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USSR KDSTAIMOV., E. A. and T. N., Zhurnal Eevroz)atoI.oj.:,,ii J. PrAkhiatrii imeni S. S. Korsakov, Vol 73Y VYP 2) 3,973., pp 230-235 made due to lack of information on spec"ic nerpous behind iliis phenomenon. 2/2 1/2 022 UNCLASSIFTEO' PAOQ-'~SING TITLE--SOME EXPERIMENTAL NEUMN PHVSICAL PARAMET~~RS 01. CCI I AU7H0R-(04)-KOS7ANTIN0Vv L.V*v NIKOLAYEVI VoAtj YCr-ANO~lj A.1 I A.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR --AT. ENERG. (USSR); 28 e--IJAN 1970) SOURCE 53-5 0ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--NUC-LEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 0ATS--160CT70 ASSEM6LY -IJ- t USTINOV, ,.,TOPIC TAGS--NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSISt RAOtATIOti l'icrkt. REACTOR, UkANIUM OIOX!0Et POLYETHYLENEt NEUTRON Fl.ox, E)4RICHEO FUEL REACTOR CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1983/1707 STEP CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0054549 UNCLASSIFIED I all mgmmqmm~ 212 022 UNCLASSI Fib P k 0 CE SI NUS D41'z- I 60C T 70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0054549 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A 0FSCRIPTlil)?4 1-1 6-IV. N OF 11tii: NEUTRON COURCE CJ I SUBCRITICAL 5YSTE-M USED FOK Ai;'TIVATION ANALI(St,". THE ACTIVATION ZONE OF THE SYSTEM WAS ASSEMBLE0 1,W'H UkItNIUM POLYETHYLENE DISKS. TH~ ACTIVATION ZONF IS 200 Mill IN D[AMET~p' ANO 210 MM HIGH. URANIUM UIGXIDE FUEL, ENRICHED UP 10 Wl TH Pkjtl!~2-:Zt. u, is Hnm0GENEOUSLY GISPERSFE) IN THE P31-YLTHYL~-1,41--i TABULATE') j)Al'& A~E -fERMAL FLUXiS OF - 1;1'1 R 0?4 -2-9 -C GIVEN ON MEASURED T.1 10 PRIME7 -`41 -!)'-Ct PRIvil. C I N THE CO 1 INSTALLATIO'N. DATA CWTAINEU Stl6GESUD THL 1-01,LOWING PARAMETERS FOR THE INSTALLATION: Oo5 TIMES 10 11111,11E 1411GAlIVE2 SUSCRITICALITY; PRIME238 PU-BE (T SUbOiNE HALF E~JVIILS YEARS,- EQUALS 2*3 TIMES 10 PkIMES NEUTKUNS-SEC) SOURCE; 0.9 W', ANil THE NEUTk!j'4 FLUX IN EXPERIMENTAL CHANNELS EQUAL TO la.3 TIMES 10 PIZ.11AE7 NEUTRONS-cm PRIME2-SEC. UNCL ASS I F JEO 212 OC9 UNCLASSIFIED Pkl)l".E3511q(; CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0128693 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. OPTIMUM PAi4AIME~Ell-S THE CHROMATOGRAPHIC DETN. Gf- RAii CROTGNALDEHYDE (1) ARE AS FULLUAS: (4 M TIMES 6 MM INSIDE DIAM) PACKED 14171-1 DIAT01-1,ACEOUS ~-A:U4 10.25-1).50 MMI COATE0 WITH 23PERCENT POLYETHYLENE: GLYCOL AllfKatE, COLUMN TE'llps 88DEGREES, CARRIER GAS H AT 4-51-HR, DEFECTOR CURRE~NT 120 MA. FOR THE ANAL. CF RAW BUTYRIC ACID (if) THE FOLLOWING ARE lEC0.,4,*,lENoLu: COLUMN TEMP. 135DEGREESt CARRILR GAS FLOW RAI'E Hi,',, 2,4j?ERCENT COLUMN COATING, DETECTOR CURRENT 140 M~A4 RELATIVE kET04TILIN VULS. OF t7 AND 25 COPPCNENT MIXTS. OF I ANO 11, Rf-SP,., ARE TMIULAI'C-Do ANALo TIME WAS 60-5 MIN, SENSITIVITY BASED UN .11E SU82 GO UET14, 0,001 WT-PERCENTO FACILITY: GOS. NAUCH.-ISSLE09 PROEXT, INST. -KLEEVP KIRCVAKAN# USSR, UNCLASS IFIED M R uDc 666-113.6zji,14-31111-fli~1'33'32lt28 K9UAMZHA-~-A--, SA.T'TII'YULYAN, R. S-, MRUIMAN, V. I., REI-jYj, 11. 