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Uc 612-275.1 V A., A. I., anj GT-'-'OV' lriztL-Jzuz_,~ of ?at'.-,o]o,;JLcaI of Z;clenca5ltSSR~- '.Ir6l I I u I L - I 1,. 11 .,,cuicai jxictitL-o, ai5try cif Hcaith, "ir:,iz SSR ar;_' 7,c-tonticr, of Co.,~:U-I'Aoncd 2:3flox.~L; Durinc, "oncentra4-cd arA Proracted of 01:' Two Difforont Geaotic Linos in -tlha Cour5o of Adaptation to .:4-h 'Iti, LIUCAO Hypoxia ,,r"zo, Sovetsj"oya Zdravoo7_~hranoniyo o 4, JUI/Au~; 70, PP 33-46 bstra ct: of (-Lo shoc s) i ~_n a '-ij"Intain oca ity 0 n a'D3VO SCA level). 10, 20, and 40 CA-, Dy CO 6 1 - 11 1~ 'koliort of tLro botwoon o' ard pro-rac-Gi l._-,airUx7 'lor,- i,icervah; i-."wcun stimula- On) . T.'10 C5? TO' mlc~~ aru own to adapt to -.~-joxia i3-,ucc'~ bottr_,r Li:an tHe BALS/C t;ho adarjt,~d C5'/j,'11,6 rdcr-. ,Ivoidanco ara Lilian ex-no_-UZO to altitude, Of th Protracted trainf-r,.7, tho C573-106 rd-co doveloped- tho reflvxa~~ just ao quic,tly as or even more quick-ly th,an bal'ora oxposuro to ti-lo hij-h alt4t-L:ao. Tho 5ituation 1/2 USS-11 Z. et al, Sovctskoye Zd-ravookhrane-niye KjLr,'-.4zii, Ile Lr, Jul/Aug 70, pp was the op-po a ~oo` ~;;o ~o throo as -'Lon,.,- to 4' rn the 6 Zo Zoflexes in tho rL-ca as Ln the C573LS aice. The dt)uzr~'e of retention of the -e'le. :L~ic.:oas 6 , L cas inc::eascd irz adaptation to hypoda in bot~i genoLic lines and with both nothods of training. 2/2 1/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 LE-OXICATION OF A NICKEL ELECTRODE IN CONTACT WITH A SOLID OXIDE 1 %LECTRGLYTE DURING ANODIC POLARIZATION -U- AUTHOR-(04)-GLUMOVi M.V., CHEBOTINt V.N.t PALGUYEVt S.F., NEUIMINt A.D. CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-ELEKTRCKNIMIYA 1970c 6(3)9 391-4 DATE PUBLISHED- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-NICKEL, ELECTROLYTIC OXIDATION, METAL ELECTRODEs ELECTROLYTE, ZIRCONIUM OXIDE, ANODE POLARIZATION CGNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DGCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED [PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/Oa56 STEP NO--UR/0364/701006/003/0391/0394 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0124519 UNCLASSIFIED 212 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0124519 A13STRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A DETAILED ANAL. LS GIVEN OF PHENOMENA OCCURRING AT THE INTERFACE NI ELECTRODE SOLID ELECTROLYTE 0.9 ZRO SUB2 PLUS 0.1 Y SUB2 0 SUB3 DURING ELECTROCHEM. OXIDN. OF THE ELECTRODE. THE CHANGES OF THE ANODIC POTENTIAL OF THE ELECTRODE AFTER APPLYING THE POLARILATION CURRENT WERE DETD. INVESTIGATIONS WERE MADE BY THE OSCILLOGRAPHIC METHOD IN A 0.3 CO PLUS 0.7 CO SUB2 ATM. AT 1000DEGREES. TO PROVIDE SATISFACTORY CONTACT BETWEEN THE ELECTRODE AND THE ELECTkOLYTE, THE CONTACTING SURFACES WERE GROUND TO FIT. THE GREAT CHANGE CBSERVED IN THE RELATION BETWEEN OVERVOLTAGE AND THE CURRENT WAS CAUSED BY THE PASSAGE OF IONS THROUGH THE FORMED OXIDE FILM INIO) DURING THEIR DISCHARGE. CONSIDERING THE DIFFICULTLY OF ESTABLISHING A SATISFACTORY CONTACT BETWEEN SOLIDS, GOOD AGREEMENT WAS OBTAINED BETWEEN EXPTL. AND THEORETICAL DATA* FACILITY: INST. ELEKTROKHIM.s SVERDLOVSK9 USSR. UNCLASS IF IED USSR -6--C J S. F.; V "Infl-uence of Particl- Size, -'-'-`~tion of ~-o "-.c- Process of Stabilization of D-ioxid'e Ytt.-;*ium Crx I d e Cr' '2 of Tr. in-ta Elckt-rol-.himii. Ural'.--'My Fil. SSSR (-,? "'- Electrochemistry. Ural Affiliate, 11-a-11-omy of Sciellecs UCSR) I PP 1 -1, 10 9 (from Rcferativn.-.7 Zhurnal--Qii;idyn Ito 2, 191'0, Abstract :;0 Translation: T-ie inflitence ot' narticle Si"C of the initial Z-O", Ie- I - - at.mosphere' tile adcltioll of Fe 0 and t'lle it2thod of a OL 0z"des 2 31 1 ~ - - ;.:- of cubic SOLIA rmilitiono is of th; coi.- os't'on 0") Zro-- + 0-1 '2"0()3 on tile '..,lith mec1ianLc.--l -.-;2ans o--,' preparin.- the rdxture a-,-, annealial-, tem-,)erat'dre un to 1500-11600(-', sinterim? and: formtion of' tile ci~C)ic sollu solutiGn is detei-mined to a si;Tnificant e.-..-tent- by the quality of the initial Z1.0, lliith low Zr activity, introduction to the Bdy-ture Of 0.9 Z1.1, - 0 . 1 Y, 0- e additive 02 ~J2 10~ 2 in a quanti'-~y of 2-5 mo-1-51 in an oxidizi-nC; or wealj~ly reduc1a~.- at;,osphcre it no3sible to accelerate the 7,rccess of sinterirC and --for.,.,,ation Of the Gol".1tion. Tile sinterin.- te=arature and tempe.rature of for-mati-on. of tile ci-foic solid solution is es-nentia-D-Y decreased when the oxide mixture is prepared by precipitation of -'Idroxides and subsequent decormosittion. in the temm'erature razi-e studied U S SR GM3.1311 V V f: In-ta Elcktrokhimill - Ura'-, s'!'iy Fil. AN SSS- Of I - " '.. " 'ER), , Insuitul-e of 7~,'lectrochczus'ry. Ural Affiliate, 'eau '.r'y o- Sciences U~- ne t u u e t ~%O 1-2, pp 19069 (If-om Refe-rativnyy Tnurnal--K-himiya, No 2, 1970, Q)~uract No 2 a stron~'-Iy reducin:- CO or ~ at-osn"-ere *-as a ne.-ati-..,e infl-Lience on. siiterfi' 4~.~lares of oxides p-roduced mzeclmnically. However, sintering; of rnixtules pr_oallcea by coprecipitlation of hydroxides is practically insensiti've to the -as ritp_ddum, -Which the sinzerinS is perfomed. Eleven b.'Lolio. refs. 2/2 VSSR UDO 616.1,~1,1-091/-092-O2t6l5.832.9 GLUMOVA V, A., and DOLGOVA, Z. YA., Department of Histology and Department eoqii~oc teary, Semipalatinsk Eedical Institute "Thyroid Function During Hypothermy and ThereafteV' Moscow, Aekhiv Patologii, No 5, 1971, PP 20-25 Abstracta Thyroid function was studied in white rats during and after hypothermy and against a background of hypo- and hyperthyroldism, Thyroid function was assessed from morphological and radiometric chanc-est enzymic activity, and ascorbic acid level. Chilling the animals to a rectal tem- perature of 18 to 193 (deep hypothermy) markedly inhibited throid activity. The morphological (e.g., hyperemia of the blood vessels, dilatation of the lumens of the capillaries, and focal hemorrhages) and other changes chaxacter- istic of thyroid hypofunction uere accompanied by a drop in ascorbic acid level and depression of enzyme (dehydrogenase, ph, phosphatase, cytochrome oxidase) activity. Thyroid function did not return to normal until about one month after chilling. Hypothyrodis= (induced with 6-methylthuou:racil) after chill- ing inhibited thyroid function more deeply than did hyperthyroidism (induced with thyroidin). The results of the study show that th~rrxoid hormones are involved in the alteration of thyroid ticsue after deep hypother7q. 72 - USSR UDC 612.441.014.43 DOILOVA, Z. Ya., and. WKA., palatinsk Medical Institute Chair of Biochemistry and Histology, Semi- "Characteristics of the Functional State of the Thyroid Gland Upon Lowering the Temperature of the Internal Environment of the Organism" Moscow, By-ulleten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol 70, No 8, Aug 70, pp 39-43 Abstract: Artificial hypothermia was produced in rats by cooling the animals to a rectal temperature of 18-190C. The activity of dehydrogenases, phosphatases, and cytochrome oxidase, as well as the level of ascorbic acid in the thyroid gland tissue decreased. In addition, the capacity of the thyroid gland to accumulate Ii3l was reduced. When hypothyrosis was produced in animals by ad- ministration of 6-methyluracil, changes in the thyroid gland due to hypothermia were more pronounced. These changes were less pronounced when hyperthyrosis was produced by the administration of thyreiodin. 1/1 a ~iAi ssvi)Nn 090'70IOdV--UN NOISS3)3V DbID OLCO/?900/100/110/OL/Z6io/~in--ON d9lS L',',0/LPOl--3WVEJ/1;3)J AXOUd 091JlSSVl)Nn--ssvio lN3Wn)00 SN'OllOlbiSgd ON--9,NlNeVl~ 10-d.L.N03 'd3l3WVlJVd iAonis Avb x 'QNnOdWO3 wnigOIN '3ND14130V 'CNnOdWOO X31dW03 13~inionuis bvinO310W l3bniDnbis ivisAto--sDvi Didoi A'dISIW3HD--SV3bV 133rgns OL ------- 03HSliend 31VG OL-29 '(T)TI '0L61 *WIH)l *l)lrldlS *HZ--33bnOS 'dSSn--DgNl AD A'dlNlflo:) '-L'n.k gAONH:)n*d.LS '*I-N 'VAO'11'dl'A "I'V , A3snif)-(Eo)-bOHjnv Id IANOGbV31 SIG *AI *SONVOll 3N;lA133V HlIM SIV13W NOIllSt4Vtl - A dnodg. AO S3X3ldWD:) Id Ae 3?nnn~jis ~Vlf)391OW ONV IVISM--~llll OLd3SYl--3lVO ONIMDOU 031JISSVIONP Zzo Z/1 2/2 022 UNCL ASS I FIE D PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104060 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. COMPLETE X RAY ANAL. OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE TITLE BI NUCLEAR COMPLEX 15 CONDUCTED. THE STRUCTURE IS INTERPRETED BY THE HEAVY ATOM METHOD AND 11ADE MORE PRECISE BY THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES IN ISOTROPIC APPROXN.p R EQUALS 11.30ERCENT. THE GEOMETRY OF THE MOL. AND THE CHARACTER OF THE COORDINATION OF THE BRIDGE ACETYLENE LIGANDS IS PRACTICALLY NO DIFFERENT FROM THAT FOUND EARLIER IN THE COMPLEX ((PI C SUB5 H SUB5)NB(CO)(PH SUB2 C SUB2)) SUB2. THE GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS ARE COMPARED OF THE COORDINATED TRIPLE BOND AND ITS FREQUENCIES IN PI ACETYLENE COMPLEXES OF NB. C. J. STEINBERG. UNCLASS, I F IED 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF PI COMPLEXES OF GROUP V TRANSITION METALS WITH ACETYLENE LIGANDS. IV. BIS (CARBONYL P1 AUTHOR-(03)-GLUSEV, A.I., KIRI N.I.t STRUCHKOVt YU.T. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. STRUKT. KHTM. 1970, 11(l), 62-70 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--CRYSTA" STRUCTURE, MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, COMPLEX COMPOUND, ACETYLENE, NIOBIUM COMPOUND, X RAY STUDY, PARAMETER CONTROL MARKING--NO PESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/0447 STEP NO--UR/0192/70/0111001/0062/0070 CIRC ACCESSION Nn--AP0104060 UNCLASStFIED 2/2 022 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION Nil--AP0104060 ~ABSTRACWEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. COMPLETE X RAY ANAL. OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE TITLE BI NUCLEAR COMPLEX IS CONDUCTED. THE STRUCTURE 15 INTERPRETED BY THE HEAVY ATOM METHOD AND MADE MORE PRECISE BY THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES IN ISOTROPIC APPROXN., R EQUALS 11.3PERCENT. THE GEOMETRY OF THE MOL. AND THE CHARACTER OF THE COORDINATION OF THE BRIDGE ACETYLENE LIGANOS IS PRACTICALLY NO DIFFERENT FROM THAT FOUND EARLIER IN THE COMPLEX ((PI C SUB5 H SUB5)NB(CO)(PH SUBZ C SUB2)) SUB2. THE GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS ARE COMPARED OF THE COORDINATED TRIPLE BOND AND ITS FREQUENCIES IN PI ACETYLENE COMPLEXES OF NB. C. J. STEINBERG. 1INCLAS'&'FIED 1 /2 072 UNCL ASS IF I E D PRCCESSING jATE--1~1SEP70 TITLE--CRYSTAL ANO MOLECULAR STRUCTURE UF PI CnMPLEXES nF GR)UP V TqANSITILIN Mz-T4LS WITH ACETYLENE LIGANDS. IV. BIS (CARBONYL PI ,JUT.ri,-.'Q-(03)-,3LUSFV,r A.I.t KIRILUVAP STPUCHKOV, YU.T. CgU,',;TKY OF ll%F-3--t)SSR SL )U 'C;:--ZH. STr(UKT . KH11-1. 1970, 11( 1) , 62-70 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT ARFAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--CRYSTAL STRUCTURE, MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, COMPLEX COMPOU;qD, ACFTYLEMEt N1031UM COMPOUND9 X RAY STUDY, PM~AMFTFR CC.%Tf*LI,L MARKING--NO. RESTRICTIONS DOCIJMFNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/Fi~AMF-lqd7/0447 STEP NO--UR/0192/70/011/001/0062/0070 CIPC ACCESSI'lN o,'Q--AP0104060 U %, C 11 A ~ S 1 F- 1 E t) 212 022 UNCLASSIFIED pRorESSING DATE-18SEP70 CIpC ArCESSICN Nf)--AP0104060 ABSTRACT/EXTR,ACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. COMPLETE X RAY ANAL. OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE TITLE HI NUCLEAR COMPLEX IS CONDUCTED. THE STRUCTURE 15 INTERPRETED BY THE HEAVY ATOM METHOD AND MADE MORE PRECISE BY THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES IN ISOTROPIC APPROXN., R EQUALS 11.3PERCENT. THE GEOMETRY OF THE MOL. AND THE CHARACTER OF THE COORDINATION OF THE BRIDGE ACETYLENE LIGANDS IS PRACTICALLY NO DIFFERENT FROM THAT FOUND EACMER IN THE COMPLEX ((Pr C SUB5 H SU65JNB(CO)(Pfi SUB2 C SU321) SUB2. THE GFOMETRIC PARAMETERS ARE COMPARED OF THE COORDINATED TRIPLE BOND AND ITS FREQUENCIES IN PI ACETYLENE COMPLEXES OF NB. C. J.