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- V7~77 7 .16: FCPcEi&j PPD:CYMRNETICS 86 :31 Aus 71 USSR 63 UDC 002.6(47+57) POPOV I. V_. cientiric and Technical:,Infomation Net et Union" ;,91ation-vide S work in the Sovi . ,.Moscow, Lecture Course, All -Union Inst itute of ScientLfic and Technical Information -Moscow, 28 Doe, 197 Qe pp (from It Zh Inrormatika. Wo 4 Oro Apr 71, Abstract No 71.4.2) 1 7- Translation: The objectlyn.prerequisites and basic principles of the construction or a state-wide system of seient1ficahd technical information in the USSR, the h1stu77 of. the development. of.: informational aCtiVitY, * and the structure and organi- ?a de tage :ration of the systen of scientifid and1eChnical Info .3tion at the o rn s are considered. EP USSR' TJDC 616.91 nP L-- V- Candidate of Medical Sciences; MAGAZNGV, A. M.; CHMINJO S., Lt Col Med Serv "Fbous.of Hemorrhagic Fever With Renal SI ndrome" Moscow, Voyenno-11editsinskiy Zhurnal,.No 9, Sep 71, pp 71-72 Abstract: In Tambovskaya Oblast, hemorrhagic fever with a renal syndrome (HFRS) was first recorded in 1965:(two cases). Since the disease reappenred in 1967, epidemiological and epizootio- logical studies were initiated in that year. The HFRS focus is 16cated between the mixed forest zone and the chernozem ateppe w-ith wheat, corn, and sugar beet fields where the groundwater lbvel is high. The forest is a.convenient zoological habitat. The village where seven HFRS cases were recorded in 1967 and located in a small, neatly kept clearing in the forest. A-11-patients were persons employed on construct *!on work in the f6rest and working directly~with underbrush andbuilding material -murine rodents with rafuse. The area was highlyinfested, with 1/2' USSR* PDPOV H. V., et al, VqZenno_NeditsInskiy Zhurnml, 110 9, Sep 71, pP-1-71-72 the.-Comon vole most numerous (about 50% of all murine rodents caught). Serological tests performed:on these animals revealed the--presence of.HFRS antibodies in-59.4% of common voles during outbreak periods, and in 11% of common:voles and in 3.7% of field mice during disease-free periods. Morbidity among the workers occurred only during periods when the number of common voles inhabiting that area was high.~ Theidata indicate that the disease was transmitted from common voles to men working with refuse material polluted by these rodents. The,abovep-described to be the only,foeus, and'.a relatively young one,: of -area seems HFRS in Tambovskaya Oblast. 2/2 USSR: uDc 669.14;62o.1?8.74 MANTSEV, A. P. and POPOV, K V "On the.Criteria of Embrittlement of:SteelB at Low Temperatures" Hoscow, ~avodskaya Laboratoriya, Volume 6, 71, pp 710-713 Abstract: In the usual method of testing steels for tendency to brittleness at low temperatures (dynamic bending for ahock ductility) complex indirect methods must be used to divide the total work done into its components, work expended on plastic deformation and the formation of a ductile crack of the critical dimension, and work expended on the propagation of this crack across the rest of the cross section of the sample. Ignoring:some small energy,losses,:the latter can be sub- divided.into elastic energy accumulated in the~sample-machine system and supple- mentary energy of ductile propagation. These subdivisions can be determined directly from ascillographic recordings of shock bendin-. The oscillograms show the disappearance of the supplementary energy factor as temperature is lowered, followed by the disappearance of the plastic deformation work, until the work oflractme is done completely by elastic energy. accumulated in the system, represented as a single sbarp peak in the osci3-logram. Coordination with studies of the fracture cross section show that 1/2 USSR Kazantsev, A. P. et alial Moscow, Zavodskaya laboratoriya,.Vol 6, 71, pp 710-713 the single peak appears when the fracture is totally brittle. There are three important temperature points: the temperature at which some brittle fracture appears, the temperature at which the crackis generated as a ductile fracture but propagates exclusively as a brittle fracture, the temperature at which the entire fracture is brittle. These points can be de~terminedvitfiont an oscillograph by. examinination of fractures in steels in whichibrittle fracture has a clearly visible.crysta3-line,characteriatic. Diagrams in:the article relate fracture cross -Bection~td oscillograph traces and femperature-work curves. 2/2 91-- USS11 UDC 620.102.471 V., and Ye. S., Ills i k" GR L G Y E VA G . and Coal Chemical S' j~~ Bias Allgarsk "i of Formation and Development Of Cracks During RUPL-OrC o'Ll ecir Cs p iron Sverdlovsk, Fizika Mletallov i 'Metallovedeniye, Vol 30, No 3, S~~.p 70, pp 37-639 Abstract: Technical iron was studied in the annealed state. Spec~mwns 4 F, iz i i n diameter were hydro-enated electrolytically to a content of 3 ril/100 g, then tested at -196 to +20' C at a rate of extension of -~).10-4 stc-1. After rupture, The 5 i( the structure of the metal near the rupture surfaces was StLld',LC'd. POCL~ --S ir -- c! h a E: of Clio scrucLurc Ind loccAclon of, cracks n the hydrogt~niiLCCJ -rate condiL ioll.; cil forlitation ol" revorsj-bl.~- under Lhe LuilyuraLure ment, the formation of the pr-incipal crac% occura by foni-;al~!Qn r) f zi brittle, large- number af seed cracks, t1wir devalopmen',-,: and subsequent- comuinatl[on iscous rupture of the bridges between thera. This is confirmod' by frac- 'upon,v togra h-1 c. analysis. ap' UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 ,'TLTLE- A PRUGRAP. DEVICE -U- UT_H0R-(03)-GULYAYEV, A.I., LISITSYNt A.I*#WPOVt L*A., "CCUNTRY G F LNFQ--USSR .:-,'SOURCE--PATcE,NT NO 260284, FILED 15. NOV: 68 --~REFERENC&~HGSCOW, OTKkYTIYA', IZO~RETENIYA,:.;.OROMYSHLE-'qNYYE OBRAZTSY;~ '.~:DATE,_,FUBL,'IS-HEG-. -70 T-AREAS--JvETHG0S AND EQUIPMENT* ELECTRONICS AND ELecrRICAL GNGR. JAGS-PATENT, PULSE GENERATOR t-, Cru-MPAROOR GIRCUIT, COINCIDENCE UIT,~ T 111 E INTERVAL COUNTER: CNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTICNS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~_"P.ROXY REEL/FkAME--3001/0731 STEP NG--tjR/6482/70/DC)O/C,~)0/0()00/0()00 2/2 018 LNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV7O ~CIRC- ACCESSION NO-AA0126441 3S-TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AaSTRACT. THIS AUTHOR'S Cl~RTIFICATE IG UN I' iCADENCE PULSE INTAUDUCE:5 A PROGRAM DEVICE WHICH CONTAINS A,READIN GENERATOR, TRACKER, COMPARISON CIRCUIT, COINCIDENCE CIRCUIT AND ~S.YNC HRG PUL 5 ECQUNTERt THE CCMPARISON CIRC.U.IT BEING CONNECTED TO THE -SYNCHAOPULSE COLNTER. AS A DISTINGUISHINO~.FEATURE OF THE PATENT, IN TC IMPROVE THE PRECISION OF TIME INTERVALS IN THE PROGRAMt THE ~-DEVICE HAS ATIME REGISTER CONNECTED TO THE READING UNIT AND THE f~ EcrED TO THE ~COINCID -dCE CIRCUIT, IAND A SECOND CCMPARISON CIRCUIT CO N -LFIRST. TFE FIRST (-.CPPARISICN CIRCUIT I&CONNECTED TO THE-TIME REGISTER AND 1 --TO THE SYNCHROPULSE COUNrERi AND THE COINCIDENCE CIRCUIT IS ALSO bNNfGTEC- TIJ THE CADENCE PULSE GENERATOR.~.' FACILITY:! INSTITUT .'-,z,,,-.-AI0LGGICHESKGY FIZIKI AN SSSR. USSR UDC~615.475:612-08T GULYAYEV, A. i.,.LISITSYN, A. I., '~"W Institute of Biolo- LPG". s, Academy of Sciencea gical Physic of~the USS11 "A Program Device!' Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 31 1970, p 128, patent No 260284i filed 15:Nov 68 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a program device which ator, tracker, compar - contains a reading unit, cadence pulse.gener. JL son circuit, coincidence circuit and synchropulse counter, the compari- son.circuit being connected to 'the synchropulso counter. As a dis- tinguishing feature of the patent, in order to.improve the precision of~time intervals in the program, the device has,a time register ected to-the reading unit and the c incidence c.- cuit, and a conn 0 Lr second comparison circuit connected to the first, The first compari- son circu-'t-is connected to the time register the synchro- and the coincidence ci uit is also:connected to the rc -cadence pulse generator. 52 -:777-777777777. MUGLEAR 10-q 04 r34451 (CONF-680113-(Vol.4),pp 1147-72) UTILIZATION OF MHZ-BAND ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES FOR STABILIZA- AND CONFINtMENT'OF PWIMA Le ado i'G B - Or- TION linskii D. V.; 0sovets. 8, M. Asyn n _i,61omnol rnorgii M511, DjUgam InOtItlit AtChInol Ener0i'l 4 A pfasmu~oolurnn prod4ced. by a'c6dinisor bank dischiirge wai 4 investigated. The stabllfwlo~ cjr~ult consisted of fou'i',or six rods placed, aroun,d.the ixis of the dljcha~rge chamber In which the plaornit colut:A6 wa~ loicalized, Pic,tures of the plasma ura given. MOM;) USSR UDc 621-317-752 DUBIN, V. F. , GAMAYMITOV, G. K. , POPOV, L. F.' "Contae. Device of an Automatic Machine for Sorting Integrated Circuits" Moscow --a, promyshlennyye obramtsy, tovarnyye znaki, Otkrytiya, izobretenij No 8, Mar 71, Author's Certificate No 296290i division H, filed 20 Oct 69, - ubldshed 12 Feb 71, PP 198-199 P T~:~anslation: This Author's Certificate introduces a contact device of an automatic machine for sorting integrated circuits. The device contains a two-sided printed-circuit board with a central opening and contacts equal in number to the wires, a clip for holding the integrated circuit, and a drive mechanism with cams. As a. distinguishing feature of the patent, MeMureir"fint accuracy tuid contact rellability ate improved and the capaci- tance between contacts is reduced by radial location of ccntactij in the form of releasable sDring clwans on both sides of the pritil ted-circuit board around -the central opening. Contact is made between the leads of the circuit to be tested and the contacts on the circuit board by means of -loaded hooks radially located with resepct cUps% made in the form of spring to the opening in the circuit board. 20 Mum, 6WII IIhI;I;Hi W14; 111 6M.9J4,11616, USSR FOPOVj L. a.