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USSR UDC '15142-953:661-713-1 IVANOV) B. YE., WDRYAMPAVA, L. A., ZYABLIKOVA., T. A.,, BYKOVA, T. G., and GOLIDFARB, E. I.., Institute of anic and Physical Chm:iistrj, itvni A. Ye. Arbuzov of the Academy of Sciences USSR "Condensation of Diethylphosphorous Acid with ForraldeW,de nnd Triethyl. Phosphite" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk- SSSR, Serlya Khimicheslaya, No 7, 1971, pp 1497-1502 Abstract: Condensation was carried out in the ternary eystan. triethyl 1),--os-phite (TEP)-forraldehyde-diethylp)iasT)horoi~s aced (MP). the fo=tion of th~! product, diethyl ester of ethylphavphonic acid (1)) reoultz, fn-)m the Imirtial. tion of trieth-1 pliosphite in the rrer~ence oV die thylpll.a SP1,11-1 1-411.13 ILCid. Other pro,d.ucts fon--ed included: 3iethyl ester of slpha-h:tn3.roi.,yneth jrlp' .1 oil r: ho ri (.. c1cid, diethylphonponar::cthyl diethyl phosphite, 1-iiz-(tlie-thyl-2ittisrhLitit~.) Txwthyl (,,rter, 2,5-dioxa-2,5-dihydroxy-1,4,2,5-(iioxtidip~iospkial.entine, o-nd a 'j):,Dr1uct with V,-,e gross formula C&H2006P2. The latter is probably a trxixl:~jre at' esters of hyz~,)- phosphoric and isohypophosphoric acids. Me structure Of CHCh product wLs proven by chemical and physic,-LI methods. These iiaclu(Wa nucI.E,,,Lr magneetic 1/2 USSR IVANCV, B. Ye, Izvestiya Akademii trauk. SSISII, Sariya MA3,Acheakaya, rb*'r, 1971, pp 1497-i5o2 resonance spectra, melting-point tests, and ir-frared spettra. Different qlan- titative ratios of the ternary system components were cwbined to provida data for the corresponding multi-product yield percentages foi, each ternary ca.---Donellt ratio used. 2/2 USSR WC 542-91 + 661.718.1 IYAHOV, B. Ye., ard K Y VTSEVA L A , Institute of Qrigra:dt: and P*sical 11 il Chemistry imeni A. Ye'.. AARryll"I"t'Ov", ii&;~ of Sciences U152 *Phosphousmethylation of Acetoacetic Eater and Acetylacetone" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. SS3R, Seriya NO .1, Jan 71, PP 125-131 Abstract: Acetoacotic ester reacts with trialql p.hosi)hitos siml forinaldahyde or furfural by the usual phosphousz-othylation yioldixq, ethylphosphonic acid asters. The reaction is carriv(h out ovcr sever.-LI hou'rS at 140-2001C, etbansl bein!; distilled. Tatralize or excezo triet'hy! nil-ospnite are used as solvenTs. When acotoncetic ester ro.-%at4X.L with trietw~.! phospai-_a and benzaldehyde priopion-11deaydo or butyrft1d'0h!rd0, tt1Q 03,110CLOI 1-4 Lrtf I '%'aryl) 2-acetyl-2-carb,-Ico-c~fphosphonie acid ostert5 (L) woro wt inah1tvi. Llati.,xi t.:e products obtained were -keto_2-phospholenes-4 and 1-alk-ji-2-acety'.Lotiiylrtiot;~j~j)ni:- %clji e.,Lcra. Obviously (1) are tharmalLy unstaole. Condensation oarrictl o-,~t in the terrviry 3ystem triethyl vhosphite-forou-tldeliyde-acetylacetont.~ yiel~a as-tars or ethylphosphonic acids in addition to the normal pro-.1octs 0~ PhOSDhon;:Wthyla- tion -- the esters of 2,2-diacetylethylphosphonic aclis. 1/1 USSR UDC: 542.91+0`151.71d.1, IVANOV, B. ye, 1~~ and LIYABLIKOVA, T,. A., :Dist -4tute of Organic arA PhrSical Chemistry imad A.. Ye. Arbunov, Avademy of Scion3es U35i *Formation of Oxaphospholans Derivatives in the VhosphP=at,!,q.Lat;b:)n oe Com- pounds with a Kobile Hydrogen Atoe Moscov. Izvastiya AkademiI Nauk SS!3.R,. Serlya h[himicheakaya. No 1, Jan ?0. pp 96-100 Abstract: Five-memn'bered cyclic esters With OX,10110.5phOllInG (1) struct~-'re, along with mixtures of diaIkjl(i,je,.Et) were synthesized by heating at 145-1500 mixtures of dj.-E't Mnlonate, tra-~%;'e(Et) phosphite, and parafornaldehyde in oxce:ss. The yield of 1 vas higner with trimethyl than iwith triethyl phasphite(33 verstas 24P). -ut In4re 11 was separated by redistillation frora the i3roducts of the reaction wi~,% tr"a'~.Iyl phosphite only. 2ho producLs with oxaphospho-1-ine strwTurv, wnare RI=Me. or R=Ac.. RI=Et. were obtained (trithout azor apprecia-ble amounts C;f 11), I:or similar reactions of two other compounds with a mouile H .~yano- acetate and Et acetylacetate, tri.-Re or tri-Et phospid,te, raspec~ivc-4, az'ei paraformaldehydo. The I structure, was confirmed by 0,;emental analysis cla", 1/2 -I" I.;& USSR IVAVIOV, B. Ye., Izvostiya Akademii Ilauk S35it, Serip Rhi mic hvi -NO I., Jan 70. pP 9u-100 JR. ESR, and spectra of the products. Also, bethoxy-1, 2 -oxapho spho lane was hydrolyzed by uilth dilu-.ed HCI to 2-carboxy-i'-.3-propyleiiylp~o:;pk6ionic acid. 2/2 USSR UDC 542.91+0'61.718.1 IVANOV, B. E., a-DRYAVTSVIA Institute of Orgar-jo armi Physical C~-cmistry imeni A. Yo. of Sciences, U53R em Tormation of 0-aphosphoLane Derivatives During Coademamtiom of Hhosphotiate Esters with Formaldehyde" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademiyi Jauk SSSR, Seriya Khimickjetikayz, 4'10 5, ."Llay '('U1 pp 1180-1161 Abstract: Derivatives of oxophospholanes are formed b,',, coz"d'emsation of L."a esters of 2,2-dicarbetho.V-.2-cya-mo-4-carbettio)W- arxi ;?--acotyl-Z-caruetnoxy- at~hyl-phosphonic acids, wnen heated with formaldoijhydo With tmitinual remcval of ethyl alcohol. USSR UDC 524.91+547.461.$+547.241 TVANOV, B. Ye. , &WWA4AMkAJa,eA , and BMVA, T. G., Nstl cixte of Organic and Physical a4emistry imeni A. eo Arbuzov, Academy of Sciences 0i the USSR e. "Interaction of (x-Hydroxymethylmalonic and Bis-(a-hydroicymethyl)malonic rsters, With Trialk-ylphosphites" Moscow, IAN SSSR, Seriya Mimicheskaya, No 9, Sep 70, p1) 2,0d3-2,067 Abstract: The authors investigated interaction of a-hyilroxyttA2thylmaloaiC ard ymethyl)uulonic esters with triethylphosphite, trimethylpholiphite bis-(a-hydrox, and die thylchloro phoaph ite. Diethyl ester of 2,2-(Iicarl)ettho:i.:/i.~t,-iylpiiosp[iinic acid is produced by reacting a-hydroxytauthy1nalonic astar wLilh triethylpholi- phite and diethylchlorophospliite. 2-Alkoxy-2-oxo-4, 4-dicarbelthoxy-l-a"-2- -phospholans are synthesized by interacting bLs-(a-hydrpxYmethyl)malonic. ester with trialkylphosphites and diethylchlorophospliltm. 1/1 UNCLASS-If IF01 f)ATE--11'lc970 1/2 013 TITLE--FORMATION OF OXAPHOSPROLANE- DERIVATIVES IN THE PHOSPH.31NOVETHYLATION . OF COMPOUN13S WITH A MOBILE HYDROGEN ATOM -u- AUTHOR--IVANOV, B.YE., KU0RYAV(j,$.E_VAjw_.,L.A.q ZYABLIKOVA, T.A. tOUNTRY Or- INFO--USSR SOURCE-AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. KHIMP 19709 (1h q6-100 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIG TAGS--NMR SPECTRUM, r)RqANIC PHOSPHORUS COMPOVIN0, F0lk-AfAj_0FtiY0~q ..MALONIC FSTERt ETHERt HETFROCYCLIC BASE COMPOUND CCINTROL 4ARKTNG--N--l RESTPICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNICLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEL/FRAMF-1984/16-12 STEP CIRC ACC~SSIONI 'T1--AP01002?2 212 013 UNCLA SSI FIED PROCESS114, ntTF--! I SrO70 CIRC ACCESSION ',1w--aPojooz2z ABST;~ACT/EXTPACT--(U) GP-0- ArISTRACT, HEAT(NG ?4 r, 4 ~'K; T' PARAF0qMALDEHYDll::t ANO 1606 G p(()mFjSU(.jj To jjooE-cj~,f:js HE ~kM) KATING 3-4 Hnr. AT 150DFGREPS GAVE A FR&CTI'3Nj 8 SNI.00.011 120-V1131" Q;: CONTG. MIXED DI-ME 2v2,DICAR-RFNTH13XY ETHYLPHOSPI-10NATF (1) %'J) 2,METHOXY,2,QXO*4,4v[)ICAqBFTHDXY,lt2, OXAPHOSPHOLA107 ( r[l, SFPO. 'Y REDISTN.; 1 8 SU80.03 125-60EGREESt N PR.ImE20 SUBD !.4390, 1) P4111-El-10 MINUS; 11 8 SU80.004 116-POEGREESs 1.4535# 1.2492. S1411.44 ;-FACT1,7114 t+ITH P(LIETISUB3 GAVE (C-Tf).~SUQ2 P(O)CH SUB2 CHICO SM12 ET)SO'12 AND [if ('R EOUALS'CO SU82 F-1, R PRIME-1 EQUALS ETlt-B ~URQ.001 120-IDESREESt 1.64q0v 1.2035, IN NEARLY EQUAL AMTS. SIMILAR REACTION 131~ NCCA4 ';lJil2 CJ S09? ET ANO P(OME)SUB3 WITH PARAFORMAL-)EHYDE GAVE III IR EQUALS CH, rZ EQUALS ME)v 8 SUBO.03 140-IDEGREESt 1.4630, 1.2738~ WHILE ACCH S117S2 cri SUB2 ET AND P(OET)SUB3 WITH PARAFORMALOEHYDE (;AVE '111 4R E~JIJALS Ac, ck PRIMEI EQUALS ET)o B SUBO.015 1250EGREFSt 1.4630, 1.2271: It HE4TED WITH DIL* HCL GAVE tio SUB2 CC(:Ct4 SU82)CH SlJR2 NO) (00 S102, M. 148-SIDEGPEES. NMR SPECTRAL CURVES (2) WERE SHCWN~. A REACTION SCHF-4P WAS PROPOSED. USSR UDG; KUDRYAVTSEVA, LI., MEZ111POr, I. I., FONOMREV, S. F., YAVIS.HYA, V. L. "Experimental Study of Axi.syrupetrical Froftled Super-acinle Nozrles 'with I.Cw Re Numbers" Uch. Zap. Tsentr. Acrogidrodinam. In-ta [Scientific Ift-itinj1:5 of Centi'al Institute of Aerodynamics and 11~drodynamitsj, 1973, 4, No .3, pp 113-126 (Translated from Referatix-nyy Zhurnal Avlatsionnyye i. Itaketii:,-ye D~igateli. No 11, 1973, Abstract No 11.34.85, from the resume) Translation: Results are presented from experimental :~,zndy of the flow into axis)-mmetrical profiled supersonic nozzles, de-signed considerinp thc~ influence of viscosity on the production of it flow with M=6 and varioirs design values of wall temperature. The Re L nomber for hoth nozzlc- is 9.3.103, t1le thick-ne.,,., of eXtl.action of the laminar homikkirv Inver in the output cross section of the nozzle is comparable to thc- radi.wi of the i.,;Cri- tropic contour or even greater than it. It is shown that con-,ideratioll of.' ., in addition of the thickness of the influence of the viscosity, consisting extraction of the boundary layer to the ridius of the ~sentr.-)pjc C-ontom-, leads to satisfactory results: in spite of the small dintension,; of th'-, nonviscouq core, the %I number in it, within the Limits (if thi.- outpiit chnr--:~- teristic rhwmbtis, is practical)), emistani. and ekitial -;I, it'd 6 Figures; 3 Biblio, USSR UDc 669.112.3 pEREvERSEVA, YE. Go, SOKOLOV, K. No., N. , and GRISHKO, V. F., Zhdanov Metallurgical Instit Ve "Effect of Arsenic on the Diffusion of Carbon in Aastenite and Ferrite of Low-Carbon Steel" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebenykh Zavedeniy -- Chernaya Metallurgiyam No 2, 1970, pp 110-113 Translation: A study was made of the effect of arsenic on the diffusion of carbon in austanite and ferrite, It was established that arsenic increases the rate of carbon diffusion in these structural constituents. With an increase ivi the content of arsenic from 0 to L%, the activation energy q)f St. 3 steel in austenite changes from 35,900,to 31,600, -respectively, and in ferrite -- from 18,800 to 16,00 cal/4-dt*M. 64 - 2, 019 UNCLASSIFIED PRO~EssliiG DATE--230Cr7O r-I'TLE--LIQUID VAPCR EQUIL 16R IUM IN THIOPHENEt NL MOME. RIANEI METHANOL, THIOPHENE9 AND METHYL ETHYLKETONE 1141OPHENE SNS'FEMS -U- :AUT140k-(02)-KUORYAVTSEVA, L-S.* EYSENo 0o COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--LH. PRIKL. KHIM. (LENINGRAJ~v 43(31# 708-11 .DATE PuaLISHEO ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--PHASE EOUILIBRIUMt THIONkNEt NITROMETHAMEv MEVHANOLt KETONE, GAS CHRUMATOGRAP11Y, AZEOTROPIC MIXTUKEP UISTILLATION CalTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1420 STEP NO--UR/0,380/TO/OitliJ')03/0708/0711 CIRC ACCFSSION NQ--Afl0ll/)8h7 UNCLASS IHFO 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED moassviiG oArE--Z3QCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0116867 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE EOUIL. IN SYSTI-ViS THIL)PHENE (I.) MENO SU8Z AT 750EGREESt 14EU14-1 AT 550E~REESP Ahlr) MECOET-1 At 750EGREES WAS STUDIEL) BY GAS CHROMATOG. -ANO VACUUM 01ST4, ALL 3 SYSTEMS ARE NUNIDEAL AND SHOWED POS. DEVIAtlOt4S FROM RAOULTIS LA)i. AZ~ortiopjc MIXTS, WERE FORMFO FOR I-MENO SUB2, B.P. 82.7DEGREE$, CUNTG. 