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W! USSR LOGUNOV) A. A., Teoreticheskaya i Yatematicheskaya Fizika, Vol 9j, No 1, Oct 71: PP 3-43 production vere studied as functions of~one or two angular coordinates. Scattering amplitudes were investigated for their analytic properties in both elastic and inelastic processes as functions of scattering angles and as func- tions of the impulse transfer. The latter case was studied on the basis of the general principles of field theory. It-vas shown how the range of analyticity (depending on cos-L9) of the differential cross section of an arbitrary inelastic process can be expanded, making it-possible to obtain restrictions on the behavior of the inelastic cross section of differential-forward scattering at high energy. The character of the dependence of-apartial wave on the orbital moment vithin the rangeof high values of the moment vas appraised. 2/2 -1/2 009 UNCLASSI FIED ~R'OCF,SSING DATE--160CT70 JLTL'E_--THE BEHAVIOUA OF HIGH ENERGY FORWARD SCATTERING AMPLITWE -U- -.AUTHOR-103)-SAVRIN, V.I.v TYURINP N.YE.:, KHRUSTALEV, O.Z. ,'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR iOURCE-~-TECRETICHESKAYA I MATEMATICHESKAYA FIZIKA, 1970t VOL 2, NO 3, PP '-338-342 ~'OATE PUBLISHED------70 -PHYSICS UBJECT AREAS TaPIC TAGS-SCATTERING AMPLITUDE, HIGH ENERGY PARTICLE, ASYMPTOTIC: -.-PROPERTY, HEAVY NUCLEUS - MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS i'DOCUMENT CLASS--IJNCLASSIFIED ::PROXY REEL/FRAME--1985/1445 STEP NO--UR/0646/70/002/003/0338/0342 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0101531 UNCLASSIFIED q g~p gjq, ft 2 121 009 UNICLASS IF I EO PP!.0CESS!NG n--Ar.E---lb0CT70 'ZIRC ACCESSION tNO--AP0101531 `A3STKACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. UNITARITY CONDITION IS USED FOR NVESTIGATION OF THE BEHAVIOUR OF,FORWARO SCAtTERING AMPLITUDE IN -THE It AUDERATELY HIGH ENERGY REGION AND OF THE CHARA.CTEA OF TOTAL HADRON CROSS SECTION APPROACHING ITS ASYMPTOTIC LIMIT. UNCLASSIFIED- ACTINOVY.TRTC MTRUKENTS OLWARD SOVIET t'XTEORO=TCAL '.*,ATELUTES fArticle by V. A., UAW, V. ILI, Zenk'.... 0, S. Orman, V. P. Timonl And G.'T. Shust;2 - a' - V, le~oncow, Trudy Isentr roy 0 A o ro I o n I c c-4~L-M ; F, c' me I ; ~ '. I -fXtIKU Swobodnay Atmoufary, Russian, No 100, 1970, submitted 30 Juno 1969, pp 125-1351, It Is known [I) that the equipmeim of Sovtat.mateorologl,cat a4tellLtes conaists of two types or act-'noactric Instruments. The firaz type Iz a namw-angLe scanning tnzcrftent Cluclmotar).-ith -%n instantaneous field *f vied of 0 x 5* with ftn operating viewin , Is 0 Y. Ang f +66* from the vertical to the plant perpendicular to the flight trajectory of the satellite. The second type Is A wide-angle Instrument (a fluz density octet) with a viewing Angla of 136-140'. The inarromtntv are cupI.E.,zated in order to improvo the aperatiTq reli.- bility. The energy briglitneises of the PArrow-angle Instrument,ara ;~m-.Jurcd in three zpcr-Lr&l 3-2 and 3-30 mizrons) over two Independent channel.; the H-12 and 3-30 rtfer= rangor. are comhined In one measuring char- eel, and they are selected by changing the corresponding optical filters. In the 0.3-3 micron chantttl, the instrument operates as a aingle-beam system, and in the 3-30 and 6-12 nicron channel, as a dual-bear, system, 76c farth-space modulation methoe As used in the last channel% the measurable radiation is ca-.pared with the radiation of outer apace. T EArth into outer space Is the dcrinity of the radiant flux from the measured 1y the wide-angle nonsCAnning instrument In two spectral ranges~ 0.3-3 and 3-30 MLcrons. The modulation Irvatl for the 3-10 micron channel is determln~e, by the viodulator tot:pvr4turc, which In the steady-state maJe is approx1mately equal - I - 11 - USSR - 1:1 r4~ ~.-A/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED; PitOCESSING DAT&7-16OCT70 JlTLE--EFFECT OF HIGH DOSES OF PROGESTERONE ON URINARY EXCRETION OF -''GONADOTROPIN AND-SEX HORMONES IN PATIENTS OF REPR4)DUCTIVE AGE WITH SOKOLOV, YEoG~.t ~,-UTHOR-(03)-SAVCHENK0, O.N., KHRUST,~.kE_VAP G.F. OUNYRY OF INFO--USSR 1 GURCE-- PROBL. ENDUKRINOL. 1970t i6(2),.49-52 IYATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 _T AREAS--BIOLOGI-CAL AND-MEDUAL SCLENCES ~..UBIJ. E r --GYNECOLOGY# HEMORRHAGEt PROGESTERONEo UFUNEt GONADOTROPfN, 5rTOPfC TAGS t_~-,--~-:EXCRETION ~:XBNTROL 14ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~.DPCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~~'-PROXY REFL/FRAME--1996/0257 STEP NO--UR/0502/70/016/002/0049/0052 ',CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0117509 UNCLASSIFIED IN.4ft 2 z 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--160CT70 ':CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117509 ..ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PROGESTER014E ADMINISTERED I.M* AT 25 MG DAILY FOR 3 DAYS TO REPKODUCTIVE AGE PATIENTS WITH DYSFUNCTIONAL ~UTERINE HEMORRHAGE SHARPLY DECREASED SECRETION OF- ESTROGENS. LH ,:--':~EXCPETION DECREASED ONLY IN THOSE WITH HIGH INITIAL LEVELS. FSH :,~:-.-SECRETION INSIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED, AIND THE RATIO OF FSH TO LH -INCREASED IN PROGESTERONE TREATED PATIENTS. FACILITY: LAB. -.-VOLRAST. FIZIOL. PATOL. ENDOKRIN# SISTEMY-CHELOVEKAv rNST. FIZIOL. IM. ~'.'-PAVLOVAv LENINGRADi USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 6 ZAMF'YANTSF- YU. A., FARYAGIN, S. N., MELLPV, 1. F. , and CHWaR, G .D.0 Moscow State University imeni H. Y. tooinonosov "Possibility of the Control of Binding Forms of Adsorbed Molecules by Means of a Change in the Electronic State of the Semiconductor Surface" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 202, No 11 Jan-Feb 7Z, pp 109-112 Abstracti IR and EPR spectm of p-benzoquinpne (BQ) nolecules adsorbed on rutile were studied. First passage of BQ over rutile powder leads to the 4 the appearance of two bands in Ube IR spectrum at 150..~ and 24~JU cm-1. Tne Z'Irst Dam was assigned to ---*.%.CiO grouping of the BQ molecule bound to coordination unsaturated Ti3* atoms. This band Is quite stable, even after beating the con- plex to 4000 In ~racuuz it does not disappear. The 1470 cm-1 band was assigned to an anion radical of BQ formed by a transfer of an electron from the solid body directly onto the orbitals of the adsorbed molecule. With more complete saturations more bands appeart 1675 c9r' assigned to Bq molecules bourA with weak van der Waal forces to the surfacet 1657 c3r' -- due to the nolectiles hydrogen bonded to hydroxyl groups. AdsoTptioncf BQ results in a negatiYe charge-on the surface of rutile. Population of the surrace levels increases with increased Ferzd levels. It was shown that with hl$her degree of reduction 1/2 USSR 2AMOYANTS, YU. A., et al.j Doklady Akadenli Hauk SSSRO Vol 202, No 1, Jan- Fab ?2p pp 109-112 the intensity of the 1 70 cm -1 band increases, while oxidation of the sample (lowering Fermi levels) prior to the adsorption of BQ resulU In complete die appearance of this band. When the rutile specimen was heated to 2000 (after , the 1675 and 1657 Carl barAz disappeo.Tedl the intensity of 1470p:rMalKillicreased, and that of 1505 carl decreased respectively. At 4000 the 1470 cmrl band exceeds substantially the intensity of the 1505 bud, Also, rutile specimens irradiated with a UY lamp (filter transparent in the 400-700 mu region) shows identical behavior. Thus it wam possible to stimulate a change in binding form of the molecules adsorbed on the surface, refloated by the IR spectra,.by generating excess carriers through the 141lumi- nation of solid body. 2/2 USSR UDC 666-593.5 1SAYE EVA, V. F., LIFSHITS, if. A., FRIDBEERG, I D., Y CliE'al':-UTIl,OV'A. S. "A Ceramic Ma e r ia 1 011_r7ti7a, izobreteni- a Pror;i7j o ra- sy, Moscow, U y s h 1 e rx-- Ob Tovar i a; iot Patenz ~o ,)I lass ny 970, Sov 0 No 21, filed 31 I-Iar 69, p 1,16 Abstracz: 'I'his lkuthorls Cortificate introduces a ceramic material based or, silicons and tizanates. A!i a distiAngullishing, feature of the pazent, a rnaterial wit'a low dielectric dissiration J.'aczor in the S~ IIF ran~,e is produced by usirg. a sin-or of: forszerite and ts o-:' 'he charge, magnesii-m or-L."'lotit'anate as the initial cormone.i w i - Lt;., ifors'uerite making up as much as 50 percent of the total Welght of the components. Acc. Nr 0-15:175 fo 91097n of epoxy r YA.; - SV (USSR). bilities of e , ylcyclotrisi poly(methy enid with . 120* for 3- ED-6 hard ticity, and hydride. New esins. =.qjq~~ Plast. poxy lazAne, lphenylsilaza 1 hr ened 77 7, 17 Abstracting Service: Ref. Code CHEMICAL ABST. 7c' r wh/h i, r," th-e therm~al stabilky hardene eva,. E. -------- Lkhrustal iN -G)lUbkov G. E - Zhinkin Fy__I 9~70 1). W-14 t* 51-Noultzah"I. m 1970 (1), 12 14 ( uss); ermal sto resins El)-Y and Wa-6 hardeaed with hexamieth- poly(methvisiblaneYfresin NLSNI~~N M,and ne) were d Thus, EOA~ was hard- et per epoxy D-6) at (0.8 active H present in I -4uk% IE; followed bv addril. cheating at 1 150-20' for ~ hr. with- ,I 'h~d higher; t~-n~i]4Istrength.' iinpact Oas- thermal stability than ED-6 hardened witil Endic An- CKJR REEL/FRAME :191780075 WSR UDO 591 .1 MWEDOY, Y. F., -SAMOYLOV, V. A. LW.YAKOVA, 11, 11. DUBDUN, V, 11. Prmsfflw, Y. H. I -US24UOV, I. L., 11I10JkYW1, V. 1. , an4j0=4YX;4.mX*i,-F. , Institute of Physics imeni L. V. Xix-enskdy, Silberian Deparl4ment LW.4 Acade:W of Sclences "Culturing Bone Farrow in Vitro by the Method of Isolated Organ Per:Zusionl' Hoscoirp Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, No 2p Mar/Apr 71, Pp 179-i91 AtstTacilt The role plwyed by the bone marrow in maintairdng norr-11 crythron sex-4es was studied. Blood was perfused tbrough the isolated sternam by me&--s of a pumpingr a-id oxyger.,ting system vhd--b automatically x-egulated the perfusion pressure, P02, Hb02j pH., and tehparature of tha! perfuced blood, partly in =spo=e to the feedback infornatiori on PI., ter,.Vezature, and irp,--- dance received from the bone marrow. Best results wexv obtained vhen the circulatinf; blood was co-mpletely oxchanged after 12 hou:m off perfusion. The rzxinun duration of pcxfusion waz 20 hours. lUstolo,#Call examination of the sternum paarfo=ed aft.-r 6p lip and 17 hours of perfusion iemaled a shift In the leukoerythroblast =atio towax-d the X'.