# and DOROFEYEV# A- D. ~"Dete=lnation of Parameters of Annular Jet With Diffusion Combustion Flane Propagating Along a Heat-Insulated.Circulax:Cylinde3e' Tr,ILeningre in-t aviats. priborostr. (Works of Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrument Yanu-Cacture),.1970, vyp 66t pp.42-48 (from RM-Mekhaanika, Yo~l, Jan 71, Abstract No 1B1084, by Yu. F. Dityakin) Translationt The article solves the problem of diffusion combustion in an annIlln jet propagating along a heat-insulated circulax cylinder. The method-ofthe equivalent -oroblem in.heat-conductivity theory is used. Taken as starting point is a system~of partial equations for three functionst jet velocity head, excess heat content, and excess concentration.~ Initial and boundary conditions are formulated for inner and outer flame zones. The dynamic problem Is solved Independently of:the heat and dIffumion problem, In.solving the dynamic problem, dimensionless velocity head is used as the sought quantity, and solution of the.obtaineed-equation is found with the help of a Laplace transform. The heat and~diffusion problems aze solved sepaxately for inner and outer flame zones~:with subsequent linkup at the flame boundary. The solution is also obtained with the help of a Laplace -1/2 ~ It !I 1. 1 : . i I ! I ~ ; : - -- _t-_r_ - --- " 5, FICD I'L -11 L- i - . i !1 0 i . . -I i i.d i -.- 6.d..'s.- 1-1 .:-". . I:! ~ ; ;r I I ii ! .. . . I , I . I I. Baybakov, 11. L. Reception of Upticni RadiaLicn ?Jia~,e tabila, r. A. Hodulatad by a Superlilrh-Frewunncy ftgnal .... 304 Pnrametric Optical Signal Limiter ............ 30d Gosev, V. C. Study of the Effect of HultimoJo Laser Emtozion on 09 Reception of PI)a&a -'2ulated Si.-Pall .. . ill Kornhunov, 1. 1'. study of the Basic rarazeters of Light-GuLdo Communications Linez ......................... 316 GertsIenshteyn, F. E~ Gas lenses for optical Beam Wave CuLdes ...... 323 Maykapar. Q. 1. Structural Characteristics of An!ennas for Pboton In formation. Transatas too Systems ...... 331 Khromov.,A. H., Fab- Tenpecature Conditions ot Thin Ferromagnatic rikovi V. A., Films when Recording I=ps byLaser Emission 340 Klyuktn, L..M., Thin Magnetic Films in Z_uez BeAn LrLform4tiqn. F4brikov,,.V. A... TransmistlLon Svste,= ......................... 350 Khr6mov, A~ D. Men'shikh, 0. r.. 4ethod of Precession DiaSnostirvi of Small Dtaturbances of the Optical &ctivity and Indexes of Refrattion Of Optically Transparent Media using Laser R.di-;i .. .................. 364 Men'shtkh. 0. F. Procedure for Optical Differentiation of Atnpli- tude Modulated Coheritnt. Radiation ............ 371 Mon'shLkh,O. F, Study of the Optical rropertles of Substances Booed on tho, Inverse Favaday Effect I ......... 375 Nikitin, V. V., Study of Logical Elements Base4 on a ~,emicon- samoylov, V. D. ductor Laser Photodiode, ...................... 30 Uspenskiy, A. V. possibility o f ReAll%Lng Three Stable Stntes In a Semiconductor Laser with ZZOnuniform Vxci- tation ............................... I....... 355 Two-binensional Scanning Of On Optical team tov, V. V.. by Light Refraction in an TAtrasonic Field 389 Ito 81,43eneska, Yu. L. 2 Deryugin, 1. A., Laser Synten Insuring that an image of Ark V" Object will be Obtained on a Display Screaft 395 botnanko.Yu. L. t YECAJ1111 I CA L M A NVS I A 7i'10N firm I FSTCA IT-23-20.15-7 2 '~'/ 'tle" va- o,'(AASH TiTLEt ?ROBLViS 07 USER BEAM DATA 7rMlismiSsioj PROCEEDIUCS OF THE FIRSI ALL-U.410M Cc-4r=-,,.CZ. KIEV, SEPTEKBER 1968 F'MMIGN TITLE! PROBLFNri PEREDACHI INF6SMATSII IAZEFIM 12LUCHENIM'i AUT110k: 1. A. DORYUGIN...ET AL. S()Uit(;Cf ~KIEV ORDER OF LENIN STATE UNIVERSM IMENt T.C. SCHEWEEKKU r-- FSTC by Im NOT I CE Thv ti,tu,nt% irthi, publicativn have been translated as prvscntcd in the otiginal text. No AMMpt 11A~ bl.Un Malle to wrify the ;Jtcutaty of any sratcmcnt comMined herein. This translatit-n i.% published with a u,inirnujit or copy cdiring and graphics prcparAtion in arder the di%.%Ltniri;itiunafinrf)rpn.otitin. Allpmmd ria public tclq!aw. Distribution 11"linilted. USSR UDc: 6~ 1 - 382) .2 KOZLOV, N. P. LEVASHOV I. P MURYGIN V I.,, I A. and StMEYEV V. t., MoAc'aw Instiiut~ of SONDAYEVSKIY, Chnology h0ome Res -Diode Neuris ore earch in 3 Leningrad, Fizika i tekhrAka poluproyodnikov, vol 63, No 6t 19729 PP ;054-1061 Abstract: The neuristors investigated in this article have S-shaned volt-ampere characteristics and are' of two typep: first, i.,rith co=on anti-cutoff contact and a sectioned..p-n junction; aecond, with cam- mon 13-nJunction and sectioned anti-cutoff contact. The schematics of both types are given. if the diode structures in the circuit are sufficiently far from each other, the switching delay tire may be jauch less than the switching time of, an individua]_ element, and -the interelement switching time can,be neglected. it is shoi-m that when the delay time between the switching of neighboring elements is nuch greater than the switching time, the dependence of the breakdown voltage on the parameters:of.the material has only a slight effect on the coupling between the active elements, in the neuristor line. The second part of-this paper describes experi- ments pe.-formed to verify the theoretical results o-f the fi:est part.-.These experijdents used neuristors. of~p-type germanium com- ~Pqnsated by gold. USSR uDc:669-24:548.4 POPOV L. YE. TEBESHKO, I. V., GOBENKO, L. K., KONEVA,,N. A., KOZLOV, E. V., ~YA .7 T. A., Siberiaa:Physico.technical Institute imeni V. D. -xiz~etscrv and Tomsk Engineering Construction:Institute "Dislocation Structure of %Alat Different Stages of Deformation" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i t5etallovedeniye, Vol 35, No 2, Feb 73, Pp 409- 418 Abstract: This study was conducted to study the diange in the nature of dis- location structure in intermetallide Ni Al vithincreasing degree of deforma- tion. Alloys with nickel and 22.9 and X.O' at.% Al were investigated to vhich defoxmations of 1-12% were applied. At small degrees of deformation .(1-2%) interlaces of dislocations were extended along slip tinaces and the average distance between slip traces was 8300 A. The nwnber of interlaces -with increased deformation.: Plastic and dislocation density increased deformation of Ni Al results in the generation of three types of dislocations two of which are 11rently located in octahedxal planes,and one -- cubic -In the deformed alloy numerous vide stacking f&,jlts are observed when planes. alloy composition,is close to stoichiometric.and the energy of the stacking faults amounts to 29 erg/craP for the alloy with 24.o at.% Al. At high degrees 1/2 i 7E-ST USSR UDC: 531-862 RUSINOV, M. M., IVANOV, P. D., LIVSHITS, E. M., GOL'DBERG, G.. R.., KUDRYASHOV, A. M. , Leningr ns e of Precision Mechanics end optics "A Sighting Tube for Observing Objects inan Aqueous Pledi&' Moscov, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Pronyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 6, Feb -72, Author's Certificate No 328410, Division G, filed 16 Sep 70, published 2 Feb 72, p, 143 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A sighting tube for observing objects in an aqueous medi= which contains two~objective lenses -with protective glasses, collective lenses and erecting systems. The tube.also contains a cormutating flip mirror and an ocular. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the tube is designed for .9imul- taneous use of the visual optical system and photography of the,field of view of the objective lenses. Placed directly in front of the photosen- a three-co=ponent syste= of:6ingle positive menisci with concavity facing the object. The three-component system is introduced into the beam path-by an auxiliary beam-splitti rig flip mirror. 2. A 1/2 - 177 - 'Thermodynamics USSR uDc 669.o18 KOMMYAKIN. 11. V. and PPXCrV n.,.Siberian Physit:o-Technical Institute imeni V. D. Yuznetscyv at Tomsk -State University "The Isothermal Start of Superdislocations in the B2 Superstructure" Tomsk, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Fizika, No 7, 1971, PP 7-12 Abstract: The purpose of this article is to compute the intensity of the start of superdislocations in the B2 superstructure, assumed to be an isothermal process. The author makes extensive use of mthematical for- =t1as to discuss his assumptions.and employs figures and tables to illustrate his findings. Both tables are used to predict substitutional probabilities. Figure 1 depicts the intensity of the i6othermal and adiabatic start of super- dislocations in the B2 superstructure of stoichiometr ic composition as func- tions of the temperature. Figure 2 shows the intensity of:the start of super- dislocations in a solid solution of non-stoichiometric composition as a func- tion of the temperature: both isothermal-and adiabatic start. Figure 3 gives the intensity of deceleration of the suip9rdislocation.produced by disruption of the short-range order in the melt as,a function of -the.temperature. -111he -author g1ves 3 figures, 2 tables,, and 9*bibliographic entries. M .~~i : , !I IF ;ii-, III 1-T n ; a, , ~ " " -, " "'; -, -Z I-! I A : - - --! A! - i ,, .. -026 NCLASSI FIED -PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 U -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AM0130263 "-'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PREFACE 5. CHAPTER I ORDERED SOLID SOLUTIONS 9. 11 DISLOCATION IN -SUPERLATTICES 9. 111 SPECIAL ATOMIC. MECHANISMS OF aLOCKING AND --INH 1.81T.ION OF DISLOCATIONS IN ORDERED SOLID SOLUTIONS 54. IV CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MECHANISM :OF PLA,STIC.DEFORMATION:OF ALLOYS V41TH A LONG'RANGE ORDER -72. V EXPERIMENTAL: DATA ON THE MECHANICAL TROPERTIES AND DISLOCATION STRUCTURE. OF. RODERED ALLOYS .94. VI ON THE PHYSICAL THEORY OF PLASTICITY AND OURABILITY-OF ORDERED SOLID SOLUTIONS -170. ~LITERATURE 206. IN THE MONOGRAPH 15 EXAMILNED THE NATURE OF -- PLAS T I C I TY, AND DURABILITY OF ORDERED ALLOYS AND METAL COMPOUNDS. THE --DISCUSSJON OF THE: EXPERIMENTAL DATA IS BASED ON PRESENT DAY DISLOCATION ~~.:::'~_THEOKI ES- OF:, ORDERING OF METALS.~- -- THE~ BOOK IS FOR MATALO PHYSICISTS, _~PHYSICAL METALURGISTS AND ALSO FOR ENGINEERS OF FACTORY LABORATORIES. UNCLA:SSIFtE)'' PRnCESSI'4G DATE--029CT70 %TTLE-:-.lN'H.lblTION OF SUPERDISLIICATIDNS~ BECAUSE OF C'RRELATIONJ DESTRUCTION I NCL'OSE PACKED SOLID SOLUT.IONSe"U_ .