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USSR uDc: 621.317.335.3 POYARKOITA, V. Ye., ZALITSMAN, Ye. B. "A:Method of Measuring the Permittivity of T.hin Dielectric:Sheet Materials" Tr. VNII fiz.-tekhn. i radiotekhn. izmereniy (Vorks of the~All-Uhion Scien- tific Research Institute of Physicotechnical,and Radio Engfneering Measure- ments), 1970, vyp. 202), pp 237-248 (from BZh-Radiotekhrlil-a, N65, May 71, Abstract No 5A.241) Translation: Experimentally stbstantiated recommendations are given on use of theresonator method for measuring.the permittivity of specimens in -to eli - the shape of adisc with less than half-wave thitkness. In orden mi nate errars.due to residual gap,it is recommended that the~permittivity of such specimens be measured under no-load'or pe ak conditions, Methods of realizing these conditions are indicated. Formulas are given for calculating -loss tangents measured by the method of transmission under no-load and peak conditions. Three illustrations,'bibliography of four,titles. Resume. USSR UDC: 621 317. 335. 3 -POYARKOVA, V. Ye., ZAL'TSM,AN,, Y6._ B. On the Effect Which Deformation of Dielectric Specimens has on the Accuaracy of Measuring Permittivity on Superhigh Frequencies" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii Doradiotekhn. T. I (Re- ports of the All-Union Scientific and Technica.1 Conference oni Radio Engineer- ing Measurements. Vol. 1), Novosibirsk, 1970, PP 105-10T. (from RZh-Radiotekh- Lika, No. 1, Jan 71, Abstract No IA361) Translation: The additional error caused by deformation. of dielectric specimens is estimated for the simpleat forms of deformation of disc speci- mens when they take the form of a lens; concavo-convex,, plano-!, convex, etc. It.was found from these investigations that no-load or ai~tinode conditions should be.used for measuring permittivity.' The conditioi.1 under which de- formation does not yet noticeably reduce the Q of a resori.ator is fomd and evaluated. In order to mi7d~mize error, formiulas are found which should be used in calculating the effective thickhess of deformed specimbns. Bibliog- raphy of one title. E. L. 54 USSR 1JDC 539.385 IVANOVA, V.S., TERENT'NEV, V.F. and Institute of: Metallurgy in, eni A.A. Baykov, Acz emy 0 Soences USSR "Community of Nature of Both Fatigue Limi ts and Physical Yield Points" Moscow, Sb. "Ustalost' metallov i splavov". "Nauka" Press, 1971, pp 15-23 Translation: Discussed is a hypothesis explaining the com- munity of nature of both physical faligue limits and physical yield points. To analyze the relation between these phenomCna, use was made of the kinctics of changes in the yield area during the cyclic loading (repeated stretching at IoDding frequency of 2800 cycles/minute: of If lat spccimol~ns from St.3 steel. It-is; shown that cyclic loading, after;a certain incu- bation period, result8 in the disappearance of the Yield tooth and gradual elimination of the yield area on the static stretch curve. Based on the derived data, suggested that deter- mination of the physical fatigue limit (by anal _ry Witt] the Of Ll~=%~W IR USSR IVANOVA, V. S., et al., "Co=unity of Naiure of Both Gatigue M-mits and Physical Yield Points", Sb. "Ustalost' inetallov I splairov", 1971, PP 15-23 physical yield point) is governed by the formation (dur' Ing cyclic'loading) of a hardened surface shell of:the thickness of the grain. The fatigue limit conforms to a stress which fails to cause microcracks of critical length in the hardened surface layer-This shell serves as a barrier.~to the escape of dislocatio)is from the inner layers of the w(~Ital and thus hindors the generation of.irreversible damage.:~ (4 illustrations, 13 bibliographic references; slimmar ~y 2/2 M-M IMMI: I'M! F Hid - : !, 1- T7 USSR UDC: 530.385 TERENT-YEV, V.F., MAKRUTOV, N.A.1 PO and SHCHERBINK, A.M., Institute of Metallurgy imeni. ay ov, Academy of Sciences.USSR "Influence of Surface Layers and Aging on Bauschinger Effect During Low-Cycle Loading'! MoscoW; Sb. "Ustalost' metallov isolavov". "Nauka" Press, 1971, pp 41-48 Translation: This study concerns the lnfluence~of removing a grain-size thick surface layer(following the~first hal-r- cycle of loading) as well as intermediate aging-at 270 C for 2.hours on the Bauschinger effect in.low-carbon:St.3 steel. It is shown that the Baushinger effect in low-carbon steel is largely due to the presence.of a-much stronger grain-size thick'surface layer as well as surface resi'dual.stresses. Removal of the surface layer after the first hallf-cycle of loading (in the stretch region)-or aging.after tbe first half cycle minimizes the Bauschinger effect.. In both cas(-:~s the Baushinger effect is, most likely, ri!lated to the marked.decrease in surface residual stresses (6 illus trations, 18 bibliographic referenceis; summary) -,"WICUMENT CLASS-"UNCL4SSTFIED -tp,kqXY---RE,C-L i~R 4~m E-- 198 4/1408 S T::P 4 0- - UR 3 6 6 3 70 10 00 0 0 L 0 -142 G 49 .-CJRC-ACCESSION NO--AT010006,11 ON C L AS S f F I E D --------- :1 '7,7 2 O~5 UNCL ASS I F IED: DATE-11SEP70 f,C':l RC, ACCESSION, ~1149--ATOIOOG68 qSTRACT/EX,TRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. WITH mbST METALS THE SAUSCHINGE-4 IEFFECT~JS: SHOWN IN A RADICALLY DECREASING' PLASTICITY!114 THE IST CYCLU UPON-REYER.SAL FROM TENS10t'l TO COMPR~SSION. T HE KNO~Jfkl REON. OF THIS :~EFFECT-BYA)EFORMATfON AND AGING WAS REEXOLDRED WITH 1~01LER STEEL 7_;~K (C 09 3v SI- 0:. 26f - MN 0-130, N 1 0. 20 1 CR 0.129 CU. 0,015PEttCENT1 AND LOW C ..,`STEEL. DEFORM FOR R270DFGRE--S. ED AT 0.5-10.0PERCENT THENAOED 2 H APPLIED FORCE, SIGMA SUBA LAlk(-,ER THAN SIGMA .$UBT, T141: ELASTIC LIMIT, IN .,,.'.-,-THE -RELATI.ON-., FOP, THE MEA~4 YIELD. STR ENSTH# ~BAR,_SIIGMAv HAD THE USUAL SHARP L I N E A. R DROP TO ZERO TENSIDN- ELASTICITY, FOLLOWED DUPING'Tll~ COAPRESS-ION BY A PARABOLJC~DECLTN_E TOA LOWER ELASTICITY VALUE THAN INIT14LLY, IN 14 A JTS~$IGI WIT PRIME CURVF. INITIALLY t,HE.METAL HAQ A SIGMA SU'3T PRIME .~:~;VALUE, Or- 300 KG-M4 P-RiMr.,29 BUT AFTEA DEFDRMATION 9Yi~0.5o!2.0, 5. 0, A1140 AGING 31*8v 37421 46901 4ND-52.0 KG-NiM PRPIE2. WITH BAR SIGMA EQUALS,-J.1-7v 1.32* 1.46, 1.611 AND 1.71, SIGNA.;SUgT~ PRIIAF RANGED 7.i- 1 .55t 2b.0-3.55r 26.9-7.19t~A%10:2~8,.3-21. KG-~MM PRILME2t RE-S-P., FOR: EACH DFFpR4ED TYPE. TH E PHENOMENA. Wks~ ATjTRIBUTEb TO T14E EASE OF -OF DISLOCATIONS: AND AS*WTTH 22K. STEEL~SIGNiA SUI~T PRIME RECAME 'BIL12ED AFTER.5-7 TOTAL CYCLES ~OR,L'ESS~ FOR! BAR Sld;M& EQUALS 1.61. LYj THE REMOVAL OF OISLOCATTONS' (A AR ND. PLA-STICITY) AFTER AGING AT C~AUSED REMOVAL IF THE BAUSCHINPER EFFECT; OR SOME REON. IF :~'~AFTFR~9[-FORMATIONt A SURFACE LAYER-~WAS RE14OVED ELECTROLVTICALLY, C-1- S-C LWR uDc 678,74-6-115-01:537.22-6 TWSTUNSITMA, YEEE. B., BEL'TILK, A. R., CHMIIKOVA, 0. D., and,POYnkNOv,,A. M., Moscow Aviation Technology Institute 'Causes of Resite Property Changes in Aqueous and Alkalbie, Media" Kiev, Fiziko-Xhimicheskaya Ylekhanika M-terialoy, vol 9, No 10,73, pp 37-40 Abstract: The degree of effect of low-molecular polar impurities on the properties of resi-te was investigatedby comparing t1he c-haxacteristics of the initial material with its characteristics after extended aqueous extraction atroom. temperature. Equilibrium sorption' coefficient,cT diffusion, dielectric loss,.and modulus of elasticity of the resite irere measured fo--,- different defrrees of relative humidity. With increased relative humtdity'and in water the effect of resite plastification by the absor%ed.wat-~r ii; spunned by swelling b - The uresence of low-molecular polar impuriti-es'in the- resite leads to a sharp gro-Ah, of swelling stresses and dielectric lor.~.ies -wbile the strain on the pdymric lattice and volume of absor6ed water v-qpctr are irwered. Res-ite breakdown in aqueous solutions of anialkali occiws wider tbe action of swelling, stresses which grow sharply as a reijult of lncreai~ed byd-rofilicity frm replacement of hydrogen in the phenol.ebains ~by metal ions,. 3 figures, I table, 11 bibli-ograph-1c references. 12- 031 PROCESSING OATE--0?9CT70 IN THE STRUCTURE AND PROPERT.IES 3F HARDENFI) RESINS WNDER THE ~"V~FLUIAWCE IIF-A- FILLER. 2. INFLUENCE OF A iF INTF;ZACTION ILLER ON T ji E .A.U,.Th.t!R-(04~-p6y,kiA,*-40VI A.I.t TUIST.YANSAAYAf~l YE.B.t, NOSCIVI YE.F., 3FLNIK, C CUN T R YOF- INFO--USSR i E-MEKH.: POLIM. 1970, 6(l), 54-8 i;u PUDL I SHED------ 70 S'6 lij E C TAREAS=MATERIALS TQ,Pl C., T.AGS--F I LLER, EPOXY RESIN# MECHANICAL~STRENGTHI P,.IESSIJRE FFFECT, NT Ru P Y THERMAL EXPANSION, ELASTICADDULUSuCOMPRESS11VE ST, IGTH R EN ' TROC 10 AR KI NG-~NO RESTRICTIONS UM N, T CLASS-VINCLASSIFIED UELIFRAME-1-992/1,399 STEP ;J R C. :ACC E S,.5 I ON NO--AP0112979 UNC LASS [F IF 0 'ATE 031 UNCLASSIFIED''. PROCESSING 1, --020CT70 iO.RC ACCES51,0N t4U--AP0112879 _4STRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 'THE I.NCREASr- I"I THE MECH. STRE'4f-.TH OF EPOXY PESINS (1) CAUSED BY THE ADD.%. OF FILLERS COUARTZ 3-i GLASS POWDERS) 64-S CORRELATEO WITH THE INCREASt: OF THE INTERNAL PRESSURE (P :SUBANT). UF THE SYSTEM. P SUBINT EQUAL (0ELlA U DELTA V) SUBT %N0 ,--~CONFORMS TO-THE THERMODYNAMIC RELArION: 'P EQUALS T IGELTA S-DELTA V) __SUBT-P ~SUBINJ` (WHERE Pt To Vt St AND.U AREt RESP.v EXTFRN.AL PRESSUREi ~.TEMP. VOL. ENTROPY I AAD I NTERNAL ENFRGY) . ALSO P SUBINT EQUALS T ALP,4A "-,K-P JALPHA.lS.THE THERMAL EXPANSIDN':COEFF. AND K IS THE VOL. ELASTICITY -.M(JDU,LUS, BOTH BEING DETERMINABLE EXPTL.),A.ND THUS IT~~.CAN BE-DE-TD.