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UX 51:801 APRESYAN, YU. D. am-lwm__~-__~M ____ "Semantic Transformations and Syntagmatic Filters" V sb. Ma~;h. per. i prikl. lingvist. (Machine Translation end Applied Llnguls- tics -- collection of works), vyp. 14, Moscow, 1971, pp 3-42 (from M-Kiber- netika, No 7, Jul 72, Abstract No 7V673) Translation: This paper comprises two parts in the first of which the selaantic classification of the verbal substantives of the type of "request," 11revard," 11 worry" is more precisely defined. The compatability of this category of words is described in term,, of the lexical functions of Mel'chuk-Zholkovskiy. Tile second part of the paper is devoted to a classification of restrictions ,on tile applicability of the rephrasing rules formulated in terms of tile mentioned system. The rephrasing rules have the- form of p(--r-matatioiis applied to deep structures represented in the form of trees denoted by symbols of the Basic language. It turns out that it is not always possible uniquely to dc- termine whether a given substitution is applicable by using the limited set of attributes. However, it is possible to formulate the general princip1C,!: lithe freedom to rephrase is greater the less marked the reT)hrasirp ricans znd the context in which the initial expression is usecl.ll 11-1;ie least marked is, of course, the context in which the initial word reali.~,.es the minimum le.:Iical 1/2 M USSR APRESYAi,-JI, YU. D. j Mash. per. i prikl. lingvist. , vyp. 114, Moscow, 1971, pp 3-42 and grammatical valence and is used in a simple nonextended, affirmative, non- negative, nonmodal sentence in the indicative mood of present time in graimmati- cally unmarked form. The absence of any of the listed attributes increases thc marked nature of the sentence." The defined hierarchy of marking can be, given also in the rephrasing media. 2 12 h i, 022 UNCLASSIFIED RROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 '-f'ftLE-INVESTIGATION OF THE 14ECHANISM OF CHANGES OF RS CHARACTER OF IN PASSAGES IN THE PRESENCE OF BROMODEOXYUPIDINE -U- A.UTHOR-(03)-CHERNOS* V.I., At~ IRONIDZEp K-G.v GHENDON, YU.Z. .-CCUNTRY OF INFC--USSR SOURCE--J GEN VIROL 613): 355-359. 1970 :DATE PUBLISHED----70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS- BRUM I NAT ED ORGANIC COMPOUND, VI-RUS2 SKIN P-HYSIOLUGY, N'ECROSISt INTERFERON CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DGCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/0929 STEP N0--UK/0000/70/lj(.,6/0,13/-0355/0359 CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0126588 19K.LASSIFIF-0 2/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED PRIO'CESS IING DATE T 70 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0126588 .A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. NEURUVACCINIA VIRUS fi'.~OPAG_AIED IN, THE PRESENCE OF BROMODEOXYURIDINE LOSES THE CAPACITY TO PRUDUCE NECAOSIS IN THE SKIN OF RABBITS. IMIECHANISMS UNDERLYING THIS Lrj-':'~S '.~EPE STUDIED. THE POPYLATIGN UNDER STUDY CONSISTED PREDOMINANTLY oF viij, nkiu[CLES CAPABLE.UF PRCDUC114G NECkOSIS IRS PRIME POSITIVE) AIND A S14ALL PORTION OF PARTICLES InHICH HAD LOST THIS CAPACITY IRS PRIME NEGAIIVE.). AN RS PRIME NEGATIVE CLCNE ISOLATED FROM THE PUPYLATION INDUCED AN INHIBITOR OF INTERFERON TYPE IN RABBIT SKINt WHICH MARKEDLY INHIBIIED REPRODUCTION OF RS PRIME POSITIVE VIRUS STRAINS AND CONSEQUENTLY *rHE CAPACITY OF THESE STRAINS TG PRODUCE NECROSIS. FACILITY: MOSCOW RES. INST. VIRAL PREP-, MOSCOW, USSR. U14C L 4-S-S- 1-F f-6 li USSR uDc 622.24.05:6~;.M,-.2.002.72 GALITSKIY, B.M., Engineer. APRISEUM, P.G. Eni~-incer (I_,:.."~U of the State Institute for the -Planni- Specializ,_,~`, Cons ti-act, "Erection of Supports on a Floating Drilling Rig" Moscow, %'OntazhnZFye i _Spetsial'nyrye Raboty ~, St-rci-Itellst%re, I-No 4, '11, pp 12-14 ~ -.u c r - Abstract: The assembly of the floating dril-_ilmz rig "Miazar" in O__ U I sistipG of a 50.5 x 452, nontoon of 7.25", Lei(, A 'wri", four 5.6% 5.6 ni suppor columns 941m long.. desi-Ened fr,:)m drilling 60001ai ~,;ells at 60 -Li sea de-r- 2, S described. Each 3upporL consists of nine SeCtiono 10 to 11-52, lonc and weighing from 52 to 77 4,un each, of lottice con::~tr-uction. z;r-clu-j!J1, is made of sheet steel. 