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UNC L A S S I F I E C, PROCIES9 Uiri DA'rE--l.3i.-,lPV70 I TL E-1; T ID~4 L,,,, 1 lp-41 I TH A h';:< PSJL [-~"'AL IC, il-.K M,10 -u- L.S. KHATNYUK, SAPf3,LANiYoVA V.1. ~%CICWNTRY OF --SGURC-;-'--UKR .KHI.-,-'. 10, 12 a:..-.)ATE, PUaL I-------- ~';' --'SUBJECT A4EAS--C,fEN iS !',4Y JU I C TAGS --H0L(,l U-NE 0 1 Mi I NE CiJ,'-,P LEA COMPOUNIJ) COEN I CA L AN-ALYS I S 2CHE,-",IC.AL INDICATOk C ON T A 0 LMAPKI14G--N0 ~.E'STRjLTjO,\jS JDOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~~PROXY- RELL/FRAME--:j9f~2/lLl2 STEP ~40--UA/0073170103610021012410123 -.-CIRC ACCESSION 1"40--AP0126539 I*Vwo-- z. 1 4 0 1 U~'-X L A S 5 1 F FF PNOCESSINIG DATIE-LMOV70 cjRc ACCESSION ABST-,,ACT/~---XTRACT--(')) GP-0- Ai~STi~ACT Hfl FORMS AT PH 111TH ALIZAA114E S Ai4il, (Cli SUB2 ~ltri S03?) SUrA2 A 1*.4*.2 COMPLEX A6SORMNG ~vr 540 NM . TO jc'T. RD, ',t[X 6 ML ',rPERCENT AQ. H SUo33 1,10 SUB3, -t ML 0.1301M ALIZAllic-l St A VOL. OF 5 TIMES 13 PRIME NEGATIVE:ev HOCL SUB3, ANO 0.'9 AL 20P&~CENT A--i. (CH SJi32 MH Su!3i-) SUB2. OIL. TO 25 ML ANO 14EASURE THE ABSOk:3ANCE-Ar -.,40 t-)M. THE C011"UX LS 'QUITE STABLE, SlICE RATHER LARiGE EXCESSES OF tN-A K TARTRATE, NAF, NA SUBZ'HPO SUB4, AN-3 ASCOR31c ACIO UQ NOT FACILITY: U-NIV., ONEMPET.RsIVSK, USSR- (.1 N C L A S S 1 F0' L UNCLA.;~iS I F I ED REPROCESSING DATE--IBSEP70 TITLE--USE OF ETHYLENEDIAMINE AURINTRICARBOXYLATE FOR THE PHOTOMETRIC DECTERIMINATION OF THE RARE EARTH ELtMENTS.-U- FEDOROVAt GiP.. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 'SOURCE--ZH. ANAL. KHIM. 1970, 25(1)v 172-5 "DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ..S-UBJECT,AREAS--CHEMtSTRY TOPIC TAGS--ETHYLENEDIAMINE, RAPE EARTH METAL, PHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS, CARBOXYLIC ACID, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS MARKING--N:I, RESTRICTIONS ;.~_DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .PROXY REEL/FRAME--198711092 STEP NO--UR/0075/701025/001/0172/0175 .:CIAC ACCESSimi tlO--AP0104490 UNCLASS I FIED z12 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0104490 ,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-44U) GP-0- ABSTRACTo AURINTRICARBOXYLIC ACID REACTS WITH ETHYLENEDIAMINE IN A 1:2 MOLAR RATIO TO FOR~M LIGHT YELL04 I WHICH CAN BE USED 4S A REAGENT FOR THE PHOTOMETRIC DETN. OF RARE EARTHS. DISSOLVE 0.05 G SAMPLE IN 2-3 ML 1:1 HCL WITH MODC-RATE 14EATING AND DIL. TO 100 ML WITH H SUB2 09 THEN DILo lTmB OF THIS $OLN. TO 50 ML IN A VOLUMETRIC FLASH. PLACE INTO A 25-ML VOLUMETRIC FLASH SEVERAL ML OF A PH 6.7 AMMONIACAL-ACETATE BUFFER, Oo5-0.9 OF THE Oft, SAMPLE, I ML 0.2PERCENT REAGENT AND OIL. TO VOL. WITH H SUB2 0. (PH OF THE SOLN. SHOULD BE 7.4), DET. THE ABSORBANCE COLORTMETRICALLY BY USI'NG A GREEN FILTER A-NO FIND THE CONCN. OF TOTAL R4RE EARTHS BY,THE,METHOD OF COMPARISON. A LACL SUB3 SOLN. IS SUED AS STD. SOLN. THE ERROR IN THE --Z-.4 'PLUS OR MINUS DETN. OF -3 5 TIMES 10 PRIME.NEGATIVE5 M RARE EARTHS~ls 3.4PERCENT,. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc: 621 .791-756 YUSHCHENKO, K.A., P0141ZOVTSEV, A-M., FOMI, V.V.) POBOL' A.A., and SERDYIUK, 1M.A. "Increase in Electroslag Welding Efficiency" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka) No 5, May 701 PP 72-73 Abstract: A technique was described for increasing electroslag welding efficiency. Experiments were conducted on an A-535 commercial device with a modified neck. The electrode was preheated from a self-contained DC source. Heating was rec.:Ulated by changing the current value of the source by lowering or increasing the resistance between the contacts of this current supply. The best results were attained by heating the wire to a temperature close. to the melting point. In the experiD--nts, 3-mm-diameter. 