-BY '7~1_._EXPTS JT WAS SHOWN THAT THE COMPRESSION1STRENGTH OF'FILLED I C P IN' LEASES NEARLY WITH THE INCREASE IN P SUSINT,.AND THE.AMT.~CIF THE FILLER. UNCLASSIFIED In 11 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE~-02 CT70- 1/2 .029 JITLE--EXPERIMENTAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF COPOLYMER ON THE BASIS a m tAL FOR THE METHYLMETACRYLATE AND RUB13ER PROPOSED AS ASIS ATER :AUTHqR-(.04)-PANIKAROVSKEY, V.V.j YAGUDINt A.D.# PASHI.NINt,BoP.t !!--!'-POYUROVSiWA*9- 1:.YA. -ffr-MPO--USSR 77MM -.-,$DURCE-'STCMATOLOGIYA, 1970, VOL 49, NR 2l PP 57-60 .-,DATE-., PPBL, ISHED- -7-70 SUBJECT-AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES OPIC TAGS-DENTISTRY4 PROSTHESISP METHYL METHACRYLATE T il~ VIL PARKING-NO PLESTRICTIONS oicUMEN T'- CL AS S-,-UNCLA S S I F I E D PROXY REEL/FRAME-11986/0828 STEP NO--UR/0511/70/1)491;002/0057/0060 R:,C ACCESSION NO--AP0102-790 U14CLASS I F IC-0 T~ USSR -BARYKIN, N. P., POI'UROVSKIY,-~Yu.~.V.,-NIKOLAYEV, V. A,VASHURIN, A. M., PLEKHOV, V. A. "Calculation of Thermoelastic Stresses During Cooling of Stamps at Various Rates" Ufim. Aviats. In-t. [Works of Ufim Avia'tion Institute.], 1971, No 25, pp 111-419, (Translated from Referativnyy,Zhurnal, MekhanikajrNo 10, 1972, Abstract No 10 V43, by N. T. Glazunova). Translation: This article presents results of theoretical and experimental sttidies*of the stress field in heated, hollow, thickwall, long' cylinders cooled in various media. Axisymmetrical distribution of.temperature in the cross section is assumed, The temperature field along the cylinder is assumed constant. (Inder these conditiops,"the tcnperaturo and corresponding stress field in the body in the radial direction are descvibed by certain logarithmic rules. For long bodies Of TOCtangular cross auction, the author's reco.7mend that the actual contour be replaced by an eqilivalent cylinder, with the condition of equality of~arcas of side ~,Surfaces. The results of the study are illustrated by graphs of temperature stresses in cylindrical stamps of type MNV,steel, cooled 'in oil and in air. 8 Biblio. Refs. USSR ub.c :,62l-373.02,-,-7 OYZ R jlchange in the Spectru-ni of a Multiple-Fr-equency Gas Lib.ser Under the Effect of a Light Signal" Moscow, Radliotel-hn-D-a iElektronika, Vol 16, No 10, Oct 71, 1)1, 1,153-1857 Abstract: The author analyzes the change-in the emisslon suectrum of a gas laser with five modes of emission as~. treated in tht, standin.-I'l-ave approxirat-ion when act,~d on by a small parametric sigral which covers- the frequency of one of the laser modes. The aralysis lead,,-. -to a rzystem of differential equat.Lons for the ampiitudes~ and phases of ~the J,tser modcs reflecting the influence of combination ton6s on the dynamics of a gas laser. It is shown that in the case of intense combirat-on tones, tile frequency of the mode covered by the external signal may,be. shiftod, len.d- ing to phase synchronization of all modes accompanied by.tjjo of an equidistant spectrw. if th(,, anipjj,tU(j(! of the, e.Xt ernal sirntl exceeds the synebronization thre';hold. For tile case of weak influer6a of combination USSR POUNEIR, B. N., Rad.iollekhnikai Elektronika, Vol No 10, Oct 71, PP 1853-1857 tones on the conditions of gas laser emission, curves are platted which show the predominance of the spectrum induced by an increase in the amplitude of the external signal or a shift in its freq:aency: broadening C, of the spectrum, its density's' etc. Thus the spectrum of a igas laser can be controlled by a light signal. The resii,lts t~'gree with the -rs. data found by other experi-nerters for multiple-frequency lassers and*nasc The author thanks E. S. Vorobeychikov for assistance with the work. Two figures, bibliography of eiGhteen titles. 2/2 USSR. UDC 621. 3-35 .62-3 .15 TOYLIM erimentaI Study an the ~Icl lystron in a I:ul"-; Cre. ;uo~ rcy "jYstP,-. :_rICl iavior oi Und er the c;ff ec t o f an I-E.~ternzAL Signaill .6, ic)7o pp 3196-.-U);; _'Yoscaw' Radiotek_~ndka i Zlektronik Vol. 15, i%C Abstract: Since exneri:-,ionts with lasers present difficultiez, the a~.Ithor averuide -aith the aim of a reflex klystror. coupled to a lons, ,Y; expl'--irli-L 11-1 the. oscili%zl.on spactru!-, of a kly,;4i-o.,i Yene-~~ator in a muit:*Ure-,Ilenc.'~ h -.U: r1a, zir,_,onic, super-hig freotionc s1--nal who e fre- 'WICIes take oil evoked by a ha p any values within the 1Lmits of the si. ect:~%m. possibility Is .1 j..,in ~`ai sci ir 'ons of the syotem provided that tjm frc.)~ency of zingall ty,.es of o, _1 external si is clo_--e to that of sone Q p c- o f osell-la It, oil or at nc (3 ~of 2-3 inti.x-ramn-, intervaI3 beyond the lbriits 6' the generatod Dr!pending he ei I and the dep V'U Lzed type of on, th a p of t, terral si~, ar' re of the synchronJ from the central, the spectrum changes due to powor increase of one tt~e -And decrease of other types of oscillations while mairitaining, their overaO numuer. At the saume time, secondary peripheral t,ypes of osciLlations may arise and ~a part of these or all are da mped. I 'L the frequency, of a suff iciently Lntense ex- ternal s-Lr:nal is near the average frequency of the nearest typ(i of m5ci-ilations, then all tle componentsof the spectrum can be synchroafted. kiiplitude-frequency 1/2 USSR UDC 538.56.01+621.38.029.64 VOROBEYCHIKOV, E. S., KIREYEV, A-M., KORCHAGIN, YU. A.11 POYZNER, B. N. "Non-Autonomic Operation of a Reflex Klystron" Kiev, Izvestiya VUZ Radioelektronika Vol 13, No 8, 1970, pp 923-933 Abstract: The object of this paper is to demonstrate the merit of proving chat multifrequency uhf oscillators are possible, comparing them with lasers, Aad explaining the characteristics of their non-autonomic operation. The authors begin by considering a device consisting of a reflex kI stron con- y nected to a waveguide line, and obtain the equations for zhe amplitudes and frequencies of the oscillations produ,~ed by the device. Since the equations they derive are of the same form as those of the gas laser, there ir, a deft- nite analogy between multifrequency ascillatLon 8ystems in the optical and uhf rangu. A table is presented listitifs the comparative aspects of the klyatvon and the helium-neon laser. The non-autonomous operation of the klystron is investigated by generalizing the kn,-vn resultslof laser analy- sis, and an e-vperiment for checking the findings of this investigation is described. The results of the experiment agree closely with theresults Obtained from theory. USSR UDC 53.$.56,01.621.38.029.64 PGYZNER B. N . E. S., KORCHAGIN, Yu.. A. "The Behavior of a Multifrequency Klystron Generator Under~the Action of a Small Superhigh-Frequency Signal" a Izvestiy Vysshykh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Fizika, No 6, 1970, pp 44-48 Abstract: A study is made of the operation of a multifrequency generator: namely, a reflex klystron, coupled to a wave-guide line. Its behavior is described by a system of second-order equations for voltages, the right-hand part determined by induced current:which is a nonlinear function of the sum of voltages of many the electronic pp. The solutJon of these equations results in equations which coincide in,struC'Lure with the equa- tions of a gas laser. The conclusions conceraing.the spectrum transformation of a multifrequeucy klystron under the action,of an external,signal are quali- ~tatively confirmed by experiment. ~Z39 376+532.135 USSR UDC 'LOBOD(YV,, V.v -TS,' R. M. POZDEYEV, A. A., POOGAYE, "Stress Relaxation in a Hollow, Nonlinear, Viscoelastic Cylinder with Displacements Fixed at the ContOUT't ~Sb. Mauch. tr. Perm. Politekhn. In-t. [Collected Scientific Works of Perm Polytechnical Institute], No 102, 1971, pp -143-150, (TTaInslated from Referativnyy Zhurnal,: Mekhanika, No 11, :1972, Abstract -,No 11,V565 by L. Kh. Papernik)-. Translation: The problem of the stress state of an in' nite hollow cylinder of a yiscoelastic material loaded around the external contour by fixed radial displacements is studied.- The defining equation used is a nonlinear hereditr relationship similar to the equation of Rabotnbv (P (47 y)] +K (t __S) 1P (17 (5) d-S which is used for the case of a complex stress state in the form used in the deformation theory, of plasticity,,and relates the intensity of:shear stresses and strains. The.function of "instantaneous"Joading ~(a) selected is a special form of exponential function, dependent on the MaKimula shear stress 1/2 USSR UDC 5,39.376+532.135 LOBODOV, V. Y., POZDEYEV, A. A., PODGAYETS, R. M., Sb.~Nauch. tr, Perm. Politekhn. In-t., No~102, 1971,.pg.143-150. intensity. The variational principle of the minimum addition of energy is used to produce the solution- An approximate numerical solution is produced by the method of iocal variations and for comparison, an analytic solution -by the Ritz method is produced. The known solutions of the elastic problem of Lame' and the problem for rigid plastic,bodies are us,ud as coordinate functions in the Ritz method. In the solutions by both:-methods, the form of the kernel K(t - s) was not specified, the numerical example analyzed,the resolvent of the kernel is selected as the:sum of two exponents. Forthe kernel selected in both casestheidistributions'of radial and tan- gential. stresses with respect to the thickness of the cylinder wall, ch3nging 'with time, are calculated. 