`,:,-AUTH*3R.' (03) KLIZLDVt E. V. I P2fqY.*_L.:,YE g4,NZ8URG, A.YE. C~OUNTRY-13F. INFO--USSR "'~~..SOURC E-^-UKR. ~FIZ* ZH. (RUSS. ED.) 1970,, 1), 146-9 DAT EPUBL I S14 El D------ 70 JECT AREAS-MATERIALS ~,~_TnPIL'I.J4GS. 'SOLID SOLUTION, ORDERED ALLOYt CRYSTAL DISLOCATION PHENOMEliON9 -TEMPERATURE, YE'ILD STRESS TRANSITtGN REEL/FRAME--1989/1340 STEP NO--UR/0185/701015/001/0146/01~-9 tIRC 4CCESSION NO--AP0107813 U NCL A S S I F I E 0 USSR UDC 533.6.013.42 LYSENKO, P. Ye., POPOV, M, A. -on Oscillations of Cates in Pressure Water Conduits" V sb. Dinamika gidrotekhn. sooruzh. (Dynamics of Hydraulic Engineering Equip- ment -- Collection of Works), Moscow, 1972, pp 117-120 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3V410) Translation: The problem of oscillations of gates caused by oscillations of its support structures is considered. The problem is solved in the linear formulation within the framework of the theory of small oscillations of a viscous incompressible liquid considering the wave character of the propa&q- tion of perturbations in walls of the water duct and also considering hydro- dynamic pressure at the input to the water duct that arises due to oscilla- tions of the structure of the hydraulic equipment. Simplified formulas are proposed for calculating oscillations of gates that are suitable for engi- neering calculations. R. A. Shipov. 49 I RCACC AP -0 128 7,33 --- --- -- ---- . I -- 1: - 7 -M-I'Vil- I F 1 ~ ) ---. I I tl -;'~'~2/2 015 UNCLASsICFIEO PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 C1RC. ACCESS 10-.14 NO-AP011.28783 _A8S.TRACT/,EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. VAPOR'PHASE ALKYLATION Of: PH N.4 'THYLzZvPAOPANOL (111) CATALYZLO BY .:sU32 (-I ) TO- 1-tE ISTZ3 CNHPli ( I I )~ 13Y 2 t ML AL SIL1CATE, AL SILICATE PLUS 5PERCENT AL: SU82 0 SUa.3, AND AL SU82 0 SU83, AT 270-360DEGkEES WAS STUOIED.: A MIXT' OF 19.7 G I AND 33.0 G III FILLED 41:2.1 MOLAR RATIO) WAS FEO I THI ft! 5 HR tINTO A TUBE .(15 MM DIAM-) WITH 80 ML CATALYSTI, Ar 0.15.1-iR PRIME NEGATIVEI VOL, RATE AND THE MIXT. -AND DISTO -J GIVE LARGER THAN 73P:ERCENT RECOVERY OF I A140 GOOO DRIED Y.1 ELDS'_ OF I I AL SILICATE WAS..THEMOST WC T1 V E CATALYST ANO GAVE, AT -3000EW-ES r 73.6PERCEINT RE~OVERY OF I A b ~5,3PERC ~:T Ili B SUB752 N 23ZO-EGRECES, N PRfME20 SU63 1-5330, 0 PRI-ME2.0 O..9490.~ SCjNE04HAT LESS WAS AL -SILICATE PLUS 5PERCENT AW:SUB2 0 -SUB3,' WHICH, AT .:330DEGREES9 GAVE 78.8PERCENT R ERY OF,:1 AND 53.LPERCENT [I. AT THE -,SAME JEMP, AL SUb2 0 SUB3 GAVE ANLY 39,olPERCENT, 110~ (PI E SU83 C) SUB2 NPH. WAS NOT AMONG THE PRUDUCTS. UINC LASS I FIED UDC: 8.74 USSR ISAYEV, V. P., 11,-J& and POPOV, R. A. "The Problem of Evaluating - the Functioning of the 'Operator- C> Control Desk' Link Through Modeling~on A Digital Computer" Moscow, V sb. Tsifr. yyohisl. tekhnika i proEramnir. (Di,,Fital Computer Techniques and Programming--collection of works) "Sov. Radiop`1972, Pp 133-139.(from RZh-~-Matematika, No 8, 1972, 'Abstract No 8V647) Translation: Problems of the functioning of the "operator-control desk" link are considered. - To evaluate the quality of the link functioning, a model realized on a digital computer is proposed. A,block diagram iq.given,along with the results of the modeling, to evaluation of the functioning of the link by an permit integral computation of,the time spent in the collection, control, ...and:traiismission of commands-,: Authors' abstract IA USSR UDC: 8.74 I SAYEV, V. P. , P )V M. F . POPOV, R. A. "On the Problem of Evaluating Functioning of the 'Operator - -Control Panel' Link by Digital.Computer Modeling" V sb. Tsifr. vychisl. tekhnika i programmir. (Digital Com- puter TeclLnology and Programming--col-lection of works), vyp. 7, Moscow, "Sov. radio", 1972, pp 133-139 (from M-Kiber- netika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V647) Translation: The paper deals with questions of functioning of the 'operator -control panel".1ink. It is proposed that a.model realized on a digital computer be used for evaluating the quality of operation. of the link. A floulchart is given as well as the results of,modeling, which enable evaluation of the operating quality of the "operato-r-control panel" link by integral estimation of the time,expended in preselecting, checking and transmitting a command.. Authors' abstract. 1/1 UDc 532.57+532.137+536.51+532-14.08+531.787 TJSSR POPOV, it., V. "New Methods of Constructing Sonic Cas Velocity Converters" V sb. Metody i pribory dlya izmereniya paskhoda i kolicbestva zhidkosti,.gaza i p;%ra (Methods and Instruments for Measuring the Flow Rate and Quantity of Liquid, Gas and Vapor--collection of worke), Ifuscow,1973, pp 98-102 (from Uh--Mekhanika, No 6,-Jun 73, Abstract 14o 6B1153) Translation: An autooscillatory frequency.method is described for measuring the flow.velocity excluding a number of essential deficiencies of acoustic anemometers. A characteristic feature of the method is the application of the autooacillatory syntem Including an amplifier with acoustic delaying feedbacl~, which permits direct conversion of the flow velocity variation into frequency variation of the harmonic oscillations of the system. A description is given of the block diagram of the acoustic gas velocity converter and a functional Behenatic is presented for the autooscillarary converter. The,ultrasonic vibrations are propagated in the flow and received by a rvceiver. The propagation time of the emitted wave front from the radiator to.the receiver depends on the flow velocity. From the receiver output, the voltage goes to the input of a demodulator in which detection of the high frequency oscillations and separation of the modulating low-frequency voltage take place. From the exit of the -UHL ---Itll U- I I =R POPOV, M. V., Metody i pribory d1ya izmereniya pasldioda i kolichestva zhidkosti, gaza i para, Moucow, 1973, pp 98-102 demodulator, the latter is fed to an amplifier. The amplified modulating voltage goes to the modulator input. Thus, the system is- closed with respect to lo-v frequency. It is demonstrated that the output frequency of the converter depends linearly an the flow velocity. The error estimate made demonstrated that at a .'flow velocity of 60 m/sec, the absolute measuring the:.velocity is 0.32 m/sec. T~- Aj~0105440 A~C- Ref.'Code: 49 9 3 Slectroaconstic System for Loasuring-Wind and Tgnmerature (Abstract: "A Method for Constructing an Electroacoi~stic for Keasur- ing Wind and Temperature Paramters,~ by S. M. Persin, E. L. Persina and Iv. V.,2=ov.- Leningrad, Trudy Glavnoy Geofizicheskoy Observatorii, No 40, 1569, PP _/Fron: Moscow, Ref-erativnyy Zhurnal,, -G6ofizika,, 5vodnyy Tom, No 1, 1970, U587 A phase-rrequency method for constructing an electroacoustic system for measuring wind velocity and temperature is described.- The authors give a block diagram of an acoustic anemometer based on the phase-frequency raethod, This method makes, it possible. to eliminate a number of shortcomings characteristic of the phase and frequency measurement methods. The phase- frequency method can be.used fo:r measuring both the inean wind velocities and iogrpphy of 6 itemso _perature, as well as their fluctiiations. BihI, 4 Reil/Frame 2/2 017 UNCLASS1 FIED PkOCESSING DATE--230CTO IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120349 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.: THE ARTICLE ANALYSES THE CAUSES DEVIATIONS IN THE QUANTITY OF SEMIFINISHED PIECES SUPPLIEU. THEORETIC/ FUNCTIONS FOR VALUES OF THE DEVIATION: ARE DEDUCED. ON THE BASIS OF THE --RESULTS OBTAINED, THE AUTHOR HAS PREPARED TABLES FORTOLERABLE -.DEVIATIONS IN. THE QUANTITIES SUPPLIED OF FORGED AND CAST PIECES. A*aLES -2p F'IGS,. 4. I Ite 'I ID USSR ~UDC 6)Z.95 BADULIN, A. V., Chief of the Division of Plant Protection, Volga Scientific Research Institute of Irrigation Agriculttav; BUIRDALAYETA, T. S., All-Union. -Scientific Research Institute of Reelamative Afforestation; ~Cfiief of the Laboratory of Chemico-Biologileal:Control, Volgograd Disinfection MO, V. F. Stationj ands PONOMAR& "Studies on Applications of Dibro&4 MOBCOWo Zashchita RastenlY, Val 17, No 6,~ 1972, pp 32-33 Abstracti Organophosphorus compounds, although highly -toxic with respect to their action as insecticides andacaricides, are relatively safe as far as coataminetion of the anvirorment and accunulation in food products are con- which decorj=eB rapidly and hence cerned. - The applications of dibi does riot present any serious danger to of huxan beings, were studied for these reasons. - Dibroz. in available Jji the form of a 50;,.. emulsion containing OP-10 as the emulsifier. To test the effectiveness of dibrom. against household insects (the common cockroach, bedbugs, and various species of flies Including the house, bluebottle# greenbottle, blow, and flesh flies), the insects were placed iR contact with a plywood sheet treated with a dJ.-tFrom emulsion in the a-laount of 100 g/m.2. After a 15 min contact with the plywood sheet, the still living insedts were removed and observed. 1/2 BADULTIN, A. Y., et al., Zashchita Hasteniy, Vol 17, No 16, 1972, pp 32-33 Dibrom in a concentration of 0.5-1% killtd cockroaches in 3-72 hr--, producin- i=eyersilble pa.-ralysis in 1 hr. In. a:concentration of 0. 2-S-0. dibrom killed bedbugs 1-- 3-24 hr:s a m.' p "cuced paralysis in 10-15 TU-n- In a con- centration of 0.5-0.1% 10.5-1% It killed all flies I'll 3-5 tin. The s%w- face treated with dibrom remaired effective against codroaches zaid bedbugs for a period up to 24 his and against flies for a pericd UP to 3-4 days. hes n Bait poisoned vith 0.25-0.5,5 dibroi4 was offective a&ainst cockroac. C being sp-M.Yed on plants infested trith the insect pests, an 0. 