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PJIVFLIGIV~ M., rnsvetnyy4E, Vet lly, INO 3, r 70, PP 50-52 .a e b~l-ets were annealed at 12 C 00C. For t~--.B total rolling Lh deforim--i,ion vas 40 to 6,Yi.?; for 20 pines -- 33~- T~--e -p-'yes passed -a7rtenin- tests to the noint of wall contiguity. The new tecIzioloily of the ma,es it possible to redi,,ce by 2 to 2-5 tizes the cost of the Zflznioh~ad product-, vith the physicomechunical. propertier. remaining the,sarte. 2/2 1/2 012 UNCLASSIFLED PROCESSING DArE-04DE~70 ~'TITLE-CONTINUOUS DITSCHARGE OF SLAG FROWA LEAD FURNACE.AT THE ELEKTROTSINK PLANT -U- AUTH0R-(03)-SAUTIYEV, T.D., ALIKOVY A.B.9 BINDER, S.I. ~_COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR w SOUPCE--TSVET. METAL. 1970, 43(4), 42-4* ,,:..,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-LEAD ORE, METALLURGIC PLANT EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY, METALLURGIC SLAG, MErALLURGIC-FURNAGE,, SMELTING, FURNACE CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLAr3S--U,'llCLASSfFIE0 PROXY RFEL/f'RAINE-3095/0116 -S T E P CIRC ACCESSION' NO--AP0132409 212 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS[N(; DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0132409 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT CONT I NUOU SDISCHARGE OF A SLAG OF COMPN. FEO 28.5-36.3, CAD IL.87-17.9,. AND SIO SUEQ- 20.6-22.1PEPCENi ES THE LEADS TO SMOOTHER OPERATION OF THE SHAFT FURNACE, IMPROVE FUNCTIONING OF THE TUYERES OPPOSITE THE SLAG TAP,"fNk; HGLE, SO THAr THE FURNACE BEINGS TO OPERATE ACTIVELY OVER THE WHOLE SECTIONi, AND CONSIDERABLY IMPROVES THE WORKING CONDITIONS. WITH LIRE SLAG, CONTINUOUS.OPERATION INCREASES THE RATE OF SMELTING BV 7 TON-M PRIMEZ-DAYP REDUCES THE A14To OF DUSTt; ANO REDUUS' FUEL CONSUMPTION. u i I k- i-J. k.:) -1 L F 11 E` ID . I ~ I. - II I. ... . ......... 'M-irflhhHiM- Intl II-H-WzF'v- .......... HHHH11iiiiiiiiO w 4H!qJqkHHHd-'ji6Ki MAHA USSR UDC: 51:155.01-57:681.3.o6 GLADUV, V. P., MAZAYEVA, S. P., SAVA, I. G. "Experiments on Pattern Recognition Using Growing Networks" Probl. bioniki. Resp. nezhved. temat. naucIi.-tekhn. sb. (Problems of Bionics. Republic Interdepartmental Thematic Scientific and Technical Collection), 1971, V-aP. 66, pp 63-69 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dee 71, Abstract No 12V1001) Translation: An algorithm for teaching growing retvorks to recognize patterns is described. A method of realizirg this algorithm in the form of a computer program is considered together with digital computer experi- meats which illustrate operation of the algorithm.. Authors' abstract. 86 USSR UDC 669-.2R5..(YY.Z54 GALITSKIY, N. V., SAVADOVSKAYA, V. N., and DIEROLUIIEV, V. 1. "On the Solubility of Pentachloride of Nolybdentm in TItanium Tetrachloride" Moscow, Metallurgiya i Khimiya Titana (Institut Titana)~, Metallurgi-ya Publishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 34-36 Translation: The solubility Of MOC15 in TiC14 at temperatures of 4,. Z5,- 65- and 100*C is determined by the saturation method. In. this temperature in- terval, it changes from 0.002 to 0.034 of a molecular particle. The beat Of'sGlution Of tIOC15 in TiC14 is All*solu:- 6.82 0.2 gigacalories per- mole. ti es. -Four illustrations, one table, and! six., bibliograp ic e tri T, USSR UDC 547.20"'118 + 547.245 SAVAL'YETI, N. I., XOSTYUK, A. S., BAUKOV, Yu. I., ancl LUTSENKO, 1. F., Moscow _~y in -4&~~ei;_si ard I.I. V. Lomonosov "Reaction of Trialk:,lsilylketenes With DiallUl Phosphites and Dial'.Lqri thio- phosphatesn Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Kh:Lmii, Vol 41 '103), :4o 2'. Feb 71, pp 434-486 Abstract: Dirrethvl esters acid, b.T). 