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2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED' PRUCESSINIG DAIE---~WOCT70 !--CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0124758 GP-3- ABSTRACT. HGL SALTS WLRE STABLED ONLY IN COMCD -05TAINE0 BY TREATING I Wl 1.4 HCO SU-32 ti -SUB2 0 IN ETHER. FACiLifY.- Ft)i,.MULA S SHOWj4 ON 41 CROF I ME. ) 11 RE L5 OF HCL SOLN. AW a It OR kfV0Ri,'JLYZl:PiG I WIFI-1 CALCD. INST to ORG-t KHI M., KIEV# US S'A THL AMT. Ace. Nr: #T047332-' Ref. Code: UkLila Y,ji :kf Venprologii, 1970, pp.L-jARy SOURCE:, Vestnik Dermatolog Nr pp DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA IN RECOGNITION OF DISSEMINATED FORMS OF SKIN TUBERCULOSIS On the basis of obsmations the author Concludes that iflfferen%al diagnosis of pa- pulo-necrotic tuberculosis and indurated erythen'13 must be made first oi all with di- seases the morphogenesis of which is based on dhanget of 04. vessels of derma and sub- cutaneous cellular tissue, that is, with cutaneous and subcutaneous vasculites. A valuable diagnostic criterion is Mantoux test (1 :2000) which irt mom than half of the patients is accompanied by a short iocal reaction. In obscure cases. lentative treatment with anti- tuberculosis drugs of the narrow spectrum of effect (GING+PASK) is indicated. ~Dr REEL /-rTAXE 197,9014 *5(; USSR UDC .621-382.2:539.1-074 LIJOWTEITEM, P, G., GO-C.B,4.R, V. I. DM 11jOYA, G. IT., ana LIBI-,ALO, 12. 1. "Some Special Semiconductor Det--ctor Types for Studying Nuclear Reactions" Kiev,' Poluprovodnikovpya tekht-tika i mikroelekti-oni'_-r-' No 4, 1970, pp 12Z-_129 Abstract: Noting- that recent articles have been clevoted to ni.Aclear reaction detectors i~.ade of silicon compensated v;ith lithium and. having a sensitivity region thic'c:ne-_-s of up to 6 m-.n, 'he au'ho-b u describe their experiments using charged partioles of hitj,.er ener- gy which entered the silicon to a derth of uevorz~.l zillizieters. The detectors used by the quthors had a resolution of 50-60 kev for alpha. particles of 2,.m24-~ with an energy of ~5.9 ',Iev. The -bet- ter detector specimens with an area,q~ about 2.cri bad a. re2oiu- tion of 30 Icev. The plot of the Aml;4.-~ alpha partiale de- tected by a 110. 52 sp,,cimen ir~, sh_.own. To prepa-re dotectoz-s 0,~ zl~ic and other types, the authoro used the brand of cij.j_c;r)rL, -C -he, melt 1,11d co,-- which is obt..iined from. the noncruoible zone of t tains less 2.1016 oxygen atoma per cc, witn tlie lif:~time of Ww- USSR LITOVCHENKO, P. G., et al., Poluprovo-dnikovaya teklinika i mikroelaktroaika, No 4, 1970, pp 122-129 minority carrieis varying from 200-400 lis and a dislination,concentration of less than 5-1.04 cm-2. A diagram of the cross-secO ~on construction of the planar detector as well as the diagrams of the rbi,g and,"hat" types is shown. USSR UDC 6?8.6?5i678.06-419.8s677-52i _q.IMO8 L# C1113'HV1h$Y%YA# Me Aty CHWINAt L. I., TOUNINAt P. H.s.4UPYP OWMASOVt N. Y.s YORMPYEVo V. Ds? VIASOVAt i. K# -if; '. 0" XWW2Vj B. A., and DAVYDOVAj I. F. "Polyimides and Polybentimidazole for PlexigUmues ar.4 Cementel Hoscowp Plasticheskiye Hassy, go 4. 1973# pp 15-17 Abstracti The ptTsical and chemical properties were doterminetl for a number of thermoplastics -- such as the polyimides (K), polyataidoimides (PAI)g and poly1xPn=imidazols (?Bl) - formAng 15-68% volutiona with different solvents, The P)J and PB1 plus thxte of,the,PI resinaiformed linear struc- tures; two of the PI resins formed a three-dimensional:a-tructure. The linear resins haye a greater strength than the 6ro;sslinked. below teMperatures of about 3W"C. The data are given In sevexaLtables and;gmphs., 66 z' SPPS a4~ SEP 'ZZC: S:=-- 07 T',I:: r9=L-.9 07 AS-.:ZT OF D;,;U4AL 14nicia by A.L. LJ&anz'r D.M. ?;~.hetdzl! -J1J`S7-AT-nr-6Cry of Health; of Exp-rim4ntal Clinical Oncology IJ99R X tatiot and H7;;icro, Ccargian Miniatr-, a' Kca'th; Irqt ituta of r~,t ' ImenL S.F. Ga.31*7a, USSR AMS; ~'~cow, V,stmik Aknden,11 Aklkh ;ZAU-,( S.-MR, FWsblxn, No 7. 1971. p? 74--ZI! n 1965. In our,experLntent6 with In-rdcta.1-237, 1r.?ucre. in -'rhzz' C57Z1/SJ mice with Lha chemical c4rcinogon DATA, we discovt"d the plencratan of tissular iner"m, :.tibilitv. Skiz- trAt,splazts. ~frco r.1-a tumors to recipients-of the same. lir,.a,*, cons istert-tiv uneerwent reject',rn_4-.t1: as is the case with skin transplants of allegamic Grigin from anat~.e. 14ne of mica (C.Ya. Svet-Moldavskiy at &I. , 19,57a, b, c) . Further tion a', -.his phenozenca, which was named "rkin hazzoTor ganization," that its cnact is linked wittt thki affqct of a distinctive virus darcoma K-237 (G.Yo. Svet-!'.*!dav--kiT at a-. 19!j&a, b). Theze, define wo di-ections of "goarch hich hxc besn devclopad tn z,c~at tl.~'. by a nuzbar of Luthors in many 14LWr~taril~ :~La "r"d Over - 1'. jnv~t;t of app~arrnce of new an-iSens In norn,%l -.s~-jcs of Tudor carr~e:a more x lige.-I exchazgc bctu tn~-ra-! queation, investiSat-c- ci amt. .I ce", the arganlam and In vitrol 2) "r V'rAl normal calls ane the rol,, ( quch pher=enz in patheloj:~. in pnrti. -a. 'nvlwtigatlor~ o I eforence to Iarunopnzhoiogica! state Thus, 1 -1 lu 1.1maly both fc-r general iconjaoloKor and for such d,-rectioas ia -'L a~ trdnAp1=taLion and antitumor i7z-,un-t7- 1r. tnio re;)cr-. wo khoji, L~ up ar=e of the results of invescigsticr. of akin haterogo=.Jxation ex plc cf the exper-l"ntal modcl we have described. and to diRc",;i L"., present status of the problem so a whole. Like any now prololam. th.'a .,"-onre e rt~!-Jn- ~0 A.barhbl* aspects which are also coins to 'De Material and methods. 'he experiments were conducted on irbras BAIH/C, C." OR, CMA, T6T6 mice %fnich were obtained from the St,)Ibo,a';,~ Nursery of the USSR AYS. Hybrids froub crosses between C5731AJ and Oita were obtained in our animal shelter. To JMuce tumor*, we gava t'nv 109'- r :'I to, in: "Il - loas of 7 .12-din,*, ~iy in oi! 011 aoluzLolt' in a of 0.5 m~': -lu.~. -~ -evil ut Lh. b f In tion Cf thc~ carcinaKer, within j-5 montna. ~ov bore tr,,r-&I*rr-I to mice by wana of hutoCutioneoi.,a totopluntntit)n of auill 0! 0"t, I Th. pn4paring VIMA-Cont&tning acollulnr tutitor extr,ict,o .-S of t-tinK t"no, Qn mica wilm deacri4ed previously ((;.Ya. .9vvt-.KoIeav*kiv e- &I. . 14668. b. Jr#7-)). Skin transplants were trantoferred follawirr a aliglit modificatirn nf th!? method of Bilinxha-,o and hcdawzr (1951) . ~cmv skin traris-p~ ants , In:1--Ing, . ~ layers, 3.5x2 or 202 = " zlzza were Qppllal --a ruciz'aa:~ 4-~ ~f a.i aiw strip along the =rglna of the rronsplanz and ~izor, ro"r tto.'s furpoiie e used a p=icl preparation. of B?-B a&.calivc ~-.Zratva-J-Zi-q) . "nr Of tl-~ Cr4"~PIZAt-i ;;'-" ~ ."- f;-f pri=ry acc-tance of an- -.vpe of z-a--pln-.t nro=ally within tii:; t4=. At this tine we rejectv,. a., re~:.?14 will r, ur I rits ; C & injnry Or 'Infectita of the ranzad In. -IF t'ne Of tvanap loin-,. rajo~,rt I-on , illey were examined dilly- --e =jterj." of accaptatize. or ra,*action w= the prareace, or al~s=ziil 4f h~r Sr"th, '~hlch was in the apposite direction from grawrh an trip rece-plent's back because tt- graft W" twisted at the time of troon,;.pLantatioll, Citef phonomanon and etiological agent. The reaction of roiject~oo of skin itrilfted to eyngenleC57BI/61 recipients -am =-Itts cf rarco=a K-237 uco; Id4latt"I to zhe reaction oL-rejectlen of illeteelt (of skin from DAI-5/c =lice -0 C5731/61 recipients). Zo:h, as wall. Ls roor%A! aynglnl~ placta,, amwed vmseu14ri%=tic=-bI the fit:- d=y z- w--= acceptad. Dav I trans, 04=;~1 rant of za3actioa cccu-rrad bottwaam the Sth =4 11th day , I ) ,, HistologIcal examination of the transplants also revealad complate sLmilati ty of rejection of eyngenic heteragenized and allegeric skin. Irt both instilrices. (FiBures 1-4), an the tenth day the re,iction was characterized by marked dilatation ;if vassals and arrested circulaztGn. -nere was mixed cellular Infiltration of the tremeplants, ar.-J this is quit. r-icz! pretizcl~ f0rr the rejection reaction in mice (Brest, 19551 . In ad-l' z-'cr. ::a =acnuclaaru. t1herc wLz a considerable nu=!)cr of ;*l'~=;jr-,h==ucI&aZ lc~czvtcn In tiia tranz- plant . nere were also markcZ sigma of activation of consactive tissue in tr',~ tr&r,bp!aGt darns and adhesion layez. The aaeont '*rcsPcnsiL!-a" for dzvclvrnent of hateroganization of the skin presented properties ttiot were typtca' for viruses. it could be separated from wumr calls, :.r rwmAinc-d In acallular extracts of the tumor, ultracentri.Ougates. alid ultraf'-~tr&tes Ucr more dlcta~ see G.Ya. Svec-holdavskiy et oil., 1970). .4ble 2 ~.iei the iou--narl dIa ,n the hezorogtnizin; cfect of the t=or and of extrazts thOrreof. %a secl 4n T,-~,!. 2, ir. almotit IOCO cases of tr a:a5 plan: ati'vii, theze w~ heterofenizazct; of the akir. by the rumor or virus-concainin& extroict, wher*.A in the coatrol (provided &ccurate consideration of primary heallto;; of the s1rafts waa radi) no rejections were otserved. it rise risen snown 0.n. r~neiozoa at a-, 41~115; C.Ya. Svet-Koldrvskiy at al.. 197U) that skin hete-ogenizarlon occ-;rr both after "faction with tumor extract and after trzar-ploczzAtion of haterogenized jkl.n. ".a -.he latter avant, the pheitomanor. devalopad &Izoor -oath *uccer&ive trana?lantation for 15 passages, starting in 1966. Thus. the viral mature of she a;ant is confiruad by the fact that it can be separated from calls. it 110 7f, r M&- Organ and Tissue Transplantatio., 72 USSR IUDC 6 12. 6. 054. 017. SVET-MOLD.AVSKIYI G. Ya., SFAGIY.,Vi, G. Sh., 11MIMME, D. lvi., OZERETSKOVSKAYA, N. N., I.WAGIDZE, Z. G., and CIIERNYAKHO~SkAv'r.","r",Tu", Institute Experimental and Clinical Oncology, Academy of Medical Sci~~nces USSR, Moscow (presented by Academiciai V. V. Parin) -i Tricl "Inhibition of Transplantation Immunity in Mice Infected Wit', hinella spiralis" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 190, No 4, Feb 70, pp 999-1000 Abstract: In this study the authors attempted to get experimontal support for the, theory proposed by Svet Moldavskiy that helminths produce, substances which drastically inhibit the immunity of the host. Experiments were based on skin ''transplants. It was determined that in mice infected with Trichinalla spiralls, ~~'the allogenic skin transplant survived much longer, and the detachment of necrotic sections,vccurred much later than in controls. IA ROOM= name= w -02 '"USSR U.N: 621-3-15-5- ZUYLIT, V. A., LITOVIMNITCO, V. 