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WAlt--4 Pfuvlu V, FOR TITLE--LIQUID EXTRACTIGN MASS TRANSFER CGEiffl 0.28-0.8D-CM GIAMETEk JRUPLETS -U- NUAUt A.V.t ZlitLEIN AUTHOR-021-LA, YAKip AvSm. ,CCUNTRY UF INPG--USSR SOURCE--Lh. PRIKL, KtilM, (LEN&AAW 1970v 43i~5)9 1074-9 OATE PUBLIS~EG------70 SUdJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY 1~ TOPIC, TAGS-MASS TRANSFEk, SOLVENT EXIRACTION# ACETIC ACIOP BEWENE, PROPICNIC ACIO# ALCUHGLv PliENOL, ANILIN~t 0AUPL-Er A'romlgArluli ..CCNTROL MARKIhG--NO REST~iICTIGNS OCCUMENI CLASS--Uvqi(_L,4SSlFLCG PROXY REFL/fRAME--3004/1956 STEP CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP013221*1 kitX. LA 5 S I F 10 . ... ....... ......... . 212 028 UNCLASSIFIED koUSSINI,5 DAH-20NOV10 .(;IRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0132217 A3STRACf/EXIAALT--(U) GP-(:- ABS'(RACT. EXPTL LIQ. STUDIES Ili 6 SYSTEMS (ii SU82 G-ACGh-(, S066 14 SUS~bt It U161', O-F#AJPIf;)-1i1C A1.10-C SU136 H .SUBbv ISCAMYL ALC.-PI-ENW.-H SUB2 1), CrOAC-ANILINF-H ~~WU2 IJ,, H SLAIZ 0--ACUH-ETLAL, AQ. GLYCEROL SGLNS.-NITRUECNZf:NE' YIE-Q.11W 04 CQUATM1 FOR CALCG. C'JEI-'FS. K SUBP FOk SYS MS IN~~OtILI-IiIHV jISPERSED MASS TkANSFER ic , PHASE HAS SIVALLER THAN 20P[-R(.ENT DROPLETS OF f$o 0i IN DIAM. WHERE THE CIRCULArICN MODEL OF R. KRONEG AND 1,. BRINK (19$0) Alit) [HE I"JiWULENT MODEL UF A. hANOLCS AND T. UARON t19571 "GO NOT jkPPL.V. Tht,: EQUAT1014 OBTAINED FOR K SUBP IS A M--J0IFjCjkTjGN UF THAT ill; K~ ~A,Nt) F-GR UKUPLET DIAMS* (0 SUOU) UF 0.3-0.d CHv THE K SUi3P VAIUE 'I.S. filli.ARCY CDNST. 1040 IS GIVEN AS K SUbP SIMILAR TG 11 SU80 P "1 #7* EXPTI-11. WrW. K SUBP VALUES AGREE TO I'LLS OR MINUS 9.41,IL-RCENT WITH ALUES CALC 1) BY IIJ$I,'4G K SUBP EQUALS K SUbKd 10.5 PLUS 0.7 ED Wkik,f(f lk SWK6 ESP THE IVA 5 5TRANSFER COEFF. CALCO. WITH lm~,K* ANO 1). j4WJA1I(.fl,, FACILItY, VSES.-NAUCH.-ISSLEL)a INST. Nj~fTCKMM. LENIN-GRAUr ~USSR. UNCLASSIFIEU 45~ 'SIP4 DATE--Z7N0V'70 034' UNCLASSIFlED rITLE--INVE-STIGATION OF TH2 DYNAMIC INTERMEd'EATE StATE DF S;JPERCONOUCTURS ll~. .._U_ i: i % AUTHOR-021-SHARVINt YU.V.t LANOAUi I*L. COUNTRY OF INFO-w-USSR EKSPERIMENTALINOY I TFORETI.CHESKOY F119KI, L9709 VOL 530 MR 6p PP L943-1954 ~'-DATE PUBLISHEB------70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS -TOPIC TAGS--SINGLE CRYSTAL, INDIUMr SUPERCONDUCTOltv FINE WIAEr ELECTRIC AESISTANCE, OSCILLATION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/2244 STEP PIU--UR?0050/70)'05311)(:i6/1943~L9'i4 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125022 UNCLASSIFIV-0- 034 Uf4CLASSIFIED PROUiSSING DATF-27NOV70 ,CtRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125822 ''ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE MOTION OF j)()MAiN!)' OF THE NORMAL AND SUPERCONDUCTING PHASES UNDb( THE ACTfON 01~ A '(JI;lE-CT CUIRENT (DYNAMIC INTERMEDIATE STATE$ DESCOVERED PREVIOU!~LY (11141M1110) [s STU011-0 IN SINGLE CRYSTAL INDIUM SAMPLES BY OBSERVIOG 01-CILLIVrICIIJIS OF THE RESISTANCE OF THIN WIRES IN CONTACT WITH~ tHE SAMPLE SURFAX.F. IT IS FOUND THAT MOVING LAMELLAR STRUCTURES POS$ESS A SP.ATIIAL PEKIOD LLOSE 'ro THAT OF THE STATIC STRUCTURES. LAYEERS. OROENTE9 BY AN EXIERNAL FIELD CAN MOVE AT VARIOUS ANGLES 141TH RESPFCT 7-0 Tlil.-' (,URR~*W Q~rJqK.JIljN. T19E MEASUREO VALUE OF THE VELOCITY SATISFIAU(JULY 1,*;4GRV,,5 W[l'H THE PREDICTIONS OF THE TlIEORY (P-11ME5t. PRIAE1,V., LAYER,S~ PARliLlft TO THF CURRENT ARE DISPLACED WETH A VLECCITY WHICH Is 9114,1"Ifli(OtTIONAIL TO THE RESISTANCE OF THE NORMAL PHASE ANO INVERjELY PROPCIF41-10NAl. TO H SUBC. AT TEMPERATURES REMOTED FROM T SURC THE VLEP~ITY OF Lt4V!kR.S PERPENDICULAR TO THE CURKENT IS PROPORTIONAL TO T14E HALL CrS;tANF AN0 CLOJiE 1-0 THE DRIFT IVELOCITY UF THE CHARGE CARRIERS IN 2THE NO, nAt PIIAS(lo FACILITY: -lNSTITUT FIZICHESKIKH PROBLEM AN S$SR* UNCLASS If: Ij:.0 USSR =.AU. 1. Ya., POGOSYATS, G. M. "A Language for Formal Description of Logic CircuLts FOO)" Tr. In-t Elektron. Upravl. Mashin [Works of the Iustitmte of Electronic Ccn- trol Machines), No 10, 1970, pp 3-27, (Translated froo~~Rlaferlltivnyy Zhiii-nal, Kibernetika, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2 V669 by V. MiHioyev). Translation: A lang-jage is studied, intended for forpill desc:ription of the structure and behavior of logical digital devices, 11v basic objects of rhe POROS language are memory elements: triggers and groijps, of triggers (rcgis- ters), as well as groups of registers (mvnory). The doscription of eack, Ole- ment consists of an indication of its nama and length llnunbe~r of digits, words, etc.). Transmission of information between elcuonts 1.s ichic..'ed using attachment operators, reflecting the structure of the i,~,umbinatiori circuits of the device. The dynamic characteristics of the do%-5cc and its elerteuts are described by means of time operators in a language alluwirig, iii-dtation of' the simultaneous operation of various bloOs of the