0.617 MOLE FRACTION I AND FOR MEOH-I WITH A BbPo 5944DEGREES, ~ NT15. 0#667 140LE FRACTION 111. ACTIVITY COEFF. GAMMAI AND GAMHA2 FOR awrii COMPONENTS WERE CALCD. ON THE BASIS OF THE E00ATION LOG GASM&I OVEll GAMMA2 EQUALS 0 (I MINUS 2X SUBI) PLUS C(6X SUBI (I MINUS X SUOI) HINUS 1) PLUS D(l MINUS 2X SUOMI MINUS BX SURI (I MINUS X SUBM (K SLo3k IS MOLE FRACTION OF COMPnNENT IM; THE CONSTS. WERE (SYSTEM# Sot Ct AND 0 GIVEN): MEND SU82# 4504, 0.0448t 0.0308; MEOH-tv 0.5182, MINUS 0,1491v 0*0992; MECOET-tv 0.04871 MINUS 0.0143o' 000053o, FACILITY: INST. KHIM,-t TALLINt USSR, UNCLASSIFIED /2 ols UNCLAS SI FIE;, llATE--n?:',cr70 TIrLE-LIQUID VAPOR EQUILI~kRIUM IN blNARY SYSTEMS CUNI'AININC 'ISOTHiRMAL LIQUID VAPI'i-, E.3.UILIARIUM IN 6INARY MUMS UORM~'~) 'AY I AUTH0R-(03)-KV0AYAVTSfiVA, L.S.v VIlT, 4.v, lElSENv CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SCURCE-EESTI NSV TEAD. AKAD, TIUN,q KEEMov, GEJL. 1910, 1.911), 22-9 -DATE PUBLISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY 'PTENEf ALKENEt ETHIltillLt PROPANIL, TOPIC TAGS-PHASE EQUILIBRIUMP HE 7 AIECTROPEt GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIFO PROXY REEL/FRAME--193910445 STEP N()--UR/04 7070 lill L 'i IGO 1. ))2,?l 0029 L'IR11" ACCrSSILi N10-AP0107051 212 015 UNCL ASS IF I ED PR1311.*(-~!,ING 'DArE--021.-~e.TT0 ~.VRC ACCESSIGN NO-APOL07051 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- AbStRACr. LIQ,- VAPOR IN ET0t+-j-HkPTthEw PROH-1-HEPTL-NE 14r-.'C-.')E,r-1--HCPTENE-' 41 IN ISO-6UGH-1-JCTENft ISO-BUCAC-1-OCTENE, 1St3-8U(JAS-z1.-ocrf:NfE (%-, 15DEGRFES C WAS STUDIrD BY GAS CHROMATOG. TO CEITAIN CONSTS. nil; Pit',111CH KISTER EQUATION AND TO CALC. THE ACTIVI(Y CQEFF* RATIO IN T-if: VAIJ LAAR- E EQUATION. ALL OF THESE SYSTEKS ARE NONIDEAL9 HAVE AZEPTRjPES, AN( Alt CHARACTERIXED S.Y POSL OEVIATIONS FROM P.AOULTOS LAW. 1/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PR(),CESSllIl'v DATE--23ticrio j A.N k4 TITLE--NQR NUCLEAR JUADRUPOLE RESCNANCE SPECTRA OF ARSENIC 1 0 CILORVE 35 OF CHLORINE CUUYAINING URGA[WARSENIC M COMPOUNOS -I)- AUTHOR- (05 I-SHVEOOVA , G.N.w SVERGUNt V.Isr. SABOSHKINJo, T411,.p AU0_kYAVTSEVA? L.V SEMIN GoKs Cllhi+K OF IN;O--USSR SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRs SER. KHIM. 1970p 12)t 012-3 ,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC TAGS--NUCLEAR RESONANCE, SPECTRUM, ARSENIC ISOTOPEr CHLORINE 'CULAR OR61'r t. tSOTOPEv ORGANIC ARSENIC CUPPOUNOv HOLE IN CONTqOL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0643 STEP M(]--UR/Ok)62/70/0(1~)/002104f~213483 Cl','-,C ACCESSION N0--A90tll)500 ( P4 11C 1. A sf I f:i 212 014 UNCLASSI FIED PRCCESSP61 DATE-230CT70 &IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0119560 ASSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- AICIS T RAC, T .XQR SPECTRA 'WE-RE iNL.:l")4rE0 FOR PRIME75 AS AND PRIOIE35 CL IN ASCL SU63t ME SU33 A$i ET ASs Pri SU,93 AS, PH SU82 ASC 5UB6 H SU84 CO SU82 H P AND M ISLIMI:Rt ~-_'H SU82 ASCL, MEASCL SUB2, ETASCL SUB2P PRASCL 5042, ANO BUASCL SU112o TfiE P CHARACTER OF THE SP HYBRIDIZED UNSHAREO ELECTRONS OF AS IN.0'Q'ASES UNDFR THt' INFLUENCE OF DIVERSE SUGSTITUENI'S ON AS; THIS To ANGLE BETWEEN METAL ORBITALS RELATIVE TO THE VALLNCi: ANGLE AND DEV14TION OF THE ORBITAL OCCUPIED BY THE LONE PAIR FRU.14 THE P$EUDOAXIS UF rHE 3RD -ORDER, FACILITY: INST. ELEMENTOORO. SOED[Pla., MOSCOV(p. USSR, UNCLASStFIECI G 3ATE--21,01T70 112 013 UNCLASSIFIEn PROCESS [Nu TITLE--DETERMINAT ION OF ISOBUTYLENL AND ETHYL ALCOHOL IMPURITIES IN ETHYL CHLORIDE BY A GAS LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHIC mETHOD -kf- AUTHOR-I04)-KU0R.tA_YT5LVAj LULOVAt N.I., 4ARTY,140VAP N.V-v CHESN.-JKOVAP R*I* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KHIM. TEKHNUL* TOPL, HASEL 1970t 15M, 58-60 OATE PUBL-4SHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHE-MISTRY TOPIC TAGS-- I SWIUT YL ENE# ETHANOL, CHR OMAI'nrokA PiM, ANALY51S, 04E'-H~IAL LABORATORY APPAAMS, CHEMICAL PUaITY# CHLURINATO ALIPHATIC COMINJUNI) CONTROL MAPKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FR44E--1997/0542 STEP NU--UR/0065/1W /Oki /00,k/0053/00hO CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0119461 2/2 013 'UNCLASSIFIED PROCEWNG DATE-23DCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--4POI19461 ABSTIZACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IMPLIRITEES GREAFF4. THAN 0.005PERCENT WERE DETL). WITH THE KHL-4 APP. BY USING HE AS CARRIER j,'jAS* ISOBUTYLENE WAS DETD. WITH A 6 M COLUMN PACKEO WITH UK 14001FHO WITH LTG, PETROLATUM ANO SOUA, RY USING PROPANEv BUTANE'l L)d ISOBUFANE AS INTERNAL STDS. ETOH WAS OETO. WITH A 2 SECTION COLU41N., PACKEO WITH PEG-400 ON SFEROKHROM-1 (1) FOR THE 2-M SECTION AND 15PERCEINT TAICRESYL PHOSPHATE ON I FUR THE OTHER 3 M, WITH A C SUB6 H SU136 SOLN. 11% PHME AS INTERNAL STD. L A S S IF IEQ lummimiallilimmifitmil ":-'-112 0-12 U'4CL A SSJ F TIED! P0.6C E S S 11 IN 30ATE--102OCT70 TITLF-LN ThE CHARGE ~)tNSITY CIN THE SURFACF OF DISPE-O~SLO I~HASE OF "J']L:) HYURCS(l AT FAST CLIACULATPIN T119f:SHOLUS -U- :AUTtf0R-(05)-b0-A14, A A . t GLAViAN9 YU, 4w v 0C-kYk(; I ~4* B.V. , H,Ll;);ty A vT$~ V A, N.M.* S7kAZHESKO, D.N. C6UNTRY CF INFO-USSR SOURCE-KOLLCIUNYY ZHURNAL, 1970, VOL 32v NR 29 PP 167-170 DATE PUFLISHED----70 SUbJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--GGLD COMPOUNOt COAGULATIONt MICROSCOPY, tAI-CIUM :OMP3UND, YITRIUli COMPUUND# RUBIUIU14 COMPOUND, HYDROXIDE ,CONTROL MARKING-NO RGSTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RfEL/FRAME--t990/O76? STEP CIRC A(.(.fSSlVN' N0-001000968 vp .2/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PRIXESSING 0ArE--o?0CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0108968 ABSTRACT/EXTPACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE AMUI.1,NTS 1317- Sfj~~.13ED Rl Pl)SjliVl-, CA PRIIIE2 POSITIVE AND Y PitIME3 POSITIVE CUUNTERIUN~ Al T-iE FAST COAGULATION THRESHOLDS OF REU GOLD HYORGSUL HAVE BfEli RAD10i'~,FTKIC METHOD. THE COAGULATION THRESHOLOS HAVE 'iLTE0~1'li;-) FROM KINETIC CURVES OBTAINED BY F;LJW ULTRAMICUOS~:UP'~'. I-l't THE F-AASI~ THE DATA UN THE COUNTERIUNS SORPTION IT HAS bl-EN PftSSOIA: TO THE CHARGE DENSITY ON DISPERSED GOLD FKOM THE SUqf!:ACE ARI:A VALUE. if SUGGESTED THAT IN GOLD HYDROSOL THE OH NkGATIVE JONS Akf- P,3TENTIAL. DETERMINING. is UNCLASSIFIE0 USSR UX 6'12-812-44-1192.821-7 NMRYAVTSEVA.-Ii. LI., Institute of Cytolo8y and Genotictr,, Academy of Scienceo tSSR, Siberian-D~partmnt, Novosibirsk "Changes in Serotonin Content of the Forebrain Xring fribernntion" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR, No 4, 17M, Nil) 531-534 Abstract: ' The seratonin content of tie hippocam-prus in 11rouill squirrels (Citel- lus erythrogenius) vms found to be. al=st 1-5, tirwes groater in the winter while the animals were hibernating than in the su=er. It btj1jj)ELn to increase in OLtoler before the start of hibernation, reached a peak at the tire the aninals feLl asleep, gradually decreased toward spring, and drolyped 1co very lov levels the first days after awakening. There were no significant chan,,-ell In the cer~!brai hemispheres. In other hibeimating, anirals, golden ha;T.;tmers, prolonjed expc:3urc to lew tetperatures during the surtmer had no affect an ~,.hc verotonin content of the hippocamVus; it wan ruch lcrrer than lit the control ke-pt at; room U~mjerature. Thus,, the elevated serotonin level noted during hibernittrion lit related not. 'to the cold anbient terrparaturen but to sleap proper, for rjuztqinjd vakefulness results in the directly oppoeite effect, a lr)wer1.n,:,r of *rle vo-rotanin leve.~l In t1ze hippoca:-pia. These findings confirm. the fact that w.,rritonin pla,10. lai important role in the physiological mechwLisms oil aleelp aiii hLbanatiou. 33 - USSR vir ft2-82/83:8a2-5 DANILOV, I. V. andj2MLUYj�LV& I N.W Laboratory of XxperLmantal Pathology of the Central Nervous Byst= anad moratory of AppLiod Neuraphysiolol,-,y, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of -m4dicaa Sciences USSR "Dynamics of Intercentral Relations in the Haakey Braln Durtng Prolonged Rhythmic Photic Stimulatioe' Leningrad, Fiziologlcbeskly Zhurnal SSSH, No 8, 19T1, p 1,089-1,098 P Abstract: In experiments with rhythmic light flashesiat Wfurent frequen4~Jes, monkeys exhibited individual sensitivity to certain rbythms.- Soce animals recruited and transformed the lwer frequencies better (7-9 flashes per see), vbile others responded to the higher frequencies (18 airA 25, per sec). The following variations in the cortical and subcortical responmes to the stl.=li vere distinguished: (a) simul-tareous recruitment of t1it giintn rhythm by cells of the motor and visual cortex and subcortax; (b) Tecruitmeint of the rhythr only by the visual cortex; (c) recruitment of the rhythm by the visual cortex and its transformation it the subcorticul structures.; (d) rtoruitment only by the subcortex and motor cortex; (a) transformation in the visual cortex and recruitment by the daeper structures of the brain amd notor cort-ex; W s1=1- taneous transformtttion of the rhythm by all the structures micorded; (0 trans- formation bu the visual cortex. All or * combination at' t eve rriationa In brain activIty could occur in the saw experiment (31) to t~ =4n 1/1 USSR I'VC: 5'-~"')-1-01 KUDRYAVTSEVAL Ji. V., Siberian Physicotecbnical iro.-ni V. D. K=- Retsov Afifli~~`WdTifth Tomsk University "Concerning the Question of the Influence of Pefornation or. the, Enerry Opce- tra of Electrons in Crystals" Tomsk, Izvestiya VUZov: Fizika, No 12(12T) , Dee 7P, pp 64-611 Abstract: The energy upectrit or electronn in defo,.,-med crystr-.2,; Laro by the method of perturbations in the Pikus-Bir scheine, Tl,(-- prev~a-,:n- _yt; C I is supplemented by accounting for terms of order k2j,.,,_ t I pression is found for,the effective mans of carriers ilitj r- fti-actinn o-f dN!.,c)r- mation in the case in which there in no de6eneracy. R ic. fouxd th:it thr, III'- ference in effective masses Of I%,-typ, carriel's and increases with tension. 'file OPPOSIte pattera holi'll fcr The difference between the effectivp masses 0,* i~j_typ"41r,, P wider tension is most marked when tile effecti' is less than the mass Cf the free electl,on. Ve muss oil r-type 1/1 WSR BEIDYj K. P., KIKITIN, S. A., EVA, T. V.. Tjauiov, UnIversi-Ey TAIALAYEVA9 YE. V-# C'.111MMKOVA, L. A.