'G., GT,,Il,.'CIM, K. D., L I G V C Hi ~`LT 0 , N. 11. , 1. F. "Current Carrier Recoml.-)ination Processes on Ge and L1.7i Surfaces Under laser Excitati-Lon" Leningrad, Fiz:Um i teklinika poluprovodniko.v., No 10, 1972, PP 936- 194:4 Abstract: I.-hile inveotivations of voluire -,IrOcOsGes, of current carricrs under laaer ezeitatio!,L have bc,,er and hav,~- yielded important infornation on tha lmd. (,,en-- -io , echn-nismB, of era and new recombiiuat- n m Ile -en I irj-* tc(i to excitation lov(;-,lo, "I e ~ri- processes have bc U ments deocribed in -Lhin, paper were defAr,;ni~(I to L,,~eamire f our Y'hOtOP-01)dILCtjLVitY Z"UPlitUde and rolzmzatim" timo., of infrared lif4d; by unl.-, euxrant carriax-c~; bination r diation intew,31.ty and rol"Amald.on; wqi,'1.ciI;;:jr 19 9w I I A block diagram of the ex -;;,erimetmt-al equipment iq um laser operating at a wavclenfr,-~'I-h of 1.06 tiicrgr.~o a~:id n riib,-,,, law-~r at 0.6943 micronn, with maxiztw intenjity Of IC-5 :e re used -tl,-o gener'n.te the unlonlanoed current oX USSR ZJUYBVI V. A., et al, PiZ4k,,-, i tekhnilca uoinprovodnil:o1r, No 10, 3.072, pp 1936-1944 ndi, )plied by q 300 vv~tt infrared m ntim, vmz; qui with a germanima. filter, and the roceiver of thij? inf-'ri:,.red rz~(Uo- tion was a low-iftertia Photoresistance uoixg with zi Cold impurity. The authors th,,uik 0. V. Suitko, 1). tmd j~. Bachenko for their useful comients on a number of problems exa4~!-o-Lzn- tered in the course of this work. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.382.2 LITOVGHENKO, V.G. *Some Ourrent Physical And Practical Problams In Semiconductor-Inaulator Systems" Poluprovodn. tekh. I mikroelektronilca. Resp. mazhved. ab. (Semiconductor Technol- ogy And M-icroelectrcnica. Republic Interdepartmental Oollection), 1972, Issue 8, pp ~-14 (from RZh:Elektronika i yeye yrimenfsnkye~, No 11, 110v 1972, Abstract, 111o Translation: The paper analyzes the possibilities and prospects Cr the use of microelectronic mete 1-insulator-samiconductor (HIS) struatures for a study- of the physical phenomena in semiconductors and in multiphailo laminated systems. The most important applied trends are considerad, basedon the use of YJS and DP L?inaulator-semiconductorl structures (field-effect traneistors, integrated circuits, reactive elements, elements of optoelec-tronicel and others). 45 reff. Summary. 1/1 USSR UW 62i.315.592:~46.26 LITOVGHENYO, V.G., LYSEWO, V.S., PRIKHODEM0, V.1., SMIWIMT, A.H., -KT=V1--R--TE--1-STADNIK, A.V. DEffect Of Structureil Factors Of Monocrysta Iline Silicon.Filma On Their Surface Properties PoluDrovGdn. tekhn. i mikroel.ektronika. Reap. mezhred. 3b. (Semiconductor Technology And 'flicroelectronics. Republic Intardepartmen'"I Collection), 1972, Issue 7j pp ~&40 (from RZh:.Elaktronika i,yeva.~primenaniVe, No 9, Sept 1972, Abstract No 9B82) Translation: A comparntivo study ia made of a num'bor of volumetric characteris- ties which depend on the defectiveness of the volume (t $1 filmu grown on sapphire substrates (mobility of charge carriers and othbrs), and of the sur"face- a ensitive characteristics (bending of zones, density ofi fast traps, and others). It is shown that the electrical properties of.,the surface of iTtrongly defective films depend on the volume structure. 4 ref. Summary. 121 - USSR UDC 537.311.33:546.28 G. "Study of the Characteristics of a Dielectric-Semiconductor System by the Methods of Infrared Spectroscopy" Poluprovodn. tekhn. i mikroelektranika. Resp. mezhved. sb. (Semiconductor Technics and Microelectronics. Republic;lnterdepartzet~tal Collection), 1971*1 Issue 6, pp 49-55 -"from RZh-Elektronika i y e primeae~iye, No 9, Septeriber 1971, Abstract No 9B39) TrarAslationi A st,;Ldy is made of the physical characteriatica of the oxide -in reac of -the system Si-SiO by the:math*ds of infrared spectroscopy (relvlect~ sorption of alectrioal refiectiong and extrinsic condultivity). ref. Suz=Ir'. 89 USSR UDj C535.215.121-621.7/82.28 ..=6r J, SERDA A G OR= N B. !I.' I-OSKIL' i;. 1q. J-VA.NUVA-,-Z-. TEACHIK, V. P, and PROKUROV, A. jr. "Using Optical-Elect-onic Converters Using 1103 Phot-ovaricaps in Dosimetric Equipment" Kiev, Poluprovodnikovaya tekhnika- i mJJ-,roelektroni'-,,.a, No. 5, 1971, p 108-113 P Abstr, act: An investigation is made of the basic characteristics of a new type of semizonductor voltage modu-lator used as the active element in a surfa~,Ie metal oxide semiconductor 1j.oto-,VricaT). This paper is thus a sequel to ti-io earlier articles ill e1ct ronngj a t 0! nEka, Series 2, 19,57, 1, 96, and Radioteldmi'.I-P i~AeleLtran.-il'a, lC67, 12, 1, 76) written by the samp authors, which dealt viTh th:2 the- oretical analysis of the physical phenomQna detez~mininu the o. tion of MOS varica-~s of the optical variety,. and the e-~:perimental results of researcii into their characteristics. The described in the present paper ,:ere conduct~k"..t..."il~lll-,,,~,-L,*ce -Cilicol-~ specimens of various resistuivities, from 10 o 10- ohm-cm, -Lhe surfaces of wh4ch were cleaned and sputtered i-;ith- a layer L)-~, A block diagram of the -measurir.r etlulTnent is sho-ina L~nd -i-.s tion de-.---c:--ibed. 'I'he autr,ors conclude that USSIt LITOMMUKOp V. G. et al., Poluprovodnikovayaq t~ekhnj.ka elektronika, No. 5, 1971, pp 108-113 ruall constan"- or be,successfully used in equipment for measuxinE p slowly varying currents and VoLtages from hiGh-m3istance sGurces. They are associated with the Semiconductor InstituI-le, Ukaainian -Academy of Sciences. 'USSR UDC 621.383.5+621.382.29+535.215.12 .3ER31A, A. A. , GORDAN, A. F. "Some Physical Processes in the ~letal-Dielectric-ScmicD4ductor System under Conditions of Strong Nonstationary Depletion of the Semiconductor" Kiev, P_oluprQvodniko,gya tekhnika I m1kroelpktroolka. No 5, 1971, pp 11-18 Abstract A method Is proposed for a combined study of the capacitance and conductivity of a metal-dielectric-semiconductor structure converted to the nonstationary depletion condition by means:of a rectangular-pulfle voltage. The system was studied wider two conditioas: in the abstnce of intensification (the thermodynamically equilibrium situation In a neutral space) and with in- tensification (thermodynamically known equilibrium situation in neutral space). In the thermodynamically equilibrium situation, measurement of the capacitance and longitudinal conductivity permits deteminatioft of the con- centration of tbe equilibrium carriers (without distorting the effect of the mobility, the Hall const, ant, and so on) and the mobility iof the majority car- riers (including the distribution of the mean mobility with respect to thick~- ness of the specimen), In the thermodynamically noaequil~briwn Situation, the investigated system has high collector properties ford nonequilibrilm electron-hole pairs; it permits obtaining of a "gigantic" photacapacitive 1/2 USSR LITOVCHENKO, V. G., et al., Poluproyodnikovaya teklinika i lAkroelektronika, No 5, 1971, pp 11-18 effect (k = C eff /C eff 0- 10 4_ 105 and determination of the photogencration function of the electron-hole pairs in the semiconductor ill absolute units. Extraordinarily small light flu,,~es can be recorded here .(~10-12 watts/cm2). Expcrimental results are presented which confirm the thebretical analysis. - - --------- -I--- A-' 1- !L A -1- i~ 71 USSR UDC 621-315.592 LITOWIMIMM, V. G. "Investigating the Characteristics of Dielectric-Sewiconductor Systems Through Infrared Spectroc,;c6py" Kiev, Poluprovodnikovaya telrhniha i mikroe1eL-trcni:ca, 11o. 6, 10/71, PP 49-55 Abstract: By using three methods of infrared IlUdy of dielectric- semiconductors.the author and his colleagues of t-he Semiconductor Institute of the Mkrainiwq Academy of Sciences show that- this ind of study can yield essential infor--ation concer nLin,~, the nature of the physical processes in 4- he two-phase.dielec rio-iw~miconuuctor U V device. These three methods are:. the,study of ontioal reflection and absorption spec;-,,a; the method of full internal efectric-al re- flection; study of the impurity photoconductiv~ty spectra. T~e block diagram for the first type is given 1-,nd its o-~)er~itio-n ex- plained. A method of multiple internal refle ction 7)ropo-,ed by zhe author and his collea;-izes, -~o this fixot is ex- plained. The i.,,etlhod of full latexnal elect---icFO. r-c-'l-ect-for, ii; able of fixing extremely suall. chan~:es in ontiml cwnttnnt~c, Ulluc making possible ,-, fine method of :solid state rooo,~r~;h. Of inpv-rity tare sho~vm. .......... USSR WC 535.215.12+621.382.28 nV, L?1KQ-S-G,, SERBA, A. A., GOU-NOP D. 11.3 HOSKW, 1). It., IVANOVA, T. P., TKACHIK, V. P., PROKUROV, A. V. "Use of an Optoelectronic Converter based on a Ifetal-D:Lelectri.c-Semicontluctor Photovaricap, in a Dosimetric Device" Kiev, Poluprovodnil-ovaya tekhnika i mikroelektronika, ",'lo 5, 1971, pp 108-113 Abstrac : A study was made of the basic characteristics of a new type of semiconductor voltage modulator using a surface neral-dielcccric-semiconductor phatovaricap as the active element, Thethooretical analysis of the physical phenomena determining the operation of the NDS photovaricaps and also some experimental results of studying their characteristics ~iere presented Previously N. G. Litovchenko, et al., Elelrtroraiava.tekhnika, Series 2, No 1, 96, 1967; V. G. Litovchenko, et al., Radiotek~nika ~i elektronik&,1 Vol L20 No 1, 76, 1967). -1,0s from An optoelectronic modulator of constant ana low-frequvii-cy voltir hi&-resistance sources was developed on t4e basis of ati 'HDS plhotovaricap and meters a light diode. The modulator is characterized by high-frequency para (10~--107 hertz), high input i=pcdance (> ID12. smilll size and weight. Experimental data were obtained which illustrate the op4.,ration of the- IIDS photovaricap, in the optoelectronic modulator, in partilravlar, combined with the 112 USSR LITOVCHMO, V. G., at al., Poluprovadnikovaya tekhnilta i mikroelektronika, No 5 1971, pp 106-113 ionization chamber. The application of these optoelectronic modulators per- mits an increase in their modulation frequency by sever" or(lers (by cor,,ipari- son with mechanical dynamic capacitors) and,.,therefore,juse of ordinary alter- nating voltage amplifiers instead of eleeprometric input cascades. W7FE all 112 028 UNCLASSIFIED PR11CESSING DATE--23bCT70 ELECTF.IC,.L CHARACTERISTICS OF. SINGLE:CRYSTAL SILICON FILMS ON SAPPHIRE, -U- A UTHOR-(04)-LISENKO? V-S-t LITOVCHENKOw V.G:.v KOSENK(b V.YU.t IGNATKOVr V.D. COUNTRY Of INFO--USSR SOURC E--UKR A INS K I IFIZICHNII ZHURNAL, VOIL.