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1 041 UNCLAS S I F I ED Pil:)CESSI'4G nATE--023CT70 TlTI_E-t:k- i~ I TA STATION BE,; I NS UPEqATIU.N IN ()RAYt TYUMEN' GFILAST -U- .__.AUTH0P--L'HURSIN, F. COUNTRY C-F INF0--USSR PPAVDA. 10 APPIL 1970,' P t3 DATE PUiiLISHED--l0APR70 .-::~SUbJECT AREAS-NAVIGATIONi SPACE TECHNOLOGY -.r.'TOP I C JAGS-TV SYSTE-Mt GROUNU COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTv COPMUNICATION _SATELLITE, SPACECRAFT GROUND EQUIW 4ENT, COMMUNICATION NETWORK/tWORBITA ~STATIGN' ~..UATFGL ~!AkKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~bOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFILD PROXY F~EEL/FRAMC-1994/0449 STEP NU--IJR/901~1/70/000/000/0006/()~106 CIRC ALL.F.SS11"IN NO-AN011472? ____ 1111411- 1 A *% 1~ I p i P n------ - __ - 2/3 041 UNCLASSIFIED ~PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 -,LIPC ACCESSION NO--AN011472Z GP-0- ABSTRACT. URAY, 9 APRILo AN I-JRBITA" TELEVISICN.. STATION BEGAN OPERATION TODAY IN URAY, A _'TTY 3F PETROLFUM WORKERS---.., NOW -ALMOST SOPERCENT OF THE POPULAT10i't IN THE ENJRMOUS TERRITORY OF THIS OBLAST CAM WATCH CENTRAL TELEVISION AND LOCAL TELEVISION BROADCASTS. THESE INCLUDE AMBIPOLAR:DIFFUSl,-)N IN THE -GRAVITY FIELD, MOVEMENT OF PLASMA CAUSED BY MOVEMtNT OF THE NEUTRAL ATIAOSPHER.Et DRIFTS AND CURRENTS.C.AUSED BY ELECTRIC FIELDS. E. S. KAZIMIROVSKIY GAVE A DETAILED REVIEW OF EXISTI~G METHODS FJR MEASURING IONOSPHERIC MOVEMENTS AND DISCUSSED.THE THEORETICAL AND EMPLRICAL MODELS OF-GENERAL CIRCULATION OF THE ATMOSPHERE AT IONOSPHERIC LEVELS. HE GAVE "A S'UMMARY OF THE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS IN MEASURING VECTORS IN THE D AND E REGIONS OF THE IONOSPHERE-AND DRIFTS OF INHOMOGENEITIES IN THE E A14D F REGIONS. R-. A. ZE-VAKI*N' EXPtAl'NED--T-He-"-KFA5ONS-- FOR -.DTSTURB-ANGES AND DESCRIeED CHANGES.IN IONOSPHERIC PARAMETERS DURING DISTURBANCES. A. S. EESPROLVANNAYA DISCUSSED ONE OF THE MOST CLEARLY..EXPRESSED PHENOMENA IN THE HIGH LATITUDE IONOSPHERE: TOE ANOMALOUSLY HIGH IONIZATION OF THE F2 LAYER~VURING.THE POLAR NIGHT WHEN THE.IONOSPHEREJS COMPLETELY ECLIPSED. --N. P. BENIKOVA EXAMINED GEOMAGNETIC EFF.ECTS IN THE IONOSPHERE, ESPECIALLY PHENOMENA AT MAGNETICALLY CONJUGATE POINTS. B. N. GERSHMAN DESCRIBED THE SUCCESSES ATTAINED'OURING RECENT YEARS IN UNDERSTANDING THE NATURE OF NONSTATIONARY IONOSPHERIC PHENOMENAIAGAINST THE BACKGROUNO -OF,.-INTERACTION BETWEEN PLASMA AND A NEUTRAL MEDIUM (INHUMOGENEITIES OF ..THE MOVING DISTURBANCES TYPEP SPORADIC E LAYER, ETC.). UNCLASSIFIED .213* 041 UNCLASSI FIED PpocEssiNiG oArE--02DCT70 --All-.10114722 C:14C Af.CF.SSI(I!"4 NO Ni~STRACT/EXIRACT-YA. L. ALIPERT EXAMUNED THE SPECTRA 0 F ALL 3R.04CHES --F ~;-.'AVES FUM'MING ISCTHER,AL AND NON150THERMAL PUASMA. rAVF A IN CLASSIFICATION OF WAVES OF DIFFERENr TYPE APPLICABLE TO T.- ~-JTCI HE 0,(X-SPHEV:E-, INTERPLANETARY MEDIUM ANO~ SOLAR WIND. V. I . ~ARPIAPAN KESONANCE MECHANISMS JF NONLINEAR INTERACT13% 3F WAVES IN 'I N !'F '.CAVE PLAS!~A. THESE PROCESSES PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE THE 'DYNAMICS AND ABSJ9.PTIGI~ IN,THE UPPER IONOSPHERE (H GREATE~~ THAN 500 i~4) WfE(%*E COLLISIONS OF PARTICLES CAN' BE NEGLECTED. UNCLASSIFIE0 USSR UDC: 537.291 KOASIEVICH, V. I., LIAPTEV S. V., RYBIN, S. N'. and G. P. "Measuring the Paths of Charged Particles in a 1.11aterial" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 4, July-August 1972, pp 43-45 .Abstract: The ins' 4- rument described in this paper is a further de- velozment of a device for measuring the path of charged -,articles in a material as a function of the particle energy. The method of the instrument involves measuring the energy spectrum of the par- ticles in a cyclotron beam after their-passageAhrough a target ings of the instrument are using 30 p.Leces of the material. Draw given,together with a textual explanation. The device was used to determine the energy of a beam on various materials in order study excitation reaction functions evoked by deuterons on a Co nucleus; a curve is plotted for the energy spectrum of the deuteron elastic scattering. A curve for the Dath of alpha part4- cles in Al as a function of the particle energy~is also shown. The work ,.,as done at the Institute of 111,uclear Physics, Kazakh Academy of Sciences, at Alma-Ata. UDC 615.91-7 VIKOLOVX S. I"i., J.YIIj-'I--T-'KIY, Mi. Z., BARSEL'YANTS,C. B., 7.AIIIj-.L-I"$ "luEl'ov, -11-411-11. A. , YERE1,111 P. V., ONOPCH E I-A' 0, N. V., CIMS IN V. M . IMNSUK, R.. A. "Toxicologic Fstimate of the New Orpanophosphorus Pesticide V sb. I'liv,11live W I vndokil-inik. i d-r-u,,ikh--fi'-Itm-ov sredv zin or;-.a.-izm Chelove-, a I'L fcct of Ultrasound, Poisons and ot: ;Z ner Factors of tile cm Liie Or,-,atiism of Man and Iocd Products -- collection of works) , Kra5nodar, 1971, pp f~5-91 (from 1%.*~'li-Ftrrl.~il:olo~-i,v;i. hviye sredsLva. '1110 2p Feb 72, Abstract k-o 2.54.773) Translation: R.Its vtire -injected intraventricularly trith biLex (an orZnnophos- phorus pc:-ticidc-,; !: containm 50X' activf,. principle) dissolved in ~-,-ater (I m),) in doses of 100, 200, 3001 110OF 500, 6001 700 and 800 and they v-cre ob- served for 3 wccIzzs. QiLh a dose of 1.00-200 mg/ItS, 'die activity of the choli-n- esterase dropped by 2--3 tir:cs during the first 1-2 diy;r, nnd it began to racover after 7-11 days. The dose of 100 mclkv was taken as the i-inimum toxic 13 C, dose. For doses or 300 T.1, /1z,. and hi-her, !-,lUgrishness, increased frequency of urinaticn, diarrhca, ecatraction of the pupils, tears, paresis of the a-xtremi- ties, a drop in bn.-"-,? cc..,.-cratlurc of 1-5' , an *increaf.(- in tile sedir!(-.1tati-on rate, leucocytonis' ,.nd a reductioii in thc 1('.LivIty by 3-15 tii::~!-. were noted. The D!, of 1 if 600 um/I.- the DL is 364.6 300 50 1/2 KOLOV, S. Kil.* ct .0.1 V3j,,z-njve ul'tra-,-,ruka, yadokhimik. i dru~!ikh faktorov redy na or-nnizm chelovolka i pishch. produl-tv, Krasnodar, 1971, pp 85-1111 (491.6-277.4 ml/kg). For rabbits (I was 'injected in doses of 25-200 rg/kg) the DL was calculated on the level of 32 50 (11.67-47.3) m litg. The pathonorpholoSi- cal ciian-es in rabbits x,,ere characterized by circulatory disorders and distrophy. Mvd5cal Tn:;t-iutc. USSR UT-C 547"566.66-095-25 ISAGULYANTTS V. I., GOZALOVA, N. S and CILMIUa, "Condensation of Phenol with CinnanTl Alcohol in Prcsence of Cation Exchange 'U Resin K -2" Mningrad, Zhurnal Organicheskoy Khi-rrdi, Vol 7, No 9, SeP 71) PP 10160-191b2 Abstract: A mixture of 141 g phenol, 100.5 9 cinnar-~;-I alcohol) and 24-15 S M-2-was stirred for 5 hrs at 600. The solid was separated and 90 g of phenol was. distilled. a7he residue was treated with 10% . aqueous base and distilled. Mie. first fraction obtained boiled at 200-2150/10 n-nm, the second -- at 185-2000/ 10 mm,-and the third had a b.p. 220-2550/4 mm. After recrystallization from . petroleum ethe,- D-cinnamylphenoi, m.p. 630 was obtained from the first fraction. 2--Phenylehroirane, m.p. 430 was obtained from the second fraction, and 2,6- dicynnamylphenol, m.p. 1260. was obtained from the third4 After separation on an alumina colizrm of a mixture of o- and p-isomers, the, o-einmiiylphenol, m.p. 67.P war, obtained. 9 USSR um 621.386..8:531.781.2 LWSYAK, V. G., CHURSINA, Z. S. An X-Ray Method of Measuring ResidupI Stresses in Massive Parts" Tsb. Materialy Konferentsii molodykh metallurgov. Donetsk. chern. met., 1968 (Materials of the Conference of Yotnig Metallurgists. Donetsk Scien- tific Research institute of Ferrous Metallur&r, 1968), Donetsk, "Donbass", 1970, pp 233-234 (from RZh-Metrologiya i Tzmeritelln&ya Tekhnika, Ho 11, I'lov 70, Abstract No 11-32.j98) Translation: A brief descri-7ption is given of an instn1lation which can be used to take radiogram in directions normal to the z.urfacc and at angles. The:.elevating and rotating mechanism peraits the x-ray tube to be moved in -space over a sphere of 300 mm radius.around the point,to be examined an the surface of the netal. P. N. A. 151 USSR UDC: 0169-131.6-18:621-746-75 N i.y-E.; GUTOROVAJ V.L., LUMSYAK, V.G., J&7iCHENIX-0, V.P., KUSM.Ml, YA.P., BRAYLIRT) VA IN.D., and CRURSUTA, Z.S., Donets Polytech,~ilc~Lns,,i'~'!::~-n(i Donets Research--Tlll~*tute-Vf"Perrous Metallurgy. Scientific- "Nature of Nonmetallic Inclusions in Titanium-Modified Cast iron" Moscow, Izvestiya Vy3shikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya 214etallurgiya, No 5, 1970, pp 141-143 Abstract: Investigations were conducted of the nature of nommetallic inclusions in cast iron with various (from 0.05 t1o 0.78%) titanium supplements to deermmine furnace cast; iron ~he.role of the latter in the graphitization of basic blast-f used for casting of large-miss ingot molds. Samples were taken from ingot, MOIGS, modified with brand TG-CW4 (96-9% Ti) titanium sponge, and from cast iron in3ots, remelted in an induction furnace from conversion cast iron of the following comDocition (,p'): 4.14 c, o.67 Si, o.42 mn, m41 s, o.o74 P. 14.tallic titzlni= (99.1,% pare) was introduced into the molten cast iron at a temperature oi~ !4000c. The inclusions were studied by x-ray structural analysis of electro- T lytically-separated deposits and also by a local x-ray method directly or, slides. I-Letallographic investigation of the experimental samples indicated that tte addition of titanium caused a whole series of inclusions, the amount of whica 1/2 USSR BRAYINY, I,YE., etal, izvestiya Vysshilch Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya Meta-llurglya, No 5, 1970, PP 11,1-143 increases with a rise in titanium content. The foIlowing compounds were d-etected: TiG, 'FeO T402, Ti02, Ti-.