~ V. V., and IYANCYSIKIYj V. I., Moscow S-tate "Determination of the Exchange Interaction of' Farrit(j-Cadoliniun- Carnat -Sublatticas Based on the Ragnetocaloric Effect" Floscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoraticheskoy Fitiki, Vol 61, No 3, SeP 71, PP 1101-116 Abstracts FeiTite-rare earth garnets R 3Fe5012 have 4i trie'ublattice ZaEnetic structure. In the rajority of cases within the fmt:,.nvork, of zmolecular field theory it- is pen3siblo to exarAne such ferrite -4;&rnetz as havinZ a bloublattice structure. In this case both it and d ivon --vivlatticcu are examined as a zin.~le Fc a-d -subUttlceg in the effecti-(a field of which are fotmld x-arc earth ions. The author detervilried tha offective excbange field actin!,- on the 11-15~ ions from the side of th-v F~03t ions. Based on the zeasure.--!ent data of the nagnetocaloric offect, the suscep-,ibllity of the parai-rocess, and 41-~e apecIfic heat in thfv regUn of the tempox-ature of compensation, the authoro detar-ndneci the exclianjF* :ftelrl, in the 1-5a.-not structure. The raeasurenents showed that for thei Ga3 Fla5012 Garnat the field 1/2 USSR BELOV, K. P. , et al., Zhuxnal Eksperimental'noy i Teortti(:hoskoy FizUci Vol 619 no 3. Sep 71, pp 1101-1105 -"2eff - 258 kOe. and for Cd3G&O. 3Fe4. 7 12 the f'e'd F'2eff - 232 kOe, which is 1% less than for the gadolinium gamet. The article contains 3 illustration and 6 bibliographic entries. - 103 - '12 020 RM ,;oUr ED NO*,'r-LLI't-:~i~ ~IAGNETIC STRU4, R.All)J! EARIH FUMTE TLE--I, - GARNEl_& -L~- THOR-(051-BELOV, K.P., CHE.':ZNIKOVA, L.A.,.TALALAYCVA, YE.Y., LEVITUA4, ka., KUDRYAVTSEVA, T.V. UNTRY A '/I T'EORETICHESKOY 1970p VOL 59t URCE--ZilUi-~NAL EKSPE-.".ENT L'lN0Y FIZIKIP NR 6t PP 1923-1927 TE PUBLISHED ------- 70 JECT AqEAS--."HYSlCS, MIAIER[ALS, E&RTH SCIENCES A'%~D !PIC TAGS--FERRITE, GARNE'r, RARE EARTH METALt MAGNETIC STRUCTURE ROL 14ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS' UMUNT CLASS-UNCLAS~~JFIFO XY REELIFRA!4E-1998/0423 SIE-P 1jl"j'__lJR/0056ltW 0'.:''j /I 9i 19 RC ~"ICC ESS 10NI NO--AP01 "'I OW L ;% 'I Q TID .. ........ .. /z 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCItSSING RC A&t~HSSJON ;,.'C,--AP0I210'97 STr'-ACT/9-XTR,A,Z"T--(U) GP-0- A5STR~0.-T. THE, APPfARA"!(,F- OF MAGNETIC STRUCTU(~ES 1N RELATIVELY [,-I?EAK 1~-[CLDS (LIP TI) ;!0 K(l': Cn OBSERVED AS A RESOLT OF EFFt:cT OY, Ck 140 FF.:~,--.ITE CA-~Rl-`:; JUT I,'.; THE VIC.1%,ITY OF: THE COMPENSAT TP'PER ~TUr~E. IT IS TIIAT P E 4S Ul ll;:-:Pl~ I- % T W: THE MAGP,,'ETUCAL0R).'!ETR!C EFFIECT OPENS h NEW POSSIBILIfY 01: INVII-STIGAF10111 GI: NONCOLLINEAk SPIN STtUCTur,,Es P:PJCE0 BY AN EXTERN41- ft.Ud. FACILITY: MOSKeVSKIY GOSUOARSIVENLIIYY UNIVERSITET PAO, M. 7. LI)tI0t'i,.lS.11;A0 V V.- MAVTSEVA.~ 29 Oct 71 n6 95. USSR abc KVDHYAVTS9VA,-V. 1. and CiERNYAYWA, Lk. A. FGN'1:LFW PREIS b i ci %1 *Sc,me Problems of Memory ani Teaching4 2-ri 8,;r 141% rga (CytL1,111~tIcs of tht StAy Ktbernetl~iheik!vc Aspakty v Izuche~nft R-Iboty MV of the Brain-s Funat-Icning), Xcscaw, NjukA Fliblimhuig lq-~-,Iil~j 19,11), P; 62-74 Ab3tract: Thj5 a.7tiele ex-m..ntrs z=e resalts Df a ZtL:dy or ~-nc Vo;rr-,-icn ell t!--7;e associations In mian mrder t1be influenoe of st;~null of t;,1jTpttnt J'umcrtv~%il Imptirtz:.rice. It ,.is that with a ccrubirmt~on cf stimuli a vuzk rUr.C:iCz-LaA, errect. t1ree ar3oclat:Lcris that di-s down rapIdly are fo=ed. Vith 1; of &,:i-mull. having a strong functicnal effect. very st0le time asnoWillon-a jllt~ fomed. Tr4 first may be the buis Of 3hort-ters meatoryo ar,,A the seconli -- ti4 tisls of 11ong-term memor7. USSR ULC 618.~9:614(049-3) 22~.D~ ~AY~e,- and KUZKMOV, V. (Reviewers) Sotsiallno-Gigiyenicheakiye AspeVty Reguliroyanlyti Ph=titrov Semli (social and E[ygenic Aspects of Regulation of Family Size),, by Ife. A. Sadvakasova, Me- cow) I'meditainall, 1969 Moscow, Zdravookhraneniye F%ossiyskoy Federatsli, No 11, 1970o PP 39-41 Abstract: Data on abortion legislation, the number of abortions, ani their effect on women's health, are presented and other facots of obortions in a number of nations are discussed. The first section, %ho AborLioja Problem Abroad and in the USSR", examines the problem from a bdistorle,-,ELL perspective. The second section, "Abortion in the USSR after VAV 11," preuevuts statistical. data on the problem, showing that deaths resulting frorl aborldons are declin- ing. The US~R may not be giving enough publicity .to birUi control tecbnaques. A questionnaire was sent to women Vho had had abortions, but omly half were returned,, indicating the difficulties of studying the pmblem- Dat& from medical institutions were also used,, affording a mom dAIALiled breakdown. 7he reasons for abortions am analyzed. 1/1 USSR LWC 54).C,17&+541.26-118 BELISKJyj V. YE. g KUDHjgjUUj,-"t- and 1VANUVo B. YE. , rn5titute of Organic and Physical Chenlgfr-yi-meni A. Ye. Arbuzova, Aca*V of Salttncee USSR "Structure and Chemical Shift in the NMR Spactra, of P:11 of the Esters *f Phosphonic Acids" Leningradl Zhurnal Obshchey Xhimmii, Vol 42(104)4 Vyp 11. L~72, pp 24?7-2431 Abstract3 A study of the hydrol sis kinetics of substitut*d phosphonates having the general form RP(O)GE,-~," indicated a linear relationship between t the size of S"V and the logrithn of the constwit of base hydrolysis velocity of these ethers, The d aleo showed a linear roUtionshlp with the Induction oncstant W Ytho H radical in 37 c0 P01-:01 ' Vollover, the :;:? -&Loa In tte R presence of --~r bonds or free electron pairs on the radical allows for a pd-iy Interaction with the d. orbita.1m of the phosphorus. The above linear relatlonships do not helit for such compounds and thus they were not included 1n the plots the gremtest pd ;],, intex- action was observed for the C ~Z~ Ct C ==:-O and P 0, roups. ,A UID lit ir 14 Its I Wig d IT Y 9.9. t j r[ I lit I ~~MJA III i 1-1,11901Pi i i i 1 M! ill;llullilliiialniRilwillimilimulimiI 11 affilffiffillallm c 4;m USSR 511IMNOV11 M. V.) KUD)9,KOV, V. YA., M1U1X)LO&1XIN,, V. N., ;tirvl S'.--fl4115TO2rT07A, I.A. "Volatile Cor-,Tonents of Alloy Mixtures KCI.-ThC.1)," Tr. In-ta elektrok1iiT-nii. U-allsk tauch. tsentr, AN S513 (St~-.d'Ws of the Institute of Blectrocher-intry. Ural Science Ci,-nterP Acitd". - o,,-" C-ciances M31,1) vYP 18, 1972, PP 33-10 (fron Referativnyy Zhurnal -- FhJ,Hdz,--%, 111) 7, M3, Abstract No 7L426 by A. D. Davyiov) Tra=lation: The volaatileft were measurcd in saturated -vmp.~ors a--:' KCI and ThC11, containintr 0-50 r-,()lu 'j, rnial , -in t~,,B temperature v-mt,~,-u f,;,- I )0-1~)O C . cam. ositiorl otl, t4tv t;nn 1-41aze inxa (tet('tnPjned relatitta to tlit~ LJ(pild p)mse4 Based on 4the e-weri-mental data, the canclLwion wus drawit tjl.~L thf--r-j 16 i~ul. equilibrium concentm~ion of the two compounds of the Lypa K-, !41,11CIU, ill tho vnror phase. IA -:H.L"j YU. V., au-'; SO, M 17". N. Mixture of Chlorides of PotasrAiLm and Sodiu;:~' Moscow, Atomrryza Vol 26, ~'-O 51, 1`hY 70, p 41"') Abstract: The equilibrium potentia"s of th0l'iUrl ire. moasured for various concentrations and temperatures in f;j:se.1 N'iC1 anij KCI-NaCl (50 mol.% NaCl). Empirical isothern ecuotians are produced, showing that a thorium electrode -is rel~ersi6je to mixtures of its ions Th2l and Th4+. Expressions lire found for the temperature dependences of the apparent standiird potentials of Th/Th (11) and Th/Th (IV) electrodes, Expres~ufons 4re presented for the dependences of the equilibrium potential of thorium on its summary concentration. 1/1 USSR Lim 591.1 HWEWV, V. P., SAYOYWV, V. A., W& Avnvi J&WE" mrjjylfil~, V. N., PErm-11MV, Y. K., YASKEKOV, 1. L., b7MYIM7-V-* 1*0 and KF.HUSTAUV, Y. F., Institute of Physics ineni L. V. Kirenskiyt Siberian Depmrtwmt M111i Aceilemy of Scioncen 'Culturing Bone FArrow in Vitro by the Method of IsoUted Qxgan Ferfusion" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademli NaWc SSSH$ No 20 Mar/Apr 7is pp 179-191 Abatracto The role played by the bone marrow in va3jA;L1n4-njT noxnal erythron series ma studied. Blood was rArfused through the Uolatcl rternuz by steans of a pumping and oxygenating system which automticalRy regulated the perfusion pressure, pO2, HbOp, pliv axd temperattwe of the 14irfuised blood# partly In response to the feedback Info=%tion on pOjj templwaturral ar-d Impe'. dance received from the bone marrow. Best =sults worm obrtzlzed when Ue circulating blood was co2pletoly excii~ed zXter 12 how.-z oil' per-fu-sioil. The maximm duration of perfusion was 20 KoUro. KizstolcgiMl wandmtlon of the stexaus performed after 6, lig and 17 hours -of perfuzimi rewiLled a slaft in the leukoemytbrablast ratio tcnmxd the red series a3*AL a mo=al maturation of erythrocytes and granulocortes, 1/i USSR uDc: 6 21. 372. L,51".1 13 KHRAPKO, A. M. , KUMUN, G. F. "Band Filters for the Millimeter Wavelength Range Based an C~ptjn Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-teklin. sb. Elektron. SVC~A Scientific and Technical Collectioii. S14F Ellectronics), 11970r '.7i:. .1, F-p (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 7, Jul 70, Abstract No 'ID141) TranslAtion: The authors consider an oren resonator of the srtherical reflectors, which is used as the simplest type of b!%nd filtt:r :r. th-,! millimeter wavelength range. Designs are given as well as tbt~- rew~'!-tz z~~ NIX- perimental investigation of a tunable band filter for the mm wavelinli-tll range. The band of the filter varies over a range from "LOD to 30 K11--t. !hre". il- lustrations, three tables, bibliography of eight titles. 1/1 USSR ULV 621.1z57 BELYAYEV, V.P., hUDYA.14, N.F., 011KINA, N.M., NEGIREVA, L.V. 'Recovery Time Cf Discharger 'With Diechur,::e Gap Shifted To Thi~ 'O'all (V A iiava- guide" Slek-tron.tekhnika. Nauch.-teklin.ab. Elektron. SVOh (iUactroniaa Teehn~Dlor,-. 1.91 Scientific-Technical Oollecticn. !,',i~;rowave Elect rcnic o), j2, I (from 111MMektronika i yeye primaneniye, No 9, SePt 1972, AbArz.i,~t :o Translation; It is estobliahod that with the shift ct' t1-..,I dt4zh:~ri-f~ Of, a discharger to the wide wull of a waveguide, the recovery 1,1=ej i:~ dai:~reLiacti in the case where th3 discharEor is filled with alectricully nej:utive ~.-,Lis 5nd in- creased when it in filled with electrically positive gas, Su~V-:31,Y. 20 L:Ssrt FPA DI.; G I (Deceased), ixg g Pd. ZI 11: EVA Y E Z. V. F ~( 170"O"1N', A. N., 1=10V, uov. J~o(-; A. G., .11ALY.KH, YU. A., NIKIPELOV, iF. IT State Committee .-, PL~GOZINS.'-~IY, A. L, for the Use of Atomic FIEWROV, V. V. Energy USSR and Clil"'MAMIN, YU. V., "AdvatmCmClIL of Research in the Field of Nuclear Power Fn-iz 1 :rin in the 1 -5 it. a S USSR (Report Presented at the Fourth United Nlations lnti!rnatlattal Conference on the Peacerul Uses of Acomic Energy held 6 to 16 Sapcwmber 1971 in Geneva)" Moscow, Atomiava ener-iya, Vol 31, no 4, Oct 71, pp 353-365 Abstract: Tlils report cites data on Ole Sovipt daiielopili-nt of" the ther-m- electric generators dcsi,!nc,] for feedln~: oceanograpilic ard mr.4gation devices, hyOro7,raphic, .~i=o.