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1~.'11,./2 025 UINCL ASISlFieb PROCESSING OATE--I6OCT7O .:TITLE--CHANGES IN ACID IN TISSUES OF THE LEVEL AND METABOLISM OF ASCORBIC ~,:.'.:GUINEA PIGS UNDER THE EFFECT'Of HYDROCORTISONE -U- -AUTHOR-(02)-SMIRNOVi M.I., SHUVALOVAI T41o INFO--USSR COUNTRYOF -SOURCE--VOPROSY PITANlYixi, 1970, NP 3, PP 43-45 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJ ECT_ARE AS--B-I 0 LOG-1, CAL AND MEDI,CAL SCI,ENCES TAGS--ASCORBIC ACIOt METABOLISM, HYDROCORTISORE, AURENAL GLANDt HEART, URINE, KIDNEYi LIVERv GUINEA PIG ~'.CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS I~OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 70/000/003/0043/0045 7 .-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0009 STEP NO--UR/0244/ CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120707 ______UlNc LASS I F-11 E 2/2 025 UNCLASS I r- IED PR6CESS'ING DATE--160CT70 ACCESSION Ntl--AP0120707 ABSTRACT[EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE OBJECT OF SUTOLES WAS THE ASCORBIC ACID CUNTENT AND ITS METABOLISM IN THE TISSUES OF GUINEA PIGS RECEIVING HYDRUCORTISONE INTRAMUSCLILARLYt 15 MG PE9 DAY FOR THE DURATION OF 10 DAYS. UNDER THE EFFECT OF PROTRACTED INTRODOCTION OF HYDROCORTISONE THE ASCORBIC ACIO CONTENT DECLINED IN THE SUPRARENALS, HEART AND URINE, BUT REMAINED STABLE IN THE KIDNEYS ANO LIVER. ALSO FAILED TO AFFECT THE LEVEL OF DEHYDROASCURBIC AND --DIKETOGULONIC ACIDS IN THE TISSUES ANDIURINE. FACILITY: LABORATORIYA BICKHIMII VITAMINOV VSES.:N-1 INSTITUTA VITAMINOLOGII MINISTERSTVA ZDRAVOOKHRANENIYA SSSRt.MDSCOW. JIM jj~'7 -e- g' Stkvi Acc. Nr %- v-,~,e AP0043136 PHEMICAL AB,STq 88113j Vitamin Es metabolism -etudied at v& 'dous s the development of expenmeintal: diabetes~ . Shlt"1:110 - swimov- ALI,. -0m, mr, N E. M~s-: Nauchjs5Ia,--L--qt. 'Iri EndoVinol; !W70, vookhz., Mosom, 717,5SM. ~WW. lumiR Ref. Code 0 aaes in : ICU), ~Itiififfi. 9# had ialrnost a-81 (Ms no eff"t oti, the c4mtent th I. f iuqar in the tiloud_~ut in- of Yanthittenie tirid itt. e urine bt a ereaOd the eicr~etioii 6f 4-owidWiik ia~id fromi I-W to :111) fg!, day. indicating increased aceuinil-lation of vitan~irt 13,-: The nce of B4-avitaininosis ~~Juriq-~ pyridoxizie diabefes in appeara I rabbits is a uit;que- forin or 61dogitious vitanl6l deficim-1-cy- Metabolic charti(es duriog allox4a d1jibetes' evidit.,Itly involved di5fUptiOn Of Wlivension R pyri(I(Aidq and j)yriflj)x1LI pho,,Phate and incorporation Of tile latter into, the entyipic sy'lit~nn, molfiiig in development of ilisrupted iey~tophan rmetabo~ism axid in- tion andxel~ase of R-anthure-nic acid, BfjR creased for m, REEL/FRAME :19176129119 Sh U", 4 A~f Acc. Nr: - Abscracting Service: #0499IGG _ CHEMICAL ABST. 15-17,0 Ref. Code; 1144-eqd'l (_951176k Lasing and specLral characteristics of some I)Wly- methine dyes. lionch h IL NI R;jz-Mnv.-. T, K. Tin% __jOX;L 1: %~. (Us5r,). ~ UPr:*.!)-Pe4rMXk-1970, 2811), 100-4 kz7is). M Lasing was fol1wved for a series of polymethine dyes on excita- tion by a ruby lawr. ,The absnrption and fluorescence band posi- tions. stabiliry. and Oe Wative trimsfarmation coaffs. of the pumping energy are tabulated. For cryptocyanine (1), dirar- bocyanine (11), and Uicarbocyanine, the lasing characteristics are giv-Ln. -he quantum yields atid fluorescencc spectra are al"nost independent of the dielec- const. of. the soivent; the quantum yields increase si-ith the soh-ent viscosity. The transform ation co- cffs. of I and II in EtOH decrease with the no. of the excitation pulse, when the laser emits several pulses In a flailt, proceVing". The degree of the.detrease depend4 on the Cteess, of the excitation power of the laser over the threshold of theigen- cration czcitation of the dye. ~E USSR Instruments and Measureme .nts UDG 6 21.317.73:621.385.6 ANTROPOV, B. A., AINTROPOVA, L. lat., MAORGACHEVA, G. A., KOTOSONOV, N. V., SHUVAYEV, A. G., Voronezh State Uaiversity,i Gomel' Stat~~aive._~~ity- TIP.roblem of Utilizing the 'Reluctance Effec .t to Measure Microwave Transmitting Power" Gor'kiy, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radlofizika, Val XV, No 9, 1972, pp 1393-1397 Abstract: The possibility of using reluctance sensors to measure the micro- wave transmittir.- power is dLscussed, and experimental results are presented U .for the voltage caused by the -reluctance effect as a f6action of the trans- adtting pawer on a frequency of 9;870 megahertz. The reluctance sensor, just as the Hall sensor is an indicator of the microwave power flux density and is a transmitting power meter. There is a good linear relation between the out- put voltage taken from the sensor and the magnitude of the transmitting power and the readings from a specimen depend on its position relative to the open end of the wave guide: uhiell &lftnas the pokat nature of the specimen, that is characterizes "he dependonce of iLs readingia on the nicrourave powrer distri- bution and the low distortion introduced by the specineri into r-he microwave Vc,) distribution. Borh che theoreftcal and experimental studies indicate of crl.~atlng waLunrstera bm~ed on rcLucCztot:C1 qousors. with the 7! ...... USSR ANTROPOV, B. A., et al., Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenty, Radiofizika, Vol XV9 No 9, 1972, pp 1393-1397 following advantages over the power meters used at the present time: 1) low inertia connected with the fact that the relaxation time of the current carriers is _10-12 seconds as a -result of which it Is possible to use these devices to measure the pulse power; 2) low diSSiDated power in the sensor operating in the --transnitting power mode which makes it possible to measure high powe'r levels; 3) simplicity of the measuring circuit. 