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UWR XUTSEV, 1. D., and POL.IYEVSKEY, S. A., Institute of Hygiene of Children ~rlrolescents of the Ministrf of Health WSR, Older of Letnin State Central Institute of Physical Edir-ation "Grouping of Professions for Applied Physical Training' Moscov,, Teoriya i Praktika Mchaskoy Kultury, 11o 6, J.972, PI) 36-39 Abstracti Due to their great varletyr professions should be grouped accoid- ing to identity aild sLmilarity of tszks. required by coch profession. This is necassary for the development of common physical txainixig methods and for an early suitability determination of a given individual to a chozon progession. The suCzgested method. is LMHOd On t~G C3t1Lb1iSh!1ont Of J'jiyniOlo- gi(al suitability criteria for different - professiorLs". The triteria are determined by correlation between the physical potentlal of thu humaji orpniqm wd the profession xequinmentlio, The author analrzad neveral professions at a watch plant and pointal out the coNnon trmits among Using his o~m data and teat of v6lar authori, he groupsd 361) profesSions Into five gx~oups uccox-ling to their professional suitailtdility criter-la. Thl;se grauw ares (1) Profeosiona dazaing witth an assembly rX u4itD consis-IL-ling of small parts~ and the shoo and eaving industry professlona. Thin group 1/2 USSR W.TSEV, 1. D. anrl FOLIMMY, S. A. Teoriya. P=ktika FiAcheskoy Kultury, Ho 6, 1972v pp 36-39 includes 96 professions. (2) Professions which are cha-raoteirized bt sudden and unexpected complica-tions which requiro inmediate decision-xvaking. An incorrect decision to remove the compiex situation could inean lose of life of injury. To this gmup belong 210 professions, such as prcIPC-asions dealing ~dth cheaical reactors and x-eactions, cold and hot notal rolling aills, production of' cor..-mic bcat-resist,-wt, materials$ and otherv (3) Frogr Ors and co-NputiN; p3xsowiel at computing cantel-, and at wany plants and factories. .(4) Setup men at plants and factories (turret latbe, millIng, grinding, and other me:~a-vrorlzlng mac'iines). The tot- nuzber of - Mi. profeasions in this group is 38- (5) Tractor and rachinistu GToup (20 The trc-,An- ing by means of physical culture ana sports of funo#om that are inclutled In.the suitability critorla should deternine the corr~ent of occupational suitabili-ty preparation for complex professions and their groups. UDC: 612+6131:37.035.3 PHYSIOLOCICAL AND HYGIMIC ASPECT OF WORX IRAWNC. AND VOCATIONAL GUIDINCE (Article by 1,A. N~Llov, Trintitute of Child and Adoloncont flyst-int. USSR of Hielth. instituta of Child and-Adolazeant Phyuiclogy, USSR Academy of Pedagogi. 14c.,-.; mwscov, V-1-01 A11,111-Il sic!kn Nauk. No 4, 1777, pp V7-9rj The rational use of 2ociletv'z :Lz an, iz;=rtant prcr~q"IattQ for i=Plemu tizz.-the dczrmc.- of. he 2.1rd and Ing to the incro4ne in eff~.cttvrnenn of natlorAl produrtIon and prod-tivity 0fI 460r.. In a period of intenni-le buf1ding, rf c;n"miLm increaranst dwnanda are being made of thL work force And its professtwint training. It 1. n.w timm to tralit workers Vhowe de"lopmont and level of t .' hnical knouladge. would cc= closer to tlw I#v4l of w0intc,l eog1t*6rInu; -~rk.ffi. nd they should be proficient in ~dprn technnlrxy. The complexity of zodern occupotl,>ns. i~ rethvr groat and to *howing a tendency to Increase. For this tQnron. the chot," ef occupation by an adolffactnt that would meet both his and tocletv's demands, is an extremely difficult oft4 to~-ti-s Ipa..ibl. -kt- The (.orstltut4on of the Soviet VnIon pmclai- the right to ..rk, wh%ch JmPl1P* not only effl0ay"ot but 4Inn frPr irlen-IfftnIly subntanLinted of oceup4tion which should satiary th. dt-anda, and ..pabili- ties of th~ Adolescent as wall 45 tho demands ~~ c6tiety. Only acitntLfically subatentlatntl choice of profession will prc-ride, for joyful uork that will not Only help In preaervInR ht~alth but nl."o In lievelopment. Without this, wrk cannot he a human need, Without ntiontlflcali7 stil-stantiated choice of occupation, proper plnrpnent of perncr,nel is unt`.Inkablo. In out Mims, the ecientific and technological revolution in proceeding at a pace hnvtng no equal It, Watery, but this par* In quic~-Ing - and -re. Topht-losIcnI. progr*04 Involves all anpecto of labor. The thoice of a profeshion in our country is not set against the adoleccent's desire to reugivt highar and secondary specialized education; It Is viewed as the start of 4 carvtyr and future. ftore deliberate choice of spacialty by th~ adolescent, which equally requires scientific abustantiation. Fix USSR uDc.. 681.327-02 KARTSEV M A. "A Device for Control of an Operative Memory" Moscow, Otkryt,:Lya, izabreteniya, proqrshlennrye obrazts)-, tovarnyye znaki, No 9 , Mar 71, Author's Certificate Ito 29700, Division G, filed 31 jul 69, pWolished 2 Mar 71, p 162 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for control of an operative memory made in the form of n memory modules. The device con- tains an address register divided into most and least s!gnificant sections, and a decoder of access-enable. signals. The Input of the decoder is con- nected to the lewst siryiifieta-it seation of the adth-P.,is regintor, 4uid the decoder outzuts are connected to the control inputs of the cor-responding modulen of the operative memory. A-- a distinguishing feature of the Patent, the device Is designed to provide for tile p=sj.WJty o4' sipmAtroivotisly sampling from 1 to n cells by sequential addresses, beginninX with an address given In the command. To this end, the device contains address assemblies, an address asse =-1y ccnitrol sigwA decoder., and an address codi.- converter. The converter input is connected to the output of the mpst si;pificant see- tion of the address register, and the converter output is connected to some o:t the inputs of the address assemblies. 111he second inimits of the addre:3-- KARTSEV, M. A., USSR Author's Certificate No 297070 assemblies are connected to the output of the most significant section of the address register, and the control-ling inputs of the address assemblies are connected to the corresponding outputs of the addm~ss assembly control signal decoder. The decoder input is connected to the outrut of the least significant section of the address register. Between the information inputs and the recording inputs of the operative memory modules, and:between the read outputs of the operative memory modules-and the information outputs are ring shifters, and the access-enable signal decoder has additional inputs connected to the control unit. 212 VO USSR- UDC 536-242 ~A21�j& .60,Jw. and SVIKLIS, S. B., Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciedces Latvian SSR --"Influence of Magnetic Field on Heat EXchange of an Anomalously Viscous Fluid": Riga, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk La-tviyskoy SSRV Seriya Fizicheskikh i Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, No 5, 1970,~pp 74?-79. Abstract: The article considers heat excbange in the plane-laminar magnetohydrodynamic flow of an anomalously viscous fluid in a channel nergy equa- with nonconducting walls. A 3olution:is obtained.for the e, tion for fully developed flow when the channel operates under a short- circuit mode (4)w 0) and a no-load ~ mode (0- 1). An analysis is given of tne dependence of the gusselt.number Nu on the generalized Hartmann number M for the magnetohydrbdynamic flow of a non-Newtoiiian expon- ential fluid at various values of the r~heological: parameter n and the head load k on the channel with and without allowancelfor anomalously joulean diaaipation-~', are; given which, show ViOcous and 1/2 uss]~( KARTSEV, V. A., and SVIKLIS, B. B-0 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latviyrskoy SSR, Seriya Fizicheskikh i. Tekhnicheskikh:Nauk, No 5, 19?0, pp 74-79 that an increase in the number M significantly influences heat trans- er, especially at I* The greater the rheological parameter n f a,id the weaker the heat flux k on the.walls, the more intensive is the change in the absolute value of Nu. An increase in the non- Newtonian parameter n and a deereaseAn the heat,load on the channel walls result in a decrease in the value of DI at which Nu with-the value less at 0- 0 than at,- 2:1. ~ 2he analysis indi- .~'Cates that in dilatant fluids Intensive:heat exchange takes 14ce at low values of the generali zedAartmann:number. 2/2 4 50: ot tiv .?TV-CT OF III UDC 612.643.364.014.44 C11 BRIGIMMSSES ON TIM MIT OF M aPPTATION TO DAMOIESS ~, A~e,1102 Kosmi ch 'T ar lWssiane vypr~ ~7!0439ia`1971, s.bme ation 4 August 197.3) Abstract: The rate of adaptation of central vision of both eyes to the darkness after light exposures of various dura- tLo"s (1.5. 3, 6 minutes) after illuminatiort (20.000,to 66ic,00 lux) was studied in four test subjects in the AS* group 12-30. A white barium screen illuminated by direct sunlight was used as a light source. During adaptation x-i the darkness the central' vision responic time was pro- portLonal to the quantity of illumination during disadap- t3tion. A value of approximately B-106 lux-acc was %mod. Central visicui response re=U=d virroally inchansed with a ikirthur Stimulus increase. The problem of the affect of great brightn"Reg on performance of the -;Isual A-nalyzer has b.en attracting cuar-Sreater Attention !r= r,-.;cdrrh1MrV +~riT%t -.ccart ye"rs-. !n partizular, tI-.i-i can be attrLL~t"l to One rapid de- -.c!orpment 6r 411 types of transportation, space navigation, different types of light aIgnaling, etc. (nic 0t thz ti-ortaut cordirions ensuring ocular perfo%mian" is adapti- -Jon zrvl roa.loptation* to A daftnite light level. A number of Investigations ;;%,e been dvvoced to this problem (I. M. Dantsig; D. A. Zil'bar, 1937 and 1~39; 11. A. kurzwn; S. G. Sherashov; A. S. Mozzhukhin, cc al. , Hill and Chisum; ---z=9ar0i And R"ith-. Kietzmann; Payne; Bnsee, et al.; Reynolds and Grether), H"ever, an evaluation of the collected data is prevented by the grent variety If mechodologicel procedures and research methods. 