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it C31 C 1. Al_~ S I F I E 0 uArE-110EC70 TlTLE--ANlItALk(;;Ar_ iMiATfkIALS IN SUN~ERY -L~-- AUTnOR-(02)-VILC,%LV, fi., PLufKINA, N,, CCU,vTNY uF INFG--LSSk ~jJ mC E-IN E f, I I S If",S K A Y AGA~ETA, QCfU6EA 2,19701 P3v COLS i--T DATE PUVLISHED--020CT70 SUr3JECT Ak~AS-610LOGICAL AND MEWCAL SCIENCES TVIC To~GS-CELLULUSUv BACTERICIOEt FILTRATICN, MACROMOLECULl SYNTHETIC FIBERv SUIUREt SUkGERYr STAPHYLOCOCLUS CUsTROIL PIAPJ~ING-NQ RESTRICTIONS DLCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PA%5XY FICHE N;J----F070/605037lF09 SrEP ICIRC ACCESSICN N,]--AN0142466 Ulic 1. A:~ S I v i E 1:1 .............. 212 031 UNCL ASS IF I ED p v 0C. k: S i .111 (1 DA T E -- -- I 1 -11 E C I CIRC ACCESSILN NO-AM0142466 A65TRAC T /EX TRACT- W J GP-kQ- A3srRACT', THE ARTICLE Rc-'Tll,',I)S I " IL) 17 Tij f Ij J* F6R M4KINC, dACTERICIDE 'AAfEiJAL-Sj $UCI-t AS ADDING THE 1~~(J*[:: A-A - FIJNCTI~`NAL GRCIJPS GF VACRGMULECULES 10F THE M0,01HU) U R 'I INT90LUCING IT INTL' THE POLYM.LM, )(IlUrRIN WHEN M0,1716 lhk, f:ldf:k. -'4ATERIALS I ANTIMICRObIC CELLULOSE MANUFACTURI:0 6V TIII; 11"uk [E~Xfl IL I- INSTITUTE ',S Pe,0PUSE0 Y PkGFES'Sdil 1. RLGIAIN f-lih S(~ Pj 1; OS P I If ~l AS ROOES, ECOLIM, Alk FILTLt~S, M 11-iii FCUL) I.N0i.J5fRVw kAlt-k f*- I L I EWS UNDER UIELO UNDITIONS, FOR STJPANIG lNSTkWllc'k'rS, PU. PROFESSGRS A. MEOS ANL, L. VGL. F OF 7HL l-FN3NGf,,!,0 TE11:TILf: PACjPGSI:C A TEChNI~UE OF FIXII.C. fl.EUICINAL MATERIALS IN 5~!'Jl~,iETtc )-,A~EKS- SUCH VATERIALS AS STREPTOMYCINf GUINOSGILP ETC. CAN Lll:-~ JWVi.ijUCb) IINIC PUYVINYL Al-CCHOL FIBERS. A "LLTILAN" WfTli iAll6ii .'d.:VlKR0bjC PALWC~TIES HAS 6EII-tNil UVLL~'Ji)ED IS Lit.1,NG USEU 1% Iii ME 1:cR4 OF A:,tTlINFECTIGN SJTUkE MME&JALS, !KNITIK") ltr~U VASClithr- PIc.'!SlHESE'-~,. OTHER USES OF "LET11-0.11 ARE ALSU THE 51'.'IJIJIFIC INSTITUTE CF CLli-41CAL A%D LxflFI`l,'-ILll.rAL SQtkGC-I:,,Y IN ALACEPIC1,11'. B. PETROVSKIYo L. ilLuri(rt..,, El AL. IMENJI41:11,~ADJ AAVE UEYF.Li.;PE,) VASCULAk PCLYLIHYLENE TERAPHIHALATE , PRUTHESE.$ WITH A 14LVEIR rfiREAG. TESTS HAVE ShLwN THAT INEIAING if 13ACTERICIDE TkEAT~.I) BY PATIENTS FUk 5 TO 7 DAYS REOUCED Tlil.' TOTAL WlibER Qj- 5KIN MICAW-IGANISMS AS ivELL AS THE NLMdEk ~-F STAPhfLJi,:.jl.CIC COLCNIES. UN C L A S ~ I F I L ~il ING 033 L Ij t. .0 A T'L V 1;L Su.,tjF-CT A!"EA:I-blCL'-~GIC,',L A"J .4:00--Ak. SCI~N(Js TGPIC TAGS-LIHASTIVE SYSTE".1 OISEASEt A~Icjl iC G 1), 1% 1H Y i -1 Y E ri'l C I NE Lc% r,: a T, % IT 11. j P. V E A L. L I i II THU A0i,Vi- 1-t k-. T C Pt 1; U 1.0 C. I I Li A L 41 S I A L 1: 111 J~ i) L;t, f T i P A T C Y A I A 1-, -1 C I -~, i,, i,P~:j L1-, 1 .11 101*1, 1 L t I I,; I ~:i, ql: !1'r,1 iJ',' 1~ 11 T C C i-. I i ~' S 6 1 L L I 0,~ At. L Y I L A N L) S A F 17 1 1 hL r I j~; I L 1~ i" F L i 1 F I L T: I I 'S I, I, L Y I S I U-1 i, i. A i i I S 1'.0 y k (I C A V "Al''I I., I~ I N vi 'i I I i% ~j ;'i t ~;., I I C It L!", f"A i 10;1"~ ISI, I 114" 1. ~j 1,:j!) Y 1~1 i bi~ 1, A i~ Y I'k A LT I t Pl A I I T II- , 1, 1 1- v i I L, 1. A LJ;: USSR UDC 628.165:542.65 KOLODIN, H. V., SEYITKURBANOV, S., and MILONOV, V. V. "Washing of Ice Crystals