1., OGAM=A, R. B., and UL'Yaov, V. V. "Glass" USSR Author's Certificate 110 39)157~ Filed 29 Jan 71, Ttiblifiliod 16 Jan (from Otkr~tiya, Izobretenlya, ProqjshI-eiuiyye Obraztpyj Tovnnyje Zriaki, ]JID 7, Mar (a) 73, Claim No 16,->035)4-/29-33) Translation: A glass including 5102, Cao, ZnO, M20, 11,1203, BaO and dis- tinguished by the fact that in order to decreaue the sptictral nbsorption in the ultraviolet region it contains the above campDnerrtm in thei follo w i rq ?) 303 quantities, weight %: SiO2 67-76, Cao 1-5-1-2, ZnO Na20 7-15, Al, 0-5- 5, BaO 0.5-5, K20 2-12 and furthe=ore SnO 0.2-2-0. 1/i G 2 2 f I I L t- L V F E C T LF TDIPL~,'T'jiE L'i- ol I L GL i ":) L S - U- AUTHOk-(Ull-KoSTANYAN, K.A.s CLU7~IkY LF V.'F&--1jSSA UNU A S S I F I I IVFY U F F- U S, E (::,i N-!~, L-LECTRIGhLC YERZNKYA;N, YE ol .SLUKE--APV. KhIM. iff. 1,17G, 23(4)t 211-16 PUnL ISFFI) - - - - - - -70 SUdJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TUPIC TAGS I stj r ii E.;tOl 1, 1 TdI U'i ~~LAS5, -jOr~ATE GLASS, ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVETYP PUTAS51AUH COMPOUNOP OXIDE GLASSv GLASS, CUMPOSITIO-Ir 3U-;.6N CL)'4Kj1j.%ut Cij!`-'.PLLX Lt,NPCUN0 CONTRU V1AFK1ri1G--NU RESTRtICTIGNS CLi,,SS--U'%LLASSN:1ED PROXY FIChL w0----F07C,/tO5O1o/GO3 STEP CIRC ACCESSI[N N0--APCUtCdG8 j LA I F I F:_ 3 212 022 UNC L AS S I F I E6. 1; i- 51 P1 G DA T I j E C 7 Q ClIRC ACCESSICN NL"i--AP01(t~)808 ABSTRACJ/EXTji;%CT--(U) Gf'-Q- AOSTi~AGT C' L L LL0%11. idl,l- AFASURC.J 1% Lit. RANGE OF !)C;0-L4"C0G[-Gl"f_L.SK F(m t%KF%117' S OF rM.: LI SU,2 J s u 3 3 A N D K s Ii B 2 0 - M I' b ~'%) b e' 0 S 133 ~ I Y P E sL .' *JTS %r"~t I-Oft U411 GLAS5ES (KIk.-MLAS SHLij-i UN FOR Ll AND K LGRATE GLs%SSt-S AS FU;%Crl').19S OF tillir'd-LN1, EXPRESSIJ,% 1~> l'JkGPlj'jL, i'Ji-~ lHF CAL~N. ;,*.,F 11-ir. E:L-iL'J1_. Fls~l GLASSLS. A LCND. IN0,L-A.~L J10 HiGilEp. Tk~-mp's. AT RESULTS 2 PRu(,bSSl_-S: CCNI!,. I- i6li,-P M PS AN INCkEAS;_' -:F P-.E TEhP. Fir)~ (;LA_`.'SY STATi~' lr-j- 6.1 V-1. ~J 11 v; T '0XICES PLAY 2 RULES: 11 i E Y F 0 R!i .4. 1, - 0 C C. M 1:1 L J: X A1) 4 1;l b j I I 15 SE16ELN THESE CLYPLEM--S. f ~ A C 11. 1 T YN.'~ T 15S: i G f i EREVAN* USSR. u S 10,* 1 ~' 1) Acc N Ab s t r 11c"Ril e ry i c Mr 7(, rj .4 f o d e INTERNAT. AEROSPACE ABST. 0/9 rA70-23291 APplicalion of a symbolic menhod to the derivation of the equations in tmdi"nsional al-asticily theon.1 In polar coordinates tPrimenenit siorivolicheskogo metw4i k vVv~odu uraunanii ploskai zadachi tecleii uprugasti w polianvIlds koordinatakh).-6. V. Kostarey ar~drV' ~. Probopri (~pe-ninqradjkii Politakhnicheskii frmAul MjrAhapka', Leningrad' L)5~- vol. 6. Jan. 1970, p. 69-76. In Russian. Application of Lur'a's (1955)!meth6d of obtaining 3olutiom; in symbolic notation to the two-dimensional problem i~i elaslic.Ay theory for a circular segment. Tne strusses and ditplaltmenll; Uri) expressed through operatorl from four initial 1kinlitions. The differential equations anrj boundary cor4itions for thella functiono ace obtained with the aid of Pi*kW)Y'u 11965) g~"nvplv ol minimum potential eneigy, using integral streu characleltiStics as 10w generalized forces, V.P REEL/FUME ...... ............... USSR uDc: 621.374.4 KOSTAREV, V. F., SOLOV1YEV, E. A., BELYATEVA, T. A. "A Pulse Repetition Frequency Multiplier" NaL,ch. tr. Omsk. in-t inzh. zh.