G. ~vyagintseva, N. V. ORG: none ;TITLE: The relatioz of the t6ickness of epo Wd,pd1yesteir cdatin M#tals and. iconcrete to their durability In liquid ~corrosive, me i 1% SOURCE: Lakokrasochnyye materialy i ikh primeneniy6, no. 1965, 52t-~7 :TOPIC TAG$: protective coating, epoxy plastic, polylejiter plastic, latj4er; 'ABSTRACT: A study was made of the character~stlcs of sialf-i-Oriied coattrigs based on a polyethylenepolyamine-cured epoxy lacqtkerv; ,CHS-epoxy-2000 msin and dibut~,l phtha- late in the ratio of 10:1) and an PE-214 lyester lacquer. The coatings w~-_re ap- plied on steel surfaces (cleaned by blasting with metal shot) and on Vldste~ad con- crate surfaces. The porosity of the coatings was detamined from their electrical resistance and changes in this resistance under the action of water. It is pointed out that the porosity of epoxy and polyester coatings is unsatisfactory in the re- sistance drops by 2 to 5 orders of magnitude in 24 1w. The lower limit.of the UDC 60 .613. 1~ ~Card 1/2 ZVYAGINTSEVA S. G.: min gealth USSR. Central Inst for the Advanced Tralming of Physicians$ ZVYAGINTSEVA, S. G.: "Bronchial asthma in Children.1 HiA Health USSR. Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor in Medical Sciences) SOs KniahnM Lejo .2is' No 20p 19560 ZTTMINTSM"'. SIG. Clinical as-pect arvi therany of 1--ronchlal aathm~ In ChAICIren. Sovet.mad. no.3:1?-20 Kr (G.LKL 1-9:2) 1. Of the Department of Pediatrics, Central inatitut6 for them Advaneed Training of Mynicians (Iliad of Department Prof. GJI.Speraziski,,7). Z Vy i,, q,,~ *j, VS ii,,, Polteva, 1u. K. and Z,j-jarj.,nts,3va, 3. 6. "Fc-~~ding of firpotrozfnic Infants, niore. I ,.han on -, y-vir old, 11 Trudy Vf 'llsesoluz- .1 oly,3z(!,l det. powi-nashrli. paviyati. prof. Filatova, Moscou, PA8, p. 84-88 SO: U-3264, 10 April L"53, (Lttopis 'Zhurnal IrkyM Stat,-~!y,II.o. 3, 194/-)) ZVYAGINTSEVAI S. G. "Exudative Eczema in Young Children," Felldsher i Akusher, No. 2, 1948. ~JSSR/Mjedicine Antibiotics Feb 53. "Administration of Synthomycin in the,.TreAment of Toxicosis of Eneric Origin in Infants," S. G. Zvyagintseva and B. V. Popovich, Dept of Pediatrics, Cent Inst for Advanced Training of Physicians Sovetskaya Meditsina, Val 17, No 2, PP 3-6 Clinical. observations indicate that synthomyc in is,, a highly -effective drug for the treatment of toxicoses which disappear soon after synthomycin has been ad- ministered. Effectiveness of synthomycin is ex- ~Plained by its bacteriostatic activity upon the 247T26 intestiiial flora irrespective of its exogenic or its, #_hd6dbnic origin. The newly synthesized Soviet antibiotic, levomycetin, is far superior to syntho- .pyr,in in effectiveness and does not produce -such-. extensive secondary,complicationi- 247T26 ZVTAGMSEVA, S.Go ~'i~ [Rickets] Rakbit. Mookva, Medgiz, 1954a 9 po (MIRA 8:4) (Rickets) DOMBROVSKAYA, Yu.F., prof* otv, redsj.?~~ prof. red.; SOKOLOVAj T.S.p prof.) red.