410-F,5= thick and thick wall pipes. '_11 joints ~,tere manually welded by an ~-.c. arc ipith special care. SectionG vCre -fl-SC-m"o-fect 1jy means of a float-Ing- 140 'Gon crane T,,-ith 80.5!u, lift. 1/1 37 WmHfiiiaw, 'aw Acc. Nr: df0044617, Ref. Code; PRTnXARY SOURCE: Klinicheg~caya Meditsina, 1970, Vol 48, Nr PP C7 AFFECTION-OF THE LIVER AND BILE DUCTS IN SYSTEMIC SCLERODERMIA Aprosina, Z. G.; Guseva_, N, G? P "ritsman, N. N. On the basis of exam Inations of 180 patients with systemic sclerodcrmia the authort revealed the character and incidence of clinical signs of involvement of tile liver bile ducts~. In 30 cases (in 19 - according to -.nutopsy data. in I I - according to biopsy of the liver) nwrphological changes in the liver were studied. REEL/FRAME 19771,294 !Art Ivi" 1,y r,. t-- A-: p n. v%u, ~ i .!A. f~.- F I.. - T, tln ln~- p-d.clloly, aj~W J~rofj:~ .1 1 i L 11, 1- 1 A I ; 11, 1 a .,;, - - I n I ,, , - ~ 1 1 -t t- o' t I to --0, ;, .1,-t It- 1;, r,~:-- and tt. -Li~l-.y 1'.w ~y al -"n i -tnt: 1,11-! 'n -I. It-, 0 t1,; , !, I L ji A 1"'n i"d ~.,L 1 j f" , I , to ....... l 1-c ",-- !,-Z, -:1. w, thc 11" It I t I., I ..- "'l.", ll.-t 1 1. In I-Y"', il"'.1 I I b- i 'r r t I t I I" i. I t t T' 4 nJ JO 11. 1 1 :1 1 Z I 1 1 J. "i 1 1. lo L11.6 t,_ I-:,.. L ;-l I-- . 1 r-cly el t,:,_ ;,r,,G,Vt I~m I f Inrt. 11 n_, t ,t, r;,:: t Tc--27NOV70 .7 We 066 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DA rITLE--RADIATIVE TRANSPORT WITHIN AN ABLAT[;`R_~ 6ODY -U- AUTHO.R-(02)-AP5HTEYN, E.Z., YEFIMOVA, L.G. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR, IZVESTIIA, MEKHANIKA ZHIDKOSTI I GAZA, JAN.-FEB. 1970, P. 148-153 OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--RADIATIVE COOLING, RADIATIVE HEAT TRANSFERt ABLATIVE MATERIAL, ABLATIVE COOLING, MOTION EQUATION, TRANSI)ORT EQUATION, ABSORPrfON COEFFICIENT, ABLATIVE HEAT SHIELD, THERMAL RADIATION, HEAT RADIATION, GAS DYNAMICS, HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUME,11T CLASS--U,.' .4C LA SS[FIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAME-_1992/1777 STEP.NO--Uil/0421)70/0001000/0148/0153 CIRC ACCESSION N11--AP0112763 UNIC, L .14 S S 11: 1 E D - --------- 212 066 UNICL A SS I FfED PROCESSI-N-C, DATE--271NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112763 ~-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DISCUSSION OF THE STFADY m0Tro!'\l OF :THE LIQUID FILM ON THE SURFACE OF AN ABLATING BODY, WFTH ALLOWANCE FOR HEAT TRANSFER BY RADIATION FROi*-l THE INTERIOR OF THE BODY. AN APPROXIMATION IS PROPOSED, USING WHICH THE EQUATION OF MOTION CAN (3E SEPARATED FROM THE ENERGY AND RADIATIVE TRANSPORT EQUArIONS. THE SOLUTIONS TO THE ENERGY AND RADIATIVE TRANSPnRr EQUATIONS ARE THEN USEO TO OBTAIN AN ANALYTICAL SOLUTION TO THE EQUATION OF mor[ON. TO THIS END, THE TEMPERATURE PROFILES (OBTAINED NUMERICALLY) ARE APPROXIMATE BY THE EXPONENTIAL CURVE OF A QUADRATIC FUNCTION OF THE COORDINATES. GRAPHS ARE PLOTTED, SHOWING THE INFLUENCE OF THE ABSORPTION COEFFICIENTo THE TEMPERATURE AND THICKNESS OF-THE HEAT SHIELOP THE RADIANT FLUX EMITTED BY THE GAS THE SURFACE TEMPERATURE, AND THE REFLECTION COEFFICIENT ON THE TEMPERATURE PROFILE. tT IS SHOWN THAT INEGLECT OF RADIATIVE TRANSPORT WITHIN A BODY CAN LEAD TO GREATLY UNDERESTIMATED VALUES FOR THE ABLATION RATE. FACILITY: MOSKOVSKII GOSUDARSTVENNYI UNIVERSITET, MOSCOW, USSR. NCLASSIFIED 112 025 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--THERMODYNAMIC CALCULATION OF THE T-P-X PHASE.DIAGRAM OF THE BISMUTH , "LEAD SYSTEM -U- ,,%UTHOR-(02)-APL Af~t I-L., BASKAKOVAi V.B. GO UNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--DOKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970v 191(6)1 1305-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .,SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--BISMUTH ALLOY, LEAD ALLOY, HIGH PRESSURE EFFECT, ALLOY PHASE ''DIAGRAM ..GONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSfFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/1249 STEP NO--UR/0020/70/191/006/1305/L308 CIRC ACCESSION NO--ATO!38260 LiLf- 1 A t! t! 1 F 1 ~7 2/2 025 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0138260 'BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PHASE DIAGRAM FOR 81-PB, WHICH .CAN BE CONSIDERED AS THE RESULT OF THE SUPERPOSITION OF THE "S[MPLEST11 PHASE DIAGRAMS (6 IN THIS CASE)t CAN BE CALCD. BY USING THE MODEL OF REGULAR SOLNS. (D. KAMENETSKII, 1964) TO CALC- EACH OF THE SIMPLE PHASE DIAGRAMS. THE APPEARANCE OF A NEW REGION OF STABILITY WAS FOUND FOR THE GAMMA PHASE IN THE 0.7-0.9 ATOM FRACTION OF BI BEGINNING WITH A PRESSURE OF SIMILAR TO 10 KILOBARSo FACILITY: INSTo FIZ. TVERD, TELA, MOSCOW, USSR. .PROCESSING DATE--11SCP70 .'T'ITLE--PHASE EQUILIBRIUMS.'M,A BISMUTH THALLIUM SYSTEM UNDER PRESSURE -U-. .AUTHOR-TONKOV, E.YU., APTEKAR, I.L. 4 COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ..SOURCE-FIZ. METAL. METALLOVED. 