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UPICL ASS I F I ED- TITLE--EFFECT OF TISSUE AND HU-MORAL FACTUk,S OPi THROMBOCYTES -U- AUTHOR-(02)-MARTYNOV9 S.M.v GROMNATSKIYs N.I. CWIN T R Y "USSR OF, INFO :SClURCE-.VRACHE3lkJ0YE 1970p N 1k 4, PP 98-L00 DATE PUHLISHED ------- 70 AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL $CIENCES P-ACC65-SING DATE--13NOV70 VJSI~-~;US 'fiPTAMORPHOSIS OF PIA m~_TCPIC TAGS--THR0M6'JCYT%E, bLOOD COAGULATIGNP BLOOD ULL, FATTY TISSUE, BRA If4 TISSUEr MUSCLE TISSUE, CONTROL 14ARKLNG-NO RESTRICTIONS _00CLIMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIF0 PkOXY REEL/FlAAHE--3002/1702 S TE Pr4Q---UR/0475/ r0/000/004/0098/0L0Q CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0I2-')072 pROCESS ING DATF_--l.3NOV7G 2/2 OZ2 U114C L A S S I IF I ED CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOI.29072 ABSTRAC T/EXTR ACT--([-) (;P-(j- nsi-j",ACT. RESULTS INDICATE THAT TISSUE EXTRACTS (SUBCUTANEOUS FATTY CELLULAR, TISSUEv GRAIN 1111JSCLL-S A"llU AND ALSO FORM ELEMENTS (& 1HE liLOOD INDIXE A'~kEGAT[ON.Gl: Vllq0lliJClCYTES IN CITRATE PLASMA. THE bASJS CF. THIS FF~"::CT OF THIS Q EXTRACTS IS ACTIVATION Of- 1311A'SE I OF BLOOD CWGULj"l*[0.'I AND THKOMBOGENESIS. Tiil~C!,',',BUCYTCIA4GGREG:tVIN,~ EFFECI Gf-' Sf1sil: TISSUE'- 4'1~0 BLOOD CELLS MAY BE THE BASIS Gi- THE PATHOGEINESIS Of: INMWIA!'PCULAi~ fl-W.61~31jSls. -FACILITY: L V'OVSKOGO 14,1AUCHNO-1 SSLED .INS T I I UTI, GEMATOLOGII I pERELIVANIYA KROVI. USSR YEW71ASHE71, V., K11L.Ew', V. S., W,~RTYKOV 0. Z. EI:cI EF.A~FLWAO A. V. "Pyrolytic Nitridez of Titwiium and Zirconium a-n--~ Ir!-:!tL5 ct' Their jkpplicwLion" Moscow, Tsvetnyye -Ietally, N,10. 12, Ded 70t pp $0-32 Abstract: Data on t'le dencsition of titanil=-, 0.11-d zirl.-Cniu:.- 1*.itriz~e~; fl~-cr- the gas -chase are discussed. Usea :dada ol' and r.Ltaniun tetraebloride, T.,te pra,~,Dss Of depositior. of zirconium pyronitride tzLces niace &L !4DC----,03(jOC, vIl.ti, ~'iw dt.-Pos-ftioil rates sufficientl,%, LiFla -,a =Ltiagj of apprcizxi&-~e iAticknes3. 'ihe ILre a-~fairwd most favorable coaditicna for depouitlr4r, at a molar ra-.Io raf initiv.! components of The tempera- ture may be varied within 1700-20000C. A table in "Phe crLginal article indicates the same proceszing relation5hipa an(I specifica',14ons for titanium 1/2 USSR MIYASHEY, A. V., et al, Tsvetnyye Metally, no. 12.1 Dec '(0, pp 30-32 pyronitride. The maximizi deposition, rate, however, 'was ol:servad at -1600- 1700'C. The decrease in the depositic'in rate vith an in-.-I~aaze in tt=per~~,ture is related to the fact that the titaniu:ra pyronitrL~je dept.-sition rate becomes commensurable with the vaporization rate. It was mlso found that the deposition rate of pyronitrides is directly proportioral to %he effective cross section of the vapor-gas mixture in the reatrtion zone. 7-he electroconductivity of titaniun and 2irconium nitrides rj,-~mits their use in special areas of electrical engineering and electronics. -;re su-norconduc- tivity of zircQni", nitride makes it a potential ma~LerilLl for G VZ.Ozero- temperature technology. High melting tempera-.ures i:mid good refractory ials suitable for use az strecZthening com- properties make taese mater. ponents. 'The method of deposition from the gaz pbase may be ur;,ed for applying refractory coatings to parts, of-intricate LOnfiguration. 2/2 USSR UDC 547.26'118 DORIMIDONOV, 1. A., WTqOVV..jF., and TIMOVEYEV, V. Ye., Institute of Applied Chemistry "Bis(chloromethyl)phosphinic Acid Methyl Ester in tht Darzans Reaction" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 42(103), No 2, Feb 72, pp 479-480 Abstract: Bis(chloromethyl)phosphinic~acid methyl ester (r) reacts with ketones (II) under the influence of potassium te'rt.-botoxicle to give bis(1,2-epoxyalkyl)phosphinic acid esters (III) which:have not been previously described. 0 .0 C1hC1J-C11,C1+2 "C=O MO \(;-CH--"1t-C11-C< OCH 3 C113 4) RC11,, R' C, 11,; 6) H =CH. R' USSR IJDC: 6-232-24~).qh BELYAYEV, V. P., VERCHEBA, A. O.J~~, "Aw. , IlPW`SVVT0V, Yu. G. , ror S ice S110MINIKOV, Ye. V. , Moscow Geological rospecting Institute imeni - Ordzhonikidze "Some Results of McdelinS of the Process of Thermomef.~.hanicall Destruction of Rocks, Using a Laser as the Heat Generator" Moscow, IVUZ Geologiya i Razvedka, No 7, Jul 71, I-p 125-126 Abstract: The authors discuss the feasibility of usf-nS lazers as the heat source for combination thermomechanical deetruction of rocks. Research was done using a 30-watt continuous latser bired ct-~ a mixture of CO", N2land fie. The rock specDnen vas chuched up in a. lathe vitlh a special device for controlling tool pressure over a wide rarige. The 'laser bscarri was focused ahead of" the tcal into a spot vith a diax-,eter equal to the widt), of the tool. Spindle rotation was 18 rpm, and cutting was done for 3 minutes. The effectiveness of laser heating war, deti.~rmined ty ccm- parison with rock destruction by cutting alone. The rerults --.hoif that heating increases cutting effectiveness by a factor o1f One tab-le. 1/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED OROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 JiTLE-AMING ACIDS AND PEPTIDES. Ill. SYNTHESIS 01:jPEPUIDES WITH 7 PHENYLALANINE CONTAINING FLUURINE WTHE AROMATIG RING -U- 'AUTHOR-(03)-KAUROVe O.A.t V.For SMIKNOVAa M.P, '.tCUNTRY UF INFO--USSR ~','SOURCE--LH. OBSHCH. KHIM. 1970, 40(41t1903-4 DATE PUBLISHED 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY .-..-TGPIC TAGS-PEPTIDE* Cf-rEMICAL SYNTHIESISt PHENYLALANINEt FLUCRINATEO "7.-AROMATIC COMPOUND :,CC14TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS '7Df jCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,'wPROXY REEL/1"RAME-3U01/1986 STEP NO-IJR/1)0'191'?I)/O-riO/004/09t)~i/0904 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP01,27381 -LINCLASSWIJILD--~-~--- 212 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAYE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0127381 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* L-PHENYLALANINE AND N-CARBOBENZUXY-S BENZYL-L-CYSTEINE P-NITROPHENYLiESTER (11 IN OLOXANE AFOLLOWED BY ELECTROPHORESIS) GAVE $$PERCENT N-CARBOBENZDXY-S-BENLYL-L-CYSTEINYL L-PHENYLALANKNEt No 156-BOEGREESP ,[ALPHA) PRIME20 SUBD 85DEGREES, AFTER ACIDIFICAT90N WITH HCL. SIMILARLY WAS PREPO. BOPERCENT N-CARBO8ENZUXY-$-BENZYL-L CYSTr-INYL-OL-P-FLUROPHENYLALANINZ-9 No L74.5-5.50EGREESo OL-PENTA FLUOROPHENYLALANINE-HBR ADJUSTED TO PH 8 WITH NA SUB? CO SUB3v THEN TREATED WITH I OVERNIGHT, EVAPD., AN6 KEPT 6 HR 9N AW. DMF GAVE 72PERCENT N-CARBOBENZOXY-S-BENZYL-L-CYSTEINYL-DL-PENTAFLUDI,~OPHEN'(LALANINE, M. .167"845DEGREES. FACILITY: LENINGRAD. GO$* UNlY.r LENINGRADI USSR*. 11-111- -OHM" 112 019 UNCLASSIFOD I)ROCESSING DAT4f:--l0Or_T7C TITLE-AMING ACIDS AND PEPTIDES. IV. SYNTHESIS OF 1HE HEXAPEPTIO~ AMIDE UF THE 1-6 SEQUENCE OF OXYTOCIN -U- AUTHOR-1031-KAUROVe-O.A., MARTYNOV* V*F.9 POPERNATSKIY, D.A. COUNTRY OF INFO-US-SR SGURCE-ZH. 08SHCH. KHlMo 19TOY~ 40(41# 904-8 DATE PUBLISHED----70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-HCRMONEs PEPTIOEs AMIDEv CHEMICAL SYNTRESISt MOLECULAR STRUCTURE9 PITUITARY GLAND CCNITROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3001YI963 STEP NC--UR/0079/TO/O4iO/OO4/0904/0908 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0127362 '212 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSIEN NO--AP0127362 AaSTRACI/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE BY PRODUCT FORMED IN THE AZIDE SYNTHESIS OF OXYTOCIN FROM CONDENSATION OF HEXA ANU TRIPEPTIDeS WAS SHOWN TO BE THE AXIDE (1) OF THE HEXAPEPTIOE Of.1-6 ACID SEQUENCE OF OXYTOCINO~ SHOWN:GN'MICROFICHEO FAC1LITV: LEAJINGRAD. GOS. UNIVat LENINGRAD* USSRo UIVCLAS$IFIEO ----- ----- 112 010 UNCL SS[ F I ~0 PAUCOOS Is NG ~j A 2 TfTLE--A,'-iIN3, ACIDS AND PFPTIDES.~ V. SYNTHFS.'S OF P&PTI01:S (IF A,11 axyroCItt. S;-:--4UENCY USING HYOROXYPHTIHALIC ESTE" ACIDS -(03)-KAUROV, O.A., 11ARTYNOVt V.F., 1410ROXOVI V.13. AUTHOR ~CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S0iUPCE--Zll. USHCH. KHIM. 19-70, 4014) q0t-1111 ------- 70 PUBLISHED SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TAGS--AMINO ACID, PEPTID'v ORGANIC SYNTESISP I-1YOROXYL RADICAL, PHTHALIC ACID, N.IDE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIPIED -,PROXY R.EEL/FRAME--3006/1509 STEP NO--UR/0079i'#10/04tO/,)04/0~~~38/0911 IQ(; ACCESSIO-l". NO--APOI-35170 LA J I L U 2/2 010 UINCLASS1 F~Eo OROCFISSING DA*rE--27,NOV7C CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0135170 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) ABSTf'-ONCT T Rl-: AT I NG E V AIR ');:1 E 14 Z 13 X Y r 11'R 0 0) 1 .14 E AND N, HYOROXYPH-IH4L IN IDE DMl--,jOIOXAt4E Wirli OVERNIGHT G,-'.VE 70PERGUIT L)[(--ARBt!)BE,~'4ZQXY,L,TYRUJ$EillE ESTERt M. 68-9DEGREES; SIMILARLY WAS PREPO. 