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6.821'261:541.67 USSR UDC 54 NESHPOR, V. S., NIKITIN V. P..and NOVIKOV, V. I., Institute of Semiconduc- tors, Academy ol Scien~t;;Tm "Superconductivity and Residual Resistance of Titanium Carbide" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskiye materialy, Vol 7, Nd 101 Oct 71, pp 1743-1747 Abstract: The study concerns the electric conductivity and Hall effect of titanium carbide in its homogeneity region at below-zero:temperatures as well-as its transition to the superconductive state in strong magnetic fields. The experimental titanium carbide was of the composition T1 - 0.91 Ti The study revealed a Yery.weak temperature dependence of the o.46' conductivity at 300-4.2'K,indicating that the specific resistance at room temperature is almost completely governed by residual resistance. Both the resistance and the Hall coefficient decrease with the carbon content in the TiCx phases. With a sufficiently high concentration of carbon defects, the increase in the density of states near the Fermi level makes possible the appearance of a superconducting gap in the energy spectrum 1/2 a ! ~ - 5 ~ !!; 1: 1 1! ggid~ DATE--11SEP770 -_~~X,NTERPRETATION OF THE INFRAR EDABSORPTION SPECTRUM OF BORON OXIDE .,~AUT4.40R"N I K I T I N iV.S., MALTSEVv A.A. N F INFO- USSR 0 VESTNe, MOSK. UNIV., K H I M.. 1970i'llflVi'22-6 :1~:DATE-.PUBL ISHED ------- 70 AREAS -CHEMISTRY SPECTRUM? ABSORPTION SPECTRU,", BORON OXIDE -,;.CCNTR(3L MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :~__DDCUMENT CLASS-U4CLASSIFIED ~-_~:PROXY- lREEL/FqAME--19R9/0609 STEP NO--UR/0189/70/011/001/0022/0026 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107206 UNrLASSTFIEO mat UNCLASSTFIED PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 026 -Czl-.RC--,ACCESS TON NO-AP0107206 jkBsTRACT/EXTRACT--(.U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EARLIER STUDIES OF THE IR 1. '... .-~ABSORPTICM S.PECTRIA OF THE VAPOR OVER B SUB21 0 SUB-1 AN. AN INERT ATM. AND 4 E a 00 N: THE PRESENCE OF WATER VAPOR LEAD TO THE COICLUSION THAT rH 0 S -IN THE SPECTRA 1535, 740, 1320, AND 2030 CM PRIME NErSATIVEI) BANDS AELOW; TO B-SU82'0 SUB3 VAPOR AND THAT ITS-MOL. HAS T.HE V SHAPE .,~:-.~~:STRUCTURE WITH C SU82V SYMMETRY. THIS CONCLUSION WAS CHALLENGED BY P. iL'',HANSTt ET-AL. (1965) TO CLARIFY THIS CONTRADICTION# NEW ~'~KIEASUIRE14ENTS OF THE IR ;BSORPTION SPECTRA OVER-8 SUG-1 0 SUF33 WERE MADE THE'-~3594-3900 CM PRIME Nsl:GATlVEI. REGION AT. -SIMILAR TO. 13150-160ODF-GR.EES JN DRY-AR; (5-20,TORR). THE SAMPLF OF B'SUB2 D-SU53iWAS PRELIMINAqILY DEHYDRATED AND-DEGASED AT 1000-1600DEGREES. THE NE bf FXPTS, CONFIRMED VEi* RELONG TO B AT:2035v 1320i.AND:760 CM .PRIME :NEGATI THE -SUB -.SUa3:_--AND TTS~,MOL. HAS THE~V~SHAPE~:CONFTGURATIDN 141TH C SUa2V -~' UNCL ASS I FLED- GZ5 UNCLASS IF I EO PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 C IRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0126269 _-.AisSTRAf-.llEXTRACT-_(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. NA SALICYLATE, BORIC ACT01 PHOHP Al' Mij L) ANO 40 bZQH WERE EFFECTIVE FUNGLSTATICS FOR 22 MAINS OF AIRBORNE L .!YEAST SPOkES FCR GREATER THAN L.5 5YEARS AT O..03-0.251"ERCENT CONCNS. Ili -:POLY (ME THY L Sl LOXANE S), USED TO PRES,ERVE eONE TISSUESiFOR TRANSPLANT, UNDER CONDITIONS CGMPARABLE WITH1 THOSE: DURING TISSUE '._-.,,PRESER_VATIi:h LPERATICNS. LESS, EFFECTIVE. ADDITIVES TESTED WERE KI, 'C' FACILITY: LENINGRAD, .1.1w XJ-TRIC-'ACIUt AND NA SUB2 S SU82.0,-SU83. ~--GOS.~ INS1, U56VERSH. VRACH. IM.: KIR.OVAv LENINGRAD, U~SR. L'i '4 L 1_4~ s s) I f- -1 f:- USSR UDC 621-375-826+532-783 VASILYEV, A. A., KOMPA2,191PS, I. N., NIKITIN, V. V. "Shortening the Switching Time of an Optical Transparency on a Liquid Crystal" Moscow, Kvant. elektronika (Quantum Electronics), No 3, "Sov. radio", 1972, pp 81-83 (from RZh-Avtometika, Telemekhanik'a i VychislitelInaja Tekhnika, No 1, Jan 73, abstract No IB438 by T. V.): Translation- A transparency on a liquid crystal controlled by an electric field is used for data recording. Scattering of the light flux with tur- bulent moti. n of the domains of the liquid. crystal by sections of the transparency to which the electric field isapplied leads to loss of co- herence of the transmitted light and a sharp attenuation of its intensity. The pattern of electric voltages recorded on the transparency is thus transformed to an optical image which is transferred as At hologram to a photographic plate, using a laser. 11he frequency characteristics of dy- namic, scattering are studied for activation and deactivation. As a result of studying the influence which an alternating electric field and short field pulses have on scattering duration, an image recording cycle ti-me cf --aphy of six- titles. less than 1.2 ns is achieved. Th-ree.illustra:Uons.bibliolp USSR UDC 537.521 BASOV, 11. G., Academician, BELENOV,.E. M., VOLINOV, M. I., CUB111, M. -A s DANILEYKO, M. V., and HIKIT1N. V. Physic Institute i mleni P. N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR, Yoscolf "On the Question of Generating a Stabilized, Ring-Resonator Laser Frequency", Moscow Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 210, Ho 2, 1973, PP 306-308 Abstract: The power resonahces of a ring laser can be considerably naxroger and more contrasting than in the case of a linear laser. They are based on rorecomplex effects, and the coincidence of the center of.the resonances with the central absorption frequency :is not, obvious. The article studies this question theoretically and experimentallye It is shoim that, as in the case of a linear laser, the power resonances~. of a ring laser occur at the central frequency of the absorbing gasp -- ------------- - TiSSR UDC 537-521 -BASOV, N. G., A-ademician; BELENOV, E. M.; ~AIBKSEMI V. A.; It. V.; VOLIZIOV, M., I. GUBIN, M. A.; V. V.; TAOSHOIN, V. N. P N. lebedev.Physies lnstitute,~ ....... cow Spectroscopy Inside a Uniform (Radiatlon):Linell Moscow, Doklady Akademii Rauk SSSR, vol 207t No 61 1972, pp 1306- 1307 Abstract: A method is proposed and realized for finding the shift, 24 , between the spectral components of a line in the radiation of atoms or molecules, and in such cases when the 2A value~is much --hod is based on less than the uniform, or radiation width. The mey the concurrence of spatial and frequendy attenuation effects of the med�um in a rlng laser. The dependence of the qualitatively -different oscillation modes of the laser on the freauency differ- ence A. permits recording the presence of the Doppler broadening of, the line forh6 by an amount much less than for the unif orm width. It is found that, from the vie~iDoint of the accepted cri- .