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AP0100367 gave 25% 2-nitro-5-methyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole, in. W. For this prepn. it was essential to shorten.the contact with okcids, as 1,3,4- oxadiazoles are unstable in acids. The following I.were rtyorted shown): 0, m. 256-7*; 1, m. 280-~')*' and,? tn'. 260-1 . Al- 4f though 2-aminoimidazole and 2,ainihopyridine failed to yield nitro derivs. by this method owing to instability of the diaronium, NQA n N-N N, (Uj N~ H forms, the results confirmed the previously suggested mechanism for the introduction of the NO, group. - (B., el al.i 1969). The following Hwere,similarly prepd. (Z and R showit): S, H. m. 82*; S, Me, m. 62*; S, Ph, m. 141'; 8, o-O2NC$Ii4, m. 131*; S. P-06NC4HA. m. 179% 0, Met m. 75*; and CH~~ H, m. 175*. The yields were 25-76%. G. M. Kosolapoff Ij -1984-1-7,90 USSR UDC 591.488.4-135.044:597.82 V. I., V -PNIKOV, Ya. A., GAZENKO, 0. G., TITOVA, L. K., GO,VARDOV5K1,Y,_,_ GRIBAKIN, F. G., BRONSHTLYIN, A. A., ip 9,.A., AMNOVA, M. Z., MASHINSKIY, A. L., PkL`MB;X,11, L. R., 1VkNOV, V. F."!, TSIMPLIS, T. P.$ IMARKEYEVICH, T. A., and PYATKrHA, G. A.,-Laborat,ory of EvOlUtional Morphology, Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Blochenistry imeni I. M. Sechenov, Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad "Development of the Vestibular Apparatus (Labyrinth) of the Frog Rana temporaria. in Weightlessness" Leningrad, Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoy Biokhimii i Fiziologii, Vol 8, No 3, Mlay/Jun 72, pp 343-350 Abstract: To study the effect of weightlessness on develcpment of vertebrate vestibular apparatus, 43-hour artificially fertilized Rana tomporaria eggs were subjected to a 40-hour flight in the Soyuz-10, after vhich OlCy WUre fi::ed and observed with an electron microscope. Embryos in the early gastrula stage were used to ensure that takeoff acceleration was experienced prior to establishment of definitive vestibular apparatus, in liglit of evidence that acceleration does have considerable impact on receptor cell development at the later stages. Normal development proceeded to the tail bud stage during 1/2 offs USSR VIIN IIKOV) Ya. A., et al., Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoy Biokhimii i Fiziologii, Vol 8 No 3, Ifay/Jun 72, pp 343-350 the flight. as it did in control embryos, and no differences were detected in development of the presumptive otocysts and the eighth ganglion. Morphology is described in detail, the main feature being the beginning of differentiation of receptor and support cells in the presumptive otocysts and of bipolar neuro- blasts in the eighth ganglion. Thus weightlessness has no effect on develop- ment in general and on differentiation of the future vestibular apparatus in frog embryos. 2/2 66 USSR UDC 522.897 FEVZNER S. L., Komsomol'sk on Amur :#Invariant Pairs of Real Quadratic Forms' Kazan', Izvestiya VUZ, Matematika (News of the Higher FAucational Institutions, Mathematics) No. 7(98), July 1970, p, 83-91 Abstract: A system of invariant pairs of forms consists of elemrntary finite and infinite divisors and minimal indexes of matrix A -NO. Each real and infinite elementary divisor has a corresponding arithmetic invariant that can take values of +1 and -1. These arithmetic invariants are called "signatures of real ele- mentary divisors." A theorem is given that offers a,new method for ealculating the powers of the elementary divisors of matrix A - X G (which holds for both real and complex forms). Also, a method is given for finding the