6 Biblio. Refs. 2/2 117 - JSSP UDC 539.376+532.135 KUZIIETSOV, G. B. POZDEYEV A. A. "Characteristics of the Deformation of Low-Modular Polymer Materials" Sb. nauch. tr. Perm. politekhn. in-t (Collection of Scientific Works. Perm' Polytechnical Inst1tute), 1971, No. 98, pp 82-87 (from RZli-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 72,-Abstract No 3V699) -uate the applicab4lity of a certain non- 1 ion: An attempt is made to eval Trans at line equation to describe the deformation properties of actual polymer materials. The-equation is a combination of the Rabotnov and the Liderman-Rozovskiy equa- tions- (P fV)] 10 (1)) +1K (1 19 (T) j dc where the functions 0 and the kernel of K are chosen in. the following form c/(c + B), 4,(a) = a/(c; + y), KOO = Aft B, y, A and A are con- stants. It is sborwn, as one would expect, that the given e!quati on qualitatively describes the experimentally observed character istics of th".- deformation of polymer materials in linear and nonlinear regions und". various test re-gimen 1/2 1 -511 U I MEN M1, 1. 1 OF IT, 2/2_ - 85 - USSR UDC 539.,376+532.135 TROV, 14. V. POZDFYEV, A. A. , SHAKIN "A Version of Elastic Recovery of Calendered Viscous-Elastic 'Naterials" Sb. nauch. tr. Perm. politekhn. iu-t (Collection of Scientific Works of Perm' Polytechnic Insti.tute), 1972, No 112, pp 62-67, (f rom RZIi--Meklinnika, No 6, Jun 73, Abstract No 6V501) Translation: A study was made of the process of plane strain during rolling of an, incompressible viscous-elastic material between rigid rolls turning with a constant angular velocity. The equations of the nonlinear hereditary theory of Rabotnov U6 + 2 ij ij it ij t T (H) O(IOR(t -r)dT 0 are used as the defining equations, where a is the s tr ess tensor, is the ij strain rate tensor, T and H are the intensities "r and the deformation of the shel, r tes. Tile kernel of the integral equation R(t) was selected in the form of USSR .-POZDEYEV, A. A., -et al. Sb. nauch. tr.~Perm. politekb-n. in-t., 1972, No 112, pp 62-67 the sum of the exponents, the function of the instantaneous loading can also be of the exponential type or in the form's of a power fuiaction. On the basis of the hypothesis of two-dimensional crossisections, from the equilibrium equations, formulas were obtained.which define-the stratsed state in the lag and lead zones and also the equation for determining the magnitude of the deformation of the elastic aftereffect characteriziag the variation of the gage of the sheet after leaving the gap. This equation takes into account tbe rolling rate and certain geometric factors. An exampleiis presented of the numerical calculation on a computer of the magnitude of the deformition of the elastic aftereffect for certain values of the rheologic parameters, the rolling rates and the magnitude of reduction. The bibliography has 5.Q;ntriev. 2/2 112 UDC i~ -20.10 -USSR POZDEYEV,, A. A. and MEDVEDEV, A. A. "Plastic Instability of Noncompressible Hollow.Cylinder Loaded with Axial Force, External and Internal Pressure" Moscow, Ivz. VUZOV, Mashinostroyeniye, No 12, pp~61-67 Abstract: The existing solution of the problem of plastic' instability of thin walled cylinders loaded with internal pressure and axial force is extended to hollow cylinders. Froof is provided:by the deformation theory of plasticity. FrLm the condition of the maximum of interhal pressure, a is produced, defining a ertain pa transcendental equatiot, c rameter x in the mofflent of instability characterizing the ratio of diameters of the cylinder. This value of x defines the existing deformation and pressure, represented in the form of a rapidly converging aeries., The solution produced will be realized 'in practice whenever the intensity of deformation~of the cylinder, at the moment of loss of stability, does not exceed f the material. The opposite situation can appear only in the.materials 1~thll comparatively high indices, when the stability lose deformation'becomes essenlaal. Thie article does not present a solution for cylinders of'such materialp, since the solution will be easily produced by analogy with the 4olution presented. Z_- - MON R IN =41 11111 ".11 NIL- USSR UDC:669.187.5 ZAYTSEV, B. Ye., GOTIN, V. N., SHCHERBAKOV., A. N. K., OKOROKOV, 'G. N., BOYARSHINOV; V. A., TULIN,' N. A.,~VOYNOVSKIY, Ye. V., V_ 7DEY N P., SHALTMOV, Al. G., OSIPOVA, L. A., CHEMNOV, TOPILIN, V., Q 41" 1_~~ io 0 Yu.. V., ancl MW~ .?is ifics of Vacuum,Arc Renialting of Nickel-Ba'sed Alloy-SLand Stainless Steels Pec With Reverse Arc Polarity" Proizvodstvo Chernykh Metallov [Production of Ferrous Metals--Collection. of Works], No 75. Metallu.rgiya Press,. 19,70, pp 1181-183 Translation: Results are presented from a study of vacuum arc xemelting of nickel allOY5 in a crystallizer 380-480 mm in diameter with. the-mocouples calked in length and height. The rate of melting with rev-erse polarity is 20% M al, This is'. a result of more in- higher with identical bath depth of.liquid :et tensive heat transfer from the walls of the crystallizer during.melting with reverse polarity. The macrostructure, chemical compositioil N, 0, H.and mechani- cat properties of the metal produced by melting with forward and rev'erse polarity are -identical. The ingot produced with reverse polarity had no corona. 2 I table; I biblio. ref, 15 USSR UDC 534 LIN'KOV, R. V., POZDEYE D. 0. "Damping and Excitation Conditions of Transverse Oscillatlons of a Body Sus- ically" pended Magnet, Konf. po kolebanivam mekh. sistem. Tezisv.dokl. (CorJer ence on Vibrations 0 f Mechanical Systems. Topics of Reports--collection of works), Kiev, Naukova anika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No 11A150) Dumka Press, 1971, p 58 (from R7h 11fekh. Translation: A study was made of the stability of a body hung from a single- shaft magnetic suspension and having three.degre,es of free4om in the absence of dissipative forces and damping-of theltransverse oscillatiOns. The sufficient conditions of Lyapunwstability and,instability of the state of equilibrium are found. It is demonstrated that stability is determined by the sensitivity-of the suspension sensor to the transverse oscillations and the characteristics of.the ponderomotive force acting on tbe body. It was established that on satisfaction of the stabUity conditions, asymptotic stability exists for,a suspension of different rigidity and nonasymp- totic stability for an axisynme-tric su-pension. Here, circular oscillations of the*body are set up in the suspension the amplitude of whica. depends on the initial conditions. A comparison is mada-with the experfmantal rel;u].Ln. .621 318-134:6,21.762.34 USSR UDC.- 621.318.124. POZDNEV, V. D., SAMARTSEVA, T. A. "A Method of Making'Laminar Ferrite.Components". MbsqOV,.Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 30, 1970, Soviet Patent No 282539, Class 21 3.1, filed 2,4 jun68, p 85 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A meth4ld of making laminar ferrite components by preparing a conducting paste for the conductors and a ferrite slip, forming a ferrite central:layer and ferrite ltrfers with conductors of the conductive paste and the ferrite slip, assembling a matrix frbm these layers, and pressing and baking the resultant matrix. As a die- tinguishing feature of the patent, the procedure ir, designed. to produce strong adhesion between the conductors and ferrite and to i#rove the quality of laminar ferrite components while simultaneously simplifying the, techno- logical process. To this end, the conductive paste and the ferrite slip are prepared with the same binder. 2. A modification of this met)iod with the distinguishing feature that an aqueous solution of glycerin,softenird poly- vinyl.alcohol is used as,the binder. USSR UDC 576.8.06:678.026.3 PIMENOVA, M. N., PAVLOVA, V. G., and P0ZRNUA. H. I., E~o5cow State University "Effect of Microorganisms on Polyethylene Insulating Coatings" Moscow, Biologicheskiye Nauki, No 6, 1973, pp:97-100 Abstract: Spray coatings made of polyethylene, stabilizers, and fillers were tested for their ability to resist fungal and microbial corrosion when used on pipeli-xies. No fungous growth was~observed on a mineral medium in the presence of samples of the material. On wort-agar, the my'celia of cer- tain fungi, especially Spiecaria, Fusarium, and Aspergillus coinpletely covered some of the samples. But the size of the contact angle of wetting did not change, suggesting that the properties of the coating surface were not affected. The samples were also resistant to desulfazing,~denitrifying and hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria, except the coatings containing such fillers as Cr203 and silica flour., It is suggested that the contact angle of.wetting be determined when evaluating changes in the properties of the surface of polyethylene coatings beforeand after exposure to microorganisms. 28 USSk UDG 621.791.3 -N, V - KWLEVSKlY, R. Ye. , RUDEYEVA. CHIBIREVA, V. A., METELKIN, 1. 1. PERSHINA, L. K6, Moscow "Soldering of Metallized High-Alumina Cera m"'cs with Metals by Means of Copper- Germanium Solder" Moscow, Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov [The Physics and Chemistry of Materials Processing], No 6, Nov-Dec 73, pp 104-110. Abstract: Data are presented from a study of the interaction of copper- germanium solder containing from 5to 10, wt., % germanium with the molybdenum- manganese metallization coating on a high-alumina ceramic, type 24'KhS, dur- the process of soldering with various structural metal~alloys. In rala- ing, tionship to the metallization coating, the most activi! clement in combination with copper-garmanium solder is nickel, which facilitates xupture of the metallization layer, thus reducing the quality of joints produced.. Recom- mendations are given for the selection of a protective coating for the metallization layer as a function of the structural metal used. Jf the ceramic is to be soldered to alloys containing nickel,.the metallization surface should be protected with a galvanic-la er of copper. iy 2-12 020 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 '-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124543 ..