90P&;!CEN'r HYOR,' lHALI! IDF .I XY I; f4TM ESTER OF CAR8OBEi%lZOXY,LjjSoLEUrjNFv M. j22DE(',RFl*'.l;r 6(11-~ERCENT PI I DE E-STER W CililliCilE.4M.(Yo L, A$.RAikAG-- 'JE., M. 153-' Oi-GRE ES , AND 80PERCENT HYOROXYPfiTJ+%Ll'-M4'0e ESTER OF 132-4DEGREESs THESE ESTERS TREATED WITH APPROP11.111ATE ll,"11NO C01('01WENT5 AND ET SUB3 N AT MINUS 100EGYREES IN 014F, CHCL SU113y Gill. 01OXANE GAVE THE FOLLOWING LOMING ACIDE PEP'1'11)F.!.,, (I. EQUALS CAR`3()nF~lzo)'~Y): Z,45N,CYS(PHCH SUB2),GME M. 192-5DEGREES; Z'jf-jLiNp/iSYN,l,-YS(PllCH "U'32)POME M, 233-90EGREES; ZiLEUYGLYPOETi M. 104-6DE-GR.::ES; M. 148-51DEGREEES; ZrCYS(PHCH S0f3Z)PPq0,ELUvGLY,,llY SLI132, 111. 170-1DE-G-lkEl--S; ZPASN,CYS(PHCH 5U82)tPRO,ELU~GLy,rp-t SU1329 m. 2 L3-:14[)F~I'IREEES; ZjGLN#ASNtCYS(PflCH Sl.J62)tPRO,l-FUtGLYvNli SUB2 M. 432-33,14)EGREES; L,iLliGLYIN, ASN, CYS(PHCH SUB2),PPO,Lt-(J, GLY,t4rl S0132, kt. 233-910EGREES; ZvCYS(P.-iCH SUB2),TYRPOME, M. 95-60EGREE-S; AND i,T-irR(ZJrlLFv OM:-::, V, 148-50DEGREES. FACILITY: LRIOGRAD. GOS* lV'lIY*,i LENIN~3RAOt USSR, UN't L A S S t F- I E 1) -025 UNCLASSI Fltb' V'!;',0US$l,'-lG UATE--13NIOV70 TRANSITICU'l IWAMAVNIUM SULFAT6. C)IELECTRIC, OPTIC'a-Ll AND ELECTROOPTICAL V-r_'0Ps_ZRTlES NEAR THE CURIE POINT _U_~ AUTH3R-i02)-ANISTRATOV, A.T., %tARTYNL3Vfl V.Ge CU.' C 4TRY OF iNFO--USSR lot ~~.SOURCE-KRITALLOGRAFIYA 1970~ 15(2), 308-12 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--FERROELECTRIC EFFECTv PHASE TRANSITIONs ELECTROOPTIC EFFECTr DIELECTRIL CONSTANT, CURIE POINTr CRYSTAL. DEFORVIMONt, A11:4JriJUM SULFATE _,,.~CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PRGXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1477 STEP NO-UR /007 0/70/0 15130,210308/0312 CC ES S I ON -AP0118466 - ------- _,_CIRC A NO J.'i;_ L AS I r' I ii 41 212 025 UNCLASSIFIED PRGC-.SSI,%G3 DATE-13MIOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0118466 i- Fi.Ec,rm;,0PTTCAL WERE --'l3STKACT/EXTqACT--(U) GP-0- A!~STRACT, TH. STUOIED FOR (NH SUB"o) SU62 SO SU64. THE' 0 1 ELEC . IG C i 4 -5'r .A IQ 0 BIREFRINGENCE WERE JET0. SIMULTANEOUSLY. FUR SAMPLI'S CUT ME (;A',I-c 1. rVIOR OF fl-IL- DfELEC4t (IPTICAL,,~ ANG,;'I.ECTRUCIPTICAL CiRLYSTALS. THE BEHA '11-10145 A+E INJTE.-~Pjkj:TLl,) ON PROPERTIES N:AR THE POINT OF THE Pt-fA$E' fAANS THE BASIS OF THE MOuEL oF 9. OIREILLY ANO T. TSM~(; (196T). T H I:- ANOMALIES IN THE BIREFRINGFNCE AT THE CURIE PDINI' ARE PTTRIBurEi) TO THE SPONTANEOUS DEFORMATION OF THE CRYSTAL. ii~citiry: IMIST. FIZ., KRASNOVARSKt USSR. N\ '-T',UR 0482 3834C YTj P1 1, V" Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Bection,1 Cheitdcal, Derwent, 237521 E4~170COEMX CAL 14ACHP(ING, 61: sevc~al pares sloi~ltsniou4l~t involvO c6uj~iling i!a!~h pair of electrodes,(par,tpi ahtitoot clecirode P) In series to the, powgr ~source TP,- If heir tx(tas are unequal, the vof,09ga Cs iaveM!J~ out ty coup- ling paral let, to -the, a ~ P iTio uhiintimciTIESiniances' RI 2 3 4 and these s*rve co.level o4it the:curren"t de;sttles an&provide the accurate'Pin-ish 'sau&ht. 27.3,67. as 1144205/25-28. OZERNOI., V.G.wet. al. (2.7-69.) :Btil. 2.2.69- Class 48a. Int.U. C23b, + JIL .197,314GA ON USSR U1)C 678.061631.439 MUr, L B.j ROMAITOV, I. A.t and MARTYNOVO V. P. "Effectiveness of the Utilization of 14texe3 InIfteveilting Soil Erosion" Moscow, Plastichaskiye Massy, No lit 1973, pp 26-28 Abstracti The preventive action of eaveral latexes oil wind erosion of the Soil has been studied. In Particular the attention Niis dirteted towards the serial divinylstyrene latex Sa-50PG and 515-650. Both fo=ed durable film covers %,ithin a very short timej which were able to witibstalid hurricane force winds both on sandy soils as well as on clay surfaces, It No partictCLar changes were noted in water permeability temperature of the sal or in biological processes after treatment with the latex, The yield 0 the p:voducts increased principally on account of decreaaed Imes due to Vind,,Wmat and seeds being blown away wi-th top coil surface, 1A USSR UDC: 532 DUBOVIK, M. F., MARTYTIOV, V. P. flInvestigation of the Electrical Propertie8 of BariLor-Strontimm, Niobate" V sb. Monokristally i tekhmica (Single Crystals and Technolc),gy--collecticn of works), V". 5, Kbar1kov, i971, pp 190-192 (from RZIi-FizA:~:a, 110 6, Jun T2, Abstract No 6Yel32) Translation: The electrical properties Of BaXCr1-X1Th-21)6 are studied im the solid and liquid state. Experimental curves are plottad for the electrical conductivity and thermoelectramotive force ass,functions of t.,,mperature. Authors' abstract. 62 W!-!MIPM__ Imp t BLECTRONIGS' 11SISR HUrcelearoilicis UDC: 534.232.082-73-8 BrTTS11j, K. I., DEUDOV, V. P., YCCIIALOV,~B. F., SuIRI;OV, A. A., and IVAUNIOV, L. A. IIStudying -Ildn-Filrn CdS-Pi ezo-,C onver tars Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol, 15, No 91 19701 1-937-1944 Abstract: 7ne authors present the results of the study of US-piezo-converter test specimens vaporized onto Al 0~_ Basic converter characterasUcs. are calculated and it is shown that the frequeLy characteristic depends as jmtch~on the relatIonships between the electrical impedances of a converter and the Muiasurii-4, tract as it does on the relationships between the mechanical Laipedance:s of sulfide -iind Ule material of an acoustic line. A shift in the le-ast ioss paint lat predicted for CrIS on Al20 with respect to mechanical resoni:mee frequency. Thir, shift makes it pos- sible t~ vary the band 'width and the position,of the lea,91, loss paint Complately by A -4 1 hors electrical method3. qLmple equivalent convertr;.-r cimuit Propolled by the , L t ate its haraonizaUon wit i th,-:! meauurin.- tract makes it readily possible to estim, 11 11 C' and to determine the aspect of the frequency characteristic for various Methods of excitation. 'Ihe experLmental converter specimens yielded a :Los;, in the order of 30 db for a double conversicn iiith a band of appmximitely :35 pewcent. The idni- mal loss point shifts toward the lower frequoncy region In co~.ipaviijon with the acoustic resonance point. The experimental and theoretical, data axe in good aqree- ment. The loss values presented are not minimal and can 4e reduced more uaing 'USM BRITSYN, K. I. Radiotekhnika I E1e[qroXLhXa, Vol. 15, Ni), 9, Y970, pF 19,~)7- 1944 supplenrientary matching el-;uiAment- The original artiole Nis six- f igLwes, 12 f ormu- las3 and nine bibliographic entries. us SPS BEYNAROVICH, L. N., SALIMOVA, E. A., MAR ---,0V.' V. P. "Manufacture of Large Mirrors of Polymers by the Copying Method" Optiko-mekhanicheskaya Promyshlennostl~ No 10, 1971, pp 41-44. BASTRACT: A method is described for manufacture of spheri(:al mirros 700 mm in diameter of a polyester resin, using silumin as a I)ase. The cost of these mirrors is significantly lower than similaT glass mirTors. The copying method used is quite straight forward, involving prodwtion of a master re- versed shape by casting of polyester o~ptical glass mirror, after which the reversed shape master is produce polyester mirivirs of the proper shape. A photograph is presented of the casting table used for production of the mirrors. USSR UDO ~~4.232.0832.7~.00)11.~ J ,DSMMOV, V-F., MOOKALOVo B.F., 31,11MOVO A.Ai 'Electric Impedance Of' A Film Fiezo Oan"rtarl Radiortakhniks i elektronikag Vol XVII, No5, Har 1972, pp 64-8-6~2 Abstract. The impadance of experimental upaoi=nts of piezo Lanverters Lazed on OdS in studied by diroct mothodo in the 200-FM MHz riinge, in order to deAlle376:10 the coefficient or eloatromeohanioal coiiplingp K, oftliq film, N'casuremanto con- ducted in pulse arA continuoue regimes are deecribedo The wAhora are &reof,il to R.I. Fo1kin. and B.L. Bobikov for assintance in,tho work. 2 f Ig- 7 yell. Received by editors, 22 Oct 1970. USSR UDC 621.582.00-0 LABUTIN, N.I., KkRTI-N'CV, V.V., PAVILAYNEEN, V.S., ST0R0,'7,MK, G.A. "Transfer Or Defects Of Photopattern To A Silicon. Oxide Film. In The rrcceos Of Contact Photolithographyll Elektron.tehhnika. N3,jch.-te1, Milroolekt-r-o-niks (Zlectronio Technirs. Scientific-Tec*,,nical Oollection. 41-tic roe loot rnnic 9 I'l, law.10 1(2.1), pp L.1-414. (from RZh:El,-I:tronil-.o i_y 2, A~Mra o 5B -z 92) ~ye tRf:-.!Lqn e, No 5, May 191' c t 1,-,, Translation: The truns-fer in tho prcces ri of photolith*[,,ruiA~~ of the. Or-Pecti3 or S PhOtODattCrn jfotca?iublon] t0 S102 was studied by th(i electrun microscopic method for stundEird p! tot olithogfraplhic ro,gimou which arti utied in t~u proi"Iction, ~of silicon integrated circuits with the aid oL' poigitivo phot,-,iresists. Tile critical dimenaians of the purmi a sable ddecto onthe photuopattorn are actermin- ed. Summary. RP0044 643 ;*82 UR ioviet Inventions Illustrated, Section 11 Electric al, Derven t 7-C) ODD~RV;~-CMK for: pulse c6das Tequires v4j) F239664 transfbiaerm (L,2)..wb%zh *;'e co6aect" W ij, opposition in such A way that oiit~ut :61jual are produced only when the number _of. input pulsles- i$': odd. Two diodes O.A.) clear, the TasOage of, pul$ 119' of only positive polarity to coll*ativ .1116). The output pulses of the previous;tcha~k stase M~ which appear only on the oiitputs of modules. I V, w 'here the number of input pulses tg even, are p#j~oo f ~the ~~;st to similarly operating modilea V1::,VX1 p check stage (8) etc. 13.2.68 as 1218368/18-24. V, V I'xm i~2yklf '%I MMM (lo.9.69) Bul 11/18.3.69. Clis-i*-W~ 1nt-CL-G O&ff- 1-912171347 AA0044643." .......... 