signatures of real elementary divisors for any pair of forms. The ranipulation of the matrix transformations is amply illustrated for:.each of the three theorems given. Orig. art, has 8 refs. a USSR UDC: 531-383 BALYASNIKOVA, A. N., KOROVKIN, A. M..,.PEYZNIZ Ye M.,, Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics "Calculating the Potential of the Rotor in an Electrostatic Gyroscope" Leningrad, Izvestiya VUZov. Priborostrayeniye, Vol 16, No 2, 1973, pp 72-77 Abstract: A procedure is outlined and expressions are derived for calcu- lating the potential of the rotor of an electrostatic M-roscope in the case of arbitrarily directed displacements of the rotor which are smpll ir. com- parison with the electrode-rotor gap for geometrically distinct electrode systems. An electrode system classification is proposed vhich enables determination of the general properties of a given system, In accordance with the proposed classification, conditions are fo-und wbich guarantee zero rotor potential for electrode systems -various goolnetry. IA 95 USSR UDC: 531-383 BALYASITIKOVA, A. N., KOROVKIN, A. M., PEVZMM, Ye. M., Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics "Concerning the Influence of Orthogonal Axes of the Suspension of an Elec- trostatic Gyroscope in the Case.of.Zero Rotor Potential" Leningrad, Izvestiya VUZov: Priborostroyeniye, Vol 16, No 2, 1.973, pp 84-87 Abstract: The paper deals with the question of determining the mutual influence of a system of electrodes in a suspension with three mutually perpendicular axes, assuming condition-,, of zero rotor potential for small rotor displacements. The proposed formulas can be used to derive expres- sions for the forces acting on all three.axes at large rotor displacements as well. rd 'rDC 531.383 CO%TU'rlUC-T)IE ROTOR POTENTIAL OF AN ULLIKOSTATIC GYROSCUPL. rArticle by A. H. Mlvaanlk~a, A. M. KorovkIn. And Ye, P ,-.ft%,zncr. Leninzrad. Rumatan, No 1, Jan-inry 1973. recomanded by Chair of Elec- trical En;Inerring, subcItted 13 AVrII 1972, pp 72-771 lit the article in- problem of the cirtermination of a rotor putrnatial of An electru4tatic gyroscope is considered, with r-op-ct to matims of the rotor that are Arbitrary with respect t" dirtctivri anti small with rciatinnnhip to the cloarance bt-twetri the electrode and the rotor. A classification of sys".ma of electrodes I; propnscd. which makes it pr~.sihle to dater mint. tho xtn~tat properties of same oystern or other. In accordance i4b the proposed cLasmification. conditions are deri ed for pr"ision of a zero potf-riti.ol of the rrv tor Itir eysterns,of. electir-odes. that dL[fLr. with respect. - to g~umctry. As Is well known, the inagnitude of the drift of an electrostatic gyro. scope to determined basically by the momenta of the forces of electrostatic And,magrictic origin. The mnmants of the forceR of the electric field depend upon the potential induced In the rotor. the value of which varies in the motion of th,! rotor. Th-A#, for An tatimate of the moment acting on the rotor uf a gyrrjocvpe It is necessary to know the, magnitude and the sign of the rotor poteritkal. The problem of the determination of t-he rotor potential in considered wlih reference to a suspension (gimbals) operating on dIrert voltage. with the following conditionit and assumptions: the electrodes ar:,arranKed atong the three mutualli~ perpendicular axes of the gimbals; the 4i laicements of -the r,)trr are qmill in comparw4nn with the s-Ircirl-or. rotor clearance; tr-sr,d~.ry elfetA0do not exist And the elertricil held t, Im ~I~rrrd in the cleartince the electrode and the rotor. 