-d. transn. (Sciemtiflo Workrv of the Onak Institute of Railway Transportation Engine"ers), 1970, 118, I)p 3-9 (I'mm RZh-Radiotekhnika, 110 5, May 71, Abstract No 5G285) Translation: The paper discusses a method of pr.?" mialt:Lplicttloll. Compu- P .! r.1; , and *11 c tational relationshi s are given for determining time pawarvitt-- .1 error is analyzed. Design recommendations are given. Ilibliolgruphy of -three titles. Resumg. MAU 04J.1. 1 1 PROZOROV, L. V., KOSTAVA, A. A., REVTOV, V. D. "High-Pressure Hydrostatic Extrusion of Metals" Moscow, Pressovaniv,! metallov zhi-dkostvu vvsoko~n dairIcnE:1.-i Uf. EnglivIi above), Mashinostroyeniye, 1972, 1~1 p (from Pressavaniye.mEj:zIlcvj :rhfd:,oSL vu v-sokozo P davleniya, p 2, 152) Translation: Data from the studies of the effect of I)vessar(~ ..-orking, an the properties of metals and alloys are classified in thli~ book. The characteristic featur"~ of high-pressure IR~;uid e:ttrusion of r-_--tals are described. The technological. process for producinj; bavs Ind Plpe Lq pre- sented and recommenda t ions are made with respect; to tji42: calculation, se'IC!Ctioll and production of instruments. The results from expeiAmental studics of liqUid extrusion of low-plastic mecals are given. The book is designed for engineering and technilcal i~oi:kQr::i in prew-ure working of rijetaifi. L There are 8 tablen, 123 Wustrations and a 474-OlArq Contents Introduction ......................... I.......... -.~ ............. 3 Notation Adopted .................................................. 4 Chapter I Behavior of Metals under High Hydrostatic llressui-os 5 1/3 - 11 - USSR PROZOROV, L. V., et al-, Pressovaniye metallov zh1d1w)sc',fu Kvsokogo da,,leniya, Xashinostroyeniye, 1972, 151 pp 1. Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Plasticity 4)C ~Wqaj.s 5 2. Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Deformation Resistance of Hetals .......................... 6........ I .................. 14 3. Effect of Pressure on the Physical-Chemical Frocewfles During Plastic Deformation of Metals .................................. 22 Chapter II Hi gh Pressure Hydrostatic Extrusion and the Mechanir-a of the Metal Emanation Process ................................................ 24 1. Stressed State of Metals During Emanation in a Couvergiiig Channel 24 2. Optimal Deformation Conditions at 144gh Pressmres .... .4 ........ 35 3. Deformation and Fmanation Rate Distribution j.,#4 ...... ........ 41 4. Contact Conditions and Naturc- of Discharge of L1(jLi;1,(J Ifiklia 46 5. Dynamics of -fetal. Fmanation . ~ ......................... 4, ...... 54 6. Force Regime of FAtrusion ...................... I ................ 57 Chapter, III Hetal Extrusion Process ............... 00* ....... .......... 69 1. Technologlcal Pror)ertlca of the B41lot axid Selvctlmn of 1:hu Nothod of Fxtrudbij, It ...... ....... 