-terion of spectral line resolution, the)?ensitivity of the proposed method can be multiplied by 104-104 times. The theory of the method is developed, and an experiment for resolvinG the fine 11~i; ~ i ~ 1 7 USSR OC 621.375.62 KONPANETS, I. N., MOROZOV, V. N., NIKITIN, V. V., BLINOV, L. ~f. "Controlled Transparency on a Liquid Crystal for Recording Holograms" V sb. Kvant. elektronika (Quantum Electronics--collection of works), No 3, Moscow, Soviet Radio, 1972, pp 79-81 (from RZh-Fizika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12D1021) Translacion: A study was made of the effectiveness of using liquid crystals as light switches. A matrix comprising glass-metal inserts, a liquid crystal, and a transparent electrode controlled by an electric voltages permits re- cording of holograms at a rate of more than 50;cycles/sec,, insuring high image contrast.. Liquid crystals "with a memory" can be used to prepare the.information before input to an.optical computer and for output from the computer. The bibliography has 7 entr~es~ 47 H. G. B MR-1=31, P. D. BLINO if., minozov, V. it., SOV Vt L. H. I KO: ml. AITET5 ,I% BA and ITIKITIN, V. V., Physics Listitute o cev, Aca demy of Scicnees U=iff "Phase Hoduls-tion of Cohcre~ -it Light Iry Means of Liquid Orystals" Yoscou, Pis"na v Zhuzmal 0-sperimentallnoy i Tooreticheshoy Fizikci, Vol 15# No 4, 20 Feb 72, pp 200-203 Abstracts Thc; ar'k,.icle d-,scribes results of a study of tho. effect of phase rodula-Uor, with ar electric fiald of coherent light passipg, through a n.-,.zatic liquid cryz-Lal Pith T.,u3itivo anir4tropy of pernittivity (C (I > E-j ). Such Podulation o-,,2na up the possibility of the use of thin transparent layers of liquid cr,,z-izls in con't"Zolled phase tr=srarencies and pers-d L -.n increa-se in opticc:.1 p-loccssing spced as compared to the speed of' other liquid-crystal -light cuitcl,-;s. Ihane changes In the light passing, throur-h the liquid cxystal Vere recordol- by observing the interfcrence of light reflected by a rear and e- n -4-wnInob!nzonitrIle was used as the front elect=dlo. 41-ztho;,yb.,-nzyIIde e liquid cryniL-I, USSIZ UDC C21.375. 9: 535 -:LTCH4'11jTy -HAROV, 1-!ASLOV, V. A., BYKOVSKIY, Yu. A., Vf T ~I_ V. L. GWX NIKITI11 V. V. "Pulsed Semiconductor Laser Used as a High-Resolut_,'_c-.1~ 1-n:)scop.,z!" Lininggrad, Optika i Spektvos1-.cpi_Ya, 3, Mar 71, pp 0 93 10 Abstract; A method is propos~!d for g-rra, duati 114 a pu!-!~~! L -hc o- a','abry-Perot It i_; T~O;ntcr, the ontical ran,- L ge with out tiIat a unique cc-mbinra ion of properti~es of povjising ror high-ro~4olutic-Iq 1111." .2 copy. The rdri~,jjjjr I.Q1, lasel's covcv,- -a 14"d", ~T)cctral ramn, dura,to -.I any 4;emiiconductor Liz~ev uverft rc.,Wnfis lics fr,!quency 11" Chalve _in y I -1-ure or pressure ttithin the l1rait-s pc,.,missible for 01V Other typ-:!s. Also, the line width of a semiconducior laser is sufficien-l-, 4c.- ex,-,m,-,.1e, the L ravro Av/v 10-9, whe--c t; vis tne lintL wid-th and v cne, h-,2sic. injection laser 0 G; S E- 8 12Tc . In this w~:x` a ('.:iA- scan- ning semiconductor la~-er was useed to observe abscWrit-ion -at tne re:--C-,-3r1C-_, absorp- tion line in cesium-133. The nature in the Change Of -I-he lelwth of Lhe rt-anerz- 1/2 --- -- ----- MA ;MMM"10"W'Iff IMimi.61 BYKOVSKlY, Yu. A. , et al, Optika i s0ektros'kopiya No. 3~, Mar 71, pp 508-510 tiOn wave of the laser with tim,~ was investigated in order to graduate the spectroscope and be able to measure the frequenzy interval between absorption liDes and he w_- -h a' these lines. A block diagrain of the calibration device s shown. The radjal-iori of -lie laser, diode forms into a parallel beam into which the- Fabry-Pero-c interferomuter is placed with -a resolution of 5-105. The disLance bet~,ccn absorption 1-,nes and their width are, ~unctiorns of the a o 1F - -an relative to the beginnfn~~ of the pulse, positio. - the line:; on an oscillop: Cind.thin is related to tile nonlin-ear depend.ence of the wavelengtb of the laser, radiation an tlme. reasson for this is 'that generation mod'Z-s of the laser are dc rm;ned _13v the r--Ptl*cal length o~ its t u - L I . resonator. The Dulsc.~d excitat mode leads to a nonlincar vsi~zation of th,,_ increase in temperature Of tile active region of the injection laser with -time. This T)roduces a change in the ef-ract-ve ~rdex o-~~ -he active wh_ich~ basically lde~ter mines the chenge in r the genenaticri t, vv -a- .Iniath. The distance between absorption lines was 9.2�0.1 GlIz, corrosp*ndinc~ to a value obtained by radio'spectroscopy methods. 2/2 MIMIT-11 a 9~ W UDC 621.378-~3 AK N I K I T IDRLL--. Y. FEDOSM HAROV, YU.P., V,K P. Z rScanning Device Based On Injection Laseran Kvantova a alektronika, Moscow, 140 5, HOY 71, pp 101-102 AbstrAct: The feasibility is examined of creating a device foe scanning the 0 coherent emission of injection lasarB with a potentiality for tizie and space control. The circuit of ouch a device was proposed and ari operative model of it was prepared. The scanning device in a set of 10 laecro prepared from one single crystal of gallium arsenide. An autonomoue Inject pulea from a 10- channel power supply wan fed to the p-region: of. each Inner diodo. Scanning in accomplished because of the delay of the injection pulsiesum-ong themselves and the successive feeding of them to tho straightedge or t~w lasers. The circuit of the pulse generator and an occillogrom of the emission are preconted. The author thanIcs I.M. Divil'kovskiy's group for assistance in the work. Received by editors, 12 Feb 71; after revision, 12 Apr 71. 2 fig. I ref. USSR UDC 621.378.33 B4SOV, N. G., BELENOV, E. M., DANILEYKG, M.,V., NIKITIN, V. V. "Power Resonances and Frequency Stabilization of a Gas Laser With a Nonlinearly Absorbing Cell" Moscow, Kvantovaya Flektronika, No. 1, 1971 -52 pp, 42 Ahat_ract: Power resonances of a gas laser with a nonlinearly absorbing cell that e_ c~~s '-hoth b spectral effects (;n a I ser. with a Fabry-Perot resonator) and ar ea _ -Y - - la by competition of spectral and spatial effec-ts (in a laser wilth a ring reS-Ona'Lor) are.studied. The half-width of the power resonances of a laser with a Fabry-Pero-~ resonator and a methane absorbing cell. was of the order of, 300 kHz. The half-w-i,--,--'- of resonances.of a ring laser was A,30 kHz. Me laser with a Fabry-Ferot resonator and -a methane cell stabilized,at pea)r radiation displayed stability and a frequency generation equal to 10-11. It is-concluded that the use of power resonances of a ring lasera7s optical discriminators can raise the stability and generation of the radiation.frequency by.more than aniorder of 2. 