- l5w MARI- 1970 r P409--4-L4-o ,,..DATE PUBLASHED ------- 70 ,w.,S_UBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSI PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--SILICON SINGLE CRYSTALs PHUTUCONQ,UCTIVrTY F I L,4 EPITAXIAL PN JUNCTION, E-111TAXIAL GROWTH -MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ''DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1923 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118885 KETAL 3[~ILLOGRAPHYr STEP 140-UR/OLfl5/70.tOI5/000/0409/04-L4- ,2/2 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-230CT70 C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118985 ABST-,Ac_T/EXTRAcT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* APPLICATION OF FIELD EFFECT, CJNTACT POTFNTIAL DIFFEREN,~Ep AND PHOTOCONUUCTIVITY REASUREMENTS TO DETERMINE THE SURFACE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS.01F P AND -`4 TYPE HETEROEPITAXIAL SILICON FILMS ON SAPPHfRE. A SIG%:~FICANT' i*()NUNIF(jR,4fTy OF THE FREE SURFACE POTENTIAL IS SHOWN TO BE CAUSE0 RqrH 13Y SURFACE BOUNDARIES IN MOSAIC TYPE FILMS A:0 BY HETEROGENElTy OF THE SURFACE,. THE FREE SURFACE CONTAINS SIGNIFICANT CONCENTRATION!; OF BorH ACcu-prop, AND DONOR CENTERS. THE SURFACE ADJACENT TO THE SAI~PHIR~E SUaSTRATE -EXHIBITS RELATIVELY HIGH FIELD EFFECT MOBLUTY, WtTH ACUPTOR PREDOMINANCE IN BOTH N AND P TYPE FIL4Ss THE PHOTOCOND~UCTIVITY OF THE FILMS HAS A MAINLY UNIVOLAR NATUREw FACILITYt AKAGEMLIA NAU)L UKRAINSIKOI RSR. INSTITUT NAPIVPRGVti3?4LKlVr KIE.Vr~UKRALNLAN SSPLw, USSR UDC: 539.216.22:546.28 LITOVCHENKO V G., LYSENKOI V. S., PRIE110DEDIKO, V. I. SHUL1MIAN, A. Ye. , _L~Ovl -R. Ye., STADNIK, A. V., Institute of~Semicondvctors, Academy of Sciences of the LPk_rSSR "Effect of Structural Factors of Single-Crystal Silicon Films on Their Sur- face Proverties" Kiev, Poluprovodnikovaya Tekhnika i Mikroele.ktroni-ka, Resp. Mezhved. Sb., No 7, 1972, pp, 38-h0 Abstract- A comparative study is made of a number of volumetric charac- teristics which depend on the volumetric imperfection of silicon films grown on s apphire substrates (mobility of, the charge cag-riers , etc. as well as surface-sensitive characteristics (zQne flexurei density of fast traps, ate. ). It is shown that the electrical prcperti6s of UAP surface of.strongly Imperfect films depend on theivolumetric structure. 67 USSR uDc: 621.315,592 LYSENKO, V. S.,~LMVCHZ4?JKQ _A, G. ,KORNYUSHIN, S. I., CHERNOPISKIY, V. P., Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences of' the VerSSP "Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Electrical Properti~!s of a. Peal Ger- manium Surface" Kiev, Poluprovodnikovaya Tekhnika i Mikroelektronika. I.Re.sp. Mezhved. Sb. No 7, 1972, pp 47-51 Abstract; The paper gives some results of a study of radiation defects induced by exposure to gFmma quanta on the surface and in the space charge region in germanium. Thin specimens of 11-type (p= 20, 113, 50 a-cm) arid P-type (P= 30 P-cm) were studied. The results of the research showed ar. appreciable increase in the rate of surface recombination, especielly in the region of positive potentials, with anew recombination lq.~vel on curv,-s 7 ;~ t., n this for surface recombinatlon rate as a function of initial potent .1 i region. Specimens with an clevated oxygen content shoired an 1 rj,,rVaf.C in the density of fast shielding ttatLs throughout the potclptiall.rarlfre, whereas oxygen-free specimens Bhowed practically no change in tho concentration of such states. The initi&l potential vas shifted toward the N-aidle after ex- 112 - 68 - LYSETTKO, V. S. et al., Poluprovodn. TeRh. i Mikroelektron. Resp. Mezhved. Sb., No 7, 1972, pp 47-51 posure in all specimens. The maximum displacement vas accompanied by a reduction in the density of "slow" states. The stability of the new centers was shown by the fact that the surface characteristics of' irradiated slecimens were not altered by exposure to the atmosphere for two months. Very brief' treatment in hydrogen peroxide (about 4 s).almost complwtely restored the surface potential to the values observed ~n specimenz bi!.:tcre- irradiation. This indicates that the potential displacement obeerved~lis due to alter- ation of the chemical structure of the,surface:oxide ph(Lse. 2/2 '635 FIED 17-77 - PR UNCLAS~ '&:SSIN5 DATE-ONOV70 E.*,;,Tj_TL E-DE TER M I NAT I ON OF CROSS SECTIONS Of- PHOTON CAPTU)RE BY bUkFACE ~ELECTRON STATES -U- ..~,~'AUTHOR-(02)-LITOVCHE~iKO~.Y...---., Kf,VBASYUK, V.P 'IF u NFG--USSR NTRY I TFKH. P(JLJP,`NCjV. 1970p 4(5)p 975~8 DATE PUBLISHEU ------- 70 , 7"~.S,WWCT AREAS-PHYSICS ~7nj.OPIC TAGS-FREQUENCY Cll14kACTERISTIC, JR PHUTOCONDUC T 0 14 F) I L I CON, '-RELAXATION IR A3WRPTIGN 5PECMMj~ CRYSTAL~ VA C ANC Y PRCCESSP CAPTURE 'CROSS SECTION NTROL MARK ING NO RESTRICTIONS 4ENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED A)MU, PROXY REEl/FRAME-3004/0885 STEP NJ--~-UR/G4.~9/70?0~',14/i),D!)/0975/09'16 ~L I A r. A C. G E S S I rjJN 110--,AP 0 13 14 72 -2/2 0 3 5 UINC L A I P RC C, E S S I N G DATE--13NIOV70 SSIF EO ..,CLRC ACCESSION NU--AP0131472 GP-0- ArISTSACT. THe WAVELENGTH (LAi-+:JA) DEPI-'Nffi~:NCE OF. THE-RELAXATIUN TIME, TAU SUBIR, OF THE I fk SL;RFACV (PC) WAS DETO. IN Sf BY MEASURING 'rHE PC DECAY AND (OP) MMEGA) DEPENDENCE OF THE PC. TAIJ 5IJBIR DECREASED~ WITH INCr- CAS ING LAM80A AND EXHIBITED 2 REGIONS IN THE GMEIGA 0FPL-NDENCE Of: THE PC: LINE AT LO4 OMEGA (10-20 HZ), THE OTHER AT HIGH OMEGA 42 TIMES 10 PRIAiE2-LO PAIME3 HZ). ~THE 2 REGIONS CORRESPONO TO STEPS IN THE PC SPECTRI.1,11, IN~JC4TING A LEVEL CHAINGE WITH INCREASING LA14.60A. THE PHOTON CAPTURE (:.~CJSS. SECTIC49, ALPHA TAU SUBPHI WAS CALCO. FRC14 ALPHA SUbPHI EQUALS DELTA RIO SUBI.R. OVER SUBIR RHO SU3T PKIMFO L SUBIRt liHEF,E Uz-LTA RHO $Ui3j:;'l is !THE CHANGc- m THE C4RAIEk CONCN. 1.1-1 T,-iF SPAC*E; CHARGE LEGION OF THE~: VAlJ--.t,lCE tiAiNUP RHO VACANCIES GN THE.LEVELP it-110 L SU31R 15 TH SUBT. PRIMEO IS THF NO. OF E No. OF li'4CIDENT PHOTONS. THE VALUES FOR THE SLOW AND 1;-AST ARE ALPHA SUOPHI PkIME 3 SIMILAR TO 10 NEGATIVt I ME 1.5 CM 00) ALPHA :jtjt3PHl ~PRIMF.F- SIMILAR TO 10 NEGATM-PkIME-16-IU NEGA'rivi: (1.4 PRIME2, -P Klt-V, IJ S S ESP. FACILITY: INST. PG(.UPA("V., UNCI ASINIFIFO -022 UNCLASSIRED PROCESSING DATE-30OCTTO -ITLE THE EFFECT OF MUSCULAR EXERCISES ON THE LIPOLYfIC, ALTIVLTY OF THE .''BLOCO SERUM AND-OF THE CARDIAC NUSCLE OF RATS UNDER NURKAL CONDITIONS UTHOR-103)-LITOVCHENKOt YU-Ser LEYTESP FoL*v~LEMPERTp' B.L* GUNTRY OF INFO--USSR QURCE-PATOLOGICHESKAYA FIZIOLGGIYA I EKSPERINENTALONAYA TERAPIYAt L970t 1;.VOL, - 14 v ~ NR 37 P P 37-42 4TE PUBLIISHED-70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ,_T._,PIC, TAGS-EX ERC ISE*-, BLOOD SERUM# LIPID METABOLISM# HYDCARDIUMP DIABETES -LLITUS ~:CCNTROL MARKING-KO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~~PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/1935 STEP NO--UR10396/7OiOl4iOO3/0037/0042 CIRC ACCESSIGN NC--AP0127336 ~'.-27/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED ROGESSING DATE--30OCT70 ACCESSICN NO-AP0127336 ~--'_ASSTRACTIEXTRACT-IU) GP-Cr- ABSTRACT. IN RATS FORCEI) To RUN IN A TRAITEAN (MODERATE AND MAXIMAL MUSCULAR EXERCISESY13EF&RE MEALS A Rl,-.,E NTED To OF LIPOLYTLC ACTIVITY OF THE BLOOD SERUM WHICH OCCUJ~REO PUI, INCREASED WAYS OF ENERGY UTILLZATION GF TRIGLYGERIANI: C0,11POUENT OF THE BLOOD SERUM BETA-LIPOPROTEIDS. BUT ON FULL STOMACH THIS REACTLO,'i WAS ,NOTED ONLY AT THE MAXIMAL MUSCULAR LOAD4 IN RATS WUH ALLOXAN DIABETES LYPOLYTIC ACrIVI Y MUSCULAR EXERCISES PR(JOUCE0 THE SAME EFFECT UPON THE T OF THE BLOOD SERUM AS IN INTACT ANIMAI-St AND ONLY D~-'CREASEO WITH MAXIMAL MUSCULAR EXERCISES IN THE ANIMALS MADE TO RUN ON FA$TING STOMACH.. THE ACTIVITY OF LIPOLYTIC ENZYMES IN THE MYOCARDIUM OF j;'.ATS FLEVATES IN MODERATE PHYSICAL EXERCISES AND IN ALLOXAN~DIABETESi BUfFELL BELOW THE :--mRMAL LEVEL IN ThEIR COMBINATION. FACILITY- LASORATORIYA z-PATOAHIMIL ZHIRO--LIPOIDNOGG OBMENA PRI KAFEDRE PATOPIZIOLOGII z .' I i~~.~~TSENTRALONOGO INSTITUTA USOVERSHENSTVOVANIYA VRACHFVP MOSKVA. 14 L. LIS S IfFe I F D: 4W %Ou U ; V'N PRP,1ARY SOLT-RCE: Fiziologichn' Vn'"Al, 1970, Vol 16, -.qr PP TABOLISM CHANGE IN SOME INDICE& OF IFAT-CARBO HYDRATE ME UNDER muscuLAk L64DIING IN ItAtS Yu. L I t 0 V c~ lie n Department of Palholog47 e r4l Adoanced Training 1&;tilute summalry In intact rats after 18-hour starvation the maximum muscular lotding in tret-ban (stoppage of running) evokes a decrease in blood sugar, total lipids tnd serurn clt*k- sterol with a drop in the glycogen content of the. liver and musclas, intensific1tiOn of the hpolytic activity In fat tissue and a rise In the iat content of the liver. The content of ketone bodies ip blood and cholesterol in the liver doets not dbange. The same loading causes the same changes of carbohydr4td and fat metaholism. In both satl~ffed and hungry animals, with the exception for a~ decrease In the, o3ntent of total 11pids in serum. RE B r.V, 1962090 V AP0052328 carried out,both an an empty stomach In diabellic animals the same muscle loading and in a satisfied state is accompanied by a drop of blood' -wgar lawal and glycogen content in the liver and muscles. The data obtained make it possible to assume that the. maximum muscle loading to an equal extent raises carbohydrate consumption irt intact animals and alloxan-dia- betic rats. Utilization of higher fatty acids is inoie pronouncOd in diabetic animals than in intact onesi 1-9820913 026 UNCL ASSI F tEO PRoCt!ssmr, L)ATE--18SEP70 1, tTLE--LOW TEMPERATURE MODIFICATLON OF THE LOWER IOLYBOENUA CAKBIDE -U- 4_UT"0R-(04)-YEREMENKOt VoN.r VELIKANOVA, T.YA., Wl"QXpUfulfjV,j V,YE.r ,_~,-o.