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USSR uDc. 681.3-53-085.3 POPECHITELEV,_Ye P., BYKOV, R. Ye., Leningrad "Order of Lenin" Electrical Ikeneering Institute imeni V. I. Ullyaov "A Television Device for Classifying Colored Objects and Images" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 15, Apr 73, Author's Certificate.No 374639,,Division G, filed 8 Dec 70, published~14 Jul 73, p 113 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a television device for -classifying colored objects and images. The device contains a black-and- white transmitting camera with a rotating light filter disc, and a vidicon camera which delays the video signal for the time of one half-frame. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, resolution is increased by connecting a first commutator between the black-and-white transmitting camera and the vidicon video signal delay camera, one of the outputs of this commutator being connected to the vidicon while the other is connected to the first inputs of four weighting adders. The commutator input is connected to the output of the black-and-white transmitting camera, while the second inputs of the four weighting adders,are tied in.pairs and connected through a 1/2 USSR uDc: 681.327 EJ1W"J-1 leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute imeni V. I. Uenin) "A Device for Analyzing the Color of an Gbject" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 8, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 330h7l, Division:G, filed 3 Apr 67, published 24 Feb 72, P 159 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A device for ana- lyzing the color of an object- The device contains a three-color video vignal pickup with three calorimetric ligbt.filters, modules for display and for illumination of the object being studied, and a timer connected to the pickup and to the display module. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the device is simplified and increased by connecting an analysis module between the three-color pickup and the display module. 2. A modification of this device dist-Inguished by the fact that the analysis -P e module contains amplifiers, add rs, threshold circuits, NOR logic circuits, and a two-coordinate matrix based on MID circuits. The amplifiers are joined into three groups with respect to the nuoiber of cQlor channels, the inputs of 1/2 POPECHITELEV, Ye. P., USSR Author s Certificate No 3301171 the amplifiers in each group being connected to the corresponding input of the analysis module. The outputs of the,amplifiers of each group are con- nected to the inputs of the adder of the same channel. The output of the adder of each channel is connected through an addition subtraction circuit to the corresponding threshold circuit, which is cormected, in turn, through a NOR logic circuit to the corresponding'line of the t-vro-coordinate matrix. 2/2 71 USSR UDC: 535-37 POPECHJTS V. I KOZLOV, I. N., SARMVSKIY~ A. M., SEVCHEINKO, A. N. "Investigation of the Effect of Temperature and Viscosity of a Solution on -Concentration Depolarization of Fluorescence Minsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spektroskopii, Vol 18, No 4, Apr 73, pp 653-659 Abstract: The influence of the temperature and viscosity of a solution on con- centration depolarization of fluorescence is theoretically studied on the basis of an examination of diffusion of fluorescing molecules. The computation is based on the "active sphere" model of Jablonski's theory (Acta Phys. Polon., Vol 14, 191-5, p 295; Vol 17, 1958, p 48. Formulas are found for the aniso- -tropy of emission as a function.of concentration, tenperature, and viscosity of the solution; these formulas are compared with Jablonski's formulas for stable solutions. This comparison is used as a basis for Tv-aluating the influ- ence of diffusion on the anisotropy of fluorescence enarsion. The theoretical relations are checked out on a high-precision photoelectric unit. Some of the causesof discrepancies between theory and experiment are discussed. ENjDI - CSO: IB62-W 1/1 USSR UDC 535.37 POPECHNITS, V. I., SARZHEVSKIY, A. M.