in a Washing Column During Deseltnation of Salt Water by Freezing" Moscow, Vodosnabzheniye i Sanitarnaya Tekhnika, No 6, 1971, pp 20-22 Abstract: It has been established experimentally that the effe,ctiveness of ice crystal washing in a countercurrent wash column depends principally on the height of the washing zone Ilk, the rate of ascewion of ice in the column v1, consumption of fresh water for tho washing of fice crYstals f ,raph has and on the dimensions of the crystals be-ing~treated dcr, A nomaW been plotted from which these parameters could be detemLiLed for given salinity of the water being treated. Consumption of fresl~ water for wash- ing the crystals in a countercurrent column is much lower than in a centri- fugal apparatus. Furthermore, the treatment.of d 6usFe=31an in a field of centrifugal forces requires a very conplicated appsratu3, adding to the overall cost of the process. III 1/2 026 UNCL ASS IF] ED 13A(:)~:CSSING 0ATE-13NOV70 TITLE--TREPONEMA PALLIUUM lM,'40%3ILIlAtICN TEST WITH FRVSH I.;1LOOD -U- AUTHOR-FILGNOVAt T.I. CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-VESTNIK DERMATOLOGII I VENEROLOGIli 19701 NR 41, PP,56-58 OATE PUBLLSHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCteNCES TOPIC TAGS-SKIN DISEASE9 VENEREAL DISEASEt TESTt 010NOSTIC METHODS, ;WHOLE BLOODP BLOOU SERUM CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1990/0938 STEP CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0109095 UNC LA SS I F I f: 0 212 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATt--L3NQV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP01.09095 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AB STR A c'r. THE 61.000* AMVE ANJ INACTIVATED SERUM FRO14 323 PATIENTS WITH SYPHILIS, $UBJECTS rxAMINED FOR SYPHILIS AND PA TIENTS WITH DERHATIC DISEASES 6ERC- lE$TED lN PAPALLEL BY THE MELANGEUR METHOD OF TREPONEMA PALLIDUM IMMOBILIZATION TEST. 1% COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS 08rAINE0 WAS CARRIED OUT REVEALING NO CCPPLETE DEVERGENCE 8ETWEEN THE RESULTS (IF TE$TS ON THE: BLOODs ACTIVE AND INACTIVATED SERUM. YHE HIGKFST PER CENT' Of 1PARTIAL DEVERUNCES WAS FOUND IN COMPARISONS BETWEEN rHC- BLOC() AND INACrINATE.10 SERUM. THE RESULTS OBTAINED SUGGEST THAT TPIT MAY BE RECOMMENDED TO BE PERFORMED IN MELANGEURS LSING THE BLOOD AND ACTIVE, SERUM. FACILITY.' OTDEL MIKROBIOLOGII TSENTRALINOGO N l.KOZHN0 VERNEADLOGICHEt)KOGO INSTITUTA MINISTERSTVA IDRAVOOKHRANENIYA SSSA* MOSCOW. USSR ux 669.7'.L6:621.777.2 BARAMMOV) V. M., UMV, Yu. P., GOROJUJOV, V. S., I'llasco, S. 14., ZAhTAROVl M. F., KMOIADNA, 0. U., MAI IU(Ot V. F#j-tutd**TIS-'W7-V 1"" RE, 11, .. , . "Development and InvestiCation of the Process of llremtilmj~, Rolls and Shapos of Aluminum Alloys with Libricant 14-thout Press-'1~4tsldue" Yetallovedemiye Splavov kgkikh ILI-.taIlov-6bonik, Moscow, "NatiIa", 1970, pp )29-137, resume Translation: A number of problems related to the investij,,ati(in of the 3)rOCOSS of pressing aluminum alloys vith Itibricant ml the invaitl.;-atlon of ii)icharicai properties, rncrostruC4 Mro, and gearnvtrie &Jirnnsions of -,pxoducts are discussed. Technological- e conomi Cal data on the process are pres-entcrd. Five figures, nine tables, seven bibliographic references. 