-GMRGs.i4p 1".. !profk%reds Luurreur, problems of the pnysiology and pathology of, childhood] SovremenzWe problezyIiziologii i ~fti.tologii detskogo vozrasta. Moskva., Meditaina 1965.; 3171P. IMIRA, 18 1. 6) 1. DeystvitelInyy chlen AIO SSSR (for DombrovAaya)o ZVYAGINTSEVA, S.G.0 prof.; BAKWOVA$ V.F.,,; GROMOVA, R.V.; --MF7VV7S.M.; SHIRYAYLTA, I.P. Subendocardial fibroelaBtosis in children, Podiatriia 41 no0:38- 44 My 162, (MMA 150) 1. Iz kafedry pediatrii (zavi - deystvitall~yy clilon.ANV SSSR prof. G.K. Speranskiy) TSentrallnogo instituita usovershenstw- vaniya vrachey (rektor M.D. Kovrigina) i Detakoy'bollnits No.9 imeni F.E., Dzerzhinslo (glavnyv. vrach A.11, Kudr'yashevT HEART-DISWES) - 1. -XITAGINTSUA.- Sofiya, Q9 qrgiy~yna - i (Bronchial asthm In children] DroWthiallneia Otua u detai. Koakva, Medgis. 1958. 206 p. (MIRA 13:8) (ASTHMA) SPERANSKIY, G.H.; ZffAGINTSEVA, S.G.-, FOULTA, Tu.'I.; DRYUSIN. G.R40 red. (Peeding the healthy and ill child] PitanAe sdorovogo I bollnogo rebenka; kratkoe posobie dlia mahei. Moskva, usovershenstvovaniis vrachei, 1959. 70 P. (MMA 13:2) (DI2T IN DISHAa) (CHILMEN--NUTRITICIN) o.rAtG..-j TOBOLIN. V.A. "Brythroblastosis fetalis," edited by A.F. Tur. Reviewed by S.G.: %viaginteava, V.A# Tobolino Pediatriia 37 119-3:85-87 Mr 159- (KIRA 12:4) (BRYTEEROBLASTOSIS YETAMS) (TUR, A.Fo). Name: Dissertation: Degree: Affiliation: Defense Date, Place: Certification Date: Source: ZVYAGINTSEVA, Sofi-yaGeorgiyevnii Bro chial asthma in children chi al as Doe ed Sci e d ScI cat t i 0 ~Rot dicateg 0 13 Metr\15 , Council of Central Inst rt 56~, for Advance -Training of Physicians r Advance 26 MaY 56 BMVO 4/57 ARUTYUNOV, V-Ya., prof.; BERKOVICH, I.K., doktor med.nauk; BUIIIII, K-V-, prof. VBLIKORSTSKIT, A.11., prof.; GAMBURG, R.L., (laktor med.nauk; GIASKO, N.M.; ZMGTXXSI -,-4*a-. dokto-r med.nauk; IVIINSWA, A.M., kanderaedo neuk; R=N'A~, A"-.U,; KkHI1WYA-FA*LOVA, %.A., prof. KVAT1:R, Ye.I., prof.; KOISNIKO. A.B., prof.i KOSSYM, M.B., kand. mod.nauk; KRAVETS, N.M., doktor med.nauk; KRISTHAN. V.1., neuk; KRUZHKOV, V.A., dotsent; LIJWCH1iV,, A.G., prof.; LUXONSKIT, I.G., prof.- KASHKOVSKIY, M.D.. prof.; ROZEUT-AL', A.S., prof.; SFM.YSKIY, M.Ya.'Cdeceased], prof.; TURRTSKIY, M.Ya.,; KERSIN.. Ye.Ye., dotsent; RHDINA. Kh.L..; SHABAWV, A.U., prof red.; BOMARI, Z.A., red.; ZAMROVA, A.I., tekhn..r .ad. [Medical handbook for feldshers] Meditainskii spravochnik dlia falldsherov. Izd. 6-os, parer. i dop. Mosl'va, Goa. izd-vo M'ed. lit-ry, 1957- 899 P- (H LILA 10:12) (MBDICINH--HANDBOOKS,. HAIJUALS, ETC.) DOIATSKIY, S.Ya..; ZYYAGIWMVA, B.G., doktor medoneuk Semiotice of vomiting in the newborn and injnfantc during their first weeks of life. Padi,4triia no.11:47-53,11 157, (MMU, 11 -.2) 1. 