$ '0, A. Y., Academician of the SEVCHENI, Belorussian SSR Academy cf Sciences, Belorussian State University imeni V.- 1. Lenin "Concerning the Spectral Dependence of the Quantum Yield of Fluorescence of Solutions" Himsk, Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 17, No 11, Nov 73, pp 993-995 Abstract: Cn the basis of the theory of universal intermolecular reactions f the with certain assumptions the variation, with time, o.L quantum yield in the presence of extinction of the second kind, the authors derive a general equation which relative quantum yield as a function of fluorescence light,frequency.. The special case of fluorescence 6xtinction by impurities is considered.,. -1/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED; PRUCESSING DATE--ZONOV70 _%-UTLE-CALCULATION OF LUMINESCENCE UEPQLAKIZATION DURING CHANGES IN TEMPER-ATUkE AND CONCENTRArICN, UF FLORE8,cENT SUBSTANCES -U- ,;..:AUTHOR-(Q3)-SEVChENKOv A.N., POPECH, *p SARZHEVSKIY, A.M. QUNTRY,.rjF INFC-LSSR URCE--DOi(L. AKAO. NAUK SSSR 1970 19(15)r 1025-7 -ATE PUBLISHED------7G AREAS--PHYSICS -,",'i'UPIC.TAGS--V-EPCLARLZATION, TWERATURE ..DEPENDIENCE, POLAP IZED SCENCEY IMULEGULAR STRUCTUREt FLUID' VISCOSITY, EXC ITATIO,'.1 ENERGY, UAINE t.. - I L CUENCHING TIONS _C G NTR C L~HARK I NG-PIO RESTRic POCUMENT. CLASS-UNCLASStFIED :-PROkY REEL/FIZAME--3005/1638 STEP NO--UR/0020/70/L91/005/1025/iC27 ___C_IJRC_ACC E SI CN__ Ni0--- Al 0-133-543 A UNCLA SIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 .212 027 s !ClP.C ACCESSION NO--ATOL33543 ~..ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. VAVILOVIS FORMULAS FOR CONCN. DEPOLAkIZATION OF FLUORESCENCE (CA 45: 453H) ARE.1040DIFIED TO INCLUDE AS VARIABLES TEMP. AND VISCOSITY. THE BASIC ASSUMPTICINS, FOR THE DERIVATICN OF THE FRCMULAA ARE: (1): THE FLUORESCENr AULS. FOLLOW THE :ElNSTEls%-SMCJLULHUWSKI'S ThEORY; (2) THE FLUORESCENT MEDIUM HAS 2 TYPES (7jF.FLUGRESLENT MOLS. DEPENDING UN THEIR THERMAL STATE, URIENTATIGN, ETC.; (3) EXCITATION ENERGY TRANSFER BETWEENMOLS'. OF EC~UAL STATES DOES NOT LEAD TO QUENCHING. EXPLICIT F0kjv.ULAS ARE GIVEN FOR: (1) CASES ANi),(e"_) DECREASE IN WHERE ThE QUQNCHING 15 NEGLIBLE (LOW CONCN.), FLU,ORE5CENLE POLARIZAITGN TAKES. PALCE IN THE COURSE OF. QUENCHING. FACIL.ITY: BELORUSS. GOS. UNLV.. IM- LEN I,%'A MINSK,, USSR. L J USSR UDC 061.3.621-791 POPEMINI IM. IMI., Engineer "Third All-Union Scielitifie-Technical Conference of in5titutions of higher Learning" Moscow, Svaroc.-moye Proizvodstvo, No 7, Jul 70, pp 6o_61 Abstract. "Scientific Bases of Technology and Progressive Technolo~ ical .,processes in Machine and Instrument Building" was the there of the Third All-Union 3cien- tific-TGehnical Conference of Institutions of Higher Leirning. The conferenae lx~.a-orgarizad by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special &ducation and was held at tho.14oscow Higher Technical School on 10-13 Iiarch 1970. The agenda pro- vided for 12 workin- sections. The "Welding, soldering, gluing" section opened with a report on ultrasonic welding, bone tissue built-up, anI the cutting; of biological tiss-aes. This report,by G. A. Nikolayev, described tae resulL5 of more than 340 successful experiments on animal's. Thirty-seven reports and coin- ri.anications wore presented in this section. Five reports dealt with proolems re- lated to the i-riprovement, of welded constructions. Others discussed ways of in- creasing reliability in spot welding, ultrasonic contact welding of plastics, eloctror. boaa, welding, welding of steels and alloys, automatic welding, ar4 tile technology and equipment for welding electrovacuum apparatus and parts. 