790/2mm, n3~- 1.4378, d2O 1 0556 --nd acid 20 4 b.p. 830/2nm, r-kj 1.4740, ZO 1.1214 were synthesized iYj the reaction o--:' tri- alkylsilylketenes with dialkyl phosphites and dialkyl Lhiophosp~ites i_n pres- ence of cataly-L-ic amount3 of triethylamine. it i5 prc~joscd that forlmpt~_on of the esters is a secondary process going through the for- mation of CF. SiC,Hq(COJ'F(IX)(Oq)2] analogously to the reaation of dialkyl phos- phites and t Loph;,-phites vith ketene. MIT, USSR CDC' 678-06a678-742-2 SAVARWRIYo V. V. "Use Of.Polyethylene in Bone Prosthesis" Yloseowp Plasticheakiye Massyp No 2, Feb 72, p 68 Abstracta Polymers now used as prosthetic materials durinjS r:,urgery, such as the copolymers of styrene and methyl metacrylate, axe not satisfactory on account of their rigidity and brIttleness. The author reports on high-density polyethylene, which is relatively free from those defects. Granulated polyethylene is sterilized in boiling water for I hourg following which it is pressed into plastic sheets at i5OOC and 300-4.00 kg/cm2- pressure; it is then inpoued on a plaster cast of the damaged bone area. Minor adjustzents in profile can be made after sab- merging the polyethylene for about 10 minutes in boiling wot6r, This material Is quite strong at 20-3000# and very elastic at 100- 1200C, and hence adaptable to shapingl it can be cut uith scissors. In addition,, it is free from any poisonous or irxitant materials. Some 100 operations have already been successful2y performed with its use. 1A Ussi UDC: 669.15:621.7P5 on, d BERNISUTEYN, L. , W'U", L. 7A. SAMEDOV, 0. V., ;loscow Institute of Steel and jUlo,,,s "Inheriting the Thermomechanical Strengthening of 30K1h2G'1,T Steel" Sverdlovsk, Fizika reLallov i matallovedeniye, Vol 32, No 4, Oct 71, pp 313-313 Abstract: Doscribed is a study of the mechanical properties of 30Kh2C:1T steel quenched and tempered following prelininary iiigh-ten. 1~rature strain hardening uith henti-.,,g the do-fornied austenite as sup~-rcooled. it is showil that repeated quenching following iiigiv-temperature m~2clianical treatna-at facilitates the inheritance of hi-In nechanical proper-4es. TI-C restoration of the higher properties is the more complete the lon-er the heatin- duration of the hot-deforrzed austeaite in the bainite region. The ef fect is observed when the bigh-temperature.tiiermo--echanical. treatment is followed bv isothernal decav.. The effect of "inheritance" is also observed during repeated quenching following low-tem-3erature ther-mom-e-chanical treatmr~nt with isothermal decay of austenite. Tile nature of this P'11.M0!-.1en0n is (iiSCUSSC-d with regard to the mnetallographic analysis of the ImIlA.,11 aw',tcmite orain 1/2 USSR BERSHTEYN, M. L., et al, Fizika merallov i metallovedeniye, Vol 32, 11"o 4, Oct 71, pp 813-818 in which Dicric acid has failed to produce an unambiguous etching nattern and has most likely revealed, in addition to large-angle grain boundaries, the boundaries of a substructure. (6 illustrations, 5 bibliographic references) 2/2 USSR -uDc ft5.285-7-089-0306-11-085-835.3 8A.YATWMV,_N_:V., BREST11-CINA, L. M., TVIKOKY, V. D., POZEDIRISSYAYA, T. D., and FROLOV., S. F. "Cormpressed Oxygen in the Treatment of Acute Chlorophos Poisoning" Mzscov, Farnakolo.giya i Toksikologiya, No 6, W72, PP 738-741 Abstract: Injection off rats with the pesticide chlorophois (1000 produced the characteristic symptoms of organophosphorus poisoning in 10 minutes. Ad-Tin- istration of oxygen -under non,,.al barometric pressure at this time had no effect on the symptoms, but it slightly increased the ani-rals' time. On the other hand, oyy~:en under a pressure of 3 atm, not