19701 29(l) 202-4 DATE PUBLISHED------70 AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-BISMUTH ALLOY, THALLIUM ALLOY, H16H PRESSURE EFFECT, EUTECTIC, INTERMETALLIC-COMPOUND, THERMAL ANALYSIS, PHASE EQUILIBRIUM CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--LINCLASSIFIED .PROXY RE-EL/FRAliF--1988/0629 STEP ~40--Ul~/01?-6/70/0;19/001,/O?O?/0204 CIRC ACCESSION Nn--AP0105608 ~UNCL4:SSIFIED 2/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING D-ATF--IISEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105608 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(,U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE 5 YSTE M BI-TL WAS STUDIED BY DTA UP TO A PRESSURE 20,000 KG-CM'PRIME2& THE MOST INTERESTING SYSTEMS WERE THOSE CONTG. 10-52 ATOM PERCENT TL, THE EUTECTIC POI-NT, AT "'148 DEGREES' A,\[D--23 8-ATOM PERcEN.T' AT NORPIAL CONDIN .15 IS 'SHIFTED 1% THE ON DIRECTION OF HIGH;R BI CONCNS. BY THEzACTION OF PRESSURE. ALL ALLOYS CONTG. 15.3-37.5 ATOM PERCENT TL AT 500 KG-CM PRIME2. SHOV- SPLITTlf4G OF THE EUTECTIC TRANSFORMATION LINES. AT 10,000.AND AT 16,COO KG-CM RRIME2, THERC,..ARE 2 MAX..ON-THE LIQUIDUS LINE; ONE CORRESPO`-JIDS TO 81 *-SUBZ.-TL W41CH.-BECOM-ES-KORE-DISTINCT AND REM41NS Ff)~EO WITH INCREASING ~,PRESSURE 4ND THE OiHER'MAX. AT HIGHER TL CONCUS. COPPESPONIDS TO A NEW .,~~INTIERMEDIATE PHASE.- PHASE DIAGRAMS ARE GIVEN FOR PRESSURES OF It Io ,PRIME5, AND L,.6 TIMES 10 PRIME5 KG-CM.PRIME2, muri etecir-tcn USSR UDC 669.295.017.11+669.296.017.11 APTEKAR', I. L., and PONFYATOVSKIY, Ye. G. "The Influence of Pressure on the Equilibrium Between a, ~, and w Phases in System Based on Titanium and Zirconium" Problemy Sverkhprovodyashchikh !Aaterialov (Problems of Superconducting Materials - Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp 131-140 Translation.: The thermodynamic potentials of the a, 6, and -W modifications of Ti and Zr are calculated. The energy,, entropy, and transition volume values included in the Dhase equilibrium equations are assumed independent of tempera- ture and pressure and are determined using handbook data and data on tile P-T diagrams of Ti and Zr. The relationships produced satisfactorily describe the P-T diagrams of these elenents. It is demonstrated that the w phase in alloys of Ti and Zr is a solid solution of the alloying component in the high pressure w modification of Tj and Zr. Certain possible t~-pes of stable and metastable state diagrams of metal systems ba-sed on Ti and Zr are studied in the approximation of ideal solutions, considering the w phase, and their evolution is traced as pressure is applied. 6 figures; I table; 12 biblio. refs. -rut-16 rvct17On USSR UDC 624.131.S37:626 82.06-15 YEVDOKINIOV, P. D. , Professoy, Doctor of Rchnical Sci clices Candidate of Technical Scicnces and KASIM-MCOV, P. LIPOVETSKAYA, T. F., and KONMAT'YEVA, K. B., Engineers I'Expcrii,~ientul SLudics to Determine the St, -ahilit~ Of LhQ Buii1ding, of Kmaskaya Hydroelectric Power Station" Gidroteklin-ichoskoyo Stro:;tcl'stN,o, No 3, 1972, 1)], Abstract: Results arc reported from fi.,Jd tc,;t~; of t!j, Ile the foundaticIii of the NizIme-l-rusLava lj~drau tl npLh of I j Iclectf,ic P-l"O, station. poi~:cl house. Experiments on shcar of stamps":erformud it] till; coristruction trench a basi_ at the level of tile structure werc usec as 4*01- tile design charac- -it I teristi.cs of found, -ion soil strengtit ,)I, the I,(-tj:;e (1,j t~() possible typus of (10formatioll of 01c, j,"(11datioll 111)071 !.,Ili ()I' t ru c - ture under the wigim-lering, md guolt)j":al conditiolls CIE tile site. M Steels USSR UDC 669.15-194.001.6 BABCHENKO, S. L., KARP, S. F., APTEKAR', N. M., YASHKAYA, G. V., and D'YACHENKO, A. Z. "Effect of Nickel on the Impact Toughness of G13L Steel During Explosion Hardening" Dnepropetrovsk, ',Ietallurgicheskaya,i,Gornorudnaya Promyshlennost', No 4, Jul-Aug 70, pp 40-41 Abstract: A study was made of the effect of nickel additions on the impact toughness of C13L steel in the temperature range from-+20 to -40'C after explosion hardening. The impact toughness of the standard metal. before explosion hardening was 21.8 kg/cm2; the nickel-alloyed metal had an impact toughness of 22.7 kg/CM2. Explosion hardening produced work hardening through the