-,'K0MAR0VAv- ~S.A. UNTRY OF tNFD--USSR --IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, NEORG. MATER, 19701~6(1); 11-14 ",D.ATE...PUBLISHED ------- 70 .,SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMESTRYt PHYSICS ...!TOPIC T,AGS--MOLYRDENUM COMPOUNOP CARBIDEt X RAY 0fFFpAr_rtoAi, CRYSTAL .;-'_'_-StRUCTUREr THERMAL EFFECT, ELECTRIC RESISTIVITYP THF'RMOG;%A:"HIC ANALYSIS PC,_rNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PRIOXY r"'IEEL/FRAME--1984/0151 STEP ~4;3--UR/0363t7OfOO,5,ri)OlloOll/(1014 C-111C ACCESS I ON NO--AP0054947 -- ------------- - ------------ - 551FIED- - - - - - - - - - - - ~2/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-19SEP70 IN NO--AP005q947 CIRC ACCESSIL -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THERM06RAPHIC JUND 3 '~AY DIFFRACTION METHODS ~iERF USED. DUR I NG X. RAY DIFFRACT[% J~iVESTIGATIC)lil OF MO-C ALLEDYS, CAST AND ANNEALEG IS GlEATER rHAN (WITH c IS LESS THAN I634DEf;Rr-E.S 4N-0 UP TO 50 All, '..CONTENT 12.538 AT. PERCENT AT 'PERCENT C AT LOWER TEMPS.), ONLY THE PSEUDOHEXAGON-AL 14AS G3SD, FOR THE 40 SUBC-BASGO PHASE* WITH THE PAPAMETER.$: ALIPHA r.QUALS 2.3,-93, C: EQUALS 4.739 KXt ANO C-A EQUALS 1.58 (AT131 AT. PERCENT CA. ANO ALPHA EQUALS 3.015t C EQUALS 4.739 KX, AND C-A EQUALS 1.57 (AT 33.75 AT PERCENTC). A PHASE TRANSITION WAS OBSO.-AT 1170 PLUS OR MUNUS 13DEGREES o EFFECT N THE LOWER MO CARBIDE Mo SU62 Cl ACCOMPANIED BY AN EXOT~-,lRMAL l (DURING COOLING) WITH A SIGNIFICANT TEMP. HYSTERESIS. 11 DKPEASE 114 THE SYMMETRY OF THE CRYST& LATTICEr I*E.; RHUMBONEORAL OTSTORTION OF THE ORTHORHOMBIC MO SUB2 C STRUCTURt, IS OBSO. THE MO CIARBIJ)FS STUDIED HAD THE COMPNS, OF MOC SUBO.48 AND MOC SUB0.51t RESP. ~IXPTS. WERE PERFORMED RELATIVE TO THE MSASUREME14T OF SP, ELrC. RESISTIVITY OF 1019r, SUBO.48 AS DEPENDENT ON THE QUENCHING TEMP. WITHIN THE TRANSITION TEMP. RANGE. THE ELEC. RESIS-TIVITY OF THE ALLOY QUENCHED FROM 14000COREES DOES NOT DIFFER rROM THE, ELEC.- RESISTIVITY OF THE CAST ALLOY. WI rii: QECkEAS ED QUENCHING :TEOP. THE ELEC. RESISTIVITY DECREASES TO 1050DEGREE,$t WHERE UPON IT ~,~--REAAINS UNCHANGED. THE. DEPENDENCE OF THE P VALUE Olil THE DUENCH114G TEMP. -OF11THE SAMPLE.CAN RE ASSOCO. WITH THE CHANGE-IN ItSi,CRYST, STRUCTURE. .;AN--AODNL# THERMAL EFFECT WAS OBSDs AT 1634DEGREESO: UNCLASSIFIED-:-:-- --21!'1f 1/70 WNCLASSIFIE0 PROCIESSIllu 1) AT E ~TLE-COEFFICIENT OF THE TE',tPERATURE CONDUCTIVITY 01: .4kLUROOSILI CATE AT 200-1600DEGREES -u- ITHOR-(,133)-LILgaLAUI_Jf~,.YA., LANDAP YA.A., i4ILf4:5HFNk4of 16.5. OF INFO--USSR '.'_S0URCE--0GNEUP0Ry 1970, 3500, 17-19 ATIE PUBLISHED SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-THERMAL CONDUCTIVITYt REFRACTORY MATER (A Lp ALUMINA, -TORY, Al ._NIS0TRGPY, TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE/(U)KM17 FURNACE INFRAI, -BLAST FURNACE REFRACTORY ::_cGNTROL .14ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -..~DOCUMENT CLA13S--UNCLASSIFIED SILICA# (U)D2 PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/0645 s,r,.',P NO--Ulk/013LIZO1015~.()015/0()L7/tIOI.9 CIRC ACCESSION lllrl---AP(Jt34-'t0l7 .777 K -212 f, I 1' 0 PRO(* SS ING 0 A T F - - 7 N'J'17 0 023 UNCL AS CIRC ACCESSION N --AP0134ltQ7 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THERE ARE DATA IN rhE 1-1 T[!~ATURC- r-'4 THERMAL COND. MID HEAT CAPAC ITY COEFFS. OF ALUM1111105ILECATE R E FR A C T 0 R I E S I M T 14E 30 (1, - I I () 0 D EEG R E E S R A N G E ,BUT SUCH , OA r it, la~ E NOT AVAILAIILE AT HIGHER TEMPS. IN GLASS FOUNDING FURNACES, AS NELL AS IN MANY APP. USED FOR STEEL "iAKU61 SLICH REFRAVORIFS ARE NU-0ED CA1143LE OF OPERATrNG AT 1550-160-3,r)EGREES. THE TEMP. UEPENDENCK-~ k"'IF HIEIU~IAL CG14D. COEFF. OF ALUMIIJOSIL!CATF REFRACTOKIES OF VAlklot)$ TYI:'t~-s AAS IN-VESTIGATED S R OF THE TEMP, COND. CUEFF.. YlITHIN THE 200-16-000EGMI ANGE. THE DEvi, OF THE REFRACTORIES 14AS PERFORIMED OY TAKING INTO C0tl'&lf)ERArIO,14 THE ~PGSSIBLE ANISOTROPY OF THE ARTICLES IN ME 01RECTIMS PiERVENDICULAR AND PARALLEL TC THE PRESSI~NG DIRECTION. NO MiNIFICAINT DIFFI-RFNCES vlERE QBSERVE0 BETWEEN THE REFRACTORIES 1.',6'VES'TIGA'TFD. THiE TEMP. DEPENl,'),':-:NCE OF.TEMF. COND. FOR THE MAJORITY OF THE SAMPLFS INVES:Tl(;AI*E-r) WAS FOUNO TO BE THE SAME: UP TO 400-600DEGREES A DECREASE IN T-ruil). COND. IS 0-330.p UP TO 1100--1300DEGREES ITS INCREASE, A140 ABOVE 1200-13~)()!)EGREES AGAIN ITS DECREASE. THE VERY HIGHEST TEMP. CON0* OURING TOL lWLSTIGATION -flAS -171 AND THE C041c;S4 IINICASE OF THE QBSO. I'l CASE OF F,00FING TILING K-tA .,.BLAST FU 0 1, ~T. 0(~NEUPUR.r RNACE TYPE 0-2. FAC ILI TY;: YSE5 "I LISSR. t T, UNC LA S S I F I E D -!;S I t'iG 04 r C-- 13NOV70 010 WICLASS IF [ED E-PHOTOCCLURVAET~11C METHOD FOR.OETERMWNG StLIC314 OldxioE IN AULGARIAN BARITE -U- _,AUTltJR-(Q2)-VAKHR4lNEYEVAt I *V4 j, L ITS*, L.S.; ~,.ItCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR (1) 43-4 qCE-"KHlA* PRG,4. UK'. 1970p L 6~ATE PUBLISHED _____70 AAEAS--CHEM IS TRY EARTH SCIENCES ANO'KEANOGRAPdY '..~JPPIC TAGS--SlLlCON-DIC-XIDE, CC41LURIMETRIC ANA LY5 I SHI:NE~RAI..Op BARIUM SULFATE "ItONTROL MARKING--NO AESTKICTIONS ...oacumE:4T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RElEL/FkA.4E--2000/042't STEP ,ClRLC ACCESSTO~i 'NL;~-A-P,31214175 L;~ S ~qID 2/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED -CIRC-ACCESSIOIN 143--AP0124175 ,-.A8STAAC-1/-=XTRAr.T--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT FUSE I G 8 AR I T A 1 I'Vi 10 G NAt~ C 0 r% -1 N 'UCIBLE, LEACH THE I TH HOT H SUB3 A PT ME LT iLTEA OFF 4 N D W,"A S HI T WITH 1PERCEINT NA S1162 CO~ SU83, DIL.' THE FILTRATE T 0 0' 0 I -N T ML WITH H SU82 0; TU A 10 ML'ALIQUfjTj AL 70; ML 2N HG PlL -jPEFCE 0 r (NH sui4)suB2 mn .')0!34 MID 14 SU32 '-J: TO 500 IML. AF*T~k LO-B '11N 1EAilJ.,%E THE A6SGkBANCE. USiNG HOT H SU92 0 TKANSF~R. TfJE PPTi;. INT-3 A 500 AIL VOLUMETRIC. FLASKv AAS T41r F ILTER WI TH I '- I HCL Atli) (11L. I'Q V L. W I Fli SUB2 0. TO A IQ ML ALIQUOT , ADD 35 M', 2W Hr-~ ANU FORPiUl. 1 N rill: SAME WAY AS THE FILTRATE. ADO THE -ANT. BF $.I 00D. IN jld..K. SOLIN. TO JHAT IN ACID SOLM. THE METH09 'WAS USF-U FUK ANAL. CIP ~,Ak I TE CONCN. -CUN'IGo- 3.89-5-05PERCENT o o. .5 E,CEtT. SIO SU32; THiE ABS. ERR 014 S W~111E 0. 4- 2 p "NC LA S S 1. 1- 10 USSR LITSOVIR A. H. "Electroencephalographic Studies on Sleep D~ma.-Acs in Op4:i-ators Under Cor-di- tions of Interrupted Regimes" Moscow) Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheslaya, No 1, 1973, -PP, 26---12 Abstract: Sixteen healthy subjects age 25 to 42 followed one of three noncon- tinuous sleep reGims; (1) 1300 to 1600, 2300 to 0200, a3id 0500 to ObOO (2) 1400 to 1700, 20W to 2300, and 0400 to 0700 hours; (3) 1110D to 1700, 220) to 0100, and 0800 to 11(X) hours. The shift from normal to broken sleep resulltei in mrked qualitative (distribution of Blow-vurve and MM slee~p) and quantitative (total duration) deterioration in all tba sleep periods. 111-irea vain sta-?::,JeS dis- tinguished in the first regine: (1) initial (first 3 daysl) riarked by insomnia ir. all the periods; (2) Yr2-ddle (record 3 daYd) 0106P irM?rwLd mainly in the night hours; (3) last 3 days) sleep improved in allthree periOds. '11le oti-4er two regimes were characteri7ed by the same three stages of t0aptation biit they were less pronounced. In other words, adaptation set in quicker u-Iiea 6 of the a hours of sleep were at night. 7 rebxuary A972 IUMLM. Or Aln tsiuxr, ANM AFrEK F~-A?nbt:M w, [Afttcl- h, A. i L-- R-coW N,%um S55k, -';,ri,. 6. 10T, 4177-43 A~_itrszt: turing Che. coilrlo or ~rcpAratton* fvr npa,-7flirht and durl.-ij itr executiun ti.~ crv-., of the t.- tha rh-~CIW" OX ~4-1- A-i wake-fulntx4 Cp,o~p ollift, ch4n%-e in ratio fr= 2:1 to 6!1) 4-0Ct4t-d' al the "he honi, tth the lArIwnt,!! of Mdtf- tpd,d~lly %~he,)Aemp tprlnarLly of the migrating tylpt-2, *,,d, 0.1 Cha aLhvr htnd, r-urapuv4,3tk,~ 't r,". and ,e1zht! T- 4ynamit- of h1kher ner4mis Act, virv of tzw,vc co.m(w,&.t. A.IrLpix KP&(.V. f 111tht revt A.Ird ra~44T, 4k*p~ s: , first,. ftr=m TUC ~~:T~ to th. ._,wl ILL fvvllr~x of to-11--beL.g. perfamance and aletp: ~,,ctond (fr- th- ti th-! hf~th dnys) - wo~crj Awl rtt..tioa r fua~~Ianal Atato And perforitance of the eoe~aAuts to a htplo lev,~I: third (rr= the As-vomth day) -- A zradual 4*cltne In r-inction4l *tatr end pL-rforstance, OE the co~- four- nh h tom, or two lay;% priot to the la~dlm.) A brlh* tatt~i" In furctjoaol I-Ate aad porl&rmbnet of The co=4114-ot- -D-Irtnp. the postflipht* pcriod thore wan a grneml m1wing Ln t1w rate of, re~ynchrvnlxattan of the wker,~Int.ft rhythmi. It is kncmm from the data published in, the Soviet and GNv*-.Zn lit~raturm that tho dcoynchronLsation of biolcglc~al rhythms ark*ims ham using I,adifte;l datly %che4uLv:s can lead not only to a decream* in the oyerstl and occupatixsl parforzaanca of commonaut., but *I.%* in seem cases I USSR - A/C) ----- ------- ---- T- I I I -7 i 711 67 6 m UTS Wo :,,i?. o I lVd -c 0'a v .9 Od 9 .1 ~: '. 9 ~ " " j E S44 AID v -n V .4 -4 6, 16 4. is 5 --9 ic Lr -4 USSR UDC 632 .611.81 LITSOV A "Dynamics of the EEG During Human Sleep With Ordinary ani Altered Daily Routines" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Blologiahes~ayal :No 4, 1970, pp 521- 529 Abstract: The duration of the various EW phases durring~the sleep of Z8 healthy subject3 with ordinary and altered daily routines was cle(termined. Following the normal pattern (sleip from 2300 to 0800 hours), eight subjects a~diibited the typical electroencephalographic stages. Slowwave.sleqp!