2/2 28 41- man MIATIMB-1 M. RIMMI-I r R#)004431 Ref. Code: IA- R 0 Shuvayev., C,!_, Measurement of Three-Divensional Radiation Patterns of 'JItra-Short-Wave aud Short-Wave Antennas by Means of a Sounding Balloon (Imereniye prostranst- -v i kv an~6nn pri pamoskichi shara-zonda) .:vpwqkh diagramm iiapravlennesti uk Moscow, Svyazl, 1970, 55 ppJSL.-1.946) TABLE OF CON-TENTS: Preface 3 Methods and Possible Versions in Measurements of the Hadia.tion Pattern by Means of a Sounding Balloon 6 Xinematic Diagrams of the GUY :~Vstem of the Soundinly Ballbf)n 10 Equipment for Spatial Measurement of Antenna'Radiation Patternu :L6 Equipment 16 SouzWing-Ralloon Transmitter 16 Sounding-Balloon Antennas 20 Y3 FLeel/Frame R k I . ma AM044315 Angle ~ Gailges, Receivers.. -Sheathing Guys Rega2ations in Operation of Balloons'for Compressed Air Preparation, for Measurements Measurpment of Amplitude Radiation Patterns Investigation' of the Horizontal-Polarized Field in a Vertical Plane Investigation of the Vertical-Polarined Field in a Vertica~. Plane Investigation of Vertically. 'arid Horizontally Polarized Fi~jlds in a Horizontal plane Possible Versions -in Measurement of Radiation Patterns and'Otber Antenna Para- meters Measurement of Polarized Radiation Patterns ~,Nawxrerent ofAntenna Gain Waasurement of Directlive Gain of Antennas Messurem6nt, Errors 26 31 32* 34 35 35 37 40 45 45 47 47 49 50 53 15,770885 AM0044315 -measurements of radiation The book deals with a new method and system for I patterns of transmitting and receiving ultra-,short-wave and short-wave antennas An various planes by means of a sound'ing balloon... The booklet vill be of interest to, engineers and technicians working on problems of tuning and measurenient of antennab. 1:9770686 USSR uDo 621.~91.2 T KONSTAMINOVSKIY, A.G., 00n The Physical Realization OP A Rectangalar Radio Falea Witb Quadrature Phase Modulationt) Radiotekhnike i elektronika, Vol XYII, No 6, June 1972, pp 1220-1223 Ab:~tract- Finite values of tne functions of phaoe (freTiency) modi.Alation at the bcundaries of a valse are necessary for practical realization of quadrature phase moiulation. The concept of a limitation parameter.-is introduced for ansly-tical dater-mination of thgon, values. The interconv!ction of the limitatioll ppramjion of o a side paromotor with the modulation MIGx and -the dogree Of DU ~ 3 bond of tho signal apoctrum are shown, and ralations calaulatea un an oluctronic computer are presented. An amplitude npactogmm of a reiAangplar radio Nlue with & suppreesed lower aide band is showni fig. 2 re,.". Received by GditorO, 2-8 April 1971. 1/1 041 UNCLM,51 TITLE-SQUARE PULSE SPECTRUM IN QUAORATURE ':-,AUTHOR--SHU\FAYEVP V.A. C OU N T RY OF l.'NF0--U.SSR ~,`SCURCE--MOSCOW, ~A0f'-j'Tl:-KH-NfKAI ELEKTkG4'.41KAi DATE PUBL ISIHED -------- 70 .-mSUBJECT AREAS--'14VIGATION, ELEcrkcjlqlcs -IPIC TAGS-Pi-iASE MG-DULATIGN, PULSE ,.T0 -RAt'-lfll,'4Gj 11GOULATIGH7 WtiPUTER PKCG. HE() PHASE NO 7 PIR'0CES.SING UATE-13NOVS MODULATION -U- 5p L970j Pp 967-969 ELECr;zic.!.,L- ENG.R. AND A.*,IPL I TUDE ,AMPLJTUE;L~ t*~i~DJLAT-10i,i, PULSE F9EQUENCY bANOo SIGNAL F~~ANSIAISSIOM E STk I CT I GNS ,-:C0,slTR0L 14 AkK I NG-NO DOC U' 9 t, -t 4ENT CLASS-UNCUSSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3005/0579 STEP ,.CIRC ACCESSILIN M,,7j--AP0132749 Uh~j~ c Ls Z:,; - f F L I 'Z/2 041- UNCLASSIFIEQ~ PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0132749 ABSTRAcr/EXTRACT-M) GP-0- ABST-'~ACT. AN AN ALY S IS iS M140)(i OF THE FORli OF -CT -ULAR PULSE wITH 1,NrRA PULSE -THE AMPLfTUDE SP( -R U i'l F 0 R A R E C T AN (7 'I E WITH THE THEORY OF i.4UAD~.A'(U:-~E :PHASE NODULAT W~-I. M01OU LA T I O~ IN ACCORDANCE IS OBTAINED F3R SPECTRAC DENS(TY GF~T~C- T--R"4s -A FORMULA THE OF THE EVEN FUNCTION OF THE A149LITIJOE MCOULATION AND THL PHASE tMODULATIOIN INDEX. IN PHASE ACOULATION, ~ I'HI!_ FU4CrION IS THE HILBERT TRA,4SF0R,4ATI0jN OF THE "lCiDULATED S IGNAL A'API- i TUDE 6ECAUSE OF THE JDI~PICULTY Of COt"ItPUTING THE SPECTRAL GENSITY 0~- PULSE NONLINEAR FREQUE,',,CY ~MODULATION, AIN E-LECTKON11"" C0111PIJI-Ek HtiG TO BE USE R A ~',l THE S?~:CTRAL PLOT 1 N S TIR U C T I C', APE GIVEN FUR PiL'l I I NG : THE ACHI i"i 4. MADE FROM T14E COMPUTED DATA IS THIS SPECTRU14 HAIS A DEFORIIATIO,"I CAUSING AN ENERGY RED!SFRIOUTIONN WITH AN 1',"'CREASE IN THE PEAKS AT 0,-,1E SIDE OF Tr -Q '_ - f lij-:W-Y AIND SUPPRESSION OF -i F- PEAKS AT THE -jl'HER. iE CARRIER Ff" Tl 'X _'T I MAL _AKS FOIR.A 1-11000LATICili INOL CLOSE TO Oi ALL THIc RE AJ 'U'%E SIDE OF Y L I TTLE 'DEFOkAlk I I Oul THE CARRIER ARE SUPPRESSt"D 41TH VE4 -~F THE MAIN PEAK. EXPEMMENTS PE0ORMED WITH THIS TYPE OF SIGiiAL YIELD A SPECTRUM WHICH AGREES CLOSELY INITH THE THEDKETICAL.COMPUTATEONS. THE CO[-.!CLUSlt)N IS GkAvlol THAT PULSES WITH AN ASY:AiME T"-, I CAL SPECTRUV~ CIAN' bE USED TO NARKOW '4 1 S S I ON OF THE St ALS. THE OVERALL FREQUENCY BAND OCCUPIED M T H E TRANS, GN UN C L A S S I F i i. ri USSIR UDC: 621.3 9 1. 2. 018 7 56 ZLULYEVj_V. A. 10 'ion" "Square Pulse Spectrum in Quadrature Phase '~ (luilat Moscow, Rad iotek-nika i Elektronika, NO 5, 19'171.), pp 967-969 Abstract: Ar. analysis is made of the form of the a.,.-,plituda spec- -,.