2 (h C9 (5) Eril Fi.-,jrt 1. Clagitficati9n tit clvctrod~-%. 1) axially symmetrical systems: 4) neymmetricAl systrin.; 1) runcouiric: 4) contiguous; 5) mixed. Systems of electrade-s 4r~ encountered In practice. providing for #uip~nsi~n ot tho rqlor, which, with rv~"ct to design formulation. may be dividpa' IP the following niamier (rigurv 1): Z 1) lexially syrnm~.rrlcal ;y4tvtria- - xy stems inwhich the dimcn2iuns and rn-4tual arran4~rntnr of the ~Itrtrrpdes airing each of the axes of the suslienslon. colacide (Figore 1. &. 6); Z) 4symmetrie4i sy%t--m4--"yxt#.-m9 in which. for the purpose a( giving thed4vUe as a %hole some tiLfinite properties. the ditnenalorks or muttial arrangement of the electrodes alvag, one of the axei of lbe %U4penpion, do not -ca Incide wItri tht dimensions or mu tual arrangement of the electrodes along the orther.,axes (Firure Z. c. d), it Depending upon thr,. dc.Pign formulation ,I the Orellrades. alonij aftch f the axes of the suspenotqn, the system* listed above may be. concentric 0 triquire 2. &)--syatems in which some axks of the RAA.Pensio. to the axis of symmetry of sill tho electrodes, proi,iding for waspentiion of the, rotor along this "is; contiguous fFigure 2, bj-ay#"ms, in which the pairs .1 electrode* pr-~riding the forept in thr d1rection of some axis of the suspension are arr:kngod contigo~unly relative to this axis. *Ikith Is also the axis of symmetry of the pairs ofeloctrodea-, or mixed (Figure Z. c. d). Such a classificaticn makes it possibLe to determine the general pro- perties propvr to some system or other of electrodes. . 2 . USSR PEYQIK-, Kh I UDC 669,71'24.018.9 I#Some Peculiarities of Explosions of Aerosols of Bi:ivry Alloys in the Aluminum-Nickel System" Probl. inzh. okhrany truda [Problems of Engineering Protection of Labor z collection of works] (Moscow Institute of Steels and Alloy:3, 63), Moscow, 1970, 45-49, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Nletallurgiya, No. 1, 1971, Abstract No.1 C157 by the author). Translation: The dependence is establish-ed between the maximum explosion pressure and the Tate of pressure increase and the content of Ni in tile alloy. Data produced indicate extreme~danger of explbsions of powders of Al plus Ni alloys at plants. 2 ftgulres- table. 09Y USSR UDC 576-851-45-077-3 PEYSAKHIS, L. A., LARIONOV. G. M., and STEPANOV, V. M,, Central Asian Plague ~~~nfti,buie, Alma-Atia, "Diagnostic Value of Serological Tests in Detecting Antibodies to Pasteurella pestis" Moscow., Laboratornoye Delo, No 3, 1973,:PP 162-165 Abstract: Experiments were performed with gerbils eq)osed -to fleas infected with Past. pestis strain 151 to determine the relative me-1-its of the passive hemag- glutination and antigen neutralization tests as a mans of detecting fraction one of the m4.crobe and specific antibodies to it. Four days after exposure, blood was drawn from the emimals to run the two tests simultaneously. The antigen neutralization test was found to be superior during, both the infectious and postinfectious periods, in the three, main criteria of the irmiunological response: frequency of occux-rence of antibodies, raean georreLric titers, and maximwn titers. The antibodies were found more frequvmtly and in higher titers not only during the first tito weeks after infection, but throughout the 6 months' observation period. Vi USSR mc.- 598.842.8:616.981-452 PEaYS.A~KaL. A., STOGOV, I. I., STEPANOV, V. M., and BIBIKOV, D. I., Central Mian Scientific Research Antiplague Institute, Alma Ata "BLperinental Study of Plague in the Wheatear (0enwithe i.