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I USSR UDC 612.314.58(0B8.8) YEFREMOV, 1. S., KOSA-REV, G. V. =4 1;rRA71T, V. 1. energ. in-t-- Moscow Power Ins titul tel "Device for Regulation of D-C Voltage" USSR Author's Certificate No 2599995 (sic), filed 3 Tel) 68, 1)ublished 4 Xay 70 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 5, May 19)1, Abstratt No 5B443P) Translation: An improvement of the circuit of it diroict pit:1.9e d-c conllerte!r Is proposed. In order to decreaue overvoltage (it tWi artricipal chyri:itarj the circuit is fulfilled so that the cathode of an ao-.vAliavy thyriSLOT is counected with the positive terminal of thio pcvar supply Otrough a cuia-.u- tating capacitor, and the anode of both thyristors ip conva-eted acrons a commutating choke coil. I ill. I.A. Ace. Nr: Ref. Code; AT040326 UR 0481 PRDMY SOURCE: Elcsparimental'naya laiirurgiya i Anestoziologiya, 1970, Nr 1 po 32-34 ON SUSTAINED HAIMODIALYSIS Galchikov.,_K._~.; Trikashch A. A. Kop -I Gorbovitskiy, Ye..B A preliminary report on sustained haemodialysis with a small dialyzer. REEL/FRAME 7417" jL97 517 USSR UDC: 681.34.0 GREZDOV, G. I., GISIICII.,W, K. I., KOSMACH, Yu. P., Insiiltuta of C),bu r-n-, Li cs, r Academy of Sciences of the Ukrd n an SSfi* i "An Analog Computer Device for Hybrid Computers" Moscov, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, proqTshI.enxiyyc abrazl;sy, No 8, Mar 71, Author's Certificate No 296131, divisitiii G, flle~j "I Jun published 12 Feb 71, PI) 157-1518 Translation: This Author's Certificate i-ntrc,dLlCP9 all device for hybrid computers which contains a s,!~ries ho6k-up (:.,-,--iprist,d ~-f ., of tile slop 0~ a syst f a digital-anelog converter fLnd a iluttsiwau.1or a C!n a linear algebraic equations. As a feaL%li).! of the labor iwiolved in solvirilt,7 it prct,len is ri--duc(,-d wi,,,l r-~.111.11.bijity ~fL- increased by incorl3orating Into the qtj,,.wianalo,~-, of tho alopo of the a),-qtc--.I of linear algebraic equationz. an ana.".0r, of a syljtf~n of penalty function shalper, and a derivative 81111per. 7-'1(!! Q--A,;II?; c-f tile of the system of' linear functions is connected t,~) thit of tlir., function sbaper, the irq~ijt of the arulog of tile syst.,vm (:)f JJni ar fanct.ilcnz is connected to the otitp,.AL of tbe d1gital-wrialog co,ij,fj,rIx;r, tird th,:! in,,iut of the derivative shapwr is coonected to the out~)ut e)!' the jwrr~Lty abaper. 1/1 USSR VDC: 132-531 KOSMACII Yu. P SOMOYLOV. V. D., TKACIIENKO, 0. V. "A Relay Tracking System" USSR Authors' certificate, 21c, 46/52 (GOSf), No F-Ilvd 9,112i!f,~7, Iul-- lished 2/04/70 (Tr~mslatcd Frorri Rolzerativnvy "hurnal i Vychislitellnnva Tekhnika, No 1, 1971, Abstract N'f,, by V.D.) TRANSLJkTlON: In knoi%ii relay systeris- containing a nontine;ir !ii!cti~)r. ;:;,i(! i linotr portion (amplifier, motor, object) it As dilfi~~,ult tO provide hi.4h. ani reliability of operation. The device suggested d:ifA*wr.,-- fron hvii~n in that a logic circuit with nn oscillating poriod countor i!i conntctcd at. the in- put of the nonlinear elment, with the counter ~:onnwc,cvd, 1i) the linear drivo, while the feedback loop coatains a switch, the i.rlput Ixe 10ILCII is co;:-noctcti to a logic circuit, the other input of idildi is Connected to thi) viltput of c-5- cillatihg period counter. This jiillw4!; flio liccuracy i,hd ivainbility of w)q-riition of the system to be increased. Two figures. 0ATE-21NOV70 '':1/,2 -022 UNCLAtSIFIO p4i.aC E SOlNut TITLE--MACHINE BUILDING TECHNOLOGY -U- AUTHOR--KOSMACHEVt I.G. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-MACHINE RUILONN(l TECHNOLOGY. (TPKHN0LOGIYA MASHl'J0STR0YUllYA) LENINGRAD. LENIZD. 1970s 399 PP. .DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--MECH.v MO., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR 1111)6STRY, SURFACE TOPIC TAGS--GEARI 14ETAL MACHININGi MACHIME fOOL 1 PROPERTY, QUALITY CONTROL 1_11TROL 4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS Cf t)0CUMFtjT CLASS-UNCLAS)SIFIED PROXY RHL/FRA4E--3003/i753 sr2r, CIRC AM--rISION L F 10 2/2 022 UINCLASSI FIED PRUCES'i lh~~ DATE-271NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AM0130596 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TP18LE Cj~! k: d Al) T ER I . BASIC C0,14CEPTS tNO 0EF[INITIONS 3. -1 .,,', roil ?ARTS 10. III. PREPARING BILLETS FOA MECHANICAL WORKING 20. IV, CAL(.JLAT(;1'G SHRINKAGE IN MECHANICAL ~u]RKING 34. v . p il I N, "; I P 1. 1: 1; W: HtASINIQ, 114ND SETTING UP OF PARTS FOR viaRKING 46. VI. ACCUkACY OF MECHANICAL nC~KING 74. VII. QUALITY (IF THW SURFACE 103., Vt[[. THE. SEQjj1",CF IN TECHNOLOGICAL Pkf-'CFSSES 128. !,Yo WUf~KIN6 OF J'Hi.* Or rMWJ101111 300Y MOLDS 147. X. t10PKIN(; OF: DPENIN,GS 182. X Io 1`08,'-HiNG 11-14EAD SURFACES 214. X I I . WO R -K 1 NG OF FLA*r SURFACES 21#54 31111, 'd(lRK'[N6 OF S14APED SURFACES 263, XIV. ABRASIVE WORKING OF IIACHINI: VARrS V10. Xv. WORKING OF GEAR WHEELS AND SLIT SURFACIES :308. :4.1 $1 "1 . I- I ~'%l I SH I -NG OPERATIONS 345. XVII ELECT ROPHYSI CAL METHOOS 01:: 110iMING 3d3. ME BOOK CORRESPONOS TO THE SCHOOL PROGRAM OF Tilt: fC-C1-1-N',1L1DGY Of: MACHINF BUILDING" FOR TECHNICAL SCHO(AS AND -C.A,14 1.31! US~: hS OASIC TEXT. MICLASS I F I EG 1/3 020 UNGLi4SW P ri C (: ~!;!i I I i Gr 0 Al 1 3N V I TITLE--COkKELATION BETiiEEN STRUCTURE AeJU ~U,14t.