1% , emulnion of dibrom killed all pea and rose aphids and an 0.1% e;mulsion all larvae of the.fig cicada and of the rose sawfly within 4-5 hrs. , An Irreversible paraly- sis.mras produced within the fi=t few rAnutes of contact of these insects with dibrom. Larvae of tho alzA leaf beetle were resistant to dibro;m. Dibrom 0.2)" in a concentration of was. ef*ctlve~ against larvapi of the fox-colored 'd sawfly. The dilbroa &zulslons did not burn the -plants an presex-Ted their toxicity for 3 time during which observations were carried ou 5 -days (the t) an being Jm-A. at 20-230 after Pmeparati on S:, USSR UDC 632-954 D., Dryazginsk Experimental Station, VITIM OPOV N "The Effect of TKhA and Dalapon on the Weeds of the Tobacco Plantations and soil" on the.Seed Reserre of Annual.Grasses in the Moscow, Khimiya v Sellskom Khozyaystve, Vol 10, No 7 (105)) lqr-j2, PP 56-58 Abstract: A study vas carried out on the utilization of sodium trichloroace- tate (MiA) and dalapon for the control of.tbe annual gxassy weeds -- green faxtai-1 and vr~-:Ckly grass -- on the tobacco plantations. The veeds could be controlled to a considerable degree I~y the use of 8 xg/hectare doses of -r.%QhA or dalapon in conjunction with a double ranual weedixq- These herbicides, ent t1-4 surviving vae-As from seeding the fields. This "however., did not prev !.-effect was not problemtic with the monocultuie tobaccoj but complicated ding har-muts in case of. rotational 'planting. 73 V 2 166iu U2 019 MCCAStIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--30OCT-7fp TITLE-CATALYTIC AND AI)SURPTIGN PROPERt'ES I r MIXED CATALYSTS BASED ON NICKEL -U- AUTHOR G.I.r BILHANOVt F*8.9, SQK0LHSKIYv D.V.v POPOVr N.I.t MUSMETOINOVe Zo)O. .7, oCOUNTRY OF.INFC-USSR -4 SOUIRC E- I ZV. ANAD, NAUX KAL. SSRF SER. Kii Me. 1970, 20(2), 20 E PUSL ISHEQ--70 S U 3 i E C TAREAS-CHEMISTRY -TAGS-C-4TALYST ACTIVITY, MCKEL, MAGNESIUM OXIDE, H.-OROGENATIONt ::~-ORGANIC NITRO M4POUN09 PHENOL CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS f-~'DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~-'PIROXY_ REkLIFRAME-2000/2029 STEP Nt~--UR/0360/10/OZO/002/002(.)/0024 CIRC ACCESSIC.N NG--APG125617 MEN--- 2 UNCLASSIFIED PAOCESSING DATE--30OCT70 '019 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125617 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT 14AS STUDIED OF AGG ADONS. ON THE ACTIVITY OF A NI CATALYST. THE CARRIER:NI RATIO WAS ..CONST., 4:1. THE ACTIVITY OF THE.NI CATALYSTS FOR THE HYDROGENAT[ON OF O~NITROPHENOL INCREASED Z*5,TIMES UPON USING A CARRIER AND FOR rHE ADDN. OF:.14GO;.THE OPTIMUM ADDN. BEING NI:MGO EQUALS 1:0.2. A C014PARISON OF -THE CATALYTIC AND ADSORPTION PROPERTIES SHOWED THAT THEIR CHAII14GES ARE SYMBATIC., THE MAX. ACTIVITY-WAS OBTAINED FOR SAMPLESREDUCED AT 250DEGREES FOR NIt AT 400-50DEGREES FOR THE NI:CLAY EQUALS 1:4 CATALYSTY ~'AND AT THE PROMOTED -:350-400DEGREES FOR THE NI;MGO CATALYST. FOR -CATALYST-ThE REACTION ISUAITED BY THE ACTIVATION OF,THE UNSATD. COMPD. KAZ. KHIM&-TE:KHNOL'. lNST.t CHIMKENT,, USSR. ~j Nsirl Aiz cz i r T F_ rl USSR UDC 531.717.2.087.92:62-531.6.088.6 V B. V., PAYKIN, I. M, POPO ."Compensation for Axial Beating of Bearings with Rolling Friction" Vestn. KharIkov. Politekhn. In-ta [Heral&of 1(har'kov Polytechnical Insti- tute], 19721, No 66, pp 31-34,-(Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Metro- logiya i.lzmeritellnaya Tekhnika, No 7,-1972, Abstract.No 7.3-164, from the Resume). Tran lation: A device for compensation of axial beating of a bearing with rolling friction with reciprocating,and rotary motion of the shaft is studied. Compensation is achieved by introducing a signal from an axial shaft bearing sensor as a correcting component to the regulation of drive speed of the reciprocating motion. The device developed, in combination with design changes of the bearing unit,'allows axial beating to be com- pensated.with an accuracy:of:at least.0.2 Ii which, in turn, allows the accuracy of maintenance of the rate of motion to be increased. 2 Figures; L 2 Biblio. Refs. USSR uDc 621-315-592(088.8) VERZIN, I. I., PAYKIN, I. M., POPOV, N. I SUYETINY 0. N. , F UIMIT, B. A. "Device for Compensation of Axial Play of the Priming Rod of for Growing Single Crystals" USSR Author's Certificate 110 275412, Filed 1 Dee 67, rrublished 14 Oct 70 TTT~m_ BM-Metallurgiya, No 4, r 71, Abstrtwt No 40,1419P) Translation: A device for compensation for axial play of the priming rod of furnaces for growing single crystals contains a system for regulating the speed of the drive wUlch displaces the priming rod. To decrease the axial the translational no-Lion of the priming rod occurring during its rotation, an inductive transducer is introduced, the moving part of which is rigidly connected to the primin- rod. The stationary part is connected to the ca-.--iage on, Vnich the inoculation roi is mounted, and the output of which is connected to the input of the speediregulator of the drive -for displacing the priming rod. d4' ........ ...... .. . .. ......-........... USSR _TJDC 616.61-002.26:616.92/.93 CHURKIN) G. 3.0 Lt Col Med Ser Lt.Col Med Serv, Candidate, of Medical Sciences; IFAZ=NOV",Aa.P. "Using the ComDlement-Pixation Reaction to Detect Antigen of the Agent of Hemorrhagic Fever With a:Renal Syndrome Ploscou, Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No 7, 1971, P 81 Abstract: The comulement-fixation test, with serum from con- MesceE animals 'as immune. serum and a chloroform, extract from the kidneys, lungs, spleen, and liver as anrigen .Was rerformed in foci of hemorrhagic fever with a renal syndrome as a means of early detection of the disease:among rodents and other small animals. Examination of the organs of 552 animals (493 caught in foci of the.infection and 59 in-places free of the disease) revealed ..C. F. T. -,o os itives!the organs of animals caught in foci of the infection. Antigen was found in almost 40% of SIFIED : , 7r ACC. Hr.: 0046. Ref Code: USSR UDC 621.791.03.96 SKAMO, YU. N., MOSIMIN, V. F., CARMYLK, R.. I., POPOV N. MEDUDEV, A. SKORUPTKIY, D. P. KORSHIMOV, V.- A. "'High-Frequency Welding of Spiral-Seam Pipe with Butt Seara Joining" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), No 1, 1970, pp 63-65 (from Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 1, 19,70,~p 80) Translation: This article contains a study of the characteristic features of strip formation and upsetting during high-frequency welditip, of Spiral- seam pipe with butt seam joining. lNew forning schi!nes vnd new designs of the mechanical units of tube-welding mills.are prooosed. The peculiari- -ties of welding pipe are investigated in of disturbance of the geometry of the initial tape. There are 4 illustrations and a 6-entry 6 -eLnt bibliography. 41 Reel/Frame ~~.21 2 :020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 ~~C-IRC. ACCESSIGN NO-AP0132715 _.-.'Aa.STRACT/EXTRACT--(Uj GP-0- ABSTRACT. THIS PAPER GIVES THE RESULTS OF ~MEA SUREPENT S OF THE SPECTRAL EMIS.S.I.VITY OF DENSE LOWERlLEVEL CLOUDS. D FFRACT ON ~THE MEASUREMENTS ~&RE MADE WIT.H!.'A:. SPECIIAL.SP-123 AIRBORNE I I HE~ PE-cr:RAL Wi:DTH OF THE SLIT SPECI-RCJME-.iER~(GR,ATIN.G--7.5--.,P.ULI:NG.S!~-MMJ,.,-~~-.-t.,~J -S __KI_C-_RG N;: TH_E--_-ANGL E, G EES BY 4DEGREES; 20EIGR rez~~.I-THE-_;_EMISSION.- PETACTOk mAs'-AN-bAP'~- OPTI_CAL~:ACOU`.TICAL CHAMBER. - THE NS-RUMENT-WAS CARRIED ABOARD AN AIRCRAFT LA30RATORY OF THE MAIN :'-'.-.GEOPHYSICAL CBSERVATORY- DESIGNED FORAMEASURING CLOOD SPECTRA IN THE ATMOSPHERE IN THE REGION 6.5-13 MICRONS. JHE SPE ICTRUMETER HAD A SPECIAL OPTICAL.ROTATING HEAD WHICHREPLACED AN -AIRCRAFT WINDOR. ROTATION OF THE SIGHTING MIRROW MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO MEASURE T14E CLOUD SPECTRA .-'",,DURING OBSERVATION IN THE NADIR AND SKY SPECTRA INJHE CASE OF ~_.OBSERVATICNS IN THE ZENITH. T14E INSTRUMENT WAS CALIBRATED IN ABSOLUTE UNITS BY PERIODIC REGISTRY. Of THE,.EMIS~TICN~ SPECTRA FOR A, BLACK BODY WITH A.KNOhN TENFERATURE. THE SPECTRA WER8..'REGI STEREO DURING AIRCRAFT NEAR THE UPPER CLGUD BOUNDARY.-THE CLOUDS WERE FIRST VERTICALLY ~FGk DETERMINING THEIR THICKNESS~v: OPTICAL DENSITY 'AND TEiMPERATURE CROSS SECTICN. EXTENSIVE FIELDS oF,:bEN'SE OPAQUE CLOUDS WERE SELECTED. _FIG.. I IN ThE TEXT SHOWS THE MEAN i.-SPECTRA GF CLOUDS AND: THE SKY SPECTRA ~-_Frjk TWO FLIGHTS. FIG. 2 IN THE TEAT 5HOWS-CLOUD E0I.SSlVi,TY CURVES ~_..COMFJUTED: GN THE BASIS CF HEASUREHENT DATA. THE EXPERIMENTAL DATA AGREE --,WELL 6LTH, EARLIER COMPUTATICNS. 7. MR uDc 606.1.031.29 POPOV 0. 11. Engineer. GALDINA, H. M., MUIEVIC111 V. Ye-. Candidates of i := 'Tecanical Science.3. (State Scientific Research Institute of Glass) "Investirating the Stability of Bakor-3Yat Molten Glar's Temz~ratures Under Industrial Conditions by the Method.of Reg=usion Analysis" Moscow, Steklo i Keratka, N Aug 71, m7-10 Abstract: Mathematical rodcls of corrosion process of electro fusior-cast refractory sslabu (250- Ox'O r.) nade of Bakor-33 in the ulj_re~r R~trt Of cluSc.- melting furnaces wcre conrtructed uezingr the mthod of analy.,:ic, on the basis of raj~-alts of a study of refractory laying of,32 g1m.3s-melting, fur- naces for Sheet Glai;rj) nfter their Bhutdoom for overhaul. 'Yt)p- depth of cor- rosion at thxu level of t1ja molten glass rarface aumed ax dependent varlable in the model., -jhile the duration of f;xrnace operation, the sptcific yield or glass maso, and melting temperatures (3.160-1540oc), given in t, table, -were used as indepondent The mathemlatical rodel of the corroFlon pro- cess vas r__;Presented by a Tnylor _rje3j Vit'h Co___ffjCjC__nt by the nethod of lea5t zqiiams. An awlysis. of equations obtftinc-d nhowed thu !Mw~-Uta- bility of Pakor-ll for hifl-b te_nTerat1jrc (up to 16300C) gLaws 1r, Thu Itin ; .1 . , ~ I ; i ;~ : jj~; .. , .1 " t-~d, -,; I~*:~Ldii~W-;41.~~H~,~nli',,Ii,'i .,:IW;v,n,&-,mV.". )-if . ! 11 .1 1; Il . I I USSR uDc 6n.35:66.094-173 BOBROVA, A. N. and POPOV, 0. S.,7ro sing the Reactor Body Made of Stainless Steel Yhl8NlOT as Sensor of the Catalyst Potential- Daring Electrochendcal Studies of Liquid-Phase Hydrogenation" Tr. Kalinin. politek:hn. in-ta (Collection of Works of Kalinin Pol~-technical Institute), vyp 13, 1972, pp, 147'150 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal Yhimiya, No 21(11), 1972, Abstract No 2.1 Ie75 by E- Z- Napuldi) Translation.