entire thickness of the metal. The hardness reached 33-35 RC, the reduction in thickness was up to 1 mm (initial thickness 11 mm). Impact thoughness was significantly decreased, although GL3L steel alloyed with nickel retains plasticity to a greater extent than steel of the standard composition. At -400c, the impact toughness of the standard, steel is sharply reduced after explosion hardening, whereas the nickel- 1/2 a U 4w 6 M USSR BABCRENKO, S. L., et al, Metallurgicheskaya i Gornorudnaya Promyshlennost', No 4, Jul-Aug 70, pp 40-41 alloyed steel shows only a slight decrease in impact toughness at this temperature, 2/2 4_3 ,7~ Acc. Nr Ref. Code: UR 0016 WODNSIC PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidentiologii, i Immunobiologii, 1970, Nr 1. PP-24-Jo CULTIVATION OF SALMONELLAE OF TYPHOID FEVER ON SYNTHETIC NUTRIENT MEDfM 1. M. Gruber, V. V. Biryukov, K. D. Gnuni, F' I. Agtekareua The authors modified the full value amino acid medium by replacement of triptophane with its precursor - indol (0.1 g1l), and of asparagic acid - with urea (0.86 g/1). By the in- dices of reproduction the modified nutrient medium was not inferiour to the initial, but was even somewhat superior to it by growth indices. Replacement of the two deficient expensive amino acids offered a possibility of cutting in two the cost of the nutrient medium. A method of orthogonal Latin rectangles was used in this work; it offered a possibility C, of t:stablishing 'the range of changes in the concentration of com.nonents, capable of providing the optimal rate of reproduction of typhoid bacilli, by a small number of experiments. USSR UDC 621.313.12:538.4 BORDACHEVA, V. V., VAL'DBLRG, A. YU., VIKHROV, YE. A., KU1U',IN, V. P., MOSTINSKIY, I. L., NEY-HOROSHEV, R. S., SOROKINI, G. S., FEDOROVA, Z11. S. "Study of Various Methods of Trapping an Ionizing Additive in the U-02 Experi- mental Magnetohydrodynamic Generator" V sb. 1-fagnitogidrodinam. metod polucheniya elektroenergi-i (Ir4gnetohydrodynamic Method of Obtaining Electric Power--collecLion of works), vyp. 3, Moscow, Energiya, 1972, pp 202-219 (from RZh-Aviatsionnyye i raketnyy dvigateli,otd-el'- Ryy_yypusk-, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11.34.137) Translation: T1 'e requirements on additive injection systems are formulaLcOt. Methods of trapping an ionizing additive and tile structural execution are de- scribed. The operating experience using additive injection systems in experi- mental magnetohydrodynamic generators is described, and results are presenLed from studies of the efficiency of trapping them with submicron 1, 2C03 dust from a flow of combustion products are presented. A study was made of the advantages and disadvantages of each of tile systems. There are 7 illustrations and a 13- entry bibliography. 1/1 1/2 023 UiNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 f I TLE-ASSCS SPENT Cj- IRON DEPCf IN THE ORGANISM ANO DIAGNOSIS OF HYPGFt:KR0U5 ANEMIA -U- AUTHOR-(02)-APULLONOVA, L.A.,~IDELSON# L.I. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S0URCE--TERAPEV_fICHL_SK-l'i ARKHIV# 19701 VOL 42, Nk 6t PP 41-43 DATE PU3LISHEC -------- iQ SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLCGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIE'NCES TOPIC TAGS--IRON, URINE, ANEMIA, DIAGNOSTIC METH005v JILl"..0Y, MINFRAL UEFICIENCY CCNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .PROXY REELIFRAME--300211924 srEP CIRC ACCESSICN N01-001429273 UNIC.LASSIF[ED 212 023 UNCLASSIFIED PIZ UCE-S-S I.NIG D "AT E-- 3 -~OC r7 0 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0129273 At3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE E"; T AUTHOAS XAMIED --14 HYPGFERROUS ANEMIA. THE CONTENT CIF IRON IN THE U-~tINE AFfER 1 "i-; 500 MG OF DESIFERAL WAS LOW (0.45 PLUS OF% MINUS ").05 I'lik'3-214H), T~il- L EXCRETION IS 0.94 PLUS GR MIINUS 0.07 MG-24H. THE TEST IS USEFUL! DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF IRON DEFICIENCY AND ANENIIA. il-IF, TO REVEAL LATENT IRON DEFICIENCY. FACILITY: T S E.% r R A L G 0 INSTITUTA USOVERSHE.N'STVOVANIYA VRACHEY I GRUPPA AKAD. AMN SSSR 1. A. KASSIRSKGGO NA EAZE TSENTRALINOY KLINICHESKOY BOL'NITSY NO 2. MINISTIZSTVA PUTEY SOOBSHCHENIYA, PlOSKVA. ONCLASS IFIED 1119-1 "11' -1i III lki0l'Idw, 4-4 M 16; jl.lj~~tl-~~kf;r.j~"~f~~jt~- 41 L~ ~41~ 11-A ilh MI W ;1;:3 lGlul, M '11-1-M I IIF 4.i 1, 11 Wl ML VIM I I. AHA l-, I!t..