-rum for a -ectangular pulse with int';ra-puilse modlula-bilor. in ac- ith the theory o-z' quadrature ph;~i--,, nw)r~ -,;ion. cordance w for the soectral densi"t't of the s i 7. a I i n f ormula is obtained terms of the even function of the amplitude not~41ul-,--tLon and the phase raoduiatiozi index., In quadrattire plisisse mc~duia-~ior, thic ~he H-'Ilbert -transformation of the madulat-ed cz;~q,-al the difficulty o'f' computi., g th -pectral -ude, Because o n C- amplit density of -oulse signals with nonlinear frequericy modulation, an maDuter had to be usedo Instruc -4 .,):!IS - re electxonic c o - Uj. a :~ given for in-r the nach*ne. The spectral plot iiiad-a from the compu- program-n g A. ted data is shovm. This spectrum has a deformation causing an 1/2 flf I HE i 11- 1. USSR SHUVA.~ZV, V. A., Radiotekhnika i Blektronika:, No 1970, -Op 96?- 969 energy --ed-istribution with an increase in the peaI,.,.:, at one side of -Che carrier frecuency and suppression of the p~szks at, o ther. For a. nodula-It-,ion index close to oDtimal, all tJIle -Pi:.-aks at one side of the carrier are suppressed with. very little deformation o:'-:' the forr .4 L main peak. Experi-ments per.& ed with this type of signal y4old a spectrum which agrees closely with the theoretical =-,-.putazions, slnraae-~z-ica trum The conclui3ion is drawn that pulses with an a I spect can be used to narrow the overall frequency band occupied by the transmission of the signals. USSR uDc 62.1.374 V.D --d O-POITIOV, V. A. "Unit to Convert Current Strength Variations to Allse Frequency" tWR Autbors' Certif3cate Vo 293a93, Cl. H 03 k 3/16, filca 25 Aug 6q, mi7b- lished 2 Mr *71 (from P-Da-Aytomatika, Telemekha~;-_ijm I Vychiolillol'tic-tya No 1, Jan 72, Abs-41-ract, Nlo 31~364P) tion. A imit io sugge-ot(A for converLing curr '. st Transla eir tt Lh pulse freoutmet, using a colleetcr-emitter-coupled blocking o;5ciIIator aontain- ing a transistorized current-stabilizinG steZe and a cliit.rging callncitor in the emitter circuit of the blocking oscillator's transfztor. So that the frequency of' the generated pulses can be, made dependent, on variations ill the --or has cor- cted t it difference pulse control current, the charging capacil Ine in parallel a resistor and capacitor which are connected in !;eries, witb tl"-,eir co=on outlet cormected through a diode to the collector of the subtraction stage transistor, the conductance.of vlAch is the revei,_-c of the current- stabilizing stage conductance. 1 illustmtion. .6 USSR uDc: 621.317:621.385.6 SHUVAYEV, Yu. T. "On the Theory of the Metho d o f Parti al Tekeof o fthe Power of Spurious Emissions from SHF Electronic Vacuum Devices" Elektron. telhnika. Naucbrio-tekhn. sb. Mektron. SVCh (Electronic Technolog:r. Scientific and Technical Collection, SEF Electronics), 19-(,3, rjp. No 10, pp 3-14 (from RM-Radiote.,Innikal No 2, Feb 71, Abstrat.-t INc, 2-PL336) Translation: -The author diocusses a power reter for i;puriouzz er-is-s-ion's PrC-,,rq SHF electronic iacuum de-rlcei whicb conroists of a sysi;vw. of multi, le- d-- waveguide TI:3 with a oeric-o of auxiliary waveguidC:3. 14 ex.,)r~~SSIon is derived for -the total energy flux tapped out to the avy-ilia:ry t.,-,aveguides through the coupling aperturez. Examples are given of qu&-ititative evalu- ation of the effect which wave interference has on thf-- error of r,.leasuring for reducinF, the power of spurious endssions. Some methods are discussed i the measurement error due to the wave interferen,-,,e in a mulltiple-mode waveguide. Resum6. 1/2 016 PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--BLOOD GROUPS AND SENSITIZATION TO THE RHESUS FACTOR -U- AUTHOR- (02) -SHUVAY EV *I IVANOVP ~L.V. C OUN TRY DF.INF0--USSR ,~-:S_OURCE--SOV MED 33(l): 68-71. 1970 .."DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES --BLOOD TYPEt EMBRYOLOGY -TOPIC TAGS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNC.LASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME-1998/0176 STEP NO--UR./0399170/033/001/0068/0071 CIRC ACCESSION Nt3--AP0120876 UNCLASSIFIED Immommilw%mm. Iwo ME liff.1- "l9 Is 2/2 016 Flt P'OCESSING DATE--16OC770 UNCLASSI 0 R CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120876 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SENSITIZATION CF WOMEN TO THE RHESUS FACTOR MAY BE RELATED TO THE GROUP OF THE MATERNAL AND FETA -LOMEN (HUSBAND) BLOOD. THE RHESUS SENSITIZATION DEVELOPS MOST OFTEN IN '4 BELONGING TO THE GROUP ABIM; IT IS LEAST FREQUENT IN WOMEN OF BLOOD GROUP 0(l). THE INCIOENCE OF SENSITIZATION TO THE RHESUS FACTOR AMONG WOMEN, DEPENDING UPON THEIR GROUP AFF:ILIAI-LON, DEVELOPS IN THE FOLLOWING DESCENDING ORDER: AB(IV)p A(II)y 8(1.11) AND 0(l). A?40%3 AHESUS MALES THE StNS.ITIZED FE. AB(IV) BLOOD GRUUP 15 ENCOU(vTEkE1) 5.1PERCENT MORE LESS THAN USUAL. OFTEN AND:THE O(l) GROUP 5.1PERCEINT FACILITY: BELORUSS9- RES. INST. BLOOD TRANSFUS.9 MINSK. USSR. UNCLASSIFIED AS S I F'I.E D PRO' 1:SSING DATE--~ONOV7C 1/2 015 UNICL C 0 Ak~., X RAY '_-lkUC.TURAL STUDY UF THF PEROVSKITES 13APBO SU133 T ll~F _-Sy AND SFPbL" SU03 -U-- AND -SFP 'L -A R 2 UrliC) _10- lAurli0R-102J-ShUVAYEVA, YE.T.t FESENKO# YE.G. r [,%FC--USSR CCUNTRY Cf ::.:SGURCE--KRlSTALL0G.RAFlYA 1970ir 15(2)p 379-180 DATE, PUbLIS~.ED--70 Su&JECT AkEAS-EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHYw CHEMISTAY TCPIC TAGS--MINERAL, LEAD OXIDEr X RAY STUQYo 8ARIUM CJMPOUND, STRONTIUM COMPOUND f*,W0l%G--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~:PROXY REEL/FkAME--199510900 STEP N'(J--OR/0070/70/OL5/002/0379/0380 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0116410 UNCLASSIFIED NOR= I ...... 