-_._,48STRACT./EXTRAcT-(u) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE [INFLUENCE, 14A 5STUDIED OF THE TITLE COMPRE,SSICNS# OCCURRING DURING THE YARN MANUFi., UPON THE PROPERTIES OF THE HLGH BULK CRIMPED GOFkON, MADE Filij.4 A SMO(ITH KAPRON .-YARN. .(10 TEX) CCIMPRISING 12-39 ELEMENTAL FIBERS. THE CVmPRf*SSION -INDUCED FIBER DEFECTS AND CHANGES,WERE CLASSIFIED, CHARACTERIZEDt AND _~~_-IJISCUSSEO. WITH AN INCREASE OF BOTH COMPRESSIONS THE LENGTH OF THE DEFECTIVE FIBER PART INCREASEDAND ITS TOTAL MOL. ORIENTATION DECREASED, THE DEPENDENCE OF THE BREAKING STRENGTH,.OF.A DEFECI'.IVE FIBER ON ITS .47 ELONGATION WAS OETD. THE BREAKING.STRENGTH INCREASED WITH' INCREASING ..~,RADIALAND LINEAR COMPRESSIONS* AND~THE BREAKING ELCINGATI.ON OF GOFRON _-.~..ICONTG.-~DEFEcTIVE FIBERS3, AS COMPARED. WIT'WTHAT OF THE PARENT YARN, -BY 2w6PERCENT. 114CREASE0, L A 5 5 1 F LED i . .. -.-h i W.~i*..~i~...'~..-...~i......~l~.~~ i Iz~ %-!~; , . EP - : I I I I It ;; I . ! ~ I i. : - . . RNO 013070 POZP_N 7JTLE-_ .000 OPERATIONS PER MINUTE 50 N -4 F A P E- R - -VODNYY TRANSPORT, JANUARY 24t 1970, F 1 -COLS 4-7 ::~'ABSTRACT--, A COMPUTATION' CENTER, SERV ING F IVE STEAMSHIP LINES, JHAS ZRECENITLY BEEl", CREATED liN GOR Klyl THE CENTER- IS HEADED By 0,:', P 11 T E~ R _4__' Nt -ZAKHAROV. IT IS EQUIPF~ED WITH THE -U-P.ALS-111-D": :07 MltX; 000 OPERATIO~IS PER SECOND AND ~"MEHORIZINV SIX-DIGIT 1 E-18 ER S . IN ADDTTICN TO THE "URALS-14-D*, T' HE "UKA":~ COMPUTERS. NTE R U S ES TH E "VEGAn AND IHZ. OVA -V- It MYUK911-1 CH I NIG IN 1 M INA 1'. M. NOVOSEL EER A. n, DAp, 11% -VE P. AND S. A. FEVZINER ENGINEER$; AND R. N. $11UL ~P T NA -0 1 "DER-R. HAV 'N'T R 1 BUT1 2- D 0 THE' TAk-ir-HIIENT OF:; THE :CKNII-R. lip Yl !S5172071 '-C,TRC-ACCESSION NO--AT0108593 ~--2/2 -015 PROCESS IN- DATE--11 SEP70 UNCLASSIFIED ~~-"ABSTRAC.T/EX.TP.ACr7:--(iU) GPI-0- ABSTRACT. THE METHODS OF FABRICATIONI AND HE CHE141C&L. -OMP'OS TTIONI 9F EXP EQ. [MENTAL SPECIMENS OF: r"(4, r) E -"'GY -C P METALLU ITALUM AND N.10131UM ARE RFVIEWEo. A SCHEME OF UNIT ARRAN",FMENT FOR IOUCTIVITY IS GIVEN. THE QU-ANTfT4TIVE VALU;_:S OF ~JMEASUR ING JFMPERATURE CCN C OtRATURE'DEPENDENCE.OF THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY A14D TEMPERATURE 'i;?CONDucTlVITY'-OF TANTALUM AND'NLOBIUM WITHIN TEMPERATURE RANGE OF 273 To --Mt.GREESK,~:A ALSO.: SHOWN USSR PO NY "Scientific and Technical Session an the Molding of Powder Meliterials" '.Kiev$ Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 6, Jun 70,1pp 102-103 Abstract: The Scientific and Technical Conference on Problems of Molding of Powder Materials sponsored by the Oblast'Admini6.tration of the Scientific and -Technical Societies of the Ferrous Metallurgy,4hd the Machinery Manufacturing Industry and the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute~ini. M. I. Kalinin~was held :~J -from 24 to,26 February-1970 in Leningrad. The conference waslattefided by 150 delegates representing Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Tallin, Minsk,.Tashkent, _1ki Llvov) Perml, Tambov and other cities, A comprehensive sur- 1(harskov,"Gor Yj* yey was nade of the state of the arts, trends,, and prospects ~ror the advancement of processes of molding cemet materials fro"M metals and metal-like powders, ~their mixtures and cc=pounds. The numerous :presentations dealt primarily with the theory of pressing, rolling, vibratory compaction of powder materials, the theory and technology of various methods of molding, the pral)erties and stnic- tures of compacted parts and Droducts,, the effdcts of variousifactors on mold- ing processes and the quality of the finished products.- Titlitse, such as: "Use 1/2 USSR UDC 621-A01-16 USSR UDC 53510-3/-5:678 AMQW, S. K., POMIMM11- -A- A S1JPr~UjjVj, V. A~ "Compai-Ison of Standard Bendimg Tests for:Rigid Plastic2" -1r. Rostov.-n/ in--h. zh.-d _11ansn' (WOPRS Of Rostov-na-P7,011ti In's-itute t of Railroad Transportation EngiiieersT, 1971, No. 79, pp 035-94 (from PZh- Mekhahika, No 12, Dee 71, Abstract tic 12V17.22) a 7ranslation: It is noted thpt the testing. of rigid pl, --:tics in all countries in connection with its sir~plicitv and iriforma-Lion yield. Differences in technique consists basically in the diinenr,,;ons of the salr,-,ile, the size of the are and the rate of loadina. According- to COST 4648-63 the span , is equal to 10 thiclnesses of the sample., according zo standards of the Federal Republic of Germany,:Japan, and ASTM D790-63, the span is equal to -matior 16 thicknesses and the rate of defor is 0.01 min 1, or approximately 10 times less than recommended by GOST, Analysits of available data leads to the conclusion that test results according to GOST raise the strength 1JILmits under -bendim, 11)v a factor of 1. 1-1. 3 as compared v; th oth~!r- methods. It i5 s own sociated - h that the slight divergence is ass lith tho no,111ilic.:,wity of tl.z(.-, t ty dependende of Stress oil deformation up to the point breal-down; W4 h of-this depen,v--rce the diocrepanc-, -_~sn theoretically rc!aach a factor of Q. 6. 9~) USSR Ux 547-753-757.07+546.79 MMM11SKAYA, L. I., M..USMVICH, Yu. 1,.L~M~,Q' -a id 5IN RO 0 V, IT.N.) Moscow-Chemico-Technological Institute irneni' D. 1. lvendele6v ~loscow "Derivatives of Indole. I.MII. Synthesis of~Derivatives of indole-15N" Riga, Khirdya Geterotsikliches-kikh Soyedinenly, llo 4., APr 73, ppI516-517 Abstrect: 3-Indolyl .aacet:~C-1514 acid (I), trlpItamine-1-1511 11), and. N., ff- dir4thyltt7pt,-x-dne-j-15N (M) -were s~mxthesizcdf Indole-41f was.prepared by the cyclization of phenyl-hydra I. D. Pletney et zone-1-15jj on ga "lra-Al2 03 (cf - 1511 vith ally JVW-m. Gete-rotsik. Soyed., 1632, 1972) and I by reacting indole- -500 in an autoclave in the preEence of KOH. The chl-oreacetic acid at 245 reaction of indole-1-51,1 vith ox,-Llic ncid dichloride yielded ~1-in-dolyloxalylclilo- rid- which was con-varted to 3-indalyloxalylamdde-1-15M (IV) and the corres- ponding dimethylamide (V) by reacting it with, 10 and Me,,Ml, respectively. 3 Reduction of IV and V with LiAlH4 in tetrahy~,nlo6ran leeto.,the formtion of 11 ar A lll~ respectiveky. The content of,15 9% in indple-15H, 10.7~ in I, 3% in II, and 5-46% in III. -3 5 1/1 USSR uDc: 621-391.822.4:621-317-71,3 POZDNYAKOVA L. G, "Digital Computer Calculation of.the CoefPicient of Mutual Induction" Nauch. tr. Omsk. in-t inzh. zh.-d. transD.1 (Scientific Works. Omsk Institute of Railway Trans-portation Engineers),, 1970' 119, pp 63-73 (from RZh-Radio- tekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6A228Y Translation,: An algorithm and.program. are set up for the "~Tairi," digital computer to calculate all components and the absolute va~iue of the coef- ficient of mutual induction between.a conductor of finite length and a dipole. A-nomogram is plotted from the results of "the calculatUon which permits solving problems in interpreting the results of vie.-asurements of the conductivity of' the earth, an well as calculations of tho hazard erfc-ct -when the finite length of the influncing #ne must~be taken into account. Three illustrations, two tables, bibliography ofsix titles. Resume. 30 Mechanical Properties 621.785:62,1.9-462 UDC USSR .4,,,,,.GA:-J14ZULYA, A. P., DOMITIYEVA, ZH. A., AT,)AWNVIKO, V. A., PAVLOWSEVA, N. M., and BUTENKO V. F. III stigation of the Effect of Single- and Do'-able-Sided Cooling in Temper nve ..Hardening of, Pipes on.Their Mechanical Properties" D n iepropetrovsk, Met-allurgicheskaya i Crornorudnaya Promyshlermost, No 5, Sep- Oct.70 PP.jB-40 ine -ha effect on mechanical propertie Abstract A study was irade to detern ff a of -Single - and double-sided cooling In temper hardening '.Ow-carbon steel ipes intended for uze in pipe linea in the Extrene No-rth. Temparing of lov- p- 0 carbon 14K~X.-S steel sheets 11 :r, ttLick. was Gicre at 900 "1 in a wat-ar tank t kdouble-sided cooling) and under sprwying (single-sided ccc:,,~g), stm-,Llating cooling boaditions in zey.Tice, folloucA by annealing, at 6CO*C, for I hour. d th Ter~ts: were also conducted on pipez 1020 zjnn in dJameter w 14.. an 11 nn vall thick- ness~ The experiment procedure and equipment ~a,e da3cribed wid tho variatJon of.mechanical.and physical properties acroat; the Gheet thicknooo io ahown. structure, obtaine, after tempiering irith single- and doub e-sided cooling The 112 14u es, USSR "5.632 621 VE; A 'RBUM 1E, .E. ~MUTDN, D. POONYAKOV. L. V. "A Traveling Wave Tube" a, Prom-vshle QVZ XAoSCow* Qt~Wytiya, 1zobretoniY ki, No 15, - - - __ r4vye Obraztst, T irnyye Zna'- ~1970, Author's Certificate Ao 2069325, filed 28.Jul 67, p 62 1. A travel--4na wave tube with Abstract- This author's certificate introduces: L helical decelerating system and a magnetic periodic focusing 33'starl -,rhich con- sists of annular magnets mounted in series with annular pole pieoe* located be- tweem them. As a distin-uishing feature.of the -patent, the tube is designed to Y ran assure stable non-mutual absorption of energj in the SH ~o, and prov;sion is made for changing the absorption frequency range. Inside the cylindrical volume LO of the traveling wave tube restric;ted by.the magnetic periodic I cusing system are alternating ferrite and nonmagnetic isolating elements (for iaLtance in the rods), the ferrite elements being loca:ted U. the regiors be- form of rings or tween tho polo pieQos ot the magnotic por~odic, focusing sist*m where the longi- Unal =Znatia field hau the samo di ation.