- The obtained experimental results rade it nossible to estaIlish that the steel electrode is neutral and reVersible with xes-pect to 11 Identit~ v e in the potential chang s of steel and Pt electrodes occu=ing vith the use of pcrddered catalyst (skeletal Ni) rnkes it feasible to use steel FL-181TIOTI as a potential sensor of a catalyst during the electracheirdcal studies of catalytic hydrogenation reactions in the liquid phase whilch is indifferent to the reactor mterial 17 USSR UDC 577.4 POP sit "Error Correction by Wolf-Alspas. Code V sb. Peredacha diskret. soobshch. po ka alar, s (Transmission of Digital Messages over Channels with Group Errors co.'tlcc- tion of works) , Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972j pp 18-23 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 7 -Jul 72, Abstract No 7V453) Translation: A version of the codes proposed by Wolf and M'lspas for error localization is described ivhich as a result of an incre.-ise in redundancy pro- vides. for error correction in all cases where the Wolf-,Illspas code localizes then without correction. It is demonstrated that under defined conditions the described codes have less redundaticy thait. the iterated and cascade codes with error localization and the Reed-Solomon codes in the binary representatlon w-i th the same correctin& capacity. USSR UDC 577.4 ZHUGULIN, L. F., POPOV 0. V. ArANAS'YE V. B. "Increasing TransiAssion Peliability ina System wit4 Interrogation vidiout Increasing the Permanent redundancy V sb. Peredacha diskret. soobshch. po kanalam :3 g-MPPirUYL1S11Ci1izzisYa oshibkaizi (Transmission of Digital Hess;ages over Mannels with Group 1-rrors collec- tion of x:orks), _Mosc(n-;, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 56-50" (from, 11,Zh-ldberaeLika, No 7, Jul 72, Abstract No 7V457). Translation: A version of a system 'for two-way transmission of digital data with interrogation is describedaccording to which the ticcesaary condition of decoding the combination it; the absence of. the detected errors not only in it but alzo in a number of subsequent combinations. Lt Is damorlnvraLed that for the given code the described version permits a significant reduction of the probability of the unde tee Led. -error in a number of cases at the prico of an insignificant increase in the variable'iredundancy. 7_ _7_17~7 7 UbSR UDC: 51-621-391 Y-0. V. TURIN, V Ya. at imate of the Distribution of Probabilities of the Numhers of Sub-Blocks 3' With Errors _n a Block of Given' Length" V sb. Peredachla diskretn. sooltishch. po kanalan. s gruppir-,W7LishchinLisye. oshib- kami (Transmission of Discrete Messages Over Channels With Grouped Errors-- till collection of works), Moscow, auka%. 1972 pp 104-3-13 (from Mh-Kibernetika, No 6, juti 72, Abstract No 6V340) Translation. An estimate is made of the distribution of probabilities P(T-) that T sub-blocks of length ni =n/11 in a block of length n will contain at least one error on the basis of a model which reflects the statistical principles governing the app&arance of.errors-in transmission of binary symbols through standard telephone channels 13 A 4- b2l. -491 NOV, B. I., POPOV 0. V HAZAIROV, M. V., OVSHI. "Theory 0-1 gnal Transmission. Textbook tor Electrical Enginecr;-ng Institutes Of Si Communication" Teori;~~a7 pergdachi si".alov. Uchebnik:dlva elektrotekhIn. ino-tpv swjazi (cf. Eag-lish kop (front -qZh--'R1pl'.cr Mbsco- "Svyaz," 1970 `7 Ul. osv- above)p ;0 p I X o 05, June 1970 Abstract No 6.64.4K5 +ransnis.-io- of Trarslati-or,: The basic statements are discussed of the theory o. continuous and discrete information on communication channels. nr3ze;rt-~es finformation, signals, and noise, and the charact,~ri-~tics of the cwI,-Lncls are 0 considGred. ?rob~ens of information th,--ory,:the theory ot' potea-;~ia' -,~'ruudon from noise, and 't ho theory of encoding are cons~,-dare-!; the ba5ic state-r-ent:5 Of the at on theory a' signal separation are forned; and the basic dircation:; for re-aliz. -;b-41 ties duriznp., information transrassion are discussed. of ~the theoretical poss L-i-I Zhe book is intended for studen-ts of instittutes of com- electrical engineerin,., munication and can be used by specialist-s in~ the field of radio angincer'.ng a-nd electrical co=nunication. 50 ill. 10 tab. 161 ref. Summary. -PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 -.Z.IZ 031- UNCLASSLFIED i~.CJRC ACCESSION NO--AM0130;f62 -ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STABLE OF CONTENTS: PREFACE 10. 11. CHAPTER I MATHEMATICAL~ REPRESENTATION OF MESSAGESt TSIGNALS Ashil) INTERFERENCES 15. 11 CONVERSION OF CUW-WNICATIONS AND SIGNALS-81. III MODULATED SIGNALS--112.' :~.IV CHANNELS OF INFORMATION TRANSMITTERS 148. V FUNDAMENTALS OFz::TH,E.,THE0RY OF 'INFORMATION DESCRETE COMMUNICATIONS 219. -TRANSMISSION 174. VI TRANSMISSION OF oll Liu --VII CORRECTION CODES 269. 1 VIII TRANSMISSLON OF C NT.l.4 US ~COMMUNICAT IONS 294. IX TRANSMISSION OF~ COMMUN I CAT 11014S BY MULTICHANNEL LITERATURE:367 IS A TEXT BOOK SYSTEMS 323. CONCLUSION 366. TH I S ---APPROVED BY THE MINISTRY OF COMMUINI CAT LOW ~OF TH~ USS-R FOR STUDENTS AT. -ELECTROTECHNICAL INSTITUTES OF COMiMUNICATION. DISCUSSED ARE THE BASIC :POSITIONS OF THE THEORY OF TRA(4SMI S SION - OF ~CONTINUOUS AND DISCRETE OM-HUti [CAT I ONS ALONG COMMUNICATION CIIANNELSo EXAMINED ARE QUESTIONS ON s t4c,F- r :~:THE THcORY OF INFORMATION, - THEORY ~ 0 F POT ENT I AL, RE S T L TA 0 -INTERFERENCE AND THE THEORY OF POD ING* UNCLASS IFIED 111 H USSR: um 21-375 DOROFEYEV, V. V., POPOV, P. A. Ilu se.of Directional Graphs for Calculating a Transistorized Amplifier 'With Feedba- V sb. Poluprovodn. priboa v tekhn. elektrosvyazi (Semiconductor DeAces in Electrical Communications Technology--collection of works), vyp. T. Moscow, !!Svyaz 1 10,71, pp 206-209 (froim-RM-RadioItekJiiiikal No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6D102) 'Translation: A procedure is outlined for determining the G parameters of atwo-stage transistorized amplifier with both negative parallel input fee dback and negative series output-feedbick. -The method is based on using a directional signal graphs.. Four illustrations, bibliography of one title. Reswrh. USSR UDC 632.951 POPOV, P. F., Azerbaydzhan Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection "Effectiveness of Various Preparations Against the Larvae of Fig Glyphip- terygidae". Moscow, Khimiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve, Vol 11, No 8 (118), 1973, pp 35-36 Abstract: The most effective agent against fig glyphipterygidae larvae under conditions.prevailing in Azerbaydzhan were the phtalophos (30%) DDVF and tsidiol.(50%). Bi-58 and antio burned the leaves of the figs, so their use at fig plantations could not be recommended. In the fig fruit the residue of ts1diol. was 0.054 mg/kg and of phtalophos it was 0.050 mg/kg. The acceptable levels of these preparations are 0.10 and 0.25 mg/kg respectively. 10V70 iocEssING T)xfE--20, p T I I L F~- S I AE A V S_ C F UF T EG P1,14 I C A L 'S:Y E 1`1 1 TII TAKING; lNf,,) ACCOUN,' _piWPmYLA)C1E5 -u- ~_'AUT HU 9- 0 2 )-P U-111 LIV P.1 CHEPNFNKUV, A.P. -COUNTRY 6F LNFC--LsSR Ali T T I K A I T E L E.M E K H A.N I K A 19,707: N R PP 144- 1 6 ---- 70 SuajEc TT. AREAS _'METHODS A NO E QU I PM EIN T C CIN T.4 C L M A R N, I N G N 0 R E S T R I CT I GINS U OCCUMENT C L 5 S--UN C LA S S I F I C PROXY REELJF-8AM-E--3003/1`t6d STEP c I R 11 AU1:sSl01, 4NO.- "104CO S t 2 OIL UNCLASSIFIED PRGCESS ING UATE-20NOV70 ACCESSIC-N NG--AP G13()qCO ::'AB5TR.'(;T/LXTk-,c-T--(tj) THE GV-0- A3 STPA' T I NF LUENCE' OF PROPHYLA X I ES CUNIUC f EO R66ULARLY Gk I N f-'A"COM CHUSEN: T I m- NOMENTS ON THE RELIA81LITY OF_ Tfi~- FtiNCTfC4It-,1G OF I'-,- CHNI.CAL. SYSTEMS: I S CONS I C E"F THE Ri:SlJLTS 08T:A [NEE; , BY BE US ELI FUP, r HE EST I KAT I CN C1 F THE EFFICIEf~C Y OF Cumm;TING PROPHYLAXIES. UNGLASSI F i EU 2 G23 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT'10 LE--LNDUCED ENZYMES AND IONIZING,,RADEATION. 1. CHANGE IN THE ACTIVITY F. TRY.PTOPHAWPYRROLASE IN RATS.~AFTER IRRADIATION "U- OTHOR-02) POPOV9 P.~G.j ANKOV,.,V.K. OUNTRY OF:INFO--USSR RADIOSIOLOGIYA 1970, 10(1)v 32-6 ~.-.DATE. PU6LISHEO-----70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND.~MEDICAL SCIENCES r 0 P I C, TAGS--X: RAY RADIATION BIOLOGIC EFFECT., LIVER, ENZYME ACTIVITY# .,,,..-.--RADIATION DOSAGE CONTPOL MARKING--NO RESTRICTION& ~-_'.'-~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1998/0449 STEP NO--UR/0?05/10/010/001/0032/0036 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121123 LED 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0121123 --(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TRYPTOPHA ,:-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT N PYRROLASE ACTIVITY HAS BEEN DETD. IN THE LIVER OF 87 RATS 4v 27v 48t AND 72 HR AFTEq WHGLE BODY -X IRRADN. WITH DOSES OF 0.9, 1.8, AND 5 KR (180 KVY 15 MA, FILTER 3 MM AL,-IFOCUS,DISTRANCE 50 CM, OOSr= RATE.7.2 R-MIN). PEAKS OF TRYPrOPHAN ACTIVITY WERE OBSD.. 4 AND 72, HR AFTER 7HE IRRADN. THE ACTIVITY INCREASE OBSO. WAS MAINLY DUE TO AN INCREASE IN THE AMT. Or- APPENZYME.I.THE SYNTHESIS OF NEW APOENZYME 4 HR AFTERIRRADN* WAS NOT DISTURBED BY UP TO 1.8 KR IRRADN.; IT WAS.INHIBIYED BY APPROX. AT 5-KR IN COMPARISON WITH VALUES OBSD. AT 1.8 KR. NO SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES IN THE.ACTI.VATING, PROPERTIES:OF MICROSOMES WERE NOTED. FACILITY:., VYSSH* VOENNO M.ED., INST., SQFIAr SULG. "-f A-s u14- L- S.1 F If U&CM UDC 621-~17*75*001*24 HIKULIN't V. B. and POPOV, P. S. "Selecting the Parameters and Circuit Of an Automatic master Oscillator for Strobe- 0scillographs" Sbo nauch. tr. 1)o 13robl. mikroelektron. Mask. in -t elektron. tekhn. (Collected Scienctific Works on Problems in Microelectronics. Moscow Institute of Electronic Technolomr), 1972y vyp. 10, pp 27-32 (from RZh-Radiotekhnik.a. No n, Nov 72, Abstract No 11 A262) Translation: The authors propose the structure (circuit diagram) for a generator of test pulses of given shape and parameters of the formed signal. An- analysis is given for the formation of the fronts of test pulses,and synchropulses. Methods for measuring th'e basic parameters of the digital, integral microcircuits are considered. Resmee USSR UDC 621-396.6-181.48 P. S. NJ_KULR1, V. B. and PO~Ov "Stroboscopic Principle for'Constructing Semi-Automatic Units for Controlling the Dynamic Parameters of Integrated Circuits" Sb. nauch. tr. -poprobl. mikroelektron. Mosk. in-t elektron. tekhn. (Collection of Scientific Works on Problems in Mieroelectro'nies. Moscon Taistitute of Electronics Technology), 1972 vyp. 10, pp 20-26 (fr= RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 31, Nov 72, Ab- stract No ll V221~ Translation: A structural synthesis Is given ctf a semi-automaton for controlling the dynamic parameters of digital - integrated circuits. Tho units and assemblies of the semi-automaton are described. Technical data are presented which were ob- tained from studying the working conditions of the unit in.:Induatrial production. Resume. 