only mitigated the coursc of the intoxication, but increased -the survival time SUbStant-f ally. Atropine alone or administered in combination with oxygern 10 ridn after injection of chlorophos had no effect on tile outcoymz of the poisoninS, al-thou,:-,h it g7reaLly relieved the symptors. Compressed oxygen and atropine used separately 60 min after poisoning had no effect on 'the course or outcome, but when the two were used at the sw:;e time, they produced a marked therapeutic ef-fect and a hig1laer survival rate. Treatment of the animals with atropirm., and TRB-4 resulted in a 90 to 100% survival rate. And when the two aGents vere conbined with oxygen, the animals vere outwardly indistin6uishable from controls after only I hour in the 'amber. pressure Qh nu izw,~C USSR UIDC 577.3-50.8:577.153.4:615.785.4 TON'KOPIY, V. D., SAVATEYF NOV, A. N., BRESTKIN, A. P., and Pi~, ,a emy Imeni S. M. Kirov, Institute of Evolutional Military Medical A~.~& Physiology and Biochemistry Imeni 1. M. Sechenov, Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad "Determination of Cholinesterase Activity in Tissues of Animals After the Action of Reversible Inhibitors" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 207, No 3, Nov 72, pp 736-738 Abstract: A new method was developed for the determination of cholinesterase activity after introduction of reversible inhibitors, based on their ability to retard cholinesterase activity with irreversible organophosphorus in- hibitors [POI]. The inhibition of the enzyme -- j can be determined by the rate of cholinesterase hydrolysis of acetyleholiae aftar addition of POI to the investigated tissue in absence of and after addition of the reversible inhibitor. The formula for the cholinesterase inhibition is: J,% 100 ig VI/.vt 1 100 1g vo/Vt 7F-_M,'FT'_FTrFMTM -7F j? j~7,j:;! UTFT USSR TMOKY, V. D., et al., Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,.Vol 207, No 3, Nov 72, pp 736-738 where vi represents respective rates of enzyme hydrolysis; vo -_ in absence of inhibitors, vt -- after incubation with POI, vi -- in presence of reversible inhibitor, and vt i -- in presence of raver-sible, inhibitor followed by incubation with POI. Animal experiments were carried out on the inhibition of cholinesterase in blood and brain. Considerable de- pression of cholinesterase activity was noted with.armine as the irre- versible inhibitor and galantamine as the reversible one, corresponding to clinical symptonts. The Hestrin and,potentiometric.titration methods showed no depression of enzyme aetivit~'.- 212 J11RS 23 January 1973 UDC DEMKINING CHOLIMSTERASE ACrIVITY Jr, Alu'VALS' TISSUES FOLLOIN"ING TIM ACTIM, OF REVEMPLE WHIBIlOP-1; 'Azticle TontsLky. rl 11 viv A. P, 11rcutkin, and _Fzzo - itut. of L v, AcaZamy of Mill tary -.:onary Ph7sioloa and Dicchemistry imeni 1. M. Sechenov, AcaAe=y of Sclencea Ur_1R,LcninEr&d (presented by Academician Ye. M. Krepa, 27 February 1972) ; 11;osc--v, Da%lady Akademli rark SSSH, Russian, Vol 20T, No 3, 1972, pp 736-738i Some rev6relble cbolineaterare (ChE) inhibitors, Ircludirg galantha- =11=a, tatrime, and.otharr., are -fc%L-d ~in wide usse. in.sr_-,tc=telogy. and ey-~erioentea studies. When- studying the roletlonsbil tatusen the C=ti- cholizesteraga activity of reversible inhibitors (1) and their biological erfect~ it Is extremely t-.portunt to know the degree of enzyme Inhibition (j) in various organs amd tissues of the organism following Injection Of these Inhibitors. The magnitude of j representu the relation of CbE con- castration combined in the enzyme-Inhibitor cc-g-plex [EI) to the total- enzyme co"antration. [E] 4 in the care of a compittitiva type of