deii-ice and various rate", of operation of the actual elements, as Well as indica.,lAon af thc ti-fic antl logic relationships between the operation of individual. blcick!i. ]'hc basic symbols of the language are those used in the set of characters of ATSPU, the letters of the Latin and Rtissian alphobots, numbarl;, action signs and punctuation marks. Illustrative oxamplea are Prosente4l. 42 112 015 UNCLASSI FIEQ Pjkl3ij.j-SSjlNl~ 0AtE--0401:A;70 rITLE--ANOMALOUS QUANTUM OSCILLATIONS OF tURF ACE 0WEI)ANCk! -Ul- AUTHOR-(02)-MINTS, R.G.i LANDAUP L*Do COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--JETP LETTERS (USA)# VOL. It# NO* Zt Po 128-32 9JAPI. 19701 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS IONi EXTERNAL MAGNETIC F-11:0 ...TOPIC TAGS--QUANTUM OSCILLAT -ESTRICTIONS CONTROL -44RK I NG--NO% DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO .PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1103 srF. --CIAr, ACCESSION Nfl--APOIA&S~?A f UIA-L-L-11--i a_~L ii 2/2 015 (JNC L, ASS I I't 1: 0 ~j 43,-:c 10 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0136523 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Lil GP-0- A iS ~'R A C T THE ALIT110AS 1,'10( !~v r.Hc MOST ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF THE Ar,40'4ALOUS QVVlT(J;4, 01: IMPEDANCE. IT IS NOTED THAT THE DLPTH LIP Pk,-'N[-T,Ril 1. tf;1h) Cill'i NEV;-*R BELOW THE RADIUM R OF THE CONDUc-r(ON ELP,CTP(,)N ORRIVi Pli V s I C A L LY H I S IS CONNECTED WITH THE FACT THA'r THE MAGP~MC MCRE14'r IS 1:140OUCE-0 10' THE , SELF CONSISTENT INDUCTION FIELD 8 AT DI$TAt,)(,ES ON THil: OROlik OP R. r H 11, AMPLITUDE Z SUBMAX AND THE WIDTH OF THE OSCILLAJIDN~~IEAKS C D k.L T A I i OF SUBRES OF THE SURFACE IMPEDANCEt AND ALSO THE MAX1141)1i VJ~LIJE Tlif: DERIVATIVE OF THE SURFACE IMPEOANCE WITH'RE.SPECT TUJHE EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELD9 ARE ESTIMATED, FACILITY; U.j;!;R ACAD. SCIS. UNCLASSIFUE0 UDC LANDAU.-M. A., FOKIN, A. V., KABANKIN, A- S.' "Quantum Chemical Calculations of Some Compounda of Tetra and Pentacoordinlite Phosphorus by the CNDO Method" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Soriya Kbimicheskapit No 12, 1973, pp 2486-2,190 Abstract: The CNDO method with the parametors described tly J. it. Fbple, o", a1.9 ij. Chem. Phys., No 43, 136, 1.965; No 44,32~9, J.966; No 47, 15:4., 1967; J. Azer. Chem. Soc., No 90, 3309, 19~_,97 was used to calo"late 6 molieculito of 4-2clcrdinnte phosphorus for which the geometric ch&racteristics huve t)(json experimentally determined: F(O)IIF2, FO(C"J)31 P(o)(011)(C-113)21 ollid al.e'D F(L:)F'3and P(O)(O")3, For the last two raolecules in the precedIng ealculaIA,:mV inexact geometric parameter3 were used and data were not pronentod on tt~e populntlon3 of the Individual atomic orbitals Witch are umed in the prOient pitpor to cal- culate the paramagnetic component of the magnotlo chieldinj; con:ltmnt of tile 31P nucleus. In the case of the P(O)(NH 2)3 special ottentkn writs givpri to the fact that according to the x-ray diffraction data CG. L. Ewft,;en, iit al., J. Chem. Soc., A, 1804, 196!27, one of the P-14 bonds Is 0.03. A shorter than the USSR LANDAU, M. A., et al., Izvestlya Akademii Nauk SSSR' Seri a Xhimicheskaya, No 11, 1973, pp 2486-2490 other two. Five molecules of 5-coardinate phoaphQrus linvinig trigunal- bipyramidal structure were also calculated. In the caLculittion -tile actual configuration was used taking into account the devlatii)n ia oertwin. cauec of the FePFa angle from 900 (Fe donotes the equatorial fluor:Uio iatom in the tri- gonal bipyramid, and F., the axial fluorine atom)i HPF4P CH PF 41 ;(C11 3)2pF3' QPF3. Tabulated data are presented showing thil resOA-B of calcu- FF5 and (CH3* lating the FOF 3 molecule by the CNDO method compared with the rerialts of the nonempirical calculations. The relative variation of the ebnrgas of the dif- ferent atoms in the molecule calculated by both mfthcds has the ounie nature. The calculated charges of the atorza, the dipole mmento aad anerV .,1(is of the boundary orbitals of the 4 and 5-coardinate phospJiorue molei,,,ules are also tabulated. In the case of fluorophosphoranes, consideraticilt of tho d-orbitals of phosphorus leads to better comparison of tho calculated Opoloo, moments with their experimental values. The quantum chemical calcul4tion of the six 4-coordina'l,a ph,.,mphorus 2/3 - 28 - USSR LANDAU, M. A., st al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk =R, Serlya Khind-.