~THJN Vii 1HE MATURE BR41N -U- AUTHUR-(02)-KLGS0VSKIYp S.N.t KOSHAASKAYA, YE.N. COUNTRY OF It:FO--USStk SOURCE---VFST-N I K ;.KADE M I I MED I T S IINSK IKH NAUK SSSRp 10'.A. i!511 rili 3, PAGES 46-52 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS---BIOLOGICAL ANO t-IEDICAL SC IENCES TOPIC TAGS--EMBRYOLOGY, BRAINt SPINAL CORO, NEOROP I UNTRUL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMEIT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FAAME--3003iO978 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0130026 i~lq._- LAS S r1 D Z/3 ozo UNCLASSIF e0: 3ATj---13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION Ntl--AP0130026 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN T 14 E. N E 1111 13 J S!S'~STiEM STtU(Jur~,L-- AND FUNCTION Ar\E 14t)TUALI.Y TI-IL11" INTRA Alfl) E,11TRA UTERINE DEVELOPMENT, AND flil:Y AA~ ALSO INS- ,P0,A1311.111 LINI(ED U,j T;IE MATURE BRAIN. 14014EVC-k, THE 1,14T"-"I(L)EPE-i"il),F(-4cy~CIF h10RF1Hf.-)Ll-'I:i1CSL1 1)'T1WCrIJI0.- ANU PHYSIOL3GICAL FUNiCTION FI.IERG3ES rl-IE MOST OISTI.~,lcvo, IPJ ThE C'1)UR!)E OF EMBRYUGENESIS 4HENt WE CUULD SAY, LIEPORE OUR VE-Ie-2 and' v-=C.(Qx_',\1J). Then the point xO of the bOUndary is e-regular if the series 2/3 9 TJ USSR KOSMODMIYANSKITY, A. A. (Jr.), Matema ticheskiz 3borl-LM, NO 1, -Tan 72, pp 37-43 diverges. Several lenunas and auxiliary flicoreiiis are also proved. The author thanks Ye. M. Landis for assistance. Bibliography of seven titles. 3/3 1/2 020 JNC L A S5, t F I IE 0 CiATE--040CC70 ~TITLE-AQUEOUS PRIMING COMPOSITIO4 8ANED 014 MICROGE-LS OF 11YRIDINE .1 CONTAINING COPOLYMERS -U- I oV*j T3ALINGOkDv Y*L-? AUTHOR-(04)-TOLMACHEVi [.Asp VERKOLANTSEVi V KOSMO L.V- :c RY OF INFO--U SOURCE-LAKOKRASOCH* MATER# IKH, PRIMENs L170t (Zli 316-40 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS -TOPIC TAGS--FLUID VISCOSITY MEASUREMENTi PYRIDINEv COPOLY11CER1 STYRENEY GELv RUBBER/(U)SKS65MVPLO SYNTHETIC RUBBER CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO---FD?0/6050I9/B07 SIEP ND--Ur% /03 03/ 70,11) 0011-0 3b./00 ~f() CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140902 UNCLASSIFIE.4) On vow-, F I -a- F 0- -w- wil.I! , ,=1-T I I 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PR.(3(;ES'jlNG CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140902 ASSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRAC.T. VISCOSITY M 1:1 INDIC4TFO THAT PYRIDtNE CONTG. COPOLYMERS1 E.G., SKS--65 MVP-LO (11 lilrli 50PERrENT H SU133 PO SUB4 AND OP-10 CDtJLD BE USED PRIMING ;~Y)TY SURFACES. MICROHARONBS MEASUREMENTS AND SOGGESTE13 THAT I PARTICLES AGGLOMERATED AND THE FILM WAS FOR~JHD THE 1,4kGER PARTICLES. SEVERAL EQUATIONS WERE OERIVEO FOR THE EVALIJATION OF rHE DEGREE OF PIGMENTATION OF MICROGELS, UNCLASSIFIE0 USSR KOSMIMEMlymajay, Y. A. 160ptinal Selection of Rocket stagogv, UDG 531.1 Moscow# Yjokhanika Tvea.,dogo Tel&# No I Jun-Fab 72, pp, 1!.5-.19 Abstracto The eystem of a stagad rocket Is damlt with iindair Vio that the dry weight of the stagpsk3 not jvoportion:LL ta tho voight C-:, i).13 fuel of the ricket. The dry Halght of a atsC* Carl't4L'1111 t3a%'(~ I!"' and not all of thja increwie in (Uzoct vilation to thD voir:,1A of ths ft*l. It Is assumod, that the dry weilglit of m sti", consist13 Of Ulleh v?L.;1,,!:ht of the er.-T."Y'a"ol the twikaj, aW tha v Ujit. of othtr (muirviianU not hil atructun (usight of' tho zookot-colitrul Ustmanta.; end the like), The conclualon in drawip that if Chi) iflwl~r.,o n:,v.1mt novell in 41 two-dJmexisional gravitational fialAl at an optimil pitc1ling Awig1vt tho r*aket lis optimally broken down accoxdJxg to tho Tsiolkoirohly rulu, Jai Qthc-r ifq,lqf7,,, the subdivision coinclides srith the eptic.4 divialon af I?, vC.H.-icauly V.00mir rocket =4 dope.-As ozay upon tho duaigii pa=ateris of tbt rxb2t. If the stage rocket Is urUforjap then with optimal breakdown* Uxi muli-aea of tho su=ssivo subrocketa chauge In geo*etrlo proSvaiaonp (ze ViGuxv, four reftrences, USSR LOSMODENWY ~1 Y V. A. "Problems of Big Sports in the USSW' Moscow, Teoriya i Praktika FizLcheskoy Kul'tury, No 4, 1117,), 1,.;) 50-53 Abstract: Using statistical nu:-thods, the author analyzeii GOER! ;LSnC,:.ZS 0." 1; Ig sports in the USSR. A method for quantitatively avaluatLn_,- s1(111 levels, in various sports is proposed. Pareto's law is applied to ([etorlaixe Lil! -.*(~I!~!,! number and distribution of coaches, the optimuT.4 organizal: Loci of fndivitaial athletes, and the development of outstanding cozipetLtorii. Thu prttdorflnoii~:i- of the USSR (and US) Is being slowly threatened by WO k.1,Vu10pii1F, 41' other cotuitries - all-ouc efforts of individual c,)untriea to rxiuiri in traditional specialties, and cooperation a=ng severkil couiNtries CO MLill. superstars. The process by which big sports develop and:grow Ln the developing countries is discussed. USSR XOSHOLINSKIY, F., Candidate of Medical Boiences "Seventh Tsiolkovskiy lActure Series" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Gazetal 20 Dec 72, p 3 Translationt This year the seventh lecture series on the devolopment of the scientific heritage and of the ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovskly coancide(i with the 15th year of the space age and the 115th annivertiarf of the remj~,rkable scientist's birthday. Notable scientists, representatives of irany sclent-Afic and technical disciplines, convened In KaluEa for the lecture serios. It is typical that not only biologists and medical specialists but also i?ngIneurui che,01,r)tat mathematicians, and other took part in the proceedinigs of the section on space biology and medicine. In addition to the principal problems of sy-ami b1olol, _,y that havo become traditional in the lecture series, new intoxvisting problems were broached. For example in his report on magnetobiology 111ILM1141.&LO of Techni~al Sciences X. Colobokly showed on the basis of an analirvis of' the rhysicco- chemical features of hemoglobin molecular structun that tht.;~ Lia,glietic :ierlsI- tivity of blood increases sharply when a hypoxic con(d.tion arlbei5 and tt-.