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67&030 fi?cu~ 7 2, LW 612.216-o6-.612.766-5" T Lk EXT IL I D11MIAL PERIODICITY OF THE MHAN RESPIRA ION I TE IN ERD XM WIM All IMMMION OF TICE WOIM A M, R=T SCHFMULE rArticle by.A,.L. IA -eyncy- Yoccow, Xolimichen~avft JAIn1oi,1v,% I Moditnina, "a 119 It PR?ln-jkrril 19722 PP 75-cils submitted for publication 1.9 JUlY 197.1 Abstract: Rxperiments wera carrier] alit on eight :rjile test zrAjects who lived tae 25 to 45 dr-~rn in izeilation cliam- bers vith contrcaled comfortable aT-rv--v1%orc;:- Rqzzurc to an Inverted (12-LN-ar rhift) c7cle, the op~-ra- tion of eccacgtzal tl.%e annsors being excuted, brrught about a of the aiurnal r1rjthrn of the reaplrati= rate in uccordanne with tne Lltcre,:i cycle. A atudy-of tbe C&fferent pattern-- of %ajuvtrent to the new cycle reveALIed that tric rearrangement dcvelopert the ftnter the gretater wag the nl~ep defleit during the transi- t1un. Zndacom u3 ~ and exogeri,:~us -,.,*PTnnent.~ o7r Vhf1 411=4a of ti-e --es-,Iration rate were 4etcted. The endoe- cfto,afl Co=ponent, which is related to the body's biologi- calclock, is by Inertlat (L relatively low rate or r~atructurlng~ wherear the exGgenoua cnmponcnt Is de-pertlent. on The dinrnal vnriatinvir, In hiunnn psycbo- activity and changes sLmWtameounly with c1larkSas in zaan'r, smrk-rest cycles.- -Ehe dirforctice Ire- zi- 'Liven noted Ln ut',ler Tiarrunriters ar WI-1. A r-tizzly n' t'-- rr-zn,-lruticn ratc in of interc!it for chara(,tprIving thee Y cr -7, =2 r~c~ff,ts or =,-*~rtATT4n -T' U.- WUM&n tca to =-'fam. -t F.Zti~ity- It izz k-.-- durIng- nighttime sltt~p the regr-Irf;tIon, i-ilta do- creasea (A. N. Litsov, IqiAi Fenzel ~ Snyder, et al., and other.,%), nceat-panied by a decrease in lung ventilation (VtSlker-)j art Increase In CO pressure in the alve-ol-4- J,114--s and Herr; DrAres) and in the bloog (Straub; Coll- wltzeT-Meyar and Kroetz), Some increace in the respiration rate ob3orved 119 .a UDC 612.461.6:546.32"52"-06:612.,8?1.7-064 1111,7-11 4 'Co W~_ DtEMNAL DYMMICS OF' WTASSIUM EXCRETION IN HUMAN URINE DLRING PROLONGED WAKE- FutNESS ' ,...I he J Article by . ~zu~v~ L Lu d %I- P- K-JQkz-:!; Mostenw, ' 31-101tV4 t Mdi tains. R --, W.1* 16 1, pp 62-66, 1972. submitted for Public.clom 5 July 19711 AbStk'bet.: Diurixal variations in human urine potassium ex~ c.-vtton were 1nve3L.iS*trd in ten text subjccto confin" to an tinlation chamber but adhering tn a normal n~rk-tcst cy,tle during a 72-hour period of continuous wakefulness, Sleep deprivation brought about considerable disturbances In dlurnal potassium excretion which v4iri4-d in tbrir pnt- tern and level from subject to subject. In orwsr cases a cIL&plac~sment of minicnna and maximum points prevailed; in criaers there wat a deeraAS* in tho aWitude of diurnal variations. The results reveal an appreciable variability in functioning of circadian periodic systems in different abl*cts, Thle result can he applied in tLon with respect to blorhythmologicA parameters. It hot been established thst the excretion of p.taz--I- ~-. th. orine !transpires wIths clearly er,~reasrd endorc=uz diurnal ~!evl4tft-r with ==I- o~d minirmn, valuri durimr. tlae ni)diLtt~ '-'.r. Merit; Sirpson and Lohhan: Lyonnatt atid Drvnisc~-Jch. and o ztwl 4) . 71-1 it to of an endogenous nat,,re is indical-t by th~ retentlf=r. =f tho tniZIAl p~rfod of thiV CyCLICity Wt;Pn the lengti. or Jay is --=ir a-h re"4filon3 a restructuring of the dl~,r .... I rnyl-hm of po- ta-4~~ ez=reti= hzz bcvn abf;.Fry~j "Intively rarely and tT3r15J-1r(,d ~,ver a long prrt-Ni (Levia, ct at. ; Lobban; Mills aikd S(Anbury; Simpson and Lobban), i2n such cases the rhythm of potassium excretinn to for more stable than the rhyth" of change in hody temperature (Lobban; Mills and Stanoury) . dfuresis, 0-i "CrCtS.Cft Of "iuni And thlOltida,-. (Simpson And LObbAW, t'311% ftrd StOnboVY ) After transmeridtonal flights the restructuring ot the diur4iAl rhythm In po- ~ra.qsl= excratinn occur* wore easily and transpires r4lart"ly ~-re rffVidly tnon in cases with a modified duration of day (W4~144ne. ef el.). During A 45-day apartment with the use of accumulated social time sensors It was 95 a USSR UDC 62-503.53-526-522.6 LUGOVOY, M. N., and MIKEROV, A. G. "An Electropneumatic Tracking System" USSR Author's Certificate No 324415, filed 4 Jan 70, published 29 Feb 72 (from RZH-AvtomatiL-a, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'nffg Tekhnika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9A188 P) Translationt The proposed electropneumatic (electrohydraulic) tracking ng various objects like radar antennas system is designed for controlli in accordance with signals from low-power electric pickups and can be used in electropneumatic and electrohydraulic automatic control system . There are electropneumatic tracking systems in which a slide valve is moved or a jet tube is rotated by a solenoid or electromagnetic rotator. In view of the high sensitivity of electromagnetic controllers to contamination and to climatic and mechanical effects, systems have recently appeared in which an electric motor is used for driving a pnouniatic or hydraulic con- verter. The electric motor is an integrating link and thus has first-order astaticism. This reduces stability and,requires complicated devices and circuits to ensure stability, such as three tachogener-ators, As a feature which sets the proposed electropneumatic system apart from conventional 1/2 ON USSR LUGOVOY, M. N., and MIKEROV, A. G., USSR Author's Certificate No 324415, filed 4 Jan 70, published 29 Feb 72 (from RM-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 9, Sep 72~ Abstract No 9A188 P) units, the dynamic characteristics of the system are improved by adding a pneumatic device whose inputs are connected to the working cavities of a power cylinder and to the shaft of an electri.c motor. 2/2 sa USSR 1JDd 53~-3 1UGOVOYl, P. Z.# Kiev, Institute of Mechanics ANUrk SSR "Stress Concentration Around a Circular Hole in a Conic4a Shel2$' Kiev, Academiya Nauk Ukr SSR, Prikladnaya Kekhanikal Vol 71 No 2f Feb 71, pp 63~70 Abstracts The problem of the state of stresses In a aix-cular conical shell, weakened by a large circular hole is Investigated, withiz the frame of a Uneax theory of thin shallow shellsp using the Bubnov-Galerkin method. The problem is formulated and the solution method is deocribad4 A varia- tional equation of the nixed type, with zespect to flexure and force func- tions, is reduced to a system of linear algebraic equations. Stress cancen- tration around a circular free hole in a c6nioal comprezsed sh*11, and subjected to conipression forces is analyzed by using a: computers The results are presented in a table in terms of concentration coefficilint around the hole for a conical and a cylindrical shell. A comparison with avlalable data for a cylindrical shell indicates a-satisfaotory convergenoo of the method used )me. 12 formulast 2 tables, 20 references, T USSR PROKHOROV, A. M., Physics Institute ii"4!-ni P. N. Lebedev, AcadeD7 of Sciences of the USSR "Heating and Containment of a Plasma in Crossed Light Beams" Moscow, Pis1ma. v Zhurnal. Eksperimentallnoy-i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 17, No 1, 5 Jan 73, PP 52-55 Abstract: A number of theoretical papers have dealt with the problem of pulsed laser heating of a plasma to produce a thermonuclp;.ar ranation. These previous papers have considered conditions in which the heating tire does not exceed the tijae of hydrodynwrdc dispersion of the plasmai, In t4is article the authors propose auother Piethod of pulsed laser plasirm heatin(r whereby t1lc heating time may be determined by the duration of the lmser pulse and thus may be considerably longer than the corresponding time of hydrodynamic dis- sipation. In addition, J.n contrast to previous theories, the area of the skin layer in the suggested model (where direct conversion of energy takes place) may be much greater than the area of the surface vhich bounds the entire volume'of the heated plasza. This type of heatir;.ff requires placing the material in the region of intersection of two laser beams at some angle. -7 USSR W LUGOVOY, V. M., PROKHOROV, A. M., Pis'ma v ZhhfF, No 1, Jan 73, Pp 52-55 The authors consider focused beams with given focal d-ameters intersecting in the vicinity of these focal regions. The kinetics of plat3rrla heatirr, in the simplest model are analyzed. A numerical example is given. Conditions of plasma containment are discussed, and it is shown that plasma density in microregions may increase with time due to compression by the electromag- netic field. The authors thank A. A. Samokhin and M. V. Fedorov for useful discussion of the work. 2/2 11 IRIII J; I III i III USSR IOROV, A. M., Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lchedev, V. N. , PROKI Academy o-f-S-cfences USSR "On the Possibility of Generating Ultras)iort Light 11u1j;e-s in Lasers With a Low Luminescence Line Width of the Laser Material" Moscow, Pis'ma v Zhurnal ERsperimentallnoy i*Tcoretichi!skoy Vol. 15, No. 1, 5 Jan 72, pp 70-72 Abstract: A connected laser-resoDator system is propoll;ed in which the gener-a- tion frequencies of the laser are automatically selectq.~d C103(! to the natL'ral frequencies of the particular resonator. The system consists of a ring or, axial resonator R 0 inside which there is a selector fo~, traiisverse type,; of oscillations, an active laser material, material acti - in the iridLic'-d RaztLn emission spectrwa or In the 1,hudelstam-BrIllouin spectrum, a Iride-banJ nonlinear abaorbert and a plane-parallel resonator R:L. To avoid ation. due to reflections from the resonator Rl, one r-azi use it Faraflay Lell or set the resonator R, with a deflection with reepect to tht! direction of the beam in the laser. In this case,those tn~es of! oscillations of the- 1/2 USSR LUGOVOY, V. N., PROKHOROV, A. M., Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Piziki, Vol. 15, No. 1, 5 Jan 72, pp 70-72 resonator RO have the greatest Q for which the coefficient for passage through the resonator Ri is a maximum. In turn, the coefficient :Far passace thrcugh, the resonator R1 has sharp maxima corresponding to its nazuz,al frequencies. The resonator Ri therefore simultaneously fills the role of a highiy effec- tive selector of axial or longitudInal types, of oscillat ions In the re,-.-)nator RO and selects the generation frequencies close to its natural frequencies. Two cases are considered: (1) the material active in the induced Hanan emission spectrum is located in the resonator Rj,, and In tile Resonator Ro there i5 only active laser material, a nonlinear absorber Cenerally T.Cing c' absent; (2) the material active in the Mandalstari-Bi-11.1puin stitaulated Cmia- sion spectrum and the nonlinear absorber, just as the w.-tive Ltu3er n"Iterial,are located in the resonator Ro,and the resonator RI Is fIlled a IiTiear t medium. It was found that in Loth caseo, the generatirm; of iAtpat,111)r plOse- with a spectral width exceeding the width of -the luntirmscenco line of' the ~active last-- materlal is possible, apparently without lowering the I a se i, efficiency. 