212 015 UNCL AS S I F I ED PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSLCN NO-AP01.16410 Aq-STkACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AiISTRIACT. TE:5'r SPEC[AENS OF 3APSO SUs-'-~ ue.Re 05TAlAdO fRCM PURE PEO SU82 AND BAD SU82 BY ri-i-'-: USUAL~ Cl:.-%'A;4fC PROCEDURE IN AN OXIDIZING ATM. IDECOMPN. OF BAO :SUB2) AT 800DEGRZES. THE SPECIMENS Uf- SRP60 SUB3 WER%c PREPD. FROM PBG SUB2 AND SRCO SUB3 I N AN 0 ATlMo (2-2.5 ATM 0 PRLSSUREJ AT 750 ANC 6000EGREE$ (21'40 FIRING). THE CEBYE CRYSTALLOGRAMS OF THE CCIMPDS. SHOW THAT 60111 C(PiPOS. HAVE A SINGLE PIWSE PERL'va'KITE STRUCTUAL WITIA M0NCCLINlC'LATTlqC,~E Df,5TORTION: 13APBO SU83: A EQUALS C EQUALS 4~.24 SU86 ANGSTkOM, 8 EQUALS 4.22 SUB7 ANGSTRLM; BETAX EQUALS 9G,,-)EGkFES 19 PR'114E-i SR?B0 SU33: A EQUALS C EQUALS 4.17 SUbb ANGSTRCM4 B I-QUALS 4.16 SUB6 ANGSTROM; 6ETA EQUALS 90()E-qEES 53 PRIME. ThE TEMP. 0EPE-.-JDEiNCE CURVE OF TfiE:LAI'T;[(:E PARAMETERS OF SRP60 SUG3 SHU65 THAJ THE TkANSITIUIN INTO THF Qjolc PliA$E TAK.ES PLACE AT SIMILAR TU 500CEGREE.S. THE TRANSITION,11F 6AP90 SIA13 INFO ME CUBIC PHASE TAXLS PLACE AT SIMILA'R TO 400DEGRE.E.S. FACILITY: ROSTOV. GGS. UNIV.s ROSTOV,, USSR* It s 5 1 i" I E 0 LISSR KORYACHKO, V. P., SIILJVIKOV, V, 1. "Optimization of Programs for Digital Machines" niglish Version Above], Riga, Ob Optimizatsii Programm Tsifrovykh Mashin. [r MOM 1972, 7 pages (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal iibernetika, 'No 4, 19731, Abstract No 4V692 DEP, by the authors). Translation: In development of programs for digital computers and planning of microprogram control autonata., one of the most important problems is separation of repeating portions of programs (subroutines) in order to mini- mize program length. It is suggested that this probicill be solved by a heuristic iterative algorithm, one step of which involved synthesis o4, tll(! next subroutine S by combination of elements (instructiows) from the main k program or earlier formulated subroutines and subdivision of subroutliles, the application of which becomes unsuitable after soparition of 'I'lle algori t lift) is presented in the form of a series of sucCessive transforms of a c o r ta j- 11 matrix. Formal rules are presented for changing the element,,; of the matrix with each transform. The conditions of suitability of separation of 112 - 102 - USSR Koryachko, V. P., Shuvikov, V. 1. 0b Optimizatsii Programm Tsifrovykh Mashin., Riga, 1972, 7 pages. subroutine SP consisting of several subroutines, are defined. A step-by- step description of the algorithm is presented. ~USSR UDC. 8.74 Ir., P. ;MW-VUOV, Yu. A., SHUVIKOV, V. 1. 1,9~~YAqE "A-reement of Job AlgOTitlun and Structure of operational Atitorma-ton of OrienteCl Machine" -Collection o 'iev, Kibern. Teklin. [Cybernetics Equipme;It- Work s 1, 1971, 4-5- 53 (Translated fron Referativnvy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 11, 19721, AbsTract Mikheycv) 'No IlV572, by V. n: inc ated problems are discussed: 1) define the Translatio, The follow r e. 1, algorithm, structure of operational automaton for an oriented digital machine JOA DIDO and schedule of operation of each section to 01*2,01, pl-Uba- bility and hold OA M'., cost below a fixed level; 2) define 'I:hc structure of OA ODM and oT)Or~jtjjj,, -chedUIC Of- ca-ch section such 1.14.0 the co:,,t of -the OA ODM is minimal and. the probability-of ;i failure is not over a fixed Ics in which both level. The tasks are presented as rtatl.ien. atical programmi i g as,' the,goal LLnction and the limitations are lin6ar. USSR KORYAOiKO, V. 1). , MAINIATOV, Yu. A., SHUVIKOV, V. I . "Selection of the Optimal Structure of operational Automata of Control Machines" Tr. Ryazan. Radioteklin. In-ta. flVorks of Ryazan Institute of Electronic EngiTicering] , 1972, No 36, pp 73-78 (Translated from Referativny-Y Zhurnal, ~Kibernetika, No 1, 1973, Abstract No 1 V781 by the al-Ithors), Translation: Problermi of selection of a structure of an operational auto- maton (OA) for an oriented digital control machine (ODCM) and the speed of each of the units tire studied. It is shown that the task of selection of the optimal structure for the OA of an ODCNI is equivalent to the pro- blem of lineaT programming. 77T -P 046 UNCLASSTFIE~D ACCESSING DATE--04DEC70 ..--T,ITLE--A COMPOSITE RESONATOR FOR SEMIC014DUCTOR LASERS -U- -~AUTHOR-(02)-POPOV, YU.M.t SHUYKINp N.N. -,--,~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR I TEKHNIKA POLUPROVOONIKOV,v VOL. 4, JAN. 19701 P. 45-50 ~_'_'DATE PUBLISHED --- ~JAN70 _,~,,.SulBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS '_~jOPIC TAGS--SEMICONDUCTOR LASER, RESONATORP LASER POWER UUTPUTt LASER -,,:EXCITATION -.~.CONTROL'MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .-.DCCUMENT.CLASS--UNCLASSIFIr-f,' -:.:- ~.PROXY RE EL/FRAM E-- 199 2/ 14 4 7 STEP No--Ull/0449/7'0/004/000/0045/0050 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112441 ~-, I r F f F 0 j n -TT '212 046 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112441 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CONSIDERATION OF- THE CONDITIONS (JF EXCITATION OF AXIAL MODES IN A COMPOSITE SEMICONDUCTOR LASER RESONATOR I FOR THE PURPOSE OF INCREASING SINGLE 140DE POWER GENER4TION. A SliMPLE 'EXPRESSION IS OBTAINEO WHICH RELATES THE OPT[IMAL~LENGTII OF THE PASSIVE PART 0 THE RESONATOR TO THE PARAMETERS Of: THE INITIAL SEIAICONDUCTOR LASER. IT IS SHOWN BY CALCULATIONS THAT WIT14 THE AID OF A COMPOSITE RESONATOR IT IS POSSIBLE TO INCREASE THE SINGLE 400E POWER GENERATION OF A SEMICONDUCTOR LASER BY A FACTOR OF 10 TO 50 WHEN THE LENGTH OF THE ~A.CTIVE,PART OF THE R ESONATOR RANGES FROM 50 TO 5(i0 MICRONS. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR9 FILICHESKII INSTITUTi, MOSCOW, USSRo UNC L AS 5 1 F I r- 0 USSR u rc 616 -993 - 162 -G-22 39 -W4 - 47 -036.3 SEMrMV P. G., IM YSLEKEZ-11 R. I., I."OsliKOVSKIY, Sli. D., .9 . ~,11 1.1),,J~.. KELLINA, 0. 1., SIAMITIA, E. Ye., SEIMIM, V. P., M.'LPOM.-A, N. N., Xalry-CF6, SIICIIEMUMV~,'~. -.,wfM"MDV-fED0V, M. A., USK07, N. Ye., LOSIKOV, I. N., and NEDOSPELOVA, Ye. I., Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine imeni Ye I. Martsinovskiy, Ministry of Health USSR, Moscow "Results of Mass Vaccinations against Zoonotic Cutaneous 10-aish:7aniasis" ~~Gcow, Iveditsinsklyn Parazitologiya i Parazitarnyye Bolezid., Vol 39, N10 5, Sep/Oct 70, PP 541-551 Abstract: Preventive mass vaccinations with a virulent atrahl of tropics. major were found to give reliable-protection vgainsi. cutaneous leish- maniasis. Only virulent strains can be used for vaccination. The degree of inoculation with such strain.,3 is almost, 104) the inoc,,LLative process havinG, as a rule, a favorable effect. The mwdmum size of the- vaccination lesi -on does not exceed 2 cm in diameter in 3/4 of the.subjects vaccinated~ In practically all cases, the process doeG not last mare than 5-6 months- tarbidity rccurred in the group vaccinated with the low-virulence strain, amoug tziose without 0- lesions, and among those whose lesions were less than'0-5 cin in diameter. 1/2 24 USSR SEFGIYEV, P. G., et al., fieditsinakaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnyye Bolezni, Vol 39) No 5.1 SeP/Oct 70, PP 541-551 Secondary pyococcal infections reprei;ented the only complications obsex-'rt~d; allergic exanthem was noted occassionally. In order toprevcat local anti general allergic reactions after vaccination, it -is necessary to exclude per- sons who have had cutaneous leishmarLiasin. If paut disease cannot be revealed by means of anamnesis or medical examination, the intracutaneous leishmunin test is recommended. The level of the virulence la inoculatkire strains should be periodically tested, since insignificant initial virulence or its weakeaLug during culturing make a given strain unfit for pmparntion of inoculuni. 2/2 027 UNCL ASS IF Ift) PROCESSING ()ATF--02"'JCT70 T.ITLE--i%E0 AUKMAE AT 1-110OLE LATITUDES -U- AUIki0P--SHUYSfl,AYA, F.K. -tOUNTRY 0 FINFO--USSP .-SUUR-%'~E--PAZDEL IV, llrjtYARNYYE SIYA%'IYA I,SVECHENIYF NOCIA~NGGO \1 1--:1 A19 70 NP 18t PP 97-103 -DATt PUBLISHEU-----70 .S_U3JECT AREAS--ATMOSPHERI%'. SCIENCES -TOPIC TAGS--AURORA, GFOGRAPHIC LATITUDEt PHUTOELECTRIC DETErTION, -SPECTRUM, INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR, INTE~NATMNAL QUIET SUN YEAR ~~C.ONTRIIL I NG--NO RF STR I CT I ONS CLASS--UNCLASSIrIED _:RROXY REE-LlFFAME--Ll)94i/0U5k3 SIEP ,CIRC ACCESSI(J4 i'40--AP0114454 UNCLASSIFIED 212 02T UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 04TE--023^.T70 -URC. ACCESSION NO--AP0114454 .Ai3STRACT/EXTk"lCT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ACCOPf)ING T9 THE' DAT4 3F PHOWELECTkIC AND SPECTRAL OBSERVATIONS CARRtED OUT BY A NUMBE~ OF V STATIMS PURING INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR AND [UTERNIATIONAL QJI;ET SUN YEAR AIN-ANALYSIS OF PROPERrIES OF MEAN LATITUDE AURORAE WAS Dc;14E. THE AURORAE~, OCCUR ING TO THE SOUTH OF THE POLAR AURORA ZONE ARE AS A lu!-E ORED AURCRAEft. T14E RED EMISSION 15 VERY SENSIrIVE TO AN INCREASE IN MAGNETIC ACTIVLTY 'ilHEREAS THEGRFEN EMISSIONANCRCASES TO A MUCH LESSER, DEGkEE. NO DEFINITE INDICATIGNS OF RED AURORAE 4,4VE BEEN DETECTED DURING THE MINIMUM OF SOLAR ACTIVITY*,. UNCLASSIFIED i 7 7 Nr. AP0042567 Ref. Code: 11 tT 0 :Z 9-3 Ace Measurements of Intermediate- and Hish-Enerpy Particles (Abstract: "Measureme-ats of Charged Particles of Intermediate Lnd Energies," by A~_Pt_Aplyunova, Gorn L. S. Zhurina, I. D. Ivan irayeva, 1. P~ Karp inikiv, yy, ~V. Z V. sh"~irrllr and F. K. -$_ ayal _Kovrqzhkin, V V. Temn Xhazz n h, 1( Moscow, Koimicheskiyp Djaledeivanlya, Vol VIIIA No 1, 1970, Pp [Note: This is part of a sectionalized artic~a "Study of Gcoattive Cor- puscles and Photoelectrons on the Satellite 'Xosmas-261'," Koomtchea~.i~ Issledovaniya, Vol Vill, No 1, 1970P pp 104-1361 This article describes the RIF-205 adntillation gpectrork.,ter zor electrons of intermediate anergies, the RIP-802 sclatillatioa bpectromOtOr for protons and the '1UG-111 lead-shielded Geiger counter. Vie; RIE-205 inatrument measured electrons in the rauges 20-45, 45-85, 85-12~f awi 120- 150 keV and the total intensity of electrons with an energy greiiter th..~n 150 kcV (geometry factor 2,10"3cmLaterad). The RI.1-802 insvriC7.ent Ta~assjred, protons in the ranges 0.30-0.45, GiO-0.70, OjM-~Q,95 and 0.9~-9 NO wItn' a geometry factor of 1,5-10-2-sterad. The RIG-III 1natrumetir. measure4 Reel/Fr-me protons with E > 50 HaV and hard electrons. In rhe radiation belts and atzroral zones the instruments measured the fluxes and energy sljdctra of electrons and protons, their distribution by pitch angles and spatial- temporal characteristics. Ic was possible to determine the 14-4-Cude variz- tion. of the intensity of i-nJected electrons. the pitch distribation d4 intensity for auroral zone electrons and the differential electron sp-2ctra. For example, the electron fluxes measured wJ th the RIE-205 spectrorietez can. be assigned to the folloving groups: a) trappia-d electrons in the inher zone (L,:~ 2,S) were registeted for the most part ii the regior, near the Brazilian anonaly-, their flux for an energy E:~- 150 keV attailled 108 parti- cles/cm2.see. and was hiShly dependent on pitch angle; a pro.