~S;-, T:Ano, Ti2O3, Ti (Cj N); titanium nit.rides in pure form -vere seldom encountered. The absence of contact ol. titanium com_poiulds ,N-ith graphite and enlargement of dimensions of the latter were established. Ttis confirms the work of V.L. Gutorova, in which it was postulated that nonmetv-1lic titanium inclusions are nct graphitization centers. Toe increased resistance of large-mass ingot molds, cast from basic blast-furnace cast iron modified with titani= sponge, is associated with the enlargement of graphite flakes and th the increase in the ferrite content in the:metal base caused by the indirect action of titanium., (binding o>:ygen and nitrogen into stable compounds) and by the action of hydrogen, introduced by.the titanium sponge. 2/2 1/4 -0 15- UNC CAS 5 1 F I t- 0 PROCESSING DAIE-30OCT701 TlTLl_'._FIFTh AL'-, UNIUN CL;NrEkENCE ON COMETAPY PHYSICS -u- ALTHOR-(02)-RUBO, G.A., CHURYUMOV, K.I. CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-ASTRUNCMICHESKlY ZHURNAL, VOL 47, NO 2, 1970, PP 454-457 DATE PUbLISHEL---70 SUBJEcr AREAS--ASTRUNOIIY,ASTRUPIiYSICS, BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIA1. SCIENCES ..-TCPIC TAGS--COMET, ASTRONOMIC CONFERENCE CGNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRicriONS DOCUMENT CLA55-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0508 STEP NO--UR/0033/70/0471002/0454/0457 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0129722 UN 'C L A S S-1 F I E D 2/4 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7C CIRC-ACCESSION NO-AT0129722 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FIFTH ALL UNION CONFERENCE ON COMETARY PHYSICS WAS HELD AT KIEV DURING THE PERIOD 6-9 OCTOBER 1969. THE CCNFERENCE 14AS ATTENDED BY ABOUT~90 SCIENTISTS FROM 29 SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS. THE CONFERENCE WAS OPENED BY S. K4 VSEKHSVYATSKIY. HE NOTED THE CONTINUING BROADENING OF RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF CJMETARY PHYSICS, THE IMPORTANCE OF COMETS AS,NATURAL PROBES FOR REGISrERING THE SITUATICN IN INTERPLANETARY SPACE, MAKING IT POSSIBLE TO STUDY THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SOLAR WIND PLASMA AND MAGNETIC FIELDS AND CORPUSCULAr' STREAMS AT DIFFERENT HELIOGRAPHIC LATIFUDES AND HELIDCENTRIC DISTANCES, CREATING PREMISES FOR USING COMETARY PHENOMENA FOR PREDICTING CONDITIONS IN INTERPLANETARY AND CIRCUMTERRESTRIAL SPACE. STUDY OF T14E EVOLUTION AND ORIGIN OF CCMETS ANG OTHER SMALL BODIES OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM AND SLIME STATISTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COMETARY SYSTEM AND THE PECULIARITIES OF THEIR OREITAL EVOLUTION MAKE POSS16LE A.NEW APPROAC14 TO A wHOLE SERIES OF 114PORTANT PROBLE14S IN SOLAR SYSTEM COSMOGUNY. FIFTY PAPERS AND CUMMUNICATIONS WERE PRESENTED. FOR EXAMPLE, A. Z. DOLGINOV, ET AL. ANALYLEU TFE CIRCUMNUCLEAR REGION OF A COMET AND POSTULATLD A MAXWELLIAN SOURCE OF PARTICLES AND A COLLISIONLESS ESCAPEAREGIME. THEY EVALUATED A ~NUMBER OF PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS (SOURCE POWER, ESCAPE VELOCITY, OPTICAL THICKNESS# DISTR18UTION OF MATTER, TEMPERATURE OF THE GAS MIXTURE). ESTIMATES OF THE TEMPERATURE OF THE GAS MIXTURE INDICATED POSSIBLE CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN THE CONSIDERED REGION (CARBON PYROLYSIS, FORVATICN OF CYANOGEN MOLECULES). U ~,i A -1; -c- -1 F 1 E 0 3/4 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAr-t--30(iCT70 CIAC ACCESSICN NL;--AT0129722 .~:-STAACT/EXTRACT-L. V.. SHULMIAN EXAMINED THE F0k.'4ATIO,%-GF C SU3/-, C AND N.SUBZPOSITIVE MOLECULES IN COMETARY ATMOSPHERES FRUM COMPLEX C~'-'POW~DS. PriCTOLYSIS OF ThESE COMPOUNDS CAN LEAL) TO HFATING OF THE NUCLEUS TO 1000DEGREESK. COMPLEX` MOLECULES IN A.COMETARY NUCLEUS CAN BE THE RESULT OF kAGIATIGN SYNTHESIS FROM THE SIMPLEST RADICALS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF GALACTIC AND SOLAR COSMIC RAYS AND RADIATION OF NUCLEAR MATTEA. IN TWO OTHER REPORTS THE SAME AUTHOR ANALYZED PROCESSES LEADING TO A REDUCTION IN COMETARY BRIGHTNESS iDECREASE IN SIIE OF THE NUCLEUS DUE TO THE MELTING OF ICE, FORMATION 13F A SOLID CRUST ON THE NUCLEUS SURFACE). N. I. IL5CHISHINA REPORTED ON.COMPLETION OF WORK ON CJMPILINGA CATALOGUE F-F THE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COMETS 06-SERVED DURING 1965-1968 AND ANALYLED THE DISINTEGRATION OF A NUMBER OF PERIODIC COMETS. kEPORTS BY 0. V. DCBROVOLISKIY AND OTHERS GAVE SOME RESULTS OF THE CCNFERENCE GUTLINED A FIVE YEAR PLAN (1971-19*15) OF BASIC WORK FOR THE ASTRLNOMICAL INSTITUTES OF THE ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES AND COLLEGES OF THE USSR IN THE FIELD OF COMETARY RESEARCH. EMPHASIS WILL BE ON THE STUDY IUF PHYSICAL PRCCESSES IN NUCLEI, HEADS Am) TAILS OF C0,1-11ETS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO CONUITIONS IN THE INTERPLANETARY MEDIUM AND SOLAR ACTIVITY. IMPORTANT WORK MUST BE DONE ON INVESTIGATING COM ETARY SlYSTEMS, THEIR ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION IN RELATION 70 THE COSMOGONY OF THE SOLAR SYSlElM# CLARIFICATION OF THE NATURE AND PAS] OF COMETS. THE NEXT CONFERENCE CN COMETARY PHYSICS IS TO BE HELD DURING MAY--JUNE 1971. STUDY OF THE HONDA CCMET 1968C. UNICLASSIFIED 4/4 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC,ACCESSION NO-AT0129722 A-6S TRACT/ EXTRACT--THEY OBTAINED SLIT SPECTROGRAMS, SPECTROGRAMS WITH AN OBJECTIVE PRISM AND SPECTROGRAMS WITH THE 125 CM REFLECTOR OF THE STATE ASTRONOMICAL INSTITUTE WITH IMAGE CONVERTERS. INTENSITIES OF A NUMBER OF EMISSIONS WERE DETERMINED;- THEY HAVE AN ASYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION. AN ELECTRGPHOTOMETRIC STUDY OF THE COMET WAS MADE IN THE B, V SYSTEM. PCLARIMETRIC ObSERVATIONS INDICATED AN INCREASE IN THE PERCENTAGE CONTENT OF DUST IN THE COMETARY ATMOSPHERE WITH AN INCREASE IN SOLAR -ACTIVITY. OTHER AUTHORS REPORTED 4 CORRELATION 8&TWEEN BRIGHTNESS VARIATIONS AND THE INDEX OF FLARE ACTIVITY AND WOLF NUMBERS. V. 1. CHEREDNICHENKG DEMONSTRATED THAT DISSOCIATIVE RECGMSINATION CAN EXPLAIN THE APPEARANCE OF FORBIDDEN EMlSSION LINES OF ATOMIC OXYGEN AND THE DISAPPEARANCE OF SO SUB2 PRIME POSITIVE, CO PRIME POSITIVE AND N SUB2 PRIME POSITIVE IONS IN COMETARY ATMOSPHERES. YE. 1. KAZIMIRCHAK-PCLONSKAYA TOLD THE CONFERENCE ABoui THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSLUM ON "MOTION, ORBITAL EVOLUTION AND-ORIGIN 01: COMETS"- lfNCLAS_S_I_FIE0_____ 14 USSR UDC: 533.6.oli KATSKOVA, 0. N., CHUS-HK--TN, P. I. "Three-Dimensional Surerscnic Flow of a Gas I- ith Nonequilibri r. Physico- '71 IU chemical Transformations Axound Solids" Tr. II Resp. konf. po aerogidromekh., teploobmenu i massoobmenu. Sekts. "Aero- dinamika bol'sh. skorostey" (Works of the Second Republic Conference on Aero- hydromechanics, Heat Exchange and Mass Exchange. "High-Velocity Aerodynamics" Section), Kiev, Kiev University, pp 63-69 (from RZh- Mehherika, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5B332) Translation: A scheme proposed earlier by the authors is used for studying supersonic nonequilibrium flows in a three-dimensional- nozzle and around the tail section of a blunt body having the sbape of an inverted cone. The above-mentioned nimierical scheme ir, obtained by representing the relatdons between the unknown fLuictions and the angular v-ariable !P of the cylindrical coordinate syster, through trigonometric polynomials in q', with interpolation points on a series of irneridional_ nes yf= const. As a result, an approxi- mating system of differen-tfall equations of two independent variables is found for determ-ining the taiknown functions on all rieridional interpolaticn 1/3 MOM USSR KATSKOVA, 0. N., CHUSHKI1.1, P. I., Tr. II Resp. konf. -Do aero-gridromekh., teDloobmenu i massoobmenu. Sekts, "Aer-odinamika bol'sh. skorostey", Pdev, Kiev University, pp 63-69 planes. At supersonic velocities, the system is hyperbolic, having two families of wave characteristics (Mach lines) and a family of stream line analogs on each interpolation plane, and is solved by means off an inverse scheme of the method of characteristics in which reckoning is done by layers -here x is measured off a-long the axis of the cylindrical coor- x = const . v dinate system. Nonequilibriun flow of dissociated oxygen is considered in the calcu- lated exammles. In these exarmles the nozzle had a cylindrical external generatrix of elliptical cross section as well as an elliptical profiled (tapered) central plug. 9=e calculations revealed "Ifr(M,.zing" of tll(-- gas composition as it expanded in the nozzle. In calculating nonequilibrium, flow around a blwit body with tail section in the form of an inverted coytf~', various half-anglez of the vertex of the cone were cor!Tidered: w=00, 10' 1 3300, and tWo ringlec of attack - a= 100 and 15' - a nd It is noted that non- equilibrium dissociation of oxygen causes an appreciable reduction in tr~m- perature and increase in density as compared vith the ca-se of a perfect gas. 2/3 USSR KfCISKOVA, 0. N., CFUSHKIII, P. I., Tr. I! Resp. konfl. po aerogidromekh., teploobirenu i massoobneru. Sekts. "Aerodinam-ika bol'sh. skorostey", Kiev, Kiev University, pp 63-69 At the same time, the influence of the noneouilibrium state on pressure, and consequently on the aerodynamic characteristics of the investigated bodies is slight. It is found that the gas composition close to tile sur- face of the body on its conical,tail,section is practically 11'rozen. A. N. Krayko. 3/3 'j 0. N., wid 11, 1. ChurbHu. V-'r- fl- ar-wfl bodl,~ tw a iwmquilihrium physiv.-Owmical transformations. IN: Trudy U Revpublikanskoy Itonferentsii po acragidromckhanike, teploohmenu t massoobmena. Scktsiya "Acrodinamika bol'sh;kh skorostey". Kiyov, Kiyet-skiyUniversitet. 1971. 