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112 014 TITLE--STA~HYLGC 3CC 1:4S, FOP, STAPHYLC-Cl -' CCI -U- AUTHO~,-- IVAN:W, UNCLASSI FIEJ PROCESS VIIG L)ATE--16nCT70 THE 1,~, Pk-,'WE~,T JES AND oSE OF TYPE CLASSIF 1 COUNTRY -:F SOURL-z---3YULL~TENO (31CLOGII NR 5, PP t,2-34 DATE PUB1. ISH'-,-ij - - - - - - - -70 1 SUBJECT luLLG I CAL ANO l-lEDI CAL SC I ENCE S I TOPIC TAGS--ST A,-,HYL',jC(,CCUS, *-i ICROORGA141 SM I UENT I F ICAT ILI-% C OIN T RO L M A RK I N I-, -- NC~ R E S TR I C T I (IN S DOCUMENT r-L AS S-0-741". LA S, S I F H u PROXY REEL/ FR C-7'--l 999/0295 STEP CIRC ACCEISSIO'4 NJ--AP0l2?497 9i 212 014 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE---1o0CT70 CIRC ACCESSION 'V_!--AP0122et97 ABSTRACT/EXTKACT--(U) GP-0- A5ST~,ACT. DokING Ili'-- 721 STRAINS OF STAPHYL~,CCZCI, ISOLATEL) FROM THE HFALI-i~Y SKIN, IT wAS FOUND THAT 49.6 PLUS tj'k i*,dNUS I.9PEkCEi4T OF Ti-.E'N PRUDU~~_EL) 6AC T LR I ult__ INS . 14 B AC T Ek 10- C I NS v-.'E K E D I V I U F 0 IN T 0 T ~iO G k 0 U P S A N L) 4 T ~ P L: S .A st_-:QsI'1r1vITy TO ALL STRAINS .-,AS DETH~-'I'.~Ekj TU 7 TYPES OF t3ACIE-RIO'Cl-l') A~-iJ '-~3.3 PLJS 0.9PERCENJ OF CULTURtS TYPED 6Y THIJ A:PATHOGENIC AND CUNDIT16.N`1,"~LLY PATHCGE:~41C STAPHYLLjG'__.r_CI PPA-SENIT A PRACTICAL V,,TF,-"_STj SI%C;_ THIS blETHOD MAY BE USED F-IR fliE fJFNTIFICATI1uN OF IHIS U'P.ULJ,) OF A k ~; V S K, :'~ L 1) 1 (, "k L INS T I I LJT E (P.lf t A Pharmacology and USSR RODIONOVA, R. P., 1VANOV, N.-G., KAZBEKOV, I. M. "Toxicity of beta-Ethoxypropionitrile" Sb. "Toksikol. novykh prom. khim. veshchestv" (Toxicology of New Industrial Chemicals--Collect'Lon of Works), 1973, vyp. 13, Moscow, "Meditsina," pp 131-138 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, 30F, Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 18, 25 September 1973, Abstract No 18F1734) Translation: The maximum permissible propionitrile in the air of a working which agrees with values calculated from boiling point, volatility) and biological other nitriles that release a CN group, liter for acrylonitrile). concentration (MiPC) of beta-ethoxy- area was confirmed to be 0.05 mg/liter, physical-chemical (molecular weight, constants. It is noted that, for the MPC is much lower (0.0005 mg/ 1/1 USSR POZDNYAKOV, V. S -, IVANOV, _ N._ KAZBEKOV, I. M. "Toxicology of Acetylpropyl Alcohol" Sb. "Toksikol. novykh prom. khim. veshchestv" (Toxicology of Neu, Industrial Chemicals --Colle c tion of Works), 1973, vyp. 13, Moscm,,, "Meditsina," pp 124-131 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, 30F, Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 18, 25 September 1973, Abstract No 18F1757) Translation: The proposed maximum permissible concentration of acetylpropyl alcohol in air of a work area is 10 mg/liter. The LD-50 is 6400 mg/kg and the cumulative capacity is insignificant. 47 - ~JSSR UDC 577-1-615-7/9 KHROMNRC, Z. F., USTLISSM, V. D., and IVANOV, N. G. "Materials on the Primary Toxicologic Evaluation of Hyd rote rphenyl" Nauch. tr. Irkutsk, med in-ta (Scientific Works of irkut3k nodical. In--titute), 1972, vyP, 115, pp 122-123 (from qZh-Biologicheskaya Khlmiya, 11,'o 8, 10~713, Abstract No 8F2170) Translationt For Internal (in the stomach) administration of hydroterphonyl, its LD 50 for rats and nice was 6.6 and 4.2 grams/k- respectively. At doses of 7.5-10 grzuis/k- the animals died in 3 -to 10 days. In the case of Inhalation by -the ra+.,j (10-200 q~ 3; 4 hours) no deaths were ob6orvefl. The thrcL;hold concentration of hydroterpherlyl Ath reziFect to choline e,;tr-ra3e activity wa~q 20 m7ln3l with respect to chloride and phenol content in thr. urine it was 35 :rL,/0. On repeated internal admin"tration of the hydroLerphenyl (over a 3-length period) to rats in doses of 0107-0.5 LD,,, a significant reduction In weight gain, inter.2ifiratior; of the azititoxic function of the liver, a reduc- tion. In choilne esterase activity, an increase in the elimination of free and general phenols with the urine, and an increaso in the weight factors of the liver, kidneys and spleen were observed. The conclusion wan drawn regulling 1/2 USSR MROMENKO, Z. F., et al., Scientific Works of Irkutsk Redical Institute, 1972, VyP 115, pp 122-123 the moderate toxic properties of hydroterphenyl. With respect to general toxic effect the hydroterphenyl belongs to the substances capable to diLturbing the functional state of the liver, kidneys and central nervous system. The cumula- tive properties of hydroterphenyl are weakly expressed. 2/2 USSR UDC 632-95li636.089.3 IY,Qlox. N. L, and IAVRENT'YEV, P. A., (DECEASED), Kazan' Veterinary Institute imeni N. E. Bauman "Acaricidal Activity of Cyclophos" Moscow, Khimiya, v Sellskom Khozyaystve, Vol 10, No 9, (119), 1973. pp 68-69 Abstracti On the basis of laboratory and field trials it man established that the effectiveness of cyclophos is about the same as that of the chloro- phos in application against pasture mites and ticks. The residual activity of a 1% emulsion of cyclophos and 1% solution of chlorophos against Ixodes ricinus and Hyalomma anatolicum on the haired skin cover of large cattle was less than 48 hre. 62 - USSR SELYKIN. . F. V. UDC 621.357:621.79.027 "Intensification of the Process of Electrochemical Machinin.- by Introducing Ultrasonic Vibrations" V sb. Uovoye v elektrofiz. i elelrtrokhim. obrabotke riaterialov O'hat's New in Electrophysical and Electrochemical Treatment of I'laterials -- collection of works), Leningrad, Nashinostroyeniye Press, 1972, pp 23-25 (from No 12, Jun 72, Abstract No 12001) Translation: It was dezionstrated that the communication ef ultrasonic vibra- tions to the anode significantly increases the efficiency of the t)rocess of electrochemical dimensional machining and lowers the power consumption. USSR ITIOC :51; 330. 115 C E -f FM I GE, R. S. , GPYT, L. Sh. "Mathematical Economics Models of Optimum Production Planning" Ekonomiko-n-.,atet-,.atielic-sl-.iye nodeli optimal'nawo planircvaniyu i-,rojzvodc-,va (cf. English above), Kiev, "111~=du-~"Saalr- 1971, 2o6 pp, ill. 1 r. 55 k.- (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 71, Ab;tract 170 1221187-3 K) [No abstract] 1/1 USSR njC : 52'). 7F,~ MA-NOV, N. I., KRAVCHEZI-KC, V, F. "Fluctuations in a Quantum Frequency Standard" Kiev, Radioelektronika, Vol 15, TZO 7, Jul 72, pp 890-8cj1, Abstract: The authors investigate short-ter:,., frecuency fluctuatiors in a rubidium cuantum frequiency standard. Expressions are found for the -square variations from the average of the relative Phase deviation of the frequency of a quartz-crystal cccillator tuned i-:~,'th res-pect to a rubidiu,-;-, quantum oscillator. It is found that short-term frequency instalhility of the output sif-rutl of a rubidiurm quantum frequency standard as ty the flicker noilr;e lovej. of the quartz-cry,;tal oscillator decreases vith, an increase in the pas,,band of the phase AFC circuit. Thc contribl-0,ion of art-~i_- tive noi.-~cs of the autotuning circuit to frequency fluctuatfors dccrc-ases as the passband c-f thr, phase AFC circuit narrows. llne cutoff frequr.:rcy of t1ne AFC circuit has an optimum valiie for a specific rubidium The resuit5 of this research can be extended to other types of frequency star~,dar0c. 1/1 USSR UDC 613.644.625.144.5 IVAINOV, NZ. I., and SKORODUMOV, G. Ye., Leningrad "Hylaienic Evaluation oil the Noise of Heavy Section Maintenance Machines" Moscow, Gigivena i Sanitariva, No 11, 1970, pp 98-100 1~bstract: Control of noise made by heavy rail section maintenance machines was investigated by the Department of Labor Protection of the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, together with the maintenance force of the Oktyabrskaya Railway. Noise measurements were taken with the precision Bryul' i K'yer noise level meter, with octave filters. The noise level was measured in the control cabs, at outlying remote control stations, in diesel power stations, and also in all other areas where maintenalice personnel are situated. The noise field surrounding the machines during their operation was measured at distances of 1, 3, 5, and 7 meters at the sides of the machine and at distances of 1, 2 and 5 meters ahead of and be-aind the machines. The microphones in the cabs were 1.5 meters from the floor and at the level of the operator's head at the outlying remote control stations. The main noise sources in the machines stu(iied are the working parts in contact with the ballast (engines and exhaust units). The noise 1/2 USSR 11,111-NOV, N. and SKORODUMOV, G. Ye., Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 11, 1970, Pr- 98-100 level of diesels i- maintenance machines is 113-120 db for nominal loads, 114-118 db for working parts, and the exhaust noise level is 1244-130 db. Analysis of measurement results at the maintenance marhine work stations showed the noise level to be 90-120 db. The noise spectrum is comprised predominantly of medium- and high-frequency sounds, and the noise exceeds current standards for almost all maintenance machines. 2/2 S; USSR IVANOV, N. 1. wc 613.641~.0'16.26-oob.j. "Effect of Strong Pulsed Noise on the Hearing Organs of Aniil~alsll Moscow, Voyenno-Neditsinskiy Zhurnal, No 7, 1970, pp 24-27 Abstract: The effect of strong pul--od noise on the biopotanLiai 10VOI of tne cat cochlea was investigated. in one series of oxporinonts, white noise wiLr. an in- stantaneous front was applied in single I sec puisoo ic,r in I 6ec puire:; repeated for 3 min with a 2 see interval between pulses. in anotner series, noise from a rocket engine was applied in 1 see pulses. 'With single wnite jioiGo Pulses at the 124-12~ db level, the 6-Jopotentials of the cociilea were firs'. increased and then dropped sharp-LY. Analogous phenomena were ooserved for tile ) -L.Ln series of repeated pulses. Single !)Z do pulses caused an irunedia-to drop in tile oiopoLen- tials which was followed by a second decrease 1 hour later, This tre;id conLinued with higher decibel levels or prolonged irritation. i3asicaliy anaiogous prieno- mena. were noted for noise generated by a rocket engine. it is concluded tiiat, dep6r4ing on the intensity and duration of the stimulation, adaptation first occurs, followed by fatigue and, finally. trauma to tile hoaring organ. Adapt~a- tion begins immodiately upon stimulation of Lho hearing organ, Aloworing its son- sitivity. When the ixritation stops, sensitivity returns. F:iLJ4,,uu occurs eiLhur 1/2 USSR IVAIM, N. I., Voyeano--~~,editsinskiy Zhurrial, No 7, 19'10, pp after prolonged exposure to a weak irritant or followin.- a sjj',F~lu ex-Dosuro to a strong irritant. The return to original sensitivity is mucn slower. As a result of trauma, changes occur in the hearing organ which lead to partial or pernanent loss of hearing. 