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f Acc. Nr.~.-. AP0042557- Ref. Code:7U-R Effect of Spaceflight Factors on BarleX~Seeds (Abstract.: "Effect of Spaceflight Factors on Barley Seeds," by K. Pi _gglLpa-and N. 1. Romanova; Moscow,.Kosmicheakiye Isslkdovaniya 'No,11 1970, pp 158-159) A study was made of the effect of spaceflight factors on air-dried seeds-of bifarious barley, variety MOS-121. ..The.experimental seeds were in spaceflight for five days with a maximum distance of about 300 km from the earth. The control seeds were at the cosmodrome but did not partici- pate in the flight. After theexperiment ended the exp'erimontal and control seeds were cultivated in Petri dishes in tap:watar at +24*C. :The rootlets, attaining 8-10 mm in length, were fixed in a~mixture!o,f absolute alcohol (3~parts) and glacial acetic acid (I part). .: In fixing the experimental rootlets allowance was made for the possibility of a~stimulating effect of spIait-eflight factors on their rate of~grawth. Analysis,of atiaphase and,early telaphase in the primary rootletalreveale&a statistically reliable increase in the number.of chromosomal rearrangementsjn the eiperiment in comparison 'with the,control. In the control in 3,209 examined atiaphase-s there were 87 different rearrangements, that isi 2.71 percent, wherelas in the experiment in 3.524 anaphases the correspondinx figuremas 3.97 p,ercent. The difference Real/Frame 6(1 AP0042557 was statistically reliable. Thus, in the experimental study there was-no increase in the -.iumber of chromosomal rearrangements.,. Rowtv'~r, the number of individual fragments increased with statistical re4iability. Thera~was an increase in the number of cells with multiple brea'kages of chromosomes and.other impairments in mitosis. In addition to chromosomal changes,-de- tected in a cytogenetic analysis, there was a stimulaang,qffect of';zpace- flight factors an the germination and sprouting energy of seeds. For, example, the germination of seeds in the control was .42.85 percent ind in the experiment it was 68.57 percent. The experimental seeds began to bprout considerably earlierthan the control seeds; the rate of growth of rootlets andsprouts was accelerated. The rootlets of the experimentA seed.a attained lengths from I to 2 cm 45 hours after Vatting and the control seeds after 54 hours. 197G0529 USSR NILOV, V. A. and TA N ~DN T UDC: 534.632:621-317-77 "Phase Neter for Measuring the Speed of Sound in Hatero8eneous Materials" Leningrad, Priborost~~qy nia. -35 __g__ a, No 1, ~1972, pp:31 Abstract: The phase me-ter described in this paper measures the speed of sound in nonhomogeneous-niaterials by converting the phase shift between continuously transmitted'and received signals of 1 Uz in a time interval compensated by the delay of a Uuiable J. 'idenoe between pulses slave multivibrator. The extent op :the coind produced by two other multivibrators is est#~'~ated; by a microare- meter, and the phase shift or.the de~lay time ~is rettd out from a variable resistor in the circuit: of the tunoablc multivibrritor. Choice of frequency of 1. lzllz for tho ~ testingr is d ic IV a t e d by the principle that- in studying polydispersi~-.-e materials, it is sometimes be,-,t to use a signal of w6velength 'Iniacl-.L lonCer than. the dimensions of the nouliomoGencrities. A description is givoa of precautions t~hen to reduce distortions iii tbe siir-zal ,at the terial under tes-1- point of contact. ole the transducer rind the niza C'. A. block- diagram. -and achern_~L, tic of tho , pj1j11_1V*,e are pre ientod ion-. 1 -0 to,5ether with a cross-sect I dia-ranin o-f Uie transducer. The authors are members of the Leningrad En-ineering-buildin T11 ti- Ijute. flF 11NI; 11 -1., if lit MIA i L IN, ~ IRTIN111 1EHRill 191h;9" I i hil"Hi, i i;9IM F`f ).-!a 91 IIIIINU I v Will I USSR UDC 539.3 LIGAY, L. B., CHUDAYEV, Ya. F., GARIPOV, M. Sh. "Bending of a Square Plate With Two Restrained and T~io Free Edges" V sb. Materialy k pr~edstoyashch. nauch.-tekhn. konf. Sib. metallurg. in-t. Sekts. stroit. proiz-va. Vyp. 3 (Materials for a Fortbcoming Scientific- Technical Conference. Siberian Metallurgical Institu4e.'Construction Ind3stry Section. No. 3 -- Collection,of Works), Novokuznetsk~,, 1972, pp 200-206 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3V189) Translation: The stress-deformation state of a thin elastic square plate under the action of a uniformlv distributed surface of a load perpendicular to the middle of the surface is discussed. Two adjai,:ient adges of the plate are rigidly constrained and the two others,are free.~ The:dIfferential equa- tion from the theory of plates is solved on a computpr by,the grid method with a step equal to 1/8 of the length of a side of the plate. Values of the bends of the plate are given in tabular form. G. K.:Aksentyan. USSR UDC; 517-9:5j2 GARIPOV, R. M. "Azymptotic Behavior of Cauchy-Poisson Waves" V sb. Nekotor. Drobl. mat. i mekh. (Some Problems of Mathematics and 1~-chaq- ics-collection of works) Leningrad., "Nai"', 1970;', PP 1,35-145 (from RZh- .-Matematika, No 5, May 71: Abstract No 5B496) Translation: The three-dimensional Cauchy-Poisson problem for an infinite basin filled with an ideal incompressible liquid is~formalated within the linear theory of surface waves, assuming that an infinitely long straiE~it ridge of uniform cross section extends along the bAtom of the basin. The asymptotic behavior of the solution of such a'probl~-m with large time values is-studied. S. Sekerzh-Zenlkovich. A-cc. Nr: Ref . Code: Al'004,3378- i PRIMARY SOURCE: Geofizicheak fi__O~nik K Y, I' (e -970, Nr 33, pp DETERMINATION OF THE AGE OF ROCKS I hl ZMEINY ISLAND IN THE NORTH-WESTERN 'PART OF, THE BLACK SEA (ACCORDING TO THE DATA OF THE PALEOMAGN11MC LNVESTIGATIONS) J_ A. Garkalgg~- L. G. Gladclidnko- K. 1. At!jEr,4F!j, A.. At. Trityak ology. -Ukrainian S&R. Trait *Dnic hysicv~, Institutc of Gcqp!!Xs1q, Academy of Scivices, 11krilitian ~SSRJ SU mmar'y The article deals with the re3ult of determining the ige of: the sedimentary rocks iai.Zwc!ny Wand by the pleoniagnetic itteiliod: an atlernp,i is made to solve the PrGb- lem concerning the southern cantinualioqlol[Ahe Russian platform within the limits of the Blzck Sea water area. REELIRM: 19770412 10043978 X On the basis of the literary dita mid using (lie r1itits of Me pallcomagnelic deter- mizzations. a conclut~iojj is made that (lie rocks of Znftfny islirid deposited within the limits of Ilia Russian platform (its marginal pirl.) and.;consequently, the north-western a aby anged within am up to Ili Odess. ,~sal fr;iclure is arr, part ol"Ahe Black Sea water a Its limils and contains the platform deposits, bcginnilig from Ilia Lower Palco/oic period. The suppe6ed southern border-of tfie Russian platform is in (lie Stiritul Gcorgc Cepc Witude. 1:9770413 Aiic. Nr.: AR01030G5_ Ref. Code: Uk 0000 -417 7 Deep Structure of Lowland Crimea (Abstract.- "New Information on the Deep Structure of Lowland Crimea and the SivasW Area on the Basis of Data from. Geophysical Investigations," by B~. S._Xjk foruk and V, P, Boronin;' Kier, Geofizicheskiy if orrdk A%,Ukr SSR# No 30, 1969j, pp /7rov;F-. Mo0cow, Referativnyy Zhurnal, Geofizika, Svadn Tom, ~o 1, 1970, 1G277 Yy Data'from seismic prospecting by"the refractod waves correlation method, supplemented by materials from electric prospecting, gravimetric and.magnetometry sbrveya, were used in compiling a tectcnic map of the north- ern part oX loi;land Crimea and the Sivash' area. Tile article is acconganied by diagrams of the block structure of the region. The Northern Black Sea fault separates the southern margin of the Russian platform from the Scythian block and.Ahe.Novose1kovskiy fault separates the Dthankoy.-kiy block of the ~.Odess&-Sivashl downwarp from the Yevpatoriya~-Stmfer~polluplifted block of e- Paleoxoic basement. Ancient sub ' meridional faults break these sublati- tudinal.structural elements into individual blocks.~~ The zone of the Sivash' gravity,_mininm corre"do to & buried proSection ot the Precambrian base- -Jant and it Aherefore is part of the gussian platform. Bibliography of 21' items. Reel/Frame .RIBIEDR211,111 Ace. Nr.: Ref. Code: LIROVs- USSR UDC 621.791.03.96 SKACHKO, YU. MOSUKINI, V. F. GMv=LTMK,_R. r. POPOV, m,. mDgmv. ~A. NP, SKOMPSM, i;. P, KORSHUM&1-17-k.. "High-Frequency Welding of Spiral-Seam Pipe vith,But4 Sexi Joining" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Autonatic Welding) , No 1 1.970p pp 63-65 (from Avtomaticheskaya Svnrka, Wo 1, 1970,~p 80) Translation: This article contains a studv of the characteristic features of strip formation and upsetting during high-frequeni.-y welding of spiral- N v formingzche ~-s anO new designs sean pipe with butt seara joining. &%e n. of the mechanical units of tube welding mills are p-~bjcse&.. The peculiari- ties of welding pipe are investigated in the case of:disturbance of the gecoetry of the initial tape. T' here are 411lustrations and a 6-entry bibliography. Re'el/Frame u DAte-;-3oomo NCW 'P 04,V ROCESSING CF A LONGtTUDINAL OSCILLATtCN MOO~ IN'SOLID STATE LASERS -u- AUTHOR-(05)-GALAKTICNOVA# N.M.t GARKAV-I.L-P, YEPPROVA, V.F.t MAKs,A.A., x~.,%7-FROMULt VOA.,-' CUNTRY:DF :INFC-USSR A;;Pl ,~SOURCE-OPTIKA I SPEKTRUSKOPIIA, VOL. 28# A 1970* P4 751-758 AREAS-PHYS ICS TO P I CfAGS--SGLID STATE LASE-R,:RESrjNATtR,~SINGLE MODE tAS[Rj LUMINESCENCE :J. ~SPECTRUMt LINE BROADENING, LASER PUMPINGt NEODYHJUll GLASS ...CCNTRGL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .0CCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--ZOOO/1225 STEP tlG--UR/0051170/0281000/0751/0758 _Cl.RC ACCESSICN NO-AP0124879 212 044 UNCLASSIFIEO': PROCESSING DATE--300CT7O ACCESSICN NO--AP0124879 ~ASSTRACT/GXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. ANALYTICAL: GETERiNINATION OF THE CUINIDITICNS UNDER WITH A SOLID STATE LASER WITH A COMPLEX RESONATOR WILL 013ERATE IN A SINGLE AXIAL MODE (CCNDITiONS UNOER. WHICH NO OTHER AXIAL MODES CAN BE EXCITED BECAUSE OF THEIR LARGE LO~SES).. THE ANALYSIS IS PERFORMED FOR ACTIVE MEDIA VARYING IN THE NATURE~10F LUMINESCENT LINE BROADENINGt AND ABOVE THRESHULO PUMPING: POWERS. THEM INFLUENCE OF, THE NATURE OF LUMINESCENT LINE BROADENING ON THE SELECTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ~OF A RESCNATOR CONTAINING A FABRY PEROT:ETALON IS EXAMINED, SHOWING THAT :!NHOMGGENEUUS BROADENING 14AKES IT DIFFZCULT TO OBTAIN A SINGLE AXIAL :THE.THEORETICAL RESULTS ARE VERIFIED BY 'EXPERIMENTS PERFOR14EO lilrh A.PULSED-i%EODYI-lIU14 GLASS LASER AT ABOVE THRESHOLD PUOPING POWERS. :010 UNCLASSIIFIEB~ ~`PRQtESS ING DATE-30OCT70 IN SANDY POOZOLIC SOILS UNDER THE INFLUENC.E UF CULTIVATION I`,AUTHOR--GARKUSHAt le;F. OF INFC-USSR ,:SOURCE-DOKL. AKAD. NAUK BELORUSS. SSR 19709 14(1)o 61-4 uATE PUBLISHED---70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--EARTh SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY, BiULOGICAL AND MEDICAL ENCES ;"TOPIC,.TAGS-SOIL TYPEw NITRIFICATION, CALdIUM OXIbE, 14AGNESIUM OXIDE, :.PHOSPHORUS OXIDEs POTASSIUM OXIDE a':C'CNTROL MARK I NG--NO RESTRICTIONS -.~:PGCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ..~PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1807 STEP ND--UH/02501-10/014/001/00611006ft CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AT0125419 UNCLASSIFIED w mil 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATe--300Cr70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-ATO125419 GP-0- ABSTRACT. BESIDES NE,G. AGRONOM.IC PROPERTIES _%:;~_,.SUCH AS:LOW NUTRIETN AND ORG. MATTER CONTENT, INSUFFICIENT BASE SATN., AND LCW-ABSORBING CAPACITYr THE SANDY PQOZOLIC SOILS:ARE TYPIFIED BY A GOOD :AERATIONt 13Y FRIABLE STATE, BY INTENSE GIOLI. ACTiury, BY GOOD -THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY, AND BY THEIR FAST DRYING IN THE SPRING, MAKIN'G .~-THEM ACCESSIBLE TO CULTIVATION EARLIER THAN OTHEII SUILS. EFFECTS OF CULTIVATION WERE INVESTIGATED IN FIELD EXPTS. W[TH EMPHASIS ON THE SOIL FORKING PROCESSt TO THE MORPHOL. PROPERTIES, ANO!TO GENETIC TYPE ~:_CONCERNED. BY CULTIVATION THE DEPTH: :OF THE.HUMUS LAYER WAS INCREASED ,:'~.:-ANO THE PODZOLIC A SUB2 HORIZON WAS GRADUALLY TR~ #%NSFORME0 INTO AN ARABLE --.:,LAYER WITH A FAIR HUMUS CONTENT, WITH ENSUtN'G CHAN'GES oF C L AN 0 OR 1) -STRUCTURE. BY CULTIVATION, THE.'CONTr;:NvGF ORG. PIATTERI OF N#~CAOv MGOr P SUB2 0 SUB5v AND K SUB2 0 WERE RAISED.- -THE coNrENT OF PARTICLES SMALLER'THAN 0.001 MM WAS INCREASED,.AND THE EXCIANGE I AND HYUROLYTIC ~'.~-ACIDITY REDUCED. NITRIFICATION ACTIVITY~ANL) OTHER FURMS GF MICROBIAL '~~'ACTIVITY WEREENHANCEI)t FURTHER:CONTRIBUTING TO THE LEVEL OF AVAILABLE ~-:.'r-NUTRIENTS. FACILITY: BELORUSS. SEL'SKOKHOZ AKAD., MINISK, USSR. USSR GARKUSHA, N. G., DVORNIKOV, V. I., SHILINGOVSKIY, N. 1. "Dynamic Processes in the Brake Cables When a Lift Container is Stopped by Parachute in a Rigidly Reinforced Channel" Stalln. Kanaty., No 9 [Steel Cables, No 9 -- Collection of W'orks), Kiev, Tekhnika Press, 1972, pp 319-321, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, No 10, 1972, Abstract No 10 V1162, by the author's). Translation: The dynamic loads arising in brake cables and rigid reinforc- ing wires when a lift stopped by PKL parachute traps are studied. It is assumed that the brake cable is a viscoolastic j,od with a rigidly attached upper end and free lower end, and that the parachute provides instantaneous "dead" capture wit h, any finite velocity of the container. Luminescense USSR UDC 661.1431.546.431'821'185(088.8) GUGEL', B. M., LODYGIN, N. A., GOLUBEV, I. F., kTIZHA,,._T., BLYAKHMAN, E. A., KUTSENKOt N. A., SIDOROV, M. D., ZVYAGIN, V. VAKHW!OV, V. P., AGAPOV, V. I., GARKUSHA, V. A., KRUSAINOVA R. S. "Phosphor for Low-Pressure Luminescent Tub es _VSSR Author's Certificate No 336.342, filed.19 May 70, published 22 May 72 ract No 2WW) (from RZh-Khimiya, No 2(11), Feb 73, Abst~ Translation: In order to increase the light yield of the tubes, the proposed phosphor includes the following: baritim-titanium phosphate, calcium halo- 'Phosphate, strontium and magnesium orthophosphate antf magnesium fluorogerman- ate. The barium-titanium phosphate, the calcium halophosphate, the strontium orthophosphate, magnesium orthophosphate and magnesium fluarogermanate are introduced In the following proportions by weight: 4-6:2.5-4:0.4-0.8:0.13-0.25 respectively. As an example, let us take weighed saiples of 4.36 kg of barium- .3.84 kg of calcium hal phosphate' 0.40 kg of magnesium- titanium phosphate, 0 strontium orthophosphate and 0.24 kg of magnesium fl6orogermanate. Put them in a porecelain cylinder and mix for 1 hour. A susp4-!nsion is prepared from the &ixture obtained and it is applied to the tubes. IJD'-: GAICKUS' GU,',!,'.L' 73. "Svnthasis of and se -Pic t i V-~t Antimonates" Sb. nauch. tr. VNIT lyui.,iinoforov. i osobo ch-i.s'c. veslichicsti,. -the lected fic R6`r!~ of Institute of Phosphors ajid Ex t r a Pure Materi'lls) , 1971 , vx-p. 5, pp 21-25 (from RZli-Khimiya, No 7, Apr 72, Ali stvact No 71,16 9) Tratislation: T,ie of ill U compur-,itioyl ir, evidelloc Lhat ).-hr-~ comjx~WIAOZI co)Anii~.,I~ !'A*~,W'.'!,~1'11--T redlice it3 lies ce vc~-- yluvb-'i h) fhxon:~,!~:r,!ent the phwphor Vrct.- of OV cowlidura".Jp p4t,'C", Jjrd. 1,; Addin,~ antirow; il-I U14-- forla Of a t Bco 'n'l C11, 5-1111 apatite -gojac, 0-11 thu a"It-irlorly 1.~,Iirlgl USSR UDC: 620.17 SHATINSKIY, V. F., GA"SKIY, R.N., and KRAVCHUK, 0. 1. "The Apparatus for Tensile Tests of Metals and Alloys at Elevated Temperatures and Extra-High Vacuum" Kiev, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol 7, No 5, 1971, pp 66-68 Abstract: The apparatus for testing specimens for,tonsile strength -10 and creep under vacuum of up to 10 mm of mercury and tem- peratures up to IZOOOC is described. This apparatus consists of an inner and an outer casing. The inner casing is 300 mm diameter, 700 mrn long. The inner casing is evacuated to 10-6 to 10712 mm 14g by. meatis of a mechanical pump, two diffusion pumps and a sorption pump in series. The space between the two casings is evacuated to 10-4 mm Hg. The specimen is located in the inner chamber and is connected to two 1/2 Him, USSR SHATINSM, V. F., et al, Fiziko-Khsimicheskaya Mekhanikca elaterialov, Vol 7. No 5, 19?1, pp 66-68 water cooled steel tension bars. It is heated by an electric heater. These bars are scaled to the walls by means of stainless steel bellows so as to avoid friction. All other mechanical penetracions are sealed by metallic packing. Copper gask-6ts seal the bolted joints. Electric penetration are sealed by metal-ceramic insulators. Removable heads are provided on both casings for access - ability to the inner chamber. This a used for tests of strength and creep when p the surface effects of corrosion and diffusion have to be eliminated. 2/2 154 _7 USSR UDC 51 'GARRASH, 1. 1. *On the Problem of Designation" V. ab. Primeneniye mat. v ekon. i(The Application of Mathematics in Economics-- collection of works), No 8# Leningrad, Leningrad University, 1973, PP 103 108 (from 1RZh Matematika No 12, 1973, ite;" No 12.,V_581) 'Translation: Given a non-negative m x n matrix A -~~(a (here m :5 n). The ij problem of designation for a rectangular matrix requires us to determine a m- transposition A . J2 im of the numbers will minimize the linear goal function a i-I iji Supplementing matrix A until it is square makes it possible to reduce the problem of designation for a rectangular matrixto an ordinary problem of optimal designation (for a square matrix),. When m4a much less than n, this procedure leads to a noticeable increase In the dime"ionality of the initial matrix, which in many cases is undesirable. This worik suggents an algorithm for solving the problem of des1gnation for a rectangular matrix without fillirg ............ 777 i USSR I., V sb. Prizenenlye mat. v ekon.. No 8 Leningrad, Leningrad University, 1973, PP 103 109 It out to make It square. The algorithm consists oftuo stages. In the first step the ordinary problem of optimal designation for~aoipe basic Bet of m columns Is solved, for example, by the Hungarian method4 In the second step a variation of the method of sequential plan improvement is used~(based on the application of the idea of alternating chains). The suggestedalgorithm can be used for correct- Ing solutions to optimal designation problems with chinging initial data. Abstract by Yu.Pinkellshteyn. 68 W UNCLAS ~,CESS ING OAT E-- I I OE SLAG i%ELUl%6 OF CYL INUER$: WITH WEUJI~IG BUITTOMS --U- CIRC ACCLSSIEN NCi--AP01427,?-l 2/2 027 UNCL ASS I FILED Ao U-SS I NA12 J ATE --I ID ec, :CIRC 1ACCESS I UN NO-AP0142 721 ABSTRACT/EXTRACI-(U) GP-0- AbSTRACT*I LARGE CYLTrJOERS OF THIS TYPIE u. NAVAI LA8L C "CANN'OT 13E MADE BY SEAM-LESS FORGING BECAUSE OF f0fFF[eJ N1 'jR t,,*, -_,-PRESS FCRGING OR FURNACE E~JUIPAENT. ~THIEY ARE THIC"REFOkE M,'I,0E 8'~ WELDING FORGED SHELLS'AND A BOTTOM. THIS ARTICLE IS UIEVOTED TO YLI~DERS OF THIS TYPE, 'JANUFACTURED BY NUVOKRAMATOR:~ PLANT, 011) GIVF5 rHE DETAILS CIF TS, 5GS s*rEEL ALLL;Y[-~ IN: A -C(;NSTRUCTION. THE CYLINDER 15 MADE~OF 2 I FL18NACE, AND CAST IN A VACUUM* THE MECHkilCAL LHAkACTE14IS71CS OF -THE CYLINDER SHELL ARE GIVEN IN ADUIHOWTO~A P~,UFILE ANU LROSS SE'CTION VIEW ~GF ThE CYLINDERM AND JHE WEI GHTi AND CHEMICAL CO.4P6S IT iciN UF I TS BECAUSE OF THE CYLINDER MENSIONS, THE WELDING PARTS. S! LARGE JJJ WAS ~- OC. NE ON ECUIFMENT OF THE A-741 TYPE~ WITH THL: WE4DING CURRENT FED ~~,-':._FRUM JWO TSHS-3000-3 TRANSFGkMERS.-ONNECTED IN RINRALLEL. MEASUREMENTS VADE' LF THE DEFORMATIONS cAusEDI OU IRING WEL0114G. THE KEWLTS~QF -THE SE.hEASU,(EMENTS PERMITTED A 25PERCENTI REOUCT114N IN I E Cwt I CAL ~L.:_-ALLLWANCES :IN THE MECHANICAL PROCESS ING'UNDER WEILIDING OF CYLINUER~ V K MATOR AFrEk THE INITIAL CYLINDER.1, FACII L I TY: -N C; 6 k A. ~IIMACHINE CONSTRUCTION PALNT IMENI V. To LENIN. USSR UDC: 8.74 PROKOPENKO, S.. T. "Digital Computer Modeling of the Process of Substituting~a One.-Time Commutation Mode for an Isolated C6mmutation 'Mode" 'Moscow, Sist. raspredeleniya inform.--sbornik (Information Dis- tribution Systems--collection of works), "Naukall, 1972, pp 2201-227 (from RZh-Kibernetika,, No 101, Oct 72, abstract No 10V634 [authors' abstractj) Translation: A procedure is described for reducing the process of,isolated commutation to;a one-time mode in which all customers An a Ic arriving in th e s),_stem, as we 11 ertain time segment who are as those which are remaining in the system -for this time without service, are accepted for~service. Th&Testilts of statistical 9 -ire presented, modeling of the process on a di ital computer 49 ............ .......... CH- -~IARTYNENKO, 0. G., BAYRASHEVSKIY, B. A., -L. A. SENCHUICY ."Damping the Rotary Motion of Flow Along aRound Tube under at the Input.!' Conditions of Constant Twist of~It a Minsk. Issled. termoaidrodinaMich. svetovodov (thermodynamic rLight Guide Research), 19'70, ~ 21 i (from R4th-Mekhanika, No 123 13 p ll,~Nov 70., Abstract No 11B800T Translation: Procedures for creating rotary motion of a flow in a, oylindr 12-cal connecting pipe as a result of twi~atinp of tho -flow -a tthe.inl'ot were investigated as applied to the", prot)lam of im- ~proving the operation of the gas ions of a light'guide. The dependence of the intensity of the twist on the Parameters of the cylindrical coil is revealed for,location afjt at the walls of the inDut section of the chaunel or in the previously included convergence channel section with,a degree of constriction n = 5;- The flow twisting scheme for tangential approach'i1of tho air with -A-flow rate GT is estimated for;variation of the~rolative flow 2/2 .. . ....... RubbOr~~a6~ "t USSR UDCJ678.7.001.51131V J, GAR All Union Scientific Research Inatitu~e of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev "Forty Years of the Alr-Miion Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev" Moscow, Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, pp 1-6 Abstract: The article reviews the activity of the All~Union Scientific Re- search Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev (originally Experi- mental Plant B in Leningrad) during the period from 100 to'1970t with special emphasis on the post-World War II period. The,jnstitute is now a major scientific research center with branches in Voroitezh and Kazan'. The Institute itself has six doctors and 122 candidates of1sciences an its staff. The Experimental Plant of the Institute employs a large staff of skilled workers and engineering and technical personnel. In~ijie postwar period work was begun on.the production of divinyl by the two-stago dehydrogenation of butane. The catalyst K-5 was created (S. H. MONOZON),Iand is now widely used in the dehydrogenation of butanet isopentane, isd~utane into corre- sponding olefins, diene hydrocarbona for the synthesial:of r~ibber. Basic research was conducted on the mechanism of divinyl forination from alcohol 1/7 USSR Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, pp 1-61 (YU. A.-GORIN). Work on the synthesis of butadiene-stYrena rubbers by racii- cal (emulsion) polymerization included the development of conditions for the copolymerization of butadiene and styrene at 500C ("hot" rubbers) and 5% ("cold" rubbers). Methods for controlling the molecular wdight and molecular- weight distribution of a copolymer.were.studied, resulting~in the development of.a method for the production of butadiene-styrene oil-filled rubber. In conjunction with the Voronezh Branch of,the Institute~j the Scientific Re- search Institute of Monomers for Synthetic Rubber,and~plant central scientific research laboratories, industrial methods were developed for producing various types of butadiene-styrene (methyl styrene).rubbers k4y, I , , ~?Hghh I Y a. PODDUBNYY, I. I. RADCHENKO, S. I. FISHER, A., M. PERMI~OV, A. Ye. KALAUS, M. A. RABINERZON). An industrial method for the production of frostproof',lithium-butadiene rubber was developed by M. A. KRUPYSHEV, N. A. GLAGOLEVA, A.,H. ZENITOV and F. P. FILIMONOV. Work begun before the war on the polymerization of isoprene with lithium and organic compounds thereof was resumed in 1948 under the direction of A. A. KOROTKOV. At the same time theoretical and 4pplied research, with 2/7 USSR QAKQQQYajI. jj Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, pp 1-6 the participation of plant central scientific researct*ilaboratories, was carried out under the direction of B. A. DOLGOPLOSK om' the'production of r-is-1,4-polybutadiene. In 1964 the Soviet Union laun6ed the first two plants for the production of isoprene and isoprene rubber and one plant for the production of butadiene rubber according to plans,!of the State Planning and Scientific Research Institute of the Synthetic Rubber Industry. Staff members of the Institute actively engaged in researchlon the synthesis of cis-1,4-polyisoprene included A. A, KOROTKOV, M.:A. KItUPYSILEY, D. P. FERINGER, V.-A. KORMER, K. B. PIOTROVSKIY,,G. F. LISOCRKIN, N. 4. PAVLOV, V. N. REYKH et al,.and on the synthesis of cis-1,4-polybutad:Lene 11. A. DOLGOPLOSK, V. A. KROL', G. A. PARFENOVA, A. K. LILEYEVA,~B. V. MAMONTOV et a!. The organi- zation of the industrial production of stereoregular,i.soprene and butadiene rubbers was the most important scientific and technical achievement of.the Institute staff in the postwar period. In 1970 the 'output of stereoregular rubbers constituted 30 percent of the totaLsynthetic,xubber production in the Soviet Union, and it will grow even the cu,rrent;five-year period. In the last few years the Institute has worked with plants to improve 3/7 USSR Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, pp 1-6 SKD ru individual stages in the production of SKI 'bbers, widen the product assortment, improve their quality and technical and,6conomic production in- dicators. The Institute has worked with the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Academy of Sciences USSR, to create new catalytic systems for stereospecific polymerization of dienes.~ A catalytic system was developed on the base of Tr-allyl nickel complexes for the,prodtiction:of better-quality cis-polybutadiene (B. A. DOLGOPLOSK, V. A. KORMER etiol). An original method was devised for producing diolefin polymers ordiol~!fin-styrene copolymers with or without functional groups (G. N.~PETROV et al). Both of these processes have been patented in a number of countries. The Institute and its-Voronezh branch have developed catalytic systems using organo- lithium compounds for the synthesis of butadienc-styrane rubbers possess- ing increased elasticity, frost and abrasion resistance. The Institute has developed a catalytic system and conditions for tha*production of ethylene- propylene rubbers and has worked on the selection of ii third monomer (I. A. LIVSHITS, K. U. NERUSH, D. I. SHLIFER, L..H. KOROBO~A;iet al), resulting in the organization of pilot production and the issuance~~of documents for the industrial production of this type of rubber. z 4/7 85 - iMIN BUM, USSR GARMONNOV I V., Kauchuk i Rezina,.No 2, 1971, pp 1-6:!~ The Institute and its Voronezh Branch have developed liroduction methods for various block copolymers (G. N. PETROV,~V. P. SHATALOV, G. M. TOLSTOPYATOV, G. M. SINAYSKIY et al). Large pilot-produced batchei;of bLitadiene- and styrene-based block copolymers have been turned out for exiertsive testing in various sectors of industry. The Institute has crt~ated.;a new type of thermoelastoplastics based on emulsion rubbers contai*ing functional carboxyl groups -- ionthermoelastoplastics. On the basis of work done by the Insti- tute the synthetic rubber industry is turning out ei brilnds of oil-resis- tant butadiene-nitrile rubbers which are superior tog.t1aloijous foreign brands )r in a number of basic indicators. The next task i i Iroving the production .process for butadiene-nitrile rubbers is to replaca:OmLall'ith biodegradable RADCHENKb, V. :Ya. .~emulsifiers which have been developed (I. I ANDAKUSUKIN, S. L. FISHER, N. G. SUCHKOVA,,V. N. BERESM- A.. M.':kRMTN0;V). Acrylate rubbers are being produced on a pilot scale, The'Institute has developed methods and processes fat, the production of various solid and liquid organosilicon rubbers, which are beiog turned out on an in- dustrial at pilot-production scale. Methods have bech devoloped for the 5/7 USSR GARHONOV I V. Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, pp 1-61 radiation vulcanization of heterosiloxane rubbers. T~e greatest contribution to the development of organosilicon rubber oroductida1meth6da has been made by A-L. KLEBANSKIY, 1. K. STAVITSKIY, A. V. KARLIN; Tu. V. TRENKE, S. N. BORISOV, E. V. KOGAN, K. A. RZHENDZINSKAYA,, Ye.~G. KAGAN. The Institute has studied the synthesis of new org4nofluorine~compound6~and'their polymeriza- tion., A production process has been developed for fi4orombber with a glass transition temperature 20*C below that.of Viton-type;.iubber (I. M. DOLGOPOL'- SKIY, A. V. MiANOVA, V. V.:BERENBLIT,~R. B. RABINOVIC11). Research is under way on the synthesis of other organosilicon and fluororubbers capable of functioning in even a wider temperature range. The Institute has developed a method and conditionelfor the production of differenC.types of millable and casting urethane rubbers (N. P. APUKHTINA, D. Sh. KOROTKINA, A. Ye. KALAUS,.V. N. VlNOGRADOV, 111; L. WREVYAGINA). Work done by the Institute has resulted in the industrial :~output of about 20 types of bucadiene-styrene and other types of synthetic latexes (A. V. LEBEDEV, N. A. FERMOR, A. B. PEYZNER et al). The successful development bf production methods for various synthetic rubbers and latexes ha6 been promoted by work 6/7 86 7/7 Rubber'~ ahd: El" p re, USSR UDC~678.7.001.5"313" 4&WQVja-I.-V_ All Union Scientific Research Instituie of 'Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev Forty Years of the All Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev" Moscow, Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971i pp 1-6 Abstract: The article reviews the activity of the All Union Scientific Re- search Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. LebedL%v (originally Experi- mental Plant B in Leningrad) during the period from 1930 to,1970, with institute is now a lb special emphasis on the post-World War II period. The: majorscientific research center with branches in Voronezh and Kazan'. The Institute itself has six doctors and 122 candidates oEsciences on its staff. The Experimental Plant of the Institute employs a large staff of skilled workers and engineering and technical personnel. In the postwar period work was begun on the production of divinyl by the two-stag ie dehydrogenation of I MONOZON),~and is now widely butaneo The catalyst K-5 was created (S. M. used in the dehydrogenation of butane, isopentans, isabutane.into corre- sponding olefins, diene hydrocarbons for the synthesi s~ of rubber. Basic research was conducted on the mechanism of divinyl formation from alcohol 1/7 7777"1-111 USSR GAIUNONOV, 1. V., Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, PP 1-6 (YU. A. GORIN). Work on the synthesis of butadiene-styrene rubbers by radi- cal (emulsion) polymerization included the development of conditions for the copolymerization of butadiene and styrene at 50*C Chbt" rubbers) and 5*C cold" rubbers). Methods for controlling the molecular weight and molecular- weight distribution of a copolymer were studied,,resuiting ~n the.,development of a method for the production of butadlene-styrene oll-ftiled rubber. In conjunction with the Voronezh Branch of.the1nstitutes' the Scientific Re- search Institute-of Monomers for Synthetic Rubber and;~plant central scientific research laboratories, industrial methods were daveL6~ed for producing.various P types of butadiene-styrene (methyl styrene)~,rubbers:(3. A.