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USSR UDC 669-1. 539. 375 KASHCHEYEV, VITALITY NIKOLAYEVICH "Abrasive Breakdown of Solids" (Abrazivnoye razrusheniya tverdvkh tel), 'Moscow, 1970, Scientific Council on Friction and Lubricants), 247 pp, illus, 357-item biblio, 1600 copies printed Abstract: The monograph discusses the action of a solid mineral grain on the surface of metals and alloys In relation to the hardening of the allay and the conditions and type of wear. An interpretation is given of the physical process of abrasive wear, and those material characteristics are established which influence wear resistance, The relationship between che wear resistance of alloys and the abrasive capacity of the grain is demon- -ins of strated. Practical methods for increasing wear resistarice by me. additives are suggested, as well as means of altering the structure of materials subjected to wear. The monograph is intended primarily for technicians engaged in practical work in metallurgy, metal working, machine building and instrument building. Page 'Chapter 1. Modern Concepts.of Strength of Metals 9-16 ~Chapter II. Interaction of Sliding Surfaces 47-76 i/2 777, USSR KASHOMEV, '11, Abrasive Breakdmqn of Solids, VITALIY NIKOLAYEVIL Moscow, :1970,..Scientific Council on Friction and Lubricants), pp, illus, 357- item bib1io, 1600 copies printed Chapter III. Abrasive Wear 77-102 Chapter IV. Grain and Its Vulnerability~to Abrasion 103-145 ChApter V. Enhancement of Strength by!Alloying and Resistance to Abrasion at;High Temperatures 146-183 Chapter VI. Bonding Forces, Structure of Metals and Wear Resistance 184-229 Appendix (discusses steel ShKh15) 230-236 2/2 - ----- ----- 1/2 018 UNCLA:SSIFIED PROCESrSING DATE--ISSEP70 .:T-ITLE--SINGULARITY OF THE ELECTRORESISTANCE.OF FERROMAGNETIC METALS AT THE -CURIE POINT- -U- -,AUTHOR-K,ASliCHEYEV, V.N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '.!_:~S,0URCE--PHY,S. LETT. A. 1970t 31(3),. 14o-i ~'~~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .'SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, PHYSICS ~,:TOPIC TAGS--CURIE POINTt FERROMAGNETIC mATERIALP ELECTRORESISTAINCE ,-CONTROL MARKTNG--NO RESTRICTIONS -.'OOCUM~NT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIGO tz .::--PROXY REE-L/FRAME7-1989/1729 STEP NO--NE/OOC)O/-fO/03110()3/0140/0141 CIRC ACCESSION 140--AP0108096 UNCLASSIFIED samor ---------- USSR 6C 621.791.16.037 KHOIDPOV, Yu. V. (Cand. of Techn. Sciences), SMIRNOV, A. S., MIRKIN, A. M., KASHCHEYEVA,L. P. IGNAVYEV, A. ~S.Ond ERLIJW, M. G. (Engineers) "=-0,4-4 Ultrasonic Welder for Plastics and Metals" Moscow, Svarochnoye proi7vodstvo, No 5, :May12, pp 47"48 Abstract: The New MTU-0,4-4 welder is aprototype of the NTU-0-4-3 machine with a redesigned welding head furnished with two types of mechani-cal osci-Ilatory systems. The new unit is suited for welding plastic components in the radio engineering and plectr4pnics industry including micromotors, condensers, batteries, filters,.cells, etc. The machine will join plastics with- metals, by pressing. them into polymers,and will weld copper, aluminum,,and nickel. :Tbe HIV-0.4-3 model has been successfully operated for several. years.! at riadio engineering plants and has shown yearly savings ranging, from 5000 to 10,000 rubles. The technical specifications for the new ultra- ~son ic model are cited. The serial production project Itas been assigned to the Kaliningrad Plant of Electrical Equipment. (1 illustration) 21 USSR UDC 620-193.3 JAU==A-v-T-,P-, DUBMINA, V. S.p GADASINAs L. YU.