70 2. Rupture-- of Metal Nit-InV KK t i- ki --, io n .Ploanis r i I, t! biprov Ill., Quality Of the Froiluct ............ 14-11-- ......... I...... .14 USSR PROZOROV, L. V., et al., Pressovamiye metallov z1iidk,.).i;t'yu wisokogo da,.r1Li-Ai-,-a. Mashinostroyenlye, 1972, 151 pp 3. Selection and Calculation of the Liquid Medium TramsrAttilib, the Pressure ................ ......... ...... ...... 82 4. Preparation of Billets for Ex-trusioa ............. ............. 89 5. Extrusion of Metals and Alloys ................... ...... , ...... 91 6. Mechanical Properties of Hydrostatic and Ram Fxtoided Metals and Alloys ......................... 4...o ........... 6 ........... 110 Chapter IV Devices and Instruments for Hydrostatic Extrusion ................. 118 1. Pressing Methods at High Pressures ....................... 118 2. Tool for Metal Extrusion ............... 4......... ............. 123 3. Testing the Mechanical Properties of ltater-laltR under Pre._4;."Llre .. 133 4. Hydrostatic Extrusion Devices .................... ............ 136 5. Problems of Safety Engineering ...... 6..."Of ............. 147 6. Recom ndations with Respect to the Application mid Platwin- and Design of Hydrostatic Extrusion Sections and Shops ......... 1.47 Bibliography ......................... ....... ........ 1.50 3/3 USSR UDC: 521.372.01-501.1"'1! KOSTAREV, V. Ye. , POBEREMSKIY, Ye. S., KHAMN, V. L. , n114vUOVA, N. P. 110n. the Problem of Modeling EL Linear Communications Chaririel With Dis",-.O!.- tions of Frequency Characteristics" V sb. Raschety radiotekhn. skhem i proZektir. radiqjLnparq.-,i~~,r (Calcu.1a-..i:;ns of Radio Circuits and Design of Radio Equipment-coLlection of wor'-rs), Omsk, 1970, pp, 23-31 (from R",,h-Raaiotekhnik,a, No 6, Jun T1, AbErcnct No 6A~2) Translation: The authors consider a linear COMMMIt-IttiONG chunriel Eu3 a tvo-terminal pair. The only limitations imposed arl! on nhe gatini-, Pull-, or on the width of the siM!al spectrum. Anal.5-sis iii car---.ti!d out f~3r versions of the two-terr-inal pair: a network vbich Intraduco--s only tude distortions; a network which introducer. only rilitze clilitortion-i; and a network which introduces distortions or both typno. Models are ccristruct- ed for all three types of two-terminal pair networks. Tlie, first network is a cascade connection of an inertialess linV. and m Lon1j; line with ta-:s to an adder through attenuators and pbase shifters. In rarticular', 'the proposed method can be used to simulate momentary reaLlizution of a cor.717-lni- cations channel. with random parametem. Four illtistrati(:ria, bibliol-ra::hy of eight titles. N. S. 6 V J YELITSOV, A. K. and K05TAREV, V. To. "Active RO Filters aad Their Structure" Sb. tr. Nauchno-tc,!Oia. 1=ferents~i T)rof.- Ire,ix)dalrat, FIOStfl.Va, Wes. zaoc'.-ui. in-t-a ErIct! 