7- purpose of our study was an investigation of t"i procc72% of r6~ st~~riug tbt~ .9ensitivity of the lirht-nPrceivin& atiparatus of both eyes after .Xpo5~rm to i light sciniolus with a high level of LlIuminntion (trom 20 '000 to 80,CGO lux) nod different duratiovs but. falling to A ninge ensuring the i,c-fol~-ucc 11"cisary onder the particular conditions, It is withLn the 67 I I 1111 it .,I li~ USSR UDC 621.385.8~2.0~ YU.V. .-YE.A., SKAMO "Improvement Of The pAality Of Electronoptical SyBtems By An Increase Of The Precision Of Control Of The Geometrical Dimensions Of Parts And Uni'118 Cf The Outical S ete:n y V ab. Tochnost' 2 (Precision Of Redioelectrorics Apparatus. Collection 2), Mosaow, 1971, pp 60-66 (from RZh:Elektronika i-ye3re primeneniye, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No 1A269) Tyanslation: A device for control of the cathode-modulator interval is des- cribed, in which the contact method ii3 well as a conjersion of the movement.of the measuring -feeler [shchup] into a change of the frequencY of pulsations of the oscillations of two string selfoscillatorsi. The measuring forces urove to be entirely permissible and do not exceed (0.01--0.02) newton. The error of measurement of the cathode-modulator inter-vul does not exceed plus or minus 2 micrometer. The results of' the messurements are ipsued by the device in numerlcol form, which makes it posv~ible to conduct automatic or somiautom3tic gr4ding -,iith an output up 0 ~000 units per hour. 5 ill. 11L.V. 1/1 USSR uDc 612.826.4:612.144 GUREvIcH, M. I. and KARTSEVA, A. G. "Effect of Electrostimulation of the HumanAmygdaloi Compex on Hemody amics" d n -641 Kiev, Fiziologichniy Zhurnalp No 5, 1973, pp 637 Translation of abstract: The authors studied the hemodynamic changes (cardiac output and heart rate) occurring-in epileptics after electrostimulation of the mediobasal nuclei of the amygdaloid complex through implanted electrodes; the values were recorded by the rheocardiographic and electrocardiographic methods. The hemodynamic changes were shown to vary with the location of the electrodes (depth to which they were inserted in the structure under study). Frequent, repeated stimulation and increased intensity of stimulation affected the hemodynamic reactions recorded. Analysis of the results suggests definite specificity and capacity for difterentiation on the part of some nuclei of ~the humaa amygdaloid complex. '3.e"e5, 6vdt's 4-73 In- 1~2. MA011HE SIMVL.%TION OF CROWnt AnD ALLOVIt.0 rRoCESSES by A. Ye. Kfv, H. Z, Kartsow1k, Krivo? Roll, Tashkentl Movosibi"k. 021 'an ~fi rrotsetsin L Slitez~ Poluprovodnik"kh Kristallow 1 plank, R".&An' 12-P-Jne N; The relaxation of th:t a In the boundary layer durinit layer d Ar-th of fort %one .1. , "r this lurpose. the Ljo atom . the sub to 11 tTart snu.ttons are "tolved -co. the t , Ao_ nome of _.; _.Of!tvuter__ftM Arr.1lod th~ grown structutem. 06011tatEve information via obtained cm the affect of the pinhole* 66 the thicknoms and ionfituratim of the transient I aytt. Known con-~ ditiono 9( hoter"Vitaxy ore generailzid. The diffunivn equations ars.solved considering rho Altspjac&J boug%dory to obtain Impurity concentration profiles In the substrate end the filn. Th processes of Interaction of t" is"rittoo "d complex toruetion are intirc- duc-od $nto,th* Investlasuon, , -The sialutims,wars obtained ao. the MLI computer and sLxLo cat an electric simulator. "-N 131 1 15 --04DEC70 .1/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PRI'5"ESSING DATE TITLE-,-MATHEMATICAL PLANNING DURING THE EPOXIDATION OF UNSATURATED -COMPOUNDS USING UREA PEROXIDE TO OBTAIN THE MAXIMUilt EPOXY NUMBER -U- AUTHOR-(05)-MALINOVSKlYt M.S., DUBROV, YU-I.* VEOENOVv G.N., KARTSYNELt M.B., SKRODSKAYA, T.S. `CCONTT~~ OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE-_LAKOKRASOCH. MATER. IKH PRIMEN. 19709 (Zlt Z9-31 ;'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -~'OBJECT AREAS--CHE,41STRY# MATERIALS --TQPIC.TAGS--UREA DERIVATIVE, PEROXIDE, PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDEP ETHANOLs '.~_."EPQXIOEr VEGETABLE :OIL oPbNTROL MARK I NG--NO RESTR ICT IONS ~.DGCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .-?,,.RCXY FICHE NO----FOl0/6050I91B0fl STEP NO -UR/0303/*70/000/1)(112/0029/!)031 CtRC ACCESSION ND--AP0140903 2/2 013 UN C L A S S I F I E 0 PROCESSING DATE-04DE-C70 --AP0140903 Z 1RC ACCESSION NO ~'ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A REGRESSIV.E EQUAT[ON THAT OFFERED A MEANS FOR DETG. THE OPTIMUM EPOXIDN. :CONoffioms u- VF-'rl-:TAi3LE 01'LS WA~ DERIVED,-,OPTIMU.4 AMTS. OF UREA.PEROXIDE, PHTHALIC.~; ANHYDRIDEt ANO El'OH PER DOUBLE BOND WERE 1.273, 1.213, AND~0.347 161OLES.PESP. USSR UDC 77 GOROKHOVSKIY, V. M., LEVIN, YA. A. F SOTNIKOVA, 1. P.,.& KARt~IjUX--*-., GALIMOVA, A. M. "Certain Photographic and Physicochemical Properties of 2- and 5-n-alkyl 4-oxo-6-methyl-1,2,4-triazole-(2,3a)-pyrimidine'I Us2ekhi nauchn, fotogr. (Advances in Scientific Photography), 1970, Vol. 14, ~pp 24-29 (from. RZh-Fizika, No 12(1) , Dec 70, Abstract No. 12D1340) Translation: Photographic and physicochemical properties of 2- and 5-n-alkyl derivativet; of sta-salt with subatitirtes before C71115 ill the rx-.cond position ''and before C91119 in the fifth position. All these t;W)Gtances ~-ffectively stopped aging of the emulsion; their stabilizinp activity decreased with concentration and there was also observed a greater dijution for a jonger al,'kyl radical. The action of these substances on the emulsion at the time oE intr-oducticn maried: an increase and a lowering of sensitivity or fogging were enco-unteredbut with an increase in the length of the sutstitute the predominant effect became desen- sitization in combination with defogging, a! property absent in sta-salt. A 1/2 2/2 study of the adsorption of sta-salf bomologs on the I[g electrode by the oscillo- graphic polarography method showed that ~-as distinct from sta-salt, which does not have oxidation-reduction peaRs and capacity jumps in the region limited by the anode wave of Hg-oxidation and reduction of the background homlologs-of sta-salt give desorption peaks in this region, the height of which rises.with an increase-in the length of the substitute and correlares well with their desensitizing effect. This correlation Indicates that the deactivization of the sensitivity centers is greater as substances are adsorbed more intensively. A determination of acid dissociation constants of sta-salt homologs and the solubility products of their Ag-salts showed that both quantities drop with an increase in the length of the substi-Lute' and the latter must also lead to pro- gressive desensitization. 16 references... Authors abstract. 70 USSR RXIMCOVA, A, M. F., and YAKTJ3011-A, M. YA., Uzbek Scientific Resear&i institute o-~ Epi demioloory, Mlicrobioloory, and Infectious Diseases, and Bacte~-iolo- gical Department, Children's,Railroad Hospital IN o3, Tashkent "A Placenta and Yeast Hydrolysate as the Basis for a 'Nutrient L'Iedium for Growing Pathogenic Microbes" Tashkent, Meditsinskiy Zhurnal Uzbekistana, No 1, 1.970, pp 8-T,-33 Abstract: Numerous substitutes for nutrient witerials- a'.so incLude placental fluid hydroLyzed witii yeast, In this investigation, T'.~e determined the feasibility of using placenta7L 141SSLIG as n U t material, by hydrolyzing it with brewer's yeasi--. ~'L rnixt-uriz- of I k- of vround placenta 2 1 of brewer's:yeat-.t, and 2. 1 r)E tap was kept ant 500 C" for 6) days, with periodic natant fluid v~,as decanted. placenta and yeast hydroly,~vtte, K., g' with -a 1 .1 aMlne nitrogen (400-420 mg'-70 and p6?~tone (2-3-2.V.") con- tent, was inactivated at 800 C. To prepare nutriell- mr--~ t 1-e hyd.rolyzate waL appropriately diloted, the ;,-,!! w.1ts v4djust-cd, iind wl'&LLer ralti or glucose wa-- added. Coiltrol media were -wa.,le fcom, t"L-Le 1/2 ..... . .... us S R KARTUSHINNA, L. et a' Tashkent, ',).1editsir&-.jy Z11urna, Uzbel IcIstana, 'ro 1, 1970, pp 81-83 Khottinger's broza. Various strains of S1nigella, Salmone'l-La, Escher-J"chia, and St-aphylococcus were cultured: :i.n su~rar !nedia, total- ing 225 cultures. in 24 hours, the Vields frwi t-he experimeata, and control cultures were eaual. Salt ~media were used IFIs elective nutrients to isolate Staphylococci from feces iind vomitas oi- pat-_-ents with acute gastronintestinal disorders. Sixty.-_J'ive parallel tests were carried. out. In 24 cases, the:Staphylococci wiBre simultaneously isolated from the experimental and~the control,cuLttres. Ta 'is indicates t-hat salt-containiag nutrient media made 'from a placeata and yeast broth have elective properties matching diose of media made JErom the Khottinger' s broth. 2/2 -Ad USSR ma 6.21.762 BEWV "~r S 011, 0. C. S. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, Khr UYE Engineer, FOLYAYEV# V. H., Candidate of Technical "Concerning the Limit of Applicability of the ~aw Of lazdnar Filtration in Forwas 1.1'etals" Moscov, Izvestiya, VysshkJkh Uchhebnykh Zavedeniy Mishinostroyeniye, No 2, 1971, pp 79-83 Abstracti The article deals with the question of ths upper limit of applicability of the law of laminar filtration in porous mebals rade. of spherical particles (bronzep molybdinum, tungstenp capperf iron) and of axbitnxily shaped particles (nich-rome, iron). Com7parlson of the experimental data with the worIks of other authors mde it Dossible to esiablished that 4 rf- ion of the law of laminar filtration de-perds upon the, Reynolds nu;3ber of the flow in the pores, the state of the particle rurfacta# and the degree of ebange of the pore cross section idth respect to the direction of filtra- tion. An empirical relationship is obtained for taUng into account the influence of the pore d..'Inensiorts upon the critical Reynolds number in porous naterialss consisting of spherical part*icles. Data aan. pxasanted concerning the critical Reynolds numbers of porous~ mterials mda of spherical and rounded particles. One figurej I tablet 15 bibliographic entries. US9R UDC: AKOPOVAY A. B., MAGRADZE, N. V., and INICLM41MIN, L. V. "Some ChanGes in the Parameters of the Paths of Particles in Nuclear Emulsions Under the Effect of a Pulsed Electric Field" Yerevan, Izvestiya Aluademii NaW k ArManskoy SSR: Fizika Vol 6. No 6, 1971, PP 508-511 Abstract: Using the p11239 alpha-particle track regression exannl)le (5-15 Me-~ energy) in BR-type, 2C~/_,/ nuclear emulsion layers, the authors attempt to show and evaluate irjfop~ution distortion. Multiple field pialses with an intens of (E) l.5_6.o-io4 v/cn (where the v4?lues' of E are C-;ivea with the dielectric properties of the emulsion layer considered) are fed onto the emulsion la*r r. Individual pulse duration is 3-5 msec at a frequency of 200 palses/ran. alle results shov a -Drogressive decrease in the len-th of pirticle tracks as E increases at a constant nmnler of pulses or as the number of,pulses increases at a constant E. Significant changes in the angular distribution of tracks in the em-lsion were observed under the effect of a pulsed electric field. The changes were of the type where the particles tended to orient along the field without regard to. their initial directioa. Bar graphs ritre given which chow an increase in the dip angle of the tracks which in analoao"s to the sho-rtenin,, 1/p ME 11h US8R AKOPOVAY A. B., et al., Izves.tiya Akaderrdi Nauk Armyansikoy~SSR: Fizika, vol 6, No 6, 1971, PP 508-511 of their length. A similar effect in the distortion of track parameters was also observed by the authors in Ya- and N-1-type emulsion layers. The most probable explanation for the physical observation cozdd. be the effect of t'he pulsed electric field on the gel which changes its p1hys-ico-machanical character- istics. Original article: two figures,~one table, and seven bibliographic entires. 2/2 97 UDC 77 US S R KARTUZHANSKIY A. L., YURCHENKO, A. F. "Certain New Data on the Kinetics and Natural Aging Mechanism of Photoemul- sion Layers" Uspekhi nauchn. fotogr. (Advances in Scientific Photography), 1970, Vol. 14, pp 134-139 (fiom RZh-Fizika, No 12(l), Dec 70, Abstract No 12D1338) Translation. The results of a comparative study of the aging of the same photo emulsion layers with respect to the action of various tyl)es o-f: exposure radiation (light, a- and 6-particles) and also the dependence of airing kinetics under these conditions on emulsion and extra-emstasion factors are dii3cussed. The basic con- clusions of the discussion are two new hypotheses conceriiing the natural aging mechanism: (1) during aging there can occur a previously unknaim process (the authors have called it'!redistribution agino of the partial migration of sensi- tivity centers from the surface into the depthof the cr)lstals, ordinarily not having a considerable effect on the change In light sensitivity under storage of 1/2 USSR JS DC rIaLI&II PP the photographic materials but playing an important role in the change of sensi- Tivity to nuclear particles; (2) during the course of aging there occur processes riot only associated with the change in the dimensions of sensitivity centers (growth, dissipation, redistribution), but, also touching only the conditions for the functioning of these centers (lowering their potential barrier with ad- sorbed molecules, producing competing electron showers, etc.). Differences exist between the two groups of processes.with the aid of which they submit to division in practice: the first are always irr-eversible,while the second are as a rule reversible; the kinetics of the first always correlate with the regres- sion kinetics under the same conditionssince the rate of aeng is less than the rate of regression while for the second, this relationship for the velocities (sometimes the kinetics correlation) is.not necessary. 12 references. Authors ~'abstract. 2/2 16 USSR UDC 77 :KARTLJZHA.NSKIY, A. L., TROFIMOVA, L. G., YURCHEMKO, A. F. IfSecondary Processes in the Aging of Photograpbic Layerst' V sb. Hezhdunar. kongress Do fotogr. nauke, Moskva, 1970, Prilroda fo'cK-r- chuvstvitellnosti (International Congress oh'?hotogrdph!&ScitnCe_, Moscov, 1970, Nature of Photographic Sensitivity -7 Collection of Works), Tio place of publication given, Vneshtorgizdat, no year given, pp 171-184 (from RZh-Fizika, 'No 12(l), Dec 70, Abstract No 12D1325) Translation: The results of experimnts to isolate and 'identify the separate processes occurring in photographic layers under storage and corplicating the elementary picture of aging as the growth of all noinsitivity centprs under normal aging and the dissipation of all sensitivity centers in anomalous aging are con- sidered. The process caused by the,change in the size crf the sensitivity cen- ters (the growth of deep centers due to auv;fact3 ceriters) and esuen-tial in those cases of exposure when the participation of deep sensitivity centers Is con- siderable (the action of brief exposure and.ofionizing pFwtivles) is explained. 1/2 _!M_ Mike Mos)cva 7AAKEUMAN KI et ~a, TeMMInar. ongress polot. =7:~ 1970, Priroda fotogr. chuvstvTtRVndsti, no place of puhlication given, Vnesh- torgizdat, no year given, pp 171-184 'Also explained is the existence of processes no-, associated with a change in the dimensions of the sensltivirj centers but with conditions for their firctloning. Among these is the effect of moisture, the adsorption of which notonly lowers the height of the potential barrier, of the sensitivity centers but alsO affectS'de~ep- sensitivity centers (wlthout contacting them) by changii~g their eduilibrium with surface sensitivity centers. Included in this group of processes is the effect of an optical sensiti7er, which in the initial fetrin has p-type acceptor -properties and does not compete with surface sensitivity1cenurs but form a complex with 02 in the course of aging, taking an electron-acceptor properties and competing with surface sensitivity centers the more a part of it goes.into the,complex. 12 references. A. L.'.KartuzbansXiy. ~__112 -029 UNCLASSIFIEV" PACCESSM DATE--ISSEP70 ~J,ITL-5~-R ECORD ING OF TRACKS OF IONIZING P.,ARTICLES'ON CELLULOSE FILIMS IN .-VARtOUS GASEOUS MEDIA -U- .`AUTHOR.-(04)-PRIVAL.OVAj V.E., KARTUZHANSK1,Yj A.L., SORDKINv YE.S., .~,',"..-FEDYUKINt V YA* ~'C.OUNTRY,OF IN~O-USSR .SOURCE-:--ZH. NAUCH. PRIKL. FOTOGR. KINEMATOGR* 1970 59-61 PUBLISHED ------- 70 UBJECT AREAS--METHODS AND EQUIPMENT, PHYSICS TAGS--RECORDING EQUIPMENTt [ON EMISSIONt PARTICLE TRACK PHOTOGRAPHY, PHOTOGRAPHIC FILMt CELLULOSE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSfFfFD REEL/FRAME--1983/0309 STEP NU--UR/0077/*7~)/01"-/OOI/005()/0061 ~_CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0053294 JJ!N r L A S S I F I E D MEMO= PR.OCESSING DATE--18SEP70 --2/2 029, UNCLASSIFIED _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0053294 ~.~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TRACKS OF PRIME210 PO ALPHA ~PART.ICLES (ENERGY 5 MEV) WERE RECORDED ON NITROCELLULOSE (1) AND CELLULOSE ACETATE (11) FILMS-EXPOSED TO 0, CO SUB2t OR Ii SUB2 0 IPORS. I FILMS WERE ETCHED WITH A 20PERCENT NAOH SOLN-t WHEREAS 11 FILMS WERE ETCHED WITH A NAOH-KOH-KMNO SUB4 MIXT. AT 50DEGREES. MEASUREMENT ~'_-_,RESULTS INDICATED THAT WIDEST TRACKS WERE OBTAINED:IN 01 I.E., 0 _INITIATED INTENSIVE DEGRADATION OF I AND 11 FILMSv EVEN AT A PARTIAL OF ONLY TWICE THAT FOUND IN AIR. THE TRACKS WERE MARKEDLY ~SMALLER- IN VACUO. .412 G18 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 ."TITLE--DEPENDENCE OF THE TEMPERATURE QUENCHING OF THE LUMINESCENCE OF PHOTOEMULS104 LAYERS ON EXCITATION DEWSITYv AND ITS CONNECTION. WITH THC -AUTHOR-104)-BELOUS, V.M.t KARTUZHANSKIYt'.A.L., NATVIENKOt V.I.r SHURs L.I. )COUNTRY 0 F1,*qFO--USSR ',SO4RCE-(JPT. SPEKTROSK. 1970, 28(2)9 311 L6 'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,SUBJECT -AR,EAS-,'4ETHOL)S AND EQUIPMENT TOPIC TAGS--LUMINESCENCE QUENCHING,, SILVER COMPOUND9 NUCLEAR EMULSION1 CAPTURE, PHOTOSENSLTIVITYI LOW MOERATURE EFFECT ~tONTROL_ MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO ,P ROXY-REELIFRAME--1996/1469 STEP NO-URY0051/7010281002/0311/0316 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116458 UNCLASSIFIED '2/2 018 UNCLASSI F I ED~ PROCESSING OATE--160CT70 5C:IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116458 iABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TEMP. QUENCHING OF THE GREEN :LUMINESCENCE OF A NO. OF NUCLEAR EMULSIONS WAS STUDIED. ~WITH DECREASING EXCITATION 0.1 THE QUENCHING REGION IS SHIFTED TO LOWER TEMPS. AT A F:IXED TEMP.t AN INVERSE PROPORTIONALITY BETWEEN THELUMNESCENCE INTENSITY AND IONIC COND. OF THE EMULSION MICROCRYSTALS EXISTS. THE ACTIVATION ENERGY FOR THE LUMINESCENCE QUENCHING IS 0.12 PLUS OR MINUS 0.02 EV. THE IONIC MECHANISM OF LUMINESCENCE QUENCHING OF THE AG(BR, 1) PHOTOEMULSION MICROCRYSTALS WAS CONFIKMED. THE CAPTURE CENTERS FORMED IN.THE PRESENCE Of- L,PHENYL,5,MERCAPTOTETRAZOLE 11), ARE NOT ~:VACANCIES; THEY ARE PROBABLY CONNECTEU WITH A I-AG PRIME POSITIVE COMPLEX AND WORK AS ELECTRON TRAPS. TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF THE SENSITiviry OF THE. SAME PHOTOEMULSIONS TO THE ALPHA' AND BETA PARTICLES WAS MEASURED. 