-hennkaya, No Ilt 1973, pp 2486-2490 molecules and five 5-coordinate phosphorus moleftles reveaa4id iiLdIvidual dotails about the mechanism of certain reactions of these r-ompound sand the variation of their reactivity. USSR UDC 547.261218 KRUGLYAK, YU.. L., M. A., LEY~3011SKAYA, G. A., U,~,R`I-)CNOV, 1. V., SAITYKOVA, L. "Reaction of 0-ImIno-0,0-Dialkylphosphites with,()C-(IhIoronitroso- and C~,-Chloronitroalk-anes" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Eliimii, Vol 141, No 1.0, 119T1, pp 2338-2337~- Abstract: A series of chemical conversions of 0-i-n:Ino-O,O-d!,q!kyI phosphites (I) were 6arried out at a, temperaturoi inthe -10 to 0 degrees, because of known instability of I nt a tam-.14inature above 0 degrees. Particularly, the typical reactions 'a trielk-yl nhosphites with ~C-chloronitroso- and,~C-chloronitroaj.kianes gave, in the case of I-, 0,0-diimino-O-Plkyl uhosphites,. T)te structure of the latter vas determined by their TOIR and I.R aneotra. Tht: formulps and some Dhysical constants of the preip,(Lred compounda are given. 1/1 WNSR UY"': fq9.19:? ~M_Y_H.A.' SHELUCMIKO, V.V., DUBOV, S.S. "Structure and Reactivity of Phosphorus Compo=4~- With NO TN:jijjj" 1519 Moscow, Zhurnal Strukturnoy Xhimii, Vol 11, Ila 3), 1WO, vp 513~-' Abstract: Calculations were made of 25 moleculos, all Ort-,Mrv~,~)Ikjjllrio r'I's (OPC) of the (KYZ)PO type (where X, Y, z - R, 01i, SR, KH2o amd by ~ tht~. ulnplq method of molecular orbitals. Results fowid afforded eluc*Edtit;1!:):i ot i:;evertd Lx- perimentally established dell-ails of the m,~chaaism of QPC reactil":1.-Is nuclea- philic and zlectrophilic reagents. It waif aloo fouxai poosible, to aoq;a,e qua_-it:L- tatively calculated energies of the lo-orerwout unfilled 3rbitol, oxid rv,,(.Q.1wphi1Lc superdelocalizabilities of the phosphorus at(.%. vith. rate conotIL:its mLd f.,-riergil.'10 of activation. of alkaline hydrolysis of differr-nt fluoro-anbyd,'~16_,~o i)l! phosplxai'o acids. A quantitative relationship between the totU of Taft :j.rAuc1iitse coasmnt5 of tt of substituents X, Y, and Z and the total energies ~el of th* GEIC molecule was found. A relationship woo ewtablishod betvven thiji r-anc,vIq of resorgine-,e and the total bond orders of the OPC molecule, on the ont hand,j and thicz. SEze OT the chemical shift of the P31 nucleus In a nuclear aNpuetic reaamamue s~jeatr=i, an the other. 112 021 5 S I JAT L L 10 f L T UNCLAS51FIED PROV. .. riTLE--M-~ELTS OF SULi-UR Ajvu tdTRWbN ATC,44 C iN lti~ A PHOSPI-CRYL i3LjNJ -U- O.G., DUBOVt S.S.w LANIJAU MmAm GCUNT1%Y UF 114FU--USSR STRUKT. KHIM. 1970,0 LIMP L4~- ,,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 7C ~:SUSJLCT ARLAS--CHEMISTRY TUPIC TAGS--FjkGAN LC f HGSPHU1WS CJ141-.)UU NO, PHJS PkICIRUS :.-sk;jt 1; 1 GI: tI E" (,,A N OXYGENi Cf. BLINDING .'CCNTRLL hA~,KIING-NO RESTRiuiut4s 'DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEU PROXY KLLL/t%AMt--3008/1D01 CIRC ACCESSICN NtD--AP01J650?- STEP 2/2 021 UNCLAS S I IF I CO PROC, Ell'I'l I NG ILI,, ~ i*:'~ CIRC ALLESSICN NO--AP013i5O2 -AEISTRALT/EX IRAC T--(U) GP-0- AoSFHACT. tiii.-.stauys vii 'uiu i~: Tf-fC P(ul bfJr4i) .~[-P.E TA61JLATL0 FUR S106. Or (L.1`51 S1.11A Vu. 'J S I S 01!3 'd (ME SL32 N) SUij3 POt AND ([A SkJb2 N) SU03 PG IN ('Ck. Sq,4,4, Iill~ CDC-L Slj,~J'. WhILL TFE 3ANb FREQUENCIES AND FIJACE- LASTS. UY I H F11"1.1 COMPOS. A~-h SIMILAR V 'I EACH 0THhR IN i-1AGN'11'U11Lo T hf: OF TRANSINISSIC,% OF LLECli'.-jN1C EFFECTS Fizc,4 swiisTITUCINY'S 116 d ') 1) 11' 1: 1' GREATLY CEPtNDING JN THE LINKI%6 ELEMENT. THE 6ANO 110D.01,11ts CGNSIbL-RAULY t3ETWE&4 THF ESTEI-6 ANU 1141- AMLVC-5. ftl~- 10-:SUIOTS ShOnC-0 GkEATLR UASICITY UF THL PHOSPHORYI. C3 ATJM tN THE AMICAI'S IN~14 iN TRE 'jrjj%k(~jj Ull [1,1f jj %fjlj~j ESTERS. ThE RESULTS AGREE WITH LCAO CAL~Jjlj QF Nlj:(~f r ~13EING MINUS 0.81;6 IN THE AmIOES AND AWS! P.709 IN ESIERSt kililLt` IIIE ChARCE L& THE 14 ATOM IS PLUS UR MINUS 04tol AND THA T ON S: I -S M t NUS 0410C4. UiNL LA ~S i f 10 Ma SPOLDA, ZHARIKOVAj G. G., RARKELOVA, S. I., BOBKOYA T S. UNDAV, U. $r anosovo G. 3,j " SnAYEV, A. B., Moscow State Moscow "Destruction of Lacquer and. Paint Coatlngs by Buteria, and ~Actirjwi(yoetes" Moscow, RciklaAnaya Biokhimiya I Dikrdbioloalya, Vol 7, No 4., YAL-Apr ?1, pp 236-242 Abstracti From the soil of various regions of the U.98R# t1te following stva;tns of bacteria arA Actinomycetes ware isolated 2whi0k were fOua to CILLIZO des- truction of surface coatingst Bacilli= sphAerlcus var. 2R, Rao, coiwrena var, Op Bac. subtiliz v=. 13, Flavobacterium acetyltc~,.Uv yiLrr. 'To 1.ycobac- teriuzk sp. var. iP, Propionibacterium pentooaxem vax. 4iis NlcrocDccus aurar.- tiacus var. 14C. I-acrococcu atmantiacus var. 16 0, kctisictiqjcem globisponis var. 9B, Actinomyces glotioporun var. JOC, Actinonycon a[)#. liar. The culturalg nDrphologicalt and bi"h4iaical cluxxacterintier. 4if tho ai~-'ht bac- terial strains were dotemined. Tlv~ k*havior of aur~aca voatit~!;s 03zed on SPO-V resin, oXqd resin, taflon, pentaphth4ic resin, P711l, anti c~rpnosiW;on zvoU v:Ltb respect to the U alarooramisma; IsOlAtud~ v;s;s 41,vtorm, tried in toots in which a umple of Um surfam coatAug waA-kept f*r i yw in coxitact wlt~, 1/2 USSR LANDE, B Sh. , K)-,~Asyjj,~, "On the Charractori$tdcs of t1le PIQ11, or Surface" Tr. Sev.