1z kafedry khirurgii detskogo vouroats (zay. - qhlen-korre'sporm. dent AMN SSSR prof. S.D.Ternovskiy) II R skovskogb maditainskogo.' institute imeni N-I-Pirogova i kafedry doyetvitell- ny7 chlen AMN SSBR prof. G.H.Speranegys2diAtrii (zav. (INFAMS-DISMASES) (VOMITING) ZMGIOSVA. T... ~ 11010" ~ WIIAI I Active member Olga Uurova. Kryl.vodL. 2 no,3:13 Kr 151. (MM 10 ;2) (Kaurova, Olga Yedoroyna), ZYYAGINTSEVA T. Group.leader. Kt7l.rod. 2 no.6:15-16 je 1510 (KM 8:8) (Starootin, Patr PetrovIch) ZVTAGINTSEV, T.T., inzh. 5W AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 1/1 Shatenshteyn, A. I. Zvyagintseva$ Ye-, N- SOY/79-29-5-i73/75 7 Investigation of the Mechanism of Acid Basic Reaction by the Method of Deuterium Exchange,~Izlxc'heniye m6khanizma kislotno-oanovnogo vzaimodayetviya metodom'deyteroobmena) Zhurnal obahchey khimii,' 19551 Vol 29's Nr p 1751 ~(USSR) A determination was made of the velocity constants in! the, reaction between the amineB 0 H D N(CH and 6 2.3 Y2':(C6H2D3)2XCH3 (C H D ) N and the acids acetic acid,,~formic acid, mono- 6 2 3 3 chloroacetic acid, triohloro acetic acid, 3tifluoroaoetic acid and hydrobromic acid. (Table). The reaction scheme -B"sted was found to be'inadequate. Further according tP.. investigation-&~e to provide more accurate values. There~ are I table and 2,Soviet eeferencese Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni Kerpova (Physico- chemical Institute imeni~L. Ya. Karpor) February 6, 1959 IL'IANq M.I.; ZVOSKOVAg N.S.9 starabiy agronom; LEYNp Z.Ya.; Y2AJO; MARINICH, P.19.p red.1,7ABORSKIYO red.;%WP~ -7.V., takhn. red. (Now corn bybrids Bukovihe-3 and'Dukovina 2~ result" of stale crop variety tests) Novye gibridy kukuruzy' ~~ovinsk-ii 3 1 Bu- kovinskii 2; rezul'taty gosudarbto6nnago isort.oispytaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va sell. Ichoz. SSSRY 1960. 45 P. (NMA 24-.8) 1. Russia(1923- U.89:S'#R.) GosWhrstvemmya~komis sIY4 po sorto- ispytAu4 selOskokhozya~rstvermykh kulltur. 2. Zavadqw~dbaya khimiche Ily laboratoriyey GoaWarstveniq komissil po 'borto- ispytaniyu se-1'skokJiozyqyst-venrqkh kulltur pri Ministerstve sell- skogo khozyaystva SSM,(for Leyn). 3. Zamestitell predoedatelya Gosudarstvennoy komisaii. po sortolapytaniyu sellskokhoryaystver~-- rqkh kulltur pti Ministerstve bellskogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Marinich). (Corn (Maize) -Var'ietie B AUTHORS: Shatenshtern,, A. I., and ZVynint8eVaj Ye* INo 20-117-5-35/541. of TITLE.4, On the'Influence of the Mpertlefs/Inieractio.0 on the Rules,-of Deuterium Exchange (0 vliyanii osobe'nnostsy.mmzhdusolskiLlyalmogo vzaimodeys-tviya'na takonomernosti deytoroobmena)* PERIODICAL; Doklady AN SSSRO 1957, Vol.'117j. Nr 5, pp. 852-855 (USSR)- ABSTRACTe" The present paper shows the folloving:,It is possible to explain the greater velocity of the hydrogen exchange with,the amphoteric sole vents (quinaldine and picoline) by a modification of the valinZe staw to of the nitrogen atom in these methrUsated heterocycIie compounds, (as opposed to the protophlUe liquid ammonia). Up to now,, arL imam diats comparison of the velocity of thel,deutorium, exchange with alm coholes and liquid ammonia was missipg.Ihe present investigation., therefore, is conducting experiments vith hydrocarbons; (indene and fluorane) and with