'AT*SMALLER THAN 77DEGREESK, A PECULAIR INVERSION TAKES PLACE; THE SENSITIVITY TO THE WEAKLY IONIZING PARTICLES IS GREATER THAN THE 1. SENSITIVITY TO THE STRONGLY IONIZING PARTICLES WHILE AT NORMAL TEMPS. THIS RELATIONSHIP 15 JUST THE OPPOSITE. IN THE PRESENCE: OF to ADONL. SHALLOW LEVELS OF THE ELECTRON CAPTURE OCCUR, , DURING A SUBSEQUENT HEATING OF-THE EMULSION BEFORE DEVELOPINGr~ELECTRONS CAN FREE THEMSELVES THERMALLY FROM THESE LEVELS AND CAN PASS.NOT ONLY:TO THE KADIATION 'RECOMBINATION LEVELS BUT ALSO TO DEEPER: LEVELS WHICH DETs THE. :-PHOTOGRAPHIC SENSITIVITY. USSR KARTVELISHVILI, N. A. "An Energetic System as a Complex Dynamic System and as an Object of Control" lzbr. Tr. Vses. Mezhvuz. Simpoz. po PrikI. Mat. i Kiberrict, Gorlkiy, 1967 [Selected Works of All-Union Inter-University Symposium on Applied Mathe- matics and Cybernetics, Gorlkiy, 19671, Moscow, Naukia Press, 1973, pp 65-67 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernotika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V221, by the author). Translation: Power systems are subjected to mathematical description in the probability theory aspect. However, the ordinary idcalization which looks upon a power system as a SySteM with concentrated constants makes this ,description difficult and complex. A significant abbreviation and simplifi- .cation of the necessary information can be provided by a transition to the continual idealization of a power system. At the present 1ATne, this approach has been developed for problems of dynamics (transient processes, stability), but it is also possible in principle forproblems of economics (economically optimal modes, etc.). If a probabilistic criterion of optlinality of regula- tion of the equipment in a power system is selected, the selection of parameters of regulators to assure fulfillment of thi.~ criterion (including 1/2 wow USSR Kartvelishvili, N. A., lzbr. Tr. Vses. Nlezhvuz. Simpoz. po Prikl. Mat. i Kiber- net, GorIkiy, 1967, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1973, pp 65-67. adaptive systems) is reduced (by the transition to the continual idealization and the use of the Bubnov-Galcrkin method) to SGIUtiOn of a system of alge- braic.equations. 212, USSR ux 62-1.787.621-9048.6:669.2/.8 KARTYSHEV, B, N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and PIROGOV, YE. V. and KHOPOSHEV I. A., Fngneers "Effectiveness of the Nardening of Alloys AK-6 and V-93 by Vibration Treatment Abrasive Medium" Moscow, Vestnik I-lashinostroyeniya, No 3.1i Dec 73, pp 71-72 Abstract: Results are presented of an investigation of the hardening of alloys AK-6 and V-93 by vibration treatment in a medium. of abrasive graniLles, The,experimental proci-dure it~ described. The conclusion is drawn that such hardening is entirely feasible and highly beneficial. On the basis of the con- ducted research, technological processes have been worked out for hardening these alloys in this manner. 1 figure. 2 references. r USSR. UDC 669.295.004.2 ALIMOVA, N. A., KMIVATSKAYA, R. A., USACHEV'A, L. A., and KOVALEV, V. YA. "Pilot Plant Experirents on Purification of 11aste Water to I~emove Suspended Materials and Oils" Sb. tr Vses. n.-i. i proyektri. in-t titana [Collected works of All-Union tIlt Scientific-Research and Planning.Insti e kor.Titanium], 6, 1970, 143-145, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No,' 1, 1971, Abstract No.l.'G198 by the authors). Translation: Results are ])resented froi-ii industrial tests oE a miethod for purification of titanium T)IaBt waste waters to remove --osperided material and oils by mixing neutralized and little-contiminated viater in R ratio of 1:2.5 or 1: 2, introduction of polyacrylam ide at :0. 1 -0.214 of, xAc wed ght of suspended material5 and subsequent settling for orte hour. With this inode of settling, the waste water becomes clear and culorless in 7516 of its volune.; this clear volume contains 10.4'- mg/1 suspended material, and no oil. The con- .tent of solids in the lower portion is about 41%, water 98%. After five hours settling, the compaction of thesediment'is practically complete; the con- tent of solids is then about 3.6%. 1. figyre;'2 tables. MR 62..233.4 USSR CMASHVILIs N. V., corresponding member of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, GULIZADE, M. P., corresponding member of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, A&& -0 IM-LI, 0,_m;, and KHALIbIBEKOV, B. M. none Problem in the Optimization of the Process of Drilling Slanted Holes" Tbilisi, Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk Grruzinskoy SSR, Vol 61, No 1, 1971, pp; 33-36 Abstract: A system of differeutial equations describing the process of drilling slanted holes with a turbine drill is derived in this article. These equations allow one to obtain the optimal parameters of the drilling operation and of the contour of the hole. The drilling taken into consideration are: axial load on the bit of the turbine drill, number of revolutions of the drill, and the type of deflecting equipment needed to obtain the correct slope of the:shaft. Minimum drilling time was selected as the overall criterion of optimality. 1,39 USBR uDc 621.3t4. 5(088.8) BOMIDTOV, Yu. D., IVKIN, I. V., KARULIN,.A. P., PARSANOV, A. P. "A Delay Line" USSR Author's Certificate No 280537, filed 18 Apr 67, published 9 Dec 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, abstract No 6G312 P) Translation: A delay line is proposed which is equipped with a ferro- magnetic element and a magnetizing winding which controls the delay time by changing the permeability of.the ferromagnetic element. To si=lify the design, a multilayered per-malloy film,which serves,as a shield and return conductor for the delay line is uued,as thf! fej*romapetic element. Vdctor'St4die's' USSR UDC 599.323.4:591.526:59.08 LITVIN, V. Yu.,-XLR_ULIN. B, -YP... NIKITINA, N. A., KARASEVA, Ye. V., and KHLYAP, L. A., Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow 'ORepeated Trapping and Radioisotopic Labeling in Studying the Use of Territory by Rodents (as Illustrated by the,Common Vole)" Leningrad, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, No 6, 1973, pp 931-938 Abstract: The advantages and disadvantages of studyinf, the hcme ranges of small rodents (voles) by labeling them with p32'and Co6O are compared. The use of p32 and recording of radioactive excretions is vseful in determining the size and approximate contours of the!animals' ranges over several days and on individual days. Drawbacks of the~technique are the small number of animals that can be observed at the same time.(on common territory) and the short period in which information can be collected. Labeling the animals with C060 and tracking them round the clock produces the most detailed and objective information. The resolving power of the method is.very great but its usefulness is limited by the small number of animals that can be observed at the same time. Both methods yield more Informatioa than the 1/2 URI USSR LITVIN, V. Yu., et al., Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, No 6, 1973, pp 931-938 old technique of amputating toes. The choice is determined by the particular objective of a study and by the degree of precision and completeness of~the results desired. :1 iz 014 UNCL AS 51 FIED~ PkO,ESStNG DATE--040EC70 I TL E--US ING ISOTOPES TO STUDY THE M0131LITY AND ACTIVITY OFSMALL MAMMALS ,..:AUTHOR- KARUL IN B.YE* _OUN TRY OF INFO--US5R -SOURCE--ZOOLOGICHESK[Y ZHURNAL, 1970, NR 3* PP 444-450 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ::,,SUBJECT AREAS--alOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND -:TECHNOLOGY .-:TOPIC TAGS--COBALT ISOTOPEw RADIOMETERY MAMMALt YAGGED AT0M/lU)SRP2 RADIOMETER# (U)LUCH A RADIOMETER CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS _00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1303 'STEP NO--UR/04-19/70/000/003/0444/0450 -.1-IRC ACCUSI ON-NO--APOM737 L -j -- ------- ---- Nil 2/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 C LRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136737 ..ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TAGGING SMALL MA1014LS (MOLES, RED ..VOLeS.AND SHREWS) WITH CO PRIME60 PERMITS OBSERVATION OF THE MOVEIMENT OF ANIMALS WITH AN SRP-2 "KRISTALL" OR LUCH-A,RADIOMETER. THE DIMENSION 'AND SHAPE OF THE ZONE OF AN INDIVIDUAL ANIMAL AND ITS USE OF DIFFERENT PARTs OF THE ZONE WERE DETERMINED, TOGETHER WITH THE LOCATION (IF NESTS, .0AILY ACTIVITY AND OTHER BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS. ANIMALS UNDER STUDY 14ERE TALPA EUROPEAr SOREX ARANEUS,, LLETHRIONOMY GLAREOLUS ANL PHOMBOMYS OPIMUS. COBALT PRIME60 WAS CHOSEN- 50 ANIMALS COULD 13E TRACKED IN THEIR UNDERGROUND BURROWS. ANIMALS'QUICKLY ADJUSTED TO OBSERVERS. INDIVIDUAL ANIMALS WERE FOLLOWED FOR AS:jLONG AS THIZEE MON I.S. TH DIFFERENT ISOTOPIC LABELS MADE IT POSS113LE TO DIF~ERENTIATE INDIVIDUAL ANIMALS AND TO OBSERVE CONTACTS BETWEEN ANIMALS. f FACILETY: LABORATORIYA ~,MEOITSINSKOY ZOOLOGIIt INSTITUTA EPIDEMIDLOGII 1. MfKROB1OLoGt1, AMN -:SSSRv MOS COW*. UNCLASSIFIED----: ------- - - - - --- -.11,2 023 UNCLASSI;FIED PROCESS'111G DATE--160CT70 TITLE--ULTRAVIOLET SPECTRA AND IONIZATION CONSTANTS OF S044E QUINOL -:'.PHOSPHATES 1,111 A6-UEOUS ALCOHOL SOLUTIONS -U- _.~AUTHOR-(O5)-SERGEYEVr GaBor ~~14w LoPst BATYUKr V*A.9 ZENIN, SaV*t SIROTAq T.V. 'C.GUNTRY-OF INFO--USSR ~.,~SOURCE-VESTN. MOSK. UNIV*v KHIM. 1970,p 11(l), 112-15 DATE PUBLISHED ------- TO -7SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS--UV SPECTRUMt IONIZATIONt HYOROQUINONEi ORGANIC PHOSPHATE$ QUINONE ,,:,-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --~.'