63-69. (RZh),lckh.5/7Z, no, 511332) A scheme proposed earlier by the authors IF applied to the investigation of supersonic nonequilibrium flow in a thrre-clLmensional nomrlo And Iwor the tall orctl ot A Won( b,-,Iy in tho -k--te -f An invert.41 cone. The numerical scheme It obtiLned by representing the relation- of tho 4coirod functions to the angular variable %~ of a cylinCrical system of coordinatca by trigonorlictric polynomials along ~ with interpo- lation points an a series of mcridional planeer,O/v const. ror deterniination of the desiroil functions, an Approximating system of differential equations of two independent variables is consequently obtained ork-all the rrveridional planes of intorpolation. At supersonic speeds this system is hyperbolic. with two sets of wave characteristics (Much lines) and a family of flow- line analogn on each Interpolation plane, and is solved by an inverse scheme of the method of characteristics. Calculation Is performed in accordance with layers of x r const, where x I* measured along the axits of tilt, cylindrical system of coordinates. The calculated examples Are ot nonequitibrium now or divsociated .ygen. The nozzle had a cylindrical c--flernal gencratrix of effirtical. crosp section. as well mis all elliptical (narrowing) centr&t body. The calculations revealed A "freezing" of the gas composition during cxpansion In the tiozzle. In calculating nonequilibrium flaw around a blunt body with a tall section in the shain of An Inverted cone, various hal:f-&nglea of the cone, ca- 00, 10a. and 30 0, and two angles of attack a= 100 and 150. were conxidared. It is noted that nonequilibrium oxygen dissociation causes a mw JSSR FRADKIN, G. M. BREZRNEVA, N. YE. , YERSHOVA, Z. V., RK UA 110M.Icl.j~1 1- -1111, A. N., KOZLOV, A. G., IHALTKH, YU. A., (Deccased),. KUDYUKOV, V. M., VORO' NIKIPELOV,.B. V., RAGOZI-NSKIY A. I., FEDOROV, V. V. and CHUSIUCIN YU. V. State Committee for the Use of Atomic Energy USSR "Advancement of Research in the Field of Nuclear Power Engineering in.the USSR (I~Ieport Presented at the,Fourth United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy held 6 to 16 Se tember 1971 in p Geneva)" Moscow, Atomnaya energiya, Val 31, no 4, Oct 71, pp 358-365 Abstract: This report cites data on the Soviet development of the the=o- electric generators designed for feeding oceanographic and navigation devices, hydrographic, automatic, radiometeorological,~magnetic variation stations, high-mountain cosmic ray stationsland other scientific research land stations. The renort covers the scientific and-technical fundamentals of such energy sources and cites the characteristics oil some generators. Discussed in some detail are various aspects of radio isotopic fuels, selection, properties, distinctive characteristics, evaluation, requirements, cost factors, availability, handling safety factors, and forms of applica- 1/2 'A:T%ADkMI, G. M., et al, Atomnaya energiya, Vol 31, no 4, Oct 71, pp 359-365 tion. The potential use of c.,traction separation of alkali-earth elements for obtaining pure strontium is noted. A table lists the comparative charactariztic5 of various isotopes having potential use in thermoelectric Much consideration is given to topics dealing with energy release genArators. 1 0 in an isotopic unit, biological protection, radioactive decay energy conver- sion, thermal flow chart selection,and generator designs. Described and Illustrated are some thermnoelectric gener-tors of v.-rious desi.-nations (using Ce 144, CS137, Sr", PU238 , CM')42(Po2lO)) including Beta-1, Beta-2, Beta-C, 'Efir, Penguin, I-IIG-67 (portable-type),and generators with cascade converters. (8 illustrations). 2/2 53 Nuclear Science and Technology USSR FRAD=, G. M., BREZF,,-.1rVA, N. YE., YERSHOVA, Z. V., (Deceased), KODYUKOV, V. M., VORONE-1, A. 11., KOZLOV, A. G., 1,MUTIM? YU. A., V,,IXIPZLOV, B. V., RAGOZI11SKIY, A. I., FEEDOROV, V. V.3 and C Mr- I., C2_ U ' skate CGM- mittee on the Use of Atomic Energy USSR, Fourth4,n4,er"nn-,a.-,"i'On%a~oclonference of the United Nations on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energ,jl Geneva, 6-16 Sep 71 "Development of Isotopic Poizeer Technology in the USSR" Moscow Atomnaya Energi-yan, 0 Vol 31, No 4, Oct 71) PP _358-365 Abstract: The construction in the USSR of 4-sotopic tbermoclectric gene-~-_tors --phic and navigation de%rices, hydrogra,,7~1_nic, automatic for powering oceanogt - - ~L 7.~ radiometeorologicall, magnetic vari-ation stations, high-elevat.-ion conmic ray -stations, and other scientific research stuations and ground ins-ItIallatioris is reported on. The mo5t suitable for fuel applications are i-soto-pes with a half-life period within the limits 100 days to 1.00 yeam, (~_,ppro4iaviW-ly 50 Lso- toPea)j of which 12-15 can be ob"U'ained in large arnounts. Most - antiti-z au - __ of fi--cion i"f:ot, res and alno e. mo,,-t tb widely uccd. radioactive Srq0 are obtained 1-y proccssimg randicanctive soluticns. TO sim-niffy isolation of rj--- C_le:aen_tS. including Sr -lie ~a -aun. concen- tration miethoal is u2cd, based on calcilur. o=late Drecinit--tion. The rios-~ promisin,- techniqua ii:~ ex~,raction Senaration of elements with th.-, isolation c--;' ppu~-;_- Here -~L-e are Used: 1/2 SR FRADKUIl G.M., et a!, Moscow, Atomna3~a Energiya, Vol 31, No 4, oct 71, PP 358-365 solution of di-2-ethylhex.,,riorthophosnhori-c acid in kerosene from a nitric acid medium, a,.,-d a solution of salicylaldoxime in. tributvl ohosDhate from an alkaline (sodium hydroxide or ammonia) solution. Currently construction has been com- pleted ror blocks with activities in the tens and hundreds of kilocuries b---.ed on Ce144 (20;000 Curies), Sr9(I (9000-100,000 curies), and csl'7 (50,000-150,000 curies), and also blocks based on PU238, P0210, Cw242, 60. The thermal ,.nd Co capacity of these blocks lies within the range 1-1000 watts. An empirical formula was derived and tested for the power yield in an isotopic (thermal) block. -,Uso discussed is biological protection during development and conszruct-ion of iso- tope pover sources containing kilocurie amounts of radioactive heat. in dealing with the conversion of radioactive decay enerar, "he thermoelectric method -.,as found -to be most fully mastered at present: low-temper,_tures sem-i"conductor materials (up to 3000") have been obtained with auite high efficiencies (5-851), as well as medium-temnerature (300-7000c) and high -te t-,,.D erature than 70000 semiconductor materials. Combining different materials in the form- of cascade elemen-ts already pex-its attainment of 12-157, conversion efficiency in prototypes. Demands of minimwa ,.,eight and size and aico low -background of attenda.-it neutron a.-d ga=a-radlntion led, to construction, oi- -orzcbie G-_nerators l. - 67 tTp-- on The tLnique proT)c-rtie~ of -_-,242 and Po210 (I~ifoh of the MIG- j - - specific pove-r yield and Ift,lir-ly low-Ca=ni~4-r_,diation intensity). made fea5lble construction of isotopic thcnnoelt~ctric L-,crorntors 1j,;ing cascaded converters vith efficioncl-11 of in the 300-0`50c'Z 'LLnge- 2/2 Lr-11,U'-Y. NCTIONAL ADDITIVE FOR LUBRICATING OILS -U-~ AUTH'C)kl(05)-KHARCHENKD,'L.S.ip GORELOV, S.A.* GORDASHr YU.Tot RASINOVICHP WAY LF~ IhF0--USSR CUi C DUKE-U.S.S.R. 264,578 EoERENCE-0TKRYTIYAq lZ08RET., PROM. QBRAZ-TSYv TOVARNYE ZNAKI 1970# BATE PUBLISHED-03MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRYt MATERIALS WIC TAGS-LUBRICATING OIL, CHEMICAL PATENT9 THIOL, PHOSPHATE ESTER, ZENE DERIVATIVE', LUBRICANT ADOITIVE CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS WCUMENT-CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY~REELIFRAME-3002/0084 STEP NO-UR/0482/70/000/00010000/0000 ;IRC.ACCE5SION NO-AA0127711 UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 533.607.11 BELYANIN, B. V., IUWITO'N-,OV, A. It. .ElIUSOV., "Study of the Flow Characteristics After Exit COnes with Larve Expansion Angles" C) Izvestiya sibirskogo otdeleniya Ikkaderrii II eriya tektinicheskikh nauk, 'auk SSSR, Se No 8 (203), vyp. 2, jun 1972, pp 54-57 Abstract: A study wis inade to obtain data on the flow characteris tics in tine forechamber after exit cones with large angles of expansion and large area ratios in the presence of various equalizing and deturbulizing, devices. The studies were performed on a special tezt, unit vhich was equipped with replace- -:cd area ra- able exit cones with angles of ex-pansion of:O', 45 and 99' with fi. tio of 14. Laualizint, lattices, a perforated cone or longitudinal barriers were installed in the e%it cones successively, and in the forecha,.-.iller, a set of deturbulizinq grids. The forechamber 800 mm in dianeter and three diimeters long ended in a convergent channel with a cylindrical clia-bor of s-maller diane- ter. In the second chamber the flow velocity was 2.5 ti-MOS highcr Chan In the fore chamn1b e r. 'Me cqualizing lattices were installed one 1in the exit cross section of the exit cone with a degree of preparation f- 37%, two at a distance 01 of 1/3 and Z/3 of the length.of the exit cone from- the intal-e cross section with a perforation of 42 and 432' respectively. The perforated cDne with a cen- tral angle of 120' was installed in the exit cross section of the exit cone. arar -tv the intake to the The- Re nurbers wezevaried with respect to the p, acters 1/2 USSR BELYANIN, B. V., et al., Izvestiya sibirskogo otdeleniva Mcadendi iTaUlt SSSR, Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk, No 8 (203), 2, Jun 1972, pp 54-57 6 7 exit cone in different experiments in the range from 10 to 10 . Sicynificant 0 flow pulsations and unsatisfactory uniformity of the velocity field were ob- served in all cases when studying the velocity field after exit cones with the given angles of expansion without equalizers. The equalizers were studied in an exit cone with an angle of 45% Yhe characteristics of the degree of nol-1- uniformitity of the velocity field in the forechamber AV /V 12 (A. V is mean mean mean the mean value of the deviations from the mean velocity in the forechinbear, V is the mean flow velocity in the forecha-mber) are tabulated for various mean equalizers. It was found that AV /V < 31 is acceptable. The results of mean mean - multiple measurements of the turbulence level E in the second cross section of the forechamber are tabulated. They 8how that for identical cor,-,bina Lions of equalizers (perforated cone and 7. grids) the degree of turbulence after the exit cones of 8 and 45' is identical in practice. The drag was found to be onstant in the investi-ated ran--e of Reynolds nuzbers, and dhe ~rreatest part of the losses are created bv che exit cone itself. Edt cones ~-,icli large pui.