212 USSR UDC 621.396.75 ARRO, 11. 0. , !VAN-OV, N. I. "N'oise I-mmunitv of a Two-Channel Automatic Radio Direction Finder witL Simul- taneous Comparison of Amplitudes" Material-., riauchno-tekhn. '-onferentsii. Leningr. elektrotek"In. in-t svvazi. V~,pe 2 (Materials of the Scientific and Technical Conference. Leningrad Electrotechnical Commuunications Institute. Vyp. 2), Leningrad, 1970, pp 42-49 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8G89) Transiation: 1"xpressions are found for the provisional dfitribuLfon function of the ~'a-ngent (bearing) for various situations. An example of calculating the error in the degree of variance of the bearing is presented. There is one illustration and a 16-entry bibliography. 1/1 USSR UDC 629.78.076.8 BAZHINOV, 1. K., IVANOV, N. M., MARTYNOV, A. I. it Discrete Algorithm for Controlling the Final Launch Velocity of Spacecraft in the Atmosphere of IMars" Uch. zaD. Tsentr. aero~Zidrodinam. in-ta (Sc~lentiflc Notes of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute), 1972, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp 59-64 (from RZh- 41. Raketostroyeniye, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11.41.97) Translation: A discrete algorithm for controlling the final escape velocity of a spil(I.C Ship in the atmosphere of Mars Is discussed, the achi,-_-vement of Which In pos!;1ble by simple aticownflc munuo. The Ilft. vector In roarolli-d by the change in Lhe angle of roll (J.e., the effective compollent: of Lhe lift force). The algorithm for the control uses the lines of intersection remembered by the on-board computer. Numerical results are given for a calculation c-f the efficiency of the control algorithm. It is sho~,rn that the control alur~z~hn, c,4n be mr_,rf in congtructing control -cuctmin-Q for tho final escape velocity for a wide class of launched craft and for various injection velocities. 4 ill., 4 ref. Resume. 1/1 USSR UDC 629. BAZHINTOV, I. K.$ NOGOV, 0. A., and YAKOITLEV, 0. S. "Some Adaptive Algorithms of Control of the Descent of Planetary Space Vehicles in the Earth's Atmosphere" Inform. Materialy. Nauch. Sovet po Ko:-,iT)Icks. Probl. of the Scientific Council on Co-mplex Problems), "Kib e rile Lik a. " AIN' SSSR, No 6 (53), 1972, pp 38-47 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Raketostroycnive, 11--o 5, 1972, Abstract No 5.41-173, Resume) Translation: The problem of controllin.- the descent of a space- vehicle enter- ing the Eartii's atmosphere at hyperbolic velocities is presently becoming a constantlv inore urgent one. With an increase of the erit-v velociLv, the solution of the problem of landing of the cralt in a gi.ven regiinn of rhe Earth acquires sub9tantial complexity, and thcrt~ in a (,ori-(-!;-)ondj.n~,, increit~(- in the demands made upon the descent control system. Such a descent control system must be versatile, capable of functioning in various kinds of (-merq-cncv sit-uations, at any practic-abi- range of descent, at varlous entry velociLies, with rando-I.- c~~a--Zes of Lhe neroOyna.,-Ac characzeristlcsr Qf t.iie Craft within Lhe liviits of Lolerance, otc. An algorlUvi for ~;(Jch 'I co-ntrol system i's a coq)lez une; it can be brought to rualizatJon c).-)]-.- -.?!Lli 1!2 USSR BAZIIINOV, I. K., Inform. Mater.Lalv. Nlauch. Sovet po Kompleks. Probl. "Kibernetika." ANT SSSF, No 6 (53), 1972, pp 38-47 (froin rcferativnvy Zhurii,-31, Raketostroyeniye, No 5, 1972, Abstract No 5.41.137, Ilesullie) the employment of a digital computer aboard the space vehicle. Sone typt-'s of algorithms for operating descent control systems of this kind are examined. 7 references. 212 USSII UDC 6- IVANOV, IN. M . 1,LUTY~,"OV, A. f. "One AlgorithT-.i for Control of the Final Descent Velocitv of Atitc.)~aatic Apparatus in the Atmosphere of Mars" Lich. zar). Tsentr. Acro-vidrodinai-ii. In-ta [Sci.entific Writings OIL7 C0,11-trzil Acro-Ilydrodynan.lics Institiltel, VnI 2, No 5, 1972, p1) 04-7/2, (Translated Zrom Referativiny ."hurnal, Raketostroyenive, No .4, 19-1.2, Abstrzict No 4.41.131 frcm the J'CStIT~-JC). Tr aris la -I i. on: A sii-iiple a1mr-Itilml is suogestcd far colltn-d of 'Clio fin,!! dc.~Cc-jli: Velocity of all allLo'llatic. apparavis in the atmosplici-c- of jli;ii-s, pz-oducilig tile nini,;iun vcIIoc;I.y at t pi,edeLerrained final altitude. I..onti-ol oi- thu force v,,~ctclr i,,-. adhicv~od by changing the Offective qual ity. are prescnted frum tile estimation of the effectivenc-,;s of* tho ab"Prit.11-1 Sul:- -vested for h.-pot,hetic.-al descent apparatus havinlu quality Kav 0.3, but ciiii-ference values of adjusted. lc,;~11 on the f-~Icc: Px SO kg/M2 1, 250 L-/m2. 4 Fitjn-cs; Ri-,fs. USSR IVANOV, N. M. M.-V),TYNOV, A. I. "One Algorithm for Control of the Final Descent Velocity of .1 Into the Atmosphere of Mars" Uch. zap. Tsentr. Aero-gidrodinam. Iii-ta [Scientific 'Vh-itini)s of Coiltl-~il Aero-Hydrodyn,waic Institute], Vol 2, No 5, 1071, pp ().1-72, (Translated Referativny), 17hurnal, McHianika, No 4, 197-1, Absti-act No 4 A6-1 by V. I. Toloknov) . Translation: An zill~orithm is su-pested foi- control of the dv~~ccjlt of N Spacecraft into tile atullosphere of* Mars, tile desuen'L vojo- city at a fixed altiuide. The essence of the. algorithi~,, con-,ists in calcu- lation of the loiwitudinal accolel-ation l."hile mailitaillill-, effective mic quality w1th zero hank an,,,le in comparison to the actual With tile calculated va)llu and output of an instruction Fol. m-tio!! t~ith bank angle wheit tile are equal. 'File 111.1111CriCal IT MI Z' Y estimate of the effe-1-tiveness uf tile algorithn %-.-hen r--i-dom oll, the hypothetical lzinding, ci-aft are present vrith two versions of cni-i-e,:vc-d load on the face. The effectiveness J%'aS CStjJT1LltC-ej [jSjjj[,1 til(, G. Dostupov. USSR UDC 629.78.015-076.8 IVANOV, N. M., VARTINOV, A. I. '--A4WU "Concerning the P'laximum. Fermissible Load Upon the Frontal 3u--'Lace of 3pace- craft Making an Aeronautic Descent in the Atmosphere of Mars" Uch. Zap. Tsentr. Aero-:1idrodinamich. In-ta (Scientific N'otes of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute), Vol Z, NO 3, 1971, PP 105-109 (from Referativriyy Zhurnal, Raketostroveniye, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 1-9,41.156) Translation: The article deals with some questions of the aerodynamic descent of a spacecraft in the rarified atmosphere of 14ars. It is shown that such a landing method for spacecraft, at least with an average value of the reduced load upon the phase P 1"Iaxterm,;~'j250 to 350 kg force/m2, is possible in practice only when two basic coxn-litions are satisfied: on board the spacecraft there are autonomous navigation facilities; the l3nding) spacecraft possesses at least a small lift force (a fineness of 0.3 to 0.4). 5 figures. 6 references. 15 USSR uDc 6lq:6i6.98l.42-079 BELICTOENKO, V. B., ard _IVANOYJ N.__P., rirauandla Scientific P.~~cearch Veterinarv Station and ~~zakh Scient-2"Lic Ft~seareh Veterinar-.., Ynstitute "The Lidirect Hemagglutination Reaction as a Method for Diamosin_- Bnucellosin of Calves" Pbscow, Veterinariyo, 110 1, Jan 73, PP 109-112 Abstract: In connection with the pro-phylactic immitnivition of calves, a-,ainct bnicellosis with ctr"in 19, it is essentiol to detect sick becaij2e the latter may remain P. co-,irc~i of infection in the herd. (;o(-jj re5~il.ts in diai-- nosing bnicellosis o calves were obtained by the method of Intirent, ination, vhich yielde(L a hirjier percentage of posttive re-sl)I.ts than th,:! tination reaction or the ruaction of complement fixation. To prep.-irc a c;talf.-le and active erythroc:;-te antigen, erythrocytes treated with tannin were sen~itizei vith linacellae of strain 1~)V that had been deestro.ved b,7,r the action of' ultra- soiz-1. Use of nonsensiti7ed ovine er,,throcytes in the i-eaction oil indirect het.=,~rlutinatior resulted in side reactions due to t'le of nor~-.n-1, hema.-~glutiuins In the blo(--,,! senm of the calver. of the rerwq sc-Lrmples witlh a 50,4., siispension of er-,kthroc,,ter, t',Iat --ir.i been tfeataJ with forralin eliirdnatetl t-'ac si6e reactions. ,0 USSR UDC: 62i--375-~-" 3VANOV,--N. P. , K2AE';IL".'T--f V. A. !. , LITVINOV, V. F. , "10 L fV NGO-VAN B!, '7TKj-'T' 111 , V V. , SEMENOV, A. S. "Investigation of the Radiative Characteristics oil GaAs Sinlr,le-Channel injec- tion Lasers" Moscow, Issledo-vandye izluchateI'nykh kharakteristik odno"Pn----Vnykh inzhek- tsionny%h lazerov na GaAs. Fiz. in-t All SSSR (cf. FrEiis----bove. Physics Institute of the Soviet Acadery of Sciences), Prerr-int Nc 31, 197?, ill., mimeo, (from Kh-Filzirka, Nc 8, Aug 73, abstract 'No ~-',Dljn]) Translation, A technique for making s i ngle-ch annel se=iconductor !-1.5ers Iso proposed and elaborated. Difr)-l-resistance gallium arsenido- dorled imn or chromium was used as the substrate. A layer of teilurium-dor~-' arsenide vith dopant ccncentration of nbout 101 /cc is P.-~wn by thr. taxiai fluid rr--ethod on the substrate oriented alorig axis 11,011. IA seml*- insulating,high-resistance film 100 ppi thick is then grown cn the doped layer. Thc reaultai.-,; layer plate is then split inzo !I needles" a ml.1- limeter in vidth in-Ic wh:*.C*~-., zInc 1S diffused. Laser dic-~~s are Mae(, 'rc)--,. the needles by the cleavaE-.e metnod. The characteris~-.Jcs finished 1/2 USSR IVANOV, N. P. et al., issledovaniye izluchatel'ny'r-Ih kharakt~-ri-tik . - - cano- kanal'm-!%h inzhekt-sionnykh lazerov na GaAs. Fiz. in-t 12; Fre,~z,-int No 31, 1973 diodes are studied, and thcir considerable a0vantages over conventional diffusion and epitaxial lasers are noted. 2/2 vi USSR UDC: 535.243.08 DOROFEYEV, V. S. , -ILA~NOVj, N. P. "Atomic Absorption Non-Dispersibn Photometer Based on a Photoresistor" Optich. i Titrometrich. Analizator~v Zhidk. Sred [Opti-cal and Titrometric Analyzers for Liquid Media), Reports of All Union Conference, 1971, Part 1, Tbilisi, 1971, pp 87-92 (translated from Referativny-y Zhurnal Metrologiya .;- Lzmeritel Inaya Tekhnika, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2.32.1098 by V. S. Krasnova) Translation: It is demonstrated that the use of a non-dispeTsion system for recordini based on type VSB spectral tubes and the F-7 photosensor, insensitive to daylight, the FEU-57 ultraviolet photomultiplier and the SF2-19 photoresistor in atomic ab- sorption installations allows the content of zinc, cad;,dum, bismuth, lead and Man. other ciements. to be determined in solutions. The results of experimental studies peTformed by VINJIREA (Moscow) have demonstrated the possibility of using the SF2-19 photoresistor in atomic abso-rption. analyzers using a two-discharge spectTal tube for determination of copper and sil-ver both simultaneously and separately i-lith a sen- sitivity of about 1-2, ;ju/nl for 1% absorption -with a reproducibility of about 2-3%. 