~ ~ESMCHERYAXOVAI I. D., and RUTKOVSKIY, M. L. feet of Oxidizers on Corrosion and Electrocheird-cal Fiehavior of Nickel- E f Malybdenum Allay EP-4965 in Hydrochloric,Acid.' Moscow# Zashchita Pletallovj Vol 7# No it Jaa-Feb 71, PP 11-15 Abstractt The article describes results of a study of the effect of oxygen and ferric chloride on the corrosion resistance of n1c),,e1-moJ,1jbdenum alloy EP-496 (28 percent Mo 70 percent Hit 1.5 Percent V, 4 percent- Fe) in con- centrated (22 percents hydrochloric acid sstuxated with.air or nitrogen at P - I atm and a temperature of 20 0 and 100 for purposes of determining corxUtions for the applicability of the alloy. in the pnductior. of organo- silicon liquids. It was found that the corrosion rate In air-saturated hydrochloric acid is 7 times greater than in deaerated hydrochloric acid; 'Ln aemted hydroch-loric acid In the gaseous iphase the ca'r=csivn rate Is 2 times greater than it is in the liquid phase. A similax-dif.Cerence was ob- served under production condi-tions, particularly in the production of organo- edlicon liquid GKZh-94. It is shown that the corrosion rate of alloy EP-496 Is determined primarily by the depolaxizer concenti.-ation and the rate at vhich USSR UDC 620-193-~l MESHCHERYAKOVA, I. D., KASHCHEYEVA, T. P., and MMOVSKIY, M.L. "Behavior of Titanium in Ethanol-Aqueous Solutions of Hydiogen Chloride" Moscow., Zashchita MetaUov,, vol 6, NO I, May-Jun 70., pp 286-289 Abstract: An investigation was irade of the corrosion and electrochemical behavior of VT-l titanium in ethanol solutions of HC1,containing viu,iout: amounts of water in order to determine the possibility of using titanium as a structural- rtateria-1 for prcduction facilities where the basic aggressive mdium is ethanol-aqueous solu- ticna of HCI. The experiments were performed at room temperature in a 2Q~ ethanol solution of HC1 w1ithout water and with 2-80% water. It was founa that titaniiLm. is not passivated in a water-free 20% ethanol solution of 01 and that it corrodes by -the electrochemical mechanism at a rate of -5 MM/Year. i In solutions containing 4-0% water, titanium has a tendency tovard pitting. A linear relation was obsened between the activation potential and the logarithm of the viLter ooncentration. Tit4knium can be used os a structural mterial in 20% ethanol solutions of B~l con- taining 9-32~ water. In this case the corroa:Lon rate of tha,, titanium does not exceed 0.01 whear. 7he mechanism of the inb1bitor effect is discussed briefly. ;?6 .......... COZ1TE!;TS (Continued)k Production of Silicon JPRS S9873 Under r ro r e p 7 23 Au&ust 1973 W TI 1 l.", ... Production of 111ghly DI Containing hefractor (V.I. MQtyazhev)j _ Prod,iction of Yttrium Dodecaborides (V.V. Odfrltsov).' Sintering Titanium Dlb~ TECHNOLOGY OF PRODUCING NEW MTERIALS (D.V. Zaveruk a Removal of the Plastirl'' 'franitiation of Ruscian-language collection: Te)dinologiya Polucheniya Novykh Materialov, 1972, Kiev. Study of Solid-Phase TunqztQn, Woilicid O.S. Yur onk COUTENT-S PAGE Tif.. Effect of Alloying El. Transfa, tion in Emiseltivity of Zirconium and INioblum Carbides in the S.M. Braun) . Region of flomogencity Study of Some Prcpertij (L.N. Okitremchuk, ................. 6h. Upadkhaya Trannition Metals iiork runction or Silicon Carbide ................ (L.N. okhremchu)tl 4 Rare-Earth Metal MOdif 2-lactrical-Real-fitance of Campos to Materials W.A. Ketthchuk (Ye. M. votr2ym .................. ................ a Increas Heat capacity MeasurentantJA Some CeraL--.'C Materials (D.M. Karpincs.~ V.S. Klimanko) ................... 14 Effect of Scandium, Yt~- Tharmal Conductivity of Reinforced Plastics propertico of tlickul~ ^' (D.M. Karpinon, V.9~ 'Alimenka) .................... is (L.A- Alakreyu ).k qf a Method of Axial Thermal Plow for One optimum Cgi2;a rnteraction Of Transit . Datermining the Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity JE.V. Kutysh.". Kli.e.k., at .1.) ............................. 21 Fractionation of no tudy of Sintering Kinetics by Hot rxtruzion of Zirconium M.P. Sha 1) and Titanium Carbides In the Regions of Their Homogeneity ................ 25 at Pressing Features of Molybdenum Carbide (Yu. 2. JI.S. Xovallchenko)., ............... ._= =v I 32 a USSR 11 USSR -7-777~, UDC: 669.295.5:669.292/1297:620.193/.196 TEREMETSKIY, V. A., Q=UK, A, tHeat Resistance of Binary Alloys of Titanium with the Transition Metals of Groups III and V" Sb. Nauch. Tr. Tomsk. Inzh.-Stroit. In-t [Collected Scientiric Works of Tomsk Institute of Construction Engineering],,1973, No 21, pp 35-39 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 81727, by L. Petrova) Translation: The influence of the addition of transition metals of group III ~(0.28% Pr, 0.35% Y, 0.59% La) and group. V (0.76% V, 0,45% Nb, 0.41% Ta) of the periodic system on the oxidation properties of Ti at 800' is studied. The content of the metals added corresponded to a con"ntratiDn near the limit of solubility in a Ti. Y, La and Pr decrease the oxidizability of Ti by 30-35%, Nb and Ta -- by 35-40%. The alloy Ti-0.76% V is oxidized significantly more intensively than Ti. 2 figures, 3 biblio. refs. 1A . ............ .... ............ ...... .... -- - - --------- USSR UDC: 669.296.5:Q~0.193/.196 FILIPPOV, V. F., KASHCHU, Y nfluence of the Addition of Transition Metals on the Corrosion Resistance of Zirconit&' Sb. Nauch. Tr. Tomsk. Inzh.-Stroit. ln-t [Collected Scientific Works of Tomsk Institute of Construction Engineeringj,'1973, No 21, pp 68-71 (Translated from Referativn)ry Zhurnal Metallurgiya, Nc &1 1973, Abstract No 817429, by L, Petrova)- Translation: The corrosion properties of Zr were studied with the additionof Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, W, Re,, Y, Nbi Mo, Ru,. Rh, I'd, Ta, Os, Ir (from 0.05 to 1.6%) in a 50% solution of HNO at 35* 48 g on the basis of weight 3 loss. The greatest increase in the resistance of corrosion resulted from the addition of Fe, Co, Ni, Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir. 1lie addition of Y, V, Nb and Ta increased the corrosion resistance of Zr less, while Ti, Cr, Mn, Mo, W and Re increase it still less. The corrosion resistance of Zr is discussed on the basis of the electron structure of, the metal. I table, 4 biblio. refs. UPC 669.295:537.32 TITLIML CONDUClIVI'llf AND ELECIRICAL eXUPERIXES OF TITANIUM ALOYED Willi VANADIUM AT 100-35009 fArticLe hv V. G. KAr-1. Teesk; ftazcow, liwastlvA A~ad~ii Naak 53S2t-KP-s.Iv. Ru".ian, No 3, 1973. suLaitted 13 September 19171, pp 80-94J successful rambinatt.n Opf ~hysjcnl, 'cherical -inil moChiMiCil. Pro- n~ ft cmd rtiez. A high 2POcific etm t. corrozion rovictanco open vast porolbill- tie;s rrjr the use of titoni= =nd itz 311073 In ecn- an a reliable structural naterial. tion with this there Is amuch inter"at Inunctudying the offect_cr al-layime vith air- for-nt tl~anajtion ngtalff an tht- eloetro- Physicnl Ind otfinr propar't_445' CC, litanl= over- a.