-O USSR XOSFOLINSKIY, F., Meditsinskaya. Gazetaf 20 Doc 72# P 3 blood becomes saturated vith de-oxygonated hemogloblii, It this phenomenon is combined with bodily electrolyte state and reduction of erythrocyto volume, the erythrocy-tes appear to assune a capability for b9coming wLFretized. In this way the entire body becomes higlkly sensitive to chinges in external magnetic fields. In such cases an Incroase in blood viscr4sity is obsorved, and conditions are set for aggregation of erythrocytes into "5tacks of coins" or into coagulates. This Information Is very ImporUnt. fcw evaluation of the combined effects of factom encountered in epace flighL on the hwan body. In a report on the effects of a uniform vieuml field on the huzan oculomotor apparatva Candidate of biolooical Sclenceir. V. Filin su'rgasted that during a long apace flight a uniform vi&ual fiald =ild cause dirioxden of physiological nystagmus wid the appoarwice of pmthologiomal nystag-rulis comparable to thatt observed amoxkg miners. Candidate of Technical Sciencem 1. Smirnor divricrilled the perception of space-tine coordirates by cosmonauts, Ho estabUjibed A caase- and-effect relationsUp between perception of such coordirates wid the dy.namics of tk,,e body's energy expenditure, depending on physic4l ani uenti4l loads, includlrg information overloads &rA emotional stress. 2/4 ISSR KOSHOLUSHlY, F., Veditsinskaya Gazetal 20 Doe 72, p 3 Theoretical problens of space biology were tauc~ed upon at t~e lecture series. For example CajAidate of Phllosophli",nl Solonces vau, Otempul- Wdy analyzed the present trend of incorporation of mpace phenonena into biological sciences and demonstrated K, E, Taiolkovsldyls,role in Introducing space phenomena into the sciences by referring to hin resetiLrch projects, including those of a purely biological natuxe. An attempt to damonstrate K. E, TsiDlkovskiyls rola in the develop- tent of a systemic approach to pbenoaena of the univorse vas rrAae in the report by Candidate of Technical Sciences V. Skunoy ot al. This idea Makes It possible to approach living orEanistis as larige aywtems ond to compare them with artificiia systems. The independent elezent of a large biological i5ystL~m Is the "living system" -- an object which is maintained throughout Itu life by flowe of energyt matter, ajid informationt according -to Acadonibian 1. Engel'gardt'a definition. The "living aysten" poaGerjaes feedback - that is It colitXo1s these flova - and a ca;abllity for matrix synthesis. In acaordwxe with the principle of leazt, effort "livin~g symtena" arAd thfv.4r symbiotic Memre'-ica.1 associations must develop In such a way that enerj7 eupenditures on tta prr,- cessing of a unit of flow of InforzaLtiont energy, and ratter are minimized. 3/4 USSR KCSMOLVISKIY, F., Meditsinskaya Gazetap 20 Dee 72, p, 3 P=f. 1. Khazen touched upon the problem of develo-ping a t~eorj wAting space biology and medicine. Research ' by classsitml donestic natura-1 historians on the adaptive role of the central nervous eyatem muat serve as its basis. A re-evaluation of the MAIng behind "400tationo" re-adaptation,l and "Compensation!' as thess terms axe applied to human allace flif~ht was suggested. In particular, the effect of weightlestineass on. the qosaollaut's body can be assessed not as an extreme stimulation but rtither ath aLn unustal but weak action proportional to tize in its intensity avid deporeaent on the body's Initial functional state, A distinguished citizen of Kaluga lind twice-ava:t-ded Nero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut V. Shatalov rappeared at tho concItAing JAenary session of the lecture series. He dwelled on the pixq),%,rationa for the join". Soviet-American experimental rendezvous between the Soy-,iz ard Apollo .'Pace- ships. V. Shatalov described specific featurea of t~4 stork of cosmonautt:; 4uring the rendezvousp In particular the necessity tha6 they xemairt In the rendezvous lock for a long time (cloae to 2.5 hours) when tr&nsferrinG from one vehicle to the other in order to pxevent catvson clisease. 4/4 -1/2 030 UNCLASS[FftlEO' PROUSSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL REACTIONS OF MAN IN SPACE -U- AUTHOR-(03)-PARINt W.9 CHASENt I.t KOSMOLINSKlYt F, -COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-VOI-Z, vaL 112, NO. 6t 1970v Pe 359t 360 DATE PUBLISHED--70 SUBJECT AkEAS-61OLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -SPACE MEDICINE, P14YSIOLOGIC STRESSo SPACE P.5YC)i0LQGlC STRESS, -TOPIC TAGS _~.HYPGDYNAMIA CNTRO~ MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS. I., ..DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/1858 STEP GIRC ACCESSIC14 NO-AP0121263 ----- ---- ---- 212 030 UN; DAIE-30OCT70 CIRC, ACCESSION NO-AP0127268 ABSIRACT/EXTRACT-IL)) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DISCUS51014 CW AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS EINCOUNTER1:1) BY MCAN 13111RIN"; fl.lGol"; 114 THE LIGHT OF THE CONTEMPORARY 5j'AGF flMj";JGyj SP141;'j: ~%!j f)Li PSYCHOLOGY. PROBLEMS OF HUMAN HYPOKINESISr SPAI:j REACTIONS TO LIFE CONDITIONS IN AN ISOLATED AND TERY 1-1-1111ED NQUA ARE CONSIDERED. SGME PREDICTIONS COPICCANING THE Okll!~,%TAIJUN Uf~ FUTURE RESEARCH ARE OUTLINED. FACILITYz AXADEWEA NAUK SSSR, mUSCO4. USSR. FACILITY: INSYITUT ME4).[Kt;F-BIOLOG'19;)IESI~JiLli PR08LCM, MOSCOWr USSR. UNCLASSIFIED MIT,__ 1/2.