112 031 UNCLASSIFIeb 014iOCES!; rNG DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--THE PLASTICITY AND STRENGTH OF SOLID BOWES AT HIGH PRESSURES -U- AUTHQ'R-(05)-11ERFSNFVt fl-l.p ~Wjj~vftw , Y F . 0ROD ( 0WIV , I(,. P. p13ULY CHE Y, D.K., RYABIB114, YU.N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-THE PLASTICITY STRENGTH OF SOLID 800IFS AT HIC114 PRESSURES (PLASTIC14NOSTI I TVEROYAH TEL PRI VYSOKIKH OAVLENIYAKH) DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt, MECH., IND., CIVIL ANO MARINE ~-N G R rOPIC TAGS--PLASTIC 0EFORMATI011t HIGH PRESSURE EFFECTt STRENGTH, METAL MECHAN[CAL PROPER,TY/(U)GTSK METAL CONTROL MARKING--NI) RESTP~ICTIONS 00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1'103 sn-P N()---UR/0000/T1:)/00d /000/000 1/0 159 CIRC ACCESSION "40--AM013-0571 I INC* AS 5IF"E01 2/2 031 UNCLASS: FIC0 P140CESSING DATE--21MOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AM0130571 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 'TAEALE OF CONI'ENTS: PREPACE 5. INTRODUCTION 9. CHAPTFR I , THE EQUIPMENT FOR THI~ REALIZATION OF PLASTiC DEFORMATION OF SOLID BODIES AT HIGH PR-ESSURES :11. H. PLASTMITY, STRENGTH AND DESTRUCTION OF SOLID 800(:S At HIG~l P~AcSSURE 39. Ill. THE INLUENCE OF DEFORMAfION UNDER HIGN"PRES.SURE ON THE PROPERTIES OF PLASTIC GTSK (?) METALSi99.' LlTERATURE 1,53" r1l E 140NOGRAPH DEALS WITH QUESTIONS CONNECTED wim 'rHi J)EVELOPMENT 0 F EQUIPMENT FOR THE CREATION OF PRE-SSURE 101 LI(MO QP TO Z51000 K G - C FIR I ME2 AS WELL AS FOR THE [ZEAL I ZAT ION UNDER THE-- SE ! CONj) I TIONS OF Pl-A ST [C DEFORMATION. DESCRIBFU IS THE INFLUENCE OF PREL~141,NjAkV DEFORMATION -R'l I ES !-'OR VAR11:10S UINOER PRESSURE ON THU- CHANGE IN HECHA~JICAL PROPt METALS. THE BOOK IS DESIGNED FOR SPECIALISTS 1114.1HE :?HYSICS OP SOLID BODIES AND METALLURGISTS. UNC-L ASS 1 F I ED 112 027 UNC-IAS'SIFIEb PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--DEPENDENCE OF THE VRUNOUT TIRE OF AN ELECTMIStATIC. GYROSCOPE ON THE :.~ROTOR UNBALANCE -U- AUTHOR-,103)-MARTYNENKOt YU.Got NOVOZHILOVr I.V-v DANILINIP V*P* ~'...'~CGUNTRY OF INFO-USSR .__SOURCE--IZVESTIIAr MEKHANIKA TVERDUGO TELA, MAR. AP.R. 1970, P. 20-22 DATE PUBLISHED-70 _-SU13JECT AREAS-NAVIGATION TOPIC TAGS-GYROSCOPE MOTICNP ELECTROSTATtC$o VIBRATION OAMPINGs RUNOFF ,;~.~::CCNTROL MARKIhG-NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED _PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/0268 STEP NO--UR/0484/711/0001(300/0020/0022 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124029 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0124029 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF FHE E-FFECT OF ROTOR UNBALANCE ON THE RUNQUr TIML OF AN ELECTROSTATIC 'G"ROSCUPE WITH A SPHERICAL SHAPED RoTGR. 11' IS SIHOWN THAT THE ROTOR UNWALANCE LEADS TO BEATING OF THE ROTOR kELATIVE TO THE GYROSCOPE CASINO TO DISSII)ATION OF THE ROTATIONAL MOTION ENERGY OF- THE ROTOR BY DAMPImG FORCES OF rHE GYRCSCOPE SUSPENSION- A r-OPAULAL GIVING YHE TRUI~ RlJNQVT TIME OF THE GYRESCOPE ES PRESENTED# ANO AN EXAMPLE ILLUSTRATING THE CALCULATION OF JHE RUNOUT TIME IS CITED.- 11-11 N' C-LA-ficilf I E 1/2 014 UNCL AS S I F I ED' PRIN'~ESSflgb DATE--210NOV7C TPLE-SOLUtILITY OF SILVER CHLORIDEi IN THE SYSTEM CKLORIUE, PERCHLORATE, SCOW,", .'il.MCKIUM SWATER -U- AUThOR-0~2.;-SIPULIN, YU.N.l MARTYf~oVw YIJ,M, U. R Y' 0 1 NF C - - U S 5 R S CURC E-7 Z F .PRIKL. KHIM. ILENINGRAW 1970c .43(4), 889-091 P-A I EFUbL .!SHEi;-----7C ,SUaJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIL TAG.-)--SjLvLp, Coj4poUN.D, 01LORIDEp SOLUBIL[rY, SOUIUM, WAHRR, LPERCHLUAATE ~LN TRCL MARKING-NO RESTXICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE-D ,PROXY KEEL/FAAME-3001/0437 s-rEP CIRC ACCESSIEN NO-AP0126190 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCI-:~SS.'NG JATl_:--?_tJN(Dl/70 ACCESSICN NO-AP0126190 ABSTRACTIEXNACT-1U) GP-0- A 13 S'T R A C I' TliE -SOLY . G., F hl:;11-1t- I N fHE PRESEN,-E .--.OF TFLSE ICINS eiAS STUDIED AT 25-l0fJERChN'r AND THE AC'llVH'V GOLF-1-5. OF AGCL CALCO. AN INCREASE IN THE SONCNI. 13F "114 S(j&t CLjt'~ SU!:',ll 0.1 TO' 1.04 YCLE-L. UECREASIED THE SULY. OF AGCL, bY A F?kCrQR' Jf; 1,P-11LAR TO Z.3. FGR AGLNL- INCREASE IN Tl~E COINCN. OF NH SUB"t L~.O Rfilt 1*0 1.71) HOLE-L, THE SCLY. REMAINEG Al.!,'.CST CCINST. 08 INCREASE-0 SOMEWHAT. Fji< flitS sYsr~::4 R OF ;*'H 5LlEj(+ CLO JHE VEAT 6F SOLN, 0ELTAH ItIC~EASI::0 volTli -1 NCJ Of __.SUB4 (OR f0i SUd4 OH) ANL CAN 6EDL-SCRIBED 13Y ~ AN 01,' Tlil:w FORM ~':,_LOG DELTA6 ECUALS ALPHA C PLUS Br WHERE IS THE M: SU3", CLL) c SU84 GR ?%H SUB4 GH. UNCUMIFIED irks 587CA 17 April 1973 DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES collection or papers s s stnt-n committee for tlc orn,,!red by ti, U94 4~r 4~-wlt Ener;:y t - I-)I:, %-.11cou t' Pkat Uc4A1v*1 and Economic AxVccz* of Ll4otJ ',;net* With laterneiiate und ftgh Levs!a of ;144104CELVLLX Sptt.yn. pt al.) .................................... I Stuly of the N.atbllLty of VaL.S Xtt,~Lnizetion for Processing Hixh'7 Active %Jfaqtq~4 (K. V. Ukharove. et al.) ......... ....................... 14 C~p.rl.m~n of ttm Methods of Solidification and Unk Storage for Highly,, Actlvc-, Ujuld W4atei -Proiu th? pro'.e.881"a GESpent-juel Flrlmcnta of ?,-It Reactors (L. G. Axa-yeve, at al.) .................................. 3r. Itt,antlik Fr.r,,j..4wftws f.r burying dishLy A4tLva UquLd Wastes in D"p GoologIcal Formations (V. E. Spltain, st 41.) ....... I.............. ............. Development of Methods for Pro"fin& Lhe Wastes From lklxkft,~cLde Teclui.1-gy tnc C~rl*t (N. V. Krylovs, ec al.) .................................... 62 Or 'V-' MWIIIILITY Of 1:511;r, BMW UZZ=M!i MZ rROCEMIING HIGHLY ACTIVE ;;OT7k; CArti,-Ie by K. P. Zakharova, V. V Kuli~hcjihj p Y U. -P, Mzirtywqy. 1. A. Soboley. zn~-C '4.- Commtttee'fo-r-t~e U-9-c-o-r-ATIM"VTO E-n-er-ijy of khe UM;Tt,IAE)C-ji~tiICxtiCU S~t-ifvl (30), At the prasert time the prviAom of the poooibility Intressing the jitrmsolible specific activity of waste& enclosed in bltrvisirn ie hviing raised inorp and more frequently, Now airesly there to no doubt of the possibility of tittuminization, of iW&OL" with a apee ific activity of up to ~ I curie Per liter. At the same time, *arka fire I%n(#wrk on tht enclosure of waste* with a specific axtiviky up to per lit4r in brLtunien f1j, 7 The limiting. value of the specific aictivity Is determined by two factorat The radiation-chemical stability of tho bittasin blocks and the p~3~#Ible ox- traction of the heat meturmulated in the blocks due to the energy of radio- active decay. I., R*4i*tjon-ch"Ical Stability of lltmwns An essential factor determining th~ conditions of the burial of block* Is 4 possible liberation of gaseous products. of rAdiolvais. For 5 yeara observations have been made of thv changs, in the presaure t.% m#tals with bitumn blocks containing 60% bit-n DN-T= -4-xi,lized) and ;' 0% sndi,irn nitrate, and having a specific activity from 0. 15 lo 15. 4 curie* per liter with respect to strontium-90 (Figure 1). The liberatisin of gaseous ucto of radfulysis was observed In all the experiment* after a pro- prod Iong-d poriod W.Ihs process of gas absorption, accompanied by a decreale in the pressure in the rnetal, For a block with an activity of 0. 15 curie 1i -After t- y--r. of qtura~r thr ra-, of za, ;..t aim it,, prr~*;,, . Ill ti,,- ---I d - , ~ t -cre-v, Ill it), . .1-ifi, nctt-ty of I n-A 15. 4 curics per it till Qh,-rd, 1 1. bopi'l. 14 tuward a rr!.irrlat,r-, -I,- i- -11, ~f- iLr ~tivitv of 15. -1 curitz ;xcr kilo.-rarn. 17 he btzinning A C- lkl-rAt-n and - increali, 4t pre-wre - . t.-k for bl,,cks a Ij- fi, a, ti-ty M 1. 5 curies jo- Itiluil-irn &w con"Id'.-ably earlirr f,~r 1.1-N* J A ort-ity )r Ir, 4 ( tirie- pt r kil,gra- At tl- tin,o?. 4,pocirn,ns 1,Avo t~een prrpa:cd wlt~ a sl:vcific activit- 'r ~f 5f, -1 r?. ,i~% I- ill, r-jwct t,, tronUum-IJU an the na-tv 1 7 '1- -1 4 Ul~ 'I he ~-f the Spec rixa t' t '- - -T ix i 9; c"1-14 zarltirrxtzra t-Lahl VIC g-ins. !rce vol=n- in ffie tp-nk 157 it 0.- I-ty '"v. ;j- ~b-zptiuxi i. the =cci. mons -~- ob,lerved iFigure 2), after which gas liberation began. Alter 150 days ti,r vit-re oiimewliml ~"reded lh(, Preas"to in tne tank. For pure b1fumn &I~TTT and two opecimens, based op It, IrrAaIWj4s in a Cc.