--.Jitic, ra4*-io:-.eLaoro1o-,ica-', ma-.netle variatimi stations, Ili ail, czn:~i,:ic ray iiratians,and other i;~:tcrjtiflc research land stations. The report cot,ors tj,,t- ncientific aiid tocAmica:1 fundamentals of such ener,gy sou--cas -,d citcs cbe characteriscics of so-C punerators. Discussed in so= detail --re various aspects o' ra6io isotcolc fuels, selection, properLieS, c~istinctivc characteristics, evaluation, requirenents, cost factors, availability, 'ann3lin13 safety factors, and formi; of applica- 1/2 1110,11"11 (AM111 111~t-alijl 1 WIFE 1,11 I.-M 1-M-1111-111 IT 4".. 7.41" It I I I FRAJ)KINT, G. M., et al, Ato-awaya energiva, Vol 31, no 4, Oct 21, pp 358-365 tion. The potenti-I ti:;e of oxtraction separation of alliali-earth eleuents for OhLainitI3 pure stroatiun is notcd. A table lists the coilmarative characteristics of various isotopes havia- potencLal Lt,,;4i in t~-iermoelectric Sendrators. Muc;i consideration is givon to topics dealing with energy release In an isotopic unit. biological protection, radioactiv4! decay energy conver- sion, tuermal flow chart selection,and generator desi-m'i. Deticribed and Mustrated are some thrrmoclecLric generacors. of variauo destgnations (Lising u144 1371, 3 a , CS SOO, PU including beca-1, Beta-2, Beta-C, Efir, Panpguin, HIG-67 (po r table- type), and generators witli cascaJa converters. (8 illustrations). 2/2 --7 711,11--1,11"11 1 USSR UDC 541.138-185o62i-315-592 XRlJMh1TOPAY71S,, I. B. , and AT,1 P OTdor af tba Red Banner of labor Institute of SOMIC uotor P Cal, Ac efty of Sci*acea Lithuanian SSR "Appearance of ffonequilibrium Current Carriers In Intero4tion of Go Single Crystal With Ault Ions In HF Solution" Vil'tWusq Trudy Akadeali Nauk Utovvs~oy SSN# Soriya B - Kbial:rat TakhniM, Fisichaskaya Geografiya, Vol 2. 197L, pp 21-26 Ab6tracti The purpose of the article is to confirm the 1jyWthitsis that elec- trons from the valence band of Ge mV be involved In the raduvLUn of A0+ ions on the single cry3talt with the holes gonorsted beihg Injmotei Into Ge. In other wordel, to detect the generation of nonequilibri= oarrium In the litter- ')+ Ions and the oxl4atloa of surface Ge face band during the reduction of Au, atoms. A specially prepared electrochemicea con wDA w"d for the experiments. The results Indicate that in the contact exchange between Au amd Ge lons in a aoluUons theze is xeduction of the jioble inetal by olect:Loas ftm the valence bwA of Ge. The diffu3ion of the nonequiltbrium curzent o=rlerz generaW at the surface In the crystal is determined by neasuring t1w kinetics of the elec- trode potential. Thust the reductioa of A~~ low on ths surmlcle of a ce single crystal can be included axong processim connected with t1ho gemration of 4ilectron- hole pLirs. 1/1 - 46 - USSR UXIC 541-13:315.592 KRIKSHTOPAYTIS, 1. B., PkZIMAUSKAYTE, ZH.' P., Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the Lithualian R Acade~ of Sciences, Vil'nyus "Interaction of Monocrystalline Garmanium with Trivalt-,= Gold Lons in Con- centrated Solutions of HF" Moscow, Elektrokhimiya, Val VII, No 10, pp 1579-1581 Abstract: A study was made of the interaction of germaniom with trivalent gold ions in concentrated solutions og hydrofluoric ilcid. kn experiment was performed to discover tbe proposed gemuratiorl of nonequilib- rium carriers in the interphase zone during reduction of the trivalent gold ions and oxidation of the surface aLoms of the gernatifum. The preparation of the electrochemical cell for this experiment is descri'.,,ed. The reduccion of the trivalent gold ions on monocrystalline germatilum, juat as solution or illumination of it, has a clearly expressed effea or. Ihe bias of Lht~ stationary potential and determines the dependence Of the variation of tilt! electrode potential an the volumatric concentration Of Lhi! carriers in it. The occurrence of m1nor carriers by dLifUSLion on Lhij. measured surface geli- te eraled by 0- ihree above-menitionod procetisou of a,01tatkon oi the 013p) Li 1/2 USSR KRIKSHTOPAYTIS, I. B. , et al, Elektrokhimiya, Vol V1.1, Na 10, pp 1579-1581 side of the thin monocrystalline sample makes the carresponding contribution to the potential jump at the phase interface exprewfied in the electrode po- tential bias. The appearance of the maximum effect -of tho electrode poten- tial bias in the n-type region with minimum volumetric concentration of the minor carriers indicates that the reduction of the gpld i(~n:s in the given enncentrated solution takes place primarily by transivrt al cbarges through the valence zone of the electrode. 0/62 ,C/,G 1/2 009 UNCLASSIOIEO -I-TCt:-AL-FIYA. A NEA HIGH CUALITY LICUID SYNTHETIC DETERGENT -U- AUTH3h-(U5)-8LLYANGVSKIYv D.Mot GETMAN$KIY# k,K.v LOGIVIOVAt Nol-w A.A.# KUDYASHUV 4 "Za a A lip' CCUNTRY OF IUFG-LSJ4~~~ SOURCE-NEI-TEPEKERAB. %EFTEKHIM. (MOSCOW) 1970i (3)r 34-5 CATE FUisL ISHEC----70 SUaJECT AREAS--BICLCGICAL AND MEDICAL ~SCJEhCES# MATERIALS TOPIC TAUS-6100EGRADABLE DETERGENT, AMIOE, FATTY ACIOP PlikV$?7HATL_'. U~_~:,ld bLEAChING AGENT/(U)ALFIYA UETERGENT CC.NTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMEUT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3C0210441 STEP CIRC ACCESSICN NC-AP012801i UNCLASSIFIEO ."212-- CGS UNCLASSIFIED PAOCE'SSING 0ATE--2%Ci*,,l'~jV?G ,~iXC ACCESSIGN Nt)--AP0128011 A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ASSTRACT. THE COMPONENTS OF ALIFIYA PRIMARY ALKYL SULFATES 8-13. SEC-ALKYL SULFATES 3-0, SYNTHUNAL DT-7 iA PRODUCT CF CXYEThYLATI(;N OF C SUBLO NEGATIVE13 PR13ARY ALCS-l 0-3, SYNTHAMIUt5 (MCNOETHANGLAM106S (IF SYNTHMC FATry Acios) 4w NA HEXA.NETAPtli)SPHATE 4, URLA 13, ISO-PRCH lo BLEACHING AGENI 0.15t 0.1i AND H SUS2 0 TO 100PERCENT. ALL THE COMPONENTI; OF BIODEGRADABLE. THE WASHING POWER OF A 0.125PERCE,%jT SULPI,, lJF i~i HARD hATEk (150EGREICS) AT 50UEGREES WITH WOOL IS 1241-13011ERCE.-Nr Of: r.-iAr OF NA LAURYL SULFATE. AL'FIYA CAN BE USED EFFECTIV4:LY AL50 FOR 'AND SYNTHETIL FABRICS. THE STABILITY OF ALIFIYA AGAINST TURPIDITY AT LODEGRELS LASTS GREA7ER ThAN'24 HRS. J; UNCLASSIFIED -1 H." USSR KUDZILM, R~ A. "* ---------------- 190ptimal Stopping of Semistable Diffusion Processes" Lit. Mat. Sb. IlAthunnian 14athematics Collection], IP*,'2, 12, No 4, pp 99- 9. s L. I-ac t N "i, Ah- 112 (Translated from Referativnyy "hurnal Kibornecila, - o 4, H '. No 4V111, by the author). Trans I at i on: For diffusion processes in 10, -), gonri-atod by the opcralor I 2-- (A) : -.r > o; I d N T W a re c on ,~j ns with the boundary condition b 1) i:n x j f or 2) 1 im Al ( v) 0. if < .1 .0 1/2 USSR Ktidzbn)a, R. A., Lit. slat. Sb., 1972, Vo3 12, So 4, 1,:,,) 99-112. the problem of optimal stopping ii studied. The valijo- finitej of t`ic following vXprension is I'llund S (X, Y): ~4 hup + I L. 'lit where y, 6, y are positive constants, while ??J, is tkc ser of stopping MOMClItS, T iS thC Oj)tiMA StOlIllillil 1114LIMOrit. USSR U C4 Q s 621-315-592 KRIKSHTCPAYTI.S), I. L). , and 4Q H Lziibor Red 1)azu,,er Order Institute of the PhysIcs of Semiconducibrift' At.,aidemy of Scien- ces Lithuanian SSR "Isolation of Au on Ge Monoci-jetals in Hyiroflmoric Acid Solutions" Vilnius, Trudy Akademii Nauk Litovskoy SSH, Serlya 13, Yol j(62), 1970, Dp 13-19 Abstracti A study is reported on the heterogeneous system Ge/HF-H2C-HAuCl4 at high conCentrations of di'amolvell Au, concentrat- ing on the interaction of Au-* ions with a deformedo thin surface layer of Ge nionocrystal in concentrated KF solthtionii. The quantity of the deposited RAU and dissolved Ge w,as detemdried by a weiKht method. It has been determined that the surfaqe stvuctuve of the deposited Au depends on the RIPIH20 ratko in the FjoWtion. its the Au continues to be deposited on the mo-nocrystall, the vhuivalent charac- ter of the contact exchange ie shiftedp The basic g.-amponents of the solution and the changes taking place during tUs hotterogeneous 1/2 USSR KRIKSHTOPAYTIS, I. b. ~ 1# # Trudy Akademil 10tuR Ltovskoy SSR, Seriya B, vol, 3(62), 1970. pp 13-19 reaction lead to an excessive amount of the reduced Au. it ill pro- posed that this phenomenon La due to the generution *t holes in the interface due to the reduction of Au, some of wltich w,e trapped by the surface layers* 2/2 USSR MC, VOMYMISM, M. D., OMEN, A. YU., SUNImmy, A. 14. University "Relaxation of Phase Boundaries in SbS1 Single Cryst-OW" Moscow, Kristallografiya, Vol 18, No 2, Mar-Apr 73, pl) 325-3~7. Abstract: Changes in diclectric permeohility with 1) i-.-e studied when a constant electric field acts oil SbSj s11n,,,.It! in the region of the phase transition. It is established tlw~[: t', IWO' saturation with increasing field intensity and docrcwivs by sevel-:11 t.-Illit's as frequency is varied from I to 40 KJlz, rho docreaso time of -c is reduced by 41 to 6 times when the specimom j.S illUtIlil"110101 alld witl~. increasing frequency. The dependeaces prodoced ran 1xi t2xp1niwd by O.t! contribution to the value of F- of newly developing phaso attachment time of which amounts to some tons of second!;. ............. ....... . ....... . OS Pl ~.Tt2 - 023 UNCLASSM-0 04mCE$is'rNG oArE-'-l E f0 TITLE--FINE STRUCTURE OF BARIUM TITANATE SINGLE CRY'SrALS -U- AUTHOR-(04)-GUYENOKj YE.P.t ZABARA, YU.V,? KUDZIN A.YU., FOMICHEY, 0.1. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR - ..SOURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 1970t 12(3) 956-1-8 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--BARIUM TITANATE# SIN'GLE CkYSTAL, CRYSTAL LAFTECE OFFECT, CRYSTAL LATTICE DISLOCATIUN, ErctiEo CRYSTAL, CRYSI'AL S'rRUCl'JRE A14ALYSIS C01TROL %lARKINGj--NQ) PFSTRICTI(--NS DOCU-SENT CLASS--U-NCLASSIFIEO -PROXY REEL/FRAMF---1988/0584 STEP NO--UR/OL81/70/012/003/0956/0958 CIqC ACCESSION NO--AP0105567 UNCLASSIFIF0 2/2 023 UNCLkSSI r- 10) PA0CV-.$SItlG DATE--13SFP70 C[P.C ACCESSION A40--AP0105567 ABSTRACT/lEXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE FrtqF ST14UCTQkf OF 13ATIO SIJ33 CRYSTALS GROWN FROM SOLNe 1:4 A KF MELT WAS INVESTTGATfll.). DEFECI'S ANO DISLOCATIONS WERE DEVELOPED 3Y SELECTIVE ETCHING llOPTfoOpq(jspHollC AC110 AT 130-150DEGREES). CRYSTALS WERE CUT ALCNG THE 41001 13W (1101 DIRECTION IN THE (001) OR (100) PLANE4 ON THE 11-001 PLAN~ SQUARE ETCHING FIGURES WERE OBSO.t AND ON THE (110) PLANESs ELONGATED FIGURES. THE ETCHING FIGURES WERE DISTRIBUTED NONUNIFORHLY~ON T141E SURFACE. THEIR CONCN. WAS HIGHER IN THE REGION OF THE CRYSTAL THI,'~. FARTHER AWAY THEY WERE FROM THE POINT OF TlfE BEGINNING OF CRYSTAL GROWTH. SOVETIMES, THEY OCCURqEO ALONG THE LINES OF THE $EPN* OF LAYERS, THE UCHING FEGURES ARE RELATED TO THE STRUCTURAL INHOMOGENEITY GF rill! BATIO SU83 CRYSTALSt AND MOST PROBABLY 4PPEAR ON THE LINEAR DEFECTS OF,7HE DISLOCATION TYPE. -UNCLASS -1 F I tr-D---- USSR UDO [621.362-1,5;2 -4 1-017.001.24 KUFA, E.N., BAZAROV, G.F. saw 'Terminal Los see in Montard Magneto'hydrodynawic Gensrator' V ob. TeElotekhn.Ero Dr smogo preobrazoY.energ;i! (Heat-EnpineerinF, FrOblems Of Direct Energy Converaion-Collection Of Works), Ime 2, Liey, 1'Nauk*dumka,' 1971, pp 103-106 (from M-Elektrotakhnika I ene.K&t~tiflot$ No 12, Dec 1971, Abstract No 12A187) Translationt An evaluation is made of the magnitude or tha tsrminal losses at the output of the channel of a magnatohydrodynamic (:11101 gamerstor un,~ the affect of these loneau on the efficioncy of a r'LIM alackrical power plant. An analysis In made of the channel and diffumor In u one-dWanijionrol approximation, and the distribution of the paramoitere obtained Is uned for diblerwination of the currents and potantialu (plans problem). in enalylike ia made of U-0 diffilear with electrodynamica taken into account. 