- 039 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSENG UATE-11-5EPTO -ilTLE--SPACE PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY -U- AUT"OR -.ZIP F., MYASNIKOV, V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--4EDITSINSKAYA GAZETA9 JUNE So 1970t 3s COL'$ 1-2 DATE PUBLISHED--OSJUN70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--METABOLISMt SLEEP, COSMONAUT rRAINING., DHT, DPUrv, MAN '14CHI,4E SYSTEM CONTROL MARKING--NO PESTqICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAMF--19R6/155A STEP CTRC ACCFSSTn" NO--A%llG334R Fffifl, 3 oil t IN11~1111"Imal ~Ll I 2/2 0319 UNCLASSIFIED PPOCES~ 1 "1,3 0 AT r---1 I SEP 70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AN01103348 ABSTRACT/FXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ARTICLE 15 A bq HF DI SCUSS10,11 OF THE "MAN FLYIN~ VEHICLE- THEME 1-4 THE NIFDT(:AL V-IOLO-PICA~ FRAMFWURK. 1~ CONCLUJINGs THF AUT14ORS SAY THAT THE TmppovEmEtuT OF PIE METHODS OF GE14ERAL AND'SPECIAL PHYSICAL TRAININGi AND THE CONTROL (IF THE 'IFT,1,90LISM WITH THE Ain OF PR9PER DIETING AND CERTAIN DRUGS MERIT $PF-CIAL ATTEMT.10N. THEY ALSO STRESS THE IMP3RTANCE OF Sr,-.-LF REGULATED SLEEP. USSR UIX 669.15.0L8.23-14(0$19.8) HELOV, A. D., VILIMj YU. V., KOSOBQKOV~. E9. MOV, V. V, , YAROPOLOV, 1. 1. , VASIL'YEV, V. D. "Automatic Cast Stainless Steel" USSR Author's Certificate No 276433, Filed 15 Jul 6$, Publi.sbed 12 Oct 7-J, Z (from 117.1i-Metallurgiva, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4161317) Translation: In order to improve machinability, steal conta-biinp the foliaw- ing (in '.) is proposedz C < 0.12, Cr 17-20, Ni 13-11, Bi 0.1-0.2, S 0.06-1.12, P < 0.035, Si < 1.0, 1tr The pro2sence of 5 mid iii in steel rats,--s th~e- strength J the cutting tool and improves the initch[nabl.lity of tile Steel. When using the steel (compared with IKI%1&19TL steel) the w,,ittilily, rate uith 60-min strength of the tool is improved by 15-50%, or 0C 4-tTc-:11-th Of the cutting tool is increased by 2-6 times. 1/1 112 031 UNCLASSIFIED PV10CESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--THERMAL DEGRADATION OF AROMATIC POLYAMIDES wLirH iqF-i,Eko Gqoups IN ITHE CHAINS -U- KAYAv A.A., SAVENOVt Y.M-w SOKOLOV$ AUTHOR-(05)-VEtYAKOVf V.K.t K L.S.r GITIS* S.S. :CCUNTiRY GF INFO--USSR SOURCE--VYSOKOMOL. SOEDIN.9 SER. A 1970t 12(3)v 610-19 DATE PUBLISHED-----70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMLSTRY, MATERIALS TOPIL'TAGS--ThERMAL ULGRAOATIONt PQLYAMIOE COMPOUNI)i POLYMER, ACTIVATION ENERGY CGNTRUL MARKING-NO aESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1678 STEP NO--UR/0459/1'(J/014!/003/0610/0619 CIRC ACCESSION N"--,.PO125299 2/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PR1JCES$1NG DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0125299 .A13STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 'THE THER.MAL OLGRAUATION IN Alit OF AROMATIC POLYAMIDES WAS STUOIED* THE AMTS* OF THE PLJk.YMERS CONVERTED rU GASES IN 30 MIN AT THE DEUCOMPN. TEMPS.t TH4 AC1,1VATION ENERGIES OF THE DEGRADATION AT 410-20DEGREES AND 440-60DECREES, THE: TEMPS. At fill][CH 20PERCENT UF THE GEL FRACTION RENAINS9 AND THE' TEMPS. AT WHICH THE VISCOSITY IS kEDUCED TO 0.5 OF ITS ORIGINAL VALUE IN 30 MIN ARE ~51VE-N. HETERC GROUPS IN THE POLYMER MULS- LOWER 'rHE rHERMAL OXIDATIVE RESISTANCE IN THE OROER CH SUdZ LARGER1 THAN S LAROER THAN CO LARG&I THAN -~-.O,LARGER THAN SO 5U82 LARGER THAN OR EQUAL TO CF SUS2 CF SUB2. FACILITY: VLAUIMIR. NAUCH.-ISSLE.D. INST. SIN. SMOk, VLADIMIR, USSR. USSR KOSOGLUOVS A. A. "Phytotoxicity of Pesticides in Greenlious;es" Mosccnq, Khimiya v S(Vskom lhu--ytysLve-, J~Icl ]p 1972, p 25 LDC 6323.~),--J:o3s.9 Abstract: The phytotoxic-ltv of various pesticid,2L-, %-it; SLuCJCd ;1L houses for flowers (twerble,-1. CZ-Al-1111VIGII.St CiSSUS ,lkyaCiml-lls) .TI i vc~~:pQ r il,a! 11 L ~. %7v rvror I: it2 11 :f 11 1-(.( r- square meter.-, in si;,e over a calcudzir yctar -,t aa zdr t o C. Vie results of LIIC-L;-j CUSLS' tl-L' SULLILrlzed briefly. Tz!lroc tents were run: of U)i;! t to L'I -'N, USSR U;-tl 621.;~8y.f~2 KOSOGOV, O.Y., MARAIJZINA, M.A. "Calculation Cf Collection Factor Of Indium Antimonide II-iotadiodes With A, Nonsyrr, tric p-n Junctionn Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta (Journal Of The LenLmyrsd Electrical Erg-,Ireer- ing Institute), 1972, Issue 110, PP 78-0 (from KhtEle~trarik-a i yc~yu primeneniya, No 11, Nov 1972, Abstract No 11B3~2) Translation! The papor conoidors the ef"cat of reco.-abiriati.on conntirtQ an the spectral distribution of the collection factor with vii,ricum dupthe of oc.--urrence of an indium antimoniclo p-n junction. An analyeiv In made ft, r parwaet.;-rs exirt- ing in the cove of alloyed Drid opitaxial pn juno4tiomv rjr n'tp typo on a bove of p-XnSb. Summary. 1/1 USZ;R 5,11", KOSGGLYAD --.. 1. "Conditions for thc~ Lxiot--nce of for Equations of 'lotiun of a Solid l5ody in Poeudo-"la,-,~idern Uch. zan. -,;:!~tz-m. un-t (Razan Institut,*~~ Sci;nlu,_4,;f.ic 1970, vol. '129, L'qo. 6, Dn 67-98 (fro,% TII Abstract No. 3B19b) Transla!A-ln: The author stuaies the eiuations of riaU.on 4~f i bode aroun", a ri~T-ionle~3o point undcr ta- of -Sara lf~l forces in snac-2 i:ith the mcttric J, the an-ular hns lOw c~:n*-rm-rits A f~ +1,' 3 + ",I- + B)po~, IWVU knovai lo Lho eois- Bon c1clut-ttion-1 a.-e u-A to obtzailn tki~, lourtlli a sult, the "c-.sus" 1--f '.uler, Bobyl(~v, etc., It L',, U~llubll-,:hod -11%a-, condit-ionj -,-e un!~ for thu o--i!Acuc4,, -o1:' solutions. `2he .-ame conclu.-ion i:-i aDjo true ol" 'LlvA Gur,y,.uhq-,i,- Chaplygin ca3e. 1. .rzi-A.