-61) with ;j power of thl done of Z. I Y W red per hour, -ax. datermined iTable 11. A cuml-irloon or tLeol, results with come b*=-,r-cd cartier L2j' wittit A dneo nf abnorbod energy of To a 106 red an-1 a power of the dolit, or Z, 9 it 104 rad pzr h~jr r!vrnonztr:t-cd that the increase in the p-er of the 4,1,4* 444 t4e done of absorhed energy leads to an increase In Me coment or hydrogen and th`- appearart- of methtne, hydr,-.,&rtAj--v* o. graup C" and carbon dicizil-al in tr'e giiiiieovill phas" Simultaneaualy in all cases & decrease in the qxy;:rn content in the jL44041104 VhA*#, in CGMPLrl4On with the air ratio. was noted. Th~ M nitrate in the ispecirri- i~ the given case %as no evNentti rfirct on the romp.-t-pition of The gaaraux phase. F,4r deternilrl.!I-i of thr int,trq M rad..t-n chacgea in the billivearri And in blt=ark preparations speciAl InveatiAittiono were conducted. Specimens In the form of cylinders, the diameter And height of arbich Amounted 1,, S. S--4 centimeters. were irradiated t- a Co-60 Installation will% various li-r. of the dooll. and In this (.,nor the total close of absorhled riner1gy wee pr~xer-d practically const&nt. The irradiation -as conducted in am atrintlapho re of air. PRcjqff;slNG: DATE--30OCTIO E--CLtNICO MORPHQLCGICAL CHARACTER ISTICS 0- CEREBR~4L VASCULAR .41STURBANCES IN +,EPATI.C iNsur-r-icir_-Ncv -U-i T OR-t.021-XARTYN0Vr YU.S.t MALKOVAs YE.Y. C CU N RY OF INFO--USSR T ~L_"SQURCE-KLINICHESKAYA JlilEUlTSPA,' 1970, VOL 48,r NR 5* PP 61--67 -"',OATE PUBLISHED- 70 ~SIJBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-LlVtR DISEASE# CEREBRUM# EDEMAt 5YNDRQjlEr HE A DAICH E CCONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ..PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/1038 SlrEP t4O--UR/0497/70/048/i)O.)/0061/01067 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP01266'16 UNCLASS IFIED -now, 2 025 UNCLASSCOtto :PRoctssING DATE-3-1fiCTIO --,C-IRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0126676 `ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- A8STRACT. I NYOUNG ANC MIDDLE AGE PATIE"IrS .1110HATIGIA OF THEli SUFFERING FRCM HEPiATIC INSUFF!CfENCY IN DETE -014E OFTEN OBSERVES DIFFERENT VASOMOJOR UISTURBANCES. 'TROKE AND Clzl,~SfS COYRIONLY DEVELOP IN A REDUCED OR NORMAL ARTERIAL PRESSURE. T;lE GEINLR4L .PICTURE OF PATHOHISTCLOGECAL CHANGES MAYi6E FOR14(JLATI:-;D AS FOLI-134S: HEPATIC METABOLIC TOXIC DYCIRCULATORY [NICE-PHALOI'VAlillA W11H DISORDER Ul- JHE VASCULAR PERMEABILITY, DISTUR13ANCE OF C~REUROSPINLAL FLUID CIRCULATLCN AND CEREBRAL EDEMA. AS THE RESULT OF TH15SE 01STURBAINCES JHERE OCCUR CIFFERENT CLINICAL VARIANTS OF VASCULAR D-IS01WL-RSP 11-11GRAIRE, -CRISLSr PARENCHYMATOUS HEMORRHAGES, ETC. IN TNE DEVE-to IM P ENT OF -DISTURBANCES OF CEREBRAL CIRCULATION OF IMPORTA-NCE US ALS0 rHE iuvrIAL BACKGROUNDt VEGETATIVE DYSTONIA* INITIACMANIFEWATIQms bF ATHEROSCLEROSIS, ETC. EARLY AND T114ELY PATHOGENETIC THEIZAPY OF HEPATIC lNSUFFICIENTY IS THE PRINCIPAL MEANS GF PROPHYLAXtS ~OF CEREaRAL VASCULAR ~.,~7-01SORDERS AND IS CONDUCIVE TO THEIK MILDER COURSE. FACILITY; .,KAFEORA NERVNYKH 80LEWNEY UNlVkRSITETA:DRUZH8Y NARODOV 1H. P. LU14UI413Y. UNC LAS!j I r- 1E- 0 F --tiz 026 UNCLASSIFtEO PROC t I NG~ 0ATE---160'CT70 _,_.:l_TL,E--THE MENINGEAL SYNDROME IN DISGROERS OF C,EREaRAL WRCULATION -U- T T _(iTHOR-(03)-MA.R.TYN0V, YU.S.j, YESIPOVAP.,IoKov KHOKLCIV-P YU.K. A .(;.GUNTRY OF INFO--USSR Z~OPRCE--ZHUkNAL NEVROPATOLCIGII I PSI HIATRIi IMENI S. S. KOKSAKOVA, 1970v 70t~NR 5w PP 702-708 iQATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 10 LOG I-CAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES hTOPIC TAGS--CEREBRUM#'PAIN* BLOOD CIRCULATIONt HEMORRHAGE1, rt THROMBOSIS CONTROL 4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/0227 STEP Nl)--t)11/0241~/7O/l)*lO/OO!i/O7O2jO'IUU GIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117481 2/2. 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--L60CT70 Cl~RC ACCESSION NO--AP0117481 *L.1 .~ABSTRACT/EXTAACT-lUl GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUT G, HORS STU TED C. INICALLY TH- FEATURES OF 22 MENINGEAL SYMPTOMS tPAIN AND TONIC) IN:513 GASES WITH -89 YE)RS. AMONG THESE DISORDERS OF CEREeRAL CIRCTHE AGE GROUP FROM 16 CASES 317 HAD --MIC 189, H~HORRHAGES ANG 7, STROKES OF A ISCHE SOFTEN INGS I COMBINED CHARACTER. THE CHARACTER OF THE PROCESS Jo4 (?t:, CAST.S -dAS CONFIRMED AAATOMICALLY IN THE REMAININIG CASES 3Y A CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT AND LUMAAR PUNCTURE. THE AFNTINGEAL 5YNQk0ME fN HEqORI:~"AGIC STROKES WAS SEEN APPROXIMATELY IN 70PERCENT OF; THF, PArIENTS, IN 30PE THAOM30S13i IN IN 50PERCENT# IN NONTHROMBUTIC SOFIENINGS# RCENTt, IN 15PERCENT. IN ALL FORMS OF STROKES THE MOST FREQUENIT SIGNS WERE KERNIGS LOWER SYMPTON CF BRUPLINSKI, THE ~SYMPTOMt OCCIPITAL RIGIDITYj THE -MANDIBULAR SYSMPTOM OF BEKHTEREV, PAINFULi P014NTS OF KFHRF-it, AENOELS SYMPTOM, PHOTOP140BIA. THE ORUER OF APPEARANCE OF MENINGE4,L SYMPTOMS 15 THE SAME FOR THROMBOEMBOLIZATIUNP NONTHROMBOTIC SOFTENINGS AND THROMaOSIS, AS WELL AS FOR HEMORRHAGES. THE FIRST TO APPEAR 14AS THE OMPITAL MUSCLE RIGIOURYt THE MANOIBULAR BEKHTEREV $YMPTall-If KERNIGS SYMPT014 AND THE LOWER BRUDZINSKIIS SYMPTOM. IN HEMOil.RHAGESt ESPECIALLY -11 NGEAL SUSARACHNOIDAL AND SUBARACHNOIDALv PARENCHYMATOUSr rNE MEM APPEAR-C-ARLtER AND ARE MORE EXPRESSED, FACXLIYY: -,"KAFEDRY NERVNYKH BOLEZNEY I PATOLOGICHESKOY MURFOLOGJI UNIYERSITETA ~DRUZHRY NAR000V IM, PATKISA LUMUMSY.t MUSCOW, ,,m r 9 A I E D 211Z~ 030 UNCLASSI T-.ItTLE-HEPATO PORTAL ENCEPHALOMYELOPATHY -U- 'AUTHOR-104)-BGOLEPOV, N.K., 14ARTYNGVr YU.S.v MALKOVAr YE4V., TSIVILKO, -.,V~ S* OF INFO--USSR ,SdURCE- ZHURNAL NEVROPATOLUGII I PSIKHIATRII IMENI S. S.. KOILSAKOVAt 197fiv -506 709: NR,49 PP 496 VATE PUBLISHED---70 ..SUBJECT AREAS-SIOLDGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES :TOPIC TAGS--LIVEPp dlLE, BRAINt SPINAL C(JRVp BONE HARR014t CIRRHOSIS# DIETr :'CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~_::DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--1988/1661 STEP NC--UR/0246/701070,1004/0496/0506 Glilr_ A(;CESSfUN NU--AP0106407 U14CLASSIFIED 212 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINd DATE-09ut-ii. ,,.CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0106407 :~:'ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PRE-s..ywrATIO'N IS CONCERNED WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF A NEW ORIGINAL FOR OF PATHULUGY: HEPATO PORTAL ENCEPHALOMYELOPATHYP DEVELOPING WPORTEGAVAL DYSCIRCULATnRY DISORDERS IN 54 PATIENT WITH DIFFERENT DISEASES OF :THE LIVER AND T4lfEh BILIARY .TRACT. THE AGE OF THE PATIENTS RANGED FROM.16-63. ON 9,CASES THERE WAS A PATHOHISTOLUGICAL STUUY Of THE BRAIN AND SPINAL MAAROW, AND A 'R F HISTOCHEMICAL SYUDY OF THE BRAIN TISSUE AND LIVL -QR CU, ENCEPHALOMYELOPATHY OCCURS AT THE DIFFERENTSTAGESLUF LIVER CIRRHOSIS FORMATION AND IS CHARACTERIZED 6Y POLYMORPHIC NEUROOSYCHIC DISORDEAS IN THE FORM OF MEMORY AND ATTENTION 14EAKE14INGi-INTELLECTUAL,LOWERING, DIFFERENT PYRAMIDAL AND EiXTRAPYRAM-10AL 01STURBANCES-i SYMPTOMS OF ORAL AUTOMATI~MSI PELVIC DISORDERS* THE SPECIAL FEATURS:UF PATI-10MORPHOLOG~L CAL, - AND_ H ISTOCHEM.ICAL. BRAAWLESMS, 111. H-liPATa PORTAL ENCEPHALOMYELOPATHY, CONDITIONED BY CHRONIC LIYER AND BILIARY TRACT PAT14OLOGY IN COMPARISON WITH WILSON KONOVALOV DISEkSE IS THE 04BSENCE Of CU IN THE BRAIN TISSUES AND LIVERv AS WELL AS THE ABSENCE OF THE I AND JI. TYP~E OF ALZHEIMER'S GLIA. CUMMJN FOR BOTH DISEASES JS THE FEATURES ''UF THE PARENCHYMATOUS CELLULAR AND VASCULAR PATH00cY UF A TOXIc NATURE AND THE PHENOMENA OF FIGURATIVE NUCLE.1,0F.THE ASTROCYTE GLIA# THE TREAYMENT OF ENCEPHALOMYELOPATHY SHOULI) FIRST OF ALL BE DIRECTED AGAINST THE MAIfj DISEASE AND SHOULD INCLUDE MEDICATIVE PAEPARATIONS, A DIET, AND- IN SOME CASES SURGICAL TREATMENT. (INCLASSif 1ED USSR VDC 621-373-52-181.4a ZHITNJXOV., YE. L~ 5190NOV, L. A., and WTYNOVA$ G. G. "Generators Based on RC-Structures With Distributed and Lumped Parameters Made From Litegrated, Hybrid Circuits" Sb. nauch. tr. _po probl. mikroelektron. Moak. in-t elektron. toklul. (Collected Scientific 1,11orks on Problems in Microelectronics. Moacow Institute of laectronics Technology) . 1972, v7P - 10,, PP 194-200 (f rom. RZh-Radiotekhrdka, No l1,. Nov 72, -Abstract No U D266) Translation: The authors doacribe the principal circuits and proJenb VIO rO.T1ltG of the experimental studies of RC-generators based on integrati!!d. hybrid micracir- cuits. The studies were carried out within a broad range of fraquemies frco :3 cps to 10 Me. Data are also given on the stability of the Xroquency and aq)lk- tude of RO-generators and on the control of the frequency of.R~-genarators with -the aid of varicaps of p-n-junctions. Resumeo 99 - WSR RUVOM, A- r.-J, aid. Inxtitute of Problew of E.Vterlal '11ciewel Acadevr of 58a~cem Ukz6SR ml; Lattlee Con- I'Tbe Functirm of Smtte:ELn~ X,-Fay& by Metals wit Hexago pp 126-132 Kiev, IIetaUofLzika,. 