- vida. to...porature lnt~rval. 1 Speoi&l ...... -- Intermist -*%iota Cor-Investi-tatUm In ~ho I T region or low tonnearaturo3 it L~Ach the of- root or allo7lngr is rwnt moticertble, Lie thd ,e numb,)r of works note t Lhire to a larr on the qInctrical resistance of the n1loys of. ordinary motals. the offopt of whall addiilvh~ on the aleetricza Proportion of tV-kndttion mntals h6si not been adequately' Inv's3tjretjd /I/. Thin is all thn nora, ro- Intod to the thomal conductivity end thermal arx of those metals. The *free'. of alloying titantim with vsnedjwm on the electritial resistance, thermal conductl.vlty, and thermal onr Invaistigated titAnim 100-350,Y, of region was in tide in the ItOrk. - An initial materials for makirsg Uw alloys we used Tl,-F~- tl tintuti ininrin wIth n hnr,.lne7:i,, 7f "th-i i1xiing 6, rail ovin, r I iir I s,t I a- v,onlt Ion, 71 -91).~', Fo- ~. Olt., nnd 1;1-trac~s; rrd f'r-J" WL-3 with tl-~ rt~llnwinr, 0i"POcnI Inrots of thi n1jov% woro rnr~lt-.-d Ln a 1z2_,or=.ory vqc-%&utq Vlrnn" vlt.n a consumable alnotrodo. the 50--_"t diameter aloe- trren wam ~rodizcnd by pronving, a mixturo) or connonants which bAl bnln r riviout5ly cround to it 10-micron frAction. The Ingots -wtrn rcn-iitid twivit to obtain a more uniform composition Ro - Vriv:uro nt the tire of molting aMun'-.-d to 3XIO-~_57_lo-3 --n ;lc:. ~iq !umntIty if input q1emint wan dvt~;-zilned by chomicAl ftnn I Ti I rt. 11,.rdri7,1n conttrit of tho In!7ots Wn3 0.0VIO-0.0047.1. 11sna;lium ~n s Introduced into the titsj~lum Ln of a ligrtwe in condontritions of wt or tiv-, 1~ro- e,wo,3 tt11-.7:r are In th~ table. C1113"Lical cort~,osltlon of Ti-V alloys Y I I'll. (bl 'Uj jai Lis t L J'." _19 M 0 :5 0 M 0.20 o 3, to f1w Iis 111 . T4 it 1.50 1.45 1 au 46 1 I s~" 3 t.6' K*T: a-Sarmls vxnb,tr b--V,-Lnndiixn anntont In tho mllo7 c--Cnlculatnd, wt d::l37,Chon1cn1 analynin U'? plit f--,'.tmfc (3~11ndrit:nT. 1t-6 run in rlimmitir nnd 15-:!0 M long "It- trn,l -~n :i )t,Lho for the puvpoa~ or th'x 01 vrnelf-In olactr1c.-I. x-totnnce 4~), ~,onCOctunt.-s of th-i-mal conductivity (A), Ltnd 'hor-tial omr (~O. or ~ -r 0-7 M 11r. ror M,,As s~,-.Dlcz vt:tru nnnoalod in tk vauuum _xi oure at T!'3-10-0 Y for th') PtLrUse Of -,-;"-ov Inc internal tttx~,u,! a Lid hotacroril ablon of tit &I OYU. MV efroot or an- o r "Inlinn was chocked by measuring the slectrical resistanco or Oin zamnlas nt room temperature and at the tanneraturr) or 11- 44ufd utriagen. Annedling was conducted up to stabiltsaitan of - 2 - Cl L: r a c C L L, r n o L~ L~s L 1 coc L Z -f.n .KASHELKIN, V. V., SHESTERIKOV, S. A., Chair of the Theory of Plasticity ."Buckling of a Cylindrical Shell of Finite Length Under Creep" Moscow, Vestnik Moskovskogo universite,ta Matematik4i, Mekhanika, No. 5, Sep/Oct 71, pp 60-64 Abstract: The shell is simulated by a two-layered model. Large displacements of points of the two-layerred shell loaded by an external hydrodynamic pressure P of length 2 1 are studied. The thickness,of each layer is h and the distance between layers is 2 6. Boundary conditions of the following types are con- sidered: hinge support with fixed or Movable (along the axis of the shell) hinges and also a rigid sea! with fixed or movable ends. The transverse cross section of the shell is in the shape of,a circular ring which is approximated by the curve obtained by the conjunction of two circles of different radii. The analysis is carried out for a narrow central. section o_-F the shell which iS acted.on by forces in the plane of the shell and by membrane forces perpendiculi-T, to