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UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING OATE--040EC70 TITLE--EFFECT OF ZINC CONTENT ON THE TENDENCY OF BRASS TOWARDS CORROSION CRACKING -U- AUTHOR-f03)-GLIKMANv L*A.t LOBOVi A.F.11RUDIN, L.Yt. CO UNTRY OF INFO--USSR _,~SOURCE-FIZ. KHIM. MEKHAN. MA,T., 1970#6 1) 10-97 110 -"DATE PUBL [SHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS o,~T'OPIC TAGS-BRASS, SOLID SOLUTIONs CORROSION CRACKING, ZINC CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLAYS-UNCLASSIFIED P.ROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0222 STEP NO--UR/0369/701~)06/0(11/0109/0110 :1CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129478.. UNC LA SS I F I ED 013 UNCLASSI Fib rOROCESSING 0M-"TE--040EC70 CIRIC ACCESSION NO--AP0129478 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TENDENIl-f OF VARIOUS l'Yl)r--S Of- BRASS TOWARDS CORROSION CRACKING WAS STUDIED AS A FUNGTION OF ZM CONTENT. SOME REFINEMENTS WERE ACCORDI~',IGL~' INTO TH '--~ EXIST[MG VIEWS, I.E. THAT fNlCikEASliNG ZN CONTENT LlrA0S TO ZWC i-'EASED CtORROSION CRACKING, THIS IS IN FACT ONLY VALID,FOR ALPHA A1110 Ot"TA BRASSZS. iti BRASSES RICHER IN ZN, PARTICULARLY THOSE WITH THE STRUCTURE OF THE GAMMA SOLIO SOLUTIONY THE TEINOENCY TOWARDS CORROSION CRACKING IS GREATLY REDUCED. IN PURE AN THE TNEDNENCY VANISHES ENTIRELY- TECHNICAL TRANSLATION' rSTC-Irr-23-735-72 ENCLIS14 TITLE1 Detqrminiog Mean Rt,%t Tranefer Coorricionts with Built iz IT- -IF TITLnt ~-Dpreedul*ftiye Irelailth Xceffitaiyeatov Toplooba,4nd VatroyvanIzal AllfalcalorIx"tretzi AV711OR: V. X. Kapinoo, V. Pusto,alo"', Zhurnal, Volume 191 No& 2t IM PP 236-242 SOURCEI Translated for FSTC by Eric Peatody, Lao Kzanzer Anaociatto NOTICE Ila: The contents of this publication have been translated as preicntcd in the original text. No atteiript has been inadc to verify the occuracy of any statcment contained herein. This translation is published with a minimurn of copy editing and graphics preparation in order pedise the dissemination of infoitnation. Requests for additional copies of this tdoateultnent should be addressed to Otpattment A, National Technical Infatination Service, Sptingfield, Virginia 2215 1. Approved for public release: distribution unlirnited. Computerst!', P181tal A USSR UDC 681.323 RAYKHMAN, Ya. A., RUDKO, V. A., BUTKOV Yu. G., FURMAQN, N. A., and KOZLOV, V. A. "A Specialized Digital Computer for Calculating the Interconnections of Integrated Systems" Moscow, Oktrytiya, Izobreteniya, Fromyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 22, Aug 72, Author's Certificate No 298936, filed 8 Aug 68, published 14 Jul 72, p 249 Translation: This Author's Certificaee Introduces: 1. A specialized digi- tal computer for calculating the interconnections of integrated systems. The computer contains a memory device, address registers for given and current coordinates, comparison circuits, registers for points, an analysis circuit, a recording circuit, and an input/output module. As a distinguish ing feature of the patent, speed is increased and the ~Ievice is simplified by adding a block for transfers along X and Y and a circuit grouping block vith its output connected to the first inputs of the address register for current X and Y coordinates, whose se8ond Inputs are connected to the first outputs of the blocks for transfers along X and Y respectively. The first outputs of the current coordinate registers are connected through a converter 1/3 USSR RAYKHMAN, Ya. A., et al., Otkrytiya, tzabreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 