-DOLGOPLOSK,.I. Ya. PODDUBNYY, 1. 1. RADCHEKKO, S. I. FISHER, A.~ M. PERMIKOV, A. Ye. KALAUS, H. A. RABINERZON). An industrial method for the production of frostproof,lithium-butadiene rubber was developed by M. A. KRUPYSHEVi N. A. GLAGOLEVA, A.1:M. ZENITOV and F. P. FILIMONOV. Work begun before the war on the polymerization-of isoprene with lithium and organic compounds thereof was resumed in 1948 under the direction of A. A. KOROTKOV. At the same time theoretical andiipplied research, with 2/7 Rub~ber.' 'ifid Elii0iners, UDC1678.7..001.51131311 USSR Rimn% All Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev "Forty,Years of.the All Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev" Moscow, Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, pp 1-6 Abstract: The article reviews the activity of the A11!Union Scientific Re- search Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev (originally Experi- mental Plant B in Leningrad) during the'period from 19 ''30 to: 1970, with special emphasis on the post-World War 11 period. The Institute is now a major scientific research center with branches in Vorpaezh and Kazan'. The Institute itself has six doctors and 122 candidates of sciences on its staff. The Experimental Plant of the Institute employs a lar4;e staff of skilled workers and engineering and technical personnel., In.the postwar period work was begun on the production of divinyl by the two-stage dehydrogenation of butane. The catalyst K-5 was created (S. M..MONOZON),1 and is now widely used in the dehydrogenation of butane, isopentane, is6,butane into corre- sponding olefins, diene hydrocarbons for the synthesii of rubber. Basic research was conducted on the mechanism of. divinyl formation from alcohol 1/7 USSR Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 19.71, pp 1-6,1 ~YU.~A. G= Work on the synthesis of butadiene-styrene rubbers by radi- cal ~emulsion) polymerization included the development of conditions for the copolymerization of butadiene and styrene aE,.50*C ("hot" rubbers) and 5 C (!,'cold" rubbers). Methods for controlling the molecular weight and molecular- weight distribution of a copolymer were studied, resulting in the development of a method for the production of butadiene-styrene oil-filled rubber. In conjunction with the Voronezh Branch of the Institute'.~:the:Scientific le- search Institute of Monomers for Synthetic Rubber an&plant central scientific research laboratories, industrial methods were develo'led for producing various types of butadiene-styrene (methyl styrene)-,rubbers (0~. A.IDOLGOPLDSK,.I. Ya. PODDUBNYYO 1. 1. RADCHENKO, S. 1. FISHER, M. PEFMItOV, A. Ye. KALAUS, M. A. RABINERZ ON). An industrial method for the production of frostproofJithium-butadiene rubber was developed by H. A. KRUPYSHEV, N. A. GLAGOLEVA, A.11. ZENITOV and F. P. FILDIONOV. . Work begun before the war on the polywrizatian of isoprene with lithium and organic compounds thereof was resumed iii 1948 under the direction of A. A. KORCFTKOV. At the same time theoretic&l and applied research,:with 2/7- . ..... . ...... .... . . ..... . I-- .. ....... ............. ....... Rubber'azid Elastbmers USSR UD6 678.7.001.5'*31311 I ON I. All Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber O'X iWmen7 S..&MLkeedev ."Forty Years of the All Union Scientific Research Institute.of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev" Moscow, Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, pp 1-6 Abstract: The article reviews the activity of the All Union Scientific Re- St V. Lebed.-ev (ori~,inally Experi- search Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni mental Plant B in Leningrad) during the period from 1930 to 1970, with ial emphasis on the post-World War II period6 The! Institute ir. now a spec major scientific research center with branches in Vorotiezh and Kazan'. The Institute itself has six doctors and 122 candidates of sciences an its staff. The Experimental Plant of the Institute employs a lar& staff.of skilled workers and engineering and technical personnel. In the postwar period work was begun on the production of divinyl by the two-8taije dehydrogenation of butane. The catalyst K-5 was created (S. M. MONOZON)~' and is now widely used in the dehydrogenation of butane, isopentane, isabutanit into corre- sponding olefins, diene hydrocarbons for the synthesis' of rubber. Basic research was conducted on the mechanism of divinyl formation from alcohol 1/7 USSR Kauchuk i Rezina, No 2, 1971, pp 1-6 (YU. A. GORIN). Work on the synthesis of butadiene-s~yrene rubbers by radi- cal (emulsion) polymerization included the development of conditions for the copolymerization of butadiene and styrene at 50% ("hot" rubbers) and 5*C ("cold" rubbers). Methods for controlling the molecular weight and molecular- weight distribution of a copolymer were,studied, resulting in the development ofa method for the production of butadiene.-styrene oil-fIlled rubber. In conjunction with the Voronezh Branch of the Institutei the Scientific IW- search Institute of Monomers for Synthetic Rubber and;;plant central scientific research laboratories, industrial methods were developed for producing various types of butadiene-styrene (methyl styrene)-rubbers A.;DOLGOPWSK, L Ya. PODDUBNYY, I. I. RADCHENKO, S. I.- FISHERi A. H. PERMIDIOV, A. Ye. KAL&US, M. A. RABINERZON). An,industrial method for the production of frostproofJithium-butadiene rubber was developed by M. A. KRUPYSHEV, N. A. GLACOLEVA, A.All. ZENITOV and F. P. FILIMNOV. Work begun before the war on the polymerization of isoprene with lithium and organic compounds thereof was resumed In 1948 under the direction of A. A. KORQTKOV. At the same time theoretical and 4plied research, with 2/7 USSR UDC 621-371. `.32. 1: 1~51.46~ -7: ~`8- AFANASIYEV, K.L., BOL'SlIbil'OV, E.V0, A LEPEri'DiX, L.F., LCBACH, V*,T., TDJOINOV, V.V., CHEREPANISEV, S.F. "To The Problem Of Measuring The Height Of Sea '((a v a a B~ The Radar tMethod From Aircraft" Tr. Taganrog. radiotekhn. in-ta 0.,lorks Cf The Taganrog '~bidio~ Engineering Institute), 1971, No 22, pp 148-lr-8 (from Kht Radioteh~hn~ka, No 2, Feb ~72, Abstract No 2G15) Translation: The theoretical bases are stated of the r*dar =ethad of measurirg the height of waves. It is shown that in ordor to increase the precision of menstirement it is necesuary to have a tun%ble transmittor or eome fixed radi4t- ion frequencies (5 are aurCicient). A measuring unit is deocribed, con"tructed on the basis of a pulBe radar station of the motor ran&; U~Anical dutb are presented. An analyoln of the Tesults obtained during flifht~ tests shows that the discrepancy between these repulto and the data obtalred with the aid of a wave raph does not exceed 10-12 percent. The defect ot, tha~mtt~thod is the 9 imposoibility of detarraining the ch4racter of the waves iind tho langth of' a Wavo. I -ill. 21 tub. 4 rar. 11.8. 79 USSR UDO 621.~Il. /z~2. ~551-46~- 7:5178. 3 LroArm, V.T., GA &A-A, P0LCZHE,','-T5EV, R.G. TIUEOV, E.S., I:Q.CVSiJY,A,A. 'Experimental Investigation Of Pe Stati6tical Characteristics Of Radar Signals Reflected From Disturbed Sea Surface And-Small-Sized 5mrface Cbjects" Tr. Taganrog. radiotekhn. in-ta (Works Of 7he TsganrogiRadio Engineering Inatitute), No 2C 1971, No 22, pp 14-2" (from RZh:HadiotckhniL No 2, F6b 72, Abstract -14) Translation: The correlation intervals and the variation factor were meacured ef signals reflected from a diaturbed sea Hurface and omall-sized eurface objects. A ~block diugram is presented of a meusuring.dovice with tire ofI the "Donets" marine radar station (k= 3.2 cm). An analyeis,is given of the. reoults obtained; it is shown that they can be used for =easurer-ent of the degree of.roughnese of the sea and for.evaluation of the effectiveness of detection oi~l Small-sized objects o-.1 S background of reflections from the:eeu surface. I ill. 2 tabs. 5 ref. N.B. USSR uDc: 621-396.697.621.375,1 GARNAKER'YAN, A. A. Analysis of the Operation of the Intermediate Freauency A"lifiers in Marine Radar Installations Under Conditions of Probe-PulselOverload, and Methods of EliminatingThis Overload" 1, Sb. nauchn. tr. Vladimir. i3olitekhn. in-t (Collected,Scientific Works of Vladimir Polytechnical Institute), 1970, v.,(P. 9, m89"96 (from RZh-Radio- tekhnika, No 5, 148Y 71, Abstract No 5G38),, Translation: Expressions are found for the envelopes, tit the output of stages of an overloaded IF amplifier, and the increase in pulse duration at the output of a typical IF amplifier is found as compared with the duration of the input pulse. The necessary power attenuation of the leakagel pulse to eliminate overload is determined. The circuit diagram of;the device is presented. .--.--.,-Three illustrations, two tables, bibliography of threb titles. Resume. U~SR v! r r 3.,.8 - N. M., Institute of Pllirsicc or' -the Marth Iti:ml GABNCY!__Y__Y_ and SINITS1.16YAl U. Yu. Schmidt) ~y Acadev of Sciences, UsSH "A i4liniature HiSh-Slp~-ed Raster Cxixura on thu P;:?. s is :ol' a Stamln)xl Phdtu.--x--;:oMo Cammra~' Yoscow, Zhuraull N'Lluchnoy i Prikladnoy Potografti I Vol 11 No 1, Jan-Feb 72, pp 17-21 Abstract: The article dea.1r, with screen (raster) mnu rota wLth r~-clmnlval -j scarming. Note is taken of J%A,.eir particularlties, ro 'I Caj'L4- of their favorable qualitien and drmilmacha. Procecd~nl.!, %n an!