2 ill. (Voranov, Poly-technical 1natitutsi 12 if USSR UDC 6:10. 171. SKLYAVIOV.. N. M. YONONOWK, N. 1. ISHOWAO, 1. 1. , LOZITSKIY, L. P., SHIPIL, V. Ya., LAPITSKIY, Yu. A., KUPAYI'V, V. N., Kiev "Detennination of Wrability of Hent-RcsiStant Alloy-.; in Un-itable Opcratiug Modes Considering Brief Overlo;Os" Kiev, Problem), Prochnosti, No 3, Mar 73, pp 100-101. Abstract: The specific Feiinn-cs of applicadoll of '111' lille'll. addition Of" during calculati-Ill :iIIJ aCCOJOr:)L1.'d ation of thc guara;ltced (ILIrAIP'LlIty 011" With durim, -'ridividual st~lv'cs ill thk.~, J)rm~ram Of ull,,tabl,: 1mI-.'llw . A , wi I h variable loadF art. studiekl' w; s"011 zu; prklhlclx.~ (if t"i". C01 ill, ca I CLI i on ch"i ac t. (.I. j.~i t i t-, fol, hoat - rei iwl" I I or: 11.~e cont-It d c ve] p,, c I by !Ij. i;h:trO t:,!* dur,-:~J'j, ally mcifAcIlt is if-al (d -11 !, ~';ij t !i the I)IO111'.1ri UlldCr OIC COVOMWd illf ILJCllCC or II)J;k NMI 1:1~! ),;I 1A i Ill N quasi-stable lil-)dt- foi- cach IAIC ",ctS 01' 101ill-tL-1:11 'AfIA11111 :-1.J endurance are utilizc-1, consideriiw, fli,-! iinfli:-!il~:'~~ of 111'~. 10.1dillp prellistory .1il't t1w CC11'rC-0,101 ILI Il,', 1il:jjtjllj', Ctjj'V~!!; ft)t~ USSR SKLYAROV, N. M.j et id, kiev, Problemy Prochnooti, lia 3) 1 ~',Cj -1(" temneratures and dumbilitles. The spectrum of loado, stiid-led in tion with the sequence of their appliv.,ttion, i.e.j in tir-~e. USSR UDC 620.178.38 ~ N., Kicv "Study of the FaLigluu Strength of* Ifeat -Res istant with llristabk! Loading" Problem), Prochnosti, No 3, 1972, pp )3-10. Abstract: Iles u It!; arc, 1) verctited fro"11 fa t ig uv~ tes t.i ;))l oi* I I -I is t a I kt blade alloys It hiPh te17,j)erntL11'QS With J_)TO,~'rWWAULI TFe dependence o'L f.itill-tic strenI.-,th and damape to ;illoxs 011 -,tr0:5!i 1w.-VI 0, tile progrWil is th'!~1on,;Ll'aLed, il.,i Well W:, 010 the distribution o4~ durabilitics ill ~,tahlcd and' Test-s wit".4 a logarithmic normal distribution. )/I US9R UlYC 629. PENIYOV, A. M., POGREVNAYAK, A. D., KtJrAYEV V. N., SP.-NYSIAY, V. N. MGM "Use of Complex ".10thod oj,., Estimatilig lZellability to Study Materials for Gas Turbine Engine Parts" Sb. Nauch. rr. Kiev. In-t Insh. CraZhd. Avnatsii, jC0:lj(,!L-t-,'IA SCiVlltifiC Works of Kiev Civil Aviition Engineering Institute], IIS'171, M) 4, 1--p 69-7,~. (Translated from Reforatixinyy "hurnal Aviatsienrive i. IIA-t~tnyyc lh-lgateli, No 1, 1972, Abstract No 1.34.77 from the rosume). Translation: Fatipic tc.~sts were performed in order t.,,) e-~tiwat,,- lhc,ility .1 ALP.Cd .2 of alloy E1617 under vari"Ible tel..-Aperature CcIndirions. tcsV replIc"I temperature procran imitating the temperature chw)gc-s of bbilc-i in orw-r:~tion. The test results are presc-jited as a faVillue curvo. ]hL., points on tho curve express the neon d)irabilities fro-I the results of testing of S. to 10 at each level. To evaluate the he"lavior of tile. ruaterl"ll 1111d(!r IIV:11, conditions , tht: v"Iriable Cow"wrients of the power and reproduced. As before, thu, stressc-; in the program ui!!xe d0l%l%-~I~C.' in !i*;-.--t-.- from 39 to 31.5 kg/i-.,Lm2, thun increasckl to 39.5) Pw to :illoy I 112 USSR PENIF.OV$ A. M., et a1.$ SI). Nauch. Tr. Mev. In-t 111103. GI-o'.11(i. k,'wati;ji, 1971, No 4, pp 69-7,2 was evaluated oil the ba,,is of the, Values of' tho I i L), ~.:H terlon ~:Ith bined loading ak- Testing of a scrics of- specimcris k7.;6ic,1tf:.O the value of ak=0.70, indicating iTItensive Elamage to L1617 1110V Lll*,,I('I- '-h,:' CMI!~iflCd jT1f1U1,-n1:12 of variable temperaturcs and strosses. 1"he applicalJoa of thc st;ttic 05C 20kg/m2 callsvd a slight jllclcarie Di the Jurability critLrjci~ iijill reproduction of stresses and temperatums up to al-O.P9. Ayl.~f, USSR MIC 620.171.2 SKLYAROV, N. M., KONONCRUK, N. I., ZIIUKOV, S. VASIL,-V, 1 .1 B. N., AKIMOV, L. M., LAPITSKIY, Yu. A., BFLYAYFV, .4. .9,, KRI.V1:)7UG0V, G. S., ISHCHENK0, 1. 1., POGREWNM, A. D., and 'KUFAYEV, V, jj~,_,QIosvow, Kiev) "Estimating the Heat Resistance of Heat-Resistant Alloyn Under Actual Operating Conditions" Kiev, Problemy prochnasti, No 1, 1.971, pp 13-21 Abstract: Problcms conceriwil wIth estir'.utting the en-lu-cauce u~- heat-resist.ant materials under unstable loading condi.Llottii are analyz!f!'I. I mutho'd is stlg- gested for producing and using "secondary" wdurance C.Naracterli.,Lics, In- creasing the accuracy of estimation and calculation of guar4tntcLd dur4uhj lity under operating conditions and forced equivalent loading motion. These secondary characteris tics represent the depandence of 'the durability of materials on cc-.ibinations of preceding progrmed and i:abseqtmat NtaLiCw");-,rY loads in various proportions. The fonaula of lint.-ar 4idditioa of dama.-I! applies. The secondary characteris tics are produced by acc~.-:Iarnntcd tcv~i;t:`I'?, over limited test periods with extrapolation to the area o.-I increased dur- -11) 111 if-T U ish U 34 C621. J91.3. 052:542.63: 5.19. ~' 1.11 : 6 69. A.'95 ,&W'AYKZi, A. YA., Enginaer, FSINWNIN, 1. '.;E., Cindidatot o, nicariic-a m. V., Enginoar "Welding of Titaniuia in the Solid 3~tate at Low Contac't; Pre.-iuwrell ~-'oscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 5, May 70, pp 29-~I) AbSLraet: A stuly was mado of the possibility of weldir,L.- Utanii-i of welding in tne solid state aL low contact pressureo It. i~,is porivientally that the maxamuz strength of the joints producied w~'-!; abrasive treatment of the surfaces to a degree of 8-9 and LIY which increased the contact area of the Joined surfacii)s. Apl)UcaLion o" method contributes to a higher degrue ot prvservatlon~af t-be pl-~i5Lic proi.,e:rtic-~~ of titanium than is possible with brazUuS. USSR UDC -&VYLEVSKrI('-IF,-J., 1:11RISTICRO 'J. V. "Active Band or Band-Eliminition RC-Filter." USSR Author's Certificnte flo 2962128, filed 12 Jun IN19, publisltw,i S Apr 1971 (from 10i-Radiotekimika, '.,o 1,, PTFZ, Abstraiit No ID11,411) Translation: A filter it; proposed whIch contains, an iind a ~,vuble. T- type bridge in a ne-,ative feedback circuit, In ordev to ~viprw,,e the ttr:~iA~ra- ture stability of tile filLer parameters, a teraperaLlIVCt (14!VICI! is included in parallel to the double T-Cype brIdIge. tCr,,,,,(IrzItt;rC device comprines a serik-s-c,mmectcId phasc-shifting Cf)-Ctlil. ~~ Irile-11.3tolic bridge one ar,.,,. of which ir. fontwd by n heat-t;emJti1,,v U.-ItTiO%L, ior a thermoreafsLor, and the uriltUr-banc junaton o~ a tricdu ii; iv~- cluded in the output dla,,*,onal. '11'hifl tried(! t0,-,#'-ZJ142r W[Lh Hte rc-iiiitw- j.-.i Oic collector circuit con.,;tItude.-i a dywimic lo4td of the c.;.iirtcr T(!pc,,;tcr. The input of the latter iti comir~!CtLd directly tO 0111 (1L11:111,11. Of' 111~' dQUI)IC T- type bridge. Tile feedback, volut-o proportionil to tku all,-0:,raic E:um of 1-he Output Voltages of tile double T-Lype bridge and the lilt~!ati;Lone i!: pickcd up fron the collector of the semiconductor triode, Witch is tile dynmir 3nad of the complex emiLter repeater. USSR UDC 546 ~271 - N., and NA7-kRLOK, T. N., Instituto of L~Iroblems of Mateyr-i-a-l' Sciences, Academy of Sciences, Ukrminian SSR Me Chemical Resistance of Diborldes of the Transition Met;tis of Groups IV-V in the Periodic Table" Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 3, Mar 71, pp 51-55. Abstract: Ile authors studied the decomposition of diborldi.-s of tile Iransition elements in Groups IV and V of the periodic tabl* by -gigirerat acids in a riedium. of nitrogen by determining the composition of the gaseous decomposition products and compared the chemical resistance of the diborides to.the corresponding -metals under the same conditions. Similar studies were perforned I.-ri air. Thu diborides of the transition metals of Grcup IV were found to be, :Less v-qb1c zhan tho!le of Group V. The chemical stability in Group IV increaso*,4 rroim hafilium to titanium. In Group V, stability increase-d vfith increasing ordhial numbe'r of the ale-Mant from vanadium to tantalmni. The dt~composition of dibarkdes ~y acids are not oxidizers is accompanied by significant liberation of hyd:t-ogen, at 4-5 moles per mole of boride decomposed, rite borides are 3trang i'cdLWCTS, 5tronger char. elementary boron and the metal of which they are forned, They are less stable than the corresponding metals. USSR UDc 546.271 -VJGAY, L. N., and NAZARCHUK, T, N., Inatitut-e of 9-roblems of M-a-MMAT-Ttiences, Academy of Sciences, Ukraiiiian SSR "The Chemical Resistance of Diborides of the Transition:Metals-, of Groups W-V in the Periodic Table" Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 3, Mar 71, pp 51-55. Abstract: The authors studied the decomposition of dibOTides of the transition elements in Groups IV and V of the periodic table by s,.,fveral acids in a medi= o-; nitrogen by determining the composition of the gaseous decomposition pre-ducl:s and compared the chemical resistance of the diborides to tke corve.-ponding netals under the same conditions. Similar studies were performod in air. Thi! dibarides of the transition metals of Group TV were found tr., be le:5s sl:able than those, Of Group V. The chemical stability in Group IV incrtrasi-,d Xrom harnium to titani=. In Group V, stability increased with increasing ordinal numl.,er oi the element from vanadium to tantalum. The decomposition of diboritics by ;kcids which are not oxidizers is accompanied by significant liberation of hyd-rogen, at 4-5 moles per mole of boride decomposed. Me barides are strong reduccrs, stronger than elementary boron and the metal of which they are formed, They are less stable than the corresponding metals. 1/1 - USSR uDe FEDORUSj V. B., RMCIAPOVA, T. YA., OZ111A, YIJ. B, I aiA KIM 14Y , L. 4N. "Investigation of the Reaction of Zirconium Wde WJ:th Carbides of Group V1 It tals's le V sb. Tugoplavk. karbidy (The Refractory Carbides -- Collection of liorks Kiev, "Fauk. Duaka," 1970~.$ P 244-250 (froia No 3, Ear ht Abstract No 31^9378 by aut Z Translationt An investi,-ation is mado of the chaxiwter af the reaction of zirconium o)dde with carbideu of Group VI metza* -- Cr C , i1o C a:id WC -- by 4eraicia, and not&UoC,,rqh1a r nc~i. -The aut.