-abellina) in Connection With Its Possible Role in Natural Foci of the Diseasell Moscow, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal,' Vol 49, No 11 ,Nov 70, pp 1691-1696 Abstract: Oontrary to the widely held view that birds are not susceptible to plague, the -vjheatear (0enanthe isabellina) proved to be highl nsit4ve to the y2se agent of the disease. Of 46 birds inoculated with doses of 10 to 10' microbial cells, 33 died 2 to 19 days later unith the septic fcni of plague. Xenopsylla cheopis and Ceratophyllus laeviceps fleas allowed -to feed on. the, sick birds jus' U before they died became infected. I-Jlhlen placed an he-allthy w-heatears ~_nd seve-al rodent species, the flea.3 transmitted the disease to these animals. Since the -vr - nctor. wheatear lives in close contact ith rodent plague i, ti, it probably partici- pates in circulation of the agent and its.disoominaticn throughout the riatural fcci. The fact that many of the expex-imentally infected bi-rds did not show aiy symptoms of plague for rrore than 6 days indicates the pos~7ibility that during their seasonal migrations sick birds may carry the agent long dist-ances during the incubation period of the disease. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.721-472(088.8) CHEPRASOV, 1. 111. SELI-DI'S-OV, D. K. , CHIKOMM, A. I., BESTIAtl IAYF-~ ~11 - PEYSAKHOV, I. L.,; and BYMHOVER, L. N. "Method of Purifying Waste Gasestl USSR Author's Certificate No. 267586, Filed 12/05/68, Published 14/07/70, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No. 1, 1971, Abstr.3ct No.1 G171 P). Translation: A method is suggested for purifying wastc gases to remove Cl.2and C1 2- containing products by trIns,mitting the gases through inorganic reagents. In order to increase the degree alf: purification and simplify the process, the inorganic reagents used are wastes of Ti and its alloys in the IF rm of fine sponge or chips. Exanplc. The Fases 10 0 pumped from the cathode space O.L a magnesium electrolyzer, at 360 containin- 5-6 j-g'l C1 are passed without preliminary drying to a layer 29 of crushed, unheated titanium sponge. The sponge is heated by the gases th-eriselves to 250-1-80'. All of the Cl2 contained in the gases is trapped by. the sponge, forming lower chlorides of Ti, which are then dechlorinated to produce TjCI 4' 93 USSR. UDC: 621.396-69-621-314.2 PEYSAEHGV-LCH V., A., MRSKIY, K. Ls "A High-Fre quency Transformer With an Open Ferrite Core". Tr. VNII tokov vysok. chastoty (Works of the All-Union Scientific Rese.Qarch Institute of High-Frequency Currents), 1970, -,Y~- 11, pp 2o8-217 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 1. Jan No lV318) 71, Abstract Translation: The peculiarities of the transformer are considered. Tbe coupling factor has decisive importancefor evaluating the advisability of using the transformer. A formula is recommended for determining this factor. Data are given from industrial tests of an experimental model of the transformer in the high-frequency,unit of a mill for welding aluminum sheathing on commmications cable. It is shown that the use of a trans- former with an open ferrite core in a high-frequency welding device makes it possible to increase welding speedi reduce the capacitance of the condenser bazA~, and simultaneously reduce,the voltagr_ of the load circuit and increase the load of the vacuum-tOe oscillator. Six illustrations, two tables, bibliography of three titles. V1 4o- IN 2,~. '627 UNCL.ASsrFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 FT-ITLE--OPTICS