%ly.,Js of it J -)~ss-j Ur the exisLin~r, screen czmerarj with m0rinical. scannirl.', -Z pl'-, new form of recordin- behiti-A the soreen lemres be thia perrltL; t%,~ dimenz;iOnB of the di:3Ys to bu deem-mood by a factoo Of 5-10- Mo conl;.An~,A, ion of a miniatqre d-isk with an air turbine maltes it pur,,~ilble con:Adi~mbly to decrease the dii,-nnslons of the instrument and to rAinplify thr: _-cunnin.:7 to the greatest ros-sibla extent. On the basio of t4irm zcaimin'; th~, Institute of P3n.s-alcc of "Che Earth, Acadeirky 'of S,Uiencq s :11,11 lmd the rpiniatute vercen mpara lloul~va-Tli tho hat';i1r, of t`;~! pi of the industrially prodiieed Wde-.9lu- t&rnari% "Vosllm." Any oulll~r desig J. 1/2 "T . ........... --a MEMO USSR GAPMOV, V. V. And SINITSKAYA, N. 1".., Zhimnal Nauchnoyj Pri)zIndwy FoLoi,-rafli i.Ydnematofotografii, Vol 1, 36 1,Jan-Feb 72, ~Tq) 17-~, I lesii tiian 03 x 60 m., i~~ canuara with a frv-~.~ si-e of not ~ny Vo u,,~-d. A IL~n~rul view of the camera is shai-rn in the erticle. Scanning~ylth to t Is air turbine, co"u'Avaly Gitlintut! accomplished by the rotation of a mdr-iatur, I with the lens oj?ening. The hub of the turbine bas ora openinj,,, which jrovea in a circle durinp, rotation of the turbi-rc, and,acts ac;,nn apaj,tiirc ill. The ca=ra can photot-;raph up 11o, sixty thousand frrziei per .;U) 8 reference,-. JEND - eso: 3,86:L-w 2/2 lrj/2 .02.2 UNC .LASSI F !I ED:~ ROCESSING DATE--160CT7qg= ITLE--PROPkYLACTIC.APPLICATION OF ORY~:POLYVALENTWSTENTERY BAC'ERIOPHAGE T ~,.WITH -,PECTIN lN CHILDREN'S PRE SCHOOL~INSTITUTWN~_u _...AUTHOR-(05)-S0LODOVNIKOVv YU.P*v PAVLOVA9,L.Iot Ml~LYANCVv P.101 GARNOVA, ~~,:~_%A. , NOGIEVA*: YUoB. __COUNTR Y OF.,INFO--USSR ~~SOURCE-7-LHURNAL MIKROBIOLOGIlt EPIDEMibLOGII I IMMV~OBIOLOGII, 1970v NR 59 -"SUBJECT -AREAS---~-BLOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SC.L ENCE S _~"TOPIC TAGS--PROPHYLAXIS, BACTERIOPHAGEt OYSENTERY~vJPIDEMIOLOGY ::CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .~OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED "-PROXY REEL/FRA,'iE--1994/0139 STEP NO--Uk/0016170/000/OU5/0131/0137 -:CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0114535 UNCLASSIFIE-ED --160CT70 2/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED.! PROCESSING DATE ::CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0114535 -ABSTRACT/EXTP%ACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHUK~, PKESENT THE RESULTS OF ',.~~STRICTLY CONTROLLED EPIDEMIOLOGICAL TRIAL ON THE! STUDY OF THE EFFICACY ~::.OF DRY POLYVALENT DYSENTERY BACTERIOPHAGE WITH PECT-IN IN CHILDREN'S PRE :SCHOOL INSTUTIONS OF YAROSLAVL., THE;CHILDREN WE~E GIVEN SA-CTERIOPHAGE DAILY DURING THE MONTHS FROM JUNE TO OCTOBER. TIHIS LEL) TO DECREASE OF TfiE'INCIDENCE OF THE FOLLOWING DISEASES IN THE~GkOUP UNDER STUDY: OF BACTERIOLOGICALLY CONFIRMED DYSENTERYo 2:.5 TIMES~r OF CLINICALLY AND BACTERIOLOGICALLY CONFIRMED DYSENTERYP 2.3 TIMESt AND OF THE SUM TOTAL OF ACUTE INTESTINAL DISEASESt 2.1 TIMES.1 FACILITY: TSENTRALINYY .'~'INSTITUT EPIDEMIOLOGII, GORIKOVSKIY INSTITUT EPIbEMI()LOGtI I ~....MIKROBIOLOGII, YAROSLAVSKAYA GURODSKAYA~SANITARNO-EPIDEMIOLOGICHESKAYA ~',-STANTSIYA. USSR UDC 547.785.5+541.49+288.4 KOGAN, V. A., OSIPOV, 0. A., CHUB, N. K., BURLOV, A. S., e. B., and POLUNIN, A. A., Rostov-na-Donu.St TSUPAK, Y ate University Complex Compounds of Copper With Heterocyclic Aldoxi6 Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey KhImii, Vol.42(104), No ai~ Mar 72, pp 581-584 Abstract: A series of new polynuclear compounds of copper with heterocyclic aldoximes synthesized from benzimidazole were produced, for the first time. 'Ultimate analysis and magnetochemical measurements are usea to determine the composition of the compounds and the presence of an exchango interact.1an with perchlorate anions. Differences in thatcamposition on'd properties of the complexes are determined as they are related to the nature of the anion. The IR spectra of the compounds are studied and a hypothes#' is.proposed for the point of coordination of the ligand with copper. 5 -541 USSR ~UDC: 547 ~1~ 51.4 -f .49 G4RNOVSKIY A D KOLODYAZHXYY, YU. V. ALIYEV4, S.: A., KROKEINA, N. - P-. , ffl*5fi_WG: I. I., OSIPOV, 0. A.~ and PRSSNYAKOVA, T. INT., Rostov-on-Don State University and All-Union A'ricultural Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazev "ComDlex ComDounds of Metals With Nitrogen-Containing Ligands. IIX. Compioxes of-Tin Tetrachloride With 1-11:lyridylp~razoles and Their 5-H-ydroxy(amino) Derivatives" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimi Vol 40, No!.5, MaY 70) PP, 1114- 1120 Abstract: Continuing their study of complexing~in systems with several donor centers, the authors:atudied th interaction of tin tetrachloride with 1-(oi,6 or r-pyridyl)pyrazoles and their xy and anino dorivatives. Tho dipole mpients of the ro.,3u!- 5-hydro. tank- comolexes were determined and their IR spoctra studied for DUMOSOS of solving the question of the config~gration and tautuorier- ism of the ligands. A comparative study ulas Mide of the IR spectra of ligand =-d cc"--)Iex molecules in order to es~abl_ish - a localiza- th tion site of the coordinat-jion bond. Uervict kcc~ Ref Code kcc~ Ic. AJSbI 11063~b If itrogen-contifning bihetero;ycll~ systems. 1. Dipole moments. and siructure OA-pyridylpyiilzoles.-, Alieva. S. A Kolodyazhnvi.. Vu..If,-* Qainoyskii,.A.~!)Q Kr hina, Nj Q4i 9 F.&I"S A. !3,*1..[. Y -' (Rostov -na-Do U-niv.,- Ras-tov-q-n'.';bon. X55A).: )6in.i. Geu~~isikf-' Soedin. 45-9 (Russ). The dipole moments of I-pyridyl- pyrazoles and their amino derivs.' were detd. CGI14 tit 25* with 5 X 10-L-2) X 10-4 niol,e fraction. Conlj)L~Xrlsosl of'exptl. IV NDKIII N 6 and vectorially calcd. dipolc~nioments shows tjIlit I.pyridyl Pyrazoles, and 143- or 4-pyritiyl)5.ttiiiitiol)ytaitilts li.%vr non- planar cmifiguration; the planar angle'bet'veen Ok- pyra4u'.~ and pyridine ring-4 was calcd. For: 1!(. pyrillyl~,)-~rninopyrazolcs the planar trans configuration, is assumed due ti) intrwnol. H FRAME bonding. The following data were obtained (R,i R1, It', posi of pyr- ine ring, and planar an 2~. between two tion attachment 9 3, rings given): Me, H, Me. 2, 58*.; Me, 11, Me. , 184"; Me, H Me, 4, 0*; Pr, Et, Nliz, 3. 66'; PhCliz, Ph. NI-12, 3, 56*; MeC-6114, H. NH2, 3, 800; Et, Me, N11t, -1. 0". lie, HO; Cl, 1, 00; Me, H. NH2, 2. 00; PhCl-li, Ph. X11t. 2, 00-1 ;Et, Me, NIii, 2. 00; Pr, Et, NNI-12, 2, 00; P-H,.-NCsHs, 11, INI-16i 2,W S, K. Ban(,Ijee NCHERCURY COMPOUND, TOP IC.'TAGS--0IP0LE MOMENT, ISOMER, VINYL,COMPOUNDv:0RGA .V.,,-.....:ChLORIj%ATED ALIPHATIC C014POUND vDIELECTRIC PROPER'I*Y :CCNTR(;L,V,ARKIKG-NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED :TRUXYREEL/FRAME--3005/02I5 STEP NO--UA/0020/70/191/006/1322/1323 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AT0132481 - - - -- - -1 - -- - - I H F, 11.11 - --------- - -: :: - - I--m I ~ ". - - --13NrJV70 UNCLASSI FIE6 iPROCESSINu DAFE -1/2 oil T-ITLE Of: AR ENEA7-0,2, I M10AZOLES' E W. EAAAPLE 0 --CHELATE CW4POUNDS F METAL PLUS 4, TYPE -U- COMPLEXES WITH A CHELATF JUNC T I Oki, PGINT QP THE 14 4 jj&UUY,~~. i KUL NE T S OVA L- 1-i i010REYCHIKOVt YU.P., AUTHORm~(05) -C 'OSIP0 jV., O.Aa~j-_~ SIAGNOVY A.M. C CUNT R.Y. OF., INFO--USSP' 'w- -SOURCE' -LH. OBSH. KHI,*4. 1970, 40(3), 710711 i) ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY .1-: T.OPlC;.TAGS--01WANIC AZOLE COMPOUINDt UKGANIC COMPL(,X COMOQUND, ACETATEf ~DIPOLE :MUMENTp BROMINATED UkGANIC- Comp(JUNI) WE'RUCYCLIC OXYG~N MOL CULAR,,STRUCTUgE E BENZENE DERIVATIVE RESTRICTIONS D0CU4ENT'CLASS--UNCLASStFlEO -PROXY!-REEL/FRAmE--3004/2022 STEP NU--UR/007,j/70/040/003/0710/071t CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0132282 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 7~-7 77 2?2, Oil DATE--13NOV70 UNCLASSIFIED, 'PRUCESSING Z41kC ACCESSION NO-AP0132282 At3STRACT/EXTRACT--(UVGP-0- ABSTRACT.' A 2:V.,4IXT4 (MOLAR) OF '$* IN MEJH t~AVE I (Mr AND APPRUPRIATE METAL AC~TATI. COLOR, ANID DIPOLE MOMENT GIVEN) NI PKI IME-POSIfiVE POS I T I VE p;BROWNP 18 CO PRUME POSITIVE POSITIVE, GREEUf';_4.40;!AN0 14 CU PRIME ..'P;SITIVE POSITIVF, YELLOW BROWNt 2.0WNI PRNEi~POSITIVE POSITIVEt RED BROWNg 3.43; CO PRIME POSITIVE PCJSITYVE.~ 13R.014Ni 1i4.76:.. 1-4 THE SOLID -.:STATE, EVIOENTLY THE, STRUCTUREL OF: I IIS~ 4 TETRAH~ORAL~ ARRANGEMENT, IN WHICH HALF OF-THE 14OL. IS ROTATEO AT,RIbHT ANGL~ES TO THE OTHER ABOUT THE ~..AORIZONTAL AXIS. POSSIB(LITY OF POUYMERIC:OCTAHEDRAL STRUCTURE FROM FURTHER COORO I NAT [ON, OF TliE METAL ~ITH,;THE N PREME3 ATOM OF IMIDAZOLE IS ALSO POSSIBLE, HOWEVER. FACILITY.'. ROSToV--NA*-DOt%U GUS. UNIV*v USSR.' ROSTOV-0t.1-DON, 016 UNCLASS IF I ED PROCESSING OATE--1)4DEC70 CARC. ACCESSION NO--AP0140304 _.:~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. .51HYDROXYtlt(BENZAZOLp2tYL)PYRAZOLES M WERE PR"EPD*;BY REFLUXING A mIXT. OF 0.05 IMOLE APPROPRIATE HYDRAZINE AND 0.05 MOLE RCOCHR PRIME1 CO SUB2 R PRIME2 OR PHCH SUB2 C N H I C H P IIC N (111 1 PI t50 ML TERT BUOHt 5 14L H NG 1 (9) It ~SU82 01 ANO 5 ML ACOH 12 HR. THUS PREPO. WERE THE FOLLOW1 PRIMElt R PRIME2P Yp PERCENT YIELDP AND.:M.Pv GIVEN):' PHP Ht 0Hp So 739 201DEGREES; PH, CH SUB2 PH, OH*:St 76-v 165DFGREE~S; CH SIJB2 P11, PH, OHo NHw 63v 224DEGREES; AND CH SUB2,PH? PHY ~Ofit*NCH ;iSUB2; PH,-,-. REFLUXIING 41_1..._,'%EQUIMdL..AR AMTS.. 2,IIYURAZINOBENZOTHIA.ZOLEt Ili A~i,b 30PERCENT HCL 114 ISO GAVE 60PERCENT PROW (1) (R EQUALS CH :SUB2:::PHI R PRIME1 EQUALS PH, R PRIME2 EQUALS NH 1SUB 2 1 Y EQUALS.S)v M. _,_:1163DEGREES, DIPOLE :MOMENT AND :1R STUDIES SHOW TIHAT I EXIST BOTH INT HE '~'-_-:CRYST,~, FORM AND IN SOLN*'MAINLTIN HYOROXY AN 1) AMINtYFORMSP WHICH ARE I ZED BY INTRAMOL H~BONDIN Ac 161 Ty ROSTOV.-NA-DONU G. F I ~GOS..'UNIV., ROSTOV-ON-DONt USSR'. ~~J/2 014 UNCLASSFFIED:''' OROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ."rITLE--COM,PLEXES OF METALS WITH SOME NITROGEN CONT41NING LIGANDS. XVIII. ~.'CORPLEXES OF ZINC WITH lt5tDlBENZIMIDAZOLYLFORMAiANS -U- -.AUTHOR-(03)-OGLOBLINAi R.I.v BEONYAGINA, N..P. t* GARI~OVSK.lYv A*Do ~~.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,.SOURCE--ZH. OBSHCH. KHIM. 1970t 40(2), 367-72 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS--.METAL COMPLEX COMPOUND, ZINC COMPLEX, 8'ENItMIDAZOLE, HETEROCYCLIC NITROGEN COMPOUND, POLYNUCLEAR HYDROCARBON, MOLECULAR STRUCTURE# DIPOLE MOMENT# ABSORPTION SPECTRUM tONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO ~-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1394 STEP NO--UR/0079/70/040/002/0367/0372 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116842 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 1CIRC- ACCESSION NO--AP0116842 .,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MIXING APPROPRIATE 3,ALKYLFORMAZA~S WITH ZN CHLORIDE OR GAVE COMPLEXES I (R AND R PRIMEl..SHOWNt RcSP.).