-iotinced rax imu M was'observed for pitch angle5 90'; b) trapped elc-ctrons in th,~~ outcr .,one 2.5 '- L _< 7, also with a maximuta intensity for pitch angles cf 90*,, in many cases quasitrapped particles were registered in the regicn of ';r,- variant coordinates h", !~:100 km with intensities up to 2,10, particles/ CZ2.sec-sterad, c).sporadic hard electrons injected into the~atmcsphere in the middle 1--titudes; in these cases the mear. energy waii uzually/6JIGO kav and the particle flux acraive4 105 particles/=2-sec--d) allectrons of in- termediate and hiah energies injected Into 'the atmosphere 1-4 the high latitudes; they are frequently observed near the auroral zone. 4 197GO546 Ace. Nr.: NW4250- Ref. Code; so MeasuremenC of Low-Ene Electrons (Abstract: "Measurement of Low-Energy Electrons," by Yu,.1, -Gal par4 n. N. V. Dzhordzhio, 1. D, lvano-y, 1. P, Karnins! ~y, _~. 4,_1,2atn, kluyarch k, -g-.V. !~rov. V. V. Temn y,j!-jLj!!~4:qriva. B. 1. Khazancv, _~~1: __ - ____ _y A. V. Shiirin and F. K. Shuvskaya; Moscow, Kosmicheakiye 'kj*,*3;:i~2,6Tan~xyal Vol VIIIP -No 1, lqio, PP !08-119) udy o4 Ceoact4ve Cor- [Note: This is part of a sec;ionalized artiCle "Sr pusclea and Photoelectrons on the Satellite -,Issledavaniya, Vol VIII, No 1, 1970, pp .1,04-1361 A spectrometer for low-energy electrons, operaz:lrs ~a trp- onargi range 30 eV-15 keV, Is described. Electrons undergo enerWj sel"Zion in a cylindrical capacitor and then are accelerated to 17 keV and -are re-~is- tered by a scintillation counter with two photorultipliers:operating 1-11 a coincidence circuit. The instr=ent field of viaz is circular, chE. aperturo angle Is +3.5', the geometry factor is 2-10-3 cr42.'steradl and ch.~ energy resolution -fa I)k E/9 - 0. 19. In the fiVB t range (30-150 eV) arers-, scanning 16 done smoothly by applying a rjawtooth' VoXtia&c', in rhi~ liecond analysis it to done smootbly at three fixed ervergien -- 1'. 4.5 nod I.') k0l. The instrumeat can be switched from one regime to ¬her ~',y coqj;,j;,a4 Reell'Frame 7F77 7777 AN042568 eat The paper gives the first reuults of measuremer= on the ",KC!S- mos-2611' satellite. The instruments measu-.-ed the equilibrium; ellergy IPC-t- trum of fresh photoelecrron4 at different latitudes for differenc p~t,;'- angles. Soft auroral electroas with energies, from 30 eV to fj~proximately I keV were registered both in the."recond" zo-ne of aurora-- and in Cifj naln zone of auroras in which electrons with energies 4.5 and 15 'nV verv--i'so very intensive even during magnetically quiet times. On nz-ny revoluz-fons of the satellite about the earth, passing approximately alonj~ the auroral oval, with transition from the midnight to the morning sectors there i's Z. scructureless "background" of electrons with'an almost co.--stant inte'nsity ani slowly changing anaular distribution. The energy flux of these. ellac- trons is approximately 1 erg/cml-svc. Near the midnight sei:.tor znd with transition from the midnight to evening sector the fluxes of azro-~-al elez:- trons are far more irregular, with strong Oaaks, particularly at abou: 4.1 keV. No measureable. electron intensities were discovered in the mi.-Idlc and low latitudes in the keV range, The upper limit of tho, energy lux in the quiet atmosphere is approxinately erghn'-sec. , A.-.4 ex-- S w1h ra as cepttoa to tha equatorial region, o't the Ion.* pheric an=,al~j c earlier (on the "goamoa-V aatallt,to) there was aporadIc a-' soft electrons. 1571GO548 _71 Ace. Xr.: 4/00042570- Study,of Gcoactive Cor uscles and Photnelectrons Ref. Code: (Abstract: "Study of ruoactive Corpuscles and Photoelactrors on th,! 'Kosmos-261' Satellite," bj_L._p. 1!(~,Iyu~qVa, Drag~n, Yu,. 1. 1,-J.V- _--p-arin-I V. A. GJZ_dvr~'hev, R. A. I il ;rg,v, 11, V. T2. 61iia*zhkin, T. el, Mulyarchik, fil. N. Pqgatna nnyy, Fedorova, Yu. P. Shilywlev, V. K. Shuyskaya and R._V, Shulcnina; Ioscow, 1, 1970. pp 104-1 30 The'artificial earth satellite "Rosmos-261" was used 'h'n a study oi low-energy gcoactive corpusclea and fresh phoroaleeLrons-and theIr irtcr_ action with the earch's upper atmosphere. 1"he satellite was launcned or, .!O.Decewber 1968. Orbital inclinatign to the equator Vas 71'. so that for a relatively long time it moved almost along -a tangent along the aurcral zone over the Soviet Far North, rAking it possible to increalle the volumm of simultaneous measurerAnts from the satellite and from ground ol.~urva_ tories. 7lie storage regize made- it possible to extend continuous measure- zents for periods of several revolutions, including passes over the auroral zonce in the Arctic and Antarctic and over the polar caps zjj ~ar at; in- variant geomagnetic latitudes 82-850. Vurin(; the initial period the satellite apogee was at 670 ka and Perl;Rce wia at 217 km, but it finally F(.al/lrame JI, -, 'e, 1~ M.Mzi f AP0042570- burnt up upon entering into the-den. e layers of the atmosphere on 12 ruary11969 after making 657 revolutions of the earth. The experiment lasted 53 days. The orbit was such that in the northern hc=rsphere middle and high latitudes the satellite moved below or close ce) the,max-ImLa of the Foregion so that ionospheric electron density along its ~zajcczo-rj and its variations could be determined in a number of ragione an the basis ons. The pariod oE the nyperi- of measurements by ground ionospheric stati ment included both quiet periods aAd those with strong distuTbahcas. T~e. experiment was conducted