1/1 USSR MILOSERDIN, YU. V.; BARANOV, V. M. et al "Procedure and Apparatus for In-Reactor Investigations of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Yaterials" Moscow,, Atomnaya Energiya; August 1973o PP 101-104 Abstract: %be procedure and apparatus used for in-reactor dt~terminatijn of elastic constants., internal friction, and prolonCed hardnels of materials are described. The procedure is based on the determination of parameters of' ultra- sonic resonance vibrations for speciinens in the form of dim-_s of 20-run diameter and 3-mm thickness. The elastic constants are ctilculzted from resonance fre- quencies, internal friction from the width of t1ho reiscmance curve, and hardness from the shift in resonance freque-ncy Initiated by Vicktrs-pyzwAd inderktation. The measuring equipment includes ultrasonic waveguides In tie form of t1iin rods for transmission of vibrations to and from the spacizeita. '1be electronic equipment is located in the working area. With the appaxatuii it is possible to measure the above-mntioned parwrteters on vpecinano3 of strue,,tural and fission- able materials at temperatures of self-heating (up to 6m)'Oc ) with an accur"Icy sufficient to detect comparatively small variations of t-lhe naeorded parw-,eters. 7he article includes four equations, two figures, onl on~ tacb1a. 'rhere are 12 references. i7i USSR UDO 6520,172.2-1.05 BAR-kNOV1. V. MI. I r-OR.0 3-TIJI 0. 3rind Y . V.0 U Moscow Engineering Physics Institute "Device -for Elasticity cmd Inte3mal Pi-iction. Constants of Small Specimens in a Wide Temperature Yosco,,!r, Zavods'~aya Laborntoriy,%, 1101 36, NO 9, 1972, PP 1143-1144 Abstract: The con-truction of a device for the of elasticity E, FoisDonln r~7.tio M, nnd the in-ton.!r-.1 friction Q~-! on circular -'~I,itcn (1--~; rmm thick,10-20 i=n v-.cuLL-.i o--r- Hg-colur-,Ln iz; deocribed bi, reforence to its The mearurin- nzinciple 1-~:. b-!.sed on the resi:ina ce-nulsc r,,.vtho~, Conotants of elasticitey B -,-,rore c;~lci~lated :11::,om :re~ion,--ince fr-c-1-iucri- cies and values of Q` were dctermined .1~1,0-m tho 1110tq of 'U'r. -"C.- sonance line or from stindard formulas. The c,-Amullitio t n vmrc nc~: 1/2 USSR BARANOV, V. M., et al., ZavodBkaya Laboratoriya, Vol 38, h'-:~ 9, 19721, i143-1144 o f E rul.d of Q-1 .-;ere 21 5-3 ',,)-Ynd 7-10 "'u, ros-noctivoly. Vrio .:yst-'r'- Matic error in detcrni~jvjg Q decroasoo '.~dt-;'i Jimm--v-,imi-, C~Iqmot--- Md incMasinr,- mass of the Waues o-L" E !--uad for 'Ib, Zr, emd Ta, determined, .-rith the help of the d'e-sor-i""A de%'ice' proved its efficiency at temperatures up to 2200 00. Two two biblior graphic references. 212 82 USSR UDC 539.376:O2Q.~j,'1- N- Ya. V., NABOYCHENW, K. V., C111-BURKOV, V. L, NAUMOV, S. IAVEYKIN, L, I., BORTSOV, A. G, , MOSOC1.1 "High Temperature Creep of Zirconium Carbide" Problemy Prochnosti, No 3, 1972, pp 50-53, Abstracti Results are presented froja creep and Iong-txna sll-l~ngth tk,st~~; of specimens of zirconium carbide in the 2,430-2,81(i"K tL.:~ip(,rarurc rza~ip-,. The nature of behavior of the --irconitmi carbide in varicus of Crecl) and the relationship botween parameters characteri-,ing creep ,inkl the te!;t conditions of the material are studled. It is deutomstrated Hiat -in the 2,450-2,8100K tei.