- 2-, A modifiwition0f this travel- t ua re ing wave tube d-istinguishe-i by raeducW non-zutual abtiorptiun of or),jrj,,,y in tho SHIF range in a narrow frequency hawl. The forromagnatic o1oj!,,.!jntu arv poricgi- ically arranged with spacing which is equal to or a whole number Multiple of 1/2 6! ~H . ~-- 11; 1 Id , I ~ i i - i !:! . I ;: , - 1z USSR UDO 62' .~85.6~2 (088.8) L.TV AVERBUKH, M.E.i.MILYUTIN, D.D.P be" 'Travel,ing-Wave, Tu USSR Author's Certificate No 2-6952 filed 28 July 67, publi!Bhed 28 July 70 (from RZZh-,-Elektronika i yeye primeneniya, No 2,February 197l, Abstract 2-AJ.92P) Translation: The proposed DIT with a spiral delay system and a ma-netic periodic focusing system (MPFS) consists of successively mounted annular magnets between which are located annular pole pieces. With the object of asisuring atable non- reciprocal absorption of energy of the microwave band and thia possibility of chang- ing the frequency range or the absorption# within the cylindril.,,al volume of tha 7VT limited by the RPF-3, alternating ferrite and nonmagnetic inoolating units (OGg*I irt the form of rings or bars) are positioned, while ferrite units are looated LI the regions between the pole pieces of the YIPFS whOre.a longitudinal magnetic field has an.identical direction.7he proposed improvement or a TWT lie)~ in the fact that,with lie the object of obtaining an incrousednonreciprooel abeorDti0I:I of 6nargy of t, . in a narrow frequency bandv.the,forrite units:~are located periodic- MIC W 0 r ol timgie the period of with a period equal to or exceeding by a h I* munbe .112 11 JJ USSR LTD:, 612.826.4.018 POMM and POLGAR, A. A., Electron Microscopy Gr!3up, Laboratory Win-am ot the- al Physiolog of Infectious Intoxications,:'Institute of OY I orma N I and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Scietices, USSR "Ultrastructural Variations of the Neurosecretory Apparatus:of the Neuromus cular Synapse Duringlts Function" Moscati, Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologiij Meditsiny, 'No 3, pp -116 -112 Abstract: A study was made of the neuromuscular synapses oE the diaphragm muscles of albino rats weighing 100 to 120 grams. The musnle was frozen at rest and with short-term (I and 10 seconds) rhythmic (50 hertz) stimulation. It was fixed in formaldehyde and osmium tetrachloride. The'n.--thod retained the basic structural featitres of the neuromuscular synapse.' This made it Dessible to detect certain features of the localization of the synaptic -ribution along the axon terminal in the state of rest vesicles: uniform dist and reduced number and redistribution of the Vesicles in them presence of stimulation. Vesicles were also encountered in the synaptie cleft. P.1 y 5-16 i O'g' y USSR UDC 612.816.018.014.46:576.851.097.29 -KRYZUANIOVSKIY, G. N., 0 D'YAKONOVA H. V., POLG,a, A. A., and SIURNOVA, V. S.1 0'atory of the..Pathological.Physiolog ,y of infectious Intoxications and Electron Microscopy Group, ::Institute of Normal:and Patho- logical Physiology, Academy of Medical~Sciences USSR, "Impairment of Neurosecretion in the Myoneural,Junctions of Muscle Poisoned 'o With Tetanus I xin Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologiiii bleditsiny, Ho 12, 1971, pp .27-31 Abstract. Electrophysiological and electron-zhicroscopic s Ludy was conducted ofthe neuromuscular synapses in the rat diaphragm locally Poisoned with tetanus toxin (2-105 11LD). Injection of the toxin resulted in a progressive -oned diaphragm, decrease-in the amplitude of the respiratory burst in the pois but it had no effect on the actual nature of the respiratoryielectrical ac tivity. The animals died in 7 to 9 hours with symptoms of paralywtu of the respiratory muscles, A co--parivon of the histogram for intact neuromuscular preparations isolated from the diaphragm with those for prepirations isolated to 3-1/2 hours after injection of the toxin revealed a sharp dearen e in the level of spontaneo-us synaptic activity in the poisoned muscles, an indication Z II II I I i ; ! : i 11 1 1 w . , ; : - : - - '3 IL - - ----------- TT USSR uDc 616 -7~-018-83-02:576-851-551-097-29 0. M. POLGAIR, A. A., SMIM1OVA,.1 V. S. and KRYZMATIOVSKIY, G. N., ~ZMM W MY-1 Electron Microseopj Group, Iaborator -j ntoxi- y of PathophysioloE cif Infectious L cations, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology of the Academy of Yedical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Change in the Ultrastructure of the Neuromuscular Junction Under the Action 'of r"etanus Toxin" T Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i I-Seditsiny, Vol 74, 1-10 7, 1972 pp 113-u6 A bs -tract: Changes in the ultrastructure of the neurorinnscular Junction of the diaphragm were studied 3-5 hours after intramuscilar in'ection of 2-105 DJTL~i rat of tetanus toxin. The general relationship of stnictures,remained intact, and changes, were noted -mainly in t1he axon terrdnal,, the most r:arkea- of which was an increase in t:,Ae number of presynaptic vesicles, most of which appeared ormal. The number of riatrix density of mit r as n ochondria in ixon te minals w, increased. S-ony-- iml-jury and degeneration of:the presynaptLc teiiiiimls w"~ noted. Is sugreated hat -the obsezved changes are t: corxistent vith dn-a~;e to th(- exom Ltt6r with raccomulatior. -~Wmbrane leadirg IL-.o a decreased of nauroticni;mi -on te=- tal. in. the ay. ------ - --------- M, uDc! 6,,-,1.396.694;621.372.412(088.8) USSR V POZDIIYAKOV, P. G., VASIN, I. G. BAITKOV, V. N. "A Quartz Torsional Resonator" No 2 Apr 68, Published 24 Feb 70 (frarn USSR Author's CertifIcate- 3162, Filed 17 M-Radi6tekbnika, J lo 10, Oct 70, Abstract No 1OV389 P) -ato Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a quartz torsional reson 1, wi th -a piezoelectric element made in the form of a rod of rectangu],ar cross section with -.0ts. Az a distinguishing feature of the patent, the rt-..,sonator is designed open so that the resonance frequency is lowered and the overall dirLensions are reduced Vithout i=&Iring the temperature coefficient of frequency. The slots located on one bal f of~ the. rod are arranged perpendicularly to,; the, slots locilited on the other half, the number of slots on one half being equa2 to that on tUe other. USSR UDC 621.373.421'.13:621.372.412 ANDROSOVA, V. G., BIRIUKOV, V. I., FOZDNYAKOV!.I~. G. "Quartz Resonators with ATI-Cut Fiezoele*ments'o f ~Rectangulax- Shape" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-teklin. sb. (Electronic Engineeiing. Scientific and :Technical Collection) , 19 70, ser T, V" - 2, pp 33-39 (f-Zom IRZ'h-Radio- teklinika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9D278) Translation. This article contains the results of inv s ihatio. ii of tine sliape of the oscillations of rectangaular AT-cut piezoelemerits and also thie distribution of bias with respect to their surface. The arrangement of nts actado-iient at which introduces insil&nificanu damp- dio, minimum.bias poi ing are datermined. Tho pu8d. bili ties, of, oelect the relations of the dimensions of the piezoelements and their effect.on the spiictral' xiil teji,p- the resonator erature characteristics are 41scussed. Results of vieasuring parameters with wire attachment confirming-the possibiliciiis of a signifi- cant improvement in the resonator parameters,on frequencieti belc~v 1,000 ntr :kilohertz are presented., There are eight illustrations and a f ive-ei bibliography. 777 uDc 617-713-002-02t616.523/-085 USSR ITYAKOV# V. I., Candidate Of wicHux, YU. F. , Doctor of Medical Scie ces, POZON -'TW- *"te Virus Clinical hedical Sciences and ABW1ISHVIL1, R. 1*1 Be-OnEME' SM Division, Moscow Institute of Eye.Disea,ses.izeni,Helmholtzo~l,.oscow "Leukocyte Interferon and Its Combination'With Methacil in the Therapy of -Herpetic Keratites" Odessa, Oftallmologlcheskiy Zhurnal, NO3 1971, pp 193-195 Abstractt It had been established that human leukocytic interferon inhibits the propagation of herpes simplex virus in tissue cultures and' that it is effective in the therapy of experimentalberpe~tic keratitis of rabbits. Clini- cal observations were carried. out on 56 patients with horj>stic keratitis who were -treated by the application of leukocy-tic interferon in the form of eye drops. Interferon with an activity of 150-200 units/Mi was found to have a therapeutic effect. In cases of superficial herpetic.k6ratitis, epithelliza- tion of the cornea on its application usually set in wit-'bin 4-15 days. In cases of deeper involvement of the cornea and participation of the uveal tract, epithelization set in later and additional treatment was required. Interferon with activity less than 100 units/ml had a we~,ker effecto while that with,an, activity of 500-700 urAts/ml.had approximately the same effect 1/2 92 USSR MAYCHUK, YU. F., et al.j Oftallmologichoskly Zhurnalf Ito 3, 1971P PP 193-195 as the preparation with 150-200 units/mle Units of activity were deten-,dned on-the basis of effect on a tissue culture infected with herpes virw. inter- feron in-combination irith methacil had a greater thera~oeutic effect than Interferon alone; use of the Interferon-methacil zixtu~ve .ade it possible to reduce the number of applicationsfrom 5-6 to 3 per day. In a decision of 24 Apr.70, the Pharmacological Committee ofAheAinlstry~af Health USSR approved the use of leukocytic interferon'for the treatiment of virus diseases of the eyes. :2/2 USSR UDC: None POZDNYAKOV, V. M. and KISIMN, A. V. "Aerophoto Device for Recordin t he Relative Bearing of the Sun" Moscow, OtIcrytiva. izobreteniva, brorkVshlj~ti obi, tsy.. tovarzkyye znakit No 121 1`575, P117, 14o 371431~- Abstract: The distinguishing featiire of this device is the con- ~struction of the hood, which is made in the fo-tri of plane-paraliel glass plates. These are lialf-silvbred and amplaced in front of -~he objective at an angle to,.the obiective's field of view. This arrwigement simplifies the instrumOnt's structure. A diagram of the system and the optical geometry it produebo is ohoial. 