11cr 31., 197U1, TxansUtionj 3-mtemity-distributioms on Debyels po6der;.diapaja correspond- Ing to the Scattaxing of xoentgan radiation f~~= retals::con+AIniziz. disloca- tions wIth vactmo 113 f21197(sorolf &nd mixad. dLplocations) and .1/6 f20237 (edp dj:51aCatioaa) wore calculatedo, The couxse:~Iof rmilation inten-tilty7 sc-a-ttered bf meW.ts with chaotic4ly, dimtrlb~ted d'J.0100'~Uons is expressed by the Gaussaian d1stribution depending ozk 4,,A (J' the llulff- :Bragg angle --ion dispersdans pertairdng to tho dislo(mtions 1ha distribul aenUoned differ- Iii, factom ("arUntatiorAl faclo=") depenalL~ am Uller's 't the xelationship o crystaLl indicesi - elastic constants, =c jittico parameters. BiblIoExaphyr 1.4~ entrj=,j, I Jilmstratiorst 2_t4tblmbj~ IA USSR 1JDC 533+536.423.1 VYSHENMYA, V. F. KOSOV, N. D. , KURWOV, L. 1. , MARTYNOVA, G P. "Study of the Dependence of the Coef f icient. of Mutual Dif f urion of a Helium- Carbon Dioxide System on Concentration" V sb. Fizika (Physics -- Collection of Works), No. 5, Alma-Ata, 1971, pp 78-80 (from RZh-Fizika, No 1, Jan 73, Abstract No M451 Translation: The coefficient of mutual diffusion in the entire concentration interval was measured by a stationary method for a concentration. difference of vO.1. A considerable decrease was noted in the coefficient of rr,,utual diffu- Sion With a decrease in C02, concentration from 0,1 to 0. 11)e coefficient of mutual diffusion of this system can be consid(!red constant An the C02 CO-Ocell- trarion Interval 1-0.1. Authors abstract. nr USSR UDC 533+536,423.1 KURLAPOV, L. I., KXRn-NOVA, G. P. "Viscosity Coefficients of Multicomponent Gas,Rixtures V sb. Fizika (Physics - Collection of Works)~, No 5, Alma-Atl-t, 1971, pp 123-127 (from RZli-Fizika, No 1, Jan 73, Abstract No lYe53) Translation: The classical concept of free path length (clie Maxwell-Boltz-nana theory) Is applied to describe the viscosity ~of multi-compoitent gas mixtures, and the calculations are carried out -for three- and two-component nixtures. The calculations are within the limits of the error with e~jperifvmtal data avail-able in the literature. Authors' abutracts 'J 7~':: USSR UDC: 5- 3 7 Ty' Sh FMY, Ye. M. EAROIN V. V. L. F. NOTA, L.. 1'. A Study of Magnetization of Niobiumt ard Zirconiizi SinCle a-vy soyedin.--sbori-ik Moscov, 3verkhprovoayashchiye spl, Alloys and Compounds-collection of vorhs) 1972, pp RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dec 72, abztract Ho 12D559 [2-6sulfidl) Aed for the magncti!_,,ation of cryol a' Translation: Curves are plot smecimens of niobiun with 55 zJ re-onitzi having various crystallortra-phi C F_ a,)dal orientations (at 4.2 K'). The results show anisotrorn), of the critf-cal magnetic fields, the residua3 magnetic monen~ end the nax.imwr, molnent. Three illustrations, bibliogrpaby of 13 titles. USSR UDC,543.55.620.136.537.312.62 SAVITSKIYY, Ye. M. , MYZENKOVA, L. F., BARON, V. V., MARTYNOVA., L. F. "Study of the Structure and Superconducting Properties of Nio:bium Single Crystals with 5 and 10% Zirconium" M terials -- Probl. Sverkhprovodyashch. Materialov [Problems of Superconductin, ta Collection of Works), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp. 148-155, (Trunslated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurglya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 1784 bY the authors). Translation: The structure of singlo qrystals of tho aLloys Of lib with 5 and, 10,4 Zr produced by the method of cathode-ray zone nialting is studied. Data are presented on the distribution of Zr and interstitial impurittes 0:1-ough the length of a bar of the sirgle crystal. The transition terpoVature T - is measured. 'K. ?~ gnetization For the alloy Nb-5% Zr, Tc=10*K, for the alloy~Nb-iut Zr, 10.5 -Pa vasured. curves Of specimens with various crystallographic orientatio4 are uic 5 figs; I table, 6 biblio refs. ".Lnvestigation or tne btructure ana z)uperconaucT;ing rroper"e5 QL 01116.Lt: Crystals of Niobium Witt, 5 and 10 Percent Zirconium!, V sb. Probl. sverkhprovoLashch. materialov (Problems of Superconducting Materials-collection of works), M,-,scow "Na~ka 1970, PP 173-177 (from ftZh--Radiotekhnika, No 5, May T1, Abstract No 5D552) Translation: The authors study the structure of single crymtals of alloys of niobium with five and ten percent by weight of zirconiua made by the method of electron-beam zone melting. Data Eire given -on the distribution of zirconium and introduced impurities with rerspect to the ~Ivngth of the single-crystal. bar. The temperature of transition to the sUI)erconducting state is measured. For a niobium alloy with .5 percent zircr-oiurt, the tran- sition temperature is 100K, while the corresponding temperature Is 10-51K for an alloy of niobium with 10 percent zircnoium. ftpetijation curves are plotted for specimens with various crystallographic oriental-Jons. Five illustrations, one table, bibliography of.six titleG. Reswx. USSR UDC 669.0184045+537.312.62 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., M.YZENKOVA, L. F., BARON, V. V., and KARMNOVA, L. F. "Study of Structure and Superconducting Properties of Single crystals *I?- 0 Niabium With 5 and 10% Zirconium" Problemy Sverkhprovodyashchikh Materialov [Problems of Supi~rconclucting Materials--Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pages 148-155 Tr-glation: The structure of single crystals of the alloys of niobium with 5 and 10 wt.% Zr produced by the method of cathode ray zon,p meltiag is studied. Data are presented an the distribution of zirconium and inter- stitial impurities over the length of a monocrystalline ba!r. The transi- tion temperature is measured. For the alloy.niobium-5% Zr.,, T. r 10'K; for the~alloy uioblum-10% Zr, T. 10.5*K. Magnetization curves of specimens vith- Various -crystallographic orientation ate: measures. 5 figures; I table; 6 biblio. refs. 019 UNC ASSIPIM PROCel!SSIM, DATE--30OCTIO L :"'-'T-ITLE--STRUCTURE OF THE CARBOHYDRATE CHA114S OF THE BLOOD GROUP SU13STANCE -tA PLUS H) -U- ?:,.,:,AU7`HOR-(05)-KOCHETKOV, N.K., DEREVITSKAYA-p V.Aop LIKHOS:HERSTOVY L.M., T OVAJI Moost SENCHENKOVAP S*N* UNTRY% OF NFO--. SSR _~SOURCE-CARBOHYO. RES. 1970, 12(3)ip 431-47 t,__:VATE PUBLISHED-----70 .~:.~~SUGJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL ANO MEOICAL SCIENCES. JOPIC TAGS--CARBO)iYORATEt BLUOU TYPEP PEPTIPE-i ENZVMEv GLOSY A 101 U14 ,~.'C0NTR0L'MARKlNG--NO RESTRICTIONS .~~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .',-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/0428 STEP iNO--NE/0000/70/01.~'/0031043T/0447 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP011'1664 ~n 019 UNCLASSfFiED PROCE!~!;IN(l D-'Ti---31)t)CTYC C IRL ACCESSICIN NO--AP0117664 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE, ST14UCTURE OF THE tAkEWHYDRATE CHAINS OF BLOOD GROUP SUBSTANCE ( A PLUS H) VOGS) IN THE R;:GIUN- ADJAGENT TO THE PEPTIDE BACKBONE WAS IPJVt--'STIGArEO. TWO APPROACHES 'AFRE USED: (1) A STUDY OF THE UEGRADATION OF BGS BY A C1.3146INATI-0,1%1 i,)F CHEM. ANU ENZYMIC (PREPiN. FROM CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRINGENS) METHUDS~j IND (2) A STUOY 'CUMULATED OF THE ALK. DEGRADATIO14 OF BGS BY 1,11EASUREMENr OF THE AC ,PRODUCTS OF DEGRADATION OF N ACETYLHEXOSAM[NES r -(3tACETAMIOO,5,DIHYDROXYETIIYLFUI'%AN) AND O.G.4LACTOSL- (I'lli TAS'lull-aR IN Ic ACID AND 5,HYDROXYMETHYL72tFURAL UEHYDE)o THE CAkEBOH)MRATE PEPTIG~ LINKAGE UNIT CONTAINS 2,ACETAMIDO,2,DEOXY#D,GALACTUSETFIESI.DIJES,- ..~DIRECTLY ADJACENT To THIS kEGION 11S A CHAIN OF SE*VERAA. N ACETYLHEXOSAMINE RESIDUES BOUND BY (1 YIELDS 3) L.1NKA4;ES AND PARTIALLY ~~-BRANCHED AT C 6. FACILITY: IINST. URG# CHEPI.viMOSCOW, USSR. L A S S IT hak al T~64 t Mac 0 USSR UDC1 66?.295'71.'28:621.789-974 KHOREV, A. I., CHINENOV, A. M. (De-ceased).,and U~~RTYNqjAa~,K. M. "Ibemw-cbanical Treatment of Alloys of the Titanium-Aluminium-Molybdenum System" Moscow, Hetallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka me-tallov, Sept 71, no 9, pp 43-46 Abstract: This study concerns the effect of thexT-nrrech=ic.0- treatment (7-Mr) on the hardening of titanium alloys. MITIT combines quench:Llag,fomingand aging. The Ti-Al-Yn test alloys had-a constant alumLnum~aontenLt (3%) with 'Alloy strips were quoftched from a Mo content varying from 0.5 to 302. temperature 50*C below that of a4's transformation (holdinjj time 15 mins) and cold rolled for 20 and 40Z deformations, Aging was performed at 450 and 500% for 5 and 25 hrs. It was found that hardening due to cold deformation is a function of phase composition; it is maximal in an alloy of Ti with 3% Al and 154' Mo possessiug high forgeability at cold deformatJon. Cold deformation minimizes primarily uniform elongation wbile affecting to A.: a lesser degree localized elongation. Compared to conventional strengthen- 1/2 ------------- . . .... T 7 USSR KHOREV, A. I., et al, Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrz6otka metallov, Sept 71, no 9, pp 43-46 ing-type thermal treatments, D7T provides higher strength i~hile frequently increasing plasticity as well. Deformation of the Ti+32 All-15 ftb alloy by 20%,prior to aging at 500% for 25 hra increases: its streh~th from 155 to 172 kgf/mm2 while decreasing its per-unit eliougation from 1; to 31. 