47 'i 46d M ase a., tJSSR UDC: 621.,373:530-145.6 BASOV, N. G., BELENOV, E. M., DADTILEYKO, M. V..j NIKITIN, ~V. V.;:. "Power Resonances and Frequency Stabilization of a Gas Laser With 11fonlineax Absorption Cel 1 V sb. Kvant. elektroni-ka (Quantum Electronics-collection of works), No 1, Moscow, 1971, pp 42-52 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5D181) Translation: The paper deals with the power resonances in gas laser emission due both to the effect of spectral line burnout (laser with a Fabi-[-Perot resonator) and to the interaction of modes at freaucticies close to the centers of lines of unplification or absorption- (laser with anrinlar resonator). In the latter case, power resonances may be.appreciably narrower and more Contrasting than those in a laser with Fabry-Perot resonator. Data are given on'stabilization of a helium-neon laser with Fabry-Perot:resonat-or with respect to the peak of emission caused by saturation of.methane:absorption. -Seven illustrations, bibliography of sixteen titles. USSR I OTS WOV, V. S. and I BASOV X. G.J* X01-?M-1 0. N., LETO, Physics.Institute ixeni P. N. Lebedev,.Academy.of Scion-~eq, rivest 'Ler 1~ igating Narrow J~_-sonanqe Within.the.Wp.. ine of &,,tati 1-0scillating Transitions of the SP6 Molecule during Absorption Saturatio.n", oriticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 59, Moscov, Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i W No 2 1970, pp 394-403 Abstract: Mxperimental measurement was made of the am.-plitue4e and width Of narrow resonances within the Dopler line of rotatiorial-o-icillatim,6 'kJ:r,;tnsI'iions of the S'2'6 molecule during the saturation of adsorption of a vasi-trave.1-lin'-, wave from a C02 -laser. The object of the experiment wits to demonstrate t~ie pxis-bility of sp-ectro- within the Dopler line by maars of absorption saturation of a quasi-travelling wave. -The effects of resonance widening were-determined for tbe first time. The :'e?cperimentally obtained large peak wnplitude, along with its n1irrow width demon- ..strated the ur,,efulness of the method for stabilizing the CO laser Prequency. 'rhe rties of a nonlinear spectroscope vith a quasi-t ei;la6. lyzed. ;~v prope wave are ana END 049 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 LT.L-E-APPLICATION OF LOGIC kLEV%ENTS*MA0E OF INJECTION LASERS IN MMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS WITH TIME DIVISION MULTIPLEX OR-t04).-K0ZLYAFzVv L.P., NIKITJNv'. V.V.t SAMEJYLOVP V.D.v FEDOROV, Yu.F. vlogo ~:'-_-'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,'~_SOURCE--RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA# VOL* 15: APR. 1970i$ P. 772-777 ATE PUBL I SHED----- 70 4-UBJE CT. AR-EAS-NAVIGAT10Nr -PHYS-IC-S TAGS--LOGIC ELEMENT, LASER, I CAT ION SYSTEM ','CONTROL MARKING--NO kESTRICTIONS ,,:-.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO ~,'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1087 CIRC ACCESSION NJ--AP0116237 COMMUNICATIONt -UR/0109/70/0151000/0772/0777 STEP NO- 049 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-160CT70 ,-,CIRC ACCESSIUN NO--AP0118237 :~,-'ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPERIMENTAL DATA FOR THE USE OF INJECT ION LASERS AS LOGIC ELEMENTS: IN OPTICAL CCIMMU%ICATION SYSTEMS EMPLOYING TIME DIVISION MULTIPLEXING OF:LIGHT PULSES. RECOMMENDATIONS -ARE GIVEN FOR THE,OPTIMAL SWITCHING OF THE LASER DIODES INTO A COHERE114T ~ENISSION REGIMEv AND METHODS OF REDUCING THE PULSE DURATIONS ARE EXAMINED. IT IS SHOWN THAT THE USE OF THE PROPOSEO LASER ELEMENTS MAKES TO OBTAIN INFORMATION TRANSFER RATES OF ABOUT 10 TO THE 10TH POWER BITS-SEC. UNCLASSIFIEU I ~A It -11 1 I'd, WA ~RM 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CTTO OF INFRARED SPECTRA OF MULTIPLY PERTURBED TOTAL INTERNAL o.-~RE.FL ECT ION -TO STUDY GLASS SURFACES -U_~ iH R-02i-aERSHTEYNs V#A#t NIKITIN' V.V. ZVOINTRY OF, INFO--USSR '_~66RCE--OOKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970t~190(4)9~823-6 (TECH:PHYS) 0ATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ~'i.VBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS ..T0PlC,TAGS--IR SPECTRUM, PLASTIC FILMf POLYSTYRENE RES1N, GI-Ass SURFACE P ERT Y SPECTRUM/(U)MPTIR INTIEP'NAL REFLECTION SPECTRA -C-ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTR I CT I ONS IDOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY kEEL/FRAME--1995/1580 STEP NO--URfOO20/70/190/tIO4/0823/Oii2b ACCESSION NO--AT0116988 OZ3 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 I C ACCESSION NO--AT0116988 A8S,TRACT/EXTR4CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN IR. SPECTROSCOPIC METHOD IS .~.'.-DEVELOPED FOR A QUANT. STUDY OF THE SURFACE OF AGLASS BY USING THE SIMULTANEOUSLY AS A PRISM AND AS THE:SAMPLE FOR SURFACE STUOY. NETHOD INVOLVES THL TECHNIQUE.OF MULT:IPLY PERTURBIED TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION IMP TIR). THE METHOD CAN RE U:SED FOR STUDY OF INE oRG. ~..iFILMS.- THE MPTIR SPECTRA OF A FINE POLYSTYRENE FILM ON A GLASS IS SUPER --jt4POSABLE (SHIFT SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO.5 CM PRIME NEGArIVCI) WITH lp, ~:;~,MSORPTION SPECTRA OF POLYSTYRENE, FACILITY: FIZ.-TEKHN. INST. 1OFF Et LENINGRAD, USSR. USSR UDC: 621.376.1-6:621.3'73.029.67 GUSEV, A. A. et al, Kvantovaya elektronika, NO 7, 1972, pp 92-9.1 as ultra-raDid switchin= dev-ices with a dynainic range of 103-,04, especially since semiconductor lasers capable of oper4,!tinj at room e 'he ell temperature and above have recently be ii develoe-d. thorzo express their, gratitude to V. D~, Samoylov for his discussion of the experimental results, and-to Yu. I-.'Zakharov and V. F-. lithrinov for their assistance with the e"eriments~ 2/2 1:1B USSR uDc: 6_P1.179-826+53Q.P19-1 JTVJJT Mr, V. F., LC)LOC11,'Vq V. I., 1,10ROZOV, V. IT. L S190-11OV, A. S and, laLTYRIEN, 14. P., "Light Pulse Transmission Through a Two-Component Semiconductor Medium" Moscow, Kvantovaya elektronika, No 7, 1972, PP 89-92 Abstract! This brief co-munication is concerned with-the interac- tion of -Che radiation from an injection laser and a two-component a6miconductor medium. This is def ined as a mediiua wl-Ach can be or absorbing lif~,ht, depondiag on the control- used for amplifying ling injection curront applied to Uie aomiconductor. The mo,aaure- ments described in, the T),, 1 v (.1 r w e r Pr,,jade:,vitf) a cr,)mbip.