-om the methods of x-ray, c. 0. 1,12Y2 determine the mature of the intermediate and Unal *ruact:Lon Protiucts, ani C4 orl - .jrj; establish the dependence of the phru3a oonposition o: -the ::qla sinterirg temperature. A study ia =ado a the sta~bllxlty of Lo zxd W cLVb1de2 and ZrO in acids arA In ml_%tures of acids with 0XVIazir."I al~d Conplexinc au-Critz;. A metQ is sugGested for chemical phoe separation QT tho abolee-ixidlc-lted compounds. Four tables. Bibliography with 21 titlifia. USSR OC EL'YASBF,RG, P. YE. , LUGAYULILO.,.A ww""Im "Influence of Day,"Jight rffect in the Dictribution 0~ 1 ty j;-) the Retardation of Artificial Earth Satallites" V sb. Mat. rnetody, modeliv. v. kosmich. issled. fe,~j_,C~~L C,17 in Space Kese~a-ch -- Collecfi,)n o' -Uork-,i), Moscow, : P)t (from R'fli-62. kt-nmichcskolo Nc. No. 4.62.265) Translation: The influence of day-night efftct In spheric den.-ity on chxiges in the period of rotattiorl ijn~l an artificial ear-th satellite is w2vest-1.0,40-ad. for determining these changes. it is ihovn tivit if The atmosphere dotevinined an -the. basis of the retza,dffl~:~`,)rl of formulas obtained without cons-Mering the influincq 1:,4. d,iv-ni-.!i- v~-I'(4- considerable errors may o(?cw,. An estim3te of the.;Q is Resume. 7 USSR IJDC 521.3:C29.783 KUGAYENKO, B. EL'YASBERG, P. YE. "Long-Range Prediction of the Notion of an Prtificia-1, Sat(!] I, ro In Circular Orbits Considering an Arbitrary Nuird),zw cf* V sb. Mat. metadv modolir. v Ro:~.inirh. Inslod. of in Space Research -- Callection of" Works), Moscow, (ftlom RM-62. Issledovaniye kwqrTi.IrhC.3kqvo prostraw-tva, Ilo. 4, Ap'r No. 4.62.286) Translation: A systein of analytical velatlonsh.[-.:~s i_vc! the long-ran ,rtn- rharigcr; in clurnents of alyii=t ci,-culav (Irld't-i o', satelliter'. With the:if.- one ascendIng node:,, of th,.~ as t:1 finI4.,tInn of 0:112 th.'! then study the effect of rin arbitrar, numbra, o~ zinii-d lin Oil! of the ear-th gravity patential and the (effect -T. fro-ra the innon and -swi and of all' j,~.i C.k k2ifi~.,.It C)i -these hIgher zonal haurm,.:)rdics (beginnini, with thi-.! 5,~h) c-l"I stlAit'd, wIth vh,~ aid of six congruonce para-meters wli-;ch enter into -cbi! calc%ulazior. i-,, 4:c:-1--t'*,7~:-.- to the Values of the coefficient:S at tbe 00-y'd and parameters, which are functions of the Orl-4t, C.~111 1/2 USSR KWAYENKO, B. V. , EL'YASBEI,-.G, F. YE. , Mat. 1,.Ietody !Ioscow, "Nauka", 1971, pp 106-119 theoretically on the basis of given values of the expar.Liici-I :.-ouffic-Lont-- H: ti.he gravity potential or on the ba.,.,-i.s of obseryation-.i on 1.:I*.,e (if by matching the results of the calculation with d--Ita. 7 1'(?f. Resume. 2/2 USSR uDc: 621.319.4 -Y,SEROV, A. V. KUGAYEVSF "A Capacitor With Variable Losses" Tr. Sib. NII metrol. (Works of the Siberimi ScLentific F,:,near-lb Ir.:~L-.Tute- of Metrology), 1971, vyp. 12, pp 93-97 (frOM K,11-1310itoteMinika. No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6V380) Translation: The paper describes one of the wdifi(mticnis of desiri of capacitors with variable losses. The operating prlmcinl,-~ lies in e-Luer- nate placement of diclectric materialo with diXfortoLt tangent.,z J,n the capacitor field. 'nie capacitance of the devico rmidno 0,!otmtWiL eu, thi.- losses vary. ReswrA. 1/1 USSR UDC: 621.317.4ii.c23 GERBER, A. A., KUGAYEVSKIY, -'-'--"~'M.'I1- '0404 "Measurement of Reversible Permaability on High Frequi!nc Tr. Sib. N-71 metrol. (Works ef the Siberian Scientift~! Re!jt!i!LrC'-j Tnstitute of Metrology), 19 vyp. 12, PP 53-60 (from ffi'sh-H&dfq-,ekhniku, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6A302) Translation: A description is given of a two-circLtit pervewreter Eonrl a coaxial resonator designed for hi&-frequency and bup-rhigh-frcquency measurements of the magnetic characteristics of znate:vials wider the effect of constant magnetic fields. Resumg. USSR uDc; 621.317.44 BELYUSHKIN, G. A. , KU'GAY-EP,3KIY.,.�--.F- "Radio Spectrometers for Studying the PerTieabllity of Met-;,etic Thin Fdlrr" DA1. Vses. nauchno-tt-kI-:-. radicte--,Oin. ports of the Ail-Uni;m.,ri I'z:-It~ntific and Technical i:jn Radio ing Measurements. Vol. 1) , llovcsiloirsk, 19"I~), pp ax:ka, No 1, Jail 71, Abstract No 1A3T3) Translation: The Outhorl )riefly olAlive the results of wL)jI:s cn the 1:12thcd of susceptibility, whicn i!~ extens.4-vely used for st,4dyIn,,-, an! magnetic thin fiLms. ins tLlla:t ions have been for -stud3,ing -iu2-- ceptibility in the mgion f2rromngnettc resonance wid in thfi. regicr: k':f radio frequenzy lcczze~-:, -whicn are essentially rnd-io stPuctnmaeterg. of' permeability. Various dingrams of such. Enstallutions are various ty-pes are evalun-ted wtl ::ircuits itre recaiut~!ndn(i V~:ir of vide band radio :.,pectrareter-z of permeability. aitf!.-AAcr. ii3 given to Problem'i involved In mwiuremelit of the sl--,eetva f zqFetic thin filmi, A inw-thoil tat propotied tor WW -IvLvnr-tfc characteristic-.; of ruipTiezic thin I'LlIzz. BibIloilral;hy of tIt,Iv!;. ~~. I VI USSR ~JDC 6' 1. !0 13 G~,,;3, F KUC,kYEVSKIY, A. F., YATSYNINA, N. L. , KARIM, N. N, "Coaxial Resonator" USSR Author's Certificate No 252430, Filed 27 Itay- 68, Viih1ish,:!d: () iE4) 7~1 (from 112h-Radioteklinika, Iva 9, Sep 70, Abstract "N't) 9BO-111) Translation: The proposed resonator is designed for M1h1.,;t1tL11jj L~1,'! parameters of materials. It consists of twu sections i::annt.!,Qt,,id to each ut.her. In order to improve the Q-factor of the resonator and Increasc the aceuracy a,-^ the measurements, one section of the resonator is iasttimed -in a inoving i;pring- loaded carriage. The intemal coiWuctor of the re8aijalmr Is 4tylipped with 13 tip Tihich is supported on a threaded bushing oi a hraclli:et will(lil iS faSO!ned to the base of the carriage. There is one illustratiogi. DATE--30OCTIO ou UNCLASSIFIEO~~ PAi JITLE-41CRUSYNTHESIS OF HYOROCARDONS FOR OETERMINIW~ GAl; CHROMATOGRAPHIC PARAMETEkS -U- ; _AUTHUR-(02)-KUGUCHEVA, YE.YE., ALEKSEYEVAP A.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .SOURCE--ZAVOD. LAB. 1970t 3b(319 27t-3 ",DATE PUBLISHED----70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--HY0k0CAkt30N SYNTHfiS IS# GAS CHROMATOGA APHY OtEftYORATIONt ALCOHOLt ISOMERIZATIONt ALKkNEv ZEOLITEi HYDROGENATIUNi CATALYSIS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--199710729 STEP NO--UR/0032/T4)lO3j5itOD3/02'rl/0273 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0119636 UNCLASS I F- IED 2/2 012 UNC LASISIIIF I Eb, PR,DCES!)[NG i)ATE--30()CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119636 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A6SYi~Acr. C SUB5 C S(H,6 HYOKUCARBONS USE AS GAS-CHROMATOG. STDC5. wERE PREPD. r3Y CArALYTIC KEACTEE),%~, E. G.r DEHYDRATION OF AMYL ALCS. OVER M00IFIEJ CA SU53 (PLI Sljll4.) SU32 ANO AL SUB2 0 SUB3. ISOMERIZATION OF OLEFINS 0.4 CAA ZEOLITE Ull Cl~ HEX-:114ES ON PD-C, AND BY HYDROGENATING HEXENES. THE REAMUN$ KERL-* CAKRIEU OUT UNDER DYNAMIC CONOITIO14S IN A GLASS TUBE MICROREAcroR., FACILtry: NLI SIN. SPIRT. ORG, PROD.j MOSCOWt USSR4 USSR UD17: 51 KUGURAKOVA, N.-K. "Generalization of the Mehl 1.4'ethod for an Arbitrary Cc,nvox Fur2ticn." V sb. Chisl. netody v telchn.-okon. madachakh (11u::~erjcal in Teo- nical and Economic Frcblems--collection of works), Kaziwil , 'Eurran' Ulni- versity, 1971, pp 99-112 (from RZh~-Fiberretita,, No 1, 11'nn 7:2-, Abstract No lV833) Translation: In connection with the Biehl method, see ffl'h-Mut, 1~)616, lV278K. USSR MVIOPOV I. F..,-NEGUSHEV, 0. 1. (Iristitixte of TheweUcal and Ex-,erimental Physics, M"Oscaw) "Formation of Comlex Magnotic Cyr.IoB ill a 7-FE7 Proton ZyrAhrotron" Moscm., Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimental January~Fabvaary_, 1971; 19-24 AR-)TRAL-,r: The rrirciples of developing generaI-virpn.,-,a control. systErio 'for ignitron rectifiers are described. The systf= are i,-Iesifrned for thf~ aitern~.te formation of basic mz~xnetic cycles idth one or two conti-mmis sFdft,, f--oi T:,o5i- tive valuco oll the derivative of tho field dli/dt = 11, - 9 koe/oec to any glven value other than zero (for slmT direction of t'he beam or, the tar:,et) as wel-1 as of nhortcn&. trianrqilar cyalms for producin(~ a pvctor, ba.=. with am anqxf~y of approdmately 2CO 1710v In tho intorras between tbe bas,ic cycles. T~e pro- cess of forming, such cycles in supplying pcwm, to tl)v airxilar magneL ix. the 30-cycle/rainuto mode is irAicated. 1/1 USSR ,KIJG US I -I EV , N 11,771 N , D YLL MV: Lal it Design and C(-Instruotic,t, ul' ;,-Talits W1.01 Z.,.: Z kt" h I L un t a, f Tr. nroytk'n. '.--ta " 17 j ~j, t _ OZC (Wo rk r tute for the cn und T'iwuling oi' Elcctrical. "or ";I'LO, lations), -1-(,)T0 ryp. 9, pp 95-110 (from N, 1, 70, Absl~ract No 9A119 T r an n I at I o. i :Ab -,- i ef e x pos i t i on I s IF iven a f th e eh iir ac t fir t i :~ L] cav t; u ti - zation of the MHD method of ener&v coriversion. Posuible 't,vchm:j1::)w;t--~l dia~,rxuis of electric power plants with MHD generators r4re descr:jbed ai.~. well- !L--. r,~Ah,:All f(:~r furtkier developments along these 1 ties. Coiwideration is gilven tn tht! pl-annjn,~~ (if roiw standard equilment, a brief description of the charILCteril-*l;,'C.(1 ')I, v:Aenn J'al. Control, automation and protection of equilment, as vell L1.5 ba.510 v-plutl,or.~:- for 1),.ittin~; tr,- gether the main building. rapl~y oj' 0:)l I* tit,1(12. Four i I -lust rations , t ib I! og 11 A 1/1 USSR 5-?)~ - , 3-T6 KOZY16KlY, 0. YA., KONONE-IKO, V. k., M., JIVVITI.11, V, Y., N. S... and UIZHTISIMA, L. K., Irizti Ukrainian SSR and Ukrain`.-la Scientific Re, 1,1.~Ul 1~.[ "Durability Lind Subutructure of a Beat-Rezistant, Fro c ~1.:, i. [I'L vti Subjected to Ultrnsanie Treatment" Sverdlovok, Fizlka M,,AE~Ilcv L fk~Aallcm,!denlYt~, Vol 35, No 4~9 Ab:;t.ract: Tl-~-e of ir~-ridirt"I(:1,1 oil tiv! of 1a1JJ*J,(1.yUH Im.3 strdiiud Cv... 1 1 holirc. at, whiel-I we ro (A~'!a -to irrarliat i r1m c-A '(tX')ll(-' w I ti; Occillai ` 1 on , ~tm 0 1 twit - v, & r I oil 1w; tl .10 .1,11 1.1i 1.1 -1 qold tile uUnpleo Were al, I,()):. ont! or tv~~ )IOUX.1 7000C under a load oi' 46 It was of tl-,i-- .~I.loy promote.", I molle lJn14AJm distrib.,M, oil (-.,]* 1.":r! (:qt-Ot~r, creases ductility o-.4iiir, to rr.Moval of carbid.., frorr, thf-! blocks dislocation sources, and inten..,Uftez aging In Alt, is incre:.~oed diii-ability ai.-,J decreased crectp rate. 2 Vfij!;ure~i, I 1m:tL-- bibliographic USSR KUK, Yu. V., PETUNIN, Yu. 1. "Asymptote of Dispersion of Best Unbiased Linear Estl=ate (it' Unknown Mathematical Expectation of a Stable Random Process Produced with Even Subdivision of the Interval of Observations" Ukr. mat. zh. (Ukranian Mathematics Journall, 1973, 41115, Nc) 2, pp 214- 227 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal - Kibernctika, No 3, 1973. Abstract No 8 V213 by the author) Translation: The stable random proces* x(5), tC(O,T] with unknown mathematical expectation m is studied, The as)miptot(st of dispersion D of the best linear estimate constructed on the bashs of the o9servations x(to), x(tl),..., x(tn) is studied, whei-4~ to, tJ.