inhibitor. is expresae4 Z., sbne formula., Ai+ Itt ubere [I] to the Inhibitor concentration in the tissue studied, and X, in the inhibitor constant. :1. would seem that the simplest ~&y to 6vtoarmine the magnitude of j uld be by the reduction of ChE activity in the tinsue sample in relation - to the substrate - the acetylcholine (ACh), for example. If the concen- tration of the substrate (C3 is relatlYcly low and does not yat reduce the enzZme's catalytic effect (inhibition by an excess of substrate ia charac- 11. teristic of acetylcholine ate rkoe) , then the relation of Yo. the rate of A enzymatic reaction before administration of 1, to vt, the rate of enzymatic rX USSR Q VZ 4, 5 USSR 4 464-oS:616-ogg uDc: 612.01 --: N.V., Professor, Col. Med Serv, TONKOPIY, V.D., Ca didate of SAVAT)2W p Medical Sciences) Capt Med Serv, and FROLOV, S.F. "Oxybarotherapy of Some Acute Poisonings" Moscow, Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Z-hurnal, Vo 2, 1970, pp 23-28 Abstract: This review of the Soviet and foreign literatiire shos's that oxy- y (hyperbaric oxygenation) is an ef ctive method of treating barotherap Jfe acute carbon monoxide poisoning. Animal experiments indicate that it may also be effective in treating poisoning by methemoglobinformers, cyanides, 'th th and barbiturates. Some of the hazards connected tri e use of oxygen under pressure are pointed out. Further research is needed to determine optimum regimes and indications for use in different kinds of poisonings. USSE UDC ~21.. V CalcullatIng, the Dif.fusic-n of T"oisture a Plastic Int-elgrated Cij.,cui-, Eousling" Elektron. j Sb. P~ Te chz,!~, -IoRT Se J, en- &nd Tcc.-inical 19712 Wyp. 1(27), pp 70-73 (frorq 1117 t 'inika. -~'c; 8 ilucr ij Abstract !"o 8V233) Tran-la-t-ion: The aitl-ior considers a phYr,--,r-,ai- modal a j- PO-Lym; [I- i,,', t4-",g--at.,---d microcir(,uf t; 1.,ou-sin-gr and i ts Using the level of diffu~,;ion, a Solution i;~ '(Dul-A 7,11ic`i the dif.,:usicn of va.ror Jnto t*r.-e h,,:)usi,-ir .it &~!~t::j-;-Jized -raL;1~ C is given for the moist-ure prol - ing .ct~ a-, e r ec charp -,ristic- of a po lyme r he u S i nand an example of calculating it's t*..--..'cknc3s is presented. Res' NN -IN "1164. LWP 539.4 RUIMN, V. S. and Sqk Ufa. Aviation Tnstitute imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze *Relaxation Stability of Residual Stresses in 13DIMMA Steel" Kiev# Problemy Prochnosti, No 5, May ?3* PP 88-91 Abstracti On the basis of experimental investigation Luid statistical pro- ceasing of data, a mathematical model of the relaxation process of residual stresses was derived which takes into account the magnitude of Initial technological stresses and exploitation conditions (time, temperature, static working stresses). The derived rules make it potsible to evaluate the required magnitude of primary technological stresses or, by known initial technological stresses, to detex-mine the aetual value of residual stres5es of the part in operation. The residual stresses in paxtz of 13Yb12NVMFA stel retain sufficient stability up to 250-3000C. Below thLvae temperatur-3s, an effective rise of strength characteristics of parts is possible at tile expense of application of favorable,compressing residwa stresses. one figure, two tables, five bibliographic references. IN USSR KLIMENKO, V. P., $AYLUAL 0. N. "Realization of the Dialogue Mode in the Mir-2 Computer" Konstruirovaniye i vnedreniye novykh sredstv vychisl. teklin. T. I [Design and Introduction of New Computer Equipment. Volur.1- I -- Collec- tion of Works], Kiev, 1971, pp 61-64 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal - Kibernetika, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8 