94 USSR ne 621-396.6-181.48 NEULIN., V. B. and POPOV, P. S. aTest-Pulse Shaper Circuit for Controlling the Dynamic Parameters of Ieuegrated Circuits" Sb- nauch. tr. po probl. mikroelektron. Mosk. in-t elektmn. tekhn. (Collected 2, Scientific Works on Problems of Microelectronics. Moscow Institute of Electronics Technology),,1972 vyp. 10, pp 33-39 (from RZh-Radiote1chnikat Ho 11., Nov 72, Ab- stract No 11 V226~ - -7 Translation: An analysis is givcn -of the shaper for the pulses entering into the structure of a semi-automaton used for controlling the dynamic parameters of stan- dard-and large-scale integrated circuits. A detailed discription of advantages is given together with a digital illustration-rof the developed variant of the pulse shaper designed for the EMON-D semi-automatome, Resume., 96 BMW NWWA USSR UDC 681.332.35 LOPOV,__P. S., Engineer, Moscow -"Stroboscopic Principle of Constructing a Semiautomatic Device to Monitor -the Dynamic Parameters of Integrated Circuits" Moscow, Elektrichestvo, No 11, 19711 pp 77-79 Abstract: The schematics and operating principle are presented for the Elektron-D semiautomatic device for measuring the parameters of digital in- tegrated circuits (the signal delay time in the circuit switched from the one logical state to the zero logical state, the signal delay time in the circuit switched from the zerrilogical state to the one logical state, the transition time of the output signal of:the digital integrated circuit from the one logical state to the zero logical state, and the transition time of the output signal from the zerojogical state to the one logical state) on the production line. -The operating principle is based on using the method of series gating. The test pulse generator shapes a periodic train of square test pulses and.synchronizing pulses for starting the scan- ning of the stroboscopic oscillograph. The functions of the various units 1/2 Rls_~ USSR POPOV, P. S., Elektrichestvo, No 11, 1971, pp 77-79 of the device are described in detail. The following measures were taken to eliminate the deficiencies inherent in~stroboscopic meters and improve the measurement accuracy: 1) in order to generate the voltage of the reading level relative to the zero voltage and~to exclude the error as a result of distortions of the transfer coefficient In the meter channe1when setting the reading levels, a calibration pulse is sent to the input of the meter- divider, the base of the pulse is the zero voltage (the provisional 4ero line is soleated on the oucillographic sareon), and tAle pulse peak Is tile reading level voltage (at the metar output with a given voltage, the compari- son circuit is tuned to respond with a sensitivity of + 10 ni,Wvalts); 2) control tests are introduced to exclude o6rrors as a. riisult of drift of the transfer coefficient in the Y-channel and the reading step of the meter; 3) in order to increase the stability of the Ctansfer coefficient of the input.mixer and to insure matching with the output characteristics of the integrated circuits, a high frequency divider and active probe are intro- duced; 4) to eliminate the nonlinearity:of the X-channelit is possible to -select the linear operating segment on the scan by varying the test pulse 'delay. 2/2. 28 FW11~11_1,11 "Mm"''T K USSR 6z:- 37" (0 88. POPOV, IF. S., I.-IKOLAYEV, A. A., BIDBRIN,VYe.,- VASIL'YEV, V. ulse Frequency Divider" P A USSP A No 2q5~4LL uthor' sCertificate F I e d16 I:to-v 67, Puoliched 12 'ar 70 Kh-Radlotekhnika, No 10, Oct 70-4 Abst'~-nct No. !0C;200 P) Translattion: This Aulbor':5 Certificate introduces a pulse freqUency divider ba3ed on atransistorized relaxation oscillazor circuit which contains a delar line in the feedback circuit. To improve the conversion phase stability, the oscillator also ..contains a transistorized key which is connected. through 4m. emtter follower in the feedback circuit between the delay line and the oscillator transistor base. PROC ESSING DATE--30OCT70 UNCLA.SSIFFIM '~.:lTLE --EFFECT OF HERBICIDES ON THE YfELD OF SUNFLOWEVAND ON' ftiE QUALITY F~~ JHE: OIL -U- ,-~AUTHOR-103)-BEDEKHr N.D.t POPOVj: P. S. s. VASJLYEVAt D-S. ~.,CONTRCL PARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -,.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :PROXY REEL/FIIAME--2000/1368 STEP NO--UR/0394/70/008/002/0129/0130 CIRC A CCESSICN, N(;--tP0125016 im!71 A ------- 21Z 009 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 .'CIRC ACCESSICN NL--AP0125016 ;ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INVESTIGATIONS WERE MADE IN '964-6 IN REGIONS WITH VARIOUS SOIL AND CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. TME FOLLOWING HERBICIDES hERE APPLIED:' ALIPUR (.4 KG)-p.AVADEX (2 KG)s IFK (IPC) (12 .;,....KG)t-.PP.OAETRYNE (2 KG-HAJ. PROMETRYNE DID NOT INHI.Bir MICROFLURA, COULD BE .0ECOMPD. DURING 3-4 MONTHS, AND IT 010-NOT ACCUMULATE IN SUNFLOW'ER ~-SEEDS. HERBICIOES WERE APPLIED BEFORE PRESOWING CULTIVATION. ANNUAL WEEDS.WERE MAINLY ENCOUNTERED ON SOWN AREAS. AVADEX ANO [PC DESTROYED 7~~*CHIEFLY~MCNOCOT WEEDS, WHILE.PRCMETRYENL AND ALIPUR AFFECTED MAINLY AND HERBACEOUS PLANTSi INCREASES, IN. SEEDS YIELD OF 1.5-2 AND .-.~'EVEN 3 .,QUINTALS-HA WERE OBTAINED. No CHANGE. IN THE OIL YIELD OR ITS -QUAL ITY~: WAS~ 'FOUND. FACI LITY: VSES.-NAUCH~-ISSLED. IN5T. MASLICH. kULITUR,.-KRASNODARt USSR. U-N !-'L- A S-N 1 V 1 USSR uDc 632-951 GOLUBEVA, Z. Z. SHAPOVALOVA, G. K., and POPOV P. V., 411-Union Scientific Research L2stitute of Chemical 146ans fox~Ti9jTf"PfbtdbV1on 11combined Use of Acaricides and In.secticiAes" Moscowl Khimiya v Sellskom 1(hozyaystve, Vol 10) No 12, 1972, PP 33-34 Abstract: Some mixtures of an insecticide with an acaricide were found to exert a greater effect on pests than that corresponding to additioa of the two activi- ties., Furthermore, development of resistance of the -pests to the chemical agents may be slowed down if mixtures of this type are used. To study the com- bined toxic action on pests of binary mixtures of insecticides with acaricideG, acrex (1), amiphos (II) anthio (III), benzophosphate (v), calekron (V), kel- thane (VI), milbex (VII5, neoron (VIII), s'dvin (IX), plithalophos (X), and chlorophos (XI) were used. I, V) VI, VII, and VIII were selectively acting acaricides that were practically devoid of-insecticidal activity. 1:1 mixtures of the pesticides were used in tests. The insecticidal activity was determined in experiments with gypsy moth (Porthetria dispar L.) larvae of the second instar ''and adult house flies and the acaricidal activity in experiments with adult Tetranychus urticae Koch mites. The v--Iues ol" LD 50 ofindivi(bzal pesticides and the coefficients of combined action (CCjQ of the binau mixtures towards the three pests were. determined (cf . Popov, K"hiTdyv. v Sal skoln Kl-iozvay- stve, No 8, 73, 1965). Potentiation was indicated Yand-a .1/2- USSR GOLUBEVA., Z. Z., et al., Khimiya V Sel'skom Khozyaystve, Vol 10, No 12, 1972, PP 33-34 antagonism of the two ingredients of nixtures by CCA values-e-1. In the first approximation, almost all of the mixtures produced an effect that was at least additive. The highest.levels of potentiation were eknibited by X + V (CCA 3.6), XI 4 V (CCA 3 - 3) and XI + VIII (CCA 2.6) in experinerfts~ with~ gypsy noth larvae -and by XI~+ V (VICA 4.4) and XI + XII (CCA 2-3) in experinents ~rith T. urticae mites. IX + 1, IX + VI, and IX + VII, and CCA values of T which were in the 0-5- 0.7 range for both insecticidal and acari:cidal activity, sho-,ild not be used unless these values can be revised in thelfuture on the,basis of more precise LD indices (determinations in the CCA range of 0-5-2.0 vere somewhat uncertain 50 because of fluctuations in theILD50 values:)e 2/2 T~; _WL~F -ITT 7F.I! UT 11WAIII 117-,11 17rmlm~ USSR UDC 632.951t632.734.1 PMW P V ABEMSEVA, G. M., SEDYKH. A. S., Candidates of Agricultural Union Scientific Research Institut of Chemical Means of Plant Protection, -"Contact Toxicity of Insecticides for Eurygaster"' Moscow, Xhimiya, v sel'skom khozyaystve, No 11, 1972, PP 34-37 Abstracti In order to discover some contact insecticides having advantages over methyWtrophos, propoksurl phenthionj morestane, trichlorometaDhos-3, sevint phthalophos, cydial, jaethylacetophos,and ethoxyphos, a study was naae of the compounds used in -the Soviet Union and abroaA against other pests and also some experimental compounds not used in practice for,plant protec- tion. The graphosoma of the species Graphosoza italicum Muell, and G. Senipunctatun F. is recognized-and proved as.the biological modle of Surygaster integricepts Put, sutibale for toxicologic studies in the labora- tory. Both species yielded 10-13 generations per year under laboratory conditions. Out of the 35 investigated insecticides, methaphos, phenitrothion, phenthion, carbofurane and sandos: 52139.exhibited greater contact insecticide capacity than chlorophos; dichlorophos was equivalent to chlorophos, and dioxacarb, valexon, dilor and dursbane were.o.-,ay half as effective as chlorophos. C 632.951 USSR UD S EDYKH, A. S ABELENTSEVA, G M., All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Agents.