- USSR UDC 531,01 APYrXT11N, N. 0. PIONT,-',C4rKIY, A. A. and SAFICLAff, V., M. 1105colf "On a Lyapunov Function in the Problem of the Movement of a Solid Dody Moscow, Prikladnayrt Mfatematika i Nckhanika Vol 37, 1-10 2, 93, PP 346-71`9 Abstract: In considering the perinanent rotations of a bod- attPched at one point to a baGe, it is not possible to construct a Lyaplinov fvmction as a grour of primary integrals of the equation of movement if the zitt-lachment point is so-~.~t~- y Thio artic'e conS-i(;~-:z*-,1 what moveable, because of the lack of an enorg I -L another possible technique for constructing the Lyanpiinov fiuict:iou in the forr. of a quadratic with coefficient,-, representing functions of tinie. The firnt -step in the demonstration is the development of a single pEIX,aM~,tr4C fZ?n.-,jjy Of C-Cles and the demon6tration thnt if the quadratic form un,th cont~t~,)O- -icionis iu positive definite the f-smily of cycles is betw-en two It io Vr y -ero then shown that if the derivative of this fami -Y is neg!it- -kcall, - the unperturbed motion ir; 1;yapunov stFible. The method ic Fc, "he roll-ar-y motion of a LaGrange top. ~,7 112 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--ON THE PROBLEM OF OZONE FURMATION IN THE LOWER STRATOSPHERE -U- AUTHOR-A',~ABAOSHI, V.I. --USSR COUNTRY OF INFO 'SOURC;:--BERLI!Nr ZEITSCHRIFT FUER METEOROLOGIE, VOL 211 NO 8, 1970, PP 245-246 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--STRATOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERIC OZONE, COSMIC RADIATION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,-DOCUMENT CLASS -_ UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAMF--1997/1832 STEP NU--(;E/0064/70/021/008/0245/0246 C I R C ACC ES S I 0,N' NO--APO 120 509 UNCLASSIFIED Balm,, wfiliulimmu 11 212 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120509 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--iU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THIS BRIEF REPORT STATES THAT THE AUTHOR ~3ELIEVES THAT THE '-lAIN CAUSE OF OZONE FORMATION IN THE LOWER- STAATOSPHEKE IS THE ABSORPTION OF COSMIC RADIATION BY THE ATMOSPHERr ACCORDING TO T141S THEORY THE ENERGY FUR THE FORMATIUN OF OZONE IS CREATED BY A NUCLEAR CLEAVAGE OF XENON. THE THEORY IS IN AGREEMENT WITH THE BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF OZONE IN THE LOWER STRATOSPHERE, AND 15 THEREFORE CO;NSIDERED PREFERABLE TO THE PHOYOCHEMICAL THEORY PRESENTLY HELD. THREE REFERENCES TO RUSSIAN PUBLICATIONS. U L A SI .... ...... TM.-rEl USSR UDC: 621.652:669.018.95(088.8) ARABEY, B. G., BAULIN, Yu. N., ZVEREV, I. I., ZUKHER, M. S., KOKONIN, S. S., MARKOV, Yu. M., PORTNOY, K. I., SKLYAROV, N. M., IYURIN, V. A. "Metal Ceramic Friction Materiallf USSR Author's Certificate Number 3,16373, Filed IS/12/69, Published 18/08/72 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallur,giya, No 8, 1973, Abstract No BG422P) by S. Krivonosova). Translation: A metal ceramic friction material, for example for braking devices, is suggested, containing ZrC and B carbide. In order to increase the stability of the coefficient of friction, B nitride and metals of the Fe group are introduced to the composition, taken in any combination with the following ratio of components (in wL. %): B carbide -- 10-50, Fe-~,roi.ip metals, taken in any combination, 3-35, B nitride 1-5, ZrC -- remainder. The material suggested has the following properties: s. g. 5.52 g/cm3; Coefficient of friction at braking temperature 6000 0.50-0.55, at 8000*0.45-O.SO; stability of coefficient of friction with specific braking energies 450 kgm/cm2 0.75- 0.88; at 923 k m cml? 0.80-0.95; wear with specific braking energies of 450 and 923 kgm/cm5, in U/tori 2-6 and 6-11 respectively; permissible volumetric 1/2 USSR Arabey, B. G., Baulin, Yu. N., Zverev, 1. 1., Zukher, M. S., Kokonin, S. S., Markov, Yu. M., Portnoy, K. I., Sklyarov, N. M., Tyurin, V. A., USSR Author's Certificate Number 346373, Filed 15/12/69, Published 18/08/72. temperature 800% heat conductivity factor in t/m.0 at 100* 48.1, 2000 44.0, 4000 35.9, 6000 29.5, 8000 27.3, 10000 26.4; specific heat capacity (in cal/ g-0) at 100' 0.134, 200' 0.136, 400* 0.150, 6000 0.161, 800' 0.169,?1000' 0.184; tensile strength at 20' 36 kg/mm2; bending strength at 20' 62 kg/mm shear strength at 200 13.8 kg/mm2; aH 0.15 kgm/cm2. 2/2 43 ~-2 TFSTS OF !1AMPLES ~'P ABSOVDINCI ELEMM;TS OF FAST POWER PY.ACTQRS 1.11 THE DR-5 REACTOR [Paper by V. V.