-STEINBERG. USSR GLUSHALCH-Eli"r., 1,~ UDC: 618.3 "Organization of Interrzchinc Connect4ons io a Dece-LtralIzEd Conputer System Constrveted on the Easis of "he '14insk-2/22' Com-mater" V sb. Kibernetit-a. Donetsk. obl. IL~ (Cybernetics--collection of works. Donetsk Oblast. T,.Io 2), hiev, 1970, pp 33-43 (from RSh-Kibernetika, Ho 12, Dee 71, Abstract No 12V883) Translation: The author considers an algoritl= of intermachine coupiin,~: constructed on the main-line principle between "Minsk-2/22" comiDuters in a decentralized cor uter systern. --he T)rinciral -s ac -~'cllows: by rueans of hardware and software, logical communication is establi5hed between the ccmmuters, this communication being a reversible transmission channel for a complete machine word of the coupled =-_ruters; ~.he channel provides for bilateral exchange of information relat-ing to address indi- cation for the com-outer -which has beep selected and the one being selected, codes of state, and tags of the controlling and linformaticr, 1~rc=ds; z-he process of establishing coi=.unication and the servicing of the cormurdca- 1/2 GLAUSHACHEMKM, A. D., Kibernetika. Donetsk. obl._V-f-P. 2, pp 33-43 tion is accomplished by means of systems automata assigned to each com- puter and identical in electrical, structural and functional respects; coupling of the systems automata to their central processing devices with respect to input and output variables is represented by an aggregate of standard states of the central processing devices, and is realized either by simple connection, or by action on the appropriate condition- -signaling device; the systems autorata have seven facilities for data transmission control and do not block the activity of the computer to which reference is made, while the computer which initiates the conirmnication is synchronized with the coupling operation only during reception or transmission of one word. V. Mikheyev. USSR 1JDC: 681.3 GLUSF.ACMT.KO, A. D. "A Multi-Die-Machine Decentralized Computer System Based on Computers of the 'Minsk-2/221 Type" V sb. Kibernetika. Donetsk. otd. Vyp. 2 (Cybernetics--collection of works. Donetsk Oblast. No 2), Kiev, 1970, D 22-32 (from Kh-Kiberne"i-kc:, No 12, Dee 71, Abstract- '.c 12V882) Translation: The author considers a meth-cd of construct-in.z- a ccinruter system based on the na-in-line principle of coupling where autom-a-,ic Sys- tems are assigned to each computer which are identical in electrical and functional resrects providing logical connection between ccrT)uters throu-c-h main-line coupling as well as servicing of this logical connection. It is noted that the proposed organization ensures total decentralization of the comr-uter sys-Lem and is esrecially convenient "or ccr- puters. 1/1 - 47 - USSR LTDC 536.f,4 DYBAIN, YE. P., and GLUSECIONTA-.0, V. G. Institute of Technical Th,-mmoj1hysic2;, . .. .... . ......... nian SS--, Academy 07 Sci-ences Ukra, "Heat Transfer and the Flow of Ai-7- in the Cascade of Turbine D1,11d.-olf IMOSCO-W. Teploener:-etika, No I., Apl- 73, PP 78-81 U Abstract: Expel-i-mental resu-Its obtained on vWo tyjc~s of Iontry lbll-des, located in a stream of hot and coolii,4,, air are COMIN!-rOd ledlh tile known dat--. T- 4-lie course of the ez.T)~~rjramts 'Ec followin- the M-:Ch n-LU7..Uer, frc,:~ 0.3" to 1.092; -iLe ratio of 11--, -Z.C, air tcmjje--at=--- at, the inlet, from 1.3 to 3-58; mid Rc~~vnolds "1'0!", to 8.69 10~'. Discuss-ic)-.- and co--nari-son. of the exi)er--mental d--,'-. wi-) ~-LOOE! C;L- L tained by other all 11,01%; vere centered 111:L-Ally around thc- f(A.-Loin distribution of th~! loc~-,l heat-tran.,;,(--~r 111d of* Lill. velocitie s o 7' r---,' )- alone-- the pei-J ph -,-- c. V t2-a!lf: -f'(-r .-J hot air and profili--s of' the blade casmade; (c) heat tr~.-n,-Xc~:r --ir and the leading edge. of thhe turbinc-,. blade; (d) licaL Lmujfur in Llh~l tur-bine biade~ (e) `--eat trz,.nsf,~1, bf-it-w-en the air and, ti-3 c)-,;- tlel, C-f th)" uurbine blade; (f) distribution of the local heat-tram;~er the cascade paraamieters. 1/1 7(1- USSR UDC 612.014.43:612.744 m _ -;*I, A., Laboratory of Comparative Cytology, USHAKOV, B. P. , an~L~_54XNWJY&. Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad "The Thermostability of Muscle Tissue and Proteins of Bombina bombina During Acclimatization to Cold" Leningrad, Tsitologia, Vol 12, No 4, 1970, pp 510-515 Abstract: The thermostability of muscle tissue and proteins was studi2d in toads from the Kiev region. Experiments were performed on freshly caught specimens, and on toads kept in a cooler at 5-8'C for a few days or a fe,,-r weeks. The thermostability of proteins was tested in muscle-tissue preparations of homo- genized specimens and in extracts. Results of tests with intact muscle show a marked decrease of thermo!5tabiiity in the gastrocnemius after cooling (the maximum after cooling at 5-8% for 6-9 day,,). The decrease was less in the rectus abdominis muscle, and least in the myocardium. Tests -writh various protein fractions derived from homogenized specimens showed almost no change in thermostability. No significant changes on enzymatic activ- ity or transphosphorylation were demonstrated. 1/1 ccs UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE-11DEC70 T17TLE--EFFLCl GF GKU'riTH SUBsrAim-Es ON THE MALE kEVk;DDUCTIVE SYSTEM L+ ALThGR--GLLSHGHENKC, G.I. CCL%TRY CF INFC--USSR BIOL. 1970, 5(l), 37-43 DATE PUbLISHED ------ 7C .-S63JECT AREAS--bICLCGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR, CHLORINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND, BENZENE DERIVATIVEt GIBBERRELLIC ACIDi ORGANIC ACIDt PLANT PHYSIOLOGY ,-.CC-%TkCL P-ARKING--NO RESTRICTIGNS _06CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ROXY ~p REEL/FJ!AME--3C07/0299 STEP NO--UR/9062/70/005/001/0037/0043 LIRC ACCESSICN '10--AP0135794 "' N-LASSIFIED U 2/2 OC9 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--11DEC70 ClaC ACCESSICN NO-AP0135794 ABS.TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SOLNSP (O.IPERCENT) OF 2-4D, GIBBERELLINP ANG ALPHArNAPHTHALENEACETIC ACID IN H SUB2 0 SUSPENSION AND 'AS A-POWDER WERE APPLIED TO 5 HYACINTH VARIETIES. GIBBERELLIN AND 2-40 INCREASED THE GROl%TH OF THE POLLEN TUBES AND THEIR BRANCHIING. IN CONTRAST TO GIBBERELLIN, Z-40 CAUSED A PRONOUNCED ELONGATION OF THE VEGETATIVE NUCLEUS ANG THE GENERATIVE CELL. ALPHAjNAPHTHALENEACETIC ACID INHIBITED POLLEN GERMINATION AND CAUSED POLLEN TUBES TO BURST. FACILIlY: INST. HOT., KIEV, USSR. tJ;lFCL-AS-SlfAED USSR GLUSHCHENKO, L. F. ItComparison and Analysis of Transfer Coefficients During UDC 536.24:536.423.1 Formulas for Determination of Heat- Boilina~fl 0 Vestn. Kiyevsk. Politekhn. In-ta. Ser. Teploenerg. (Herald of Kiev Polytechnical Institute, Heat and Power Engineering Series), No 7, 1971, pp 101-107 (from ReEerativnyy Zhurnal-Yadernyye Reaktory, No 3, 1971, Abstract No 3.50.87) Translation: A comparison of the calculated values of heat transfer coefficients during boiling, determined using various known formulas, with experimental data for water, freon-12, and ethyl alcohol is performed. The heat transfer coefficients must be known in order to design apparatus using the process of cooling of the heat exchange surface by the boiling liquid. 14 c' figures, I table, 18 biblio. refs. 1/1 - 57 - USSR GLUSHCHENKO, L.. ~ F. UDC 536.24:536.423.1 "Comparison and Analysis of Formulas for Determination of Heat- Transfer Coefficients During Boiling" C) Vestn. Kiyevsk. Politekhn. In-ta. Ser. Teploenerg. (Herald of Kiev Polytechnical Institute, Heat and Power Engineerin,-, Series), no 7, 1971, pp 101-107 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Yadernyye Reaktory, No 3, 1971, Abstract No 3.50.87) Translation: A comparison of the calculated values of heat transfer coefficients during boiling, determined using various known formulas, with experimental data for water, freon-12, and ethyl alcohol is performed. The heat transfer coefficients nust be known in order to design apparatus using the process of cooling of the heat exchange surface by the boiling liquid. 14 figures, 1 table, 18 biblio. refs. J6 f - -I 112 006 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 TITLE-~)ELENOCYANATE COMPLEXES OF ZINC AND CADIIIIUM -U- AUTHOR-(03)-SKUPEAKO, V.V., ALASANIYA# R.M.v GLUSHCHENKOr L.V* :CCUNTkY OF INFO-USSR _SOURCE--UKR. KHIM. ZH. 1970, 36(2), 129-33 CATE PUbLISFiEC--70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-ZINC CCMPL[Xt CADMIUM COMPLEX, CYANATE, SELENIUM COMPOUND, CHEMICAL STABILtTY, ALETCNITRILE, SOLVENT ACTION .CONTRGL AAkKING--NC RESTRICTICNS ..DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/17RAME-2C00/2123 SrEP NG--UR/0073/70/0j(.)/002/0129/0133 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0125707 u "..' C 1, A rjs f F I c- 0 212 ocs UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--ZONOV7C CIRC ACCESSICN i'40--AP0125707 ABSTRACT/EXTR"'CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ZN SELENOCYANATES DECOMP. IN EXIST4INCE OF ZN (Sb~N)SUBN PKINE2 PRIME NEGATIVE N, IN EQUALS 1-32 CAN BE UEMCNSTRATEC. THE FOLLOWING POTENT I CMETRICALL Y DETD. STABILITY CONSTS. REPCRTEE ISCLVENT ANC CONSTS. FOR N EQUALS 1-4t RE5P.9 GIVEN): AS SH06N ON I-ILROFICHE. THE INCREASED STABILITY OF THESE COMPLEXES IN MECN CVER TI-AT IN HCCNIAE SU62 IS ATTRIBUTED TO THE STRONGER ASSOCN. OF THE METAL CATIONS WITH THE LATTER SOLVENT. FACILITY: KIEV. GOS. UNIV. IM. Si-.EVCFENKO, KIEV, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED =11 BROOM 112 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--THE PACIFIC FLEET ON "OKEAN" WAR GAMES -U- AUTHOR-(02)-t,LUSHCHENKO, N., RYBAKOV, M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--SOVETSKAYA MOLDAVIYA, APRIL 19, 1970, P 5, COLS 5-8 DATE PUBLISHED--19APR70 SUBJECT AREAS--MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGRI MILITARY SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-WAR GAMES, FLEET OPERATION, NAVAL FORCE ORGANIZATION CC14TROL -4ARKING--NO RESTRICTION5 DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1986/0181 STEP NO--UR/9021/70/000/DOO/0005/0005 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AN0102252 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AN0102252 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SUBMARINES, SURFACE SHIPS, THE AIR FO'RCE, AND MARINES OF THE RED BANNER PACIFIC FLEET PARTICIPATE IN OOOKEAN". THIS FLEET IS EQUIPPED WITH FIRST CLASS SHIPS INCLUDING ATOMIC SUBMARINES, MISSILE SHIPS, AND IS ABLE TO SOLVE COMPLEX OPERATIONALW TACTICAL PROBLEMS. TEST ROCKETS WERE FIRED. THE SIX MONTHS CRUISE WAS UNDER THE COMMAND OF CONTR ADMIRAL No I* KHOURIN9 VICE ADMIRAL No 1. SMIRNOV9 COMMANDER OF THE RED BANNER PACIFIC FLEET SMCLN AND ADMIRh:L M. No ZAKHAROV, MEMBER OF THE MILITARY COUNCIL AND COMMANDER OF THE KTOF POLIT-AOMINISTRATION. UNCLASSIFIED UfL 4013 AW0040360- AUTHORS-- ELUSHCHENIKO N AND RYBAKOV, m., CORRESPONDENTS NEWSPAPER- PRAVDA UKRAINY, APRIL i9, 1970, P 3, COLS s-e- ABSTRACT- THE FOLLOWING SHIPS ARE NAMED AS PARTICIPANTS IN THE "OKEANO EXERCISE-- THE ~M-ff~-I-Y POUARMY-- A CRUISER, AND THE NSTEREGUSHCHIYR, THE l~YMKjiQAQVJEMYYu, ND TAE !KRQ2UYY--, WHICH . A ARE REFERRED TO SIMPLY AS "SHIPS", 197417.95 USSR GUJSHCHEIIK'O., N. P.,. Bioloaical Institute., Academy of Sciences USSR, Siberian Biai2ch "Blood-Sucking Yddges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) Along the Northeastern Shores of Lake Baykal!' Novosibirsk., Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya, Biologicheskj_kh Nauk, No 10, 1972, pp, 108-LU Abstract: Field studies along the northeaste:rm shores of lake Baykal and adja- cent areas (particularly the Bagruzinskiy Preserve) from June to September 1969 resulted in the discovery of 24 species of blood-sucking midges from the genus Culicoides, 23 found for the first time in Transbaykalia. Some 18 species attack human beings. The abuaidance increases from early July to middle August. C. okumemsis and C. pulicaris are the two commonest and most vicious species; t the forz,-,er reaches a peak at the end of July and the latter in rdd-Pugust. Te=-eratu--e and light are major factors in the circadian rhytizis of the insects. They are most aggresseve at 7 to 201C and light of 500 to 5000 lux. The maln shelters of the midges when conditions become unfavorable are the grass and shrubs growing in swamps and along the banks of small streams. 