this plane. A system of ordinary nonlinear differential equations is derived describing the defortmation. An approximate simpli-fied form of the sy3tem I'S Civiln for shells where tile buckling con.for"s to certain limit:ing 1/1 USSR UDC 621.315.592 V.P., R.G.,.MATVEYEV, O.A. -"Surface-Barrier Cadmium Telluride Junction Photonemory" Leningrad, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 4, No 5, 1970, pp 937-940 Abstract: The mechanism of a surface-barrier junction p-hotort-emory using cad- mium telluride is discussed from the theore'tical point bf view, and an experi- ment is described in which the surface-barrier junctiani~ in n-CdTe with an initial electron concentration of 2.7.1016, cm-3 were Investigated. The volt- capacitance characteristics of the junction were ueasured. 1he volt-capacit- ance and volt-ampere characteristics of the investigated junctions in the da:rk were described by ordinary classical expressions for a sharp transition. Curves are presented for the variation of the capacitance of the Junctions illuminated by extrinsic light ~,- 0.83-1.5 microns with different illumination intensities. It was discovered that the capacitance of the surface-barrier junctions cre- ated In low,-resistance n-CdTe has photosensitivity in the range. of extrin ic. absorption. After switching off the illumination, the perturbation caused by A - 300' K (photomeiaory). the extrinsic light Is retained.for a long. tim-e when T1 Orlliimoinzt1an Of the by atronzly absorbed F7 USSR KARPENKO, V.O., et al., Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 4, No 5, 1970, WA37-940 short-wave light the magnitude of the capacitance decreases, and the photomem- ory disappears. A decrease in the capacitance of such,;a Junction takes place "he also on illuminating it with light with hV - 1.0-1.2electron volts. A observed phenomena are explained by the presence of two groups of impurity lev- els in the initial material. One group of deep levels is responsible for the photomemory effect of the junctions, and their concentration is equal to 0.96.1016 (.m73, Y - 1.3*10-17 CM2 The second group of shallow levels lo- cated at the edge of the valence zone is~respons:ible for thj~! capacitive ations on switching off the illumination,and the 0hotopurreat when illualinat- ina thejunction by light with hV < H9. 2/2, 46 Ed--:,_ UNCLA kOCES�I.NG DATE -300C,?O '020 FL 'TITLE--ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF SURFACE BARRIER P-NiJUNCTIONS ON HIGH RESISTANCE CADMIUM TELLUkIDE -U ~__AUTHOR-(05)-BOGOM4ZOVj A.P.t KARPENKOt V.P.v KASHER IN 11 MATVEYEVI ,,J, Nj,=2,j,, P . G -.U*A.., STETSYUKv R.S, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR RCE'-FIZ* TEKH, POLUPROV. 1970, 4(41,: 813-14 o u ~:7_'DATE-PUBLISHED ------- 70 UBJECT AR EAS-- MA T E R I AL S, PHYSICS --CADMIUM TELLURIDE# ELECTRif" PROPERTYP PM JUNCTION, ELECTRIC ...TOPIC TAGS FLEL.Dt VOLT AMPERE CHARACTERISTIC CWWROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 1--POCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 .'~PROXY 1-1,EEL/FRAME--1998/0932 STEP NO--UR/0449/70/004/004/08L3/0814 ACCESSION NO--AP0121534 IJ NC LA S 5 1 F I E D 2/2 '020 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSILNG DATE--30OCT70 C19C ACCESSION NO--AP0121534 .~ABSICKACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, DARK CURRENT VOLTAGE "CHARACTERISTiCS OF SURFACE BARRIER P-N-JUNCTIONS ON' HIGH RESISTANCE- CDTE BARE QUADKATIC AND MORE INFLUENCED BY THE ELEC. FIELD 71N THE BASE AREA THAN BY THE RESISTANCE OF THE JUNCTION-ITSELF. THE L*"iTrLF! BECO14ES !MPORTANT WHEN THE BAS&RESISTIVItY IS:R,C'-t)UCED BY: iLLlJNIl"J4kl'l0N; IN THIS 1..CAS~Ep THE CURRENT VOLTAGE CURVE IS EXPONENTIAL. FACILITY: FIL. JEKh. INST. IM. IOFFE, LENINGRAD, USSR: UNCLASSIFIED USSR LMG 547.412 KWAR, V. P.t KASHEVAq T. N.t and JaRSAKOV, A. V. "Reaction of Trichlorophosphazoperchloro Ethane with Axyl AmineB and Their Hydrochlorides!' Leningradg Zhurnal Obshchey Khimiip Vol XLII-T (CV)I No 1, 1973, pp 22-25 Abstracti Hydrochloride salts of aromatic amines and ftee aromatic aaines with Pa < 2 react with trichlorophosphazo perchloro ethane on the V,-dichloronothylone group with the formation of triclaorophosphazo-N-aryl iminotrichloro acetyls. On Intexaction of trichlorophazo parchioro ethane with aryl anines in a 114 ratiol tris(arylazdno)phosph,,smo-li-arylinino tri- chloroacetyls are fo=ed. Boma of the phpical properdeaq the yields and formulas of these compounds are tabulated# and the experimental procedures for obtaining five of then axe outlineds:. USSR UDC 546.185 KIMAR', V. P., KASHEVA T and KOZLOV, E. S., Institute of Organic Chemistry, Acade5y7a Sciences, UkrainlauSSR "Reaction of Trichlorophosphazoperchlorop-thane With Ammonium Chloride" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 4, Apr 73, pp 743-747 Abstract: Trichlorophosphazoperchloroetliane reacts w1th ammonium chloride forming a four meuber heterocyclic 2,2-dichlora-4-trichloramethyl-1,3- diaza-2-phosphate, m.p. 83-84*. Eviden,tly the first step in the reaction is the formation of trichlorophosphazoiminotrichloroa4-etyI which then undergoes cyclization. The reaction takes place in 20-25 hrs; at 150-170' in absence of a solvent. Catalytic amounts of alumin= chloride shorten the reaction time to 10-12 hours- Diazaphosphete is easily hydrolyzed even with air moisture yielding trichloroacetamide, Reaction of the diazaphosphete with acetic acid goes probably via formation of 2-chluro- 4-trichloromethyl-2-oxo-1,3-diaza-2-phosphetene [not Isolated) which then converts to N-dichloraphosphonyl-li .'-aevltr-I chloroace tiumd dine, m.p. 207- 208% With formic acid N-dichlorophosp4anyltr-ichloroacetamidine, m.p. 202-204* is obtained. The f out member ring of the phoophete appears to be planar. 1/1 sinv~ IFAM mi. USSIR UDC 547.4,91.8 KUKHARI, V. P., BUKOVSKII, M. I. PALEYCHUX, V. S., FLTRASHENKO, A. A., SOLODUSHz-NKO-~,4sw"g,.,,~Ti4tute (if Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR OPhosphazo-1.3,5-triazines. IVR Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchei Khim:Li, vol 4o. No 6, Jun 70, 12-26-12929 Abstract: 2-Azido-4,6-dimethoxy(phenoxy)-1,3.5-triazines easily react with tertiary phosphines and trialkyl phosphites to form 2-phosphazo-4,6-dimethoxy (phenoxy)-1,3.5-triazines. The reaction is exothermic and is completed within 10-15 min. Triphenyl phosphite reacts less rapidly. Tertiary phosphines react easily with azides of diaminotriazines to forn, P-phos'phazo-4,06-diamino- -1,3,5-triazines. The phosphazo compounds are colorless crystals which readily dissolve in alcohol, acetone, methanol, but which are insoluble in water and hexane. They are hydrolyzed in boiling water or in L-14 hydrochloric acid. The basicities of the compounds were determine6 in n1tromethane arA recalculated to the corresponding values in water. All theso compounds were found to be weak bases. Presence of amino or alkylamiho groups in' the mole- cule raises the basicity by 3-4 units. 