-Y.1irov, V. I 'Mat"VIYeV, Z~z G Ara~b,Lll, M. Vo, Ins 111t4. Y di;n-~n:7 -51mitravt-Irad, yi sterzhni requIir-.,,injyd bystryki, rcakto -v tAbrorbing LinJ can- trot roJr, tar -nit reactors) , Intornational Wrir)iinq Oro"p for Fast Penct orn Sp,clalistfi M,?,~tirsq, Ruq.~ian, Dimitrovor-id, 4-8 June, 19731 In thir, work thn rkrulto of radiation ire.,cstiq- experirontal. ripec-tmens of P1*I, iabsorbing tions of el-q-.4!rita)irradiated in the 1311-5 fast reactor at- given. on boron L.It! Inventi-4ated, and also metallic tantalum and var-ous structures of PIM, hermetically scaled and rion-hermetically scaled. Irradiation was can- duct~d in a special cassette, located at the ed,je of thc- reactor core, and the general integral flux of irradiation by fast neutrons amounted to 3 x 10" n1cm', whi,:h corresponds to burn-up in boron- containin,] maLirials of 12 atomic: percent of baron. In the work Um basic results are given with rLr,- rert to 'jas llb,!ration, swelling and the structure of the i:radiatod materials, ana also data on the phyqical and th~rv~rhyalcal radiation rojimcs. Introduction Control unitfs aro one of the most imiattant vi~mvntfl of the design of a reactor. Their develorinent is arnoriited with the 1,erformanco or various experimental invt-atipation", including radiation testa giving the most complete. information cinncertiLng the efficiency of one design or material or other. In spite of our great experience in the denigning at can- trol units for thermal reactorso and the large quantity of 116Q4 USSR UDC 389.6.539.12S.S.07:621,039.564.'~~ ARABEY, B. G. , BOCIMV, V. P. , GARAPOV, E - F. , LOMAKIN, S. S. , PETROV, V. I., SkMOYLOV, 7. , wn'70V, V. V. "Standardization of Measurements of Neutron Flux Density in Nuclear Reactors" Tr. Soyuz. NII Priborostr. [Works of Union Scientific Research Institute for Instrument Building], 1972, No 17, pp 3-3, (Translated from Referativnyx Zhurnal, Metrologiva i 1-"rieritellnaya Teklinika, No 7, 1972, Abstract No 7.32.1364, from the Resume). Translation: Problems of standardization of means and methods of measure- ment of neutron field parameters in nuclear reactors in order to provide unity and correctness of measurement of these parameters are discussed. One means of standardization is the use of activation detectors. Reccmni en- dations are presented for the composition of standard sets of activation detectors. It is suggested that a "standard" source of thermal neutrons based on the F-I graphite reactor be used to calibrate olctectors u--1-ud for- continuous measurements in reactors. The parameters of the nuutron field in the reactor (arbitrary flux density, epitheririal paranjeter, neutron gas temperature) are measured using activation detectors with errors of 2.5-3%. The use of the source described can allot.; calibratJon of nelit-for) detectors with an accuracy of 1-7'0. 1/1 MAPC11 WEAT11111n FORECAST FOR YAZAY119TAN (Article by ;% Pr I k' Senior Weather Forecasting Lnoineer, Rif ~AzAkh Sci -li-March Ilydront!tereolouical Inrtitutr: Meeting Spring"; Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskava Pravda, Put;sian, 5 March 1972, p 41 March is the tine of nPrinals imnetuous onset c,%,Qr- a large part of the territory of the Republic. The sun risvs~ eve r higher over.thu horizon, and the Ivnath of the day in- creases rapidly. Th-7 equinox will tiiYe lace cn 21 Ma~ch. Spring in Fazakhstan spreods over its territor%- fro- South to north. rky the beginning of the month the avcrnce daily temperature of the air in the extreme South ir, above zero The snow cover receder. The "round dries ranicly. By the scc~nd ten-tiny ri~riod in March, the average daily air temperature in the south of Chir4-.entskava Oblast already stavs -above 5*C; by the end of the month it goes above +10*C, which corresponds to the beginning of active veoetntton. SPrina begins in the central rorts of the Pet,0,lic two ten-day periods later. March may be- considered a winter month in North Kazakh- stan since the average air temperature stays here bolc!w zcro and the snow cover is stIll retained. In March of this vear the average daily temperature in of -111C - the north the Republic is exVected to be minus 5 a., in the south plus 3-80C. Such a temnerature is below normal. by 1-2 degrees in the western regions and above normal bv 1-2 decirces in the eastern half of the territory of Kazakhstan. It should be normal for the other regions. In the south of the Pepublic precipitation will be in the form of rain and snow, with glazed frost in rlaces. T tie wind should be westerly, 7-10 meters per second, reachina .11 meters at times. CZpril 4 Z Donrescied air tompe ra turf- is nnticinater! for the north half of the tniritnrv on 6-7 Miirch (at nio~t !