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--04DEC70 .;'~1/2 076 UNCLASSIFIE01 PROCESSING DATE TITLE--CHARACTERISTICS OF P N JUNCTIONS IN PBTE -U- AUTHOR-105)-ZHEMCHUZHINAt YEeA.t FIGUROVSKIYt YE.N.v IVANOVt A.I.i INOZEMTSEV, K.I., KIREYEV, P.Se COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--MOSCOW, RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA, VOL. 15, NO. 3, 1970, PP 546-550 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGRvv PHYSICS ,TOPIC TAGS--PN JUNCTIONi LEAD, TELLURIDE, SINGLE CRYSTAL, MANUFACTURING METHOD, TEMPERATURE GRADIENT, ARGON, ATMOSPHERE, CRYSTAL GROWTHP ELECTRON HOLE, VOLT AMPERE CHARACTERISTIC, JUNCTION DIODE, IR SENSOR CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO----FD70/605008/812 STEP NO--UR/0109/70/OL5/003/0546/0550 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139945 UNC LASS I F'TEO 2/2 076 UNCLASSIFIEO' PROCESSING OATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139945 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ALTHOUGH LEAD TELLURIDE HAS SOME INTERESTING PROPERTIES, ITS P N JUNCTIONS HAVE NOT BEE GIVEN ENOUGH ATTENTION. THIS ARTICLE CONSIDERS THE PROBLEMS IN THE WAY OF OBTAINING PBTE MONOCRYSTALS? THE MANUFACTURE OF THE P N JUNCTIONS AND THE INVESTIGATION OF SOME OF THEIR CHARACTERISTICS. PBTE IS MADE FROM .99-999PERCENT PURE LEAD AND TELLURIUM, BY WEIGHT, BY THE TEMPERATURE GRADIENT METHOD. THE OVEN IN WHICH THE COMPOUND IS SYNTHESIZED, AND ITS TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION WITH HEIGHT ARE SOWN IN A DIAGRAM. THE SYNTHESIS WAS MADE IN AN ATMOSPHERE OF SPECTRAL ARGON, AND THE OPERATING TEMPERATURE IN THE SYNTHESIS ZONE AND CRYSTAL GROWTH ZONE WAS MAINTAINED WITH AN ACCURACY OF PLUS OR MINUS 0.5PERCENT C. rHE ELECTRON HOLE JUNCTIONS WERE MADE BY THREE METHODS: DIFFUSION OF THE LEAD; VAPORIZATION OF THE TELLURIUM; DIFFUSION OF INDIUM IN THE PBTE. DETAILS OF EACH OF THESE METHODS ARE GIVEN* THE YOLTAMPERE CHARACTERISTICS FOR VARIOUS DIODES, PLOTTED IN SEMILOGARITHMIC COORDINATES, ARE ALSO GIVEN. IT IS STATED THAT THE JUNCTIONS CAN BE USED FOR INFRARED RADIATION SENSORS, LASERS WITH A TUNABLE RADIATION SPECTRUM UNDER PRESSUREt AND SIMILAR DEVICES. UNCLASSIFIED U:%'t: L AS S I F I E 0 I-R~;LESSIWI"~ UATE--Il~-f-C70 TIILI-:.--GAS i-3UNLA.NCE U-F :~J;,jE 1-~~ VE-LIMu-M.-'STjVSK-'YiA -U- UTH6k-( 04)-KLSWN iRUK , V. A. , IVANCV, A.K., VUPEL, B.S., KLJSK~31 YA.N-. .~Cul%'TRY CF 1;~FG-USSM- SC,tjmLE--0ClPL.V. AKAD. N~',Ur( UKR. RSP, SEK. 6 1970t 3,2(2)t 106-10 DATE NbLISHLU ------- 7C SU6JECT 14RE-Ac.-VECH., CIVIL AND ?.f1%RINE EjNGRj iAATERIALS TCP[C TAGS-MINING ENGINFERINGv SAFETY ENGINEERING9 MILTIIANIEv COAL, ?-111NERAL DEPOSIT, (,EJGi 0 and a compact set K ~T (a, a0) > 4r(0) + 6 for all at-K and T > T0uhere ao is the true value of the parameter, ot 06 K, and T t, ~)12 T ((i, 0) =(11T)f Ig(t, a) - g( dt; 1/2 0 - 20 - bSSR ' 1WROV, A. V. , Teoriya veroyatnostey i mat. stat. Mezhved. nauch. sb. , 1972, vyp. 6, pp 74-82 b) (~T(a, 6) for T - - approaches the continuous function ~((x, 0) uni- formly in K x K, where ~,(CL, a0) = 0 when and only when ot = a0' Sufficient conditions are proposed for satisfaction of a.) and b), and a number of examples are investigated. 2/2 U35.11 ul-,)c 692.c'< SIP,ONOV, V. D. , IVANOIT~ A. V. and TSYPLENKOV, It. A. "A Means of Obtaining Tetrachloromuconic Acid" C~ USSR Author's Certificate 110 307079, filed 8 Sept 69, puInlis-rP~-d 10 Sep" 7i. (frobi Rafemtivnyy Zhurn-al -- "biniya, No 10(11), 19',12, Abstract by T. A. Belyayeva) Translatiom Te-rachloromuconic acid 0:) melting point 201 ,-60, is- obtal.