15SR V V 0 POZDNYAKO M., VOL'F, L. A., YEFREMO~A T. B., and M S,iA. I., Leningrad '-;e Y'~extile and Light Indu in stry imeni S. M-Kirov "Preparation of Fibers for Medical Use From Copolymers of Vinyl Alcohol and Vinylpyrrolidone"--- Riga, Fiziologicheski i'Opticheski Aktivn e Polimernyye Veshchestva, "Zinatne," 1971, pp-155-158 ..Abstract: The aim of this work was to prepare fibers capable of absorbing anti- bacterial preparations and prolonging their release in, t;he human body. , It was hypothesized that the presence:of the polyvinylpyrrolidcine chains in such fibers would-improve the desirable properties of~the prepared materials. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) were used for this purpose. Sev- eral methods for the preparation of material& with antimicrobial properties were.tried. One of them was molding a mechanical mixturei of 15 and 20% solu- tions of PVA_ and PVP in ratios of. 90:10 and. 70:30, respectively. The molding was carried out in the sodium sulfate bathe (400, g Na2SO4f liter) , f ollowed by stretching the prepared fibers in air. . When water-soluble fibers were desir- able, they were washed free of Na2SQ4 in acetone. The initial ratio of PVA and PVP remained unchanged in the prepared'product. The:second method used 1/2 USSR POZDNYAKOV, V. M., et al., Fiziologicheski i Opticheskt Aktilvnyye Polimernyye Veshchestva, "Zinatne," 1971, pp 155-158 was the copolymerization of PVA and PVP. The copolymerization was carried out ethanol, benzene, or ethyl acetate (10-50% with respect to weight of monomers). The obtained product always contained the vinylpyrroli- done chains regardless of the initial ratio of starting compounds. However, copolymerization in benzene produced the best results. Copolymerization by the emulsion method was also tried. Fibers from spinning solution (25-30%) were also-prepared by molding, followed by stretching in air, drying, and washing in alcohol. This method yielded fibers with good physical and mechanical properties. They were soluble in water at room temp. in 1 hr, buts the solubility time could be prolonged by thermostabilization of fibers in, air. All fibers produced by the above methods are uuderguing testing at Ai cal institutions. e m 2/2 90 USSR POZDNYAI~QV, V. St, IVANOV, N. G., KAZBEKOV, 1. M. "To xicology of Acetylpropyl Alcohol!' Sb. "Toksikol. novykh prom. khim. veshchestv" (Toxicology of New Industrial Chemicals-Collection of Works), 1973, vyp. 13, Moscov, "Me.ditsina," pp 124-131 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, 30F, BiologicheskayEL Khimiya, No 18, 25 September 1973, Abstra6t~No 18F1757) Translation* The proposed maximum permissible conceratration of acetylpropyl alcohol in air of a work area is 10 mg/liter. The LD-60 is.6400 mg/kg and the cumulative capacity is insignificant. 47 _Tv, Hl'. ~!i ~, I iWiO~ W~ USSR UDC:-669,2451271292.018.67(088.8) NAM, B. P., WYAKOV, 1. G_ IVANOV, V. I-, POZIX'qYAKOV V. V., REZONTOV, B. I., GORBUL-SKIY, L. F. "Alloy for the Centers of the Oxide Cathodes of Electric-Vacuum Devices" USSR Author's Certificate Number 358397,: Filed 23/07/70, Published 18/01/73 an .(Tr slated from Referativnyy-Zhurnal Metallurgiya, W8, 1973, Abstract No 41711P, by 0. Pimenova). Translation: An alloy is suggested for the cores of the oxide cathodes of electric--.racuum devices, differing from known alloys ire that in order to improve the sublimation characteriFtics of the core, increase the stability of the electrical parameters and the durability of electric-vacuum devices, Yis introduced in the following ratio of components (%); W 2.0-4.0, V 0.05-0.8, Ni es in the anneled state are: a 42, remainder. The mechanical properti M b 20 ,and 11 kg/mm2 3 45, 43 and 36% at 20,:600 and 8000 :irespectively; in the cold workedstate a 79 kg/mm2, 6 2% at 20*, p at 20, 600 and 8000 0.174, 0.462 and.0 518 ohm MM b 2/m resppctively, 7 600'. The rate of evaporation recr 2 7 -8 of the activator (in mg-cm /hr) in a vacuum of 1-10 mm hg is 1.5'10 at 1/2 USSR UDC 669.:2451271296:669.018.2:669.018.6 RAM B. P., D'YAKOV, I. G., XQ REZONTOV, iB. I,' and IVANOV, V-. I., IfP aration of Vacuum-Melted Ni-W-Zr rep Alloys for Oxide Cathode Bases and Th6ir Investigation. in Experimental Instruments Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Materialy (Electronic Engineering. Xollection of Scientific and Technical Works.1on Materials),,,1970, vyp. 2, pp 9-15 (from RZh-Metallurgiya, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract NoJ2 1857 by the authors) Translation: The authors describe the preparation of Ni-W.-Zr alloys with im- purity content 4 0.05% intended for use as oxide cathode b;aaes of electric vacuum devices. Some physical and mechanical properties mt the alloys under study are presented, as well an test resultsjof the alloys:'Iu experimental diodes. From the standpoint of assuring stable protracted:operation of an oxide cathode, the alloy Ni + 4%W + (0.06-0.1)%ZT, possesseii the+ 6e,at proper- ties. This alloy has a high recrystallization temperature:~and high strength at.operating temperatures. ..P-ki3XY RhEL/FRAME--1988/1677 STEP NO~--UR/0300/ICI/042/00210165/0174 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106423 -U N -S S-I-r~f E-R- "212 :~029 UNCLASSIFIED PR(jCESS,ING DATE--020CT70 -.-CIRC ACCtS.SION NO--AP0106423 .~ABSTRACTYEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A6STRACT. IT IS KNOWN THAT Hl:;-i MOLECULAR WEIGHT RRODUCTS FORMED DURING PROTEOLYTIC DEGRADATION OF FIBRINDGEN-8 INHIBIT THE FIBRIN MONJMER POLYMERIZATION. THE EX"[STENCE OF SPECIFIC ;)JLY, ERIZAT13% COM-PLFMENTARY STRUCTURES CHARACTERISTIC FOP, THE CENTERS IN THESE FRAGMENTS MAY, BE.POSTULATED. HI!3H MOLECULAR WEIGHT PRODUCTSt APPEARING DURING DEGRADATION.OF FIBRINOGIEN MOLECULE 3Y L-31q CONCENTRATIONS OF TRYPSIN (ENZYME SUBSTPATE RATIO L.,2500 BY ',qEl(-,-HT) 9EQE STUDIED. THEY WERE SEPARATED FROM TPYPTIC HYDROLYtATE OF FIBRINJGEN BY GEL FILTRATION ON SEPHADEX G.150.. IT ~AS SHOWN THAr DUR17NG HYDROLYSIS ~--LASTING FOR 120 HOURS AND MORE THESE PRODUCTS WER,E:GREATLy rHANGED IN THEIR ANTIPOLYMERIZING ACTIVITY, BEHAVIOUR IN:GEL FtLTRATION AND :POLYACR~nAMIDE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS ANDIN TERMI-NAL AMINO ACIDS AS WELL. -ROGENEDUS PRODUCTS THEMOST ACTIVE'AND AT THE SAME TIME THE LEAST HETIE. '-'-.-WERE.TR0DUCED DURING THE PROLON6 HYDRopests OF FIBI~tINOGEN BY TRYPSIN. T IF, I 1 -.:7,. -. I j-~ ~-' ~ ~~ - - z~. ~ a-.. , 1 ~~ . I - , --- ; : ! . I ; ; IV:;:], I! _2 Is '~ 11. 111, W~1iiWAQ4.W.H~- "' I h "iQIWA61 i In Hilollm I 63W I, iiWi!*.;'611il'lJ'li. I . I I : . - I 2 02.0 UkLASSI:FIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 .w.j-TLE--MICROCRYSTALLOSCOPIC REACTIONS FOR ETHUXYD: AN0;:KANAi4Yc, IN -U- ~,~----UTHORL,--(02)-KHMELEVSKAYA, S.S., POZONYAKOVA, V.T.: COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ZH. (KIEV) 19701 25(11)t 51-.3 ,-,~,D AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 - 2/ UNCLASSUFtED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 2 020 C I R CACCESSION NO--AP0130194 A8ST.qAr_T/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ETHOXYD (1) GfillE C14ARACTE[STIC REACTIONS WITH THE FOLLOWING REAGENTS (REAGENT, SCILV~E.NT FP.(~ 1, NO. OF AXES IN THE CRYSTALS FORMFG? EXTINCTION ~NGLEt ELCINOATION S[GNI N R CE, M14.,' DETECT li T 1 SUBGAMMAt N SUBALPHA, BIREF INGEN A8LE A I N M U G LIMITING CONCN. GIVEN): IPERCENT AGNO SUB31 HCONME SUB2, Ir 90DEGREESr NEG., 1.690,, 10653P 0.0371 4.53y 1:4400;1:1 SOLN. IN CONCI). HCL, HCONME -11 90DEGREES, NEG., 1.600, 1.567j: O~.O~3, 0.16 VB21 1:125,000; A SOLN. BY OISSOLVING 2 G NH SUB4 SCN AND I G ZNSO 'SUB4~IN 50 ML H SUB? -Of; ME.,,SUB2 COtH SUB2 0 (3.z1), L, 90DEGRE,ESj. NEG..t NE~:G4TIVE, NEGATIVE, `--NEGATIVE? ~ 0.48,, 1:41,700. A 0.2PERCENT OF: KAPIAMYC.IN w ITH A _':~;~FRESHLY PREP0. REINECKE SALT GAVE.. a o ANI-SOT,ROPIC, M N AXIAL CRYSTALS WITH ELONGATFON :SIGNp W~SUBGAMMA 1.6861 N :1EXTINCTION ANGLE 90DEGREES, NEG* ~.SUBALPHA -1 .639t AND BIREFRINGENCE. 0'44,7.1' :-:THE 111N. CIETECTABU-- AMT. WAS 0". 2 -t4U- G AND THE LIMITING CONCN.. 