~inu--. 20-ZZ5'C, in places Jn*) , on 12-14 ind 20-27 march (at niaht rinus 1,:1-238) The temrnrnturv shnuld rise in the bvqinnino of March CIjrinq the dav from minus 5* plus 21) , on B-11, 16-19, and 2E-30 March (by day fron -31 to plus 51C) . In the nouthern half of the Republic's territory, the termerature becturic higher on 7-10 March (at nlqht minus 5-131) , on 14-15, 22-24 March (at Co night minus 3-10*). It will be warm on 11-13 March (by day plus 5-120) , an 16-20 March (by day plus 10-1n') and on 26-31 March (by day plus 15-23*C) . 7697 CSCo 1824-w Veterinary Medicine USSR BOLOTSKIYI I. A., Candidate of Veterinary Sciences; CHULOVS M , I. K., Senior Scientific Associate and ARABYAV;0,,,,A.,-.,,& Crasnodar Scientific Research I fr a, ~ ~,z-Y Veterinary Station, Omsk'!cfe;Xffic Rese~;~h Institute of Infections with Natural Foci, Ministry of Health RSFSR, and Georgian Zooveterinary Teaching Research Institute "The Epizootiology of Leptospirosis" Moscow, Veterinariyal No 2, 1971, pp 65-68 Abstracti Leptospirosis in Krasnodar kray is most severe among cattle, and is usually caused by L. hebdomadis, although antibodies to L. sa-YJ,-oebing, L. wolfii, L. hardjo and L. sejroe axe also frequently recolded. Nearly half of the murine rodents trapped in farms and forests of this area had antibodies to various serotypes of Leptospira. Epidemiological survey of nnim;ils in Western Siberia using the nicrogag-glutination and lysis test showed infection of pigs, horsesl deerg yaks and rarals with 11 t 'es of Y T_ Leptospira. The disease can oc= at any time of yeart but is most common from April to October. The most common sero-types of1erto-spira in Gruzin- skoy SSR are L. tarassovi, L. porona, and L. icterohaemorrbaglae. 1A '035 UNCLASSIFIM'' PROCESSING 0'ATE--13vlGV70 T.ITLE_- ADO IT IV EFOR AN INTEkNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE.FUEL -U- AUTHOR-( 0:5)-SA.N IN, P. L., APABYAN, S.G.r SHER, V.V.t KHOU31MONOV, I.A., GOROASHe YU&T. C CUi T RY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 2f)6t457 REFERENCE--OTKRYTIYA9 IZ]BRET., Pk-r"4- GBRAZTSYP TOVARNYE ZNAKI 1970r DATE PUBLISHEU-1711,iAr~70 SUBJECT ARC-AS--'PiqCJPULSIOfq AND FUELS- TOPIC, TAGS--CHrl-MICAL PATENTo CARBOXYLIC ACIUtlESTERl KETONE, ACETYLENE, MINERAL OILP FUEL ADOITIVE, INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE, OR,;ANOALUMINUM CO-14pou.1110 .CONTROL "IARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ..OCCUIENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED P,ROXY REEL/FRAME-3005/0879 STEP NO--UR/0482/70/000/00010000/0000 CIRC ACCESSION N0_-AA013Z9b9 UNC-LASSIFIED 2/2 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSI.NG DATE-13NOV70 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AAOL32969 Aasr:~ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE ADDITIVE CONSISTS OF 16-25PERCENT POLYALUMINDOXANES AND CARBOXYLIC ACID ESTEKS AND 1-5PERCENT BaTA OIKETONEF E.G. ACETYLACETONE, OR BETA KETO ACID ESTER, E.G. -ACETUACETIC ESTER, IN MINERAL-OIL. FACILITY: TOPCHIEV, A..V., INSTITUTE OF PETROCHEMICAL SYN ESIS.: FACILITY: STATE UNION 'TH SCIENTIFIC RESEAKCH TRACTDR IN5TITUTE. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc 691.327=2.612 ARADOVSKIYj YA. L.t Candidate of Technical Sciencest -IT-M-03IFY1111M, R. G., Candidate of Technical Sciencesp and ARADOVSYJLY,,k E M., Engineer "Properties of Concrete with Magnetically Traated Water" Moscow, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 4, Apr 72, Pri 32-34 Abstract; Results of scientific research works of the use of miLgiietteally txeated water in the -production of heavy concretes anti hevoyy concrete articles are reported, Experimental investigations of the Tashkent Zonal Scientific Research Institute for Power Supply and of the Txust of t!)4~ State Institute for the Introduction of Advanced Tochnologlail Oporational and I.-ibor Not~ods in Construction (of the Main Adninistration for the Conztruction of Industrial Establishnents in the Tashkent Region) revezaed that one of the main charac- teristics of concrete mix prepared on Diapnetically treat-~-d water is itS decreased vibration strength. From irathonatical processing of exr,40)-l me n tal data, a for-mula for the additional grovith of the concrete .9tr,3zi_,-th W.