22, Aug 72, Author's Certificate No 298936, filed 8 Aug 68, published 14 Jul 72, p 249 to the input of the memory device, and the second outputs are connected to the first inputs of the first and second comparison circuits respectively. The second inputs of these comparison circuits are connected to the outputs of the address registers for the given X and Y coordinates, and the outputs are connected to the first inputs of the modules for transfers along X and Y. The second output of the module for transfers along X is connected to the second input of the module for transfers along Y and vice versa. The third inputs of both transfer modules are c '6nnected to the corresponding outputs of the point analysis circuit, and the third outputs are connected to the inputs of the point recording circuit, whose output is connected to the first input of the point register, which is,connected to the memory device and to the circuit grouping block whose output is connected to the point analysis input. 2. A modification of this computer distinguished by the fact that the functional possibilities of the machine are extended by adding a coordi- nate register, boundary decoder, logic operations module and circuit suita- bility decoder to the circuit grouping block. The first output of the 2/3 38 USSR RAYKHMAN, Ya. A., et al., Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 22, Aug 72, Author's Certificate No 298936, filed 8 Aug 68, published 14 Jul 72, p 249 -suitability decoder is connected to the first input of the logic operations module whose outputs are connected to the corresponding inputs of the coordinate register, while the second inputs are connected to the outputs of the boundary decoder. The inputs of the boundary decoder are connected to the outputs of the coordinate register, and the second output of the suitability decoder is connected to the input of an element counter whose outputs are connected to the address register of the memory device. UNICIL ASS IF I ED PROCES5ING DATE- ,)3CT,7J TITLE--KINETICS OF TRLll4LfliYLULPRVJPANE SYNTHESIS ON DIE ANIfili EXCHANGE RFSIfq AV-17-8 -U- _AuriioR-(03J-KETSLAKH, M.M., RATANOVAt A.I., RUDKOVISKI'it D.M. .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .,SOURCE--NEFTEKHIMIYA 1970, 10(l), 68-95 _bATE PUbLISHED-----70 AREAS-CHEMISTRY I..."TOPIC TAGS-REACTION KINETICSt CHEMICAL SYNMESIS, kESIN, i*IETHANUL/(UJANIl 8 ION EXCHANGE RkSIN ~C ONTROL MARKING-~NO kESTRICTIONS .~__-DQCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,PKJXY REEL/FRAML--1992/1686 PROPANI-o ANION EXCHANGE STEP NQ--L)R/0204/70/t)10/001/0088/0095 _CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0112bb8 UNCLASSIFIED _A4 013 U14CLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--030CT70 CIRC ACCESSION ING-AP01128oa 'AbSTRACT/EXTRA% IT--( U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TITLE SYNTqESIS PROCEEDS IN 3 STEPS: PRCHO (1) PLUS CH SU62 0 (QH PRIME NEGATIVE) YIELDS ETCH(CH SUB2 OH)CH0 (11); 11 PLUS CH Skj3Z 0 (OH PRIME NEGATIVE) YIELDS ETC(CH SU62 OHJ SU62 CHO (III); III PLUS CH SUb'2 0 PLUS OH PRIME NEGATIVE YIELDS ETC(CH SU82 OH) SU63 (IV) PLUS HCO SU$2 PRIME NEGATIVE (RATE oErG.; V SUSI EfUALS 0 (IV)-DT EQUALS K SUSI till) (CH SU82 0) (ANEX)), ACCOMPANIED BY: 2CH SU52 0 PLUS OH PRIME NEGATIVE YIELDS ME-01H PLUS HCO SUB2 PRI14E NEGATIVE (V SUB2 EQUALS D(MECjH)-DT EQUALS K SU82 (CH SU32 0) PRINE2 (ANEXI), AND OTHER MINOR SLUE REACTIONS. OMMUM STAT;C CONDITIONS WERE: 50DEGREES, 30 MIN CONTACT TIME, MOL. RATIO 1: ANEX EQUALS 1-1.58 tANEX EQU4LS ANION EXCHANGE REsjNj. THE KINETICS WERE MEASURED AT 20-50UEGREES AND FOLLOWING EQUATIONS 4ERE OkAIVED: K SUBI EQUALS 7.62 TIMES LD PRLMEII-EAP IMINUSAMO"KT)s AND K SUdZ EQUALS 8.74 TIMES 10 PRIME16 EXP iMINUS 25900-RT). FACILITY: VSES.