2 figures; S biblio refs. 150 - 1/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE----)0CCT70 TITLE--THE BLOOD SERUM NEIRAMINIC ACID IN PATIE14TS SUFFERING FROM DIFFERENT FORMS IN BRONCHIAL ASTHMA -U- .AUTHOR-102)-TCMILETS, V.A., IVANOV, N.P. CCUNTRY CF INFC-USSR SOURCE-KLINICHESKAYA MEDITSINA, 1970, VOL 48, NR 3, PP 104-107 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SU3JECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIE14CES TOPIC TAGS-RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISEASE, BLOOD SERum, ORGAiNIC ACIO, SKIN rESr, ALLERGIC DISEASE CUNTROL J'-lAkKING--Pt'0 RESTRICTIONS 00CUMFINT CLASS-UNCLASS[FIED PRuXY REEL/FAAME--300I/C906 SFEP CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0126565 UNCLASSIFIED 2 C19 UNCLA~SIFIED 1, L-1 C i---- S SG 0 ,~ T E - - -1 t-;,~ I I CIRC ACCESSIC,,"~ NG--AP0126565 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- A B S TR 11 cLl E p L" % 0 1 T h;F p xi (j f S T A 3L I S il E 0 6Y T~l i- S j It. T S C k ~3 N C h IL~STHMA Tf~E AUTitoRSr TESIS It'i THE 6LA'10C S~RJM OF PATIENIS ~,Hti AN F141-1AA FJU~, E k" I M OUR I fi'G Tfl-l L i N T E13 A i~ G X Y S MA L 1-1 E k 10 L) It GR C A T L k L C. V E 1. 6 F i, I I :, I C10 THAN III PAT I EINTS AFF LCT ED W ITH AN A TOPI C AL AN10 M I I NIG BRONCH.1 AL ASTHMA PARUXY SMS THE BLU00 sERum cGNc Et~ r.~A r uu,,. 4E 1 1,,,: t c ACID RISES EVEN MORE. F AC I L I T YIN U.- H .40 ISSLEL). ALLEkGGLUGICHESKAYA LA30RATORiYA AMIN SSSR. UNCLASSIFIED Waveguides USSR UDC: 621-372.852.6 BAKLANOV, 0. D. , Bill, I Zl,~~OV, B. N., USTE.EE-NIKO, V. V. , IVAIZOV, 4. -, K FA V- CHENKO, V. F. , ZHILKOV, V. S. , MIZHJUK, N. A. , "An Impedance Transformer Based on a Cylindrical Waveguide" Pribovy- i sister,-,, a-vtomatik-i. Resn. r-ezhved. nauch.-tekhri. sb. (Devices and Systems for Automation. nenublic InterdeDartmentai ScienL-ific -~,-nd T~--~chnicall Collection), 1970, v1p. 14, pp 11-15 (from RZh-Radiotek-nnil-a, No ';, '.!ay 7.1, Abstract No 5B155-22) Translation: The PaDer described the design of al, imped.ance OJOC-l on a cylindrica! wavejuim-:. AW --ialysis of the results of eq-)erine-ntall studies shows that practical realization of the device is feazible in rrncr~- wave techrolog-y. The proposed design may find application in synthesis of I . I I autornatic lines on cylindrical wazv,2guides. Res=('- USSR UDC:621.791.052:539.4:669.15-194.5E SMIFNOV, S. A., Engineer, NIKITENKO, V. A., Engineer, andIVA ~NOV 'N. S . Engineer "Increasing the Properties of Martensite-Class Steel Welded Joints by Dynamic Deformation" Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No. 10, Oct 70, pp. 31-32 Abstract: Investigations were made of welded joints of high-strength martensite steel produced by electric slag welding with a plate electrode and subjected to 25-50% plastic deformation after welding. 'llie use of dynamic deformation of welded joints of martensitic steel produced by electric slag welding using a plate electrode allows a significant improvement in seam structure and in the zone around the seam and an increase in plastic properties of the welded joint. 77 - "I z: fir lJoIll 0 USSR 629-78415.076.8 I~EANQV N, X., 1-1ARTINOV, A. 1. "Concerning the Maximum Permissible Load Upon the Frontal Surface of Space- craft Making an Aeronautic Descent in the Atmosphere of"Xiars" Uch. Zap. Tsentr. Aero-Gidrodinamich. In-ta (Scientific Notes of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute', Vol 2, No 3, 1971, PP 105~; ~109 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Raketostroyeniye, No 12, Doe 71, Abstract lqo~112,41.138) translation: The article dealswith some questions ot the aerodynamic descent of-a~spacecraft in the rarified atmosphereoof Mars. .:It is.shown that such a landing method for spacecraft, at least with lue of the reduced an average va load upon~the phase Fxmaxterm,;0250 to 350,kg force/,t , is possible in practice -ionly yhon two basic conditions are satisfied; on board the spacecraft there nomous navigation facilities;-the-landin spacecraft possesses a' least are'auto 9 a small lift force (a fineness of Kl^'*e Ojto 6.4). 5 figures. 6 references. USSR uDc 619;63,6.981.42-079 IELCl C, NKOP V. B., and IVANOY, 11. P., Karaganda Scientific Reseexch Veterinary Station and Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute "The Indirect Hemagglutination Reaction as a Method for Diagnosing Brucellosis of Calves" ~bscow, Veterinariya, No 1, Jan 73i PP 199-112 Abstract: In connection with the prophylactic immunization of calves a3ainst brucellosis with strain 19, it is essential to detect sick animals, because the latter may remain a source of infection in the herd, Good results in di--F,- nosing brucellosis of calves were obtained by the netha(i of -LnLlirect hermafTglut- resil~n than the a(~r i-nation, wMch ,Yrielded n higher percentaga of posWve tination reaction or the reaction of complement fixatioa. To prepare a stable and active ei~ythroc~tt~ antigen, erythrocyton treated. ir.Wi twinin were icnsitized with bnicellqe of strain 19V that had bam (1(,,rtrqyod 1)~?! the action of ultra- sound. Use of nonsenGitized ovine erythrocytes in the xr-acttoll of indirect hem-g-g-lutination resulted in side reactions due to thtt! precence of nornal hemagglutinins in the blood serun of the calven. Preltmimrv adsorp'tion of the serum sarples with a 50p4 suspension of erythrocytes that had been treated vitb formalin eliminated the Bide reactions.- _"q USSR uDc: 621-375-82 P., KRASIL'NIKOV, A. I., LITVINOV, V. F., MOLOCH Vj V. I., 'IYANOV- 1j 'E NGO-wVAN BI, NIKITIN, V. V. SEMEVIOV, A. S. "Investigation of the Radiative Characteristics of GaAs Single-Channel Injec- tion Lasers" :Moscow, Issledovaniye izluchatel'nykh kharakteristik odrokanallnykh inzhek- Asionnykh lazerov na GELAs - Fiz. in- t AN SSSR (cf. Engli sh aboye. Physics institute of.the Soviet Academy of Sciences.),:Preprint'flo 31, 1973, 11 pp, ill., mimeo. (from 'RZh-Pi7' a, No 8, Aug 75,.abstract No 8D1101) Translation: A technique for making single-channel semiconductor lasers is proposed and elaborated. High-resistance gallium arsenide doped with iron or chromium was used. as the substrate. A layer of~'telliL-ium-doped galli=, arsenide with dopent concentration of about 1018/cc is fp-own by the epi- taxial fluid method on the substrate oriented along axi,s 1.1001. A semi- insu-lating,high-resistance film 100 pm thick is then grown oil the doped layer. The resultant multilayer plate is then split into "needles" a nil- limeter in width into which zinc is diffused. Laser diodes are me,de from the needles by the cleavage method. The~ciiaracteristics of the finished 112 11 . - -- ;~~ _i;-, -- -- - - . UDC: 535.243.08 USSI OOROFEYEV, V. S., I P. _EVAN _N. "Atomic Absorption Non-Dispersi&n Photometer Based on a Photoresistor" Optich. i Titrometrich. Analizatory Zliidk.:Sred 10ptical-and Titrometric Analyzers for Liquid Media), Reports of All Union Conference, 1971, Part'l, Tbilisi, 1971, pp.87,92 (translated from Referativny)- Zhurnal Metrologiy*1 i Izmeritellnaya Tekhnika, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2.32.1098 by V. S, Krasiiova) Translation: It is demonstrated that the use of a nor.-dis-persion system for recording based on type VSB spectral tubes and the F-7 photosensor, insensitive to daylight, the FEU-S7 ultraviolet photomultiplier and. the SF2-19';photoresistor in atomic ab- sorption installations allows the content of zinc, cadmium, bismuth, lead and many other alements to be determined in solutions. rhe results of experimental studies performed br VNIr.U-A (Moscow) have demonstrated the possibilitt'r of using the SF2-19 photoresistor in atomic absorption analyzers -using a tvo-discbnrge spectral tube for deternination of copper and silver both simultaneously tuld separately with a sen- SitiVity of about 1-2 pg/nl for A absorption with a Teptoducibility of about 2-3%. 5 biblio xefs. ssf SS114G DATE UNCLA Ff ED 6i9 ~~.,'TtTLE-THE_BLOUD SERUM NEIRAMINIC ACID IN PATIENTS SUH-ERING FROM -DIFf ERENT: FORMS IN BRONCHIAL ASTHMA -U- ,~.,.~'AUTHOR-(02)-TCMILETS, V.A., IVANOVq N.P. tONTTY CF INFO-USSR C t,~~-SOURC&~KLI N I CHESKAYA MEDITSINA& 1970# VOL 48, NR. 3PP 104-107 6AT E~: PUBL I SIHES---70 -~'SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~~JPPIC~ TAGS~---RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISEASEv BLOOD SERUM, ORGANIC ACID, SKIN T S r -ALLERGIC DISEASE :COiNTROL MARJ~ I NG-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED _~PROXY REEL/FRAME-3001/0906 STEP NO-UR/0497170/043/003/010410101 ~rrr_i~!;jrt,4 ING-AP0126565 77 7 019 UNCLASSIPIED PROCESSING DATE--30UCT70 -CES S I C-N N-0--AP0126565 CIRC' AC ABSUAC T/ EX TRAC T-- (U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. OEPENDING UPON TkiE FUR.1i Of NCHIAL ASTHMA THE AUfH0R5 ESIA3LISHED BY THE RESUI-rS OF SKIN ALLERGIC -JESTS. IN THE J3LCQ0 SERUM OF PATIENTS !ilTH.AN.jNFECTI0JS 4LLERGIC FOAM NTERPAROXYSMAL PERIOD A GREATER LEVEL OF NEllkA!Al,\4jC ACIO DURING THE 13 PATIENIS AFFECTED WITH AN ATOPICAL AND MIXED (--0RtlS. DURING "BRONCHI AL -4-'JTHMA PAROXYSMS THE BLU00 SERUM CONCENTRATAU.", (if NEIRAIIINIC :,-~.,ACID RISES EVEN MORE. FACILITY: NAUCHNO-ISSLED. :--AL-LERGOLOGICHESKAYA LABORATORIYA AMN SSSR- vegui~de:s.~" USSR uDc: 621-372-852.6 BAKLANOV, 0. D., BALIZAMOV, B. N., UST114ENKO,-V. V... IVANOV, N. S KRAV- LIMKO 5 V. F., ZHILKOV, V. S., KEIVOTIK, N: A.P PIROW~ft-"TT. "An Impedance Transformer Based on a Cylindrical Waveguilde" Pribory i sistemy avtomatiki. Res-n. mezhved. nauch,tekhn. sb. (Devices and System~ for Automation. Republic interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), 1970, vyp. 14, pp, 11-15 (from~RM-Radiotekhnika, No 5, MaY 71, Abstract No 5B152) Translation: The paper describes the design of an impedEimce transformer based on a cylindrical waveguide. An analysis of the restilts of experimental studies shows that practical realization of the device is feasible in rLicro- wave technology. The proposed design may find application in 6:ynthesis of automatic lines based on cylindrical waveguides:0. Fesum5. '7-7 USSR UDC:621.791.052:539.4r669.15-194.55 GMIRNOV, S. A., Engineer, NIKITENKO, V. A., Engineer, and...IVANOV,..14. S., Engineer "Increasing the Properties of Martensite-Class Steel Welded Joints by :DyTiamic Deformation" Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No. 10, Oct 70, pp. 31-32 Abstract: Investigations were made of welded joints of high-strength martensite steel produced by electric slag wel,ding with a plate electrode and subjected to 25-50% plastic deformation After welding. The use of dynamic deformation of welded joints of martensitic steel produced by electric slag.,welding using a plate electrode,allows a 6ignificant improvement in seam structure and in the Izone.arDund the seam and an -increase in plastic pToperties of the welded oint. 77 =7-77777777-71 USSR UDC-. 