V638 by V. Ostrovskiy) Translation: A brief description is presented of a laTiguage designed to support dialogue between the user the Mir-2 computer, allowing operational interference in the process of problem solving in order to introduce changes to initial data or to the program. The computer and user exchange portions of information in sequence. User messages are in the form of statements, which the compute; may answer by all aVailable information out- put devices. Two types of statements are allowed: informative (declarative statement) and directive (imperative statement). The machine records the information produced and formulates a description of the objects or operators of the input language. Directives can be used to indicate the sequence of operators to be performed (stored in advance or contained in the directives). In contrast to informatives, all inf=mation relating to a certain directive 1/2 82 USSR KL DIENIKO, V. P., SAVCHAK, 0. N., Konstruirovaniye i vnedreniye novyk)) sredstv vychisl. tkehn. T. 1, Kiev, 1971, pp 61-64 is eliminated after the directive is performed. The language suggested con- tains informatives of three types and seven varieties of directives. 2/2 112 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 .,.-rITLE--ON THE ROLE OF COPPER:AND VITAMIN.C METABOLISM DlSokDERS IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF CHRONIC ECZEMA -U- AUTHOR--SAVCHAK* V.(. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :. _-SOURCE--VESTNIK DERMATOLOGII I VENERO'OGIIt 1970p NIZ 3# PP 28-32 aA T EP.UBL I SHED-----70 -SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~'-TOPIC TAGS--COPPERt VITAMIN METABOLISMv;BLOOD PLASMAr URINEj UERMATITIS T P 7L PESTAtICTIUNS CLASS-UNICLASSIFIEO PA,OXY REEL/FRAME--1986/0688 STEP NO--UR/0206170/JOD/003/0028/0032 CIRC ACCESSIC-N NO-AP0102672 ;J I M! F.: 1. Ml. ~.t. ~xln, 'E S. 212 030 UNCL AS 5 1 F I ED 1) RIX, SING L)ATE-;-02')CT7C I Rr ACCESSION N0--AP0102b72 ABSTP ACT/ EXTRACT--( U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CONTEpa OF COPPER IN TIHE BLOOD PLASMA AND~BLQOD CELLSt AND THE LEVEL OF VITAMIN C IN THE 3LOCID PLASlA AND IN DIURNAL SAMPLE OF THE URINE WERF DETERMINED* IN 86 PATIENTS 141TH CHRONIC ECZEMA. IN THE MAJORITY OF THE PATIENTS 182.6PERCENT) INCREASED CONTENT OF COPPER AND REDUCED LEVEL OF VITAMIN C,-.45 WELL AS REOUCT13N INATS EXCRET-ION IN THE URINE WERE FOUND. COPPER METABOLISM AND VITAMIN C METABOLISM IN PATIENTS WITH ECZEMA WERE INVERSELY RELATED. _THE-DETECTE-D ICHANGES IN COPPER AND VITAMIN C METABOLISM 1-4 SUCH PATIE TS :SEEM TO PLAY A ROLE IN PATHOGENETIC MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT JF ECZE.14A. UNCLASSIFIED _-i ~fn rLjSS UDC-535-373.3 BELIKOVA, T. P., "AC-- SVIRIDEITIm, E. A. M "Lin-ainescence Kinetics o Zn-q-Cu during a-Pulse. of ! v2o-Phot on Excitation" Izvestiya Ahadeviii Nauk SSSR, Seriya.Fizicheskaya (NI'evis of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Physics Seriep), V01, T5, Ro 7, 1971 PP 1454-1457 Abstract: A ruby laser is used to excite ZnS-Gu crystals. Two- FhME"o-nabsorption ionizes the copper centers, 173lectrons are pro- mated from, these centers into the conduction zzone. 141ree elect-rons in.the conduction zone are captured by traps, ave liberated by heat, and radiate light when they recombine -.rith ionized cent-ers. The luminescence intensity, which should be related as the fourth -D(n-rer to the excitation intensity in terms of a bimolecular model, Ms found -ex-Derinentally to be more complex. DI.- is sug U -,gested that one-Dhoton absorption of red light should be taken into account because 1) this t7.