~ NAUCH. ISSLED. INST. NEFTEKHIM. PROTSESSOVY LENINGRAO, USSR. USSR UDC: 681-322.06:65.012.122 RUDKOVSKAYA, A. I. aSelection of Excessive Limits inTroblems of Large-Scale Linear lbrogramming" Tr. Mosk. ekon. stat. in-ta (Transactions of the Moscow Economics Statistics Institute) I'art 1, 1973,,pp 146-158 (from RZh-- Avtomatika, telemekharxika i vychislitellaaya tekhnika, No 12, 1973, Abstract No 12B110) Translationt Some methods permitting a reduction in the dimensions of a linear programming problem and exposing excessive limita- tions whose exclusion has no effect on the opti:~.,al plan are con- sidered. The performance of this procedure until the problem-is nolved leads to a reduction in the matrix of conditions and com-u- tation time on the electronic computer. Practical use of the do- scribed methods has reduced the dimensions of the orig:Lnal problem by as much as 1.5-2 times in some cases. The altorithm is given in the "ALGOL-601, language. Bibliography of two. A. M. USSR UDC: 681.322.06:65.012.122 IRUDKOVSKAY A. 1. "Selection of Excessive Limits in Problems of Large-Scale Linear Programming" Tr. Mosk. ekon stat. in-ta (Transactions of the Moscow Econoaics Statistics Institute) Part 1, 1971, pp 146-158 (from Uh-Avtomatilta, telemekhanika i vychislitellnaya tekhnika, No, 12, 1973, Abstract No 12B110) Translation: Some methods permitting a reduction in the dimensions of a linear programming problem and exposing excessive limitations whose exclusion has no effect on the optimal plan are considered. The performance of this procedure until the problem is solved leads to a reduction in the raatrix of conditions and computation time on the electronic computer. Practical use of the described methods has reduced the dimensions of the original problem by as much as 1.5-2 times in some cases. The algorithm is given in the "ALGOL-6011 language. Bibliography of two. A, M. USSR RUDKOVSKAYA, A. --I.. "Compression of Information in Large- Dimensionality Linear Programming Problems" Materialy Mezhvuz. Konf. po Mat. Obespecheniyu Avtomatizir. Sistem Upr. [Materials of Inter-University Conference on Software for Automatic Control Systems -- Collection of Works], Moscow, 1972, pp 196-202 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 9, 1973, Abstract No 9V526). Translation: At the present time, planning and control of the national economy -require the solution of linear programing problems of great dimen- sionality. Their solution, even using the most powerful computers, involves significant difficulties. This article presents one possible approach for compression of information in problems of high dimensionality. Application of this method allows the dimensionality of a model to be reduced by comparatively simple formal conversions performed on the basis of machine analysis of the matrix of conditions. A numerical example is presented. The author notes that analysis of the rows and colunm:5 eliminated requires that an economic foundation be provided for the possibility of flicir climilla- tilon; otherwise, valuable information may be lost. Practical utilization of tho algorithm presented in the work has shown its relative simplicity and 1/2 50 USSR Rudkovskaya, A. I., Materialy Mezhvuz. Kong. po Mat. Obespecheniyu Avtomatizir. Sistem Upr., Moscow, 1972, pp 196-202. effectiveness for elimination of balance-type limitations from a matrix. This type of limitation is common in models ofcontinuous production (chemical and oil refiniag operations, etc.). They are usually limitations on semi- finished goods: the entire intermediate product is consumed in the same production process. The program is written in ALGOL 60. 