2/2 _71- ~112 016 UNCLASSIFIED P90CES$tNG DATE--30OCT'IC TITLE-THE DIAGNOSIS OF PYRAMIDAL LESIONS IN THE TERMINAL STAGES OF ORGANIC PSYCHOSES OF OLD AG AUfHOR-LUGOVSKIYt El.K. C CUNT R YOF INFO-USSR S.OURCE-ZHURNAL NEVROPARDLOGII I PSIKHIATRII IMENI S* S. KORSAKOVAt 1970, -VOL 70 t NK 6 ip PP8 85-888 DATE PUBL15HED---70 ~~..SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-GERIATRICS# PSYCHOSIS# DIAGNOSTIC HEOIGINE -,-,-CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS _-I)OCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/lIb3 STEP NO--UR/0246/iO/070/005/0885/0888 CIRC ACCE SSICN N~;--41'101261b5 PROCESSING DATr'_--30(JCT7C 212 016 UNCLASSIFIED -CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0126765 ABSTRACT/EXTRACY--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUrliOR nN il,,OHER SIMPLE, ACCESSIBLE IN' PRACTICAL WQPK 01-FFERENT. TESTS FuR ('flE DISCLOSURE Of PYRAMIDAL INSUFFICIENCY IN PATIEPIrS hITH THE OUTCOME KRIOD IN ATRCP,41CAL AND VASCULAR PSYCtiUSES OF OLU AGE rHc- EXISTENCE UF PYRAMIDAL SYMPTOMATOLOGY, IN THE OPINIOWOF THE AUTHOR, TESTIFiES 1--i FAVOR OF THE- VASCULAR PROCESS. FACILIfY.- MOGILEVSKAYA OULASTNAYA PSIKHIATRICHESKAYA 13OLINITSIA....'' ............. 'g t6c* 'Nr.:A?002:909.5- Ref Cbde: UIR 0246 PRIMARY SOURCE., Zhurnal Nevropa Pslkhia~prii, 1970, Vol 70, Nr 1, THE CLINICAL PICTURE OF FRIEDREICHS ]DISF-ASE EDING WITH IAENTAL'DISORDERS PROCE B. K. Lujeouskly-, The author reports of 4 cases of Friedrelchs disease, accompavied by !~cv,--(! no-ginildi' sorders. These changes were expressed in progressive dementia and affecli-vL (dy.,q)horic) distur- e Nvere para .noid, hallucinatoi-paiavoid and cata- bances. Besides such changes in 2 cases ther J, tonofo~m symptoms. It is sire-ssed that ii is quite important to delineate I-riedrejd',6 (IL-ease from the neural 2myotrophy, and from P, Marfe disea.sse ina-4much as in till th.., cb,~rvcd ca. ses there were peripheral pareses of the ex extrarnitles. '-2 77 REEL/FRAME. 1,19680G06 ".-.MI F USSR UDC 532.526.4 MIRONOV, B. P., LUGOVSKIY P P. "Study of Flow in the Wall Area of a Turbulent Boundary Layer with Injection" Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 22, No 3, 1972, pp 460-466. Abstract: The method of stroboscopic visualization is used -to measure the fields of instantaneous velocities in a tuburlent boundar), layer with in- jection. The distribution of average velocity and its,pulsation component through the height of the boundary layer is presented for VOILies of n > 2 and various injection parameters. It is noted that with incteasing injec- tion, the dimensionless thickness of the viscous sublayeT n u*y A, de- also decre;Lses. A slight change creases. The length of the transition zone in static pressure through the height of~the boundary 14yer is demonstrated. 1 Table; 4 Figures; 18 Biblio. Refs. USSR UDC 537.S81:535.21l ARIFOV, U. A.,. YAZANSKIY, V. V., LUGOVSKOY, V.. B., KAYUMOVA, Z. A. "Integral and Subpulse Emissions Caused by Laser Radiation Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, No. 3, Mar 71, pp 599-602 Abstract: The nature of the emission of charged and neutral particles under the action of solid-state laser radiation on metal targets :~s investigated. It vas found that the emission is determined both by the properties of the irradiated material and by the character!Etic3 of the laser pulse. When a laser is operat- a free generation mode, the emission varies witli an increase in the pcwer of the radiation incident on the target. Initially, subpuise emission assaciatEd with the cha--acteristics of the space-time structure of the radiation arises at small values of the power density. This appears in th~_- form of short (0.1-1. Psec) current pulses which coincide in time with.the laser sul~pulsos. As the power is A increasedlan integral emission appears along with the s0pulse emission that is caused 4y the total action of a large number of subpulses. Thoil integral emi.-.sir'n Is in the. form of an extended (0.1-2 Psec) continuous p~_Ise with a character i st-;-- ARIFOV, U-. A. et al, Izvestio Akadinii n'auk"SSSR Seriya Fi~icheskaya, No. 3, Mar 71, pp 599-60" displacement relative to the maximum of the laser radiation. The emission pulses wei-L' d-JI-vided into four types,depending on the form.. of their dependence on tLme: (1) subpulse-q of apparent theimoelectron origin; (2) short syumetric pulse:3 with maxima coinciding with the maximum values. of the laser ~ntenslty; (3) subp1jises of complex form apparently fomed through the superposition c~`* pulses of the firs-, and second types; (4) asymmetric pulses with a single u-ndisplaced. raxL-.Mm (it Z s possible that these subpulses or some of them.belong to the third type). 2/2 49 U Pkbt~_SSIN-- OATE-340EC70 "'.71h 058 NCLASSl PIE0 -:~ -'T:ITL.E-- INTEGRAL AND PEAK EMISSION EVOKED FROM TUNGSTE~~l BY RUBY LAS R E AADtATION -U- .A UTHOR-104)-ARIFOV, U.A.; KAZANSK[Yo V.V. L U~G ~QV aYt V.8or MAKARENKOt COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR NAUK UZBEKSKOI SSR, IZVESTKIA, SERIJA .-.FIZIKO-MATEMATICHESKIKH NAUKp VOL,:L4t NO 2v 1970ri P. $1-84 'ATEf PUBLISHED ------ 70 .,'.'SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS ,~TOPTC TAGS-TUNGSTEN, RUBY LASER, EMISSION SPECTRUMi CHEAT CONDUCTION :CONT_RGL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,~-JOCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~~_PIIDXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1249 STEP NO--UR/0166/70/014/002/008110084 ..CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124901 2/2: 056 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124901 _ik8STRACT/tEXTRACT--fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPERIMENTAL $JUDY OF THE E-14ISSION CURRENTS EVOKED FROM TUNGSTEN TARGETS IN VACUUM UND~-'R THE ACTION OF ForUSED RADIATION FROM A RUBY LASER OPERATING IN rHl- FREE RUNNING MODE. FOR TIME INTERVALS SIGNIFICANTLY EXCEEDING THE DURAfION OF THE LASER EMISSION PEAK BUT SHORTER THAN THE PULSE DURATIONP THE TOTAL ACTION OF A LARGE NUMBER OF PEAKS SHOULD CAUSE INTEGRAL HEATING3'OF THE TARGET SIMILAR TO THAT WHICH WOULD OCCUR IF THE SPATIAL Of$TRIBUTION OF INTENSITY IN EACH PEAK WOULD COINCIDE WITH THE DIST1111BUT1044 FOR TliE ENTIRE PULSE. IN THIS CASEv THE TARGET SHOULDlXHIl!QT mi-EGRAL EMISSION -IN ADDITION TO T14E PEAK EMISSION CHARACTERISTICS, THE iti'rEGRAL EMISSION SHOULD CORRESPOND TO THE SOLUTION OF THE HEAT CONDUI:'.VlOrl [EQUATION AND is ,:,..OBSERVED IN THE FORM OF A CONTINUOUS PU~SE WITH A DURATION COMPARABLF TO THE LASER PULSE DURATION. PREVIOUS STVDIES WITH Nlli:0',EL.TARGETS YIELDED NO INTEGRAL EMISSION BEFORE TARGET VAPORIZATION# AN() TUPI(3STEN TARGETS WERE USED IN THE PRESENT CASE, EMISSION CURRENTS AM: SHOWN TOGETHER -WITH THE LASER PULSES IN REPRODUCEO OSCILLOGRAMS, A,040 IT IS DEMONSTRATED THAT THE INTEGRAL EMISSION CAN BE SATISFACTORILY DE,5GRIOE0 IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE HEAT CONDUCTION THEORY-ANDi THE RMHARDSON EOUATION. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK UZ8EKSKOI;SSRv INSTITiJT E~EATRONIKI, TASHKENTv UZEIEK SSR. _____UNG LAM _-FIE0 ----------- USSR UDC. 621,378.525 ARIFOV, U. A., KAZANSKIY, V. V., LUGOVSKOYP V. B. "Fluctuations of the Ra%diation Power Density of a Solid St.-ate Laser Near the Focal Plane of the Collecting Leri-s" Tashkent, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Uz.SSSR. Seri Fiziko- Matematicheskikh Nauk, No 3, 1970, pp Abstract: This article contains a description of a device which offers the possibility of isolating individual pinches fron, the total laser pulse and simultaneously recording Iheir basic charaetoeristics: Dower, energy, and magnitude of the effective area S in whicii the basic portion of the radiation energy is eff concentrated. The rosults of experiments run w3ing this device are also discussed. Cases with 1, 2, 3, 4, energy and tine characteristics data were used to find tive power density Y 1/2 and 5 pinches wore seler-bod and their measured by oscillograms. Thu-so the relative ar:oa x, = S~ /501 tho rals- eff (Pj/?-) (1/xj), and the relmtive enersy USSR k Uz SSSR' ser ARIFOV, U. A., er al, 1-.vestiya. Al adendi a Fizilco-Matena IL icheskilch 1,4'auk, IN -0 3, .1970, pp 59-162 (I/xi) (hore Si 1.1 rmm' is the total area densityT of the focal point. obtained without a Kerr call; Pi is the poak radiation power in the pinch; Ci is its energy ; 11ii and Ti are the mean values of the corresponding,variables Comparison of lChe values of x and the enexgy values corresnond- ing to them demons-lurated that quitle largo values of S. are f observed with insignificant energy in -he pinch T11 addilion, U for mingle pulsos the correlation coefficientfl,. 0.37 indi- cates the existence of a Dositive statistical r -on between the effective area and energy. The correlation Goefficients for the effective area and energy density are 0.1~5 and 0.22 rospec- tivaly. 'rhis indicates a negative relation of these variables, but this relation is not confirmed. The data obtai,-i,,~d co-.-f'L.,qa the assumption of the causes of anomalous emission and low value of threshold energy for ,ihich destruction of the 'ar-,- x begins. It is possible that this also explains certain Qther Obza"Jed phenomena determined by 4- e pinch structure of laser radiation. th 212 USSR UDC 621-38 A RIFOV, U. A., KAZANSKIY, V. V and MAK~dZEIIKO, V. A., Institute of Electronics, cienCeI3 Uzbek SSR "Integral and Spike Emission From Tungsten Produced by Ruby Laser Radi- ation" Tashkent, Izvestiya Akadanii Nauk Uzbekskoy SSRO Seriya Fiziko-matema- ticheskikh Nauk, No 2, 1970, PP 81 + Abstract: The article describes an experiment Luidertaken to detect integral emission from a tungsten target irradiated by the focused light of a ruby laser. Oscillograms of the emiasion currents are shown$ tracing the character of the change in thfit emLssion with a growth in the power density* At fir3t only spike emi,ssion can be seen, corresponding to the maximum laser intensity; then integral emission can be seen along with the spike emission; then,the Integral emission becomes more pronounced, and a charaqterlstic abJ,ft in its maximum relative to the maximum radiation intensity can be seen. Target tem- 1/2 S SR ARIFOV U. A., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk UAbekslcoy SSR, Seriya Fiziko-matematicheskikh Nauk, No 20 1970P PP 81-84 erature variation curves are also sho-dat one of the curves being con- P structed according to the integral emission curr ft,'t from the Richard- -om a solution of the heat- son equation, the other curve calculated fx ction equation according to the form of the laser pulse. condu qualitative study of the resultant oscillograms indicates a decrease in the contribution of spike emission with an increase in the initial target temperature. The results indicate that integral emission is satisfactorily described within the limits'of heat conduction theory the Richardson equation. and 2/2 U ~SR UDG 621.378-535 ARIFOV, A., KAZANSKIY, V. V., and L Institue of Blectr icso Academy* of Sciences UzbelmFl t'Light Flux Fluctuations in the Bounded Region ot the Cross Section of A Laser Beam" Tashkent, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Seriya. Fiziko-matema- ticheskikh Naukt No 2t 1970t PP 53-56 Abstract: A previous article by the authors noted the possible influ- nce which peculiarities of the spatial.distribution of the radiation e intensity of a ruby laser have on the character: of charged particle emission. The authors studied power.density fluctuaticns in ind-ivid- ual radiation spikes of a laser working in a free os,--il).atiozi In an arbitrarily chosen region of the crosa section of a laser beam fluctuations in the light flux may be due to the character of the time dependerce of the radiation power, as well as toivariaitions in the form of the spatial intensity distribution during a laser pulse. It is as- sumed in the article that in each spike-the radlation intensity is rep- 1/3 77 7 T USSR ARIFOV, U. A., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Uiribekskoy SSR, Seriya Fiziko-matematicheskikh Nauk, No 2. 