under the "Frograml of Cooperation AwonZ, Socialist Countries in the Field of Space Research and Yeaceful Use of Space." Ground measurements were made in Bulgaria, Hungary, East Ceritany, Poland, Rumania, USSR and Czechoslovakia. Observatories and apecial, expedit.lonary stations in the USSR participated: in Yakutia. the Far North, Sibarria-and middle latitudes. The article cited below is divided into four patts: 1) Description of Experiment, 2) Measurement og Low-Ener4-y Electrons; 3) Xea- surement of Low -Energy Ions;.Q Measurements of Char&ed llarziclleti with Intermediate and High Zzergies. Parts 2)-4).are esse-atially indc~~,dent articles and are abstracted aeparat4ly. 1.57GO552 Ref ^P400 i Cod6: UR 0213 0 0 r PP PRLMARY SOURCE: O'keartol giya,--19-7 V 1 10, N SOME FEATURES OF 'THE. U06ERN DEVU0P)6E-NT ADF THE NOPTHWESTERN BLACK SEA, SHORES tShuyskIl , Yu,_.D, The northwestern Black Sea shores are a classical type of the shore-lines of sub- anergoice. Th, e modern -develol=ent of Iii-mans is strongly dependent on the type; of =sediment supply, on the capacity of the longshore drifts, on the:elpa~,iflon of the sbore -with respect to the prevailing winds aarkl waves.At does not depond. howeveT, on the -rate of the relative sea-level oscillations. Five dyniimlc areas can'be' distinguished. Wi- Afiln each oi them, the peculiar features of the doelopment of the longshore drifts lea- :,ve their imprint on the outward appearame of the barriers. The. yalues of the drift cz- Vacities and the share of each source of rwpply,arepreoenied. REEL/FRAIVIE.' 19721275. Biochemistry -7.964.41-577-17 "USSR UDC 54 SH G., VULUKAYA, YE, H., VDOVINA, H. G., POZIJ EYABTSEV, M. N., KRIVIBOV, V. T., GRACHOVA, A. K. S. P., IfOVOSELOVI V. A., CRUZDEV, V. S., OLEYNIKS A. M., KAL110ala, Z. B., FED(rIOV, V P., IVANOV, A. I., YUDAYEV, Ii. A. "New Synthesis of Himm Insulin" - Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khinlit Vol XIJ11 (CV), No 1, 1973, pp 216-21? Abstract: Human insulin vas synthesized on the 'oasis of obtaining A and B chains by the solid phase method fR. B. Merrifield, J. An, . Chen. Soo., No 85 1963; J. Stuart, et al., Tverdafazny sintez ~geptidov, Moscow, Mir, 197 and subsequently combining the synthetiodiaAns into the complete mole.- oule 0., the biologically active hormonoo Herap a neit veroilon of the sInthesis is realized which Fornits exclusion of treatment of the clu-Linn, with sodium in liquid anmonia wh1oh eliminates tho danger of undealrabb~ side -reactions caused by this reagent f~. klaxglinj at al,, J, Am. O'hon, Uoo., i4o 88, 5051, 19667, The A and B chains of hLuaan insulin were synthosioed on an autoinaUd a spherical chloromethylated copolymer oT st ~ , with 1% divi I device using Mne v ny benzene as the insoluble ca=ier, All opera-Lions wert~ perfolned in a nitrogen atmosphere. The derivatives of the L-amino acids used in the synthesis of the A and B chains are listed. The fluorohydrates of the chains were con- 1/2 SHVACHKIN, YU. P., et al., Zhurnal Obshchey Xhindij Vol XLIII (CV)j Ifo 1P 1973t pp 216-217 verted into S-sulfonates which exhibited no differences from the S-sulfonates of the corresponding natural chains of bull insulin. The synthetic A and B chains were recombined both with the corresponding nat'ural chains and a,,Iong Aivity of cot- each others The resultant compounds had.specific Insulin aL parable magnitude to the previously synthesized insulim compounds Z K. Lubke, et al., Adv. Enzymol.t No 33i 445p ig7go 2/2 USSR UDC 577-17 MAYEV, N. A., SHVAC=11 Yu. P. et al.., Institute of j3xperLmental Endocrinolomr Ltilo--r~~'S-n'e He--517H~7, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "A New Laboratory Synthesis of Him.-a Insulin" Moscow, Biokhimiy,-.t, ITO 1, 1W3, pp 221-223 Abstract: Bascription of a corT.1ete laboratory s-ynthesis. of hunan izlsul~n based on obtaining A and B chains by a solid phase roth-:)d and subsequently combining the synthetic chains into the whole molecule of the biolo.gica-11,y active honpone. U-pon caTnpletion of the solid-phase synthasis, the polneptide id chains are veparated from the polw'ar-carrier by treatnent irith andydrous liqu.L hydroRen flt:~oride- Using a combination of protective groups mr.1-es it prossible Q ti, ine in a sinfle working stag-~.- the sep ration of t i-a chains frolil the to corab R Insoluble andl. their coiriplate relcac-e. Tue p-rocelure elindnates the reed to treat the chains with soditun In liquid vi-Rionia, th(--reby the danCeroas side effects caunad by tbifj reagent. !~ie puriN.&t A azil B syn- thetic chanins are then recombined both vith natural chMArw and -~rith oa-~: rtno**1-h1-,r. tion rLact'ion eZhillhit '31AL m1d ar, a result of tly-4 recambina NG 0ATE--20"OV70 1/2 C 4 U-NIC L AS S I F I r_'D 'TITLE--A'PRLICATI0K 1_7F THE '~';LTHOIC GF SECCNDA!,~! I UN WIN ~!I-m I sz.tu.'~ 'Z0 T'W. STUCY ~aF Rqz_,CtSSES bUkl-NG THE JNITIAL STAGES (If: TITANIUM SliVACHKOr V.I. AZ HALHAt V. M tFOGEL CCUNT R Y GF lNFu---U5SR _.-5GljRCE--FIZIS.A METALLGV I XETALLCIVEOENI-E, ~VOL. 29, MAR.. 1970, P. 51,9-52-3, 6AT E F L b LS 14 1. C 7 0 SUBJECT AREA'S-MATERIALS, MECH.1 IND., CIVIL AND HARPIE ENGR .,...TCPIC TAGS---T I TANtUM, MOLYBDENV.-i ALLOY, METAL VAPOR 1,I)EPOSLY101N, INTERMETALLIC COMPOUNOt REFRALTORY METAL .