(stage:; A, B, C, D, and E) lasted 75 to 92% of the time. and the paradoxical staige 8.3 to Y3.1~k. In a second group of eight subjects who slept from 0500 to 14K) houri; and a third group of 12 subjects who slept from 1400 to 2NO hourst the ditstribution of EEG stages was impaired both qualitatIvely (predominance of -the stages of super- ficial sleep) and.quantitativoly (dooreased duration). Iflut as the subjects adapted to the new regimes, the total length of sleep grAdually increased and it!! q"ty improved while the distribution of orthodox and paradoxical sleep became the samc as in those who slept at the usualtim. limproysuent occurred more rapidly in the group with the 0500 to 1400tegine. i-- -1/2 040 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 ,..,..T:IT-LE--NATUP.E OF THE EEG FOR FLIERS (COMMUNICATION 11, -U- :j~:-'AUTHOR-LITS'OVv A*N.t NISTRATOVv Vevel.-TERENTYEVo V.G. OF INFO--USSR .~:,.SOURCE--MOSC0Wjp KOSMICHESKAY& BIOLOGIYA IM.EDITsrNA, RuSStAN, VOL 4- NO 1, ..,JANUARY~~FFBRUARY 19709 PP T3-74 tSHED- -70 -SIUBJ.ECT,AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -_,jO'PTC TAGS--ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHYt AERONAUTIC PERSONNEL, PERSONNEL SELECT ION MEDICAL EXAMINATIO-14 ''_,~CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS '---,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1986/1617 STEP '40--UR/0453/70/004/00110073/')074 ACCESSION N0--AP0103383 t1k.r I i& 1~v I F ! Fp *S~M 1431 ~ONV iHOIV 3H1 WOU SOV31 IVIlct-1330 IVINO)f=V ONV lVildl333 IVAIdONIS. OlVildl3NIS IViNO?Jd NJ .933. 3KL 3m I(JgSOI:l ~S3A3 9H1 HIIM NOIJLISOd 9NINI-13311IW3S V NI SlOarons, 3HI Hilri IS3dj!.AV CMV31SItOld SWV~l!)DIVHd33N30'di:)3-13 002-41 NVHI atlow, G37AIVNV 3M 4SI13runs 001 NVHI 3bOW NJ AIIAIIJV 3lbl33laOtO lvV9ab33:-.. JO SNOllvOlJ.S3ANI 30VW aM 'SlCOHJS NDIIVIAV'IV SIN30nlS SV NCII:)319S kiO:i S~UVOIUNVa QNV li)NNUS-e3d IH!)11:1 k103 0.43 3H1 =10 SISAIVN'o NV -40 MNVI'dUdhl~~ IVDIIOV>,Id 3H1 lNno)lv DINI ONINVI *IOVBISGV -0-d9 (fi)--13Vbl)(3/13V.7d.LssV E9ffOlOdV--ON NOISS333V OLL'3~11-51VC ~iNISS310bd 031:1 Issvi3rin OW ~Z/Z POUSS06 DATE- MCTIO 02-0 UNCLAS*S40 1,TL,E--EEG. CHARACTERISTICS IN PILCTS~--;~, 'AUTHOR-(03)-LITSOVt A.N.v NISTRATCVt,v.v.$4 TERENTYEVk,,~V.G. cOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR JAN.-FEB. 19701 P URCE--KOSMICHESKAIA t3lOLCIGIIA I MEOITSINA,,',VOL. 4, '14 7 3 PUBLISHED ------- 70 ll,:'SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES PIC TAGS--ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHYv AlkCRAFT PILOT ~,.,--_C0NTROL 14ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1997/1975 STEP NO--UR/0453/70/00411)0010073/0074 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120618 UNCLASSIFIED 2/z an UNCLASSIFIED! PR'U'tl-.-SS !,N~' DATE--_'A30'GT70 z,.CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120618 ,~~-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RESULTS OF AN ANALYSIS OF A TOTAL DIP. MOREE THAN 1200 EEGS OP PILOTS RECORDEO 1,N A QUIET :-ECLINED PoSITIoN WITH CLOSED EYES. HIGH AND MEDIUN ALPHA RHYTH6t ACT:gV[TIES ARE EST48LISHED 11%, 77.7PERCENT OF TESTS. THE DIST-RI13U V'ION (IF THE SUBJECTS ACCORDING'TO ALPHA WAVE AMPLITUDE ES MODEKAtELY ASYi4METRICAL WITH A :MAXIMUli AMPLITUDE BETWEEN 7,0 AND 90 MICROVOLT. I T: ~S CONCLUIDE0 THAT THE ALPHA AND-BETA RHYTH4S PREVAIL IN MOST HEAL'THY PILOTS. TPAS' Co411 -7 Ps-/.~3 UIX 6121-66.1#61.1.821.71"521 EXPUTHENTAL ".VUY OF THE DIURNAL RHMI)i OF PHTSIOLOGICWL FUNCTIM. hhfJ-54,EbP' I* +Vdi-ftViFIED RBOWES 4irii OF SLEEP ;~D WAKEFULNESS (Ar LI.-cle bl, A. N. Litzov, !!=scow. E--z-4 M=-k:tyA Mlj~Ltjft I -n--ditallwL. I=- 1972, pp 78-85) kt, Abstract; The 4yroatca of diurnal rhythm of it"Aalogical functions, wo4 pwrformnew and vlttip of t~t puiijects "- I posed to two schedule* with 4 double sItcra4ttoo, of work sed !ZZ, rest exhibited the states three statics (Iatatkt.~ apparent and deep) which, were, observed under other wchoth; Thwadap- *Liao, of. tas j auttjtcetst 'La Lhia~_.Jtru&tLdn of Sleep &a t wakefulness my ^dhere to a fractinand (4 + 4 ho,tsre and 6 + 2 hours). displaced (4 + 0.6 41 0 houca) or nix*4 (free- tioned.- Atsturbed a" vefftetlonv4) sch#tW146.- *M4 best schedule was a cycle with 6 + 2 hours of alrep. A stint dut. with two equal xLeap cycles can be: used t rattly in solve operational or emergency problems as wall an an Intervadiste am. As devonstrated by research data (5. S. AIy*Xrjn*&jy. 1967, L%9: 'Lt. Itumettiov, et al., 1961, 1968; Raboutet, et at.; Strughold, 1965. 1169. and others), in the csaa of a prolonged change. in Lht cttatcoury vurk and "at rcititte m. d,velops 94thr distinct body disturbances: ulceplaoss. listless- distraction, r*ducv4 appatitt; un4tead.v stood, etc.. acceapaAled by shifts In the dynamics of physiological functions, p*rfovvt%"Ct and olerp It was o"taldifthed expertatentally (B. S. AlyakrInskly, 39694 A. W. Lttsc~. lqhl, 1970, V. L, Yaroalawtsev. an-3 ~th*ry) that the 4otrav of enrr-a-ft t-f tfiena tapairtsonts and also tits rate of their disappearance are clotsely relA isd to tits degree of deviation of LI%e employed schedules from the ordinary ache- dule, with tit* accuracy and ottictness in carrying out the daily scladvic. batty capacity of a specific person for readapting to a new schedule. aptive- tion and other factors. USSR UDr,: 621-396.699 "An Antenna Insulator Unit" Moscow, Gtkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promysblennyye Obrazt*y, To~rtxrnyye. Znaki, No 17, Jun 72, Author's Certificate No 3hOOO9, Division 11, filed I Oct 70, published 24 May 72, p 176 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces an wLtenna insulator unit vhich contains an insulator witb tailpieces, and aln tit-pieces. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the~design in'simplified and operational reliability is improved by making the insula'Lor ftees with grooves which accommodate crossed brackets vith pirs whiph pass through openings in the Insulator and are used to tie the tailpioces to the insulator. Del MOWN== 7. ....... 7!:777-7-77 -77-7- USSR ALEBASTROVA, A. N., ANTONOVA, L. A., ZIMIN, V., A., LI-TS", N. M. "One Algorithm for Preliminary Processing of Electrocardiograms" Med. Kibernetika [Medical Cybernetics Collection of Works], Kiev, 1972, Pp 66-74 (Translated from Referativmyy Zhurnal. Kiberneti~m, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V704, by V. Mikheyev). Translation: One possible approach to the problem of preliminary processing of electrocardiograms (EKG) is studied, based on element-by-element analy5is of the waves and intervals between them. The analysis prograin includes a curve- smoothing algorithmi, determination of levi.-Is of isolines (readiny lines), investigation of periodicity, recogni.tion of wavo and comparison of data produced with the norms. To determine' the level of. the ordinates of the EKG points are- looked upon as values of a certain random quantity and the statistical distribution series is constructed for i.c. The ordinate with the greatest frequency defines the level of,the x isoline. ~The positive and negativc waves are Mid from this isoline. In or'ler to input the EKG into a computer, the initial information, producixl as an analog voltage, is converted to a digital series. For various reasoris tinfluence of USSR Alebastrova, A. N., Antonova, L. A., Zimin, V. A., Litsyn, N. NJ., Med. Kibernetika, Kiev, 1972, pp 66-74. bioelectric currents, apparatus noise), the quality of recording of the EKG may be poor which, in turn, may cause incorrect recognition of elements of the cardiogram and, therefore, improper diagnosis. it is therefore quite important to eliminate "noise," i.e., to produce an EKG In pure form. Smooth- ing of the curve is performed in several passes. First-power errors arc eliminated first. If point (xiP ti) is erroneous, the n4at value of ordinate assumed equal to the value of the ordinate in the,preceding point I x In the next stage, second power errors are eliminated, Pnd it is assumed that X R x After each: stage, visual obsei-vation was per- formed, indicating that it is sufficient to perform threq, or four stages of smoothing to produce a satisfactory curve. Ono peculiarity of the EKG curve is its periodicity. An EKG curve can be analyzed for pal-hology by simply checking its periodicity, without determiningthe characteristics of the arhythmia. The algorithm for dete-t-mination of the WX poriod uses the auto- correlation.function K X(T) to calculate the degree 'of siiidlari.ty between two neighboring sectors of the EKG. I table, 3 figures, 6 biblio. refs. USSR X "71 - YETE-IM-1 B. G. LTITI.1,1" t 1-,G~~POWYAN-HATV, 11. K. (N raCLJO~ Z4 Cj- .eSk4 jn,,t:LtUt "Imrestirsation of Tae=aL Self-Frvm-.izn~ I'm Flasr..Ll" Izv. VM: Radiofizil'a. Vol XV, N,~) 3, Aug pp Abotract: The reaultE- are ~rer!ented of Ei s-Ludy of thej,--ml s ~f alectroaar-netic .izjvaL, of the micro,.-jsve bl-Ar,4 in an isl-traric e r J. 7:-, L U The e7- ml!)! ctudy wan conduct.ed o-a a mnit cwndsitin~- oV a :Acr,-- wave generator (C,'I rn-ivnotron witn power up to 100 111), ~a injector, a wqva-zido.. EA tured "ter, dicdectric an-, a double unzia Gn-kllutor,~ it ii~i aho-zin features 0 t1he phtln(mii!nfk obsurved are in good theoretical ascur--Iicns. fie- ref ~cuivcd by cdit%rc, 17 lec 19 M, Y71- USSR UDC 621.371.123 LITVAK, A. G., FRAYMAN, 0. H., Scientific Radio Physics Institute "Interaction of Opposing Electromagnetic Wave'Beams,in a Transparent Nonlinear medium!, Corkiy, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Wiofizika, Vol XV, No 9, 19729 pp 1341-1348 Abstract: The Lagrange function description of electromagnetic waves was used to study )the interaction of opposing beams of elect roinagne tic waves in a trans- verse nonlinear medium. The aberrationless approximation eqttations were ob- tained for the widths of beams with a g4ussian intensity profile, and the cri- tical self-focusing parameters were defined. The characteristics of the in- stability of opposing plane waves with respect to small disturbances of a three-dimensional structure are analyzed. The nature of the interaction of the opposing beams is illustrated by the problem of retlectior. of an electro- magnetic wave beam from a plane layer of nonlinear rinterial one of the boun- daries of which is ideally reflecting. The effecr of a three-dimensional instability of opponing waves in a "defocusing" medium cannot be explained by ordinary geotwtrio-optical beam Principles, and this instability does not jead to the fornation of isolited self-focusing beam. The instability can be eicily Inte'rpreted in the language 1/2 19 . .........