621.375.4088.8) TSELYARITSKIY, E. U., BORODOVITSIN, N. V.~ IVANOV,~N. S. "A Push-Pull Power Amplifier" -0. USSR Author's Certificate No 2h6590, filed I Dec;(6, publisiked 14 Nov 6-9 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 70, Abstract No 6DIO P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a tranaist-orized pu2h-pull pover -trolled and output tranaformers. To implement amplifier which contains master, con PD14 with linear 1/0 characteristics, two series-connected transistors are connected In series with each primary half-winding of the output trandfonaer. The emitter- :-base junctions of the lower transistors are connected to the secondary windiDg of the controlled transformer, while those of the.upper transi~tors.are connected to -the secondary, of the master transformer, P. U. USSR 533.921:621-.039-01 ITANOV, If. V. ,ROVAN, I. A., and LOS', Ye. V. "Pre-lonization of a Gas by the E-1.1--ve Field in the TO_7,:AY1KI_, Chamber" leningrad, Zhurnal telchnicheskoy f iziki, Ii 3, 1973, pp 52.3-516 Abstract: This paper describes the experimen`%-Ial results of an in- vestigation into the characteristiX oscillation of a hollou tozroid- al resonator and the characteristica~of hid'-frequency breakdoi%m of the gas by the field of the B wave in the chamber o-f the TokozaaIc- The resonator ias made of stainless steel with a small radius of 18 cm and a large radius of 60 cm, Low-inductance loo-ps set close t-o the chamber wall were used to excite 'Whe resonator, ane the os- cillation source iias a generator operating in the 600-700 11-ZHIz range developing power up to two kilowatts in the pulse mode. A feedback circuit was Lneluded to stabi-lize the frequency. 12he ex- periments in 6as breakdovmwe,re conducted iri:th hydroCen at a lonc-,i- tudinal magnatic f i-,ld intenrity of :200- oersteds,: The experiments ohowed that high-frequency, pre-~onization off a gan in the Tokanak ncy 1) -,d w chamber is paztnible, Und that itL the high-freqi~ze 0 hydrogen a plasma cord appe4red at.the chiuabor lum and makes it possible to study the temperaturij nal friction and shear modulus in the -70 to 800P C temperature with'automatic recording of.vibrations. -A study:of tile internal fric tion~and shear modulus of sodium silicates, sodium aluminosilicate (Al/Na 1),,and alkali-free aluminoborosilicate,fibers showed that ~'USSR UDG 677-52:539-67 FOSTNIKOVI V. S t IVANO.Vt N. V.j and B.ALASHOV, T U. S., Voronezh Poly- technic lnstitu~e "internal Friction and Shear Modulus of Thin Glass Pibers" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR2 Neorganicbeskiye Materialy, Vn 16, No 7# Jul 7 0, pp 1127-1330 a device created by the authors which uot3R uw 669.,76:538-221 NOV YERMAKOV, A. Ye., NOV OrA. 'Institute of Physics of and SHUR, Ya, S., Metals, Ural NationaiTeeann' the Academy of Sciehees USSR, and Ural State University imeni A. M. Gor'kiy "Rotational Hysteresis in Single Crystal Nickel Powders" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Mletallar i ?4etallovedeniye, Vol 3 3, i1o 6, Jun 72, pp 1182- 13B7 Abstract: A study was made of the temperature dependence o.f rotational hysteresis in single-crystal nickel powderr. with 220-3200R particle dian-eters. The magnetic properties of nickel powders-were found to be re-lated to the effec- ti,~* constant of magnetic anisotropy produced by magnetic interaction of par- ticles. The remagnetization mechanism ofnickel powderq for 300 and 450 OK remains constantY bu~ the magnetic anisotropy constant for these temperatures takes values of 5,10 erg/cm3 and zero, respectively. type of remagmetiza- tion in nickel powders with particle sizes of d 4 1100 rean be 4Tjalitatively explained by approximation of the "twisting" and the chain models of spheres. In po-,iders with d > 1100 R particle sizes, .the character ()f rer-agnatization. JLG more complex. The exchange anisotropy, dependent on the pr-.sence of NiO, was found to have no effect on magnetic properties.. Five figures, fourteen bibliotira-phic references. USSR- upc 669.24:538.246 YERMAKOV, A. Ye., IVABOV. 0. A., SHUR, :Ya. S., GRECHISM11, R. M., IVANOVA, G. V., Institute oT"Mys:Lcs of Metals , UNTs, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Ural State University imeni V. I. Lenin "Magnetic Properties of Single-Crystal N, ckel Powders" 'verdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallo ed v eniye, Vol 33, No 3, Mar 72, pp 558-563 Abstract. The authors investigate the magnetic properties of nickel single crystal spherical particles as a function of diameter from 22 to 320 MI. It i8 shown that as narticle size increases, the cce_ycive force and residual induction first increase, then decrearx, after reaching a maximu-m. qbe waF.- -hrf Increase- In particle size netic structure goes 4. )uk;h three stages vith an from 22 to. 320 nm: superparaxagnetic,~ monodomain and polydomain. 91le authors thank M. Ya. GEN -for procedural guidance in making the particles. 48 MQSR 77 UDC 669.24,538.221 YEPMOV, A. YN., and SHUR, YA. S., institute of lietal **sUl'trat?-National Center-of the Academy of Scionces USSR, and Ural State University Iment. A. M. Gorlkiy "Temperature Dependence of Plagnetic Properties of Fine Singlecrystal Nickel Powderst' Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Fletallovedenlya, Vol 3~. No 4l Apr 72, pp 752- 737 Abstractt The effect of magnetostatio:interaction on magnetic properties has been evaluated on the tosis of a study of the tom-terature "Pendence of magnetic properties of fine nickel poNders. The Inveutigation included Matnetic structures from auperWwnagnetia to nearly multidontain structures 0 in the 220 to 3200 R interval. It was fpund that for~the aver 300 K tem- perature range the wgnetic properties of powdern are b_uiemlly determized by the chain-like aligiment of particles which results 0in all anisotropy of the dewgnetizing field. At tiinperatures below 300 X, in addition to the iridicated anisotropy, the magnetic properties axe essentially affected Ixf the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. A possible nechudsm of the rtmagnetlza- tion of such chain-like &tructures is discussed, A drop of -the residual USSR ]-JANOV 0. A., et al. Mika Motallo* i Pletallovedonlya, Vol 13, 4t Apr 72, pp 752-73? magnetization with the temperature is observed for pseudoeuper):aramagnetic particles and particles with maximum coercivity at T 30001 this drop being effected by the appeaxance of the superparammAnetic phase. Apywixently, 'the same sources cause %no anoma-Lous shale O:t, ttle -temperature curve of coercivIty with the decreasing:size of,paiticles. Six i.11ustrationsp fo-ar Tormulast tweleve bibliographic refezences. 2/2 63 - UNCLASSIFIED PROCE.,qSTNQ DAT E-OA~-OEC 7 0 I TL F--E).,AMPLE OF THE EIMPLOYMENT Or- T HR E.E DIM ENS11 ONAL N I M I S A T I ON VTjiaR_t02J-TARKHOVAi T.N.v IVANOVt O.F., OF INFO--USSR OURCE-KRISTALLOGRAFIVA (USSR)t VOL. 159 NO 0.3 P. 573~-6 (MAY 11470) A_t,E--.PUBL ISHED ---- MAY70 q..~SU16JECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ..'-TOPIC TAGS--X RAY OIFFRACTIONt COPPER COMPOUNDI ACETATE, QUINOLINE i_.C0NTR0L MARKLUING.--NO PESTRICTIONS -_0OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 ";'PROXY: FICHE N0----FD70/605029/E07 STEP NO--Ult/0070/70/015/003/05'13/0576 frl r Ac _41C_U_S~510N NO-00141 '850 iA 212 012 uNcL.ASSIFI*ED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 '~,CJRC ACCESSION NO-AP0141750 GP-0- ABSTRACT, A THREE D r -1 t-~-r r ~11 .1 r- -2* 1 1- -r c A (N r7 L T V,x A- PART I DESIGN AND OPERATION OF THE 'LM-17' STATION A?M "Ll-YROUOD-l' Chapter I GENZRAL USION AM CONSTRUCTION OF "LLMA-17" STATIOX K. S.- Antsavi V.: Z. -HAOttkov, q. G. Iv anaX -L. N. Leanidov, G. U. Nikolayev. A~ D. Dneprov, A. X. Aleksani =cmanov, A. F, Grachev, V. 1. xo=arov. G. H. Sheoternev, A. V. Rybakov, R. L. Byl~ova, M. 1. Bol'shov, F. P. Yakovlev,- V. X. Mishkin, M.'B. Xolesov, and.P. N. Vaumov I... Design a The Ilune-1711 automatic station consists of two main parts: unified landing stage andan s;itomaLLc,self-propolled:vehiclei the lunokhod. The unified landing stage (Pig. 1) in an independent rocket unit do- sioned for making Zlight trajectory corrections on the earth-man path, put- tint the station Latu a lunar artificial set llite orbit. and izVle,~enting a prelanding cireuvilunar orbit. And a soft landing on the lunar surface. The unified, landing stage includes a correctiag-brattLng engine with a fuo.1 system, two crm:partments which can be jectisoned, inscrtuvent LCARpartments. end a loAdin$ apparatus, The supporting element in the landing stage assembly is the rot of ramin tanks, to which the engine, ejectable compArtmonts and landing ap%inratus are attached. The main tanks unit consists of four spherical tanks for fuel Joined into a AinGlo assembly by means of hollow cylindrical construction comqrcr.,~ts. The two larger oacs are pressurized instrument compartments balding the sta- tion flight control system. On the outside of the smaller ones there are spherical cylinders and tanks with compressed gas for air-jet microongLnes 4 Translation of Russian-Language monograph r a L. n Pereavitionnylk Labor.,to i na L%)n* unokbod Ka;ftc D;reoo* 0 71 L Ju a reap.: ed!'1.1'9Ar-deM1C1a13 A. r. Ifinogradov; -Hauka. M210hing 92 x6v,*0or,',, IWI~ Chapter 2 M10 COMPLEX, COMM SYSTLM AND SOURCE OF MECMC CURRENT V. P. Pu*bkov. L. L, Puchenko, F- 1. Babkov, R- 0. Salova, 2. C,.1VAg2Y, V. t. Malin, A. S. MAkov, 1, 5, Merkov~ Ye. G. UzkLy. N. A- Zhefernov "a V. M. Sudayev 1. contr 1711 Station ol System for "Luna-1 Among the systems on the "kqpa-Jl one of the prin. . - jr' automatic station. cipal problems is solvud by the control system. Thio is a complex of sophis- ticated instrumentation ensuring station flight and landing. The principal in-flight missions performed by the control system arei .InLtnence of n stipulated position. of the last stage-,:4 the carrier- racke th, during flirht in circunzwrrastrt -t with station al orbit and at a vory specifictime firing the engine of the last stage foT imparting to the.station a velocity close to seconcl casmic.valacLty neces'sary, for_ flight to the moon; spatial control of station position in th# flight sagment to the W00n, during p-arrormante i:-f ttv.4cctory corrections i-a selar.0-centric orbit, during corrections of this orbit, and during landing on the lunar surfAce; w., stabilizing the station during -peraticm of the landing stage engine In a.fixed. rigorously determined p6sitlon;. regulating landing stage engine thrust In acccrdanct with the stipu- lated program during deceleration during tht- course of landi%ig on the lunar surf-. I Via control system includes gyroicapic insrru~enta, computers, engine control units, co=utating units, and actuating cmponents. Vie ingular deviations of the staticn frum azzfp~lated spatial, normal. lateral. and angular.valocity components are dezermined using a Ayarem of gyro. scopic Instruments in the 4uto=tic stabilization systum. 