~O;ion Conduc" w, made Of pulne osci I-lator and two-component veiai GaAs diode, one of the ends of the planar specinen coinciding vi. th the (110) plane while the opposite end if, ect at a 10" angle ,with respect', to the first to reduce positive light feedbac'x~.. A dia-ram of this arrangement is sho~wm. 11,11easurements -vrere conducted ct- a temperature of 800 on specijrens in which: the o~,-ci]..Latuor 0.8 mm long and the two-component medium 2 = long. CU:r,,,1r,3 for mental and computed amplitude characteristics of the. two-component v5ium are Diotted, and show clo2e agreement, T Baybak.ov, It. L, RQCeption of Optical 'Radiation Zabila, G. A. Modulated by a Superhijzh-Prequency gienal .... 304 Popov. L. N. Parametric Optical Signal Limiter ............ 30a Cu=v, V. C. Study of the Effect of fiulti-,o4a Lzzer rnisni.a on the R"tpt ton of Ph"e .,~IaJullate~ SiFna Is... ~11 Korrhunov, 1. P. Study of the Dasic Parameters of Light-Gulde Communicatlon3 Linen ................ I ....... 31(4 Gartsenshteyn, T. Z. Cos Lqnr,4s for.Optical BeaA Wave Cuiaag ...... 32, Maykapar, 0. 1. Structural Characteristics of AnromnAs for Photon Information Transmission qy3tims 331 Xhramav. A. B., Fab- Temperature Conditions of Thin Ferroftagnatic rikov, V_ A., Films when.Aacordiruz Images by Laser Emission 340 Vlyukin, L. M. Klyukin. L. It. Thin Magnetic Films in Laser Bent Infort"tion Fabrikov. V A.. Transmission Systems .......... .............. 35,0 Khromov, A. 11. Htn"ahLkh, 0. F.. Method of Procession Diagnostics of Small Disturbances of the Opttcal,Acti-wity and Indexes of Refraction of Optital1j, Transparent Media using 4aser "diatton .................. 364 Man'4hikb, 0. F. Pr"odure for Optical Dt1(ervnti&tlan of Ampli- tude Modulated Coherent Raftatian .... I ....... 371 Mtn'shikh.~). F. Study of the Optical Prop*rties of Substance* . Based on the Inverse Faraday Effect .......... 375 Study of Lopical Elements Bas&4 on a Semicon- 0. ductor Lamer Photodi,oda ...................... 360 penakiy. A. V, possibility of Realizing Three, Stable Statois in a Semiconductor Laser with Nonuniform Kxci- ration ....................................... 385 cryugin, 1. A., Two-Vimansicmgl Scanning Of an Optical Boom tov, V. V., by Llgbt Refraction in an Ultrasonic Field 389 Qjmtnenko. Va. L. ryucilo, 1. A., Laser System Insurtag that so Tooso of aft otov, V. V~. Object will be obtained an a Display Scroon 395 obotroako,'Tu. L. 487 ~A 7 IS, CA' N I Ic 'A L 7 11, A A 7; 10 N J1101 PSTC-14T-23-2015-72 11 Ah- j X 1.1,GLISH TITLE: PROBLMiS OF LASER BEW DATA TWSHISSIO.4 PROCEED114GS OF THF FIRST ALL-MON CONFERENCE. KIEV, SEPTFM33R 1968 I I)RCIGN TITLE% PROBLEITi PEREDACHt INF6101ATS11 LAZEPNYX IMICHENlYLIJ AUTIIORj I- A- DERYUGIN..1T AL. Tiamlatcd foi FSTC by Acst NOTICE tif thk publicAtion have been tranilatcd a,, prc%cntcd in the original text, No 4x bc:;:n mm!c to verify the accuracy of any slatcnicist cont"tined herein. This k puldilhed will, %. luirlimulis nt copy cditin$ still graphics prcparatton in rrdcr thv th%%cloil'Alion of infort"ptio", Appmvvd f,,r publi, NICAW, 1104iri6ution uldimited. 1. 1, t.t Oil) j Z_ IIRQIILI~15 OF (INTFGp.-~Trn) 0"I C~s (Colifnrerlc--~ in the USA) lky -Aii4t.I.-At~Aa o' Tri;=4_c 'I..-Y.I. Stlrh~'-; 4atcu". Vef,;I~llihk P'i-5 0n, August 19722, Vol 2 , No pr 92-95J Intogr2ted optics is a' rolutiv~ly new scientific and trch- nital direction which arose 3-7 years ago oil the bor0er ot ical. o0tita and qunn6j. electronics, The area of invc.5tiL;ntivn or tha t diroction -is the tr7arisfor--nakinti and airpLi- ficati:5n of r1rctromat'netiLe rel-liatitsi of the ziptica'l lftllz~ 'n dielectric thir-afilm.waveguldias and in fiber tiCht; cai'ductor- Thill-filrn ismall dii,&t- sions, rront noise resistance. a a erubl~n_ tiervitu, Tiri,. and thanks to that aro findinr more and more applicatinaill ill practice. Investii; optics are beir*.; czvuiucted r~. a brDa-i front ill Many cot~ntcles of the wo r Ld. Thv F12-11: orl 7 r riatioruil, Cqtit'or~rjcr on Intermted Optic5i field t-10 V'Otlrua-y in Las Vr,~ai, USAt was devotUd tci tho results of' thca" invL"jf i Ttie orgaijizerti, of th~ ronferencizo in which a7O deLeg from tot, countries participated, were. the hmerEvari 0Vtjt:tlL erVt, the International Union or rhooreticaL arAl Applied llhy~jj-- ar,d its Internutional Commission for Optavs. Examined at Lhe cotirorence ua3 a broa-a cirr.1l, nr of inte(;I'Ated optics connected Witi- 1310A.15Ltroment that.Qrc-a. t!i(,, tachnolor,,y of truliuffacturo ;nJ soaxc!, ~;,i icils ror active oiid passive intLgrated wavej~uitte% in utio 17- 0f films and riburs, and the devolopment of inlitrk4riento .%nd vices based on thois elements. Clio of the central. problems or inteCrated optics im rh~ cr- P.tiori air broad-band integr&t,ed waveguides with small losseb I ot long-distance optical line,, or communication. stu%iir,.%i it, ouit 49 L -I 1hi ,HiA USSR UDC 621.375.82 BUBNOV, M. M., DIANOV, Ye. M., and NIKITIN, Ye. P. "Dependence of Laser Resonator Thermal Strain on Initial Temperature of Neodymium. Class Rod" Kratk. soobshch. po fiz. (Brief Communications on Physics), 1973, No 3, pp 26-30 (from RZh-Fizika, No 10, Oct 73, Abstract No IOD837 by K. 0. 