73 - 1-/2 051 UNCLASSIFIED TtrLE--EFFECT OF NUCLEAR RADIATI0,N ON' THE PAINT ENAMEL COATINGS -U- PRnCESSING DATE--11SEP7 0 PHYSICOMECHANI~AL PRI F T -s o 3i, R. I F-F AUTHOR--KNYAZ EV, V. K. , 140V I KOV, V. S. , I ZO TOV, G. T. , V.m. , SEREGfNA, G.P. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCF--LAKOKRASOCH. MATER. [KH PRIMEN. 19701 (1) DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT ARFAS-MATERIALS 42-4 TOPIC TAGS--PfZfl3TECTIVE COATING, PLAST[C COATING, RAD14TION FF-P~CT, IRRADIrATION, HARDNESS, PnLYVINYL CHLORIDE, EPOXY R~-SINI, FNA'-,.--:L, 2~-IINC.: DERIVATIVE, RADIATION PFSISTANT PLASTIC/(U)GF020 UAl0EP:04TfNr,, UNDEPCOATIMS, (IJ)PP220 F'%lA'-lr-Lp (U)NK06 NITRATED GLYRTAL EPr-,XY MPLAMINE: RESIN CONTROL '4ARKING-Nn !ESTPICTIO-15 F CLASS--UNCLASSIrIED DOCUMENT PROXY PEEL/FRPAME--19.9q/0549 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO.-Ar'0107154 U "ASS I PIED 2/2 051 UNCLASSIFIED P~ROCES S I N'-~ ')AT =---I IS Z-D7.0 CTI~C ACCESSION Nrl--AP0107154 A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(-U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE STABILITY WAS STLVDIED OF MULTILAYERED C04~[NGS AGAINST GAMMA IRPADN. AT DOSES QF S-4LLE-l- THAN 3,~ EOUAL TO 100 VEGARADS APPLIED AT 10 PRIME5 R-HR. rHE C-71ATINGS .4ERE COMPOSED OF GF-020, r-L-C-13K, OR AG-10S UNDERCOATINGS V49 1-2 C~ATS CF TAE FOLLOWING ENAMELS: PF-220 (POLYPHTHALATES) WITH mL-25 (MELAIIINF ALKY0 RESIN), 2062F GLYPTAL RFSI.N, NKO-6 (NITRATED GLYPTAL RESIN), EP-74T (EPOXY-MELAMfNE RESIN), OR KHSE-231CHLORINATED POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) RESIN), NONE OF THESE COATINGS WITHSTr)OD 100 MEGARAD DOSES. THE MOST RE~USTANT,*AS DETD. BY MEASURING HARDNESS, ELASTICITY, AND -it-11PACT - STRENGTH BEFORE AND AFTER THE IRRADN., WERE GCYPTAL-RESINS AND PF 220. 4C LArC ll~ I F: USSR UDC 669.295-145.2 SORDKIN, I. P., BABICH, D. D., KUDRICHENKO, S. A., GLUSHCHEINKO, Z111. IN. , and KOYGUSHSKIY, N. N. "On the Nature of Chlorine Contained in Electrolytic Titanium" Moscow, Metallurgiva i Khimiya Titana (Institut Titana) , Metallurgiya Publishing House, Vol 6, 19110, pp 72-77 Translation: Data are given on the effect of hydroprocessing conditions and nature of the solvent on the content of deposited chlorine in electrolytic titanium. A description is given of the results of roscarch on the influence of gorups of tetravalent titanium, contained in working solutions, on the content of surface and overall chlorine in metal. Statistical. data on the content of chlorine in electrolytic titanium are considered. it is demon- strated that deposited chlorine in electrolytic titanium after hydropro- cessing of cathode deposits in 17. 11C1 is not a product of hydrolysis of titanium chlorides. Five tables and two bibliographical entries. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.295/145.2 BABICH, D. D., SOROKIN, I. P., SHAPOVALOVA, 0. ill., and GLusilcnao, Zh. "Effect of the Medium on the Degree of Pulverization and the Quality of Electrolytic Titanium Powders" lviosca-i, Metallurgiya i Khimiya Titana. (Institut Titana), Metallur.giva. Publishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 62-71 Translation: Results of research to studv the effect of conditions for pulverizing the cathode deposit in a ball mill in different media on the fractional composition and quality of electrolytic titanium are described. Pulverizing the cathode deposit was done under the follm-iing conditions: in a Liedium of electrolyte under argon; in water after leaching in 2% 14-Cl; in the process of leaching in 2% hydrochloric acid; and in a Medium of potassium chloride and sodium. Its a result of the research, it is estab- Ushed that the most effective pulverization is observed where [he cathode deposit is leached directly in a ball mill in 2% HC1. However, with this method the compactability of the powder is somewhat worsened. !-kith pulveri- zation in the other media, compactability does not change. The po,.-ider subjected to X-ray and microscopic study. Four illustrations, three tables, and one bibliographic entn,. ill - 60 - USSR UDC 539.67 VILLENEY Kh. B., GLUSHCHETS, A. 14.1 FSKALO) I. B.,, and LIVSHIMS. B. G. "Certain Magnetic and Magnetoelastic Relaxation Effects in Invar, Governed by Carbon Atom Diffusion" Sb- "vnutrenneye treniye v netallicheskikh nzterialakh" (internal Friction in Metallic Materials), Moscov, Izd-vo "Nauka", 1970, pp 182-187 Abstract: The temperature dependence of relaxed and nonrelaxed initial permeability is studied. It is shown that Drocesses inducing a temncrary drop in permeability take place in the 20--_001C -temperature range. It is concluded from an analysis of data on the effect of elastic vibration amplitude on Q-1 in the carbon peak region (2000C) that two relaxation processes take place in invar. A mechanism on the onset of the relaxation process is presented. 4 figures, 14 references. 1/1 - 86 - 1/2 023 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--INCREASING GYROTRON EFFICIENICY AT THE FUNDAMENTAL GYRORESONANCE BY WAY OF CORRECTING THE MAGNETOSTATIC FIELD DISTRIBUTION -U- AUTHOR-(03)-GLUSHENKOt V.N.t KOSHEVAYA, S.V., PAUSt V.A* WN COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV VUZ. RADIGELEKTRONIKAt VOL. 13t JAN. 1970, P. 12-17 DATE PUBLISHED---JAN70 SUBJECT AREAS--NAVIGATION TOPIC TAGS--MAGNETIC RESONANCE, GYRO, MAGNETORESISTANCLE, TRlr',".SVERSE MAGNETIC FIELD CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT GLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1991/0142 STEP t4O--UR/0452/70/013/000/0012/0017 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110108 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110108 ABSTRACT'/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT* THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF A PHASE METHOD OF [INCREASING GYROTRON EFFICIENCY AT FU[419AMENTAL GYRORESONANCE, BASED ON THE USE OF AN MAGiNETOSTATIC DIRECTIVE FIELD WHICH VARIES ALONG THE LENGTH OF THE INTERACTION SPACE. IT 15 SHOWN THAT THE MAXIMUM TRANSVERSE ELECTRONIC EFFICIENCY OF A GYk'OTRO,'4 WITH CORRECTED MAGNETOSTATIC FIELD DISTKISUTION IS ABOUT 70PERCENI. THE MAXIMUM ELECTRONIC EFFICIENCY OF AN EXPERIMENTAL GYROTRON REACHED 40PERCENT, DEMONSTRATING THAT THE DEVICE OPERATED IN A NONOPTIMAL REGIME. THE OPT1144L kEGIME COULD BE ACHIEVED BY INCREASING THE VOLTAGE 0iHICH WAS NOT FEASIBLE DUE TO TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS) OR BY USING LONGER RESONATORS. THE BEST IMPROVEMENTS IN EFFICIENCY WERE 03TAINED WHEN THE MAXIMUM OF THE SUPPLEMENTARY MAGNETOSTATIC FIELD wAS 0.71- FROM THE FRONT OF THE RESONATOR, WHERE L IS THE RESONATOR LENGTH. UNCLASSIFIED Z 0.' ':i`E ~AASK Poli Z;,rtirlo 1~y ;'. :i. ~;nvol'yQv, A. :1. llulygini~, and G. F. ~ov yi;,,in;, %nacow , _11; ttm L I nz Bioloi;U I :Ioditalny (CurrnFJV._~~,6b'lcmr, In Lp:,c~ LI~Aog~. mid pp 333-3JL~/ 'lh,j "Lopestak" mnsk Is now tt4e most, widel,* us,,O :;vmv fez, individual protection of the or;-,cm of Tho thooretical. protective csrrbillty of the vc7.-rivatov, a,:cord- in;7. to the. Instrvetionu oin uve c~ the vunplvntu:~, is' nbout 9~,,,, th!it is, I' alnoot dn~,s not'dlffor from ~he III- tercepting, properties of fil-~erv mcue of' FF~ inbrIv. liowever, inrormation on the actual effectiveness or reopiratov& u.-Iod under working conditionq cotild not bn fuund tri tho tmillablo liternt%iro. Our invDacirstiolin Wave 1"ado undor (.,Cr..d1_,on.,1 (~hnvaczor_ i-ed by atmosphoric ccnIamimition by :finely dt."P,!rnod no~vonols hx3e (cimeatrat Ion In 1xi-livi'Itin'. crz-:~g th.) "I L, invo*tlgatllono %4t;-C,. nude ndriiaiiblo concontration (NAC). Th at sevorn! working places In ncccr0s%ei v~11~11 t~,) 1VetcdJ_kR ~',Ttrvdvleniya DQ~O=mln a~, the PvotFc7tiVZ- Extricr, c" tt-157 01NOratiw, cvnditionnT), Tht-.- ti%t~ foi- n -\sAr'Plo 'Wflp 3D-60 mijiliten. I'he duration. of pro~enco of thv sub- Jects cuntiriuou:31y tit the workinj.-, plr,,-(, varlod 1'rom f%4o to throe houra. Durir4? vest in a clean :-one thu rospli-ittor wa:) d and then used again. re"O"O The results of the Invontigntiorun revealed thnt the offoctivono2s of air purification in r,3"; of tho caso:l exceoded 9U,", an(] In 16'. of the cases attained 100c'. 110140%'Or, In "!QL" of the ca.-joa the Offoctiveno5v did not Oxc ~Od 75L.'. Tho monn weight ad orfe ativ onos3 was 87%. It should be not'e'd thot whon 155 C~ CT L USSR uDc 621-372-5 PEREPELYATNIK, P. A., nDENTOV, P. P., GLUSHKO, K. P. "Cascade Inclusion of Active Quadripoles" Tr. Mosk. in-ta elektron. mashinostr. (Tdorks of Moscow Institute of Electronic 1~hchine Building), 1970, vYP- 13j, PP 88-99 (from PZh-Radiotekhnika,, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4A156) -.Translation: In the case of cascade inclusion of identical active nonnutual quadripoles the input and output impedances of the quandripole turn out to be equal to its iterative resistances. The coefficient K~ claracterizing the ratio of the increment of the input impedance of the quadripole to the incre- ment of the load resistance at the point where the load re.,istance is equal to the iterative resistance is introduced. The coefficient K+ is used to con- struct a unique definition of the input and output iterative resistances and the transmission coefficient of quadripoles when operating on iterative resistances. 1/1 USSR UDC 612.822.08 ABDULADZE, G. V., and GLUSHKOV, N. N., Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Pharmacology of Behavior, Institute of Physiology, Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Novosibirsk "Statistical Treatment by Means of a Dnepr-1 Computer of Induced Brain Potentials in Experiments" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeni I- M. Sechenova, Vol 59, No 6, Jun 73, pp 963-965 Abstract: A system of programming of a Dnepr-l computer for the statistical treatment of induced brain potentials was worked out and tested in connection with experiments on cats. The system can be used for the study of the mech- anisms of induction of potentials in the cortex upon single stimulations of sensory systems and of the hypothalamus. It was applied in the study of the action of pharmacologically active compounds. Statistical analysis with the aid of the system developed showed that the characteristics of the mean response of the somatosensory cortex and of the standard deviation -Function of the induced response changed in a specific manner upon application of cholinergic substances directly to the cortex or by intravenous administra- tion. 66 USSR UDC S 3 3 . 655 26 6 1. GLUSFYGV N KROT KG17, D. P. SHKADOV, L. 1-1. "Variation in the Aero-~,rrwnqic Shape of a Body Leading to a Decrease i-n its Resistance" Uch. zaD. Tsen-,r. aero-glidrod,_*nam. in-ta (Scientific No-,es of the Cc-m~al Aerohydrcd~mamdic 1972, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp 11-20 (-from "ZI, - MekhaniYa, No 8, Aug 72, ~.bstract Ila 8B432) Translat-ion: A dir,,ct gradient method is propo!