1970, pp 53-,% resented as the product X (X,y)-T (t), where T characterizes the i time dependence of the radiation power 'in the i-;h spike,given invari- able spatial distribution Xiq In this c ase -the quantity (x ksy Y k equal to the ratio of flux I bounded by the d1aphragm D, to total x 1, -will be defined as flu ~j Yj 2/3 ....... . ............ ..... .... ..... - - -------- USSR ARIFOV, U. A., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Uzbekskoy 53R, Seriya Fiz4-ko-matematicheakikh Nauk, No 2,:19701 PP 53-56 The following -four possible cases of the spatial distribution of laser radiation intensity are considered: 1. The radiation is uniformly distributod in region S and identical for all spikes, 2. The intensity distribution Is identiq'al for all spikes but is a function of certain coorcinatps. -is distributed uniformly in the 3. The radiation in each spike bounded region Si S. 4. The radiation in the spikes is not identically distributed. _-I'V -is -possible to establish the type of radiation charr;4~er wi(~ -to evaluate fluctu- ations in the flux density of individual spikes -according: to tl~e form of = e.%-?er- :L=nta.11y obtained distribution. The article describes s4ch am exTeriment and discusses the results. 3/3 Pathology USSR UDC 617.7-.68i.oq2.4.ool.57:5l9-24 and AVETISOV, E. S., BUM, A. Ya., Uri" LOVA, L. P., Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases imwai Gellmgollts "Possibility of Mathematical Modeling of the Process of Change in Intraocular Pressure in Primary Glaucoma" Moscow, Vestnik Oftallmologii, No 5, 1971, pp 10-26 Abstract: The proposed mathematir-al model of change in intraocular pressure (IOP) in different phases of primary glaucoma is based w two assumptions: (a) the central factor in the pathogenesis of the disearm is the progressive death of functional elements of the optic nerve and retina caused by metabolic cbange combined with high IOP; (b) the metabolic rate ;U1 eye tiesues and level of IOP are related in such a way that the former may increase when the latter rises slightly but decrease with further rise in IOP. Hence a rise in IOP may, with respect to the metabolic rate, be either comp~%nsatovy or aggravating in nature. The d.-romics of charge in the average level of IOP over a fairly long period is useful for the early detection of glaucar.,a and objective evaluation of the course of the disease. For examp2e, if tonogramB obtained over a period of 1 to 1 1/2 years reflect a progressive rise in the average level of IOP, the presence of glaucoma can be considered confirmed. If the 1/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED PRddi"ESSING OATE--023CT70 -TITLE--THE ROLE OF TONOMETRY IN EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF GLAUC014A -U- 5.,,~UTH0R-(03)-AVETISOVt E.S.v KQZLOVA, L.P.*' LUGOVSKOY, V.M. .tbUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE--VESTNIK OFTALIMOLOGI19 1970p NR 29 PP 41-44 Ova -PUPLISHED - ----- 70 A TE _5,SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL ANU MEDICAL SCIENCES --EYE. DISEASEI DIAGNOSTIC MEDICINE ,TOPIC,TAGS `ii T e (i L _P NO jXY 14PL/FRAME--1986/0834 P Rr SIC --UR/03t) "t" I AC ACCESSIUN Nh--AP0r0279b ___U'lC L;l SS~ I F-1 E 1) 212 022 UNCLASS IFIED Pk~L-ESSI'qr, 0ATE--02.9CT7C I RC ACCESSION NO--AP010279b -:'ABSTRACT/EXTR4CT--(U) GP-0- ARSTRACT. TONOGRAMS TAKEN IN' PERS34S 1.41,,) HAD -8EEN UNDER OBSERVATION FOR 2-8 YEARS IN C ONNEC T I ON H f TH SUSDECTED WERE USED IN EVALUATIIG THE ROLE OF TONOME~riuc INVESTIGATtiNS FOR AN EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF GLAUCOMA. ONE GROUP INCLUDED 20 SUeJ[:',TS INITH THE DIAGNOSIS OF GLAUCOMA VERIFIED IN THE.COURSE OF OLISERVAT[3\lt THE OTHER ONE EMBRACING 20 PERSONS IN REGARD TO WHOM THEE DIAGNOSIS OF GLAUCOMA.010 NOT FIND CONFIRMATI 'ON., TO STATISTICAL, ANALYSIS WERE SU13JECTED TONOGRAMS OBTAINED IN PRIMARY!DIURN'AL TONOMETitY -'3VERING A PERIOD OF 5 DAYS. THE LEVEL OF INTRAOCULAR TENSIONIAND ITS DAILY AND WEEKLY RANGE WERE STUDIED. A TOTAL OF 400JONOGRAM5, 200 FOR EACH GROUPt WERE SCRUTINIZED. THESE ltJVESTIGAT:IDNS DEMCAST.RATED THAT IN ;BORDER LINE CASES DIURNAL TONOMETRY ALONEZANNOT~BE~REGARDED A 7::,SUFFICIENTLY RELI-ABLE CRITERION, FOR AN EARLY DIAGNOISIS OF GLAUIUMA. .......... ............... ---------- - ----- USSR UDC 535.3 LUGUVOY, V. N., and PROKhOROV, A. M., Physical.Instituteiineni F. 11. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences of the USSR "Theory of the Propagation of Powerful Laser Radiation in a Nonlinear Medium" Moscow, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, Vol ill, No 2, Oct 73, pp 203-247 Abstract: Only conditions of Kerr nonlinearity are considered. The authors have-previously reported on the multi-focus concept of laser betin, propagation above the critical point in a nonlinear medium. Since th4) distance to a focus is determined by the power of the incident beam and this power is constantly changing in short-duration laser pulses, the foci travel at a speed dependent on the time characteristics of the pulse. Mathematical annlysis of this rela- tionship shows good correlation Vith experimental observa-Won of the I'lifet--me" of the bright filanents which are actuaily the tracks of timvinp , foci. Considering the time characteristics of the various typos of Kerr non- linearities and the durations of the laser pulses involved, a parabolic eq-aa- tion.for the complex amplitude of the.electric field under the conditions of greatest practical interest is derived from Maxwellfs equation. The parabolic equation may require significant correction under conditions of substantial saturation of the Kerr nonlinearity. 113 MEEIRM1.11.111I.... ... USSR LUGU11OY, V. 11. and FRCKhOROV, In. M., Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, Val 111, No 2, Oct 73, pp 203-247 For an axially symmetric beam, it enn,be demonstrated that the original gaussian distribution will be modified in it nonlinear rwdlum If the he-,w, power is greater than the critical value, a factor which has been ignored in several publications, including E. L. Kerr, Physical Review) A A., page 1155, 1071. The occurrence of a multi-focus structure is demonstrated by the numerical solution of the equilibrium state problem for laser pulses with it topical duration of 10-8 seconds or less. These calculations yield thf, action loca- tions of the foci. Three-photon absorption, 2-photon absorption, and induced Raman emission in the forward direction are considered. The arthors note that the use of an approximation of geometric objects, as by A. V. Gurevich, is not valid past the first focus. The motion of foci generated by brief laser pulses Icad's to local effect, particularly at "turning" points. Depending on the speed of focus movement, local heating effects can lead to a breakdown of the facus Etructure. Under certain conditions, ultra-short pulses of indueed R man emission in the reverse direction can be generated; these have been observed experi- mentally. The spectra of pulses in a nonlinear medium are subjcct to i-everal effects which widen them, including phane modulation proportional- to the path length 213 traveled by the pulse and the rate of change of the index of refraction of the mediiLa, a resulting amplitude modulation which can occurif tho dispersion of the linear part of the index of refraction.becomes signifinant, and expansion of the spectrum of the field of moving foci. . Although the calculations in this article involve ptilses of a limited class, they can be extended to cover a broader range. Consideration of inertia in the Kerr effect for picosecond pulses would lea-d to e.,,merimental results that have not yet been observed. If the nonlineal-ity of absorption were very slight, Maxwell's equation would have to be used, leadlng to a very difficult calculation. However, a rough approximation indicates that the multi-focus structure would still be developed., 313 - 19 - USSR UDC: 521-396.677(088-8) SHAVELI, M. A., L,UK, L. N., Minsk Radio Plant "A Device for Orienting an Antenna With Respect to Azimuth, Angle of Ele- vation and Polarization" 10SR Author's Certificate No 262998, filed 29 Jun 68, published 10 Jun 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No Q99~P) Translation: The proposed device contains an azimuth M!taticn rechanism, fastened on a fixed base, a mechanism for rotation with respect to angle of elevation mounted on a disc on the out-out shaft of the azimuth rotation mechanism, and a mechanism for rotating the plane of polarizolion. In order to simplify remote control of the antenna, the output shufts of the mecha- nism for rotation with resepat to angle of elevation and the mechanizm for rotating the plane of polarization are coaxial. The shaft of the antenna chassis is kinematica~ly connected by a bevel gear couple to the output shaft of the mechanism for rotating the plane of polari,,,,atiau, and movably mounted inside the output shaft of tbe-mechani= for rotation with respect to angle of elevation. The mche-qism for! rotating the plane of polariza- tion is fastened to a disc on the output shaft of the mochanism for azimuth rotation. p k(k ESSII%~; DATE UNLLASSIFIED R S u f- PPA, Aru, ~'-TLTLE--IESTING (;F THE PLASTIC CGATINO CU METAL SU FAC A q YU.YE.9 PALEVSKEY, V.V.t GUNCIIARH~IKJ9 ito V . AUTtib R- 0 3 %TRY 6F IN1,:G--LSSR Ll (2), 48-50 URC E---KFIM. PROM. UKk. L970 77 -~--OATE PUbLISPED ------- 70 -MATERIALS .----SU8JECT AREAS VLC TAGS-FLAsm; LOATINGr CLECTkIC PROPWV, EPOXY, RESIN, METAL CONTA I N I NG PCLYMER, NICKEL, CURING AGENT METAL COATING TFST MErtiol" CC,t'TF%ijL 14AKKING-NO PESTR[CTIUNS ,.-OCCUMENT CLASS-UNGLASSIFIL-0 AELL/FRAiMt.--30(j'5/Ui036 STEP C I R.C ACCESSICN N-G-AP0132333 ', I %- LA$ S I F I,Lt 1) U 035 77 UNCLASSIFIED P RCI C- E S S jt~j TJA T E - -LC 7 0 I k CACCESSICN NC--AP0132333 CP-0- A16STRACl' GqE;:'!4 EPOXY E - 5 v F I t. ri TH 43-t-,bPEACENr Ni DUST A ND CUkLO IniCH 10 P E k I,- E-!~"l ~j Slj-- -1... C~j Af SU66 NH SUB2 SCLN. IN ALC.t WAS Riii~OICY D PO S I 'I ED ',~Y SPli.4,Y 1~1 -iN M-i. -APP. THE. HARDENED C CA T I NG (AT HAU JJ 0 P P Lk r I C- S W P, Psychiatry UDC 616.8:31,~.13(4,7) USSR -lain Administr,ation Xor ',aerqpi~utic and IDROZOVA, T. G., and LULWHEIR, G. Ya., i' Prophylactic Care, YdfffTgrry UT M. USSR, and.Contral Solentifte Rusoarch in- stitute of Forensic Psychiatry imeni Serbskiy Ministry of:lkaalth USSR, Koscow 0 USSR" ~"Structure of Neurological horbidity, in th Moscow. Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii :Lmsni S. S. &6rsako-r. "Vol 70, No 7, 1060-1060' 1970. pp Abstract: An anal,~sis is presented of the incidence of numral;ogic-il discases in Itali the USSR,. based on reports or visits to doctors, clinic:aj a.~ses, n-nd hospA. zations for the USSR as a whola and for the union ropublica. obl~;zta, krays ar.u autonomous republics of "he RS?SR and the cities of Elo_~:cow and ljomuigrad fol- 1964 and 1965. According to thoso data, 3.49~ of persons 14 years old or oldor t;u,.'- .11ered from neurological disoasoa in 1965. For the USSIZ as a wholis,diseases of thr. peripheral nervous system weru nost coumon (W3R), followel. by aaurov~Lxular dis- (113.4), neuroses (18.2~), and.othors Q4S diseasoz DiLuases of the periphera- narvous system wero also highast: in frequo6q:y Ln WlCil Of WL6 uu-don muse! by ataeroscleroais republics. In all of the union republics. disorders r. predominated among patients suffering from iascular disaa.