----#tn is the even division of the observation interval [0, 71. Suppose D is the dispersion of the best linear estima-te of' mathemati~-al expectation m of process of x(t). It is shown that for tho stable irl.-.-ir- kov process x(t) Dn-0=0(n-2). e I . USSR KUK, Yu. V., PETUNIN, Yu. I., Ukr. mat. zh., 1973, 2$, No 2, pl) 214- 227 If x(t) is an elementary Dub process, the sequence E),~-D approaches zero no slower than 0(n-1). 2/2 . ............ -1/2 oto UNCLASSIFIE61 PkljCES%ING 0ATF_--t8SEP70 TITLE--POTASSIUM OXIDE AND 8ORON OXIDE AND POTASSIUM CHLORIDE AND WATER SYSTEM AT 25PERCENT -U- AUTHOR-(02)-..~.UKA,~P.t G;ODEt He COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--LATV. PSR ZINAT. AKAD. VESTISt KIM. SER. 1970, (L)t 23-5 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--AQUEOUS SQLUTIQN# PUTASSIL14 CHLUqtr.%C-, 6GRATEP POTASSIUM OXIDE, 'BORON OXIDE CONTROL MARKING--NO ItESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--U'ICLASSIFIEO PRCAY REEL/FRAME--198.9/0612 STEP t4r)--UR/046/t/?0/000~i)ol/0023/aO25 CIIRC ACCESSION Ni)--AP0105595 mj 212 010 UNCLASSIFIED' PIROCE5SING, OATr---l3SEP70 C[RC ACCESSION NO--AP0105595 ARSTRACT/EXTRACT--IU) GP-0- AaSTRACT. -THE SOLY. CIP: K 11ORATE 1,14 SOLNS. CONTG. 10 AND 20PERCENT KCL ANO IN SATO, KCL SOLNIi. 043 STUDIED AT 25PERCFNT. IN 5ATD. KCL SOLNS. WHEN THE K SU82 n CllNrL-NT WAS 0.024PERCE-NT K DECABORATE APPEARED IN THE SOLIU PHASE, AT THIS POINT, THE D SU62 0 SUB3 :K SUB2 0 RATIO WAS 144. AS THIS RA'rt(j DECREASEDr THE SOLY. OF THE DECABORATE IST DECREASED AND THEN INCREASE0. THE SOLY. OF THE TETRABORATE PASSED THROUGH A MIN. AFTER WHICH IT lbl(:I~F-4SED SHARPLY AND ATTAINED A POINT OF SIMULTANE-OU5 CRYSTN-o OF THE TF'I';tA AND THE DIBORATES. IN 10 AND 20PERCENT KCI SOLNS.9 THE SOLY. ISOTtIF.RM~ RVJ PARALLEL DETWEEN THE ISOTHERMS FOR THE SOL-NS. WITiPOUT 14 'CL AND THE KCL SATO, SOLNS. THE SOLY. MIN. OF DECA AND TETRABORAIES 4ij:RF RErAINEo. THE SOLY.. OF KCL DECREASED AS THE 9 rt(JB2 0 CONTEN9 Il%CQl;AiEDj AND THUS, IN THE 10PERCENT KCL SOLN. THE ISOTHEPM TERMINATE10 AT A K SUB2 0 CONTENT OF 16o60PERCENTj AND FOR THE 20PERCENT KCL SOLNo- THE ISI)Tl4E-;zm TERMINATED AT A K SUB? 0 CONTENT OF 6.40PERCENr. AT IHESE POINTS T14E ISOTHERMS MERGED WITH THE ISOTHERMS OF A KCL SATD, SOLN* wai USSR UDC S47-587 - 2 IL KUKALENKO, S. S., GRkCjjEvA, N. A. p CHILIKIN, L. G, "Chemistry of Organic Pesticidos. III. Syntheilik 01~ 4-Phuhali- midobutanoic Acid" Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimiip vol 9, No 7., JO-Y 1973, Tm) 1401-1404 Abstract-. 4-Phtha'1,11imidobutanoic acid was MAde by reacting gamma- -y potassium plithalimide 4it V.;0_ 200C 04"f butyrolactone with dt yield). Cis-Tetraliydr-oplittialirlidobutaiioic acid was obtained b% a similar procedure. A number of esters, acid chlorides, ainides, and anilides of the first compound were prepaved and their prop- erties determined. Of the producta tested., tht-~ iiioi;t active fungicide (against tomato phytoflora) was 4-phthallmidobutanoic monoothylamide. USSR UDC 51'7-745:541-69 KUKALE and GRAMM, N. A.,, Scientific Research Imititute of Fertilizers and InsectofuiLgicides imeni. Prof. Ya. V. SAMOYLOV;, Moscow "A New Synthetic lk~thod for N--Aryl and 11-Alkylpyrrolidories awl. 6ome of 'heir Properties" Riga, Mimiya Geterotsiklichaskj1h Boyedineniy, No 6, J11-n 71o o 773-77h Abstract: A simple method was developed for nynthesLs (W N-aryl and N-alkyi- pyrrolidones based on the reaction of Carmaa-birtyroIacV3i.%o wIth prinai-y ai-dne hydroch.lorides. Me reaction taken place upon hemti-n,, 'equimalar oi' 'Llie starting materials at 60-2100 for 4-20 hro. Aryl doirivativell ro~-Vl 1.11 yield, alkyl products can be obtained in 20-,13% yield. Ilia -,p~,odiicts synthes,ized were round to have fLuu;Icidal activity. 1/1 .. ............... 7 7 -7 - --- 7 USSR um 632-95 BUROVA, M. S., kl SAKADVISM, K. I., RDSTOITTSEVA, YE. Y.E.) MALYSHEV, A. .P "Study of the Halogenation of 0(-Hpichlorhydrine" V sb. Khim. sredstva zashchity rait. (Chemical Means of Plant Protection -- collection of works), Ne 1, Moscow, 1970, pp 263-269 (from No 1-29 Jun 72, Abstract No 12N415) Translation: During chlorination of a-epichlorhydrine (1), 3,y-dIchlorohydrine, a, a', W- trichlorace tone and (x, W, W-trichlorisoprol)),L ;Ocohol are formed. During brominatiuit of I, ai,y-chlorohronohydrine is isoillited as the prfn-ir-~ product. The procusn of halogertation of I in the prosilaive (.-a' '-wattere! 14~01t. and cooling, with heating; and ultr-aviolet.or radlatian was inveatiijnted. 1, C current flows into 207 grams of I at a rate of O.P--0.4 literry'mir. at 10-1,90JL2 after 84 hours the HC1 and C12 are blown off the solitian, mnd it is fraction- ated. Then 82-5 grams of Br2 are added dropwise to 48 griuir, of I heatf,~d to r;)0- 1000, and kept at 1000 for 5 hoiLrs and the HBr is blowit off and fractioxiated by gas chromatography. 4-f USSR UDC 632,95 BUROVA, 11. S., KARGAPOLOVA, F. V. "Reaction of Chlorohydrin Ethers With Amines, Phanolu, Thiophenals, and Carboxylic Acids" V sb. KhiT-. sredstva zashchLtv rast.(Chemical Menns of Plan~ ProteCLioil. -- Col- lection of works), vyp. 1, iloscow, 1970, pp 256-,!62 (41'rom L2, ,Jun 72, Abstract No 12Z4474) TranBlation: In aearching for pesticides, ordinmr-r rwthodr, were used to synthe- size derivatives of chlorohydrin WiLli the getteral for-aiulas. (I), Rxcli2CH(OlOcli.,NRIF-11 (11), IM112CH(OOCRIII)CH .1 Cl (1:10 111XQ i_' Ch C !C!: c I ON) (everywhere R is Ph. Substituted Ph, It' and 11" - 11, G I- C8- 11,11kyl, Ph, sl~bstftuted Ph; R"' = C I-C3- alkyl,halogen, "I u 0, S). A mixture of 128.5 grans of C-chlorc- phenol, 92.5 grmas of freshly redistilled epichlorohydn aml I i;ip, of 40~ x1lOOLIS solution of NaOffi! is heated in a bollin- %rati~r bath for 15 hmirs, gererzLillt,. 150.32 grarns of I (R - 4-CIC 6111, K = 0) (Ia), C911 10 C1,0 21 vield 4UL, hoilj.-,E~ point 131-2*/2, n 20 D 1.5513, d ~)O 1.3202. 1 (X - S) i4;obtalned analoj;ously, 4 1/5 USSR KUKALF11KO, S. S.P et al., Khim. sredstva zisfichity r,,.I;-t:, vvii. 1, Moscou, 1970, pp, 256-262 but with heating of the reaction mixture for 6 hours at: The I are obtained (R, X, the taolecular formula, the yield in 140 the boiling point in OC/mm or the melting point in *C, n 20 D, d20 are given): 2-C.-IC if 0 C I, C1,029 4 6 4, 1 9,10 50, 133/2, 1.5519, 1.3260; 3-ClC 6H49 0, C 9 11 10 Cl20;-?v 611,4, 154-6/20 1.5532, 1.3210; 2,4-Cl 2C611 39 coo C9 H9 Cl 3020 65, 184-5/4, 1.50,30, 1.4303; 2,4,5-CL, C6H20 0, C 9 if8 C14029 30, 58-1, Php S (1b), C 9it, 1.1 ClOq% 79t 14212, 1.2427; 4-ClC H S, C 11 C1. 03, 50, 156-7/2, 1.601.0, 2.34,37; 405-CL)c 1;'jj so 6 49 9 to 2 1 () '. C9It8Cl3OS, 77, 185-7/2, 1.6100, 1.4571. To it mixture of 22. 1. grat--n of 1.1 111C, 10.12 grams of Et 3 N, 12.32 grams of o-anisliline are adided Lrm JO' for 30 rintit,s. The mixture is mixed for 15 hours at 85,1000, separat:jng d,b rriixs ol: 11 (11 = 4- CIC6If 4, R' - 11, R" - 2-1110C 6 11 41 X. - 0) , C16018 C I It -: 1") 3, JILIL-111 boilia$' rJoInt. 133-7/4; it 20 D 1.5933, d 20 1.2455. The 11 are obtained ana1,'jj;;ousIy (it, W, n", X, the molecular fomu 4 the Vield in X, the boilinly point in 'C/Lxi or t.'*14! 380 20 j melting point in *C, n D, d are given): 4-CIG H H, P11, 0, C H (a"..0"I 2/5 4 6 41 15 16 USSR KUKALENKO, S. S., cc al., Khir. sredstva zas1tc1iitvrast,,, vv;,. 1, Moscow, 1970, pp 256-262 45, 78-80, 4-CIC 6 11 4$ 11, 3-MeC6 if 4' 0' C16"18C1:111:1-" 20, 69-70, 4-CIC 6if4a Hs 2,4-11,1e 2C6 11 3101C 17 If 20 CIN020 33* 86-7p 4-CIC, 6H4' '-e' 2)" OR C 16H 18 ClNo 21 33, 203-5/10. 1.3925, 1.2183; 4-ClC 6H1,11 Et' r1l, 1), C17 H, 1j Zi.101) 259 203-5/5, 1.5872, 1.2414; 4-CIC 6H40 110 n-C 6H171 OR C17H :3 Cl11;0 21 13, i74-5, Ph, li, n-C,11 s C H NOS, 20p 66-7, Pit, Et, ],I*t, S, C I NOS v 171 1 17 2~ 13 1, 21' 60, 147-3/2, 1.5430, 1.0722; Map 11, 2-1-feC 6114 PS, C 16 11 19 Nos, 30, 214-6/~', 1.6160, 1.1486; h, 11, 3-MeC 6 HV S, C 16 H19 NOS, 30, 46-8, --, ..-; Ph, 11, Pit, S, C 15 11 17 nos' 42.49 56-8, --j --; Pit, 11, 2,3-11e 2C611 30 S, C17 11 21 plosto 421 46-7, "ho it, 2-MeOC 6H41 S' C16"19"'02S , 35, 233-5/5, 1.6150, 1,18521 :?h, 11, 4-CICOH(4 , S, C, 5 11 16 ClNOS, 34, 64-5, --, --; Pit, lie, 11h, S, C 16 11 11) NOSP 41, 2()0-2Y2, 1.6210, 1.1444:Ph, Et, Ph, S, C 17 If 21 1105, 30, 213-1514, 1.6090, 1.17119; 11h, n-C d it 17' ph S, C N NOS, 25, 238-40/3, 1.5670, 1.0522. The III it; obtaincd by twating a 23 33 mixture of I and the corresponding carboxylic acid In iLri orflanic solvent tn the vre-Rence of 11.,s0 with continuous rcdistillation of th-v wat:(ir In Ifie forn of 315- ~ 4 USSR KUKALLNKO, S. S., et al., Khir,. sredstva zashcnitvrast., vvp. 1, 'Moscow, 1970, pp 256-262 the azeotrope (R, R"', X, the molecular formp a, t~8 yield U, ", Oie mwltin- point in *C or the boiling point in *Chm, nt d axe given): 2-Cl-C. 1:!, 1? 0 Cci 0, C 42, 184-5/3 1.5401, 1.4731; !1 mj:l' 00 C of 0/ 31 IP9C'5O31 9 () 40 11"ll 3 31 58, 180-1/3, 1.5385, 1.3823; 4-CIC 6if 4' nt' 0' C 12 11. 141(1-112 1) 31 160-1/5, 1.5194, 1.2471; 4-ClC 61.1 49 Pr. 0, C13 if 16 CI 2030 50, 170-2/-S, 1.5j,30, 1.2230; 2,4-Cl2c 6113 CH 2c1, 0, c Il.41OC'403- 51, 183-5/4, 1.5493. 1.4536; 2,4--Cl :!C6 -1 30 c", 131 0, c11 ci 603, 50, 190-313, 1.5510, 2.5178; 2,4-C1 2C 6it 3* rt* Olt C12 1~ 13 Cl.3031 46) M-~Jj-" 1.5330, 1.3465; 2,4-Cl 2 c611 3" Pr, Of C13k'15C'303 , 40, 1.5253. 1.3103; Ph, 1-fe, S (Ma) . C 11 H13 CIO 2S, 57. 166-9130 1.5520, I.1Q03; 11h, Et, S, C 1 -1 If 15 - c10 2S, 50, 163-5/3, 1.54011, 1.1751; Ph, Pr, S, C 13 If 17 CIO2S, C!, 182-5/6, 1.53-35, 1.1546; Ph, CH 2 c1, S, C 11H12 cl 202S, 40, 178-80/11, 1.5740, 1.2,1500; Ph, C(:l 3t S) c h Cl 0 S, 40, 215-20/34. l.:'650. 1.2528.. Ten p cl are a6!cd to 11 10 4 2 of 2 50, the mixturc is held 14 grauis of Ma in 30 riZ of dry CCI 4 in one hour at 20 Z % 6 hours at 20% separating 6.5 graris of IMP, If,, fc; . X, - S) /5 USSR KUKALENK0. S. S., et a1.$ jUjir, sredstva zaslicnityrast.j, vyp. 1, Moscew, 1970, pp 256-262 0 C C1 0 S, yield 41%, boiling point. 133-440*/2, n El d, 212 2 2 4 Fifteen grams of FOCI 3 are idded to 20.22 graimi of Ebt. the iz~ass is for 5 hours at 60% separating 19 grams of V1 (R - Ph. X = $), C 9it 10 cils, yit.;.Id b6.4-V1 boiling point 122-0/2, n -)() D .1.5630, d20 112591. Thirteen jrr~Lms"of SOCL, ure 4 dropped into a mixture of 22 grarz of11 tnd 13 grans 4)f C,11.1,1 at -20-D";-the mass is held for 6 hours at 100*0 300 nA of dilute IIC1. is it is 'L'.'AtVaCt':(7 with ether, the ether layer is wished with water and ji t3ulfw' solutiolli it is dried,, yielding 19 gr.