* PHCH SUB2, MEo .280-50EGREES; SAME WITH. AOOED.ME` SUB2 CO OF CRYSTN.t M. 280-50CGREES; ME, M. 295-8DEGREES; ETr ME, M. 290-30EGREESvlPHCH SU82, PRI M. Z93-8DEGREES; AND 11 PHCH SU82P MEP M~. 178-80DEGRE-ES; SAME WITH ADDED ZN(OHY SUB2, M. 210-1.5DEGREES; REACTION OF THE F044AZANS WITH ZN(OAC) SUB2 IN ME SUB2 CO GAVE 11, PHCH SUB2s MEt M, 180 2DEGREES; MQNOHYDRATE OF [It ETt ME, M-. 188-90DEGREES. ABSORPTION SPECTRA ARE GIVEN. THE OLE MOMENTS AND THE SPECTROSCOPIC;DATA INDICATED THAr COMPLEXES OF TYPF I 4HICH HAVE LOW SOLY. IN NONPOLAR SOLVENTSPOiAVE THE STRUCTURE ..SHOWN;, THE. COMPLEXES OF TYPE 11 WITH DIPOLE MOMENfS OF: 1.5-2 D, ARE THUS ,''SHOWN TO BE TRUE CHELATES WITH TETRAHEDRAL STRUCTIJRE TYPICAL OF ZN PRIME POSITIVE POS.ITIVE COMPLEXES. THUS# AZOLYLFORMAZANS :44Y FORM WITH METALS -:.NEITHER: CHELATES OR MOL. COMPLEXES WIT14 DATIVE BONbS MAINLY AT THE w 'HETERO-N ATOMSr OR CYANINES, WITH ZNCL~SUB2. FACILITY: URAL. ;POLITEKH. INST.t SVERDLOVSK9 USSR* ASSIFIED . .......... 28 UNt L~A~Sl FIE6'7~:' '1PROCESSING DkTr--'ISSFP70 .-TITLE-KINETICS OF,THE DECOMPOSITION OF, A CHROMIV~ SOL~10 SOLUTION IN -SILICON U- AUTHOR--JG3)-BEN0lK, N.T.9 GARNYKv V 14 1 LEVSK I Y L. S:41 ~~rnUNTRY OF INFO-USW �,bu RC E F 11 Z TVERD. TELA 1970, 12(l) 190-5 :.'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 S Uf3J EC TA R E A S --4AT E P I A L SPHYSICS, 'COMPOSITILINo TH~-Rli,'L FF!!-;~:Cl, T 0 P, I CT4lf3S--S`--LlD SOLOT131~9 CliE.741CAL DE IN, '::T I C CHE EIFCT~111. s ~4~'46N- -ICAL REACT ION KINETICS, CHROMIUM: SILICC, ;:CMNTROL MARKING-NO kESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PRr 41 STE P NJ--UR/0181 /T0/012 /(Y)1 OL140/~l f-5 OX Y RE CL 196 0102 .,CIRC ACCF-SSION N10-00043.1 520 (INCLASS TFIED --170 212 0 2 R UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING Di%TE--18S::t r-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0048520 ~--ABSTRAC.T/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DE--OMPN. OF THE SOLID SOLN. OF CA J 14 SI WAS INVESTIGATED BY EPR. ANAL. OF THE EXPTL. CURVES OF THE ~DEC04PN. IN TERMS OF THE DIFFUSION THEORY OF HAM POINTS TO TRE EXISTENCE Of= DEFECTS OF VARIOUS SYMMETRIES ON WlltCH SEPN, OF CR F;0M THE, SOLN. TAKES PLACE. THE D. WAS EVALUATED FROM 10 PRIME6 TO 10 PRlflE7 CM PRIME ,-.'...'~NEGATIVE2. THE TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF THE'DIFFUSION COEFF. OF CA IN SI WAS I%PESTIGATED AT 900-1250DEGREES, WHICH IS GIVEN OY THE EXPRESSION 0 :,7:, - N 0 -,EQUALS 0.0tEXP(MINUS 23000-RT)v THE TEMP. DEPENDENCE --IF THE CO ST OF il'-...'.~,DECOMPIN. TIME TAU CAN BE DESCRIBED BY.THE EXPRES'SIONJAU EQUALS 2.7 10 PR IM NEGATIV~7-9 EXP(21,000-R.T), -,.022 PROCS'SSING OAtE--27NOV70 UNCLASSI FIEB, TLE-EFFECT OF NORADRENALIN ON. THE; AEGIO~AL BR A BLO60 FLOW DEPENDING ON-THE XMI T I At STATE OF MIDDLE' ARTERVAIL~ ....... ... . ............. _212 022 UNCL ASS IF I ED 0 C ES S G, D A T E: - -.2 7,14 0 V 7 0 CIRC ACCESS ION NO--AP0 131311 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A9STRACT. AS EV I DENC El) F R ()!4 MEA SUR I NG3 YHE BLOOD FLOW IN DOGS EMPLOYING KR PRIME 85 DUkING llLf) HYPO.TENSION, j,INFUSION OF NORAORENALIN LESSENS THE BRAIN BLOOD; I'L 014, PROVIDING THE LATTER-BEING NORMAL. UNDER*HEAVY HYPOTENSION, OU~,' TO ~O I STRUBANCES IN ",AUTOREGULATION OF THE BRAIN SLOOO FLOW,~ INFUSIOW(~f: Nl(IRAOI~ENAL(N is ~,:~FGLLOWED 'By AN INCRESE IN THE REGIONAL BRAIN BLOOO FLOW 4 ..'~',~FACILITY: DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGYt, ;YEREVAN 14,~(~JCAL! INSTITUTE; A N 0 '';,WaLLCOME SURGICAL RESEARCH,LABORATOR d0F G' ASGOW. Y t, ~UNIVERS Y IT L UNCLASS'FUD -: -it ! ,-I :--I ~ ; I 1~ ~, ..1 - ~;, I ''. .- I II., ~~ 1~ I~li~. j~-;- ~7 -1 ,:~; ,,i1 1i ,I ---- i~ .11; , ; !~,- 1 , 1 11 I I I ~ .111 *. olo . UNCLASSI Flto" " II! dPROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 UNCLASSIFIED , r I USSR GARSEVANISHVILI, V. R., KADYSHEVSKIY, V. G., MIR-KASDIUV, It. 1.I., SOCMV, N.B., "A Concept of the Relativistic Amplitude of Scattering at Higili Energies" N Moscow, Teoreticheskaya i Na-tematicheskaya Fizika, Vo~ 7. 1-0 2. -'-1Y 1971, pp 203-216 Abstract: A concept of the realativistic amplitude of scatUxing at high energies is presented in the framework of the quasi-potential approach. The key point in the entire consideration is Fourior analjisis of '~he throe-parR=ater. non-Abelian translation group embedded as a subgroup in the Lorentz group. rhe concept presentel is a generalization of the eikonal ippro;Wuation in quatitum mechanics. 29 biblioaraphic entries. 0VA1:rT%AZ'4T 07 TXZ ANMY, UA6 AA POKA10H Zia ur"WH NTR=T NIL j In Rtpk Rder to: Y FsTc-H-r-23.1337-72 Z7 Dtm=!~itr-1972 DIA TAsk No. T70-23-01 TRANSLATION ENGLISH TIT LF: rMMON OF POLAR r.QL0pXM K, SOVIET ANTARCTIC STATIM's FUMGN'rLTLE-. OJI-tanii Poly&rnikov Na Sovetalkikh Antarcichdakikh AUTHOR- V. r. Garsh~~ KE(rJESTCK; SOURCE- voprogy rjt4nLy&, ro. 5, 1971 TRANSLATOP.* ACS, y -,977 pp 32-35 LANGUAGE:, RusslAn COUNTRYt USSR M WORDS: AIRMC CLL-ATE FOOD -MCM-OLO.-T =..TIOH CALORIC CCNTEr.T POLAR A2.ZA COM--'RY CcDZ: UR SIMJECT COZE: 06 App-d V-bl- Di-fii-16- USSR UDC'621.982.~33.~4 BURK~HANOV, SH.D., TROIJ, A.M., Goil"xHi6v v.A. RoAnov, V.I. BASr nvestigation Of The Causes For Breakdown Cf Thyriotore During Oper6tion In A Pulse Regime" ~T ab. PoluRrovodn. Dribory vtekhn. olaktroavyazi (Somi6onductor Devices In Electrical Co=unications Technology--Colloction, Cf Worlli)t Moveows SVYd:41," 1970, pp V'5-157 (fro= R"h-Elektronika i Xeye primenen&e, No 2, February 1971, Abstract No 2B246) Translation: It is shown that loss of efficiency of a thyridtor in a pulae re- regime results,as.a consequence of thrOU7, th~ p-n--~p-n structure of a channel 0.1--0.3 = in diameter, while one of, the po6s4le caueee for this is thermal generation of the carrioreo'g ill. 10 raf. UDC: 621.391.883.2 USSR "Interference Immunity of a Cbannel With Obliteration When There is Interference in the Synchronization Channel" Tr. uchebn. in-tov svyazi. 1,1-v0 s~yazi SSM (Works of Acadcmic Institutions of Communications. Ministry of: Communications of the USSR), 1971, vyp. 53~ pp 113-120 (f-rom,RZh-RadioteLhnika, No 3, Mar 72, Abstract No 3A27) Translation: The paper deals with the e~,fqct which fluctua~- tions of ou put pulses of the synchronization system have on the probability of an error and the probability of oblitera- tion for a filtered DI reception system in' a binary symmetric erasing channel. Analytical. expressions d.11c 1lixon for the probability of error and the probability of obliteration as functions of the fluctuation in the position of the test pulse, assumiu8 a normal law of distribution,of charai:tcristic times of signal recovery in the case of pulse iziterference. Resum6 USSR UDC 547-57 KOZLOVp N. S., PAK, V. D., GA1ZrE&,,G,._A., and BALYKOVA, I. A. "The Direction of the Reaction of Arylidenemethylamine~s with Mphenyl and Dialkyl Phosphites" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43, No 11, Nbv: 73, pp 2360-2363 Abstract: It had been established in earlier work by Kozlov et al (Izv. /Jf Beloruss. SSR. Ser. Khim-, No 3, 95,1967; No 2, 199, 1968; No 2, 113,~1968) that aminophosphonic esters are the principal products of the reaction of aromatic azomethines .r-*th diphenyl and dialkyl phosphi~es. Jn this instance the reaction of arylidenemethylamines R06H4 CH=NMe with, diphenyl and dialkyl phosphites was studied. In the majority of cases monophenyl- and menoalkyl- phosphite ammonium complexes of azomethines formed: RG H CH-Mie + (R'0)2FOH + + 6 4 HP `N(RC04 CH-NHMe)OP(ORI)OH M + RIOH. In some instances, however, amino- phosphonic esters formed under identical conditions from arylidenemethylamines and dialkyl,phosphites: RC6114 CH=NMe + (RIO) CHMMe (II). The dual 2 RC6H14 6=P(O'R 1) 2 direction of the reaction of arylidenemothylamines can be eyplained by the 1/2 tSSR KOZLOV, N. S., et al., Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43, No 11, Nov 73, pp 2360- 2363 higher basicity of arylidenemethylamines as compared Yith aromatic azomethines. As a result, the nucleophilic activity of the azomethines was reinforced. The properties of the compounds I and II that were synthesized are listed in tables. 2/2 IMC 681-325.65 M., and WYACHEWO YU. B. GAMWEV. !'Increment Code Approximation Device" USSR Autboral Certificate No 31a265 Cl. G o6 f 5100, G o6 j 1/o2, filed 27 oat 69, published 11 Oct 71 (from RZhi-Avtomatikat Lelemeklianika i Vychis- litel'nays. Tekhnika, No 5, VAY 72j, Abstract, No, 5BI93,P) Translation: The proposed increment code'approximation dovice contains a clock-pulse generator, a counter, a shift increment ~register, coincidence cir- cuitsi OR circuits, and a delay line. The'device is distinguished by the fact that, to improve its dynamic p.-Opertiesp it includes a second counter, an indicator flip-flop, a control flip-flop,, and a decoder. 'Me clock-pulse line is connected to the control inputs of two coincidenc6 circuito and the input of the second counter. The output of the first coinjr.aidence circuit is con- nected to the input of the information shift in the 'Increment register. The output of the second circuit is connected to the units inpitt of the control flip-flop, the units output of which is connected W inputs of the third and fourth co:Lncidence circuits. The output of the third coitcIdence circuit is connected to the units input of. the indicator flip-flop. The a.Itput of the fourth coincidence circuit is connected through one 6C the OR circuits to the 1/2 IUijSR GARTSUYEV, V. M., et al., USSR Authors' Certificate No 31-1265 71 zero" input of the shift incremnt register. fte outpat of the fifth coinci- ,dence circuit, whose control inputs are connected to,lthe "zero" outputs of the Aigits of the first counter, is connected to the units input of the low-order digit of the shift increrent register. , The outImts 6f the. digits of the secom' counter are connected through the decoder and the other OR circuit to the input both count' -flops, and of the first counter. The vero,inputs of tors, the flip sc! the shift increment register are connected to the oile. factor signml line. 2/2 R-Im-mu gim mp itt, ~ NOr -_-f~=4rl V'i I 11,qH 13 UUMIUM M-11mm IR 11 _11IR MIR 77 USSR uDc-. 