-th magnetically treated water, depending on the composition of the L-dy., vas developed. The chanlr,. of rhoological indicen of concratfa mixe-s, expressed in the decrcased vibration visconity of the mix with tz-ealtzd. vater, was establiehod, Data of the opti-mum triethod of water tr-,atmentl amy. Givon and- 1/2 1, J M6 "s, Fun i; ;? ES. fill USSR ARADOVSKIY, Vt.. L., et al., Beton J Zhelezzobeton, No 4, Apr 72, Pp 32-34 results of the change in the plastification stron8th of tho wet concrate mix by reagent- and reagent- less processing nethod's a= discussed. The physico- mch-amical properttles of concretes on rzq-5net treated water &m schoi-m. Three illustrations, three tables, three biblio, refs. ~qta rem. USSR UDc 691-327-002.612 ARADOVSY,IY YA. L., Cand-idate of Technical R. G., cal Sciences, and A.RADOVSKAYA, E. N., Engineer "Properties of Concrete with 11agnetically Treated Water" Hoscow, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 41 APr 72# PP 32-34 Abstract; Results of scientific research ).-Orks of the use of r~agnetically treated water in the production of heavy concretos aj-d heaw concrete articles axe reported. Z=erli-aental investigations of the 1~,~hkent Zlonal. Scientific Research Institute for Power Supply and of the Tr-ezt of t~-_ State for the Intmiuction of Advanced Technological Oparational airl Labor M!~thodG in Construction (of the Eain Administra-tion for the Construction of Industrial Establishzents in the Tashkent Region) revea-led that on-- of the cha:mc- teristics of concrete mix prepaxed on magnetically treated vater is itr, decreased vibx-rtion st-=rg-th. From rathewtlcal proce--sing of exTvrizental data, a formula for the additional growth of the concrete strength ifith magnetically treated water, depending on the, composition of the rdx, vas developed. '_Dhe chan.-e of z-h-so1ogic;_,1 indices of concrete nixes, exp~-3!:-cA 'In tha deareased vll~ration viscozity of the iAx with tr6ated w-otor, *~O! ~-Jv~zrl oliO was uatablioh,~d. L~ita of the optinuri V-1,0001 01' Va p w., wN USSR APADUISKILY, YA. L., et al., Beton i Zhelezolbeton, No 4, Apr 72, pp 32-34 results of the change in the plastification strength of the wat concrete laix by reagent and reagentless processing methods are diacussed. The physico- mchanical properties of concretes on magnet treated water are z3houm. Three Mustrations, three tables, three biblio, refs. 2/2 'MOB- 'MOB- MOB- Abstracting Senrice: Ref. Code: Acc. Nr: n,00053361- CHEMICAL ABST..6'-7-D ;,;VF 0' 103404a Gypsum-pozzolan cement-based additives for regu- lating the properties of concretes. Stambulko, V. I.; Aradov- skii. Va. I-LESSR). Strilit. Haler. 1970, (2), 24-5 'ftr9T-1iTe_ration curves can be used to det. the anit. of retardant or complex additive required to Control the start of setting and establish intensity of stren0h growth as a function of the type and amt. of additives. Delay in .;ta*,7t ofsetting up to.30 inin is achieved by adding 0.21~4, keratin retardant or ().4c' ~ glue-lill.le and use of electrolytes CaCl.,, NaCl, and KCI gives increase in crushing strength by. during all periods of haxdenin%~. KCI gives the largest increase in strength during Ist-hr and CaC11 for 28 davs. B. Z. Karnich REEL/FRAME 19830384 USSR UDC 577.1:615.7/9 BABAYAN, E. A., CHALABYANT, Zh. A., and ARAGATSINTI, A. V. "Nucleotide Composition of RNA in the Organs of Experimental Animals Subjected to Inoculation with Flotation Agent OPSB [oxidized propylenebutanoll" Tr. Klinich. otdl. NII gigiyeny truda i profzabolebaniv (Transactions of the Clinical Department of the Scientific Research Institute of Work Hygiene and Occupational Diseases), No 1, 1970, pp 120-123 (from RZh-30F. Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 11, Jun 71, Abstract No 11F2079) Translation: Five mg/kg of OPSB was daily administered orally to rats for a period of 4.5 months. A decrease was discovered in the RNA content in cerebral tissue (29.9%) and liver (13%); in addition, the uracyl content in the brain dropped (27.5%) and the guanine content increased (25.87), in the liver, the d (18.8%) cytosine content dropped (14.2%) and the adenine content increase D. G. 60- USSR -_APAK, T. V. and NEV7 ZOV, V. B. "Certain Estimates for the 111axiiiium of Sequential Sum,-, of ln(U-pendcnt Random Quantities" Teoriya Veroyatnostey i yeve Primeneniva [The Meory of Probabilities and Its Applications], 1973, Vol 18, No 2, pp 402-405 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 10, 1973, Abstract No 10V30) n Translation: Suppose S, Xk, S, max S B2 F)X", n k-L 1