OF SPECTRAL INSTRUMENTS iU .4,AUTHOR--PEYSAKHSONi ilove ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR "''SOURCE--OPTICS OF SPECTRAL INSTRUMENTS-(OPTIKA SPEKTRALINYKH PRIBOROV) ~LENINGRAD, MASHINOSTROYENIYEr 1970, VO PP -,A)ATE- PUBLISHED ------- 70 'SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--OPTIC SYSTEM, OPTIC PRISM,~OPTIC ms-rRlJMFNT, LIGHT WSPERSION, SPECTROGRAPHo.MUNOCHROMATORP SPECTROSCOPE, DIFFRACTION GRATING C GNTR OL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~~,~DCCUMEMT CLASS--tJNCLASSlf:lED .PROXY REEL/FRtkME--3006/0032 STFP NO---U.R/0000/70/00~')/000/00-01/C)270 -2/2 027 lJNCL A SSI F I ED PROCESS ING DATE--27NOV7r; -ZJRC ACCESSION NO--AM0133914 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--((J) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PREFACE 3, 1 N TR 00 UC T 110 N5. CHAPTER I BASIC CHARACTERISTUCS OF OPTICAL sys*rEms OF SPECTRAL UNSTRUMENTS 11. 11 DISPERSION DEVICES 30. .11 1 SPECTROGRAPHS 64. IV MONOCHROMATORS 126. V SPECIAL TYPES 01: SPECTkOGRAPHS, POLYCHROMATORS AND SPECTROSCOPES 184. VI INSTRumEwrs WITH CONICAVE 0-IFFRACTIOU GRATINGS 206, VII INSTRUMENTS WITH PRIS."i AND FLAT GRATING IN NONPARALLEL BEAMS 248. ~APPENDIXES 261. LITERATURE 167. THE BOOK THROWS L IGHT ON OUES T I ON S ~OF :THEORY AND DE S I GN OF OP T I C4L SYSTEMS OF SPECTRAL INSTRUMENTS.. IT :WAS. WRITTEN FOR SCIENTIFIC ANO .-ENGINEERrNG TECHNICAL WORKERS, OCCUPIED WITH THE DESIGN OF OPTICS, C04STRUCTION AND PRODUCTIOl"I OF SPE-CM&L. APPARATUS. IT iMAY BE USEFUL TO ~.SPECTROSCOPIST PRACTIONERS OF SCIENTIFIC INSrlrUTES AND FACTORY AND ALSO TO SENIOR STUDENTS SPECIALIZING IN OPTICS AT TECHNICAL INSTITUTES AND UNIVERSITIES-, -1/2 13 --27NOV70 U C 'u",ASS i - F ~ E' D- PROCESSING DATE NG TATLE--CONCAVE OIFFRACTION GRATINGS WITH:VARIABLE SPACI -U- AUTHOR-(04)-GERASIMOV# F.M.t YAKOVLEVi E.A.t PEYSAKHSONv 1,V.,p KOSHELEV, B.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 28(4), 790-5 ',~.-~~,SOURCE-OPT. SPEKTROSK. 1970v ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS .-.-.TOPIC TAGS--DIFFRACTION GRATING, ASTIGMATISM,:SPE-CTROSCOPY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS --UNCLA SS I F I ED DOCUMENT CLASS PROXY Rlr-EL/FRAME--2000/1266- STEP NO--UR1005L/70/,028/004/0790/07,-35 CIRC ACCESSION N0-00124917 UNCLASSIF TED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 112 013 UNCLA S S I F41 E D CIRC ACCESSION Ni)--AP0124917 AtISTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.: THE PROPERTIES OF CONCAVE DIFFRACTION GRATINGS WITH LINEARLY CHANGING LINE DISTANCE ARE DISCUSSED JN RELATION TO THE IMAGE STIGMATISM. A METHOD IS GIVEN FOR THE PREPN. ~OF GRATINGS WITH.VARIABLE SPACING,FOR*REDUCING ASTIGMATISM IN THE WAVELENGTH REGION USED IN SPECTROSCOPY. 029 UNCLASSIOLE'li:, PAOCESS ING DATE--30OCT70 TI TLE-01 SCU~~ TI N N 'UOUS LL~;AUNICATICN IN A MULT I BEA14 CHAt'q(:L ivll'H SYMBOL OVtRLAPPING -U- AUTH0R--PEYSIKl-.MAN, A.L. C CUNT;4Y OF INFU-USSR .-SGW~CE-MUSCGirt RADlUTLKHNlKAq NU 3 p 197Uv PP 5-8 DATE PUBL I S hE C-----7 0 SUdJECT AREAS-NAVIGATION -~'JUPIC TAGS- IN T ERFERENCE IP~MUNITY, RADIO ECHO, SIGNAL REC-EPTION, IIULTIPLEX SIGNAL L"7tONTROL HARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY kLEL/FkAME--I1999/I290 STEP NO--UR/0108170/000/003/0005/0008 CIRC ALCESSICN NC-AP0123249 z I IN t" L 11 s S I i I f: il 0 1 212 029 UNCLASSIFFED: PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~~ClkC ACCESSICN NC-AP0123249 AbSTRACT/F-XTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RESISTANCE TO INTERFERENCE A 'ND THE RELATIVE EFFICIENCY OF AN INTEkRUPTEb CHA-NNEL ARE DETERMINED. THE OPERATING THRESHOLD fjF THE CHANNEL LS ESTABLISHED AND CORkECTED WITH ~.RESPECT TO THE ECHO SIGNAL A14PLITUDE RATIO. k:1 ilih kk n 41.i, WZ ozi UNI~~AWFIEO~, PROCE r-.ITL.E=-METH00 OF GR%VITY DETEqM,lNATIO4 IN MOTION -U- ,UTH:)R-,M5)-LlSITSl.