-d series and a normall matumition of erythrocytes arA gimanulocy-tes. 1A ector StuaTes USSR UDC 576.851.45.095.38:576.895.775].095.18:615.285.7 ALEKSMEV, A. N., BIBIKOVA, V. A., TATARINOVA, S. G.0 Y..Aw All Union Scientific Research Institute of Disinfection anMM111*_k Ta-Eio-n, Ministry of Health USSR, and Central Asian Scientific Research Antiplague Institute "Effect of the Systemic Poison Fluoroacetamide on the Viability of Infected Fleas and on the Development of the Plague Pathogen in Them" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Parazitologiyz i Parazitarnyye Bolezni, No 5, 1971, pp 571-577 Abstract- AdminisLration of sublethal doses of the sy-,te-,nic organofluorine insecticide fluoroacetamide (a poison with intestinal action against rodent ectoparasites) to the great gerbil flea Xenopsylla gerbilli ipinax and the rat flea X. cheopis infected with it highly virulent strain of Pasteurella pestis quickly killed the fleas or resulted J.n elimination of- the micro- organUm. from the insects. Fluoroace t amid e. suppressed the formation of a proventriculus block in the fleas. The mechanism of action OF the poison lies in its inhibiting vital functions of both the micro- and nacroorganisra. By inhibiting the reproduction of the pathogen in the ftea intestine, flu- oroacetamide is an antagonist of plague bacteria. On the other hand, by 1/2 vector St e,i USSR UM 576-851-49+576.851.45/-095-3a BIBIKOVA, V. A., M., and ALERSEYEV., A. N.,, Central-Asian Rese~m-r'~Tiiiplag~ae Insti~ Scientific tute, Mxa-Ata, and Order of the Labor Red Banner Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine imeni Ye. I. )Urtsinovskiy, Ministry of Health'USSR, Moscow "Infection of a Transmitter With Several Pathogens. Me Pate of Salinonella and Pasteure-Ua pestis in Fleas" Moscow Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnyye Bolezni, Vol 12, Tic) 1, Jan/Feb 73j, pp 69-73 Abstract: Sa1monellae are known to be present in fleas at foci of Plague. In experiments carried out on fleas of gerbils'and rats, the effects of sal-monallae and P. Destin on each other upon nixed infect-ion with thei. of the fleas were studied. Salmonel-la typhinuriwn and S. enteritidis were, used in the e>T..criY1--2nts. On siraltaneous in-?ection of the fleas with sal=nellae wid P. pestis, the -s wZ16 a rate of survival of the sahionellae durirW, the first houi:, hirlh(!r than tht of P. pestis. Subsequent.1,y the salijionellue periolhed at, ;t rato than F. pentin and towardn the 3191 flay owly F, pe~Jie rc;~;Jalnca. T)AIJO.,.n of 10 fleati 'With P. pentiv by infection vlth vualry~niAlrmj iYirrcar;cd V~ie rato'.at which the lAtter perinhe(1. This was due to anincrease in t'rile uni-~jpeciftc r7,,si5tanca of thQ organ1cm maniforted in a 1A-nrj,(,ciFic 1 2 NP Or, USSR BIBIKOVA, V. A., et al., Meditsinsiraya P arazitologiya i Para-_itarnrye BO:Lezni) Vol 112., No 1, JaUjFeb 73) pp 69 73 -resistance of P. peestis was also increased by prior i-mTection ,rith sal-monellae, but the effect was rmich less pronounced. Presence or absence of saLmonellae di'"I nctaffect the rate at which P. pestis finally nraltiplied. Simul-tareous infec- tion with ra3imnellae ar-a P. nestis did not interfere ii-ith the formal;iGn of a pro,,rentricu2:us block and consequently witia the ruachanimm by which fleas transnit plague. At the same tine, conjitions favorinG triansmission of sabroricllac to warm-blooded ani:-.7als i?ere created. This was demonstrated in experiments on nice, uhich vere infected with both sa-Imonellosis and plague upon being bitten by fleas that carried the causative factors.of both diseases. As had alread-, been observed by othcr authorc;, salmonelae had a pathogenic. effect on 611e fleas. 1,12 -~014 UNCLASSME.0 PiOCESSI'4S OATE--0?DCT70 1ITLE-AUTOCLAVE REWIORKING UF GOLD.CONTAINING PYRITE ARSENIr CONCENT~!ATFS UF THE- ZODSKI IDEPOSIT -U- :..AU~!4'k-(02)--;KHR-IASHCHEVv S.V.t LOHAN3 VA; T.A. WO L~~-CCUGTRY OF'INF&--USSR ~~'.'_SCURCE-TSVET. METAL. 19701 43(2)v 82-31 ~'z_:..'DATE PUhLISHED ------- 70 ,-:.,:.,-,SUBJECr AREAS--MATERIALS, EARTH SCIENCES ANO.OCEANrj(;RAPHY TOP I C -TAGS--MINERAL DEPOSITt GEOGRAPHICIOCATIONt GALENA# GOLD# SILVER, :31SMUTH tARSENIC, PYRITE, OXIUATIONs SOLVENT CXWCTION CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS m,...POCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED _71:PROXY RFEL/FRAME--1989/0739 STEP NO--UR/OL36/70/043/002/0082/0083 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0107281 ilk, 11-2 2/z 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 ~ClRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107281 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FUNDAMENTAL MINERALS OF THE ZODSKII DEPOSIT CONCS. ARE THE FOLLOWING: PYRITE AND MARKASITE (35-55PERCENT), ARSENOPYRITE 12-20PERCENT), CHROMtTE (1-3PERCENT), -10PERCENT), SPHALERITE 12PERCENT), LIMONITE 11.5 CHALCOPYRITE (0.2-2PERCENT), GALENA (0-5PERCENT), MAGNETITE 10.5PERCENT), PENILANDITE (1.5-2PERCENT), AS WELL AS SOME AU, AG, BI, AND A,FEW OTHER MINERALS. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE SHOWS THAT THE MOST RESISTANT. TO CYANIDINS IS AU GOMBIED WITH PYRITE AND ARSENOPYRITE,ON CYANIDING SUCH A CONC., ONLY -70-5PERCENT OF THE AU IS EXTRACTED INTO THE SOLN.; T4E REMAINDER REMAINS 1.4l.THE:TAILINGS. UNDER 0 PRESSURE AND ATINCREASED TEMP.9 THE PYRITE .-AND ARSENOPYRITE OXIDIZE ALMOST COMPLETELY. THE ExPTS. WERE PERFORMED IN AN AUTPOLAVE HAVING A CAPACITY OF 11. THE OPTIMUM PARAMETERS OF AUTOCLAVE LEACHING-ARE THE,FnLLOWIN-G: NAOH CONCNi, 180; G-L.; SOLID:L[Q. EOUALS 1:10, TEMP. 100-IZODEGREESv DURATION 3 HR, 0 PRESSURE 20 ATM. THE EXTN. OF AS WAS 72PERCENT FROM THE CONC.'OF MIXED ORES, 900ERCENT 1FRUM TABLE CONC-9 AND 95PERCENT FROM SULFIDE CONC. AU` WAS NUT OBSO. IN JHE SOLNS. AFTER AUTOCLAVE TREATNENT.~ THE EXTN. OF AIJ ENT] THE SOLN. IS -..SlMItAk TO.99PERCENTr AND THE CYANIDIN G CAKES CONTAIN 0.2-1 G AU-TUN, WHfCH-MEANS THAT THEYtCAN BE DUMPED. USSR vDc 621-3.o49.63 PETROV, E. M. L. L, FILIPPOV, V. Ye., LUPANOV, V. Ye., Zi1AWR- SKIY, V., If. , !SAY f, V. W,37 "A Device for Attaching Wire Leads to the Contact Areas of Integrated Circuits" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izabreteniya, proryshlennyye obraztsy, tovarny-ye znaki, No 7, Mar 71, Author's Certificate No205217, Division H, filed 21 Apr 69, published 4 Feb 71, p 172 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for attaching vire leads to the contact areas of integrated circuits. The device contains a drum on.which a wire is wound, drive tolls, a guide capillary and a unit forchecking the strength of the joint betwen the leads and the contact areas. As a di-stinguishing feature of the patent, the precision of Mea- suring this joint strength is improved by fastening the drum on one end of a torsion spring carrying an angle-of-turn indicators the other end of this spring being connected to the drive mechanism. 1/2 USSR PEMV, E. M., et al., Otkrytiya, 'Lzobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 7, liar 71,- Author,s.Certiftcata No 295217, Division H, filed 21 Apr 69, published 4 Feb 71, p 172 Ra&iobiology* USSR uDc: 57T:391-577:1 K -I.P., KAKE=, V.I., Belorussian State University imeni V.I. V~- _MT99UWA 1--nin "Cholinesterase Activity of SubceLlular Fractions of -White Rat Cerebrum During X-Ray.Irradiation Depending lLpon the Functional State of.the Hypophysis- nal System~' Adre Minsk, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk BSSR, No 2, 1970Y pp 90-93 Abstract! Mechanisms of adaptation to ionizi4 radiation were Studied in four groups of white rats. Group one was the control group, two was irradiated with a single dose of 40 r., group three was surgically adrenalectomized .(bilaterally) and subsequently irradiated with 40 r.., and group four was pharmacologically adrenalectomized by administration of 3.5 mg/100 9 Gf hydrocortisone acetate for 12 days. Compensation was fair. The animals were on a regular diet. Adrenalectomized animals were given 1% salt solution to ompensate for ion exchange caused by lack of aldosterone. They were also c given.hydrocartisone in a dose of 2 mg/100 g and adrenalin in Ft doze of 0.02 mg/100 g, separately or together. Six days after disturbatice ir, the hypo- physis-adrenal system, and one rtay after irridlation, 14 lir,mot.7,aruite contain- ing nuclei and mitochondria was obtai~%xd from the subeelluLar fraction of the cerebral cortex. Subcellular fractions were otudied for &..():Un(!,itera',;e activity, which was expressed in tem, of micrograms of a-cit!tylello.'A lie Per mg 'ar raw t~e.* .... ..... .. USSR MYPCHANKA, I.P., et al, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk MSR, No 21 1970, PP 90-93 cholinesterase activity in nuclei and supernatant fluid was equal, while in mitochondria it was high (0.90 micrograms).. In some mitochondria fragments of nerve endings and synaptic membranes were found. In group -three, the nuclei were unchanged, but cholinesterase activity vas high in mitochondria and in all fractions of the supernatant :Fluid from the cerebral hemispheres. Follow-ing the introduction of hydrocortisone, cholinesterase activity is reduced by 28%, in the nuclear fraction increased by 41-45% in supernatant fluid, and almost normal in mitochoncLria...In group four, the results were similar to those in group three, except~more pronouncedi,since there was a sharp lowering of cholinesterase in the nuclei and mitochondria. 2/2 USSR UDc 517.5 KHRYPIW[ V.G. (Computing Center, Siberian Department, Academy of Sciences 2 Lrdb.Kf "Classes of Functions that are Quasi-analytical with Respect to a Second- Order Linear Hyperbolic Operator" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR) Sekiya Matematicheskaya (News of the Academy of Science, Mathematics Series), Vol 34, No 5, Sept- Oct 1970, p 1127-1141 Abstract: Proof is given for sufficient conditions of quasi-fl-analy-ticity of the classes of functions CI/H. t; M(ki)7 for all operators H of the form where x and y are real variables, functions pl(x, Y) an6 P2(xl y) have continuous, partial second-order derivatives, whereas functiOll P3(X, Y) is Of the first order; I is a unit operator. With additional restrictions on the coefficients of operator (1), it is shown that, the conditions are also necessary. Expansions in series of functions-obtained irith the aid cf the generalized Taylor formula, are found for the functions:f(x, Y, t belonging to quasi-R-amlytical classes CI/R, t; M(ki-)7.. The quasi-E-analytical classes of the function are obtained by analogy to quasi-analytical f~mctions in the sense of Hadamard) which are udeful in studying theproperties of solu- 1/2 USSR UDC 621.791.011:620.192.4 I-MIUMMOV, V. 11. , Candidate of Technical Sciences, Engincer, ARL te Sit ISTNEV V. VI NBRUKH~ V. E., Engineer, Irkutsk,Polytechnic Institu F Engineer, Korshunov Beneficiation Combine "Cold Resistance of Joints Welded at klegaiive Temperatuves" 'Moscow, Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, No 9, 1972, pp 26-28 Abstract: A study was made of the