&t)s of 1c;he C16. Such USSR cases were more than twice as numerous as those caused by ~'-,ypartansiori. lieurosos ranged from 5.6* (in the Kazakh SSR) to 33-Giv- (in the Azet-,-."ywhan 35a) 04' The neurological diseases. Cases of epilepsy (without psychdi;es) w3re twlce as nwn- erous in the krmenli.,ui 331R (5-4) as in mos. of' the other 'jinion repi;:o"14cs and in the USSR as a whole (Z.4,v). USSR UDC 629.7.036-3:536.46:531.7 IVLIYEV, A. V., KSHNYAYIN, N. A., LUKACHEV, V P., and UGLOV, B. A. "Measurement of the Normal Combustion Rate by Means of an Automatic Electronic Device" Tr. Kuybyshev. Aviats. In-t, No 56, 1973, pp 17-23 (from %eferativnyy Zhurnal-- Aviatsionnyye i Raketnyye Dvigateli, No 10, 1973, Abstract No 10.34.26. Resurne) Translation: On the basis of a procedure developed by the authors for deter- minin the surface area of the front of a flame propagating in a horizontal tube open at the end at which the combustible mixture is ignited, an automatic electronic device is proposed which permits measurement of the apparent rate of movement of the flame In relation to the length of the tube wall, as urell as the length of -projection of the flame front along the tube axis, and mkes Jt possible, by means of a stipulated procedure, to calculate the normal rate of combustion. An estimate of the measurement error was conducted, which showed that the proposed device decreases the measurement 11wo orders of magnitude in comparison to the method of slow-motion phatbgraphy. With the use of this method, the labor intensity of determination of the nornuil rate of flame propagation is considerably decreased. 4 figures. 1.0 references. USSR UDC 911.3.613.11 SJCOROBOGATOVA, A. M., PAIW-33NOV, Yu. A.. WKAMEV, V. V~' UM33AXIN, V. A., MILDT, Yu. M., GRMCILENO, K. F. "The Significance of Some Factors in Polar Regions for the Formation of Adapta- tion Processes" V sb. Akk-limatiz, i lcravev. patol. choloveka -na Severe jAcclitaRtizatior. and works), Arkha-rigel'sk, Regional Pathology of vian in the Far tlortki--collection~ p&- 1970, pp 66-68 (from Uh-36. meditainskaya Geografiya. Wo 1, Jan 71., Abstract . No.- 1.36.43 by V. Zhadovskaya) Translation: This work includes data gathered in the Antarctic, Central Arctic Basin, and experimental research in a cooling chamber. The parameters studied were: arterial pressure, pulse rate, plethysmogr=, rhmogram. and skin ta=- perature in 112 polar residents. The most marked shiftni occurred in nc-w a=ivals or in those who returned after an absence of 5.6 years; as well as in those polar residents with high arterial pressure. In onditions waere volume charge is increased and relationship of a*tmospheric elementsis altered, tnere is a decrease of skin sensitivity to low temperature. ~ A disturbance of the balance between sy=athetic and parasympathetic regulation of cardiovascular activity is also observed. 1/1 USSR UDC: 1546.623:546,723;5h6.46;546,7321;54-36 CHALYY, V. P. and__T.UKACRT?1A__YE___ Inst tute of General and Inorganic Chcmistry, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian,SSR "Formation of Magnesium Ferroaluminate with Additions of Cobalt From Metal Hydroxides" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskiye materialy, Val 8, No 4, Apr 72, PP 737-740 Abstract: The conditions for the formation of Mg ferroaluminate with Co additions in the quaternary hydroxide system ]4g(Oli)2-co(OH)2--~--AIGOH-i-z-.FeOOli have been studied. The content of the components recalculated to oxides (vt.%) is given as: lAgQ-16.00; COO-0.56; A1203-10-12; Fi~203-71.32. The study included the effect of pH of the mother solutiofi, . temperature and duration of treatment on the composition and properties of the hydroxide ferrite Dowdersand the annealing conditions an the properties of the products made from the powders. Use was made of chemical anelyses, pH measurements, differential thermograms, thermagravizaetry, x-ray diffraction phase analyzes,and magnetic measurements to study the conditions of coprecipitation of L'4g, Co(11), Al and Fe(11I) hydroxides, the structural transformations following heat treatment of precipitates und the r."ognetic properties of products from bydroxide-type ferrite powders of given com- 1/2 USSR CHALYY, V. P., et al, Izvestiya Akademii!nauk SSSR, Nearganicheskiye 'Vol 8, No 4, Apr 72, PP 737-740 materialy, positions. The analytical data and results are refleated in tables. (I illustration, 3 tables, 3 bibliographic references).~ USSR UDC 632.95 KMAH, YU. S., LUKANEVA, A. M. "New ExperJmental Data on Action or DDT.on Gerta~n FlUsiological Systems of Warmblooded Animals" Sb. Tr. N.-I. In-t Gigiyeny Truda i Prorzabolevnli .,-IjruzSSR (Col. lection of Works of Scientific Rea ar;j;rlnst-ltut~ a , o Dabor Hygleno and Occupational Diseases, Georgian 6St) 1970,!V01 1121 pp 207-210 (from RM-Khimiya, No 18, 25 Sep 70, Abstract No~JM03, by P.,V. Popov) Trans'lation: From new data obtained in experiments on laboratory animalss ;M- *nlsm from its all amounts of DDT that can enter thelorga. enVf rorment cause harmful changes In,DDT.-sensitXirs systems of the organism. USSR uDc 62o-197.6 -v Institute of KAPJASHOVP A. V., GAYNUrDI21OV, R. G., and UMV1121, S. N. Kic Civil Aviation Engineers "Determination of Electrolyte Residues in the. Gap of a W-6.1ded and Anodized Joint", Kiev, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol 9, Ro 2, 1973, !)P 102-103 Abstract: Tests were conducted to determine if the concentration of' sulAiric acid in the residue, residing in the gap of a spot-welded sample after anodi tion was high enough to cause corrosion damage, Using shect *ailiple-L, of DICES-AT alloy, an angle piece was spot welded to q flat sample ohich uus then anodized. The samples -were then washed with distilled water which was t~t-sted for its electrocanductivity and compared to a standard sulfuric acid electrolyte. It was found that electrolyte concentration in the weld gap vas leos than the standard as well as less than the =ount of acid on the open anodizcd -,urf-aceo- The conclusion was that aluminum alloys and their weld j ointi!,can be anodized without danger of corrosion damage occurring in the weld. 3 figures, 1 table, It bibliographic references. 1/1 SIUDY 01; ML NUISL OF A VIL!;r.L UN A 'rmnuR Ak, -1 - 14~ r~jf--LA', Yu. V. Lukanin. V. Lfros (Xatinus) Daykus. Investigations wvc shown that Live noise in theerrrator'4 seat of a "ssl tr:mtor I s. radiated by the pancla of the zzb , CicIted by forC"R 41~voiop d as the engine uperates, and also as a result of propagation of sound energy through the structures of the tractor. Studics were pcrfor=d Using type WF--;O tractors, equipped with .2-CT cooled (D-50) and air cooled (D-37Ye) e ngines. -,11ie specifics of arrangezent c! the englna on the tractor InCtWa rigtd pc~rnztpj or. zotor maunts ar.4 rl.ZZE4 connection to the transmin-sicrv of the r-=r--er. Vibrations "a be decrea.%ed by owling structural changes to the met!-,d af connaction Of LIM angine to the tranamirsSan. Figure I shows the renvults of =a3ur,nOrnt of vibrations at a po-in- floor or the cab. Spectrum I uas produced with standard Connection Of thiP engine to the trznsais-sion, z~pcctrzva 2--aith the anSine disconner-tv;ni, 3--shms vibrations of the engine itself, The noise in th* operator's seat w*s 104 dir and 9A dir respectiwly. The ongino In all cases oper&ted at 1800 rpm without load. This.figure shaws the expediency.of relucing the vib-ratlan propa$txtiru; from the engine to the cab. 4- 0 USSR UDC 632.95 A., UNTERBEIMRO V. K., BEZUCLIY, S. F., a , AMD Uzaluxi VOLKOV, V. N., All-Union Scientific Studies Institute~~t*f Chemical Compounda for the Protection of Plants "insecticide FormulO Authorls certificate No 213452# filed 4 Apr 66# published 2 Jun 72 (frox Raferativnyy Zhurnal -- Xhimlyal No 8(II)s 1973s Abstract No BN480P by T. A. Belyayeva) Translation# The Insecticide trichloforl-5 contains from 4-159 trichlorometa- Phos-3 (1), 83-96% high purity unfiltered mineral ollp mud 0-6% of the emulsifier OF-4. For example, 92% of the light unfiltered oll having an unsulfornated residue of 93%t 5% of (I)p and OP~-4. The orier of the I-blative effectiveness of the oleophoses is as follows olezet4kphost trichlorol-5, WA preparation No 30 - relative to the wintering phase! of the California scale insect. Trichlorol -5 in a 2% concentration showed a mortality of 92.4% of the pests. 49 - UMIUMUMMUM, N3NNERM11041THIRM IBM-,. 101111111, M 'I, USSR UDCI 632.95 POSLtYSM, YU. H., CAR, K. A. , and 41MUGuty, S. F, "PoWofea!' V sb. Xhim. srodstva cashebity rast. (Chemical PlAnt 1,210-tec L. tints -- collecticn 6f works), Vyp 1, 14 aCoW, 1970, pp 34-42~(from Mh-Kbiniiya, 110 13# 10 Jtil "2, Abstract No 13114-53 by T. A. Bely-ayeva) Translationt Polydofen (1) is an Insecticidal propazation can-t-F.InIng 40~" polychlorocanpliere, 20% ILTWI, solvents and an emulsifier's Reoults are Fiven for tests of I and other combined preparations.of DDT with chlorinated terpenes in variouz regions of the USSR during aerial wxI tractor spi-aying of cotton. TWng, consumption rates cLPd application axe given for I on cotton against the bollworm. USSR UDC (13:2.05 -VNI40V, fl. I?,, IVANOVAt S. 11., GOFOKh'01" BEZUCL-YY, S. F., P rE V. V. KOSTYUKOVA, X. 1. and K-0 UITOVA ~T. 1. "EmulsiflAble Concentrate of 5#4'~-I)ichlorosall.cylnnilidi,,- An Effective Holluscicide" V ab. Xhix. sredstva eashchity rast. (Cheiltical Plant Pr~tect-int3 collection of works), vyp It Moscow, 1970, pp 61-65 (from M%-Khim~~raj ]to 13, 10 Jul 92, Abstract No 131NA-98 by I. Pillnenshteya) Translationi The use of 5,4'-dichloro-salicylaidlido (1) ill than rorm of 4L 10-percent emulsion concentrate (EC) increases its mollt,-9cicidal activity 8-9 fold over tha of all arzoiila solution.. I;is 800-1300 tinea j%ora effective than CuCO At a ItO.J.06 dilution I provides 100;~6 dest4:-,2cti4vp of mollul3f'~-' 4- In the applied concentration I is harvaess ~for warm-blootled anim-als arA grass cover. Theicis no chxnge in the physicochenical Vxrop-zx~6ies aun! cidal activity of the BC of I when it in atored in z?ji -dxtight container for two ymn. The 10% EC of I is reco=ended for appliw.Ltiaii in ~-Iuricultinv in dLoaes of 1-5 kg4lo.. 63 Uss- MMWKAj_ V. IL, and FF,-ISOVAj 1. A. "De phene and DDT In a 60% Eavlaifted Concentnte toxidtiition of Polychiorocm of Polychlorocazphene with DDT" Y sb. Khim. sred-s-tva zashchity rast. (CherAcal Agents f 0.11.1 P]Adtt Protection -- collection of works) s, -YP jio;~cows 19',A), PP 83-88 (frOll kL7h-!J)ijOiYe-, ;~o 11, un 72, Abstract No I Translations Polych,!-,-:~- :1-j in a poly4*pheq pxepamtlo~ by. h colorimet-ric. ':-:-krke(t on thc! pronarty of po~ loroc4u~.phene 6f. a p oto producing a stror[3 In an m~lka e madimm. Thei accuracy- of deter.7-~` ilz �15' 4IThe DIYX concent '14 o nin ibe fr,7).i, total chlorbit ty3choenber in igrdtion of the ccapou. L,:,,yGen. FIEJ 2 03 OCE$SING DATE--040EC70 -T-ITLE--UNI MOLECULAR AND BIMOLECULAR REC10)451;NATION I:N KCL:lNtAG AND KBR:IN CRYSTALS -U" xUTHOR-(04)-LEYMANf, V.I., DENKS#-.V*-p LUiKANT,SEVER, Ni..L. tSAVIKHINt F.A. ..,-~.COUNTRY GF~~ INFO_-'USSR SOURCE-FIZ. TVER0. TELA 1970, IZ01t-1455' 61 ;-,;ABATE PUBLISH90 ------- 70 AREAS--PHYSICSP CHEMISTRY --f.TQPIC TAGS-REACTION KINETICS9 POTASSIUM. CHLORLOEs aAnMf0E9 INDIUMv THERHOLUMINESEENCEs REACTION MECHANISM# IQN11A1 IoNs I NAT 1014 LUMINESCENCE, 'ELEC ON H Vr ~;~ 't tONTROL HARM NG--NO RESTRICTIONS c'--~;,-QOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 STC-P NCI-.