06Xhl9N9T welding wire and MTF-14 flux were used to weld plates made of ?11&'aOT and X1117N13MV steels. The following advantages were established for electroslag welding with preheated electrode: the time for the transition from the are process to the slag process is shortened considerably; the elect-rode -.-ire melts in the upper part of the slag bath, even at a high feed rate; tile volume Of the slag bath can be decreased sharply without disturbing the atability of the process and worsening the Eleam-formiag conditions; welding curTent can be reduced bY 25-30%; and welding efficiency rises 1.5-2.0 times. ?4--chanicam-1 tests of the seam metal showed its high quality. A considerable rise can be expected in elec- troslag process efficiency upon complementary preheating of the electrode in are 1/2 USSR YLISHCHMM, K.A., et al,, Avtomaticheakays, Svarka, No :?i MaY 70, PP 72-73 welding with forced forming under flux or In shielding gas, in velding with vire made of powdered material) and in electroslag or are plasma remelting. ranct.tHs r77 riwvux vi kl.' AuTnliA71:D ~MT P.OL 'rVVV;P0ATATTCwi ay 11. 1-yy. 6, r..-ji!, of ,f tiv~ -rit.t- etoatlmic 0 yOta= = t.discu~%-: in t 1h Pb;c- or thi!l Y..'~= a, o6!e" dre dvMonatracd, i,-1 the t-1c rc,j,,Lrc=rrit~ Ao;z th-~ :f the planninz vibayatem nf oe Mzrfl,>c tmacirime, Fleet) Autw,~,it4c Lt-iltrol 5y4zam arv . fcr~-jl.t.d. .hit ;~sn V~-Lu'; O'CO-L11.11 plioliple, ,f f,.,c. ttontng of aptirAl p1z,iuiinA and Ulu C-atior. of n proredural baau for ti,e dv~"L-P--at 'if . R~,t of a1g.rithoa .Ai pla"nLny, c,~alatj,)h procedur,.., Its the most utGtcv,,t. t1w pl-nlng prnbl,~,u La forini,lazed au findLtg the toot low of matLock of the economic hy-scem fit a rc7;1,,v. of (be, ph*i. pa,:e dn!l..d by the oi-j- reg.urc~i. It If thn, tbe ji~ the gener"I otat~-.1t gtvj;,-d by a~~% f , -~,j ti, Gie ov.1ttAti-in In orli~~r to aud AlgovlthrA of ~41- 1.;Ar Qf t:,. ~!w F,,!ncrnl problea of cfilend.r i~ are -d so,- id-t. of its at" in P.t- U-1;1 'If -tl7tt- 71- eth~di qf Si1,W.Attz Ulend..r -1 Z,~-t rr,7 pr,,j~r-~ ,,r rhe cal,wlar of 6ic ZlcQt r,.i a c-puor 's 4,qcr1bc4. It co,"H.4-, tLruv Prn--lie t~i~, r~~,oej,t' ur frtti:lit transport op",rutioi,% ju)d fol-tit- of .11 po"I'LoIc K-t1orin 0i i,..ur(! act-W& for MDver*,nt of t1lo t1hips; ratzat-ti of all possiblo wvewnr achetwo for cAch ahipt 21 - Ow. USSR UDO: 519.2 ZARENIN, Yu. G. andAU11"N. G. MHOW "Distribution of the Nunber of &N-akdowns of an Eleirent in the Interval /O,t../ for Arbitrary Distribution of the 77ine of Faultless 01,eration end Distribution of the Restoration Time" Kiev, v sb. Prikl. zadachi tekhn. kibernetiki (Anvlied Problems in Cybernetic Eng-ineering-collection. of w s) "Rauk. dumk--, " 1972, pp 168-176 (from RZh--illatematika, No 6, 1972, Abstract E"o 6V200) Translation: Ordinary recurrent formulas are writtlen. -.