- USSR LITVAK, A. C., et al., Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radlofizika, Vol.Y.V, No 9, 1972, pp 1341-1348 of four-photon interaction. The instability in any medium is possible or-ly if the synchrony conditions are satisfied for the pumping waves and the ampli- fied waves. A degenerate parametric interaction is also possible in the case of opposing waves when there is synchrony of two opposing disturbance* quanta with two opposing pumping quanta. This interaction ts possible only if the pumping quanta have the same electric field polarizat*on. 2/2 USSR LITVAK, B. G. "The Convergence of Absolutely Integer Problems with rixed Vector of Limitations" Issled. po diskyetnoy mat. [Studies in Discrete Mathematics -- Collection lated from Refera- of Works], Moscow, Nlauka Press, 1973, pp 41-45 (TraAs tivnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8 V505 by Yu. Finkel' shteyn) Translation: in earlier works by 1) the author and M. Rappaport (RZIiNtat 1971, IV447) and 2) A. A. Fridman, the author and A, M. Ral)puport (Abstract 8VS07), the reducibility of absolutely integer programming~problcms to the problem of circulation of minim3l cost with certain nAttural assumptions con- cerning the latter was studied. The reducibility of t~-n entAre set of prob- lems, differing either in their 1-1-near integer coefficients or their Inte- ger limitation vectors, was studied. In:this work, necessary and sufficient conditions of TO~ducibility to the problem of the circulation of minimal costs are found for absolutely inte- ger problems P(b) with fixed vector limitations b=(bl,.,.., b 1/5 --77: USSR LITVAK, B.G., Issied. po diskretnoy mat., Moscow, Nauka Press, 1973, pp 41-45 Let us study the linear programming problem: aix, --o- min,` ajIxj < bl, U- m. 0. where ail bi$ aij are integers and the problem of miwimum-cost circulation T(l,c): 2/5 62 USSR LITVAK, B. G., Issled, po diskretnoy mat., Moscow, Nauka Press, 1973, pp 41-45 nln. p) (J-,P)EQ p) p) (s. A(s, P)EQ- where a(s,p), c(s,p) are integers, Q is the set of lines in the network of problem T(l,c); N is the number of junctions in the network; a(s,p) is the arch cost of line (s,p); I(s,p) is the lower boundpry or the flow along line (s,p); c(s,p) is the upper boundary of the flow along litie (s,p); f(s,p) is the flow along line (s,P). Assumptions 1-3 of work 2) concerning problem T(I.c) are considered fulfilled. Ilie linear programming problem P(b) with variables x1, ... . xnis reduced, with any integer aj, to the problem of cir- culation of minimal cost T(I,c) with variables f(s,p), ~-;,p)~ Q, ir among the latter we can find fl....,fn such that optimality ()f vector solution USSR circulation problem LITVAK, B. G., Issled, po diskretnoy~mat., Moscow, Nauka Press, 1973, pp 41-45 f0(s,p), (s,p) Q for problem T(l,c) indicates opt imality of vector solution 0 0 X =fj # j=1,. n for problem P(b). The remaining concepts used in tile prosen- j tation can be found in 2). Let us represent by P*(b) the set of problems P(b), the rows in the matrix of limitations of which'form a N set. The multi-bound sets of limitations of the problems are -represented by G(P(b)), G(P*(b)), G(T(l,c)). Theorem 1. Linear programming problem P I(b) is reduced to the problem of of minimal cost when and only when there ts an absolutely integer P2(b) P*(b) such that G(P l(b))=G(p2 (b)). - 63 USSR LITVAK, B. G., Issled. po diskretnoy mat., Moscow, Nauka Press, 1973, pp 41-45, Theorem 2. Linear programming problem P (b) is reduced to the problem of circulation of minimal cost when and only when linear combinations of inequalities G(Pl(b)) with non-negative coefficients and addition to the vector of limitations of a certain non-negative. vector can be used to go over to problem P,(b)E P*(b) 5uch that G(Pl(b))=G(P2(b)). It is noted that the transition from linear programming problems to the equivalent absolutely integer problems P*(b), the rows in the matrix of limitations of which form a M set, makes it possible to reduce a new set of problems of linear programming with fixed limitatioiis vector to a prob- lem of circulation of minimal cost. A corresponding example is preserted of a problem which is not reducible to the problem of circulation of minimal cost by means of the method shown in work 1), 2~), but is reducible after conversion to an equivalent absolutely integer prpblem belonging to P (b). USSR W-TVAK, B. G. ##Ordering of Objects According to Preferences" Mat. vopr. upr. proiz-vom [Mathematical Problems of Production Con- troll- Collection of Works], No 5, Moscow, 1973, pli 47-56 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal - Kibernetika, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8 V514 by Yu. Finkellshteyn) Translation: Frequently in studies using expert evaluations, the problem arises of ordering objects according to preference. $uppose in e~pvrts have ordered n objects according to prefertnce and sul),1,000 a M n is- the order of the objects provided by expert m). Some objects may be rated equally by experts, Cases axe permitted when the experts, insufficiently familiar with some of the -objects, do not. include them in the sequence. How can the sequence agi,ee most closely with the ordering of all experts be found? 1/5 USSR LITVAK, B. G., Mat. vopr. upr. proiz-vom, No S., Moscow, 1973, pp 47-56 The author defines the measure of closeness d(AI,A,) between two sequences by introducing the following natural axioms. Axiom 1.1. d(AlIA )~';O; here, d(AVA )=O When and only whan A and A agree. 2 1 2 Axiom 1.2. d(A,,A 2) =d(A2,A1). Axiom 1.3. d(AlIA 2)+d(A 2'A3)-~J(AIPA 3); the equality occurs only when sequence A 2lies "between" sequences-A Iand A3 (i.e., when preference for each pair of objects in A2 coincides the preference for the same pir either in A I or A 3' or is indifferent, if the preferences in A 1 and A3 d1iffer). Axiom 2. If sequence 'A' is produced from sequency A by a certain permutation of objects, A~ is produced from A by the same permulotion, then d(A!,AP= 2 d(-AIPA 2)' 215 - 70 USSR LITVAK, B. G., Mat. vopr. upr. proz-vom, No 5, Moscow, 1913, pp 47-56 The natural subset ai ai +k of the set of all objects aP a 2s ... P ~'a is called by the author a (k-element) segment. n Axiom 3. If A and A are identical everywhere with ~-.he exception of a 1 2 k-element set which is a segment of both of them, theti d(AIIA2 is equal to the distance betweenthe segments inquestion. Axiom 4. The minimum positive difference is equal to .1. The measure of closeness, satisfying these axioms, is 4efined uniquely. Each sequence AV can be represented in the form of a motrix 11aij 1, where 3/5 USSR LITVAK, B. G. , Mat. vopy. upr. prozvom, No 5, Moscow, 1973, pp 47-56 1, if object a is preferable to object a~ i V a.. if object a is preferable to object ai 13 0, if objects a and a are equivalent-~' The distance between sequences fixed by the.fonnula d (As, A:) I - satisfies all axioms, and, consequently, Unambiguously defines the difference between sequences. In order to find the sequence agreiiing most closely with all sequences of the experts, the concepts of the medium and mean value are - 71 4/5 USSR LITVAK, B. G., Mat. vopr. upr. proizvom, No 5, Moscow, 1973, pp 47-56 introduced. Tho medium of a given set of sequences Al. A A refers 2? ... M m to a sequence A for which the sum Y d(A,A is minimal. The sequence A mini- V=1 V M mizing I d2(A,A is called the mean value. Certain properties of this con- V=1 cept of distance are studied, and the necessary conditions of optimality are produced. A heuristic alg3rithm is suggested for dete-;mination of the medium. Further, an algorithm in branches and bounds is presented (with a unidirectional branching plan of the "go to the right" type), is presei~ted for determination of the medium. MUNUM low= as Tiffiffiff"RIIN z: USSR FRIMtAN, A. A., LITVAK, B. G., PUPPOPORT, A. M. "Abso lutely Integer Problems in Numerical Programming" Issled. po diskretnoy mat. [Studies in Discrete Mathematics Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1973, pp 27-40 (',"ranslat:ed from Refera- tivnyy Zhurnal - Kibernetika, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8,VS07 by Yu. Finkel' shteyn) I Translation: Earlier works*by B. G. Litvak and A. Am. Rappoport (UHMat, 1971, IV447; 8 V592) have studied the reduction of line4r progranoning problems with integer optimal solutions with any integor vectors of limi- tations (absolutely integer problems) to extreme problenis in a netivark (circulation or flow of minimal costs). In (RZIMat, 1971, 1V447), the concepts of reducibility of problems, M sets of vectors, intermediate representation and representation of the flow along a line of a network were introduced, as well as the concept of the problem,of circulation at minimum cost T(b) corresponding to linear programming problem P. In particular, it has been established that: a) linear progra=ing problem P has a corresponding problem of circulation at minimal cost T(P) when and only when the rows of its matrix of limitations form a M set. b) If the rows of a matrix of limitations of problem P form a M sq-t, 11 can be reduced -I/-2 65 USSR FRIMAN, A. A., LITVAK, B. G_ RAPPOPORT, A. Ni., rssled. po diskretnoy mat., Moscow, Nauka, Press, 1973, pp 27-40 to a problem of circulation at minimum cost, namely to T(P). In this work, with certain natural assumptions concerning problems of cir- culation a minimum cost, necessary and sufficient cpnditions are found for convergence of a linear programming problem to-a pr6blem of circulation at minimum cost, and also a broader class'of absolutely integer problems is described, allowing a network statement. USSR NAYVEL'T, A. V. "The Solution of the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem with Additional Limitations" Issled. po diskretnoy mat. [Studies in biscrete Mathematics], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1973, pp 69-83 (Translated fTom Referativny)~, Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8 V516 by M. Kazakova) Translation: In order to solve the problem L (X) USSR LITVAK, B. G., NAYVELIT, A. V., Issled. po diskretnoy mat., Moscow, Nauka Press, 1973, pp 69-83 k where A 0 A =0, if vjjv,), JJAV=fl, n), a combinatori2l branchs and 2 VZ1 bounds algorithm is suggested. The lower and upper boundaries of values of function L(x) are sought. In seeking out the uppeT bounds, estimates are used for the one-dimensional knapsack problem (1-1). Several possible methods of construction are suggested., 2/2 777-7--7 -17777 USSR UDC: 51 LITVAK, B. G. "On the Reducibility of Absolutely Integral Problems With Fixed Vector of Limitations" Moscow, Issled. po diskretnoy mat.