-. for Plant Protection D ermination of Phthalophos Residues in AppleWl et Moscow, Xhimiya v Sellskom Khozyaystve, Vol 8, No 9, (83), Sep 70, Pp 39-40 Abstract: The authors determined residues of the DDT substitute ph-t--halophos (0,0-dimethyl-S-phthalimidomethyldithiophosphate) on apples under laboratory and field conditions. In laboratory tests, the apples were immersed in a 0.1% emiulsion of phthalophos for a few seconds and stored in the suspended state. After four days, the resi- due of phthalophos was washed from the fruit by immersion for 2-3 seconds in acetone. The apples were then peeled with removal of a small, amount of flesh, and the phthalos residue was'extracted by acetone from the peeling and the remaining flesh. The results of analysis showed that nearly all the:phthalophos:res-idue was on the surface and in the skin of the apples.with only 0.06 mg/kg or 2'370 of thetotal. in the fleshy part of thelfruit. Undi~r field conditions 1/2 USSR _Z=mv et al., Khimiya v Sell:skom Khozyaystve, Vol 8, No 9, (83), Sep 70, pp 39-40 it was found that after spr residues amount to 7.5-','0 mfr/kg, aying, which decreases after 17 days to 1.96 mg/kg. About 20-1 of the total residue is found in the stem depression and the sepal. These residues were not washed f ran the fruit evet! though. there was sonle rainfall over the 17-day period. on the other hand, the residues on the surface of the fruit (80% of the iAtiaL totat) wer4~ reduced by 90% the L7-day period (from 6.1 mg/.kg,'to 0.4-0.5 mg/kg).. -over. 2/2 66,06igi-6,16.1. USSR UDO 632.65~' ABELENTSEW., G. A., and POF2Z,_P. V., All-Union Scieiti-f-ic Research Institute 'or Chemicals 157awns of Plan- Protection, Moscou, State Committee-for Chemistry USSR pider IN "Study of the Fertility of the Feniale S lite Population Re- sistant to Acaricides" Moscow, Khimiya v Sellskom KhozyaystLve, Vol 8, No 7, Jul 73, pp 35-36 Abstract: Studies were conducted of the fertility o--!' a female spider mite population resistant to acaricides. For the experiment, the e 'stant Rcfen population of the red spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.) was 'daken from a greenhouse in which Alor r_,any. years "mathyletay- ithiophas was used intensively a,,,ainst the mites. L.1_~borazlory tests indicated that the evolved population was 93 tineZ morc rcGi~tant to yl-r 6 ithiophos than the star4dard sensitive popul-ntion S~ in metb athy - r .,application of methylethylthiophos, the cross-rezistance o' mature mi-ites of the R population to rogor (dimethoate), pho:,-ime, gardon, arxz'phos and me ylmercaptophos rose.:57, 24, 12, and, 7 and 6 t-Lmes, -V,~;rpcctively. The Ryen and:S~populations were used to determine b w lerti'icyof themites and viability.of the e-'go,witt-h and, without 1/2 59 -jolr7l USSR ABELENTS EVA, A., et al., Moscow, Khi,.aiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve, Vol 8. No 71 Jul 70, pp 35-36 influence on thean of methylmercaptophos, methylnitrophos, mathyl- e-thylthiophos, phytios, phozalon and binapacryl. Results of the experiments indicated that red spider u-t-Lte Alemales, the resistance of which to.m-athylethyLthiophos, rogor and lail dev-,ionstrably less phoxime rose 93, 57 and 24 times, respectively, I d eggs than females of the population sensitive to these acaricides. The dynamics of larva hatching,from.eggs of both mite populations were app.roximately identical. The eggs of females -in the resistaat Population were distinguished by high resistan" to rogor. iv:': 2/2 ------ ---- I fjr, i~ '1~r7u;j 7~, USSR UDC: 8.74 ISAYEV, V. P., Popov, M# F. and -POPOV- "The Problem o fEvaluating the Fun6tioning of the 'Operator- Control-Desk' Link Through Modeling on A Digital Computer" Moscow, V sb. Tsifr. vychisl. tekhnike i progra=-ir. (Di ital :.Computer Techniques and Programming-,-collection of worM "Sov. Radlo, "- 1972, pp; 133-139 (from RZh-41atematika,' Nlo 8, 1972, Abstract No 8V647) Translation: Problems of the functioning of thelloperator-control desk" link are considered. To evaluate - the quality of the link functioning, a model realized on 6 -digital computer is proposed. kblock diagram i4.gjven,along:with the reoultoof the modeling, to permit evaluation of,the functioning of the link by an computation of the time spent in the c6llection, control, and transmission of commands. Authors'.abstract USSR UDC: 8.74 ISAYEV, V. P., POPOV, M. F., "On the Problem of Evaluating'Fiffictioni g of the 'Operator - n -Control Panel' Link by Digital;,,Computer Modeling" Vsb. Tsifr. Nrychisl. tekhnika i programmir. (Digital Com- puter Techn logy and Programming--collection of works), vyp. .7, Moscow, "Sov. radio", 1972, pp~133-139 (from RZh-Kiber- netika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V647) Translation: The paper. deals with questions of functioning of the rator -control panel" link. It is proposed that a mode lized on a digital computer be used fox evaluating the quality of operation of the I 'ink. A flowchart is given as well as the TCSUltS of modeling, which enable evaluation of the operating quality of the "operator -control panel" link by integral estimation of the timelexpended in preselecting, checking and transmitting arommand. Authors' abstract. C ONTR OL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ::'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO STEP NO--UR/0122/70/000/OOZ/0073/0076 I-RROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1872 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0130699 !v.~ I a t-,- ~-i- Tr n -- - t - ~ -A 'r C--F ~-l n - I . 1 .1 . y r A 'I. TFJRIIT I ~. ; i 11 i 1. :~ I . i i . . URCE-VESTNIK KH[RURGII-IMENI 1. l.-GREKOVA 1970, VOL 104, NR 4v PP PROXY, KFILI.FRAME-1988/1256 s Tit pNO--IJR/0599/70/104100,(t/0040/00tt2 -C IAC ACCF.SSION AP 0 106 0 3 7 UN C L A S S I F I ~ 0 2/2- 017 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--020CT70 .`C-1,RC ACCESSION NO--AP0106037 ;--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. :STUDYING T14E TOPOGRAPHIC DETAILS -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT, F 'I _NTRAHEPATIC BILIARY PASSAGES Ol HUMAN, CADAVERS BY IMUANS.OF INFUSING 0 VARIOUS-SUBSTANCES VIA THE COMMON BILE,DUCT INTO INTRAHFPATrC-DUCTS IT WAS- FOUND THAT~~ BILIARY PA~S'AGES LOCATED BEYOND' THE LIVER 831JI-OARIES (FOR INSTANCE IN THE LEFT TRIANCLE L16AMENT OF THE LIVER AND OTHER LIGAMENTS) COMMUNICATANG.WITH INTRAHEPATIC,31LURY PASSAGES WERE FILLED AND MARKEDLY,DETECTED IN A CONSIDERABLE -PERK CENT OF-CASES*. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc 632.982.4 POPOV VXUSKhSPGA [expansion of abbreviation uAmown] -nA - s -for Aerial Spraying of: Plants pparatu Moscow, Zashchita Rasteniy, No 7, 1971, -32 pp 29 Translation: SprwjeIrs and dusters are installed on our AN-2, AN-2M, YaK-12 planes and KA-15, IU-1, MI-2, and KA-26 helicopters. Spraying is nov the most common method in use. More than 94 of all the work is done with the AN-2. We therefore suggest a look at the working principle, regulation, and tecbnical specifications of the nprayers used on this plane. Inside the fuselage is a 1400-liter tank to hold the chemicals (it is used for both liquid and dry substances). I When liquid prapareations are to be used, a pump unit is attached to the outlet of.the tank. Thiz, unit consists of a centrifugal pump, vane with a brake.'aIscape valve, ruction pipe, 2 delivery pipes, and p-neumtic cylinders that, control the bi-ake and escape valves of the sprayer. To the delivery pipes of the punTp are attached hollow rods which are mounted under the lower wing of.the plane and on which the sprayears. are set. They produce a flat film-that is broken up by air currents during flight. iF: USSR POPOV S. D., Zashchita Rdsteniy, pp 29-32 No 7, 1971 The flow rate of the liquid varies with the n=ber of sprayers on the rods and the size of the outlets. There~;are 6 sets of sprayers with openin-gs M mm, IX5, 2X5, 3X5, 4X5, and.5X5 in diameter and a set of-sprayers without openings. In setting a particular flow rate for the sprayers, one,can use a specially prepared table which shows the flow rate'of clean water vhen~the plane is traveling at 160 km an hour. After trial, flights the nwfoer of sprayers is precisely determined. The flow rate is decreased .15 to. 20% if cut-off valves of the nipple-type are put in front of the; sprayers. ~A table prepared for a 20 solution of polychlorpii)ene In diesel oil gives some idea of the particle size of the npray produced by variouti sprayers. When sprayers with a small opening (.111 nun in diami-ter) are to be ured for orzU-drop, small-ocale spraying, special:care inuatibe taken in preparing because the nozzles are easily the.oolution and seeing to it is clea2 clogged,-thus interfering with:the~flow rate. The working widths are determined for.each kind of~operation. They can be found in the Ukazaniya po tekhnologii provedeniya aviakhimrabot (Instructions on the Technology of Aerial Spraying). For examle, the working width is 30 M when spraying grain crops against weecis and 60 m when spraying sugar beets 2/32 qo-- USSR POPOV S. D. Zashchita Rasteniy, No 7, 1971., pp 29-32 against the beet pest. If only the sleeves (under the fuselage) of the rod of the sprayer are left connected, the working,width will not exceed 15 m. A liquid chemical is mixed with the liquid circulating from the tank through the pump and back into the tank. For this purpose a sleeve is con- heeted by a hose to a mixing tube inside the tank and inserted into one.of the delivery pipes. The liquid from the pumpAs directed through this tube into the upper part of the tank. The pump is turned on to mix the chemical before ~the plane takes off. The sprayer is controlled pneumatically. It involves opening and closing the-cut-off valve of the sprayer and stopping or starting, the vane. The coa- trol system is powered by compressed airfrom the planeli; own pneumatic aystem. In the cockpit is a manometer to regulate the Dressure in the control system and a pneu-tic cock to.switch on e~nd off the flow of liquid and to disconnect the control system of the sprayer from the plenels.pneumatic system during prolonged internaptions-of the vork.7~ through a,Tefueling pipe with The liquid Is loaded into:the tark either an ejector, check valve. filter, and sleeve,to connect the pressure hose of the /22 fl, ~"MVWMMP 101-0,111, MT II, -77 77 M USSR POPOV, S. D., Zashchita. Rasteniy, No 7) 1971, pp 29-32 refueling pump or through the top loading hatches of the tank with filters mounted in them (in which case the liquid is genera.11y. poured into the tank through a special device). Separate supply of highly toxic chemicals to the pump of the sprayer. Highly toxic chemicals should not be poured directly into the tank of the sprayer because of the danger of creating Inside the ftiselage a concentration of fumes dangerous to human. health. In such cases the-planes are equipped with an out5ide tank. The chemical fromwthis tank enters the sprayer puvp directly where it is mixed with water coming from the zrain. tank. The supply of pesticide to the pump is controlled by an instrument, that:can neasure the 7sizle of the opening that permits the chemical to enter. The necessary size of the opening is recorded on the scale on the knob. An ataxiliary tank with a water gage makes it possible to control the actual amount- of the preparation to be used in each flight. Since the viscosity of pesticides varies vith the temperature., the position of the regulatorof the flow of liquid must be accurately determined if the air,temperature fluctuatestcons1darably while the plane is in operation. 