[or the dis- tribution o*--' the number of events in an alternating restoration process in the interval (O,t)....,T.a.blcs are prosented; under cer- tain asswrptions, the error of the consequence of replacing the V .,arrnp. distribu- tion for faultless operation time by anvxponenti&I dintribution is estinated. I. Kovalenko. 1/1 Epidenitology CHIC10,1vii, P. I., e'-wou"TMV, S. X., SERE.OLNA V. G., INMIEVATOYA. M. V., And LI GVAN KHVA, V. T. "Contribution to the Taxonomy of El Tor VibriDS" Tashkent, Me-ditsinskiy Zburnal Uzbekistana, lio 9, Sep 70, pp 42-46 Abstract: During the last 50 yoirs, no a,proomont has been reached on the true cholera vibrio. Feeley, who studied 2Z0 strains, dividarl them into five bio- types. however, since all were true cholera vibrios, hit regarded the divisi*n into the classic cholera vibrios and tho El Tor vibrios as invalid, The classi- 411cation into lysogenic and non-Aysogenic strains does not correspond to their virulence. The varying susceptibility .;-' the v.:.brios to bact-iriophaCes faciLt- tated determination of the geographic dirstribuLion of iysogoalc El Tor vibrios. ':Since no classi-fication has bolan approved, it, is apparent that thore I I ~ 'Jai is only ono cho.-Lora pa-f1ho,_!a.,: V.-Lbrio ci,o-era~.t, The dlaal lariliea among its variants lie u-iTiiin tho !"ts of genus variability. Tboy a~,]- nave one co =.0n property: they causj cz-,:F-6--a 3XI man. Vaccines made witla 'the ciassic cholera vibrios are effectivt~ aQ--ini3i; El 'Tor vibrios. In jiddatio;a to thi-, dissimilarities, there are some d.-,ia, similarities between claa.-Air-'31 and El Tor vibrios. The El Tor vibraoz; sur%--,(u longer in tiae axternal envim"aentil especialjj in P; ~Z 'USSR CHICHMIN, P. I., et al, Meditsinskiy Znurnal Uzbekisttna, Jo 9, Sep 70, pp 42-46 water, and are more resistant to antibiotics. Contrar:)- to too classic type, they are all proto-.rophic. The great vitality of the E! Tor vibrios is manifested by their interaction with the classic type in vitro and in vivo. However, no ex- planation has yet been fourd for the fact that the El Tor cholera which developed in India in 'Mfarch-April 1964 almost completely displaced the classic aholera. People can carry El Tor vibrios for many years. T12o abAlity to produce endemic focl is greater for the El Tor than for classic vibrios. Staple endemic situa- tions induced by El Tor vibrios have recently been observed in the Philippines, Viotnam, Thailand, and Indonesia. "Method of Calculation of Reliability of Homogeneous Redundant Systems with Repair" Sistemy i Sredstva Avtomat. Upr. [Systems and Equipment for Automatic Control Collection of Works], Kiev, 1970, pp 96 to 102 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No. 4, April, 1971, Abstract No. 4 V599). No Abstract. -;II-U--IUFMH "M e.= 'r Ir TRU 0, -.0 UINI NIHIlIffl, KIIIII? HITIHITM 4141PUP 1; 11 M "Phaae-Sensitive Properties Of Electrooptical Elements Blieed an Glow-Discharge Devices' Vestn. Kiyev. politekhn, in-ta. Ser, radioelektron. (Bulletin Cf Kiev Polytechnical ~Jnstitute. Radio Electronics Series), 1970,,,:No 7, pp 17-19 (from RZh--Eluktronika i yeXe primeneniye, No 12, December 1970. Abstract No 120292) Translationt The possibility is considered of the use in phase-sensitive cirLuits of electrooptical pairs which conBiat of a glow-discharge device and a photorvelistor. Modulation of the glow-discharge radiation Is affected by a diacharge current. The photo-nonsitive properties of photoresistors connected into an Li-c not make it possible to obtain a constant