-ied by oxidation of d~ecachloro-1,1:-hexaadicne 41) or concentration II,S04, at 110-115 0 for 4-5 hour-~;- A jUxturo- of 42,/~- II anrlA sb,, Is ImPt for 4-5 flours at 1100, the roaction mass is povrud 200 93-3,'L' H2 ~ into water at 201300 (volmie of water = 0-5 the volume of thc rcmctJon filtered, mid the precipitate is washed with CHCI , obtai,1111r, '13 1, which 3 is dissolved in other and purified with activated carbon. Th,~- solution 1~- then dried over lk-,S() 41 evaporated and the residuc ir, rocryt~talli:,-.-Bd from a mixture of ether and benzene. Molecular weight of the d3inethyl eater of I is 306. IA . .... ..... bSSR UDC 532.522.2 AVDUYEVSKIY, V. S., 1YAaQY,_A,_V., KARP14M4, I. M., TRASKOVSKIY, V. D., and YUDELOVICH, M. Ya. "The Structure of Turbulent Underexpanded Jets Discharging Into a Flooded Space and a Concurrent Stream" Moscow, Izvestiva Akademii Nauk, SSSR, ~Iekhanikza Zhidlcosti i Gaza, NO 3, 1972, pp 15-29 Absf:ract: The results of an experimental investigation of the geometric structure of the initial sector of underexpanded jets are presented, and consideration is given to the principal features of f1cru in the mixing zone on the boundai-j of a greatly underexpanded jet during a turbulent flow regimie along the entire length of the initial sector of the jet. A concurrent super- sonic stream exerts an essential qualicative and quantitative influence upon the configuration of the initial sector of underexpanded jets. I'll C. mos t essential feature of a jet in the concurrent stream consists in "degeneration" of the central shock, wave at Mach nunbers of the concurrent stream The transverse and longitudinal dimensions of the initial sector of an und-2r- expanded jet in a concurrent stream with numbers ijw-~1.5-2 decre;ase %..,ith the increase of Mx. The established features of the structure of concurrent jets 1/2 USSR AVDUYEVSKIY, V. S., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, SSSR, Nekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, No 3, 1972, pp 15-29 maLe it impossible, in the general case, to substitute the concuTreut ~et by an equivalent flooded jet. Approximate relationships are pTesented, which make it possible to take into account the influence of a concurrent stream upon the basic characteristic dimensions of the initinal sector of the jet. The characteristic regions of flow in the compressed viscous layer of an underexpanded jet are isolated. The self -similarity of fields of the gas- dynamic parameters is established. Data are presented on the position of the mixing zone in the space, the total-head profiles, the statistical prussure, and the dimension less excess stagnation teimperature in greatly underexpanded jets. 16 figures. 3 tables. 8 references. USSR SIMONOV, V. D., GAZIZOV, R. T., A. V. "Synthesis of Cyclical Perchlorinated Pentenes" Dokl. Neftikhim. Sektsii. Bashkir. Resp. Prav]. Vscs. Khim. O-va im. 1). 1. Mendeleyeva, [Works of Petrochemical Section, Vashkir Republic Administration of N11-Union Chemical Society imeni D. 1. Mendeleyeyl, Val 6, 1971, pp 317-311). (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 4, Noscow, 1972, Abstract No 4N684 by T. A. Belyeva). Translation: A method is developed for production of octachlorocyclopentene ~1) i-nitiated by chlorination of hexachlo-rocyclopentadiene (11) or octachlo-ro- 1, 3-pentadiene in a medium of IIS03CI (111) . C12 is Passed (22. ~ I/h-r) th-rou&i a mixture of 81.9 g 11 and 140 g III at about -90' for 5 lirs. The t--mPerature of the reaction mixture is 40-45*. It is cooled to +10* and I is filtered off-, mp 37-80. 8.16 g of hexachlorofulvene is treated with 26.4 g III at 0�2' for 80 minutes, producing 10 g of perc-holoromethylcnc-A3-cyclopentene. USSR SIMONOV, V. D. GAZIZOV, R. T. , NEDELCU-NKO, V. M. , Kfip'ENOVA, N. N. 'Wethod of Producing Octachlorocyclopentene" USSR Author's Certificate No 303312, filed 6/01/69, published 28/06/71. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 4, Moscow, 1972, Abstract No 4N591P by T. A. Belyaeva). Translation: Octachlorocyclopentene (1), intermediate product for synthesis of pesticides, is produced by chlorination of hexachlorocyclopentadiene (II) or octachloropentadiene in a medium of chlorosulfanic acid (111) at a tempera- ture of 40-45'. CI-) gas is passed through a mixture of 81.9 g II and 140 g III for 5 hr at 40-~So, gas temperature about 20* (2.3 1/hr). It is then cooled to 100, filtered, the precipitate is washed with water, dried in air, producing I, m. p. 37-80. 111 is returned to the process. 1/1 110-ISR um 681.32T.11 DAff TRIYEV, V. T-,-U=QY-,A -11 --2 as cow Power Engineerir,6 2nstitute "A Device for Correcting Errors in Parallel Bea-dout of Binary Information" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, prorUshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zn2ki, No 4, Feb 71, Author's Certificate No 292175, Division G, filed 3 Nov 69, published 6 Jan 71, p 135 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for error cor- rection in parallel readout of binary information. Tone device contains a reproduction module, a circuit for mod-2 contraction al~)ng a line, adders and buffer shift registers. As a distinguishing feature of the i)atent, the design is simplified and error correction is made more effective by using a circuit for r-od-2 contraction along the diagonal, AND and NOT logic circuitts and memory cells. 'The input of the first memory cell is ceri-nected through the AND and NOT logic circuits to the output of' the circuit for rniod-2 con- traction alon- a line, and the out-out of each memory ci~-ll i-0 connected to one of the inputs of the PIID circuits. The second inputs of the AND circuits are connected to thf! output of the circuit for mod-2 ccntraction alorg the diagonal. II)e output.,; of the /VJI) circuit,; are corinectc-d; to ~;ne of the inputs of the adders, rind throuffh Llic, NOT elrlluit,; to thr., irlputv; USSR DMITRIYEV, V. I., IMTOV, A. V., USSR Author's Certificate No 292175 of the other AND circuits, which are connected to the outputs of the preceding memory cells, whose outputs are connected to the inputs of the following memory cells. The other inputs of the adders are connected to the corre- sponding inputs of the circuit for mod-2 contraction &Iong the diagonal. USSR UDC 537.533.2t537.534 NE EMCHENCK, R. L. , IVANOV, A. V. , KARPOV, A. A. "Emission Properties of the Au-BaO System" Ti-, Lening-D. politekhn. in-ta (Worl\s of Leningrad Polytechnical institute), 1970, No 311, pp 51-55 (from RZh-Fizika, No 12M, Dec 713, Abstract No 12Zb631) Translation: The properties of the Au-BaO system were studied by external photo- effect and thermoemission methods. The m--asurements were conducted in sealed devices in a high vacuum (p < 5-10-9 mmHg). It was shown that for surface con- centrations nBaO > 1-1015 cm-2 the BaO film has photoelectric properties of thick oxide coatings andin particularsensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. The nature of the changes in emission properties of the Au-BaO system to T = 12000K does not indicate chemical interaction of the BaO film with Au. Authors abstract. 1/1 USSR UDC: 621.391.2:621-396.96 .fl ~'Lp and ZI--u-3KOVICH, S. G. ZV "Probabili-,U--~`r Distribution Laas for Radar Signal Amrlitudes in 'IMilly Po larized Reception" Moscow, Rtadiotekhnika i Hlekt--ronika, No ;970, pp 960-966 Abstract.