10 0 USSR UDC.- 5)1/534:57 ~POULI, A . and REGIRER, S. A. S OBasic Equations of Blood Hydrodynamics" Nauchn. tr. In-t mekh. Mlosk. un-ta (Scientific Works, Moscow University In- stitute of Nechanics) 1970, Z40: 1, PP 3-20 (from RZh-',-[ekhanika, No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No ZA18) Translation: Blood is a mixture of a liquid plasma and su5perded particles the great majority of which are erythrocytes. The rheological characteristics of the blood depend essentially on the concentrationof the erythrocytes and on the materials dissolved in the plasma which influence the deformation of the erythrocyte envelope and coagulation. Experimental investigations have shown that blood is not a Newton-tin liquid since formwLtion of zones free from particles (the wall effect) is observed in its flow through tubes, and there is a rise in concentration in some annular laver within the tube (tne axial effect). In ordinary Poiseuille flow,the particle concentration does not vary over the tube cross sectioni From several assumptions of the character- istics of blood, a model has been constructed -with internal degrees oil' free- 4ori (Popell, A. S. , Izv. AN SSSR, Nekhan,zhidkosti i~ gaza, 196/9, No 41, 24-30, 1/2 no Qi. USSIR POPELI, A. S., et al, Nauchn. tr. In-t mekh. Mosk. un-ta, 1970, No 1, PP 3-20 RZh-Hekh, 1970, 4B1063). Here, the disc ussion is given from the point of view of conformity to the exDerimental data. A plane Poiseuille flow is considered. The problem is solved with an electronic computer by the method of finite dif- ferences. The results obtained for the concentration distribution snow that the proposed theory indicates a drop in the concentration near the wall. With a proper choice of migration factor values, an axial effect can also be quali- tatively obtained. in the same way, confirmation is obtained of the theore- tical-fact that at large particle concentrations only the wall zone is formed, while for small concentrations only an axial effect-is observed. From in- vestigations of the Couette flow, the conclusion is drawn that for large values of average particle concentration no phase stratification is produced, except for a slight drop in concentration the wall.which agrees with the experimental fact. A qualitative comparison of the results of the problem solutions on the basis of the given equations with the experimental data in- d1cates that in the framework of the proposed theory, all the effects observed in the blood and in other suspensions of similar structure reinforce the des- cription for stationary flows. The theory does not predict arty side effects which might contradict experiment or existing concepts of suspension movement. Some ideas regarding improvement of the proposed model are offered. Biblio- graphy of 21. R. A. Tkalenko lm~a4li i !,.,I 6h haili ,--,-5U-6JECT AREAS-VECH.t I(%D.