component of the photoresintor c,arrent which depends on a phase Hhift between the discharge current end the a-.o voltage applied to the photoresistor. The affect of the intertia of the photoroijistore which introduces phase distortion is taken into account by the initial phase shifts caused by the magnitude of the time constant of the photoresistor. I ill. 2 ref. Summary, ,>+537-311-33 USSR UDC1537-22" 1: 1537+5351 ZOTOV, V. V., and '!Effects Caused by Appearance of Contact Barrier at CadmituL Sulfide-Indium Electrode interface" Elcktron. te'uhnika. N.,.vicb.-telain. sb. Up:r. knehestvam i stunci-irtiz- (Electronic Engineering. Collection of Scientific arAd TechiLical 'v.'(:,vks oix Qulility Control and Standardization), ic,,71, vyv. 4(lo), PP 31-36 (fru-1 NO 1) Jan 72, Abstract No IM364 by authors) Translo.tion: Usually an Til electrodc mk-es it po,,3sJ.b'-r;: to obtain ohmic contact with CdS. Ecriever, with prolonged propagation of lar:,e such -,. c-ont;-ict takes on barrier propertieB. *Ihis result-s in clectri~ nolarization c.!I' the crystal and the appearance of current instdbility uhun voltage is on. 'The phenoir,,uon can be used to determine the parameters of' free current car--ricr tvrap- ping in the volwiie of a semiconductor. 7Z~-TT -~l i6 MON"i-r1liv- AM. ............ ...... ... ...... ...... . USSR BOKILRIP B. V.,- SERD1VFr:0VA,._N.; FEDOR01r, F. 1. (Institute of Physics, Belo- russian Acade;y`o=ie~ncea "Phenomenological Theory of Optically Active Crystals" Moscow,, Kristallograftya; September-October, 1970; pp 1002-6 ABSTILACT: The authors derive equ.abions for an alectromagnetic field in opti- cally active crystals wKich ar-a disting-uished by the fact that from them is obtained the law for the conservition of energy, in i-rhich the energy density of the field has a form different frcn, ED + HBJ, wliilelthe wctor of the energy flow is expressed in the or-linary manner. The general equatvion of the normals for planar waves propagatedin such msdia is derived.,-and several of its special forms are considered. The article includes 24 equations. There are 10 bibliographic referemens. 1/1 :112 029' UNCLASSIVIO PROCESSING DATE--27.',lOV70 TITL E--MAINTENANCE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION PUtSE MOMENT IN OPTICALLY ~:ACTIVE MEDIA -U- ~AUTHOR-(02)-BOKUT, Bovol SEROYUKOVi A*N* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR _~SOURCE-Zli. PRIKLAD. SILKTROSK, AUSSR), VOL. 12, NO. It P. 139-41 (JAN. 19-101 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS .~TOPIC TAGS--TEiNSORp ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONP ELEC-11'WiMAGNETIC PULSEv MAGNETIC MOMENT, OPFIC MATERIAL .-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICT IONS -DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/1730 STEP NO--UR/0368/70/OL2/001/0139/0141 CIRC ACCESSION N11--AP0122060 212 029 UNCLASSIFIEb PROCESSING OATE--27NOV70 ACCESSION NO--AP0122060 GP-0- ABSTRACT. WITHIN THE FRAMES OF THE L4NGRANGE FORMALISM, THE TENSOR OF ENERGY PULSE OF.THE ELECIROPlAr3NETIC FIELD IN AN -OPTICALLY ACTIVE MEDIUM IS OBTAINED. THIS ALLOWIS THE EXPRESSION OF THE ROTATING MOMENT ACTING UPON THE ANALYSED MEDIUM TO BE GENERALILED. UN", L A S S I F I E D USSR UDC 621.375.82 MAXOGON, M. M., PONOMAREV, Yu. N., and SERDYUKOV. V. 1. "Neodymium Self-Q-Switched Laser" V sb. Kvant. elektronika. (Quantum Electronics -- Collection of Works), No 2