116, .P ran of the Scientific-Technical Conference of the Trofe!isori~l-- Instructor Staff of the A.11-Union Correspondence EALectrical '--'n- gineering Co,-=.unicationa Ixis-ti-vutep Ito. 5) Motilcow, 19-10, PP 69-74 (from RZh-I~Ladiotekhnika, 110, 3, March '71, Abotract No. 3D31) Translation; A classifica-A,ion is, given of RC filte-ril depending on the type of active element. A filter circuit Is considered ia the form of an emitter follower with selective feodba6k through an RC circuit. Filters in the form of miniature st^Lcturiia are shown. Bibliography of three. N. S. USSR VI)C*- 621.3'a6.69:621.372.54 ARZHANOV, V. A., KOSTAREV, V. Ye, and MLUSI'01r, V, V "Electromechanical Filte~rs and Delay Linos With Torrion OoQ:Llla;- tions" V ab. tr. '.---onfarentaii TIC,7:~.11 Irl. in rvt%~~acl-ioiis ol fl,e $ci- Vses. zaochn. enti-I.fic Confcrtnice of of the JHI- Union Corre3pondence -'-'Iectrical :;1aigiacering I ion s InAi- tute) No. 5, Moscow, 1970 P~ 83-86 (fron March 71, Abstract No. W~53 TransIrition: Thij advqntn,,,,e of o-vor qLuirtz filtcrs is uxuviined. 2or tunin,!; circuit IW vcconmonrlufi 11WAI 01' the d-c cottpon::-nt ,-.nd positivti feedback, mvido up ('if two transforu'.(Irm, t21(i sot,,,ar0r%.%-y -,rind- ings of which are op!~,ooltely conivactod. Su.(Ih -a al.rcuit Can b... used to measure the revozutnoe froqueacieo of the uiechanical -h an ~q,ror sonators in the range of 90-150 Mz wit of +2 liz. Three illustrations, bibliography of one. 1/1 112 009 UNCLASSIFIED P140CEISING DATE--3()OGT70 TITLE-PRIME90 SR9 STRON'TIUMt AND CALCIUH IN CERTA0 HYCWOBIONTS OF ThE SEA OF OKHOTSK -U- .AUTHOR-(03)-KCS G.V., BACHURIN, A.A., SOKOLOVAv N-V- CF INFC-USSR, ATLANTIC OCEAN, INDIAN OCEAN SOURCE-RACIOBIOLCGIYA; 10: 145-7* JAt+-FkB 1970 DATE PUBLISHED----70 ~SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES# NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNULOGYt EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY JOPIC TAGS-STRONTIUM ISUTOPEP CALCIUMI,HYDROBIOLUG'Yv SEA;L, FISH, OCEAN CU,%TROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIGNS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/1837 STEP NO--UR/OZ05/'11()/OlOfOUO/0149j/0147 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0127247 -i -it's -I: IF 212 009 UNCLASSIFIED PRQCESIW4(~ DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP01.27247 ABSTRACT/EXTPACTT--(UJ GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CONCENTILATIOlt' OF PRINE90 SR, AS WELL AS THE CONTENT AND CUEFfICIENTS OF ACCUMOLATI('114i OF SR AND CA IN CERTAIN SPECIES OF 5EALS ANO FISH OF THE SEA OF CKHOT51', W.VRE JETEk,4INFD. A CCMPARISCN WITH THE LITERATURE DATA INDI(:A'rL.*c) THA! l,'fiiE CONCENTRATIONS OF PRIME90 SR IN THE INVESTIGATED HYDROBIONTS AREtOMPARAbLE WITH THOSE FUR FISH OF THE INDIAN AND ATLANTIC OCEAN'S AND 1:0111 SEA1.5, OF THE CHUKOCKI SEA. THE COEFFICIENTS OF DISCRII41NATION OF Slk iill'li Al"I'lPECT TU CA IN FISH FKCM CIFFERENT SEAS WERE THE SAME.. 1HE $A Ctj(NCEN1'K.AlltjNS, AS WELL AS CA IN RELATED SPECIES OF FISH FROM SEAS WITH DIFFERlitir SALT LUNTENTS PROVED CLOSE. FACILITY.