1.) Translation: The interferometric method is used to measure the variation, with temperature, of the thermal strain of an Nd glass-based laser resonator at temperatures ranging from -20 to +85* C. Measurements were taken for two types of Nd glasses -- series and experimantal lime s4licate glass, which provides low resonator thermal strains. It is shown that within zhe limits of experimental error the magnitude of the resonator thermal strain does not depend on the initial rod temperature for either type of glass. It is noted that the quantity dn/dT of the investigated glasses weakly depends on the temperature in the -20 to +85* C range. ;Bibliography with 10 titles. USSR UDC 619:616.988.6-097:636~5 KOROVIN, R N., KREYMERP Yu. Ye., MATYUSHKOV, V. S., LUKINA, V. A.. NIKITINI Ye Yei. and KUDRYAVTSEV, F. S., All~-Union Research Inst#ute-of Fowl Diseases The Effectiveness of Crude Viral Vaccine Against Marek's Disease" Moscow, Veterinariya, No 8, 1973, pp 38-39, Abstract: A turkey herpesvirus antigenically related to the virus responsible for Harek's lymphoma was grown Ini chick embryo fibroblasts and utilized as a 'vaccine.' The efficacy of the vaccine was tested on 1 day old chicks immunized Intramuscularly with 500 PFU in 0.2 ml during an epizootic oubbreak in Latvia. Mortality due- to Marek's, disease wash 3.2-4~5, times less. among the immunized chicks than among the unimmunized controls.. Although 100% protection was uot afforded the immunized chicks, the economic gains from an -effective vaccine are obvious and indicate-the importance of prophylactic immunization. USSR UDC 57.o83.1 NIKITIN.,-Ye. Ye.; ZVYAGIN, I. V. Moscow, Zamorazhivanive i 1,17sushivaniZe Biologicheskikh Pre-oara- v (Fr6-e-zing and Drying of Biological Prepara to =971, 344 PP tons), "KoloF,11 Translation: Annotation: Data on the utilization of low temner- -o preserve formed.elements and blood olas ma, atures. and dryimg IV immune and diagnostic sera, bone marrowt animal tissue and cell cultures, bacteria, viruses and bacteriophages~, and live and inactivated vaccines are collated and analyzed in this book-. Along with the theoretical principles.of stabilization of bio- logical Preparations, and certain problems on,the nature of -anabiosis of microorganisms, Practical reco-,mnehdations on 1yo- philization of different biopreparations are presented in the monograph. The book may serve as a useful manual for scientists hema- tologists, microbiologists, virologists, i'mmiunologists, medical and veterinary physicians in diagnostic and bacteriological 110 'USSR NIKITIN, Ye. Ye., et al, ZamorazhivanUe i Vysushivaniye Biq logicheskikh Preparantov, TK0105," 1971-j 344 PP; laboratories, technicians working in the biological industry, and students at biological, medical, and veter'inary schools of higher education and faculties. Table of Contents Introduction 3 CHAPTER 1. Concept of Anabiosis of'Microorganisms 7 CHAPTER 2. Principles ofFreezing, Biological Prepara- tions 17 deneral Problems 17 Effect of Low Tem-oeratures on Biological Preparations Protective Pledia buring Freezing of Biologic~l~.-Pre- parations 31 2/8 USSR NIKITIN, Ye. Ye., et al', Zamorazhiv';aniye i Ir7sushivaniye ' Bio- 1 icheskikh Preparatov, Tolos, 11 1971:j 344 PP- 7R ORAPTE _ 3. Practical Utilization of Cold in Biology 38 Freeting of Erythrocytes 38 ezing of Blood Plasma and Serum: 43 Freezing of Immune and,Diagnostic Sera 45 Freezing of Animal Tissues and Celliilar Cultures 45 Treezing of Bone Marrow -50 Treezing of Leukocytes .53 -eezing of Thrombocytes .54 TreOzing of Bacteria 56 Treezing of Yeasts 61 Wfiezing of Pathogenic,Protozoa 62 -Freezing of Virus-Containing Preparations 65 3/8 USSR i. vy NIKITIN, Ye. Ye., et al Zamovazhivanlye w3hive-nive Bio- logichoskikh Prenaratoy "Kolosj" 19T 344 7 PP CHAPTER Principles of Drying Biological. Preparations 69 Characteristics of Dryinglaa Vacuum.from.a Frozen: State (Lyophilization, Sublimation), 69 Infection of the Equipment ITS e d . in Lyophilization 90 Characteristics of Drying by the Atomizing Method 91 CHAPTER 5. Methods of Assaying the. Quality of 'Dry Biological Freparations~ 98 armination of tho Solubility.Rate Nt 99 Determination of Hydrophilism. 99 Determination of Viscosity 101 Determination of nH of Solutions 103 Mothods of Determination of Residual Moisture 105 77:7 7~ 7~1. UISSR NIKIT Vysi~shivaniye IN, Ye. Ye~, et al Zanora.-hivaniyye A ' - Bio- logicheskikh PreDaratoy: "r K o s M1, 3 pp Methods' and Apparatuse4to'r D. CVAPrkER rying.,Biologi- cal Pr eparation 110 3. ization 110 V n&Un er Condi- Drying at Temperatures Abo a Fre6zi ei tions of a Partial .11aa WaM 121 Method of Atomization 123 Contact Drying 133 CHAPTER 7. Desiccation of Blood and Blood Substitutes 133 't es. ryop4illzation of Erythrocy Lyophilization of Leulcocyteq.~ 137 ophilization of Thrombocytes 137 ~Lyophilization of Blood Serum and Flasma 138 Desiccation of-Blood Serum a Vacuum:~at Temperatures above Freezing 144 Desiccation of Blood Serum by the Atomization Hathod 146 Therapeutic Properties of Dry Normal Blood Seturr, 150 5/8 USSR. NIKITIIT, Ye. Ye., et al, ZamorazhivmiZe i llysushivaniZ e Bio- 1bgidheskikh Pre-paratov, 10s, 1971,, 344 P'I-~ CHAPTER 8. Desiccating Immune Sera and GammaI-Globulin 152 Immune Sera 152 &p,eciric.Gamma-Blobulins 15) 8 CHAPTER 9. Drying of Bacteria 160 Lyophilization of Bacteria 161 'Methods of Quantitative Determination of the Survival of Bacteria-After.Dryihg 16.5 u FXfect of Species, Age, Concentration, and Culture Conditions,of.Bac-t'.-eria,on:Their Resist- ance to Drying., 168 tective Media in Lyophilization.of Bacteria 169 Regimen of L7ophilization of Bacteria.': 181 Effect of Lyophilizatibn on the Structure, Physiolo- gical Activity, and Aniigenic.P::-operties of Bacteria 188 6/8 USSR RIKITIN,.Ye. Ye., et al, Zamorazhiviniye i Vys*tishivaniYe Bio- -,lb icheskikh 13re-oaratov, I'Kolosy" 1971 3414 PP Pkeservation Conditions of Lyophilized Bacteria 191 Resu-Its--and Prospects of Lyophilization of Bacteria 199 Tft7ijag Bacteria by the Atomization~Method 202 -10 phages -CHAPTER Drying Viruses,and Bacteri 05 4yophiliz ion of Viral Preparations 205 V Regimen,of irus Lyophilization 207 Pr3otective Media 218 'Preservation Conditions of lirums in Lyophili;3ed PreDara'ions 232 j,~-ing-Viruses by the Atomization Method 2J4-1 Dirying of-Bacteriophages 250 Drying of Brucella Phages 2 phoid Phages ~Drying of Ty 2.52 IY17ing of.Cholera PhageB 252 Results and Prospects of Drying Viruses and Bacterio- phages 253 7/8 USSR ..NIKITIN, Ye..Ye., et al, Zamorazhivaniye i VysushiVani ye Bio- gicheskikh- -Preparatov 'Tofos, ~10 19YI 344 pp CHAPTER 11. Drying Vaccines and Diagnostic Pre-oarations 257 D hilization. of Live Bacterial Vaccines 258 '46glrien of Lyophilization 260 Protective Media 262 Pieservation Conditions 266 E;yophilization of Inactivated Bacterial Vaccines 270 L hilization. of Live Viral.,Vacal.nes yop 277 'Regimeh.of Lyonhilization.~ 279 d Fotective lle ia 2 82 Preservation Conditions 2 87 'Drying Live Viral Vaccines by the~Atomization.