# CIVIL ANO MhRINE ENGRt MATERIALS FNG(CiEERING,;~ METHANE, COALP MINERAL -...TtP.'lC.,TAGS--MlNING ENGINFERING, SAFETY DEPOSI-T.t GEUGRAP111L LUCATIGN. C N TIR L' LMARKING-1440 RESTRICTIONS.. C UM E ~~'T CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED DO :-'.PR6XY FICHE NU---FU70/6050b0/FO4 STEP %U--VR/0442/70/032/002/0106/0110 --N0--ATOlli4,'tl4 ---- ----- ------ -T -1- 1 1, K T, I T - ~ -7 - I ~ ~, I I ~FKULtYS I NU -- I LPIFU I/Z U14 UAlh itTL:_:-_TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF~'THE' bAVYl)0V SPLITTING' li"I ANTHRACE'q;_: -U- A)jTHoR--KURlK, M*V.f PIRYATIMSKIY, YU.P.t POPEL, Q.M.v FROLOVA, E.Ko z"I.C13UNTRY OF INFb--ussR :SOURCE-PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDIt 19701 VOL 37, NR 2, PP-8-3-906 OATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY .,:.,:TOPIC TAGS--TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE# ANTHRACENE, PHOTOCONDUCTIVITY __."C0%TR.GL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS lCt)&lcNT CC-kSS--UNCLASSlFlED PROXY RFEL/FRAMIF--1989/0221 STEP-40--GE/0030/70/017/002/OBO'3~/OP06 -~CIP C ACCESSION 40--AP0106877 UNCLASSIFIED - jl~ :,: I r! 1-3-!i : ~ ~-IlTllimHmJ . ;j!jillR`!:!-.ITl!M~~H 1. 1 i : . . i &ixiigi.116 'Ad! ill. I . 1 11 ; i;:: 1 1 ll-LL --- Luj-;l I t4 1 1 ii ~. : : :: . ~ - l ASSI FIEU U 4C L; j~H_LE'= V I S CS I T YCF FUSE3 SILICATES CCKTAINING lkj~lj M.4,4GAi,4ESE, ANO CALCIL;i Cx IDES -U- '_UTHG -(G_-)-Sl~KuLOVj V.I., POPEL, ~S.Ii E S I NO,Ao CCU#% T.~-' Y-,,'F I--4FU--LSSR S Zu kC E-- I Z v.. VYSSH. liCHE3 .LAVED. CHERN:* ET .1970, 13(4-), 40-5 (M E T -----70 TE~PUELJSHEG ~S) BJECT AR E A S AT ER I A L S -S--FLUIO V I S C, US I T Y tv I SCbus: FLOWt SILICAT1 M-N(WIESE TGPIC TA(2 ON OX I JE M 'Y C F C;ILCIU;-,l oxiDE, -~crEVA'rm ENERG ~JxiCL* V._IkKlhG--NO RFST: .A the selecti-irely reflectirrig screen, show that the steepness of the an-It-enna's experir-ental curve in- creases in its transition region. The experinental curves f or ted. the antenna are plott, t USSR uDc: 6:21-396.67T.833.2 POPERECIMKO B. A. 5 NOSOV, 0. N.2 BONDAREENKO, V. N. ."'Investigation of the Frequency Responses of Selectively Reflecting Radio Shields" V sb. Anteany (Antennas-collection. of vorks), vyp. 10, Moscav, "SvYs.z", 1971, pp,27 (from R21--Radiotekdinika, No, 5, 14W, 71, Xostract No 5B58) Translation. The authors present the results of theoretical and experimental studies of some selectively reflecting shields used in multichannel parabolic antennas. Ter. illustrations, bibliagral)hyiof eight titles. Resume'. i %!,ii r u. I-, USSR -EQPESKU. A. N. "Sequential Analysis During Automatic Text Attribution" Chastnyye Vopr. Avtomat. Analiza Tekstov [Problems of Automatic Text Analysis -- Collection of Works], Minsk, 1972, pp 346-355 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V773, by V. Gushchin). Translation: An approach involving sequential analysis of text fragments of length 11, 211, nli,. .. is suggested for the problem of determination of a theme of a text by the method of statistical. testing. A conclusion is drawn concerning the theme of the text after each test. The process ends either in the acceptance of one of two hypotheses with a defined risk, or in the acceptance of both hypotheses if the text has,been fully inspected and the conditions of selection have still not been.met. The method suggested is illustrated with examples. A method is given for analysis of the criteria of selection. A block diagram is presented for an algorithn, for -text attribution by.the method studied. VI 120 USSR 621.396.677.7 kINBER, B. YE., POPICHENKO, V. A. "Sectoral Horn Radiation" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 17, No 10, 1972, pp 2035-2042 Abstract: A study was made to establish the correspondence between the Lwo methods used to calculate the radiation of sectoral horns -- the Kirchhoff method and the method of the greometric theory of diffraction r- and also the correspondence between the two versions of the method of the geometric diffrac- tion theory - the method of successive diffractions [V. A. Borovikov, Diffrak- tsiva na mnogougol'nikakh i innogogrannikakh-1 Nauka Pressv 1966] and tile