* INST. OF BIOLUGYm SEVASTOPOL, USSR. FACILLTY: PACIFIC OCEAN SCIEUTIFIC RESEARCH li'NST. OF FISHING AND OCEANOGRAPHYt MAGADANt USSR* USSR UDC 681.332.65 GEGESHIDZE, G. A., and KOSTAVA, Yu. N. M "Digital Device for Deflecting a Light,Beam" USSR Author's Certificate No 281000, filed 5 May 69, published 25 Nov 70 (from RZh-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'napa Tel(~Anika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6B231P) Translation: This invention. is a digital electrooptIcal Uvice for com- puters. It is designed for deflecting a light beam. A dig~ital devict~ for deflecting a light beam including a light source, a polarizer, electro- optical switches, and crystals with double-beam refr4jctiou arrauged oi%.e after the other on the same optical axis is well kjiowa. it combination of: a Mstal with double-beam refraction and an elec troop t ical switch cop.- atituteas one cascade of the deflection device. The polariued beam passing through the cascade is deflected only when a voltage iis applied to the electrooptical awitch. In order to Increase the nuaJ)ax of shift posWoms .ji which the bean passes of the beam, the number of deflection cascades throup sequentially is increased. The deficiency of Ois domice is a small angle of deflectiou of Lhu light beam dind large light enerily losijet, caused by ja increase in the number of electrooptical switches through which the beam 1/2 USSR GEGESHIDZE, G. A., and KOSTAIIA, Yu. N., USSR Author's. CertificaEe No 281000, filed 5 May 69, published 25 Nov 70 (from RZh-Avtomatjt-;a, Tolerickhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No Q231P~ passes sequentially with an increase in the numbar of posit4ws. The pose of the invention is to obtain a large angle of &&Iectlan of the light beam and decrease the light energy lot;ses. The rropaiied &-.rice is distinguished by the fact that it is equipped with an ontical fiber systain (light guides) arranged in a defined manner, and the electmcq)tical ssiftches contain auxiliary polarizers. 2/2 --- - 67 USSR ux 623-357-13:6139-2V2 IMNOVSKIY., L. YE. and KMT2.V51=, V. A. "Electrolytic Refining and Preparation of a Continuous Catl,.mlo Preci-pitAicion of Vanadium in Bromide !-Lilts" Tr. In-ta ele%trokhimii. 11rallsk nauch. tsentr. All SSR (StuJ:Uis of tllie Ln!3ti- tue of Electrochemistry. Ural Science Ceater, Academy of Sai-ances WSR) Vyp 18) 1972, pp 82-86 (from Refel-ativnyy Zhurnal -- Kldxd3m, N'D 7, 1973, Abstract No 7L428 by A. D. Davydov) Translation: 'rhe electrolytic reftning aad precipitrtt!L~)Yt ot V during lie at 400-700`C Vas F . electrolysis of broi,,ildu vmlts Vor t1lis all (-eutectic mixture of LiAr and nr contairaw e zt,3 chown .g 6 to 8 vt It ~M~ wnw; us :1. it w,, that at 5000 and lower, V nay bi! deponiteil on tiw cat~41>!4~ 1,11 n puvitj hipuler thwi 99.g3 for a D~ equal to 0.01 rklaii!. At 44)0'~ V VAlr b-3 0b1;.L1r.0a aa a coherent deposit Beveral jun thick without noLiceable fjAjth,~,i? 4frovLb In UO., film. Increasing the temperature and Dk remats ju tjj~ Inemaw In Lha jg-owth of dendrites. 1/1 USSR VINOKUROV, V. G., DIMITRIYEV, Yu, K., YEVIVANOV, E, V., KQ&U-IXA~' -4. , LEKIINOVA, G. M. , MIRL-NKOV, N. N., REZANOV, V. V., KHOIR0511H)-smy, V. "A Homogeneous Compucer System of Minicomputers" Vychisl. Sistemy [Computer Systems -- Collection of Works), No 51, Novosibirsk, 1972, pp 127-145 (Iranslated from Referativityy '"'hUrna:1 Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V600, by the authors). Translation: 'rhe expediency is demonstrated of consvi-Licting, hamogerx!cuS coi,.i- puter systems (IfCS) of minicomputers. A two-dimensiotiad c:omputcr system, the MINIMAKS is described. Ibe clemantary machines of Oli system are b,'Ased On ASVT-M modules. The composition of typical IICS softw-Ore is presented. 