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USSR UIX,' FJZMN'CHUF., V. Ye., and PLOMPKIN, It. Ye., All-UnIon Aan-ami-r1l Iristi.tute or Hyg ULIft of Pesticiles, FobTiers, aml PlastLes, Ydev "Thiohydroximic Esters. I. S-diethylajainoetliyl Estero of! 'Micliphoximic Acids and Meir Derivatives" Moscovi, I(himiko-Farrat6evticftaskiy Zhurnal, No 3, 1973, 111) 13-16 Abstract: Since thiohydroximic esters (1) have not been tmw-cst-.4;at(.--I ex:t(ln- sively and may possibly activate cholinestfmce,, they weve oynthe~,Izel by reacting hydroximic acid chlorides with The resultant I hydrochlorides vere obtained as ci-j,stalline w-,I)stances th,.t untially were water soluble. Reaction of I with ore eqmivalent ot! 'trace I-t!v.IItt!d Lit water insoluble products that vere poorly soluble in orj,~taic cinlitents. Allky'-Ut- tion of the latter product-i in alcohol, nitrometimne, or f maci 1 .1 0 m ~Q ed to the formation of quatervary derivativeso It has been zl;,porteil tnat h~%Iz-o- chlorides of the S-diethylaminoet!iyl esters of the thiohyd.-roxfvic acids are effective in protecting ex-p-crimmta.1 amimm3s frm 0, O-dI,1rjathyI,-O-(2,2- dichlorovinyl)phosphate intoxication. 1/1 USSR VW,.- 632.95 KRIMMMC., V Y All-Union Research Institute of 1jyj,,A.ene i3ad Toxicoloor of e MaMes, Toif~ =rs . and Plastics "A Method for Preparing Oximes" USSR Authcr's Certificate No 252330, filed 11 Jul 68, 2L Mar 70 (from R7n-Khinlya, No 22, 25 Nov 70, Abstract No 22 li6Llk P by 1. F. ProVof Translation: Acetorwldia.U-yl.,,u.'A-fotitLn brondde.; vi,th thilt foi,rjul;i i.e.' S"'ji, CH +Br (I) (H=1crKe3t alky.1), which, car, bp usod as 'actiliov ccm- PoLds, are obtained fr(xi rhr r;xjunlon of In'0111We"s by ivdmxylaTdn-~ in MeOH 3 61 ~,, Of NU,U1,110 iuld titf KOW im MiKA1 aro LZ4,-1LN1 to 9.8 g of j~Ria Sul wid laXt at zAiout ',!Id' far, 18 njoi4ru. Thn Mai'~H iz removed undez vli-~-,i without he-ating. The residun 1-'~ L113210:111'ad Ln a %L'rt1L-e O'r 5 ml. of absolute alcohol and 16 ra of cffcl idiicli is tilried. 1*or 24~ h'nLrii vith 20 g of arliydrous Na,.,,SC . A thick liquid Ls ~%htainiNi arli-tir thii .'fU-Wra~e is eva- poratad under tae liqcid is shakem 3 tims with T to 1G ira of et;Vlace- tate arid 3 times with dry acetone, ailer which the tpolvipsita &rji 4OCZ-4.ated, The residue is treated with 5 ml of etby1watate and crpt&14LIted. J14.1 g of (R-He) 1/2 USSIR USSR Author's Certificate No 25233~), fueil 11 Jul 63, ry~,b- lished 24 Mar 70 (from R&, Ho 220 25 Nov 70, khatrijet No 22 N643 P by A* Fe Prokoflyeva) is obtained, yield 39%) boi-ling point 101-20 (absolute alco1w,2). I are pre- pared in a similar manner (H, yield in %, malting poiMl. C are given): Et ~i5-3, 93-4; n-Pr, 42.7, 86.5-87y' iso-Pr, 15-7-131-32 (dopcmVoq:Ltioii). 2/2 90 112 012 LWC LA S$. I r I ,TITLE.--MINISTRIES AND STANDING COMMISSIONS _V.- !VIG DATE-13i'lOV70 E s S, AUTt ILI R--KR I VENKO ,L.Iw COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SCURCE--SOVLTSKOYE Gu"SUDARSTVC I PAAMP JAN 1970p -NN 1, PIl 32-40 DATE PUBLISHED-----JAN70 SUBJECT AREAS--BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCI01CES TOPIC TAGS--UCMESTIC POLITICS, CCIPMISSIGNi SUPERVISORT CON'll'03L, GOVERNAENf ECO'40MIC CONTROL, POLITICAL SYSTEMi GOVhRNM,ENT CENTII~ALIVMON POLICY CC.NTRGL MARKII%G--NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMMT CLASS-UNCLASSIFI~0 PROXY RELL/FRA,%4E--l'l)95/0946 STEP CIRC ACCESISICN NG--AP0116c#54 i, wmf To 2/2 012 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCIt'SSING DATE J CIRC ACCESSION N()--AP0116454 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. THE CPSIJ 23P1) PUT I:OR,4)tRD A TASK TC RISE THF SIGNIrICANU OF THE SI,)PRiFVF SUVIE$'S AI'll) TO MORI.