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1293 STEP NO--UR/0189/7010111001/0112/0115 wCIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116754 ___UNCLASS_ff~_lE_D a _"".2/ 2023 UN CLAS SIFIED, PROCESSING DATE-160CT70 ~-~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116754 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE REACTIVITY OF _.'QUINOL PHOSPHATES IS 114PORTANT FOR THE STUDY OF THE REACTION OF .CONCERTED OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION. THE~UV SPECTRA OF THESE COMPOS. AND.THEIR PK VALUES WERE STUDIED. -IN THE SPECTRA OF THE NAPHTHOQUINOL DERIVS. STUDIED, 2 DISTINCT ABSORPTION MAX* OCCUR AT SIMILAR TO 240 AND SIMILAR TO 300 NM. IN THE SPECTRA OF THE IONIC FORMt THE ABSORPTION -MAX. ARE SHIFTED TOWARDS LONGER WAVELENGTHS AND THEIR ABSORPTIVITY IS HIGHER AS COMPARED WITH THE UNIONIZED FORM OF THE Ce-MPOS. A SHARP DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SPECTRA OF THE IONIC AND OF]THE UNDISSOCO. FORMS TO DET. THE IONIZATION CONSTS. THE PK AEASURED INDICATE THAT THE COMPI)So ARE WEAK ACIDS. INTRODUCTION OF I MORE ME GROUP INTO THE HOL. OF A METHYL NAPHTHO-.',UIN3L PHOSPHATE LOWERS THE ACIDITY OF THE COMP0. BY SIMILAR TO 0.5 PKv WHERAS THE REPLACEMENT OF ME GROUPS BY CL AT THE 2 AND 3 POSITIONS SHARPLY INCREASES THE ACIDITY. INCREASED OILN. WITH MEOH (FROM 50 TO 5PERCENT) RESULTS IN ENHANCED ACIDITY (BY SIMILAR TO 1 PK). THE QUINOL PHOSPHATE OXION., ACCOMPANIED BY THE FORMATION OF RESPECTIVE QUINONES# CAN BE CON,VENIENrLY FOLLOWED BY UV SPECTROSCOPY AS THE SPECTRA OF THEKETONES FORMED ARE DIFFERENT FROM THOSE OF THE REAGENTS, THE PK (20DEGREES)o ABSORPTUITY9 AND ABSORPTION ~.MAX:. ARE GIVEN FOR 1p4vBENZOlJUINOL,.DIMETHYL PHOSPHA-tE, 2#METHYLtlt4lNAPHTH0QUIN0L DIMETHYL PHOSPHATEP .2 METHYLol,4,NAPHTHOQUINOL CIETHYL PHOSPHATE, 2,30114ETHYL, I:4,NAPHTHOwUI.NOL DIMETHYL PHOSPHATE AND 20tDICHLOROr lp4tNAPHTHOQUINUL .-:D.IMETHYL PHOSPHATE. U~ USSR UDC 911.3,616.981.452(574) LAVROVSKIY, A. A., KUCHEROV, P. M., OPI`YAKOVA, A. F., ~OZHKOV A. A., DEREVYANCIM-ZO, K. I., MATSUCA, V., C., BAKHTIGGZIN, I. A., ROZILKOV, A. A., CHIKRIZOV, F. D., KARUSHIN, P. A., and DUBYAGIN, P. S. "Survival of Plague Bacteria During Interepizootic Years in the Sands Focus Area Between the Volga and Ural River"' V sb. Probl. osobo opasn. infektsiy (Problems of Especially Dangerous In- fections -- collection of works) Vyp. 4 (14). Saratov, 1970, pp 94-104 (from M-Meditsinskaya GeogKafiya, Separate Issue, No 4, Abstract No 4.36.93) Translation: A list is presented of reasons for the abrupt decrease in epizootic activity in the sands plague focus between the Volga and Ural Rivers. Plague bacteria, however, did not disappear from the biocenotic focus system, as evidenced by the epizootics of 1962-1963 and 1966 and the isolated cases of isolation of bacterial cultures from, Zerbils during de- pressed phases of focus life. It becomes more and mor4-~ evident thaL the phenomenon of ral.crofocality is an indispensible attribilte of C-xistence of plague bricteria In the. tdocctnoois. 1-11ate-rials on landstape- adjustment of particularl.y Vj1i;10rj[:jC,,j facilitate the III t1le 1/2 SSR LAVROVSKIY, A. A., et al., Probl - osoba opash. infektsiy (Problems of Infectlons Especially Dangerous -- collection of Works) Vyp. 44 (14). Saratov, 1970, pp 94-104 (from'RM-Meditsinskaya Geografiya, Separate Issue, No 4, Abstract No 4.36.93) Volga-Ural sands area, of several more significant regions where the plague pathogen apparently survives even during depressed phases of focus activity. 46 - Instruments and Measurements USSR UDC 621.317-794 GIASSANOV, L. G. KARUSHKIN, N. F. , KREMENCHYGSKIY, L. S. , YASHCHISff IN, P. I. "An SHF Power Meter" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshl6nnyye Obraztsy, Tovarayye Znaki, No 8, 10 Feb 70, p 43, Patent No 263697, Filed 25.Jun 68 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces an SH.F power Meter which con- tains a pyroelectric, radiation detector made -in the form of an absorbing matched load, and a calibrated power nource. The device is designed for improved ac- curacy and absolute measurements of SHF power over a brotd dynamic range. It differs because one side of the "roelectric detector is,,for.reception in the optical range while the other is for reception of SHF radiatiorn. 1/2 MOWN mmes= fmj'~__ 3 15 UNC L AS S I F I ~41OV70 S YP --T'.' EFFECT OF SAM C,LYSI,',i ON THE -4T'1~~ 5 150 NUCLEIC ACIC.S, IN T,l TL 14 c 11G~NOSTRATAL CULTURES OF H 0 M ANN P L A S T-.1 CC E L L S~u- :AUTHCk-(02)-KARUZINAj N.P.v TIMICFEYEVSKAYA, YE.A. CCU,4TqY -OF INF0--USSR SOURCE--- 3YUL LEI T&A IEK S PE k I -ME INT A LNJOY BloLOGl IIMED[TSINY, 1970, VOL 49, NR 6t PP 71-80 i_0ATE PUBLiSHEU--------70 SUBJECT AR_PAS--8IOLrjG [CAL AND MEDICAL S C I Ec N C E S OP C TAGS--TISSUE CULTURF, CANCIE-Ko NUCLEIC, ACIO, ANT I NEOPLAS-r ic uRuG A U (3, E F P EC T :Cr 3NTROL MIAPKING--till RESTRICTIONS -DOCU14ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :PROXY -REEL/ FRAME-3004/0565 S TE.P iNO--UR/021.9/7k)/04')/006/0077/0080 ClRC ACCESSION '40--AP0131138 2/2 015 UJNCL A S S I FI E'D 0I;GCGSSr_NG 0ArE--13NGV70 CIRC ACCF-SSI.~M -`40--AP0131188 ` - T r_ 1L. XT. ON STA3LE ,,o as rAL CULTUP~:S OF ABSTAACT)-XTlM --(U) GP-0- Ali S T RA A CELLS HUMAr Pjlvljir!~ S ( C;11,qr L-1k OF THE S I OfMACH CJV,A.,Z YPANCRE AS, ANGIUS~'%RCOMA, MESENCHYMOMA) THE fA[)TliOll%S STUDIED T HE E'FFECT OF SAMCULYSIN -ljN'S ON, THE INCURPOkATIO.' OF LABLLI_i_-~D PR;:C-IMSORS IN DIFFERENT CONCENTRAl 4 INTO NUCLEIC ACIDS Ai".0 PaRrElPi. THE FOLLOWING LA!~-~_:LLEU PkECURSORS viERE USED: ADENINE-8-C PkIiM.E14 (21 MU C-GP~ill)pl URIDINE-2-C P:~1111114 126 MU C-'M) t LYSIN:_:-DL-I-C PP,1MC14 (56. .1-IC-GM). CELLULA4 CULTUkES ;G-F THE CUTANEO'USCULAR TISSUE OF HUMAN EMBRYO, SERVED M AS CONTROL. SARCULYS IN A DOSE OF 100 MU G-ML INHIBITED THG INCORPURATIUN OF LAbELLE0 Abc,AINE NUCLEIC ACIDS OF iNE r INTO w -:3PLASTIC CELLS A-F,GA 74PE:lZ(,ENT JO 52PERCE.'Ir IN i)lFFER:E_,ljr LINES. li\l THESE OF THE THE: INH[61TION PERCENTAGE OF SYNTHESIS OF NUCLEIC ACfUS OF EMBRYi)NIC CFLLS EQUALLED 37. SARCOLY-S11-1 USEO IN ()OSE-S OF 2.5-50 MIJ GISPIAYE0 A DIVERSE~ SENSITIVITY ,If' NEGPLASf IC CLLL.S OF THF LINES STU01W. ; 11 50rjEr,~CENIT itplivir[ON 11W INCGi,,P0r~.ATfUN EIF LABELLE9 P.NEC.`URSC'k.:PqT0, 1-tNA 'dAS ACHIEVF-D c, '.'JF 8.5 ML) G~Ml_ (FGlk 1AN CANCER) JlNu WITH SAJK0,LYSIN NN- 4 3 V A S. 42. 5 MIU G-''iL (FGi~ "IF S F ~ICHY' A 9' "iA) [NHIBI TION OF LA8ELLED LYSINE. INCORPORAT Wtll INTO )1P,'jlTf:.IN wAS SIAILAR Mt ALL L I ME S( 00-66PERCEINT FOR BRYUNK CELLSo 47-PE"ItEid'. FACILITY: P. 1A GERTSFN MIUSCOW M E -CAL WICOLOGil INSTITUTE. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc: 621-317-783(088.6) GASSANOV, L. G., KARUSHKIN, N. F., KRENENCHUGSKIY, L. S.i, YASHCHISHIN, P. I. "An SHF Power Meterlt- USSR Authorls Certificate No 263697, filed 25 Jun 68, pi~fflishvd 24 Jun 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12A323 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces an SHF power ri--ter Which contains a Dyroelectric radiation receiver made in the form of a matched abso.--~blng load, and also a calibrated power eource. /Lq a distinguishing feature of the patent, precision is improved end provinicn iz. made for absolute measurerents of SHF power by. using a receiver qf emLasion In the optical range as one side of the pyrcelectric pickup, aricl a receiver of SHF emission as the other side. E. L. 95 UDC: 669.295:628.3 AKINOVA, N. A., YANW19- ":,and KOSTHGMINA, L. A. "Flow Chart for Recycling the Water Supply at Titanium and Magnesium Plants" Moscow, Tavetnyye metally, No 3, Mar 72, pp 46-48 Abstract; Presented are the results of a series of research projects co- by,the Titanium Institute with other titanium and magnesium combines on designing a water recycle flow chart for these combines. The new flow chart includes neutralization anddemineralization of titanium and magnesium sewage for the purpose of making the watersuitable for processing. The magnesium gas purifier drainage is decontaminated from hypochlorites with hydrochloric acid and phenobic water,-ithile the spent solution is demineralized by distillation to produce conmercial calcium chloride meeting GOST 450-58 specifications. All other neutrqlized and low-contamination drainages are combined at 1:2 ratios, treated with polyacrylamide (to remove oils) and demineralized by electrodialysis. The desalted water has a residual salt content:of 0.5-1.0 g11. The new system 112 ..Magnesium' USSR uDc 669-295.co4.2 R. A. AKEWVA, N. A., KARVATSKAYA USACBEVA, L. A., and PAVLYUK, YU. S. Desalinization of Waste Water in Titanium-Magnesium Production" Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. i 2royektn. in-t titana (Collection of Works of the All- Union Scientific Ptese4rch and Design Institute of Titanlum),,1970, B, pp 109-113 (from RZ111-Metallurgiya, No 11, Nov-, 70, Abstract'; No 11G156) IT'r=slation: Investigations are conducted of the desalinization of waste IwEvter from a gas purification installation in MG production (hypochlorite pulp). A principal diagram for the neutralization and desalinization of waste water is proposed: filtration brea:~~ing down of Ca(OC1), 0 , in HC1 filtrate, thereafter of phenol water, vacuum evaporation, evaporalion In steel boats. As a result, a melted CaC12 is obtained vhich corresponds to GOGT 450-58- 2 ill., 4 tables. Authors' abstract USSR uDc 669-295.053-24 PAVLWIC, Yu. S., QEZMKAYA R. A. AKIMOVA, X. A., and SYCH., M. P. "Study of the Properties of Powder of Ore-Mermal Furnaces" Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. i proyektn. in-t titana (Collection of Works of the Ku- Union Scientific Research and Design Institute of Titanium), 1970, 5, p.P 105-109 (from RMI-MetalluFLiya, No 11, HOY 70, Abstract No 11G155) Translation: Results are described of an investigation of the fineness and chemical conmosition of powder carried away from the ore-thermal furnaces of a titanium-magnesium plant. 