effect of negative temperatures during weld ins on the cold resistance of welded joints of St.3sp and IOG2S1 steel. The results of a chemical analysis and nechanical testing of the steel are tabulated. The threshold of cold brittleness defined1by the minimum inpact. toughness is someVhat lower than that defined by the presence of a 20,*~ viscous component in the fracture. When welding the invrpstigated qteel* the Maximum reduction in impact -toughness taker, place in the zone heaUld to 200-30-00 C. With a decrease in the initial welding temperature to -300 C, in increase in the threshold of cold brittleness of the natal in the weld-affected zone by 25-35' C takes place by comparison with the cold brittleness threshold of the base zmetal. Negative temperatures duringy welding especially affect: the cold brittleness of the- ueld- affected zone of low-carbon St.3sp steel. USSR UDC: 621.373.421 UTKIN, G. M. QQ) -A Moscow Power Engineering Institute nFrequeney Stabilization of a Self-Excited Microwave Oscillator" Moscov, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimentag,No 3v May/Jun 72, PP 150-152 Abstract: The paper describes a self-excited micro,,rave oscillator in whielh frequency stability is improved by using a naxrow-band filter connected in the external feedback circtiit of the microwave amplifiet. While several types of oscillators use high-Q resonators. for frequency stabilization, -Cile proposed system differs in that the stabilizing cavity -Is a bridg~e device containing a gas with resonance absorption, With the proper tuning, this bridge device becomes a band filter whose~average frequency and passband depend on the parameters of the absorption line of the gras. USSR uDc: 621.373.072.6(o88.8) VrKIN, G. M., KHTVYUNOV, A. V., Moscow Power Engineering Institute "A Self-Excitled sci ator USSR Author's Certificate No 278775, filed 30 Jun 69, published 26 Nov 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6D349 P) Translation: A self-excited oscillator is proposed which contains an amplifier with an additional tvo-channel filter connected in series with the band filter in the positive feedback circuit. To improve the frequency stability of.the self-excited oscillations, one of the channels of the additional filter consists of an absorbing cell (e. g. filled with ammonia) connected in series with an attenuator, Chile the:other channel is made up of a phase shifter connected in serie6 with an attenuator. V. P. USSIR 7 C5. ~'72 Interection Of Two Harmonin. Si7nulz Darino A.TipliCic4-1,ion D-, -Ti-A4 ab. Dokl. no-ichno-lehn. k-onferenteii no itov-am n~,.2chnc-LIF I 1'~ - in-t, 1M g. Sek-s. osk. enera. .14 1 radiotey:-., 'V (Report Cf Tie Scient4-fic -1'echnical ljonfar-2ncu '1~n 7he Re t:1 z: -enlific-iecearch '-.1crU During 1968-11969. 'Yos'co-a Fower ~r.ELneer4nr, 'natit%ita. Radio Engineerins Section. Ceneral Radio Snrineerlng Sti'bsecfilon Collection C Vorks), Yo-scow 1 mr' pp 19-25 (from ---ilal trcni~a t; -Zh y ye ~rimerx 'o 6,J-jne 1970, Abstract 6A1,, t r ~)u-h Tranalationt 'Nonlinear digtortions d-jrinr trznsi-b of two ha r::io n 1 a s I ---npi 12 a 10-cm bund travel Ine-wave tube oV average pa 'wq r~ra expuri.:-i-nt-Ily tnvsut!.,2u1Lc,,.1. -arinE - - , 1 -1 rt , -,;- Ameas device wt~; devsloped ma~lng It porsi le to rnnjuut. xiaw~irjl-e , S 011 ..e Irdividual spectr&l componeni s enterInZ 'he ins-at of a T;'T. c' j1.t6n-"-o,x~i amplification of two in a T:1T, a mLxtjbl suppreseion re thF--,~- sl,~-njls 1~a cb- seryed and also ~,n Increase of the pbsee inroad Lit Ibot--.+ tion foCA-.)r , i Jlnroadz) of' the pnase -1 n I- an L) re pri=irily detur- ~ ~y !s alLnJI Of intensity, and Gonseqtjently there is the noasibility of linearizitdon of the dynj:LIC caurjcteristice of a W.M.-Pat the freqliency of one eirnal by the intmi,ictlon cf ~.;n additional strong signal with a uUbla amplitia4e. Simi Itf, Otmae umplificiltion oil MIR USSR PTANCV9 V.A., et al. V ob. Dokl. nauchno.-tekhn. konferent5it..., C, PP 19-26 two harmonic sivals is associated with the alp-peartince of cc;--b-;.nLjti-or, co--n7orifinte in & he envelop'nu uz-:ilitu~e. NC-fir the output spectrum and also with a d4stortion,of sat"Iration the co=bination con7onents bacorze commens-arable with the basic co=ron- ents. 2/2 USSR UDC 616-001.28-07[616.144-616.4231-091 2"BERDYEV, R. 1 KULIKOV, Yu. A. , and N,,uRmiwiED6v, B. N., Department -of Norma Iffi Tom3r the Tashkent Medical Institute "State of the Venous and Lymph Neti-iork Under Conditions of Ionizing Radiation" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol 16, No 3, Mar 71, pp 50-53 Abstract: After a single exposure to gamma-radiation (400 r) 112 rabbits were subjected to resection of fragments of the major veins of the extreme- ties and to removal of the popliteal lymph nodes. The venous and lymph beds of the extremities was studied for one year. Dynamics of the restora- tion of blood and lymph flows were studied by venography and lymphoaraphy. The venous bed in the operated extremities underwent ~e$*toratio'n wiOth foma- tion of strong myogenic collaterals within, 2-3 months. Under conditions of irradiation, this restoration process is considerably altered. During the first 2-3 days the network of fine vessels~and the diameter of cutaneous vessels is considerably enlarged in the onerated as well as in the control extremities. Subsequently, in the period of latent radiation sickness (up to the 8-10th (lay), the. vascular channel in the unoper-ated extremity is -rc ty, -it remains, the sane almost normalized, wlierena in the operated ext -ird as during the previous days. Also the vesself5 in both timtretni. ties ire 1/2 ............. USSR KRURAYBERDYEV, R. I., et al., Meditsinkaya Radiologiya, Vol 16, No 3, Mar 71, pp 50-53 dilated, which indicates congestive phenomena. Restoration is considerably prolonged, up to the 110-120th day. In the case of the lymph system, the lymph outflow is restored within 6 months of the operation, whereas under the conditions of radiation sickness, the lymph outflow is not completely restored even after one year. 2/2 25 PRUCESSING uATE--flDEC70 J12 C. 19 U?IJCL ASS IF I ED4 .1 TLE--HI STUGkAtA ANV LOURSE [k CHMN6E 0 F THE PAkAf4ETL-P%S Of- IN 3 03 TKI-i 18A TUG L SklTH A COLD CATHC;L)E U_ UFHUK-KHUbAYEVt G.N. cli NT Ry OF 114FL)--USSR S(jU;'LE--[R. N0VGCHEj,'K. PULITEKHN. I IN- T A(WCRK5 CF NUVOCHEKKASSK k.i:FERE.Nr_L-Klh-ELEKTRfjNIKA I YEYE VRIMENENIYEP N (1 5, MAY 70, -'i3STRACT NJ ..ATE PUG-L I SHEU----7 0 SUBJE-CT AREAS--ELECT140NICS AND ELECTRICAL lNGR. :-T G P 1TAGS--ELECTRCN TUCE, COLD CATHODE, COLD CATHODE TUBE, ELECTRIC COLD CATHODE. TU3Ev (;UJIKHISA COLLI CATHUUE TUBE, ;...(U)IN3 CLLG CATHODE TUJEt MINSI COLD CATHODE TUBE -N0 RESTRICTIONS .CCNTROL MARKING DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY FICHE NO ---- FU70/605023/S10 STEP NO-r-UR/0000/70/L98/DCO/0030/0085 C b, C 1CLESSION NO--AR01-41250 uw-_ 212 019 UNCLASSIFIED P~~OCESSIIN'G DATE-11DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AR011t1250 ',ABSTRACT/EX.TRACT--(U) GP-0- AaSTRACT. AN INVESTIGATIJiN IS PRESENYbD OF ,.- THE, SPREAD AND DRIFT OF TU3ES WITH A COLD ACTIVA71ED CATHODE OF TYPES -,:~MTKH-909 TKI-1-18A, IN-3i AND INS-1. AN ANALYSIS GF, THE,TEST RESULTS 'SHUi"S THAT THE DISTRIbJTICN OF THE TU8ES WITH RESPECT FG- Ai AM TERS S E I SUFFICIENTLY DESCRIBED BY STANDARD ANO:TRUNCATED STANUARL) LAW. THE RATE OF CHANGE OF THE PARAMETERS IS DETERMINED 6Y THE OPERATING CON011IONS OF ..THE TL6ES. AT THE BEGINNING CF THE-TESTSP A REDUCTION OF THE AVERAGE VALUES. OF A NUMBER OF PARAMETERS WERE OBSERVED:? INOUCED BY 1.14SUFFICIEI-4r AGING OF THE TUBESv AND CGINSEQUENTLY IT. 15 RECOMMENUED THAT AJDIrIG14AL CAGING OF ThE TUBES BE CUiNDUCTED. THE INUITICAL CHARACTER OF THE CHANG~- OF THE MAjORITY OF TfJE PAkAMETERS OF rfiE TUBES 141,TH A CGLU ACTIVATED CATHODE.NiADE IT POSS16LE TO SUGGEST THAPTHESE PAkAMETERS ARE ~:-~-:-:SUBSTANTIALLY CORRELATED BETWEEN THEMSELVES. NC LASS I F I E 0 -j! 0 USSR UDC 622.24.054.322:622.24.651.64 KHU BOV, A. N., VOSKANOV, T. G., GEVORKOV, G. S., KARAYEV, S. K., MDIVAN!, A. nVONIM, A. A. , SHAKHRAMANOV, A. Kh. , Baku Division of the All- Union Scientific Research Institute for Drilling Techniques, All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Drill-Ing Techniques and "Yaspmorneft"' Ccmbine "Effectiveness of Applying Slow-Speed Turbodrills in Drilling With Diamond Chisels" Dzerzhinsk, Bureniye, No. 4, 1972, pp 3-7 Abstract., The results of- experimental boring with diamond chisels of dia- meter 241 mm in combination with nlow-speed and high-rvrolution turbodrills when approximately the same power is supplied to the chisel are analyzed. It is shown tbat the highest economic and technical op(aating indices for diamond chisels are achieved by applying a slmr-speed lar-pressure turbine of precision casting, namely the iTSSh-190TT, turboexill. and the 33/11 turbine. This turbine can operate consistently at revolutions of 250-400 per minute and can take axial loads of 12 tons or more. Data are presented on the consumDtion of DRS241S2 diamond chisels, the nature of their wear, and the change in mechanical rate during drilling. It is shown that a USSR uDc 621.791-75 CHERNMEOVA, T. A., and KITUMIM) M A. "Intergranular in a Fused Zone of Welds Prodiiced by the Electric Arc Under Continuous and Pulsed Welding Conditions" Moscow, Fizika i nimiya Obrabotki Materialov, No 1, Jap/Feb 73, pp 120-123 Abstract: Uninterrupted welding of EI-435 alloY Vrith tunjrsf~eii electrodes in argon resulted in much more extensive slippage coinpared,vith pulsed velding. Slippage amounted to 1.094p, along the t~ransverse grain boundaries and 1-07/-L along the longitudinal boundaries Of the central axial crystallites. These figures in the case of ptilsed welding were 0 .720 and 0 -590 44, respectively. The higher slippage produced by continuous welding is attribuzed to (1) much higher internal stresses within the high-tempevature region, (2) slower cool- ing rate of the hardened metal, and (3) Mch =oother &rpin Ova-per~. The Intergranular slippage along transverse boundaries of crystallites grown next to the fused grains within the weld zone is larger than illong tine longitudinal grain boundaries. The shape of grairts in both caloes is deter:nJxPd by LLe cooling rate, wbich is much fwfter In the eune of a. P1.113ded USSR ux 632-954 TODUA, N. A., and j=DLA,_,R!L_ A., Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection, Tbili&T-- of Herbicides Against Nightshade" Moscow~ Xhimiya v Sellskom Khozyaystve, Vol 10, No 7 (105), 1972, PP 50-52 Abstract: The most effective herbicide against the nightshade SDOtS is tordon 22-K applied at a dose of 2-5 