- A great deal of attention is now being given to the problem of using the polarization characteristics of radar signals for improvin- information obtained from ohservation of I:he tar,-,:,et. Such Droblems as det-ection, selection, automatic tar-et tracking, can be qualitatively solved to a bett-or extent by includin,-, devices in the radar system which provide fully polarized reception of re- Hlected signals. The purpose ol- this paper is to invesitlgate the probability distribution of the --,'u11 amplitude, the square of the amplitude, and the sum of the amplitudes uf the orthogonally polarized si&--ai components of a fluctuating radar target. The 1/2 USSR IVANOV, A. V., et- a!, Radio-'--Ie* i -"7'lektr-on--*_ka, No 5, 1970, pp 96o-966 authors first find the formulas for the si,~-~nal amolitude and the amplitudes of the signal's orthogonal components p.-cduced by its -oolarization on reflection from the target. They then -a"-,e up L It.he class of fluctuating radar targets which Uake the form, of a combination of many elementary reflectorso It, is assumed that the elements of the s-t-at-istical dispersion matrix ,--.ost fully describin-c; the reflection characteristics of the target are stationary and stationarily connected processes. 2/2 Ac.c. Nr,: Ref. Code; UIR PRI,%LM SOURCE., Urologiya i NefrologiyA,_1970, Nr PP 3j_3P1 INDICATIONS AND SEQUENCE OF ROENTGENOVASOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION OF THE KIDNEYS It Y". A. Pylel, IA. V. lvariq;~, Summary The paper is based on experience of applicaL-on of abdominal aGrtograph\'. selective renal arteriography, inferior cavography, and selective renal venbgraphv in 1�0 pazzient:5 with various urological diseases. The authors su-gest a definite order of vasographic Jr.- vestigations in patients with noeplasms of the kidneys, chronic pyelonephribs and hvd- ronephrosis. They consider that any vasographic examination oi the kidnevs should szar, from abdominal aortography. Application of renovasographic methods in rationally elz- bbrated order considerabiv increases the diagnostic P035ibilities of each inethod and re- duces the percentage of errors. REFL/FR&',,LE 19790745 111 S S it AVDIJYF,VSKTY, V. S., KMNAN, 1. K., TR1'0KGVUIr, f'. D., YUDELOVICq, 1M. Ya. "The Flow in a Super3onic Viscous Underexpanded Jet" Moscow, Ylek~-Lanika ZnidkosLi i Gaza, No 3, 1970, pp 63-69 Abstract: An e-xperimental invegrAgation is miade of tt,,e flow at L'ie initial SeC- tor of an underexpanded supersonic jet flowing out 1 -nto the immersed spa-ce and the concurrent stream at Mach numbers M OROVA, I. P. "Synthesis of Tetrazoles, Triazoles, Triazenes, and Azo Compounds and a Study of Them as Additives to Silver Halide Photographic Emulsions. 1. Synthesis, Struc- ture, Chemical Properties,and Photographic Activity" Uspekh-; nauchn. fotogr. (Advances in Scientific Photography), 1970, Vol. 14, pp 5-11 (from M-Fizika, No 12(l), Dec 70, Abstract No 12DI333) Translation: Data on the synthesis, structure, and properties of over 300 ol,ganic compounds intended for stabilizing and defogging or depressing additives in AgHal emulsions are presented; in certain cases these substances were also optical sensitizers. Among the 40 tetrazoles not all were stabilizerG of the photoemul- sions; there was also established a difference In the chemical behavior in similar reactions. This duality Is explained by the existence of azido-tetrazole tauto- merism in many condensed tetrazoles; stabilization is caused by adsorption by ions 1/2 of the AgRal lattice of these azido forms in which there is an increased electron .r density on the heterocyclic N atom. Many stabilizers were observed among the triazoles, and not only condensed triazoles; among these many could be converted into cyanin dyes by combining stabilizers and optical sensitizers. It is shown that it is necessary for a stabilizer that three N atoms enter into the ring, as in triazoles: a considerable number of stabilizers of AgCl-emulsion was also found among the triazenes. T'hese compounds are simultaneously optical sen- sitizers, defoggers,and depressers; in AgBr-emulsions only the last two proper- ties are retained,in-view of differences in the formation of ion-dipole compounds of AgC1 and AgBr lattices with a polar triazene molecule. Of the azo compounds only nonsymmetric substances with heterocyclic radicals were photographically active. 