28 Tranalektiou wr monograph tdrlyi am Luce to prove 4 June 71 reap, editor Academician A. P, Vinogrodoy, 11suke Publishing HOUniet Wamv.128'pp- JPR3 54 525 CA 40 0 X Chapter 4 COMM AND RESULTS Of VROGRAM IMFLUIENrI.TION A. A. Aleksandrov, P. A. Artem'yev. C. T. Bog&tov, A r Yelenov, 0. 0. X V. A. Ryvkina, Ye. G. Uzkiy, A. 1. Shalkhov. F. P. ravLQ;n;2-0-vY,_. Koclov, and L. N. POlQnov 1. System for I.Mokhod Remote Control .Ibc 1,jncihod vcmoto control cystem (RCS) was designed to er~sur s fa ==v=ont-zlong vi,- lkinee nurnace -:-a the stipulatecl direction with the Maxissua mean velocity. With respect to volume of proceised Information and number of zrurmants employed, to use the terminology adopted at the prcscl* time, this nyr,,,,, can be classified as a sAturated system. A peculiarity of the deRcribed ! mystom is that it is a clanod automatic control system. Ground and on-board radio complex equipment is used In the remote ccW- trol of movement. This com. ra i. ;P*- pl.ex, ensures the, trans IssLan -A reception of z trial radio coamu'rids, tolemaLric information. aW television inusges. The luzm~- khod is remotely controlled by of o e=ars,. the 1%Anokhod crew. The driver. receiving from the vehicle a monoscopic television Image of the terra--'n _'n front of the lunokhod, determines the possibilities for moving over it and given appropriate com-cands ("Turn," "noceed." "Stop.", "Back up")- The position and diionsions of. the obstacle are evaluated usins a special ranse sc4le plotted an tho.videocontrol apparatus (VCA> screen, The navicator, uaive tal4metric data received from, the vehicle's ccz-rs4h gyroscope, gyrovertical and seniors registering LIAO traversed path. calculaiced the trajectory and lays out tho rout, to be followed in the stipulated direc- tioll. Accordingly, the driver determines the systemi quality during lur.~Lhod movt:rcnt about its center of gravity and the nAvigator detc-rdnes inovenant. alona the tTa~cctovy. The effect o~ -niovemunt along the trajectory on move- merit about the center of gravity is related to the requirements on the 4c=racy in adhering to the trajectory. 47 Traaelation of Ru -language 0*006" ""a Ph d i P i ero viz an, , ]Lablotoriva An Lunt Lunekbod 9YI, signed. to press 4 June, 71 reap. editor Academician A. P. Vinogradov; Muka Publishing House, Moscow i2a pp. JPRS 54,525 ;:L.X A/D 011`91 USSR UDC 677-52:539-67 POSTNIKOV) V. S., TVANOV, N. V., and BALASHOV, YU. S., Voronezh Poly- technic Institute "Internal Friction and Shear Modulus of Thin Glass Fibers" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR) Nearganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 69 No T. Jul 70, pp 1327-1330 -~t~ 1711C. ax -1-4-e created by the authors which I r r:TIL-A. of th'n 6, A m d 4Le me t e rifIke dqvi,_-e bjSeCt Orl ~A ItLm and ooss~Lblq to 6~tj-j,,r Lhe teirw~m;ture depi~~.-,Cpmce ol' iWLer j,~; in the -70 to na frin~ioa and s~.w~ir modult E?.mp,-:,E%tijre .6 44tern,~,!;. fric- c ruc -(!4. of vibr-at-iora. A Study Of the in ith aur-.1-tati oi mag ~A t ion and shear madul'u3 of s"41um ;Gillcat-Q, sodiu-t, ~-i I w... i r, 0 "i 4 1 t C;~- t e .41,48 1', and alkall-free a `%vaiinaborosi 11 cata O'ibi:;rn show;zrd tbiit - p, USSR POSTNIKOV, V. S., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSRI, Neorgani- cheskiye Materialy, Vol 6, No 79 Jul 70, pp 1327-1330 there is a qualitative similarity in the relaxation spectra of macro- and microspecimens. Quantitative differences which are found are evidently due to the more open structure of thin glass fibers. 2/2 USSR uDc 669-76:538.221 YEFEAKOV, A . Ye. r-W-10V OO.AA., and SHUR Ya. S., Institute of Physics of Metals, Ural National~en the Academy of Sciences USSR, and Ural State University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy "Rotational Hysteresis in Single Crystal Nickel Powders" Sverdlovsk) Fizika Metallov i Pletallovedeniye, Vol 33, No 6, Jun -T2, pp, 11842- 1187 Abstract: A study was made of the temperature dependence of rotational hysteresis in single -crystal nickel powders with 220-32Cd particIe diameters. The magnetic properties of nickel powders were found to be related to the eff,2c- tive const-zmt of mai-netic anisotropy produced by magnetic interaction of par- ticles. The reragnetization Trechanism of nickel powders for 300 and 450 OK remains constantY buk the magnetic anisotropy constant for these te"merantures takes values of 5-10 err s Pe type of renarnetiza- )cm3 and zero, re pectively. tion in nickel powders with particle sizes of d:~_ 1100 A can be q-_ialltativelY s explained by approximation of the "tvisting" and the chain mr),~Iel of spheres. In powders with d > 11CO R particle sizes, the character of rerrat~netllzatlon Is More complex. The exchange anisotro-ov. de-aendent on the nr3sence of 1110, was found to have no effect on magnetic properties. Five fiLrares, fourteen bibliographic references. 1/1 - 24 USSR 6 6 YERMAIM, A. Ye. , IVANO'.7 0. A SITUR S. , G Vetais, UNTs, Academy of-' -Sci(~ncel. of tl,,(-2 1-1-5 G. V., Ilistitute Ural State University imeni V. I. Lenin stal ji,*_~ d "fLngnetic Pronerti-es of SijjgjC__Cry, ej pot, Sverdlovsk, Fizzika kicta2lov i 1-:etallo%edeniye, Vol 33s 558-563 Abstract: The authors investigate the magnet4C pj,ope of i I crystal spherical nar *Cles as a firiction of di,=uter from 22 to 3 G r1 It is shcwn that a! size increases , 'lie ccercive force ~nd re-_~~i~_.~! induction first increu.,_-e, Lhen after reachint, r, MILXJ.Tr.,il~.i. T'he rietic struct,_-E~ aces thrcuzii _f:!'Ce stnces wjth wn c). from 22 to 320 nn,.: Tnoncdc-aii. aii~_ r Tilc- V. 'Yu. GEN i-or a, il hor-,z arl! ocedura] ~midaance i.n *Lhe 1"!c USSR UDC 669-241538-221 IVANO 0. A. YEMAKOV, A. YEE., and SHUR, YA. S., Institute of Netal *3. OrIC-AST. 0-1 National Center of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and Ural y State University imeni A. M. Gor'kiy "Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Properties of Fine Singlecrystal Nickel Powders" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenlya, Vol 33, No 4, Apr 72, PP 752- 757 Abstracti The effect of magnetostatic interaction on rz.,qnetic properties has [ Merature dependence of been evaluated on the basis of a study of the to I magnetic properties of fine nickel powders. The investigation included magnetic structures fron superparamagnetic to nearly multidomain structures in the 220 to 3200 R interval. It was found that for the over 10001K tem- perature range the =gnetic nroperties of powders are basically determ-inea by the chain-like aligiunen particles which results in an anisotropy of the demagnetizing field. nt temperatures below '~OOGK, in P4dition to the indicated anisotropy, the magnetic properties are essentially affected by the maET-e-tocrIstalline anisotropy. A poissible riechaaism of the remagnetiza- tion of such chain-like ntructures 1B discussed. A drop of the residual 1/2 USSR IVANOV, 0. A., et al., Fizika Metallov i 1,'4etallovedeniya# Vol 33, flo 4. Apr 72, pp ?52-757 magnetization with the temperature is observed for pseudosuperparamagno-tic particles and particles with maximum coercivity at T )OOOK, this drop being effected by the appearance of the superparamagnetic phase. Apparently, The same sources cause tne anoma.Lous shape oi tne temperature curve of coercivity with the decreasing size of particles. Six illustrations, fo-,-r formulas, tveleve bJbliographic references. 2/2 - 63 - 1/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--EXAMPLE OF THE EMPLOYMENT OF THKEE DIMENSIONAL MINIMISATION FUNCTIONS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-TARKHOVA, T.N., IVANOVI O.F. COUNTRY OF [NFO--USSR SOURCE--KRISTALLOGRAFIVA (USSR), VOL, 15, NO, 3, P. 573-6 (MAY 1970) DATE PUBLISHED-----MAY70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--X RAY DIFFRACTIONs COPPER COMPOUND, ACETATE, QUINOLINE CDTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO----F070/6050?9/E07 STEP tiG--UR/(1070/10/015/003/0513/0576 CHIC ACCFSSION NO--~,P01417f)'O 2/2 01-2 UiNCLASSI F IED PROCESSING DATE---04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0141750 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A THREE DIMENSIONAL MINIMISATION FUNCTIOt4 METHOD IS APPLIED TO X RAY DIFFRACTION DATA FOR THE AODIT'ION COMPOUND BEETWEEIN COPPER ACETATE AND QUINOLINE, 47N (TARKHOVA AND ABLOV, ABSTR. 1197 OF 1969). THE PROJECTIONS OF THE FUNCTIONS M SU82t M SU84, M SUB8 ON THE (010) PLANE ARE ILLUSTRATED; ATOMIC COORDIANTES ARE TABULATED TOGETHER W[TH THEIR DEV[ATIONS FROM THE VALUES GIVEN BY TARKHOVA AND ABLOV* C t, A S S I F I F D PART I DESIGN AhM OPERATION OF TRE 'LM-17' STATION AN'D 'LL'N'OKIIOD-l' ChapEer I GENERAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF "LUNA-17" STAT10N K. S. Anisov, V. 1. Mastakov, 0. G. Ivanov. L. N. Leonidov. G. N. 14[kolnvnv, r -S- F. Gra~h~y, V. 1. Ko' A. D. Untpr", %. K. Alvkuand ov, r . 