1.1100, 000 'fACILITY. LVOV MED. I N S T LVOV, USSR. Translation: To increase the emulsifiability of the concentrate and widen the area of optimum component ratios in the oil phase, as well as reduce the cost of the concentrate, use of a natural stabilizer for commercial oil emul- sions is suggested. The stabilizer is the by-product of the crude-oil dehydration (deenulsification) process. :Natural oil enulsifiers can be isolated from the slurry ("'intey-vediate layer".) that forms in petrolem collecting tanks or. settlinla tanks after petroletun has been treated with demulsifter ts. The"intemediate layer," rid of petrOIC-LI reagep M rasiduev, Is boiled; the precipitate is separated out; the layer is rinsed on P_ filter, first with boil- ing, then with cold water, is dried and uBed.aa an emulsifier of irrvert peatieldal amulsion. From the "intermedlate layer" that originates as a result of treating crude oil from the Mukh anavo field vith the deemulsifier 1/2 v Y7.. 0! USSR SHITSY L. A... et al., USSR Authors'. Certificate No 3183ft, Cl. A 01 n 17/10, -filed 27 Apr 70, published 17Tec 71 Dissolvan 4411 the product that settles in the precipitate is isolated; 100 grans of it are kept in contact for 30 minutes with 0-5~~l liter of boiling water, filtered, rinsed with 1-2 liters of cold water, iil~rd air-dried. A con- centrate of the following composition is obtained /part.,by weight): butyl fester of 2,4-D (79-95%) 30-40 apindle oil 6o_'70, petro,leum solvent 10-20, emulsifier 3-7-Water is poured into- the' concentrate, the concentrate is :,stirred'. and invert emulsion is obtained., 2/2 USSR TJ-D C534.131:'29-76 --0ZHALOSTTN- A -k- p t Ax lxperimental Determination of the Frequency andiForm,s of isym- metri cal Oscillations of an Elastic Tank With Licuid", Xazan', izvasti7a V~~sshvlcll Uchebnydrh Zavadeniy. Aviatsionnava Vekhnika, No 3, 1970, pp 140-151 Abstr-act-: In the article are pre-sented the result's and o -L an expe.-iment dealing with doterrainat ion of the lowest forms and frequencies of the oscillation of an elastic cylindrical -surization pressur-- -and tank wizh liquid. The influenca of the prea tho um,,at--t-ed part of the walls of.the cylindrica* tank upcn the osc-I.J.1ation freauencies is analyzed., A conmarison is made bet-,.;een the exper:Lmentai absolute values of the frequency with the frequency values obtained by the calculations. Good a:oine'.1dence of the ~ndi- liographic entric... cated value is observed. 6 figures,':5 bib USSR UDC 581.14t632.4082-285s633.63 PUMA& Z# As 9and ASSAULt B. D., A11-Union Scientific Research Institute of '-nology of the Pathogen of Sugar Beet Rust UronWces betae (Pers.) LeV' T~enlng:rad -Mkolog-lya i Fitopatologiyal Ho 5p Ho 2' 1971, PP 166-171 Abstracts The pathogen passes through five stages in its develornenti basidial, spermagonial, aecddialt uredal and toleutal. Tho importrance of each stage in dovelopizent of the disease was studied. It was iotuid that immediately after formation of the telautosporoot their nxmber in=sasoa only insigni- ficant3lylup to 1-2%). The -teleutoapores axe the principal foi-a in which the fungus 4Dvor winters. Teleutospores on the soil surface, represent the greatest tbreat to spring plants. The enarGanca of rus- t in the npernagcnial and aecidial stages is usually observed in the first half of Ewr or,,deperAing on tho weather conditions~. at the end of April or in the latter part a 1-hy. These fo=s.~ of the fungus affect plant leaflets, As the aecl&iospaxes are talcon up by vat-erp which then is absorbed by, tha plantp they inf4ict the plant. The op ir grouth and plant infection vas fouril to be 14- represent a &.nger at tamperatures; zwging f ron +4 n period afterinfection of the boot leaflets, at USSR UDC 6115.285-7-a39-036.11-i~P,5-835-3 SAVATAYEV, N. V., BFESTKIT1A, L. It., TONKOP1Y, V. D., 1?OZHARISS1',AYA, T. D., and FROLOV, S. F. as poisoning" ItCompressed Oxygen in the Treatment of Acute Chloroph Moscow, Farmakolo-iya. i Toksikologiya, No 6, 197rd, pP 738-741 Abstract, - Injection of rats with the pesticide chlorophos (1000 mg1k-) produced the chayacteristic symptoms oforganophosphorus poisonin.- in 10 minutes. Admin- istration of oxygen under normal barometric pressure aL this time had no effect on the sy1hptoms, but it slightly increased the animals' survival time. On the other hand, oxygen under a pressure of 31 atm not only mitig'ated the co-Urse of the Intoxication, but increased the survival tire subs7;antially. Atropine alone or administered in combination with oxygen 10 nin after injection of chlarophos had no effect on the outcome of -the poisoni113, it greatly relieved the symptoms. Compressed oxygen and-atropine,used separately 60 min after poisoning-had no effect on'the course or outcone.,, but ithen the two were used at the same time, they produced a marked therapeutic effect and a higher surrival rate. Treatm-ent of the animals 'vith atropine and VIB-4 resulted in a 90 to 100% survival rate And when the- -.two agents were combined with oxygen, the animals were outmardly indistinguishable from co-qtr:)ls after only I hour in the pressure chamber. ':'-:212 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 ~o CtRC ACCESSION NO-AP0109494 .,A6STRACTf'EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- Ai3STkACT* AS A RESULT.OF TOXICOLOGICAL UF A NEW INSECT. REPELLENT* HEXAMEYIiYL.EiNEi3UTAN,SULFAMIDE :(1iMBS)v,.THE AUTHORS ESTABLISHED THAT THIS DRUG HAD.10W TOXICITY FOR WARM BLOODED ANIMALS. ITS LD~SU850 FOR "HITE~MICE WAS;T5b0 14G-KG IN EPICUTANEOUS APPLICATIONv 51�.MG-KG, BY-THE INTRAPE RITONEAL ROUTE AND ~,5_400-6480 MG-KIG, 6Y INTRODucrION INTO THE STOMACH.--- MULTIPLE (25 TIMES) -DAI-LY.APPLICATION OF HM8S TO THE SKIN OF RABBITS lilt A DOSE OF I,G-KG :(DENSITY OF I ML-100 CM PRIME2).PRODUCED IN THE ANI,'MALS.NU PATHOLOGICAL -~.~;:'MANIFESTATIONS OF GENERAL CHARACTER. TOPICALLY UNDER THESE-CONDITIONS, INFLAMMATORY SIGNS DEVELOPED IN SUPERFICIAL LAYERS OF THE SKIN. ~~IN-SIMILAR~APPLICATIGNS OF THE DRUG IN A DOSE OF 0.,4 ML-100 CM PRIME2 THE RABBITS DEVELOPED ONLY MILD HYPEREMIA OF THE SJ1%JN AFTER 2-4 ~-~-APPLJCATIONS~g ~ -BUT- FT- DI-SAPPEARE'D- I-N- A- FEW D-AYS-DESP I TE ~FURTHER T;- APPL:'iCA:.,TI,ON"bF..THE REPELLENT. DALLY 25 TIME APPLIC'ATION~OF HMBS TO THE kikik-iskiN. IN A -DOSE OF 0.4 ML-100 CM PRIME2 WHICH: EXCEEDED 2 FOLD THE i DOSE,:. RECOMMENDED, FOR PRACTICAL~:PURPOSES PRODUCED NO LOCAL CHAN'ES. -FACILtTY..*z-.,VUYENNO-MEOITSINSKAYA-AKADEMIYA Ih. S.,M. KIROVAT LENINGRAD. _85 .7:54.7 -1::15, 1 .52 5,L U D 5 . 33 y of t ii e~,Cf:v TriSCrt LZ j20 b u ta r, ul -f a,;,,, 1 .1 C" 2*1.-o s c 0 k a y P ara Z OlO,--: ya!i '? ar --z i tat nr, y e o 2., -.L L 1970, pp 220-224 Ab s t rc t- de-valoped riaDc was s ac-ill.a ns (L'-liv, --(Df - U;RQ i ~ _ ,j -- - --:, -, ~:l . ~ . r' - , u o s Un.L 1.7 f rl s tf 1. c" a s0, Cr t rL, -cs , a n. di h cis 21 i es Tasts on. rr.~ cc, and U-a-n n a ic;-~ t7as b e --, rns L-~~, IL :11 a so K., t c: c i c i. 'c Th ra LID - 7 5 6 0r,,-,,/k I~h i ed to the s",in, 3 4 0 01 - 6 40 d a r, IC ot-h-z SCO-fiacll, a,07 a- --19 M'-~:"/ I Can lrjcc ,a- v a y C u r-,a- n C 0 a Tw n ty s a p! '. ~-CELUIOLIS0 C p hoo C.,.i- in 'n "x-n C,,n D a p p C [:;Z:j~ls -od or.--,y and, nic'n C;:z AN z7 S Kkzz~02~.'N, V. B.. !,I,, a -s ara2 3- r a-.r,,yye No 2, 19 10, 2 _2 D - 22) --c~i was ca t i to hu'..,,-.r-, sk- p, (0. 4 m 100 ca-,2 f or 2.5 days) procl,cc je LL L C+-4 ve seri-a- ons (iching b uz. a-,-" I'D, 7 crL--es (dryneas, scaji~jg, 4,lyp t-ze, -,'l I!, Or '4- USSR UDC 576-852-15- ASLUUU R. R., TLILSKIY,, S. V. POZHARITSKAYA L I and IAPKEVA, Ye. A., Institute of Microbiolo_ry, Academy of Sciences USSR,~&nd Chair of Biophysics, Physics Faculty, Mloscow State University imeni 14. V. Lomonosov "L2hibition of Germination of Actinomycete Spores in a Constant Magnetic Field'! Moscow, 14ikrobiologiya, Vol 42, No 3, 1973, PP 556-5,58, Abstract: Actinomycete spores were exposed to a constant magnetic field of 10,000 oersted, k;enerated by a DC-powered electromagnet with an interpole distance of 25-30 mm. Thermoact.'vulgfaris 136 spores -prepared as a suspension in a nutrient inedium (opt. dens. 0-2) on~:glass slides ivere exposed to the magnetic field for 1-5 hr at 55oC, while those preparett as aa aqueous sus- pension (opt. dens. 0-2) in test tubes were-kept in tha magnetic fteld for the same period but at room temperature. Act. streptomyc:Uii spores similarly pre- pared on slides were exposea for.5-5 hr at 280C and those in test tubes for 1-5 hr at room temperature. Thirty.minutes,after completion of exposure, the ~spores were planted on a suitablemedium.and allowed to germinate for 1-5 hr at 55 and,280C. On the whole, the numberiof germinating spores in the experi- mental samples was 6% lower than in control samples. Among Thermoact. vulgaris, the proportion of germinating spores vasA6.5% in experimental.vs- 55% in 1/2 73 7-:77-7 777777-7`777~~ USSR UDC 5?6.852.15'doq4,8i4O88.8 POZHARITSKAYA, L. M., KOL'TOVER, V. K. , AGM, N. S. , and KALAKMM, L. V. of Chemical Phylsics, A my f MMM v"tterotiology and Institute cade o i :S-6iinces:USSR Itinomyces vulgaris 268J. as Indicated Ily Activation of Spores of Thermoac' the Spin Tracer Method!' ;Moscow# Mikrobiologiya, Vol 40, No 6, Rov/Dec 71, Pp 1110-1111 Abstracts Activation of spores of the actinomycete Thermoactinomyces viLlgaris 2681, just like that of bacterial spores, Is accomranied Iry the conversion of disulfide groups into thiG1 groups. In experiments ati a suspension of nonactivated spores of T. vulgaris 2681 in glycerol with, IV,-o sprouting spores and one of activated spores of this actinomye-ote in vater with 9V%, sprouting spores, the relationship between activation and the formation of thlol groups was demonstrated by reacting these groups wit~..the stable iminal I radieml ClHgC6"4P(-O)"H 14-0o (1) and thezi determining the 11e2 RPR spectrum of the radical. The nathods*of cultivation and preparation of the suspensions have been described. Radical I was Introduced into the POZHARITSKAYA, L. M., at al,p 141krobiologiYat Vol 40, I(o 6, NovAlec 71, ppA110-1111 suspension of activated spares from a wator-alcohol solution and into that of nonactivated spores from a solvent that inhibits activation (glycerol or r 'to the suspension of activated octane). The EPH s-ectrum corresponding spores exhibited two siganals, one with 10"8 see antL. another uith -:3 X 10 see, that was associated withradicals lithose, rotary motion was inhibited to a considerably lesser extent. EvidentLy two types of FS groups with different accessibility to radical I itare present in the protein wall.of the activated spores. The spectrum for the suspension of non- activated spores consisted of.a triplet signal to which~' corresponded a rotary motion of I with '(~- 2 X 10-8 sec4~ The intensity of this signal times lower than that of the sigr-ql with the mo:re inhibited rotation in the.spectrum for the suspension of activated spores.; This~ijidicated that activetion was accompanied by a considerable ihoreasp in the number of HS groups# 2/2 USSR 4OZHAIUTSKAYAj N., Biologist fiq yads.