-iperaturc interval t.,ith strosses of 0.'-;-I.0 hgyrk:n,~, the stable stage of creep of zirconium carbide is deteiiiiin~td by il diffusion process with an activation energy of 116 18 kcaUmol-, Analysis and~Tlexttng USSR UDC 620.17$ KULBAKJI, A. A. P OlEOIKO, V. N. , atlttl SEMUIOV, 0. D., Moscow "Method of Performing Cyclical Elastic-PlaEtic Tests ot 14fraqtory Materials by Twisting at Normal and High Temperatures" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 12, Dee 70, pp 51-57 Abstract: This work deals with problems of the law-cycl4i test:Ing of refractory materials by torsion. A method is described and two inst.allattLatia are studied which perform repeated tests automat~jcally at normal. wd islevate'd teluperatrares. The results are presented from the diDformatlon and molyb4i mvum q,t twperatuxes in the 293-1600*K range, USSR U-DC: 621.376.2.34 VILISOV, A. A., VYATKIN, A. P., MAKSMOVA, N. K., .1,11LOSE-RDOVA, L. I., and PMRSKIY, Ye. N. "Sensitivity of Gallium Aracaide Detector Dio~lasll .Kiev, Izvestiya VUZ - Radicelelitranika, vj)I. 1-ij, No. 5, 1971, pp 555-587 Abstract: This brief conmunication offers the cf re,~,,Llarelj of the behavior of Point contact an(I Schottky clioides o4 electronic GaAs. in their exzeriments, the measured 'the sensitivity of th,~ diodes in 7"Whe three-cerltlmi!to at a power level of 10 Wi' undion, r3hort-circuit ciondUicn.,-.1. T ?I tuninf..r of the detuctor oecticn or a matchc.,tl produred it st%nding wave mi.lio leus than or equal ti.) 2 ti,.) 2,1j. 1-im! tested had an electron 0' from cm--, to 1-IC)IJ CM-3 fj;,, the,point-contact, 'and a mate~-Ial Of a 1- 1-1616 to 1.2-10 1 cm- for the ~~chottky barrier devices. The two t Y pi~, ~I of diodes are compared with regard to th~;ir deti!ctcr iatics. Curves am, giv,~m for the censitivity 01, Lotit type-q as functions of the bias current and the frequeIncy. Thii experiments showed that th-- sensitivity of the diodem --ould be increased by applying pulses of the proper shaped. ill USSR POSTNIKOV, V. S., MILOSHENK01--y--j.11pe" ZOTIOTUIGEIN, 1. V., BRUND, C. YE., and SKUKHALOV, YE. I., Voronezh Polytechnic Institute Ifffect of Imperfections on Internal Friction of Suporconductors During n-s Tmaition" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tels., Vol 149 No 11, Nov 72, pp 3W07-3448 Abstract., The article reports on further studies of tkLe low-frequency Inter- nal ftiction of superconductors by the method of flexurtil vilzations. FTe- vious articles by the authors reported that the Internal. frintlon peak Q"i Is detected during the n-s transition and It& value does not vary apprecLasbly with a change In the number of impurities In polycrystalline iiiobium. The present article stidies the effect of exterded structural iMpOrfeCtiOn3 on this peak in polycrystalline and single-cryatal specimenii of niobiuri. The q"1 peak of a 99.8 percent deformed polycry;iftllina spocinen