'When briquettes are used in the operation of ore- thenml furnaces the powder consists of particles which are considerably finer than those obtained when a concentrate is used. The chemical analysis of the powder shows a composition analogous to that of the charge material. 3 ill.$ 3 tables. Authors' abstract. USSR UDC 628.3+669.295 AKIMOVA, N. A., KARVATSKAYA, R. A., USAa1EVA, L. A., and KOVALEV, V. Ya. "Semiindustrial Experiments on Removing Suspended Substances and Oils From Rdnoff Waters" Moscow, Metallurgiva i Khimiya Titana (Institut Titana), Metallurgiya Ptiblishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 143-145, Translation: A description is given of the results of industTial tests on purifying runoff at the DrTM (expansion unknomi) Plant of suspended sub- stances and oils by mixing neutralized and Alightly polluted runoff in a-ratio 1:2.5 or 1:2, introducing polyacrylamide in the ~amount of 0.1-0.2% of the suspended substances, and subsequent standing for one hour. It is demonstrated that under such settling pool operating conditions, a clear, colorless, purified 75Z (volumetric) amount is' received, which contains an -average of 10.4% mg/liter of suspended substances, and no oil. In the -settled deposit, the content of the bard part averages 2% andtwater 98%. After five hours of settling in a separate reservoir, consolidation of the deposit practically ends and the conteni of the hard part averages ,3.6%. One illustration and two tables. Isycalat USSR UDC 616.891-072.8+616.891-07:616.154.452/.453 KAR'f"KTY uU5j,UV,.V. 1.3 504AROORINA, N. V., Department of Neuroses and Psycho- therapy, Leningrad Scientific Research Psychoneurologica.1 Institute imeni V. M. Bekhterev "Connection Between &-cperimental Psychological Characteristics of the Personality and Biochemical Indexes in Relation to Problems of the Study of Psychic Stress in Neurotics" B. IOVLEV, B. V., KALININ, 0. M., STABROVSKIY, Ye. H., Moscow, Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii, 1971, Vol 7-1, No 8, pp 1199- 1203 Abstract: Correlations between psychological data obtained frovi various tests (MI, frustration method of Rozenzweig, Eysenck questionnairei, and others) and biochemical data (blood tests for 11-hydroxycorticosteroids, serotonin, Drotein-bound iodine; urine tests for dopamine, noradrenalin, adrenalin, vanillylmandelic acid and others) were established. These relationships were determined for 48 neurotics before applied stress, and for a control group of healthy persons. The relationships were arrived at by the method oi- regres- sion analysis using a computer. 1/2 USSR KARVASARSKIY, B. D., et al., Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii, 1971, Vol 71,.No 8, pp, 1199-1203 It is clear from the results that regression analysis is valuable in fore- casting the effects of stress on neurotics, which in turn makes it poten- tially valuable in studying the pathogenesis and therapy of neuroses. 75 Acc. Nr: 4)P0()-5Z09C Ilelf: . Code: DLkXY SOM CE: Zhurnal S. S.. Korsa"Klpva, 1970, Vol 70, Xr~:3 P P 3 if- 009. FACTOR ANALYSIS IN STUDIES WITH THE USE OF RATING ,PSYCHOPATHOL061CAL SCALES top v. B. D. KarvaMk' I _ 41 K. V. Kor&tfi(koy The presentation deals with the possibilities of using rating psychopathological scales in the.evaluation of problems of rehabilitation of mental patients. The authors report and analyze them data of factor analysis in schizophrenia, depressive states', obtained with the aid -of computors. The results demonstrate that It Is possible to use factor analysis for the study of interconnections of psychopathological symptol-As as well as. of correlatiom between psy- .Shopathological and biological Indices. 19-20-628 USSR TJDO 314.183t541.12~/M ZARIF'YAMO YU. As$ ARYA(' N sv, v. F. kausnmA, s. v., and VeT: xism vers, CHUKIN, G. D.# Moscowi statt -ty imeni M. V. Lomonosov "Possibility of the Control of Binding Forms of Adsorbed Molecules by Means of a Change in the Electronic State of them :Senlconductor Surface" Moscow, Doklady Akadexii Nauk SSSRO Vol 2021 No 1, Jan-Feb 72, pp 109-112 Abstracts IR and EFR s-Dectra of 1).-benzoquinone (BQ) molecules adsorbed on rutile were studied. First passage of BQ over rutile powder leads to the the appearanm of two bands in the Ift spectrum at. 150.5 &nd 1W10 cm-1. The tirst band %as assigned to _-.CsO grouping of the BQ molecule bound to coordination unsaturated Ti3+ atoms. This band is quite stable,'even after beating the com- plex to 4000 in vacuum it does not disappear. The 1470 ca-1 band was assigned to an anion radical of BQ formed by a transfer of an eleciron from the solid body directly onto the orbitals of the adsorbed molecule. 1 With more complete saturations zore bands appears 1675 cm-1 assigned to Bq zolecules bound with weak van der Waal forces to the surface, 1637 cm-1 -- due to the molecules hydrogen bonded to hydroxyl groups. Adsorptionof BQ result3 in a negative charge on the surface of rutile, Population of the surface levels Increases with increased Fermi levels. It was shown that with higher degree of reduction 1/2 r77 USSR SARIFOYAKS, YU. A. et al. Doklady Akadexii Nauk SSSRO Vol 202, No 1, Jan- Feb- ?29' pp 109-112 -1 the intensity of the 1470 ca band increaseso while oxidation of the sample (lowering Fermi levels) prior to the adsorption of BQ results in complete dis appearame of this band, When the rutile specimen was heated to 20-a-0 (after passage of BQ), the 1675 and 1657 emrl bands disappeared, the intensity of 14?0 cm-1 bands increased, and that of 1505 carl decreased respectively. M-1 At 4000 the 1470 cari band exceeds aubstantially the intensity of the 1505 c band. Also, rutile specimens irradiated with a UY lamp (filter transparent J-n the 400-700 zu region) shows identical behavior. Thus It was possible to stimulate, a change in binding form of the molecules iadsorbeAon the surfacet reflected by the IR spectrap by generating excess carriers through the illumi- nation of solld body. 2A N USsIR ux: 621.691,.2 BEZ110GIIal, YU. D.) ZI1,41OVIYEVil n DYROV R. B L. P. PLYPSIMIVICH, N. N., POPOV, V. A.) SEXENYUSFXMINT, I. N.. and SIAIUAYWK, V. L. "Injector Debuncher of the OIYAI Synchrophasotron I-,Iith Enerdy Modulation of the Accelerated Beam" Moscov. Priborj I Teklinika Eksperimenta, Zhurnal Akadeyn-ii Nauk SSSR, No 1, Jan/Feb 72, PP 37-38 Abstract: The particle intensity in the OrYAI synchroplvasotr,)n can be increased by 75% by rediicinl,-, the ener,,-Iy scatterihj; in the outht beam and. by modulating the enerf~y of the injected team.. %th functions can be perfanred by a single high-freqaency deburcher resonators located at a certain distance from the linear accelerator. The debuncher resonator is 1/4 of the %s,,,e length of tle round conxcial line. The tunin- is achieved by deflecting the end walls and by a secondary power input. The dia~nram, and the description of this device are presented. Bor--- experimental results obrained with and without the debuncher are also given. ~,:I~z 014 UNCLASSIFIED" PROCESS.ING DATE--18SEP70 AND FORMATION MECHANISM OF'GHOSTS IN INGOTS ARC MELTED IN --VACUUM -U- ~AIJTHO R -0 3 J - K A, YAK I N A.P., SHVED, F.I., YU ~D. ~C:DUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .:,S:0URCE--STALl 1970, 30(l) 62-4 DATE PUBL 1SHEO ------- 70 --~,SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSv MECH., IND.# CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR J,GPIC TAGS--CRYSTALLIZATISN, INGOTt CRYSTAL STRUCTURE .:CONTROL MARK I NG--NO RESTkICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY Rl-EL/FRA4E--19a3/0296 STEP NO--UR/0133/70/030/001/0062/0364 ::CARC ACCESSION NO--AP0053281 UNIC LASS I F IED '212 014 UNCLASS*IFIED', PROCESS [NG DATE--tB.SEP70 .~:t I RC ACCESSION NO--AP0053281 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT4 EFFECT OF BATH ROTATION DURING SOLIDIFICATION WAS STUDIED 11.N THE . LAB. AND IN A PLANT. ROTArI0,Nj Lo'411ERS THE TEMP. GRADIENT OF A BATH-AND CHANGES ITS SHAPE AND DEPTH CAUSING A ZONAL REDISTRIBUTION OF IM?UR[TIES ALONG THE LENGTlil OF AN INGOT AN'D LEADS TO A DISORIENTED DENDRITIC STRUCTURE. THIS REDISTRIBUTION IN THPE :2 PHASE SYSTEM PRODUCES SEGRE"ATED AREAS IN fNTERDFP10RITIC VOLS. -EXPRESSING THEMSELVES AS GHOSTS WHICH GROW IN SIZE WITH LONGER ROTATION CYCLE TAKES REACH FULL OFVELOPMENT WHEN THE WHOLE SOLIDIFICATION PLACE DURI NG ~ROTATf ON. UNCLASSIFIED u7'7'7 --- 7777- Damini.~;CC-nce UISSR 51i3.70 "U. ~L,7 V "A L. PA G, V V . V D OF A T 10.4"l1 RYAN IN A ~r Yl K Z_,/~ ly t_ z 1j Krn- MirrIcv LEV on of Gadolln.-IUM, ~UTM and ~s impuritiea Mc~allic Uranium," Zhurna), Analitichoo'Xoy ilihimii, Vol 7, 101~ C Ic P A cuantftat~_%,c of analyzing, c-aropiuri and nammum impumticz in meta!]Jc urarf:lum 1:-, part of the uranii:,l was oeparazcrl by a pn3.-._Jni, i;rany), milfate in 1 .11.1 N2SOII throur a column with KaLi-2 rz~-i-carth elc.,~=,t iTmpurltli,"O, _Icrlll~1_nirI-, in lll~c out by HCZ. Z t w a.S C.; t.1 r.) "-; C, t 0.7. C.. r "; c a I I y 1.* c.. a i ca t i o n, o f , r e - a o 1 t r i a t a n u n a c c 0 p t - hic agh. amci-i-nt of urandur, (- 0.0~; pcrnont a :-.ample of 10 graxs a u r ny 1 S;. I 'a t 0 Z, S ,,, L S h c d ;; r. t o c I U CY -,i: n c c ce so ~; r y ii ~ e v e c p:, e r. t t (i~lT,eZl;;lrat;;Icn of tl-e rar,!