2/2 p 1/2 003 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--SATURATED ALIPHATIC ALUE14YOES -U- AUTHOR-(05)-ALEKSEYEVAt K.A.t DELNIKI V.8.1 YEFIMOVA, lial,s RUDKOVSKIYP TRIFELI A.G. -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S,DURCE--U.S.S.R. 265,102 :'REFERENCE--OTKRYTIYAw IZOBRET-vt PROM. OBRALTSY9 TOVARNYE ZNAKI 19701 DATE PUBLISHEO--09MAR70 .'SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY XOPIC TAGS--ALIPHATIC ALDEHYDE# ORGANIC, SYNTHESISt CHEMICAL PATENT ~,-CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1759 STEP CIRC ACCESSIGIN NU--AA0136999 UNCLASS1FIED 212 008 UNCLASS IF I ED rOACCESS ING 0ArE:-----0ltf)EC70 CIPr- ACCESSION NO-AA0136999 ABSTRACT/EXTFACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SATD. ALIPHATIC ALDEHYDI'-S ARE PREPDo 8Y CONDENSING LOWER ALDEHYDES OVER CO INAPHTHUNAI'L: 0;1 STEAl T U E, AND HYDROGENATING THE UNSATD. ALDEHYDES OVER THE SAME SALTS WITH SYNTHESIS GAS (CO-H SUB2 1:1) AT 100-80DEGREES TO 150-250 ATM. UNCLASSIFIEO 112 015 UNCLASSIFIED AlplGCE*SSING DATE--t'j4DECTO rITL.c--CATALYST FOR IHE SYNTHESIS OF ALCOHOLS BY THE REPPE 14ETHOD -u- AUTHOR-03)-30GORADOVSKAYA, N.14.1 COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KINET. KATAL. 1970t 11(3)t DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY IMYANITOV, N.le.., RUDKOVSKIYj O.M. 584-7 TOPIC TAGS--CATALYTIC. ORGANIC SYNTHESIS, ALCOHOL, ALKEINEp ION EXCHANGE RESIN, TERTIARY AMINE, CATALYST, CHEMICAL REACTION RATEj'(U)KU2 (Wi EXCHANGE RESIN CONTROL MARK I NG--N!) RESTR ICT IONS .~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605012/DO3 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140286 UNCI LA S S IF TED ovor 212 015 UNCLASSIFfED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION N0--AP01402a6 .'THE REAL CATALYST FOR PEPPE ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AaSTRACT. SYNTHES IS OF AL.CS. FROM OLEF INS 15 THE~ STRONG AC ID H SUB2 FE SW33 I CO) susu m. I WAS PREPD- FROM (HNET SU93) (HFE SUR3 (GO) SU611) USING ION EXCHANGE RESIN KU,2. THE EAPT. REVEALS THAT THE PLIFSENCE OF A TERTIARY AMINE IN HTE REACTION MIXT. (GLEFIN CO,H SIJB2,CATALYST) CAUSES A 3000 TIMES LOWEER RATE OF ALC. SYNTHE.S[S. I SYNTHESIS IS REPORTED. FACILITY: VSES. NAUCH.-ISSLED. INST. NEFTEKHIM. PROTSESS.f LENINGRADi USSR. UNCLASSIFIED amommommulaffiml 0 USSR KLIMOV, G. P., RUDLOVCHAK, V. "Invariant Randomized Estimate for Linear Regression Model" UpravlYayemyye Sluchayn. Protsessy i Sistemy fControlled Random Processes and Systems -- Collection of Works], Kiev, 1973, pp 197-204 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6VI75, by A. Rukhin). Translation: A group theory statement of the problem is used to indicate the form of the optimal invariant randomized estimate of the matrix of coefficients in a linear regression model. 16 UNCLASSIFIED, ,11LE-RELIEF WELDING OF BEARING CAGES -U- ~AUTHUR-.102)-PIKOVSKIYj A.M.r RUDMAN, -,-.,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR PROC ESSING OATE--090CT70 f \1 ;.~,.SuuKE--MOSC0Wj VESTNIK MASHINOSTROYENIYA# NO 3, 1970, PP 69-70 PU6LISHED-----70 .-SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, MECH.v IND.j CIVIL AND MARINE ~ENGR :TOPIC TAGS-BEARING MANUFACTURING PLANTr WELDINGt BIBLIOGRAPHYt AVIAfION INSTITUTE, TRACTOR, MECHANICAL TEST, k AND 0 COUPERATI014, R AND D COURDINATION CONTACL. MARKING--NO RESTR ICTIONS -~,,DOCUMENT.CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REELIF'RAML-199411469 STEP NU--VR/0122/70/000/00~~/0069/0070 CIRC A(;C[-SSICN Nu-AP011539b UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIAC ACCtSSI'1'~~ ','5--AP0115396 A5STRAt~T/ExTR;~'--T-1U) GP-0- AbSTRACT. THE FOURTH STATE 6EARING PLANT, JOINTLY wirH THE KUYBYSHEV AVIATION INSTITUTE CARRIED OUT A PRJJECT CONCERNED WITH THE REPLACEMENT OF SERIES PRODUCED BEARliNGS WITH RIVETED CAGE CONNECTIONS ~Y .4 DESIGN IN WHICH THE CAGES A~!E CONNECTED UPO'N ASSEMBLY bY RELIEF ;1-~ELOING. MECHANICAL TESTS r,"RIFIRmED THE HIGH STATIC a A ;7 f- 14 STRENGTH CiF THE POINT WELDING CONNECTIONS. rHC 4CTU L -- FlfL-iTCY OF THE WLLDED CAGES WAS ESTABLISHED BY STAND ANk) OPERATIONAL TESTS 03F THE -REAkINGS. TEST UNDER IDENTICAL OPERATING CONUITIONS SHD4ED THAT BEARINiGS WITH A WELDED CAGE HAVE A CONTROL LONGEVITY 1.63 TIMES HIGHER THAN 00 BEARINGS WITH A RIVETED CAGE, AND AN AVERAGE LONGEVITY 2.4 TIMES HIGHER. EXPERIMENTAL LOTS OF BEARINGS WITH WELDED CAGUS WERE DELIVERED TO TRACTOR PLANTS AND WERE TESTED IN AGRICULTURAL AND TRANSPORT OPERATIONS. THE- TESTS WERE FUCLY, SAT11FACTORY~' UNCLASSIFIED, USSIR UDC: 6~-i.9.02-4:669.14-01-8.8 BELOV, B. XH., Candidate of Economic Sciences, RUMTEV, A. V. , Candidate of Technical. Sciences, and CHEREYISIN, V. T. uMachinability of Precipitation Hardened Stainle--s Grades of SteeVl Moscow, Mashinostroitelf, No 5, MaY 73), p 29 Abstract: Studies were conducted at the All-Union "'~cj.(--;itific-Research TnsLrumen~u Institute (VNII) on determining the optimal conditions for machining the mo5t characteristic representatives of precipitation hardened, stainless gradps of steel. These studies made it possible to detemine the most rational tool material, geometric parameters for tool sharpening, cutting regimes, and other effective conditions involved in machining operations such as turning, milling, drilling, and cutting threads with tapq. The cutters subjected to stability testing were made from the VY6 and TlhK8 hard alloys and the RlOY,5F"' high-speed cutting steel designated for turning Khl7N5M3 grade steel. of various hardriess and Khl5!49Yu grade steel with an HB of 170 at various cutting -regimes. 'Phe results show that the stability of hard-faced cutters is reduced as cuttijit, ~ speed and hardness of the machined grades of steel are increased, An insiMificLnt i-nerease in stability was obtained by machining w-Lth cuW!rs made from the UhM hard alloy, in comparison with cutters made from the VK6 hard alloy for nanchininiy steel with an HT3 of 300- in machining the Kh17N5M3 grade of steel (HB hldt~, 74 - BEIM$ B. KH.$ et al, Mashinostroitell, No 5, May 73, p 29 it was determined that cutters made from the VK6 grade hard alloy were most stable. Data on milling are also given. The results show that optimal results are obtained at a cutting speed of 21-27m/minute, at a feed of 0-04-0-05min/tooth, and a cutting depth of up to 6mm. 2/2 %sea 00tocE TITLE-LUt-*ICANT CAOLANT FOR COLD wORKtNG OF XETALS~-U- AUTHOR-4051-SOKOLOVSKAYAr VeVev RUDNEVt!.A*V.v GARI8kjVt BAR INOV t V &YE CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR "'SGURCE-U*S*S*R* 264,58t tNG CAT soocrTo WaRot LEYN* YU-I-t ...'ALEFEREINCE-UTKRYTIYA, lZUf3RET*w PROM* GBAAZtSYl TOVARNYE ZNAKI, 1910, -,."OATE PUbLISHED--03MARIC SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TCPIC tAGS-MC-TALWORKING LUBRICANT, CHE141CAL PATENT# HEAT TRANSFER FLUID# GLYCEkGLt ETHYLENE GLYCOL ~'CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .-,.