20 biblio. refs. 1/1 USSR VINOKUROV, V. G., ZASTELA, V. V., KOSITLYANSIAY, If N1, -Nl-,,VOkllATNJY, A. A. "Use of Minicomputers as Centers for Processing of Data of Ri!,mote Aul-omintic Queueing Systems" Vychisl. Sistemy [Computer Systems -- Collaction or Vk'n-ks], !~'o 5A, Novo:zibirslll 1972, pp 146-156 (Translated from lleferativnyy Xhurnal Killvriietika, No o, 1975, Abstract No 6V601, by the *uthors). Translation: Methods of utilization of mini. C01111)LIt C-1-S 5in rA!r,-,:)tu autowatic queueing s'-stems (RAQS) are studied. vie rwille of''joh!; perl.ormcd by thc~lze systems is defined. llie expediency is demonstratcd of usinp, at various leveli of RAQS hierarchy, including at lhe. joyel of 1.1w data procuss- ing center. In the last case, the data processing conrer uses -i of minicomputers in place of one or a few lurge computers. Thw !;Lructtiro, o~* the data processing center of an airline ticket reservation syl~ti.,m is prescilLed. 1/1 - 7S USSR UDC 631.3.06:51 ITENBERG, I. I., KOSTELYANSKIY, V. M., LTSOVENKO, N. N. "Method of Compressed Placement of Tables of Values or Funetions in C(XTIPLIter Memory" Tr. NII Upravl. Vychisl. Mashin fWorks of Scientific 1W,search Institute for Control and Computing Machines], No 1, 197a, pp, 9i-95, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibenietika, No 10, 1971, Abstvict No 10 V776). NO ABSTRACT. 1/1 Inorganic Com USSR WO 541-183 TAMROV, I. ff. 6"0 MOISKMO G. K.0 CKUnti, A. I. "Densitye Surface Tension and Viscosity of lfa2504-casojo IK,-Ittv- Tr, In-ta, Blektrokhimil. Urallak, nauch. tsentr. Ali S$$R (WoL-kr- of the Institute of Electrochemistry. Ural Scientific Conter, AcadexW of Scionces of tba VUSSR), 1971# vyp. 17, pp 41-44 (from Wh-Khixiya, No 1 (1), Jaia 72, Abstract 11o IB1260) Translationt Measurements &re m-ad* of the temporaturv and concentration dependence of density eurface tension and, 'Viscosity of melts of N SO,,7CaSO ai 960-120000. It is found that In tho concentraion rw4p of G~-O mol % &~O 41 (:-'), and r- decrease lino=1y ruLth temperature, while )A decreases exponenti&Uy. The behavior of muxfaco tenaion and adsorption with concentration Indicates the probability of owtistence of f,Naso4-Tanions in Na 2SOIrCaS04 melts (prinarUy on the wijrface), wbAlos the viscosities and ej)ergy of activation of virseous flov liullcatij the presence Of fft,(Sody _7' anions (chiefly within tile body of ithe niolt). Resume. 