-_oe,of absorption can neutrali,,,e the copper cont-ors w-ith electrons frotm t~e valenca zone, and 21, one-p-hoton 112 USSR BELLKOVA, T. P. et al, Izvestiy-- Alr.ademii Eauk SSSR Seriya Fizi- Rheslka-ya, Vol 35, ITO 7, 1971, pp 1L.,,54-1457 release of electrons from trans near the bottom of the conduct-ion zone can resulr, in luminescence. One-Dhoton Drocesses were observed during two-photon excitation. Calculations of kinetic equations, taking these processes into account, agree well with experLment. Analysis of the one-nhoton- T)rocesses made it nossible to estimate the cross section of one- photon transitions of electrons from the valence zone to the ionized copper centers (1.6 'A' jo-17(,,m_,). Theoretical and calcu- lated curves for the intensity of luminescence as a fanction of the intensity of excitation are in Food agreement. The :authors thank. M. D. Galanin for encouragement and L. A. Pak- h om-yeheva for assistance in the work. Orig- a has 4 f'ss- and 3 refs. 212 119 1/2 053 UNCLASSIFIED DATE--230CT70 ABSORPTION BY RUBY IN THE PRE BREAKOOWN STATE -U- AUTHOR-(03)-BELIKOVAP T.P., SAVCHENKOt APN,t SVIRIDENKOV, E.A. OF INFO--USSR EKSPE;W-1ENTALINOY I TEOP ETICHESKOY FIZIKI, 19701 VOL 58, NR 6# PP 1899-1903 PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~_SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS---LIGHT ABSORPTIONv RUBY LASERt RUBYt SHOCK WAVE .,-~CQITROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~.~,,:DLICUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1719 STEP P.'G--UR/01)56/'1,3/058/006/18()9/1903 C[RC ACCESSION Nfl--AP0120431 f C: F rZ r'V --230CT70 2/2 053 UNCLASSIFIED Pf"CICESSING DATE CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120431 IT kPUL lWBY ,ABSTRACT/EXT RACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INTENSE LIGI FROM A POWE LASER IN FOUND TO INDUCE IN THE RUBY AN ABSORPTION INCR~:ASEP PRECEDING DESTRUCTION. THE IKINETICS OF THIS INCREASE UNDE14 THE ACTION OF THE PULSE IS INVEST [GATED. EST11MATES. ARE MADE OF Tli-:_: DEPENOENCE OF THE SHOCKWAVE PRESSURE ON THE ABSORPTION A140 INTENSITY Or- rHE INCIDENT LIGHT. FACILITY: FIZZ[CHESKIYANSTITUT IM. P.N. LEBEDEVA AN SSSR. UNCLASSIFIED UI)0:612,744+612,825.4 BERDINA, K. A. , KOLENRO, 0. L., KM, YA. 1-1. , ka-2P7-"1'.S9Y_f.1s.1-_T., RADIMOVI 1 11 SAVCIT,;,,~, ,. - , and TMORTEWSOY, V. 1., Departraent of fliuian and A;Ira'I' FAM1**og"y,bTolomr-S oil Faculty2 Mloscow- State University; Ph,ysioloEy Department of Poentgenology and Radiology, First I-l'oscoir Medical Institute; Physiology of Work, Section, Institute of Indust-rial:Hygiene and Occurational Diseases, Academy of 1.11edical Soiences USSRt Eoscow 'Efficiency and Blood Supply o.V Skeletal 1"Uscles During Emotional Stress Induced by Eental Aritimetic" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhuxnal SSR imeni I. M. Se;;hanova, No 4, 1971, PP 316-555 Abstracti Enotilonal ztruss arizing from nental addition and 15ubtraction pro- uced in Lost human subJects an -increase In the voltnietrIc blood flow rats d (by 85;-5 on the averaGe) in resting muscles of the forearm. 11hen mental arithmetic was combined w. I il r4th voluntary nuscular exertion (on a squeeze dyna- laor4eter) or isozetric contraction of the antebrachial muacles elicited by electric sti-mulation of the nerve, nuscular perfo=znce 'Ancreaxed by 40' and 15YI4, respectively. This happened in only*thosrs subjectu In whom rental 1/2 8i USSR BEEIRDIRAi H. A. I et al, f Fiziologichesk.1y Zhurnal SSR imeni L M. Bechenova, No 4, 157-1. PP 546-555 arithmetic intensified the blood flow in resting nuscies. 