kg/hectare. Additional application is needed at the appearance of new individual growths. Banwell-D used iB 20-30 kg/ hectare quantities destroys the entire oveirground portion of the nightshade plants,, but after 1-2 years a repeated treatnLent is necessary. At the effec- tive dosage, both herbicides are toxic to geranium, teaO citrus cultures, and sweet bay. Apple and pear trees are less sensitive towards them. ne only resistant plant is vetiver. Tordon 22-K and banwell-D penetvate dovn to 60 cm depth of the soil and are preserved there~fortwo vegetation per-ods. Tordon 22-K is deactivated at a slower rate Vi USSR UDC 632.95.024.4 UGULAVA, N. A., an Georgian Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection "Phytotoxic Reactions of Perennial Plants Caused by Diurone and Atrazine" Moscow, Agrokhimiya, No 1, 1972, pp 114-117 Abstract: Application of 8, 10o 13.5 kg/ha of diurone or atrazine around tea bushes, grape vines, tangerine, apple, and peaen trees caused chlorasis in these plants by reducing sharply the amount of chlorophyll a in leaves two-months after application. Atrazine was more toxic in doses of 10-13 kg/ha, while the effect of diurone was cumulative in smaller doses and lasted much longer. Among plants teBted,,tnngerine tra4!s were the most resistant, and two-year old apple trees were the most sensitive to both compounds. Analysis of the carbohydrate content showed that it was only slightly-influenced by large doses of these herbicides (13-16 kg/ha). Sensitiveness of perennial plants to these herbicides depends on their age,. variety, and type. 75 W USSR 95 uDc 621.3, -11:621-3r(-3 G.. 'S N I _- "Histo-D-ram and Course of Change of the Parameters of In-3, E 'IM', 90, TKh-18A Tubes w-ith a Cold Cathode" 'Tr. In iavocherkz. -nolitekhn. in-ta (i1orks of Novochex-:,L,..3s-, Poly-,,~clmica-!- -,titu e), 1~8,- PP 80-85 (from RZh--z-,lektronika i yeye primeneai~S, WO 5, ',aY 70, Abstract NO 5 A706) 't of tubes 1~,ith llrazzlation: An investlgation is presented of 'he apread z~d darif a cold activated cathode of Tyves IMMi 90, IN-3, and P-n analysis ~of the test, results show-o that the distribetion of the tii!)as wizh resl~ect to Par-mmeters is sufficiently described by otand,=1 and tra-matOLL T.-le rate of changc of the parzu.-.Cters is det,-rTdnt.,d by t'--2 op-ra.-Tit-Inj; c-miditiom-, o,,, the tubes. At the beginning of the teDta, a red ction of -valuos of EL LU niziber of parwar-ters were observed, induced,by insufficioll Of the tubcs, aad comsequently-it is recormBndedd that additional aging of tht, -be conducted. The identical character of the change of the ma~arJ Ily of the pa-rametel-3 of the tubes vith cold activated cat ade it:posailble to suggest tIV-4t these par,=- eters are sifostantialLy correlated between themselvez. ill. 5 ref. G. G. Acc. Nr. ;4 Abs tracting Service: Ref. Code 00041496 CHEMICAL ABST. -U 1? 6 87451f Eff act of S-methylinethionine (vitamin U) on vitarain r BI2 bios)nthesis by Propionibacterium shermMii, Bykhov-skii, V. Va.; A. N.-bRICII 1115t. 91ro-chem., 6(1), 7&-8 (Russ). ~~-7~le-t~yiniethit)tiine'(vitai-nin:U,)stinittlated the formation of vitamin Bli wid simultaneously itiltibited the synthesis of porphyriiis by P.'sh~rma,~U undqr each, physiol- state 5tudied, suggesting thit. thi's compd. is wi;~ctiveMe group donor. Vitamin B,2 synthesis increased under the action of S- niethylinethionine to about an equal exa-ent in broth dtvi1oping cultures and in suspensions of resting propionic acid bicteria, cells. S-Aminoletvulinic acid, (3 mg/100 ml ivediuni) further stimulated viwmin B11 formation only in the restitig cell stispen- J REEL/FRAM 19751364 USSR um 621.315-592 CHIGOGIDZE, Z. N., KH j_P., GUTNIK, L. M., KHARATI, B. G., VARLAMOV, LUCHUA I. V., BECIREV, U. A., TYUTYUN, A. A. "Concerning the Meohanism of Failure of Gunn Diodes" Leningrad, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 6, No 9, Sep 72, pp, 1670- -1676 Abstract: Devices based on the Gunn effect operate most effectively at high bias voltages; however, increasing the voltage causes b2-eakdown of the de- vice. At present there is no unanimous opinion on the mechanism of failure and degradation of Gunn diodes. In this paper the authors investigate cc- planar Gunn diodes with plane-paral-lel and annular electrode,configurations both with mid without a silicon dioxide passivating coating. The diodes were tested in the Dulse made. It is shown that in accordance with pre- viously available experimental data the failure of Gunn diodes takes place as a result of formation of a shorting channel between the contacts of the device.. Information is obtained on the dynamics of the visible portion of the breakdown by means a' motion picture photography of this process through an optical microscope. It is shown that silicon dioxide passivation of the 1/2 USSR CHIGOGIDZE, Z. N. et al., Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 6, No 9, Sep 72, pp 167o-i676 active region has an appreciable effect on the nature of the visible portion of the breakdown and on the ratio of the breakdown voltage to the threshold voltage. A microscopic x-ray analysis is made of the composition of the contact regions and the channel on various stages of thermal breakdown, It is found that a transverse magnetic field affects the position of 'the shorting channels and the ratio of the breakdown voltage to the shorting voltage. A study is made of Gunn diode emission in the irfraxed region of the spectrum at voltages close to the breakdown voltage. It is concluded that the cause of failure of Gunn oscillators at bigh bias volta3es is the formation of current strings caused by the development of an S-shaped current-voltage curve due to impact ionization when a strong field domain passes over the specimen. The authors thank 14. S. Shur for discussing the results of the paper, and N. N. Mamatzashvili for taking part in the mea- su~rements. 212 OROCESSING DATE UN&LAS S I F I ED -30OCT70 TlTLE-EFFECT OF CASTRATION AND THE SUBSEQUENT ADKINISTRATION OF -TLS.T-USTERLiNE PRUPIONATE CIN THE SUSCEPT161LITY UF ANIMALS TO CONVULSIONS ,,.,AUT.HUR-102)-GRIGOP,YAN,,V.Z.v KHUDAVERDYAN, D.Nw -"!:COUNTRY OF INFO-LSSR _qPRCE--Zll. EKSP. KLIN. MED. 1970 10(l), 11-17 ,~7_DA T EPU6LISHED-70 S~ USJ ECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCJENCES JUPIC TAGS-SOUNDv.MUSCLE STIMULATION, TESTOSTEROW', SELECTIVE DRUG SURGERY RESTRICTIONS "DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .-,PRO,XY REEL/FRAME-3002/0506 Srr-P NO--UR/050'1/70/010/001/0011/001-1 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0128075 I I A ~~ r, 1 1: 1 :"'2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED~ PRUCESSING DArE-30OCTTO ~'CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0128075 --(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ION ABSTRACT/EXTRACT CASTRAT. INCREASED CONVULSION SUSCEPTIEILITY IN RATS SENSITIVE TO SOUND IRRITATION ANU IN DOGS AFTER INJECTIGN OF ACA,14PHOR ETHER MIXT. THE INCREASED, :WSCEI)THILITY OCCURRED IN THE ZND WEEK AFTER OPERATION. THr_ LATENT PERIOD IN CONVULSICNS (DOGS) WAS DECREASED; THE TONIC AND CLONIC PERIOD WAS -PROLGNGED. THE A044INISTRATION OP TESTOSTERONE (0,5 MG---KG OF BODY WT.) FOR.30 DAYS DECREASED CONVULSION SUSCEPTIBILITY, BUT THE REACTION OF ANIMALS,DID NOT REACH THE NORMAL LEVEL. USSR UDC 63.2-57+611.814 M. Dt., and RMIIN, 1. S. Institute of Experimental Medicine, imem2m-L:ia-m-~-aam-r'S~~&iences USSR, Leningrad Y of le "The Effect of the Pyrogenic A-1bundn Fraction of Polymorphohuclear Leukocytes on the Thermoregulating Structure of the Hypothalamus" Moscow, Doklady Akademil Nauk sssR, vol 194 No 4., 197o, pp 961-963 Abstract: Microinjection of an aqueous acellular extract of Granulocytes into the medial preoptical region (MPR) leads to an increase in intern,91 body temperature@ The pyrogenic activity of such extracts in rabbits was studied by internal testing after either intravenous o-r intraventricular introduction of various albumin frac- tions. In both cases, a centrogenia me-chanism was established for the effect of the leukofactor on thermoregulation. Microinjectione of the active fraction were intro- duced into different parts of Ute hypothalamus. The pyrogenic effe-at was propor- tional to the doses uned. On introduction of.purified granulocytes into the MPR, the body temperature increase was considerably faster (around 3-5 min) than when an unpurified extract was used. Simil injections of hydrocortisone, insulin, and several,other substances (even at higher doses and concentrations) (Ud not repro- the effect of the leukocyte extracts. Me bm-in thresh ld value was established 10-7(5. This value corresponds to a concentrati n of 10--414 a t and indieates the fzh-. %pecificity of the therwregulating compoonta in the WR. LCC. Nr: #0052074 1MA.RY S011RCE: Pat:j10-iCh~eS,-1-_1Ya Fiziolo-iya C> Eksperimental'naya Terapiya, 1970, Voi 4, Nr p? DEVELOPMENT OF PYREXIA IN ADMINISTRATION OF LEUKOCYTIC PYROGEN INTO VARIOUS PORTIONS OF THE CEREBROSPINAL FLUID BEARING SYSTEM IN RABBITS M. D. 1(hud#0erdj A. 1. Anisimov, We bf. Bt,1qavsk,,y Experiments were performed on rabbits with chronically implanted cerebral can- nulae, A comparison was male of developmeM, of lever causel*by administration of slan- dard volumes of Jeukocytic pyrogen (LP) into the fit v~pntricla, the Interal ventricle of thel)rain, the suboural ipace of [lie cortex of cerebral hani5pheres, the cysterim ma na Aubdural space of the spinal cord ip the Jumbar region and intravenously. In almi, nistration of minimal doses (2 p1) yretic reaction could be induced only after the injec- tion into the III cerebral ventricle. ~o induce analogous pyretic reactions f,rom other por- tions of the cerebrospinal bearing system of the brain a considerable increase of the dose of the leukocytic pyrogen (to 5-100 111) was required. R EEE L F.RAV,, ............. Miscellaneous USSR UDC 534.014.2 MUMBERDIYEV, R. , TSITOVIC111, P. A. Tashkent Electrical Engineering `?ffffr1TL!=e ~mr~riu~AMaticns, Tas-likent Institute of Engineers for Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture "Toward a Theory of Transition Processes in Nonlinear Systems" Tashkent, Izvestiya Akade-mii Nauk Uzbek SSR, Seriya T-akhnicheskikh lbuk, No. 2, 1972, pp 38-42 Abstract: The integral manifold method of N. 11. Bcgolyuhov and Yu. A. Mitropollskiy and the small paraneter method of Poincare and Lyapunov are combined to investigate the dynamic system,. (0) 1; Cos (lN + F, 7-- ol 1/2 USSR KHUDAYBERDIYEV, R., TSITOVICH, P. A., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Uzbek SSR, Seriya Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, No. 2, 1972, pp 38-42 where are nonlinear functions, F. are.nonlinear holamorphic functions, fi _& and B. are certain constants. The steady-state rrade is found and the process of setting it up is described. The perturbed transition manifold is expressed in terms of the generating. manifold throcIgh the.use of power suitable "or brief transition processes. The technique of expansions structural perturbations reflects the specific character-Ts-Itics of the commutation transition phenomena and is also suitable E:or noncammutation transition processes. The method gives an analytical di!.