-UR/01811701012/005/1455/146L ACCESSION NO-AP012942S 'UNC CLASS[Flfti nil Al ----------------- T 035 UNCLASSt FIEO P kl(~" CESSING DATE--040EC70 t IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0129425 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-LUI GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE KINETICS WAS ItiVESTIG4TED OF ELECTRU4 HOLE PROCESSES IN THE CRYSTALS KCL-INt AG AND KBR-IN IN EXCITATION WITH THE RADIATION IN THE REGION OF THE C, BANO OF ABSORPTION OF IN PRIME POSITIVE CENTERS. IN WEAK EXCITATION" THE.AINETICS OF RECOMBINATION EXCITATION IS UNIIlDL#; I*F,7 ELECTMOS RKA)MIINC 141rH THE SAME IN PRIMEZ POSITIVE. CENTERS FROM WHICH THEY WEIiE REMOVED 1,,\i IONIZATION OF IN PkIME POSITIVE CENTERSo IN THIS,ONIMOLP tMECHANISHI .LIGHT STORED BY THE PHOSPHOR IS PROPORTIONAL Tb THt: INTENSITY OF EXCITATION, El THE RATIO OF THE PEAKS.OF THERMULUMOESCENCE IS INDEPENDENT OF E, AND THE APPLICATION OF AN ELEC.41ELDILEADS TO AN JNCREASE IN THE HAT. OF STORED LIGHT* FACILITY: INSTo FIZ# -..:ASTRONo U TARTU, USSR. LINC LASS I Fl-E-D W I 1 11 1 W. 047 UNCLASSIFIED PkbCESSING UATE--30OCT70 SENSITIVE NATURE GF LUAINESCEKE QU~~-NCHING OF LNOUCED ACTIVATOR COLOR CENTERS IN NACLtAG CRYSTAL PHOSPHOAS -U- I__l:AUTHOR-(02)-LUKANTSEVERv YU.L-v ARAPOVI $#A# ,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SPEKTROSK. 19701 28(3)? 498-50 1 ------- 70 _PATE PUBLISHED 'SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS .,~.TOPIC TAGS--CRYSTAL PHOSPHOR, COLOR CENTERr LUMINESCENCE QUENCHING, SoolUm CHLORIOEv SILVER# THERMAL EFFECT# RADIATION EFFECT# CRYSTAL ELECTRIC -coNoucT IV ITY_ CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1431 STEP NO--UA/0051/70/028/003/0498/050L CIRC ACCESSION NO---AP0118420 UNCLASSIFIED 047 UNCLASSI FIED' PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 c_IRC. ACCESSION NO-AP0118420 ,..4BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TEMP, INOUCED LUMINESCENCE (THE LUMINESCENCE WAS EXCITED BY X RAY IRRADN.) QUENCHING OF 8, AND C COLOR CENTERS WAS STUDIEU IN NACL-AG CKYSrALLUPHOSPHORS ONDEk THE EFFECT OF DIFFERElT FACTORS THAT CHANGE THE CRYST. LATTICEr SUCH AS THE EFFECT OF CA# AND PS ADMIXTS. IN THE LATTICE -AND THE EFFECT OF RADIATIONAL THERMAL TREATMENT OF CRY5TALSs THE THERMAL TREATMENT CAUSED THE OISTOkTIJN OF COLOR CNETERS. EXCITATION, ANG ABSoRpriON SPECTRA OF PURE CRYSTALLOPHOSPHORS, OF CkY,STALLOPHOSPHORS WITH PB AND CA ADMIXTS., AND OF THERMALLY TREATED CRYSTALLOPHOSPHURSiARE SHOWN. THE LINE POSITIONS ~010 NOT SHIFT; THIS MEANS THE STRUCTURE OF THE COL014 CENTER WAS NOT -CHANGED BY THESE FACTORS. THE OCCURRING;CHANGES AFFECTEO THE WHOLE ~CRYST. LATTICE. THE HYPOTHESIS THAT THE LUMINESCENCE QUENCHING WAS DUE TO AR IONIC MECHANISM (HARD RADIATION EXCITED LUMINkSCENCE CENTERS INTERACT. WITH THE UEFECTS OF THE LATTICE) WAS CUNFIJIMEU BY THE SIMULTANEOUS TEMP. INUUCED QUENCHING OF THE LUNINMENCC- lJF 6 CENrERS AND BY THE IONIC COND. OF NACL-AG CRYSTALLOPHOSPH()R$. FULL THERMALLY INDUCEa QUENCHING OF 8 CENTERS OCCUR&ED AT;;450DE-GREES, THE TEMP, AT ,~_._-:.WHICH THE ELECTROCOND& OF THE CRYSTAL 15 MOST AFFECI 1. ED. P-RO(E.SSING DATE--L3:qGV70 1/2 -031 UNCLASSIFIEO~' OF THE IGNITION -AND.. EXTINCTION OF X: Pla, YLU14114E.ScENCE OF CRYSTAL PHOSPHOAS ~~-,U- -LUKANTSE yulLor V REP _AUTHOR (021 MUMINOVI --USSR Ni RY ~O FINFO~ "~SOURCE--ZHoPRIKL,. SPEKTPOSK, 1970,' 12(31 4~55-9 0 A T EPUBLISHED ------- 70 SU13JECT AREAS-~-PHYS IC S 0 PIC TAGS--CRYSTAL__?HOSPHGRt LUMINESCENCE SP EC T R U MRAY IRRADIATIONt - LUMVIE C NCE U NCHING,.FREE ALKALI METAL. HALIDE, RADIATION INTENSITYt S E~- 0 E ELECTRON? ACTIVATION E14ERGY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1489 STEP NO--UR/0368/70/012/003/045510459 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116476 UNIC L A S S I F. 10 . 51~ 2/2 031 PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC- ACCESSIO.4 NQ--AP0118476 .ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-M GP-0- A3STRACT. STUDY OF KINf:iICS OF THE IGNITION --ANU-EXTINCTION CP TRANSITORY AND PROTRACTED COMPONENIS Ov- X RAY LUMINtSCENCE IN A SEkIES OF ALKALI HALIDECRYSTAL P~IOSPHATES AND STUOY PF SPECTRA OF THESE COMPONENTS WERE PRESENTED. , THE41ETHOU WAS DEYELOPED OF SIMULATNEOUS REGISTRATION (IF INTENSITY OF BOTH LUNG (I SULID) ANO SHORT T'Ri $EPNl. AND M (I SUBK) PAKTS OF X RAY LUMINESCENCE. REGISTRATION OF OCTH I SUBK AND I:SUB0 PARTS OF X R,~Y LUMINESCENCE OF THE, IGNITION WAS ACCOMPLISHEO BY USING FREQUENCY MODULATED 501HZ X RAY ITATION, IN COMBINATION- vlITH ELECTRONIC OSCILL0MhPH L,5,4 WITH o.C. AMPLIFIER. THE FOLLUWING INURG. SYSTEMS WERE USED 0,')R THIS STUDY.- KCL,I-'4t NACL,AG9 KCLsTLP K3R,TL, AND KBR#IN. RELAX4TION PROCESSES WERE INVESTIGATED AT 300-500DEGREESK. DEPENDENCE ON TEMP, UF I SUBK AND I NSCENCE IN NACLoAG SYSrFM WAS ALSO STUDIED SUBD OF STATIONARY X RAY LO;41i AND ACTIVATIOX ENLKGIES OF TEMP, IGNITION'.OF I SUBK-!' AND EXTINCTION OF I A40 I-SUBD WERE DETil. INFLUENCE QF:FKEE ELECTRONS IN ALKALI HALIDE CRYSTAL PHOSPHATES LATTICE ON IGNITION OF :1 SUBK AND I SUBD COMPONENTS :WAS STUOIEO BY USING KCLtAG SYSTEM. THF LUMINI-SCENr~E AP?EARS WHE14 ECOMS14ATLON OF FREE ELECTRONS WITH ANAMPERFECTIONS AT AG PRIME POSITIVE OCCURREDo UNCLASS.I.FIE RoL-EssING DATE-300CY70 1/2 ~019 P TITLE-R0ENTGLN RADIULOGICAL EXAMINATION OF DIFFUSE LIVER L~SIUNS -U- ,AUTHOk-(03)-NGS0VAv YE.T., TAYTS, N.S.9 LUKAS H iL4K C CUNT' RY;- 0 FINFO--USSR ~~_-',SCURCE-VRACHEMYE DELOt 1970v NW 6v PP 84-87 DA TE; 'P UB L I SH E 0---- 7 0 -.:,SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES 'TOPIC TAGS-GOLD IS_0TOPE* LIVER, HEPATITIS, CIRRHOSISt RA010LOGY CONTRO~ 14ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 00CUMEN-T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO --PROXY RF-EL/r-RAME-3002/1756 SrEP NQ--UR/O~i,75/?(J/000/006/0084/0(187 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129124 UNG LA SS I F LED 019 UNCLASSIFIED. PROUSSING DATE-30OCT-70 ACCESSION NO-AP0129124 ~-.ABSTRACWEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RESULTS ARE REPORTED OF THE USE OF CHOLEGRAPHY ANL; AU PRIME-196 LIVER SCANNING 114 73 PAT[ENIS. SUFFERING Of- t.:_.: :CHRGNIC HEPATITIS ANC LIVER CIRRHOSIS. ~IT IS CONCLOI)ED rlAAT SUCH -COMPLEX EXAMINATION WIDENS THE POSSIBILITIE,.S OP A,MORE THOROUGH STUDY OF -LIVER PATHOLOGY.* INSTITUTA FACILITY: OTD.EL.LECHE8N0GQ PITANLYA PITANIYA AHN SSSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 539.374 PROSKURINA, V. M., LUKASIi-R. -A. "Calculation of Hollow Shells of 1,11on-linearly Elastic Materials Under Small Deflections" Sb. tr. Mosk. inzh.-stroit. in-t (Collection of Works of Moscour Struc-ural Engineering Institute), 1970, No. 84 17 (from RM-Mekhanika, No 9, pp 11- -Sep 7.1, Abstract No 9V450) Translation: Assaming that the material of the shell can',Forms -to the equations Of the- theory of small elastic-plastic deformations under the -001~-nomial simipli- fication crd-Ae,+.B0.2+Ce,3+ and using statistical and kinematic hypotheses of the gaoinetr!(:ally linear t""Peory of thin hollow shells, the authors compile an expression for t,,, frictional of -hod for two the total energy cf the shell. On this basis and using the RiTz met. the deforrna- vaia le parameters, the authors make an approximate examination of tion of a hollow spherical shell loaded by pressure that is sqwave in olan and supported alotS a contour. V. 1. Rozenblyum. 09 - DATE- 1,60CTIO 009 UNCLASSIFIED P R 0 CS I W., ;;,,TzlTLE--DEPENDENCE Or- THE CAST IRON FLOW FACTOR:ON THELGEOMErRY OF CASTI,'4G !'~,_~~'L_"CkNNELS OFAM a L 1) -U- .14 NOR-(04)-PETRICHENKUt A.M.t GLIZER# Z.KH.r:GOLDMAKHER, P~Epp- UK.AwJUfjH_UK vTo[. f&d6tYRY OF INFO--USSR ~,S~ URCE--LITEINOE PRGIZVOD. 1970, 2, 3 -1 0 0 PUBLISHED-------70 ~SL~BJECT AREAS--MATERLALS, MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARIN~ ENGk --CAST FERROUS LIQUID METAL _,~TPPIC TAGS IRON, FOUNDRY TECHNOLOGYP .~CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMFNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1376 STEP NO--UR/OL2f3/70/002/k)00/0030/0031 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116825 go UNCLASSIFIED ~2/2 OC9 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CJRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116825 -,ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN EXPTL. MOLD ALLOWING A ":i,:SIMULTANEOUS OUTFLOW OF MOLTEN IRON THROUGH 4 CHANNELS HAS BEEN USED TO DET. THE INFLUENCE OF THE SHAPE OF THE CHANNEL CROSS SECTION ON THE FLOi ,t:,F,ACT0R. A FLAT CHANNEL WITH A PLANE UPPER:SURFACE AND it CYLINDRICAL ;-,,.:.:BOTTOM ONE, FORMED WITH A LARGE. RAUIUS,~ SHOWS THE, HIGHEST FLOW FACTOk BY VARIATIONS: i.,,Y(0.61-0.68), LEAST AFFECTED .'OF THE METAL rEMP, EXPTS. ONS TH IDTH .-.,,.WITH RECTANGULAR SECTIU SHOW THAT MAX. FLOW 15 OerAINE0 WHEN E ROS:~~ SECTION CAUSES THE ,_.~JO HEIGHT RATIO IS 3:1. APPROACHING A.SQUARE C FLOW FACTOR TO FALL. "Lifting Surface in Nonstationary Flow Near the Screen!* Samoletostr. i tekhn. vozd. flota. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-teklin. sb. ,,Aircraft Construction and Equipment of the:Air Fleet.,;-- Republic Inter- departmental Collection of Scientific and Technical Wtirks),.1970, vvp. 18, pp 3-11 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract N6 1B369 by V. 1. Kholyavko) Translation: By the acceleration potential method the authors consider the general solution of the linearized problem of the harmonic-oscillation of a thin slightly curved lifting surface in a restrictv&Zluid flu-d- The solu- tion is presented in the form of three.terms, two of.whi-J-i (solution inVolv- ing the presence of a velocity distribution discont--t-auity on the lifting surface, and solution describing inertial imotion) arp regular, and one is singular. For a wing (X 4 -), with. application of the 'Prandtl scheme and approxinaLion of vortex intensity along the chord by -an expression taken from the plane solution the nonstationaxy problem reduces to two one-dimensional integral equations. An example is given of the calcu- lation of nonstationary wing motion for the case of elliptic span load USSR 77 BELOUSOV, B. N., et al., Samoletostr. i tekhn. vozd.. flota. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-tekhn. sb. (Aircraft Construction and Equipmeat::of the Air Fleet Republic Interdepartmental Collection of Scientific and;'Techaical Works' vyp. 18, pp 3-11 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 1, Jan: 11, Abstract No lB369 by V. 1. Kholyavko) distribution. In comparison with classical theory-,. arT, additional term of order X'71 is obtained in the stationary part.of the lift coefficient for 8:nonplanar wing. It is assumed that this, term take#;J:hto account the influence of aSpect ratio on zero-lift*angle~ 10 77 Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: JOW34074"" CHEMICAL ABST. U 12. 0 ol ntroplei of n r 71424p Saturated vapor pref sure and e girig W I calcium chloride calcium duoride melts. ~ Luk- as tw 0. Reuto-va. G. A. (Krasnuar4-- lp5~. T~ i - nina &raslllqyi~~ - U"'584). ZA. - N-L ,rg* AIJL~nf .4TZI Ss, 1~a II-ACAF-j 6'�tetn ~how~ mrp6s. (14--daUon Tg~ from Raotilt's Jaw. Satd. vmbor' pressure of fli,~ sxrn~ttnn NvAll r CaCl. chahq;ed 1,rbm 5.77 chan"gi.-.-5 froln 90 tv- 145 mole X 10-1 to I.j7 X 10-1 LOrr, The partial miAxt i.-wropy of inix. ing for mixts. collig, '40 mwlt "';~ CAP, is: for Cj,(,% 0 971 and for CaF, 5.548 cal/molo-(Iegree and for 111i.