-Xethod 292 -1~~:Inactivated Viral-, Vaqcines~ 293 Drying Diagnostic Preparations 300 -R-eaults-and Prospects of Drying Vaccines and Diagnostic Preparations 303 Bibliography 306 USSR ubc:: 6~�-78~'96i4t52507) BALAYFV, N. F., GROD70VSKIY. .0. L., DANILOV, Yu. V. K., Q_1 KRAVTSEV, N. F., M-MM, R. U., f,,'~AROV, M. Ya., MOROZ OV, P NIIKTq'Tr4'. PEROV, S. P.,. PETUNTU, A. N.. UTKIN, V. P., and _SHVIDKOVS~KIY, Ye. G. "Scientific Data on the Flight of Automatic Ionospheric "Yantar" Laboratories" Uch. za-D. Tsentr. Aero-g-ldrodinam. in-ta (Scientific Notes of the ~Central Aerohydrodynanic Institute.) 1971, Vo1k, No 2, pp 58-65 -(from r-,efer;itivnyy ZhurnalRaketostrGyen-iye, No 11, Nov ?1, Abstract 11.41.S? Resurie) Abstraett Launches of automatic ionos-oheric "Yantar' laboratories with aaseous -plasTia-lonic enrines up to 100-400 kn altitudes were L . ophysic.-I rockets, for th ur,o--e of conducted with the aid of ge e p p C studying prosrect~-s of control.led flic.d-t, in upper layers, of the atmosphere.Perf-CorTiance of Fnseovs plasma-zonic engines under Ono- ch - -isin sl)heric conditions was stuai.4~d. ParRpieters ra ct' e r au th e ion jet-onovuheric p11:i.q,1-a interp,etion, Ps wp,].]. --)f; p-ar~jneters 0 f neutrnI Rumtosnhere wprp meq-!-3ured. Scientifi-c on conducted ex- 1 411- ?, C? 1C I C, n is rr~,,!~entled. P f-lrure~-:, ble, 11 r e- ces. USSR UDC 621,.373-520.145.6 NIKITIN Yu POLUD710V, I. A., Editorial Staff of "FiziIa -ekhnika polu-provod- V. Eko AcadeirT of Sciences of the USSR fiers" n Gain Saturation in Semi-conductor Lasers, Masers and Ampli- 0 nasyshcbenii koeffitsiyenta usileniya v poIuj)rovodniko-yyk'h kvaz-,ta%ry?,h i7_eneratorakh T usilit _1970, 10 pp, bibl. of 3 titlcns (from elyrakh (cf., En lish above), Leningradi RZb-Radiotekhnika, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract No 1OD150 Dep) Translation: 1he authors consider the effect of saturation in ser-iconducto-, WiZI, reFard to the finite tine of dginping of interband polarization and deformat-ion of the aiot ;bution function for nonequilibrium carriers in t1fie presence of an ~-ectra- mapetic field. An expre3sion In found for the amplification -factor with r~..-iard to the finitencus of the polarization relaxation, time at high flold biter,:,,itie:,*~ (thie naturation effect). An etutimate In given of, the. contribution inade lj,)r the i1ilf'ormation the di.~itributlon function -for noner 1~ field f,() f .4uilibrlum carriers iri a stran the o amplification factor. For fields with ~,,> 3.06~ V/131 T 3-Mi 13 1; 1.,3 th,-- col- lis4on titne for noneoullibrium carriers), this contrlbutioii is small. and 1i; dtA.t~r- mined by--the expression 10-2K, whera K, in the. amplificatioli factor without regard to deformation. Authors' abstract. USSR UDC: '719.214 NIKITIN Ya.--Yu.- "Estimates of the Rate of Convergence in:Some Limit Thcorems of the In- variance Principle Type" Teoriya veroyatnostey i mat. stat. Mezhved. nauch. sb. (Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Interdepartmental Scientific Collection), 2971, vYP. 5, pp 98-lo6 (from kh-Kibernetika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract NO 11V57) Translation: Let {E-1 be a sequence of independent identically distri1buted random vectors with zero average and finite moments of order hiSher than the second.. Let W(Ny) be a random broken line constructed with respect to sequence it,), wit) is a Wiener type process. An investigation is made of. the rate of cotmergence of J(W )(9)) to fff(f)) for a certain class of continuous functionals. Authorls'abstract.. USSR UDC 512.25~.26+519.31:330.115 NIKITIN Ye. N., BREKHOV, A. M., LIVSHITS, S. Ye. "Network Method of Solution of Problems in Integer Linear Programming" Tr. Lennigr. Inzh.-econ. In-ta [Iforks of Leningrad Institute of Enaineering Economics], No 79, 1971, pp 84-88, (Translated from Referatlvnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 10, 1971, Abstract No 1O.V693 by Yu. Finkellslitcyn). Translation: The general problem of integer linear programming is studied. The ideas-of the method of sequential analysis of versions'are used for its solution by directed sanTling, (RZhMat,' 1966i 11196, SN68, 11V279). The volume of computational work, generally quite high,:it estimated. 30 ~PRQC S-SING DATE--18SE070 619 UNCL4SS1 kED .-T-ITLE--ELECTRICAL PROPERTIESi THERMAL'.CONDUCtIVITYr, AND WIDTH OF THE: aRBIDDEN BAND'FOR MG SUB2 SN AT:lHIGWTE10ERATURES'-U- f THOR-(02)-ZAYTSEV* V*K.v NIKITINv:YEeN*.' UNTRY OF-INFO--USSR -tiou -FIZ. TVERD. RCE 357-6 TELA 1970t 1212)t .1 ,"D-AM PUBLISHED - ----- 70 SUBJECT AR,EAS--MATERIALSi PHYSICS C TA6S---,;MAGNESIIJM COMPOUND, tIN ALLOYt' INTERMETALLIC COMPOUND, THERMAL NOUCTIVITY, FORBIDDEN BAND '-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED iVROXY REEL/FRAME--1984/0132 STEP NO--UR/0181/701012/002/035710361 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054928 LASS I FIED 17- 14CL ASS I FitO PROCESS IN'G DATE--L8SEP70 )4/2 019 u ,qC :ACCESSION NO--AP0054928 q ABS,".RACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN ATTEMPT WAS lAoE To DET. THE THE FORBIDDEN BAND IN MG SIJB2 S14 FROM TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF THE WIDTH OF ELEC. AND THERMAL MEASUREMENTS* TEMP. DEPENDENCES WERE STUDIED OF Sp. RESISTANCE9 THERMAL EMF.v THERMAL COIND., AND THF HALL COEFF. FOR 'R P.. AND-N-TYPE MG SUB2 SN 80-800DEGREESK. 1AT 550-800DE(, EESK, THE WIDTH 'OF-THE,FORBIDDEN BAND VARIES LINEARLY WITH-TEMP. THE TEMP&* COEFF. OF THE OF.;THE FORBIDDEN BAND IN THIS.TEMP.'INTERVAL IS' MINUS 4.4 TIMES 10 tIME,NEGATIVE4 EV-DEGREE. AT TEMPS* CLPSElTQ 800DEGREESKir THE ENERGY S CL SE TO ERO. -BETWEEN THE VALANCE BAND AND-THE CONDUCTION,BAND 1 0 z UNCLASS__ IFIED IN, PROCESSING DATE 160CT70 'INDUSTRY -U- i'T`ITLE--AN EXPERIMENT IN THE ELEKtkdttCHNt:CA'L ,,AUTHOR-(03)-GRIBOVt V., NIKITIN# YU.7 ASTAFV,YEV.V#, USSR OUNTRY, OF INFO "ZSCURCE-EKONOMICHESKAYA GAZETA, juLy, 1970ir.NR 27f SUPPLEMENT ~Ll_'DATE :PUBL ISHED-JUL 70 S V BJ EC TAREAS-ELECTRONIC-S -.AND- EL.ECTR ICAL ---NGR. BEHA:TIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES TOPIC.TAGS--R AND D FACILITY ORGANIZATION~t R AND D MANAGEMENT7, DESIGN BUREAUI-~ T ES T FAC I L I T Y GROWTH,R AND, 0 PLANNING* ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY, --'ELECTRIC-INDUSTRY -.ONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -:.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO STEP -.