-.cription of the effect of nonlinearitier, on dy-namic systems with a largf,.~ number of- branches. In many cases the briefness of the transition processl_,!.~ technically feasible, so the given method is valid from an engineering standpoint. 2/2 EEL USSR I,', Professor, Chair of Normal Anatomy, Tashkent Pledical Institute "Blood Vessels Under Normal and Pathological Conditions" Tashkent, Meditsinskiy Zhumal Uzbekistana, No 10, Oct 70, pp 81-85 Abstract: A review is presented of studies conducted at the Tashkent Medical Institute of the growth and comparative anatomy of the vascular system and of the compensatory-adaptation reactions of vascular channels between organs and tissues under conditions of injury of the main vessels (arterial and venous vessels and lymph nodes), with variolis external and internal factors. Among the topics discussed are the of nerves of the lower ex- tremities in the normal and experimental states; chan8es in. the portal vein of man; characteristics of the adrenal blood supply i-a man; formation of main vessels in the brain; blood supply.ofthe diaphrogm nerve; morphologi- cal and functicaal &qangea in intraorgamic vessels; tbe. macro- and micro- structures of the vascular apparatus of the extremitims under various cir- culatory stresses, and the effect of ultrauound waves and radiation on these conditions; restructuring of the vascular channel, guaranteeing normaliza- tion of the blood circulation during experimental dist~urbanves; and the 1/2 USSR UDC 615.823.015.4;6164o5.5 1CMAYBERD1=151t R. and KULIKOV, Yv.. A., Chair of Nor=l Anatomy, Tashkent Tedical jxA571-41T.Utia "Active Xovement as a Stimulant of Collateral Circulation (Experimental Study)" Moscow, Voprosy K-arortologii FizioterapiJ- iLechebnoy Fizia4eslwy Kulltury, No 4, Jul/Auz- 70, pp 334-333 Abstract- Physical exercise (running on a treadmil]) greatly accelerar-ed the res- toration of impaixed blood circulation in rabbits from which portions of the fe- moral or external iliac artery had been resected. Collatexals developed 20-)0 and 30-W days sooner (after resection of the femoral and extew'nal iliac artery, re- y' tha, spectivelj i in anizals that were not exercised after z:ULUAr operations. Exercise also hastenod the reconstruction of the venous bed of the extremities, causing collatorals to form 20 to 30 days sooner than in cOntrols. Study of the artoriu~, -,id veins of the unoperated extremities showed that tho. diameter of the main -0.2.0od-4 vessels increased somewhat during the experiment and that a network of small arteries and veins developed during thefirst 20-30 days.. 025 UNCLASSIFIED: PROCESSING BATE--30UCT70 ..._::,T.ITLE---EFFECT OF PHYSICAL LOAD UN% DEVELOPMENT OF COLLATERAL CIRCULATION FOLLLWI,NG IMPAIREC BLUOD DRAINAGE -U~t R.I. KULIKOVe-YU.A. CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR -...SCURCE-ARKH ANAT GISTOL EMBRIOL 58(l): 83-88. ILLUS. 1970 DATE PUBLISHED .',;,SU6JECT AREAS-SIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -:-:'TOPIC TAGS--BLOOD VESSEL, BLOOD CIRCULATION, SURGERY, MICROSCOPY, TISSUE ~REGENERATION# EXERCISE CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .~PROXY REEL/FRAME-3002/1,091 STEP NO--UR/9076/70/058/001/0083/0088 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0128518 212 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 ~~''~CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0128518 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXCISION OF FRAGMENTS FROM THE MAJOR'VEINS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES.IN RABBITS BRINGS ABOUT CONSIDERAaLE CHANGES IN THE VENOUS CIRCULATION OF THESE LIMBS, POWER UL F MUSCULAR COLLATERALS BEING FORMEO WITHIN.2 MO. POSTOPERATIVELY. CHANGES IN THE MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF VEINS WERE REVEALED IN EVERY ORGAN AND TISSUE OF THE THIGH*. AT FIRST THESE ARE MOSTLY OUE TO DESTRUCTIVE PJq0CESSESs FOLLOWED BY REPARATIVE REGENERATION. IN THE CASE OF.;iNTRA ORGANIC MUSCULAR-VEINSt THES~E., PROCESSES OCCUR WITHIN 90-120 -DAYS AFTER THE OPERATION. BY 120 DAYS COLLATERALS ARE FORMEDy HAVING A WELL OEVELOPED MUSCULAR ELASTIC,FRAMEWORK, EXERCISE IS AN EFFCCTIVE METHOD FOP, STIMULATING DEVELOPAENT OF,COLLATERAL BLOOD FLOW, GROSS APPEARANCE OF THESE CHANGES OCCURRING 30 0AYS EARLIER~ MICROSCOPIC EVICENCE OF T14E FCRMATION OF COLLATERAL VESSEL WALL aECOMING APPARENT 60 DAYS IN ADVANCE OF CCNTROL* FACILITY". DEP.. NORM. ANAT*p ..TASHKENT STATE MED. INST.s TASHKENT# q$SR. UNCLA _SISLVF-IE_a_~~ USSR UDC: 519.2 KHUDAYBERGANIOV R. "Concerning Approximation of Functions of Two Variables" Nauch. tr. Tashkent. un (Scientific lVorks.,Tashkent Univer sity), 197Z, vyp. M, pp 131-137.(from M-Kibernetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V19) 'Translation: The results of previous papers-(MIMat, 1970, 0152,2BIT9) are generalized to the-two-dimensional case. L Zolotukhina. 77, USSR UDC: 519.2 KHUDAYBERGANOV, R. "On Approximating a Random Field" Teoriya veroyatnostey i mat. stat. Mezhved. nauch. sb. (Proba- bility Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Interdepaitmental Scientific Collection), 1972, vyp. 6, pp 129-132 (from RZh- .-Kibernetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No SVIZ.S) Translation: The paper deals with the problem of approxi- mating a li-quare-law random field:which is continuous on tbe average, and its derivatives by Bernshteyn polynomials. 'Author's abstract. "T INEMM NOW ffiffiffifflim USSR EIDO 621-337-2s66.061i669.783 BIKASHEV9 G. K.l YESIRKEGENOVe M-s W14 MH "The Influence of FeiGe Ratio on the Migration of Germanium IM Solution During the Electrochemical Leaching of Sintersd Wafers of the Type xFe20 YC002" Kazakhskq politkh. in-t. Alma-Ata (Kazakstan Polytechnica Institute of Alma- Ata), 1972, 12 pp (Manuscript from a dep (expansion unhovn) in VINITI (All- Union Institute of Scientific and Tbehnical Information), No 5058-5072 DOP. (expansion unknown) from 13 Nqv 1972 (fron Beferativnyjr Zhu=al -- Xhizdya, No 8(11), 1973,, Abstract No 8L310) Translationi Data are presented on laboratory studies cm the leaching of wafars containing the oxides of Fe an&Ge, Double sulftwic aoid treatment of these wafers resulted In the extraction of 5 or 6% Genuuiium Into solution. Applying an el6ctric field having a constant current during the second stage of leaching very effectively transferred the Go into a I:Lquid:phase. JPRS $5263 24 rcbruary 1972 COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF VARIOUS METWOS OF REPIN 'ING TITANIUM TETRACHLORIPr [Article by L. A. Nisellson, Yu V. Irplubt v~ a .L~_j ind MOSCOW, TsvetnXe MetaljL, Russ an-Wilir. 1971. pp q1-46j Titanium tetrachloride is a very important Intermediate for the production of metallic titanium and titanium dioxide pigment, Its production approaches tens of thousands.of tons per ye or in theindustrially developed countries. The produ C, tion of titanium metal as well as the production of titanium dioxide place stringent demands on the purity of the tetra- chloride. uzed. as the. starting- ~materi al. technical TIC14 consists A of a very complex. non.-equilibTiJ 7 system -containing &any. minor onentsL.-. It contains a broad spoctrum of Impurities which are clearly determined by the nature of the starting materials and by the chlorination neth d 7Ito domestic industry produces the bulk of technical titaniun tetrachloride by the established technology. In accordance witj this tochnology, the titanium-containing 31ags orconceetrates F; are chlorinated In the presence of carbon-containing reduci r agents (petroleum or coal-tar coke) in shaft furnaces (in the form of I-riquets), or, preferably, in molten chlorldc5 of the alkali or alkaline earth metals (for example, In tile spent electrolytes from the electrolytic magnesium cells). As a rule the chlorination of titanium-containing raw naterials in nolten Its yields.,purer TIC14 than thatobtained by the chlorination tit electric haft furnaces. Thus, for example, on chloTination in the melt, most of the aluminum remains in the melt and is partially trapped in the condensation system as MoAlC1 wh I cli Q9 considcrAbly facilitates the subsequent purifLe ation ot the tetrachloride. involving aluminum removal. As a scconc~ example we may cite the sulfur-containing Impurities which are present in the technical titanium tetrachloride in quantities that are dnerxined not only by the sulfur content of the sturting mater 1 1, but also by the type of the chlorinating agent. 11 USSR 1] zt Ili c renii It I ng t cc It n I c a I -grade t it i it i um I ct rach In ri 14, 1 % a milk), (dur tothe pr~qttncv of hydrol~,sis prdurt~ and entrainc,l starting material) and fuming liquid that varies in color from yellow-green to dark red, depending on the quantity slid type of impurities present, The impurities found in the technical titanium tetra- chloride may be tentatively divided into three ba%tc groups depending on their physical form at the normal boiling point of TIC14 and their solubility In the totrachlorile: 1) Gases and vapor$ (02. N-j. C02, rl'~ Kit etc.); liquidn (SIC14, cel'Ij "T)rl CEI (cacl, 11 oci ctc.)'. 3) solids (Fec 1.1. 