0 USSR UDC -669.715.721.725.295.296.?4.2".018.29(C3 BELOUSOV, N. N., MIKHEYEVA, Ye. N., ZHOLOBOVA, Ye. P., f4SHEVNIK, L. Ya., OP__6 . N- --BOTYANIOVSKIY, DODONOV, A. A., YEGOROVA, V. A., YEVSTRATbv, Yu. A. , P- K '4- VA, 14~ G. "'Aluminum-Based Casting Alloy" USSR Author's Certificate, No. 253375, Filed, 19/06/67,,Published, 8/10/70. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 1670P). Translation: T"he alloy has the following composition 1.119 8-9.5, Be 0.03-0.15, Ti 0.05-0.15, Zr O.OS-0.2, Mn 0.1-0.3, Cr 0.05-0.IS,remoinder Al. The alloy has high technological properties, corrosion resistance,and stability of properties. In the cast state, the alloy, when cast in'a sand mold, has Ob 18-23 kg~mm ? 6 0.7 2.S%, ali 0.2-0.4 k&-n/cm2; when cast in.a chill mold Ob 27-33 kg/mm 6 4 12%s aH 0.4 1.2 kgm/ca2. --- 777777777 --230CT70 PROCESSING DATE 1/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE---INCREASE IN-:TtiE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OP ZINC CONTAINING SILUMIN CAST INGS _u_ AUTHOR-(02)-BELOUSOV9 N-N-t KASHEVNIKv L.YA. OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~~CU,RCE-LiTEINOE PROIZVOD. '1970, 21 6-7: PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS '11ANICAL PROPERTYp ALLOY DESIGNATIONt. ALLOY COMPOSITION, JOPIC HI GH PURI TY ME T AL t ALUM I NUM ~ ALL OY t 5 1 L I CON CONT A I N 1 W; AL LOY t L I QUI 0 7METALt METAL REFINING/(UIALLIM ALUMINUM SILICON ALLOYt (U)STLUMIN ~.ALUMINUM SILICON ALLOY CONTAOL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1732 STEP NO--UR/0128/70/002/000/0006/0007 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116710 2/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118710 ,.,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.~ A NE14 ALLOY, DESIGNATED AL11M, CONTG. Sf 7.9, ZN 13-16, MG Oo4-0.06t CU 0,6-09, HE 0.04-0.08, TI -0.04-0.08, ZR 0.04-0.08, AND B 0.03-0.06PERCENT tilAS STUDIED. THE ALLOY REQUIRES HIGH PURITY AL (9-)PERCENT) AS THE STARTING MATERIAL. THE MOLTEN METAL WAS REFINED WITH HEXACHLOROETHANE A14D M00IFIED WITH A FLUX CONTG. NACL 62.5, NAF 25, AND KCL 12.5PERCENT. AFTER HEAT TREATMENTi CASTINGS EXHIBITED THE OPTIMUM COMBINATION OF MECH. PROPERTIES. THE MECH, PROPERTIES WERE DETD, FROM MINUS 1960EGREES TO :300D~:GREES ANC -SUITABLE PROPERTIES WERE FOUND IN THE RANGE MINUS 1960EGREES TO 200DEGREES. AFTER HEAT TREATMENT THE 'YIELD STRENGTH AND ELONGATION OF SAMPLES.CUT FROM A CASTING WERE 35-40,KG-MM PRIME2 AND 2--4PERCENT RESP. THE SHRINKAGE, FLUIDITYt ANU HOT SHORTNESS OF THIS ALLOY 4EPE COMPARABLE 5- TO THO'SE_ OF' OTHER SILUMINS BUT THE STRENGTHIS 1.5 TIAIES GREATER. UN-IC L -031 UNCLASSIFIED* PROCESSING DATE-16OCT70 _-J,lTLE--HECHANISM OF THE RAOIATION CROSSLINkING OF SOLIO RUBSERS -U- ~.AUTHOR_-(05)-~',OZLOV, V.T.p GURYEV, M.V.v YEVSEYEVP AoG.7 KASHEVSKAYA, N.G., ZU.Bc,V P. I :';':COUNTRY. OF INFO--USSR SOEDIN., SER.-A 1970~1;0),, 592-601 'i-DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .~'SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, MATERIALSt NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND _fECHNOLOGY ~.TOPIC TAGS--GAMMA RADIATION, POLYMER CROSSLINKING, FREE RAWCAL, EPR SPEC'rROMETRY, GEL, NATURAL RUBBER, POLYISOPRENE, POLYCHLfj-'L)PREN~, POLYBUTADIENE, BUTADIENE STYRENE RESIN,. COPOLYMER* POLYSILOXANE, CHLORDFLUOROCARBON COMPOUND, FLUORINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND, SYNTHETIC ~-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .,PROXY ItEEL/FRAME--1995/1207 STEP NO--UR/0459/70/012/003/0592/0601 CIRC ACCFSSION NO---AP0116672 12/2 '031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 :.CIRC ACCESSION 140--AP0116672 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- AaSTRACT. SAMPLES OF 22 DIFFERENT RUBBERS ~WERE IRRADIATED BY A PRIME60 CO SOURCE, THE FREE RADICAL YIELDS IG SUBR) WERE DETD. BY EPR SPECTROMETRY. . THE CROSSLINK YIELDS (G SUBC) WERE DETO. BY THE SWELLING DEGREE OF THE SAMPLES AND(ORI T.