- Sounds, Facial Expressions, and Gestures" -91 Moscow, Nauka i Zhi7,nl, 140 7, Jul 70, PP 88 Abstract: The means of communication used by Hamadryads were studied at the Sukhumi Primate Center, using a camera, film, and a tape )-ocordor. The language of-the- animals was found to coorprise about 20 sounds, each of Which served to carry specific information, such as the leaderls warning (if danger with directions to floe or adopt a defenSiVO DOsition. Other sounds Jaidicate alarm on the part of animals separated from the herd, intraherd rituals of behavior, eypressions of friendliness and pleasure, and obedience to the.leader. 1h aa ition to sounds, poses, gestures, facial expressions, and body movements aro highly irr9ortant means of communication among animals. The leader of the herd uses threatening or dis- a proving glances to express anger or enforce discipline. '. Affability or indif f er- p nce to a courting e ; male may be expressed with the tail. B,,r moving its ears, eyes, :mouth, or facial muscles, animals expresa fear, displeasure, curiosity, indeci- sion, anger, sadness, and othor emotions. in combination with the 20 zounda, the facial exproasionsi gestures. ard body movewants are fully; adequate for communi- Oationwith friend or foe. USSR UDC 531.31 OA&QK1Y, G. K. (Moscow) "Stability of the Equilibria of Mechanical Systems, Which Include a Flexible Inextensible Filament" 'Moscow, Prikladuaya Matematika iHekhanika, No.4, 1973, -pp 647-658 Abstract:. Consideration is givea to the equilibrium of a mechanical system ialth a finite number of degrees of freedom, which includes aflexible in- extensible filament, in a potential stable field of forces. An investigation is~ made of the variation of the potential energy of this~ system when the generalized coordinates of the system are deflected from an equilibrium 4UM position, and of the thread in positioji which corresponds to fixed variations of the indicated coordinates. The cQnditions are indi- cated, at which a specific positiveness of; the indicated~varinion of the Totential energy guarantees the stability of equilibrium.of the system. I Ugure. -5 references. 124 MON HUI Acc. Nr: Abstracti ng Service: Ref. Code: CHEMICAL ABiX, ~,K 0000 z r 119,42,5, 3-Ureldo adds qnd' dihydrouracils. M Kinetics j n hanism of -alkatine hydio~ysls of dihydrwar,acils. ll!gq,_ Iva B.: Kurtc~ LA. I.; (1w, Org, Bul,-,), -1. Chem. B 1970, i, -',32 -,5 !. Eng). The kinetics of allk. hydrolysi$ dihydrouracil-s al-e of III,! first and second urder in hyilroxfde iort, reverting to fi~,-it (apparent zero) order at 'high al-ky. The reaction is general base-catalyzed. A.-nechanism is suggestcd Lnv6lvinig reaction only Of 101C Ullionized species with ratt~-dctg. general basc catalysis by i~-ater and de- Compn. by hydroxide. jQTj Of the jetrahedral addri., ;nt~rmediate changing to ratc-dag. formation: of the auldn. hatcrinediatv at high alkalinities. RCGG REEL/FRAME 19,780800 /7 USSR UDG: 53. 0& + 3 89. 1: 613 ...TRESKUNOV, A.A. POZHAROV, A. V.-, DRUYAN, V. L and PROSKURNINA, N. M. "Problems of Metrological Provision of Instruments for Biological Aerosol Analysis" -Sb. Fiz. metody i vopr. metrol. biomed. izmereniy (Symposium on Physics Methods and Biomedical Metrology Problems) Moscow, 1972, pp 275-276 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metrologiyzi: i Izrneritel'naya Tekhnika, No 8, 197Z, Abstract No 8.12. 1010 by V. S. K.), Translation: Problems are considered of metrological provision of a class of analytical instruments for detection and concentration measure- ment of biological matters in air. Possibility of cr(tating a dustmeter for estimating the protein concentration in.air is analysed. The study of these problems showed the absence of methods a-ad ineans for calibration, ins spection and certification of this class dustmeter. In order to graduate 1/2 USSR bioirped. TRESKUNOV, A. A., et al., Sb. Fiz. rmtody i vopr. izmereniy, 1972, pp 275-P76 the dustmeter dial it is necessary to develop methods of concentration measurement for pure protein aerosol mixtures and also of obtaining certification mixtures. At LF VNIIMP an aersol biological indicator has been developed, whose operation is based on photornetering speci- mens with precipitated solid phase of aerosol in two adjoining intervals of IK-spectrurn region, one of which is selected by th* wave length common to most protcins. The investigations having been conducted showed that to facilitate solution of metrological problems it is expeadient to con- duct itemized error estimation of IK-rpectrophotorneter (air sampl6r, ~optical and electronic systems). 2/2 Ptef Code: Ace. Nr: Abstracting Service: IA(z Ooqi AP003420':( CHEMICAL AB ST'.... -7 r*,11193 Determination oflWde rO of 'plyintritajtcm of a Moni~m 'thod Polyphosp Otedtiometric titr;Ltion r0o D: Cul SSR Kubasnya. L - V.; i a 7. ' ~~y: b -i (~KUSS 31, wasniade yjusing ~a otentio'mitrie ti ru'. -with, 0.1 A' Itle'N"OH in 2 atin. .q11;1, on 0 4 ~ .1 PO increasing thetetnIi_f~om.s, 10400r" !av.A.p. OfINH~44 e 5 atom' i dehydr tion produft c ang - froin 12t SP s in a iihain. a The sh pe of tht pote Itiornei 1q:,cu e cli~nged with th~ U-ngth ap of tj~e j:lyphosphate in.'s be low-rw -I,wt. plibsphateii had two, fl tion points on the curve ihile the bigh-mol,iyt'. jhosaw phates had only one inflection poi t at lp~f 9. Apparentl' - n K, in long. polyphosphates, the. highly,'charged, anion on one en'dlof a long chain does not affect theAnalogods aWan ott the other eii W of this cha'in. -,J REEL/FRAME . ! -- -~ -- 7~ ~- . I I - ~Wu - I USSR UDC 632.95 BESSONOVA, I. V., VASHKOV, V. I., VOLKOV, Yu. P., VOLM11A, A. P., ZHLrK, Ye. B. TSETLIN, V. M., KLIMENCHLIK, V. I., POZHARSKAYA, Ye. "An Insecticide Composition" ~USSR Authorts Certificate No 288800, filed 13/05169, published 17/03/72 :(Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 24(115, 1972, Abstract No 24N593 Ps by T. A. Balyayeva) Translation: An.insecticide is suggested, containing as its active ingredient a synergistic mixture of 0,.0-dimethy! 0-(2,2,-dichlorovij-Lyl) phosphate (I) and an analog of the pyrethrins of the formula' -MezC=. CHEN CHCHzCQUC)1zN l~7 cmiz (II). Results are presented from determination of the degree of synergism and the insecticidal activity on houseflies. The compositio-a of an aerosol can Include 11 11, xylene, kerosene and a mixture of freons. The. preparate is nontoxic for warm blooded animals'. -4 4- USSR UDC 547-785-5-556-3 KOLODYAZJMYA S. N.) SMODIOV, A. M., ZHELTITGVA, N. IN and POZHARSKIY, A. F., Rostov State University., Rostov-on-Don "Intramolecular Nitrogen Bonding in a Series of 1-Substituted 2-Aminobenzimida- zols" Riga, Khiridya Geterotsiklicheskika Soyedin.enly, 51 May 1973, PP 714-715 Abstract: Corimounds of the type 1-aryl-2-aidnobenzimidRzol (I) form, in ~addition to the intemolecular bonds, intrarnolecular nitrogen bonding Vthich occurs in the o-position of N-aryl radic6" and leads to,theformation of dibenz [a,g] imidazo [2,l-CI(I'2,4,j triazines (TI-V as*'follows, q fl-V The ring closure occurs sirmth-ly in concentrated H P04;..the presence of HIIS04 3 results in the fonmtion of 5- and 6-azobenzi-riidazols A methyl group in the m-position on the N-aryl radical facilitates the ring closure. Elemental analysis, IR data, physical constants, and~molecular weights are given. 1 777-7 USSR UDC 547-859-V785-5:543.4.6 AM A. 1.) KASHPAROIT, 1. S., ANDBEICHIKOV, YU. P BURYAK, A. I., KONSWIMICHENKO A. A., and SU4MOV, A. M., Rostov-on-Dan State University "Heterocyclic Analogs of Pleiadiene. VII. Tautomerism, of 2-P.Mino-derivatives Aceperiinidine,-and Their Imidazole Analogs" of PerimidineY Riga, Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soyedineniy,, No 6. Jun 71, pp 807-813 Abstract: Analysis of the ionization constants, infrared and ultraviolet spectral data and of qaantum mechanical calculations show-ed that 2-aminoperi- Midines mid 2-aminoaceperinidines show a greater,tendency toward a tautomeric .equilibrium shift in the direction of the imino, form than, the 2-wminoderivatives of-4,5-diphenylimidazole, benzimidazole, and zrigular or linear naphtimidazoles. 'Mis tendency is believed to be connected with their I/r-electron structure.