'Viocl" !Igcl C Clu, P0c'I3.T1[:1 A103, etc.). iloder.nPrAial. conditions. tbr impurities of the first group are gases or vapori; that art only sparln!tly setuble in TICI 4 11" d tire, therefore, readily removeJ from the latter simpLy by boil. inr.. The second rroup tantainr rompeund-s that are either liquids, or low-melting solids under normal conJitions. All of these compounds are miscil,le with TiCl4 in all proportions. This group contains the majority of the compounds that arr very difficult to remove, o,z.. VOCI~ and SI~UCI . Finally, %ho third group contains solid compounds. Hait o? the impuriti as in this gro,up re practically intolutile in titanium tetrachloride (MRCL2 CIAC12,,?InCI2, etc.), or are n1moot insoluble EAIC-13. FGCI Ito C13- iC'4, etc-)- The analytical data on the cimmon type,,v of technical titanium tetrachloride are given in Table 1. In the some table are also listed the %prc:M cations for Purified TIC14 According to 71.1--39--V) Tekhnichoskiye 0sloviya; Technical Conditions (Specifications)] and the impurity levels comnicrily Attained under practical industrial co;.ditions. In the case Of titanium t*tTathloride vhIth Is slated for tho production of the titanium dio~idc pigisent, the content of the so-called tinting impurities must be liftited. These Impart- tien are mainly those containing iron, vanadium. and chromium. In the case of titanium tetrachloride which is used in the pro- duction of titanium sponge, the Impurities that Increase the titanium sponge hardness must be limited, i.e.. the Impurities containing oxygen, sulfur, carbon. vanadiust. and silicon (1]. - 2 - USSR UDG 669.295.48 YE., RUBANI N. N.9 NISEL'SOI KRUDAYBERGLVOV, T. N, L. A., POGORELOV, V. L, GOLU- Fererabotka pul'p chetyrekhkfiloristogo titana i mednovkina(fiyevykh kekov (Proces- sing Titanium Tetrachloride Pulp and Copper-Vanadium Cakes), Institute of Metallurgy and Beneficiation of the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences, Alma-Ata, 1971, 21 pp, 19-entry bibliography (No2694-71 Dep) (from RU-Netallurgiya, No 7, Jul 1971, Abstract No 7G241 DEP) Translation: This is a survey. The published information about the methods of processing TiCl4 pulp and Cu-V cakes to.extract TiCl(, and V and Cu compounds is classified. A critical analysis is performed, and it is demonstrate(I that all the proposed prbcedures have a number of essefttial deficiencies both with respect to equipment and technological process. These deficiencies make it Impossible to introduce them- into industrial production. It is recommended Phat scientific research work be continued in this area.. The bibliography has 19 entries. Or~r-n and -Tlsim:i7ltaAs~Unation USSR L~C1 616.813t.95-089,U43-097 ISSMYA, N. SH. , T. N. , AIM 12iU?AYTQ1.,,. titute of T Ins suxge3q ir-w-i !1. .,N. Bui-:onko, keadeny af. Scie=es an"d Labom-a- tory of Tissue Freseivationo Central Institute of and Ortho- padics, Ministry of Heall-b L"354 ft, Moscow "The Inmunological. Reaction of the Recipient s org-mian to th* Homotrw"s- Dlantation of Du,-,a fLater Fxeserved, at a~ Lov Tomperatul Moscow, Voprosy 1,`9yrokhirur6ii, Vol 35, 119 5P Sep/Oct 71, pp 58-62 Abstracti In exr--2iments conducted on rabbits, homoirmsuluntation of pathces of frech dura nater axd of dura raluer pxt-servad for '30 Cinys at rainus -101 was cax-mied out. The Lrn=olo,~~Ical reaction of t~D or,f-a-nisn, to transplantation antigens$ as indicated by the inerease in the weight of' the region2,2 lymph riod~!3 zmd the induced forr,.Ltian in them of llm-mture ce-11a of the lyn-phaid of th-3 U-.Ype tNit fom antlbcAieg; , w3~-i zm(:h less Pro- nounced. than that which folloved honotransplmitation oT a skin paLoh on an car. Both on graft-lag d-=a zatax andof zld"n, tlr.-. -m-nactican lzi the "Iyzrh nalie3 waz stronl-c-- on the side ol" the oj-emtion than 'I'lle oppx3ite side. The realk of the irmno" ogical m-actionj i~,a Indicated by the acm-aullation of imaiure lymphoid cells in the regional lymph nodes, im,s equally high on transplantation of duza mter presorved at '~Ocl ~,zid that of fresh dura, USSR MKHIYA, N. SH., et al., Vop3.VSY 1eyrolthirurgil, Vol 35, No 5, Sep/Oct 71, PP 58-62 mater, but deyelo~ped on the 8-10th day after transpL-Ln-tation in the -first case arA on the 6-"th day in the second. The delayed iramunogenesis on transplantation of the tissue that had been frozen was 'presuna-bly due to the longer time that was required for the development of a full-fledmgd intexac' tion betiteen this tissue and the organ-tam. 'USSR uDc 669.iB:621-746-58 TUIM, 14. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, VA)DISMEYN, 0. YA, Engineer, IMIKENA, N. N., Engineer, KHUDENIKIO A. A., Engineer, and SNEZHKO, B. Ya., Fingineer, Chelyabinsk The Use of Argon in the Production of Non-Aging Low-Carbon Steel" Moscav, Stall, No 3, Yar 73, p 226 Abstract: Law-carbon non-aging steel it the Chelyabinsk 14etallurgical Plant ismel-ted by the scrap-ore process in 100-ton open-heallt-h fLirnaces with oxygen scw,renging of the metal. Argon protects the metal flux against oxidation. This method rm%kes it prassible to lower the degree of contamination of 6.2-ton ingots by oxide aluminaceaus impurities which give rise to laminations in sheet. Argon flux protection decreased sheet rejection by customers and plants by factors of 2-7-4-5 and 3-4, itspectively, and increased annual out- put by 12%. Two figures. 2 030 U N C L A S S I F I E 0 PROCESSING OAT:--21N0V70) ~TITLE-SINTERED METAL ANTIFRICTION HATERtAL.,-U- '_:~UTHOR-03)-ANTSIFEROV, V-Nw, CHEREPANOVA', T.G.r' KHWDENKIK~lj N.N. c.buNTRY OF INFO-USSR '~.__SOURCE-U.S.S.R. 263,161 ~"'REFERENCE--OTKRYTlYAi IZ38RET., PROM. OflRAZTSY,:TOV-A! UVE.ZNAKI 1970, _'GATE PUBLISHED-04FEB70 -SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TPP I CTAGS--,14ETALLURG IC P ATENT ANTIFR[CTION ALLOYv S(PITEREO METAL, METAL 'POWDERP CHROMIUM, CARBONt COPPERt IRONI MOLYBD~NUW COMPOUNDt SULFIDE NTROL WURKING-tig RESTRICTIG'15 C a NT CLASS-UNCLAS DOCUMEi SIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAIME-3003/1055 STEP NO--UR/0432170/000/000/0000/OUOO -IRC.- ACC_E-SS WN NG- -AAO130090 WO FOINTAIIIIII IMITIMINMINN talamm. USSR tMa 661.143 KH!MMKIY& IM, K.; 776HCHENKO, Vo Got VOMODAp L. Val an& BEZUGLYY9 Ye D. "Blectro-Fluorescent Substance" USSR Author's Certifictae no 333967, filed 16 M= 68p published 18 Aug rZ (from Referativnyy Zhurnal - Kh1miyao No i2(II)j 1973, Abstract No 121ABU by V. D. Matyeyev) Translationo This electro-Ifluoric substance is used to manufacture electrQ- chemical Indicator systeas In computer technology and in systems for auto- matic control and has a luninescence during the application of an electric current across an electrode In liquid solutions, It contained dimethylfor- mamide as a solventv lithium halide as an alectrolyte,.and benzophenanthrena as an electropbor. A change in the above mentioned elt~ctrOYte from tetra- tutylammoniumparchlorate to LiCl increases the Intensity of the electrofluoric lumniscence 10 fold. The substance is made of a solwt1on containing 0.004. 0.9 g LIM and 0.002-0.2 g benzophenanthrensland d1zethy1foruamide. For example$ 0.002 g of b6n%ophenanthrene and 0.16 g of LICI axe dis,solved In 100 ml of reagent groade dinethy1fora=1de, The prepared nolution: lo pLaced in the alectrofluoric ampule and an alternating c=ent approxiUately 10 milliamps is-applied at approxizately 6.3 volts. The lumniscence~ obtained in the of 420- 47.0 microns was 10 tizes the luminescence obtained for the electropbor. 1/1 38 ---- - - ----- --------------- USSR VDC 661.143(088.8) KHUDENSKI)(_,__X_q. K* and VOYEYODA, L. V. "Electrofluoric Composition" USSR Author's Certificate No 328155, Cl. C 09 k 1/02, C 09 k 3/00, filed I Apr 68t published 20 Mar 72 (from RZh-Khimiyap No 20, 25 Oct 72, Abstract No20L109P by N. SH.) Translationt The electrofluoric composition contains a solvent, for example dimethylformamide, and electrolyte -- alkali metal halidesp for example LiCl, and an electrofluor. In order to Increase brightness, stilbene is introduced into it as an electrofluor. This~ makes possible ar. - Increase in the brightness of the luminescence. The composition contains the following (in wt.%)j LiCl 0.004-4, stilbene 0.002-2 and dimethWormamlde up to 100. The suggested electrofluoric composition,is pr6pared by dissolving LiCl and stilbene in dimethy1formamide. Example i :0-025 9 of the electrofluor stilbene and 0.16 g of electrolyte are dissolved in 100 ml of "Ch" brand dimethylformamide. The resultant solution Is put. In " electrofluoric cell and a 10-ma alternating current paosed through it at voitage: of 6.3 v. The composition has a luminescence range of 460-480 na. USSR UDC 621. 383. 932 BYKII, A. I., KIY. Ail Wa YEVSEYEV, F. YA. "Representation Procedures with Digital Con trol of the Display Elements" Pribory i sistew avtomatiki. Resp. mr-zlived. tenat. nauch.-teklin. sb. (Auto- mation Instruments and Systems. Rppublic laterdepartm--ntal 17nematic Scicnti- fic and Engineering Collection), 1971, vyp. 17, pp 128-133 (from RZ-a--Aytotratilka, Telemkhanika i V,diislitel'naya teklinika, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract E'o 4A460) Translation: A study was made of prospective methods of representation which can theoretically be used to build display units. A classif i cation of them is proposed, and a detailed analysis of the repre-sentation procedures 1-jith digita-I control of the display elements is presented. Possible areas of appli- cation of the display units are isolated., There is I nble and a 17-entry bibliography. 1/1 ___Ofg-an6pn53pn5rou3 vp~potunfo USSR UDC 678.6 EFENDIYEV, A. A. , ABBASOVA, B. G. , BA13AZADE,. S.. N. , ORUDZUEV, D.- D., IUIUDIYEV 'A. K. 11SYnthesis and Sorption Properties of Phosphorus Containing-Selective Poly- :61ectrolytes" ~Baku, Azerbaydzhanskiy Khimicheskiy Zburnal, No 2 (84), 1973, pp 97-99 Abstract; A description is given of the synthesis of complex-fotming films based on copolymers of diethyl ether of vinylphosphonic acids and acrilic acid with different ratios of the components. A study is made'~of their sorption properties as a function of the copolymer composition. Tabulated data are presented which show that it is more difficult for the di6thyl ether of vinyl- phosphonic acid to enter into the copolymerization reactign than acrilic. acid for al-I monamer ratios in the initialimixture, copolymers:are obtained which are impoverished with respect to the ether. A study was made of the sorption properties of cxoss-linl~ed filr.,.s with respect to K, Ma, Ca-, Ma, Ra, Zn and Cu ions in solutions with a concentration equal to 0.1 normal by the static method. Films based. on the copolyners of all compositions (including the homopolymer of acrilic acid) fat]. in practice to extract Ions of alkali and alkali-earth metaLs froin water solutions of their chloride and sulphate salts. The films extract K and Na ions only in Graphite, USSR uDo, 621-785-377 NHUD22RI40V D. N. and GALUSHKO, A. M. Belorussian Polytechnic Institute "Effect of Magnesium, Cerium, and Aluminum or. Ele ctro ca aduct ivity of Graphite in-Synthetic Cast Iron" Minsk, Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 15, No 5, 1971, pp 425-427 Abstract: For certain amounts of Mg and Ce added to the pure alloy Fe-C con- taining 5 wt. % carbon, specific elePtroconductivity riab of -he alloy can be reduced down to practically the values for pure iron. This low rho value of the alloy can be obtained only by alloyine graphite inclusions with elements leading to a sham, increase in impurity conductivity of.the graphite. '4ien 0.1-0.2 % Mg relative to alloy weik~ht is added, a very lcw rho value- is ot~'Uained along the axis of load z~pplication duftrig~pressing. The anioot.ropy of the electroconductivity of Dressings of' graphite extracted from tl--,,2 cerium al-Iny varie5 Ju5t ar for the case of graphite issings made of the, mi-_,;r~,nesium alloy. prL Aluminum u3ed in the e.