-METAL COATINGo ~~METAL blFli~LSION, SPECTROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS CGNTkCL MAHI~ I NG---NO kESTRICTIONS 00C UM E N TC 1. A S S -U N C L A ~i F I E 0 Pi41XY PLEL/I RAIRE-300110061) SIF P NO-WkI0126f cl.,Zc ACCES'olctl NO-AP01 2~9011, PRUC I DATE-201NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIC,"i NG--A~101259J4 -(U) ABSTRACT. SPUOY Of- rHE UNITU'L STAGES 111 THE Ci j~ KAT I C N' C F A T I GIN CUA VI ~~, GOF TITA~41UM GN MULY30EllV,14, US1W." VAPjR 12 "ECUiru'ARY HN ICN F-HISSIGN ANO MASS SPECTRAL i"NALY, J,S JT IS JE,'-',C--NSTRATEi) THAT OU1,114" WATING k-URMATIONt UIFFUSE -~,-F.RG14-THE SUBSTRATE IINTO THE COATING. THESE ATLIMS ()(,') NUT FORM 'MliA NAUK -.-INTERMETAALLIC COMPOUNDS WITH TITANIUM. FAC14ATY: AKAUE -UYkAINSK[:,l 5SRj FIZIKO-TEKHNICHESKII INStlTlJro KHAR,LOV, UKRAINIAN 5SK. UNC Lt. 55 1 F I ED USSR UDC 621.377.622.322.5-434.1 "Ferrite Cylindrical 'Film Memory Element" -a. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. Hikroelektronika (Electronic Engineering. Elektron. tekhn], Scientific and technical Collection.* Hicroelectronics),.1970,,vyp. 5 (26), pp 84-89 (from Uh-AvtomatikaTelemekbanika I Vychislite.1'naya Tekhnika, No 6, Jun'71, Abstract No 6 B306) Translation: The structural design of the uemory element constructed frM, a cylindrical ferrite film applied to a metal wire is described. The experimental charactexistics of the memory element reflecting the dependence of the read sig- nal amplitude on the magnitude of the number and bit current and the region of Its stable operation In the temperature range from -60'C, to +L25% are presented. The optivuil distance between adjacent number windings permitting maximum data storage density to be obtained is determined experimentolly. fligh-temperature stability of the investigated ~memory elements is noted. There are 7 illustra- 78 AWN USSR UDC: 681.127.66 BMMR, YA. M., BERG, I V XLEURTM, Y YA., A., YU- V. "A Memory Plate" Mscov, Otla-ytiya, Izobreteniya, Proqrshlemvye Obraztsy, Ttva=yve zMala, wo 6, 19T0;# p 36, patent No 2L01T51 filed 3 oct 68 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a vauor), plate based on a ceramic slab with apertures. An a,diatinguishing feature of the patent, manufacture of the plates is simplified and their properties am impraftd by appLring a ferrite MUt an both sides ofthe slab coyerlng~tha apertivres,by pairs. 43 U!4CLA$Sf FQ~G PPbCES;lS!N'G DATE-13NOV'[1) ',F ItTLE-FORMATION OF bLUE MOLYBUOPHOSPHORIL 10 IN IHE A,13,i-NCE 11A ~IREDUC ING AGENT -U- ,:''~-~'AUTHOk-(03i'l-BARKOVSKlYt V.F.t ALIKINAs N.,A.v ~,HVARES.(i V-S, .:,~w.--(;CUNTRY OF 'INFO~-(;SSR -~"-`-SOURCE-~-ZH. AXIAL. KHIM. 1970, 25(2), 341-5 ATE'PUDL ISHED---70 METAL C-0111PLEX COMPOUND --UNCL AS 5 1 V I'D DOCUMENT CLASS ":~PROAXY REEL/FRAME:-1994/1944 STEP ND--UR/0075/70/0?5/002/03,(tt/0345 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0115752 UNCLASSIFIF-0- W2 :009 UNCLASS'l F I ED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP011575Z ABSTRACT/EXTRACI'--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DURING THE REACTION OF NA PHOSPHATE, AMMONIUM MGLYBCATEr~ AND MO(V) AT A TOTAL COMPD. CONCN. OF N TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3 M A BLUE MO'lYBDOPHOSPHOk'JC ACID (1) 15 FORMED AT A VARIABLE MO(Vl):IIO(Vl RATIO. AT~ A MOLYGOATE~ COPIC-N. OF N TIMES 10 :PRIME NEGATIVE4 M THE REGION OF MAX, COLOR DEVELOPMENT IS AT PH 1.6-2.3 AND AT A CONCNI. OF MOLYBDATE N TIMES PRIME NEGATIVE3 M THE RANGE IS PH 0.65-0.9- IN THE LATTER CASE MOLYBOATE CONC.N.iISJINSUFFICIENT TO FORM A HETEROPOLY COMPLFX. THREE TYPES OF I ARE FORMED:' THE IST wr'rH A P TOTAL MO kATIO OF 1:6 AT THE TOTAL SUM,OF COIAPONE14TS OF 2 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3 M. THE 2ND WITH A 1.-9 RATMANO COMPONENT COINGN. 4.0 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3 M, AND THE 3RD WfTH A 1*.13 RATIO AND THE TOTAL COMPONENT CDNCN. OF 4.8 TIMES 10 PRI.14E NEGATIVE3 M.: THE AV* VALENCE OF fmo DURING FORMATION IS 5.84 WHICH REPRESENTS A MO4Vk)-M0(VJ RATIO OF LO:2. ALL !SOLNS.' HAVE MAXv ABSORBANCE JN THE 830~ NM REGION--- FACILITY: .-.-~'URAL STATE UNIV., SVERDLOVSK# USSR. 7~ Construction UDC 624.131.43:531.5 CHERz AR KASOV, I., ~MIKREEV, V. V., PETRUKHXN, V. P., P1 LIN, V. A., SN SKI- A.S., and SIWAREV, V. V. IYLEECCL of Gravity on Mechanical Properties of Soils" Moscow, Osnovaniya, fundxnenty i mekhanika gruntov. No 1, 1970, pp 14-18 ~bstrncz. Results are niven of an experimental investigation of Lhe effect oils, conducted ir. an aircraft and of gravj.--y on mechanical properrzies of s' in a c~;azr!-'uge. The firsz series of experiments were conducted in a speciallLy equipped TU-104 aircraft flying along a specific trajectory. Along a sacLiGr. of z:~as LrajecLory the sails vicru subjected to an a = 1.62m/seC2 for 6 seconds, ii.e. 1/6 g at ground leval. Me recond si.,ries were co.-~ducted on a centrifuge, on which soils werQ subjuctcd to 55.1, 98-1 and J.96.2M,/sec2 acceleration, i.e. 5.6,10, and 20 g. Both aeries of tests contaired controlled tests in motionless aircraft and centrifuge. The over- ificie load coer~ nt )I = alg varied f rom 0,165, to 20. Experi. e, tal setups and techniques fo_- bot:'.-I the aircraft and centrifuge tests are d.escribed in detail. A photoaraph of the airborne equipment and a schematit draviing of the centrifuge are presented. Four types of soils were tested, whose physico- mcchanical properties are given in a table. They are: I)silica sand; 112 USSR I.I,j et al., Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. No 1, 1970, pp 14-18 2) r-gloporite gravel with negligible bond and of low specific weight; 3) Iceramsit granvel, loose material with rounded granules; 4) soft plastic clay of great 'Ellc wei-lit, with strong bond and small internal Africti