-.ed far improvin-, Ohe aero- dynamic charac-eri~;tlIcs of an aircraft h%, a small variation in, it:s smyface. An expression is obt~iined for the variation in local an of attacl: 01,*c1h lead L al- L"-"C- a-cr,11'r of 4-11(_~ pre . S,,Ir C _S to a decrease in the resistance conser-.,ing -,.roluT%e~, -,.;4:t, longitudinal moment, etc. An ez:)ressim 3, ob- tained withIn the frameworR of the linear theory using a theorcm, Oil the reversilh3litv of -,'-e flow, i t i_- proposed' that the pres;!Fure di-st-11~11--c-1-071 -eir-cT-ed in a certain ,,,ay, which mu.- hi-I kno~-,,n ror constructing the imrroving variation, be found ex.- , The effect of viscosity forces and of the nonlinea-z dc--I-,C-7do~mnce of Pro.-,~:Ime (m the loral angle of attack is analyzt-d I.TI individual exam~.-,_Ii:r; mf a plane A f low. It is shown t!,,:!t in ail cases cons-idered. the 1/2 USSR GLUSHKOV, 11. N. , et al, Uch. zap. Tsentr. aero-7,i=drc4,i~,w--,. in-ta, 1.972, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp 11-20 within the framework olf~ the linear theory for 'Improving the variation ensures deformation of the sinface in a direction corresponding to a decrease in resistance. Resume. USSR GLUSHKOV, V. M , DERKACH, V. P., MMNROV, G. T., RAKITSKIY, V. R., ZGUROVETS, L. YA., KLIMENTOVICH, V. A., BLASENKO, 11. M. and ZHURIBIDA, V. 1. "Automated System for Control of Technological Processes in the Micro- electronics of the 'Kiev-110"' Metody Minnatyuriz. i Avtomatiz. Proiz-va Komponentov FVM [Methods of HiniaturiZation and Automation of the Production of Computer components -- Collection of WoTks], Kiev, 1972, pp 3-11 (Translated from Refera- tivnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 10, 1973, Abstract No 10V662) Translation: An automated control system for technological proce,4-1,es in microelectronics (Kiev-70) is described on the exampIc. of the hasic application of' automated programmed control of a cathode-ray (ion-ray) installation. A structural plan of the "Kiev-70" system is presented. 62 - M. MathematicaI Cybernetics A. Tliiaory of Controlling Systems USSR GI,U,qJIKOIIY- V. M. and LFTICHEVSKIY, A. A. "Theory of Discrete Converters" lzbr. Vopr. Algebr, i Loviki. [Selected Problems of Algebra and Lot' Y LC C, Collection of Works], Novosibirsk, Nauka Press, 1973, pp S-59 (Trans- lated from Reforativriyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 10, 1973, Abstract I.Jo 1OV365) Translation: A review based on the works of the authors. A definition is given of a discrete information converter, man), examples of discrete converters are presented (Turing machines, normal Markov algorithms, logic systems of algorithms, computers, etc.). A special algebraic ap- paratus is suggested, allowin.a rather deep equivalent transforills Of dis- crete converters. The problem of the equivalence of di-c:crete converters is studied, 1/1 U:;-SR VDC 622.011.43 GLUSI"h,~;W;4 "Exhibition of Rock Pressure in Deep Mines" Proyavieniya gornogo davleniya v glubokikii shakhtakh (cf. English Above), Kiev, Naukova Dumka Press, 1971, 195 pp, ill., 1 r. 35 k. (from Uh-Meklhanika No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No 11V706K) Translation: Chapter 1 contains a brief survey of the published Papers devoted to study of.the stability of nines and analytical methods of calculating rock pressure developed by various researchers. A study was made of the problems of the effect of geological and mining engineering factors on tile stability of mines, and methods are proposed for forecasting Ole stability olL the deep shaft mines of the Donets Basin. In Chapter 2 there is a study of tile stress-strainod state of an isotropic rock mass around an unreinforced mine of circular cross section considering the physical and geometric nonlinearity and also around a reinforced mine considering the time factor. The problem of loads on tile sup- ports is investigated considering the joirring of the rock. In Chapter 3 an analogous study is made for an anisotropic mass weakened by one or two imines of round or elliptic cross sectioii. In Chapter 4 a study is made of the physical, strength, elastic and plastic properties of the Donets Basin rock as applied to forecastin,-, mine stability. Tile next chapter contains tile results 1/2 USSR GLUSHKO, V. T. , Provavleniva -ornogo davleniva ,, zlub-okilcil shaiditakh. Kiev, Nauk-ova Dumka Press, 1971, 195 pp, ill., I r. 35 k, of e3ercriniental studies of the effect of the rock pressure (measurement of the loads on the supports and displacements of the rocks in the mines). Chapter 6 contains a study of the problems of selectin- the optimal location of mines, safety procedures and measures to control heaving. The book generalizes the re- sults of many years of research by the author in a number of coal mines in the Donets Basin. It is designed both for workers at the scientific research orga- nizations in the field of rock mechanics and for teachers and students of tile mining and construction institutions of higher learning. 2/2 USSR UDC 678:539-376 GLUSHKO, V. T., ROZOV3'KYY, m. I., and SHAKALOVA, 0. 1., Insti- _--t-uts--Of-'-G~6~echnical %lechanics, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Dnepropetrovsk IMining Institute "Study of Plasticity Zone Strengthening Around a Hole Under Creep" Kiev, Dopovidi Akademiyi Nauk Ukrayinslkoyi IR3-i, 3eriya A -- Fizyko-Tekhnichni ta !'4atematychni Nauky, No 11, 1.1ov 70, pp !001- 1004 Abstract: The article considers an unbounded plane which exisLs under plane strain, weakened by a round hole, along whose contour a normal force p is applied, and at infinity the stresses Irt) q are given. Under the action of a system of external forces a Dlastic zone arises around the i-.ole, completely encom- passing .:-ie nole, Tl,.~-'.S zone varies with timne as a result of rne rheological properties of the material. The probiern, is Lo find the radius of the plasticity zone. The relationship between 1/2 USSR GLUSHKO, V. T., et al., Dopovidi Akademiyi Nauk Ukrayins1koyi RSR, Seriya A -- Fizyko-Tekhnichni ta Mlatem~tychni Nauky, No 11, Nov 70, PP 1001-1004 stress and strain in the plastic zone is described by integro- operator equations, Lhe corresponding representation of ". YU. ISHLITISKIY and A. k. ILIYUSHIN for plane elasticoplastic strain with linear strengthening. A nonlinear integral equation in operator form is obiz~ained to determine tne law of tne time vari- ation of the radius of the plasticity zone i-:ith strengtnening. The solution of this equation is found by the mietriod of succes- sive approximations. Inequalities limiting, the exact solution are established. 2/2 - 51 - USSR UDC 66.045.5:621.51.001.24 - USRAKOV, V. I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, SOPIN, B. N., Engineer, and _~~LUSHgOV.-_.k._A,_, Engineer "Determination of the Heat-Exchange Surface of Terminal Cooler of Compressor" Moscow, Khimicheskoye i Neftyanoye illasliinostroyeniye, No 10, Oct 72, pp 17-18 Abstract: The article examines the question of air dehumidification, given certain ratios between the compressed-air and cooling-water temperatures and ambient temperature. A formula is given for determining the heat-exchange surface of the terminal cooler. The compressor station at the Kursk Portable Unit Plant is equipped with four VP20/8 reciprocating compressors with KKh-20 terminal coolers, the heat-exchange surface for each of which is 6.3 sq m. The cooling water temperature is no higher than 10' C and the consumption about 16 liters/min. Such a heat-exchange surface, even with maximum water consumption, is insufficient in order for the compressed air temperature at the cooler outlet to become less than the ambient temperature. According to the suggested formula, at an ambient temDerature of 22' C the heat-exchange surface of each cooler must be equal to 9.4 sq m. For design considerations and assembly conditions, the four coolers should be replaced with a single 1/2 USSR USHAKOV, V. 1. , et al., Khimicheskoye i Nef tyanoye i1fashinos troyeniye, No 10, Oct 72, pp 17-18 cooler with the appropriate heat-exchange surface. A four-pass heat ex- changer with a heat-exchange surface of 45 sq m was installed. The water consumption was 65 liters/m. During the year and a half that this cooler has been in operation there has been no condensate at any point of the pneumatic system. The temperature of the air coming into the system has not exceeded 18' C. There has been an economic effect of about 20,000 rubles per year. 2/2 Acc. Nr-. - Abstracting Service: ApOO54190- NUCLEAR SCI. ABST. 5--7C Ref. Code: Of Cof-)~ (-18620 liETEROGENEOUS REACTORS FLATTENING BY FUEL RODS A.RRANGEMENr. Ponomarev--'-tel?noi. N. N.; %usLkovi E S. Nosov V I - Barkov S *N. At. Energ. (USSR); 28: 5ff--W(jan- Tabulated data show variations of fuel element distributions and effective coefficient of breeding during flattening as functions of the nLunber of heat transfer areas along the gradient. (8 refer- ences) (R.V.J.) REEL/FRAME 19831306 USSR UDC 6- GLUSHKOV, N. N., IMTKOV, D. P.11 and SHKADOV, L. M. "Variation of Aerodynamic Shape for Decreased Resistance" Uch. Z---D. Tsentr. Aero-f-idradi-Mn. In-ta (Szientific W_-iti-_.~.s of '-he Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute), Vol 3, Wo 2, 1972, pp 11-20 (from Referativnyy ZhurrAl--R.--',-etost-roy--niye, 110 8, 1972, Abstract No 8.41.80") Abstract: A direct method of improving the aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft by means of a small variation of its surface is proposed. In the limits of linear theory with the use of inverse flow theorems an exmression for variation of local angles of attack, leadinu to decreased resistance of an aircraft while T)reser,.ring size lift longitudinal moment, etc-, ., was examined Pressure distribution on the surface of a specific shape of assembled which is n-ecessarj to know for plotting the improvin,; variation, should be found eynerimentall- . Tne effect of viscosity forces ~-nd the nonlinear re",at`on- ship of pressure to local anl-le of attack can be analyzed on individiial ex,ar,=les of --lane blow. It -.-as shci.~ that in all t'~e e=7ined cases, in the limits of linear theory, the expres3ion for the variation rro- vides deformp-tion of the surface in the direction corrospondjn,~-, to decrea.,~cl J resistance. --few. 2 fignires, 2 biblioc-raap~lical references. 1/1 0 j 1 --4 1 S S. li -I D f ~ f ) bLCOOIOdV--ON N~ASS~:)3V D1813 ~-ZeG/LLeo/,7o/bn--c,li d3lS GOO] /17&6 1--JtiV,aj/1331j AXOdd 03Jjissvi3Nn--ssvio- i.,-awnooo IMUNDO 3AIlVAlt3G 31OGNI 'iqOllVldk)41V 'NOII)V ISAIVIV) '13NDIN-Ml JUDI A~IISIW3H:) 'S31:)N31DS IVD103W ONV IVDJ5Q1D19--SV3bv .1:)3rst)s oL ------- o3Hsilund 31VO, 9-LLZ "(Z) .'OL61 *NI030S 'INIS1010.1.35 *WIHN--:]:)bnOS bssn--O:INI- :10 kdJLNnQ,:). N nA~~ 'b3NNA3HS "d*N 4ONN3HDnAisoN '*V*A 'VAONSIDA '*O*'d 'AGNHWID--bOHIW~. A-9NV~l 90 3DN3Sgbd AHI NJ 10HODIV Ag NDIIVIANIV qNjbnO 310ON119- :41 ONI'd 3Nld37V 3H.L 9NIN3dO--3-11LL 5NISMObd 031:ij ssvioiin S.10 '2/2 0,15 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-11SEP10 C'IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100379 ABSTRACT/EXTR4CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PEDUCTION OF 1,METHOXY,4,5,DIHYDRO,3H,AZFP[ND(3,4,B)INDOLE (1) WITH LIALH SUR4-F-r SU82 0 GA VF 71PERCENT 2,3v4t5tTETRAHYDROtlH,AZEPI~SOv(3,4,B)I*,.11-)!3L;-' (flit M. 182-6DEGqEES; HYDROCHLORIDE M. 280-20EGREES. ATTEMPS TO ALKYLATE 11 WITH MEIi ME SUB2 SO SUB4, OR CH SUB2 0 IN THE PRESENCE OF HCO SUF)2 H TQ OBTAIN THE 20E DERIV. OF 11 WERE UNSUCCESSFUL. THE ALKYLATION OF I WITH ETOH OVER RANEY NI YIELDED 2PMETHYLt3,(3r(DIETHYLAMIND)PROPYL)INDOLEY B'SUB2 165-7DEGREES. INCL' SS IF IED Li 1- IA-1- 112 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 ~TITLE-NON STEROID ANTIPHLOGISTIC DRUGS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-GLUSHKOV, R.G., LIBERMANt S.S.r YAKHONTOVr L.N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. VSES. KHIM* OBSHCI~EST. 1970, 15(2)r 185-92 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUG, INDOLE, DRUG EFFECT CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3009/0121 STEP NO--UR/0063/70/015/002/0165/0192 CIRC. ACCESSION N0--AP0138986 U '- I I-, L "A S S Lff: IIE 0-- 2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0138986 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A REVIEW COVERING AROM. AND IHETEROCYCLIC DERIVS. OF ORG. ACIDS WITH ANTIPHLOGISTIC PROPERTIES, AND INCLUDING DERIVS. OF INDOLE, TRIAZOLE AND RELATED RING SYSTEMS, WITH A BRIEF DISCUSSION OF THE MODE OF ACTION OF THESE DRUGS. '" ' L A c r I cc, - lplf- ASS I 'IED '400053428 NO CHEMCAL AJBST. 