-sbormik (Studies in Discrete Mathe- matics-collection of works), "Nauka", 19T3, pp 41-45 (from RZh-Matematika, No 8. Aug 73, abstract No 8V505 by Yu. Fittkel'shteyn) Translation: In papers by (1) the autbor and A. M. Rappoport (RZhMat, 1971, 104T) and (2) A. A. Fridman, the author,and A. M. Rappoport (abstract 8V50T) an investigation was made of the reducibility of absolutely integral problems of linear programming to a problem of circulation of minimum cost, with certain natural assumptions relative to cost. At the same tire.the authors considered reducibility of an entire set of problems distinguished either by the whole-number coefficients of linear fo~-z or by vhole-number vectors of limitations. Tm this paper necessary and sufficient conditions are found for re- ducibility to a problem of circulation of minimum corpt for aboolutely in- tegral problems P(b) with fixed vectors of limitations b ('b I bm). 1/4 86 USSR LITVAK, B. G., Issled. po diskretnoy mat., "Nauka", 1973, pp 41-45 Let us consider the linear programming problem: ctlirl < bi. i M. 0. 1 n vhere aj, bi, aij are whole numbers and the problem bf circulation of minimm'cost T(1,0: V ($-P)EQ wbere a(s,p), c(s,p) are whole numbers; Q is the set of arcs of the ne;work of problem TU,c); N is the number of nodes of the network; a(s,P) is the 2/4 USSR LITVAK, B. G., Issled. po diskretnoy mat., "Nauka"I 19713, pp 41-45 arc cost of arc (s,p); Us,p) is the lover limit of, the flow along arc (s'p); c(s,p) is the upper limit of the flow a-long arc (s "p); f(s,p) is the flow along arc (s,p). Assumptions 1-3 of paper (2) relative to problem T(I,c) are considered satisfied. The linear programming~problezn P(b) with vari- ables xj,..., Xn reduces for any integer aj to a problem of circulation of mininnnn cost T(Z,c) with variables f(s,p), (s,p)eQ if among the latter we can isolate f .1 fn such that from optimality of the vectQr solution f0 V 0 (S.P). (S'PI 'E'*Q' we get optimality of the vector solution xj = fj, j ..., n for the problem P(b). The other concepts usted in the exposition can be found in work (2). Let us use the symbol P*(b) to denote the set of problems P(b) for which the rows of the ;atrix of limitations form an M-family. Polyhedral sets of limitattons,of problens are denoted by G(P(b)), G(P*(b)),and G(T(Z,c) respectively. Theorem 1. A linear. programming problem PI (b) reduces. to a problem of circulation of minimum cost if and only If there exists an abso- Intely integral problem PI(b)E P*(b) iuch~that a Oi 0)) a (PI OW 3/4 87 USSR IXZVAK, B. G., Issled. po diskretnoy mat., "Nauka", 1973. rp 41-45 Theorem 2. The linear programming problem PI(b) reduces to a prob- lem of circulation of minimum cost If . and only If one:=4 with the a,:d of linear combinations of inequalities d(PI(b)) with. nonntgative coef- ficients and by adding a certain nonnegative vector to the resultant vector of limitations.make a transition to a problem P2(b)r-,-P*(b) such that G(PIM) -G(Px(b))- It is noted that transition from linear programming problens to equivalent, absolutely integral problems P*(b) for vhitfli the rows of the matrix of Limitations form an M-famlly makes it possible to reduce the new set of linear programming problems with fixed,ve;tor of li-mi,tations to a probler, on circulation of minimum (wat. A correspondln4c e)uuople in given of a problem which is not reducible to a problem on circu 'lation of minimum cost with the aid of the methods shown in papers (3) and (2), but which can be reduced after transition to an equiYaleato abooditely integral problem belonging to P*(b)al 4/4 USSR UDC: 51 nauw, A. A., LITVAKy B. G., RAPPOPORT, A. M. "Absolutely Integral Linear Programming Problems" Moscow, Issled. po diskretnoy mat.--sbornik (Studies in Discrete Mathe- matics--collection of works), "Nauka", 1973, pp 27-40 (from RM-Matematika, No 8, Aug T3, abstract Ito 8V507 by Yu. Vinkellshteya) Translation: Papers by B. G. Lltvak and A. M. Rappoport (M-Mat, 1971, iv44T, BV592) investigated the reduction of linear prograWning problems hairing a whole-number optimm solution ~ for any whole-number vectors of limitations (absolutely integral problems) to extremu'm problems on net- Vorks (on circulation or flow of minimum cost)., In UhMat, 1971, lvL47 the authors introduced the concepts of reducibility oT prot)lems, M-families of vectors, intermediate representation and representation of the flow along the arc of a network, and also the concept of the problem of circulation of minimum cost T(P) corresponding tc the linear progreming problem P. It was found in particular, that: a) 'ineer progrwming prdb3mm P has a corre- aponding problem on circulation"' of tzdnim=~, cost T(P) if - and only If the rove of its matrix of limitations form an M-family. b). If the rows of 88 USSR Friel-, A. A. et al., Issled. po diskretnoy mat., "'Hauka", .1973, Pp 2T-4o the matrix of limitations of problem P form an M-matrix, then P reduces to a problem on circulation of m-inimum cost, and specifically to T(P). In this paper, with certain natural assumptions relative to probleru; on circulation of minimum cost,the necessary and sufficient conditions are found for reducibility of linear programming problems. to a problem of circulation of minimum cost, and a more extensive. class of absolutely iateg-ral problems which permit network formulation. is described. 2/2 I- ---------- USSR UDC: 51 NAYVELT LITVAK, B. C A. V. ."Concerning Solution of the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem With Ad- ditional Limitations" Moscow, Issled. po diskretnoy mat.-sbornik (Studies In Discrete Vathe- matics--col-lection of works), "Nauka", 1973, pp 69-83 (from Hh-Matematika, No.8, Aug T3, abstract No 8V516 by m. KaEskova) Translation: A combinatorial algorithm of the "branches and toundaries" ~type is proposed for solving the,problem Jrj< V_ 0. _xj is a whole number, n. 401 112 94 - USSR 51 LITVAK9 B.-Ge wConcerning Arrangement of Objects with Respect to PTeferances" Moscow, mat" Vopr, upro proill-VoX - aboralk Nathemttical Problems of Pro- duction Control - co.Uection of works)# vyp. 5# 1973p pp 41~-56 (from M - Hatematikat No 8t Aug 73t Abstract No BV514 by Yu. F~zxkellmhtpyn) Translations In studies using expert estinates the problem of arranglng objects tV preferences frequently arises, Let us assume that m exparts have ananged n objects by preferences and let A.. - (.1v', .. -, ,(,v)] be the ax*=gezent of objects by expert ~,) ( ~ - 19 2 *... S J0 - The expert tay tive equal pre- ferences to somm objects. Uses the experts leave acme obZeets out of an arrangement because of insufficient familiarity axe allowed, How do ike find that arrangement which agrees best with the arrangement of all experts? The author defines a measure of closeness d(Alp A2 ) between two arrange- sentep introducing the following natural wdossi Axiom I.I. d(Al, A2) > 01 d(Ait A 2) 0 if arA only if A and A. coincide, 1/4 92 USSR LIWAK, B. G. , Mat. vopr. upr. pr-Az-vom, vyp. 5, 1973, pp 4T-56 Axiom 1.2. d(Al, A2)- d(A2. A,). Axiom 1.3. d(A1, A2)+ d(A2, A3).> d(Al, A3)-' equality holds if and only if arrangement A2 lies "between" arrangements ~Al and A3 i. e., when prefererce for every pair of objects in A2 coincides,with the preference for this same pair either in A, or in A._q, or is.indiffereat if the pref- erences in Al and A3 are different. Axiom 2. If arrangement Af is obtained by permtation from A,, and A' is obtained from A2 by the same permutation, thenid(Al, A')= d(Al, A2). 2 The proper subset ai ai + k of the set of all objects a,, a2,... an the author calls 'a (k-element) segment. Axiom 3. If A, and A2 are identical,everywhere with the exception of a k-element subset which is a segment of both of then., then d(Al, A2) is equal. to the distance between the given segments. Axiom 4. The minimum positive distance is equalto 1. The measure of closenese,whIch satisfies the givan ayioms is uniquely defined. Each arrangement Av can be represented In the form of a matrix j!O1jJJ. where 2/4 USSR LITVAK, B. G., Mat. vopr. upr. proiz-vom, VYP. 5, 1973, pp 47-56 1, if object ai is preferable to object aj~, aij _l, if object aj Is preferable to,obj4ct aj~, 0, if objects ai end are,equivalent. The distance between arrangements is given by the formula d (A,, As) -TJJ 1a1, 411M. which satisfies all axioms and hence uniquely defines the divtance between arrangements. To find that arrangement which best matches all experts' arrangements, the concepts of the median and the mean are introduced. The median of a given set of arrangements Al, A2,...9 Am Is defined as the ar- rangement A for which the sum V d (A. A,) is a minimum. The arrangement A M which minimizes V J:(A. AT), is called the mean. Some properties of the given idea of distancel-ar'e studied, and the necessary condl~ions of optimality 3/4 93 USSR UDC 51 LrrYAK, B, G, and RAPPOPORr, A. M, "On the Reduction of Several Linear Programming Problems to a Problem of the Minimun Cost Flown V ab.. Optimis. Issled. operatsiy,. Bionika (Optimization and ODerations Research. Bionics collection of works),Moscow HaWat 1973P pp 76 - 84 (from HZh Matematika No 12t 197), item Mo 12 V540J Translations This continues a series of works by these authors (see, Zor example, RZh Mat. 19?1, 1 V447j 8 V592j 1973, 1 V708i 1970. 