- THOROUGHLY DEFINE I'llE MAJOR DIRECTIONS Of THE-111 ACTI'IrgtY. IN I-HIS CONNECTION THE PERFECFIONING OF SrANOING (.O,'Q4fSS(ON:Sii TIN:11:1 GRGANIeArUON AND ACTIVITY WAS CONSIDERED AS AN ASPECTiff KPIPUPrANIJ.. [N MANY it STATE AND PARTY DOCUMENT THE STANDING COANIISSIO"IS W,E:Ii: lJrII)l:RLlNl-'L) hS CONTRIBUTIiNG TO THE DEVFLL;PivF?Jr Of SOCIALf5l. f)E4*116u~~-J:Y'p 41-1'IVISINI; THE ROLE GF THE REPRESEINTATIVE ORGANS A140 Tll~[R 0EPUTKFs" Corir"lal'IT1~1q(; To CARRY OUT THE FUNCIIGN!~ OF CON'TROL ANO SO ON. titiw iiii:rsutitrim ON STANDING COMMISSICNS PROVIDES THAT Mfl.46EA5 (IF 11-IF ~UPREAI- COURTS AND UNION REPUBLIC PRUCURORS AA~ NON ELICIIIII-E,4CIR I-fl:lAdi---RSFilP IN THE CUMMISS(ONS. CERTAIN REG04MENUATIONS OF THE STA.NOIN-3 1'~()"'~MISSIONS ARE MADE CBLIGATORY FOR THE HEADS OF THEMI-NISTRIES IVJO J&?ARlH[NTs. STATE ORGANS ARE 03LIGED TO CCNSIDER IN A Ml))4TH TERM, THE AMENABILITY FOR NON DISCHARGE IS BEING ENIIIANCED~ s I c- 1414 1 INC; OUT (IF THE GROWING SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STAINUING THE REGULATION IN ITS owN TURN STIPULATES THE GROWTH (IF ;f'.'iL CG;liTR'0t- i"Al-ITIVITY OF ThE COMMISS IONS. THE GL~AOLJALL.Y CHANGLNG PRACTICI: TES!'[FIES TO Tlili: ABOVE,MENTIONED FACT. IN AUTHOR'S MINDJO I-UkI'HI:R 14JIVISE THE OF COMMfSSIONS IT IS IIAPURTANT TO WIOELY CUOPEA.ATE IT wurii I'liAT OF THE PEOPLE'S CCNTROL CRGANS. UNGLA$sIf-JEj)... USSR ULC 669.14.01F.41j;53~-4 BABICH, B. N., BULYGIN, I. F., M-MOV, N. D., KAPUE~0,(,Qjj and All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Mttm,iall: Wc cow) "The High-Temperature Strength of 01 spersion-11ardtining l:',Q=.Pcq1(JGn I-Iloyo Potentially Suitable for Use in Digines" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 11, Vol 73j pp 73-77 Abstract: An investigation is made of the cf tiie nickel-based di.9pero-ion-hardened alloys M-1 and M-2, lard+.r~vd ~.V firlely dispersed, uniformly distributed particles of high-M11-1 tivd!', 0-3',Id(~~E ef th'i T1,C type in the amunt. of 2-3% by velght. A study was made tltif tho 11trC,11.7th W' finished products in th4s form of rada 6-12 mm in dttuivtew tu,d tihootc, U.8-1-2 r_-. in thickness, obtained from powders of the eoq)onents vlii b~-iking, an,! hot extrusion. Results are presented of an investigntioii ~,~f LVe ~7%hart- 11:~d long-term strength, the creel), fatigue, and heat resistitrwv, of the alloyr, to ~sstablish their suitability for use In gas-turbine iinfjrm~,.i. Jill linrily!-iin vas imde of such strength features of there alloys an, 0.10 naLlAre 0, thu time relationship of the strength, the Acattering of the .".ndicators, the sensitivity to londing inatability, etc. tr. to tll, utrength properties of series-produethd highly linat-reoi-stomt allaya. The 1/2 USSR BABICH, B. N., et al.) Frobltmy Prachnosti, Ito 11, Vol 7.3, tip 73-77 obtained results demonstrate the fact that with rneard t,,) thair high-temperature I strength, dispersion-hardened alloys are stItablc ror use in gals- turbine engines. 8 figures. 