-Ies of expansion can be used with properly chosen equalizers in wind turincJs and other devices. 2/2 4)111 uR. o482 Soviet inventions Illustra:ted, Section I Chemical, Derwent, 237322 MN-MR.IDUAL --PK I D I ~ I NC. E, AS IF I S~,T:I~ON 017~ MMOD,'FOR DIL ifcomolete burning in air or ox;gen 'dlMrfers in -being carried out in two stages fi st at 500-700"C and th.n at 1200-14000C with the formation of gaseous products- The prelitiinary oxidation chamber is fed vith part of che'air, 0.1 of the stoichio'- metric quanrity, and~with-all the fuel to be gasified. The wholelmass of fuel is evenly hziated in the chamber. This causes cor~siderablez destruction of the co6plex compoundc, inrroducing atoms of oxygen intolLhe moLectilar 5tructure of thL fuel. The process in chLe chamber is not broughc to a thermadynamic,bal4nce, no the condensation reactions, do not Ilave Lime to finish, and the product, containing i-rich selection of active radicals. enters the ieaction chamber, where, being mixed with the, remaining air, it reac,cs up to the poirnt of term~inal gaseous products cor.- 1:9V31977 A.-I-130 38 7 81 siderably more rapidly, By eliminating intermediate oxidatiOn, the process takes place more energerically. less jerkily, is easily regulated..and produces less soot- 29.3,67. as 11460!j/23-26, WkSLENNIKOV, et al. Theoretical and Practical Mechanics inst. Siberian Sect. Acad. Sciences 1!,S-S~R- (7.1.69) Bul. 6/12.2.69. Class 24e, Int. CI. C 101 AUTHORS: ~Iasjennikov. v. M.; Vvskubenko, Yu. A.; Dimitrov. V. d Ch sov, D- V. Z-harkova, G roZOV Institut Teoreticheskoy i Prikladnoy Meklhanikl. Sibirskogo OtUeleniya A' N SSSR 1,973:1978 1/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--02nCT70 TITLE--STUOY OF LINEARIZED GRA9 EQUATIONS OF RAREFIED GASDYN~MICS IN THf- ,TffREf--.DIMf-t4SIG(4AL CASE -U- AUTHOR-CHUSOV, M.A. %-,UU,',.TRY OF 1NFO--USSR S0(JRGE-AK',ADE:.MfIA NIAUK IZVESTIIA, FEZIKA.AT140SFERY I OKEANA VOL. 6, SS SR Ff:3. 1970p P 146-153 DATE PU6LISHED----70 ~,~SU3JFCT AREAS--PHYSICSv ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCESv EARTH SCIENCES AND ~OCEANIJGRAPHY ,TOPIC TAIGS-RAREFIED GAS DYNAMICS# FLUID FLOW, LINEAR EQUATIONt AIR, -OCEANOGRAPHY CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLAS-5-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/PRAME--1989/2044 STEP NO--UR/0362/70/006/003/014610153 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AR0108370 UNCLASSIFIED ........... . ..... LASSIFIED- PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 2f2 031 UNC CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0108370 ABSIRACI/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DERIVATION OF DISPE~',S1,1-1 REL~%TT(yJS FOR A LINEARIZED SYSTEM OF GRAD EQUATIONS. THIS SYSTEM C3NJTA[14S, IN ADDirin,%,.T0 A 13 MOMENT GPAD SYSTEM, AN EQUATION FOR THE lNiJ-*4EQUILIBRltVM PART OF THE PRESSURE, WHICH DESCRIBES THE PROCESS OF SECOND HULK) VISCOSITY. ASSUMING THE.FLUID FLOW TO BE THREE DIKE'll;SIDNAL, THE LONGTITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE DISPERSION BRANCHES ARE DETERMINED. UNCLASSIFIED 4G- DATE--27t OV70 1/2 0 18 UNCLASSIFIED P P% 0 C E S S I.N .:T.-[:TLE--OXI CATION OF TRIVALENT.CHROMIUM :-U- V.A.t BOCHKAREVA, TI.Pol KDZOqEZr L.A. CHUSOVA, L.L.r ~2141.-S4PAKF L.P- C t-UNTR YOF IMFO--USSR ._.S,n_URCE-_(J-S.S.R. 262, 106 -'_-Ry_-FcERENiCE--OTKRYT I YA, IZJBRET., PROM, 0BRAZTSY, TOVARNYE INAKI 19701 0 41 T EPUBL ISHED--26JAN70 RE45 J.OPIC TA-GS--METAL OXICIATIONt CHROMIUM, CHEMCAL PATENT, OZONE C ~-,U TR 0 L -UMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PP OXY R-ELiFRAM`--30G1/1465 STEP NO--UR/0482/10/0001000/0000/0000 C-11,CIACCESSION NO--AA0126996 UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 669-25:f,39.2)2 TKAMISM0.1 0. YE., and ChIJISTOV K. V. j Institute of 1,jaatal Physics, Acadde-Fy of Sciences Ulkrainian SSR "Yorphology of Homogenous Precipitation in a Co-'Li A-Doy" 33 Sverdlovsk,.Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Val 29, No 4, Air 70, pp 40 Abstract: An electron microscopic study war, made of the nature of distribution of gamm-phase particles during homogeneous precipitation in a c6on-It alloy containing 9 at % Ti. The allay was produced in an are furnace with a water-cooled. copper hearth in a purified arg enrifla .~on atmosphere. After pouring the in.~rotr, led at 12000C for 10 hours, quenched in water, forged, and rolled to a final th-Ickness of approximately 0.1 rin.. From the rolled strips 20 x 30 stmipler, 'were cut '~(aich were reheated to 12000C, quenched in water, and a~,rcd at various teimeraturer- Aging was done in a salt bath for short periods and in a vacuum (10:'5 torr) for longer periodf,. From the heat-treated samples, disks with a 3-vun diameter were nade which were used as blanks for the preparation of thin foils. 7he latter were produced by electropolishing in a solution of 20 ml H20 + 1313 I'll acetic acid + 25 chromic arn~hydrida at 92 v in a special teflon holder. The foils were ey-arained under a UETW -IW; r,,icroscope at 20,OOOX. lu the initial stages of the precipitation process, fine zones (approximat2ly USSR TKACEMMKO) 0. YE., and Ch -UISTJV, K. V., Fizike, Yetal'ov i iMetallovedeniye, Vol 29, No 4, APr 70, PP 834-84o 10) X), enriched with titanium atoms with an ordered atructure of the Ou-,Au type, are formed and chaotically situated in the solid solution. in view of W Le close- ness of their structure to the structure of the ga=.,a (Co3Ti)-phaase, these zones can be viewed as the nucleus of the given phase. Increasiag the heating tetmperature leads to enlarGernnt of the zoner, and their alignment along the 110~> direction, and further &,ging of the alloy is - a three-dimensional lattice from -a ecipitates of accompanied by the formation o. _r the ganma-phace with a lattice period of apProxiMatelY.300 - Shortenc,,d heating at a high temperature (9000 C) leads to a change in particle shape from equiaxial. to lazxellar and to the disturbance of their proper position. 2/2 N composite MaterIals USSR UDC: 669.715:621.002.3 SEVERDENKO, V. P., MTUSEVICH, A. S. , CI~MAYEV 1. K~. , RADAYEV, M. A. "Hardening of Aluminum by Fibers of Stainless Steel". Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 12, Doc 73, pp 60-61, Abstract: A specimen consisting of alternating layers of degreased steel wire and surface-treated aluminum foil was placed in an envelope of copper sheets, the edges of which were scaled by gas welding- The air was extracted from the envelope to a residual pressure of 1.10-4-1-10-S mm hg, after which the packet was heated to 4500 C for 30-45 minutes, depending on packet thickness. The residual pressure in the packet before,rollhig was not over 5 - 10-5 mm lig. Based on the experiments, a nomogram was Constructed which can be used to determine the spacing of wires, foil thickness and minimum necessary degree of compression for fixed values of volumetric content and a diameter of hardening wires. Reinforced sheets measuring (1.0-3.5) by 180 by 220 mm were made. The highest strength values.were achieved for a composite material consisting of aluminum plus 44% EP-322 wire. USSR UD0:62i.'i6-722.l KILADZE, N.SH. , GHUBINASHVILI, D.N~! 0 TKERASUM-12-T: D - "Precieicn Regulators Of The Effective Value Of Large-Power A-0 Voltuge" Tr. in-ta elektron. avtomatiki i telemekh. AN Gruz SSH (Works Of The Institute CfElectronic Automatics And Telemechanics, Academy Cf`~Sciances, Georgian SSR), 1970, 8, No 2, vp 66-71 (from RZh--Elektroniks i yeye primeneniye, No 11, November lo 1970, Abstract AN 498) Translation-. In order to regulate a-c voltage with a power above 0.5 kw with great precision and small nonlinear distortionj it is advisable to use regul8tors with a as turation choke connected to the primary winding of an autotransformer. An electron- tube diode is used in the sensor [datchik] of effective voltage. In the circuit at 3 kw a control circuit using transistors is employed and In the circuit at 0.5 kw,~a control circuit using tubes. The basic parameters of tho regulatoro with an output. voltage of 220 v plus or minue five percent at 3,and 0.5 kwt, respectively, arei load current 111.6 and 2.3 amp; specific power 45 and 25 wt/kg; coefficient of nonli percent; tempersturexange.from 5 to,500 a nearity distortion 5 and and from 10 to 400 G. 2 ill. 2 ref. S.D. WSR uDc k5.~i849.52.015.3 ULFANIZON, YU. YE. j and CHL?rY-TN, 0. A. Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Building, Hoscldw- "Distribution in Tissue Depth of the Absorbed Dooe From -Active Aerosol Particles" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 17, No 7, Jul 72, pp 69-72 Abstracti Calcualtions are carried out of the absorb,~,~d dose in tissue in relation to the distance aerosol particle of~an Q -active isotope. The particle is assumed to be imbedded in the tissue. The non- uniformity of energy losses along the path of Q -radiation and the actual energy spectra of aerosol particles are considered. On the example of 239puo particles, the effect of particle size on the absorbed dose is discussed. It is she" that the dosage rate on the particle surface depends on the particle size (parameter Qp rapidly doeireasing with increasing particle size (by a factor of NO on transition from Ic - 0.01 to k -u 0.1). On th!) basis of the calculations, the relation between the closage rate and the dis- tance from the aerosol particle surface shows a slight rise in the dosaZe ratet distances sonewhat smaller t= the length of the path WE -particle2 -p'u-ticies in tissue. This is due to a rise in the linear energf loss by a at the end of the path, It is brought out that the di.