111415Y PyrWdinev. vn. syntimis and ztr~e of *me bia(2-chlotoethyl)hydraziziopyrimidines. I B A; GlushkoV-R~--K.; Sochilin, E. F. (I.enigsir lAnSoVeta. Leningrad. USSR A 7k- Ohshrk. Khim. 1970, 40 (1), 2022-9 (Russ). Adding 9.~ g 2,4,6-trichloropyrimidiiie (r) in dioxine to 10M g (CICHICH2~,NNHIXCI and'20.1 g EtsN in dioxane over I hr, followed by addn. of M 1 g Et3N, and 9.2 g 1p and keeping the mixt. 3-4 hr at. 70* gave 5% 2- [bis(2-chloro- ethyl)hydrazino)4,&dichloropyrimidine (11), m. 104% and 73% 4-[bis(2-chloroethyl)hydrazinol-2,6-dichloropyrimidine (M) m. 117% sepd. on A1,03. Adding 19.4 g I and 10.1 g Et,Nr to 12 g (HOCHiCH-ibNNH2 in dioxane and keeping the mixt. 3 hr at 60* gave 5% hygroscopic 2-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)hydrazinol-4,6-di- chloropyrimidine, m. 104', and 72% 4-[bis(2-bydroxyethyl)- hydrazino]-2,6-dichloropyriinidine (IV) m. 1126, sepd. on A1.0i. 11 heated I hr with concd. HCI and adjusted to p11 7.5 gave 2- tbis(2-chloroethyl)hydrazitio]-4-oxo-O-chloro-3,4-dih;~ropyrimi- dine, m. 138'. 111 refluxed 3 hr with HC1 gave 927,0 2-oxo- 4-ibis(2-cliforoethyl)hytlrazitioi4~-clil(-)ro-2,3-diliydropyritiiidine, m. 104'; HCI salt m. 198*. Similarly was prepd. 2-oxo4.jbis- (2 - hydroxycthyl')hydrazitiol -6-chloro -2,3 -dihydropyrimidine, isolated as HCI %It, m. Igo*. Heating IV with NaOll in aq. MeOH 1.5 hr gave 54% 2-chloro-4-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)hydra- zinol-6(5H)Pyrimidinone as Na salt, decompd. 165'; free sub- stance m. 157*. U'v and ir spectra are reported. J_ G: M. Kosolapoff J REEL/FRAIME 19830453 USSR GLUSIIKOV, V. M. IfBasic Principles of Construction of Automatic Control System!;" Kibernet. i Vychisl. Tekhn. Resp. Mczhved. Sb, [Cybernetics and Computer Technology. Republic Interdepartmental Collection], 1971, No 12, I)p 5-19 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V663, by the author). Translation: The basic principles are studied of construction of automated control systems. The significance of electronic coimputers and information collection devices in the system is demonstrated. Problems of' standardi7a- tion of the solution of software development problems are discussed. Par- ticular attention is given to organizational and technical 111C.)SUrCS. Problems to be solved in automated control systems at the prosent time are formulated. 1/1 USSR GLUSHKOV, V. M. "Basic Principles of Construction of Automated Systems for Organizational Control" Upravlyayuslichiye Sistemy i Mashiny [Control Systems and Machines], 1972, No 1, pp 9-18 (Translated from Referatixrnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V673, by the author). Translation: The concepts of the two basic types of ACS, systems for control of technological processes and systems of organizational control, are forIDLI- lated, and the basic principles of construction of organizational control systems are outlined. 1/1 USSR GLUSHKOV, V NI NIKITIN, A. I., RABINOVICH, Z. L. "Some Trends in the Development of Structures and Software of Digital Computers" UpravIyayushchiye Sistemy i Mashiny [Control Systems and Machines], 1972, No 1, pp 79-8S (Translated from Refcrativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V594, by the authors). Translation: Certain trends in the development of the structures and software of digital computers related to the possibility of creation of multiprocessor machines on the basis of new hardware wid also to the necessity of supporting their functioning in the collective use mode for the solution of various types of problems are studied. 1/1 USSR UDC 8.74 GLUSlaoV..-V DOVGYALLO, A. M., PLATONOV, B. A., YUSHCHENKO, YE. L. "Standard Pedagog Dialog Training System with the Avtor Service Mode for Teach- ing Programming Languages. Part 2" V sb. Teoriya yazykov i metody postroyeniya sistem programmir. (Language Theory and Methods of Constructing Programming Systems--collection of works), Kiev- Alushta, 1972, pp 98-110 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V476) Translation: A study was made of the basic characceristics of the Pedagog training system with the Avtor service mode for teaching prograraing languages. All of the software for the training system is divided into two parts: general including the training process control program and the program for interpreting the input operator; a special program including the programs defining the correct response to tile system assignment (reactors) and the service files. Data is stored in the files on tile basis of which the training process is con- trolled and the files also include data relating the control programs to the training material. The system is designed to teach the COBOL language to one student in tile dialog mode (the DD-3 dispatcher of the Dnepr-2 digital computer offers the possibility of paralleling the tralning process for several trainees). 1/3 R 0 USSR GLUSHKOV, V. M., et al., Teoriya yazykov i metody postroyeniya sistem program- mir. Kiev-Alushta, 1972, pp 98-110 The system programs are organized by.the modular principle. The functioning of the module programs does not depend on their allocation in the common memory which permits changes to be introduced into the system. The volume of the system modules is on the average 100-140 instructions, and the information ex- change between the modules is realized via the dynamic memory in the base regi- ster field. The Avtor mode of the training system is designed for correct- ing the service information files. It is noted that the specific nature of organization of the training system in which the general and special sections are clearly separated permits changing the operation of the system by correct- ing only the service information. These changes can, in particular, pertain to the sequence of assignments to the training, and in connection with this, the training algorithm and also the training subject. For tile Avtor mode a special language has been created which permits correction of all the files of the special section of the training system. The presence of such possibilities in the training system permits efficient variation of the training process, dropping of the necessary and incorrect assignments, insertion of new ones, in- troduction of new assignment sequences, provision of new auxiliary material, and so on. It is possible to use the Avtor mode both after accumulating certain statistics on the course of tile training process and directly during the course 2/3 GLUSIMOV, V. M., et al., Teoriya yazykov i metody postroyeniya sistem program- mir., Kiev-Alushta, 1972, pp 98-110 of training. The programs in the Avtor made are designed for operation in the dialog mode. The basic device for the Avtor dialog is teletype. The operators of the Avtor language input from teletype are recognized by the MoniLor program which then transfers control to the corresponding programs -- interpreter -- which performs all the operations given in the operator. After processing, the programs return control to the Monitor program which goes to the state of waiting for the next message from the user. The operators of the Avtor mode are divided with respect to purpose into two groups: the operators for print- ing the file contents, the operators for correcting the files. Illustrative examples are presented for the Dnepr-2 training system. The bibliography has 8 entries. &SSR UDC 8.74 GLUSHIKOV, V. M. "Paths of Development of Computer Engineering and Software Systems" V sb. Avtomatizir. sistemy upr. (Automated Control Systerns--collection of works), Moscow, Ekonomika, 1972, pp 175-180 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Ab- stract No 12V406) Translation: The problems in the Ninth Five Year Plan on the path of develop- ment of computer engineering and software systems are formulated. They include the creation and broad application of automated enterprise control systems, automated control systems for technological processes, the creation of branch automated control systems and a national automated data gathering and process-ing system for accounting, planning and control of the national economy. It is noted that when creating local systems it is expedient to approach the solution of the problems which arise from the point of view of insuring the methodologi- cal, technical, information and program unity of the systems. The primary problem in the field of computer engineering in the next Five-Year Plan con- sists in the development and creation of a scientific and design library for designing fourth-generation computers such that in the nex t Five-Year Plan we can convert to their series production. The next practical problem is the 1/2 ITSSR GLUSHKOV, V. M., Avtomatizir. istemy upr., Moscowj Ekonomika, 1972, pp 175-180 solution of the problems of organizing the industrial output of the technical and mathematical base for the automated control system. There is a detailed discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the Minsk series computers available at the present time and the newly built YeS M and Ryad series com- puters. The possibility and tecessity for insuring compatibility of the Mins'r-I and YeS EWI computers on the level of the data gathering devices is analyzed. Recommendations are made with respect to creating one of the basic components of the automated control system -- the information bank and the programmed ap- paratus for the control of it: reception, storage, dissemination and output of information on demand and also another important component part of the auto- mated control system the program library for processing the data. A state- ment of the basic problems of the operation system of the automated control sys- tem -- the sets of programmed media designed to control the course of the compu- tation process of the automated control system -- is given. The great role of organizational control systems for effective development and creation of auto- mated control systems for technological processes is noted. 