-:PROXY REEL/FkAME--1993/1138 NO--UR/9001/70/0001027/000010000 --AN0113890 CIRC ACCESSION NO m__ __ ___v_NCLASS IF IED__ -%"~4/4-'~- 022 UN TE-:-160CT70 CLASSUFtED PROCESSING DA '.C-IRC ACCESSION NO-AN01.13890 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE-GOAL OF THE EXPERIMENT IS TO .:,REDUCE, INASMUCH AS POSSIBLEt THE TIME LAG :BETWEEN THE CONCEPTION OF THE ADVANCED IDEA AND ITS TRANSLATION INTO A NEW PRODUCT. THE FIRST STEP IN ,.":--.THIS DIRECTION WAS THE REORGANIZATION OF THE RESEARCH AIND OEVELOPMENIT FACILITIES OF THE MINISTRY. IT WAS DECIDED (1) TO CE INASMUCH .-AS.PGSSIBLE, BASIC RESEARCH AND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT IN CIERT AIN -AREAS OF THE INDUSTRY9 t2l TO hiAX:IMIZE THE SPECIAL ATIGN OF RESEARCH.:INSTITUTES AND DESIGN BUREAUSs Cl) TO CREATE CLOSER RELATION'S BETWEEN RESEARCH INSTITUTES AND DESIGN BUREAUS, AND INDUSYRYt (4) TO 5 A STRENGTHEN AND EXPAND EXPERIMENTAL ANO PILOT PLANT FACILITIES. A -RESULT, 15 LEA'DING (GOLOVNYYE) INSTITUTES, 2,BRANCHES OF THESE N I Z E L) S I JNSTITUTES, AND 2 SPECIALIZED INSTITUTES HAVE BEEN RFURGAi A 7 !COMPREHENSIVE S'C -IENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTESt DESIG14 PLANNING AND T- L7 OF THE 33 ECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTES, THE fNFbRMELEKTRO'INSTITUTE. ,Z~:;'"AFFILIATES OF LEADING INSTITUTES HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED UNDER DIRECT .~:CONTROL Or- INDUSTRIAL PLANTS. THE OTHEk 16 BARE. RESPUNSIBL"~ TO THE A41-NISTRY AND SERVE RIGIOLY OEFINED.GROUPS-OF INDUSTRIAL PLANTS. -SPECIALIZED IUSTITUTES A.%O CORRESPONDING,I)LANTS WERE MERGED TO FORM FOUR -*.,-i'~RESEARCH P~.QDUCTION COk-PORATIONSI THE EL,EKTROAPPARAY't THE ,-,,'_~ELEKTRGKERA-'4LKAj THE KUNDENSATOR, AND THE:AKKUM(JLYATOR. IN THE PRO ESS ESTABLISHED IS THE FIFTH CORP ORA Tl Oti, THE E"LEKTROPRIVOU. PLANNING ANO TECHNOLOGICAL BUREAUS HAVE BEEN;'E:STABLISHEO AT EIGHT :-LARGE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES THAT FORMERLY HAD NONE4 UNCLASSIFIED 1/4 022 UNCLA*SStFIEDI PROCESSING DATE-160CT70 ACbESSION NO-AN0113890 ..ABS,fRACT/E.XTR4CT-21 DESIGN TECHNOLOGICAL BUREAUS, WHICH FORMERLY WERE MINISTERIAL MANAGEMENT, HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED To INDUST~IAL ~:PLANTS. 10 SUCH BUREAUS 4ERE TRANSFERRED TO RESEARCH TECHNICAL CENTERS. -ONLY 10.BUREAUS REMAIN UNDER DIRECoT'CONTROL OF THE MINISTRY. 16 PLANT RESEARCH LABORATORIES HAVE BEEN.RECLASSIFIED AS RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS. THE ARTICLE DISCUSSES rHE NEW RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION PLANNING PROCEDURE ~:~.WKICKIS BASED ON INTRAMINISTERIAL ORDERS TREATED AS CONTRACTS. SUCH AN ORDER ENCOMPASSES ALL STAGES OF RESEARCHO THE EXPLORATORY STAGE THROUGH THE EXPERIMENTAL STAGE, AND THE MANUFACTURE OF NEW PRODUCTS OR THE APPLICATION OF NEd TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES. THESE ORDERS ARE BASED ON ..._~FIVE YEAR AND ANNUAL PLANSv DECREES OF THE GOVERNMENT, COORDINATIUN :PLANS..APPROVED BY THE STATE COMMITTEE FOR SCIE(4CE AND TECHNOLOGYt LONG f-RANGE PLANSt OR 01:CISIONS OF THE MINISTRY OR ITS MAIN ADI"'11NISTRATIONS. PRINCEPAL-CONSUMERS ARE -MAIN INDUSTRIAL;ADMINISTRAT11ONS OF THE MINISTRY, ITS TECHNICAL ADMINISTRATIONp AND FUNCTIONAL ADMINISTRA.TIUMS. THE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROBLEMS AND:PRODUCTS RELATED TO THEIR FORMER ARE ,~'~z~PRQFILES.- THE SECOND IS RESPONSIBLE:FOR COMPLEX EQUIPMENTP THE DEVELOPMENT OF WHICH IS RELEGATED :TO THE ORGANIZATIONS AND PLANTS OF -STRATIONS. THE LATTER ARE INVOLVED LN ECONOMICAL. SEVERAL MAIN AUMINI PROBLEMS. THE ARTICLE ALSO DISCUSSES IN:'SOME DETAILS THE ECONOMIC 1..~ INCENTIVES-AND FINANCING OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. A C-HART ~'JS.GIVEN WHICH-SHOWS HOW VARIOUS-FUNDS AR E, A LILOCATED. FACILITY: -PLANNING ECONOMY ADMINISTRATION. FACILITY' FINANCE ADMINISTRATION. FACILITY: TECHNICAL ADMINISTRATEON. I F-r I C-L A C C-1- N-- - U14 1~ 1 11 . ~., ---- ---- --- -- 1/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINO DATE--04DEr-70 -LE---LUBRICATING COOLING LIQUID FOP. :COLD 'WORKING OF~METAL~ -U- IT T YU.I., SKRIPK0l GaFoji_~D"INt SRMg'v POGORELYYt B.V.t ~:'KGMOLAYEVA .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,-SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 263099 ,i.-_RE.FERENCE--OTKRYT,I.YAv IZ08RET.t PROM. O8RAlZTS)(,l TOVA,kN.YE ZNAKI 1970, 10FEB70 _.DATE PUBLISHED "-SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS '':.TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL PATENT, METALWORKINGIUBRICANTo:COLD WORKINGt BORATE :~,~:CHEMICAL- COMPOSITION, CCINTROL -MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLAS'.S--UNCLASSIOAIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--3004/0844 StEP NO--UR/0482/7d:/000/000/0000/0000 ~,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0131437 UNCLASSIFIED CALCULATINa Tilt TRMSIVT PROCESSES IN LIQUID-METAL HAWETCHYDRODYNk%lic DEVICES jAbstmict. of a Paper by .111kitin, ILA. HIM tins. Uven at a KaFnatchydro- dynamic Conference. vp A etudy..w4s.mada of- the -tranaient,process.-In liquid-metal dynamic devices witha.rectangulat channel of length L, the two valls of u-hLch x perpendicular tothn applied magnetic lield are insulutors, and the othZr two ate vall-conducting electrodes. ~ 7h* external .,circuit can.c=tgs- a vource of amf C and'thi' z (Figure 1). In, addition. in the case of circuits with self-excitn'tion the excitation winding* =CAt be ic~ cluded+correspondingly Art the external clicuit. During the analysis It w" as*unad ' a- and L >> b whirh par=Ltmd unBlect. at chi taralmal zf~#eccx, and consideration of the flow devilojed ~ and described by the equations Ul Vy of, A, wLth the boundary conditicav Figure I 37 ........... A T A L4TEGRAL METHOD OF STUDYING THE TEMIINAL AND BOUNDMY 9FFECTS IN MACNETOHYDRO- UYVAKIC CHANNELS WITH NONVIEVRI1.111STRISUrION OF THE ft"*XTSrS OF THE COnDUCTING LIQUID (AbNtract of a Paper by D. A. But, &,A,1(cyaIjX, ~-A- Niki- cLven-Zt -mKsg;atahyd.ro47n`ZL-c-fts r.!~!t A12-1141- thq tdnnl and bourwa rf offaxics In g"als'i it decided to u3a.tha where the Velocity -distribution v and the coaductivis-7 distribution d are given from the solutica of the hydradyn-mic problem or from the esparivient (1). A study us* made of the terminsl effects for V -. const~aad a' - gon*t, in jl,XJ, :In which the I tl*r'o were obtained.1a the laro of infinite series, The nanuutformity of g o"" , .1 turn out to have a noticeable effect on Cho alecirical character- Is rAcs of the magastohydrodynarle nhannal. I ~ ~Some of the problamulth. the , t'l variable v wort Investigated Ill. , The propostiajotQkCal Methad 01 JAv"ti- In t tat,Ion- f ~hg Miami, end imundary dErficts 0amica consideration of the naa- unff=ty of tt'hms valoaLe and conductivity praftles,and obtalaLn solution in 4' -,br'vad clwis- at problems.