-fts. conti". 53~-Ilole CaFi: for CaCl) 3.088'ind -for'CaV2 in'xing of 1114-11~ The exccss integral entropy io I +0'q cal/mole-degr". REEL/:FMME USSR UDC 669.7211882.049.6 KMATOV, V. L. and E. YE. LUXASHE14KO "The Nechani5m of the Distillation of Chlorides of Magnesium and Potassium From Capillary Porous Solids in Vacuum!* Y, sb. Vakuumn. protesessy v tsvetn. metallurgii (Vacuum Processes in lion- ferrous Metallurgy -- Collection of Works), Alma-Ata, "Nauka," 1971, pp 162- 166 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal - Metallurgiyat No 6, jun 71, Abstract No 6G184) Translation of Abstracti The kinetics were studied of the sublization of MgOl and Xcl from mixtures of finsly porous graphite and spongy Ti in vacuum. AocoYding to the experimental data, thermodyi,=ic fwiciions itere calculated for'Chlorides adsorbed from graphite and Tio' (Three iilustrations, 6 references). 38 - 01.5 UNCLASSIFIED Ls"Slf4;Gl DATE---20NUVfu -,',,fTLE6--SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE AND ENTHALPIES OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE SO BLIMATICN AND VAPORIZATIGN -U- -,!,AUTMR-(G2)-.LUKASHENK0 EOYE.v REUTOVAP.G*A*~ r5F, INFC--USSR ,_-SOURCE-Z~t. FIZ. KhIM. 1970, 44(3) 600-2, ,~-vA rE. PUSL ISHEC-----70 ~-.SUBJECT AREAS-CHEVISTRY, PHYSICS TOPIC-TAGS--ENTHALPY# CALCIUM CHLORIDE, SUeLIMAtION,: VAPORIZATION, VAPOR PRESSURE ~_~CNTRCL 144RXING-NO RESTRICTIONS :.'DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRA14E-3001/0461 STEP NO--UR/0016i'10/0441/003/0t~00/0602 NO-AP0126213, ~(]N~LASS IF IED~ '2/21 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 tCIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0126213 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SATO. VAPOR PRLSSURE OF SOLID Nd~ LIQ~. LACL SUSZ HAS BLEN MEASURED AT 973-1273DEGAl-ESK. EXP it ESs I CmIS THE DEMP. DEPENDENCE OF THE SATO. VAPOR,PIIESSURE AS WELL AS THE .-.-~SUBLLMAT.LCN (DELTAH EQUALS 338.48 K J-MOLEJ AND EVARIN. WELTAH EQUALS ENTHALPIES ARE PRESENTEE). ~~,,i,'.-KRASNGYAASKr-INST. TSVET* METAL-IM. KALININAt KRASNOYARSKe USSR. --qt~~LAS S I F I E D UDC 669.2/8a-982:54L.18 VAPOR. PRESSMM AM TKERMDM, AMIC FUNCTIONS OF HAMMSIM CKLORME AND POTASSIUM CILMI)a IS nM TITANEUN SPONGE (GRAPHITE) -CHLORIDE SYSTEN (XrtAcl*,%T V_,-]--Iuzbatw, D Xrosnoyarsk Honferrnuu Metals Institute, 1)11~portvwot of PbY.kA?AA*;PMA Theor-.# of Metallurgical Pro- ,easses; qr4zh*n1kL4x*, Izvespliusshah V % *tnuya Hot* 197 '8 "';n -T lurliza lossian. 101=1. p4t, 70,v, , a td A 1,04 theracAynamics, of. a system *&do up of,& Capillary-PoTous body and a liquid was, studied to datail-in the example of carbon (graphite. allicagel) an4vAM-44 applied Co a ttwmkal technol4sicel process such as drying col- JAI-44-and.capIlli ro(M Udits 11-3. and so, 'on). 40 IL to - t JJ .. v. Figure 1. Desorption isotherms in the syscems- grAphite-chloride (a) sod ticaaLum sponge-chlorl4e (b). Xeys 1. saturation v&por Pressure, ma HS 2. -.hlorlda cuntant in the Frnphtta, by weight 3. chloride content it the titanLium sponge, Z by wc1ZhC 'In thU paper. a study '# made of the thermodynamic characteristics of max"Niga chlor14a and potassium chloride Sadividualiy in the systames graph- ita,-ehlorlds and titanium sponge-chloTida. which are of practical and - 7 - Moscow, Izvesti3,a Aka-demii Nauk SSSR, MetallY, No 5, Sep/Oct 71o pp 91-96 Abstract: The emf (933 and 10730K) and "carrier gas" (107SON) methods were used to investigate thermodynamic properties of melts of the P~r-Al system in the 10-90 mole % range. The electrochemical cell coasists of four albuladum crucibles placed on a tantalum mounting, andl a Porcelaiii bc-aker; tungs7.;ell wire protected by alunaum sleeves served as current leads. Mg-Al melts were prepared from 1.4g-1 magnesium and AVOOO aluminum. Aa a&.5-drCRis eutectic mix- ture of the chlorides of z)atassium and lithium with the.:,Addi~.ion of a potential- form-Lng ion (2% 1'19C12) wa-s the electrolyte. Activities of c=Tonents wcre determined from the results of E and 4ig measurements (I~ijg iii 't-ne Saturated sure of magnesium). The integral thermodynamc functions of -daese vapor pres &Iloys were then calculated. Emf measurements throughout the concentration range investigated showed relatively slight wonotonicLIly negative dev_fati~nz of Mg,-Al melts. from Raoul's law. The temperature coefftciemts of the dynamic activity of wignesium are small OEAT 7,5 10-5 mv/des). Barometric s by the "cai~rler gas" method yi Ided monotonically-positive deviations measurement e 1/2 6 USSR LUKASHENKO, E. Ye., et al, Izvestiya Akademil Nauk SSSR; Metally, No Sep/ Oct 71, PP 91-96 of the Mg-Al system from the earlier state. Based on a. comp,,.rativ6 analysis of the tvo experimental techniques used for the ~~g-Al a:,yr.Tem, and literature data, it was concluded that the most reliable.thermody6aimic Informat-ion on Mg-Al melts is currently obtained by .he:emf method. 2/2 USSR UDC 669.71,721.048 .4 POGODAYEV, A. M. KOPACH, 1. 1., an "Two-layer Process for the Vacuum Distillation of Alloyss of Light Metals" ab. Vakuumn, protsessy v tevetn. metAllurgii (Vacuum Processes in Non- ferrous hetallurgy -- Collection of Works), Alma-Ata, ~ ",Nauka." 1971, 136- 141 pp (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Hetallurgiyat flo,6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6G169) TranslationOf Abstracti A nevr process was considered :Vor the process of vacuum distillation of alloys of light metals by usingia "hot" salt bath (two-layer process). As an example thepurification of secondary netals w-4 Al aUoys are discussed for the characteristIc two-lk~ver process of vacuum distillation (14 bibliographic entries): 9 USSR UDC 669.71'721.018.9.4 TLUKASHENKO, E. YE., POGODAYEV, A. It., KOFACH, I. I., KUiNETSOIIA, V. P. tudv of the Processes of Refining, Aluminum and Nagnesium Alloys by Vacuum Distillation" Metalloved. splavov lapkikh met. -- V sb. (Physical Metallurgy of Allovs of Light Metals - collection of works), Moscowi Nauka Press, 1970, pp 91-98 (from RZh-Metallurgiya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G205) Translation; The kinetics and mechanism of vacuum distillation of alt=ainum and magnesium alloys (synthetic and industrial) and electrolytic magne8ium are studied. The effecc of temperature,.distillation time, composition,and d height of the layer of dis tilled alloy, the residual pressurr , the tap n vapor condensation conditions and kinetic factors on the mcclimnism, rateand completeness of refining, the alloys is investigated in a brand range of values. There are 4 illustrations. 4 tables.and a 20-Ontry bibliography. USSR VDC '069.721.048 KURBATOV, V. L., LUKASHENKO, E. YE. "Study of the Kinetics and Thermodynamics of the Process of Vac:um Distillation of Some Individual Chlorides of a Capillary-Porous body" Sb- tr. Vses. mezfivuz. nauch. konfe,rEnts.,li ED teorii protsessov tsvetn. metal- lurgii (Collected Works of the All-Union;Interuniversity Scientific Conference on, the Theory of Processes in Nonferrous Metallurgy), kma-ilta, 1971, pp 56-65 (from RZh-Metallurgiya, No 7, Jul 1971, Abstract No 7G224) Translation: A study was made of the kinetics of evaporation of 1,11gV.2 and KC1 in a vacuum from pores in finely porous graphite impregnated in advance with them. The saturated vapor pressures of the,clilorides above the graphite were measured at 1,073 and 1,123' K. The capillary effectIn the MgC1 2 and KCI content ranges in the graphite -- 13-2.5 percent and I :1-2.5 percent, respecLively - was discovered. The process of distillation of the chlorides from the graphite in a vacuum is repreuented-as comprising three successive stages: 1) kinetic (chloride content in the,graphi, .ve >17%); 2) WfUSiDn (MgCl 2 17-2.5%t KCI 17-2.2%); 3) desorption (MgC1 2.5%,_kC1 2.2%). '11te bibliography has 2 18 entries. Vi 47 Ebctraction and J?Ofi~ing USSR mc 669.716,721:621.745-55:66-067 UIKASHMUCO E. Ye., POGODAYEV, A. M., KOPACI and: KUTI&BOTA) V. P. "Investigation of Refininc Processes of Aluminum and ~hgnesiuni Alloys by Vacuum Distillation" YetaUovedeniye Splavov Legkikh Watallov-Sbornik, Moscow, N%uka", 1970, pp 91-98, resume Translation: The kinetics and mechanism of vacuum distillation of aluminini and magnesiumn alloys (synthetic and industrial) and electrolytic magnesium are investigated, Analyzed are, in a broad interral of valws.. the effects of temperature, duration of distillation, composition and layr'depth of the dis tilled alloy, residual pressure, conditions of eliminatton awi condensation of vapor, and kinetic factors on the rechanism,and the mtf-- and completeness of refining alloys. Four figures, four tables, tw~-nty bibliogmphic references. Aluminum =4 1- USSR UDC 669.083-04 LIMB El- and KOPACH, I. I., Krasnoyarsk Ingti6te of lion Ferrous Leo Metals, Department of Physical Chemistry and:Theory of.Hatallurgical Pro- ceases "Vacuum Deleading of Aluminum" Ordzhonikidze, Izvestiya Vyssbikh Uchebnykh Zavedenly Tsvetnaya Metallur- giya, No 5,,1970, pp 45-50 Abstract: The results of an investigation of the procesa of deleading aluminum by the method of vacuum distillation are presented. The ASI (0.97 wt.% Pb), AS02 (0.19 wt. X Pb), and AS5 (5 wt. Z PB) binary aluminuni alloys and the AVS1 (1. wt Z Pb) and AVS02 (0.18 wt. Z Pb) secondary erode industrial aluminum alloys were investigated. Studies were made of the iffect of temperature (973-1373*K), distillation time (30-180 min), initial lead content (0.2-5%). residual pressure (0.01-1.0 mm Hg), and height of allay:layer (10 and 100 mm), on the rate and degree of refining. All tests were conducted on a retort-type pstallatioin.- A scbemat~c diagram of laboratory vacuum-distillation i t6 in- stallation is presented and the experimental tochniques,dre described. For the P -all evaluating the process efficiency,~the:okttainud experime-atal qrposa Mnetic,~chdractsrla tics of d4stil lition sqers.:comp*r*4.*dth theoretical 1/2 USSR LUKAQW4&Q.,,j~e and KOPACH, I. I., Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 5, 1970, pp 45-50 calculations using the Langmuir equation for the distill4tion time. The results show that the optimal parameters and conditions of vacuum distillation of binary Al-Pb alloys and secondary aluminum alloys are: temperature :P 1273*K, residual pressure 4 10-2mm Hg, and an intensive bath mixing or film distillation. Under these conditions the lead content may be reduced by one or two orders (from 0.2-1.02) in 1-3 hours. It was established that lead diffusibn in the liquid phase, appears as a limiting stage of the process, The lead concentration gradient-and the thickness of the diffusion loyer in the distIllation of Al-P1 (1% Pb) allay were evaluated. 2/2 2': ozo UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSNG DATE-02OCT70 TITLE-SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURF AND ENTHALPIES OF VAPORIZATIiN OF L", IND IV I DUAL SODIUM AND POTASSIUM CHLORIDES -IJ- 'AUTH-OR-(03)-LUKASHENKO, E.YE., KOROBEYNIKOVt A.P., KHOMAYK0, I.A. UNTRY OF INFO-"USSR ZH. ~FIZ. KHIM. 1970, 44(2), 341-3 8L ISHED - ----- 70 -j',..Sy34ECT AREAS-PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY VAPOR PKESSJREJ. 1 CTAGS--SODIUM CHLORIDE, PorASSIW4 CKORArFt THERNCOYNAMC CALCULATIONt HEAT OF VAPORIZATION C L% f L REST~s'IMGNS :~'-OQGU-4 EN'T CLASS-UNCLASSIFIF0 '~PROXY KEEL/fRAME-1987/0860 STEP Nd--UR/0076/70/04,',/002/;)341/03",3 I PC A,' SS I GN NO-- AP 0 104 29 6 !Kor. A S c I F I F .3 212 020 UNCLASSIFIED PPOCESSPIG DAfE--02(jCT70 ACCES510N NO-AP0104296 GP-0- Atl STR ACT SATD. VAPJ:~ PR:ESStJ!kES OF tiACL(S), ,I~..'