%', YU.N., LO NSKAYA, AgM., MARAYEV, 0 L..U- t- PEYSI OUNTRY -INFO--USSR OURCE--GEOFIZICHESKAYA APPAR TURA, 1969, MIR 39t P 161; ~ TUR ;~NR_204618 E PUBLISHED-----70 SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY rOPIC TAGS--GRAVIMETER, GRAVITYv TOWED BODY ,'CNTROL 44RKING--NO RESTRICTIONS )OCUMENT rLASS--UNCLASSIFIED L.S., NEMTSOV, AUTHOR CERTIFICATE )ROXY REEL/FRAME--300711779 STEP NO--UR/0482/70/000/000/0000/0000 :IRC ACCESSION NO--AA0137019 Ui'qrl LASS I FIED____ 212 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 I RC'~ACCESS ION NO--AA01370 19 ABSTRACT/=-XTR4CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A METHOD OF GRAVITY DETERMINATIM IN MOTION, BASED ON TOWING THE GRAVIMETER IN A GONDOLA AT A GIVEN DEPTH ...WHILE SIFULLTANEOUSLY MEASURING DEPTH.VALVES AND GRAV111ETER RE4DINGS, IS REPORTED. TO EXCLUDE PERTURBING ACCELERATIOiNS A.,10 TO INCREASE ACCURACY, THE VERTICAL ACCELERATIONS OF THE FOUNDATION ARE~DETERMINED FROM DEPTH MEASUREMENT' AND THE OBTAINED VALUES COMPUTED FROM THE GRAVIMETER READINGS. USSR UDC 581-192-08 PEYVE, YA..,V., TAGODIN, B. A., and BAKEYEVA, N. M. "Preparative Electrophoresis of 'Proteins on Polyacrylamide Gel" Moscowp Biofizicheeklye Ifetody v Fiziologii Ractenly, Nauka, 1971, PP 5-13 Translation of Russian Abstracti A method of prepaa-ative electrophoresis of proteins on polyacrylanide gel is described. The method makes it possible to separate proteins according to their molect--lar weight, structure, d L, an magnitude of charge. The work was done with equipment naie entirely of plexiglas. It was built according to.the type B apraratus designed by D. Rakussn and It'. Kallvaniko. The equipment was modifieA as follows. A cooling jacket was mounted around the upper electrophoretic column; instead of the bolts affixing the column to the elution chamber, a slip mantle and a screw- on lower column were used. To reduce resistanve, the lower gel was eliminated, and contact is established by filling the lower electrophoretic cduzan with the electrode buffer solution, The method i5 demonnt:~~-ated kv wing hemoglobin obtained from the tubers of bean plantsi fodder 1*aria, soy beans, an! lupine. The formulas for the buffer solutions and the gel polymerization solutions were taken from th-3 recc,;maendations on the analytical disc electrophoresis of hemo-lobin. The isolated protein fractlons contain -the various hemorl b n highly purified components In the unchanged state and in a sufficienid., condition. Fm~ 1/2 006 UNCtASSIFf Efj PROCESSING DATE-30OCT'r TITLE-THE ROLE OF MICROELEMENTS IWSYMBIOTIC NirROGENFIXATION -U- AUTHOR-PEYVE, YA.v. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-JZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, SERIYA BIOLOGICHESKAYAt 1970, NR 2, PP~ 238-245 DATE PUBL ISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-AGRICULTURE TOPIC TAGS-ENZYME ACTIVITY# LEGUME CROPt FERTILIZER APPLICATIONs PROTEIN .NITROGEN TROLI-~MARKING-NO, RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME-200010572 STEP NO--UR/0216170100ij/002/023810245 '~__CIAC ACCESSICN NC--AP012426T UNCLASSIFIEG --2/2- 006 UNCLASSt P LED PRdCESSKNG DATE--30OCT7 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124267 AS-5TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* APPLICATION OF MICROFERTILIZERS ~.