~-DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/fRAME--3002/0093 STEP NO--UR/0482/70/0001000/0000/0000 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AA0127720 UNCLASSIFIED I IUNCL.ASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--30OCTTO LIRC ACCESSION ND--AA0127720 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE LIQ. CONTAINS CALCINED SODA 0.3-0.4, NANG SU82 0,12-0,14, NA TARTRAYE 0,14-0.16, NAUH 0.03-0.05t GLYCEROL OR ETHYLENE GLYCOL 0.002-0.005,p AfID H SUB2 0 TO MAKE 10OPERCENT. FACILITY: VSESOYUZNYY NAUCHNG# ISSLEDOVATELISKIY INSTRUMENTAL#NYY INSTITUT. I II 'USSR UDC 536.46-662.3i.i Vnybmov, V. N., RUDNEV, A. P., Tomsk P "Concerning Necessary Conditions of Stable Burning of -c-wder in a Semi- closed Chariber" Moscow, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Mekhaniki i Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vo 6, Nov/Dec 72, pp 100-98 Abstract: An investigation is made in the linear approxination of low frequency stability of the stationary mode of burning of powder in a semiclosed chamber with regard to incomplete combustion, thermal losses axe fourA 'or stc- to the walls and dynamic erosion. 11 cessary cond, bility of combustion. Qualitative conclusions are (Irawn thn i~ffect that inccr.,iplete chendcal reections, thermal- losses and crosion exercise a destabilizing influence on the combustion process. Of three possible stationary nodes, only two are stable. The existence of cambustion limits with respect to pressure is observed. 17 1/2 020, UNCLASSI FIE6 PR6CESSENG DATE--040EC70 :TITLE--SOME PECULIARITIES OF ECOLOGY OF CARPOCAPSA POMONELLA L. WINTERING 1N SOIL -U- AUTHOR-021-RUONEVt D.F., GROOSKIYs V.A. ~_COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '~'SOURCE_-VESTNIK ZOOLOGIlt 1970v NR 3t PP 42-46 -;DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,.SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--INSECTA, HIBERNATICN, GEOGRA~HJC LOCATIONP ECOLOGY 014TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTICNS .:DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--3003/1135 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP013016to UNCLASSH:IED 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-040ECTO CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0130164' ..ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THERE ARE CONTRAOICWRY DATA IN JHE PROBLEM OF CARPOCAPSA POMONELLA L. CATERPILLAR PLACE OF PUPATION AND WINTERING* AS A RESULT OF INVESTIGATIONSt CARRIED Okir IN L964-1965 IN THE GARDENS OF ZAPOROZHIE REGION OF THE UKRAINE, IT 'WAS ESTABLISHED THAT IN THE STEPPE ZONE OF THE UKRAINE CATERPILLARS HIBERNATE NOr ONLY ON THE TREES BUT ALSO IN SOIL (27-36PERCENT)p IBOTH IN CULTlv,N*rED AND UNCULTIVATED ONE; THE MAIN QUANTITY OF CATERPILLARS IN SOIL (4-3-57PERCENT) ARE ARRANGED NEAR THE ROOTICOLLARy 26-:29PEI.kCENT Or- CATERPILLARS AT A DISTANCE UP TO 0.5 M FORM THE TRUNK. COCOONS LIE IN THE SOILS AT THE DEPTH OF 1-5CM; THE DEATH RATE OF CATERPILLARSt WINTERING ON TREESt FROM ENTOMOPHAGES AND UNFAVOURABLE COUDmONS -REACHES 35PERCENT WHEREAS IN SOIL THE CATERPILLARS AM'E ALMOST COMPLETELY SO, SOIL IS A VERY FAVUURABL'E PLACE FOR WINTERING OF CIOTERPILLARS OF CARPOCAPSA POMUNELLA L. FAC It'. I T Y; INSTIrUTE OF ...-.PLANT PROTECTION# KIEV* UINC L A S S I F I E 0 USSR UDC 632.95 RUDNEV, G. K., and KHASKIN, 1. G. A Method of Synthesizing Oxime Esters of Chlorocinnamic Acid" USSR Author's Certificate No 264396, filed 1-5 Jan 68, published 11 Jun 70 (from RZh-Khimiva, No 3, 10 Peb 71, Abstract No 3N598 P) Translation: Compounds of the general formula PhCh=CClC