-zap. zaocj, ill-t 0.,001.1, Corres cndence Illstitute" "Al -, 1, No 1.2. Dee 72, aL aa Translation: Scjutj(;,--~, .!A for t Waveu on a y Wall lie rturlat; ('111S "ZI(I all expre4-ilijon fri, en,.,tlope of se4L' radar resoLition. USSR ZHARIKOVA G, G, i ot ale prj~-JadWa Blokhimlya L 114IIArobiologiya, V0.1 7# No 2, Fu-Apr ?I , pp 236-24-2 a culture medium containing (ill C/I.) CaCO 3, 1"00 4 0.5, IGI2F041 XCI 0.2 agar 20 (pH 7-0-7-5). The only source of C for th-e microarex-lism WL3 the coating. The sanples were mnined evory wW- 7hij- behrivior of al.'[I,d renin, epoxy resin, and teflon ceatino with resNct to MIXII-Urcs ()I' sO3te of the microorganisms sras determined in similar tests. The resultz of the tests are tabulated. Tho bacteria and actinomucates Isolated cwn be vzed for determining whether or not a surface coating is res!Ujiant to the action of microorganisms, 2/2 21 USSR UDC 621.371 KRASYUK, N. P., LANDE, B. S11. NEGRETSKAYA, 1, 1. "Effect of Radar Resolution an the Spectral Width or a 'Mirmot-rave. Signal Scattered by the Sea Surface" Moscow, Radioteklinika i Elektranika, Vol 17, Ila 10, 1:972, pp 2182-2184 Abstract: The theory of radio wave scattering from the sou .1;urface sirmlated in the form of a superposition of large and smiall vnEiktenne.-i;sies h:js been pre- sented previously as applied to clectramagretic waves [I. It. Yuks. 111y. vuzov MVSSO SSSR (Radiofiztka), Vol 9, No 5, 876, 19661. Tlie nandissipative nedianisri of broadening of the spectrum as a result of the orbil-al matiom of 1~he particles is established in the form Af (hertz) - (q12)Vj,,hy17t-, where h is the mean square lieight of 04.- sorface, y lo the dispersion of tLe slope angles, g is the gravitational conotant and q iii thv te.Lve nu.-~-bex, Con- sidering that the sea surfaceiis a randort st;rface wit."i respirct to heights Ilich a normal distribution law, the question of Clio effect L~f t1m divensionri Oi the resolved section of the surface on Af bao rcrain4:d wnr,;U,,arj Exprcssiulls are derived for this mchanism, and the band width ZSf at the 1kolf pover Level is 1/2 3j USSR KRASYUK, 14. P., et al., Radioteklinika I Elektronikao Val V, No 101 1972, pp 2182-2184 defined in the form 2,Af - 12-.-R-716-7- /1T. The values of 2Af are plotted as a function of L -- Oe linear iLiXen;3ion of the resolved area. In the Seneral case the graphs of Cie function contain two horizontal se-Ments on the upper and lover levels.. Th~-O first of these levels corresponds to the limiring, high resolution and extends to L - 30 vetcr~:. In this case the spectral widdi is in a-~cordanca with , the function ptol;ellLed by Fuks. The second hori;,ontal segmenL,carrasponds L41 Lhe li--Ating lou, rei;olu- tion of the instrument and extonds from 1, = 1,000 neto-.!i. 3n this cal;e tht spectral width arlseri fron the dliuslpattVe E10ChZU11SV1 411 of LA.V- Cap] I- lary waves and is in accordance with tho funirtion proutimi-Itt'd by F. G. !wss, at al.,[Izv. vuzov HVS50 SSSR (Rad[ofir1ka)o Wij~ 41, NO 1'0 ;?901 1.9631. With high reooluLion of tile inntrulwitt thl.~ witli;i of I'Ar La 1,irgor, the higher the wind velocity and the slip ~. angle of the lrudio,bil'~an. III(. slip angle during irradiation of the surface opposite i*.-,,) thil. wind effect is approxinately 3-4*-'inasmuch as the distribution Law of" the angIcs differs from the normal in this case and has a shiftod mcan value. 2/2 - 6o :--777 USSR UDC: 62.1.396.377.3:536.5 Lander, V. A. "Standard High-temperature SHF Noise Radiator" scow, Metrologiya, No. 9, 1972, pp. 39-46. Abstract: A 5tandard higa-temperature SHF-ringe noise radiator is thcl*.,ri~tjcally designed and experimentally studied. It is :ihown that~zhe mrror due to of distribution of power over the aperture is 11ot over 1~, Th* rufiatOT has a reflection factor of not over 0.1 and a broad radiation pattcwn. The ra4liator is not critical to adjustment error:; due to ~ts broad radijition patterti. Yh! hilerral temperature of the radiator is 390,000ilOjOODIK. USSR UDC: 536,S(088.76):533.9.07 Kandyba, V. V., losellson, G. L. and LandeE,,.,V. A, "The Problem of Creating an SIT Standard for High Pla!~nja Temperatures" Moscow, Metrologiya, No. 8, 1972, I~p. 3-1S. Abstract: The metrological problems of reproduction (if the International practical temperatui%, scale in the SLII)Crhi-gh frOqUCRICY band for CL4! artia of high ands..uiier high temperatures are steady. A test system is discu-ssi!J, designed fov calibration and adjustment of radio pyrometers together with their iiintenim systens. A high tesperature SIIF radiator with a broad aperture is descri,hed and investi gilt ed. This device can be used as a basis fOT the creation of a high tennei-ature SHT noise r temperature standard. The error in calibr.