-HE GEL FRACTION CONTENTS. FOR MOST OF THE SAMPLES (NATURAL RUBBERP POLYISOPRENESP ~OLYCHLOROPRENES CONTGo 5 BONDSI,POLYBUTADIENES, :BUTADIENE STYRENE COPOLYMERS, BurADIENE METHYLSTYAENE.COPOLYMER,, 'ETHYLENE PROPYLENE COPOLYMERS9 POLY(DIkETHYLSILOX-ANE), -NYLSILOXANES), POLYID,t,4ETHYL.4ETHYLVINYLSILOXANES, POLY (.01METHYLMETHYLPHE POLY(DIMETHYLDIPHENYLSILOXANE-11 G SUBC~GREATER THAN G SUB.1-2. THE (POLY(TRIFLUOF%OCHLOROETHYLFNE)t VINYLIDENE HALOGEN CONTG. RUBBERS c FLUORIDE HEXAFLUORUPROPYLENF COPOLYMER,p OR VLNYLIDENE FLUORID~ TRIFLUOROMET"YL PERFLUUROVINYL ETfiER COPOLYMERS) HAU G SU13R-2G SUBC SIMILAR TO 1. THE RADIATION CROSSOWNG OF RUBBERS CONSISTS OF FAST -PROCESSES (SIMILAR TO 10 PRIME NEGATIVE 16 SEC) WHICH FOLLOW THE ACTIVATION OR IONIZATION AT LOCATIONS.ICLOSE TO P.OrENTEAL ROSSLINKS, AND .-SLOWER PROCESSES INVOLVING THE TRANSFER OF EXCITONS OR CHARGES. FACILITY: NAUCH.-ISSLEO. INST. REZ. PROMP, MOSCO14 USSR. C LA 5-55-1 F-1 E UDC: 541.64:671:,.7,~ USSR KOZLOV, V. T. GUR'YEV, M. V. YEVSEYEV, F~ G I Q VS N. G, n, E017, P. I., Scientific Research Institute of the 1111cisc-ow, State Committee for Chemistry; Scientific Research 1~hysic:o Ch-jipiczl -Lnsti-,ute iTz-ani L. Ya. Karpov, Moscotv, State Committee for Chemistry "Investigation of the Mechanism of Radiation Cross -~UnkLIV! ?roc-~sses Hard Rubber" Moscow, Vysok-OMOlekulyarnyye Soyedineniya, Val iO, pp 1-c~2-501 Ic j wo, s at '7 1-1 Abstract: The mcchanism of radiation cross-lixflinr elastomcr compounds of various structure -- s a A; U a C'. d -an~i az uxaz C, " a C) - L L~ xan --th s-: d matic and halogen substituted hydrocarbons and p o I Y i i o. -ps %-j' o H in various combinations ;:~nd i:atios. In r,,-2;.%r-1,Y groups -CH,, -CH=C11,, -C 6 5 all elastomers studied, the cross-link yiold was cont~iciQj~ably ---zin half the radical yield, based on -%;he assuraption th*.t- two may 10 rm a cross link. An exception to this rule is the case of c lasli~()- mers in which the radical yield is ap roxiriately t,.,jir-(3 th.~! -'c:. in many hydrocarbon elastomerso se in.the cj'Aj)aci- y an increa to forr, radicals leads to a reduction in. -the cross-l'iak yicld, the raLic of J USSR KOZLOV, V. T. et a! 11ysokomolekulyarnyye Soyedine-niyzt, Vol x1j, 1",0 Mar 70, pp 592-601 the radical yield to tivice the cross-link yield varying f_rom 1/2o to of polysiloxanes these ratios vary depending an tho prosiancc Of a number isolated double bonds lowers the radical yields zj~d Increases the cros~S-UrOcz yields. Both radical and cross-link yields are cansidorably r(!dL_'(.-Cd- b-y aromatic groups, the cross-link yield lbeing rcduc(:_,d to a groater dogrce. Radiation cross-linking is attributed to-a mechw,,ism which takes (:.1.1r- ing exposure and goes through a nwrb i: of electrort processes. Tll~:__' ~rapid processes (of the order or- 10 !5econd) zation or (mccitation of regions. in close proximity .-3,nd orien-,;eci fo_-- molo- cular cross linking; the sequenco, also includes px-ocesses -,,Aiic.;-. ilrC dmvn by transfer of an exciton or ctxcitcd charge. J:nto "Llwso reaio-ns. A contribution is also made by procassds~ of th