-oarth cle:-,ents. I -=nG'13 Wel- k- .L I - a "o-n uaccl. curo!)~_wm~ arcll samlraum in mm"allic uraniiz, were by the 11pactra of I ninorhorr, lbasr.,ci on Y2()3 for gadoliniwl and 'YNOL, for curwnilmr -Ahe:; rare-earth clemcLts were concontrated cli-Xonotographically, anci the lu.,JLnercence spark-excited. A phocphoroscape was used to mcasure tinci Tito consitivity of analyzing lop 1/2 A?IIKTNA, L. 1., et al., Z11h,urnal Analltichaskoy Vol XX, No pp 101-1-1018 m and mmarium vxa~i 2-10-0 perccnt, and 14o vazdat"on factorz gac!olj nium, eurom.'i U. wras 30 percen-.. The nethod per,-~dts q*aanz,;itct--*ve 6-,ter'-draldon of tha indicated rare-cartil clement's fmm a weighed &le of Up to I rrari~ of uranium. As a control, the additive mothlod usej. Gacloljnium, eiiri~,p:oim and rm~arium were introduced in The amounts of 2-10-5 and percent altor decomPosition of the rztal uranium by nitric acid. An analyz'iv how chart- and sample lumine- Scence ectra are given in the article. p 112 016 UNCLA~Slfl E 9" p R 1:11CESSI'46 DATE--02'1""-T70 TITLE- USE UF INFRARED SPECTRUSCOPY F5R. STUDYING THE ESTATE OF WATER ANO TRACES OF WATER IN Ce.RRlli TETRACHLIGRIDE.. -1)-. A.V., TLKHAIJU, V.L,.t IMAYSUKADZE, G.V. C'T "'COW1 :,,Y C FINFU--USSR ScUT,-,r '-:---Z H* ANAL. KHIM. 11470, 25(2) 315-18 ATF P UL I S I I E D-- 7 0 5 U13 J E C T. AREAS--CHE-MISTRY MrLEC LAR I Of'. I CTAGS--lit SPECTROSCOPY, wATER, CAPBON TE TRACHL OR I OF, L)U ~C.'(J,NTF CL -'~ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS _100CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ..- :PROXY !,'I FL/Fi~AME-1992/1491) STFP ~CIPC ACCLSSION NO-AP0112490 _T70 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAFE-020C olb --AP0112490 N 0 AbS_TR.ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-(j- ABSTRACT. A SPECT'ROANAL, METHOD Fill-111 m S UL., 2 6~ DEJ N IN CGL SUB4 IN THE 4CL)00-3000 CM Pik I:ME NEGATIYEL RANGE IS DESCRl'it:1) fit) THE STATE OF THE H SU82 MPO. W A S STUOIED. A Hl~;HER G IN THE Cf) SENSITIVITY OF SY,',lMETRtC VlBf~ATIONS -3 A N f) :TO THE CHAN.-JES OF THE -1,NTEi0--.0Lr_CULAR INTERACTION' WAS CONFIkMED WHICH IS ESSENTIAL 1-4 THE Us-F 'OF E 0 R ANOTHER VALENCE VIBRATION B A IN D FOR ANAL. P nS S ONLY T~iF BAN,'-, 12F ASYMMETRIC VIKiZArIGNS OF H SUB2 0 MllLS. CAN ~E F'14 9UA14T. DEThS. BECAUSE IT IS NEARLY INSENSITIVE FO ImE CHANGES OF INTEP140L. -INTERACTION IN THE SOLN. AND THE ABSORBANU IS DEPENDENT ON H :SU32 0 C'MCN. THE SENSITIVITY OF H SUB2 :0 DETSN. 15 1 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE4-_WT. PERCENT. TWO VERYINTENSE BANDS ARE FOUND WITH MAX, AT 3641 AND 3705 CM PRIME NEGATIVEI. THE-LATTER BAND BELON-S TO THE ~ASYMMETRjt IVIBRATIONS OF H SU82' O~' MULS-: THE' ERROR OF T Hc 1) E T 14 OF H -10PERCE T. SUkJ2 f) ABSORBANCE IN THIS BAWIS 5 -02,7: UNCLAS00I.E.0': PROt~SSING- DATE--20NOV70 URC ACCESSICIN NG--AP0132237 ~,,ASSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AOSTRACTO THE INTERMOLo INTEPACTION OF H ---_`SUB2 0 WITH MECN WAS STUDIED BY MEANS OF IR: SPECTROSCOPY IN THE ABSENCE 14 TbE PRESENCE OF SALTS. IN THE PURE H SUB2 O-AECN mcxrs. (WITHOUT :THE SAL-TS) AT H SUB2 0 0.01-0.7 MOLE-L., !THE SPEECTRUA FJA&2 ABSORPTION ZANDSO AT 3540 AND 3630 CM PRIME NEGATIVEI.l~ A#30VE 0 7 MOLE-L.r THESE _~_::BANCS IMERGE INTO I LARGE BANU AND At STILL GREATER CONCNS. THEY BECOME -.,-.:A()ENTICAL WITH THE ABSORPTION BANO OF THE L.IQ. H SU13?. 0. AT H SUBZ 0 CONCN. CECREASE FROM 0.7 MOLE-L. TO 0 THE INTENSI-Y OF THESE BANDS -VECREASED...ALlw.GST TO COMPLETE DISAPPEARANCE,' THE EFFECTS.10F VARIOUS IONS ~ON THE POSITION AND INTENSITY OF 'THE 13ANDS IN THE H~ $U82 (J-ME(;N SYSTEm -WAS STUDIED 8Y INTRODUCTIGN IJF.NA, Lit CAv MG, AND K SUB4 H SU89):SU84- N PRIJAE POSITIVE IODIDES AND LLCLO~SUB4.: THE INTRODUCTIaN OF ANY OF THESE SALTS AESULTED IN THE APPEARANCE OF 2 NEW BANDS, THE WAVELENGTHS OF %HICHAvERE THE SHORTEST FOR THE MG AND THE LONGEST FOR THE (C SUB4 H -S.Uag) SU64 :NI. THE ASSOCN. H SUB2~ E)-tO.ECN -OECREASES~~VIITH THE IST ADUN* PRUGRESSI,VE. INCREASE OF THE. SALT CONCN., THE NEW BANDS ARE DUE TO -."---THE -SAL.T-H SU62 0 BONDS. FACI'LITY4*. MOSKo KHtM.-TEKHNOL. INST* :r JM. MENDELEEVAv MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIEO PROCE SINW:0ATE--20NOV70 J12 021 UNCLASSIFIED --EFFELT OF ULTkAS0UNU ON FURFURAL HYDROGEN PEROXID-Z WATER SYSTEMS ~'_--AUTHOk-(03j-bA0OVSKAYA# L.A.9 KARYAKINj A.V.:, KULNEVICHP~ V.G:. OF INFG-USSR VYSSH. UCHEa. ZAVED., KH114* KHT TEKHNOLP ~1970, 13(2), 221-4 ---70 __Ball 'PUBL ISHED '~'_SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS TAGS--FURFURAL, HYDROGEN PEROXIDEv ULTRASONIC RADIATICNV FUMARIC MALEIC A(fol SUCCINIC AC 11) __,A(;IQv ACkYLIC ACID# FORMIC Ar[Dl, .--Cl;NTREL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CURENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED 4 PROXY-REEL/FRAME-3005/0169 STEP~NO--.UR/01531-70/04LS/002/0221/0224 CIRC ACCE-SS ICN NO--AT0132446 UNCLASS I'FIED* Rolm '"'WW 7; ww"M 021 UNCLASSIFIED PRQCE$SING, DATE-20NOVTO R CACCESSIGN NO-AT0132446 ~.__AB.STIZACT/ EXTRACT- I U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PRODUCTS OF THE:~REACTION OF FURFURAL. 11) WITH H SU132 0, 30PERCENT H SUB21 U SUB21'. Jk- L.5-3.0PERCENT H SU82 0 SU82 AND H SUB2 Ot FOR 51 HR AT 25DEGREES9 WHIL(: THE MIXT. 15 ~ULTRASQNICALLY IRRADIATEO AT 600 KHZi INCLUDE PYROMUC:19C, FUMARIC, BETA "FORMYLACKYLIC, FORMIC, MALEIC, SUCCINICs AND MALIC ACIDS. UNDER IRRADN., TFE RATE OF LOSS OF I AND OF FURMATION Of TOOL ACIDS IS 2 OR MORE TIMES AS RAPID AS IN ITS ABSENCE. FORTHERP HAL1C ACID IS NOT A im cl H SIGNIFICAW PRGDUCT IN THE. ABSENCE :OF ULTRASONIC - IRRA S T AT THE .-:EFFECT OF. THE LATTER fS Nor GNLY AN ACCELERATION -Of OXIDNv DUE IN PART RUDUCTIGN OF PERUXIDE DURING IRRAON.,, 8JT ALSO INCLUDES ThE PK .,;-_;,',jNl:T I-AT TON OF HYDRUGENATIUN REACTIONS. FACILITY: iKRASNODAR* I TEXH. I.NST., KRASNODAR, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED .--.,2/2 033 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE-201NOV70 :i- CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP013CC79 A5SJRj~CT/EXTRAL;T--(k?) G#1-0- IBSTRAU THE FLASH Exci,rATIGN SYSTH-i ~.,.DESCR16FL USED A ~E PULSE LA"MP VOR EXCITAf LON, E ITHrl~ Vilfil i% SINGLE LIGHT P j L S6 F 0 U R A T I C, ~,,l s r [:,,, L- s to P, k I Mf ~ &E ~;A T I V E 5 S t:(-, U~l ~RjL T I PUL St- EXC I rAT I ON A r A F KE QUENCY LIF "100 PULS ES-S EC ( GURAT 1;'11! G F. E ACH PUL S F 10 pumE %EGArIVE3). L 16111T INTENSf TY FALUNG OIN THE SA'-IPLE ~-AS 400 LkGS-C,4 P"I iYE2-SL THE DETL(:Tli~G SYSTEN WAS 13Y A FILr,- SYSrElll FOR VAPI.UUS I.-AVELLANGThS IN THL REGIL'j-%, 39C-560 t0l. THE D[f:Ft-kE-,NTIAL Ao-SCRPTIL-N SPECTRA fLIGHT.VS. DARKVOF PHOTUSYNTHESIXIING, I ,iERE S y S rC-,,l S MEASURED IN CHLOKELLA, ISOLATED (ACTIVE AND REAUIVAtED bY PHENAZINE NE T L J.1 L Jc U I AND ASL--Ct.,(3'C ACID) DLASTS FROM PEi4l ANU -FATE CHLURCi CHLOROPLAST FikAG,'-,lEfjTS PRCb -1 41. 'UCEt; OY SCINICATIOti. PULSE EXCITATION INOUCE0 SEVERE SPECTRAL CHANGLS, F-SP. IN RuACTIVATED CflLu'HGPLASTS. A6S(JkPTf0N BANDS AT -440 A?,.D 515-52 NM IWERE GbDS.; THESE BANDS WERE NOT DETECTLO BY OTHER rECH.~*,.;i~;UES AND MAY BE DUE TO IREVERSED ELECTRON TRANSFER 0:X101ZING CHLGRUPHYLL A TO Clit-UPOPHYLL b. ADDN, OF -DICHLORGIN(J)PHDIOL (1) TO -REACTIVATED CHLQROPLAST,~ C01-UPLETELY INHIBITED Bilo-i lru AND 515 NN UANDS FECT I VE ELECTliCiN TkAt',.SFL:R, (CHLOROPHYLL 8) ' PR IVIE " -A 0 TO EF 11 E UE il E%i V PLUS I Y fELDS CtILCROPHYLL b PLUS I PRIME NEGATIVE. 01FFE`~:NTIAL SPECfRA OF Cl4L0kCPLASTS ;-iEilE IJEi-JICAL WITH THOSE OF REACUVATEL) ONES EXLEPT THAT THE 475 511IFTED TO 425 NM, WHICH IS CHAi~ACTERISTI(; FOR eCTIVE t;FLORrPLASTS. Rofract6r! Nateilals f USA UDC 546.623121+546.74921)1541.123.2 N PAVRISHI M., Z YE. I., ANSINOVAO T, A.p PTVXj_ If. V.j I.,. Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of "Processes Taking Place in the Al 0 NiO System During Heating in W, dizing an& Reducin- 11adiall Moscowt Izvestiya Uzandenii Nauk SSSRt Neorganichoskiya Ma-terialy, Vol 8, No 6# Jun 72, PP 1175-1177 Ab3tracts An investigation was made of the change of phase composition of the carrier durring heating in oxidizing and reducing media in the presence of a nickal. catalyst. Tha spacivens vere prepared from the principal components of the carx-icr, clectrocorandum Ofith 98.rij Al 0,, grain Size < 50,& technical alu.-dna (08.6~-," Al203grain size < 50,41 ), and'nickel nitrate -6h?O). The corundum and alumina specimens had additions of 1, 10, 25, and 50,;', nickol nitrate. With an increasin3 concentration of nickel nitrate, there axe only vc-ak lines of npinol at 1FO()C; at 10,j' tho spinel devolorz at 1200 C, and at 20'> it develops 4t goo C. Accoldin- to fil--dings 13 of other autho=, the dove ion.,.-. ~-nt of spinal was observed al OOC -,j(j up to 15000C. The bahavior of corunduz und -aluAna specimens in the process of ip USSR GAVRISH, A. H., et al., 1--vestiya Akademii Hauk SSSRp Reorganicheskiya flaterialy, Vol 8. No 6, Jun 72, pp 1175-11?7 0 tenperature Incrcase up to 1500 C and during holding In air is discussed and compared with data of other authorsi ~Cne tablep eight bibliographic 42 USSR UDG 621.~82.3 KARYAKM ZT If POLIKARFOV, F.D., KE EMP11, E.A. uInvestiZation Of The Noise Characteristics Of Planar Transistors" V sb. Polurrovodn. Pribory i ikh primenenja (Semiconductor Levices And Their Application--Collection Of Worka), Issue 241, 1.110scow,," 1970, pp 52-58 (fro= RZh___wlaktronika i.yeys primenaniye, wo 43, April 1971, Abstract T~o 4B234) Translation. results are presented of an experiental investigatim of the m noise characteristics of planar transistors, and a co:r-purisQn is made with the noise characteriatice of transistors produced without using planar techroloa. Ill. 1 refs Authorla abstract. 