- The potential distribution for and the current density during the conducting Uquid-Vith a tanst. I xad,0 v4 1 are found from ti ons 41P.Smef, (2) 2b* solution of equaticia'(1) fair the two-Al- lonal region In Intogroa form bits,tho farm syv - fa,") lrv -vy-?Ve~u - i (3) - where C(%,M) to the Greta function. For a number of problems the arena function w be constructed by using the conformal transform of the given raglons Into canonical. This method caa '~-bi used to solve the problem of the entry, and * the conducting nedium i In the'sasnat.1c field In the constant-crocs section and vxrlsble~crosx stetion ~Nl 29 -12 -020 PR04tiSSING DATE--30OCT70 .,,.--T,ITLE--EFFECT OF THE TYPE OF CHEMICAL BONDS ON THE STRENGTH OF RUBBERS U;.- QBTAINED.BY CURING WITH ALKYLPHENOLFORMALDEHYDE~RESTN '.'.-A,pTHOR-(04)-NI,KITIN, YU.N., EPSHTEYN# V.G., KOROsbv, NI.I., YUKTAROVA, LoSe --USSR CUNTRY C. INFO CE-KOLLOIDNYY ZHURNAL, 1970y VOL 32v NR v PIP 403-408 .~PUBLISHED----70 UBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS# CHEMISTRY TAGS~--ChEMICAL BONDING, VULCANIZATE#~ MECHANICAL STREINGTHo CURING PHENOL FORMALDEHYDE RESIN .-CCNTRGL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS~-UNCLASSIFIED TROY REEL/FRAME--200011583 STEP NO--UR/0069/701032/003/0403/0408 Cl_RC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0125205 UNCLASSIFIED 020 UNCLA~S~1*10 OROCE~,SIN6 DATE--30OCT70 ACCESSIGN NO-AP0125205 ,-,ABS-TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STRONG AND RELATIVELY SHORT CROSS '-UNKS IN THE STRUCTURE OF UNFILLED VULCANLZATES FRO14 CRYSTALLIZING RUB-8i OBTAINED BY CROSS LINK[ 'NG WITH ALKYLPHENOLFORiliALUEHYOE RESIN DO HINDER THE ORIENTATION CYRSTALLIZATION OF MULECUL'4~', CHAINS IF THE STRUCTURE OF VULCANIZATES IS SUFFICIENTLY:HDMOGENEUUS~ THESE VULCANIZATES HAVE HIGH STRENGTH PROPERTIES. THE PRESEINCEOF RESIN GROSS :LINKS WITH ETHER GROUPS, 'WHICH ARE MORE LABILE UNDER THERP0 MECHAN[CAL ,,,.--TR,EATMENTr ENHANCES-APPRECIABLY THE STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF VULCANILATES '---t8ASED-:ON NCN CRYSTALLIZING# AND TO At LESSER EXTENTt OiF THOSE BASED ON RUBBERS. FACILITY-*~ Ntl, MONOMEROV OCYA ~~.SINTEYICHESKGGO KAUCHUKA, Yj%ROSLAVLl* UNCLASSI F1 ED- USSR UDC 669. ,FIKITIN, Yu. P., PRIVALOVA, T. P., BARMIN, L. N., Ural Polytechnic Institute '"Desulfurization of Drops of Iron and Steel in Molten Slag Under the Effect of an Electric current" Moscow, IVUZ. Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 4, 1972, pp 15-17 Abstract: A study was made of desulfurization of drops of iron (35 carbon) and, steel (1.2% carbon) in synthetic slag during passage of an electric current. Increasing the electric field strength and raising the concen- tration of sulfur in the metal accelerates the de.-ulfurization process. Desulfurization is also accelerated by increasing thebasirity of the slag and,its ferrous oxide content. An electric current carvitlso accelerate the of sulfur from slag to metal. Al PROC15SS ING DATE--30OCT70 UNCLASSfF 0 TLE-THE COAGULATION PRUPERTtES OF JHE BLOOD I N' TH6 'PLEURAL CAVITY -U- j UTHO R- D4) -N I K I T I N 9YU.P.9 SHUNKOVAP YE.I.,.SE-VERNIY#, V.yA.j ;-~-CCONTRY- OF INFO-USSq ,q,_.---.__scuRCE_KfiIRUkGIYA,o 1970t NR 6w PP 76 wao TE PUBLISHED---70 ~:SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDI .CAL SCIENCES T 0 P I CTAGS-13LOOD CIJAGULATIGNs LUNGr SURGERYu FIBRINOLYSIS9,THROMBOCYTE, "-~-`,%'ERYTHROCYTE CCNTROL- MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ..PRUXY RE -3002/1784 -UR/0531/70/(JOO/01)6/0076/0080 EL/FRAME STEP NO CIRC ACCES~IGN No-AP0129152 UNCLA SS [F I E Ll- t UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 clp-C -ACCFSSICN NO-AP0129152 -Ar3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INVESTIGATION-i"IF THE BLOOD KECGVERED FROM THE PLEURAL CAVITY SCON AFTER A THORACIC UPERATION WAS 'CAqRIED OUT. THERE WERE REVALED A FABRINOGENEMIAv A HIGH FIBRINOLYTIC AND AUGMENTED TOTAL COAGULATICIN AND ANTIHEPARIN ACTIVITY4 THERE WERE FOUND NO ANTITHROMBINS IN THIS BLOOD. THE REFERRED TO ALTERATIONS ARE EXPLAINED BY THE EFFECT,OF ACTIVATOR OF PLASMINOGEN :PRODUCING MESOTHELIUM, AND BY DESTRUCTION PRODUCTS OF THP.0148OCYTES AND FACILITY.-. -ERY.THROCYTES. NGVCKUZNETSKIY INSTITUT ...USCIVERSHEIYSTVCIVANIYA VRACHEY, 1-YA:GORODSKAYA.KlLINICHESKA.YA BOL NITSA. UNC LA5 S I F LE 0 P~ 1/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED ROU-_:SSI-~IG DATE--IRSEP70 I'TL E A --THE COAGULATION AND FIBRItNUILYTIC PROPERTIES OF THROt~310CYTES OF U_.l AN EXPERIMENTAL ATHEROSCLEROSIS ~EAQT-HOPL-(03)-RUDCHENK0, S.A., NIKITIm' YU.P., FEDENKGVt V.1, UNTRY OF INF0--USSR RCE--BYULLETINI EKSPERIMENTALI.NOY BIOLOGII I MEDITSlINYs 19709 VOL 699 PP 49-52 E PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--B,'OLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -BLOOD COAGULATION, Fl MN LYS157 THROM813CYTE ,RABBIT, bq ol ~Ptt TAGS ATHEROSCLFROSIS, DIET, CHOLESTEROL 'ITP MARK11IG--NO 'EST NS ` OCCUMEjUT CLASS-UNCLAISSIFIED -'Pl,R0XY REEL/FRAME--1982/0849 STEP CIRC At"CESSIGN ~:40--Allrll_lri2283 7xl FfEo P Z111 0C f: S SI N,:') P, P 7 0 12 022 UNCLASS 1 CESSION NO-AP0052283 R C Ac XT( AC T-- (U I GP-0- AaSTRAC r T I G' E IiiC, A S I r I AB TRACTIP !Z -S, * SUSPL-111RISION OF THEIR TiFr~f 1-1A A! I n --,.--PLASMA WASHED THRO-14BOCYTL THROMROLYSATES OF RABUTS fR EC E 1 V MG wi ni Fooo cHo(-Esrf:R(j-' f N JOSE -0 . 4 GM -K G RDR 4 TO 6 IMONTHS. THERE HAS. k)(PIP) A R E D UIC T I UP I F T I E I R TH11014BOPLASTIC AND Rl'-l'E OF THE AIWIFIBRINOLYTIC ACTIVITY !i T THE EX P f- 1 OF'INCREASED CONTENT OF ANTIACTIVATORS. IN ATHEkOSCL HEPE 1,~Etzc- EROSIS T S E E-0 ND AND FOURTH -NOTED NO. ESSENTIAL ALTERATIONS IN THE ACTIVITY OF ME .,~TURGMBOCYTIC F GTORS. A 1/2 029 PROCO-S iNr UNCOSSIVIEb DATE--IRSEP70 `T,ITLE--TlfE INFLUENCE OF ADRENALINE ON THE ADHEStog rH E INFLUENCE OF ADRFNALINE ON THE ADHESIVE CAPACITY:Zf.0p, THROMBOCYTES I Vt%/O ANO IN VITRO NIKITIN, YU.P,, MELNIKOVAi V.S. Now LINTRY ~DF INFO-USSR ;~._-lURCE-SYULLETIN* EKSPERIMENTALONOY 510LOG111 MEDETSINY, 1970, VOL 69, NR -18 PP 17 SHED------ 70 ""SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL. SCIENCES 'jnPIC TAGS--ADHESIVE, ADRENALINEr THRO1480CYTEP, DOGp RABBIT 1~