~tfon is 6-1011, deperiding on the mcthod selected. The results of testing showed that the primait-), soui-i:.c of error in repro- duction of the temperature icale in this frequency ranlyo is O.e orror in the elemen- tary noise generator--a gas-discharge tubo. The mothod4sugge:iced allows vpcrating radio pyrometers to be calibrated together wifli their iiri-tennii systeiis for tht first time. 1/1 USSR UPO '61-P A25.4+612,11/32 as L,.I., KLMINICH, No S., sad MW2MKM, A. S.,, Department of norm, rnysio=ogy, Academy of M111tary Medicina 1mg1i S. M. Kirov, E4nir4rrad "Hematological Characteristics of Smotionia Stress Im Panichute Jumping" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskly Zhurnal USSR, No B., 1971, pp :1,140-1,144 Abstrect; The quantity of red and white blood cells was determined In 130 males before and after parachute jumps. Some of the men i%de a paritchut4a jump for the first time vhile others had previously vuLde as mny as 790 jumps. In those with little or no experl=ce in Jumping, the RBC count increased slightly before and after a 'Jump vhereas.#a nuniblor or easinophils, lymphocy-tes, and monocytes decreasad, especially befine it jiop. These henstological changes vere mur* less p=zoanced In t~* vei4ran parachutists. The decrease in leukocytes is ascribed to, excitatlawof the hypophya"l- adrenal system resulting from emotiowa~stress. 59 USSR SLEPYAN, E. I., and EXYDSPOIG, G. S,, Institute of B(Y11;jLny Z I -~4.t n J VLI C o Acadepy of Sciences CnRJ*'Uhi6j,,me "The DNA Content in Miclai of Epiden-iis cens of r~--avou of Z~-n a;-Lys L. 1,IP-nts Infected With Ustilago &',1aydia in Relation to the Probloi~-, of Fleactivit:y of the Epidermis" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk Ixl)gR) Vol 2o6, No VW;?) u, 755-753 3 Abstract: The DNA conLent was determined in nuaLej of the jilildermis of g~aI13 for-ming on leaves of corn p1jints (Zea imys) durixt,-, caljjjefi~ by ex-perf-u~~ertal infection with Ustila~;o rzi3iLI.A. It was established 1.11at t-tio corit;,--It of D.,-A in there nuclei maa increnoted by a ft'.0*01' Of 34 vu, t'lA, OC rilJOICi Of tLL(I 1-1111feO- ,ted leaf epide-nnis, -,nd that tile Increage In DNA contgv, ~oiv w1-ct-ji-raantQtL by a pat-holo,-ical hyliertrophy of the rracllei. TIve Incre-ulo In D10% co"t-ont azid hypertzrophy were due to a reactive polyploidtzatlon., Jh wh-94-11-1 the ntmhor of chx=osame sets tras ircreaseA by an estimted factor lclie- variati,3n of the affected nuclei with respect to the DNA content vex -,rewter than that of nuclei of norri-al epit-1--eniis azd roachad iU higlv~st laPJO. dux-in4r, j!-rout-13 and differentiation of the epidel-,Zla Conn. 1/.1 IL Ic ;rx JFRS 14 Novembvr 1573 4- AIIAJ~.71~1'j tVC 611.1011:5.2al Vjrz. T. I tj, :-trPe -Joa~tlas at Vadla- tion tnt-noiLies varyl.", fr= le to -.= IvR eft the basis of tN* rvaulto cfttzL-.w4, t6. wqf varia; 11"atly with the radiation intamsttj-t:~ tz 3= ttj-~. lug% voltage phototells (V?T) vith I-ty" 0-21 jusatioustilhave A wolt4" of Whou, 10 valta from a working oert*ce of com *%v*29-' cmcZmK*r mt gg grf1cleney of obette lax at, tht ---1 i1zmmAe*t&= t*.! 'attirce). Th. m C==MC "tMen", ADta. LhMA LOW -1101MV 12) WAh* the rMCAU41% IIIN Jftfietty wttb a llswor rior observid tf~ A-1*04ticm doowkty- of to to 23 to 1ZL- Fig, L Spfttfal chai"Wistics- I r&di&tov 01-19 tiocaodestaot Loop); I - 3 - o0eftium photocell. K67$ rolatIva %alto. b wavelength, slerom. 11 - USSR 71 Nj USSR UDC 15111.383.51:535.213.6 and S,rREBKOV, D. S. LANDSMAN,.A-_.I., ZAYTSEVA, A. K., ZADDS, V. V. "Method of Producing a Semiconductor Photoelectric Olenerater" USSR Author's Certificate No 288160, giletl 25 Apr 01, pu5:1ished 3 fi-,b 71 (from RZh-Elektronika i yeye primeneriye, No 8, Au$wst 1971, Abstract No 8B280) Translation. A method is proposed for prod,action, or it ph-Wtogalvanic Fenerator on t~fl basis of coix=ltated microalemento with p-n junctione, 1he ijoupling of the rcatrixes ii, the multilayar otructurev which ia cut into flah un.Lta perpendicuiar to tlie pluce of the junctions, with subsequent areatio4vf.additioiisl dif:hinud junctions at the vur- face of a unit, makes it posgiblio to ootsixt an Widjuncy of 80 percent for monochromatic radiation. K.9. USSR UDc 621-383-4(088.3) LANDSMAN_ A. P. $ ZAYTSEVA, A. X. , ZADDz-,, V. Ir. , D. S. t "A Semiconductor Photoelec-..,:-ic Generator' t88161,' f1led 2,! Apr 155, ),i:t)Lished -,,) Mar 71 USSR Author's Certificate No , . I (from RZh-Elektrotekhiiika i Enereetika, No 9, ~~ejj 71. ,A~struct :"o Translation: A semiconductor photoelectric (,,enave1c-r Itt 1:rotosed is a set of microvhotoconverters with FI; junat~ans axl*1-11"[!~U tQ the incident radiation. As a disting-u-'shing featuxo cf* tae pate:-.t, z:-, radiation detector is produced which 1-s f-'ensitive $u -1,.-l Lrl*rared re;%~a".