621-317.77 GARTVICH, V. A.. KHAUSTOV, V. V., SWUNOV~ Ye. A. A Phase Meter Installation for Measuring Phase Shi~t of~Phase-Keyed Signals in the Dynamic Mode" V sb. Raschety radiotekhn. skhem i Droyektir. radioWnparatury (Calculations of Radio Circuits and Design of Radio Equipment-collection of works), Omsk, 1970, pp 85-86 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6,, Jun 70', Abstract No 7A281) 'Translation: The article presents the technical.specifications of a phase meter installation which has been developed. :The wilt is designed for signals having a sine -.raveform.clipped by straight horizontal lines; the .signals are phase keyed at a rate of 1000 bauds.and~have a frequency in. the range of 50-400 kJIz. Measurement accuracy is::~-50. A block diagram ofthe de,,rice and some technical characteristics aT* given. Bibliography of two titles. E. L. USSR uDc.- -621-317-77:621.~17-755 GARTVICH, V. A. "A Simple Method of Making a Remote Electric Scale Tor a Phase Meter With Oscilloscope Display V sb. Raschety radiotekhn. skhem i proyektir. radio~uaratury (Calculations of Radio Circuits and Design of Radio,Equipment--collectiori of works), Omsk, 1970, pp, 83-84 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No' 6, Jun 7i, Abstract No 6A3.18) Translation: It is pointed out that a simple method of ma?ing an electric scale.which is controllable with respect to sweep positio'n is to use a conventional slave marker generator.for,linear sc-Ides which is synchronized by the sweep voltage; the adviuitages of this methodlare presented. The most obvious of these advantages shows up'in the cafe of phase multipli- cation of the scanning voltage. A method of obtaining the effect of reimte scales is given. Bibliography of one title. E. L..;~ J12 013 UNCLAs5z FxEf)* PROCeSSZNG OATE--090CT70 4ITLE-ACCURATE DETERMINATION OF THE DENSITY UlF WE4K SULUTIUNS AT VARIOUS "JEMPERATURES -U- .AUfHUR-(05)-TERESHKEVICHt M-O-v GARUSP L-I#t DLUGACHs R.YE.v KUPKIKI A.V., OL KL)VA ~S.A. .COUNTRY:UF INFO--USSR iSOURCE_ZH. PRIKL. KHIM. (LENINGRAD) L970 43(l) 16~V-70 PUBLISHED- -70 ~~:SUBJFCT AREA5-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--FLUID DENSITY MEASUREMENr, TEMPERATUREII ~CfN TROL, IMARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS "bOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1993/0300 STEP NU--UR/0080170/043/~-;OL/0167/()170 CIAC ACCESSION NO--AP0113230 UNC LASS I F I C USSR UDC 616,36-092.9-0,85.849.19. LAGUNTOVA, I. G., SAVCHENKO, Ye. D., nApury N. N.- LIK11OVETSKAYA, L. L., SHAKAYEVA, G. G., KLIMOV, A. D., and MOGUTOV7 ~-- ~Moscow, Scientific Research Institute of Roentgenology and Radiology, Ministry of Health RSFSR The Effects of Neodymium Laser Irradiation on the Rat Liver" Leningrad, Voprosy Onkologii, Vol 18, No 1,,1972, pp 91-94 Abstract: Single irradiation of a 2 by 5 mm abdominal area over the rat liver with pulsed ne-odymium laser rays with initial energy of 100-200 joules and incident density of 1000-4000 joules/cm2 causes local Injury to the liver tissue, ranging from degenerative changes to complctcl~ necros:is. Destructi-on of blood vessels occurs in the central zone and paralytic Vasodilation with edema in the peripheral zone. Proliferation of fibro.itlasts begins after 5 days, and a capsule is formed around the injured area. Connective tissue cells and bile capillaries grow toward the necrotic: enters along with blood vessels. Eventually, hepatocytes, lymphocytes,-and:lpacropliages appear. On the 20th day, tile necrotic area is filled with patches hepatic paren- chyma. Af ter stronger irradiation (3000-4000 joules/lem2) tile injury is more severe and recovery slower. USSR UDG 6214-38.002 RZF 2MI.ATNOV -kNOV, V-G., SHMGOL'D, YEA OProblems Of Protection Of Un6o'used Semiconductor Devices And Integrated Circuits' V ob. Kikroolaktronika (14icroalootronics,Collection Of Works), Moscow, Izd-vo Isovetelkoye Radio*" No 4, 1971, pp 141-1 Abstract: The over-all problem is considered of the protection of non-housedoemi- conductor devices used in hybrid microcircuits from the effect of the environment. The significant shortcomings are shown of compounds of:~epoV resins, various varnishes, etc., used at present for protection of au6 devices. A method is dea- cribed for.creation of a protective covering.bused on' thin glass films.:4 fig. 4 tab- 7 ref. JI gum "N. ii 7,, -.'1 L r-11 y t,~ 16,~! ty 1:11AL V", ovpmi to ~~I,r i., r,,k- ilz;- :t. l;.Lj 11!r. L,~, L i % r i 1. 1;1 T. -dl ta--, Itill I t, n.~ U!'. A,~y li~i,vj Y,. .ol 1:u: lt Ir-, a ill-rlq .!"0, V.. OK ;1 j It fom bi L! t 1 c r~i gll.l J Cjtl~jdS, C..d C;! Lr, !14Ctil.1, ,f ~,r- 1-y Ov. t1- cOi%5.dCrAt.1on,, rx- mthodoloqL-l ~orkn by 1-i1 ncionti-,ts stuAyit%q fioil rrqAr.1.c. r~tt~.,r. 55 rtIonrl a ,.It t ;-.1 vt ft", it t fvmr- -;,t AA Trl' uu1i, t t,s~!! At. 1 o' I ~t-j lr,- d-, "I I t,I tilt. I-t t. trr--t,v"t fr~ -I I., t It u- 1. pr~rvn L r vvnt of t!' v,;;l I'v 4,,l, --.7 c: rltlM~nnr! I t'y wli-j -Y tv~', r 'lleciv-tc-r- in ".In,i :if ....... 4s,., bcj,ar,,t d,reO.1y ttu,~ 0., .,It )'y T;.211 I,I lt,~ :'.) , ~-' 7 -, I -, ~ , i , , - A - fr 4(3 h-,tr- . ", h,i 11,n L i I I t~-- iw I I It. "~-t .~" 1, -t -te, 1'. E I I 1 14 t:- - I:. ti. . ClVxt,t~ W. 4o-11 1-I fi~ h- -t-r orl --ke-1: V-tirr z' mmplimw'i oil X ~is vv., 'l~ ~I*HAA'd'u" ' 'Thi" I R*"'-I !"'7' In tl~'Iati- in it W1.1% I x n r"In 'I0. A v., I, I., d,,.termL;.,d thLt JG 1,,ir,,,.nt de thet az'3 i1 tl" ater a"d ~l p':r . .... t 1'.1 wro',niki. llydtolci'i~. The It, if r1r, .cId. c- ba rr,,r" -- t". --I- !~'; pnrcoAL Q01,1101 ~ulu~!~n U;ilbirt al"i oil njini'le it; w;ita".0 In I "o-J!,rcent i-ith to xtr ctant ratio of 1921. for 20 hour's. th, %'U it rr-'-~o by z OF= USSR UDC 669.168:669.162.2 RYABCHIKOV, I. V., POWL'SKIY, T. V., ALEKSANDROV, A. P., and ZAKHARCHENKO, E. V. "'Silicothermal Method for Obtaining Ferrosilicocalclum and Magnesium Alloys Based on It Moscow, Stal', No 2, Feb 71, pp 134-136 Abstract: This paper describes experiments performed in making alloys of ferrosilicocalcium and magnesium by the silicothermal method, which has the advantages of Permitting the mechanization and autom4tion of alloying processes in closed furnaces. The experiments wer6~perfo-rmed in an elec- tric furnace of 1200 VA power and a closed furnsce;of the SKB-6063 type at voltages of 60-85 and 89 volts respectively, sadTil current of 6.5 and 13 kA. The furnace charge was 65-75% ferrosilicate ~0 llm~e, calcined dolomite, baryte ore, silicoaluminum production slag, and fluorspar. The experimental alloys showed that the concentratton olf magnesium and calcium in the melt depends primarily on the,proportion of1the Charge components, the order in which they are loaded Into the furnace;t,:thev'electrical speci- fications, and the amount of electrical energy consumed Oer ton of charge. 1/2 - so - WaLlsikal:91 -- - - - --- -- - - - 7k --a , . I'~-,; t27 ~g,~ USSR UDC 576-311-1 GAR22~~,,J~. P. MARCHUK, 0. A., and POGMAZOV B. F~,, 1--boratory of Bio- organic Chemistry, Moscow State University.imeni M. 7. Loraoriosov, K)Scow "Study.of Denaturation of Some- Structural Virus Proteins by the M--thod of Optical Rotatary Dispersion" f Moscow, Biokhimiya, Vol 37, No 6, flov-Dec 72, pp 1210-3214 Abstract: Aqueous solutions of t6tacco mosaic virus protein had an optical activity spectrum in the 230-350 m,d range typical for proteins in organic solvents. The protein denatured to the maximum xtent with alkali had an optical activity spectrum characteristic for proteins in aqueous solutions. Solutions corresponding to intenz-,ediate stages of deratu~ration showed a step- wise transition from a virtual organic solvent solution state to an aqueous solution state. The spectra, which were deternined on a apectropolarimeter, reflected the relative content of the Oe-helix an the surface of the protein. In the undenatured globular protein, the 0(-helix sectionn were hidden within the globules - i.e., they were in a medium resembling an orranic solvent. As denaturation proceeded, the globulen unfolded and the canLacts of the LA-helix parts with 1~0 increased. USSR UDC 577.3 SEMENOV, M. A., GAS.AN, A. I., and MALEYEV, V. Ya., Ins,titute of Radiophysics aad Electronics, Academy of Sciences UkSSR,,Kharkov "Study of Thermal Destruction of T Phage and Its Comp*9nents by Infrared 2 Spectroscopy and Adiabatic Calorimetry": Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 198, No 6, 197~1, pp,1,1449-1,,451 Abstract: Heating of 1yophilized T phage and its structural components nd bNA) produce3 spectral changes~~t thren differont (protein fragments a temperature intervals. At 48*C there was a slight iilqrease~in optical density in the region of- 1620 cm-1, whicli c6ase&at T 58*C (region A). Optical density in this spectral region'increased still more at T = 65'C and ended at T = 73'C (region B). Similar spectral ch~,anges;occurred at these temperature intervals when a suspension of fragments vias heated. Since optical density increases at 1620 cm7l with thermal denaturation of proteins, the spectral changes observed in regions A and B in the case of T2 pbage are assumed to be due to conformational changes in the protein coat. A further elevation of the temperature to 75 t6 85*C (region C) resulted in spectral changes characterintic of the dip.,~trucrlon of the secondary structure of DNA: increased absorptlon at froquoncle. of 1590, 1/2 1/2 013 UNCLASSIF1 0 PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 CALCIUM MAGNirUOE OF SULFATE, PETAPHOSPHATE SYSTEM -U- '.'_lAUThCR--(C4l-6ERGMANv A.G., VYSUTSKIY, V.M.~v GASANALAYEVp A.M.r TRUNIN, 1:1,'CCUNTRY OF Il%FC--USSR e S OU.RC E-A h. NEORG. KH I M1970, 151319 917-19 _-~:DATE..P46L I SFE0---70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~._TGPIC T.AGS--PFASE DIAGRAMP SCLID SCLUTIONv:MULTIco PONENT CHEMICAL m "MIXTUPE, SCCIU.4 COMPOUND, CALCIUM COMPOUND, PHUS!~HATEj SULFATE EUTECTIC ~RIXTURE i::.CCNTRCL P'l A RK I NG-NO RESTaICTICNS cz; OCCOMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -",--,:PkijXY-REEL/FRAME--199411718 STEP NO--UR/0018170/OL5/003/0817/0819 C-IRC ACCESSIEN ND--AP0115547 .A 3'A I Fir- 0 ------- -------------------- - ----- - USSSR 6-. GASAIM. Sh. M. EYEL YAREITHM, 0. V., 1U"SMODOV D. 11... and IT qjrAIA Ll R G. 17. "Peculiarities of Ciirrent-Carrier Pligrzation in 1)-GoA~~ Crysta:!"