-itribution of the dose 1/2 98 LISSR ZATYAIRZON, YU. YE., and CHUTKINI 0. A,t Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 17, No 7, Jul 72, pp 69-72 in tissue depth is a highly variable function; this must be taken into con- sideration in estimating the damage that Pay be caused by C( -active aerosols. The inuortance of the results of the study from the standpoint of danger presenited by iTradiation of the reSDiratory tract ir occupational accidents involving inhalation of -active aerosols is pointed out. 2/2 USSR UDC 616.24-001.29-057-07:616.24-088.927.994.02.239 ZALMANZON, Yu. Ye., and CHUTKIN.,O. A., Union Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Building "Doses of Radioactive Aerosols Absorbed in the Lungs" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 17, No 4, 19723, pp 63-68 Abstract: Mathematical models are developed to review and expand current con- cepts concerning the absorption of radioactive aerosols and safety standards. The factors considered in the calculations include: concentration of radio- activity in the inhaled air, dispersion and size of radioactive particles, flow dynamics, respiratory rate, tidal volume, distribution of the radioactive matter in the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli, and concentration of radio- activity per unit weight of the lungs. Because of unavailability.of precise data on certain parameters, simplifications are made in the equations. By using pu239 as an example, it is demonstrated that at a given (constant) con- centration of the radioactive aerosol, the dose absorbed in the lungs may vary by a factor of several hundred, depending on the actual value of a number of variables. Therefore, in order to establish valid standards, it is necessary to develop methods by which the inhaled fraction of the radioactive aerosol can be measured. USSR UDC: 539.1.08 VAD'IN, V. I., ZALMIZOIT, Yu. Ye., NIKITIN, V. I., CHLTTKIN, 0. A. "Radicn-try and identification of A-1uha-Active isotopes of 'Thick' Aerosol Samples Tr. Soyuzn. n.-i. in-ta priborostr. (Works of the Union Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Building), 19TO, vyp. 12, p, 2o4-215 (7- am RZh- _Y~et logi- -a Petro i -act No 11. 32. 14.60 y j TZ=e~ tell-naya Tekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Xbstr - Translation: The authors show the possibility of determining isotopic com- position for "thick" speci=~ens, and find corrections for '11-he radiation yield and the effectiveness with which radiation is registered for such specimens. Five illustrations, one table, bibliography of eight titles. 2 017 UNCLASSIFIED PRGCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ilTLE-CLINICAL PICTURE OF RETROLENTA IN CHILDREN L FIBROPLASIA WITH THE EYE PATHOLOGY -U- AUTHUR-(GZ)-GRIGORYEVAt V.1.9 JUNTRY OF INFO-LSSR SOURCE-VESTNIX OFTAL'MOLOGIII 1970, NR 3w PP 13-16 -OATE PUBLISHED---70 .~:-SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--EYE DISEASE, PEDIATRICS CCNTROL MARKING--&10 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UINCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0125 STEP NC~--UR/0357/701000/003/0013/OOL6 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129381 UNCLASSIFIED WW 4 2/2- 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC, ACCESSICN NO-APOLZ9381 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT THE ARTICLE CARRIES A DESCRIPTION OF 15-PATIENTS WITH RETROLENTAL F156LASIS EXAMINED AT AN EYE CLINIC FOR CHILDREN. THE NECESSITY OF AN EARLIER DETECTION AND PREVENTION OF THIS DISEASE IS STRESSED. FACILITY: KAFEDRA GLAZNYKH BOLEZNEY, LENINGRADSKOGO PEDIATRICHESKOGO MEDITSINSKOGO INSTIrUTA. UNC LA SSIFIED 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--THE EFFECT OF RACHITOGENIC FOOD RATION ON THE FUNCTION OF THE .-ADRENAL CORTEX I'N RATS _u_ AUTHOR-(02)-NATANSON, A.D., CHUVAYEV, A.V. COUNTR.Y OF INF0--USSR ~SOURCE-VOPROSY PITANIYA, 1970, NR 3, PP 46-47 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -'SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND"MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--VITAMIN DEFICIENCY, BONE DISEASE, ADRENAL GLAND, DEHYDROGENASE, ALDOSTERONEf CORTICOSTEROID, THYMUS GLAND MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .PROXY REEL/FRAAE--1998/0006 STEP NO--UR/0244/70/000/003/0046/0047 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120706 UNCLASSIFIED . ... .............. .. 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-160CT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0120706 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RATS WEANLINGS WERE KEPT FOR 3 WEEKS ON A RACHITOGENIC DIET. THE WEIGHT-OF SUPRARENALS, THE _.~3-vLf'jZYSTEROID DEHYDROGENASE ACTIVITY THEREIN, PRODUCTION OF ALDOSTERONE AND CORTISCONTERONE BY THE AURENALS IN VITRO SHOWED NO CHANGE BY COMPARISON WITH CONTROLS. THE WEIGHT OF THE THYMUS,IN RACHITIC RATS ~WAS-SOMEWHAT INCREASED. FACILITY: LABORATORIYA BIQKHIMII .:VITAMINOV VSES. N-1 INSTITUT4 VITAMINOLOGII MINISTERSTV4 ZIDRAVOOKHRANENIYA SSSR, MOSCOW. 412 030 UNCLASSIFIED PR OCESSING DATE--040EC70 ,C,LRC -,ACCESSION NO--AT0141873 :,ABSTRACT/EXTRAClT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RESULTS OF MULTICOLOR OBSERVATIONS :OF GALAXIES BEING CARRIED OUT AT:THE PRIME FOCUS OF THE 2.6 M SCHAJN TELESCOPE, USING AN IMAGE CONVERTER: AND: 6-9 COLOR FILTERS. THE OBSERVATIONS OF THE SC GALAXIES~ NGC 628,:~NGC 4-254,' AND: NGC 5194 WERE ~CARRIED-OUT IN 1965-1969. TWO OF THE~GALAXIES ARE SINGLE, BUT NGC 5194 15-DO.UBLE.- THE, ENERGY DISTRIBUTIONS FOR THE CENTRAL REGION AND FOR DOZENS-OF-BRIGHT PATCHES IN EACH.:GALAXY.HAVE BEENiOETERMINEOr AND THE .~-.::_;RATIPS OF BRIGHTNESSES. ARE TABULATED. KRYMSKAIA NAUCHNYy UKRAINIAN SSR. USSR UX 576-858-75-098 - 31 Mp,%TO-V, ra. ZH., ISAYEVA, Ye. S. CHUVAKOVA Z. K. rnd SEVENIKO, 0. G.) 4 r'- -. f - - hT,_5 , 1-abora-tory of G--ne=,--! V-I-rolo&y-, Imn'-. i~b-Mlogy and Virolo&j, Academy of Sciences., Kazahh SSE, -*I=-At-- "Study o--:' the Electro-ihoretic Molbility and Immunosrecificity of Influenza Virus and Host Cell Neuraminidases" Moscow, Eksperimentallnoy Biolo.-ii i Meditsiny, No 6. 1972, pp 6B-71 Abst-ract: A co,-=ra-lv-ive study was conducted of the electrophoretic mobility of neuraminidases from different influenza virus strains and from cells of chick embryo chorioallantais, the medium most widely used to rnintain thin virus. Th-- s--eciflcity of 'Che in-dilvidual zones on the electrophoregrams of the enzyr..-.e was det-e=ined serologically. The electroT~horetic mobility off neun-a-Tin- idase fro= tJie A2 (Singa.pore/57) and A2 (Alnkn-Ata 391,/~,7) strains .T-s found to be d-ifferent from teat of +-he A2~Alra-Ata 454/65) and A2 (ussii o!;6-(/69) strains, but the latter two strains were siralar in this respect. Ne-i-raminidase from the host ce2-1s. unrlike that of the virus, was bound to a rapidly moving component in the electrizal ffelf. HOWI-ver, co=,orents vilth iden.tical electrophoratic mobility apppez-ired in preparations of both celliLlar and vir-al neui-,zriridase. 1/1 USSR UDC 546.78+541.452+546.212 CHUVAYEV. V. F., SHINIK, G. M., POLOTEBNOVA, N. A., SPITSYN, V. I., Academician, Institute of Chemical Physics, Soviet Academy of Sciences, 'Moscow "Investigation of Crystal Hydrates of Phosphotungstovanadic Heteropoly Acids by the Paramagnetic Resonance blethod" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 211, No 3, 27 Jul 73, pp 614-616 Abstract: The paper gives the results of an investigation of the PIMR spectra of hydrates of various water content of phosphotungstovanadic heteropoly acids with one or two atoms of vanadium in the anion H41Pi4l1VO401-nH2O and 1151PW10 V20401-nH20- Specimens of acids with intermediate water content were produced by allowing the initial hi~,,h-water crystals to stand in air for different durations at different temperatures.- The PKR spectra show specific peculiar- ities of the hydrate structure of phbsphotungstovanadic heteropoly acids with one and two vanadium atoms. The nature of dehydration of the H+ ions in acid H-(PW V 0 J-H20 supports the hypothesis of formation of a four-spin grouping H50~.~10 in-40the hydrates H H 0 and H 10 V,)04012R,)O the proton- 4 41PW11VO401 2 5(PW .Proton distance of the water molecules r,-H- 1.8, 1 ils-conside-rably greater than the usual distances iii crystal hydrates. 212 007 'UNCLASS I F I PROCESSING DATF--13NOV70 ND--AP0103649 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-1U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. JN THE SYNTHESIS OF POLYPEPTIDES WITH REGULAR CHAIN STRUCTURE,THE HIGHEST MOL. iWlS. WERE OBTAINED VIA THE PENTACHLGROPHENYL ESTERSt FOLLOWED:IN TURN BY: -OXYSUCCINIMIDYL, 2 4,5 TRICHLOROPHENYLo'2 f I t4,6,TRICHLOROPHENYL, ~....:RH0,NlTR0PHENYL*, , 3,HYDROXYPYRIOYL:,~'P ENTAFLUGROPHENYL, AND ESTERS. HOWEVER OWING TO LOW SOLY. OF MANY WITH RELATIVELY~LARGE MOL.~ WT., THE DESIRABILITY OF IMPROVED SOLY. DURING THE HANDLING '4AKES.2#4t5,TRICHLOROPHENYL AND '4,HYDROXYSUCCINIMIOYL ESTERS-VALUABLE.:.,~THE.REAC-TION WAS APPLIED To THE ''INDICATED ESTERS OF HBR OR: HCL.ISALTS~OF GLYCYLPROLYLGLYCINE OR THE _.~ANALOG OF GLYCYLIIYDROXYPROLYLHYDROkYPROL[t~IE AS:WELL AS THE GLYCYLPR0LYLHYDR0XYPR0LINE ANALOG. THE REACTIONS WERE RUN IN ME SU132 SO IN-THE PRESENCE OF ET SUB3 N AT ROOM.TEMP. SEVEkAL DAYS. BY THIS METHOD THE; PENTACHLOROPHENYL ESTER- YJELOEO TOLYMER IG POLYPEPTfDES OF INDICATED MCL. WTS.: GLY-HYP-HYP OVER -00 ANVREAC.HING 160400; GLY-PRO-HYP GLY-ALA-HYP OVER 25,000.. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 5kl,183 CHUVEI-MrA E. A.. NA'_74ROV P. P. and MUMV, K. V., Institute of Physical em st Ac Sc USSR, I "Kinetics of the ionic Exchange on Cormlex.Forming Recins. I. Sorption Kinetics of Uranyl, Sodium, and Bari= Ions on Carboxyl and on Diosphate Resins" MZscow Zhurna-1 Fizicheskoy Khimii vol 46 No 11, kfov~72, pp 2865-286o Abstract: So-rntion kinetics of uranyl, barium and sodiiyjrt ions on the H-lorm of the carboxyl cetion exchange resins SG-1, Amberlite IRC-50 and the phosphate cation exchange resin of the 19T type has been studied as a function of the concentration of the metals in starting solution, as a function of graininess and the degree of crossarafting of the ion exchange resins, Ulne rate of uranium sorption increases with decreasing grain size of the Qx0ange resin. ftba exchange rate of uranium increases ulth increasing cone on t ration of uranium in the starting V-01utiQn. Finallyl the exchange of sodium takes place =h.faster on the phosphate resinn than on SG-l =%.terial. US S.R UDC 541-183 rTTr"MT--TrA A., NAZAROV, P. P., CHNWTOV, K. V., institute of 'Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR "Study of the Mechanism of Metal Ions, Sorption on Phosphate Cation Exchangers Moscow, Zhurnal FizicheskoY !aimii, Vol IL5, N-0 9, 1971, DD 2-OQ7- 2301 Abstract: Interaction of uranyl,.copper, and niclkel ions with the styrene- and D-divinylbenzone phosphate cation-exchange resins was studied by the adsorDtion and Dotentiomet--ic titration tech- nicues. The e_-~merimental -oartition coefficients of the uranyl ion were found to be high at a low nitric acid concentration and those of Cu and NTi to increase steadily with the increase in pH and de- crease in ionic strenzth of solution. In contrest to carboxylate resins, sorption of uranium on pbosphate resins proceeds by a chemical reaction mechEnism. The tabulated s-abilit7 constants of the uranium complex formed indicate a strong affinity between uranyl ion and phosphate group of the resin, which indirectly 1/2 - 29 USSR CHL-VELEVA, E. A., et al, Zhurnal Fizichesl~oy Khi-.-li-!,,, Vol 45, No 9, 1971, pp 2297-2301 confirms the Dreviously suspected eXistence of a covalent bond. In contrast tiie tabulated stability constants of Cu and Ni coxmDlexes indicate a relatively weak affinity bet-ween these metals and DhosDhate group.s of the resins, apparently because they are bonded by electrostatic forces. The Cu coqplex. contains only two phosphate groups. 2/2 Ion Exchange USSR UDC 541.183 CIdUVELEVA, E. A., NAZAROV, P. P., and CHNIUTOV, K. V., Institute of P?Ty-~_-3cal Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow "Mechanism of Sorption of Metal Ions on Carboxyl Cation Exchanf~lers. V. Formation of Complexes of the Type /P-I(A)3.,-7 by the Uranyl IOntf Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, Vol 44, No 2, Feb 70, pp 482-485 Abstract: Adsorption Of U02 ++ ions by the cation-exchnnge resin SG-l with three C'00H groups from solutions contains uranyl nitrate, \Na0H, and NaNO was studied. Data obtained on equilibria in the 3 solution-resin system at p1l 1.72-3.36 indicated that a complex of the type /U_0 W32 'ormed on the resin and that this complex combined witg Na+ tolf'orm Na/U02 (A)3 7 in preference to binding H+ with the formation of H/u-b TA), 7. 'Experiment' in which NaNO-30 containing 2211a was useU cgnfiri~_ed the results in regard to th'ej adsorp- tion of Na+. With increasing amounts of U02 ++ adsorbed on the resin, the adsorption of Na+ increased because of formation of the compound Na/U02 (A)3_7. -1/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED :PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 .TITLE--MECHANISM OF ADSORPTION OF~METAL IONS ON CARBOXYLIC. CATION EXCHANGERS. IV. ADSORPTION OF URANYL,ION ON KB-4-RESIN -U- AUTHOk-(03)-CU4LY_&jj_VA_# E.A.r NAZAROYI -P.P., CHMUTOV' K.V. .-C_0UNT_R_Y~ OF INFO--USSR ..~SOURCE-ZH. FIZ. KHI;4. 1970t 44(l), 166-70 DATE PUBLISHED------70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~JOPIC TAGS--CATION EXCHANGE RESIN, BENZENE DERIVATIVE, URANIUM COMPOUNDIr COMPLEX COMPOUND, CALCULATION/(U)KB4 [ON EXCHANGE RESIN CGNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~,?ROXY REEL/FRAME--199511403 STEP NO--UR/0076/70/04tt/001/0166/0170 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116850 UNCLASSIFIED OL? UNCLASSIFIED* PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 .C&'RC ACCESSION NO--AP0116850 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U).GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INVESTIGATION 4AS ACCOw'-IPLISHED CATION EXCHANGERS OF THE TYPE KB-4, CONTAINING DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF .-DIVANYLBENZENE. THE CONSTS. OF.~CUMPLEX FORMATION OF AJO SUB2 PRIME2 ]--POSITIVE WER&CALCO. ON THE BASIS OF EXPTL. DArA. FACILITY: FIZ. KHIM-p MOSCOW, USSR.. UNCLASSIFIED 112- 0 11 UNCLASSIFIED :PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 T_ITLE--MEChAN ISM OF METAL IUN ADSORPTICN.''ON CARBOXYLIC. CATION EXCHANGERS. A05GkPTICN CF COPPER AND NICKEL~IONS~~ON SG,l RESINS -U- N.K., NAZAROV? P.P., CHUVELE.VA, E.A.1 CHMUTOVr :,6G'UNTRY OF INFO--USSR FIZ. KhIM. 1970, 44(3)s 720-3 "PATE P(.jBLISHE0------7C .SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY CHANGE RESIN, ADSORPTION, COPPER COMPLEX, NICKEL TOPIC -TAGS-CATION Fxkl COMPLEX, CARBONYL RADICALt STABILITY CONSTANT/(U)SGI ION EXCHANGE RESIN ~_:CCNTRCL PARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ;':PROXY REELIFRAMIE-3002/1211 STEP No--UR/0076/'IO/C),(t4/003/0'[20/0723 ~_CIRC ACCESSICIN NO--AP0128629 -UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 ~~CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0128629 7,1',A6STRACT1EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INTERACTION OF 0.01.9 AND ..::.---0.038M CUONC SU83) SUB2 AND 0.01.96M N1 (CLO SUB41 SUB2 w1ITH THE CATION ~;_.EXCHANGER ~SG, I I PK SUBDI SSOCN. 5.4 ANO, 5.52 IN. NANO SUB3 AND NACLU SUB4 -~SOLJNS RES P. J WAS S TUD I ED BY, M EASUR IN G.- ~THE PH OF. THE SLG,l SUSPENSION :~~...,.ANO~.EXTENT OF CU PRImE2 POSIT*IVE AND,INI PRIME2 POSITIVE ADSOTPTION AFTER .,,-:...ThE~AGDN. OF VARIOUS AIMTS. or-, A~KALI.: BOTH OF CU PRIME2 POSITIVE NI ~PRIYE2, PCSI-TIVE FORM A COMPLEX i41TH 2 r_AR5OXYL GROUPS. CU IS MORE -FIRMLY COMFLEXED, WITH A STABILITY CONST;. K SU TIMES :10 P 62 RIME ..:~:~NEGATJVE5.E:QUALS 0.93 ANO.I.Z~ FOR -THEICONCNS.1 19-;ANO 36 M14-1., RESP., 'WHILE NI hAS K SU8Z EQUAL 0.013 T.IMESI _10'~PPIME5 AT THE STUDIED CONCIIJ. FACILITY: INST. FIZ. KHIM,y MOS'CGW!i USSR. 112 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--MECHANISM OF METAL ION ABSORPTION ON CARBOXYL CATION EXCHANGERS. V. ~FORMATIGN OF AM A SUB3 TYPE URANYL' ION COMPLEXES -U- `AUTHOR-(03)-CHUVELEVA# E.A., NAZAROV, P.P., CHMUTOVS K.V. CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR :j SOURCE-ZH. FIZ. KHIM. 1970t 44(2)v 482-5 .~DATE PUBLISHED- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-CHEIMICAL REACTION MECHANISM, CATION EXCHANGE RESIN, METAL, ._-'~_CARGOXYLIC ACID, CHEMICAL BONDING, ORGANIC COMPLEX COMPOUND/fUlS61 ..CATICN -,EXCHANGE RESIN "CENTROL MARKINC-NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -P ROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/2172 STEP NO--UR/0076/70/Offl#/002/0482/0485 'CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125752 UINLCLAS'IFIED 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION-NO--AP0125752 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CONDITIONS OF FORMATION OF UJRANYL -VITH 3 CARBOXYL GROUPS OF RESIN SG-1 ARE DESCRIBED. BASED ON COMPLEXES RESULTS-OBTAINED BY A PREVIOUS-METHOD. 1P.-P. NAZAROV, ET AL., 1969). BAR il, QUANTITY OF ADSORBENT,FOR I~ATOM OF METAL,~WAS-3.0# AND ONLY THE -OP COMPLEX.WAS IF HED AT URANYL:CONCNS. OF 0.0025 AND 0.005MU. -EQUIL. CCNSTS. AND SrABILITY'CONSTS. OF THF C13MPLEXES ARE ..~REACTION* ':-GlVElll.. THE MEAN NO. OF COORDINATED GROUPS N IS APPROX5MATELY EQUAL To 31-- WHICH INDICATES THE PRIMARY FORMATION., OF URANYL COMPLEXES WlITH 3 _-_,j~',~_,CARBOXYL GROUPS. EXPTL. AND CALCD.. DATA ARE ~COMPARED;: THE CALM. 14ETHOD COULD BE,:USED WHEN ONLY I COmPLEX COMPO. WITH A- CONST. NO. OF LIGANDS WAS FORMED. FACILITY: INST. FIZ. ~:.i-KHIM., -MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 ;CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0132238 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PR PRIME3POSITIVE ION PRIMEH EXCHANGED WITH 3 CARBOXYLIC GROUPS OF.THE ION EXCHANGER. SUBPR3POSITIVEj THE CONST. OF.EXCHANGE H-PR PRIMEIPOSIT[VE VARIED FROM 5.6,TIMES:10 PRIME3 TO 2.3 TIMES-10 PRIME4 IN THE PH RANGE 2.66-4.04, .~.-WHILE_K PRIMENAPOSITIVE SUBPR3POSITIVE,WAS INDEPENDENT OF PH ANO EQUAL -,:-TO 40. , THE STABILITY CONST. K SUB3 OF.-THE PR-COQH C014PLEXI DETD. m4l'_ACCORDING-THE METHOD OF BJERRUM, IS 3.3-TIMES 10 PRIME6. THESE FIGURES .~,_,__DEMONSTRATE A RELATIVELY LOW AFFINITE OF~:PR PRIME3POSITIVE IONS FOR THE GROUPS OF THE RESIN. FACILITY:~ INST. FIZ. KHIM., AOSCOW,, USSR. 'IN' I 1,!. k. 1. AS f F ID LIL-1. OBTAINING AND STUDYING CLHTAIH rmorlikTir-S OF SOLID SOLUTIONS OF TIM tNDItrH ARSF.'JIDF. AND GALLIUM ARSMIDE SYSTM (Article by H. A. Sakharov, H. D-Khly5tovskAys, N. Ye. LI-Itrivevs, N_ 1. chuvql~.. Yc-. P. Rash~vxL'vs, ov6albirsk, III Simpazium po Protgesaam Roota I 1`01.~r"vdnikav~xh Lrlot&llov L Flenok. Rumnian, 12,17 June, 1972, P 251 The solid oulutiono of the imilum arsenide ant gallium arsenide systan Arm intareatlnR and provpective semiconducting materials the basic characteristic parameter" of which have intermediate values between the parameter* of such Important compounds an ,gallium arsenide " Indium arsenide, In the given paper a study watt made of the preblem at obtaining solid solutionm of the Indlum arsenide and gallium arsenide system b~' different method a' lone growth, directional crystallization. pulling from a welt by the method, crystallization from the Itan phast. Comparative character- istics of the materials obtained by these methods art presented. A study was made of some optical and electrophyalcal propertl*m of mcltd volutions of the Indium arsenide and gallium Arsenide system In the entire range of compositions. The spectra of the optical trammakesion in the wave length range of 0.9-25 microns were measured for temperatures of 77 and 300'K. The curves,were 'obtained for the spectral dependence of the Absorption coefficient. A study we~ medo of the dependence of the concentration of the charSa carriers, isability end width of the forbidden gone an the cow"ettime of the solid solution. USSR UDC [629.12:624.02/.09].001.2:681.3 PALIY, 0. M. and CHUVIKOVSKIY, V. S. "Reliability of Numerical Calculations in Ship Structural Mechanics" Leningrad, Sudostroyeniye, No 10, Oct 72, pp 15-17 Abstract; An analysis is made of the reliability of calculations of hull structures conducted by means of electronic digital 6omputers. In judging the reliability of the results of numerical calculations, a distinction is made between the possibility of direct mistakes in programming and the possibility of errors as a consequence of inaccuracy of the initial. data, the approximate nature of the algorithm as.a whole, or error accumulation during the conduct of the calculations themselves (e.g., rounding off). The elimi- nation of mistakes is called the provision of calculation reliability, and the attainment of acceptable error is called the provisfoa of countIng utabill-ty. It is indeed important to obtain calculation reliability, i.e., the elimina- tion of direct mistakes. But this can be accomplished by means of Lhe u-stial methods of reliability theory. In the prescnt study, attention is devoted to the question of attaining counting stability. Each stage of the calcula- tion process, namely that of a physical model, the transformed mathematical 1/2 ------ - ---- . ........ ...... USSR PALIY, 0. If. and CHUXTIKOVSKIY, V. S.) Sudostroyeniye, No 10, Oct 72, pp 15-17 model, and the scheme of the computing algorithm is aimed at optimal conver- gence and specificity with respect to the preceding stage, where by conver- gence is meant the degree to which a stage reflects the properties of the preceding (simulated) stage, and by specificity is meant the permissibly small change of the output data under consideration for variations (dis- crepancies) of the initial data. 1 figure. 2 references. 34-- - USSR UD%C 629.12.0-11-192:519.21 CIITAIIIIOVSKIY V. S. "Probability Models and Application of them in Estimating the Reliability of Hull Structures" Leningrad, Sudostroyeniye, No 4, 1972, pp 21-23 Abstract: Probability models are findinS application in the solution of the probleris of reliability of ship hull structures [V. V.Yekimov, VerovatnosLnvve metody v stroitel'noy nalchanike korablya, Leningrad, Sudostroyeniye Press, 1966; V. S. Chubikovskiy, et al., 0sno,,7 teorii nadezhnosti sudowkii korpusnvkh- I-Ion- struktsiv, Leningrad, Sudostroyeniye Press, -1965]. However, just as ii other fields where probability theory is used, difficulties are arising in connection with the statement of the corresponding mathematical problems and estimating t:ne results of solving then. The probability concept is analyzed with the in- troduction of the auxiliary concepts of completely and relatively objective mod- els of reality. The difficulties of the practical utilization of p rob ab i li ty theory and mathenatical statistics in such studies are discussed. E.X=Dle cases of the situation which develops when processing and accepting hull ma- acteristic of testinc, hull structures are considered. terials and a case char, The application of probability models in estimating the various aspects of the reliability of hull structures requires serious and realistic analysis of each specific practical situation, establishment of the system of specific physical 1/2 USSR CHUVIKOVSKIY, V. S., Sudostroyeniye, No 4, 1972, pp 21-23 representations and, primarily, careful analysis ofthe accuracy of the initial data for obtaining the required result with acceptable accuracy. Utilization of various relatively objLtive models*in hull reliability theory indicates the impossibility of formalizing many of the sections.even apparently of a mathematical nature, and it also indicates the necessity for performing broad research by the characteristic methods of this science. 2/2 USSR UDC: 621.771.23 POLUKHIN, V. P., VISLINYAKOV, YA. D., POTEMKIN, V. K., and CHUVILEK, V. P., Institute of Steels and Alloys "Effect of the Temperature Conditions of Hot Rolling on Both Structure and Mechanical Properties of 08 kp Steel" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchabnyklt Zavedeniy, Chernaya Metallurgiya, 1971, pp 82-85 1b 1, Abstract: This study concerns the causes of quality impairments of thin hot-rolled strip up to 3 mm. in thickness.designed to be cold converted to 0.8-0.6 mm. The study involved the effect of temperature conditions of hot rolling on the structure and mechanical properties of 08 kp steel strip rolled for 2.8 mm under four sets of temperature conditions. I"Vesti- gation of the strip along its length.and width has"found the central sections to have lower characteristics than those at the~edges. The data given here are therefore referre&to, the middle sections:along the width. 1/2 USSR POLUMIN, V. P., et al, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 1, 1971, pp 82-85 Figures in the original article show changes in the grain size, the strength properties,and plasticity along the length of the strip. It has been.demonstrated that the optimum structure and mechanical properties-to- :plasticity ratio are attained at 880*C at the end of rolling and 610% for coiling.. 2/2 NMI USSR UDC 532.7 NIKOLAYEV, N. I., KALININA, M. D., and-CHUVILEVA, G. G., Scientific Research Physico-Chemical Institute imeni L. Yarrat2p'o, t~aw-j "Effect of the Concentration of the External Electrolyte Solution on the Diffusion of Counter Ions within Cationites". Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, Vol XLIV, No 12, Dec 70, pp 3110-3114 Abstract: Current attempts to explain observed variations in the mobility, of ions in ionites by the sinuosity of the ion diffusion route alone are adequate in the case of the self-diffusion of water, the diffusion of an inert substance, or even the diffusion of co-ions; however, this approach vill not explain the sharp shift in diffusion coefficients within the phase of an external electrolytei The authors determined systematically.the diffusion coefficients in the cation KU-2, with varying content.of divinylbenzene, during the exchange "of copper ions with hydrogen and sodium ions. 1/2 Ll USSR NXCLAYEV, 'N. I., et al., Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, Vol XLIV, No 12, Der- 70, pp 3110-3114 It was found that the interdiffusion coefficients rise as the concentration of the external equilibrium solution increases. This is explained on the basis of a model of a friable quasi-crystal. Graphs are included to il- lurstrate the experimental data. 2/2 USSR UD p F, v11 - III M. G. NZIGOP'YE'I'l V. V. I LEONOV 0. "T. '01- M. D. A. V. "[Small Batt- C:1,Y) Galva-IC L'attery" USSR No ;)76193- filed 16 Dcc 6", -jubl's' hed 29 Sep TO (frog .'o 5, Vay 1971, Alstract 7:o 5A251- A I 'T-, au i s 1 a t i or iin order to si-mplify the assenfuly an-0 improv,-:.~ the vol-:;a,-e of, an wimll ba~ute-ry O"L! O"I'd of ease, for example, the bott-ora -is made ccnc~:Ve wid is f;,,m-orted on c~,Cn sllrfrzace of t1le cllcctro--~-- the C-Urre-lt ~]icre is 1 illustra'ion. ap of the outS~-dc element. I AUTHOR-- RUMYANTSEV I DIRECTOR. SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH INSTI- TUTE OF CHEM (:AL MACHINE CONb-`TC fOi~ I N/ TITLE-- TH-- -EFFECT OF IRESEARCH NEWSPAPER--- VECHERNYAYA MOSKVA JANUARY 13, 1970, P 2., 0 LS ABSTRACT-- THE ARTICLE 1S A VERY BRIEF REVIEW Or" THE Ac-,I.VT-.'-':s OF THE SRICM. THE INST11-UTE IS THE LEADING ORGAN12 ATION Ii11 THE FIELD Or- MACHINE DESIGN FOR CHEMICAL INDUSTRY4 IT GUIDES THE TECHNO- LOGICAL POLICIES AND COORDINATES THE EFFORTS OF OTHER INSTIlUTES AND PLANTS. THE FOLLOWING STAFF MEMBERS OF THE INSTITUTE ARE MENTIONED AS ACHIEVERS-_ R. KAZAKOV DALIN YU. KIPRIANOV, Y-E. CHUVPILO, AND V. lAV4R'0V. ALL ARE MENf~ OF THE Coll"A"JUNIST i%d 19571886 USSR UDC 539.4.015 COW ML'ITVM'I!-k; P. and CH-11"i A. M., "Ibe SeDayati.rzn of Carbides During Hi~gh-Teillperatijre and Mcchanical Wbrking" Moscow, Fizkia i KI-iii-ai-va Obrabotid Materia-1-ov, No 2, "",~r-ilpr 71, pp, 151-155. Abstract: The influence of hich tomperatti-ro heat and jvcc!-Iani~cal 1-;Orkinor Oil self-tcm,") 55K.*-;,,GS,~-'.-% steel was studicd. At On Olf Ore (I I sr-Or ~C'Cl the process o-~~ scIf -tclm-~--r-~nc, 01 Marzensirc and s2par---, M carbides are criservi---cl, assz.,ring z! hi,di cLombbIIL4LrC-,I 04F C-4 thO St(103. druj?tj~,-!~ -Wf(~Ct t1le st'u" of the ~,m::Icnjrc. the ijroccss~ (if Fwf-c.-,-vc! the rimrtensite convcr!~4-on, C -1 us t: en) t7-:11: 1 on c atJ -Ltv~tenit, change the tempcrature , te Lm*,,~,"1n--*'Izji1d d-Or.-Oc of defarm~ ion of Lhe i placr -*tjc-i of -,,,artei'sita state of,,, ---enJ-c- cause a dis, -,n,,c-nt of the pc;s, point. USSR UDC 539.4.015 MATVEYEVA, M. P., and CHUYAN, A. M., Moscow 'qbe Separation of Carbides During High~-Temperature Heat and Mechanical Working" Moscow, Fizkia i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov, No 2, Nfar-Apr 71, pp 151-155. Abstract: The influence of high temperature heat and mechanical working on self-tempering of type 55KhGSFA steel was studied. At optimal HIP41V modes, the process of self-tempering of martensite and separation of more dispersed carbides are observed, assuring a high combination of mechanical properties of the steels, These processes doubtless reflect the state of the austenite during the process of HID-111 before the martensite conversion. The austenitization temperature, temperature,and degree of deformation of the austenite change the state of the austenite and cause a displacement of~the position of the martensite point. Thermomchanical Treatment USSR uDc 669.24:539.4 BMISHTEW, M. L., VLADD-aRSKAYA, T. K., IAPTEV, D. V., and CHUYAN, A.M., Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys "Stability of the Thermorechanical Strengthening Effect in.Gonzo Nickel Steel" Sverdlovsk, Fizika IMetal-lo-,r i Metallovedeniye, Vol 35, No 2, Feb 73, pp 403- 408 Abstract: The effect of repeated heating after prior thermomechanical treatment on the properties and structure of austenite and martensite was studied for 601P-0 steel which had the following chemical composition (in %): o.61 C, 20.44 Ki, 0.11 Mn, C.18 Si, 0.010 S, and 0.001 P. Temperatures of the direct 14S and inverse As martensite transformation were -35 and +4200C, respectively. Pesults of mechanical tests and electron microscopy examinations showed that the effect of thlennomchanical strengthening is preserved during the repeated heatirWs to 650 and 950oC, followed by quenching, because the nccelerated heating promotes growth in the streng-th properties of the austenite and martensite as a result of phase cold hardening. 