2 tables. 5 references. 2/2 Cie. USSR A itlon ijD(,, r,46,633:543,516.6 SHATSKrf, V. IA.) U1VE1,rKO,.Ar,-Y, -, KOMISCMHOVA, L. ILp N3BIFIr, G. F., P fti. , - PRLMCOVA N. M., KgS ~6, YA, A., tuid WOROGOV, Vt Avj ~Ibaim or Inorramtc Chemistry "S)mthesis of Novel niosphoni3 Containing' Sorbents arid, the 3tuly of the Sorption of Scandium on Them" Moscow, Vestnik ~Ioskovskogo Univereiteta, Vol 13, No 6, NOv-D,.c 7,2, PP 653-6~,3 Abstract: ODti,-w.1 nonditions -j"fir scanditm sorption a-ti.3 sc-pa!c-ntioti fron trcn have been de-cermined on a pilot-j)lant. scale. A vj)ecifie sorl)ent wTls us!ld in procevs. It v-as the product of tllj,~ corolyr-crization ~)f i3tyrimu 1-rith dlyi,-11- benzene phosphorylut,2d with PNCL) arrA siibseq,wntly vith alcch~Ajc potassium hydroxide nolution. 'llic aptiral CO!Uit~otit; t'~:Ir tha treparLti:ln~ Dn this sorbent are an follows: the ~~arpt;ian is uirriQii ou t jlrom'a 0. 1 `3`j .50111tion; a P% ammonium fluoridu solution is uned for fl:iu detiorrtion;!cr these conditions in one cycle thin if!~)A&ted rr-ar- tically corpletely. RapetiticiA )f thu deasorption rprocemi vittu a fruch r.~)rtion c;f the desorben't removed or scandixtri, This sorberit uay be lized for Ahe ccr.- c,entration of scandiun out of the Solutions uith hL&i J.-ma colitent. In addition to iron this method also separates all morlo- and d1va-Writ uleiients, ra-re ear-,11 elements and other ir,?urities from scandium. 1 1 USSR LMO 621.M.?62-58530.2 XMVEITKO, V. G. I Candidate of Technical Sciences, and "4)OBROVQ1'.,'31aY, V. P., (MEMY "k FORTUNATOVA, ii. R.plUgIneerap Institu.-to of Electric Weldingimeni Ye. o. Paton, AcadeAty of Sciences Ukralmlan SS~.R "Heating Type EP199 Heat-Resistant Alloy3 In Resistance Velding with Inpulse Fusion" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarkaj No 2, Feb 74j pp 12-15 Abstractk The effect of the basic parameters of the inj-ulse fusion process on heating the ends of parts prior to upsettlAng ware studiit!d, ar-4 t~,e values of UeBe pal-wmeters, ensuring , a minlz= weldIne, tine, treiv detexninad in the ifelding of type EP199 heat-remiatant alloys. The Hartlay-Rono scheme wuz imed in this work for selecting the controlling and output puzaroeters. It wits found that In resistance welding of heat-realatant alloys by Inpulse fuslon vith low-frequency vibrations (UP to 5 hz)t the htatine .; of plixts Is de-tormirged Iry the main control parameters and to a large degree by their interaction. The optimum values of the vibrution parameters In weldIng, EPIJ)9 alloys were vibration amplitude A - 1-1-3 mm and vibration frequency T - 3-4 hz, The xequired temperature of not less than MOO C at the upsktit rane bow-dar y be achieved in 90 seconds, which Is 5W*2ess in comparlsoj!i w1U) Continuous preheating prior to welding. Three figurept tuo tableal four biblioeraphic references. 1/1 USSR UBE. 621-3.065.3 BOYKO, B. It., VENKO, a., Speclai Desi,p ofrice ce i3io,o,7-,c,-a imsti-i- IKIOT II I- -,. ment Building, AcRUIETV ov Sciences of the UBSR "A Device for Displaying Arabic Nu=rals on the 4;creim of ali 02cjjjo..,j.,q,~!" Moscow, Otkry-tiya, IzobreteniytL, Promyshlenm~Te Qbrtia,4~wr, Toviirnyye "fr-ilk! , No 6, Feb 72, Author's Certificate 110 32,8489, Diviz-1cri (;, :!'I-Ii~d '26 Rily '[01, 'pub2ished 2 Feb 72, p 165 Translation: Viis Author's Certificate introduces a diiviz