(MOLYBDENIC* COBALTICP BORIC9.COPPERY AND,OTHERS) PERMITS TO REGULATE ENZYME ACTIVITY CCNNECTED WITH SYMBIOTIC NITROGEN FIXATION AND TO ",~.INCREASE CONSIDERABLY THE YIELD OF..LEGUMES CULtURES, PROTEIN CONTENTS I THE CROP AND NITROGEN ACCUMULATIOWIN JHE SOIL~. FACILITY: ~TIMIRYAZEV INSTITUTE QF.PLANT.PHYSIOL0GY, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES USSR. 1/2 027 UNC-LASSIFIED PROCESSING D4TE--18SEP70 HIGH SPEED STOMATOLOGICAL APPARATUS AND SOME FEATURES SPECIFIC TO THEIR USE -U- AUTHOR-(03)-PODOBED, A., PEYZAN* Rot YATSKOVETSv No -:.-.,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :~.~'SOURCE- STOMATOLOGIYA, 1970v VOL 49v NR 2, PP 75-7~8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICACSCIENCES OPIC TAGS-ORAL DISEASEt MEDICAL APPARATUS CONTROL M4RKING--NiO RESTRICTIONS .~:~.oncUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REE-L/FRAMF--1965/1847 STEP NO--URtO5ll/70/04gfOO2/0075/0078 ACCESSION NO--AP0101892 t J N C L-A SI F ID - -------- -- 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0101892 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SUMMARY. THE PAPER DISCUSSES THE DESIGNS OF NEW HIGH SPEED STOMATOLOGlCAL APPARATUS. THE AUTHORS TA AND THE ADVANTAGES OF UNIVERSAL DESCRIBE THE MAIN TECHNICAL OA STOMATOLOGICAL APPARATUS IN COMPARISON WITH SIMILAR EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED PREVIOUSLY BY THE SOVIET INDUSTRY AND FOREIGN MODELS. INFORMATION-IS GIVEN OF THE FEATURESPECULLIAR TO THE OPERATION OF THE REFERRED TO EQUIPMENT AND MAINTENANCE.FDR LONG TERM WORK. -029 UNCLASSIFTE ~PflOCESSING DATE--230CT70 ..-T,ITLE--PHOTOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF WHITE TITANIUM ENAMELS IN RELAT ION' TO COOKING AND FIRING CONDITIONS -U- ~-AUTHOR-103)-ZASUKHINA, L-Z-, SMIRNOVAw G*Pvv PEYZNERt 6,Z. --USSR -,,QUNTRY OF INFO -~-,STEKLO KERAM. 1970, 2712)l 27-9 OU RC E i_ -PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~.AT E UBJ EC T AREAS--MATERIALS -TTOPIC TAGS--TITANIUMt ENAMEL, PHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS, OPTIC BRIGHTNESS, MATERIAL TESTING E(jUIPMEPNT/(UIFB2 PHOTOELECTRIC BRIGHTOMETER ~GONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :'-,bocUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -".,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1258 STEP Nt)--UR/0072/'70/027/002/0027/0029 -CIQC ACCESSInN NO--AP0116720 tjLil- I A CC I Fj E: 212 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ..CIRC ACCESSION NJ--AP0116720 BSTR ACT /EXTRACT-- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PHOTOMETRIC CHARACTERISYICS (IF A LARGE NO. OF TI ENAMELS OF KNOWN COMONS. AS WELL AS AS A NO. OF OTHER COATINGS WERE STUDIED, BOTH OF DOMESTIC AND OF FOREIGN ORIGIN. THE MEASUREMENTS WERE MADE WITH A PHOTOELEC, BRIGHTONIETER FB-2t AND TliE ..BR-IGHTNESS CGEFF. WAS MEASUkED FROM THE DATA OBTAINED IT FOLLOWS THAT THE DIFFUSE REFLECTION COEFF. ~ANNOT~SERVE AS THE INUICATOR FOR THE WHITENESS OF ENAMEL COATINGS. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME OF THE BEST DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN ENAMELS ARE NJTEO. THE COLOR CHARACTERISTICS OF TI ENAMELS WERE MEASURED ALSO'ON PLATELETS PREPD* FRILM FlITS OBTAINED FROM R VARIOUS DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN FIRMS. IT IS OBVIOUS THAT THE HIGH WHITENESS AND THERMAL STABILITY OF THE COLOR PIDEXES OF ENAMEL COATINGS CAN BE ACHIEVED ()NLY BY A COMPLEX OF MEASUKES: HIGH QUALITY RAW MATERIALS9 STRICT CONTROL OF THE PRODUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE ENAMELSt AND THE FIRING CONDITIONS OF THE COATINGS. THERMAL STABILITY OF -~-..PHOTOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF TI ENAMELS CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED BY THE INTROOUCTION OF CERTAIN STABILIZING MICRO ADONS.. FACILITY: !'