self- consistent field method [B. Ye. Kinber, Radioteklinika i elektronika, Vol 9, No 9, 1594i 19641. In both versions.the solution:of the problem is formed as the s4erposition of a set of diffraction problems of directional (standard) irylindricaI. waves on halfplanes -- the edges of a horn. The number of standard waves used defines the accuracy of describing tile interaction of the edge waves and, in the final analysis, the accuracy of calculating tile field. The effect of this factor is also evaluated. The results of som, numerical calculations are presented indicating that the self-consistent field method is the best. The Kirchhoff method gives an error on the order of several percentages. MEE ~fwv USSR UDC 535.215.1 'POPIK-T F'YANTS, Yu. A. u. and ZARI VlUfect of Adsorption of Certain Gasses on the Electrical and Photoelectric Properties of Lead Sulfide Lyaers".. V sb. Poluprovadn. elektroriika (Semiconductor Electronics Collection of Works), Uzhgorod, 1971, pp 131-145 (from M-Elektronika i XeXe primeneniye., -No 9, September 1971, Abstract No 9B397) Translationt The effect is studied of the~adsorption of acceptor gas INO, donor gas Q 00 and~water vapor on the electrical properties and the photoconductivity of PbS 1ayera obtained by deposition In a vacuum on a mic& substrate.. It is discovored that chamiaorption of 00 and NO leade to a dacro6oo of the photoconductIvity. 7 ill, 13 r6f. X.V- 91 MEMO! MINIM T27-0 15 UNCLA"S S- I F'f k D 'RkOCESSING DATE--230CTTO TITLE--FORM OF THE BONDING OF CHEM ,ISORBED MOLECULES OF NITRIC OXIDE WITH A LEAD SULFIDE SURFACE -U- YU.A., POPIKr YU.V.. -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR kCE--ZH. FIZ. KHI-%it 1970y 44(3)t 777-8 ~'~'04TE PUBLISHED ------- 70 UBJECT -AREAS--CHEMISTRY "j-001C TAGS--NITRIC OXIDE, LEAD SULFIDE, CHEMISORPTIOW ONTRUL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS '."OpCUMENT CL,ASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~_-RROXY REELIFRAME--1996/1894 STEP NO--UR/0076/70/044/003/0777/0778 ~_,~IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118856 UNCLASSIFIED ffuml R'llk lr~a~ i, UT f7im UNCCAS~IIFIED PROCESSING OATE--230CT70 015 ..CIP.C. ACCE.SSION 1,10--AP0118856 ~:A-BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF CHE.MISURPTION OF NO ._~(WTHE COND. OF A PBS FILM 'WAS STUDIED NO PROBABLY CAPTURES I ELECTRON ...:,AND SHARES IT WITH A SURFACE DEFECT.ON THE PBS; LOSS OF THIS ELECTRON -CREATES A CATIGNIC DEFECT IN THE FILM. BY APPLICATIIIN OF THE LAW OF ....',-MASS ACT19N, THE CONCN. OF CATIONIC DEFECTS PRODUCED IS PROPORTIONAL TO -~:.~(NO)PRIME ONE-HALF, WHERE (NO)'REP.RESENTS THE SURFACE CONCN. OF :.:UNREACTED NO. HENCEr BY ASSUMING A LINEAP-ABSORPTION ISOTHERM OVER THE CONSIDEkEDv THE INCREASE IN CONO. SHOULD BE PROPORTIONAL TO THE f _._..:SQUARE ROOT-OF THE NO PRESSURE. THE EXPTI.. RESULTS AGREE WITH THIS -lMDDEL-. FACILITY: FIZ. FAK.,-MOSK. GOS. UNIV. IM. LOMONOSOVA, USSR. __UlNCLASS_I_F_I ED USSR MC 547.781 .2-07 T -ILIM TIMMKO, V. G. ,Xhar'kov Institute of Public Feeding, ~jhlon Scientific Research Institute,of:Single Crystals, Scintillation Yaterials and Highly Pure Chemicals# Kharlkov "Synthesis of Some I-Substituted 2#5-Diphenylimidazoles" Rigai Khimiya GeterotaUdichaskikh Boyedinaniy, Ko 9, 1972, pp 1264-1265 Abstracti Derivatives of 192p5-triphenylimidazole were prepared by the 'reaction of (a)-benzoylamir4oacetophenone with primary aromatic amines in the presence of phosphorus trichloride. For the e. -substituted compounds the yields were 50-6VIa and for the o-substituted compoundsp 20-30%. An effort to Introduce an aliphatic amine (n-propylazine) into the reaction only gave traces of the substituted imidazole. 37.- UNCLASSIFIED USSR PO lov 1~!