2/2 UMMOTM IMU1101120=0=10 I'AIMMIIIIANWO 11.11-1 aihim" UDC 621.392.002 USSR REVELEVA, M. A., MARM1011A.- UIrONTOV, N. G Effect of Some Nonorganic Protective Coatings on the Surface Properties of Silicon" V sb~. Vopr. mikroelektroniki (Problems of Microelectroni~,s Collection of Works), Kiev, "Nauk. dumka," 1971, pp 103-110 (from RZh-Elektronika i veye primenenive, No 10, October 1971, Abstract No 1013490) Translation: Films Of S102, which are not inferior in their characteristics to the thermally grown, are produced by the reactive sputtering method. -The effect of reactive sputtering of films on the surface properties of Si is studied. At the S102--Si boundary an accumulation of hojes is Jiscovered in the space-charge layer of both n- and p-Si. It is assumed thot in contrast to thermal SiO?, the react4-ve .9102 contains a negative charge. Tile density of this charge is equal to (2-5) . 1011 cm-2. Drift of -the charge is not discovered. The small changes of the characteristics with prebreakda,7n fields are explained by polarization of the dielectric. A teSt. Of tile Dassivatina, properties of tile films obtained A(f-jed their reliabilivv for protection and creation of non-housed semiconductors. 3 ill. 5 ref. 11.14, USSR N. F. _OVA "Application of the Statistical Test Method to Study of the Motion of an Artificial Satellite" Byul. In-ta teor. astron. AN SSSR (Bulletin of the Instituto! of Theoretical Astronomy, Academy of Sciences USSR), 1970, 12, No 2, pp 293-301 (English summary) (from RZ~-Mekhanika, No 1, Jan 71, Xb-stract No 1A51 by V. G. ikmir.) Me article studies the motion of an artificiM. earth satellite Translation: T around the center of mass under the in(luence of the ttamentAi of lorces of the central gravitational field, moments from the' magnetic passivz stabilizer and disturbing moments of aerodynamic forces, moments caused by eddy currents in the satellite shell, etc. From moments of disturbing forcei; are separated out random components caused by the random ebaracter of variatiom in at-.,io- spheric density, intensity of the earth's magnetic field, etc. In addition, random initial conditions are considered as random factors. lllur--~-.rkal in- vestigation of satellite motion around the center of mass wi,.; co:.diicLed on a computer by the statistical test method (Monte Carlo methi3d) , with numarical Integration of differential equations of motion being perfairtled by the Runge- Kutta method. The initial conditions ~ielected were close tio the initial MAKMOVA, N. F., Byul. In-ta teor. astron. AN SSSR (Bulletin of Uie Insti- Uote of Theoretical Astronomy, Academy of Sciences 13SSR) , 1970, 12, No 3, pp 293-301 (English summary) (from M-Ifekhanika, No 1, Jan 71, Wbstract No IA51 by V. G. Dgmin) ewditions corresponding to steady rotation canditionij, anti the random character of initial conditions was asrured by a. program of random. numbers. Numerical integration was performed for a satellite with or tAthwit a MgLletic damper. It was established that the distribution laws of angular velocities and orientation angles are not Gavssian in both ~cases (oriented anA unoriented satellite motion). It was found that befor4l -and at-ter the capture" of satellite motion around the center of mass b the h's tational field an unstationary random process takes place. A corre- gravi elation was found between angular velocities and orieatatio~n angles. 212 USSR UDC: 532. 721. 69 MALITSEV, G. V. MARM T INJUI Kel and NOVOKRESHCHENOV, P. D. "Influence of Mercury on Strength of Copper Subject to Ultra- sonic Vibrations" Kiev, Fiziko-Khimiclieskaya Meldianika Materialov, Vol 7. No 5. 1971, pp Z9-32 Abstract: Tensile tests of amalgamated copper specimens subject to ultrasonic vibrations were conducted. The specimens were of I mm diameter. The coating of mercury was 0. 001 mrn thick. One end of the specimen wis connected to a vibrator operating at 22 and M 5 kilo.h~!,rtz frequency. The other end was subject to a static load. The grain size was varied by varying the anneal ing'tempe rature. 112 USSR MWTSEV, G. V., et al, Fiziko-Khixicheskaya Makhanika'Haterialov, Vol 7, No 5. 1971. pp 29-32 -Lare On Fig. I the tensile strength is plotted versus the sqL of the vibratory stress. The tensile strength of coppe;~r specimens without mercury is affected little by theivibratory str(iss. The tensile stress of amalgamated specimens is lower thall of the specimens without mercury, it remains! constant for small values of vibratory stress, then decreases linearly with the' squaro of the vibratory stress. Curves for six different grain sizes are given, the strength decreases with the size of grain. The explanation of these results is that the vibratory stress destroys the intermetallic bond betiveen. copper and miercuty and makes it possible for the liquid mercury,to Venetrate into thr.- cracks between the grains of copper, 2/2 - 74 AA0047.011"4 uR o482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Sectidn I.Chemical, Dervent, 238306 VACUM URF ACING M14,FOR: OuT a, SUR- FACE OF HOy a CYVIORMAL PART S 4 -on- sists of vacuum thamber I witWinid within which are evajoritor 3',:ho~*ter .4, oon~ ~sct refrigeraLor.5 and vacuum, yatem 6.. Heatei + and refrigerator 5 are onlixe4 h~iizop'tal:holde* shaft 8, attached to.the en4face cap and passing,t4rough, the cavity of the part:,7 being ppoceimd. T~e part in fixed onto holder shaft B.; -In,proctssingj~ the revolving part is enclosed in' the vacuum chaj~ber, moving on extendi%~ rails. D,u#ting is, dome $y the evaporation of a substance sru~h &*,Amorphousloele- nium, with wh1ch evaporator Yls fille4. Cokact,to,,holde ~ sh*ft 8 are!ii~side pam 7. The -therm!4ouplfts q * slid'by a hatidle along the inner surface of part 7 to messure,Ats temperature. 9.4 64 an 892940122-1 MARTYNOVA N.N. (3.7.69~) Bul. 9/20.2.69. :Class 48b~,iR;;:W-F-F-T3c.. 9 --23OCT 70 DATE PRot ESS ING 112 013 UNCLASSIFIED :.-.T,tTL.C---D[-TERl%lINATION OF ISOBUTYLENE ANO ETHYL, ALCOHOL 114PURIFIES Itj ETHYL CHLOP I DE BY A GAS LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHIC METHOD -.U- -~_:AUTH0R-(04)-KUDRYAVTSEVA, N.A., LULOVA, N.I., MARTYNOVAt NoV., CHESNOKOVAt OF 1.14FO--USSR -SCURCE--KHIM. TEKHNOL. TOPL. mASEL 1970p 15(3)o 58-60 DAT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY :-TOPIC TAGS--ISDBUTYLENEt ETHANOL, LABORATORY APPARATUS9 CHEMICAL TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --1997/0542 PROXY REEL/FRAME CHROMATOPRAPHIC ANALYSISt CHEMCIAL PURITY, CHLURINA-rfED ALIPHATIC COMPOUND --UR/0065/701015/003/0058/0060 STEP NO ACCESSION NO--AP0119461 _u 2/2 013 UNCLASS I PIED PROCEISSING DATE-230CT70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119461 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IMPURITIES GREATER THAN 0,005PERCENT WERE DETL). WITH THE KHL-4 APP. 8Y USING HE CARRIER GAS. ISOBUTYLENE WAS DETO. WITH A 6 M COLUMN PACKED WITH UK M0.0IF[E0 WITH LIQo PETROLATUM AND SODA, BY USING PROPANE, BUTANE# 0,it ISOBUTANE AS I-NTERNAL STOS. ETOH WAS DETD. WITH A 2 SECTION COLUMN, PACKED WITH P.EG-400 ON SFEROKHROM-1 (1) FOR THE 2-M SECTlON AND 15PERCENT TRICRESYL ~PhO:SPHATE ON I FOR THE OTHER 3 Mr WITH A'C 5UB6 H S1)1~6, SOLN. IN PHME AS JNTERNAL STD. iLAS llf, U USSR UDC,621.039.534.1.-4i:620.193.23 Sr-YNOVA. 0. 1., NAZAROV, A. L, CHECHETKIN, Yd. V., KOBZAIII* 1. G., u and PETROVA, T. L p~ S "Transition of Zinc Corrosion Products From Boiling Water ln(~o Steam and Distribution of the Active Component on the Circuit of the VK.-50 Boiling Water Reactor" Moscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 29, No 2, Aug 70, pp 82-86 Abstract: Values are presented for the distribution coefficient (Kd) of Zn corrosion products at 180 atm (355*C) and 100 atm (3109C) and are c.=pared with experimertal data of the visible Zn distribution coefficient in the VK-50 boiling water reactor accordin8 to measurements 411th t.,1112 ZM65 isotope, Insofar as Kd (Kd -11.6 at 70 atm) and the half-life of Znb!i (TI/2-245 days) are very high, the Zn65 activity is ass=erl to represent this prinaipal. part of the activity of corrosion products In the steam-condenalite cyc,'Le-of the VK-50 reactor. This is shown from data an the activity ofiieverid blolks of the steam-condensate cycle. Steam washing'and rcplacing;~,braaw parts In the turbine condenser and preheaters with parts made from alther alloys are Considered effective means for reducing Zu activLty. 1/1 nil kQUS~S LNG. OAT E-20NOV70 UNCLAS S I F I ED p .~`T-ITLE--CEPGSIT ION OF SALTS AIND CORRGSICN PRODUCTS IN THE: FLOO THROUGH PAPT ~jr. TUM-UINLS nlTH SUPEkLRITICAL PAIRAqETEPIS -u- '.AUTti6R-(C-,e)-?ARTYN0VAr U.I.t ROGATSKINP U.S.