2/2 USSR UDC 8.74 GLUSPKOV, V. M., DOVGYALLO, A. If., PLATONOV, B. A., YUSHCHENKO, YE. L. "Standard Dialo- Training System Training System Pedagog with the Avtor Ser- a vice Mode for Teaching Programming Languages. Part I" V sb. Teoriya yazykov i metody postroyeniya sistemi programmir. (Language Theory and Methods of Constructing Programming Systems--collection of works), Kiev- Alushta, 1972, pp 82-97 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12V475) Translation: A standard program training system Pedagog is described. Tile system is designed to teach programming languages in the dialog mode. The Pedagog training system performs the following functions with respect to train- ing control: it makes the assignments to the trainee to which he must respond (which is realized by indicating the assignment coordinates in a special aid with the assignment); it receives and analyzes the trainee answers to the assignment; ft gives the trainee the possibility of correcting the responses input to the computer memory from an individual device (teletype); it gives assistance to the trainee on request, indicating where the materials are lo- cated:for the given assignment in the text; it offers the possibility to the trainee of repeating the assignment; it returns the answers to the assignmcnt 1/2 19 USSR GLUSHKOV, V. M., et al., Teoriya yazykov i metody postroyeniya sistem programmir., Kiev-Alushta, 1972, pp 82-97 from the memory to the trainee on his request or automatically if on completion of the cc~rrection of the answers he halts the operation of the system; it in- sures adaptation to the trainee, giving information on the errors in the answers at different levels of detail, helping him at the same time detect errors and simultaneously adapting to the capabilities of the user; it collects statistics on the course of the training process with respect to each user; it insures mastery by the user of the training material on a guaranteed level without allo".- ing the user to carry out the next assignment to obtaining a direct response to the present one from it. In addition, the system executes the functions con- nected with the specific nature of the training process by applying a digital computer with time sharing operating in the dialog mode as the instructor. These basically are functions aimed at maintaining contact between the trainee and the computer: the information about what external systems devices must be used by the trainee at the defined points in time; the information about-which opera- tions it should perform on the external devices, what operators of the opera- tion training language and in what cases it must be input; holding recording dialog with the trainee in which the system receives certain data from the user for its subsequent identification in the system; the control of Lhe dialog with user in the training process (or in the process of joint solution of the training problem). There is I illustration and a 7-entry b1bliography. 2/2 USSR UDC: 8.74 ILM G "Estimation of tne Effectiveness of Complex Systems and Organization of Computer Processes" Mat. Obespechcniye ETsVM [Digital Computer Software--Collec-cion of h'orks], Kiev, 1972, pp 3-17 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 11, 1972, Abstract No 11VS01, by V. Mikheyev) Translation: Problems of estimating the effectiveness of complex computer systems are discussed. The basic criteria used for estimation include produc- tivity of systems and complexity of computer algorithms. An example of the problem of inversion of a matrix is presented as an illustration, The concent of the switching complexity of a task is introduced with a fixed hypothesis ~f the distribution of the parameters, and a method of its estimation is des- cribed. A method is suggested for selection of systems of instructions for a planned machine, as well as methods of construction of the program realiZation. The necessity is demonstrated of planning an operational system together with the hardware. Two approaches are noted. In the first approach, all processes are standardized but the set of instructions built into the processes is looked 112 USSR GlU5hkov, V. M. , Mat. Obespechchive MVINI, Kiev, 1972, pp 3-17 upon not only on the basis of the type of jobs to be kLin, but also from the point of view of the problems of control of the system. Ilie second approach involves the creation of specialized processors: processors for mathematical analysis and numerical analysis; processors designed for processing of pictures, drawings and graphic information, transformation of formuolas, etc. 2/2 USSR UDC 681.3.01 GLUSIIKOV V. if. "Basic Principles of Constructing Automatic Control Systers" V Kiev, Kibernetika i Xlychislitcl'naya Tekhnika, Organizzatsionnyye Printsipy i Teldinicheskiy Kompleks Avtonatizirovannykh Sistem Uprwrieniya Jlredpriyatiyari, No 12, 1971, pp 5-19 Abstract- A study was made of the hasic principles of constructing automatic control systens. Tvo basic types of automatic control systcins are distinguished: systems for controlling technological processes in the broad sense of the word (controlling an aircraft, a rocket, -- blast furnace proc,~_,ss) and so-called systoms for Organizational or administrative control which dca'L prinarily witil subjects of an economic nature. The role of computers anti data Zathering de- vices in the systerts is derionstrated, and the problems of standardizing the solution of the problems of developing saft-ware are discussed. Spucial aLten- tion is given to technical organizational neasures. Problens subject to 501ti- ticn by autovatic control syste-.Tis at the present tinc nre fonliulaLed. The capability of various elements of the control systei%s, suc]i as the d6ta input and output, punch tape.and other units i5 discucsed. TIM- planning of input and output docurents is discussed, '_EXaIIPJ,r_-S Of aUtOMation Of 60 Veno plant in France nnd 3 large deparuiient stores in Nlmj York, are disclIFsed. USSR GLUSH IV. N1, "Generalized Dynamics Systems and Processional Prediction" Probl. Prikl. mat. i Mekh. [Problems of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics -- Collection of horks], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971, pp 27-29, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 V59S by the author). Translation: A prediction method is studied, based on construction of a generalized dynamic model of the process being predicted- In order to ex- pand the range of phenomena described in the system of indicators charac- terizing the model, so-called qualitative parameters are introduced, quan- tities fixed by finite sets of values. If we know the initial values of the models and are provided with a sufficient number of limitations (depen- dences) applied to the parameters by experts, we can solve the prediction problem, i.e., the problem of construction of trajectories of the system for fixed moments in time, by computer. If the parameters include parameters, the values of v.,hich can change depending on the course of the process, the problem, of prediction becomes a problem of control of the dynamic system in question. 1/1 USSR UDC 681.3.06:51 GLUSHKOV, V. -M.1-6 KOSTYRKO, V. F., LETICHEVSKIY, A. A., ANUFRIYEV, F. V., "EffdffN~,`-itok .` "A Language for Recording Formal Theories" Teor. Kibernetiki. vyp. 3 [Theory of Cybernetics, No 3 -- Collection of h'orks], Kiev, 1970, pp 4-31, (Translated from Referativn)-y Zhurnal, Kibernotika, No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V591 by V. Mikheyev). Translation: A version is suggested of the first portion of a formal lan.gUage, YaP for recording of mathematical theorems and their proofs -- language YaT for recording of formal theories. It is noted that the second portion of the YaP language -- language YaA for recording of algorithms for transformation of numerical and non-numerical information -- will be presented in a later article. YAT includes means taken from the language of narrow predicate calculus with equalities and functional variables, a language of expanded calculus, the language of set theory, as well as certain special devices. The syntax oF the language, structure of the formalized mathematical text, symbols representing subjects, objects and structural functions are described in detail. The rules for usage of language YaT are presented. A/Y0042(;(;5- itt q010 FROM: FBIS Daily Report, Soviet Uaion, 19 Feb 1970, Vol III, Nr 35, USSR pp C 3 - C 7 ASUIS-APPLICATION TO ADMINISTPATION DISCUSSED X*scow NEDELYA No 6 Signed to Press February, 2-8 February 70 p 4 L (Ackdemician V. 01* "MRchines'In the Sphere of Control."] two subjects technology and administration. It In now most iiftportant to apply automated systems in the administratJ direction. This task is dissimilarto the former and requires a new approach t* design from the creators. Matut%lly, it is ideal that 2 control system for technological processes (say a blast furance, a lathe, or an aircraft) be automatic. Ttiis type of control 3yeten exists entirely without &&n and herain lies its-fundare-ntal difference from systems created for admUustrative aontwol which is aimed at orgenlrint tht Work Of people who aro the subject of automation). Therefore. tn this instanct, WO speak of automated and not automatle isystems. 1)(0 19760733 AN0042665 The chief effect of applying automated systems Is improving the quality of control itself. There are in economics the kind of rundamental.ta3ks that simply cannot be resolved today because they are beyond the Capacity of any human activity. Only a computer can deal with them. The second principle holds that the size of the saving made is determined by the size of the system. The relationship here U direct--the larger the system the greater the saving. However, what is the standard herel Which Jz larger, the ministry system or the plant system? To state the question this way Is to oversimplify It and distort its es3ence. 9 The fact is that the mini3try system must be supplied with a large amount of raw data, and only then will it be able with the help of this data to control effectively all the matters subordinate to the ministry apparatus. However, this turns out to be impossible if there is no low-level automation. * The validity of information is very important because it Is impossible to feed in- formation into an automated system that is collected by the traditional manual methods. Errors will undoubtedly occur " they will be Incorporated into the co=puterls metaory. 1;U_ - S':~ 19' -0734 AN0042665- Moreover, as a rule information will be belated because of the difficulties involved in its handling. Therefore. when we speak of a system within a ministry it is already a question of a computer center capable of automatically sharing data with enterprize coMuter centers and with the computer centers of other ministries. .. It is very important that these are not isolated points (information processing centers) but a system of computer centers--2 single, well thought-out complex, organizatiortally and technically. There Is every reason to think that a global system for procesaing Information--a system using computers on the national economic scale--and a control system based on thi3 will produce at least a 100 peroe~t effect. Band this means that our progress A rates will be accelerated twofold-while the same given proportions for the division of national income are maintained. The third (and also the most obligatory) condition for success Is independence of the processes by which data Is gathered aneL decisions taken, Con3equently, the idea Is to gradually accumulate information in the computer so that all data reach the computer's winputo at.the tine they come into *xistence. And they become 'output" daya only when they are needed. in addition, all changes in these data should also be fed constantly into the computer. It is -7/41 1 9,,iGO735 AN0042665 impossible to collect inf ormation- just once and not follow its dynamism. At any moment the computer should Nknows everything. From the very start a definition must be made of the content of the documents that are exchanged both between the control organ and the6ontrolled subject and with .other-subjects. After the list of output documents hkis been analyzed, the-system designer can get; an idea of which data are needed for formulation in the computer. 