-LL- of IV (H - 4-CIC It ' 1 ';0 20 6 41 ())0 (9t"9 1:130' Y'v"' 79" boiling point 133.5-4*/1, 11 1) 1 !5527 (120 j.jj,5, 4 j. 'Nia IV fs chLaintA nna I og- OUS-ly (X - 0) (E., the molecular the Yield tho IwillnF: r.'(1int in *Chm, n20D, d20 are given) : Ph, C It C1 ot 132.2p 1,5417, 1.24-29; 2,4- 4 9 10 2 C1 C If 65, 145-7/1, 1.56290 1.4317; C Ii"', c it ca, 0, 50 2 6 31 C9116C1401 3 ()'& 9 1 11 0 15B-61/1, 1.5775, 1.5250. Thirty-six nilliliters of X11; *1,t:! 2 are addend to a mixture of 18 graras, of 11) and 43 vi~, of ice Acoli; the m0;tui:Q ls hoatOd for 5 hours at 50-75% isolatinp '10 grams of yield 95%, melting point 690 (petrole-ufa ether). The I-1V 4wo herbicidal and fungicidal activity. 5/5 USSR UX 5-47.661-7r2-51 Mi , S.- 3., and YA%V,0WVA) F - V,) All Union tkileiMUc IristitUe of Ph-emical Plant Protective Agents "Chemistry of Organic Pesticides. II. t7hloromthylatlon of J-Arylb-atyric Acids and Some of Their Properties" Leningrad, Zhurnal Organicheskoy Mimii, Vol 7, No 9, uSeP 71, PP .1816-1619 Abstract: Tn a search for new pesticides, chlorcmeth;yInteil 3-aryl"-utrrfc acids were synthesized. A mixture of 3-phenylbutyftc acid, .304 formaldt0iyde and concentrated hydrochloric acid was saturated with P.1eseollIZI. Hcl at 20-250 and then poured into ice water; but,,iric acid (1), M- P- 113-1.140 cryst,,alized- m.p. 94-950 vas similarly obtained. (1) 6eacta with -I-kionyl cliloride ta yield an acid chloride, b. P- 135-1360/3 mm- d2 1.3211, n20 :1-544-~, which wheri 4 D treated with butylamine in absolute ether gave a af (1), m-P. 77-760- Refluxing (I) with arrzionium thiocyanate and anhydrous ac~!toria jmye 3-(`-~Ii0cY- anylmethylphenyl)'Cutyric acid. ri.p. Ce-63o- r0lapound (T) re-q(,.t':ed with potflssiu::~, diethyl dithiophosphate. to give 3-(4-diethyldithiophcis~ilious nothylphelvl) butyric acid, a viscous oil, 1 0 i.2o68, 40 .1-5446. ;Rariuxinz (i) with 1/2 40 USSR 10 W.U~E NKO"S. S. and KA-GAPOLOVA, F. V., Zhurnal. Orran:LvheuI-.Oy Miimii, Vol 7, No 9, SeP 71, PP 183-6-1819 thiouren in amhydrous acetone ,jve.- , acid hydrochloridn, m. p. 250'3- Stmilarl~., t#be amIngnut',11~y1ph~,rVI, formr).phonyl-, and carboxyphenyl derivatives were obtained, inp 2~300, *:!7-29 0 und 2o4of respectively. 2/2 USSR U In, 6 3,,t - 9 5 2 and DVOYCEENKOVAY E. A., All-Union StientIfic Research stitute of Chemical Plant Protectants . "New Systemic Fungicides (Survey of &Niet and Foreign Literature)" Moscow, Khimiya v Sellskom Khozyaystve, Vol 9. No 6., 1971, rig) 31-333 Abstract: The article reviews work done in the field of the 1,4-oxathlin derivatives (Vitavax, Plantvax, SIdvax and 0-696). Thai authors deal a~_-cat exclusively with the forcing literature. The only Soviet nference is to I. M. POLYAKOV et al., who establiched that the do-velopmert of brown mat of wheat decreases in direct relation to tho exposurai time for oe~,_-ds in a solu- tion of Vitavax and the content of the active ingredient. Im plot exparin'-ants seeds immrsed in a one-percent solution of the chemical for 60 minutes shv-ied four times less rust than control. The artiale cQnzIde:.,,t; tha, iinchanism of the systemic fungicidal action of 1.4-oxathiio derivativas. 1/1 USSR UDC. 63:!.9314.1t and DVOYCH!"414)VA, E. A., All-Union Res~mrc-,,. Institute of Chenicals for I'lant Protection "Fungicide Properties of Benz-1midazole Subi;titutVS,, Moscow, Khimiya v no 11, ~'.Iov 71:1. p!) 341-41 Abstract: A review is of 85 referi:~.,,Ce tt(2!t.',i 0"1 Li-ta itm~.icidt- properties of subzitftuti*-.4"~, nax,,O-Ly anti benlat. Lxteniivc laboratory and field teh',*..S L10*.!,4C:'tj~'..,OJ.(.' 1.(,, have a wide spectrum of fuogicikia ~jvstt!lllic offocts a of vegetative plant and fruic Lha ;JOSL L;-Ziod. compound i.,_; partiCLILIZIL7 acti~,L,. tilt! j;r,t.*!n of cit ri),; lrljit!~ P(m i(!;- 4 1 benzene is m:'~poacaz- of Voro',-.iL .,-:AiCil is Vid'A.), tl$tld ;1*,V0Z11- ;I fectant for treaLiri~; w'icat -mll r,,,e grain snow mould and tae co:-i-mi bunt of wli~aL. bCaL.1-, Ls till" of all knowa systemic flingicid,!s. ICs Specific char-lc.(:ur!4;tiC4.; zr-- til,; 1/2 USSR ImQ&. Qjz~'2-x j -11, ir',hirdy4l V SC-V5',.0M Kh0ZV,,lVSETQ, .1~.) 1.1, , et pp 36-41 absence of p'.ivLot0-XACiL,,, alld a V,!ry lo,..- co\icity L.L) o:),J,.J Its fun--ici~L- activiLy in VIL;.~D corl-UL"J'15 WC11 Wit-11 -111iii: -.~n vi-,-~~ iv. di:3eases witl-, Ln,-, Furthar sLudiLS Oil pla-PC mechanisu of L11C actiou of b~.!,-lzirlidazale dariv"Civo.-l; vill Lill I:x (~ i of great theoretical a"d pracLical value. 2 /,2 U,9 S R urn C 5:i 1 "IOV. A. B. Unversity "On the Problera of Eneri7j by a Charged Particle in ~-. C-..rotroplc Medium" Moscow, Vestnik, 11T, Fi;!1'--!t, Vol 12, No If, Jul/A,.-.,~ -,!, 1:P -3053-369 Abstract: The so-lution of 111:z! Fl,estiel eaUatiorl for it is taken as a basis --*n deriving gc-nerv.! expres~;ions*. I't:r tli,3 vi-c'orz-: Cf electromagntAic fivl` -,olarizatic~n in t,hiv rlwiillm. lished betwc!f2n, ti~o (1pr rcsAc,.~!S Lo oa~-: llaticn of' tht! tion by a charged par-.Icle in "he gi-ren =edium. The resultrtnr formulas are applied t1o the cuse of radiation by a cljitrgc~u4i w~vticlc m,,~-:;'Alj; in a helical lire in a Syrotropic nedla-w.-,. The tl.v,!~14 A. A. St-AxIc"I for discussing the re~:,-Ats, Rib'4oFra-*-y of ff-een titit'!-'. USSR tri,)C 53M.30 XUKA'NOV1 A.- B., (Noscow State University) 11B.-c-nression far ',he Irtegral for Charged Particle Enizr& Los* * n to Vw.,Ilov- I Du Ceren1cov Rardation in a Uniaxial Gyratropic Crystal" TemkO Izvertiya Vysshikh UchabV4 Zavededyi Fizikn; '116. 1., 1970; PD 47-511 AMMMcr: In a provimin articin the nuthor ,o:itod a sini 1,! irxtliod for cal- culatina Vavilov-Oererdrov radiation anortr lo.,go by, a clvir!Ted pirtlrle mrrd r-Y at an aft4trary anllo to the ort-foal axia of iz tram7mmirij uitimxial (ncitqyro- tronic) cr."ital. The nrf,:;cn'1- a.-Licla attrmptu to implythe conaidarations of the earlier article to th(~ solution of tho pmblem of '%%tvt lor-.C Pro nkmv r--idia- tion by a charged particle mwrintr at az arbit-rary -mg1m to thil wotical k-eis in a mediiin whotm electrical anit mapetia permittivity terzol's 6j'0( E'O. (W) take the f orm 0 tit,, .1-C [:It" !Ill; 0; E, 112 USSR MUKAINOV, A. B., Izvestiya Vysshikh Uohebnykh,Zavedeni,,r: Fizikm; NC. 17 1W10; pp 47 -5 4 A new w~ression is found for the enargy loss integn-iil. Same C~~Bet; pro considered in which the resiats ckr integration by in li wave space can be e-mressed in analytic form. The author tha-&s A. A. SOKOLOV for his interest in the imork M for dis- cussing the results. 2/2 112 030 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE--EXPRESSION FOk THE INTEGRAL FOR CHARGE0 PAR~[CL;i' l'NEk-jY LW-C 00' 113 VAVILOV CERONKOV RADIATION IN A U-41AXIAL GYROTRUPIC CRTSIAL -u- AUfHGR--KUKANOV, A.B. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--TOMSK. IZVESTIYA VYSSHIKH UEHEB%YLCli Zs%VkDhlEIY*- FHIKA; No. 1, 1970; PP 47-54 3ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SU3JECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS --CHER ENIID,)V RADIATIONt CHAkGED PARTICLEP PARVICLE A0101,44 CRYSTALt INTEGRAL PUNCTIONP ELECTROSTATIC HUD CalTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1994/0633 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT01141141 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 030 UNCLASSIFI!EU PROCEI.SING DATE-300C170 CIRC ACCESSION NJ--AT0114841 Af3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN A PREVIOU5 Anr[CLC rfiE AUTHOR SUGGESTED A SIMPLE METHOD FOR CALCULATING VAVLIIV l.'F:RE4KDV k.%OlArll)~l ENERGY LOSS BY A CHARGED PARTICLE MOVING AT AN AR131TkARY ANGLE io ritE OPTICAL AXIS OF A TRANSPARENT UNIAXIAL (NONGYROTROPIC) L-AYStAL. 1-HE PRESENT ARTICLE ATTEMPTS TO APPLY THE CONSIDERATIONS OF TfC'- EARLIFIL ARTICLE TO THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF VAVILOY CERENKOV r~ADIATION BY A CHARGED PAaTICLE MOVING AT AN ARBITRARY ANGLE TO THE OPHCAL AXIS IN A MEDIUM WHOSE ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC PERMITTIVITY TEN1501tS E 50,91K EQUALS E SUBIK (OMEGA), MU SUBIK EQUALS MU SUBIK (OMEGA) 7AKETHE FORM (FORM SHOWN ON MICROFICHE)s A NEW EXPRESSION IS FOUNO FOR 'l*HE ENERGY LOSS INTEGRAL. SOME CASES ARE CONSIDERED IN WHICH THE AESULTS OF INIEGRATION BY VARIABLES IN A WAVE SPACE CAN BE EXPRESSED IN ANALY71C F-JRM. THE AUTHOR THANKS A. A* SOKOLOV FUR HIS INTEREST IN tHE 4011K AND FOR OISCUSSING THE RESULTSo FACILITY: MUSCOW STATE UNIVERS11Y. UNCLASSIFIED / / 'r /f, r; / -, - -i.* '-~ V ~i f st~T". A brief analysis Is givcn of thv catculallon reoulls iprasented In 10 as w*;; a. a c~parisan -im experimental &no other Motekkal data. K41car~.i,ia. M. A. . And Yu. R. P-4--gia, A=r~!Lc4l'_ .1 a 41-re-A Pei ~, f~r w~lnlf.n of fl=. P-M.- -1,44Y 11 #'__" --t ;7 I rnassoobrylonu. S-~tsira "ArrodinArnika bal'shikh Oko'09t.y". Kiy-, Y'iYt--~kj7 11171. " -a- !iilz' ==_ jk modification is ;sroposad of a knLvwn method of calculating su~e.szniz Sxz flarx stabanUo. Lrulbirnow. and ftuoanov. Prost raostyennoyc obtekaniyo tl&dk0-h gel ideal'nrm Saxom. Three- At-tanat. fto* around Sme"k bodies 1.1 an td-1, gas . Mow*va. Mauka,. 1944. RZhMekh, 1965. 40Z07K). The modified equations of gas dynamic* *" wrftt~ in divergrat form and in a conversion to new Independent variables vhich permit the interval length oC the difference grid. in tcrzng of physical %mitt, to b~e decr4aawd without difficulty In region- of &cute eMago of the parameters. Exarnplas of (low at - two complex bodivw AM M a le *bow thst thw Method may b* afte for the Calcut"Ien ed flow witis twge gradients of ass-dynamic values. A j M. 1. V. H. IVAMUVR. V. P. Kaa4n-lzi~4n. M. A. Kuka-~ma_ V%s. n. 4 A Ft,rpA#lHtsn.%.r teploobenenu l.m**vaobm*nu. Seltelys "Arrodinamika bal'ohikh el-nroat4y". ktyov. Kiw,.-qkiy unt"rair.t. IM. 2q-41. (RZhM*;,h. 5/,Z, no. 513~251 A -==rlesf VoWtion is xirtz fat !h.-- CT *%%pmW4vniz tt.- assm.o4 ib* to4T-1 satlion W * bhmt U.4y with a plane of oymm-try in ims't Cav flow. A nolmalifing OVAt,m *1 C-arvilim-Ar if ttIA4, in which the c4l-_'!zta4 #- miuz hA* li~vd tet=4z-fIi=2.: A racilu,4~ix ils&~rufixad and d4-etapa,! #irmiar to an q4tablished on*. The principal vartulon as the prop".ed -ncttwd iq aftcoci*t~d with CalcuilLtigo. of Mv (rental thock wave and the coestsu0iam of a well-defined system of dw_r~mzm equations. Vinite -difference &pprO=tmAUCn is employed for thl darivatival IvjteIh*r with the correepondiAg equAtien c9-McI&Ms_ The nonlinear oyetwm Of differenca "ustions obtained is solved by an iterali4m znetba4. the complete systern being 41*1:1*4 IrAv subsystems WtaWat to each -W the three spati*1 v"IsW*e. The indolarmimat* form of the diff4reace eVations an the &or* radial Itme to shown, The algarUbm dWY41OW is 'A604 COV the d*IWCMIk%AII0ft Of 6044Y IMM49*014it MW kr*WW triamclat *tUp"We mW sillpsoids of Iravalutlea. R*Jftus OE wacheric4a