- of the spectrum near 1.05 w with the vilth of tae V for silicon, by u:iine, -.1-th WIN ~iv The generator is also distingArlihed ty, 'Uhn- fact thij-1i th- emitter and collector regions in iiapla=,mted ovi2r ljkv~ vt-l face:3 of t.he COM set of microphotoconverters. In addition, c,:r trie bane regions in the generator Is done on the rpar iturflijiti. of st.1t of microphotoconverters with pivisolation of the emitlier c-mi cQ11ector regions from the contact. One illustration. USSR UDC 921.383MOMW LANDSMO A. P. ZAYU'SF-.VA, A. 11. ,ZUVE, V. 11. , S)TII!EhKi_I'i'l` "A Semiconductor Photoelectric Generator" USSR Author's Certificate Uo 288159, f5led 25 Jul 611, 9 MELr 71 (from RZh-F-lektrotekhnika i Fnergetika, No 9, Sep Till Abitrw~t No 9A1,06.11) Translation: A semiconductor photoelectric generetipr -is 1)rcrpcsed wh:!:!h is a cellular monolithic structure made up of Wt_'-th FN junctions. As a distinguishing feature of the pfl,tent, the effieicncy is increased to 50% and more with anyispectruam of ii~clduvt radiat-Ion with microminiature generator construction by arraiqjIiig L~e PIN on at least four faces of the microphptoconverters, ~s4iic_li exe made the form of cubes, parallelepipeds and polyhedra. J~wo i.Miustratior4;. 1/2 047 UNCL A$ S I F I E16 OATE-04GECTO TITLE--STUDY OF HIGH VOLTAGE PHOTOELECTRIC, GENERATO$5 ATI SUPERHIC-ld LlGtiT _FLUX CONCENTRATIONS -U- ~4UTHDR-(02)-LANDSMANt A.Pvt STRESKOVt D*'S4~: COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--GELIOTEKHNIKAt NO, 2s 1970t P- 11-20 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .~.SUBJECT AREAS--ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGRop PtiYS[Cii TOPIC TAGS--SEMICONDUCTOR MATERtALP PN JUjNCTIUNp CIRCUIT CIESIGNo PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT, IR LIGHT CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .:PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/t847 $TEP -CIRC ArCFSSION NO--AP0130677 2/2 047 UNCLASSIFIEO 1111AliCE51; ING OATE-04-0EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0130677 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT DESCRIPTIO14 OF 1-111~H YQLTA4,E PHOTOELECTRIC GENERATOR CONTAINING PLATES OF SEMICIONDUCTOR MATERIAL WITHIN WHICH A LARGE NUMBER tup 'ro 'SCORAL rHULISI%1~14*)) III: S&IIES 011) PARALLEL CONNECTED PN JUNCTIONS ARE ARRANGED IN irio: Frousi 0: A S,'OLI(:) CIRCUITo THE PLANES OF THE ff)N JUNCTIONS AND THE1 METAL CONTACTS AR~: PERPENDICULAR TO THE WORKING SURFACE OF THE QENl:_*I0ilOR. THE TWO SIDED WORKING SURFACEi THE TRANSPARENCY OF ME: IANCRATDI~l '10 THE INFRARED PORTION OF THE SPECTRUM, AND THE META~L.IG cowAI:fj.&yr_4it.!, BETWEEII rl-l[- PN JUNCTIONS IMPROVE THE HEAT TRANSFER CONDITIONS Allill) MAKE IT POSSIaLt TO USE THE GENERATOR AT SUPERHIGH LIGHT Fk.U~ CONCEN'rINTICINS, 4TE USTLIOT ISTOCIINIKOV FACILITY: VSESOIUZNYt NAUCHNQ-.I5$LE00y' I. SKI.V TOKAt KISHINEVP MOLDAVIAN SSR. LA USSR UDC 662.997 GRICOR'YEVA, G. It., KREYNIN, L, 11.1 14040 A"& "Effect of Cosmic Radiation on Solar Eie!ments" Tashkent, Coliotekhnika, No 5, 1971, pp 3-17 Abstract: A survey of studies of the merhanism of radiation dana-le to 301ar elements, shielding of then and Increased resisrance !to irl'adinLioa is pre- sented. The discussion includes 1) tile radiatit~n eijv;Lrorvi*nV in spaca, 2) the effect of hard radiation on silicon phowconvertera - tfie 1:1-fe off nAnority carriers in the material, tile OpultUal distribution cj~r the phoLczeilsftilrity, the photoenergy characteristics -- 3) protection of sofir qells from cosmic radiation and 4) improving the, radiation:reolutanca ol! soUir cells. G-raphs are presented showing the equal Intensity lines in OW! plarie of the maglietic meridian for wo energies of electrons and protou in. iipac-~Q, Lite inverlie 11f.2- time in tile base region of n-p-photoconvorters bmabarijiud by olqcLrons as a function of dosage, the energy dependence of tile efficittivericiis of electron damage to n and p-silicort, the onargy dependence of thL, effcctivcnoss of proton dartage to p-silicon with a specific resistailce of olm! ohrr~-cm, the apectral distribution of silicon photoconvertars boiaj)4jm!,i wiO prototis vittl an energy of E - 19.6 megaelectron volts and tile spectral (J-w.l-acterisEjcB of 1/3 Rom USSR CRIGOR'l-EVA, G. It., et al.. GelioLQhhj3ikM, No 5, 19114 pp ~-17 silicon photoconverters bombarded by protons with act L%nerg-1- of E - 0.2 nela- electron volts, the cross section of a photoconverter witti sharply nonunifon~ concentration distribution of defects vith respact to r1epth, the spectral dis- tribution of the collection factor of a photoconvertel: bomijaTded by priotons with an energy of 400 kilaelectron volts at an angle .1)1' 45", tile load -cdiarac- teristics of a silicon pinotoconvorter bmibardcd by prioton:Fi wic-a iin, cner~y of 6.3 and 0.2 megaelectron volts, and the power taken ftom a silicon photoconver- ter as a function of the load voltage in the cas-e of by various integral proton fluxes with an onarry of 6.) ne;raeJ.ecj:v;,n joats and 0.2 Miez-t- electron volts. The characteristicsof Wese plCittod I!IaLa ;irii discli'mcd. An equation is presented for calcula,tin~.; ON: dmange to s:1,31c,wi phot.occlllve~rti~rli by protons and high-energy ot-particles and, with som., apli-roximalJon, electromi. The equation is subjected to transfoviation