~ UNTRY CF MFC-- LSSR E--T EPLC ENER GET I KA 1'~'IG, 1~15), 5G-4 GATE PUbL l5tiEJ ------- 7C -"4.S 101% NC-N-PROPULSt VE) SUc5JECT Ai~EAS--MATERIALS, -N E k G Y C-0 NY E. TCPIC TAl'lS--X 1';,'%Y A,*ii~LYSIS, STCA*'i TJR 6 f N C, CHEMKAL MOM;ANIC SALr, CLEAN'llib TELWil'~'UcEi col-oWSION TE ST CENITRCL RESTRICTI'L'~~"".'S 'CU,' .00 AE~J CLASS-U. ,PRJXY r,ELL/FRAME-30~4"r/19C.6 SrEP C TAC 4CCt:-S-SlCil~ ING-APC13.1"170 PRG(:t' S 1 v,?o 4SSIFTED 2*/Z 0 2 5 L CIRC A C L i 5 1 rl' N NG-AP0 L j I 11) A 6 S T;-~ AC'T. THE XFSULT) G F k AY ",N: 1\ L :,j r r DL-PLS I i C.", T iii-' V AiM E S A!~ IG. 1 'l FN 0EPUIDS (li'll fHL LUCA T I UN THE T WiC Cl'-N--~ I S F SlU SUB,'!i FE SU32 0 SLM3f AND GO"). 6N. 1ST STE VS GUQ 01'1; ill T i I E F F I C U 6 E P 0 5 1 T I -',S OANGC--,~UJS FUR Thl: f1j.~61NE. AS IT IS R'-l LD IiN lHL ZCINE i;~' DW SINALU:11T A VC'-KY SMALL DEPOSIT Ci-N ffl;~ 'GAPbCITY LA:~ THE SCA~ LL LiNLY A DF CiEASURES LhN IP'Pkf;VE' ThE CAPAC] l'Yl 1:0k, ~-AAMPLE REGULAk CHEM. "LEA1.4ING OF Tt-iE 60ILERS Ok PURIFICATION OF 11-iE HCEATED CONUE~.SATE EEFORE [;EAcl.R;A r wiri,. "WAMMRWI 023 OR dE~ UNCLAssir-i D (I SSING DATE--230CT70 REMOVAL OF DISPERSED PAATICLES INTO A STEAM AREA -U- 0.I.v 'NAZAROVP A.I.v CHECHEtKiNi. YU.V. OUNTRY OFANFO--USSR SOURCE--TEPLOENERGETIKA 19701 t7(31i 51-4 PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--PHYSICS, MFCH., INO., CIVIL Avri MARINE ENGR ~Tl~,TOPIC TAGS--PARTICLE DISTRIBUTION, IMPURITY LEYELP SURFACE ACTIVE AGENT, '._:'':STEAM BOILERt MASS TRANSFER/(UIVK50:REACTOR LOOP ,.::-,CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ..PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/0386 s'ro NO--URIOOI)6/70/oi,r/oij*-li/oo5itoo5,t -CIRC-A-CCESSION NO--APOIL15179 !-ASS j_f__j,E` --- ---------------- -w OZ3 -UNCLASSIFIED PROCl:'SSlKG DATE--2?,OC170 CIKC ACCESSION NO--AP0111579 -'~~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CONTAMINATICIN OF STEAM WITH SOLID PARTICLES, CARRIED ON BUBBLES, WAS STUDIED ay !rHE USE OF -RADIOSOTOPES ON A VK-50 BOILING WATER REACTOR Lrjop 01~ERATIK Ar SrEAm n DETNSo PRESSURES OF 70 KGICM PRIME2. VARIOUS ACIIVITY DISTRIBUT[Oi SHOWED THAT THE CONTAMINATION WAS NOT PROPORTIONAL TO THE STEAM MOISTURE. THE PRESSURE OF SURFACE ACTIVE AGENTS [N**I'HE BOILING L[Q. JHEAT TRANSFER AGENT), TRANSFER OF AND THEIR EFFECT ON THE SELECTIVE FACILETY: MOSK. :DISPERSED PARTICLES INTO THE STEAM WAS 085D. -"-,:,':~-~ENERG. INST.t MOSCOWY U$5Rv U'16~-LASS I 9y USSR UDC 61S.272.6:547.963.32] .01S :616-006-092.9 HATIYENKO, N. A., R0.141CIIEVSKAYA, G. H,, BELYAYEV, D. K, HARTYNOVA, R. P., and SALGANIK. R. I., Institute::of Cytology and 0t-e'r.'efT'c"r,--STtrrian Department, 'Academy of Scienci,,,s USSR, Novosibirsk "Inhibitory Effect of Homologous Ribonucleic Acid on tile Growth o 4ontaneous Tumors in Hice of the fligh-Cancer.A and C3 1.1 Lines" Moscow, Patologicheskaya FiziologiyaJ UsparimelitalInaya Terapiya, No 1, 1971, pp 45-47 Abstract: Deproteinized RNA from mice of the lo's;-cancer C57 B1 line was injected subcutineously into A and C H mice with palpable mammary tumors. The antitumor effed of tho preparation was assessed from tile differcnces in tile Weiglit Of tUnlDrs in control and experimental mice (the tumors were systenatically weighed in animals sacrificed 10, 20, 30, 40, 80, and 100 days after the injection) and in the survival time of.aniritals. WheTe- as the weight of tumors in control mice inc:reased raiiidly for the first I to 1-1/21 nonths and remained stable thereafter, it was significantly lower (SO to 77%) in the ~xperiiriental group at ---- --------- - ------------------- - ------ ---------- 1W m071 USSR MATIYENKO, N. A., et al., Patologicheskaya Fizxlologiya i Eksperimentallnaya Terapiya, No 1, 1971, pp 45-47 all stages, especially durinr the first 2 months. The survival time of experimental animals was also markedly,longer than that of controls. Injection of the RINA had,no toxic effects, judging by the fact that the body weigrht of experix2enta,l and control animals was virtually the same at the end of tht nt. experime 2/2 USSR UDC (537.226+537.311.331:[537+5351 PETROV, V. 11H., an "Dielectric Dispersion in BaT103 Single Crystals as a Futictiot of Their Domain Structu:-e" V sb. Segnetoelektriki i okisnyye poluprovodniki (Ferraelectrics and Oxide Semiconductors -- Collection of Works), Dnepropetrovsk, 1971, pp 91-99 (from RZh Fizika, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12YeII77) Translation: The dielectric permeability c and tan 5 were measured as a function of frequency in tile range I kliz -. 5000 11,141L, Aind of the uniaxial pressure at frequencies of I kilz and30, 300, and 200 Iffiz for c-doninfil. single crystals of BaT103, It was ,!stablished that c drops w1th an increase of frequency over the entire range indicaced anil not: oi%ly in the region of piezoelectric resonance. Losses increase and 9n ther ultrahigh- frequency region tan 6 of c-domain crystals reaches 0.3-1. ft is concladed that relaxation of 1800 domain walls with a wide relaxatEon time interval exists in addition to piezoresonance. With the applicattor. of pressure X along the c-axis F- and tan 6 increases at all frequencie:s so that at 300 MHz tan 6 passes through a maximum at a pressure of about 100 Wcm2. The average relaxation frequency increases with an increase of pressure, -which fact ic. explaincd by reduction of the grain structure. 11. M. Petrov. _-T 77-7--7- i)pat~:SSDJ~,; DATE--OftDEC70 006 UNCL AS SI FTEO OF PHOSPHORITES OF VARIOUS ORIGINS 0111RING THE ,_::~,-_--FERTIMATION OF PLANTS DIFFERING IN THE ABILITY TO L~SE HhRo To -WHOR-MI-SIROTINP YU.P.o MARTYNOVAP T*As: COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--DOKL. VSES. AKAD. SELISKOKHOLo NAUK~ 1970, 9218. !1 T-I 9 _:0 AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--AGRICULTURE AOPIC TAGS--CEREAL CROPt PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZERr PARTICLE SIl'E CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS C .0 WCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 0 ~.PROIXY FICHE NO ---- F070i605009/009 STEP rlO--(JR/3?75170)(.'100/0.~)2/0017/(,~019 Cl,RC ACCESSION NO--AT014()083 I IlA .2/2 006 UNCLASSIL F [C-0 PROCE$SING ()ATE--040EC70 :tIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0140083 .-ABSTRACT/EXTPACT--((J) GP-0- ABSTR4CT. DURING GROWTH T i,': ii, T SWITH MILLTt OATS, AND BUCKWHEAT (PLANTS WITH L13wo AV., AND HIGH AOILITY TO ASSIMILATE P FROM THE SOIL) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF-11. SAMPLF,5 Or PHOSPHORITE MEAL OF VARIOUS ORIGIiNS WERE. INVt::STIGATED~ T 1-11: S A M P L E 5 I ESP- LEVE~S OF rl U ', 0 -SU;,31 CAO, Fp DlFFERED MAINLY IN CHEM. COMPN.t 13 a .3 CO SUB2* AND INSOL. RESIDUEp WHILE THE PARTICLE SIZE JOAS THE SAME. T i E- '-RTl ~5 OF THE -FERTILIZING EFFECTIVENESS DEPENDED MAIqLY:I)N :THE PROPE SEL S-Kj JNI.TIAL PHOSPHORITE. FACILITY: GORIK. IN. HO Z INST., GORKII,USSR. UNCLASS-EFIED: qia~ wall USSR UDC 616.155.392-036.11-07:[61(>.157+616.4191-078 KAGAN, G. Ya., GOLOSOVA, T. V., , C111MAKOVA, L. P., KOPTELOVA, Ye. I., and RASKOVA, T. M., Institute of Epi em ology and lUcrobiology imeni Gamaleya, Academy of Sciences USSR, and Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion "Isolation and Identification of Microbial Agents From Bone Marrow and Blood of Acute Leukemia Patients" Moscow, Zhurnal Mlkrobiologii, Epidemiologii i immunobiologii, No 9, 1971, pp 72-76 Abstract; Four types of microorganisms can be isolated directly from, blood and bone marrow of acute leukerida patients. Two of them are straptoillicrococci and diphtheria-like microbes unlike the classical streptococci and diplitheroids. They are probably altered variants of the patient's microflora. Microbial agents of the third type are either a phase of induction of the L-form in the patient's body or a phase of bacterial reversion from the L-form. Poly- morphic agents of the fourth type reser--ble tile Hycoplasraat4jcea~~ in several !copl-m,ma~lila!" ori, respects and they can be tentatively regarded as "a L I anisij!i. LJ- - $!s 1 NG 1) 1/Z 01 1:1 R C, E AtE--13N(lV70 L -1 S S I F111 D ;-,T-lTLE--CQNDEf,iSATI0N JJF AROmATIC COmPoUN05 WITH ALLYL ryi,i; HAL"IDES. X* ALPHA REARRANGEMENT OF 4,3,%'l'PL0KQ,2,t3UTEN0XY,i 1',,:) L1,,;; E - U - :!A UT HO iR - ( 0 4 1 - a U N I Aq A K F I V 0 xv K 0 V A ,L. IYAGG-0 IN V.G. MA8rTbl0vf,;p V.P.? ;-~BALYAN iKH*V, _`CGUNTRY OF ItIFO--USSR SpuaCE-Lfi. GRG* KHIM. 1.970v 615)t991-5 PATE:PUBLISliED ------- 70 AREAS--Cli-EIMISTRY JOPIC TAGS--ZINC CHL(DRIDEt CATALYST, CQUENSATION REACT .11314, TILLUENEr ORGANIC C0,'-WOUND ONTROL MARKING-N~j RESTPICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED "PROXY ki.E-L/F,(At4E--300b/I342 STEP 036G/ 70100-5 /00~.,. /099 1/09 9 5 C IAC- ACCESS ION, iNG--A110 135016 '7777 IlRlJCM-i!NG 1")ATE-13NOV70 2/2 010 UNCL ASS I F I ED .CIRC. ACCESSION NO-AP0135016 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CLAISEN REARAANG~---:,~',ENT OF P-,4,:C U33 OCH SUB2 CH:CCLNE GIVES P-1-1 EC SOB6 H SUI-:14 41-1-1. i-::;(: SW36 H SU134 (CH SUB2 CH:CCLi-','l:-) Rc'-2,4, ANO firjc SuBb It SUB2 ((:I-I SLI;ki' CH:CCI-W.) 5LI132 M E-. - 2 p 6 , 4 1 S H OW I N t~.THAr THE REACTION 15 INTERIMOL., '11HE :--',FARR ANGJE~IIENT 'INVOLVES THE ALPHA-C Arom OF OCH SUL- CH:CGLME (L. 1. ,ET AL., 1968). THE REARFAINGEMENT K-ATL-- DEPENDS GN THE OF CATALYST (*LNCL SUB2), SOLVENT PULARITY (DECAL1111i PHNO SU62o 0-H(X, SL):b6 H SU,34 NO AND TEMP. FACILIFY; LEININGRAD. TEKHN01-1., IN.ST. II.I. LENSOVETA, LENINGRAD, USSR. now- 017 U14CLASSEFE 0 PROCE ;S I NG OAT E-- 201101V 7 C T L TL E -L C NU L N S AT I C N- C F 4 R "i M A T 1,' C ON PC UPI D Si T HALLYL ALKCr4YLATlCiN OF NtrpcpiiE.