5 nvv, A. Inaroli. C. N. Shesternev. A. V. Rybakov, R. L. Bvkova. M. I. Bol 'shov, F. P. Yakovlov, V. K. Xishkin, M. B. Kolesov, and P. N. ~aumov 1. , Design The "Luna-17" automatic statlon consists of two main perts: it unified landing stage and an automatic self-propelled vehicle, the lunokbod. The unified landing Stage .,Fig. 1) In an Independent rocket unit de- signed for making flight trajectory corractiont on th, earth-oun path, pUL- ting the station into a lunar artificLal satellite orbit, and Lmplr,~entlng a prelandiag circu-ttiluckar orbit and a soft landing on the lunar surface. The unified landing stage includes a correcring-braking vnglne with a fuel SYSteM, LWO compartments which can be jettisoned, instrument cumpart.wents, and a landing apparatus, The supporting eL-ont in the landing stage assembly is thl! set of main tanks. to which the engine. ejecLable compartments and landing apparatus ar~ attached. The main tan1ks unit connista of four spherical tauiks for f-il joined into a single ansembly by means of hollow cylindrical construction cornpar.c.its. The two largL-r ones are pressurized instrututnt cumpart,.cnLs holding the nt- tion fli~;ht control system. On the ouLsille 0~ the smaller ones th(-re are spherical cylinders and tanks with compt-cssed gas fcr air-jet MILrt),tigines (d 4 Trans3ntjon of' R.esisti-LAnguage monograph Peredvizhnnyn Lnbortptorl L% ne Ystonare na 4 June 71 Lunokhod e'; 1, ret;p~ 'L 'i de=Icinn A. P. VI or c, nogradov; 11nuka Publishing House, Moscow 128 pp. JPRS 54,525 22 November 1971 Chapter 2 WIO COMPLEX, COMOL SYSTEM A~Zl SOLXCF. OF ELSCTRIC CURREK V. P. Puchkov, L. L, Puchcnko, F, I. Babkov. R. 0. Belova, 20-~" V. 1. Malin, A. S. mak.v, 1. U. Ficl:k-v, Ye. %:. Uzkiy, N. A. Zheloinov and V. M. Sudayev 1. Control system for "Luna-17" Staicn Among tile systems oil the "Lu-na:17" automatic Station, ulle of tile pritt- cipal prot'let'~% Is solv'-d by thv c-,-1 This is a c-plax .3f sopl'is- ticated instrunlentati.n ensuring station And 1AIldilig. The principal in-flight missions performed by the control system are: ntaintenance of a stioulated po~tricln of Lite last sLarL of tile carrit-t- rockl,L with the station during flight in circum'.*errestrial orbit and at 3 vory specific t1wo firing tile c1lj;1oo of the 14~t sLal-,e for impartbig to the Statio-.1 a velocity close to second cosmic velocity voces,lary for flight to the nomi; spatial control of station position in the flight segment to tile -oo. durIng por(-~rnance of trajectory corrections in saleno-ccritrIc orbit, durinr. corrections of this orbit, and during landing on the lunar surface; stabilizing the station during operation af the landing stage engiil~ in a fixed. rigovQusly determined positij,; regulating landing, -itage atigine thrr"sc Ill acordance with the lated progr= during deceleration during the course of landing on Lite lunar surface. Tile control uystem includes i;yrzs.:cpc instruments, computers, engine control units, commuLating units, and act"ting coinponents. The drSular dvviation~ of the from stipulated npati~,I, nortrall. latvral and argular valocizy componv,.E~ zre deternmed using a sysrem of gvrij- scopic. instruments in the autotuaric sysz~m. 28 - Translation 0.1 Rusajon.janglange monograph Percdv1zhn%yv l,!iborntoriy5 nh Luna Lunokhod-1 I. "!, signed to prouli 4 June 71 rellp. edit.- "-dt-T-'Cj2U A. P. vincgradov; 11auka Publishirg Holale, Mel'scow 126 pp. JEM 54,525 22 r;ovember 1971 Chapter 4 C04TROL AM RESULTS OF PROGRAM VJLMSNT1.T1ON A. A. A_1=14sandrov, P, A. Artem'yev. G. 1. Brgalzov, A ;c Yelenov, 0. G. Ivatiov, V. A. Ry-Aina, Ye, G. Uzkiy, A. 1. 5hAhov, F. P. AvloV. Yu. Kotlov and L. N1. Polenov 1. Svrten- Ear Rmoto control Vie luilokhod rcivaLe control system (RCS) was to enstire safe covemetit along the lun4r surface- in th~e stipulated -.;irerttrn with 0- MIXIMUM ,,,esn velocity. With respLct to volume of proc",,ed Inv~i-atcn and riumbtir of Inzitrum,cmts ~rylLiycd, to use the terminology ado.;:cd C. lli~ pr-q~nt this system can lie classified as a saturavei system. A pecullarity of the describ" gynt- is OWL it is a closed automatic control systs~~. Ground and on-board radio complex equipment is used in the rcroote, con- trol of rtovr-rrot. This coi,iplex ensures the Lra=S~LtSion and reception of con- trol radio comfuri,iq, telemecric infumation, andl tclevis!on Images. The Ica- khod is reii~otvly controlled by a group of operators. the luixokhod crew. The driver, r(-cuiving from the vehicle a maosecric television image Of the t,,rv,:.n In frc-nr of the lunokhod, detemines the for nivvIng ~vor It. and gives appropriate cornmands (-_rn." "Proceed," -St,y," "Back up") . The position am! dixensiQns of the are rValuzzed using a spes~ial vange scale platted on the videocontrol ap~ara,-_; (VCA) scrccn. gator, usint,, tclumetric data received from the vchi~le's caurse The navic eyroncope, pyri>vertical and ien~ors reristering the traversed path, calculzites th,~ traj(:CLory and l.y. out the route to be followrd Iii the Stipulated d'.rcc- t I on. Accord'n~;ly, the driver dvterriln~s the systrn quality di3rine 1wrizi.110j MoY(I.--ent allosit its CCoLer of gravity and the na,~iga"or dettrmines; iiov.:mont alan~ rl;e tra~cctory. Th~ Llfvvt of moV~U"..t mcnt about the center of gvaviLy is related to Z,%e rcr.~irmetirs on the accuracy In adheritil; to the trajectory. 47 Trauslation -of Russ Is n-laingu5ge vionograph Peredtiftht,nya Laborvtori,st fist Lone Luno1thod-l,__lq7l, slirnwa to preut, Is June 71 reap. editor Acftdc=ici*n A~ P. VinoEradov; Hauka Publiching Hcuse, 140scow 1P3 pp. MiS 54,525 :IL AjD ,I 'r 9 Chapter 9 THE RINA LtNkR AL'MMATIC SPECTROMETRIC APPAAATUS Kochnrov, N. F, borodultn, S. V. Viktorov, 0, M. Voropoyev, A. Yu. t;. V. Kir'yan, V, V, Petrov, and V. A. Sak r--novsknya, -ul 'skiy Thu chemical corpositlr. of a planetary body In amonli the most important of the htstocy of its origin and evolution. In the Overall for st-iyhq-, tt,e chr~iic4l c=ijusfrfon of the surface of planetary !ivr. in r1w nol~jv systein the v,~st importwic Object for investigation Is %.I*~-Ily the. lr~ I;Wdyinj~ the of tliv Iiiiiar surtave it was first tieces- th, ;,noral -.tiatl-ship hc-twvo th, distribution ol. chemi- it-~ a,.*- tbt-.Jr distuil-tion t)n the eartli, Tlhi5 problem becii p;,rtially -1v,d hy SL,iet scic-liti:,ts in itxpovtments for iovvqriga- I.A:31' gx-i.) -,ttv~r) and x-ridIntj-i siiAo from Orbital ntations and the vil"I'l-I Ziff scientist., .1w 4naly~,-4 the It-m,nts fo,~nd !;,,j)) ow rh~ surfac,~, ar thc, Survey~,r 5, S~~rveyor 6, and -'-yCr 7 !Aqdinr. sites (21 . A stjfU,.,itnLIy c,npietc Program for Investigating th, ch'~mical comwosf- i o c~f th, m-n ~iusc ~Ticlvrie an analysis Of many Individual sectors on the "i-~i'An and iar W'!s tL,, '.rar -rfa.v, the r(4i s of st!at; and continents, -':t-~ 4if diii(fC-nt sl:~i, CLC. , I1%VDUti&ULiQnS Of ChEmiCal COMPOst- t on in d,:pth , ece . Theso inv&:ir I Sat ions can be made both by lunar stations of different --es directly on tha s~;rface and by returning gro,ind samples to the earth their st,,dy if, Infor7,,.Cioa In its scope. and Valise was obtiiined by lunar -~,c--ditlon7 Cf the A~cllo sties and the "Luna-16" ~tntion. They rcr,,rnee c. oarlh ri'mitt-s ,.f ero,rd from the. hare Tranquillitatus. :1are Fo",,ndttatis, 136 - TranulatIon of Russ Inn-LangLage monograph Prrpdvl~.hnava Laborstorlya na Lure 1~6'1, otgnel to preou 'i Junt, 71 resp. niiwr AvAdenAcian A. P. VInogradov; ffnuk~ Publi6hli.g House, Moscow 128 pp. JITS !d- 525 :?',' November 197. USSR U D C 5 3 5 IVAI,,;OV, 0. 1., Leningrad Institute of Precis~on ~'echanics -ria 01)+,--cs nThe Effect of Mastic Deformations of the Gimbal Suspensicn on the Nutation Oscillation Frequency of a Gyrcscove" Leningrad, Friborostroyeniye, Vol 16, No 5, 10,73, Pp 80-94 Abstract: The design of miniinum weight gyro instrument5 is freque-ntly limited by constraints on the nutational frequency, since reducin[--, the r-ifridity of the gimbal elements lowers this frequency. Although other stuo-ius have consi&re(i the effect of el-ast:;c deformation in individual elements, flli~- one r.overs all, parts of the suspension -- rings, bearings, Journals, etc. r e s.-: i n,T the equations of motion as second order Lagrange equation:-: with tLe ant-Iles as general ccord-inates, the overall system description ca;-i be bro'ken up in-Ic tvo parts, cne of whicin is dj-r~cnnded because it has no uff,--ct r~n Lhe nutatior,--l! movement. The remaining, uxpressions can be further simplii'ied, :-jnce thc.. nutational oscillations are usually of significantly lower fru~lucjicy th,.n t-lho.,~r,- caused by elastic deformations of the suspension. 1/1 INPLIFENCK OF nIE El---';T[(: DEMICKATI0.4 OF THE GLIVIAL SUSPENSION ON MF FKEQUIi.HCY OF TIlF. HMATUAAL OSCIUAMINq OF A CYROSOOPF. JArti "le bv 0 1. '14 1"!;titut' of 1-recision M'hani- -J , 'T~~ Uptit,.; i:~ fair,ian, %, 5. IQ73. recotmisended by the MaLr of G-o-opic and N-ig.tional -bitil t ti 2B April IQ72, pl, 80-841 Equatwi-it, of motion of a gyroscope are derived. with ronsidera - tion of lit(- angular pliability of the basic elements of the gim- 1,.tl ...pension in,] a fun,ti A d,peruh-v is obtained bet-r- the frequctiry of the rititati-ial t-irillations of *he gyrciscop~- ~d tbe elastic properties of the gimbal suspension- Thr designing of gyro instrumcnts of minimum weight with a rivt.-. kinetic moment (if the rotor is altuost always associated with a lire;t2*zoo on the frequency of the nutationni oscillations of the gyroacv1w, Frcq-ic=tIj: this condition is detertnining, mince the minimization of the weight is - avoid.thly associated with a decrease in the rigidity of the franics of the ;;Im- h,al suspension which. in turn. leads to a d"reasic in the frequerey Lr. zj%e nutational oticillations of the gyroticope. Data Are available concernin,, U~~ effect at the elantir properties of only individual elements n! the gimbal $us. pension on the nittati-al frequency of the gyropro[w. lit the pr-,atird cork. the effect of ;)I% the basic elements of the. gimb-11 itunpenNion on the nutziti-nal frequi-ocy of the gyroscope is in-stig.ited. namely. the external (rarn~ internal (ramv (Vik), rotor axis. tornibrarics of the rotor tad the ing supportm it[ tht- frarnes anti awk of the rotor. We will rcwt-id- a gyro- -itte whose kincruatic diarr~- is shown in Figure 1. We will write the equations of it. motion with c-lidersiton Y( thr inertial properties of the rotor, VR, NR, and angular pliability of tbe cle- mcntn of the gimbal suspension indicated above. For a description of the motion of the gyroscope, we will introduce a system of c,>c,rdiuate a:ses: P(Care the inertial axes. x IYIa Iare axts connected with the pivots of the Nit. x Y,.z, are connected with the bu ohings of the NR. x 3y3'3 wiLb the USSR IVANOV, 0. 1., Leningrad UDC: 538-383 TIConcerning the Influence of Elastic Deformations of a Cardan Suspension on the Motion of a Three-Degree Astatic Gyroscope" Leningrad, Izvestiya VUZov: Priborostroyeniye, Vol 16, No 2, 1973, pp 80-83 Abstract: Equations of motion are derived for a gyroscope with regard to deformation of the principal components of the Cardan suspension. An in- vestigation is made of conditions where there are no moments on the axes of the gyroscope caused by elastic deformations, and it is sho~,-n that t"le principle of equall rigidity does not account for a nur:-.ber of important properties of the Cardan suspension. 1/1 0. 1. "Determinin- the Defo=j ation and ML;idity of Suspension F=--ea" Lenin,, _Pribo-_r-ostj:oveniv yt, No 1, 19172, pp 514 Abstract: To eliminate unusual tiC.1itness of pension 'Ll-IlMe ball boarings, tho frvmp ther-11-al 6.