__Ya~. P-L-a- '!Newltiterials for Shipbuilding" Novyye materialy dlya sudostroyeniya .[English version above], Part III, Leningrad,.Sudostroyeniye.Press, 1972, 623.pp. Translation of Annotation: This third part of the monograph "New Materials for Shipbuilding" studies the properties of several groups of technical materials which are or can be-used in shipbuilding, marine machine building, marine electronics and electrical engineering, communications, and other areas.. The book can be used as a reference work for planning and design of s ip parts and units, in the construction and operation of ships, and also h in ship repair. This third volume studies elastomers, foam plastics, adhesives, sealers, packing and lining.materials, paint and varnish materials, ngineering fluids, solvents, oils, lubricants, self-lubricating materials, e :and:many other special-purpose materials. The book is intended for designers, planners, technologists, workers at labo- ratories of enterprises and organizations in the shipbuilding industry, and can also be used by specialists in other branches of industry. 1/4 - 71 USSR Popilov., L. Ya., Novyye materialy dlya. sudostroyeniya, Part III, Leningrad, Sudostroyeniye Press, 1972, 623 pp. Table of Contents fAbridgeg Foreword Symbols Chapter I. Elastomers and Foam Polymers Section,11. Elastomers -I. I... Basic Trends in the Application of Rubber in Shipbuilding 6 1.2. Types of Rubber and their Classification 9 1.3.. 1asic Properties of Rubber 27 1.4~ Various Types of Rubber 46 section-11. Foam Polymers :1.5.~ Foam, and Porous Plastics 101 Chapter.11. Adhesives 11,1-. Adhesives and Adhesive Compositions 141 11.2. Adhesive Based on Thermosetting Polymers 183 11-.'3. Adhesives Based on Thermoplastic Polymers 22? 11.4. Rubber Glues 23 U. 5.. Special Adhesives 2144 11.6. Adhesive Compounds in Shipbuilding 249 2/4 USSR Popilov, L-1 Ya., Novyye materialy dlya sudostroyeniya, Part III, Leningrad, Sudostroyeniye Press,'1972, 623 pp. - Chapter III. Sealing Materials III I Sealers 263 Jil. 2. Packing Compounds 272 -111.3. -Lining and Insert Sealing Materials, 289 AIIA. Sealing Materials for Packing 308 Rubber Materials for Seali Ill. ng Moving Units 317 rs 111.6. Thread Seale 322 Chapter IV. Paint and Varnish Naterials and Coatings :-IV. 1. Shipbuilding Paints 323 ::IV. 2. Modern Paint and Varnish-Materials 355 JV. Water-based Paints 389 IV.4. Special Purpose Paints and Varnishes 404 IV.S. Primers. 428 Chapter Y. Technical Fluids, Solvents,and Oils Solvents 431 V.2. Lubricating and Ilydraulic fluids 644 V.3. Additives to Lubricating Oils an6 Hydraulic Fluids 518 3/4 USSR Pop] lov, L. Ya., Novyye materialy dlya. sudostroyeniya, Part III, Leningrad, ~Sudostroyeniye Press, 1972, 623 pp. Chapter VI., Lubricants and Self-lubricating Materials NIJ.~ Plastic Lubricants 537 V1.2. Sealing Lubricants 578 Technological Lubricants 585 1~ VI.A. 'Rubbing Oil 592 N1. S. Lubricants for Launching of Ships 593 ::IVI ~ 6. Special Organic.Lubx;Ltcants 397 -vi.7. ..-Dry (Solid) Lubricants and- Self-lubricating Material 398 -V1.8 Polymer Self-lubricating Material 614 4/4 USSR UDC 669:26.053.4(088.8) POPI-L-'SKIY. M. Ya., KISIL', Yu. K., and DMNA, L. R. 111ethod of Making Calcium Chromate" USSR Authors' Certificate No 305136, Cl. C 01 g 37/14, filed 13 Feb 70, published 14 Jul 71 (from RZh-Ifetallurgiya, No.1, Jan 72, Abstract No IG212P by G. Svodtseva) Translation of Abstract: The method of obtaining CaCr07 from a solution of Na2Cr2O Ca(OH)2 and CaC12 with subsequent separation of CaCr07 from the mother lquor is unique in that, in order to decrease the content of harmful impurities in the product.- Na2Cr2O7 is decomposed with CaC12 at a tempera- ture