1ntv--j,=teria_l Anjection of atXODIrle r,=kedly slowed the increase In rate of blood flow in resting muscles due to mental arit It also rJeduced the length of -hmetic. time exertion on the squeeze dynamometer could. be sustained. St=ess-induced muscular efficiency is ascribed to increased blood flow not- in 1--he wo kin r muscles but in the resting muscles. as a result of change in muscle metabolism brought about by the sympathetic nervous sysiem. 2/2 IM, 0482 Soviet1nventions Illustrated, Sedtion I Ch 71 enlical Dervent, 240212 TLINDISItFOR CONTINUOU!JICASTING has a d.~shed .9ttom,and"islined to a SiYen or rourfded b radiuP. The rigidity of the Oelded tu"Uh 6aing is improved in this ~ay, an important factor.lin that the tundish is the most fajjurew-proae comprising the continuous castIng system. A 1:9750300 1.6-63 as 839656122-2. -SAVCHM40.A.P. FAY14EYTS,YA.i. (25.8.69) Bul 12/21.3.69. Claps 31 Int-777 776. :1.91750301 USSR SAVCHENKO B I and GUBENKO, T. L., Od6ssa Institute of Virology and Epideao ogy imeni 1. 1. Mechnikov 'iImmunogenic Activity of Freshly Isolated Hemagglutinating ECHO Viruses" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, p 491 Translation: The immunogenic activity of 18 freshly isolated strains of nine sero t~rpos of hemagglutinating viruses of tho ECHO group vas studied. '.Pne tests vore performed on -,~:Uta rats. Differences in tlie formation of anti- hemagglutinating and virus-neutr.,,Llising antibodies by the various virus strains belonging to one serotype were observed. Lmm-"inization v!ith sore strains resulted in the formation of anithemagglutina-tiag antibodies in titers considerably exceeding those of vi-rus-neiatralizing antibodies. At the same time, a nivfber of other strains induced the formation of virus-neutralizing antibodies in hich titers. The concentration of specific antihemagglutinati-ng antibodies was indeDendent of hem-agglutinating titers of the viruses. Virus antigens can acciLmulate on intertwini-rig chick fibroplast cells, provided the strains are previously adapted and seleotcd according to their infectious activity. Conbination during immunization of antigens accumulated on chick 1/2 M USSR SAVCHRIKO, B. I., et al, Voprosy Virrusologii, No 4. Jul/Aug 71, p 491 embryo cells and those accumulated on trypsinized human enbryo, kidney cells promotes increase of the I=unologicaliactivity of the antigens. The ability of freshly isolated strains to form antihemagglutia-ating antibodies in high titers is the most important criterion:of selecting them for production of diagnostic sera. 2/2 034 UNCLASS I FtED PROCE.;SSING DATE-20NOV70 112 E-VIO'k,ATICNAL "R6PERTIES Of A SY';TE.,14 OF SPHERES HO~Jlt-j(; if~ A twE'aKLY TITL SCCUS Li~jUID -U-- vi ,'ALTHGR--SAVCHEKK0, 3.1. -CCUNTRY OF IiiF0--US5R FlilCHNII ZHURNALY VOL. l5v MAR~ 1970p P. 353-358 .:CATE PtibLIShEC ------- 70 SL3.JECT AREAS-PHYSICS :'TJPIC TAGS-VIBRATIGNiT INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID, VIBRATION SPECTRUMI HIGH TEMPERATURE EFFEC'r, LOA TEMPERATURE EFFECTr PARTICLE COLLISION 'UNTROL P.AkKING-1140 RESTRICTIONS 'DGCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 PAJXY AEEL/FAA,'4E--lS98/D55b STEP NIJ--UR/0185/7(1/015/'k)DD/035'i/0358 GIRC ACCESSICN No-AP0121228 U;-,'(-, L A S Sl f: 1"r t) Now. m N- munaftimminimann, 2/2 034 UNCL ASS! F I ED PROCESSING DATE-- 20NOV 70 C. r Rr ~CC,:Sr-IC;'~ 1--AP0121228 L AS S TpK AC TEX f"A AC T- ( J I G P- 0- AB s r RA,,': TTPEOREr[CA.L rrw--,TlGAr[o.,.l oF r E V16RAI-ICNAL. PRGPE,~TIES OF A SYSTEM OF SCILID SPHEIJIC.~,L I-AFTICLES "'OVING IN At"i INCC-MPRESS)ILLE, VICAKLY VISCOUS LIQU10. TFIE CG)LLISICji`~S bf.-Tm~':EN r- E I S U L* 0 i N' 14 111 H PARTICLES A" NCT CONSIDEREOr AND A cconmAfE 3ys'rui S C. THE FLUID IS. STATIONARY AT INFINITY. THE KINETIC i---QUA-TIUl'lIS ARE CONSTRLCTE-C, ANC THE DISPERSICN EvQUATIONS ARE DEKlYZ-0.