11he most detailed information is stored in the lowest link of the system at enterpi,ises. At the higher level. in the ministry computer, it Is impossible to store everything that is stored in computers at a lower level. This is irrational. nevertheless, in order to resolve tanks, the computer at the higher link sometimes needs information ~that it does not have In storage. It is then possible to have downward access through the lines of communicaftons--to the plant--and select any kind of detailed information- Ihis means that the higher level computer does not have complete information about the controlled subject, but can always obtain it. This principle might be called the principle of one-time only information gathering. .It is supplemented by ane~-mdre thing--the need to combine the preparatlon of cmztput data with the preparation of the computer's memory. I A few words about automated control system typification. This is also one of the most fundamental principles In the creation of systems. Obviously they should be Introduced only as standard systems. V// -1971 AN0042665 However, this does not mean that Lt is Possible to set up one-Aystem and satisfy the requirements of all organizations and enterprises with it. A senaiblq-aOproach Must. be-Made to these questions end a sense of the extreme excluded. , it 13 essential not only that the system Is adopted to the subject but also that tne subject taken steps to meet the system. The logic of an automated system's work must prompt rational forms for organizing administrative control, and on the other~hahd should exert Influence over the structure, composition. and content of the automated system. It U impossible to set up'a system of state network or computer centers and a r.~stem for the automated control of the economy in isolation from the economic reform--an ~utcmated system provides new possibilities for the development of the economic refom. on the other hand, If we do not Incorporate Into*the Automated *ontrol system-the criteria, Indicators,* and ckher aspects stemming from the economic reform we will wt obtain a complete return. _Nz 197GO737 BL-anch systems for planning control are now being devised in many ministries. A state network of computer centers (OSV75) and an automated system of planning calculations and national economic control will be set up on the basis of these centers. In addition to the multiple-user centers, several dozen large computer centers ?quipp,3d with large capacity computers and interlinked by com'Mullications centers. Included in the network. The Information stored in the computers will Mkke it possible on the dound of government organs to automatically supply needed Information and to prepare economically sound alternative decisions on questions of rational planning and control. FROM: FRIS. ForeiRn Press Dig-esr~--~~-Oernetics in the USSIR, 28 'an -0, F2D Ou-- 6. USSR uDc 62-r,o:65b OLUSMV. V~ Academician, PETPOVSKIY, S. 0., Director of the L Yov 7,111 evis icr, 21 -an i, "Automatic Production Control -- Necessity and Reality" Kiev, Mekhznizat-Ya I -tc=3tiz:;tsLYa No 3 (1+5), Trarillattlon: 7~m nperitl:~,n or an entijr-prLso under modern con(litinns according t,. a htg~hly detal-led plan tied togethor with re3p-tet; t;cj alL;5 '-n and in ti--.e. Only under these conditions- is it possible to achleve h-,Zrl profitability Indexes for the socially required production and hiCh growth mter, the productivity of labor, its opgn-it1oi, of ar. enterp.-Irs.- accordirz to an optimal pl-ar, .,')C! Organization of the admin.'strative activity requirees continuous impmve-..~~nt L~f t",,z-, inforzat, -n aervica. Only In the preaence of timaly, completo, systa::atizzed infoz-mat,lcr. c---a managemer- =.-,ka the most objective and efficient de---'sions, 3r.~Iyze and.pred'Let trends in oroduction development and management act;-1vity. pr%"!.c~: llio""bid 3 0 () r : 4 AP0021945 interr~iptlons in the course oC production in advance, and p:7~!par.3 for thee-ii intemaption3 in a timmely manner or even completely prevent them, Und.~z condit-Ions of' specialized and coop#.!rat!.,;,e prcdu~:-.Lon, VnoNle=~~ play ar, ever-inc-reasing role. Coordination !a an 'Jifonn~i-7%07_1 it.1 --,n what; ~ttenticn in giwn In tl':e but _11,53 to "processIng" and "cont;urptlr~n~t and =.methods :,ztl perr.,,t the Pn_A,_,_,t'rn it ente.-prises and the orsanizzatLo:-. and pr,.-C-IZ~ ~I In ~ 0 11,;n c;.-..4 tha a a r.0 Clea r pn,- a Uc- lCin ;!r~ rw` duct _L~n. cn :;he ba3j., C;,^ MG& xatoln.I~inrl of ',nl'ormatlvn p~N,%;vtisa~~ la frazzawcrk tif ~a unllt-id entorprise contx-J3 nyltitm. -n ti-te. cyt.~rnt-icn jolxlt'ly wit ceeded to tl.q 3-.jtIm;It EC rp conT, tail: Tbe dev.~!Cpraent au~imatlc ~nte-pr,;"~x: ccin.r~_~ tilt, llnt!_~~ tion of ne-Ithods o! aptizo.1, anl 0 &ro' and it5 r~~xterial technical !supply, the cr~-ation of in pnoceszlng L 1-1 t APG021945; the enterprise control system. and also significant increase in the efficle.-'Cj :3f Control and production manag-~;,~ent acti-,rity of the enterprise .3~. :i whrle. The syz'em was introduced in stages at ".,*,a plant, In 1967 the first iin~e of the 3y-item :Irl,.-r- went acceptance testing, atid in the beginning of 1969 the second link wa~, acc~!ptel, In the first link basic attention was concentrated on the developm-2rx duction of the technical corplax o'f the system and its oper-ational programs Officient, -organization of the interconnected solution of problem--; 'In -hi~ 4yi-en, this rich, me aning plan the .1irst link ot' the aystem was mainly nri-aritec. the solution of operative planning and production dispatching problenizi 4~~ t~s tlltn7:al and technical zupply. in the second I-Ink the technical po3slbl- -~I- the 5y.-:-!n were expanded, the nt,,nb~r of p-nablems solved in the nyatem was and basic attpntion was given t-~. aittomation c-' accounting and reportln~~ -T: tle ;)rise, 'the solution of pn~~ble7"a of technical and Peono-mic plar-ning, :-.nd It must be ni~t,!d dering the ftrrt mr;Mha of OP~2r:~tl~~.n of ,ho plant a signi~'i~ant navlng3 was 6btained, the productivity of t?~re catput irv--roased, the o' pmductls,n Pl%id--'ction cyc!'.? Ual'. rerius'edll Ir.'" rhe circulabfill,g C-J-,Ift~-tj Wktl dC,7etlaratad. 211' 156-3,0061 AP0021945 pas it i-, e-esults fror, introduction of the Mystem peTmittLrl the plant to a.~:'Opt I ~~ ~ -. prozram for prz)duc!r8 Izelf--vision setS in 1969 which was pricylou!1Y 1,1-Allned f,-,r Tha ba:ilc mathemitical and technical solutions of the syzt(!.-,i u3id at.' rri'~ present ti= by a numbar a' organization3 and enterprises of the country includln;~. at the Leningrad Combin-, Svettlana, the Nikolayev Computatlon Con.-lar, tha Plar-~t. th~j Dn", rtipetmvi3-( Radi.3 Plant and other enterprises of the caunrz-jr, K;nagemc,rit age:ncle3 have recogniz~,d thd necessity Of introdual-nij t1",- tslys~~-~. the ~5nterprizen of the country with an analoguua natum- of prcluction, of expjerier.--~~ aria zioltati.cns work0d. out in the systen at other eW~erp-"-Iz~ei. prtsen'. tine, an the ba5la of thi3 jiyb'.jm a atandard deisign has been an automatic 5y3tem for irldumtrlal enterprlrez erq3aged I.r, naaz ancl 2cripa djacr-it-i-type productIon. The L-1wov 3yatczi va.-n and created an ar tiyster, ":;:L, procedural, -*cAnica.1 an.-d arganizatlunal pi:--bleazi of prcduct-lan control, Thfy co:~pl,-x of t,-;;,~~ntcal dat-I pmcess-4~g ~'qutpmmnt ali; " center of the enterprise Lri-~uring nolution of UiQ plobla= of central' I-A-Cludea tne R-Intk-22 corputer as the central data dz,.,I~-,~!. Computer has been essentially modiflad and aupplemented by a nur-btr af permitting more erf'Icie'-i- urjari~..-Itlon of' the practlazes or Follit"..-'n of' J, AP0021945 gathering PrL---,r( data, outputting the rv3ullts of solving pz'~:Iblcns .,nl the required isystematize.-4 data for the administration workers of th,! entei-pr-'se. The meanz of depictinG the state of equipment, the recorders an-I F, 11-1 r::, movement of production during the production procesz, the di3patch panels in baaic ishopz of the plarl., and light lndicator6 on which the infoi7.irllon is for vi:sual pz,;)duction mor-Itortng -- all are tied into a united technical Ihe eneatt.:;r. o-7 Th_I;3 interrelated Corplax of tpc~xical 'Ievlc~s' T organization of the eolution of problems of optl-mal Control r~equ_!~-ed !:hat workera n4tsolva coriplex theoretical, dei3ign and toch:nologic;il proc,-ns developing the LIvov syatem, theomtIcal probleans of automat-',c control of engaged in mas3 prc-duction (djz;crbtt type) were ~ioltved, metho(15 of' ma-tic?l p~oblezrzs ol,' scheduling theory were developect, and a s(!t o~- dnl~.i :P:-,c,-~sI.-,' ecraiP=Int wa:i built pe-r-itting the solution of the problem of ente:iriSo 'I real tLrv! and e=-~rjence waF accumulatel In scivin~ econ::ri~ ijo~,n,r Pz-jblen3 in ry:;te.- ~or -,rgpnization of gereral enterprise c.-)ntrol procas-.~., tha condtti:~'-'I aulcr-at.c control 3ystems ar-d in th~ in.] in-for-mation --antrol systects. Lmpor*.-ant resuits ,ae-e obtained d~'-ez-zninf_ng directions of further d't?v*lop-.,.Lnt of general thoor-tical and !:~CIWLn~cal proL- organizat~,,n of automatic contro, of the national oconamy. I A-P a a 2 D 4 At t he In'. t.'12 w i-.n cor-putition c(-nter whIch a.t Sf!:s plarmir;s an :-,a independent subdivinion, ~)t the Syaten, Chec;~~n-; of the algorithms and tnchni,~al equlpment (.Ir tlne. pr,.,:3e- :-ating ae a single comclex Ln -~-o OVC zot-lcaz a lit-l-ion day workers arl ie,tloll sp,endir4 and lf=:~s ~'ime in ..r. =productive !'--,shi~-n and the~y gIve nore attoncl,,~ to. rr--ntl~;C- cr9an!:nt',ort and of 1. 1 - y accomp! In ;Ir,:,-!l "'od. 61t1l A 012009- o 1,:5- AUTHOR-- Cwl.Us4,KR.V V MACADEMICIAN LAUR-,AT-- OF THE LENIN AND STATE I ~j HERO OF THt SOVIiT LABOR TITLE-- A SET OF INNOVATIONS NEWSPAPER- RABOCHAYA GAZETA, JANUARY 11, 1970y P 2j COLS ABSTRACT- ACCORDING TO GLUS11KOV THE INSTITUTE OF CYBER~)-VTTCS OF THE UKRAINIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AAS ACHIEVED SOME SUCCESS JIM DEVELOPING SYSTEMS FOR AUTOMATING ALL STAGES OF THE ELECTRONIC COMPUTER DESIGN AS WELL AS THE PRODUCTION OF COMPUTERS. THE "KIYEV-67d COMP6TER FOR EXAMPLE HAS BEEN DEVELOPED TO AUTOMATE THE ASSEMBLY OF MICRO CIRCUITS FOR ELECTRONIC COMPUTIERS. THE -KIYEV-67" IS CONTROLLED BY AN ION BEAM. OTHER INSTITUTE-DEVELOPED COMPUTERS ARE NPROMIN". "MIR" "VIR-2r' AND "DNEPRO. THE INSTITUTE ALSO COLLABORATED WITH ThE LVOV fELEVISION PLANT TO DEVELOP A COMPUTER- IZED INDUSTRIAL MANAGEtlt.NT SYSTEM 'L.vovo, :19570713 1/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--PROBLEMS ON AUTOMATION OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM DESIGN -U- AUTHOR-(03)-GLUSHK0Vv V.M., KAPITONOVAl COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--AUTOMATICA (GB)t VOL- 69 NO. 2t YU.V., LETICHEVSKY, A.A. P. 333-421 MARCH 1.970 DATE PUBLISHED ---- MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGR. TOPIC TAGS--AUTOMATIC COMPUTER PROGRAMMING9 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGNt COMPUTER DESIGNP COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY, ALGORITHM CWNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/0106 STEP NO--UR/0000/70/006/002/0333/0342 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123878 UNCLAS -T FIEO ~l A 212 020 ANCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123878 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. IT IS NOTED THAT COMPLETE: SYNTHESIS OF COMPUTER DESIGN IS FEASIBLE 4WD CONSIOE RABLE PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE IN THIS DIRECTION, BUT IT IS NOT YET PRACTICAL. DIFFICULTIES AND COMPLEX PROBLEMS REMAIN AND THEY 4aE DISCUSSED ALONG 41TH THE dASIC DESIGN STAGES WHICH A-RE DESIGNATED SYSTEM, LOGICAL AND TECHNICAL, LANGUAGE PROBLEMS ARE CONSIDERED AS WELL AS PROGRAMS WHICH HAVE 13EEN DEVELOPED IN THE INSTITUTE OF CYBERNETICS IN