'The morphological features, formIng in the austenite during repeated quenching, are the result of the reverse alpha-gzimma transfor- mation. In austenitic samples, subjected to high-temperature thermonechanical treatment with repeated quenching, preservation of the developed polygonal 1/2 IISSR BERNSHTEYN, M. L., Fizi-ka Metalloy I YletalJovedeniye, Vol 35, No 2, Feb 73, pp 403-4o8 structure can be observed. Dislocation structures formed in the austenite are caused by the combined action of thermomechanical treatment and phase cold hardening during the gamma-alpha-gamma transformation. 5 figures, 6 biblio- 'graphic references. 2/2 ~..2/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED' ~PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 ::CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136318 -~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. GENERALIZATION OF A METHOD _-~PROPOS-ED BY KELDYSH (1965) FOR,CALCULATENG BOTH:THE EXPONENTIAL FUNCTION .1 :-,,AND THE-PREEXPONENTIAL MULTIPLIERIN THE ELECTRON MOMENTUM DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION OF.A P-TYPE SEMICONDUCTOR WITH:AN ARBITRARY BAND STRUCTURE IN THE PRESENCE OF ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC:FIELDS* THE PROPOSED METHOD IS SHOWN- TO BE APPLICABLE IN THE-ASYMPTOTIC REGION AND TO LEAD TO ALREADY KNOWN RESULTS IN LIMITING CASES. :USJNG.THE'ELECJRON MOMENTUM DISTRIBUTION. FUNCTION THUS DETERMINED, A CALCULATION. IS MADE OF THE IONIZATION PROBABILITY. :FACILITY:' AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR, FIZICHESKII INSTITUT, MOSCOWP.USSR. UNCLASS!FIED USSR UDC 617-001.18 -08 ZHADE-NOV, 1. 1., F. and GORFLIKKEL' , 1. V., CHair of :Hospital Surgerery, Therapeutic Faculty, Saratov Medical Institute "Recovery of Patients from Deep Hy~othermia!' Moscow, Khirurgiya, No 1, 1970, pp 126-127 Abstract: E)ccerpts from the case histories of two drunks brought to the hospital unconscious (the rectal and axlillary temperatures were 24.60 C and 23.60 C in one and 22.8o C acid 21.80 C in the other) and successfully resuscitated by active therapy are presented, Therapy included transfusions of whole blood, 107., glucose solution, blood substitute, protein hydrolysates, intravenous injection of :sodium bicarbonate, vitamins, hydrocortisone,,novocain block, and oxygen therapy. 'AA0044783 UR 0482 'Soviet Inventions IlLustrated, Section II Electrical, Derwent, 7-0 243219 TENSO!MRIC COMM&ND SE YDER~ designed for the purpowi,of the ramoteT ' ontr L~by.electrical means of an objict:iii a .plane-reciangular co-ordin- over other Atelsystem. hat a, point Of-improvemen designs in that it- enableal one, operator~;to control. simultaneou3ly boththe object concerned And its carrier with an accuracy-of'no lesser magnitude than that of the two operations sqparatel 1he trans- ..y mission device'consists of a4hin-walled metal tube and end flange l,-ralong the stem of which.are. cemented four diametrally opposed strain~gauges 6. ' The unit is encl;sed in i..b.odX.5, topther with AUTHORS:. Kolosoy, A. P. Timin , R. I Chesunov, V. V., MOM, IS: AA00447 183 insulating disc and terminal plaie 3,2 by screws 4. The lower end of the body:is sesled.bX the control knob 7, fastened to the~gauge,tube by screws 8 and seated on a rubber washer.~9. The four strain gauges are connected,-one.each,- of DC bridges, whence.the signals pass through paral-lel units of modulator, amplifier (DC) and demodulator, to two outputs controlling the respective~movements of the object., The reduced diameter of 7 serves to limit the bending.of the gauge tube at, its lower end., 5.7.67 as 1169786140-23.A.P.KOLOSOV et alia(24.9.69) Bul 16/5.5.69. Class 42k. Int.Cl.G 01 1. 19117159G - - --------- ------- ------- - -- ------------ --------- -------- - ------- - USSR uDc. 8..74 KUZ'MIN, V. I., LEEEDEEV, B. D.,_~ffy EV Y'. V. "Ways to Improve Analytical Models of Development" V sb. Probl. kibernetiki (Problems of Cybernetics--collection of works), vyp. 24, Moscow, "Nauka", 1971, PP 5-14 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 4V602) Translation: The paper investigates ways to improve models of develoD- ment based on analysis of existing models of specific processes. Bibli- ography of 28 titles. Authors' abstract.- USSR uDc 6l6-936-o84.4(47o.4l) CHUYEVA S. V. and YAKOBSON, B. L.Y Republic Sanitary Epidemiological Station of ii~e Tartar 1-ISRP Kazan' "Organization of Malaria Control, Eradication of Malaria, and Prophylaxis of this Disease in the Tartar ASSR" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya. i Parazitarnyye Bolezni, Vol 41, No 6, Nov/Dec 72, PP 747-750 Abstract: During 1920-70 there were two significant rises in the incidence of malaria in the Tartar ASSR., one in 1923 and another in 1935- In 1936-43 the incidence of malaria steadily decreased. There was a,slight increase in 1943-44 as a result of conditions due to World War II, but the increase brought about by the war was insignificant, because measures for the control of this disease were not interrupted. In 1951 malaria was eliminated as a mass disease in the Tartar ASSR. In 1962 there was only a single case of ~7:alaria there that originated locally. In 1966-70 there were individual cases of malaria among USSR citizens who had returned from assignments in African and Asian countries and had become infected there. In 1962 there sere 32 antimalaria stations, which in 1955 were incorporated in the sanitary epidemiological stations. 14ass, examination of the population for the presence of malaria was carried out; in t e period after Wforld War II, tip to 600-800 thousand persons per year were 1~2 FN T1 USSR CHUYEVA, S. V. a-ad YPYOBSOIT, B. L., Meditsinskaya Parazitalogiya i Parazitarnyye Bolezni, Vol 41, No 6, Nov/Dec 72, 147-750 pp 7 examined. In 1954, the number of persons examined had been increased to 910 thousand to establish reliably that malaria as a mass disease had been actually eradicated. In regions in which the chances of infection with malaria were great, chemoprophylaxiswas carried out on an extensive scale. Dusting against mosquitoes and draining of areas covered with stagnant water were applied. ~&ile malaria has been eliminated., the danger of the development of new foci of infection still exists. In connection with the construction of the Volga Reser- voir imeni V. I. Lenin and its filling starting With 1956, shallow flooding developed in areas at Kazan', Chistopoll, and Zelenodol'sk as well as in 13 rayons with the result that favorable conditions for the breeding of Anapheles mosquitoes were created. However, because of the effective measures taken, malaria did not appear in the regions in question. Great attention is being paid to the prevention of malaria at t e site of the construction of the Kama th Automobile Plant at Nabrezhnyye Chelny, which will be located in an area in which malaria may develop, and in the 3 km zone of populated localities down- -stream from therej, which will be affected by the construction of the dam of the Lower Kama Hydroelectric Station. 2/2 .12 USSR UDC 5k7-816'759-3 Kiev Institute im. T. G. Shevchenko "Method for Preparing Pyrano 2,3-b indol. Compounds" Riga, Ehimiya Geterotsikaicheskikh Soyedineniy, 5, MaY 1973, P 713 Abstract: It vas re-Dorted that oxindol in alcoholic 11C1 reacted with form-1- ketones to form derivatives of pyx-ano (2,3-b) indols. d -Diketones vM under6o a similar reaction with HC'04 as follows: 110NC/ C1f3 + 11, -yo \% IICIO1 + e-R O=C CIO-, Co-rVounds were prepared for R--11 and C21~. Compounds (II) gave a polymethine color w1hen heated with p-diyr~--thylp-,ninobenzaldehyde in acetic anhydride. 29 USSR UDC 547-789.6 + 547-859.3 SHULIGA, S. I., and CHUYG-UK V. A Kiev Technological Institute of M ~r~ of Higher and Secondary Sp" the Food Industry, ~ffei;,--~T -ecialized Education RSFSR; Kiev State University Lmeni T. G. Slenchenico, Kiev, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education Mcrain-Jan SSSR "Thiazolo(1,2-A)pyrimidiniurn Salts. Synthesis From Salts ofa-- Aminothiazoles and Symetricd-Diketones" Kiev, Ukrainskiy K-Chinic'111-eskiy Zhurnal, Vol 36, No 5, May 70, PP 463- Abstract: The authors used a Dreviously suggested method of pre- par condensed T) rLmidinium salts for the synthesis of thiazolo- Y pyrimidinium salts by the condensation of sim-ple --alts ofo(-a-mino- thiazoles withA-dikotones. SimD-7e salts (halogen derivatives nnd particularly porchlorate-s) ofo~--aminothiazolea, -banzothiazoles, -naptUho(2,1-d)t-hiazo1o and -2-thiazolino wore usod~ Thed-diketones used were acetylaceto-ne, raothyl- taid othylacetylacetones and diben- zoylmethane. 28 .......... Us S R U-D' C0 21 3 9 C- IS 0-0 62 1'17 9 3 LMI D E L Y SV7 AI Cal 7'eliabilit--- o-~' Seals 'Be--ween,22iaiS Cer~ardc and, Molybde, -angwnese Metallizing Coatings, and Between 22YbS Ceramic and 14olybdenum-l,iEmgwiese-Titp-iiian Me t al I i Z I n. gC 0 --lektron. tekhrdka..-- Nauchno-teklin. sb. Gazorazi-yadn. pribog Tech- nolc-. . Scienl-f~c and 'Technical Collection. ~ Gas-Discharge Deviees), 1970, VYP- i (1-I) (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, NO 10, Oct 70, Abstract "io i.-DV296) Translation: The authors give the results of a comparative analysis of thermomechan- ical reliability of joints with Mo-Mn-Ti and Mo-Mn metallizing coatings under tropical climatic conditions and temperatures UD to 7000C in air. It is found that metallo- ceramic seals vith Mo-Ifii-Ti --e-tallization are more reliable. It is shown that the thermoLy--chanical reliability of joints with Mo-Mn-Ti metalli~-ation is reduced by x-, .1 'deon of 'the solder; the thermomechanical reliability of Joints with Mo-i"In o =e tallization is reduced by uncontrollable changes in the spinel layer. Resur-A. 1/1