h.0-ti a vid-th that considerably exceeds the width of the peak in a single cryetal with a deforma- tion of several percent. No pe--k is observed experimen-~a,ljy iii a aingle- crystal specimen annealed at 9500 C for an hour, No tCl poak Its observed In V2 USSR. poSTNIKoV, V. S., et al., Mika Tverdoro Telat 'Vol 14o No 11, 110v 72, pp 3447-3448 perfect single crystals, but it Is observed In polyary-MallAno specize::s (deformed and annealed) and single crystals with all&ht defarnation, relchizz a width of several tenths of a degree. Ccnolusions Extendvtl stru,~~tuxal im- perfections axe responsible for such a substantial ex-Ansion of the teitpera- ture range; theoretical works hive failed to consider the eftect of t~*saron the character of fluctuations. 2/2 70 a5sp UjUU 539.67+621.317-343 jnosN_=O1_Y._Xe.. ZOLOTWMIN9 I. V1, and POSTINIKOV, V. S.0 Voronezh Folyf-e-cMe Institute "Device for Measuring the Internal Friction and the Electric. Resistance of Thin Foils in the 4.2-300 OK Temperature Interval,' Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimental go 1, Jan-Feb 72, pp 218-220 Abstract: A device for measuring the internal XxIction. Q-1 tuid the electric resistance of thin films and f oilo of 1-200/" thick- ness in the temperature interval of 4.2-300 OX is described by reference to the schematic diagram of the eryo,.,itat, the gas- com- muaication schema, and the block diagram. By the deacribed me- 4e of he- thod, the internal friction can be measured in the ranr lium temperatures correct within 0.5% at 4.2 OK and correct within 1% within 300 OK. The electrio resifitanco if; meamired by the compensation methodi using the P,306 low-obinic potentiometer 1/2 USSX, KMMHENKO, V. YE., et al.* Fribory i TeRhrLika Eksperimi5ittao No I# Jazi-Flab 72, pp 218-220 and the M21/4 galvanometer. The Q--I temperatwt,-e dependences o:t polycrystalline vacuum condensaten of a thin co-pper film and of the internal friction and the electrio coaduotivi-ty of a niobium foilt showing a Q-1 may-imum at the transition temperature to the superconductivity etate, are Illustrated. Five, i2lnstr., four bibl:Lo a ref s.' 2/2 - 174 - Acc. Nr. Abstractlng~$erviize; Ri?f. Ca4e AP0048449' CHENICAL A ~I at toatectd(: properties (if thin 1wI-ers 'U 'R). F4. rckh. r-iiiupi-eav., l.970,-0,I), TW-spR-tjFal de .4,cnccuf the K of thin ~bo layers was in-vest gaW in the, enei-SIP rAng" 1.7- 5.5 eV. at 85-500*K. f4W rK Val#~S 3 x lot-5 x 106 itri-S. The absorptionspectrum consistsof8 Parts: the 14tj torreig~311d- ing to straight perinitted transiti(jas; the 2nd, appri,41K,11ruaild b straight lines in the KOJAW) Coo iulvtm; and jh~! 3rd,.will Aw < 27 cV, in uingle q,rystals.