-periments as a "neutral" additivc! does not introduce I: 'Ic U marked changes in the ratio rhoc1rhoa (rho, Air the speciftc el etrocond-uctivity parallel to the axis aliarig -whicii the load is applied during preFsinC, w4ilf: rhoa is the specific electroconductivity perpendicular to thiB axiss). Results showed that when the amount of cerium added is increased to Oil-0.2%, the intensity of the decrease in rho compared with the graphte of the initial 1/2 USSR KIUDOKOE?bDV,, D. N., etal, Minsk, Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 15, No 5, 1971, pp 425-42'T alloy becomes steeper. T-his,effect is associated with the increased number of.current carriers in the graphite. Thus, the effect of variation in the anisotropy of electroconductivity of crystalizing free carbon under the action of magnesium and cerium. must not. be neglePted,i&en describing the mechanism of action of globulizing elements on theshape of graphite inclusions and iron. 2/2 USSR UDC 621-785-377 XHUDOKOR40V D and GALUSILKO, A. H4, Belorussian Polytechnic Institute "Effect of Mapesiumt Cerium, and Aluminum on the Eleotric Conductivity of Synthetic Cast Iron Graphite" k, Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 15, No 5, May 71, Rp 425-427 Translation of Abstracti The effect of microadditions of magnesium, cerium, and aluminum on the electric resistivity P of pure Fe-C alloy containing 5 wt. per-cent carbon uas studied. It was fourA that additibns of J~g and Ce reduce f-'to practically pure iron values. The sharp drop in the xesistivity of the alloy is due to the change in the anisotropy,of the electric conductivity of the crystallizing free carbon under the wtion of the magnesium and cerium. Additions of aluminum cause no substantial decrease in The results obtained in -"7measusements for Fe-C alloy are comfirned by data obtained from measuring oOand the temperature dependence off the resistivity of specimens pressed from graphite extracted:from the &U6y. 77i; USSR WAREITYAN, G. 0. MUBE N, E. L. "Optical Absorption 3'oectra of Heoxavalent Chromium in Ilit#rate Glasses" Mnsk Zhurnal Prik-ladnoy Spektroakopii; January,. 1Q pp 82-5 571 ARSTRACT: The optical absorption spectra of hexavalant: clwallw m in glasses with a content of 50 Kg(110~)e50 M103 are. studied. By ;aeans.of experimental data the molar extinction coefficidnt E and, the oscillitor streneth f for the observed absorption band at 27300 cm-1, are calculatitd. These are: 16200P f = 0.774. The absorption band for 27300 cIII-1 Y in accordance with the oscillator strength and the diagram.of the Ballhausen and Liehr 2- molecular orbitals for the tetrahedral complex CrO J, 140L.Spectrodcopy, 4 USSR KAWEMO, G. 0., et al, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spekbroslmpii; January, 1971; pp 82-5 2, 342 1958) is intex%preted as corresponding to the oebital allowable trans- Ition "'A, with noncennectioa tl(n) ~of the orbital Twith the antibonding orbital e. (n. It is shown that the degree of caltralent bor-ang of the acti- vator ligand in nitrate glasses is greater than in silicate glasses and that the n-bonds play a significant, role in the ccmplew Crq, The article includes two equations, one tableand.two figures. There are 12 references. 2.12 ,A M~ USSR UDC 621-357-13:669-298 S11MINLOV M. V 1, KUDMOV, V. YA. P and SEE STOBITOIIA, I.A. "Volatile Components of Alloy 11ixtures 1Ml-'FnC14" Tr. In-ta elektrokhimii. Urallsk nauch. tsentr. All SSR (Studies of the Sciences USSR) Institute of Electrocherdstry. Ural Science Center, Acade-W ol Vyp 18, 1972,'PP 33-40 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khliniya, Ho 7, 1973, Abstract No 'ra,26 by A. D. Davydov) Translation: The volatiles were measured in saturated vapors of KC1 and Thr,'14 containing 0-50 mole ~ ThC1, , in the temperature nuige 690-990"C. The colltpo5ltion of the gas Phase was Kterminea~ relative to the liquid phase. Based on the ex-perim-ntal data, the conclusion war, drawn that there is an equilibrium concentration of the two ccwpounds of the tyIn in the vapor phase. K2qhCl6 Vi USSR UDC: 530-145 KLIMTKO, Yu. I.* and RHUD014YASOV, A. I., S. M. -Irlirov Polytechnical I=titute, Tomsk "Induced Radiation of Fermi Particles I-lith Anomalous Illagne-lt-lic Moments in the Field of Two Electromagnetic Waves" 'Tomsk, Izvesti.a. 1~ysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy-Fizika, No 1 72, 9 pp, 7i -76 Abstract: The generalifed Dirac equation describing the motion of a relativistic Darticle having an anomalous magnetic moment is given. Since this eauation kmas beqn, 5o1ved for the electron in the field of a single plane electromagnetic vrave In an earlier paper published, in the oame Journal noted above (1. 111. Ternov, ct al,~ Ho 2, 1968, P 50), the authors of the present paper do the sairie for the electron in two superposed waves, circu.arly polarized and propagated in the same dixection. Still a third el-ectrom-aCnet-ic wave directe"` at an angle to the first two but with lesser arvoli- tude is assumed bearing on the electron. Under,the affect of this third field, the electron makes some forced transitJons that may be accompanied by induced strengthening or veakening of the third 112 USSR UDC: 530-145 KLIMEWCO, Yu. I., et al, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnyh-h zavedeniy-- Fizika, No 11, 1972, pp 71-76 wave. This wave is assumed quantized and so low in amol itude that it is subject to the method of the.theory of perturbations. For- mulas are derived to yield a complete solution.for the probability and power of the induced radiationifor the electron i;ith anomalous magnetic moment, and the case o-I' neutral Fermi -oarticles with the same type of magnetic moment is also investigated. The authors express their gratitude to Professor V. G. Eagrov for his assist- ance.. 04 1.: 046EC70 UNCLASS PROCESSING DATE .,T:ITLE--COMBUSTION IN A SINTERING LAYER --~U -AUTHOR-0 )-BRATCHIKOV, S.G., GROSHEVr MOYA., KHUpRW)LHKQ_y -'TUMASHEV-, Vtl.a J)F- INFO--USSR .-SQURCE-IZV. VYSSH, UCHEB. ZAVED.f CHERN, MET. 1970,.13(4)1 46-50 0. AT E_ PUBLISHED ------- 70 :",SU8,JECT,AREAS--CHFMISTRY, PROPULSION AND FUELS, MATERIALS ~.`TOPIC TAGS--IRON ORE, SINTERING FURNACEP COMBUST, 1':TCSi CAR-30NP I ON KV '.-~_ZARBON DIOXIDE, GAS ANALYSIS, COMBUSTION TEMPERATURE '~CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,-.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '.-'-PROXY REEL/FRAME--3005/0803 STEP NO--UA/01461'70~013./004/00,'t6/0050 CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AT0132901 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 041 UNCLASSIFIED'' P.J10CESSINIG DATE-04-OFC7C ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0132901 [~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AMONG THE f0IMPLEY, PROCESSES GOI.','G ON DURING SfNTERING OF AN !RON ORE BATC14-k,' THE COM."WST[ON OF C AND THE ''OF FE OXIDES*ARE SIGNIFICANT. ~BOTH PROCESSES EXZRT A'N EFFECT 0,"I REDN. "N THE AYEq BILD. -THE COMPIN. Of: THE GAS PHASE. THE COM.BUSTION OF FUEL ~81 INERT MATERIAL WAS INVESr[GATED IST, THE CH4NGE IM NIE GAS CG-MPN. IN -THE 0 ZONE IS ANALOGOUS TO THE CHANGE IN T14E GAS CO;',PN. DURING T H E COMBUSTION OF THE FUEL IN A DENSE LAYER WITHOUT IINTCRT IIATERIALS BEING PRESENT. THE BETWEEN C AND THE 'AS TERM[il.IfES SOONER THi'N INTERACTION I A :TH=__REDN. REACTION OF CO SUB2 GAS DEVELOPS* Tl-.E COMBUSTION 01'- %'-- IN, T~i~ LAYER OF A BATCH CONTG. FE OXIDES IS ACCOMPANIED Wf REDN'. REACTIONS, THE EFFECT OF WHICH ON THE COMPN& Of THE CAS. AT VARIOUS C YIELDS IS KNOWN. AT LOW C CONSUMPTION, FAVOR ABLE, COND IT I O.-qs AkE c,~~E-AFED FOR THE OXION-OF LOWER FE OXIDES OF TH8 SATCHP AS.,:A RESULT OF WHICH A HF LOSS IN CO SU82 CAN TAKE PLACE. IF FEO,,IS,NOT PREsENr 114 f - BATCH ~THEN THE COMPN. OF THE GAS IS STABILIZED. DECREAS114G THE FOEL CONTENT ~-IN THE BATCH RESULTS IN A DECREASE IN THE TOTAL SURFACE OF INTERACTION 'I~OF C-AND 0. THE START OF COMBUSTION DOES NOT ALWAYS COINCIDE WITH THE INSTANT OF ATTAINMENT OF THE TEMP. CORRESPONDIMG TO, THE IINIFLAMMATfon POINT OF THE SOLID'FUELo A COINCIOENCE IS 0650. ONLY AT LOW C CONTENTS (LESS THAN OR EQUALS TO 3.0-3.3PERCENT) IN THE BATCH. AT HIGHER C .,.,:,~-CONTENTS (4.0-540PERCENT)t THE COMBUSTION COMMENCESIATER. TO THE LOW C :._'.~_CONTENT CORRESPONDS A HIGHER CONTENT OF RESHJUAL 0 tN THE GAS. UNDER -CONDIT TONS THE COMBUSTION OF, THE FUEL COMMENC,E$ AT LOWER TEMPS. FACILITY: URAL. POLITEKH. INST.1 SVEkDLrVSK,.USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 77 'PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 1/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED ITLE--THE PATHOGENICITY Of- LAMBLIA. -U- AUTHOR-(02)-KOMAROV, F.I.i KHUUOSHINt V.A. UPCOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ".-..:SOURr,E--VOYENNO-MEDITS[ticjKIY ZHURNAL, NO 3t 1970, PP 52-54 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -.-~.-SUBJECT~AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ..~TOPIC TAGS--PROTOZOA, INFECTIVITY, SMALL INTESTINE, :,(ll(-,ESTlVE SYSTEM .~,.DISEASE, PATHOGENESIS# THERAPEUTICS HARKING-140 RESTRICtIONS ---0.0CU4lEfJlr CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,-.::.'PROXY REELIFR-AME--3007/0698 STEP NQ--tjR/0177/70/000/CiO3/0052/0()54 C I RC ACCESSION NO--AP013443.5 WiC L AS S f F I'E U 212 024 UNCLASSIFIIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 ACCESSION NO--AP0134435 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ALMOLIOSIS IS WIDESPREAD AMONG THE POPULATION. ACCORDING TO THE LITERATURE DATAt THE INFECTIVITY OF AOULTS VARIES FROM 3.4 TO 13PERCENT AND OF CHI.LOkEN, FROj,t 16 TO 7JPE-RCE,,-,lT (A. YE. SOKURENKO, 1954; ZH. A. ALEKSANYAN, .1955; M. S. M~StOV, 1951.1. IN -RECENT YEARS MANY WORKS (IN LAMBLIGS IS 'HAVE: APPEARE0 (1. 0. ASSY 1964; V. K. ILINICH, 1965; M. YA. KRlVOKHIZHAj ~1966; L. V.