4/12 USSR POPOV, S. D., Zashchita Fastenly) No 7, 1971 pp 29-32 Changes in the flow rate of the chemical in relation to the position of the liquid flow regulator are illustrated by spindle oil at 150 (the figures are'close to those for imthylmereaptophoo.Can insecticide]): 'with a distance of 2 mm between the needle of the measuring device and the aperture, the oil is 'expended at the rate of TT g/sec; 5 mm,, 227 g/sec; 10 ba, 347 g/sec; 22 395 mm') g/sec. Throttle devices. Chemical weeding requires large-drop spr;iying. Hence sprayers with a large opening are sible to work with ased (5X5 J~M)- It is Pos low.flow rates (25 L/ha) using 24 or more sprayers (for satisfactory distribu- tion of the liquid over the working width) by reducing the pressure of the liquid. Throttles (plates with different openings acco.rding~to the flaw rate desired) are placed in the rod. "'he 5x5 -flow rate of water with 24 sprayers having an opening ain changes as follws:according to the diameter of the, aperture of.the throttle; 5 IM - an 0 -75 L/sec, ~ 8 2. 0 L/se d 10 MM' ~3-OVSCC. Cut-off-devices. Sprayers are equipped with a variety of cut-off devices to prevent the liquid from flowing from the rod after the escape valve is -closed. Cut-off (check) valves of the nipple type can be placed in the sleeves 5/32 5: -USSR POPOV~' S. D. Zashchita Rasteniy, No 7, 1971, PP 29-32 of the sprayers. Under pressure of the liquid the rubber nipple is squeezed out, allowing the liquid to pass through the opening in the.cup of the valve to the sprayers. When the escape closed, pressure in the rod drops, the nip- ple is pressed to the opening in the cup;of the valve and it holds the liquid in the rod. :These valves are used in working with sprayers to break up the solu- tion into fine drops or when the working;liquid cannot be allowed to be sucked back into the tank in the case of a valveless cut-off.: If a fine.spray is not needed~ e.g., in chemical.vaeding, external nipple valves can be mounted on the rod insteadlof-the sprayex~s. The liquid is ejected directly from these valves. It is much easier to operate-a sprayer with them than with internal.nipple valves because the external valves do not have to be removed with the rod for cleaning-, Clean, filtered liquid is needed to ensure the reliable operation of the check (cut-off) valves. It will be noted that aerial spraying of cotton with systemic chenicals found prompt application owing to the use of external nipple valves. A pump unit has now been narketed inwhich the ejector provides an instantaneous cut-off and then suction of the~liquid from tha rod back Into the tank due. to negative pressure inparted to the rod. The escape valve of the b/12 USSR POPOV, S. D., Zashchita Rasteniy, No 7, 1971, pp 29-32 sprayer is two-way which makes it possible:to direct the liquid from the pump either to the rod alone for spraying or to the ejector alone to cut off the liquid. The application of negative pressure. (by the ejector) of the pump unit to L the check valves prevents leaking from the rod even when the valves are clogged If the liquid is supplied to the sprayeerstabove the rod, as in-the sprayers used on the AN-2M plane or 141-2 helicopterY leaking after the escape valve is closed Is prevented even without check (cut-off) valves. Since the ejector operates from the sprayer pump, It is important that about 30 liters of the liquid be left in the tank after the last run. Other- wise after the last run it might,leak from.the rod after the escape valve of the sprayer is closed. The:described type of cut-off device.can be uned in. cases where suction of the-chemical from the rod is-permissible. When water and a highly toxic cheinical are fed to the pump separately, it is imossible to draw the preparation from the rod back into the tank of the sprayer- in this case use is made of a device (04'h-2) with an ejector mounted in the rod of the sprayer. The successful functioning~of this device in spray- Ing cotton with highly toxic chemicals led Wits widespread use in spraying 7/32' USSR POPOV, S. D., Zashchita Rasteniy, No 7,~1971, pp 29-32 plants with herbicides. In neither case is a fine spray called for. The solu- tion emerges in a stream from tubes suspended from the.sleeves of the rod. Studies conducted by the All-Union'Institute of Plant Protection demon- strated the desirability of using the OZh~-2 In combination -with commercial to spray chlorophos on wheat crops in order to control the bug sprayers Eurygaster integriceps. For exanT-le, with an OZh-2 mounted on the rod of spray- era having 1X5 mm. opepings, it is possible to obtain a grid yith a density of 30 to 40 drops per c~`~ at a flow rate of.25 L/ha. Thiii method of usinU, an M-2 plane to spray wheat is specified in the Ukazaniya 11M SSSR po organizatsii i tekhnologii boxtby s vrednoy cherepashkoy TInstructions of the MR PUnistry of Aertaulture on the Organization and Technology of Efforts to Control Euryiyaster integrice ), 1970. Ps '~~Lat us discuss the OZh-2. The removable nozzles of the ejector axe inserted in the rod behind the eacape.valve of.the sprayer. The auction pipe of the ejector drops into the tank suspended under the rod. The tank is equipped with a vent valve vhose stem is a float. When the stream of -liquid. is ejected from -the nozzle, the- valve is dmnt to tb:e drain hole and negative pressure is created in the tank which cuts off the liquid as soon as 55 USSR POPOV$ S. D, Zashchita Raste i n Y, No7, 1971, PP :29-32 the escape valve of the sprayer closes. After the cut-off., the solution runs into the tank, the vent valve floats up and opens the drain hole. The next time that the sprayer pump is switched on' over the area being, treated, the liquid from the tank is again drawn by the ejector nozzle into the rod after the.escape.valve opens. The negative pressure needed for the next cut-off o:~ the liquid over the output signaIis the tank. rods are adjusted When herbicides and highly.toxic ahlemicals are used, the upwa'rd with the sleeves in order to prevent any of the liquid from leading out after the cut-off. Curved pipes are attached to the sleeves to prevent the plane wing,from bein(S splashed. As mentioned above, the OZh-2 can be used with co=ercial under-wing rods and commercial sprayers (1X5 mm) when a finer spray is required, e.g., in spraying chlorophos. When the OZh-2 cut-off device is used,~the flow rate of the liquid is regulated by-removable ejector nozzles. The.diameter of,the nozzle is chosen inaccordance. with the prescribed flow rate per second, as follows: '9/22 USSR POPOV S. D., Zashchita Raste niy, No 71 1971, pp 29-32 Diameter of the opening 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 nozzle (mm) rate of liquid 2.1 Flow 314 4.7 5-2 6-4 7-1 8-3 9-3 11.2 13-1 (L/sec). For. exaimle, with a working width Of:30 m, flow rate of 25 L/ha, and AN-2 speed of 44-5 m/sec, the necespar flow,rate of liquid will be: 25-30-44.5 10 000-:'~ 3-34 1/sec. This flow rate is virtally assured if nozzles with openings 8 mm. in diameter are inserted in the rod Within broad limits ch=ges in the number of spra:,naars mounted on the rod have no effect on the flow rate of the liquid. It is recommended that all the sprayers, except the end ones,.be engaged.. A large number of sprayers improves the distribution of the liquid and facilitates the operation of the ejector of the cut-off device. All the sprayers on.1the rod under the fuselage must be engaged and at least 40 on the rods under-the wing. Here are some figures of the All-Uniop Institute of Plant Protection on -2 plane'equipped with an OZh-2 the size and number of drops sprayed from an AN and sprayers w-ith-opening 1X5 and 3X,5 mm 10/12 USSR POPOV).S. D., Zashchita Rasteniy, 1167, 1971, pp 29-32 Flow -rate of Openings of Nozzle lNumber of drops Arithmetic liquid (L/ha) Sprayers (mm) diameter'. per =2 mean diametee _(mm) of droRs 25 8 15.2 A5.2 25 3X5 8 194.1 -7ne productivity of an AII-2 in spraying varies witfi the.flow rate of the liquid, working width, size of the plot., and its distance from the airport. For example, in controlling the beet pest'the average productivity of an AN-2 vitha flow rate of the liquid of 50 L/ha:is 106 ha per hourin the summer; at 25 L/ha, .157 ha. To'improve the quality of spraying and make it easier to operate the plane, VNIISHhSPGA [expansion of abbreviation lslunlmo~m] is conducting research aimed at eliminating undesirable fine or large drops according to conditions of use., simplifying the regulation of the Telease of liquid, creating new methods of-spraying and cutting off the liquid, and so forth. 11/12 HIM,