1A USSR VDC KLYUCHNIKOV, N. G., KOSTEN101 1. F. "Composition and Properties of Cobalt-Nickel Alloys Obnained OicrJcally" Uch. zap. Hosk. gos. pad. in-tn ir.,.V. 1. Lenil:ia (ScietUific Notes of 11o,~;ccw State Pedagogic IngLitute imeni V. 1. LcninF, -1971, No 340, pp 367-369 (fron RZh-Khimiya, No 6 (11), Jun 72, AbstractiNo 61,316) Translation: A study was made of the chir,-Jcal (iciposI.Lion (,-f Ni-cci- P alloys on a glass substrate frorm uoluttons containinj; the foll(wing (hi grams/liter): 30 gram /liter of NiCl.,-611 0, 10-31) CoO.,,611 0, 4ki 11h"cl, wo 2 4 Na citrate, 20 11,114It2PO')1 at go-95* witii 4 pit of it). nic prccadtire for pre- , jfl*ckliii,,~, Ili-, lind liminary treatment of the glass included degi-casing, activatinga The deposition rate (7-11 1.1 in ~L) ninutcjj, cnr.;-,:cmJti,)n (2-b,`~ 8-60% Co, 30-90% Ni) and microsliardn.:;s6 ('100-901) kj-/irja'~, of Cf-('a-11 alioy.-i vere detemined. - 1B USSR Uar.M0,_,FR01orjV, S.D. UDG 02 1.." 6'2 a. 6X01 .24 "Analysis Of Superbonic Cperating Conditions Cf 1-~agrieto,hydrolynamLe Ganorator' V ob. TeDlotekhn.prob1.pr3raMr)go preotirazov.energil Heat-Eng1riaoring Problcma Of Dir;_ct Energy jeajAu 2, ~Jev, "Nauk.doml(b," No 12 197 1971, pp 29-37 (from R,'h--Elaktrptekhnika i Lnpj&e j Dec lp Abstract No 12A176) Translation: The results are preuented of a cvm.7uted twelyait af tll,~a aurdrscnic ) chijawel, fulfilled Ly a operating conditions of a cognotohydrodynDmio (KF!D one-dimensional approximation under equilibrium oonditiona OV the flovi of dis- sociated comoresaible goo, taking into account the Vri,t;llon ond Vaest exchun~-,c in the channe'l wells, the afrecto of dissociation and raccr.,hina*icn or the molecules and the variabilities oC the thormophyvical aind elactriral chtiracler- iotics stith respect to the laneth of the chW11101. Mie ccm;utations wero ful- filled as applied to a VIHD gencrutor of the Faraday typo with a sectionalized load, operating on the products of' combaetion of a uto,'LchiQwj'1vr1o mixtare of TS-1 kerosene and enriched atmospheric oxygen (40-perciont CIO). It is sLown that from the standnoint of the specific power outputo tho Du?erEonic flow regi=es in the 11M chunnel are optizximpiri the proo6es of w?Uch the higher the total temperaturo of the Sea the more optimum is tj%-0 Manh n-=Ler. The effect. of' the angle of t~.a channel ovenin, nn tba clLaroateritAtc-5 of th,~e MID genar!A'or in conaidarcd. 6 ill. 'A ref. J~i,&Y-'kav ;vintlon .-witit,of.el w 112 024 UNCLASSIFIEO P140CESSING DATE-30-Jr-T70 TITLE--LXTERNAL RESPIRATION FUNCTION IN1PATIEN'j'5 rdri-I ACTIVE PULmt]~4ARY YUBEKCULU:)IS IN DISORDERS OF BRU,4CHIAL PATENCY --kJf- AUTH&R-KOSTENKO, A.,N. ~2 CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCk-VKACHE5N0YE DELUt 1970t NR 6v pp 57-59 VATE PUBL ISHEL)-----70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLCGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-RESPlaATION, TUtleRCULUSIS, DIAGNOsrjCL LUNG CGNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTICNS OCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME-3002/1759 STEP NL)--iJR/O~t75/7,)/)CICI/oUb/0057101)59 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0129127 ,.A IS 212 024 UNCL ASS IF 10) OROCESSING DATE-30OCT-10 CIRC ACCESSICN NG-AP0129LZ7 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A-6 S T RAC TINVESTIGATION [if' THE ExTERNAL. RESPIRATION FUNCTION IN 179 PATIENTS WITH ACTIVC 1:'(JL:vVAr