-NACL(L),.KfL(S)r AND KCLIL) WERE MEASURED AT, 923-llZ31)E(;14EESK BY USP4G -THE METHOD OF KNUDSEN AND LANG141UR. THE, coRREsPON01,NG UUATIllSo LOG P U.BSAT. EQUALS FIT), WERE DERIVED AND THE AV. VALUES OF bELTA H U6EVAPN*.,C-ALCD.- THE RESULTS.OBTAINED BY THE LANGMUIR 14"ETHOD AT i;MEGREES,k -'WERE LOWER. THAN DATA IN THE LIT ERATUR&., ~ UNC L ASS IF TEO UNCLASSUPIED PRUO:,qSING' DATE--020CT70 018 M 'tlnE--SATURATED VAPOR PRESSURE, ANO ENTHALPIES OF SU13L,:lMATf0N AND VAPOPLIZATION.OF MAGNESIUM CHLURIOE -U- wAUTHOR-( 02)-I:UKASHENKO YE., KURBATOVP V,.Lo NTRY,OF INFO--USSR --ZH. FIZ.AHIM. 1970t 4412), 331-4 OU RC E ,,.-.DATE PUBLISHED----70 ~,~-_-SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, ELECTRONICS AND ELEURICAL E~IGR. '--TOPIC TAGS-MAGNESIU4 CHLORIDE, VAPOR PRESSURE, HEAT;~OF SUBLIMATION, JHERMCDYNAMIC CALCULATION CLtSS--U'JCLASSIFIE0 PRbxy REEL/FRAME--198.7/0862 STEP t4U--UR/01076/'10/31t/,/O,12/0~,11/o33/i CIRC 4CCESSIIIN NO--AP0104298 UtjrLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED flq0CFSW,G DATE--02':)C-T7C .;-CIRC ACCESSIGN NC-AP0104298 .~~ABSTRACT/.EXTRACT--(U) Ge-0- ArISTRACT. THE EQUAT IGNS L 0 GP PRIME 5AT. SUB MGCLS (L) EQUALS MINUS 10,513-TI MINUS LOG T PLJS 15,52 ANO LOG P PRIMESAT. SUBIMCCLS(S) EQUALS (f',INUS 14,033-T) ti 1 1410 1.2.9 LIJG T PLUS R 'S UF*TfiE MEASUREMEN' J)l THE SATO. VAPOi 17400 WERE UFRIVED UN THE SASI -PRESSURE CF ~MGCL SUB2 IN THE TEMP INTERVAL 923-107,H)EI-IRCESK, 3Y USING THEMETH00.0F KNUDSEN. VALUES OF DELTAJI SUBEVAPN AND SUBLIMATION WERE -33. 54 AND 44.35 KCAL-MOLE, RESP, --- --------- -------- - USSR uir, 539.216-2:538.221 PAIATTIM., L. S., LUKASEMKO L. 1.1 ZOLOWITSM, IV, V., and 1.11013OZ07A, N. I., fn__.HHu_6__!Triff_V.I. Lenin h1arkov Folytecii ~ic s H "Domain Structure of Permalloy Films With Perpendiculnr Puiisotropy" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i 1,1etallovedenlye, V01 35~ No 5, 1973, pp 941-946 Abstract: Using the powder pattern on Uro oppo.-Ute s~Ldes cif permilloy fiLnis, -rib -as derive, , acco.- the volumetric dis4 ution model of domain boundarier, ~, to vUeli the domains form plane-parallel layers at sotn-,~ disitance f rom t~he perma.1loy filin, surface (thickness of f ilms Nras 100 At Dorains of the reverse nametisation in a shape of cones were visible ins-We t-he principal domains, immediately below the film surface, They were (O.Iri-0.20) 11 high., with a base diwmter equal to approxUaately one lialf of tha vidth of a prili- cipal domain. Rows of the conical doirains tit two opposite sides of a filz were shifted by one half of the period with respect to each other. This nodel agrees in principle with the one suggested before by the auLhors. llo,.,~ever, domains of closure were not detected in the- film layer- next to tine surface, and no domains were found v-Lth a gradually dcccreasinf~ diwietcr. Very often 'wedges were visible within the cross-section of a Wajls of the pri=i-al t domins deviated from norral in the next-to-surface Iriy r at depth of lie -1/2 USSR PAIA= L. S.J. et al., Fizika Yietallov iMetallovedeiAye, 101 35, INO 5, 1973, pp 941-946 conical domni s. These valls vere not revealed on the film surface by the powder pattern rethod and their distribution was not established. The -ner- pendicular anisotropy constant of PenmIloy films; -was j,,ons.'~(!Pxably lower t,,,--n tAat of cobalt and other uniaxial single cryotals. USSR UDC 669.1;539-2i6a:546-4 L PALATNIK, L. S., and L. I., ?Chaerzov Folytechn~-cal 1--intitute V. 1. Unin 'Dislocation' Domain Structure of 'Supercritical' Pem-O-Ioy Fill:--" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 290 No 4-, le'Tr 70, P:) 782-737 Abstract: A study was made of "he mechanism of domain rctulmn.:-~t~~r:cat in tie cti-ac- ture of supercritical condensates in a variable mz,-netic fleld -q-))plied par U-lei to the domains. Optirun conditions were tlhe slurples, ,;,aichi would yield a supercritical state in films of significant thicktigizas (Up to to--C; of rons), a subs' e termerature 0 Q m ic trat - _~f 300 C, a condensation rate ot 10 X/sec, and a residual chamber pressure of -10 torr. Me co.-uposition of t.,w inporized material was 83% Ni and 1% Fe; the thickness of the condem-sed layer was 10-20 microns. The fillns -wrere removed from the stfbetrate in such a rzulner as not to ,ertics clue to macroritresses. A wignetic fteld rftrek~-111 disturb the magnetic prop of 200 oe -was used and directed perpendicular to the powdered swaples. 7he Trrl g - netic (pola-rity) reversal frequency was 50 Hz- A doirain structure was foraBd by slowly decreas4ing thk~ Ma,:;11"tUde of H (initially H was greater than saturation-H.). The domain walls fon.-nd zi6za~, lines, with any particular wall having the appearance of an edge dislocation which 1/3 _~-17777 USSR PALAMTK, L. S., and LUKASHEDMO, L. I., Fizika Vietallov iM~tallovedeniye, Vol 29, No 4., Apr 70, pp 782 -787 the authors preferred to call rragnetic dislocations (MD). 'Me MD for,-iis when a domain wall is broken, and in this sense it is similair to an ek-,c! dislocr-tioll. Ylovement of MD proceeds by the effect of the magnetic field,, and this moverent was traced as the mgnetic field intensity was increased. At a = 0.1 411 the roveront of M) was parallel to the doizains. At H = 0.2 H. one would expect the velocity of the ~M to increase; however it was found that this velocity actU111-Y decreasc~d, R-11a upon increasing H to 0-3 If., mvement. of 14D reversed direction. At if = 0.6 Hs the rate of 111D shifting in the opposite direction increased vitA the siralt-Ineour, pro- cess of nucleation of new magnatic dislocations. 11his nitcloAtioll occlirs by T,-eanc of the "aDlitting" of a wall into two domains bet~,reen vhicai ther-a is establinhed a boundary of opposite polarity. The rapid movement of dislocations at H = 0.6 Fs led to a new equilibriiea stlite of nox-=a domain structure vithouLl MD. Comparison of dozmain structures showed that domain vi&Lh ) decreras~-s a!; t"']e ragnitude of H increases. This is explained as the result of th-3 decreasa III ecuilibrium width of the domains. '.The mechanisin of domain iltracture re Oxr, L-~-,eme lit is a result of the activation energies involved-BE, is the i=er. V ex-ended In shifting a dotmain wall in the direction perpexidicular to thot dollzlillS$ Z~' is the 2/3 t/Z 031 UNCLASSIFIED~ PR,'OCESSING DATE--27NOV70 rttLE--DISLOCATION DOMAIN STRUCTURE OF POSICRITICAL PERMALLOY FILMS -0- LoSer LUKASHIENKC, t.1~ .UPCOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--FIZIKA METALLOV I METALLOVEDENIE, VOL, 29P~APR. L970, P. 782-787 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .,-,SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSP PHYSICS ,....JOPIC TAGS--PER14ALLOYt HIBLIOGRAPHYt CRYSTAL (JISLOCATIOtiv AAGNETIC PROPERTY, MAGNETIC F15LO, METAL:FILM, ;MAGNETIC DOMAIN STRUCTURE, 14ETALLURGIC, RESEARCH FACILITY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/0392 ST~P N(]--UR/0126/70/021;/f)00/0782/(17,37 __C-_IRC__ACCE_S_Sl_ON __ NO--AP0126147 2/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PRUC~SSING DATE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126147 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF THE~ Mc-CHANISM OF RESTRUCTING OF THE DO'4AIN STRUCTURE OF: "PPOSTCRITECAL" PEPMALLOY FILMS UNDER"THE ACTION OF AN ALTERNATING MAGNETIC FIELDAPPLIED PARALLEL To THE BAND DOMAINS. IT IS SHOWN THAT A DECREASE IN T~iE 1)(3,14AIlll WIDTH wirH AN INCREASE IN FIELD AMPLITUDE OCCURS AS A RESULT OF MOVEMENT OF DISRUPTIONS OF THE STRUCTURAL REGULARITY CALLFO MA;GNET[C D[SL(JcATlu'4S. AN EXPLANATION OF THE G13SERVED PATTERN1 OF C;IANGE JN THE DOMAIPI WIDTH !S -,GIVEN FROM THE STANDPOINT OF EXISTING F101.1400ELS., FACILITY: _KHARIKOVSKII POLITEKHNICIIESKII INSrITUT',.KHARK0V, UKRAINIAN SSR. USSR UDC: 550.834 BRODOV, L. Yu. , VEDERNIKOV, G. V. , KOMGOV N 11. , lg~:/S gig"V. F. $ 4~~ I I MUKHUT-DTNOV, R. A., "TatnefteseofIzika" Trust "A Device for Automatic Processing of Seismic Fecordj:ng----" Moscow, Othrytiya, izobreteniyu, Prci-,y-jhlennyye Obra:rtsy, Tovarny-ye Znalzi, No 12., Apr 72, Aut,h,.-)2-'s Certificate No-333511, Divisilpri G, filed 25 Jar, 71, published 21 M;ax 72, pp 183-18114 Translation: This Author's Ci~rtificatc introft.ces a. device for autcIpItic processing of seismic rccordiDgs. The device cc)ntaims rp(*-j,E:.t- i oral with the prin-ary information media, readout units, a '~ompufx-r urlit, a Col.- rection unit and as registration unit. As a distinf-,uishing feature of the patent, in crder to suppress regular interference vavoei~ ar".'! retain the share of the primarry signal, the outrutn of the rewicut unf-tr~ are corllect~d through adders and suIntractore, the computer utili. and a divcriminator to a sw-itching element connected in the registrati(.m cirbuit to connect tile output of the sullitractor to the correction tw-it and the registrpticn zini-t. 1/1 USSR TJDC: 539-4:629.7.02 BURMAN, Z. I. and LUKASHENMO, V. I. QSome Results From Calculating a Fuselage by the Finite Elements I'lethod Using an Electronic Digital Computer" Kazan'. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Avietsiortnaya. Tekhnika, No 1, 1973s pp 18-24 Abstract: The authors present the results from the realization of the theory for calculating a fuselage by the finite elements method. An example of ti-e calculation is given. Some algorit 'hmic formulas are also presented. Computation control processes are demonstrated. The problem of identification is partially treated and the successful and unsuccessful instances of theso processes are indicated. Some stress dinerams are given along with a rAittern of stress changes in conjunction with the elimination of a large 4wnber of fuselage ele- Ments. 2 USSR UDC 632.95 and SOBOLEV, A. S., ZUBAREV. S. B., IGOSHEV, A. D., Uf&Chemical Plant "A Method for Separating 2,4-Dichlorophetiol" USSR Author's certificate No 250154, filed 29 May 67, published L5 Jan 70 (Frocn RZh-Khimiya, No 22, 25,Nov 70, Abstract No 22 N707 P by I. M. Millshteyn) Tranalat-'on; A method is proposed for separatihg 2,4-dichLorophenol (I), a half-Aftnished product used in the manufarture of herbicides, from a mixture of chlorophenol isomers involving the use of multistage alkaline extracttion in an organic solvent medibm. rhe two-column system consists of two rotary-disk extractors ppeseasing 27 and 22 diska rotating at 100 and 200 rpm, respectively. A NaOH solution is the extracting agent in both columns, 0.9 N ICor the first and 0.367 N for the second. A mixture of 4.13 N of~commerical I is per- chloroethylene is supplied to the first column from above while the NaOH enters from below. The raffinate of the Urst column is 99.8% 1. The extract of the first column is acidified, with HCl acid. Commercial I is extracted with perchloroethylenit-, diluted to 0.745 N, and supplied to the second coluain. The resultilag 9L.1% I is returned to the first column. 1/1 .2~ trI~~62.n~~-Mlik~-.0-1~~E~t'Itutl;;~Lk-ft4a;:~t:iilli!,,-.4L!Ii~HilitLfll!ii.