making it opplix-Ole --hen mental data are available an the effectivencss of datamge to photoconvertera with protection of a given thickness or preLintintiry calcul;%H,ons are nerfa:ric"' which establish the equivalence between the omnidireclJonal unit flu:ie4; of particles of varloui typps and ertergies and the rajllation f1w: -- in the given cnae, electrons with an ener$;y of I melple-loct.ron volt.. The WorA prospective methods of improving radiation registance are constdercd to bo 2/3 ..................... USSR. GRIGOR'YEVA, C. M., et al., GellotekhnMl, No .5, 1971, pp 3-17 high-temperature annealing of the converters and thctmanwfacture of p-n-type photoconverters with an admixture of lithium. Reploopment of silicon by GaAs for the manufacture of photaconverters may be useful Erom the point of View of sensitivity to hard radiation. A lengthy bibliograpily is presented a4; a basis for the indicated discussion and conclusions. 313 USSR UDC 621.3,96.67 LANDS140- M-S V I till ITSICAYA, D. H. "The, Short-Wave Tower of a Radio Center as a Medium-Waw kitenra" Moscow, Radiotekhnika, Vol 26, No 9, Oep 71, pp 1DC-1051 ,I the towers --carry- Abstract: The authors consider the posBibility of iu;ino ing short-vave antennas at radio centqxs as tbe min antenrin.,, for wave transmission. The metal tower stmotures :owj;.derr.!J are ty-,iCiLl units 65-110 meters in height between which cop~~astil. horf-_nontal 0-`L~4;les are suspended. It is uhovn that the toT.-fed desij;n is t:j,)z,t fcasibil, lc~r this application. Formulas are derived for princip-441 (impedances, currents and voltugvO, and the resultzr Exe. 11-aphed er(~ te.L%- lated. A fornula io precented for calculating the 1vower cX the antenna, and it is s-hown that the antenna power C-4r.1 excei'd thur of *She transmitter under completely realistic candittons. In t1i'v authors thank S. B. Mayorchik and V. F. Vellkl.y for des-Ignirg the anten~.Q and for assisting In measurement of its input Five figia-es, one table, bibliography of foar titlos. 1/1 Photoelectric Effect USSR UDC: 6 21.47-9:621. 38,31 GORODr:,TSYJY, S. M., GRIGCIRIY.-!,VA,G. M., KREM11111', L. 11. T41t ~r x,~Mr A A. P. , LAZOVSKIT, V. V. , and SOM14MY, M.. So "Difference in Radiation Stability of n-Type ond p.-Type Silicon Photoelements" Tashkent, Geliotekhnilca, No. 1, 1971, PP 'I-fJ Abstract: The damaging effects of costnic -re.dialtion cNa earth rat(~]_- lite solar batteries ar,.d the study of r~he behavior C-C silicon photocells in such fields are the subjact~i of ~Wii_2 article. juch studies have .9hown that p-type silicon is more rad--4aticn-prDof than n-type, the difference in the damage suotl~:Lned by the two being a function ol" the le-ind ar.,d enerory (1.7 the partit"iis bcttibani- ing them. Research conducted by the huthors 0:11 t)lt.! dependence of ninority carrior P_ YPIL i- licon with a resistivity of I ohm-cm sliowed thIO; th,(! recombinatior. center subject to electron borribardmont with un cnei.-IjrIr level -,f I Mev and 8 Mev retains the 8,9-ai,.9 pooitiou in the forblddun zoilla, with a ratio of the vlQctron cauture cross oei!!,tion I;o the hale capture cross section equal to 7b. Wmllax iitre obFor%,f;d in n-type silicon sulejocted to ole(~tran irradllltioi~. This io es- sentially a re-vii-ew article, with a biblio(~ra7liji of .1~? titl,-,,-l. ............ USSR GORODETSKIY, S. M., et al, Gellotekhnika, 11o. .1, 19711, pp 3-3 The authors are associated with the All-'Union. Crdi~r of the :,abor Red Bawner Scientific Research Institute of'Ojxreut Sources. USSR uric 621OX630567 GRI(3jpR,r6VA, G.M., KREYMN, LeBot LmNDSKANs -h*PQ 'Investigation Of 'rho Pooot4ilitiosibr 4,incrS4810 OC 040 StObIlity Of The Photoelectric Characteriatics Of Irradiu~od $11iUM ri,-p Junultions" V ab. Radiataion. fiz.namet. krlstallov (Radjution VhyirLce Of Nonmetal Cryatals- Tn--b-f;- -Wo -- - - - -- -I--- --- --- - ---- Collooti( , Minsk, 'Nau~14 i toUhn-,'" 19?0, pp ~67-1,7,~ (from Kh-Slaktronika i_ya yt._prkqoj!jei?k* o 1, January 19'111, Abol.rfAct, Rio 1LIZ70) Translation: Methods are convideriod for iricrea9itig ttle, 4it.;ih~jllty of' phitocon- vartere operating in the cond-ittiona of haril rrsdictiona,ptiorl. 0,%* of tho Metliods in question in thermal annealing of the ir~adinte(L devi~kju. it cluinge is conaid- @red in the process of annealing of! t.!,,,* ap4ictrul dietrilliution oe photoarjusitivity and the diff'uoion lenpth of the minority orriare ka Out baett 4iV irradiated 11-p type photoconverters. Another possibility for mliat.W~n rasistomce Le doping them with lithium. The results arlo preeentod oV lxraziistion and lcv- temperature annealing of p-n type p0toconvertors itith dia impurity of lithium and various concentrations ?f oxy On. In the assa Wholl the Itontent of oxygen in silicon is azall ( < 10 cm-5)) d6vi4as with axt pf lithJun reveal an txteemoly high reeisLance -to irradiation. The 0ilLty! or fl.Vnium to netitralize recombination