7 V4181 1971, 2 V47,5). It is known that the algorithms for solving the ninimal cost flow problera are simpler than a2gorithms for solving the goneral problem of linear Programming. The authors are Investigating the possibility of reducing linear p vasming problems to minimal cost flow problems. For several problems they have succeeded in finding the necessary and sufficient, conditions of such reduntion, This is true, in particular, , of the transport problem with aWlemen" limitations of a certain type,, Abstract by Yu. Finkellahteyn. USSR LITVAK, B. G., RAPPOPORT, A. M. "Some Types of Fully Unimodular Matrices" Hat. Vopr, Upr. Proiz-%,on. [Mathmatics Problems of 'Pil'-duction Control], No 3, Moscow, 1971, pp 46-54 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 1, 1973, Abstract No I V708 by Yu. Finkel'slitcyn). Translation: Earlier works by the authorS (R7hMat, 1971, M1,17, 2V475) produced a rather b"cad set of Ailly unimodular matr~~,-cs, the roiqs, of" which form M-set's (M-matrices) . The irportance of 11-1-ma"rives reFults, .in particular, fro,,:i the fact that they describe a class of problems in linear progrrurzniing, reducible to transport problems in a grid. The pre- sent work, WS, I-1-IjUt-ri CCS , formalates sufficient cajiditions I-or re- ducibility of problems In linear progriciming to Ono (IT effec.- tively solved problems in a grid -- the pro.blem of tho '~Iaxl-'Tum ilow. Furthe.r, certain types of M-mitrices are. studied and ii recognition al- gorithm for M-matrices is presented. This, algorithm rt!(JUires no more than m (m. - 1)/2 vector comparison operation3 (where ri is the number of lizitations -- bilateral inequalities in the linear programing problerl studied). 1/1 UDC 51 USSR MEYEROV, M. V., LI B. L. "Mathematical Programming In Problem of Optimizing HuLticonnected Systents" V sb. Methody optimiz. sistem mnoSosvyazn,. reoulir. (Melthods of Optimizing Mul- ticonnected Control Systems - collractioa,~ of works), .14pticow, Naijka Press, 1972, pp 5-20 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72,.Abstract 146" 9V482) Translation: A study was made of the methods of solvtnl,, special classes of problems of l1near and convex programming! andlmultiext"mal problems arising during statistical optimization of :multiconn,ected:sys tems. WON 1WR UDC 51 LMVAI~, B. L. -Ded PlEuits" "On Optimization of a Class of Multivariable, Contro T~r. IV Vses. soveshch. po avtomat. upr., 16B. Taoriya avtonat. upr. (Pz-oceed- Ixt-s of Potarth All-Umion Conference an A-atomatic Control, 168. Autoi!Latic Control Theory), Niscow, "livulka," 1972, pp P-89-L,94, a1scussion on I)P J-71;--375 (from Mi-lhtematika I-Sar 73, Abstract No 3V517 4rom wathor's abstract) X 110 3, Translation: The article considers the questio of oj)~, zation of malt-i- n Uni, variable, controlled plants described by a systen of' line,-Ir al~;abraic equa- tions with a G.W. M-tric matrix. In the event of' a lintpa-r, ance index t7he antimization of ailtivariable, plants, of r1 Ich a CIP-EC redlicev to solution of linear program:dng problems. TIle work chowr, VIC fo.=, of the constraint matrix of the linear prog=rming y).n;)*1.le,11 which pe-r2ilits preservation of the syrwetnr prope:rty of the initial i=trb,- A net~-iod, ii! i-70-icated for trarsalor-mi::4,.4- the matrix of the plant, a~ld an 1L1i1F0V-it11:,1 ii; dt~scft-i,,.-~d for solution of" the recultmit prolblem, usivg the Dzintsif---W- .7 i principle. The method here presented pernits considle:1-atio-1 of tile peculia-ritic's of the constraint matrix during solutioii of the -probliwi, said Viis a considerable lowering of computer storage roq~-Urairarits- -00-1 UNCLASSIFI~D--$dl AtOCE~SING OATE-~-16OCTTO -T;I.TLE--STATIC OPTIMIZATION OF.-SYST MS OF:HULTIVARt:A3LE CONTROL OF LARGE --DIMENSIONALITY, III -U- ',AUTHOR-( 021-MEYEP-OV, M.V., ~Jlj~""J B.L.~ .,:(;OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .:.SGUkCE-AVTOMATIKA I TELEMEKH,ANIKA# 19TOt NR 5 pp. U52-168 `0ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS --E,L~~CTRONICS AND ELECTR.ICAL ENGR.,t MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES ~:'TOPIC TAGS--LINEAq EQUATIONt ELECTRONIC;CIRCUIT MOOPLING ."-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS '60CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFLEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--1993/0905 STEP NO--UR/010311'0/0a,0/00,i/0162/0168 ~CTRC ACCESSION ND--AP0113740 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 007 UNdLASS1 Ff ED AOCESSING DATE--16OCT70 !CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0113740 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THERE IS SUGGESTED A METHOD OF LINEAR PROBLEMS OF THE STATIC OPT [M I 4AT I Orl OF MULT I VAR I ABLE OBJECTS ON GLECTRIC MODELLING NETS OR ON KNOW14 muix SCHEMES WITHOUT -USIANG MANY ADDITIONAL DEVICES FOR. THE MODELLING OP RESIRICTIOINS. T li E OF THE CLASS METHOD ALLOWS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF'THE OPTIMI.4ATI(. :CONSIDERED DURING.MODELLING. THE PROBLEM OF THE.~%NALITIC INVESTIGATION i~,.;--OF.THE REQUIRED ACCURACY Of AGOELLING;~S.ALSO CON$IDERED. UNCLASS[Klk('~! OROCeSSING L)ATE--23OCT70 `.~-.TITLE--STATIC OPTIMIZATION OF MULTIVARIABLE SYSTEMS OF,BIG DIMENSIONALITY _u_ M.V.v LITVAK.v BoLlp COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--AVTOMATIKA I TELEMEKHANIKA, 1.970, NR 31 PR143-154 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE Ew.PR p TAGS--OPTIMAL AUTOMATIC CONTROL* ALGORITHM9 LINEAR EQUATION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/1473 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106229 STEP~ NO--UR/0103170/000/003/0143/0154 2/2 oiG UNCLASSI F IED PROCESSING OArE--23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106229 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE GFNEiAL STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM OF THE STATIC OPTIMIZATION OF MULTIVARTABLE OBJECTS IS P.-RESENTE0 AND THE EXAPMLES OF CONCRETE PROBLEMS ARE GIVENo; THERE IS SUGGESTE-) THE ALGORITHM OF SOLVING LINEAR PAOBLEMS OF THE TYPI!, CONSIDREED UNDE t E CONDIT1014S OF BIG DIMENSIUNALITY, THE'ALGUIRITHM BASEV ON THF UTILIZATION F THE SPECIFIC CHARACTER OF THE PROBLEMS. VN ASSI F ff In 008 'UNCLASSIFIED Pg',GCESI~ENG DATE--160CT70 _.:.,tIT:LE--StATIC OPTIMIZATION OF 14ULTIVAR148LE sysTEMS~10F LARGE -U- DIMENSIJNALITY. II --AUTHOR-102)-,MEYEAOVr 4.V,, LITVAK, B.L. :.`~:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '~`SOURCE-AVTOMATIKA I TELEMEKHANIKAi 1970t NR 4, PP 433-1,39 ~:-,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ..SUBJECT AREAS--MECH., IND., t C-IVIL AND -MARM-E `ENGR -T OPIC TA GS-NONLINEAR SYSTEHr ALGORITHM$ AUTOMATIC (~QNTROL SYSTEM ''CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1729 STEP NCI--UR/0103/.'11)/Ooij/OO4/0133/JI39 --C--T-lz C_AC~ ES Sil "',-Ni- N10-7-AP ~)_ 118 70 IL illi S C-ul 212 008 UNCLASSIFIED OROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION %O--AP0ji8707 ABSTKACT/EXTRACT--((J) GP-0- Ai3STRACT. flAERE ARE CONSIDERED CEATAIN IPTIMIZATION OF MULTIYA BJECT59 NONLINEAR PROBLEMS OF THE STATIC 0 RIAL3LE 0 THE PROBLEMS REDUCEU TO THE PRO13LE14S OF CONVEX PAiOGRAI~HING AN3 TO T14E MULTIEXTREMAL PkOdLEMS OF SPECIAL KIND. THE ALGCIRITH11PIS OF SOLVING THE PROBLEMS CONSIDEREU UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF LARGEi DiMENSIONALITY ARE ~.,SUGGESTED. NOW-0-0 _112 020 UNGLASSIFIO AUCESSING DATE--300CT70 ,,.,,,T.LTL,E-A LACUNAR CGNDITION OF THE BRAINI IWAN ATHERUSCLEROTIC PHASE OF _HYPERTENSIVE DISEASE -U- AUTHOR- 102)-L ITXUK&*.!L;* B. 9 NYAGUdELYAYEVAN OF INFC--USSR --.--SOURCE-ZHURNAL NEVROPATOLOGII I PSIKHIATRIl IMENI S. S. KORSAKOVA, 1970, -808 ~VOL' 709' NR 69 PP 801 A T EPUBLISHEO--70 _~a',SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES :_.TrjPIC TAGS--HYPERTENSICNt ATHEROSCLEROSIS# BRAIN, SENSORY MOTOR AREA C NTR CL MARKIING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSLFIED STEP t4O----UR/024()/'11)/OtG/000/081)1/0006 'WOXV REEL/FRAME---3001/1015 CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0126653 UNC LA.'y SlFIF 1) lA0CES.'S[NC; DATE-30OCT7C -212 020 UNCLASSUFT90 C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126653 ABSTRACT/EXTRACI-W) GP-0- AB STRACT. COMPARING IFIqE- FEAlURES OF CERE3RAL SYMPTEMATOLOGY AND THE SPCCIFIC PATHOACkPliULOGICAL C"AINGES UF THE dRAIN TISSUE THE AUTHORS DISCUSS THE FEATURES OF A LACUNA CttuDirlwi UF rKE BkAIN IN AN ATHERGSCLER.GfIC PHASE OF HYPERJENSIVE~UISFASE. A COMBINATION UF TYPICAL EXTRAPYRAMIDAL MOTOR 0ISQkl'lz:RS' A SPECIFIC 1;AIT, PSEUDOdUL6AR SYMPTUMS9 CHANGES SENSITIVENESS AND GROSS ll;-[,'~OkY IMPAIRMENT DETERMINE THE SPECIFIC CLINICAL VICUTRE. THE BAS~S OF Ii IS A -UkVELOPAFNT UF MANY SXALL FUCI WITH BRAIN DISTRUCTIbN.- LACU,%Ar:v THE LOCATION OF hHICH HAS A PRLDILCCFIVE CHARACT~R. 'rHE AUTHORS srki:Ss TiiE PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT, WITHOUT STROKE-'~,r WHERE Z.PERLUDS CAN 13E ELIMUNATED. THIS FORM OF CEREBRAL VASCULAR PATHOLOGY 15 FREQUENTLY SEEN AVOT CNLY IN OLD AGE& WT IN YOUNGER PATIENTS AS WC-LL. FACILITY: KHAR-IKOVSKIY NAUCHNO'ISSLED. INSTITUT!NEVROLiDGII :1 PSIKHIArR[I. USSR uIc 62o-rj8.3-05 PO~OV, N, V. "Fatigue Crack Indicator" Moscow, Zavodskaja Laboratoriya, Vol 39, No 6, Jun 73, pp 751-753 Abstract: A device is described which silgrials Vic Pirration of crac,,zs on samples under,,,goin- fatigue testing. Of rajor impartwi-ce arc- the sensors and the materials UE;ed for the sensor systera. G