KIEV FOR DESCRIBING COMPUTER MODELS AND COMPUTER STRUCTURES IN THE SYSTEM AND LOGICAL STAGES OF DESIGN. OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS IN COMPUTER SYNTHESIS ARE COMPLEX AND OPTIMIZATION MUST BE DONE ON A SUBSYSTEM, SUBOPTIMAL BASIS AT THE PRESENT TIME ALTHOUGH RECENTLY DEVELOPED SPECI4L ALGORITHM TRANSFORMATIONS AND MICRO PROGRAMS HAVE BEEN FOUND VERY USEFUL, FINALLY, VARIOUS STEPS AND PROBLEMS WHICH MUST BE ENCOUNTFRED IN AN AUTOMATED DESIGN SYSTEM ARE DEFINED# AND DISCUSSED. EXAMPLES ARE GIVEN IN APPENDICES TO ILLUSTRATE VARIOUS CONCEPTS WHICH ARE REPRESENTED IN THE PAPER. ASStFIED q, A Acc. Nr.: Ref Cod Glusbkov, V.Y.; Baz:-L~.anav, .4. Kalirichenko, Nik~novski- f~, P .: Minm,ich. Z, L. Computers With Developed interpretation Systems -azvitymi sistemami interpretats1i) Kiev, 1970, 2cPj pp I'S-L:2012) TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 5 Chapter I The Concept of Internal Mathematical Securrity 7 Ii Structural interpretation of Developed Lnternal I-anquages h. 0 III Dynamic -Pistribution of Memory in Digital Computers 93 IV Design Pri:rziples of Operational Systems 142 V InvestigaLion of Orvanization of the Gomuting Process 183 Vi General M*ethods for Development of AlgorLthmic 6tvictures of Comouters 209 vii Synthesis of Mi-croprograms and Autrwatic 13tacks 230 Bibliographi 25h 10A, REEL/FRXMF, Titanium USSR UDC 621.669.27 MEYERSON, G. A., KREMER, G. S. , r PANOV, V. S., Moscow In- stitute of Steels and Alloys "Study of the Influence of Conditions of Production of Metallic Tungsten on the Properties of TISK6 Alloy" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 6, Jun 72, pp 31-35. Abstract: The possibility is studied of producing fine-grained, homogeneous tungsten powder in commercial muffle furnaces using direct input of hydrogen, and the influence of the grain siz-- of the tungsten powder produced on the physical, mechanical and cutting properties of the hard alloys is investi- gatod. WO 3 W.W; 111(hiced to IV III one Stage :ill an blcklftl'fill tyl)0 11111frIC furnace. Direct input of hydrogen allows a homogeneous, ftne-grained tungsten powder with adsorption of over 0.2 mg/g and mean grain size less than I micron to be produced. The properties of TISK6 alloy were StUdied as functions of sintering temperature. It was found that the alloy has a finer WC-phase grain structure and higher physical, mechanical and cutting properties than standard TISK6 alloy. The cutting properties are 10-3010 higher than the standard alloy. 1/1 UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrat Section I Chemical, Derwentl~ 235866 ROLLS LO.R TUBE R011~~G MILLS are manufac- tured kith a high we'Ar resistance on th*e - surface and a good gripping power by hard-facing the working surface with a layer of high-carbon steel. This is annealed, by not allowing the fused metal to cool below 3500C, to a granular perlite struc- ture with a Brinell hardness of 150-200. 3.10.66. as 1108992/25-27. V.N.GLUSHKOV et al. (12.6.69.) Bul.6/24.1.69. Class 21h. !nt.Cl. B23k. Glushkov,_ A,. Gonchatov, V. P.; and Ustlyantsev, V. P. AUTHORS: 19750388 112 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23CICT70 TITLE--NATURE OF CROSSLINKS FORMED DURING THE VULCANILATION CF RUBBERS BY A THIOUREA HEXACHLOROETHANE COMPLEX liN THE PRESENCE OF SULFUR -U- AUTH0R-(03)-GLUSHK0Vt V-V-P SHERSHINEV, V.A., DOGADKINt B.A. COUNTRY OF INIFO--USSR, SOURCE--KAUCH. REZINA 1970p 29(3)r 14-15 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS T UP I C T AGS-- POLY ME R C ROSS L I NK I NG, VUL C AN I Z A T I OINI, TH I OUR [A t C HLOROE THANE p COMPLEX COMPOUNID, SULFUR, SYNTHEric RUBBER, STYRENEr STRESS RELAXATION/(U)SKMS30ARK srYRENE RUBBER CONTROL MARKING--NO PESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0455 STEP Nd--UR/013,9/70/02'3/0,)3/0014/iJO15 CIRC ACCESSION f-40--AP0119391 UNCLASSIF[FD 212 023 UINCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE-2-19CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0119391 ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AiiSTRACT. THE A00N. OF 2 IWT. PARTS OF THE TITLE COMPLEX (1) AND 2 WT. PARrs S TO SYNTHETIC PULiBER SKMS-30ARK DIECPEASED ITS ELOINGATION AT IBRFAK TO 55PERCENT AND ITS F-L;-'-X RESISTANCE TO 9 TIMES 10 PRIP-IE4 CYCLES AS COMPARED WITH I00PERCE.NT Al~jfj It Tl"'l'ES 10 PRIME4 CYCLES FOR THIS RU13BER VULCANIZED WITH S 2 AND DIPHENYLGUANIOINE 2 PARTS. HOWEVER, I CONSIDERABLY REDUCED THE DYNAIMIC, STRESS RELAXATION OF THIS RUBBER. FAC[LIFY: MOSK. INST. TONKOL. 11-11. LOMIONOSOVA, MOSCOWt USSR. UNCLASSIFIED = R UDC 6Z9.7-036.3036.46 GLIIS~!=, V. Y2. , KAIdNC_:-:kKj V. V. , and FEDDOSIMVIA, N. V. "Calculation of the Evaporation Rate of Drops at FLigh Tempera-tures" Odessa, ll-~a Vses. Konf. po, Vopr. Ispareniyat Gorenlya i Gaz. DinamiId Dispersn. Sistems 1972 - Sbornik (11-th All-Union Conference on Probleas of the Evapora- tion# Cozbustior,. a:--4 Gas DymzLics of Dispersed Systezs, 19-(2 -- Collection of Articles)t 1972, pp 34-35 (from Refe--ativnyy Zhurnal -- AY_*5,_-t-_ionnyye i a e. R T- tunre Dvigateli, No 1, 1973, Abstract No i.34.1o. Resuza) Translationt When calculating the evaporation rate of drops, it is necessary to Imow the relationship of their temperature T to the corditions of evapora- tion (the temperature Trzed and pressure P~edl eic.). The temperature of an evaporating drop is found fron the -solution of a system of beat- and nass- exchange equations. The solution of this zyston leads to a transcendental equation with respoct to T.9 The conducted analrjls showed that diarvGardin- .he Stefan flov in heat- ard mass-exchange equations at high to-urexatures lead-s- to '-.he physically unjustiftable expression Tned when TILea 1/2 - 21 - USSR GLUSM91, V. YE., et al.$ 11-th All-Union Conference on Problems of the Evaporation, Combustion, and Gas Dynamics of Dispersed System3p 1972 Collection of Articlest 1972, pp 34-3,5 Taking the Stefan flow into account leads to the physically valid solution T& Tbojl (boiling point) when Tmed M . The obtained relationshiD permits the evaporation rate of the drop to be calculated directly at various temperatures. Taking into account the relationship of the boilin,- point of the liquid to its composition and the temperature of the surrounding medium provides the possibility of calculating the evaporation rate of drops of multi- component liquid mJxtures at high-temperatures noniso1barie conditions. 2/2 USSR UDC 536.46:533.6 GLUSHKOV, V. Ye., SELIVATNOV, S. Ye., FEDOSEYEV, V. A., TODLS, 0. ?.f. "Thermal Combustion of 'Metal Particles" V sb. Fiz. aerodiSDersn. sistem. VvD. 5 (Physics of Aerodisperse Systems. No. 5 -- Collection of Works), Kiev, Kiev University, 1971, pp 65-71 (,frcn, RZh-Mekhanika, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6B893) Translation: The period of induction is obtained in implicit form as a func- tion of the temperature of the medium T, particle size ~ and the functional relationships t (d), T = const, and t.(T), d = const are analyzed. The rela- i S tionsbip t.(d) in explicit form. shows that as d -~- do, where do is the minimum 71 dimension of the particles for which the particles still ignite, and for a sufficiently large a' increases in proportion to d. That particle dimen- sion d* is found for which the period of induction reaches the minimum value. It was found that d* _- 1.5 do. It follows from the relationships found for t.(T) that t. increases L-onotonicallv with a decrease in T and tends toward 11 1 - infinity as T - To (COMbustion temperature). The dependence of "conventional" combustion temperatures for finite periods of induction on pai-t.lclc size was investigated. Authors abstract. 1/1 ------------- - --------- .. .....-............ 112 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--NEGATIVE MAGNETORESISTANCE OF P TYPE GAAS AT 77 K -U- AUTHOR-(02)-BARANSKlYt P.I., GLUSHKOVt YE.O. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--UKRAINISKII FIZICHINII LHURNAL, VOL. 151 MAR, 1970, P. 510-512 DATE PUBLISHED----MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--MAGNETORESISTANCEv GALLIUM AkSENIDE, MAGNETIC FIELD CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UiNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0560 STEP NO--UR/0185/70/015/000/0510/0512 CIRC ACCESSION NO--A110121232 Li ~'l C LA S S I F IF 0 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION 140--AP0121232 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MEASUREMENT OF THE PARALLEL AND PERPENDICULAR MAGNETORES I STANCE AS A FUNCTION OF THE APPLIED MAGN5--TIC FIELD IN N TYPE GAAS AT A TEMPERATURE OF 77 K. MEASUREMENTS PERFORMED ON SAMPLES CUT FROM DIFFERENT CRYSTALS SHOW THAT IN HAGNEYIC FIELDS UP TO 23 KOE BOTH THE PARALLEL AND THE PERPENDICULAR MAGNETOkESISTANCE ARE NEGATIVE, WITH THE PARALLEL MAGNETORESISTANCE BEING LARGER. THE PARALLEL MAGNETORES I STANCE BECOMES SATURATED AT FIELDS STRONGER THAN 10 KOE AT THIS TEMPERATURE. . FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK UKRAINSIKOI RSR, INSTITUT NAPIVPROVIDNIKIVt KIEV, UKRAINIAN SSR. F- f E 0 --27NOV70 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE -0 TITLE--A STUDY OF THE FRACTIONAL COMPOSITION OF CL OEDEMATIENS TOXINS AN TOXOIDS -U- AUTHOR-(05)-KULAK, V.G., GOLSHMID, V.K., NENASHEV, V.P., GLUSFiKoVA, A.I., YANISHEVSKAYA, M.No COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZHURNAL MIKROBIOLGGIIP EPIDEMIOLOGII I IMMUNOBIOLOGIli 19701 NR 6t PP 112-115 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--CLOSTRIDIUM, BACTF-RIAL TOXIN, TOXOID, Fk.ACTIONAT[ON, GEL, FILTRATION, ENZYME ACTIVITY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REC'L/FRAME--3001/0394 STEP t4Q--tJR/001~/7,-/O,')0/006/rille'/CiII5 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126149 -v: c f F 2/2 023 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE-- 27-NOV 7 0 CIRC ACCESSION "10--AP0126149 ABSTR.ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. BY FILTRATION ON GEL SEFADEX -0-M ,0 CL. OEDEMATIENS TOXINS TYPE A WERE DIVIDED INTO THREE FRACTIO."IS DIFFERENTIATED BY TOXICITY A14D FERMENTING ACTIVITY. THE FIRST FRACTIO-N INCLUDED THE LETAHL DERMUNECROTIC, AND ANTITOXIN 611,11)[NG ACTIVITY, THE SECOND LECETHINASE AND HEMOLYTIC ACTIVITY, AND THE THIRD AMYLASE. GEL FILTRATION OF OFDEMATIENS TOXOIDS PROVED TO INCREASE THEIR SPECIFIC ACTIVITY. FACILITY: MOSKOVSKIY INSTITUT VAKTSU, I SYVCR.OTCK U-1 MECHNIKOVA. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 576-851-555-097-29 KU-LW,l V. G., GOISMID, V. K., NENASHEV, V. P., GLUSHKOVA, A. I. and YANISHMKAYA, M. N., Moscow Institute of Vaccines and Sera "Study of the Fractional Composition of Cl. oedematiens Toxins and Toxoids. Report I. Fractionation of Toxins and Taxolds by Gel Filtration" Moscow, Zhurnal I.Ukrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, Vol 47, No 6, Jun 70, Pp 122-115 Abstract: Cl. oedematiens toxin has a mosaic structure. It contains lethal necro- tic factors and hemolysin. The fractional composition of a toxin nutrient medium on Sefadex G-100 gel, including crude and purified Cl. oedomatiens toxoids, type A, was studied. The toxins were separated into three fractions, differing from one another in their biological and enzymatic activity. The first fraction contained the lethal dermonecrotic and antitoxin-binding activity; the second fraction con- tained the lecithinase and hemolytic activity; and the third fraction contained arqla6e. Two peaks were Ob3erved in the fraction of crude toxaid and toxin. All of the antitoxin-binding activity of the toxoida vas contained in the high- molecular-weight proteins eluted in the first peak. The significance of the dif- ferent components in Cl. oedematiens immunity requires further study. 1/1