-mylth 1/1 USSR UDC 681.335.5 LIKHTTSINDER. B.Ya., KOSOLAPOV. A.M. "Autocompensation Muftiplier-Divider~l' Radioelektron. v Nar. Kh-ve SSSR, Ch. 2 [Radio Illectroniq-.s in the USSR Na~lonlll Economy, Part 2), Kuybyshev, 1970, pp 494-497 (TranslatIJA iran Referativoyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vyehislitelnaya Teklunika, 1,11o. 4, 19,71, Abstract No. 0103 by IV). Translation: The construction of a device performing tbio opevatlons of mu-1tiplica- on one to ten volt tion, division, and raising to a power on 4 input variab3as ft 5 with recording of the input and output variables, is daswribad. I fig. im USSR UC 62-1. -562.2 KasliU.N.Ov, FOP-4 4E'ffact Cx' Electron Irrudiution Ca P-N functions In &1,111comll V eb. Radiat5lon. fiz. nqmct- b-rietulloy (Paiiiat'-011 Peqidc-~ Ct' 1,--:in-kettill~a ls-Collection C. -J-7 I Crysta ., '.;ark7a Entik, ,-aului L," pp ~.frcm RZh--E'!ektron11ka i Yale No 2, Fabrmry ~Wl, Abotruct No ~!BIA) .Translaticn: The irrovorsible changes oe tha vo:LtM3jAfT0 c .nimicterictLae a4l P-n Junctions in 5i on oxpo6uzu to irrai.'Alatkon by olvotromi With ener4-,~Wei3 C.' 10-25 MOV are investigated. 't jo tjt3tui*Djirhc~ Iliat 4wL lo-O J~Ijectior, 'evols A the fomard voltage drop aftur irradiur.Lon :k) docroui)41d, w%:Aich iu explain,id by the reduction o' conconLratior, and llfoL4'me of tl-.u clrri,.~ra in the p- and n-roi-lliotiv. it i-igh injoction lovela, tie a pa3ult. of tin 4.ncrur.6tj of resistanco oe tho bauo Irradiatiou, its oe.,ocr, an tho forzi ol' Lim caar- acterist-Ica tecomou noticeable. With an incrouatt o.~' 4?jt) tiir-peruturo, aqual changes of the Aforwurd drop begin with lario Afl-ux domilty. Tne aftectLvenjaa of Ue action of irrudiation by electrana ort the fommi c',1jjractarivtLas grows with an inGroune uf the energy of' the electrona, whil4j tne 4ack characteristics ramuin practically without change. 6 ill. 6 rof. V.1,1w 1/1 777 J. Acc. Xr.- Code: UR 0239 AF0037006 PRM%RY SOURCE,. Fizioliogicheskiy urnal '.~'SSR, 1970, Vol 56, N,~- 2 , p p I ~, 1q - I TS CHARACTERISTIC OF THE EFFERENT NERMONS ACTIVITY ON REFLECTORY OPENING OF TIJE CRAYFIS[i CLANT DAcTYLOP0D1TZ T. A. Stepushkina, G. S. Kan anti V. N. Kosatapov Lenin-rad 0 Activity of the efferent nenrons controlling contractiml of Om itvi:icla-opanu of the claw dactylopodite of tile intact crayfi-h duriv~ mmo Warelit i9thwicos. was AkMied. The effect (if stimulatiol" of different recef,.iOvo fields on tho activity pattern u! elfegent neurons and muscle contraction, was investigated. The characteristic changes of the activity of tho metn:.r and IN inhibitory neurons controlling the muscle reflectory contraction, were ojbsa~vvd. L,") 7 2 19 W38 USSR upc 6D) BRYNZA, A. P.) 7,-,OSOL:~~Mu T. YA W4ELOWIPAV-., S. A., F10011U.2, 7. 71., nd SIMNOVA, YE. C7Dnepropetrw State Universizy encl Tn5t*Ltute Gf P-1-O'cl".=3 of Material Science, AcadeL%y of Sciences Ukrainian 2.811 "Corrosion Resistance of Titanium Carbide Powders" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metailurgiya, Nc 8, 1971, pp 67-'[2 Abstract: The diecomposition 1.1inetics of tit!iniu:a carbi-die OtLdf_41,~ the region of homoger.-aity in mixtures of sulfur-,c acii! (fr,ul, C-5 -,c la vith hydrogen peroxide (from to 6.41, gi,011) at !";-30(). '(i(,'--3 t1r.1' L '.. were prepared in a laborulary vacu-,n f4rruic_e vit ture rize (fc.- ~O-LO mrinuteo) to 1~%0-16000, With -,%t, level for 2 hotirt;. VIFEM 'ALI? ov., In the corrosion all carbide phanei ce)ciplet"I:L), in a solution containing 10 gea/1 11,3soll and 6.44 gecj/:L Ho()~: T~,r ILO _-A 250. Witb tennerature rise, the -.ime recuired for tottLl . .0 duced to 10 hours at 0 , 6 hcrur2 at 60~5, and 2 haiurz Z,-.t ld(",:~. tration of sulfuric acid was ;ncreased from 0.5 to 9 d,-q./l, tion of titanii= carbides x-as reduced, ruid when .he from 5 to 10 9eq/1, tlie rate of' decompasition did ri-_it derzz!11111 'L'' acidity. I.-L-Enn t"'i, ~-O.---j er._-:c~de c,.~rrcen- wfiz A- 11, C posi_~;nn -%f' IJ ;L f USSR 5-1 BRYNZA, A. P.J, et al, Kiev, Poroshkoveya Metaliurgiya,, No 19'r, carbide was increased, the decomposition rate dacliriej!.. Thii~t i.,;P tL'e defect-free the carbide is relative to carbon, I;ht2 hip;7,ter Is it.- 1111~ in a mixture of sulfuric acid and Lydrogen peroxide. 2/2 MAMA MaNdw USSR UDC 621.-j62,2.001t6dq.293-784 LTIUMSMA, T. A., SIXEL-111.110VA, V. S., XOSOUX-011A, T. U., and SERCRYEV, V. P. I" M-0- , J4.1-11-1 -*-11-1. "Investigation of a Xlethcd of Obtaining Mobium Cax~lllo Foudor and Coatlnv From the Vapor-Gas Phase" T ab. Tugoplavk. karbidy (The Refractorl Carbides -- collection of works), Kievu "Ifauk. Dun-ka," 1970t pp 28-32 (froa BZh-Net&,Uu:rL;iy1L, No 3. Har 71l Abstract No 3G338 t~r authors) Translationi An InvestIL-a-tion iu made of the wssibijity of obtainin! nlobill carb;de by the method of piecipitatton from a vapor-rpz r&xture i-n the I,-C)O- 1900 range in the forn of powder and coatIngs. Tho pxr- cJ.): Itat Ion rate studied as a function of reagent concentra~lonp nulAdinite trimperatuxv, aii~, ~i, feecl rate. The naxinum rate of niobium carbide preelpitatiorl waz obsarvc~ at the optimum 10il ratio of If., to the sum of chlorldi;a. '.i'he authors Investigate the possibility of'~applying the coatin"5 to gniphlte, turi~:stezi, volybdenums and niobium. Three Illustrations. Two tables, MbliograpIlky with eight titles. USSR UDC 621,7621,669,018.44 SLEPTSOV, V. M. and KOSOLPAP T. YA. WOOWM~ OYA "Technology of Production and Properties of Refractarw Nat(Ii-fills for High-Temperature Equipment" Sovrem. probl. poroshk. metallurgii (Modern Problems of Powder Metallurgy -- collection of works], Kiev, Nauk. dun),a Press, 19710, pp. 224-242, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhuruai-N&.4tllurgiya, No. 1, 1971, Abstract No.1 f,1481 by the author.9). Translation: A phenomenological rcprt~.4cntation of thii stivcture of waterials is suggested, based on the idea of separation of,'-Vakinix olectrons into localized and nonlocalized portions. Methods are desc-ribed for producing high- temlierature refractory compounds, as well as the techlialogy of manufacture of products from those compounds. 