31 references. 2/2 - 64 USSv UDC 77 AVRAME-NKO, L. F. VILENSKIY, YU. B. 01, 1SHEVSKAYA, I A. POCH-11NOK, V. YA., SKRIPNIK, L. I., FEDOROVA, L. N., FEDOROVA, 1. P. "Synthesis of Tetrazoles, Triazoles, Triazenes.and Azo Compounds and a Study of Them as Additives to Silver Halide Photographic Emulsions. 11. Photographic Studv of Material" Us-ekhl na~uc-'-n. fo~czr. (Ai~vances in Sc-entiF;c Photography), 1970, Vol. 14, up 12-23 Urrom No 12(i), Dec 70, Abstract tic 12u,-,330 7- =-- S C- j: - d -CC 1..ree 'l-ai-ces are 1n1T-OG1,1CV ty-pes of photographic activity of materials synthesized previously.. (see R. M - F i zi' !i i I ,.a Albs-nac, No 12D1333): stabilizing, devressing~ and defogging effects -Td certain cownbinations of these -paramne-ters in t~-,e kine--ic ~rw wad. the second aging bef9re and after tntro- duction of the substances tested. If the substance was at the same time an %4~stttzer, tbe -va-Lue of the depreastng fndex was negatfve, Ees1des the testing of substance,5 in AgCl- and ASBr(I)-cmulsions, the kinetics of their adsorption by AgHal, the absorption spectrum in solution and after ad- sorption by Ar-Ral., ana the sensitization spectinua was studie-s. A Correlation USSR AVRAI-EITKO, L.F., et, al. Uspekhi nauchn. fotogr., 1970, Vol lit, pp 12-23 was found for condensed tetrazoles between the stabilizer an~d` the irreversible adsorption of materlai and between the depressing and defogging agents and reversible adsorption; ir- reversible adsorption on a small portion of the Agifal surface was sufficient for total stabilization. The same was true for the stabilization of triazenes. Depression of fogging was apparently always associated with the slowing down of the appearance of reversibly adsorbed substances,although in many cases there simultaneously occurred desensitization or slowing dcwn of aging. Certain con- nections were established between photographic activity and the structure and substitutes in molecules of triazoles and optical sensitizers on the basis of their quaternary salts and also in molecules of heterocyclic azo compounds. The formation of iono-dipole or coordinated compounds of the material with AgHal was necessary for stabilization, which requires the coincidence of their dipole distances; the latter partially explains the differences in the behavior of materials in AgCl- and AgBr(I)-emulsions. One must take into account, how- eveer, that in view of the large homeopolarity of the bond in AgBr, even in AgCl, the -latter requires more polar stabilizers. 12 references. 112 026 UNCLASSIFIED PIWCESSING DATE--13NOV70 TITLUE--A CHA.-iGE OF ACID O ASIE 8ALANCE AND OF ELECTA-OLYTIC CbMPOS[TIOIN OF THE CE",EB'r-l'iJSPlNAL FLUIL) Al-'Ni; BLLOU IN PRIMARY kFACTIu.1i I ll RESPONSE TO AUTl-lJlk-(04)-IVANOVt KULf3VKOV9 A.G.# KUZMINA, F.V., M.-IYUN-AX, I.M. CCUNTRY 01: 1,NIFO--USSR S0URCE--PAT'JL061CHESKAY4 FIZIOLOGIYA I EKSPERIME-NITAL'NAYA T&~APIYA, 1970t VOL 14, 3, dP 42-43 DATE PUBL!SHE'D ------- 70 SUdJECT AR-EAS-81CLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-TRAUMATIC, SHUCK, CE~EBkOSPINAL FLUIO, BLOW), ACTUOSIS, ALKALOSIS CC%T-RGL IMARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUME;4T CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY VEf-.-L/FRp'4ME--3002/0b25 STEP C112C AL(-F.5Slf-,N Nii-ftPOle'8106