~ P":uliuritks Di 1(hic SPOttlial dqxndence of the photoLon (which jE semiflve I:i unriwilitig d of the specimen) tLre Idivis phototlec. iaoctiv -'absocoTtilm med i3 absent. The obid. absiopt on Iga tht tails i3 rclsql~. to u trunni. tion between "quasi-smdik-~c' states (at the gmitt 'WU114H40) and permitted zonts. Alcxlin~dte Fito 11517 A4 USSR m1c. 681.3327.66 MILOSLAVSKIY. G. V. "A Memory Element Based on MOS 7~%ansistors" Moscov, Gtkrytiya, Izobreteniyo-, Frcrryshlenryye Obra,.ztsy, q-bvarnyye Zn,:.L-; No 20, Jul 72, Author's Certificate No 3113306, Division G, filed 7 Oct 7o, published 22 Jun 72, p 176 Translation: This Author's Cert;:Vicate introduces e- rsit--tzory elenen~. bazed on 140S transistors. The device C-mtains ft flip-I'lop througil trilansfer trensi2torr, to a coordimite. trannintor. Aloo incl.113ad Ire a pulse supply aource, elemunt-stmpling coordinate liues~ it c=iitant line for the flip-flop, and (lip lace 11' eu corinectei) to the Lransfei ,I t--p- n transistors. As a distinguishing feature of the Imterit, pounr ecrisunp- tion is reduced by including two OR gates whor-f-, first Lqrutti are cannecled to the pulse supply source, while the second inpul.s w*e- conxinctrad to tile element- samp! i ng coordinate Unes. Tile outp*%Its Of thit! OR gr;~tel; [ire mn- nected respectively to the gate of Uie cocrainate trawu:lmtor ajid io it* source. 1/1 USSR ARDELYAN, N.G., YILOTIN, D.D. "Phase Gharqcteriatice Of A Type U11-21'0 T471" 62_l.-,85.6'2 EleVtron. tel~hniks._Nauchno-tskhn. fib. Elektron. SVCh (Zlcctronica 'technolaIT'j, Scientific-Techn ical Collection. 'Microwave S~O-C-~rl_(~7~s), 19i'O, %.o 2, pp 146,149 (from RZh--Elektranika I )~~3Le ict 11. eiLl 0 !t, No 8, Xuruat 19'~(Ij Abetri 'o 4 Translation-. Vine results are presented of an experimental Imvaati(-,utiDn of the phase arecteristice of a Type UV-230 TWTI sophich Is usad in 1-0111y iappuriltll(3. Sevaral mod- els of tubes were investigated which made It possible to jwdgo tht rec~,rrarce of characteristics. The &2pandences were 41so uiauoqrod ce' tho pb~jafi o;!' tno output aii-nal, on the power supoly voltage and the input power, The olopo M' tha depon.-40no-a Of the phase characteristic or, the voltaire of thft daceleroting evatitai aniounta to C,.q 1.2 degree/volt, for the anode voltu~!_o' 0.1 4. 0.;1 degrao/voit,'an:1 for, tlie voltu,-) .,he focusing electrode 0.95 -t 1.1 dagree/vokt. :WItli a rhango of -14e voLtuir..] irl ti,.a de- calarating system corresponding to a + 700 pho 9 achaiigej, th9 0-itput poweir iu e;Funged by ti. %0 3 R A 7 TS Y OATE i'UBL ISHED--------70 S U Bj E C T A,,-k E- A S --BIOLCGICAL ANU M~OICAL SCIENC(-:S TOPIC TAIGS-PATEN1 , LAUG'At-TOKY EQUI P-MUNT, MULI JTAAI.,~#, RlEL0f*(.')PJ"lr 61i'lLOGIC LABOKATORY CONTRIjL DOC UM C,', T f-. ~ A '52 S- -C LA S S 11 PROXY Wi:lp [10- -GR /04i 82 AU (E,,G p r 212 0 ?- 0 UNC LAS S I F I ED, i~ 5 SI M6 0,j1 TE-- I 3N 0 VC C I R C A C C ES S I JN A A 0 12 1 d 70 ABSrRACTP~XTRACT--(U) A!1!; T RA C T[NCLUDING /I P04E,MA~Y VALUI-ES CF SLO.k.y C I '~'; I NG IALMC~Sf LI'MAQUATI)k BLUCK 15, i-:ITTED ~.iITH I-lilt AVLI'~'AGED CUT VALUES, FOR IINSTA~%'CE A 1:-1-JA XJh),AGE INCLUDES AN AMPLITUDE DISC~%11141NAT!:I~Ar STANDARD SU'!~'-IAT P ANO STC'~-AGE- ELLII'~'.Nrv ANO AN AVERMGE AM!PtK'I(,1:JL- CH4;1.~,~EL fo~CLUOING AN INTL.~RATOR AN'D STURAGE UU~MEIIJ. M(5 AtAo',S INOICE.S iiillt-l RATES OF CHANGE TO BE RECUR01:3 014 A CAo,RIj:kj, fl-11-ii,E IS ALI)I) A Cc.,~jm,!L 14PULSE GFNERATUR TO SYNCIVONISE ANO r;EC.130111) 1001CC-S IN A s E Q u Pla, C E F A C I L I T YK A UN A S S K I Y M Eu I T !) I N ~ K 11 Y 111 ~ r I T L) T