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USSR UDC 536 -~~14 STAROVOYTE24MC1, Y E. T. nd MI "Experimental of the! FI'fcc't cf and the Heat Exchanl';e in Un. AWjUjV-Lr Chaimol at Uitnin"Ir Motlcm of the MediiZ V Sb. "Tt~plo i Mnscor:1,t-no.3" . ZT-11 the CcIlectic-ri Technical Inl"Ormation Mlin:31i, 19,12, lit) '41J-2,49 (fvcm No 6, Jul, 72. 34. Avipticit and Rockot F4"ginez]. Allstmet: H.0 t: ..III Translation: El-,Derlmt~alud d"..-La wc!xe olAr...Illed f(-"I. tl*,(! at laminar motion con-alcicn of in an nanuir'Ir iii thz~ regiun of fiosr nrau~ jjijtIt!.I hydrojLy-x.,fl,~ this Case, t1,,-! tr t Od Nd. II tlv! I I!, i. 1,< 4 '/ St; 0. 30~ >, 0; 0. 06% >, N; and 0. 015%. >,, It. I ta. mechanical Drop- erties are RB - 290 420 gigacalories/mm2 es/trn,2. Cyb - 101) 135 0114cllluri 18%; 0 = 15 50%; all = 1-5 gigacalorles , n/cm for thti TB2 alloy. The mechanical properties of the alloy at increased tempe-l-aturat; (40000 are determined, and the therinal stability at 40,0-500'C is stud:Led after thermal cycling at 350, 400, and 450%. The prospects fov usiniz, the alloy as a heat-resistant material tip to 400*C are also indicateA. 'Fite high corrosion resistance of the TB2 alloy in certain aggressive envtxonments is established, and the absence of a tendency to intarcrysralliiie corrosion 1/2 USSR SHAPOVALOVA, 0. M., et al., Metallurgiyo t Khtmiya Titara (Anstitut Titana), Metallurgiya Publisliing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 117-Ml.' is demonstrated. The TB2 alloy can also be u3ed as a I-Afghly stable con- struction material that resists corrosion in many active. environments. Three illustrations, six tables, and two bibliographic antriets. 2/2 - 66 - USSR uDc 669.14.oi6.298:Ce~i.i72-1153..29 OOL-MMWC, A. A., SUKHIM, N. P., and MEYWAO T. M., All-VmLon Corres- pondence Machine Building "The Effect of Manganese and Nickel on the Strength of Sl;ttel under Harsb Lxding Conditions" Moscow, Metallovedenlye, No 6, 1971, pp 41-43 Abstract: A study vas made of the effect of manganesp azil nickel on steel strength under harsh loading conditions. TWo groups or aiteels, the first containing melts vith 0-5, 1-01 2-0) =4 4.o% 1;.6 ans 0.1, 0.2, and o.4~c, th!- other vith melts containing 0, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.o% 91 and 0.2, 0-3, and 0.9~ C, 0.2-0-35% Si, 0-3-0-51%, Ph, 0.017-0.02?%P,, and 0#023-0-03% S veZ~ im,~stipled- Strength was found to depend on the azmaling temperature nLnd the content of C. The results are represented in curres showing the effivets of Yn amd Ni an plastic properties and of the annealing "terature aa strexilO,,h and -the ebanp of the cold brittleness threrAmld. The stivagtb =der hqrsh load-IMI; conditions for steels with 4~6 I-h and 0.4% C is considerabhy losmmr than for steels with smaller Mh content. A comparison or plataticil;y and cold brittlenets changes of nickel-allor.4 steelB revealed th* a~seace oC m clealo ~nV3rdep*vn&,nce betwen macroplasticity and the teadancy to brittle ralluxin. Mime figurea, "~%- bibliographic referemnces. L/3 C12 iJN(.LAs.s IF I L-0 Vl