1/1 USSR YAGMETS, A. N. , KOVAIEV, V. V., BUZINOVA, V. P., and BOBANOVA, ZH. I., Kishinev "Electrodeposition of Nickel and Iron Coatings Alloyed with Boron" Kishinev, Elektronnaya. Obrabotka kiaterialov, Vol A No 2, 1971, pp 24-28 Abstracti A study was carried out to explore the possibility of preparing boron-containing alloys by an electrolytic method. The nickel electiolyte used had a composition (in g11) of nickel sulfate (80), nickel nitrate (15), ammonium chloride (30), potassium bisulfite (3), sodium citrate (60) triethanolamine (35), trilon B (35)t mercaptophthalic anhydride (0.4~, and sodium borohydride (0.4). The acidity of the nickel electrolyte vaxied from a p1q of 10.5 to 14, the temperature from 20 to 700C, the cathodic current density from 3 to 10 amp/decimeters2. The composition of the iron electrolyte used was (g/1) ferric sulfate (80), Trilon B (132), triethanolamine (154), sodium borohydride (0.5). The electrolyte temperature was 80%, the pH 11-12, the F cathodic current density varied between.5-15 amps/deciniete=2. The boron con- tent in the powder, microstructure, microhardness, and phase composition of t, d i relationto variation of electrolysis conditiou were investigated, i~2e pow er n LM R YAGUBETS, A. X., et al., Elektronnaya Obrabatka Platerialov, Vol 38, No 2, 1971p pp 24-28 The addition of stabilizers displaced the polarizaxization curve of nickel, the area and degree of displacexent depending on the stabilizer. The iron electrolyte was not affected by the addition of sodiwa borohydride. The boron uptake by the nickel andiron powders was found to be dependent on the electrolysis conditions and in the nickel amountedto 1-3% by wt. and ~in the im-on up to 7% bj wt. 1-ficrohardness was also dependent on the elec- troly-tic conditions. USSR UDC 532.517.2 "Application of the Characteristic Method to the Solution of All-Purpose Equations of Laminar Boundary Layers" Trudy Lenin~radskogo PolitekhnicheskoFo.Instituta, Aerotermodinamika (Works of the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute, Aerothermodynamics), No 313, 1970, pp 20-28 Translation: This article contains a study of the.applicatior. of the characteristic method to the solution of the multidimensional all-purpose equation of a laninar stationary boundary layer in:an incompressible liquid. It is demonstrated that it1s possible to draw-the characteris- tic along which the all-purpose equation converts to tht Prandtli equa- tion through each point in the space bf the shape paramtters (f k turns out that the region of existence of the solution is bounded by a = f limiting set of charactex-is tics emanating from the.: singi;larity f 1 10 f2 =f3 fn w 0 where F(f 0, .01~ ..,, 0) 0. USSR ARYATCTN- 11- Y Tru y Leningradskogo Politekhnitheskogo Instituta, Aerote'rm'87 Tnamika (Works of the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute, Aerothemodynamics), No 313, 1970, pp 20-28 Graphs of the solution of the.all'-purpose equation in the two- parametric approximation and also the solution along the limiting char- acteristics obtained on the BESM-2H:and:BESK-4 computers are presented. There is 1 table, 2 illustrations and a,2-entry bibliography. 2/2 USSR UDC 546.65.661.185.223 AMLIN, A. N., and-KAB-YAKIN. Yq. V., Voronezh Technological Institute "Investigation of the Sorptive Properties of Charcoal Activated With Phosphoric Acid" Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 46, No 8, Aug 73, pp 1851-1852 Abstract: Dried charcoal was covered with phosphoric acid, and after 24 hrs was calcined in open crucibleswith free air access. The optimal conditions Cor this treatment are: temperature 475', concentration of phosphoric acid 25-30 percent, the ratio of solid to liquid phase 1:10. Sorption properties with respect to chlorine and alkali are reported. It is concluded that treatment of activated charcoal with phosphoric acid leads to a formation of carboxyl and phenolic groups on its surface and to some extent also to the phosphatation of the surface. ....... ............. Abstracting Se irvice: CHDIICAL ABST Effect of fluoride lon on malybdic acid polyin hko (.8 :N-.U.;;v ~edrai - ~ F. N.; T Ref. Code IA 1? 40 a 71? forg. 1970, 1511) 84 on M, Polymn. was studied'so6etrciohbioj~ietti~ally.~~ ~ Polyinn. d with increasing F-Mo ratio" and at F-Mo. ritio 10- 1, it The presence of F- shifts inkiatiori 'and tertniriation, kybdate Polymn. to a region of higher cone'ns. I mo- R REEL/FRAME olow "! .. 022 UNCLASS71FFED~!' P ~, 2 -OCESSING DATE--13N--IV70 TITLz - RBLiNYL CO. .---rA- mPLEXES OF RHODIU Li ALIPI-14TIC, A N D 4 A T I C M (1;Y WIT. BP:UNCTIGNAL LIGANDS -U- AUT.-fL)R-(02)-K AKI~ Ki I DELKE L ti L. H&O-USSR ,,,,,,couNrRY OF :~-~SOUFr E-- I ZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRr S E,'~ .K H 1 M 1970 (4) 940-2 '~-OATE PUB L I S HE D------- 70 :.SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY .T 0 P, I CTAG S--C ARBONY t-COMP OUND Rli 0 D I U MCOMPOUND, COMPLE~ C a 'M P 0 U.No , HEXAMETr HYLENEDMMINE, QUINOLINEt UlAiMINEp I R SPECTRUM . CONTROL' ~'-'.ARK I NG--jNO RESTR ICT IONS '---DrjCUMENT CLASS--UiNICLASSHIED PROM -REEL/FRAMc---3006/1()Z5 STEP '40--UR/()062/'P'0/000/004/0940/0942 CIRC ACCESSION NCJ--AP013,t737 77, 2 022 UNCLASSIFIlto PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 ~CIRC AC[-ESSION NO-AP0134747 A8STK--ACT/EXTkACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, 'COLORED BIDDITATE COAPLEXES OF RH ( J ) W I TH L, (CH SU82) SU86 (14H SIJB2) SU1Q,ACH SUB2) SlJ110 (NH SU32) SUL32, (00 SUa2 iNIC SU60 H SU64): SU62y QjPHENANTHROLINE, ANO 8,8 PRIMf 01HYDROXY95 PRIME 010UINOLINIE (1) WERE PREPD. A140 Ai I LUZ~D. t0,0N0DNETAr,-: COAPLEXIES 4EKE ALSO FeRMED ',,11,TH OYPHENENTH~/0365 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105173 ___U_Nr AaS-LPLED --wilaw.-I -2/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105173 ~ABSTH.ACT/EXTR4CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DIFFERENCF BETWEEN THE REFRACTION COEFFS. OF ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY RAYS, DELTA N, IN A NON ORIENTATED SINGLE CRYSTAL OF CDSNAS SUB2 CAN BE 011TAINE10 FROM THE STUDY OF-DOUBLE REFPACTION. THE RELATIONS FOR CALCN. OF DELTA N ARE GIVEN. DOUBLE REFRACTION IS STUDIED ON PAIRS OF CDSNAS SIJ82 PLATES AT. 10-300DEGREESK. DELTA N IS CALCO. FROM EXPTL. DATA ON TRANSPARENCY OF THE PLATES IN LINEARLY POLARIZED LIGHT,IN THE WAV~ LENGTH R'EGIO.N 4-14 MU. WITH DECREASING TEMP. DELTA N DECREASES; HOWEVER, THE DISPERSION DEPENDENCE IS PERSERVED. THE MEIHOD IS APPLICABLE FOR ALL CRYSTALS :-BELONGING TO THE BAR 42M POINT.GROUP. FACOLITY: LENINGRAD. POLITEKH. INST. IM. KALININAt LENINGRAD, USSR. 1 ir 021 UN C L'A S I F I E --230CT70 PROCESSING DATE -TITLE--INFRAREO ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF THE COSNP SUB2-CDSf4AS SUB2 SOLID :,SOLUTION -U- AUTH0!R~-I02)-KARYMSHAKOVv R.K.r RADULv V*A. COUN7'RY OF INFO--USSR ...,SGURC- FrZ. TEKH. POLUPROV. 19TOv 4(2)t 398-400 PUBLISHED ------- 70 .::-SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS _PTION EDGE: .:_JOPIC TA(,S--IR ABSORPTION SPECTRUM, SOLID SOLUTION, A13SOR FORBIDDEN ZONE WIDTH, PHQSPIIIDEt~ ARSENIDE; CADMIU14 COMPOUND, TIN COMPOUND .CONTROL MARKING*--NO RESTRICTIONS 00COMENT CLASS---UNCLASSIFIED ..,.:-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0094 STEP NO--UR/0449/70/0041002/039B/0400 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105180 2/2 02.1 UNCL.ASSIFIE.0 PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 C IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105180 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SPECTRA (Z-1.5 MU) WERE '(6 1 li , MEASUREO AT 83 AND 300DEGREESK ANO TiiE OTPICAL Fl, OUP-14 GAP WIDTI DELTA E SUHG, WAS DETO. FOR ALL MATEMALS STUDIED AT 83DE ~,K THE ABSORPTION EDGE SHIFTS TOWARD HIGHeR ENERGI E 10 ESJVE G-DT) VALUES ARE ALSO REPORTED. FACILITY: FIZ* TEKH. [NST,- Itt. IUFFE, LENINGRAD, USSR. -U.NCL-ASSIFIED 112~ G 3 6 UINCLASSI FIEP PROCESSING DATE-- 201NOV70 T'ITLE-INFRi-REG AbSLRPTlJ.N IN COSIAS SUt32 -U- ..-.AUTHOR- 101;)- AV E.-.KYEVA G.K.t l(ARY14SHAKOV, 1~.K.v PROCHUKHAN, V.D., SERGINGV, ~C C UN 7 RY OF INFC-USSR TF-KH. POLUPROV. 19701 4(3)l 591-3 PUBLISHED-----70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS ~TOPIC -TAGS--IR ABSORPTIOiq, CADMIUM, COMPOUND, SILICON COMPOUNDY ARSENIDE, FORBIUDEN ZCNE C CN T R C LMAkKls\G--N0 RESTAICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/Fr~AME-1995/0393 STEP NO-UR/0449/70/004/003/0591/0593 CIRC ACCESSICN NG-APOII'~403 L A:SS:T~F I fill- ~2-12 036 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-APOIL0403 ASSTRACT/EXTRP-CT--(U) G,11-0- ABSTRACT. THE ABSORPI ION SPECTRUM OF CDSIAS SU132 10 TH CHALCOPYR. I TE S FRUCTURE p GROWN FROM A S(7LN. OF- CDAS, WAS GbIrAINED AT ROUM TEMP. AND 0.7-15 MU-. I THE TRANSMISS40h; COEFF. EXHIBITED A SHARP INCREASE AT SIMILPR TO 0*8 MUY CORRESPONOING r6' THE OPTICAL WLIJTH OF T~-L FGRBIDDEN ZUNE* THEREAFT'ERP THE TRANSM1551ON COEFF. INCREASEL; LESS RAPIGLY, PEACHING A MAXi. OF 413PERCENT AT SIMILAR TO 12 mu. AT 12.3 MU ABSORPTI04 WAS OBSD. WHICH GAN,6 E RELATED TO LATTICE Vr 413RATIC;NS Ck CCMPLEXE-S. MEASUREMENTS, Fif ABSORP'TION COEFFS. IN THE PHOTON RANGE 1.45-1.65 EV WERE MADE TO 013TAIN A'A011E ACCURATE DErN. OF THE FORBIDDEN ZCNE ~410TH; THE OPTICAL~ WIDTH OF THE FORBIDDEN ZONE IN THE LARGE ABSCRp,riCN REGICN CGRRESPONDED TO AN AOSORPTION CDEFF. OF 6 TIMES 10 PRIMEZ CM PRIME NEGATIVEI. DOUBL&REFRACTION !PiAS NOTED BUT NOT MEASUkED QUANT. FACILITY; FIZ, YEKHO. INST. 1A. IOFFEj LENINGRAD, USSR. I A r I- A 41- L H.).) A r, I E Li