~!coi-pl:Lng s'-stems, -4L--o co. pen.E; C of the tiE;htne~~s. The frame loadi-Tif. is then o-C rigid body simalati-ng the action of a stablr_~ or tkho frame o-f P. Cl-rdaxi. Thio artic-Le three confiCurationb of such a rigid body: and rectangular. 'The elliptical body izi treat-et-', by ur. 'Chu;- equations. of equilibrium for the forces and vIo,-_c-,-iaI'-O-- 'ak-tL-- on J.- the circulla- body is treatted by colisiderin,-, it -_-,~3 SI5CC._2-L C_--~;C: of the elliDtical body; the rectan8vlar 'LOdy J.,: -::j. -t'~:!' the same wav as the ellii)tical. Thir, theo-, ., e~ i.,:,, ~-, I T 1 produces foi-mulas for delermjiiin~,; the deffo_-_'-~'U~;.Cn ]-JI-1-_i.d_i_t-- CI~ these three typos of frwai-, which embra-Ce V. TO ('(J~ ~7`, P USSR UDC 531-583 IVANOVI 0. 1., (Leni-n,-Tad Institute of Precise Mechanics and Optics of Concernin- the Determination of Deformation and Rigidity of Gyroscope 0 Gimbals Ball Bearing Supports" Leningrad, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Priborostroyeriye, Vol 14, No 9, 1971, PP 89-93 Abstracti Censideration of the effect of elastic deformetions of Frrosco-T)-- gimbal ball bearing support is described. A rigid rotor with its journals supported by ball bearings is understood as a ball bearing support. This problem requires to consider the support as a elastic mechanical system with six degrees of freedom, with five of them detuxirined by the ela3tic contact deformations of oscillating bodies and the sixth by the ovir rator rotation. As a result of calculations goneral relationships ate obtained for determining the center of gravity displacementt governed by contact deformation of bearing oscillating bodies. The results are substantiated by a numerical example. 1/1 Nuclear Science and Technology WSR IVA,NOV, 0. S., and BADAYEVA, T. A., Resp. Editors Stroyeniye I svoystva splavov dlya atomnoy energetiki (Structure and Fropeerties of Alloys for Atomic Ener,_Qr), Moscow, "Naukao" 1973P 192 pp Translation of Annotationi The book contains the results of investigations of the structure of equilibrium and metastable phases, the transformation kinetics of solid solutions, the formation and physical cheraistz:,, and mechanical pro- perties of alloys based on uranium, thorium, zirconiun, and niobium, as a func- tion of composition and temperature. flew data are presented on the phase equilibria in binary, ternary, and quaternary systems of uranium with C, 11.1o, W# 11n, Al, Si, Fe, and other metals, of zirconium with Nb, Sn, 0, of Yiiobiu;r, with Hf, and Ti, and others; on crystal. structures and transformations of metastable phases in binary and ternary systeris of uraniun with ""r, i.~o, Jib, Re, Ru, and others, which were observed during hardening and tempering; on the mechanical and thermoelectric, properties of alloys of uranium with 4"Ir, Kb, Ho and Al, and of thorium with Y. On the basis of the systens considered, general principles are presented on structural changes and alloy propertiLes. The collection is intended for researchers, metal scientists, designers , metallurgists, and teachers and rtudents specializing in atomic materials. 1/7 USSR IVATIOV, 0. S., and BADAYEVA, T. A., Structure and Properties of Alloys for Atomic Energy, Moscow, "Nauka," 1973, 192 pp Table of Contents PAGE Foreword 3 I. Alloys of Uraniwi and Thorium. -- Atoklic Fission Fuel ALERSEYEVA, Z. M., IVAVOV, U. S.,"The hature-of Double Carbide with a 1-11onocline Grid in the Alloys U-Mo-C and U-W-C" 5 ALEKSEYEVA, Z. M., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Phase Equilibria in the Area UC-UE-or' No C-Mo-U of the Ternary Alloy U-Pio-O" 8 '2 2 ALEKSEYEVA, Z. 14., and IVANUV, 0. S., "Phase Equilibria in the Area UG-UWC2-W-U of' the Ternary Alloy U-W-C" 13 AURSEYEVA, Z. 14., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Stabilization of UC2 and MoC I-X in Alloys of the Ternary System U-14o-C and U-1d-G" 17 ALEKSEYEVA, Z. H. and IVANOV, 0. S., "Indexing the Powdergram Compound UMOC2-x, UWC 2-, and z-Fhase Systems U-W-C" 19 BADAYEVA, T. A., and ilLKSAIMROVA, L. N., " A Diagram of the State of the 2/7 System Th-W 26 USSR IVANOVA, 0. S., and BADAYEVA, T. A., Structure and Properties of Alloys for Atomic Energy, Moscow, "Nauka," 19'13, 192 pp BADAYEVA, T. A., and KUZNETv'OVA, P. I.p "A Diagram of the State of A Uranium Carbon of the System U-1-In-Fe" 30 BADAYEVA, T. A., AIV~SMNKO, G. K., and ALEDSAOROVA, L. N., "Solubility of Aluninum, Silicon, and Iron in 0~ -Uranium" 34 BADAYEVA, T. A., ALEX3EYEVA, G. K., and ALERSA14DROVA, L. N., "The Character of Equilibrium in Uranium Carbon Alloy U-Al-Si-Fe" 38 BADAYEVA, T. A., AISKSEYERKO, G. X., and ALENSANDROVA, L. N., "The Micro- structural Ficture of Emissions in Alloys of Uranium wiV One At. Percent (AIL, Si, Fe) During Decomposition of and 1-5 Solid Solutions" 45 SOFRONOVA, R. X., KUSHNIR, N. P., and IVAROVI 0. S.1 "Fetastable Phases Based on Uranium In Ternary Systems U-Zr-11o and U-Zr-Hb and Certain Characteristics of the Transformation -y 0 -,i;- 0( .. 53 SOFRONOVA, R. M., KUSHNIR, N. P., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Single and Double Phase Metastable States, Formed During Hardening of the Alloys U-Zr-Re and U-Ru-Mo" 59 317 USSR IVANOY, 0. S., and BADAYEVA, T. A., Structure and Properties of Alloys for Atomic Energy, I'loscow, "Fauka," 19?3, 192 pp SQFRONOVA, R. 1-11.1 and IVANOV, 0. S., "Development of the Transformation s r C< in Tempered Alloys Under the Effects of Plastic Deformation" 64 SOFRONOVA, R. M., KUSHNIR, N. P., GERASIMOVA, I. G.p and IVAHOV, 0. S., "Effects of Low-Temperature Tempering (100-3000 C) on Crystallines Structure of the ILatastable Phase of Uranium" 66 KUSM,,-IR, N. P., SOFRONOVA, H. MI., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Eetastable Phases Based on Uranium in Alloys U-Ti and U-Ti-Mo" 70 TEREMOV, G. I., and TAGIROVA, P. KH., "The Realm of Realizing Phases in the System U-Nb-1411o" 73 XISHIIIEVSKIY, V. B., SOFRONOVA, R. M., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Kinetics of Isothermic Disintegration of Solid Solution in Alloys of Uranium with Zirconium and Mobium" 74 GOLOZOV, L. I., HAKHOVAI N. I., and VORONOV, N. I., "Polythsrmic Sectioning and the Kinetics of Disintegration of t.I-.,e -r-Phase of Alloys U-Zz-Ti and U-Ifb-Ti with 85 at. percent of Uranium" 80 TEREKHOV, G. I., TAGIROVA, R. KH., and IVANOT, 0. S., "Characteristic 4/7 Temperatures of Certain I-Iletastable X-Solid Solutions of Uranium" 84 - 32 - USSR IVANOV, 0. S., and BADAYEVA, T. A., Structure and Properties of Alloys for Atomic Energy, Hoscow, "Naukal" 197), 192 pp LYUTINA, E. M., GOPOZOV, L. I., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Dimensions of the Nucleus of Low Alloy Uranium Alloys with Zirconbium, Niobium, Eolybdenum and Aluminum" 86 LYUTINA, E. M., GONOZOV, L. I., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Fardness and Dispersion Degree of Phases of Low Alloy Uranium Alloys with Zirconium, Niobium, Molydbenum and Aluminum" 92 MAKHOVA, V. A., and COMOZOV, L. I., "Lasting Heat Hardness of Uranium Alloy3 with 15 at. percent of Nioblum and Molybdenum" 97 GOMMOV, L. I., and PAKHOVA, V. A., "Development of liethodology for Investigating Certain Uranium Alloys After Creep in the Y -Area" 99 GONOZOY, L. I., LYTYMNA, E. h., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Creep Resistdnce of Low Alloy Uranium Alloys with Zirconium , Mobium, Molybdenum and Aluminum" 103 GOYOZOV, L. I., 1-A-MOVA, V. A., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Creep of Certain Uranium Alloya In the State" III TEREKBOV, G. I., SINY/tROVA, S. 1., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Thermoelrictric Pro- perties of Solid Solution of the Systems U-Zr and U-ift" 118 5/7 USSR IVANOV, 0. S., and BADAYEVA, T. A., Structure and Properties of Alloys for Atomic Energy, Moscow, "Nauka," 1973, 192 PP TEREKHOV, G. I., TAGIROVA, R. KH., and IVAROV, 0. S., "Thermoelectric Pro- perties of Solid Solutions of Th-Y" 4126 11. Alloys of Zirconium, Niobium and Vanadium -- Construction 1,11aterials for Various Purposes TARARAYEVA, YE. M., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Refining the Diagram for Alloy States of Zirconiurn-Iron-Nickel" 131 TARARAYEVA, YE. 14., KURWEVA, L. S., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Constructing and Three-Dimensional Diagram of the Alloy State Zr-lib-Sn-O and its Limiting TriadB" 138 RAYEVSKIY, I. i., STEPANOV, H. V., and IVANOV, 0. B., "A Diagram of the Alloy System State lliobium-Titani"-Hafnium" 143 TARARAYEVA, YE. H., GAYNOV, V. N., IVANOV, 0. S., and ALEEFSEYEVSM, N. YE., Study of Initial Stages of Disintegration of Solid Solutions of the Alloys Zr-hb and Ti-Nb, in Comparison with ChanGes In the Critical Temperature of Transformation of Super conductor State" 14-8. 6/7 LWR IVANOV, 0. S., and BADAYEVA, T. A., Structure and Properties of Alloys for Atomic Energy, Moscow, "Nauka," 1973, 192 PP TARARAYEVA, YE. M., NURAVIEVA, L. S., and IVANOV, 0. S., "The Effect of Oxygen and Iead on 1-111echanical and Corrosion Properties of Zirconium Alloys with 1 and 2-5 at. Percent NV 158 TARARAYEVA, YE. M., ALEKSEYENKO, G. K., UTESHEVA, Z. A., and IVANOV, 0. S., "Investigation of the Effect of Tempering at 300-6000 C on the Structure and Properties of Zirconium Alloys with 2.5 at. Percent NY 162 VOYTEKHOVA, YE, A., and ILVANOVI 0. S.6 "On the Structun of the Qxi~-. Film Pormed on Zirconium at 400-500 C in an Oxidizln,a HcditLV 169 TEREXHOV, G. I., ALIT21TSER, 1-1. YA., and IVANOV, 0. S. , "Thermoelectric Propertie3 of Alloys of the Double Alloys V and Nb with Ti, Mo and W's 178 7/7 USSR UDC 669.296i620.M669-017-11 jVANUV,__Q.__S.,_ADA~jOVA, A. S., TARARAYEVA, YE. H., and TPMUBOV, I. A., -5-truktura Splavov Tsirkoniya (The Structure of Zirconium Alloys), Akademlya Nauk SSSR, Izd-vo "Hauka," Eoscow, 1973, 199 pp, Translation of Annotationj A critical generalization is presented of JLnvestigations published until 1970. The structure of zirconium alloys In states of equilibrium and inequilibrium is examined. The structure in the state of equilibrium , discussed in the first part of the book, is analyzed from structural diagrams of binary and ternary systems on a zirco- nium base. In the second part general rules are given for the formation of metastable phases in zirconium alloys and also the structure of alloys In inequilibrium state in concrete diagrams of binary and ternaxy alloys. A list of the investigated systems is presented. The publication is intended for investigators, including scientists, metallurgists, and mechanical engineers working In the fields of investigation, development, and production and application of zirconium alloys; it is also intended for teachers and students at metallurgical and mechanical higher institutes of learnJ-qg. Night tables, 222 figures, 594 bibliographic references. Translation of Table of Contentso 1/4 IUSSR IVANOV. 