5 figirres; I -table; 17 biblio. ref3. Conferences USSR KOSOLAPOV and FEDORUS, V. B. "Third Scientific Seminar on Methods of PrOdLICI;iOn and Properties of Refractory Carbides and Heat-Resistant Mataria!4-. Based on Them" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 2, Feb 71, 107 Abstract: The Third Scientific Seminar on lolethod~; of procluz- tion and Properties of Refractory Carbideei and Materials Based on Them, orgaaized by the Inst;Litut,j,. 0-1 Problea~a of Material Science, Academy of Sciences, Ultrainiati. SSR, was held in Kiev on 26-28 October 1970. Over 100 persorus represc.,11'.. ing 35 scientific research organizations in 21,11oocow, Loningn*aa, Novosibirsk, Kiev, Sverdlovsk, 10nepropetrov:ik, land cit:Le.-i took part in the conference. Forty-t'karee reporzs ticard and A. JLIIC*l Ljjjjr,-r: t [-~ L- discussed, covering a wide range of problems, A. -5 nature of compounds of carbon uith elocaents of the periodic system; the conductivity band of transition mel:asl iijo-Rocarbide.9; calculation of the band atructure oil zirconium and niobium mono. 1/2 USSR A. KOSOIAPOVA, 1. YA., and FEDORUS, V. B., Poroshkovj,ya ',%N.~.ta' lurgiya, No 2, Feb 71, p 107 carbides in the strong bonding approxication; 15tvi(Lies 01C, th,3 P170- perties of carbides in the area of houiogenait!,r; tite study :).p the thermodynamic properties and structures o1;_' ox,)-carbidez; and oxycarbonitrides; the determination ot" new effects in carbides; and the use of carbides pnd ~:,avbide-batiad alloys in technology. One section was dediea~ed to studiea of- non-metallic carbides. 2/2 112 023 UNCL AS S I F I ED .... ........ PRiOCESSING ,TITLE--RADIOISOTOPE SCANNING eF THE LIVER IN THE RESTORA)'10 RESUSCITATION OF THE ORGAN ISM -U- ~.AUTHOR-(04)-RADUSHKEVICHI V. Pso MIKHAYLOVw M*M.p K03(3NOGOV . YU.A. .:COUNTRY OF !NFO--USSR ~~SOURCE-KHIRURGIYAI 1970, NR 4, PP 105-108 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ::SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES DATE--IBSEP70 PERIOD AFTER L.F.s TELNOV, .TOPIC TAGS--RAt)IOISOTOPE, MEDICAL NUCLEAR APPLICATIGNt LIVER# RESUSCITATION, CLINICAL DEAT", 1001-NIE ISOTOPE, TAGGED hY01M, ROSE ~~ENGAL CONTRCL MARK!NG--'l4O RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP (40--IJP,/O"~31/4,0/00~)/00'/0105/0109 PROXY REEL/FRAME--1983/1217 CIRC ACCESSION tjO--AP0054112 mild 2/2 OZ3 UNCLASSIFIEO 13 11-1:1C ESS I NG DA T F-- 18 S E P 7 0 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP005411Z ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A-41STRACT. THE ARTICLF- OEPI(','rS THE FKPFRIENCE IN RADIOISOTOPE SCANNING OF THE LIVER OF THE RESIA!JCITATED ORGANISM WITH A OIFFERENT OUKATION OF CLINICAL DEATH. A R401011:,")INE 'LABELLED SOLUTION OF BENGAL ROSE WAS INTk(luUCED INrRAVENOUSLY IN A 1';)M- Of 2 OF BODY WEIGHT* EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL INVESTIGAI'KONS TESTIFY TO THE GREAT VALUE OF RADIOACTIVE SCANNING OF THE LIVER ~N THE RESUSCITA,rEo ORGANISM. SCANNING YIELDS ADDITIONAL INFEUR"ATI014 ON THE CLINICO BIOCHEMICAL DATA FOR THE EVALUATION OF T14E FUNCTUONAL CAPACITY OF THE LIVER. 41 311 An,je 1~f Att-it k. rrudy 11 rtv-IujWikxn.%~Iy nia6d-,h,Tit-n% 5,klaiya .-Arrvdirannik- st~u*ontey". Kiy-v, YNyrit"Sy -o""ro-tat. 19--t. 75-76. JAZIM;~h, S/U, no. 513338) 'the rurti-I reportrd *.irlirr by the author (MZhir- no. 1, 1970, 33-39, R7W-lekh, 19-,M6BZ40) is jird to a.1- the Vrchl.- -1 ==p.rzz~pte ri- aruund a con. at an a-rle &- atizzU ~W, !L-, -4u" of Me 4evnd ord.r of --nalInrs=, lnel.,i~rly. The restalts are compared with a solution of the problem by a meths uf et 21, Jzau-.;~V. abrakal-iiy1t FlAdkilth ttl tdcall=,~ g*tem. TItr*#-J!mvnaion;l flow Ar----A &MOOilt bodies by �Lft W.&I gam). MoskWA, H-VI.-AL, 1964. ;EZWekh, 1765. 4DZO7 K), and with the a-91-Ation abz.An-~4 Lry tBat method of onansion into a double series by S"nov(LN: Transtrukov-M techenlya gas&. TransorAc gab floss. Sarator. Saroloyakiy univtraltwt, 164-177, IM144eith, 1"S. VDZ-31). Koenrukov, A. L. Superornic fl~ around smoith WHes with r*laxAtlon. M: Tr,.Oy It konfarrntsit po avrogidromekhaniko. leplerolarnerits I massrolimeno, Srktsiya "A#rvd;"mik& bollshikh skoroatey". Klyvy. Kiycvtkiy universitwt. 19" 1. ?a- 74. (RZhMekh, 5/72, no. S13337) Steady flow around an Wayntrnettic blunt body by a nonviscous nonthermaLly conductive gas is solved by the method of adjustments. sith account taken of ascittatory rttaxatton. To reduce the ditficuttiat of solving relsitation equations, the author divides the initial system into rwc subsysternot. 1) equations for the valocity and pressure components. suit 112 050 UNCLASSIFIED 111~1,1(',ES5110G DATE-20NOV70 TITLE--FLGii PAST THE NOSE SECMIN: OF A BLUNTE0 BODY WITH ALLOwANCE Fak NONFECUILILARIUM EXCITATIUN UF Vlt~KATICNAL WrGREES Oil- FRILEDGM -U- ALTHOR--KCSCRUKGV* A.L. CGUNTRY GF INFO--USSR SOQRLE-AKAuEpllA NAUK S&SR. IZVESTIlAv MEKHANMA LHROKOSTI I GAIAt 11j70o P. 40-41 DATE PUBLIStE0------70 SUBJECT AREAS--pHysics TGPIL TAGS--PjLU)NT BWY, NUMAERIC SOL.urim~p vt8R;tTl0,M 111UA.i'ArIfjP),, 5UPERSUNIC FLOW, DIFI-L4ENTIAL ELUATIGNo VIBRATION,it EXCITATION, ENEflG'yr FHERMAL ,EFFECTt ROLECULEt AIR CCINTkOL MAfl,Kl,%G--N0 RESTRICTIO14S DOCUMENT CLASS-LINCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME-1992/1789 STEP NO--UR/0421) 111)/ 0/ C047 CIRC 212 050 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROC.ESI-ING VATE-.20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0112715 Af3ST1-'AC-T/1:XTRAcr--(u) (;P-o-- ii J s 7, i--,. A. c rAPPLICATIA )UF It NUIIEKICAI, PJ:Y)iJD TO THE SCLUTICN OF Flif, PRO61-L-i'-1 OF THE INFLUENCE OF VIG4.1111*10NAL RELAXATIC;* ON THL SUPERSONIC FLOW PAST flit- PILISE Ul- A dl-UNILD BODY ThC UIFFERENrIAL EQUATLON.'i, FOR T4,111 YLURATICIN-AL 1:N1.:r4GY ~,;!v wITH ALLLAIANCE FOR Tvok) MECIIANI.SW; OF EXLITATIUM CIF VIRkA1,T1l)NS*- TRANSITFLN GF rRANSLATICNAL %1;NT(; V18RATIC14AL Ahl) i:XCHANGE 1j`J QUANTA OF THERMAL V1bKATiU.N.S AM"NG VARIOUS MOLBA,H.