* V161-1,ATION, SPECTRA ARE ObTAINED FOR CASES OF L.GW A190 HIGH TEMPI-- RAT URES FACILITY: AKADEM11A INAU.", UKRAINSIK01 RSR, FIZLK0~'rEKHNIGHNIT INSTITLIT, KHARKOV, UKRAINIAN SSR* U Ell R'Pi"Z~ OF -.11r. 'NAVY T Ez",Cr. NAVAT, INr U Tl,%!; MIAD 70390 WASHINC-1 -C. FT) AIIIIHOVED FOR PUBLIC RLLF,%Sr., VNIMITE.1 ,rITLF.-. Effect of Liger Beana on Lki~.,~zical Objects Voaelo.vgtvty~ I"chey k,.,antc-.,orc ge-jeratern (1~~ora) na 1,101.FI~L rA(;ES SOURCE: pa er Dejjv,!re.,j at 4.2n~j ASM.1, jLc--.s-_,n Tcx. i ZI Arril 1971 Q.'NhL LANGUAGE: Rus3ian T%ANSLATORi NISC TRMSLATIO'.. NO . A!T. NOV Y;) 3167 DATE 1-, 1472 ti P UFU;',' QF LAS::K EU,:15 ON MUKKAL A V 1 1; i var., L. 'Kh. ;,,fi,rat-a (1.;tv,aj ul b.. !--kiy~ CL"yCkLy, D~lfyer':F~ at 47CH li-,-;ton. Tex.An, 27 April 19?1, T;, pre-nnt Env"ti.,ateli LhL' effect of focu~-l and euCi~- c-~s2cd neody~.iun-gla-3s Lwt-r beartu operation, at L0,600 A on PAVnemtCa um-i ti!-tlu ll~ an ;Itt,1-pt Eli explain the &'.r-t of d4~.~:t to a t4ol"iial str~cturi, a,, a f~octluv, )I it,.4 pi-,=enlation. ,h-retl,il are rrada of ow tc-rpcratur~" rcocl-t re In t 1, ,je at (11 , ~v twit laser r-i 1,i t ivn cnergy levels , =k.1 n~ pvu , 1" le a "re I rature Z~ti,!ratcd '.z tl~ I 1 Ir-i .a r7e Inate nf tLe ta=pL I Zi7C." Irr-:1,tien energy. I eves tigs: Ions confirmol the thonrojUtal cnrnutatIrjnr. of Ell" torpeCaLUrc- CuP(fiCIC!11t:;, Mlectr- 1,.iv~ ~bu~ th=t whl -nt--l tLnn~o '-Z=cr rirachot~Jrla o" tt- 'A~jilo e-Abilar total or Partinl dr.-ntruckG~n .1 attributc~ to the therrio~cliaaLcul effect of the 1~vo bca= t,-. 4 v j lk-% to rc-at t-j,,:r.tturn -1, "tty, pc~n-~'T(: dt- 'i~10' be the caln tz- of '.he Oa~?.o to the crinz4e~ -!i mitr.CtmArisl =T=b.4t"' -Ilk CD lo-jantiv,4tinn of Eli" conc-trotLon of fr~n rwItcols I,-, vibjectce. to --ri urifnevsad lasur hqori has that low qner_z~ da nnd cl.emle4l p-pertier. ~~r r~,. thrit Lt7i-Ir proce4-,z- of fn-ilLraL--.- t o' I of tht problem of the nrfectv f' I ght a. t a~ti,Ety or-1 ,J jj,Lrr -Itt. .1,. nincc to dal. therv han -Ice= V9 ~.Ifled picture of such effects an bLoobjecttt enco.-,pagaing the an- tlr~ fr",ien~,f %;rc~tr-~ frr,~ din far Intrarad to tht ultra'xlo~ot~ --.- sld- the 3altintific irzerqqL Involved In an ex1itinat.Lon of tho mvctsiv- n!%*i of acciDn of n powerful 14,ht flux an blortruct-ires. tho invniiti- Eat-on has trp(irt,nt pr,ictital applicatio"it In spice UIOLoiY u%d ('An~. espacial.17 rrlate~ to the problem. of ensurtns~ astronaut irot=- tinn vmainut light effoct-.~. introOuctlon of I-ineru Into tht arvenal a' ,cientiflt lobor-a- tgrler. I~& r~.w)e it possibl " to bpgin Investigations dealing with thr- '.' C f s i t fe t of 'P *,er .1 light fluxe on biolog cal objec s. In tht~ matter, the de~eloprent of sp~cLfic technical conclitiona fcr loser upvratto* Lai RF'F, VIDIZALS IS W'AB11:C-T-As:;Y AFTIM VATLADIXrIM BY AN 1r,;FoCU*$FD [Artict,~ by, L. A. Piruz*yan, L, f1h. Pmxl=~ V. A. V~=c-i'- a gn PP 121- Lar,ir!, ar~- now findir;!! ido applievt~ian in hioloey ad M..Iicinc (VlVu7~yiil et al. 11)67) . The ifrect or a lases, bra= on a bioLo,,irAL ~truct%Avv Lc3ads to temparitture drops irsiiiv it which cart affect- physi car h~mical prace'SoLs. In adOitioii, uhmn the energy tl~,nnitili are grcat, large temperatfArV rZ~Idi~nts, form which can lend to disordvr of the -biological ettructu".. IZI rXporiment-a on vaviouaty"45 of tmrrsplatrte~l tumac"Is it-hia be,n 6hown that at high Lnergies laser radiation has, an D n c a I or ic a I vffec t (Notcham nnd M int on, 19651 Firte et al, 1"tl; Minton 41W Kctclv~m. 1~1610. It 04 known that physical factors such an aapsma-radLt- tiUn. ultravitaer. and