centers in eiliaon having a nonradiation 01,ginAip simo shown'. ill. 5 ref. G*B. USSR UDO ~~5.21~.6 GORODETSKIY, S.M., GRIGGWYLVA, G.M., EBFMAIN, L.B., LJtZ()VSKr1*, Y.Y., LQ1v5MWN' A.P. SONINSKIY, I.I.S. OEffect Of Electron Irradiation On 'Jhe Pocombination Farimiatera Of p-51licon And The Photoelectric Charactoriation OC Silicon n-p Jtirv-.Liowitt V ob. Radistsion. fiz, remot. kristallov (Radiation Fl)yv~ca 0.4' Nommotal Cryatals- Collection Of Worlua)-,- Minsk, Naultu t telthn.0 1970, pp 15~?,-266 (Trom Kh-FlalitronEui i yeye PrimenetAye, No 1, Jon~jllry 1,971, Abetract Ho IN161P) Transluticnz Tho reaults are discuseed of, tin invotitigEWI-on of the bo=bIlrdment, o" silicon nhotoconvertorn by olectrone In tho 0.5-111o Rov ~-stnga of vr.Dr'ries. A6 follows from Vie photoelectric churecteriatica prenentad,, A-ajij~irmvnt of the ~h.ota- converters by electrons is characteristics- for the coati pf t1jqf *(--innof penotrating hard radiation. The onarry dependence wee, mx".ricaantalljr found of the dam~ipa, factor of the P-vilicon bavo with a roni.itivity of I An OralyVifl Of tj-,0 changea of the dependencen o4l the lifetimo! on the injeotion Itivill, anti the toalper- ature =ado it Poneiblo to draw the pralicii,rary catioluoioli thal. tho centair doter- diati-d by electrona 1,8 mining the decr6aea of tha jiftititoe of tho p-Silicuu irrlk~ found tit 0.2 ev ubo-fr, the top of tho valones bond and No a rittio of thij oloOxon and hole capture crooe nectiouB ofel-.J 100. 6 ill. IT rcirfw USSR um,:: 6,-:!1-327-7-3,9 YARIN, N. V., MOO, 0. H., Y~~!._Y. A NSICr" YV. R. .:~Ng I)OBROW "A Resonator for Measuring the Pemittivity of Sheet flpecimvns ef Dielf.'C- trics on Superhigh Frequencies" Moscow, Otkrvtiya, IzobI'eteUiV(L, PrcUti-,tiqInnv-vt! Otirs- sy, T,)IVz-,*:,.yYe No 31, Nov 71, Author's Certificate No $179,Q4, MvIs;Cqai G, filed -3- JU;n, C`93 published 19 Oct 71, pp 171-172 Translation: Viis Autht~rln CertiftcgLtf! IntrOdUCOS it zt-vscn;~th:)r fcr nen-- suring the perrr-IttivUy of' Miv~et n~)eciiritns oe rin freqtivacica. The elcvlr!(~ ctintr.%Ixis Pt coaKlml qcctlan idjmvtod itt An Et distingtiIihing featur(t of' th-S., PAtClIt, f2 iV114"Ilf:111 by siaking the length of the resonator cloor 'to an vcWIIWuI;#Jr C;~ 1,-wavcl; of the working frequencies, and maHng a,trtutsverse slat t~irough the middle of the resonator to accommodate the dielectri.c apeclium to bt. studied. 7 77" USSR UBC 5 A. 1. It 5 2 3, N .- 5.- 5 7 7. 4 q UNIMID -,, All Russi&n Scientific Research lnst4utu of Plant J6 V. F hotection, Ramon' "Cyclic Changes in Solar Activity and Ep~phytotfts" Moscow, Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, No 4, 1971, pp 43q-4-144 Abstract: Each of the five major outbrealts of stem ruot: of! 1wheat in North Dakota In the 20011 century (1904, 1916, '1935, 1953, avl M,-J-) was cloqe1v associated with increased solar activity between rjalit6ire slj.=~poc numbers of 50 and 90. Cyclic changes in molnr activLty tead tO mahq~ whcat mare Gusceptible to stem nist following shifts in temperatult,e, at'.nosph-uric pressure, cloudiness, rain, and so 'forth. Solar radllitJon IlLai; a direct effect on phytopathogens, plants, and t~'Zir lnteractlo~2.- 7)1~e ultraviclat rays, in particular, intensify during per~iod-$ of 0=1miall Sol-ar activity. USSR TYSI)VS-KAYAI L. D., and JA.NEV5KAYA, L* A., State Sci-vnrific Research Institute of Quartz o-M-6*40" "Spectral Determination of impurities in Varii:wa ALt=inao Oxides" moscow, Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, Vol 36, No 13., 1971), pp 1347- V48 Abstract: A direct spectraL meth,)4 is outlinwd f.,)1- determirLin- a number of impurit-ALes in aluminum hydroxide 11ind ~in irems made ej frouni it at high-temperature hardening. The nij:thod iinv~)lvetit; placing samples in carbon electrodes 5 mm deep and 41 ulf-.i in 4.a- meter and exciting them by a dc arc vith i = li4a r,~)r 120 sit.c. A mixture of oxides of the unknown eUments u4;th pilre .01LIMo- ammonium alums, which at subsequeqt hardening are transforaiid` into aluminum oxide, are used as standards. J1, de:w~ription is given of the prenaration. of standards contain,i'~ng 1.111 oe every un- known element and others with decreasing contijilt, 1wi wcOLL al samples of aluminum hydroxid4~. The aample iackl at,ia-idard soectra were ohotographed by, the ISP-28 spectrograph with 12 miicra slots. Diagrams in /~F Sj coardtnateis wi~41o coluiitructed for 1/2 USSR TYSOVSKAYA, L. D., and LAN-EWSKAYA, et P-1., Zov-ixiskay-il Laboratoriya, Vol 36, No 11, 1970, pp 1347-1348 analytical lines of va;~ious impprity clemonta. Th,a aensitiv~cy of the method is 1010-1 5-10", 4nd the weam oqu-wre error :Ls 15-20%. 2/2 1/2 020 VNC L A 5 S I f. I v 1) TITLL--5Y1-*M1TIC P,iCCESSLS IN M:Uf~U'45 OF Ci,ARKEIS CGLIXIiN PROLUCEU Ia Ali 'UN At'41 1DR11MIC VOLLEY FKLri THE DURSL LATERAI~ I ULU'S -U~ AU1MP-(0.3j-KuSTYUK, P.i-,., PYATIUC-~!)KIN, E-.N'Ais LA14" E, c4u.1,11o, OF ~,SCjU1