-4-~ With Deep impurit-.y Levels" leningrad, Fizika i telchnilm -()_o1uurovodnihO-%?, No 10, 1.1)72, Pp 2 0 5 6 Abstract: The results are given of experimen -,-n-ed I-:-,th p- to p 0 rf, and.: Cr. In aCldit- o n t o type GaAs crystals doped vith Ay,lnl,~ Co T.ji the Hall effect and the, eloctrical conauctiviti, thin Cha'Ice in -c- sistance of the upecimlens in a tranoveroo maOIC-0.6 !.."Illo 1;1N1-- sured. It found, in lh-s brielf cormttniou,~LJ cr) 0--at ill with Ifin and Co, the carrier mil-rat-ion occurrea in the us-, ..-OL,y. In crystals with N_J and Cr, and to 3ome o:,.ztent, In q t. r o n o i sated crystals with Coll th- migration sho, var4n' pr A table of the specimams i,4id thf,'ir characteriot io i at. is given. It -is also foun(.11 thut tlinj' of 100-5000 L drop in mol~-j,lily -t low ternnert-it-ures in tho~ 2, t,~ 4 -type, con ar to j:Cvn,_ ters . Vic authom note that observct-i 0 -=L -tco conducl',j.n~ity in '" ui-,mcrer re -~ed mirl, c USSR GA=174I, 111. 2TVIBI, -1;01:11~~'NXO, 0. "The Nature of Negat-ive Reluctance Leninerad, Fizilm i tekbriilua Y)olup:r-mrodnikov, 2014, Abstract: Experiments described 621.315-V12 V., 1A G U11 WVT and in GalliLw- 111?o 1(j, 1~j'12, -on "2010 for investlgatjn~- ii--typt~ G,,).Az~ are crystals doved iwit.h such substances as donor,-,:' accopto:r,-, without. to full Compensation o-11' the donor.~-,. w%pl re- t rit. -six tft( C - .-V - clarify the effec of the individur.O. Impu. i, ],IQ,:; luctance of tl-lhie specimend The expurimi~ntal ro~(JIXIW; 'Ar(-, eo%'pnr(~O with the results of current theory, niid the eT~~.eclV of pensation on the negative reluctanco is concidored. The, elements were used for the dopiailly: S, 13'e , 2-'n. !S-J, '011, 1,1i, C:O; these were introducea iiito the Galia spec J- 0.001-0.5c5, t-he electron caricentration af.tq*vdo.i.-,int~ -r'-,s ).0- per cm3, and the mobil-;ty wan, 1000-60100 [A room, tc ture It i-ms found t1hat the iierative relucte' IV, nf the dopi-m-Y substance and is a function only oil' t1je of a all donor levels. pa -m-032~ UNCLASSUOIED-~ P OCESSING DATE-230CT70 :.:,TI.TL.E--OPTICAL PR9PERTIES OF INSB SUBX MINUS tNTE SUBI NEGATIVE X SOLID -:SOLUTIONS -U- ~:"`AUTHOR-(04)-GA~~~M.v ALIYEVj Met., KukHARSKIY:' A.A:., SUBASHIYEV, V o K'. '~_COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~:~-SOVRCE-FIZ. TEKH. POLUPROV, 19701 4(3)1 ~576-8 BATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT, AREAS--PHYSICS '~'TOPICI TAGS--UPTIC PROPERTYw IR SPECTRU141 POLYCRYSM,j 1431UM ANTI,MONlDEv -X, ,-:,-'.,~~..'AaSORPTION -COEFFICIENT ,~,'CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS eDOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1712 STEP NO--UR/0449/70/004/003/057610576 CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0120424 U;` "I' L A 5 _S Al F 1 E Mmum mummi"'Im, waiwmmfloal~luxammu A ~w ~lnllv mi.~~mmm mmm' ~032 UNCLASSIFI SSING DATE--230CT70 ~:CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0120424 .,'ABSTRACT/Ex,rRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INFRARED SPECTRA WERE OBTAINED FOR COARSEv POLYCRYST. SAMPLES OF (INSB) SUBX MINUS (:,INTE) SU131 NEGATIVE X SOLID SOLNS. PRCf)UCE0 BY DIRECT MELTING OF THEIR COMPONENTS AND -HOMOGENIZATION BY HEATING FOR 200 HOURS AT 450DEGkEES4; THE VALUE OF X RANGED FROM 0.999 TO Os99999. CURVES INDICATE THE SPECTRAL RELATION OF --:'REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION COEFFS. IN THE 2-25 MU RANGE AS WELL AS THE ''RELATION BETWEEN THE EFFECTIVE MASS bF'CONDUCTION~IELECTIRUNS AND CORPN. THE EFFECTIVE MASS INCREASED FROM 0.013 AT X:EQUALS 0,99999 TO GoOi63 AT X EQUALS 0.999. THE ABSORPTION COEFF. ALPHAAH.OOEGA) WAS OBTAINED FROM TRANSMI.SSION SPECTRA; THE ABSORPTION GROSS SECTION OF LIGHT FOR ..ELECTRONS,..(ALPHA DIVIDED HY Nit IN THE COMPN. RANGc- 0.85 SMALLER THAN 'EQUAL TO 0.85 SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO X SMALLIER. TtAN OR EQUAL TO 0 R VE17 To 7 OBTAINED AT 7 MUs CHANGED RROK 4.3 TIMES LO PRIME NEGATI :,~-TIMES 10 PRIME'-NEGATIVE17 CM PRIME2. F AC It I TY.' INST. POLUPROV.t USSR* IED s DATE--201-4011-10 UNCCA SIFIM~ 0 C E!S S f N G I T L E C W,.D EN 5 A T 10 N Ll F ALKYLPHtNULS 'it' I T HFURIMALUEH4'GE 1,04 THE PRE$ENGE UF ACIC CURING THE ilt~EPAkATIWN U~ A :BE,%-Zi)FU,41~tN~(;AR~3(iXYt,!C ACID ~aXALIC -A UTHC r%~~IC-4)-.i~LLAKliVEPi)IYC-11, G.A., AIIAY4V,~ A.G. , N ~OZJV*v 1 . (;ASAMOV, IG "TRY, OF JINFO .-USSR �r -GURCE-1-AZER8. NEFT KH("Z. 1970P (5)v 34 t5- s DATE PUbL IS&_hE0-----7G ARL-AS-VIATERIALSP CHEIVISTRY _'JOPIC TA~GS-CCNGENSATIC& REtCTICJN, OXALIC.AC[O, ARCIIATIC. CA SIGN RATE RBOXYLIC AC 10, CURRO RES1RICrIONS -00C Ul"I E IN TC LAS-S--IUNCLAS Sl F I ED PROXY RLbL/fRAM[--300&/171s(.) STHI NU--UR/C413-1170/0(ljf~,/O(,13/0034/01",35 CIRC ACCE:SSICIN, N-0--AP013536L p t 1, 1) I ; .- I Hit, ,i :~ ~; I I- I L U USSR UDC 539.3841.385 RAKHTIYAROV, 1. A., ALIYEV, K. A., GASANOV, E.E. ITT" -ened by aNonaxial Cylindrical Cavity" isting of Prismatic Beams Weal, Uch. zap. Azerb. in-t nefti I khimii (Scientific Notes of Azerbayzhan Tnstitute of Oil and Chemistry), 1972, Series 9, No. 4, pp 57-6#i (f reci KZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3V78) Translation: The problem of the twisting of prismatic rods, the cross section of which is a doubly connected region bounded from the outs Lde by an ellipse or a right polygon with smoothed angles~and from within by an eccentrically located circumference, is solved. The outer contour is retlected on a unit circumference with the aid of a two-term function of 4i complex vaHable. The stress function is compiled in the form of the sum of,two infinite series that are regular in the region considered. Determination (if the coefficients of the series is reduced to a simultaneous solution of two groups of systems of infi- nite algebraic linear equations. Particular exatnples~iof the problem are given, where the external contour is an ellipse, a curviline4r square, or a curvilinear hexagonal. 6 ref. K. V. Solyanik-Krassa. USSR Uk 628.58:549.74 ABDULLAYEV, G. B., GASANOV. G. G,, IW-KHTIYEV, M. A.1 DZHAFAROV, A. I., MAZANOV, D. M., BABAYEV, R. A., SADYKHOV, S. T., TEPLY,AKOVA, G. V., and RAGIMOV R. N. "Radioprotective Effect of Selenium" Baku, Doklady Akademii Nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR, No .3, 1973, pp 12-17 tes after Abstract: Sodium selenite administered to Wistar rats 20 minu X-irradiation at 490 rad had little protective effec6, the survival rate and average life-span being insignificantly higher than in the controls .(50% survival rate by day 30). However, the same dose of the compound ad ministered 30 minutes prior to irradiation (intraperlioneally, subcutaneous- ly, or perorally) had a markedly protective effect; the survival rate was 90% and the average life-span 28+3.6 dayB. , When sodijim s(!Ienite was combined with vitamins E (as an antioxida7nt) and A (to promote'the retention of Vitamin E in the body), the protective effect was even more pronounced, the survival rate and average life-span being signifillantly higher than in the controls (given selenium but not the'vitamins)41 1/1 USSR UDC 591.18.591.51 GASANOV G.-G., and KHANUKAYEV, E. M. "Characteristics of Motivational-Emotional Behavior, EEG and Consumption of Water by Rabbits on Conditions of Water Deprivation"' Baku, Izvestiya Akademiya Nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR, Scriya Biologicheskikh Nauk, Vol 3, 1973, pp 91-96 Abstract: This study presents the results of experiments describing the changes in electrical activity of the brain of rabbits~under conditions of water deprivation. The experiments were conducted on rabbits of 2.8 - 3 kilo- grams in weight under conditions of free behavior fed on dry rations. The amount of water drunk by the rabbits was measured. The study considered the reaction to searching for water, singleness of approaching the drinking bowl, and the quality of the emotional composition of the animal in overcoming the obstacles. The experiments were conducted under conditions of free access to water and food, in periods,of water depFivation; and under conditions of saturation after water deprivation. Behavior associated with searching for and drinItIng water is noted after 4 hours of water deprivation. Under artificially created obstacles to attain water, the rabbits did not show sitgns of "anxiety." Ilowever, USSR GASANOV, G. and KHANUKAYEV, E. M., Izvestiya Akadorziya 'Nauk Azerbavdz- hanskoy SSR, Seriya Biologicheskikit Nauk, Vol 3, 197.3i pp 91-!-96 after deprivation of water for 24 hours, the anxi ety is sharply increased. After deprivation, the frequency and amPunt.of water C:cnsumed Is increased. In conditions of water deprivation there are three types of changes in the electrical activity of the brain: neocorticaL:in the sensory motor cortex, hippocampal in the hippocampus and.amygdaloidal in the amygdala, and in the anterior hypothalamus. These'changes disappear after water deprivation. 2/2 Oncology USSR UDC 577.391~.616.0064.577.15/17 Ar-DULLAYEV, G. B., GASANOV.-G. G., RAGVMOV R. N. ,TEPLYAKOVA, G. V., MEKHTIYEV, M. A., and DZILAFAROV, A..I., Institute of Physiology, Institute of Physics, and Institute of Roentgenology and Oncology: "Selenium and Tumor Grmith Under Experimental Conditions" Baku, Doklady Akademii Nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR, No 3* 1973, pp 18-24 Abstract: In mice and rats with transplanted tumors (NLf-l sarcoma, Ehrlich's ascitic tumor, and Ceren s carcinoma), a~single injection of sodium selenite significantly retarded the growth of the tumor, especitilly if the injection. was given when the tumor could barely be felt. The inhibition of tumor growth was even more pronounced when sodium selenite was combined with X-irradiation. In addition, the compound increased the animals' toler4nce for radiation. When the animals received the tumor suspension after it had!been treated with sodium se-lenite and heated to 40* for 2 hours, tumors did not'~begin to appear until .12 to,21 days after inoculation compared to 9 days in the control (given the tumor,suspension treated with sodium selenite at room temperature). The in- hibitory' effect of the selenium compound is attributed to its-ability to stimulate the production of endogenous antioxidants and lower the oxygen concentration of the tissues,