%ULS dY 4 Ctit.OkO 2 PENTt:Nl_: -tj-, AUTHOR- (C.3 )-MARTY NOVA, V-P-, 6JNINlkKRlVQRUK0VAt L.I., 4*tAl,YAf%6 KII.V. CtUNTRY CF LINFO-LSSR I'd G~G. KHIM. 1970, 6(41, 775-81 DA T E. PUbL ISrlEL'.-------70 ,.SLBJECT AKLAS-ChEMISTRY ~'-TCPIC TAGS--0RGANIG NITRO CU1,11POUNDt PHENOL, C HILOR I NA VIED ORGANIC CGMPIIIJNDP ALKYLATICN, CHEMICAL REDUCTIONt CATALYST, PALLADIUM CCNTRGL MAPKINCY--NO kESTRICTIGNS OCCUMEN7 CLASS--Ul%.`CLASSfFUD -'PROXY REEL/Fi~AME-2000/1944 STEP -CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP01-2551.33 7777: 212 C, 17 UNCLAS-SI Fl ED p R c) C FS'~s I NG 0ATE--20,NlJV7C Cl.NRC ACCESSICN NJ--All(-',I-;15533 ABSTRACTIEXTIRACT-W) GP-0- A3 5 T P A 6" FHE ALKENiYLATION OF Or M, AND P 'NITIROPHLNLILS 1-.IT,4 MECHCLtl-;-i:,:HpE I., IN ACETONE SCLN. N FG . K 1:0 SU53 CAVE L, M, AND P 0 SU62 NC SUBC- H SW34 00-INECH.1 ['IT) AND AMTSo CF 0 SUbZ Nt; SlJb,~) H SLL33 (C)j-0CHMC-CHtCHsfE av3 (IjIll ., rHE 1-0'~HAT 10.11 0 11 1 !;,JMEH ANID: 1\#'lJT -.0 C T f)F III IS DUE TO THE krA~~RANGEMPJ , A ALKYLATICN. HATING I I Ifi O,--CAL IN A Y 151,) - 6 Q IJ f.. (~ It. E . C &C;A VE IK I A140 I rs 01HER 2 ISOMERS. [HE klION. CiF It OVER I'll-l-CAU.) SU133 il-ArALYST GAVF ~l SUG2 NC SUbb Ii SUB4 CLlHMEC7r4:CHl-JL-. THE Al'TE,4jlrE-ii ALKJ-,' AlEYLAFJON (If t -NTE 4 NITF(CPHE:i~CLS VoITF I ljr~ mE:L;H GAVE CNLY 4 MEtH()XY ~ P,C NEI THE ALKENYLATION WITHOUT SOLVENIS GAVE THE- STARTKNG bit TRQ~HP,WILS AND Tj A R.S FALILITY: LEN INGRAD.. T EKHNOL MST,. I.M. LL-l,4--SCJVJ;-;TA, L.E~IINGRADT UNC L A 5 5 1 F h E 1) USSR UDC- 911.3.W.831-002 BAROYAN, 0. V., MEDVEDEVA, G. I.) SMATMI) A. A.. PICHUS11F.0-T, A. V., BESKBIA, S. R., ARUTYMIOVA, 1. A., PIERTYNTOVA, V. R. "Irmwiological-Epide~~,iologi(,.al Research on Tick-Borne Encqiialitisll V sb. M!iterinlv n' Vsas. sle:7,dn- eming,-i-jolomy, rdkrob-.612gov i iffo!-ftsioncy. tezisy dokd. Ch. 1 (Procecdjligs Of Vie 15th "_Il Union colrferzlmrii~ of EDidmi.clo- gists, I'licrobiologists aid Specialists in infectious Ri-sease '. Thesis heports Part.1 collection of worls) Moscow, 1970, ppI86-t87 (from -.,(Vh-36. MeditsJ.n- ,skaya geografiva 140 1j Jul 71, Abstract No 1-36.86) tilo abstract/ RAZIN, K. A., Candidate of Technical: Sciences, METLITSKIT, R. S., KABIN, Yu. YA.. , LYURESIHKIN, Ir. P. , AND N Ye-Ye. Engineers "The Densimeter of" the I'llencra-S" and I'Venera-6" Space Stations" Pribory i Sistemy Upravleniya, No 10, 1971, pp 39-40. Abstract: A description, drawing, block diagram, schematic dingram and p~oto- h are presented of the densimeter used on the "Venera-511 aiid 'Tenera-6" grap spacecraft. The device is based On the method of moosu-remont of gas de,-,s-Jtv consistin- in that a bock! is placed in motion in the medium t-.-hose deasity is to be measured and the aero-'Iynamic resistanco or drag of tile -gas , which ii a fisuc-tion of dew,:ity, if-, dezermincd. in the vibra-4ion donsineter &scrLbed, the ramrint; bodies consisted oi7 tile arms of a emitimially incltvd tiallm-,, fork. 'rhe oscillatiri(7 ZnMlitLtdQ Of the arms was inversely propoftiom-.1 to thc aaro- y d , naaaic dra!~, and tile Ihi,1h of th(~ tuning fork allowed gocid S~4n:.~itiv3-t,, tile device to be achieved. The device can rwaEurc densit[c-s from 0.15 to 45 in the 0-3SCC tjimperature ilxterV31 With an 07-1-Gr of Pot o-jer ~!161'.I. I ts iiidica- tions are indcrelident of fa~; composition. Calibration of.~hc densimoter is H cl-lbed. As 1-h-- cx=ple o1:7 z1he opc-ration of the densim-2:tcm-, tables are of the measurement data produced from the 'Y!mera-5". spacti-crift as it descejl~ej on Venus. USSR UDC-1911. MArdYNOVA, Z. I., and. KUDOYAROVA,. r.- Ya.. "A Survey of the Use of Mapa in. Studying Parasitle- Diseases. An addition to the Development of Beadi-cal- Cartagraphy" V sb. Vopr. Med. Parazitol. (Problerrw in Medical Parasito Logy -- collection of worlas), Moscow, 197a, pp 182-192: (from R71-36.. Meditsimakaya geografiya, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract go 1.36.9) Translation: An analysis is presented.of-nosogpographical maps designed and used for the study of the geography of parasitic-disease. Approximately -400 such maps of the text and-a:tlas type, all charted by USSR parasitologists, were studied. One of the first maps.was one showing the 6istribution of malzxia in Finland for 1830--1832., The Russian~ aud S oviet contAbution to this field has been great; particulax-ly distinguished piameers are N. Toropov, V. Stoletov, and A. Leontovich. A formulation-is given for the significance of cartography as a research method in the.geography of disease. A subject classification of these maps is suggested. groups are character- ized: 1) survey maps of disease areas without- consideration of their inner structure; 2) maps of diseatie area structures;-3) maps of disew~e vectors; 0-m-ar-s --qf the seasonal Preira lence- al. ,!,,edi cal phenomena; ---- 5)_ histarical USSR MARTYROVA, Z. I., and KUDOYAr-,'.OVA,, I. Ya.,.V sly-.. Vopr. Med. Para;1itol. (Problem in Hedi cal. Parasi_talogy~ -- colle-cUarr of works) "Cos cow, 19 70, pp 182-192 (fron RZh-36. Meditsinskaya-geograftym,,No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1.36.9) nosegeographIcal maps; 6) maps showing planning of count er-meas ur 1" against Infection.; 7) nosoprogm3stic. mapa., 8) distri-c!t_ division maps. it total of 393 nosageographic maps are- classif-iml. accord-Ing to content form of illus- tration and disease. It was found that the-nosoprognos tic ~ maps were most. prevalent (176); the most frequent method of-chartAllustration was flagging (181) and nosological spectrum (J07);~ and tU~.mast frequenl-- nap content was malAria distribution. (163). A critical analysts:was made i)f representational methods to convey medical inform.-itiom on mapa.- For purposms; of- research and practice, the most valuable maps- are those showing the relation between di- sease and the environment in a way that facilitates prognoi-tts about the future develowwrit of epidemLes in similar territotins. Tke prfj~si5ing prob- lems in medical mapping were defined as: the.coastzuctiam of a. series of maps an the structure of disease areas for basic parasiticAllne-sses, and extemUng the subject matter of complex medl co-geo graphic taILDS in geograph- Ical atlases. It would be useful. to. include medica-geographic maps in USSR MAF=OVA, Z. I., and KUDOYAIROVA, 1. Ya., Vopr. Med. Parazitol. (Problems in Medical Parasitology -- collection of works)~ MoscLnr, 1970, pp 182-192 (from RZh-36. Meditsinskaya Geograftya, k1o 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1.36.9) regional atlases as well as epidemiological division of districts, as these are constructs of medico-geographical assessment of the territory. 3/3- USSR UDG 621.582.5 MNOVSK EMCO, PO AR NAYIER, V.A., HIRICH, I.YA., KP.A.VGH_ lip M Low-Temperature Tiberm-celectric ".1icrorefrIv eretaril V ab. Niskotemperatirn. tennoelektric~..-aterivly (Low-Texperat%ire 71,ermoclect- r i c Materials--Collection Of Works), Yishinev, '1970, pp .165-166 (fron RZh--Slt,~kll i yeye Pri=enenive, I%To 5, M~ay 1971'Abstract No 5Bl,(sl) The construction is described of' a 7i_vtage thermoelectric micro- Translation; I refrigerator. Electric power supply of the thermopile viaa!acc=iplished by a cir- cuit with current splittino. Consumable patter did not exc-Oed 20 watts The device makes it possible to reduce the temporaturo to 122 depreeii uith a heat transfer temperature of ~030 K. 2 ill. I tab. 2 ref.' Authorlo Abstract. OZT UNCLASSIFMD': 1 --1 IS EP1_0 oss ING DATE OF DESIGN OF rKaHOELECTRIC COOLING BATTERIES -U- !-~"4UTHO R-- MART YNnV SKI Y, V.S., SEM6NYUX, V.A.,, TOMASHEVICHi M.N. 1-:"COUNTRY OF, INFO--ussp KHOLODIL'NAYA TEKHNIKAv NO 2% 1970o PP 31-35 ~ Z' -1) ATE PdBL IS14ED ------- 70 -:SUBJECT AREAS--ENERGY CONVERSION (NON-PROPULStVE)i PtlYSICS ~'-~JDPIC TAGSa--THERMOELECTRIC COOLINGY THERMO BATTERYt Hr.-AT TRANSFER THEoRY, coNVECTIVE HE-AT TRANSFER CONTROL MARKING--Nf] RESTRICTIONS POCUMENT C L A S SU N C L A S S I F I E D 'PROXY R_=EL/FRA4F--1987/1408 STEP ~40--Ur