~ES. i'HL- RCS(kt,iS ARE OBTAINED FOR AIR, USINC, A SPHERE AND AN ELLIPSO41) OF 1d.-.V0LUfJ0N AS THE BLUNTED GGUY* USSR KOS ORUUX~6.A.%,~4,~,,.Vo s cow w "Flow Past the Head Portion of a BlQnt Eody Considering Now!quil,:'brium Excitation of Vibrational Degrees of Freedom" Moscow, Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, No. 1, 1970, pp 40-47 Abstract: The effect of vibrarional relaxation on SU::;er,SVn;h, fIrler past: tAt! 1117:i', porzion of a blunt body is examined. The pr-,Jb.).en is by a Cal Two mechanisms, I':or excitinl.,, oscillations were conbidevl--d in th~- .1, in-o tion for vlxatl -ii eiierZy: the transiLion of tram;Id*t:f.(:in,iI tial equa- 'L vibrational energy and the exchange of vibrational quantat biizweeri diff~trent cules. The calculations were made for air with a composition of 2J.14% C2, N2, and -1.1.4% A.-.,althlough -11-41-,e ir.~ethod is independent of che A and ellipsoids of rotation were u5ed a.,:; examples 4),Z blun-t it: ii that various physicochamical processes arise in supersennic f1j;w past a hilunt hods/ asso- ciated with the shar-p rise in temperature behind -the shock ijave: exci-tatior. of rota- tional and vibrational degrees of freodom of the moleciale s, dissc-:!Lation, ionization, aad other chemical reactions. This paper considers flow avound the nose of dal a1dally ..... ... ... USSR KOSORUKOV, A. L. , Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, Ho. 1, 1970, 'j)p 40-4.? symmetric blunt b~ody considerirg osc-Illatory relaxation; i:t -~s a;---isuroc~ that Ul- vota- rion of molecules is uniform and that there are no chemical vedc-tions. Computer c,3i- culations were plot-,ed for flow past a sphere of radiw, -1 at iin all-tAt.,ide ufA 40 kn, for Mach nLunbers of the incident flow of 6, 8, and 10 at ai-. altitude n' = .3 and If. = 4. Calculations were also made for t1lipses tvith itajolt ansd minor axe,-~~ equal to 1, 0.5; and 1, 2. 2 /2 USSR UDC 533.6,01.312 KOVALMM, V. M., KOSOIWGI~?, V. S., SIII;.T;KIY, V. V. "Experimental Study of Bottom Pressure in 111.ghly Ellanj~,ated Cf.rcular Ovlinders" Izvestiya sibirskogo ot(leleniva tilkademii Nauk SSSH, Sariva t6dinIchesk-11h nauk, No 8 (203), vyp. 2, Jun 1972, pp 67-70 Abstract: An e~.Peiimental ntud'y' of bottom press-are wii-,; n3l-~,! on 3 of solids of rotation of mo~crate itrid very qreat Llan-Pitfion. fi-,e con6ination of a cvlinder and an ogive with n w.-edle. The cYlindrical ;;e(:L-~ozl had elon~,atioa 10.3 (iodal 1.) and 32.8 (riodwlr~ 2 and 3) . !model 3 differed from model 2 hv the (-)-I in inver~Cd Lili L c:01112. 'Jll! perf ormed ill a supersonic wind Lunnel with tji~:, opk!j'aLlij!~ !;t,-(-LjoII of 0.6 x 0.6 LI at lif = 3 and 4 and ILe 36-1.0" zind 514-101~ res'pectivi-4y. ExperiLA-~ntal values of the bottoms dral-i avd Oic rcjation tile lwl L(,~~I pressure and di-,iensianlu.,ir, tilickniess of the boiuii~-'ary ilit-rer plotr-i:ti, '~n increase ill eJon-aLion Of Lhe cylindrical. -mction A Cro-.i 11:1.3 to .1 3-'~ I; C, C leads to a decrense in tile botLt-n i.-rni; For M - 3 and 44 -f 1-1", and that is, vit;i an increast! in t.IC 11 IILl'.:'.)er of Li!t--- onconi1r.,,-, J-.1o4 tlio If tile elo-., t LA; -r- MIR KOVALENKO, V. M., et al., Izvestiya sibirsko-o ovdelon]-ui !J'.ade-mii Seriya tekhaicneskikh na%j~.-,, ~Io 6 (203) , vyp. 2, Jun 19? L -, pp 67-70 the graphs showing, the effect of the dimensionleis t~[C layer on the bottom pressure for different 11 TIUrJCI'S. 'A"4'lt! pIN!SQII,(:O 0'-~ thk: tail cone (nodel 3) decreases the absolute value of- thij- bozcom prcrs-,Ir'z cc- efficient by approxinately 5Z. 2/2 C."SR UDC: 5'-;,-'.38 ISHTULOV, A. G., KOVALEMKO, V. M. MEP-NOV ? A. T. , and SMISKIY, V. V. "Aerodynamic Characteristics of Long Bodies of Revt)lution in the 0.2-6.0 1-1ach Number Range" Novosibirsk, Izyestiya 3ibirnkogo Cltdelemiya Seriva Tekhnicheskilh INAuk, Vo 3, 197~~-j-p"~1(5-;22 p Abstract: The authors assert that they Iniow of no olarlier work Ln the experimental confirmation of results derived; froill the ae::~otly- namic theory of long bodies of revolution. I-The of interest in the experixients described :bi th-i.-I pi.per io, Jt,-I-.,o ef feet of the body's extended length on the nattire of the v,,riiition in the lift force factor and on the wignitude n:[ tb-,e pres--uri.~ CtIn.- ter coefficient. In general, t6he inethod of t1w) lm-", zo use models of moden~Ao length and extrapolate t1i,:: we'(,U-It:~; t,,,) longer bodies. Ei(,-,ht such madels i-,,ere usod, in tlie *;h!:.-:e of the none part wid in the len4rtfl the cyl, il-W.Izio o-I Drawintyu ,Lnd t;calp of tho riciiis~ rxjrl:tc~-al ii-.ria a table of tost reSulto for Nach nwab*r.,j of I-s reprochi,-,ed. Members of the 1wititlito (if Thaoi-Ltical V~ud Applic!,I, If~*e(A)-.I!)i(.1d1 IN Novosibirok, the autl-hors conol.urlo with the notii! th,!O; qu~-Itioa USSR UDC: 5"/~I.-5,9 ISHTUIOV, A. G., et a!, lzvestiva Sibirskoro Nauk SSSR-Seriya Te!dinicuL t-Arquk, Eo of the existence of eddies for small attack aiuj.~le~i of such bod.ies requires further research. 2/2 112 027 UNCLASSIFIED 11140CESSi,N... DArE--23QCT70 TITLE--HOLOGRAPHIC IDENTIFICATION OF SIMILAR IMAGES -U- AUTHOR-102)-KOSOUROV, G*I., KACHALOVP OoV. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--PRIBORY I TEKHNIKA EKSPFREMEINTAt JAN.