ketones (azetophanone and P-naphty1mathy3L )cotone~). Above all, it was shoux, that the same hydrogen atoms are exchanged with both solvents, that. is to sayj, the atoms of the CH, group-in the indene and the fluorene, and the atome.of tho'CH 3 group in the raw Maining substances. The deuterium introduced hto the substance by Card 1/2 an exchange with 0 2H50D was washed out in 'a subsequent treatment with the Properties of On the Influence of /IntramO!O-.ul&r- Interaction on the Rule~001?17~--;-1/51 Deuteriun Exchange. liquid ammonia,, (invers exchange). A marginal observatiom is shortly discussed. The exchange of hydrogen in'hydrocarbona and,in ketones takes place much faster with liquid amnonia 'at low temperatures than with ethanole. Numerical data on these processes are given, The ex- periments on the inverse exchange were conducted with quin "~inej which previously was deuterised. By means of'a,determinationlof the physical constants VL was proved, that the substances do not,change during the experiments, A few of the substances given here behave like very weak acids at a dissolution in liquid avmonia*,Th8 results obtained here speak in favour of the fact$ thit the velocity of the exchange reaction increases at an increase ofAhe polarity and of the concentration of the complex with the heterocyclic part* A com- prehensive survey of the facts discussed In this paper proves', that* the rules of the deuterium exchange show a strong dependence on the._ pec,11da ities of the intramolecular interaction in the solutions, There are I figure, I table, and 12 referencesp 6 of which are Slavici ASSOCIATION; Faysical-Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Kaxpov (Fisiko-khimicheakiy institut imeni L4 Yao Karpova), PRESENTED: May 24; 1957p by A* N& Terenin, Academician. SUBMITTED,.'. may IL4, 1957. Card 2/2 SHTM, A. I. EnAGII~MEEVAI_ Ye. N. , YAKOVLEVA, Ye. A,) URAILLNICH, Ye. A. VARSHAVSKIY, Ya. M., LOZHKIMV,_M. G., MENEM, A. V. "Acid-Base Catalysis of the Reaction of.Isotopic Hydrogen Exchange." Prcbjt=f ZI=tIcz (~MA.Ijsiz, V. fin e M.- 19W7 ;m2t or th,3 V-_-T;tTa In thl~s 'd z:t hn 1 9 1 , Ye.A., kand.khimonnk- Zj7AQLW,,,WA~_,_ Te,N.; VARbHAYSKIT, U.N., kandokbim.nauk; XUAILOICH, Te.A., _104.khtm.nauk; DYIQUIO, N.M., kanijkhtmosuk-, VIZIOGADOT. A.P., akademik, otvatetvanny7 rod.; XHRISTIAIIOV, V.K.. red.izd-ve [Isotopic analysis of water] Izotopnyl snaliz vody. Izd. 2-oo. Hoekva, Izd-vo Aked.nauk SSSR, 1957. 235 P. (MIRA 11:2). (Water--Analyst:,) (Elydroeen--Isotopes) (Oxygen-Isotop 3) SH&TIMSHTIM. A.I.- ZVYAGINTSVA Ye.N.-, TAKOVLFIVA, ~-Ie.A.; MRAILETIOU, To.A.; ;-K.G.,, VIDINNYWO A.T. Aoid-base catalysis of the hydrogen isotope excharge reaction* Probl. kin. i katt 9:218-233 157. 1113) (Catalysts) (Hydrogen-la'Otopes) TAXIMEM. L.F.; SffATENSHTEYN, A.I.; RABIROVICH, M.A,; YAWVl"A, To.A.; BORISOVA, Z.H.; ZVYAGII;MSP Preparing protium and protium oxide. Zhur. neorge khim, 2 no.11:2507-2512 N '57. (MIRA 3-1:3) (Hydrogen--Isotopes)