~ill,~~tu~iliglill"llluglltlpzlIMIEI!i'Firi#'tTjljttHililtiI 111111111"IfflifillINI I I Vt I I IPH 11 it I I'MI flu I I41FIEVIPS""WOR11 USSR UDC 534.21:539.3 A.A., LYSFO. YE.M., VEIR0=11UM, S.V., VOZECV,0:AYP,, S.N. wbuUn"Ji F. (KisLinev), All-Union ScientLfic Research Institute for tLe Development of Non-Destructive Methads and Facilities for Qualitt-ly Control of MateriaL%. "Distribution of Elastic Waves in a Solid For a Four-Constant Elastic Model of a Continuous Medium" Kiev, Prikladnayn Mekhanika, No 3, 1972, PY 32-35 Abstract: Equations are obtained for the velocity of' sowid in a nor_linc-E~x four-constant model of a continuous elastic mediutit. CL-ange of bhe velocitii~~s of the longitudin&l ,raves vith presaure is described 1)y a conbiimtion of Change, of the velocitic3 of the second- and third-order cla~,tic constants. transverse waves is detertaincd only by second-order el4stic wnsta-nts (goo- metrical nonlinearity). It is sho,,ni that the numerical vi-11uea of second-arder elastic constants obtained at zero pressure and at un!,~xial comDressioll differ by a factor of several units. I table, 4 bibliogrkollia,entries. .. RF--� USSR UDC 5311..213539.3 SAVIN;p G. N., WKABLM Kiev! KIshIniev "Some Acoustical Effoots In a Medium With Internal Degrees of Freedom (Review)" Kiev, Prikladnala-Mokhanika, Vol 6, No 11, 1970,, PP 3-9 Abstract: Most actual solids which are considered Isotropic and homogeneous in solid state mechanics actually have nticrohetero- geneities in their internal structure. Considorati6n of non- linearities in the theory of isotropic elastic models of solids which internal degrees of freedom (non-local theory of elasticity) leads to a dependence of the velocity of longitudinal and trans- verse acoustic waves on pressure, while consideration of the microstructure leads to a dependence of:the spend ot sound on frequency (negative velocity dispersion). Both'af:tacts are com- paratively slight, For exaMle, in~polycryotal~ine metalp, thq relative change in the speed of sound does not Oxoaed 10-4_10"-~ with a change in pressure of 10 Xn/m4, and willbe of the sano order of magnitude with a cbminge in oscillating' frequency by a 1/2 USSR SAVIN, G. N., Prikladnava k1elche Anika, Vol 6, No 11, 1970, PP 3-9 factor of 2 in the megacycle frequency range. The development of acoustical equations for theories with gradients, and parti- cularly their experimental testing,,encounters.dertain method- olorteal difficulties at the present time, prIm*rily resulting from~the inaccuracies of measurement of velooit~es &nd attenuation of sound in both infinite and-limitod media. Therefore, the problem must-be stated of creating UVroved uoustioal methods And.apparatus for the measurement of material ~O;onstants, 2/2 2 Acc. N Abstra ing Pery1ce: Ref. Codet W~0047636 cHEmi C' LBST. '61M CAL A 10908ft Postdischarte (CXO610itron emission i from Uyers of a vacuum oil).. V ChIstyakkov 105 N. 1Tzh--1 tz. Ina., Tekn: Zk. 19 0 M. 236-40 (Russ). The problem wis investigi ted whether electron exoemission M ML MeW body ina indication of y~ be an the presence of vacuum oil on them surf A special ace of this b~4) device enabW one tc admit contr6llid doses of oil ~ whicia 'Would cover the electrode (this electrqde ivas held near at WK)~ The time behavior of the emission ci nt 1) Ise W!, measured, rre u and the dependences of the emLwpn current tatio *fod on cI4 evapn. (and thus on film thickness) iLfid, on the t~ p. of the oil M vapor source were plotted. Currenti.-c,'10-19,A 6 be.~ Mea- cold sured. A film Of cOntankinating oil can, be detected * a tnqtallic surface; the ernission in&eal" With'oil thi&ness r1iltiall and then a decrease follows, V. Burpin REEL/FPME 19791208 USSR uDc 636.5z/.58,616-02 LUXAS I. L. (DECWED), correspondinsilembex of t~he A.11-11nion Order of =461kam8a cultural Sciences imeni V. 1. Lexiin Lenin Acaaemy- G:E0*__i "Morphological Reaction of Thymus and Spleen of Chicks Immunized Against Newcastle Disease (Pseudopest)" Moscow# Doklady Vsesoyuznoy ordena Lenina Akademli S9lskokhozyaYstvennykh Kayk imeni V. I. Lenin, No 5, May 71, pp 23-24 Abstracts Fifteen white chicks 5 d--ys old were Imaunized tfr aerosol containing dry virus vaccine of strain I'&' against,Newcastle disease. The vaccine was introduced J_n a physiological solution with phcsphate buffex. Chicks of" both experimental and control groups were sacrificed on the third, fifth, and ninth days and preparations were made froathymus glands and spleen. Anti- body titers were determined in the blood aera and the nuclele acid contents in histological preparations. Hyperemia and enlargement of tbo thymur, gliu4 were ptserved in treated chicks. The chicksToacrificed an the fifth day had a considerably enlarged thymus. Both thymus and spleen:contailtieed a larger aAoUnt of 10iA In the cells of the plamocyte serion; howaYars the plasmocytic reaction was zoro pronounced in the opleon KirA less iq the thymus gland. The ntmber of eosinophilic granulocytes waa isigWicantly largar in hintological USSR LUXWEVO 1. 1. 1 Doklady Y3esoyusnoy ordena T-anina Al-taderii Solskokhozyay- .'1. stvennykh Nayk imeni V. I. Lenina, No 5, Jfay~?I# pp 2'1'..~4 preparations form the thymus two days after inmunization. In aome cases the granulocytes were found to be in a state of breakdown. In the chicks sacrificied. or, the ninth day after i=unizatlonp the amount or easino-rhinc granulocytes was somewhat reducedl but still.considerably higher 'than tho controls. The number of plasmatic cells both in the ceTabral and cortical zones was also increased. The amount of Hassall's corl:4mcl" in vario-us stages of development was increctsed in vaccinated animals. A considerable Increase in the amount of plasma:tic cells, together with a simultaneous iftmase In the number of eosinophllic granulocytes, was dis(rovered in the histological proparations of -the Bpleen from vaccinated chicks, Alsop as soon as-Ahe thiixt day after imunizationg the amount of plasmoblaeta and plac;.matic celld had increasedg In the spleens of chicku on the ninth day, the.predoainance of plasmatic cells existed still. The quantity of eosino- philic granulocytes was enchanced on the third and ninth days. Nevert~eles3, iti.-comparison with the plasmocytes in the spleen, they were ziuch less pre- valent. The results obtained showed thel, characteristic changes take Place lymphatic organs as P_ result of vaccination agalast Newcastle disease. ItAs suggested that eosinophilic granulocytes may partiiapate in the proteq- tive-adaptive processes of the arganism.~ 2)t UNCLASSMED; RO fSSMG OAT,---09.oCT70 p 27 ITLiE7-01RECT OBSERVATIGi UF THE INTERFERENCE BETWEEN' INI`171MAL C0NVLRSjjt4 PHOTUEFFECT IN DYSPROSIUM 161,-U- uriiult- 104.) -.LQKA~ HEV GUROOC HENKU, V.D. SKLYAREVISMY, ..' 4fLIPPOV, N.1- 0UNtRY OF IN --:-- ---USSR .,..OURCE--PHYS. LETT. A 1970, 31(3), 112-13 OATe, PUBL I SHED---70 ~S.UaJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, 14UCLEAR SCIENCE AND TIECHNOLOGY NCE AdSoRpriatq, GAMMA IRRADIATION, ENL-lkl*~Y SPL_*CTRUIMj ,TCP.I,,G- TAGS--RESC;NA, GROSS SECTION, PHOTOELECTRONj MOSSBAUEiZ SPEORUM, UySpi]RSJU~t _~..JSUTUPEt INTERFERENCE "illASUAL-lifilhir GNTROL IMARKIING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-U-NCLASSIFfEU RROXY REEL/FRAM[--1982/0(-60 SfEP CIRIC ACGCSSION Nik.l--AP00521120 -SS I F 'G DATE-09LICT70 2 2 027 U 14 C LA lEd P it OIC E S Sl Pl: CIRC t-cc.1-ssI(),-'i -A:6STaACTlEXTRi%C'l--(u) A', S T R ,, C TAIN E NE RGY D~'PENJEkCI: U.- TH,' LJ ;.SIEC- TI GN FLR CkLAT ION UF CONVERS I E OUR ING THE R S A k 7 A ]i Sl i~F GA14,14A RAYS BY PRIMFI61 OY NOGLEI fei METALLIC OY H 4 ~i E f: N i.*qvc- s r 4, Gi rf- o THE ASYMMETRY UF TH.: 1,10c"SS3AUER LINE SffAPE UJSD. IS C-64,'~ECJED ~~141TH THE PRESEINCE DF AN INTERFERENLE BIETJEEN PROCE$51-5 GF- PHJTJ~FFf:1-,r INTERNAL CONVERSION. F AC I L fT,Y ACA0.1SCI., MOSCOW, USSR. LA -"M- M! Acc. ift. ArOO29806- W. Cod.e: UR 0475 PRLMARY SOURCE: Vrachebnoye Delo* ~97 0 -,'ii r 11' DISORDERS OF THE COORDINATORY FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH HYPERTENSIVE DISEASE AND ITS RESTORATION IN THE BIOTRON L-8 4460--sheUICA. (Kiev) It is concluded that paroxysmal cerebellar and vestibular ataxia is a pithorinornonic symptom which evidences decompensation of vaso-peural mccb,+njsms in .atGnts with different stages of hypertensive diseasei Normalization of this function UnSer the effect of (he biotron factors confirms restoration of the adaptation reserve in patients with hypertensive disease. )Y7 KEEL/171M Alt --230CT70 ~a 19 UNCLASSIFIED, P~RLICEMNG DATE ECTION IN THE BODY: .TITLE--ON SOME CONSEQUENCES OF PROLONGED,THIAMINE [NJ I: A. DLISM -U- IN CARBOHYDRATES PROTEINSt AND, LI.Plos MET Br ~THOR-(05)-OSTROVSKIYr YU.M.r LUKASHIKr,N* TREBOKHIN4p R-V-7 DOSTA# G. 'A., MAZHUL, A,-G- OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR MEDITSINSKOY KHIMII, 1970t VOL 16, Nit 3, PP 316-322 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :,..S.UBJECT AREAS--RIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ..:TOPIC TAGS--THIAMINE, CARBONHYDRATE METABOLISM, PROTEIN MErABOLSIM, LtPID :'~'~n~METABOLISMt ERYTHROCYTE, ENZYME ACTIVITYv BLOOD SEkUM -:.CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -.-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0142 STEP NJ--UR/0301/7~)lolt>/003/0316/0322 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120842 UN~_ L A S S 1 F I E D p 019 A~ S IG DATE--230CT70 UNCL 91 ED R CESS 11 ,~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120842 ~.ABSTRACWEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INJECTION OF TjIIAMINE INTO RAFS AND PIGEONS DURING 1-8 MONTHS RESULTED N THE ELEVRTIOIN OF ACTIVITY OF TRANSKETHOLASE IN ERYTHROCYTES AND PYRUVIC ACID DEHYDROGENASE IN HEART '.:.AND LIVER. AT THE SAME TIME TilE DECREASE IN PHOSP~ii):-'YLA.SE ACTIVITY AND ..GLYCOGEN ACCUMULATION IN LIVER, THE INCREASE IN PLASMA ALOJLASE AS WELL ~AS HFART AND 114USCLE E,',IZYME,.GLUCOSEP'6,PHOSPHATASE,Ki'4 Itl ERYTHROCYTES* CHANGES IN ?'K0TEfr4 FRACTION CONTENTIN BLOOD SERUM, CHANGES IN SH GROUPS CONTENJ jN THE BRAIN AND BLOOD PLASMA, AND CliAiNGES IN GLUTAMATE DE.CARBOXYLASE IN THE BRAIN W~-RE FACILITY: C4AIR OF I IO.CHE-41STRYp, MEDICAL INSTITUTEt USSR UDC: 51:621.391 LUKASHIN,_L. A. "A Method of Determining the Numb r of Undetected Errors in Data Transmission by Hamming Code" Minsk, Teoriya i primeneniye mat. mashin--sbornik (Theory and Application of Mathematical Machines--collection of works), Belorussian University, 1972, pp 53-59 (from ltilh-Kibernetika, No 5, May 73, abstract No 5VS86 by the author) Translation: Based on the properties of Hamming codes, a procedure is given for determining the number.of undetected errors in transmission of information. Formulas are presented for determining the number of triple and quadruple undetected errors. USSR Candidate "Second All-Union Seminar on Welding' Conferences UDG 62L.791.:002.61:3(083.8) of, Technical Sciences on Scientific-Technical Information Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizbodstvo, No 4, Apr 71, pp 59-60 Abstract: The second All-Union Seminar on Scieotific-Technical Information on welding was held in Moscow, on 2-3 November 1970, at the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical information (VINITI). More than 150 people from 15 cities participated. The theme of the Seminar was "Prospects for the orgnnization of an information service for scientists and weldin,- specialists on the basis of selective distribution!of the,sclentific-technical information." Reports were presented on the aulcomal;ion by compu- ter of information work, automatic data search land retrieval, the use of the "Kristall" ("Crystal") system for information service, the technology of selective data distribution the basis of a descriptive data retrieval system, and the prospects for the organization and development of inquiries-infomation funds on welding.