-LEN INGRAD* TEKHNOL* INST. IM*.LENSOVETIAt LENtNGgADt USSR@ USSR UDC 669.296 SUL1111-11 V. V., KORNILOV, I. I., and "Distribution Factors of Titanium and Iron in Zirconium" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No. 79 Jul 71, P 50 Abstracti The behavior of titanium and iron admixtures in elec- -perimentally investiga- tron-beam, zone melting of zirconium was ex- ted on the basis of the relation 0 n n where 0 K-= distribution factor of Ti and Fe in Zn ; Cn concentration of the admixture in the quasi-stat-ionary region of the ingot after n passages of the zone 0 =- concentration of the admixture in the initial ingot ; g reaucedvaporization coefficient of the admixture calculated from a given formula. Tabulated.experimen- tal data show the distribution of Fe and Tit.afte-r zone melting U 'of Zn. The. average distribution.coefficients of Fe and Ti in Zn were found to be K.Ve = 0.29 and KTj 0.48 Two tables, two as, five biblio. refs. TArmul !T!1-77---'~; TT ~TFT-,T1f7FFM-1 USSR UDC 621-371.029.55 d VSMIOMATOKAYA., I. S. GLADYS=, A, 1-1. V. GORSHKOVA, E. Z. DUMBRAVA, Z. P. , MROMEV, IT. K. , ZOLOTAREV, Ye. =Y_A_T-.OVS1:IY, V. NOVIZOVA, 11. 1-1. il~ D. PODDELISM, If. I., and RUDYKA, L. V. "Some Results of InveotiEations Into Tilted Short-Pulse Sounding in Ranges up to 400 km long" Hoscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. Po rasprostr. radiovoln. Tezisy doki. Sekts. 1 (Tenth IL11-Union Conference on the Propagation of Radio Waves; Report Theses; Section 1--collection of wofKs) "l-iauka," 19729 pp 347-348 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 10, 10,72, Abstract No 10A333) Translation: Results are given of the selection of optinatl operat- ing frequencies for ranges of varying extent, the identif ication of propaganda modes, and the determination of.the spectral char- acteristics of tho fluctuations in signal level. A. L. USSR UDC 621.375.826 -P VEWIKE, V., LAU, A., VAYGMAN, 131. 1., LDITS, K., GADOV, P "Procedure for Separating the Weak Lines of Forced Combimation Scattering by Means of Selective Absorption on the Frequency of -tbe Strongest Stokes Components? V sb. Kvant. elektronika (Quantum Llectronics--collection of works), Moscow, No 5, 1971, pp 129-131 (from RZli-Radiotekhnika, No 1, 1972, Abstract I-Zo ID3112) Translation: In the presence of forced combination scattering, usually only the combination scattering component with the largest araplification coefficient appears in the spectrum. Its appearance. causes -such strong depletion. of the intensity of the exciting laser that the other combination scattering signals cannot grow to the sensitivity threshoid of the recolver. By selective absorp- tion for the predominant Stokes component it it; possible to facilitate the appearance of other combimation scattering frequencies. It was theoreticAlly demonstrpted that when using an absorbing liquid for which the ratio of the ab- sorption coefficient on the frequency.of the first Stokes component and on the laser frequency of 100:1 is obtained, the detection threshold of the weak con ponent can be reduced by 7 times. The bibliography has 5 entries. -~-VSSR UDC: 621.375.826+621.039.64 SIGEL R. WITKOWSKI S. BAUMHACKER H. BUCHL K. ELDINIANN, K. I I P.11 I IfORA H. , MENNICKE, H. , MULSER, P.., 9~.111.,2.",MZMANN, 14.