~MIJKHPNA, 1967, AND OTHERS). HOWEVERy UP TO INOW THERE IS NO.AGREEMENT ON THE PATHOGENIC POLE OP LAMBLIA. MANY CLINICISTS CONSIDER THE14 PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS AND -SEE IN THEM THE CAUSE OF VERY VARI(ED AFFL[CiTIONS~ OF MAN (M. P. KONCHALOVSKIY AND S. M. TAREYEV, 1946;~ A. 11. SEMENOV, L955; A. F. TIJMKA, AND OTHERS). OTr -1967, HER INVESTIGATORS ADHERE 1-0 THE OPINION THAT LAMBLIA, IS HARMLESS TO MAN 1. A. R4SULEVt 1957; A. I. AVENIROVAP 1966; M. V4 GUbERGRITS AND V. L. VARLAROV4v 1967s A140 OTHERS)s A THIRD GRGUP ASSUME THE POSSIBILITY OF THEIR PATHOGENIC. EFFECT ON THE ORGANISM ONLY IN DISEASE OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT (M.'V. FEDGROVA AND M. V. VASILIYEVA, 1967, AND OTHERS). THE DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED VIEWS OF THE PATHOGENICITY OF LAMBLIA CAN HAVE A NEGATIVE EFFECT ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THERAPEUTIC A140 PREVENTIVE MEASURES. THIS HAS INDUCED US TO SHARE OUR OBSERVATIONS AND EXPRESS OUR POINT OF VIEW OWTHIS OUESTION. UNCLASS IF I ED USSR UDC 547.26'118.07 KHASKIN, A. N., SAKISYAN, L. A.,.~Z=iOYM,K--J.,,*,,,.~YRAPETYAH, S. C., and ZAVLIN, F. M., Leningrad Institute of Cinema Engineers '.'A Method of Making N-Substituted Aminoalkyl Esters of Pyrocatecholphosphorus Acid" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, 1970, No 25, Soviet Patent No 277781, class 12, filed 4 Apr 69, published 5 Aug 70, p 27 Translation:. This Author's Certificate Introduces a method of making N- substituted aminoalkyl esters of pyrocatecholphosphorous acid of general formula Rk where n is 2 or 3, Rlis C2H OH, an alkyl:or a phenyl, and R2 is H or an alkyl. As a distinguishing teature of the patent, the cprresponding N- substituted alkanolamiues are treated with pyrocatecholOilorophosphite c solvent with subsequent isol p in an organi ation of the roduct by the mion of an alkoxide of an alkali metal. 27 UNCLASSI FfEb'.~ DATE--185EP70 TITLE--MELTING NICKEL ALLOYS IN VACUUM.MELT,ING FURANCES.-U- UTHOR-(02)-KHUDOZHNIKt D.A., KRAPIVNERP L#L& A Mil tOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 'SQURCE--TSVET. METAL. 1970, 43(1)ir 71-3, .~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--MATERIALS# MECH., IND.9 CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR ~_,TOPIC TAGS--NICKEL ALLOYv ALLOY MELTING9,VACUUM FURNACE9 REFRACTORY ,.`_-MATERIAL, GAS ANALYSI59 METAL CONTAINING GASv METAL DEOXIDATION9 CARBON -t!j,NTROL ARKING--ND RESTRICTIONS ,8OCUMENT*CLASS--UNCLASSIF:IED ~.-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1986/0761 STEP NO--UR/0136/701043/001/0071/0073 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102726 UNCLASSIFIED 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE-19SEP70 CIRC ACCES.SION NO--AP0102726 ..ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. VACUUM MELTING INDUCTION FURNACES CONTINUOUS OPERATION AND OF THE EDWARDS HIGH VACUUM TYPE WERE USED FOR THE~PREPN. OF BILLETS FROM NI ALLOYS CONTG. MG 0.04-0.1 AND W -.2.5-3.5PERCENT. THE CHARACTERISTICS AND THE FUNDAMENTAL PARTS OF THE FURNACE ARE DESCRIBED. T14E MELTING CHAM55R IS A,CYLINDER MADE OF C STEEL 2000 MM IN DIAM. AND 2740 MM IN HEIGHT* ITS VOL. IS SIMrLAR TO 11.5 M PRIM53. THE FURNACE HAS Z INDEPEND ENT:VACUU4 SYSTEMS. THE CRUCIBLES -WERE-MADE FROM REFRACTORIES TERMAKS, B-3v TERMAKS MG-10,t AND TERMAks FUMAGAL 313A. RESULTS OF THE NE ALLOY MELTING SHOW THAT THE IST MELTINGS IN THE NEW CRUCIBLECONTAIN A SLIGHTLY [NCR-EASED AMT* OF Slt ~WHICH IS EXPLAINED BY THE FACT THAT C NOT ONLY DEOXIDIZES NI, BUT ALSO REDUCES 51 FROM THE SID SUB2 OF THE CRUCIBLES. :IN,NI DEOXIOIZED BY MG THERE ~IS A LARGER AMT. OF NONMETALLIC INCLUSIONS%-1-N. THE FORM- OF, m'GO AS COMPARED TO THE NI DEOXIDIZED BY C. RODS Of NI ALLOYS PROCESSED BY SAID VACUUM MELTING CONTAINED H SMALLER THAN 0 000~,, 05MALLER THAN 0.,00059 AND N SMALLER THAN 0,001PERCENT. THE MEA~~PR#bUCED BY SAID VACUUM MELTING IS ACCOROING TO CHEM. COMPN.r GAS CONTENT,.MECH. PROPERTIESt .-STRUCTURE, U., AND TECH. PROPERTIESt PRACTICALLY ON THE SAME LEVEL WITH _~..,-,ANALOGOUS METAL OF VACUUM MELTING PREPP.. PREVIOUSLY IN 010-5718 FURNACES* UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621.039.532,..5:621.039.553 KHUDYAKOV, A. V. "Helium Pore Growth Rate in Irradiated Beryllium Oxide During Annealing" Moscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 30, No 1, Jan 71, pp 54-55 Abstract: Beryllium oxide samples were irradiated at 70% in an integral flux of 5 x 1020 neutron/cm2 (E ) 1 Nev). To produce a concentration of helium atoms equal to approximately 1.2 x 1019 cd-3. nlese samples were then annealed at 1400 and 1500%. For samples annealed at 11,000C the number of pores observed increased up to 3.0 minutesg after which the num- ber decreased. However, the average pore size contlnu6lly increased witli time. At 15000C, 833 pores were noted at heating for 4 minuten while only 36 could be found after 15 minutes at that temperature. Again the average pore size grew with increased heating time. The assumptlon Was made that the pore growth was caused by the high gap pressure in them (5000 atm at 1400-1500%). Ilie grain boundaries (vacancy 'sources) had a great effect on-pore size. The mechanical stresses at-the grain boundaries, due to their anisotropic expansion during heating, plays some role. It is possible to conclude that in reactors at 1400-1500% almost sL1 the helium 1/2 USSR KH Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 30, Me 1, Jan 71, pp 54-55 will be concentrated in pores. Secondly, the helium piessure in the pores for each time interval of irradiation will be equalized by surface tension. These conclusions stem from the "act that development of pores from the moment of nucleation up to stoppage of growth occurs at.spec:Lfic tempera- tures in a very short time. The author thanks Z. Ye. OSTROVSKIY, N. V. SUDAKOYA, and G. S. BALANDIN for their assistance in the work and V. 1.:KLIMFNKOV for useful discussions. 2/2 3 'UNCLASSIFIED ROCESSING DATE--230CT7( 027 P TITLE--A.'4GUWT OF GAS SWELLING IN lRkAOIATE0 BeRYLLIUM OXIDE -U- AUTliOR-(03)-KHUDYAKOVt A-V-t SUDAKOVAP N.V.p BALANDIN, G.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '-OURCE--AT. ENERG. 1970, 28(23t 157-9K DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYi MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--BERYLLIUM OXIOEt IRRADIATION* HELIUMP POROSITY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1575 STEP NO--UR/0089/70/0-~18/002/0157/0,59 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0120354 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7 -CIRC ACCESSION No--AP0120354 A3STRACT/EXTRAcr--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IRRADN. OF; COLE) PRESSED AND SINTERED BEO (0. 2.8 G-CM PRIME3 AND MEAN GRAIN SIZE 35 MU) WITH AN INTEGRATED DOSE OF 5 TIMES 10 PRIME20 GREATER TKAN Oq E~~UAL TO I-MEV N, AT 700E^JREES.SHCWEi) NO MICROCRACKS AND PRACTICALLY NO INCREASE IN TOTAL POkOSITY, WHICH WAS 8.3-8.9PERCENT. :ANNEALING OF THE IRRADIATED BEO FO 15-225 HR AT 1500DEGREES INCREASED T-HE POROSITY TO 11.0-12.5PERCENT; NO SUCH INCREASE IN POROSITY WIAS OBSO. ON ANNEALING NONIRRADIATED SAMPLES. THE INCREASE IN POkOSITY WAS ASSOCO. MAINLY WITH THE FORAATION OF INTERGRANULAR POROSITY; FHE OPEN POROSITY ACTUALLY DECREASED FROM 1.9PERCENT IN NO-NIRRADIATED SAMPLES TO 0.86PERCEINT IN IRRADIATED SAIMPLE ND 0.413E4CENT IN' IRRADIATED AND ANNEALE A ED SAMPLES. THE MEAN SIZE OF HE PORES UWHICH OCCUPIED SIMILAR TO 1PERCENT OF THE TOTAL VOL. OF IRRADIATED.AND ANNEALED SAMPLES) WAS;0.6-0.7 MUv UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDc 662.75:662.61 r BLINOV, V. I., LUSHPA, A. I., KHAYLOV, V. M., and qRDYAKOV .1. N. "Burning Rich Kerosene-Air b1ixtures in a Tunnel-Type Combustion Chamber" Moscow, Goreniye i vzr7v - sb. (Combustion and Detonation -- Collection of Works), Nauka Publishing House, 1972f pp 416-420 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal Teploenergetika, No 3, 1973, Abstract NO 3T?l) Tran-slation: The authors present the results of experimental research in the effect of the excess air ratio M = 1.0-0.3), the air temperature (Ta 0-1 0000C), and the length of the combustion chamber-(0.5-0.2 meters) on the degree of approximation of the mixture and the combustion 1rooduc-.ts' parameters to their equilibrium values ine chamber with an internal diameter of ICO mm and at a pressure of 1.1 kg/cm . As the values of O(and T are reduced, the difference between the experimental and theoretical parameters increases, while the curves showing the change in the experimental data along the length of the chamber have a greater slope. The authors show that the process of aebieving an equilibrium atate iE. limited by the heterogeneoas combustion of the solid carbon given off during the thermal decomposition,of the kerosene in the initial combustion zone. (4 Mustrationd,-, 5 bibliog.~rof.) IA 36 USSR uDc 629-7.oQ6.3:536-46 IBLIKOV, V. I., TJJSHPA, A. I., KHAYLOV, V. It., and.ETRI "The Combustion of Rich Kerosene-Air Mixtures in a awLnel_T3T.~-_ Chamber" Moscow, Goreniye i Vzryv--Sbornjk (Combustion and Fyplosion--Collection of Works), Hauka, 1972, pp 416-42o (from Refe-rativnyy Zhurnal--Aviatsionnyje i Raketnyye Dvigateli, No 2., 1973, Abstract ITO 2-434.26. . Resune) Translation; Results are presented of an experimental Lwestigation of the influence of the air-excess coefficient (0(= 1-0 -- 1-3), the air temperature (Tair = 0 -- 10000C), and the combustion-clmiber length (0-5--2.0 m) upon the degree of approximation of the composition and paraneteTs of the combustion products to their equilibri= values In a chamber with an inner diameter of 100 z:m at a pressure of 1.1 absolute atmospheres, The result is obtained that as 0( and %I, decrease, the difference between the experixiental and theoretical parameters increases, and the curves ot chaage of the experiffental data with respect to the cheiriber length 'become flatter. It is shown that the process of attainment of the equilibrium state Is limited by the heterogeraeous combustion OL rolid ca-fton escaping during the thexral deco=oBition of kero- gene in the Initial zone of combustion. 4 f1gures- 5 referencf:.~s. USSR UDC: 533.6-07 GORL114, S. M. , MIRONOVA, N. A., MHUDYAKOV, G. Ye. "Wind Tunnels" tr. In-t mekh. Mosk. un-ta (Scientific Works. Institute of Mechanics of Moscov University), 19T1, No 14, pp 4-27 (from RM-46--khanika, No 5, May 723,1Abstract No 5B541) Translation: The authors describe the construction and aerodynamic charac- teristics of wind tunnels of the Institute of Mechanica, Moscov State Uni- versity: tunnel A-6 (a closed single-channel 'tube with open working sec- tion of el-liptical cross sec"Clion measuri~,g 21 ~11 x 4 ri, flovrate V< 1/0 rr, - s- nonuniformity of velocity field of less than �0.5%, dounwash in the range of -:~151 (t4.,z16-10-3 rad), gradient of stati 'press $. C mre along 'he axis of the tube dp-ldx=0.002 m7l, turbulence intensity co< 0.2%, drive power N = 2000 k1h"); tube A-10a (a direct-action tunnel capable of operation with a closed octangular working section 800 mm high, or with an open section aund an Eifel chamber, V