-FEII. P. 1W-kW) UATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--HOLIOGRAM, FORM RECOGNITION, OPTIC, IMAW:, Lii:'pvtT ;]?Tic FILTER CMTKOL MARKING--'40 RESTRICTIONS DOCU'-IENT 9k3XV REEL/FRANlE--l"")8/L54'-) sr0) C C Ir 7 1312 CIRC A ~i S T P !s C T r I I-A C I jT) f !,:..j L I NEAi, A ~.S F-0 T 1 1 ~j j, J." C Y 1: A I; J: H fl WN T14 A T r;-i E C- T L C I- I ri f~ 0 C 4 H E P, E 1 HE I'Ll I S P i T I V F I I L L UM I NIA I t 0 Y q I j7 L AT A FIN Irr L E T~1~ Ii. I i- T H E P L A N E C C N J u,,G A 1 TO T HE PLANI-' OF THc S,,)w4 L E I o, I It:A 1- 1, i' L F .1 t-, HE CT p4 Tii~ P1 A1,;-' :11: T F: 1. T F, C~ S 0 F THE F-:JLI;Z U I R I !AAG E - T E - THE DISTANCE FFOM. THE' 0'~JFCT TO THE LIGHr SGLJik(:I-p I-H.j!)' 1, ,,"j V I D I MG A OF I DENT I FY I NIG S I 'i I ALR I MA GE S THE OPE KA I I ON !"11: A C ~' 4 '1 ;: L A T OR Qs I I G WHITE LIGHT 15 DESCRIBED, FAciury: A K.h 11) E M I 14 NALPIK SS$Rj INSTITUT KRISTALLOGRAFIT, Muscowr USSR* 1/2 020 UNCLASSt FtE'D ROC":*SS I V; DAT I: 3..'X T7 0 TI,TLE--NEW HOLOGRAPHIC METHOD FOR 06TAINING GHOSTS --d- AUTHOR-(021-KALINKINA, I.N.t KOSO !;LRat calob COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--PRIdORY I TEKHNIKA EKSPERIMENTAt JAN.-FEB. 1910t P. 199, 200 OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--HOLOGRAH, OPTIC IMAGE, LIGH'r POINT SOUI(Crv ll~1LU'!'"t:A'f 10~1 CONTROL 4ARKING--NO RE~~TRJCTICNS 1 J7. 1 J:: 0 I IV,, S Iin I I IS N I '~iSSS 'AnVN '03NJV1W,') S'V~' AV~4'UIDYJ 3HI W)IHM P fill V K, 11 D qp 1. r-IN 11X112 11 1 'M 13 H 1 :1 C) D I I S N, IWA I Cl .1 J:~ I -j V 4!1 A %I 14fl(, I X I AI s I DN 0 ozo z z -t o 112 025 UNCL A SS I F I C-0 i,itucessutiu waE-2, -%i ~!v -TITLE-HOLECULAR ORG4NIZATEON OF THE: TAIL C011E of: V;l $.ACTE-11,10PHAGI: AUTHOR- (0 3) -KOSOUROV t G. I - p Pt)(ILA Z01V v B. Ft N I.KGL Slewl'A, TI COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--BIOKHIMIY4 lq70t 35Z2)t 419-2/ ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT ARE4S--Bf0LOGICAL ANO MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TACYS-ISACTEPIOPHAGEt Et.F-CTRoli MICRCISCOPY, ELB-I'li-GiNI DIFFRACTWN ANALYSIS, CLECTROPHORISIS, MOLKULAR STRUCTURF CONTROL 4ARKIING-NIJ RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENr CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .PRLIXY REEL/FRA4~----3006/04#10 S I P NO-UR /Ot' I d/ irl j 0 5;1 C0 0 i+ J'~I C I C ~- I'i,- C 17 1 [).'A j"! I- - ~~ P cl 1 -A"f ",~1 T 2/2 02 5 UNC 1, A S s I F I F 0 CtRr- AC('FSS10,**4 ;,,k)--AP0134t216 Ails TRACT/EXTRACT- ( U) GYP-0- A3 ~ TA C, TV- L 1-* C f 1, IN 111 C'A :10 t:. 0 IFFRA CT10N STJ01E 530PH AG FT2fAI LC 0 kE o 'rVI I If) I'I P ART[C LFS A ---. F01 0 10A-Ni GTQ 1-11 L 1,:4-4,iA',4' 70 % ,i (:,,clri:; ;~iii OF 6 S I> I R A L L Y 14 G I j ~ 10 F I B E. RS. 'r I I E p I I I,; I"I f:1 ANGSTROM, AND T I i E R E At4 E 1~1 P 1~ C) T 1: 1 IN s u wup4i rs 1) Fft T U k 11 .f f I r~ U -4 ~prA R E SPHFRICAL ANC H A V E A D I A 9 . 0 F 2 1 A% GS rk 0 ME 1. E C r R1*4, H~'Iil CS IS kif;lii E --i TH -1 T THERE OAS ONLY I TYPE OF PAOTEIN. 1: AC 1.1 V0 I N ST . C , 14 Y S f A L L 0 G .4 MOSCOWt USSR. USSR IMC 533+536.1;.23.1 ZRALGASOV, A., KOSOV, N. D. "Mutual Diffusion Coefficients of Certain Pairs of Gases Yli!asured in it Center-of-Mass System" V sb. Fizika (Physics -- Collection of Works); Ila. !it Alma-Ata, 1971, pp 134-136 (from RZh-Fizika, No 1, Jan 73, Abstract No M!!il) Translation: The mutual diffusion coefficients in a centcv-oE-niass syste-ii were measured directly (by the stationor-y method) ford -the First time for five pairs of gases. Tho average error of i,,niz -12". 'rl-o,vo 1!~ good agreement between the measured and calculated hiregraY dfffusion co,,-4fi- cients. Authors' abstract. USSR UPC 533+536.4-23.1 BOGATYREV, A. F.,-KOSOV, N. D., MAKLETSOVA, Ye.'Ye. "Barometric Effect of a Binary Ifelium-Aq;on Mixture irt the 290-800*K Tomlcra- ture Range" V sb. Fizika (Physics -- Collection of Vorks), No 5, 1971, -.31) 94-96 (from RZh-Fizika, No 1, Jan 73, Abstract No lYe46) Translation! The magnitude of the barometric efiect in gases %inder nonisothermal conditions was measured. Heasuremants w~~ru f(.-,r 1)uri! E-0 and four b-inarv mixtures of lie with Ar over a wide rnri:~e of temparaturii!s and pressures. The magnitude of the barometric effect wiw; comjmred with obtained from elementary kinetic theory. A comparison betwaen theory and experiment. shows that they agree within 10%. Authori;' absticact. 1/1 USSR VDC 533+536.423.1 VY."ENSKAYA, V. F. KOSOV, N. D. , K17RLAPOV, L. 1. , MARTY!,0VA, 1; - P "Study of the Dependence of the Coefficient of Mutual D;iFfust.on of a lleliun- Carbon Dioxide Svstein on Concentration" . V cb. Fizika (Physics -- Collection of Works), No. 5, Alma-Ata, 1971, pp 78-80 (from RZh-Fizika, No 1, Jan 73, Abstract No lY1:-!45) Tr4-nslation: The coefficient of mutual diffusion in tbo coiicc-ntra~ion interval was measured by a statiorary method ror a cnilcimitrii(Jon difference of 10,1. A considerable deceease was noted in tile coefficient cif mutual diff-u- sion with a decrease in CN concentration from 0.1 to 0. nitl! 4-opfflef(int (if mutual diffusion of this system can be considered constant im the CO- concen- tra.tion interval 1-0.1. Authors' abstract. ill USSR IMC 533+536.423,1 BERESTENKO, V. M., KOS,,)V, N. D., BROVANOV, 1. S. "Pressure Change Accompanying Mutual Diffusion in Cmipressed Gases" V sb. Fizika (Physics -- Collection of Works), No. 5, Alma-J~ta, 1071, pp 116-120 (from M-Fizika, No 1, Jan 73, Abstract No IYe-'49) Translation: Pressure changes for eight pairs of ga.~;es werp Measured at dIf- fexent pressures and temperatures with the aid of a two-chamber device. 1"I.01 electron, agnetic covering of the chambers. The pressure rim in the chiamhers ,s with a rise in tho fnitial pressur of the diffusion device Increase e. a nd a drop in temperature. n, c grc!atest pressure rise Iq obi.~erved for lfn-O;! and He-C02 mixtures close to the critical region of CO,. 'Irbe pv~i~sure charge B explained quantitatively by the presence of complexes tn hezivy gases. Authors' abstract. 1/1