0. S., et al., Izd-vo "Nauka," Moscow, 1973 199 pp Vreface 3 Part One. Structure of zirconium alloys in t he equilibrium state 5 Chapter 1. .5rams of binary syst-ems of Structur-a.1 diar zirconium 5 Structural diagrams of binary systems 0-P zirconium with elem-ents -.Ath s-valency envelope 6 Structural diagr;ims of binary systems o -,' zirconitnq with elements -.-dth p-valency envelope 9 Structur-d dia-7r!n-ms of binary systems of zirconium with elements wit-h d-vqlcncy envelope 17 Structur-,_1 dia.--rams of binary systemn, o f nirconium with elements -.-iith f-valency envelope 32 Bibliogranhy of chapter 1 35 Chapter 2. Structural of ternary oystems 40 BibliograDhy of 2 132 Cha-pter 3. ~~ruc-ura-l of quaternary sys"l-ems 136 2/4 61 - Ussr IVANOV, 0. S., et al., Izd-vo, "Nauka," , Floscowo 199 pp Biblior graphy of chapter 3 - 147 Part Trio. 3tructure of zirconium alloys in the inequilibrium state 148 ChaDter 1. General rules o--:' the formation of metastable Dh ases in zirconium alloys 148 Metastable Dhases in unailoyed . zirconium 145 Structure of zirconium -alloys with s- and p- e1 ements in -iheybtate of inequilibrium C:ilz) 149 Structure of zirconium alloys with d- elements in~:the stat e of ineouilibrium 150 Stabilization conditions of Dhases in zirconium alloys with d- elements 17t'L 159 Structure of zirconium alloys with f-elements in the state of ineauilibrium 163 3A USSR IVANOV, 0. S., et al., Jzd-vo, "Nauka," ploscow, 199 pp Chapter 2. It" Structure of binary zirconium alloys in, the state inequilibrium 164 Zirconium -alloys -Ath d- elements 164 Zirconium alloys with f-elements 176 Chauter 3. structure of ternary zirconium alloys in. the state ineouilibriun 182 Ternary zirconiira alloys with s-or p-and d-elementus 182 Ternary zirconium alloys with d- elements 184 Termary zirconiwn alloys with d- and f- elements 188 Conclusion 192 Bibliography of part two 194 Index of syszems Of zirconium alloys 197 4/4 - 62 - USSR UDC - continucats fashion throu-1i the entire ran-e of and I C~ of the existence c.-i' -t~-.e solution. It can also be viewed --,- an additive systen consistin- of non1r.L ex-acl-ing suboysterits. Formula-Z3 1;e--e developed L 6- and cturies obtained from, then compared in a qualitative fvS:hion with exDerinental data, It is noteworthy that the calculatlon we-.s canded out without unirg any thenT.-c-d7namic data for ciLaulative entropy of -for the onthalpy of i;,Iixing solid solutlions. I //I USSR UDC 669.293129512961297-017-11:537-312.62 S.., F-kYEVSKIY, I. I., and STEPANOV., N.V. Sverkhprovoclyashchiye splavy sistemy niobiy-tit-an-tsi-rkon:Ly-,-,afniv (Super- conducting Alloys of the System Niobimn-Titanima-ZireaniLo-Hafniwn), I'loscow, "NaWca" Press, 1971, 161 P., illustrations, bibliographic references, 1550 copies printed. Translation of Annotation: The monograph discusses a system based on decaying solid solutions of niobiuri. Data on the phase structure of two- and three -noq)onent alloys (as a part of the above quaternary system) as well as on their superconducting properties have been critically analyzed and correlated. Presented are the latest. dat-- on the phase structure of alloys produced by the authors and other invest-i- gators. Presented are, for the first time, the phase structttre of the entire quaternary system ,Tb-Ti-Zr-.qf and the superconducting, properties of this system. The effects of various factors (composition, structure, ther.-no- mect]:Lanical treataent) on chwmges in the critical parameters of bina-i-Y, te- a LM IT, and more complex allo.,ri3 are described. Uie book is intende'i for ta i - -n tists, rhysical retallun.,ists, and other specialists en,~,--f7,ej in Lhe researcri, synthesis, and aPrdicatiOn Of Plastic superconductini?, Tr,anslation of TabIc of Contents: USSR IVANOV. 0.S., et al., SverkliprovodyashchiYe splavy sisteD7 niobiy-ti an- t8:Lrk0niYn'.afniY, Yosccrw, "NatAka" Press, 1971. Ch. I. gupercond ctors of the Second Kind 8 suporcopductivity Fiienomenon 8 Characteristics of Second-Kind Saperconductors, Specifically Of Hiobiu", and Its Alloys 10 The Importance of Superconducting Materials for the Advancement of Technology 20 Ch. IL Phase Structure of Ni-Ti.-Zr-ff Alloys 22 Phase Riaggrwms of Binary 6'ystems: Niobitun-Titanium (23); Hiobimn-Zirconiiza (24); NiobiLun-Hafnim (28); Titanium- Zirconimn (32); Titanium-flafnium (33); Zirconiuan-Hafnimm (310 Phase Diagrams of Ternary Systems: Niobiwri-Titan:Lum- Zirconium (34); Niobium-Zirconiiri-Hafnitua (38), Niobium- Titanitrn-Hafnium (41). Phase Diagrams of the System Niobium-Titanium-Zirconium- Hafni=; Isothennic &3ctions of the System (42); Isotheraic Tetnhedron of the 3ystem (45) Ch. III. of the ;~Eten Niob1'_U1.T1_ SuDerconducting Properties of Alloys _ Ti.tanitu,, 47 2/- Binary Alloys: Niobium-Titanium (47); Niobivn-Zirconium (50); USSR IVANOV, O.S., ellu al., Sverkhprovc;dyashchiya splavy sistemy iiiobiy-titan- tsirkoniy-,a.fniy, Moscow, Iqlauka" Press, 1971. ITiobi=-Ha.-r._,m (54) Ternary Alloys: Niobium-Titanitra-Zircordin (57)'; Niobiwn- ZireorLi=-114afnima (62); iliobiuri-Titanitun-',fafnivxn (67) Alloys of the Systeem Niol)itLn-T-itaniLn-Zirecni=-.tiafniuin: Section 'With 70 at.% ITIobiura (73); Section Idth 50 at.% Niobitm (79); Section With 30 at.';Q Niobim, (85) and Mochanical Pro-oertios of Nb-Ii-Zr-ff A-110.1's Ch IV. Processixv 93 . Proccsz3ing Properties of Alloys: Forgint" 07.1 ; Rollirg and Drawizk; (96) Strength and Plaqticity of Alloys: Niobi=-Titwiiu-n- Zirconitm (97); N_4obi=-Zirconimm-!Iafnium (99); Niobiwn- Vitaniura-Hafnil-ra (100); Niobiwn-Tit---nitL-a-Zi-rconilzr-.- Hafnimmu (101) Conclusim 105 Appendix. Illustration'for All Articles lort References 161 3/3 1/2 022 UNCL ASS I F I EO PROC;-'SSM~r) TITLE--S,tiORT RMNCE ORDER IN URANIUM AND NICIBIUM Sail.1L) SOLUTIONS -tJ- AUTHOR-(03)-STRELOVA, S.V., UMANSKIY, YA.S., IVANOV, O.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--uSSR SOURCE--J. NUCL, MATER. 1970, 3412) 160-4 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-YATERIALS, PHYSICSr NUCLEAR SCIEt.,CE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC TAGS--URANfUM ALLOY, INMBIUM ALLOY, SOI-10 SOLUTION, CRYSTAL LAFTICE, X RAY DIFFUSION, ORDERED ALLOY CUNTROL kESTRICTIU-INS DOCUMENT CLASS-WiCLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEL/F.~AN!F---1985/0382 STFP If3p; 2/2 022 U.NCLASSI FIED P~--ICESSINIG DATF--i`-~SEP70- C I RC A CC E~;S I(IN %10-- A P 0101090~,i AIRSTk A C r/EXTRAC f-- ( 1J) GP-()- ABSTRAcr. THE SHORT ORPF'~ !~!4 ~-!:JTIJAL iARRAlNGE.,'.lE,.,i,r oc: AT. CO%lPt!,N,"E'JS IN A Sf?Lilj SOLN, t-dF Ei,;JjAr. WAS STUDIED BY AN X PAY it"If-FUSION SCATTER[NIC, -ll-PT-Li'*)0,. riiE AT(.;',,S JF- IJ MAINLY SURRf~U,10 ATOIS OF NB AND ATO'"IS OF Nti SURROU~I) Afo"4S Op (J. AF I E4 ISOTHERMAL TREATIMFNT GF rifF ALLOY FOR 1 HR AT 140-:)0:-7GkEES 11--, 2et A T 10500E,32REES, THE SHORT RAINGE ORDER PARAm&rERS 1,4ER.E %ll-AS,JpF--,-) FOR 3 SHELLSr AND THE STATIC DISTORTION PARAMETERS OF rFiF- CPYSTAL LATFI~-E DUP T9 DIFFERENCES IN THE AT. VOLS. OF THE COMPMIENTS OET,). THE PARAMETERS WERE GREATER FOR THE LO';-iER TEMP. TREATMENT. 1/2 021 UNCL ASS I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7( TITLE--SnLUBILITY OF ZIRCO-NIUMj NIC6IUV# AND MOLYBDENUM IN ALPHA URANIUM _U_ AUTHOR-(03)-GOMOLOV, L.I., LYUTINAq E.M.p IVANOV, O.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--NIOSCOW, IZVESTIYA AKADEMIT NAUK USSR, METALLY, NO 2, MAR-APK 70, PP 210-215 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--SOLUBILITY9 ZIRCONIUM CONTAINING ALLOY, NIGBIUM CONTAINING ALLOY, MOLYBDENUM CONTAINING ALLOY, URANIUM ALLOY, ENTHALPY, GRAII'4 SIZE METAL RECRYSTALLIZATION CO.NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--(JNCLASSIF(FO PROXY RELL/FRAML~--1997/1601 STEP CIRC ACCESSION Wl--AP0120366 UNC L A 5 S 11) 212 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7 GIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120366 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A SERIES OF URANIUM ALLOYSv CONTAINING FROi'-l 0.05 TO 2 AT . PERCENT OF ZIRCONIUM, NIOBlutfil OR, MOLYBDENUM, WERE MELTED TO DETER141NE TO SOLUBILITY OF THESE ALLOYING ELEMENTS IN URANIUM ALPHA-PHASE AT 550-6&ODLGREESC. THE INGOTS 05TAINED WERE SUBJECTED TO HOMOGENIZING ANINEALING FOR 50 HR Ar 950DEGREESC, QUENCHED IN WATER, AND COLD ROLLED -filTH REOUCTIONS OF 50PERCEINT. THE PREPARED SPECIMENS WERE ANNEALED AT 550-66L)DEGREESC FO 240-180 HR, AND SUBSEQUENTLY COGLED IN WATER. I T 6AS FOUND THAT THE SOLUBILITY OF THESE ELEMENTS IN THE URANIUM ALPHA-BASE DECREASES ID41TH INCREASINIG ANNEALING TEMPERATURE, ANO IN ANY CASE 03ES NOT EXCEED 0.5 A . PERCENT. THE RELATIVE PAkTIAL ENTHALPIES OF SULUTIONS O~ ZIRCO.%,f[JM, NIOBIUM AND M01-YaDENUM ARE 15, 20.8, AND 36.8 KCAL-GAT, RESPECTIVELY. INTRODUCTION OF UP TO 0.2 AT . PERCENT OF THE ABGVE MENTIONED ELEME.Nrs INTO URANIUM LEADS TO A RAPID DROP OF RECOVERY RATE DURING ANNEALING AFTER COLD DEFORMATION, AND TO REOUCTION OF GRAIN SIZE TO 15-25 MICRONS DURING RECRYSTALLIZATION. UNIC LA S S' 11 If- If Ez D USSR uDc: 621.373.442 NERONOV, ,- V. VOROB'YEVA, L. N. "A Low-Frequency Pulse Generator" Moscow, Otk--ytiya, Izobreteniya, ProiVshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 22, 1970, Soviet Patent No 275156, Class 21, filed 26 Nov 68, p 38 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a low-frequency pulse generator made in the form of a transistorized multivibrator. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the effect of destabilizing factors on frequency change is eliminated by connecting the collector of one of the transistors in the muitivibrator to the base of a matching stage based on two transistors. Connected between the emitter of the output transistor and the positive pole of the power supply is the winding of a resonance relay made in the form of an energizing winding in an oscillatory system and a comrmitating contact pair which connects the collector of the multivibrator .ransl tor to the positive pole of the power supply during relay operation. 112 028 UNCLASSIFIEU PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE--CLINICAL FORMS OF ACUTE HEPATIC INSUFFICIENCY AND MODES OF THEIR THERAPY -U- AUTHOR-105)-GAILPERIN, E.I.t NLKLYUDUVA, YE.A.p IVANOV, P.A., OVNATANOV, B.S.* YAREIMA, I.V. COUNTRY OF lt%FO--USSR SOURCE-KHIkUkGIYA, 1970, NR 2, PP 40-48 DATE PUBL ISHEL)------70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TUPIC TAGS--LIVER FUNCTION, JAOINDICEv CIRI